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international Business - this is the economic (entrepreneurial) activity of an international company, based on the advantages of the international division of labor and the processes of internationalization of production and capital in order to maximize profits.

The importance of international business is extremely high - up to 90% of the export of capital and world trade, including 86% of trade high technology falls to the share of business structures - participants in this process; they control about 55% of all types and varieties of assets.

International business is a complex contractual system of interrelated diverse forms, types and varieties entrepreneurial activity with the participation of foreign partners, subject to a clear delineation of rights, duties, obligations and requirements for subjects; they cover all areas and sectors of the economy. Applied types of production and economic relations between the subjects have a strict and clear criterion verified classification. This form of entrepreneurship is distinguished by the originality of goals, objectives, mechanisms, structure and functions, as well as a clear contractual and legal basis for business relations between partners.

Fundamentally important in the concept of international business as a type of activity is the breadth of the concept. Business is not only production and its organization, including planning and provision, it is not only marketing activities including advertising and pricing policy, this is not the management of an international company and financial support - it's all in the complex.

Business is a qualitatively different type of activity in comparison with its components. Due to the complexity of business activities, as well as the responsibility of entrepreneurs for the result of the business as a whole, the problems of organizing a business are not so much in the development of individual aspects, but in the careful coordination of the entire complex: production, supply, marketing, management, information support, technical policy and financing. At the same time, for the majority of international companies, due to the main “deficit” in the conditions of the world market - limited financial resources- Issues of mobilization and use of financial resources are of paramount importance.

To the generic features of international business should include:

  • ? exchange of activities between subjects of international economic relations;
  • ? the desire of each participant in the exchange of activities to realize their interests, regardless of whether the interests of counterparties are realized in this case or not;
  • ? the desire to impose their interests in the event that counterparties refuse to accept conditions that do not suit them business communication(transactions);
  • ? manifestation of personal or collective initiative in the process of preparing and conducting a transaction;
  • ? the ability and willingness to take personal (or collective) risk in order to conduct a transaction on favorable terms;
  • ? the ability, willingness and ability to conduct various methods of business communication, pursuing the goal of achieving the greatest benefit;
  • ? the ability to take alternative steps in various directions in order to provide an advantageous position for the subsequent conduct of selected business communication techniques;
  • ? the ability to differentiate the probable and actual results of transactions, determine the priorities of activities and subordinate them to the logic of business communication.

Strategic goal international business - maximizing the value of the business (income, profit) in the process of implementing various international transactions.

tactical target- implementation of this strategic setting in relations with each specific counterparty on each occasion using specific conditions implementation, timing and subject of the transaction.

International business is system, covering the totality of counterparties of international economic relations and integrating their activities into one whole.

The subject of international business all elements of production relations come into play, primarily direct producers and their industrial and commercial groupings. It is advisable to analyze the functioning of the latter in conjunction with the study of the system of their economic interests as incentives for expanding and deepening international relations in production. The subjects of international business are state structures in those cases when they act as direct participants in transactions (providing government orders to entrepreneurs, determining prices, the composition of benefits when performing special work, etc.). State structures, along with international economic organizations, can also have an indirect impact on the subjects business relations, being the guarantors of legitimate business.

The main aspects of motivation, that encourage an international company to carry out international business are:

  • ? expansion of sales (profit per unit of production can increase as sales are carried out abroad);
  • ? the acquisition of resources (the use by manufacturing companies of the necessary types of products and services, semi-finished products, components and final products in other countries);
  • ? diversification of sources of supply and distribution (eliminating fluctuations in the level of their sales and profits due to suitable foreign markets, as well as due to the mismatch of economic cycles in different countries of the world).

The international business system has the necessary system properties ( integrative system qualities), thanks to which these relations are a holistic formation. The main integrative qualities of the international business system are:

  • a) socio-economic sovereignty all subjects of business relations, regardless of their functional role in the business system;
  • b) consensus interests of all subjects of business relations.

Subject sovereignty business relations means that the legitimate activities of these entities are under the protection of the authorities and administration of the state and no other entity has the right to interfere in it and forcibly impose its own terms of transactions. However, sovereign subjects of business relations do not have complete independence from their counterparties, and if they have freedom in making decisions and conducting them, then we must not forget that this freedom has a certain scope for implementation, due to the desire of each of the subjects of business relations to preserve and reproduce their own sovereignty .

