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Dissertation abstract on the topic "Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy"

As a manuscript

KSENDZOVA Galina Fedorovna


Specialty 13 00 01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

dissertations for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences

Yakutsk - 2007

The work was carried out at the Department of Professional Pedagogy, Psychology and Education Management of the Pedagogical Institute of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Yakutsk State University named after M K Ammosov"

Scientific adviser.

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Danilov Dmitry Alekseevich

Official Opponents

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Amend Alexander Filippovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Karamzina Uliana Anatolyevna

Lead organization: Federal State

educational institution"Academy for advanced training and professional retraining of educators"

The defense will take place "- 2007 at" hours at the meeting

dissertation council D 212 306 02 at the Yakut State University named after MK Ammosov at the address 677891, Yakutsk, Belinsky st., 58

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Yakutsk state university named after M K Ammosov

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

Petrova, S M

general description of work

In recent decades, fundamental changes have taken place in the system of preschool education that have seriously affected the problems of teaching, upbringing and management. Five, six years ago, preschool institutions were on the verge of survival, but in recent years there have been major changes in the legal, administrative, and economic conditions that have allowed carry out the modernization of all parts of preschool education The unification of preschool educational institutions, which was customary until recently, has been replaced by a variety of their types, variability of curricula and programs, the introduction of new technologies There is an obvious tendency to search for meaningful guidelines and specific educational forms that allow preschool institutions to find their own identity

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical system is management, and the art of management is pedagogical management, that is, a set of principles, methods, organizational forms, technological methods of managing the educational process The problem of managing an educational institution is one of the oldest and most complex in the theory and practice of education. Russian Federation» there was a need to create an effective toolkit for managing an educational institution, which is dictated by life, the growth of society's demands for the quality of educational services, the commercialization of education M Potashnik, P Drucker, A Maslow, D Carnegie, K Rogers Control technologies developed in piles, G I Kuznetsov, M V Klarin V P Bespalko, M M Potashnik At the regional level, the issues of management of pedagogical processes are considered in the works of D A Danilov, F V Gabysheva, E I Mikhailova, P P Borisov, E N Kolosova and others

An analysis of the works shows that, although they reveal certain aspects of the problem of managing an educational institution, they, in general, do not provide the manager with a clear, holistic view of the nature and ways of implementing management activities in the context of the transition to self-financing Insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of the problem posed, as well as practical needs for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions in conditions of independent financial activity, determined the choice of the topic of this study "Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy"

The object of research is the process of managing an educational institution

The subject of the research is the organization of management in a preschool educational institution

The purpose of the study is to determine rational ways to organize management in the activities of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the regional conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of the organization of management in a preschool educational institution will be successful if

Developed structurally functional model management organization, where the integration of all areas of management activity into preschool,

created pedagogical conditions for the organization of management, focused on the implementation of innovative activities that contribute to the optimization of the quality of education,

modernized innovative forms of the economic mechanism that ensure the optimal functioning and development of a preschool institution in a market economy

In accordance with the object, subject and purpose, the following research tasks were solved:

1 Develop and justify a structural and functional model of management organization in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the regional characteristics of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

2 Experimentally determine rational ways and means of organizing management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy

3 Define a strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in connection with the transition to local self-government

theoretical and methodological basis studies were fundamental developments of public and foreign scientists devoted to the theory of management (K Ya Vazina, V P Bespalko, M Meskon, F Khelouri), the basics of intra-school management (Yu A Konarzhevsky, M M Potashnik, T I Shamova), the application social theory management in education (V S Lazarev, M M Potashnik, A M Moiseev), management of a modern preschool educational institution (T P Kolodyazhnoy, A A Mayer, A D Shatova, S A Ezopova)

The following research methods were used in the dissertation: theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem, questioning and diagnostic (questionnaires, conversations), observational (direct and indirect observations), study of documentation of educational institutions and ulus management of education, experimental work

The base of the study was the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Alyonushka", the Child Development Center in Mohsogollokh, Khangalassky Ulus of the Republic of Sakha, and the municipal preschool educational institutions in Pokrovsk, Khangalassky Ulus. The study was conducted in three stages

The first stage - analytical and diagnostic (1995 - 1998) At this stage, the state of managing the preschool education system was studied in the context of the transition to independent financial and economic activity. This made it possible to determine the research problem, analyze the level of its scientific development, formulate the goal, task, hypothesis, theoretical and practical significance, methodological basis

The second stage - constructive and realizing (1999 - 2004) - experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Alyonushka Child Development Center and municipal preschool institutions in the city of Pokrovsk, Khangalassky ulus

Republic of Sakha (Yaku Iiya) Technologies of management organization and management modules were tested in a preschool educational institution, their effectiveness was determined in self-financing preschool institutions

The third stage - apaligico-generalizing (2004 - 2005) - analysis, generalization, summarizing the results of experimental work were carried out, methodological recommendations were developed for their implementation in the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The results of the research work were formalized in the form of a dissertation manuscript.

Scientific novelty of the research:

a structural and functional model of management organization in a preschool educational institution has been developed, revealing innovative approaches to management activities in new social economic conditions,

justified organizational and pedagogical conditions effective management development of a preschool institution, providing innovations in the educational process, increasing professional level teachers, social partnership, new forms of financial economic activity,

effective technologies for managing a preschool educational institution based on a modular system in the mode

development and on the principles of self-management and co-management, in conditions of independent financial activity,

a strategy for the financial rehabilitation of a preschool educational institution in modern conditions has been determined, in connection with the transition to municipal self-government

The theoretical significance of the study is the developed concept of organizing management in a preschool educational institution in the new socio-economic conditions, revealing the principles, ways, technologies of management, the interaction of all areas of which ensures the effectiveness of management activities in a market economy

Practical significance of the study. Methodological manuals on management and marketing have been developed, which reveal the system of multifunctional management of a preschool educational institution (components, functions of managing the teaching staff, financial and economic activities), ways of developing independent financial activities in the context of the transition to self-government. Developed and tested structural and functional the management model can be used as the basis for the management activities of a preschool educational institution

The reliability and validity of the research results is ensured by a comprehensive analysis of the problem in determining the initial theoretical and methodological positions, a rational combination of theoretical and experimental material, the use of methods and techniques that are adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, the author’s many years of personal experience in managing a preschool educational institution, and practical confirmation of the main provisions of the study. in the course of experimental work, compliance with the criteria for the effectiveness of management activities to the goals and objectives, successful implementation of the research results into the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Approbation of the study. Ideas, main provisions and conclusions were presented at the scientific and practical conferences (2002-2005) "New Education Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" (IPKRO, 2003), "Innovations in Education, Design, Achievements, Opportunities" (IPKRO, 2004) , "NIRS and UIRS" (SGPA, 2005), at the creative seminar of innovative teachers (Adler, 2002), at the board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk, 1997), at the August meetings of educators (1997-2004) , at the republican exhibition-fair (2002), as well as in the author's publications The following are submitted for defense:

structural and functional model of management in a preschool educational institution, which defines the conceptual foundations and rational ways of its organization in the new socio-economic conditions,

optimal organizational and pedagogical conditions for organizing management in a preschool educational institution,

The strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in a market economy, which provides for the creation of " business center services" in a preschool educational institution for the provision of additional psychological, pedagogical, health-saving services to children of society

The structure and content of the dissertation were determined by the logic of the research and the tasks set. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

The main content of the dissertation In the first chapter "Scientific and theoretical basis organization of management” reveals the objective prerequisites for the formation of management based on the analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study, modern organization as an object of managerial activity In the new socio-economic conditions, a management paradigm is being formed. In it, the problem of

flexibility and adaptation to changes in the external environment and the rejection of the belief that the key to success in management lies in the correct impact on the internal factors of the organization The external environment determines the structure of the organization and forms of management with the allocation of a number of universal variables in it, the control of which is the basis of effective management

Considering organization as an object of management activity, we proceed from the following

1 An organization is a system characterized by its main elements, structure, hierarchy and integrity

2 An organization is a system that actively interacts with the external environment, the environment

3 Organization is open system, which is formed by people who define its goals and carry out actions to achieve them

The life of an organization consists of three fundamental processes

obtaining resources from the external environment, manufacturing a product, transferring the product to the external environment All these three processes are vital for the organization If at least one of the processes is terminated, the organization can no longer exist

Management is a multifaceted phenomenon that covers the processes taking place in the organization, related both to its inner life, as well as its interaction with environment The most significant approaches in the management of an organization, as can be seen from the analysis of the literature (V. I. Mukhin, A. V. Ignatiev, etc.), is the consideration of management in terms of processes,

occurring within the organization, from the standpoint of including the organization in the external environment and from the point of view of the implementation of the activity itself

The problem of management in a market economy is relevant for various spheres of modern life. The main factors determining the direction of the functioning of a preschool educational institution today are socio-economic transformations in the country, the formation of a market for educational services and intellectual work

These factors determine the need for restructuring and improving all types of management, production and economic, financial and economic activities and adaptation to new conditions. It is important to form new mechanisms for managing a preschool educational institution in a market economy.

