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The totality of three sets of documentation - design, technological and regulatory, without which the production of products cannot be carried out, in quality systems is supplemented by documentation regulating the implementation of special quality management functions. In the system of defect-free manufacturing of products, these are documents regulating the assessment of the quality of labor and incentives for personnel for quality work; in the system of defect-free labor, these are similar, but more detailed documents, since they regulate the assessment of the quality of work of employees of an enterprise engaged in various activities, and the types of defects taken into account in this assessment are different and diverse.

In the systems "Scientific organization of work to increase the motor resource" (NORM) and "Quality, reliability, resource from the first products" (KANARSPI), objects of a technical nature are added to the objects of regulation of a social nature, ensuring the realization of the goals of these systems. In the Integrated Product Quality Management System (CC PQM), and then in systems created on the basis of MS ISO 9000 series, the object of regulation is an ordered set of measures that ensure the quality of products. The list of these measures (marketing, quality planning, contract analysis, control and testing, etc.) is defined by ISO 9000 series standards, it depends on which stages life cycle covered by the activities of the enterprise.

The ISO 9000 series of standards, the third edition of which will be published later this year, defines the scope of tasks that must be solved in the enterprise to ensure product quality. The tasks are formulated in a fairly general form, which allows them to be applied at enterprises of the widest range of activities. The specifics of the enterprise specifies these tasks and methods for their solution.

The result of the implementation of these measures applies not only to products as the main source of profit of the enterprise and the technology of its manufacture, but also to other elements. production process and factors affecting the total profit of the enterprise by reducing production costs and costs associated with ensuring production and sales of products, increasing sales volume, timely introduction to the sales market, delivery of products to various sales markets, etc. Therefore, various systems of measures aimed at solving any one of the tasks of ensuring effective work enterprises, can be considered as some modifications of the quality system. A number of such systems are known. Among them we note:

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)- overall quality management.
  • Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)- continuous improvement of processes;
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR)- business process reengineering.
  • The reorganization of production from the point of view of TQM (the first methodological approach) consists in optimizing the execution of production operations, improving technological processes in order to increase the number of products produced, fill the market with it and increase profits by increasing sales volumes.

    The second methodological approach is the continuous improvement of processes, which takes as the main guideline for reorganization the improvement in the quality of products (services). At the same time, special attention is paid to the needs of the consumer, the product or service is adapted exactly to his requirements. Problem solving, search for potential shortcomings in the organization of production are carried out with the involvement of "quality groups".

    The third methodology is business process reengineering to achieve fundamental improvements in the main current indicators of the enterprise: cost, quality, services and pace. In the world, this area is actively developing and is called the technology of analysis and reengineering (redesign) of business processes. The term "business process" itself is generalizing in relation to processes of various types - technological, organizational, business, managerial.

    Analysis and modeling of business processes are serious tools for improving the efficiency of an enterprise, since the idea of ​​​​the work of an enterprise as the implementation of a set of business processes allows the manager to take a fresh look at the functioning of the structure subordinate to him, and ordinary employees to realize their place and responsibilities in it . The enterprise business process model serves as a source of objective information about the functions performed and the relationships between them.

    In modern market conditions, the requirements for the validity and speed of decisions made in the field of managing production and financial processes are extremely high. In this regard, the need to use modern information technologies, including software systems for managing the commercial, administrative and economic activities of an enterprise, comes to the fore.

    The provision of the enterprise with similar management systems, taking into account industry specifics, allows you to increase economic efficiency production, contributes to its rationalization, provides an opportunity to quickly obtain production and economic data for successful planning and management of production processes.

    To date, one of the leading places in the field of creating such software is occupied by the German company SAP AG with the R / 3 system.

    The R/3 System is predominantly solution oriented financial matters associated with taking into account the costs of creating products at all stages production cycle, obtaining clear data on work in progress, production reserves, the movement of product elements.

    The SAP software product integrates all the business processes of an enterprise. Both lines of product development - R/2 systems for large computers and R/3 for client/server configurations - are consistently supported and developed further. Important characteristics of SAP software products are application integration, modular structures, shared data storage, openness, international character and suitability for any industry.

    The functional modules of the R/3 System are as follows:

  • logistics (sales - sale, shipment);
  • production planning - maintaining specifications, technological maps, communication with CAD systems, costing for production;
  • material flow management - logistics, purchasing, inventory management, invoice verification, warehouse management, etc., financial management, investment management.
  • An ideology that generalizes in a sense the considered systems is the so-called CALS technology.

    CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support - continuous information support of the product life cycle) is a strategy for systematically improving the efficiency, productivity and profitability of the business processes of an enterprise as a result of the introduction of modern methods of information interaction between participants in the product life cycle.

    The main application tools for supporting CALS technologies include software solutions for:

  • o design work- funds computer-aided design, visualization, technological preparation of production, analysis, modeling, electronic description (definition) of the product, project management, budgeting, financing, costs, etc.;
  • o production- means for providing supply functions, scheduling, dispatching, production resource planning functions, CNC, production progress accounting, electronic data exchange (for orders, calculations), etc.;
  • o service- facilities for maintenance and spare parts systems, interactive electronic technical manuals (IETM) and handbooks, automated test equipment that can be connected to IETM, integrated logistics and logistics systems;
  • o data management- means of describing the structure of the product, managing product data, process flows, managing product configuration, etc. In the environment of CALS technologies, a tool such as managing product data can play a key role as a tool that allows you to create, access, distribute , reliable management and control of unified updated information storages.
  • Significant economical effect from the implementation of CALS is achieved through the integration and sharing of electronic information used for the design, manufacture and maintenance of the product.