Consensus of Interest means in the system under consideration the mutual obligations of all participants in business relations not to violate the sovereignty of their counterparties. Such obligations are not accepted directly by the participants in transactions when they are concluded - they are formed in the process of development and constant reproduction of business relations on the basis of mutual benefit of the parties and constitute a prerequisite for the business system.

The sovereignty of the subjects of business relations and the consensus of interests of these subjects determine each other. Contradictions between entrepreneurs should not take them beyond the framework of the existing public consensus of interests, become an interstate problem and become hopeless.

International business as a systemic phenomenon has its own internal impulses for development ( competition), provisioning and playback system ( direct connections of subjects of business relations), infrastructure (stock exchanges, banks, information systems, consulting and audit companies, educational establishments and etc.), control system ( management), a system for studying counterparties (marketing), performance evaluation system (money).

Forms of doing international business include trade in goods and services, transportation, licensing, franchising, turnkey projects, management contracts, as well as direct and portfolio investments. They (forms of international business) are characterized by international business processes occurring in the world economy and arising in the field of international economic relations (business relations).

The process of globalization of the world economy reflects the characteristic features inherent in international business, which is carried out in accordance with projects aimed at solving the global problems of our time - providing resources, protecting environment, construction of intercontinental communications, infrastructure facilities of regional importance, etc., which requires international association.

What should we understand by the term "globalization"? Is the current globalization a direct continuation of the internationalization of capital, the beginning of which is attributed by the French historian F. Braudel to the 16th-17th centuries and which he called the process of creating a “world economy” around some centers of the formation of European capitalism (Genoa, Holland, England)? Or is the current internationalization something fundamentally new? So, in particular, T. Levitt designated with this word the phenomenon of the merging of markets for individual products manufactured by large international companies. The Japanese K. Ohmae believes that the economic nationalism of individual states has become meaningless, while “global firms” are acting as strong actors on the economic stage. The Frenchman B. Badi identifies three dimensions of this concept: 1) globalization is a historical process; 2) globalization means the homogenization of the world; 3) globalization is a growing interdependence.

And although the problem of “globalization” is still debatable, each of the stated points of view has the right to exist, since we are talking about several really important processes: the internationalization of the economy; development of a unified system of world communications; changing and weakening the function of the nation state; revitalization of the activities of transnational non-state entities.

Globalization means pulling the whole world into open system financial, economic, socio-political and cultural ties based on the latest communication and information technologies.

Consequently, the process of globalization is comprehensive. Its various facets are included in the study of almost all social disciplines. Concerning economic science, then it focused its main attention on five areas: financial globalization (global financial markets); formation and functioning of global international companies; gradual change of the process of regionalization of the global economy by multi-layered, multi-network structures of trade relations; globalization of markets for goods and services (growth and transformation international trade); convergence trend, globalization of science and technology, globalization of labor.

Yes, the result financial globalization, interdependence of financial markets, are five major developments.

Firstly, it's a cessation state regulation activities of financial markets in most countries and the liberalization of foreign transactions.

Secondly, it is the development of technological infrastructure.

Thirdly, this is the emergence of new financial products, such as secondary securities (futures, options, swaps, etc.).

Fourth, speculative movements of financial flows, which today are rapidly moving from market to market, from one valuable papers or currencies to others.

Fifth, these are firms that determine the potential of markets, such as Standard Poor or Moody's, which are trying to set common rules for all markets in the world.

In this way, capital is created from capital and the nominal value rises. The consequence of this process is an increasing concentration of value and value creation in the financial sector, in a global network of capital flows driven by networks. information systems and their support services. The globalization of financial markets is the backbone of the new global economy.

Subject and driving force globalization processes are industrialized countries, international companies based there and world financial centers.

The essence of globalization lies in the fact that the number of subjects of international relations has increased, while earlier, in the era of international relations proper, all ties necessarily passed through the national state. Now, in addition to states, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, international companies, even individuals have entered the international arena. In connection with the multiplicity of global actors, the question arises: how to regulate their actions in the interests of all inhabitants of the globe? Apparently, on the basis of universal ethics and morality. For example, in the economic field, all merchants, all entrepreneurs adhere to the same rules of conduct in their activities, based on a single idea of ​​​​honor, dignity, justice, etc. Then the norms of entrepreneurial ethics themselves form a reliable regulator of commodity relations, which significantly reduces transaction costs.

Basis for globalization the new infrastructure built on the basis of modern information technology and telecommunications, as well as the policy of liberalism pursued by governments and international institutions.