In modern conditions, preschool education requires a radical restructuring managerial functions, a different focus, other attitudes to management The activities of the education management system in the region can no longer be of a directive nature, but at the same time, it must have sufficient powers and mechanisms to implement the overall strategy for the development of the sphere in the region

Management as a process of managing an organization is used in all areas of activity of a preschool educational institution, which is an artificial socio-pedagogical system. Turning to the works of leading teachers, psychologists, and the findings of practicing teachers, we find a number of management cycles (planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control) in the activities of a preschool educational institution, which provides an opportunity to ensure the effective organization of managerial activities

Exploring the process of organizing management in the activities of a preschool educational institution, its main organizational forms, methods, principles, resources, we have compiled a model for organizing management in a preschool educational institution.

educational institution (see diagram) This model assumes eight areas of management

Pedagogical management (orientation of personnel to improve the efficiency of the educational process),

Financial management (financial rehabilitation of an educational institution),

Personnel management (creation of conditions for the creative self-development of the team),

Innovation management(creation and implementation of new technologies in an educational institution),

Production management (search and implementation of new forms of independent activity of the institution),

Strategic management (timely identification of important problems of the institution),

Information management (timely orientation to the introduction of new technologies),

The features of the management system for the activities of a preschool educational institution in a market economy are

The variability of ongoing processes with the presence of " human factor» (HR management),

The constant need to introduce new elements into the management system (innovation management),

Comprehensiveness of ideas about the state of the system of a preschool educational institution (information management),

Optimality of the educational process (pedagogical management),

Manufacturability (production management),

Predictability, reflecting the process of forecasting and development of management (strategic management)

The model for managing the development of the preschool education system is built on the basis of a program-targeted approach to build a mechanism for horizontal coordination and implementation of strategic tasks for the development of the preschool education system at the municipal level. The strategic nature of the model contributes to the modernization of the municipal development program, which involves improving the organizational structure

Changes in the structure of the preschool education system create promising opportunities for improving innovative activity system, professional growth of managerial personnel and the quality of preschool education

The developed model for managing the development of the preschool education system is focused on coordinating the processes of functioning and development of preschool education, coordinating the actions of the administrative structures of municipal and public municipal administration in the logic of a unified municipal educational policy (see diagram)

The study and analysis of the relevant literature, the generalization of the practice of managing an educational institution make it possible to single out the following provisions that reveal the essence of management in a preschool institution

1 Classical management theories reveal the methodological foundations of the organization of pedagogical management, which is control system principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods that are aimed at improving the educational process in a preschool educational institution

2 Management is the science, art and activity of mobilizing the intellectual, material and financial resources for the effective functioning of the organization, this is a type of activity for managing people, the ability to achieve goals using labor, intelligence, motives for people's behavior

3 In an open market economy, when the external environment is complex and dynamic, a universal management methodology is a systematic and situational approach to managing an educational institution

4 A preschool educational institution is a complex three-level system that is made up of people, ideas, processes, material objects. The main purpose of a preschool educational institution as a system is the education, training and development of the younger generation.

5 The systemic vision of the management object contributes to the reorientation of the manager from the strategy of local impact to the strategy of system management, which involves the unification of disparate actions into a single system of management activities

6 The model for managing the development of the preschool education system at the municipal level is based on a single information space, uniform requirements for the quality of preschool education, optimization of the educational network, the introduction of new forms of financing, and ensuring the sustainable functioning of the preschool education system

7 The main directions in improving management are to ensure the effectiveness of the preschool education system, the general availability of preschool educational institutions, and improve the quality of educational services

The second chapter "Experimental - experimental work in a preschool educational institution" reveals the organization of management in a preschool institution based on the developed model

The main goal of the experimental work is to determine rational ways of organizing management as a means of optimizing management activities Based on the structural and functional model of management, we have developed a program for the experimental group, which includes

analysis of problem situations in terms of management,

Model of management organization in a preschool educational institution.

Model of managing the development of preschool education at the municipal level

Formation of the concept of development of the systemic development of a preschool educational institution;

Determination of sources and volumes of resource support for program activities

The main base of experimental work is the municipal preschool educational institution "Alyonushka" - the Child Development Center (n Mokhsogolloh) and the municipal preschool educational institutions (Pokrovsk) of the Khangalassky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) In addition, the experimental group included preschool educational institutions operating in the development mode (Lenek, Olekminsk, Aldan, Mirny, Yakutsk, Srednekolymsk) The control group included preschool educational institutions of the Khangalassky ulus and other preschool institutions operating in the traditional mode The study took place in three stages

At the ascertaining stage, initial positions were identified that reveal the teachers' conscious need for knowledge of management and marketing in an educational institution institution Further study this issue revealed contradictions between the requirements of society for the organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy and the insufficient development of training managers for the organization of management in a preschool institution On this basis, we determined the need to justify the organizational and pedagogical conditions for organizing management based on the provisions of the developed model

At the formative stage, a structural and functional model of management organization was tested as a means of optimizing management activities in a preschool institution. For this purpose, training of employees of preschool institutions in management was carried out according to a specially developed program.

(see Appendix), conditions were created under which everyone could show their individual abilities and, in the right aspect, realize managerial capabilities.

As a result of this work in the experimental group, teachers, in the main, use), socio-psychological methods of management and organization based on such principles of management organizations as consistency, flexibility, social conditioning and optimality. And in the control group, teachers used mainly administrative methods of management.

In the course of the experimental work, we compared the change in the knowledge of teachers of the respondents in the control and experimental groups. The obtained results of the dynamics of the assimilation of knowledge about the management of both groups are reflected in the following diagram.

Diagram I Ratio of dshitiki to formiroiiiinospsh ishii.

1 [and during the first stage of the experiment, we conducted a comparative analysis of the level of orientation of the teacher in the values ​​of managerial activity. To determine these indicators, the tests “Self-diagnosis of the type of managerial behavior” by R. Blake, “Diagnosis of the transition from “hard” to “flexible” management algorithm” by D. Mouton, as well as the method of diagnosing the leadership style and organization of abilities by V.O. Shi al “no one.

It can be seen from the diagram that the teachers of the experimental group in terms of business and personality and the qualities of leaders and organizers significantly exceed their colleagues from the control group. "This, in particular, is evident from the fact that according to such

Diagram 2. Comparative analysis of the level of orientation of the teacher to managerial activity at the control stage of the experiment.

Business [Р11 I:|"[<п-:к;.|]X;п.кн" " I >:111 K| l. 2 whether<.1^к."|ИНМ|Х1<УНН.мть" } умение планировать работу; 4 уми тс принимать решения: 5 способность к риску, 6 |>e * 1: l: st b: "I-T 7 - independence;

P^pshssho-moral kdchsstpi: I! and; l: [Ch1 but, U accuracy; IC salimp "yatepnoet; 1:1 initiative: 12 -1 creative potential:] 3 - I |.; C "> Ki, 1 lvl." [to |! |, culture; H purposefulness.

personal qualities leader, organizer significantly outperform their colleagues from the control group. This, in particular, can be seen from the fact that in terms of such business quality as organizational ability, the teachers of the experimental group surpass their colleagues from the control group by 20%, they have the same indicators in terms of the personal quality of the manager - leadership. They are also superior in business qualities, as the ability to make a decision (by 23%), decisiveness (by 31%), and personal qualities such as initiative (by 21%), purposefulness (by 21%), etc.

As a result of the control section, we found that the level of preparation for managerial activity of teachers in the experimental group is significantly higher than in the control group.

The level of training in the control group turned out to be mainly low and medium, while in the experimental group 60% of teachers prove a high level, and 10% a low level. In the context of experimental work, a multifunctional system of municipal management of preschool education has been developed, which creates the possibility of modernizing management activities.

low level medium level high level

□ control group 0 experimental group

Diagram 3. Indicators of readiness of teachers for managerial activities in the control phase of the study

Experimental approbation of the organization of management and within the framework of the structural-functional model developed by us was carried out on the basis of the Alyonushka Child Development Center. Such dregs seem to us to be a promising way to democratize management and improve the quality of preschool education. Traditional approaches to management, as can be seen from the analysis of practice, ps always make it possible to achieve the desired goals and results in the provision and quality of education of preschoolers in educational proactive, working in the development mode. New approaches are needed not only in updating the content, learning technologies, software and in the management of an educational institution, a new management model, which involves the construction of control module designs. In this context, we rely on the modularity principle developed by I.P.

The purpose of creating a modular control system based on the development program in an innovative mode is the interaction of the optimal design of control modules for a preschool educational institution. We have developed didactic, managerial, pedagogical* financial and economic modules.

The optimal design of control modules, tested in the experimental institution "Alyonushka", contributed to the control system of mutual feedback (head teacher), which is an effective component of the management organization (see diagram).

New conditions and factors of socio-economic reality are causing organizational and financial changes! the mechanism of functioning of municipal and departmental preschool institutions. 11progressive growth

prices for food, equipment, transport, with the insecurity of the corresponding cost items for budget financing, leads to the fact that preschool institutions are looking for new financing systems so that there is no decline in the quality of educational services

In this regard, one of the directions in the experimental work is the search for additional financial resources. The status of a preschool institution turned out to be directly dependent on the opinion of parents about the provision of quality educational services. economic freedom, educational institutions began to fight for self-financing

To this end, marketing activities were carried out in the organizational and managerial work of the preschool educational institution, which determined the needs of parents and the children themselves in the services provided by the preschool institution. On this basis, the preschool educational institution "Alyonushka" provides the population with a range of services in the field of education and training , namely

1 Raising and teaching children in kindergarten

2 Raising and teaching children at home

3 Parent education

4 Educational, advisory work in teams of enterprises, organizations, institutions of the district, city, at the place of residence

5 Health services aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children

6 Medical services- preventive and therapeutic measures and procedures (including correction of physical development)

7 Developmental services - various forms and methods of special education (including correction of mental development)

8 Organizational services - improving the conditions of stay and nutrition of children (including reducing the number of children in the group, medical nutrition)

In the literature we studied and from the analysis of the practice of preschool institutions, we found that insufficient attention is paid to such an important issue as the implementation entrepreneurial activity based on a business plan that regulates the activities of a preschool educational institution in the development of new types of business, which is important in a market economy. A business plan helps

Determine the direction of activity of a preschool educational institution, in accordance with the needs of the market (parents, population),

Coordinates the activities of the employees of the educational institution to achieve the set goals,

Determines the types of activities and sources of their financing,

Predicts possible difficulties and ways to overcome them,

Having studied all our internal capabilities, interaction with external partners, the needs of residents, we settled on such types of entrepreneurial activities as the services of the Lakomka children's cafe, a confectionery shop, a dentist, a mini-printing house (lamination, photocopying), a photographer, a hairdresser, additional health services, growing seedlings, growing and selling flowers, greenery from the winter greenhouse, organizing copyright and problem courses and book publishing

So, the municipal preschool educational institution has the ability to independently financially improve the institution during the transition to market relations A new management mechanism (business plan, strategic planning, estimate, modernization of premises) led to a rational organization of labor, which had a positive impact on the quality of the work of the team At the expense of its own funds, the subject-developing environment and the material base of the preschool educational institution were modernized, the assortment of products and the quality of children's nutrition improved, and the interest of the team in material incentives increased

As a result, it became possible to maneuver material and financial resources in order to ensure the highest efficiency of their use. The funds received to the special account were distributed taking into account specific situations, this is the optimization of management, if we consider the financial and economic aspect of management. The results of experimental work allowed us to organize a new model of a preschool institution The Alyonushka Child Development Center has been transformed into a “Business Services Center” of a municipal preschool institution (see diagram)