    Main regulatory and legal framework when implementing the CALS strategy are the standards. Sharing data about a product at all stages of its life cycle is possible on the basis of standardization of the method of presenting data and the technology of their use. The choice of standards is part of the strategy for implementing CALS - a complex, multifaceted process associated with various aspects of the enterprise. Therefore, for its implementation, certain prerequisites must exist, namely Availability:

  • regulatory and methodological documentation of different levels - federal, branch, corporate, enterprise;
  • market of proven and certified solutions and services in the field of CALS-technologies;
  • systems of training and retraining of personnel;
  • experience and results of scientific research and pilot projects aimed at studying and developing solutions in the field of CALS technologies;
  • information sources (Internet server, periodicals, etc.), acquainting the scientific and technical community with existing solutions and ongoing work in the field of CALS.
  • The introduction of elements of these systems in the process of developing an enterprise quality system based on the provisions of ISO 9000 series standards will help improve its efficiency. The possibility and expediency of their implementation depend on the existing level of organization of the enterprise, the availability of objective conditions for carrying out relevant activities.


    1. Z i n d e r E.Z. Reengineering + Information Technology= new system design // Open systems. - 1996. - 1 (15).
    2. K a l i n o v G.N. Consulting in the automation of enterprises: approaches, methods, means. - M.: SINTEG, 1997.
    3. Hammer M., Champ and D. Corporation Reengineering. Manifesto for a business revolution. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg University, 1997.
    4. // SAP AG Internet site. 2000.
    5. CALS. Product Lifecycle Support: Application Guide. Ministry of Economy of Russia, Research Center of Cals-technologies "Applied Logistics" - M.: 1999.

    Federal Agency for Education

    State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    Togliatti State University of Service

    Department: "Management"

    Course work

    "Quality systems at the enterprise"

    Student: Levanova Daria Vladimirovna

    Group: BMn-301

    Teacher: Markova Olga Vladimirovna

    Togliatti 2009


    Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management

        The role of the quality management system in improving the competitiveness of an enterprise or business

        Stages of development of quality systems

        Problems of development of the quality system in Russia

    Chapter 2 Analysis of the quality management system at the enterprise OOO SOK-TRANS LTD.

    2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

    2.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of the quality system

    Chapter 3 Project for improving the quality management system of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC

    3.1 Implementation of the process approach of the quality system

    3.2 Resource management

    3.3 Service lifecycle planning

    3.4 Implementation of a system for monitoring and managing transport Evaluation of the economic efficiency of design solutions




    In modern conditions of a market economy in Russia, much attention is paid to quality problems. Serious competition led to the development of quality improvement programs. AT scientific research and in practice, there was a need to develop objective indicators to assess the ability of firms to produce products with the required quality characteristics. These characteristics are confirmed by a certificate of conformity for products. Many manufacturing firms have quality systems that meet international standards. The successful sale of a quality product to the consumer is the main source of existence for any enterprise.

    Quality is the first priority one in a market economy where there have been genuine revolutions in this field. It is with the help of modern methods of quality management that leading foreign firms have achieved leading positions in various markets.

    Russian enterprises are still lagging behind in the application of modern quality management methods. Meanwhile, improving the quality brings truly colossal opportunities. However, improving quality is impossible without changing the attitude towards quality at all levels. Calls for quality improvement cannot be realized unless leaders at various levels embrace quality as a way of life.

    There is a direct relationship between quality and production efficiency. Improving quality improves production efficiency, resulting in lower costs and higher market share.

    Many studies of scientists from different countries are devoted to the issues of quality management, considerable experience in the field of quality management has been accumulated. Scientific interest in the problem of quality makes us turn to the analysis of the accumulated theoretical material.

    The concept of product quality from the standpoint of its compliance with consumer requirements has developed precisely in the conditions of a market economy. The idea of ​​such an approach to determining the quality of products belongs to the Dutch scientist J. Van Etinger. He developed a special field of science qualimetry - the science of how to measure and quantify quality indicators.

    The purpose of this work is to find ways of science-based forms and methods of quality management in the practice of Russian enterprises and to develop practical recommendations for their application at the enterprise OOO SOK-TRANS LTD.

    Realization of the set goal necessitated the solution of the following tasks:

    consider the theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC;

    to analyze the quality management system at the enterprise;

    develop measures to improve the quality management system of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC.

    The object of the study is the Limited Liability Company LLC "SOK-TRANS LTD" in its interaction with other business entities.

    The subject of research in this paper is the quality management system and the quality management process of an enterprise, focused on increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

    The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was developments, concepts and hypotheses, substantiated and presented in modern economic literature.

    The practical basis of the study is analytical data published in the scientific literature and periodicals, expert developments and assessments of Russian and foreign scientists-economists, as well as data from a particular enterprise.

    1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management

    1.1 The role of the quality management system in improving the competitiveness of an enterprise or business

    The word "quality" is widely used in everyday life, business communication, in applied and theoretical scientific works. Intuitively, the meaning of the use of this word is clear to any literate person. Nevertheless, the use of the term "quality" in enterprise management requires its discussion.

    In a generalized form, researchers distinguish the following methodological approaches to understanding quality, which were used in different eras of scientific knowledge:

    substrate, characteristic of ancient cultures, reduced to the characteristics of the main cosmic elements - the “elements of being” (fire, water, earth, air, etc.);

    subject, due to the influence of production activities, the formation of scientific and technical disciplines, reduced to the consideration of things and their properties;

    systemic, which becomes significant due to the fact that the objects of scientific research and practical activities are education systems;

    functional, which expresses the tendency to define quality through quantitative indicators;

    integral, which focuses on a synthetic, holistic coverage of all aspects, factors.

    For modern research in various fields of scientific knowledge (economics, management, psychology, etc.), an integral understanding of quality is characteristic.

    An integral understanding of quality originated in the depths of economic science, which was largely facilitated by the development of market relations. A brief description of the main approaches of representatives of various sciences to the interpretation of quality will be of some importance for the research topic.

    Thus, many economists understand quality as meeting or exceeding the requirements of consumers at a price that they can afford even when they need a product or service. As essential quality criteria, the following are distinguished: compliance with the standard, compliance with the technical indicators of the best analogues, the degree of accuracy of compliance with all production processes, compliance of quality with customer requirements, compliance of quality with effective demand. Moreover, all these criteria are equivalent.

    A number of researchers (M. H. Meskon, F. Hedouri, M. Albert) consider quality in three most important aspects: the quality of compliance with the specifications, the quality of the design and the functional quality. At the same time, quality is formed in a certain sequence, and all these aspects of quality are equally important.