In the visible future, globalization will entail: the unification of regulation and control over markets; improving access for all participants to any markets; standardization of requirements for the movement of capital, the investment process and the global payment and settlement system; intensification of integration regional processes; opening of closed banking systems. There are suggestions that there is movement towards the universalization of the currency and the creation of a single capital market.

Thus, the global economy is a new historical reality, different from the world economy. The world economy is one in which the accumulation of capital takes place everywhere in the world. The global economy is a completely new phenomenon, it is an economy in which the key components have the institutional, organizational and technological capabilities to work as a whole in real time or at some selected time on a global scale.

  • Braudel F. Civilization materielle economique et capitalisme. T. III. Paris, 1979.
  • Ohmac K. The Bordless World: Power and Straftegy in the Interlinked Economy. Fontana, 1990.
  • Badie B. La fin des territories. Paris, 1995.

Department head:

Trifonova Natalya Viktorovna

Candidate economic sciences, docent

Academic Director of the Master's Program "International Business"

MBA Program Director, MPO Gazprom

Today, the trend towards globalization has led to the maximum possible expansion of the boundaries of the world market, and each company, to one degree or another, depends on international business and management, on the training of specialists capable of solving the management problems of an international company or a Russian company operating in an international environment. Convinced that “Borders open with the key of knowledge and professionalism!”, the staff of the department pays considerable attention to improving the implemented teaching methods and technologies, comparing educational tools with the best examples adopted in leading Russian and foreign universities, while maintaining the best traditions of the international management school of the department. Graduates of the department possess the methodology of analysis and assessment of the strategic position of a company in the international environment, international monetary and financial procedures, technologies for the formation and development of multinational companies, methods for creating and managing strategic alliances and other integrated business structures, the apparatus of modern marketing analysis in global markets, methods of developing product and pricing strategies in the international market.

Since its foundation, the department has paid special attention to scientific work and training of highly qualified specialists. The main scientific schools of the department:

International strategic management and planning of international economic systems- Trifonova N.V., Kochetkov S.V., Khutieva E.S., Rusinov V.M., Stelmashonok V.L.

Adaptive International Management Practices by human resourses - Sutyrin F.D., Vardanyan I.V., Borovskaya I.L., Shvetsova O.A., Apakova E.A., Melnikova A.A.

Development of competitive and organizational leadership tools- Sarakhanova N.S., Kuzakova O.A., Serditov V.A., Vostrikova I.Yu.

Functioning of integrated business structures in international business- Pivovarov I.S., Maizel A.I., Rogova I.N.

International taxation and investment and financial solutions- Butukhanov A.V., Kuzakova O.A., Pokrovskaya N.N., Kovaleva A.S., Yakovlev M.M.

Comparative and cross-cultural management- Epstein M.Z., Kablukov V.V., Krylova M.B.

The Department of International Management has been created and is successfully functioning. The purpose of the club "Mezhdunarodnik" is to create a single communication space for representatives of various educational formats in order to exchange research experience and research innovations. Club meetings are attended by representatives of Russian and international business, foreign partners, teachers and students of various training formats and programs.

Textbooks prepared by the department:

For the first time in Russia, the leading teachers of the department wrote and subsequently published a textbook "International Management" . It was the first Russian textbook on this discipline.

AT 2005 the staff of the department presented a textbook "Comparative Management". Further work on it made it possible to create the first textbook in the country for this discipline as well.

AT 2011 4th edition of the textbook "International Management" ("International management») was translated into English.

Also in 2011 the teaching community of the department presented a textbook "Operational Management", published by the publishing house "Peter".

The teachers of the department are actively working on the methodological support of the educational process. Create training programs guidelines, monographs, tutorials, workshops. A feature of the department is the functioning on its basis since 2015 case workshop , within which both event and classroom training cases are created.

The Department of International Management actively participates in events with foreign partners within the framework of conferences, round tables, as well as in joint research projects, internships for teachers and students, and foreign lecture programs.

International partner universities of the Department of International Management: Fukui Prefectural University ( Japan), Laurea University of Applied Science ( Finland), Heilbronn University ( Germany), International university of Rome ( Italy), Laappenranta University of Applied Science ( Finland), University Warmia ( Poland).


The high level of professionalism of the staff of the department is confirmed by the career stories of the graduates of the department. The graduates of the department remain dedicated specialists (more than 40 percent of the teachers of the department are its graduates) and professionals in demand in international companies. Alumni-club of the department includes senior and middle managers, as well as specialists from such international companies as: Hengtong Driving School, Yusen Logistics-Rus, NE North East trading GmbH, Werfau Medical Engineering, Kelly Services, Gazprom, Gazprom-neft, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric, Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Google, SAS Institute, NetApp, Microsoft, Kimberly-Clark, Marriott , Diageo, National Instruments, Cisco, Autodesk, Monsanto, SC Johnson, FedEx Express, The Coca-Cola Company , Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy SA, Nestle, Henkel, Melitta, Ursa Euras, KNAUF PETROBOARD, Dredging International, Systra sa.