As you can see, the "Business Center of Services" is a legal entity located in municipal property, has an independent balance sheet, centralized funds and reserves To achieve the goals of its activities, the "Business Center of Services" carries out an educational process, economic activities, owns property, facilities, equipment, inventory. Variable organizational forms of functioning of a preschool educational institution were found with its creation , a regulatory and legal framework for financial and economic development has been developed, which makes it possible to make services more accessible to the population and parents

Business center of services of the municipal educational institution "Alyonushka"

Ulus Department of Education, Pokrovsk


Theatrical activities

Folk applied art

Synchronized swimming


Ecological and valeological laboratory

Yakut national culture

Republic! eksperim ploc zhanska gntalnaya

Paid problem courses

School for beginners

Mini typography

Internet services

video salon


seedlings and vegetables

Seamstress services

Making cotton candy

Children's cafe "Lakomka"

Realization of colors

Experimental work on the organization of management and marketing in the municipal preschool institution "Alyonushka" showed the effectiveness of the management activities. video equipment, soft and hard equipment The Child Development Center has created a material and technical base that meets all modern requirements, a subject-developing environment provides a solution to all areas of work under the development program As a result of the work

1 improved the quality of education and upbringing of children based on integrated modules

2 increased competitiveness of preschool institutions

3 carried out additional education for preschoolers 4, the quality of training teachers for managerial activities in the process of their self-development, organization (self-government, co-management) has improved

5, the material and technical base has improved, the subject-developing environment has been modernized, the staff has a material interest due to bonuses from the extrabudgetary fund

6 at the expense of non-budgetary funds, a social troupe operates (children of the orphanage)

The experience of entrepreneurial activity in the Alyonushka Child Development Center suggests that from the very first steps we psychologically set up the teaching staff and service staff to work in new socio-economic conditions Openness, collegiality in solving issues of planning, distribution and spending of funds stimulated and inspired the team for creative work. Experimental work showed that, thanks to the use of new management and marketing technologies, there is a real opportunity the deficit of its resources Business, effectively organized in preschool institutions, helps education to survive in difficult conditions, stimulates the modernization of the system, is aimed at improving the quality of educational services, increasing the prestige of a preschool institution

In conclusion, the results are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

1 The study of the foundations of the organization of management in preschool education and the understanding of the new philosophy of social management is due to the ongoing changes in the country in a market economy, the state-political structure, and the directions of state policy in the system of modernization of education at the present stage

2 The success of the work of a preschool institution to a large extent depends on the introduction into practice of the ideas of organizing management (pedagogical, personnel, financial, etc.), which includes a set of principles, means, forms and methods of management in order to meet the needs of children and their parents, new

management models, creating conditions for the formation of an organizational and financial mechanism for the functioning of the preschool education system

3 Modernization of the management system of a preschool educational institution is not only a pedagogical, but also a social task, since the quality of the educational system and the effectiveness of pedagogical management as a means of optimizing the educational process depend on its solution

4 Business as a new management mechanism, effectively organized in a preschool educational institution, helps education survive in difficult socio-economic conditions, stimulates the modernization of the education system as a whole

Thus, the tasks set within the framework of this study have been fulfilled. Its results allow us to conclude that the hypothesis put forward is correct. We believe that this study can be useful in the further development of the organization of management in a preschool educational institution

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications

1. Ksendzova, G.F. Model of management of the system of preschool education in the context of the transition to local self-government./G.F. Ksendzova // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. -2007.-№2.-S. 99-106.

2 Ksendzova, G F, Management in preschool education theory and practice guidelines / G F Ksendzova, M M Prokopieva - Yakutsk Publishing house of GU RONPO RS / Ya /, 2003 - 48s

3 Ksendzova, G F DOU "Alyonushka - Child Development Center" methodological guide / G F Ksendzova - Yakutsk Publishing house of GU RONPO RS / Ya /, 2003 -36s

4 Ksendzova, G F "Business Center on Stilts" / G F Ksendzova / / Hoop - 2005 - No. 4 - C 37-39

5 Ksendzova, G F Psychological and pedagogical support for the modernization of the preschool education system / G F Ksendzova// Yakutsk IPKRO Publishing House, 2006 - C 146-148

6 Ksendzova, G F Health management of the TsRR "Alyonushka" / G F Ksendzova// Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference in the framework of the 85-year development of the preschool education system of the RS / Ya / - Yakutsk Publishing house of the SGPA MO RS / Ya /, 2006 - C 65-67

7 Ksendzova, G F Innovation activity in preschool educational institution / G F Ksendzova / / -2006 - No. 1 - C 50-57

8 Ksendzova, G F Additional finance for the preschool educational institution /G F Ksendzova// Management of the preschool educational institution - 2006 - No. 2 - C 52-54

9 Ksendzova, G F Management in a preschool educational institution / G F Ksendzova / / Pedagogical sciences - 2006 - No. 6 - C 75-76

10 Ksendzova, GF The problematic core of management in a preschool educational institution / GF Ksendzova / / Pedagogical sciences - 2006 - No. 6 - C 77-78

Signed for printing April 23, 2007 Format 60x 84/16 Paper type No. 2 Typeface "Time" Official print Print 1.56 Uch-ed 1.95 Circulation 100 copies Order /S8

Publishing house YSU, 677891, Yakutsk, Belinsky street, 58

Printed in the printing house of the YSU publishing house

Dissertation content author of the scientific article: candidate of pedagogical sciences, Ksendzova, Galina Fedorovna, 2007


Chapter I. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the organization of management.

1.1. Objective prerequisites for the formation of management as a science and practice of management.

1.2. Management in a preschool educational institution.

1.3. Model of management of the system of preschool education in the context of the transition to local self-government.

Chapter II. Experimental work on the organization of management in a preschool educational institution.

2.1. General characteristics of experimental work.

2.2. Experimental approbation of management organization in the Alyonushka Child Development Center.

Dissertation Introduction in pedagogy, on the topic "Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy"

The relevance of research. In recent decades, fundamental changes have taken place in the system of preschool education that have seriously affected the problems of training, education and management at this stage of development of an educational institution. Literally 5-6 years ago, preschool institutions were on the verge of survival, however, in recent years there have been major changes in the regulatory, administrative, and economic conditions that have made it possible to modernize all parts of preschool education. There is an obvious tendency to search for meaningful guidelines and specific educational forms that allow preschool institutions to find their own face, to find zest in their work.

The education system responded mobile to the tasks set by the new stage of Russia's historical development. Until recently, the unification of preschool educational institutions, which was customary until recently, has been replaced by a variety of their types, variability of curricula and programs, and the introduction of new technologies. Current system upgrade benchmarks Russian education- accessibility, quality, efficiency - make increased demands on preschool institutions. The organization of the development of the system of preschool education is possible only with the development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions and are expressed in their transition to a qualitatively new stage- development mode.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical system is management, and the art of managing the learning process is pedagogical management, i.e. a set of principles, methods, organizational forms, technological methods of managing the educational process that contribute to improving its efficiency and quality. Management in the conditions of the market is called management. Distinctive features of management lie in the fact that it focuses the manager on meeting the needs of the market, constantly improving production efficiency, freedom of decision-making, developing strategic goals and programs and adjusting them depending on the needs of the consumer. The new socio-economic conditions put the educational institution in front of many problems, for which many managers are not sufficiently prepared. In modern conditions in the field of education, it has become the norm to receive a second education in the specialty "Organization Manager". Pre-school educational institutions have joined this process, today there are already new generation managers for whom it is the norm to manage in a new way, using the acquired knowledge. And it is natural that the educational institutions they manage receive the status of the highest qualification. It is imperative to provide the education sector with trained personnel in the field of innovation management, i.e. managers who are able to respond to market demands, effectively and quickly go from putting forward a scientific idea to its practical implementation.

The problem of managing an educational institution is one of the oldest and most complex in the theory and practice of education. With the approval of the “National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation” and a new generation of state educational standards, an urgent need arose to create an effective toolkit for managing an innovative educational institution as a developing environment at all levels.

The consolidation of the concept of “management” in pedagogical science, and at this stage of the development of education and the concept of “pedagogical management”, is connected, first of all, with the formation of management as an independent field of knowledge. The need to study the theory of management in pedagogy and practice is dictated by life, the growth of society's demands for the quality of educational services, the commercialization of education, the formation of the system paid services.

The problems of management are devoted to the works of domestic and foreign scientists V.G. Afanasyev, D.M. Gviashiani, I.N. Grechnikova, V.S. Lazarev, M.M. K. Rogers and others. Management technologies were developed in the works of V. Komarov, G. I. Kuznetsov, M. V. Klarin and others. , A.V. Belyaeva, V.P. Bespalko, M.M. Potashnik, etc. At the regional level, the issues of management of pedagogical processes are considered in the works of D.A. Danilov, F.V. .P.Borisova, E.N.Kolosova and others.

A large number of scientific papers, in which certain aspects of the problem of managing a preschool educational institution at the present stage, have been disclosed, do not provide the head with a clear, holistic view of the essence and ways of implementing managerial activities in the context of the transition to self-financing. The solution of this problem is constrained by a number of objective and subjective reasons and contradictions: insufficient development of the problem of management in a preschool educational institution, both in theory and in practice; lack of managerial culture in the new conditions of self-financing; between the theoretical approaches that have developed in the humanistic model of management and insufficient development modern technologies and their implementation; between the established traditional subject-object management system and the need to change the relationship between the participants in pedagogical management at the level of subject-subject relations, providing a new nature of management: cooperation, partnership; between the growing demands for professional activity teachers working in the development mode in a market economy and the insufficient level of their qualifications, corresponding to the developmental education of the child's personality.

Overcoming the above difficulties and contradictions allows the head of a preschool educational institution to move from an episodic, insufficiently managed educational institution in the context of the transition to independent financial activity to the effective implementation of a managed institution in each specific preschool educational institution.

The insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of the problem posed, as well as the practical needs for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions in conditions of independent financial activity, determined the choice of the research topic "Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy."

The object of research is the process of managing an educational institution.

The subject of the research is the organization of management in a preschool educational institution.

The purpose of the study is to determine rational ways of organizing management in the activities of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the regional conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of the organization of management in a preschool educational institution will be most successful if:

Develop a structural and functional model of management organization and scientifically substantiate the integration of all areas of management activities in a preschool educational institution;

Organizational and pedagogical conditions of the organization of management should be oriented towards the implementation of innovative activities that contribute to the optimization of the quality of education; to modernize the strategy of innovative forms of the economic mechanism in a market economy, ensuring the optimal functioning and development of a preschool institution.