    The success of economic science in the study of quality has contributed to the official consolidation of the definition of quality in ISO standards (International Organization for Standardization at the UN). So, in accordance with the document ISO 8402, quality is understood as a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy established and implied needs.

    The ISO 9000 series standards established a unified, globally recognized approach to contractual conditions for assessing quality systems and at the same time regulated the relationship between manufacturers and consumers of products. Quality can be represented as a pyramid (Appendix 1).

    As S. D. Ilyenkova and others show, at the top of the pyramid is TQM - an all-encompassing, total quality management, which implies the high quality of all work to achieve the required product quality. First of all, this is work related to providing

    high organizational and technical level of production, proper working conditions. The quality of work includes the validity of managerial decisions, the planning system. Of particular importance is the quality of work directly related to the production of products (quality control of technological processes, timely detection of defects). Product quality is a component and a consequence of the quality of work. Here, the quality of suitable products, the opinion of the consumer are directly assessed, complaints are analyzed.

    The importance of product quality lies in the fact that only high-quality products open the export road to solvent markets. Special competitions are called upon to play a major role in ensuring the quality of products of Russian manufacturers and their successful competition in world markets.

    If you do not pay serious attention to quality, you will need significant funds to correct defects. A much greater effect can be achieved by developing long-term defect prevention programs.

    Until recently, it was believed that special units should deal with quality. The transition to a market economy makes it necessary to study the experience of the world's leading companies in achieving high quality, who believe that the efforts of all departments should be directed towards achieving quality.

    Studies conducted in a number of countries have shown that in companies that pay little attention to quality, up to 60% of the time can be spent on fixing defects.

    The modern world market, where supply exceeds demand, is dominated by the buyer, who prefers the product that best meets his expectations and has a price that the buyer is willing to pay to satisfy his needs. Therefore, in order for a product to be in demand on the market, that is, to be competitive, its quality must be focused on the consumer, on meeting his needs, requirements and expectations.

    The quality of products and its competitiveness are, of course, related, but still significantly different concepts. Product quality is the main factor in ensuring its competitiveness in the market.

    Competitiveness is a product characteristic that reflects the degree to which a specific need is met in comparison with the best similar products on the market. The competitiveness of any product can be determined only as a result of its comparison with the competitor's products, both in terms of the degree of compliance with a specific need, and in terms of the cost of satisfying it. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in recent years, the quality of products has become the most priority factor when choosing products, and the consumer began to give preference to products of the highest quality, refusing cheaper ones, but having worse qualities.

    Ultimately, the level of competitiveness of products can only be judged by the reaction of the market, expressed in terms of product sales. Estimates of competitiveness give only the expected, and not the real competitiveness of products. To successfully sell a product, it is necessary that it meets the needs of consumers in a given market, that it appears on the market in the right quantity and at the right time, and that the consumer is prepared for the appearance of this product on the market. The time factor is very important, because what the consumer needs today may turn out to be unnecessary tomorrow due to changes in consumer tastes, fashion or the emergence of a new technical solution. Therefore, the market fate of products largely depends on the effectiveness of the marketing service of the manufacturer.

    The need for an integrated approach to quality in the enterprise, the preparation of long-term programs, the participation of all departments in quality improvement activities indicates that the quality of both products and work needs to be managed.

    Modern quality management comes from the premise that quality management activities cannot be effective after the product has been produced; this activity must be carried out during the production of the product. Quality assurance activities that precede the manufacturing process are also important.

    1.2 Stages of development of quality systems

    The concept of "quality management" covers those aspects of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities, planning, quality assurance and improvement. The most effective implementation of the quality management functions allows the introduction of a quality system that permeates all areas of the enterprise. The quality system, therefore, plays a special role, so far it has not been possible to come up with a tool that would be as simple and effective in an attempt to achieve the main goal - reducing the cost of products or services while unconditionally satisfying all the whims of the consumer.

    The competitive struggle of enterprises today is increasingly turning into rivalry between their quality systems. Often preference is given to a supplier that has a certified quality system, and for successful operation in the foreign market, the presence of such a certificate is an indispensable condition.

    The practical significance of studying the problem of system quality management is that the implementation and certification of a quality system, as a set of organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of general quality management, are tools for the self-preservation of any enterprise in an unstable environment, a guarantee of competitiveness, as in the foreign and domestic markets, and all personnel from top management to the ordinary worker should be involved in the work in the quality system.

    The problem of quality is the most important factor in improving the standard of living, economic, social and environmental security. Quality is one of the most complex and multifaceted categories that a person has to face in life. It permeates all spheres of material production and social relations.

    The experience of countries with successfully developing market economies shows that quality is the main tool that allows:

    optimal use of all types of resources;

    reduce production costs and increase labor productivity, thereby contributing to the success of the organization;

    comply with all product requirements;

    translate consumer expectations into products;

    ensure mutual understanding and interaction along the entire chain from the manufacturer to the consumer of products;

    continuously improve production, service and management processes;

    ensure the satisfaction of both producers and consumers of products.

    In accordance with the existing philosophy of entrepreneurial activity, the full responsibility for the quality of manufactured products and services lies with the entrepreneur. As production developed, the forms and methods of organizing work on quality changed.

    In the history of the development of documented quality systems, motivation, training and partnerships, five stages can be distinguished and presented in the form of five quality stars (Appendix 2).

    The first star corresponds to the initial stages of the systems approach, when the first system appeared - the Taylor system (1905). It established requirements for the quality of products (parts) in the form of tolerance fields or certain templates tuned to the upper and lower tolerance limits - pass and non-pass calibers.

    To ensure the successful functioning of the Taylor system, the first quality professionals were introduced - inspectors (in Russia - technical controllers).

    The motivation system provided for fines for defects and marriage, as well as dismissal.

    The training system was reduced to vocational training and training to work with measuring and control equipment.

    Relations with suppliers and consumers were built on the basis of the requirements established in the technical specifications (TS), the fulfillment of which was checked during the acceptance control (input and output).

    All the above features of the Taylor system made it a quality management system for each individual product.