Organizations- partners(employers):

For more than 10 years, the main organizations-employers are KNAUF PETROBOARD, Gazprom, Gazprom-neft, Schneider Electric, Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Yusen Logistics-Rus,PCP CSKO SberbankCredit Agricole.

Contact Information:

Address: st. Marata, d. 27, room. 514; room 503

Scientific publications (articles and monographs) with keyword international Business published by the Creative Economy Publishing House (found: 11 for the period from 2006 to 2017).

1. Sysoeva T.L., Timokhina G.S., Minina T.B.
// Questions of innovative economy. (No. 4 / 2017).
In this article, the authors demonstrate the features of corporate social responsibility at the present stage of economic development. The article deals with current approaches to the definition of corporate social responsibility, the practices used in international business were considered, an analysis was made of indicators of water and energy consumption by Heineken. Corporate Social responsibility allows you to translate the company's values ​​into society through specific actions in the widest areas, with the most widespread areas: ecology, education, healthcare, sports, culture, and production. The findings provide an increase in knowledge in terms of understanding the essence of corporate social responsibility and its practical use in international management in current economic conditions. The authors show economic efficiency from the implementation of corporate social responsibility programs.

Sysoeva T.L., Timokhina G.S., Minina T.B. Corporate social responsibility as a method of reducing production costs // Issues of innovative economics. - 2017. - Volume 7. - No. 4. - p. 449-456. – doi: 10.18334/vinec.7.4.38542 .

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Form of study: full-time, only paid places

Duration of training: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Diploma: master's degree in "management" of the state standard

Teaching language: English

Classes are held in the evening format (usually 3 weekday evenings per week and Saturday)

The Master of International Business trains generalists who understand how international companies work and in what global economic, political and cultural environment they operate. MIB is aimed at motivated students who want to pursue an international career in corporate business, government organizations, or start their own company.

A wide and varied set of courses allows students to gain knowledge in a variety of areas of business and international relations, and the presence elective courses gives flexibility in drawing up your own educational trajectory. The best academic teaching staff is involved in the International Business program.

The program is practice-oriented: most of the courses are taught by top managers of international companies. MIB Business Partners organize numerous master classes and also offer projects for the Business Consulting course.

MIB students have access to double degree programs, as well as participation in international academic mobility. The structure of the program is available.

Program Benefits

The main advantage of the program is its practical orientation:

  • thanks to the evening format of training, students can combine work with study;
  • most of the courses in the program are taught by leading international business practitioners who enrich the educational process with personal examples and business cases;
  • in the first year of study, students carry out a real consulting project for a company - a partner of the program;
  • in the learning process, students are offered many master classes, case studies and seminars conducted by top managers of international companies;
  • practical work experience is desirable for training, but this is not a prerequisite for admission;
  • business partners of the program provide places for internships and internships;
  • valuable knowledge and skills about the possibilities of successful career building are acquired by students on the Career Development course;

Program partners

Business partners

Business partners of the program conduct master classes, trainings, and also participate in student consulting projects. Program partners include: PricewaterhouseCoopers; Baker & McKenzie; Kimberly-Clark Corporation; SC Johnson; Roche & Duffay; Mondelez International; METRO Cash and Carry; Michelin etc. etc.

Partner Universities

Employment of graduates

Graduates of the "International Business" program are managers, executives, consultants and strategists of international companies, their branches and foreign representative offices.

The combination of competencies of a manager, political scientist and economist gives graduates competitive advantages compared with colleagues in the profession, including foreign ones, already at the start of their professional career.

Graduates of the Master's program "International Business" will have the following competencies:

  • Analyze the domestic and foreign market;
  • Assess the political and economic opportunities and risks of doing business in individual countries and regions;
  • Manage corporate finances and make investment decisions;
  • Get acquainted with the business cultures of the world and gain business negotiation skills;
  • Understand the specifics of doing business in the political, legal and socio-cultural contexts of various countries;
  • Find and evaluate new market opportunities, form and evaluate business ideas, develop business plans to create a new business;
  • choose the right marketing strategy, effectively use the means of marketing and advertising;
  • Manage projects of consulting work with the client;
  • To solve problems strategic planning and choose the optimal corporate strategy;
  • Implement business internationalization projects;
  • Understand the role of international political and economic organizations in the activities of international companies;
  • Identify, analyze and present the data needed to carry out a study or project.