In accordance with the object and subject of the study and the need to determine effective ways to introduce management into the practice of preschool educational institutions, the following research tasks were solved:

1. To develop and substantiate a structural and functional model of management organization in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the regional characteristics of the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia.

2. Experimentally determine rational ways and organizational and non-dagogic conditions for organizing management in a preschool educational institution as a means of optimizing management activities.

3. Define a strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in connection with the transition to local self-government.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was: fundamental developments of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the theory of management (K.Ya. Vazina, V.P. Bespalko, M. Meskon, F. Khelouri); on the basics of intra-school management (Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, etc.); on the application of social management theory in education (V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, A.M. Moiseev and others); on the management of a modern preschool educational institution (T.P. Kolodyazhnaya, A.A. Mayer, A.D. Shatova, S.A. Ezopova, etc.).

The study was based on the concept of student-centered education (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others), which took into account the pedagogical foundations of the doctrine of the team

A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others).

The dissertation uses the following research methods: theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; questioning and diagnostic (questionnaires, conversations); observational (observations: direct and indirect); studying the documentation of educational institutions and ulus management of education; experimental work.

The basis of the study was: the Alyonushka Child Development Center in Mohsogollokh village, Khangalassky ulus, Republic of Sakha (republican experimental site); municipal preschool educational institutions of the city of Pokrovsk, Khangalassky. The study was carried out in three stages.

The first stage is analytical and diagnostic (1995-1998). During this stage, the state of preschool education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was studied in the light of the Law “On Education” (1996, additions, changes), according to which educational institutions should switch to independent financial and economic activities. This made it possible to define the research problem, to formulate the goal, task, hypothesis, methodological base. This stage included scientific-theoretical and practical substantiation of the problem, analysis of the level of its scientific development, the possibilities of improving management in the context of the transition to self-financing.

The second stage is constructive and realizing (1999-2004). At this stage, experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Alyonushka Child Development Center of the Khangalassky Ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as well as municipal preschool educational institutions in the city of Pokrovsk. At this stage, management organization technologies and management modules were tested in a preschool educational institution, criteria and evaluations of their effectiveness in self-financing preschool institutions were determined.

The third stage is analytical and generalizing (2004-2005). At this stage, analysis, generalization, summarizing the results of experimental work were carried out, methodological recommendations were developed for their implementation in the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The results of the research work were formalized in the form of a dissertation manuscript.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that: a structural and functional model of management organization in a preschool educational institution has been developed, revealing innovative approaches to management activities in new socio-economic conditions; the organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective management of the development of a preschool educational institution are substantiated: innovations in the educational process, raising the professional level of teachers and orientation in the values ​​of managerial activity, social partnership, new forms of financial and economic activity; effective technologies for managing a preschool educational institution based on a modular system in the development mode and on the principles of self-government and co-management, in conditions of independent financial activity, have been identified; a strategy for the financial rehabilitation of a preschool educational institution in modern conditions is determined in connection with the transition to municipal self-government.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of the concept of management organization in a preschool educational institution in the new socio-economic conditions, revealing the principles, ways, technologies of management in a preschool educational institution, the interaction of all areas of which ensures the effectiveness of management activities in a market economy.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of methodological manuals on management and marketing, which reveals the system of multifunctional management of a preschool educational institution (components, functions of managing the teaching staff, financial and economic activity), and determines the ways of developing independent financial activity in the context of the transition to self-government. The developed and tested structural and functional model of management can be used as the basis for management activities of a preschool educational institution.

The reliability and validity of the research results is ensured by a comprehensive analysis of the problem in determining the initial theoretical and methodological positions, a rational combination of theoretical and experimental material, the use of methods and techniques adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, the author’s many years of personal experience in managing a preschool educational institution in a market economy, practical confirmation of the main provisions of the study in the course of experimental work, compliance of the criteria for the effectiveness of management activities with the goals and objectives, successful implementation of the results of the study into the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Approbation of the study. Ideas, main provisions and conclusions were presented at scientific and practical conferences (2002-2005), at a creative seminar for teachers in Adler (2002), at the collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (1997), at August meetings educators (1997-2004), at the republican exhibition-fair (2002), as well as in the author's publications.

The following are submitted for defense:

Structural and functional model of management in a preschool educational institution, which defines the conceptual foundations and rational ways of its organization in the new socio-economic conditions;

Optimal organizational and pedagogical conditions for organizing management in a preschool educational institution;

The strategy of financial rehabilitation of a preschool educational institution in a market economy, which provides for the creation of a "Business Center" in a preschool educational institution to provide additional psychological, pedagogical, health-saving services to children in a children's society.

The structure and content of the dissertation were determined by the logic of the study and the tasks set. It consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

Dissertation conclusion scientific article on the topic "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education"

The results of the study confirm our hypothesis that the quality of the educational process depends on the effectiveness of pedagogical management as a means of optimizing the educational process.

The practical significance of the experience revealed in the course of the study can be recommended for use by educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and beyond.

The new management mechanism in a preschool educational institution in a market economy directly depends on the head of the preschool institution, who must find new ways and means to increase economic efficiency institutions at their own expense.

Business, effectively organized in a preschool educational institution, can teach education to survive in difficult socio-economic conditions, should stimulate the modernization of the education system.


The conducted research in the theory and practice of management in education and the understanding of the new philosophy of social management is due to the ongoing changes in the country in a market economy, the state-political structure, and the directions of state policy in the system of modernizing education at the present stage.

The search for new forms of improving the quality of education led us to consider and substantiate the problem of pedagogical management in management activities.

Only literate modern leader purposefully carries out its managerial functions, makes effective decisions in real life, provides direct support to the teaching staff in improving pedagogical skills and professional training.

Such a leader creates optimal conditions for each participant in the educational process in the system: teacher - child - parents.

Features of the transitional economy, which consist in increasing the instability of the choice of the old, and emerging economic systems s, reinforce the need to develop a strategy for the development of preschool education, as an effective tool for the adoption management decisions.

In the systemic reorganization of municipal administration, it is necessary to proceed from the forecast of the socio-cultural and economic interests and opportunities of the ulus, preschool institutions of all types, parents, taking into account the trends in the situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). We believe that for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) the most efficient model from an economic point of view is one that takes into account the socio-economic conditions of the region's development.

The success of the work of a preschool institution to a large extent depends on the introduction into practice of the ideas of pedagogical, personnel, financial management, which includes a set of principles, means, forms and methods of managing the pedagogical process in order to meet the needs of children and their parents. The successful solution of the tasks of a preschool educational institution is facilitated by the solution of the basic principles of managing a preschool educational institution:

The optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management;

Unity of unity of command and collegiality in management;

A rational combination of rights and obligations, responsibility in management and self-control;

Implementation of a scientific approach in management, overcoming formalism;

The combination of state and public principles, the expansion of self-government.

The new socio-economic situation in Russia, the expansion of the economic independence of municipalities pose the task of developing a new approach to the formation of an organizational and financial mechanism for the functioning of the system of preschool institutions. The new mechanism of financial economic activity suggests:

The combination of budget financing with the development of various kinds of economic activities of a preschool educational institution, the provision of paid services to the population;

Reforming the economic activity of a preschool educational institution;

Development of independence labor collectives in addressing issues of social development.

Based on the above, the following conclusions are drawn:

The success of the work of a preschool institution to a large extent depends on the introduction into practice of the ideas of organizing management (pedagogical, personnel, financial, etc.), which includes a set of principles, means, forms and methods of managing a preschool educational institution in order to meet the needs of children and their parents;

Transition to new models of management of a preschool educational institution;

Creation of conditions for the formation of an organizational and financial mechanism for the functioning of the system of preschool education;

Modernization of the management system of a preschool educational institution is not only a pedagogical and managerial task, but also a social one, since the quality of the educational system as a whole depends on its solution.

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Round table on the topic:

"Organization of management in a preschool educational institution".

Joint project: Baranova S.E.

Marchenkova M.F.

Khoperskaya T.G.

In recent decades, fundamental changes have taken place in the system of preschool education that have seriously affected the problems of training, education and management at this stage of development of an educational institution. Literally 5-6 years ago, preschool educational institutions were on the verge of survival, however, the big changes that occurred in the regulatory, administrative, economic conditions made it possible to modernize all parts of preschool education. There is an obvious tendency to search for meaningful guidelines and specific educational forms that allow preschool institutions to find their own face, to find zest in their work.

Until recently, the unification of preschool educational institutions, which was customary until recently, has been replaced by a variety of their types, variability of curricula and programs, and the introduction of new technologies. The current guidelines for the modernization of the Russian education system - accessibility, quality, efficiency - place increased demands on preschool institutions.

The organization of the development of the system of preschool education is possible only with the development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions and are expressed in their transition to a qualitatively new stage - the development mode.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical system is management, and the art of managing the learning process is pedagogical management, i.e. a set of principles, methods, organizational forms, technological methods of managing the educational process that contribute to improving its efficiency and quality.

Pedagogical management is just beginning to defend its position in pedagogical science and the practice of educational institutions.

Pedagogical management aims to manage educational institutions and the learning process, the essence of which is a human-centric approach and orientation to ultimate goal with continuous monitoring and adjustment of activities.

In a preschool institution, two levels of management can be conditionally distinguished: the head - a team of teachers and employees; teacher - children.

The purpose of the first level of management is to ensure the productive activity of employees through the development, self-development of their creativity. The purpose of the second level is legitimate to consider the implementation of optimal management of the educational process with the maximum disclosure and development of the capabilities and abilities of each child.


1. What is pedagogical management?

Pedagogical management - organization joint activities preschool educational institution with cultural and educational institutions in order to meet the needs of children and their parents; ensuring the full development of children, taking into account the modern requirements of society for the individual. It seems to us that pedagogical management in a preschool educational institution is the management of people and the pedagogical process in order to create favorable environment to achieve goals and objectives.

2. What are the goals of pedagogical management in a preschool educational institution?

Determination of rational ways of organizing management in a preschool educational institution, contributing to an increase in the level of the teacher. Creating conditions for the development of management: innovations in the pedagogical process, improving the professional level of a teacher, social partnership, new forms of economic activity.

3. What are the principles of pedagogical management?

Scientific, systematic, humane, flexible, optimal, social conditioning.

4. List the main functions of a manager (teacher) in pedagogical management?

Self-analysis of own management activities; analysis of information about the state and development of the educational process, the level of upbringing of students, information about them.