    Second star. The Taylor system provided an excellent mechanism for managing the quality of each specific product (part, assembly unit), but production is a process. And it soon became clear that it was necessary to manage the processes.

    Quality systems have grown in complexity as they have included services using statistical methods. The problems in the field of quality solved by designers, technologists and workers became more complicated, because they had to understand what variations and variability are, and also know what methods can be used to achieve their reduction. A specialty has appeared - a quality engineer who must analyze the quality and defects of products, build control charts, etc. In general, the emphasis has been shifted from inspection and detection of defects to their prevention by identifying the causes of defects and eliminating them based on the study of processes and their management .

    Work motivation has become more complex, since now it was taken into account how precisely the process is set up, how certain control charts, regulation and control charts are analyzed.

    The supplier-consumer relationship has also become more complex. In them big role began to play standard tables for statistical acceptance control.

    Third star. In the 50s, the concept of total (general) quality management - TQC was put forward. Its author was the American scientist A. Feigenbaum. TQC systems have evolved in Japan with more emphasis on the use of statistical methods and the involvement of staff in quality circles.

    At this stage, designated by the third star, documented quality systems appeared, establishing the responsibility and authority, as well as the interaction in the field of quality of the entire management of the enterprise, and not just the specialists of the quality services.

    Motivation systems began to shift towards the human factor. Financial incentives decreased, moral increased.

    The main motives for high-quality work were teamwork, recognition of achievements by colleagues and management, the concern of the company for the future of the employee, his insurance and the support of his family.

    Supplier-consumer relationship systems are also beginning to provide for third-party certification of products. At the same time, quality requirements in contracts became more serious, and guarantees for their implementation became more responsible.

    Fourth star. In the 1970s and 1980s, the transition from total quality management to total quality management (TQM) began. At this time, a series of new international standards on quality systems: the ISO 9000 (1987) standards, which have had a very significant impact on management and quality assurance.

    The TQM system is a comprehensive system focused on continuous quality improvement, minimization of production costs and just-in-time delivery. The main philosophy of TQM is based on the principle - there is no limit to improvement. With regard to quality, the target setting is the desire for 0 defects, for costs - 0 unproductive costs, for deliveries - just in time. At the same time, it is realized that it is impossible to achieve these limits, but one must constantly strive for this and not stop at the results achieved. This philosophy has a special term - "continuous quality improvement".

    One of the key features of the system is the use of collective forms and methods of searching, analyzing and solving problems, constant participation in improving the quality of the entire team.

    In TQM, the role of a person and staff training is significantly increasing.

    Motivation reaches a state where people are so passionate about work that they refuse part of their vacation, stay late at work, continue to work at home.

    Training becomes total and continuous, accompanying employees throughout their entire career. Forms of education are changing significantly, becoming more and more active. So, business games, special tests, computer methods, etc. are used.

    Learning also becomes part of the motivation. For a well-trained person feels more confident in a team, is capable of a leadership role, and has career advantages. Special techniques for developing the creative abilities of workers are being developed and used.

    Certification of quality systems for compliance with ISO 9000 standards has been very thoroughly included in the relationship between suppliers and consumers.

    Fifth star. In the 1990s, the influence of society on enterprises increased, and enterprises began to take into account the interests of society more and more. This led to the emergence of ISO 14000 standards, which set out requirements for management systems in terms of environmental protection and product safety.

    ISO 14000 certification of quality systems is becoming as popular as ISO 9000 certification. The influence of the humanistic component of quality has increased significantly. The attention of business leaders to meeting the needs of their staff is increasing.

    The introduction of ISO 14000 and ISO 9000 standards, as well as self-assessment methods based on the European Quality Award models, is the main achievement of the fifth-star milestone.

    1.3. Problems of development of the quality system in Russia

    The experience of implementing TQM in Russian business points to a lot of problems and mistakes that today prevent an adequate perception of the new business philosophy.

    1. An evolutionary gap of 50 years. In the West, the philosophy of quality has successively passed through the stages of rejection, quality control, quality assurance, and has taken the form of total quality management. Moreover, the main driving force of this development has been and remains the consumer. It was the struggle for the consumer that forced managers to look for new approaches in business in order to best meet the needs of their customers with the highest quality. In the administrative-command system of the Soviet Union, supply and demand were the subject of state planning, there was no competition between producers. The consumer could not "vote with a ruble" for one or another manufacturer, because he actually had no choice, and had to buy what they sell. Artificial modeling of the market not only did not contribute, but, on the contrary, contradicted the philosophy of quality. The legacy of the Soviet system can also be overcome only by evolution. The advantage of the current position of Russia is that this path can be much shorter, because. accumulated world knowledge, experience, as well as mistakes and failures are already known. In addition, Russia has an extensive theoretical and methodological base in the field of quality of the Soviet period.

    2. Placement of accents in the understanding of quality. It should be noted that systematic work in the field of improving product quality has been carried out in the USSR since the mid-1950s. The development of quality systems in the Soviet Union was of a regional nature, so the proposed approaches were associated with the place of their development: BIP - Saratov, KANARSPI - Gorky, SBT and KSUKP - Lvov, NORM - Yaroslavl, KSUKP and EIR - Dnepropetrovsk, KSPEP - Krasnodar. During this period, the national school of quality was still keeping pace with the times. However, the listed systems were created and used mainly at military-industrial complex enterprises. In the production of consumer goods under a planned distribution system, quality meant conformity to the standard. This understanding has firmly settled and still prevails in the minds of Russian managers and makes them think that quality parameters are set either by regulatory authorities or by the manufacturer. Today this is a serious mistake. Fostering a culture of quality based only on standards, especially in political-economic systems, carries certain risks. Such a psychology in a market system can lead to the fact that the company will produce products that are of high quality from its point of view, which will not find demand.