Graduates and students of the program work in companies such as:


Standard Chartered Bank Dubai
Procter & Gamble
Pernod Ricard

Burger King
Kraft Foods
Uber Technologies Inc.

The program is implemented at the faculty International business and business administration.

Program goal: training of international managers who have theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of modern international management and marketing, who are able to make decisions on issues strategic development companies; managers - leaders, highly qualified heads of organizations of various industries with knowledge of a foreign language, able to work successfully in Russian and foreign companies and promote the interests of Russian business in world markets.

Program features
The master's program is based on the practices of leading foreign universities and the experience of MGIMO in training specialists for the international management sphere and provides a high level of graduates - masters in a wide range of modern issues of international management, corporate governance, foreign economic activity, marketing and public-private partnerships. He has extensive experience (more than twenty years) in the formation of the educational process with the involvement of leading professors of MGIMO and practitioners from among its graduates, currently holding leading positions in Russian and foreign companies and organizations.

Great importance is attached to the practice-oriented preparation of undergraduates for work in various areas of business, as well as for scientific and teaching activities. A number of graduates of this program are currently working at the Department of Management, Marketing and Foreign Economic Activity as teachers and associate professors. The program is carried out in close cooperation with the MGIMO Incubator, where undergraduates in their free time receive additional knowledge on starting a new business in our country and learn how to develop business plans.

Teaching uses interactive teaching methods: business and role-playing games, simulation games, case studies, presentations, round table conferences, test trainings, etc., which allows students to develop practical skills and competencies in making management decisions in the field of international business.

Who are we preparing?
Graduates at the end of the program have knowledge in the field of business organization, building strategic plans for the development of an organization, developing business plans for starting a new business, are able to build effective organizational structures and relationships in the team, possess the skills of analysis financial reporting and anti-crisis regulation and management, can optimize commodity, price, sales policy firms in the Russian and world markets, organize advertising and PR activities, form sales promotion tools, participate in the preparation and implementation of business projects, work in consulting agencies.

Possess the skills of scientific and practical research and analytical work, can work in research institutes and organizations, are ready to continue their studies in graduate school and, on the basis of a master's thesis, prepare a dissertation for competition degree candidate of economic sciences.

Master's degree gives a high level of knowledge in the field of a foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish). Graduates are able to freely read and translate business press in foreign languages, conduct business negotiations in foreign languages, and draw up trade and economic documents.

Training is carried out in the following specializations:

  1. Modern practice of international business
  2. International Corporate Governance Practice
  3. Management of foreign economic activity of the company and modern technologies international marketing
  4. Public private partnership

Major disciplines:

  • Actual aspects of International management
  • corporate governance ( Corporate Governance)
  • management consulting ( Management consulting)
  • crisis management ( Crisis management)
  • strategic management ( Strategic management)
  • financial management ( Financial management)
  • International marketing (International marketing)
  • innovation management ( Innovation management)
  • Вusiness Administration (Regulation of business activity)
  • Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship)
  • International project management (Management of international projects)
  • Business Planning (Business planning)
  • Human resources management
  • Organization as behavior (Organizational behavior)
  • Stock exchange operations (Management of exchange operations)
  • Ethic and social responsibility (Ethics and social responsibility of business)
  • Private-state partnership (Private-state partnership)
  • Brand management (Brand management)
  • and etc.

Students of the program have the opportunity in the second year of study to continue their studies at one of the partner universities: the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, with the University. Carl Linnaeus, Sweden, with Henley Business School, UK.

Employment prospects
At the end of the program, graduates get jobs in organizations such as:

In the field:

  • Foreign economic activity and economic cooperation
  • economic diplomacy
  • Business analytics, consulting
  • Marketing, brand management, sales organization
  • Advertising, exhibitions, PR
  • pharmaceuticals
  • Automotive
  • Fuel and energy complex
  • Tourism and hotel business
  • and etc.


Scientific supervisor of the program: Nozdreva Raisa Borisovna, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management, Marketing and Foreign Economic Activity Honorary Professor of MGIMO

Program coordinator: Member of the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration Sigaeva Elena Vyacheslavovna
Tel.: + 7 495 234-84-96

Form of study: full-time
Training period: 2 years.
Class start time: 14:15


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