Choice of goal, motivation of teachers and students to achieve the goal.

Development of programs to achieve the goal, complex target planning.

Organizational and executive work to achieve the goal.

Control and diagnostic.

Corrective - making adjustments using operational methods and means.

5. What is children's time management?

This is the schedule, the daily routine of the child.

6. What is the main goal in the management of the preschool education system?

The main goal of the management of the preschool education system is to provide opportunities for the survival and development of the system.

7. The concept of the organizational culture of the preschool educational institution. What role does it play and how is it created?

Organizational (corporate) culture is a model of values, management principles, expectations and social norms that underlie relationships and relationships both within the preschool institution and beyond. It implies a common system of concepts for employees, which is the basis of communication and mutual understanding.

Culture can be shaped by the leaders (managers) of a given organization; it is formed around important events from which lessons are learned about desirable and undesirable behavior;

it is developed on the basis of the need to maintain effective working relationships between employees of preschool educational institutions; Culture is influenced by the environment.

8. Name models of organizational culture.

There are four types (models) of organizational culture:

Role culture (bureaucratic) - power is balanced between the leader and the bureaucratic structure; power, authority and responsibility are associated with the position, and not with people;

Culture of achievements (culture of tasks) - allows you to create a team; emphasis on motivation and commitment; management highly appreciates action, initiative;

Supporting culture (personality culture) is focused on a person, the key value is personality.

9. The concept of business partnership and cooperation? Does it exist in DOW? What is the most applicable?

Cooperation is a form of group integration, actions to unite and coordinate common efforts in the implementation of joint activities; at the same time, partners may not experience positive emotions for each other;

Partnership - involves treating another person as an equal, but at the same time, the WTO is the desire to prevent damage to oneself, revealing the goals of one's activities.

10. The concept of the image of the organization. How to apply to DOW? Does the development of the preschool educational institution depend on the image of the preschool educational institution?

Image is an idea about the profile, the type of its activity, about what and how it does, about the quality of its goods and services, their features, which is formed on the basis of its external appearance. The problem of image is the problem of change, new approaches to seeing oneself and new ideas.

11. Is gaming activity management?

12. Is the game management or not?

13. Can the educational unit (the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution) act as a manager?

14. How does the managerial function of the educator change in the game in different age groups from the point of view of management?

15. What do we mean by education?

Education is the process of transferring certain socially significant information to the younger generations. In the preschool educational institution, it is implemented in the classroom, walking, during games, communicating with parents, etc.

16. A look at the quality of the educational process - from what points of view is it carried out, how is it seen?

The quality of education is considered from the point of view of: children, parents, educators, the head of the preschool educational institution and the head of the micro and macro levels.

17. Is the educator the main character in updating the pedagogical process?

Yes, he has new requirements; the task of partner communication with children comes to the fore.

18. Expand the structure of the relationship between the participants in the pedagogical process?

DOW - external environment;

Administration - the public;

Management - subordinates;

Teacher - teacher;

Teacher - parent, children;

A child is a child.

In modern conditions of the development of society, the use of pedagogical management in preschool educational institutions is necessary and relevant. The use of pedagogical management makes it possible to bring the preschool educational institution to a new level of development, improve the quality of pedagogical activity, and increase the resilience of the preschool educational institution.


1. Abchuk V.A., Panfilova A.P. "Management for pedagogical specialties", M., Information Center "Academy", 2010

2. Belaya K.Yu. Tretyakov P.I. "Preschool educational institution: management of the pedagogical process according to the results", M., UTs "Perspektiva", 2010,

3. Fatyushina L.I. "Technologies of management and marketing in the system of preschool education", M., 2005

4. Fatyushina L.I. "Managing the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions", M., 2003.



Preschool Educational Institution - Results Based Management

The aim of this course is to help students understand their own management and system experiences. methodical work with personnel, as well as the introduction into practice of the latest achievements in the field of management. At the heart of the preschool education management technology developed by P.I. Tretyakov and K.Yu. Belaya, lies the concept of results-based management proposed by Finnish authors (T. Santalainen et al.). This course will help the leader to draw up a development program for his preschool institution, taking into account the social order.
When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process should be able to link his participation in the common cause with the activities of other members of the team - this will be discussed in the lecture "Organizational Foundations of Effective Methodological Work".
The control function is an integral part of management activities. The author considers the features of building a system of intragarden control. Mastering the management course allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to horizontal system professional cooperation. The proposed course reveals the main management mechanisms that ensure the transition of a preschool institution from a functioning to a developing mode.

Academic plan course "Preschool educational institution - management by results"

Lecture #1

Theoretical foundations of managing a preschool educational institution based on results


1. Management as a science and practice.
2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on results.
3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions.
4. Formation of the organizational structure of the management of the preschool educational institution.
5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution.
6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.


1. Omarov A. Supervisor. M., 1987.

2. Tretyakov P.I., Belaya K.Yu. Preschool educational institution: management by results. Moscow: New school, 2001; 2003.

3. Ezopova S.A. Management in preschool education.

4. Tretyakov P.I. School performance management. Moscow: New School, 1997.

1. Management as a science and practice of human activity

If you look into the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, you will find that the word "management" comes from the verbs "to rule", "to manage" and means "to give a move, direction, to force to go the right way, to manage, to manage, to do something good, properly, okay."

The science of management arose as soon as the conditions for organizing a group of people to solve a common problem appeared. Like any science, it develops and improves over time. Studying modern literature, you can find many different definitions of management.

For many years, management has been defined as a continuous and purposeful process of influencing a group of people to organize and coordinate their activities in the production process, in order to achieve the best results at the lowest cost.

However, modern researchers define management as follows:

Special activity aimed at streamlining relations between people in the process of their joint work and achievement of goals (A.V. Tikhonov);

Activities to coordinate complex hierarchical relationships between the manager and the governed (V.Yu. Krachevsky).

The main feature of the modern world is rapid change. The course of our country towards transformations in the economy, political and public life entails changes in all other institutions of society.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to pay special attention to management - the managerial experience of the developed countries of the world. But the transfer of management models from one socio-cultural environment to another is practically impossible, since management is determined by a combination of factors: the form of government, type of ownership, and the degree of market development. Therefore, the gradual introduction of management in our country can be carried out in a systemic interaction with the noted factors.

Professional knowledge in management involves awareness three fundamentally different management tools. The first is the organization, the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as distribution wealth etc.). The second is the culture of management, those. values ​​developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people, social norms, installations, features of behavior. The third is the market, market relations, those. based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Based on the fact that management in general can be understood as the ability of a leader to achieve goals using labor, intelligence and motives for the behavior of other people, in other words, it is a fusion of the science and art of managing people and social processes, the following definition can be given:

Pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness.

The management of educational institutions is quite fully and clearly defined and characterized in the pedagogical literature. As for preschool education, we consider it as part of common system education in Russia, and, consequently, all the main provisions of the science of management, pedagogical management are also applicable to the management of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, it is important to take into account to the maximum extent the features and multidimensionality, internal qualities and features of the history of the development of the system of preschool education in Russia.

2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on the results

Under the leadership of P.I. Tretyakov, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, a group of his students, devotees, practitioners developed and implemented the technology of education management based on results, which is based on the concept of Finnish authors*.

The main idea of ​​results-based management is the realization that no organization in itself is of any value, but at the same time it is an orderly form that brings people together to achieve certain results.

The very concept of "results-based management" can be defined as a management and development system that achieves results that are defined and agreed upon by all members of the organization.

Determining the main goals of the development of his preschool educational institution, each leader, together with the teaching staff, organizes the entire pedagogical process, which means that he constantly compares the results obtained with the planned ones. This requires making prompt decisions on the situation, i.e. for specific results.

Results-based management assumes that initially the team is given real, provided with all the resources to achieve the goal. Such resources include people, time, finances, material and technical base, technologies, methods, etc. When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process must be able to link his participation in the common cause with other members of the team. Effective thinking assumes that the leader and subordinate determine the result, and then the performer himself chooses the ways to achieve it, i.e. time, technology and other resources.

In the context of results-based management, an initiative and creative team is a valuable resource. The leader creates an atmosphere of respect, trust, success for each participant in the educational process.

However, the task of the manager is to provide information, analysis, goal setting, planning, execution, control and correction.

The leader must clearly own the situation and be a conductor of the new.

Working with children requires a lot of effort and energy from the educator, so goodwill, tact and respectful exactingness among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. A leader who shows respect for the personality of each teacher, taking into account inclinations, interests, opportunities, combined with reasonable exactingness, achieves much better results than one who strictly adheres to authoritarian methods of management. One of best ways to increase interest in work and create a well-coordinated team is respect for people and delegating responsibility and authority to them.

Responsibility appears under two conditions: when the performer is assigned quite specific tasks and responsibilities; when the performer knows that he will definitely be asked for how the work is done. Explaining to each participant in the process the meaning of his mission, the organization in order to achieve certain results, does not acquire a forced administrative character, but conscious creative work. An important issue in results-based management is the distinction between the concepts of “result” and “contribution”.

The result is the realized goal. But the goal itself can be real and ideal. In our case, we assume real goals, i.e. provided with all the resources for execution.

In this way, results-based management is a purposeful resource-provided interaction of the control and managed subsystems to achieve the planned result.

3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions

It is necessary to allocate levels of management by results.

The first level is determined by the leader's ability to see the mission of the preschool educational institution.

Social characteristic any organization includes goals and strategy.

The goal of the organization is a specific image of the desired (expected) result, which the organization can actually achieve by a clearly defined point in time. ( Potashnik M.M., Moiseev A.M. Modern school management. M., 1997. S. 75.) When determining the purpose of the organization's activities, one should adhere to the structure proposed by V.I. Zvereva.

When formulating goals, the specified sequence of components may not be observed, but their safety is mandatory. Organization strategy- these are the basic guidelines where the organization is moving, what means it uses. What resources are spent and where, what people are mobilized for. In an integrated way, the goals and strategy are represented by the mission of the organization. Mission of the organization there is its purpose, that is, for the sake of which it exists, what are the differences from surrounding organizations. To determine the mission, use the answers to the following questions: 1. What social needs is the organization created to meet? 2. By means of what, with the help of what services is this need satisfied? 3. Who is the direct consumer of services? 4. What is the competitive advantage? 5. Why do you continue to exist along with other organizations?