    3. Specialists in the field of quality. During the Soviet period, a whole army of quality specialists was trained. Many of them are now involved in creating a new philosophy of quality for Russia. These people have a technical background, and this is a problem - a problem that is not quite obvious. The approach to quality as to compliance with the established standard has exhausted itself, modern quality management has long gone beyond mathematics and statistics, and the requirements for a quality specialist are knowledge of economics and management. However, to this day, the scope of interests and competence of Russian quality specialists is often limited to reducing the number of defects, increasing the reliability of products, that is, the technical component of production. Such a direct and indirect association between quality management and standardization determines the rather wide popularity of ISO 9000 standards in Russia. standardization of the management system at the enterprise is perceived by its creators not as an approach to improvement, but as a compliance with formal requirements.

    4. Use of modern methods of improvement. As mentioned above, many approaches to improving the organization's management system and increasing its competitiveness are based on the principles of TQM. Some modern approaches are already being used in Russian business. This is ISO 9000, quality awards, self-assessment. How effective are these methods and tools on Russian soil? The answer cannot be unambiguous. Improvement approaches arise evolutionarily and have a methodological and practical basis. Managers of Western companies perceive customer orientation, continuous improvement, process approach, involvement and interest of employees, social responsibility of business as integral principles of doing business. In Russian business, these principles are introduced artificially, so the problem of adapting Western approaches comes to the fore. Managers, on the one hand, understand that it is necessary to change the philosophy, on the other hand, there are a lot of barriers: ignorance of how and what to change, resistance of employees, misunderstanding of colleagues and business partners.

    Self-assessment of the organization is an effective tool that firmly takes its place among modern approaches to management. However, in Russia, self-esteem has not realized even a small part of its potential. In addition to financial indicators, Russian leaders evaluate little in the organization. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the lack of criteria for assessment or ignorance of self-assessment methods. Secondly, there is a serious distortion of data when middle managers and employees are involved in the process of self-assessment. - The desire to embellish the existing state of affairs in order to please the leader, the fear of pointing out mistakes and miscalculations, as well as Russian folk wisdom "initiative is punishable" - all this interferes with an objective assessment of the organization. Thirdly, the leaders of large businesses shift all quality assessment activities to the relevant divisions of the company, while in small businesses, leaders know the areas for priority improvements and do not see the point in "useless, in their opinion, a waste of time and effort."

    Benchmarking or reference comparison over the past ten years has become one of the effective and recognized tools for improving the organization in modern business and over the past years has been one of the three most popular management tools among top managers of large companies (according to BAIN & Co). Firms using benchmarking are emerging in Russia, but so far there are only a few such companies, and they are mainly representatives of large businesses that have business contacts with foreign partners. For most managers of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia, "benchmarking" is an unfamiliar word, and benchmarking is perceived not as a management method, but as a regular competitor analysis or marketing research. In addition, the development of benchmarking in Russia is hampered by the "complex of secrecy" of domestic business.

    Analyzing any of the improvement tools, we come to one conclusion that the lack of a basic TQM culture hinders the effective implementation and use of these tools in Russian business. You can't improve what isn't there yet. First, the formation of a culture of quality - and only then its improvement.

    5. Customer satisfaction. The opinion of the consumer has become important for Russian companies when I had to fight for it. Russian companies have already mastered the skills of market research and attracting new customers quite well. However, customer satisfaction does not mean just the ability to impose your product, customer satisfaction is the art of giving the consumer what he expects and even more. For Russian managers, it is important to feel the logical chain from the point of view of the consumer: purchase - satisfaction - repeated purchase. For foreign companies, the task is not so much to find new customers as to keep existing ones, i.e. increase the share of regular customers.

    2. Analysis of the quality management system at the enterprise

    2.1. General characteristics of the enterprise

    Limited Liability Company "SOK-TRANS LTD" was established on October 22, 2002 in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 1 , the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" 2 .

    The Company has a Charter approved by the Decision of the Founder No. 1 dated October 28, 2004.

    The founder of the Society is individual. To ensure the activities of the Society created authorized capital in the amount of 10,000 rubles at the expense of the founder's contribution in cash.

    The Company has no branches and representative offices. There are no subsidiaries and dependent companies.

    Form of ownership: private.

    Full corporate name of the Company: Limited Liability Company "SOK-TRANS LTD".

    Location of the Company: 445043, Samara Region, Tolyatti, Severnaya St., D 29.

    The purpose of the Company's activities is to make a profit.

    The company carries out any types of activities not prohibited by law, including the subject of the company's activities are:

    transportation of goods by road and rail;

    passenger, baggage, cargo-luggage and cargo transportation;

    services of road-building machines, car services;

    freight forwarding, loading and unloading, rigging, storage works and services;

    activities for maintenance and repair of vehicles, carried out on a commercial basis, including: maintenance and repair services for cars and trucks, buses, bodies, working bodies, equipment and accessories of special and specialized vehicles;

    The company has a number of licenses Appendix 3

    The main criterion for the development of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC is:

    improving the quality of customer service of the company;

    increasing the fleet of own rolling stock and speed of delivery;

    reduction in the cost of services.

    There is no joint activity.

    Main sales markets:



    Samara Region;

    Ulyanovsk region;

    Saratov region;

    Orenburg region.

    The main competitors of the enterprise:




    ST 1, OOO

    ST 2, OOO

    ST 3, OOO

    ST 4, OOO








    The average number of employees is 34 people.

    The founder (member) of the Company is an individual citizen Russian Federation.

    The supreme governing body of the company is the general meeting of participants in the company.

    2.2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the quality system

    The production process at SOK-TRANS LTD LLC is as follows.

    The dispatcher considers and accepts applications from customers, prepares a draft contract. Clients sign a contract with the CEO.

    Next, the dispatcher sends requests to drivers who directly organize transportation. In addition, drivers monitor the condition of vehicles, carry out maintenance in a timely manner together with locksmiths.

    Locksmiths ensure the good condition of vehicles, carry out routine maintenance approved by the mechanic, unscheduled repairs. All necessary materials, spare parts are purchased from the warehouse through the storekeeper.

    The operational management of the production process, which is entrusted to the mechanic and the dispatcher, includes the functions of scheduling and dispatching production, ordering work and monitoring the timing of their implementation. The operational management of production includes determining the volume of transportation per day, issuing work orders, placing orders for materials, monitoring the timing of execution and completion of services.

    In the process of conducting a diagnostic audit, the efficiency of the enterprise's production activities is comprehensively analyzed, weaknesses, the volume and reasons for the provision of services with inconsistencies, the costs of preventive measures and control in the production process are identified.

    A typical distribution of costs that may arise when conducting such an analysis is as follows (Appendix 4).

    As follows from the above diagram, the cost of services with discrepancies (internal and external) can reach 80%. Moreover, this set of costs includes not only the cost of the most inappropriate services, but also excessive production time, redistribution of work, compensation for damages due to complaints, consideration of complaints, etc. allocate the above additional costs and do not take them into account, writing them off to various expense items, as a result of which an unreasonable rise in the cost of processes occurs, which falls out of control and becomes a working norm.

    As a general trend, it was revealed that the enterprise does not conduct systematic work to improve and stabilize the quality of services provided, the preventive actions taken, including to ensure the stability of technological indicators, are rather episodic and relative. Information about the services provided with inappropriate quality in most cases was not properly taken into account and not analyzed, which led to a distortion in the nature and distribution of the costs of quality assurance. In some cases, such services identified before the completion of the technological process were not recorded in any reports.

    Also, regularities in the distribution of costs for services with inconsistencies due to their causes were identified (Appendix 5).

    In most cases (up to 38%), there is a weak level of route planning, application fulfillment, ignorance of the location, condition of vehicles, cargo.

    The second most significant reason for the occurrence of inconsistencies (up to 22%) lies in the lack of knowledge of the staff. Workers often do not know the purpose and technological properties of raw materials, materials, cannot "see" the prerequisites for the occurrence of inconsistencies, work "blindly" following the orders of the mechanic, perceiving the measures necessary to ensure the safety and quality of services as a whim of the authorities or as unreasonably difficult working conditions (in primarily the work of long-distance drivers). The dissatisfaction of the working personnel, their low qualification and lack of interest in ongoing operations inevitably leads to negligence in the performance of their duties.

    Thus, in conditions when the share of costs for preventive actions is extremely small at the enterprise and, in general, relatively little attention is paid to the system of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of inconsistencies, the costs for services of inappropriate quality appear and grow.

    Chapter 3. Project for improving the quality management system of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC.

    3.1. Implementation of the process approach of the quality system

    The basis for the success of an enterprise in a market economy is a high level of organization of production, the core of which is a clear consciousness and realization by each employee of his responsibility and his role in achieving high-quality final results by the enterprise. Therefore, it is proposed to introduce and certify the quality system in LLC "SOK-TRANS LTD" according to the standards of the ISO 9000 series.

    As a positive point, it should be noted that the mere existence of an international quality management system certificate can be crucial in attracting investments, as it increases the level of reliability and confidence in the enterprise from potential investors, significantly reduces the risks when providing investment support to the enterprise and is a kind of guarantor for investment companies.

    3.2. Resource management

    To ensure and maintain the quality management system in working condition, the implementation of the Quality Policy at the enterprise, the necessary resources must be allocated: human; infrastructure; work environment; financial.

    The determination of the need for resources must be determined at the beginning of the year in organizational and technical measures and additionally based on the results of corrective, preventive actions, analysis of the quality management system.

    Resource management should be carried out by the management of the enterprise to increase the maximum satisfaction of the requirements - consumers through the implementation, functioning of the quality management system, continuous improvement of effectiveness and efficiency.

    Human resources. To perform the tasks and functions assigned to structural units enterprises, employees are selected with appropriate education, qualifications, personal qualities, suitable for health reasons, who use their knowledge and abilities to achieve goals.

    Requirements for the competence and awareness of personnel are defined in job descriptions and must be confirmed by the results of certification.

    Training of personnel is aimed at teaching all categories of employees the techniques and methods necessary for high-quality work at a particular workplace.

    Training and advanced training of personnel, including new employees, contributes to the understanding of the Quality Policy, as well as the development of methods and tools that ensure the full participation of personnel in the functioning of the quality management system.

    Infrastructure. To achieve compliance with the established requirements for services, the enterprise has and maintains an infrastructure that is provided with the necessary resources. The infrastructure includes:

    buildings (repair and construction site);

    process equipment;

    informational resources.

    Work environment. To ensure the conditions of production, the enterprise monitors the state of the production environment in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations.

    Responsibility for resource management rests with the heads of departments under the direction of the CEO for:

    financial support - chief accountant;

    infrastructure, production environment and their provision - mechanics, safety engineer;

    information support - chief accountant;

    provision of human resources - CEO.

    3.3. Service Life Cycle Planning

    Process management includes their planning, creation of conditions for the high-quality execution of technical processes, control, analysis and adjustment of processes based on the results of control.

    Identified deviations from the norms are brought to the attention of all interested departments and eliminated or corrected.

    Identification and traceability in the service delivery process is necessary in order to determine, if necessary, the place and time of occurrence of nonconformity and determine the appropriate corrective and preventive actions.

    The status of control and testing allows you to distinguish a verified service from an unverified one, establish the fact of acceptance and determine the person responsible at this stage.

    In the production process, work is underway to maintain equipment in working condition, to comply with technological discipline.

    3.4. Implementation of a system for monitoring and managing transport and assessing the economic efficiency of design solutions

    Based on the analysis, a discrepancy between the services provided and the established requirements was revealed due to a weak level of route planning, fulfillment of applications, poor awareness of the location, condition of vehicles, and cargo.

    In order to eliminate these negative factors, it is proposed to introduce an AutoTracker transport monitoring and control system that operates via the Internet, using the resources of GSM cellular networks and the GPS satellite navigation system. In the system, the issues of separation of access rights and information security are solved at the modern level, the latest achievements in the field of communications are used, and advanced approaches in the field of transport management are implemented.

    On the technical side, AutoTracker is a special device installed in a vehicle, which, receiving information from GPS satellites, determines the location and speed of the vehicle, reads the readings of additional sensors, and remembers this data with reference to time. At certain intervals, a package of accumulated data is transmitted in encrypted form via the GSM mobile communication network to the dispatch center, where this data is stored on the server and used to generate reports for the client.