When determining the mission of the preschool educational institution, consider the following points: 1) the prospects of the mission. The mission expresses aspiration to the future, shows what efforts will be directed to and what directions will be priority; 2) publicity and collegiality in the development of the mission. In order to develop a real, and not formally proclaimed mission, the opinion of the team should be taken into account; 3) the specificity of the mission. The wording should be clear, clear, understandable for all subjects interacting with your organization; 4) a change in the mission of the organization may be caused by the impossibility of qualitatively fulfilling the mission due to its “overestimation” or significant transformations of the organization.

The second level proposes to consider the result in terms of the quality of services.

The main service of the preschool educational institution to the population is pre-school education and upbringing of children from 3 to 7 years old.

The quality of preschool education is such an organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training. What determines the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution?

1. From the quality of the work of the educator.
2. From the relations that have developed in the teaching staff.
3. From the conditions created by the leader for the creative search for new methods of working with children.
4. From an objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

Therefore, the quality of preschool education in an institution is a manageable process. Therefore, based on the components of "quality" listed above, two approaches to quality management can be distinguished.

One - through the management of the entire pedagogical process and its components.

The other is through personal subjective aspects in the management system: the formation of a team and the regulation of the moral and psychological climate in it.

Having singled out these, perhaps, the main positions, it can be argued that quality is the result of the activities of the entire team, which is determined by two positions:

How is the pedagogical process organized in kindergarten (mode, choice of programs and technologies, provision of benefits, a system for improving the professional growth of teachers through various forms of methodological work, etc.);

How does a child (children) in an institution exercise their right to individual development in accordance with age-related capabilities and abilities.

Therefore, the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution is both a process and a result.

The third level of results-based management involves considering the result from the perspective of consumers.

This is a family, parents with children preschool age who need the conditions provided by educational institutions. However, today the picture of parental requests and needs is not fully studied and presented. Studying the requests of parents and creating conditions that help the leader to change the situation flexibly, offer children and parents a variety of services.

Educational: development of social (mathematical, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, musical, rhythmic) abilities; special preparation for school, language training; educational games; etiquette and behavior, embroidery, design, etc.

Medico-improving: rhythmoplasty, swimming, relaxation; thermotherapy (sauna), respiratory prophylaxis; sports gymnastics, motor-strengthening; massage, etc.

Social: museum excursions, a musical hour at the Philharmonic, a puppet theater, holidays for adults and children; tourism, excursions; lawyer consulting; tutor services.

4. Formation of the organizational structure of management

One of the features of management at the present stage is the departure from traditional forms of organizational construction, the restructuring of structures in accordance with the requirements of high efficiency in resolving issues in a unified system of continuous education.

Under the organizational structure of management, we understand the integral structure of the managing and managed subsystems, consisting of links that are in interaction and ordered by relationships in accordance with the place of these links in the management process.

To remove the existing contradictions in the system of intragarden management means to put into action a significant reserve for increasing management efficiency. This involves the formation of the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Creation of a truly democratic opportunity for the participation of the team, each member in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions;

Improving pedagogical skills and managerial competence of all participants in the management of a preschool institution.

The management mechanism of a modern preschool institution changes the nature of the performance of managerial functions, generates fundamentally new forms of interaction between the institution and all participants in the pedagogical process.

The structure of these relations is as follows:

Kindergarten- external environment; administration - the public; leader - subordinate; teacher - teacher; teacher - parents; teacher - children; child is a child.

The problem of forming the organizational structure of management requires, first of all, understanding the development of a preschool institution as a complex socio-pedagogical system, taking into account the objective factors of its democratization.

We see the solution to the problem of forming the organizational structure of management in the further development of democratic foundations in management, both as a principle of state-public management, and as a system of its organization.

Ensuring the optimal balance of such organizational management principles as centralization and decentralization in the implementation of management decisions, collegiality and unity of command in management, rights, duties, responsibilities, etc.

The management structure cannot be separated from the whole set of organizational problems: ensuring the consistency of the organizational structure of social and economic systems in the context of restructuring the life of a preschool institution and society; sequential analysis each cycle management process and in parallel with this, an analysis of the object, subject and means of management for a comprehensive consideration of the issue of improving the organization of management.

The proposed approach is to consider the organizational structure of the management of a modern preschool institution, taking into account its needs, using modeling applied in pedagogy, based on the general theory of social management, taking into account practice.

The modeling of the control and managed subsystems (control apparatus) that we use facilitates the task of a systemic vision of control, gives the control subject the opportunity to choose the most rational system control functions.

A promising way to design organization models is targeted structuring, i.e. building block-target structures formed according to the matrix principle based on the search for the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management systems, in the forms of planning and control, such a distribution of management functions, when the interests of the individual and the team are combined, the characteristics of each category of workers, children, and their parents are taken into account and the public. At the same time, the specifics of the goals and objectives, methods and forms of management of a modern preschool institution are taken into account: democratic principles; flexible mode work with children; variable system of forms of educational activity; expansion of interaction with the social environment.

As you can see, the specifics of management is associated with a significant expansion of the scope of the control and managed subsystems, an increase in the amount of information necessary for the normal functioning of an integral system.

The expanded object of managing a modern preschool institution involves taking into account all the connections and relationships that develop between the kindergarten and the environment.

Access to subject-subject relations also changes the total subject of management. The structure of such an extended subject of management includes the heads of the kindergarten, management.

Building models by defining a system of elements connected and interacting with each other requires a clear vision and understanding by the manager of the general principles of building a management structure, its parameters, levels of subordination, distribution of functionality.

Formation and implementation of modern democratic organizational structures management without evidence-based organizational design can cause irreparable damage to the preschool.

The design of management structures (managers and managed) in integral pedagogical systems should proceed from the following provisions:

Modernization of the management structures of an integral pedagogical system is carried out taking into account the goals facing the system. They are primary, management structures are secondary and create pedagogical conditions for the effective achievement of final goals;

The design of managing and managed structures is carried out taking into account the development of the management process, as well as the development of pedagogical technology, the consideration of training and education as a management process;

The structures of the main links of the managing and managed pedagogical subsystems are largely determined by the distribution of basic rights and powers, as well as the division of the general management process into subprocesses, functions and stages of management;

Continuity in a holistic preschool education management system implies a clear definition of rights and powers and their mandatory implementation. Failure to comply with this condition leads to an imbalance in the execution of management decisions and uncontrollability in one or another subsystem;

The restructuring of the integral system of management of preschool education must be carried out in the direction of structural and functional changes. Each subdivision of the managing and controlled subsystems, its apparatus should be endowed with rights, duties and responsibility (moral, material and disciplinary) for the effective performance of functions;

As part of the management system, there should be a body with the right of public and state expertise based on state and public standards with the right of legislative initiative to present and make strategic management decisions. This position will help develop government controlled;

To increase the efficiency of all links of the control and managed subsystems, constant functional regulation of all control functions is necessary. This condition will allow developing self-regulation in the subjects of management and transferring the subjects, as well as objects of management, to a new qualitative state;

In order to form and develop independent managerial thinking, initiative and creativity, it is necessary to delegate authority, especially in choosing the optimal pedagogical conditions, methods, means and influences to achieve goals.

An intragarden control system can be designed as a functional model, including control levels and their relationships.

The basis of this model is four interrelated levels of all participants in the pedagogical process: members of the board of the preschool educational institution, the head, his deputies, educators, teachers, public organizations, parents of children attending preschool.

Each of the levels of management is necessarily included in the zone of influence of the subjects of management both horizontally and vertically (scheme 1).

Scheme 1

Functional structure intragarden management

Two factors stand out in the proposed management structure vertically and horizontally: specialization in the distribution of basic functions with their simultaneous integration and the amount of labor necessary to ensure the educational process. Note that such a model represents a democratically centralized system with a special nature of relations between the subjects (bodies) of control.

This model of intragarden management determines the balance of tasks of all management bodies with the structure of goals; correspondence of hierarchical levels of tasks and management links; optimization of compliance with the tasks, powers and responsibilities of management bodies. This system has been introduced in many preschool institutions in Moscow.

The developing intragarden management can also be constructed according to the matrix structure. The matrix management structure is effective for the period of development and implementation of new projects, i.e. in the conditions of innovative activity of the institution. In this case, the participants in the pedagogical process are united in groups (subsystems) for the implementation of specific projects that make up the development program of the preschool educational institution within the framework of a single concept. (scheme 2).

Scheme 2

Matrix structure of intragarden management

This diagram shows three projects that the DOW is working on. It is important that not only the teaching staff, but also the parents of the pupils participate in each of them. Creative groups are created for a specific topic, such groups should include interested, creative teachers. In the work of such a group, a person cannot be forced to work by order, people unite at will, in order to create and implement something new. The task of the creative teams is to develop a more detailed, in-depth development of one of the sections of the project. The connecting link of this structure can be a form of presentation of results for all projects, for example, a conference. This structure indicates a special period of the institution's work - the mode of development, changes in the content and organization of the pedagogical process in order to improve it.

5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution

Let us name the basic principles underlying the renewal of the activities of a preschool institution.

1. Democratization. This principle implies the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the management process, its decentralization.

2. humanization. It provides an equal choice for each individual of the level, quality, direction of education, the method, nature and form of its receipt, the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process on the personality of the child.

3. Humanitarianization of educational programs, those. such a ratio and combination of programs, the use of such didactic approaches, teaching methods and technologies that ensure the priority of universal values, integrity, consistency, continuity and anticipatory nature of education.

4. Differentiation, mobility and development. These principles presuppose multilevelness, multifunctionality of educational programs of all diverse types of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, youth, as they grow up, social development and self-determination, the possibility of moving horizontally (changing class, profile, direction of education), as well as vertically (changing the level, type, type of educational institution).

5. openness of education, those. providing opportunities for both continuing education in various forms and general education at any stage, any level (basic and additional).

6. The diversity of the educational system, those. qualitative growth and development of the state preschool institution, as well as the opening of a new type of elite educational institutions.

7. Standardization. This principle presupposes the observance of federal standards for the quality of education, the introduction of regional standards that take into account the national and other characteristics of the region.

All these principles become a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool institution. At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten (of any type or species) is the purposeful socialization of the individual: introducing it into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, immersion in human material and spiritual culture through the transfer of the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life.

To assess the advancement of a preschool educational institution in its development, the following performance indicators are analyzed.

1. Innovative activity of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with state standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; a combination of introspection, self-control with self-assessment and peer review.

2. Organization of the educational process (UEP) - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; planning and organizing a variety of children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; teacher and child as equal partners in this activity; high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; a comfortable subject-developing and psychological-pedagogical environment in kindergarten for all participants in a holistic pedagogical process.

3. Efficiency of the UVP - comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (assessment of the state of physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual, social).

6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution

An important point in this approach to results-based management is the allocation of key results. The closer the key results are to the third level, the deeper is the awareness of the goals of the preschool institution.

Based on the awareness of universal and national values, we highlight the following key results of our activity:

1. Health and healthy lifestyle life. The level of health, physical and mental development of the child.

2. Education based on universal and national values. The level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the individual.

3. Education in accordance with personal capabilities and abilities. The level of intellectual development.

4. Willingness to continue education. School readiness level.

5. Adaptability educational environment to meet the educational needs of the individual. The level of adaptability of the subject-developing and educational environment.

The management of identified key results will be determined by the main factors and conditions (figure 3).

Scheme 3

The sponsor of the publication of the article is an online store of professional massage equipment of well-known Japanese and American brands The proposed range of massage products will allow massage therapists to equip both an office for receiving patients and buy a folding massage table designed for comfortable on-site work. American cable technology allows such folding tables to be compact when assembled, quickly assembled and have sufficient reliability for many years of use without loss of quality.


1. How do you understand what "management" is?

2. What is the essence of results-based management technology?

3. What can be the management structures and how do they differ?


1. Analyze the proposed or formulate the key results of your preschool educational institution.

2. State the mission of your institution.

You will need to complete this task to draw up the Development Program for your preschool educational institution. Get serious.

* See: Santalainen T., Voutilainen E. et al. Management by results. M., 1993.

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Olesya Pavlova
Graduate qualification work "The main functions of the management of the preschool educational institution based on management"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"

Institute of Social Education


Final qualifying work

Eligible for defense:

«___» ___20___

work) Scientific supervisor:

«___» ___20___

(surname, initials, academic degree, academic title/position, place work)


INTRODUCTION…. ….….…. .3


1.1. Concepts « control» , « management» , « functions» ….

1.2. Planning and organizing management functions. 11

management functions. 15


2.1. Characteristic management MDOU No. ...

2.2. The use of management functions in MDOU No. ...





Relevance of the topic. Role management is currently extremely significant - managers in their activities rely on theoretical basics of management functions, in educational institutions, as well as in special courses, you can acquire relevant knowledge for use in practice.

When studying management is important to know, what management is also an area of ​​human knowledge that helps to realize control based on certain functions, because Work to achieve goals with the help of others is not a one-time action, but a series of continuous interconnected actions. These activities, each of which is a process in itself, are essential to the success of the organization. They are called managerial functions. Each managerial function is also a process because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. Process management is the total sum of all functions. The process itself management(management) has the five most common interconnected functions: planning, organization, motivation, stimulation and control.

However, in practice in management DOEs do not always apply the specified functions. Thus, a contradiction arises between the need for consistent application in the process of managing a preschool educational institution of various management functions and insufficient use of them in practice.

Hence the problem - How to use management functions of the preschool educational institution based on management?

The foregoing determined the topic of the study " The main functions of the management of the preschool educational institution based on management».

Object of study - control

Subject of study - control functions preschool educational institution.

This work is a study basic management functions in theoretical and practical aspects.

Research hypothesis -

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis in work the following tasks:

1. Learn the concept « control» and « management» .

2. Reveal the essence core management functions.

3. Describe management of MDOU ...

4. Analyze opportunities application of management functions MDOU No.. on the basis of management.

To solve the tasks in work the following methods:

– theoretical (analysis and synthesis of literature, generalization);

– empirical (document analysis).

Theoretical and methodological basis studies are the provisions of M. Mescon, T. F. Winslow, G. Liginchuk and others about the need "honing" management functions, identified and grounded in theory, on practice. V. R. Vesnin, V. V. Glukhov, M. I. and N. Yu. management through the prism of the relationship between the manager and subordinates, including in the framework of their implementation basic management functions, analyze methods management as a strategic, and tactical level; highlight the process of forming an effective mechanism for strategic management

The practical significance of this work is that it contains and considers all main functions of management, which can later be used in practice, in particular in management preschool educational institution.

Reliability and validity research results are provided by research methodology adequate to the subject, goals, tasks; consistency of methodological positions; consistency in the implementation of theoretical provisions; the effectiveness of the implemented model management development corporate culture preschool teachers.

Approbation and practical implementation of the research results. materials final qualifying work were discussed at a meeting of the pedagogical councils of the MDOU kindergarten No. ... of the city of Yekaterinburg.

The research base is MDOU kindergarten No. ....

Structure work - the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications.


1.2. Concepts « control» , « management» , « functions»

Term « management» in fact, is an analogue of the term « control» , its synonym. But, at the same time, there is an important difference that clearly differentiates the area application of these terms. Control refers to the living and non-living sphere. For example, machinery management, biological processes, the state, i.e. control, as a concept, is broader. Term « management» also applies only in management socio-economic systems - a combination of various components elements: principles management, functions, methods, technologies, information support, material, technical support, as well as legal support of activities.

The function is, firstly, the role that is performed by the subject or object in a particular field of activity. It can be said that function is that, for which the subject or object is responsible in this case. In a number of exact sciences function relationships between objects are called when change one of them leads to changing another.

Management function reflects the content of the process management, view management activities, set of responsibilities control subsystem(subject management) . end result management is the development of managerial influence, commands, orders aimed at achieving the goal. One employee can perform several functions, several workers I can do one function. Each management function represents the scope of a particular process management, and the system management a specific object or type of activity is a set of functions connected by a single management cycle.

All management functions can be divided into two featured: according to the content of the process management(main functions) and in the direction of impact on objects management(specific or specific functions) .

Core functions are fundamental to the entire management process, and specific functions reflect the characteristics of a particular management activities of employees. They are studied by disciplines: merchandising, organization commercial activities, accounting, planning, jurisprudence, etc.

Rice. one. Main functions of management

The most comprehensive content management how processes reflect main functions. They are general condition management social and socio-economic processes. The main functions of management are: planning, organization, motivation, stimulation and control. Besides main functions of management characterized by the completeness of the content, the stability of the structure, the consistency and versatility of use in different areas activities. Their main feature is that each main function of management is a separate process production management activation methods and means of influencing the personnel and their activities to achieve the overall results of the socio-economic system. More basic management functions based on management will be discussed below.

1.1. Planning and organizing management functions

Planning - main function of management is a type of activity for the formation of means of influence that ensure the achievement of the goals. Planning is applied to important decisions that determine the future development of the institution. According to the concept of the German professor D. Hahn, planning is a future-oriented systematic decision-making process. The essence of planning is manifested in the specification of the development goals of the institution and each unit separately for the established period: determination of economic tasks, means of achieving them, timing and sequence of implementation, identification of material labor and financial resources for solving the tasks set.

Planning - control function, defining the goals of the activity, the means necessary for this, as well as developing methods that are most effective in specific cases.

Planning is the basic starting point management function. It is with the preparation of a plan that the activity of any organization begins.

Planning also includes making forecasts of the possible direction of the future development of the object in close interaction with its environment.

Function planning means production and the adoption of a certain decision, written or oral, in which the object management one goal or another will be set.

This ruling is managerial decision.

Planning is one of the ways in which management ensures that the efforts of all members of the organization are directed towards the achievement of its overall goals.

With this function control process starts the success of the organization depends on its quality.

At its core function planning is designed to answer the following main questions:

Where are we currently?

Managers assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in its main areas(finance, marketing, personnel, R&D to determine what the organization can realistically achieve;

Where do we want to go?

Managers should, assessing the opportunities and threats in the environment surrounding the organization, determine what the goals of the organization should be and what can interfere with the achievement of these goals;

How are we going to do it?

Managers Decide what members of the organization must do to achieve their goals.

In business life, the following planned periods:

Long term (over five years) pertaining to mostly to the category of plans-goals;

Medium-term (from one to five years, carried out in the form of various programs;

Short-term (up to a year, in the form of budgets, network schedules, etc. A variety of short-term plans are operational, drawn up for a period from one shift to one month.

An organization as a phenomenon is a group of people interacting with each other with the help of material, economic, legal and other conditions in order to solve the problems they face and achieve a common goal.

Organization as a process is a set of actions leading to the formation and improvement of interactions between parts of the whole.

Types of organizations by structure management


linear, linear functional, divisional, etc.

Adaptive (flexible): design, matrix, problem-target, network, virtual

Organization characteristics:

availability of resources

dependence on the external environment

horizontal division of labor

vertical division of labor

need management

Forms of organization in legal respect:


non-legal person;

a non-legal entity registered with a state body;

informal citizen organization

Legal status of state and municipal institutions.

Main regulatory legal acts:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Budget Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 83 "On the introduction changes into certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations"

Federal Law of 3.11. 2006 N 174-FZ "On Autonomous Institutions"

OU founder.

1) the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

2) Russian and foreign commercial organizations, as well as the union of the indicated legal entities (associations and unions);

3) Russian and foreign non-profit organizations, including public associations and religious organizations, as well as associations of these legal entities (associations and unions);

4) individuals.

Federal Law No. 83 Article 3

Types of educational institutions.

Educational institutions may be




(private institutions, including institutions public associations and religious organizations).

Federal Law No. 83 Article 3

Types of institutions.

The types of state, municipal institutions are autonomous, budgetary and state-owned.

Federal Law No. 83 Article 6

Thus, organization as a process is function to coordinate many tasks.

1.3. Control, motivation and stimulation as management functions

Control is a systematic monitoring of the implementation of plans, tasks and results of economic activity, providing feedback with the help of information managed object.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization achieves its goals, which consists in comparing the actual state with certain criteria.

Control is designed to provide a correct assessment of the real situation and thereby create the prerequisites for making adjustments to the planned development indicators, both for individual units and for the entire organization.

Without this control functions all others cannot be organized functions.

Control in management necessary for successful system functioning, since its absence leads to the most unforeseen socio-economic consequences.

Control is the responsibility of a leader at any level.

Control affects all diverse activities institutions:

Information system;

Finance and accounting (debtors, creditors, accounting major means of production, taxes, insurance, legal issues);

Internal calculations at the enterprise (calculation, expenses and cost, revenue, profitability, analysis of deviations);

Planning and reporting (budget, reports, statistics, capital investments;

Analysis of deviations, control of planned goals and their results.

There are three main types of control: preliminary, current and final.