    Reporting data superimposed on an electronic map of the area (city, region, country, continent) allows you to track the route of movement vehicle, places and duration of stops, status of additional sensors. Additional sensors can be installed on any components and assemblies of the car, from the sensor for opening the saloon door, trunk or cargo compartment (in the case of a truck) and up to video surveillance of the interior.

    At the same time, in emergency cases, the dispatcher of SOK-TRANS LTD LLC can send commands to turn on the alarm, close the doors, block the engine or cut off the fuel supply.

    A comprehensive assessment of the economic effect of quality management at an enterprise allows you to choose activities that will give the maximum effect in the real conditions of enterprise development.

    Assessment of possible risks. Potential risks of LLC "SOK-TRANS LTD" are represented by production, commercial, financial risks and risks associated with force majeure.

    Production risks are associated with various violations in the production process or in the process of supplying raw materials. Measures to reduce production risks are effective control over the course of the production process and increased influence on suppliers by duplicating them.

    Commercial risks are associated with the sale of products on the commodity market (a decrease in the size and capacity of the market, a decrease in effective demand, the emergence of new competitors, etc.).

    Measures to reduce commercial risks are:

    systematic study of market conditions;

    Financial risks are caused by inflationary processes, comprehensive non-payments, fluctuations in the exchange rate of the ruble, etc. They can be reduced by creating a financial management system at the enterprise, working with suppliers, on pre-order, with customers - on prepayment.

    Force majeure risks are risks caused by unforeseen circumstances (natural disasters, a change in the country's political course, a strike, etc.). The measure of their reduction is the work of the enterprise with a sufficient margin of financial strength.

    Overall project risk plan.

    Type of risk

    Risk weight

    Average risk probability %

    Negative impact on the expected profit from the implementation of the project (probability of value)

    Unforeseen costs, including due to inflation

    Late order fulfillment

    Supplier dishonesty

    Demand volatility

    The emergence of an alternative product

    Price cuts by competitors

    Increasing production from competitors

    Tax increase

    Insolvency of the customer

    Rising prices for raw materials, materials, transportation

    Dependence on suppliers, lack of alternatives

    Flaw working capital

    Difficulties in recruiting skilled labor

    Strike Threat

    Attitude of local authorities

    Insufficient wages

    Wear and tear of equipment

    Instability of raw material quality

    The probability of project failure is 16.5%.

    Main characteristics of the project

    Initial data for determining the profitability of the project, thousand rubles.


    1. The cost of purchasing equipment and its delivery

    2. Staff training costs

    3. Service life of the equipment after commissioning, year

    4. Guaranteed scope of services

    5. Operating costs

    6. Fixed costs

    acquisition of fixed assets

    7. Project risk level, %

    Determination of one-time costs, thousand rubles.

    2006: 60.00

    2007: 65.00

    2008: 79.00

    Determination of income from the project at the end of the year, thousand rubles.

    2006: 7074 - 6966 + 4.5 = 112.5

    2007: 8064 - 7811, 9 + 9, 4 = 261.5

    2008: 9193 - 9004 + 15.3 = 204.3

    Rice. Diagram of financial flows of an innovative project

    The basic formula for calculating the discount factor (d):

    where a is the accepted price of capital, b is the risk level of this project, c is the risk level of working in the foreign exchange market.

    d = 0 +0.165+ 0 = 0.165

    The net discount income of the project (NPV) is determined by the formula:

    where D i – income of the i-th period, k i – expenses of the i-th period.

    Calculation of net present value for the project, thousand rubles

    The yield index (ID) is the ratio of the total discounted income to the total discounted costs:

    ID = 503.4 / 177.4 = 2.838

    The average annual profitability of the project P \u003d ID / n * 100% \u003d 2.838 * 100% / 3 \u003d 94.58%.

    The payback period of the project T ok = 177.4 / 362 = 0.49 years.


    At present, the situation with quality in all spheres of the Russian economy is extremely difficult, the gap between the quality of products from Russia and the leading industrialized countries is growing catastrophically. If we do not want to be on the sidelines of the road that all civilized countries are moving towards progress and prosperity, we need to look for ways to overcome the quality gap and, over the next ten years, get as close as possible to the quality level of products of countries with highly developed economies.

    This will allow Russia to enter the world market with technically complex, science-intensive products, and not with oil, gas, timber, other raw materials and products of their primary processing, and join the European Union and the World Trade Organization.

    All over the world, the quality of products has become the main lever for the economic development of individual organizations and states as a whole. In many countries, achieving high quality products that meet consumer requirements has become a key element of economic strategy and an important factor in market and financial success.

    The quality system is important when negotiating with foreign customers, who consider it a mandatory condition for the manufacturer to have a quality system and a certificate for this system issued by an authoritative certification body. The quality system should take into account the characteristics of the enterprise, ensure the minimization of costs for product development and its implementation. The consumer wants to be sure that the quality of the supplied products will be stable and sustainable.

    Modern quality management comes from the fact that quality management activities cannot be effective after the products are produced, these activities must be carried out during the production of products. Quality assurance activities that precede the manufacturing process are also important.

    Quality is determined by the action of many random, local and subjective factors. To prevent the influence of these factors on the level of quality, a quality management system is needed. This requires not separate isolated and episodic efforts, but a set of measures to constantly influence the process of creating a product in order to maintain an appropriate level of quality.

    The problem of ensuring consistently high quality of manufactured products is complex. It cannot be solved by holding separate and even large, but disparate events. Only through systematic and comprehensive, interconnected and simultaneous implementation of technical, organizational, economic, legal and social measures on a scientific basis, it is possible to quickly and steadily improve the quality of products.

    In order to overcome the lag in the field of quality, it is necessary in the coming years not only to bring the technical equipment of domestic organizations, technology and production culture to the level of leading industrialized countries, but also to solve the problem of training professional workers in quality (quality specialists, quality system managers, quality auditors). ) and mass training of workers at all levels - workers, specialists and heads of organizations - in the methods of modern quality management.


      Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Parts One, Two and Three: as amended. and additional as of September 15, 2003 - M .: Code, 2003.