Ex-ante control is usually implemented in the form of defined policies, procedures and rules. First of all, it applies to labor, material and financial resources.

Current control is carried out when Work already underway and usually produced as a control work subordinate to his immediate supervisor. The final control is carried out after Work completed or the time allotted for it has expired.

Current and final control based on feedback. Managers systems in organizations are open-loop feedback, as the guiding employee, which is an external element in relation to the system, can interfere with its work, changing both the goals of the system and the nature of its work.

In the process of control, there are three distinct stage: production standards and criteria, comparing real results with them and taking the necessary corrective actions. At each stage, a set of various measures is implemented.

The first stage of the control process is the setting of standards, that is, specific, measurable goals that have time limits. For management standards are needed in the form of facility performance indicators management for all its key areas, which are determined during planning.

At the second stage of comparison of indicators functioning with given standards, the scale of permissible deviations is determined. In accordance with the principle of exclusion, only significant deviations from the given standards should trigger the control system, otherwise it will become uneconomical and unsustainable.

The next step - measuring results - is usually the most troublesome and costly. By comparing measured results with given standards, manager is able to determine what action to take. Such actions can be changes some internal system variables, change standards or non-interference in system operation. In order for control to fulfill its true purpose, that is, to achieve the goals of the organization, it must have several important properties.

Control is effective if it is strategic in nature, aimed at achieving specific results, timely, flexible, simple and economical.

Strategic control is carried out on the basis of developed the concept of the enterprise is for the future and is quite complex in relation to the enterprise. Can be applied to individual strategic areas of activity.

Results-oriented control. The essence of this control is to respond in a timely manner to the solution of the tasks facing the enterprise on basis collected information and current standards for all management functions.

Compliance control. This type control aims to objectively evaluate and measure the most important actions manager

Regularity and timeliness of control. This type of control is aimed at an objective assessment and measurement of the most important actions manager in certain areas of its activity.

Flexibility of control. This type of control can be carried out in relation to what is happening in managing real change.

Ease of control. Each of the considered types of control should be as simple as possible, since the simplest control methods require less effort in terms of the number of specialists involved in the control, and, therefore, are more economical in terms of costs.

Through control manager identifies problems, the causes of their occurrence and takes active measures to correct deviations from the goal and plan of activity.

Motivation is a combination of internal and external driving forces, which encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

A motive is a motive, a reason for action.

Various theories of motivation are divided into two categories: substantive and procedural. Content theories of motivation primarily try to identify the needs that motivate people to act, especially when determining scope and content. work. To understand the meaning of the theory of content and process motivation, one must first grasp the meaning fundamental concepts: needs and rewards.

Needs are the conscious absence of something that causes an impulse to act. Primary needs are laid down genetically, and secondary ones are developed in the course of cognition and gaining life experience. Needs cannot be directly observed or measured. Their existence can only be judged by the behavior of people. Needs serve as a motive for action. Needs can be met with rewards. A reward is something that a person considers valuable to himself. Managers use extrinsic rewards (cash payments, promotion) and internal rewards (feeling of success in achieving the goal, received through the very work. The theory of motivation is a special area of ​​knowledge that has been formed consistently since the beginning of the 20th century.

According to Maslow's theory, five major types of needs (physiological, security, social, success, self-expression) form a hierarchical structure that, as a dominant, determines human behavior.

Rice. 2. Pyramid of needs A. Masslow

Needs higher levels do not motivate a person until the needs of the lower level are at least partially satisfied. However, this hierarchical structure is not absolutely rigid and strict. Content theories of motivation are based on needs and related factors that determine people's behavior. Process theories look at motivation in a different way. They analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve various goals and how he chooses a particular type of behavior. Process theories do not dispute the existence of needs, but believe that people's behavior is determined not only by them. According to process theories, individual behavior is also function his perceptions and expectations associated with a given situation, and the possible consequences of the type of behavior he has chosen.

There are three main process theories motivation: Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, and the Porter–Lawler Model.

Expectancy Theory based on the assumption that a person directs his efforts to achieve a goal only when he is sure of a high probability of satisfying his needs or achieving the goal at this expense. Motivation is waiting factor function"labor costs - results", expectations - "results - reward" and valency (i.e. relative degree of satisfaction). Most effective motivation It is achieved when people believe that their efforts will definitely allow them to achieve the goal and lead to receiving a particularly valuable reward. Motivation weakens if the likelihood of success or the value of the reward is not highly valued by people.

Equity theory assumes that people subjectively evaluate the ratio of reward to effort expended and compare it with what they believe others have received. workers for similar work. Unfair, according to their estimates, remuneration leads to the emergence of psychological stress. In general, if a person considers his work underestimated, he will reduce the effort expended. If he considers his work overvalued, then he, on the contrary, will leave the amount of effort expended at the same level or even increase it. The widely supported Porter–Lawler model is based on that that motivation is needs function, expectations and perceptions employees fair remuneration. Labor productivity worker depends on his efforts, his characteristics and capabilities, as well as his assessment of his role. The amount of effort expended depends on the assessment worker the value of the reward and the certainty that it will be received. According to the Porter-Lawler model, labor productivity continues satisfaction, and not vice versa, as supporters of the theory of human relations believe.

Motivation like main function of management associated with the process of encouraging oneself and other people to work through the formation of behavioral motives to achieve the personal goals of the organization.

The main motives of employees Russian organizations:

Decent pay.

Good working conditions.

Attractive career prospects.

Good climate in the work team.

Good relationship with management.

interesting Work.

Opportunities for initiative and independence.

Opportunities for learning and professional development.

Confidence in the future, job security.

Good level of social protection.

Hierarchy of the most significant labor motives for privates workers differs markedly from a similar hierarchy for middle managers.

Table 1.

Hierarchy of motives

privates workers

1. Decent pay

2. Good working conditions

3. Opportunities for learning and professional development

4. Confidence in the future, job security

5. Good level of social protection


1. Decent pay

2. Attractive career prospects

3. Good relationship with management

4. Opportunities for initiative and independence

5. Opportunities for learning and professional development

Stimulation is function, associated with the process of activation of the activities of people and labor collectives, provides workers in improving the results of their work. This function used for moral and material encouragement workers depending on the quality and quantity of labor expended. It involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity employee work more effectively and efficiently. Although incentives motivate a person to work, they alone are still insufficient for productive labor. The system of incentives and motives should be based on a certain base - the normative level of labor activity. The very fact of entry worker in labor relations implies that he must perform a certain range of duties for pre-agreed remuneration. In this situation, there is still no room for incentives. Here the sphere of controlled activity and avoidance motives work associated with the fear of punishment for failure to comply with the requirements.

Such punishments related to the loss of material wealth should be at least two: Partial remuneration or break labor relations. The worker must know, what requirements are presented to him, what remuneration he will receive if they are strictly observed, what sanctions will follow in case of their violation.

Discipline carries elements of coercion, restriction of freedom of action. However, the line between control and stimulation is conditional and mobile, since employee with a strong motivation, has self-discipline, the habit of conscientiously fulfilling the requirements and treating them as their own norms of behavior. The incentive system grows, as it were, from administrative and legal methods management, but does not replace them, since labor stimulation is effective if the authorities management They know how to achieve the level for which they pay. The purpose of stimulation is not only to encourage a person work at all and encourage him to do better (more) that is due to labor relations.

According to the type of needs that satisfy incentives, the latter can be divided into internal and external. The former include feelings of self-esteem, satisfaction from achieving results, a sense of meaningfulness and significance of one's work. "the luxury of human communication" arising during the execution work and others. They can also be called moral stimuli. An extrinsic reward is something that is provided by the company in exchange for the work done. work: wage, bonuses, promotions, symbols of status and prestige, praise and recognition, various benefits and incentives. They can also be called monetary and material-social incentives.

Incentive system labor:

A) material financial incentives.

Money is the most obvious and most used way an organization can reward employees.

B) Material and social incentives.

They include:

Creation necessary conditions highly productive work. To such conditions refer: optimal organization workplace, the absence of distracting noises (especially monotonous, sufficient lighting, pace, work schedule, etc.

The ability to move away from monotonous to more interesting, creative, meaningful labor process. Some understand monotony as an objective characteristic of the labor process itself, while others understand only the mental state of a person, which is a consequence of monotony. work.

Stimulation free time. As a result of the lack of free time, many workers work with a feeling of chronic fatigue, experience constant neuro-emotional overload.

Improving team relationships.

To the internal conditions for creating a psychological microclimate in a team that has a beneficial effect on the state working, include the authority and personality traits of the leader, his leadership style, the compatibility of team members in terms of characters, value orientations, emotional and other properties, the presence of influential leaders in informal groups and the attitude of these leaders to production tasks standing in front of the team, etc.

Career advancement.

One of the most effective incentives, because, firstly, this increases the salary; secondly, the scope of powers is expanding and, accordingly, employee becomes involved in making important decisions; thirdly, the degree of responsibility increases, which makes a person work more efficient and avoid mistakes and errors; Fourth, it enhances access to information.

Moral and psychological incentives. These incentives are focused on motivating a person as a person, and not just a mechanism designed to perform production tasks. functions. Unlike the above-described incentives, moral incentives are internal incentives, that is, they cannot directly affect a person.

Forms of staff incentives are divided into 4 groups:

1. Main material reward is considered as basic for any country and conditions work.

Salary (salary or rate wages ) is, as a rule, from 40 to 70% of the total remuneration international company employee.

The second level - allowances, surcharges, additional payments, bonuses, commissions (for trading company employees) – up to 60% of total payments.

And finally, profit sharing and options are a special incentive tool that is not used by all international firms and in mainly for executives.

2. Compensation - a specific set of incentive tools workers in an international company (especially for overseas appointments).

This is the main thing that distinguishes reward systems in "home" environment from international.

Firms compensate employee real and perceived costs associated with travel (transport, accommodation, food, and provide social benefits and benefits (for teaching children, for holding holidays, vacations, etc.).

3. Non-material incentives are classic forms of employee motivation without material remuneration (gratitude, awards, incentives, new Work, early promotion, and games, competitions, and general and special education programs.

4. Mixed stimulation uses combined (tangible and intangible) forms and is therefore a necessary addition to main incentives and compensation.

Various methods of motivation workers(prizes, gifts, pension and insurance programs) focused on building loyalty workers in the present and an increase in the duration of their active work in the future.

Thus, stimulation main function of management, this function ensures interest in achieving high efficiency and quality work of the entire institution.


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