      Federal Law of February 8, 1998 N 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies" // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 1998. February 17.

      State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9001-2001 "Quality management systems. Requirements": approved. Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001 N 333-st). - M .: Publishing house of standards, 2001.

      State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9004-2001 "Quality management systems. Recommendations for improving performance": adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001 N 334-st. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002.

      State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9000-2001 "Quality management systems. Basic provisions and vocabulary": adopted and put into effect by the resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001 N 332-st. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 2003.

      Belokorovin E.A., Maslov D.V. Small business: ways of development. - Arkhangelsk: M "art, 2003.

      Introduction to Philosophy / I. T. Frolov, E. A. Arab-Ogly, G. S. Arefieva and others - M .: Politizdat, 1990.

      Total quality management (TQM) / Ed. O. P. Gludkina. – M.: Lab. basic knowledge and others, 2001.

      Hegel G. V. F. Science of Logic: Part 1. Objective Logic. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1997.

      Hegel G.W.F. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. - M., 1974.

      Raise qualityAbstract >> Economic theory

      Policy activity enterprises in the area of quality is primary when creating systems quality on the enterprise(Figure 1.4). The main...

    1. Control quality on the enterprises nutrition

      Abstract >> State and Law

      Is the presence of a valid and certified systems quality on the enterprise service industries. Abroad... influence systems management quality on the competitiveness enterprises nutrition. In modern systems management enterprises restaurant...

    To date, the ISO 9000 series standards are recognized by almost all countries of the world, accepted as national and implemented by many companies.

    Russia has adopted standards GOST R ISO 9001-96, GOST R ISO 9002-96 and GOST R 9003-96, which are identical texts of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003.

    The lack of a quality system certificate is increasingly becoming the main obstacle for a company to enter a foreign market. Transnational companies require sub-suppliers to implement the international standards ISO 9000 series at their production facilities.

    The distribution of these standards in the world is evidenced by the figures characterizing the dynamics of certification of quality systems for compliance with their requirements. So, if in 1993 about 50,000 systems were certified in the world, in 1995-100,000, then by the beginning of 1997-250 thousand.

    Realizing that obtaining a certificate for a quality system has become, although not quite sufficient, but very necessary condition civilized existence in the modern world, Russian enterprises are also implementing the ISO 9000 series standards. However, there are still several hundred of them. There are several reasons for such a lag, according to experts. Firstly, the "trace" left by the former domestic economy (and the political system) is still clearly visible at enterprises, both in the Understanding (concept) of quality and in management methods.

    Domestic quality management systems were rigidly blinded by the strictly mandatory requirements of state standards and had to ensure their implementation. Modern approaches to quality management, and the very concept of this concept, associated with a market economy, is not immediately recognized by business leaders. Those few enterprises that have implemented the ISO 9000 series standards and received certificates for the quality system, as a rule, were forced to do this one way or another under pressure from foreign partners, i.e. are participants in foreign economic activity. Secondly, the implementation and certification of a quality system is an expensive undertaking and, in today's conditions, beyond the means of many Russian enterprises.

    Of course, there are other reasons specific to each individual enterprise. Apparently, effective incentives are required for business participants to introduce international standards for quality systems. Such work in Russia began in the 1990s and is carried out in several directions. First of all, this is the establishment of the Russian Federation Prize for Quality. The quality award exists at the international, regional, national and corporate levels. Among the criteria for evaluating the applicant enterprise is the state of the functioning product quality management system. For Russia, this is a new type of activity in the field state regulation product quality, and the regulation on the premium for quality was created on the basis of the accumulated international experience. According to experts, the Russian criteria for evaluating an enterprise are close to the European regulation on premiums for quality.

    The enterprise must know the criteria for evaluating its work. In this regard, the experience of the United States is noteworthy, where more than 100 enterprises annually participate in the competition for the national quality award, and a brochure with a list of evaluation criteria is sold in 200,000 copies. It turned out that enterprises that do not participate in the competition tend to learn the criteria and use them for self-assessment. This makes it possible for enterprises not only to evaluate themselves, but also to compare with the leaders, moreover, in specific areas, i.e. set specific areas for improvement. Such self-assessment has become so popular that many firms require subcontractors to provide not only a quality system certificate, but also proof of their application of the self-assessment mechanism.

    Another way to stimulate Russian enterprises is the competition for the title of "Best Quality Manager". Apparently, the main criterion here should be the state of the quality system, which means the introduction of ISO 9000 series standards and certification of the system.

    The standardization of the quality system should not turn into a formality, otherwise it will become an obstacle to improving quality management in the enterprise. Thus, the 40th Congress of the European Organization for Quality, held under the motto "Quality Management - an incentive for innovation", decided on the need to revise some of the provisions of the ISO 9000 series standards.

    Particularly relevant is a certain relaxation of rigid formalization individual rules and procedures in quality management required to obtain a certificate of conformity for a quality system. It is important that an enterprise (firm) that has decided to implement a quality management system realizes that the ISO 9000 series standards are a kind of methodological instruction on what should be done, but the management should decide how to do it. Foreign experts note that firms that have chosen the ISO 9001 standard for purely formal reasons in order to “wave a piece of paper in front of the consumer” share the opinion of those who do not consider the ISO 9000 series standards to be a guarantee of high quality. But if the company chooses this set of regulatory documents for strategic reasons, then it considers the quality management system as a means to improve not only products, but also all of its activities. The supporters of this idea are in the majority.

    Practice has shown the need for further improvement of the ISO 9000 series standards in the direction of their concretization and even some simplification of presentation. This was done in 1994 (ISO 9000-94 series edition), and now a new version is being prepared - ISO 9000 family version 2000. The decision to do this was made after a survey was conducted by ISO/TC 176 in 1997 more than a thousand user-companies that have implemented these standards. The questionnaire that was sent out was asked to indicate:

    relation to current standards,

    requirements for the revision of standards,

    the relationship of ISO 9000 with the environment.

    An analysis of the answers showed that the majority of consumers believe that the ISO 9000 series standards should be compatible with the ISO 14000 series standards; have overall structure, based on the quality management process model; the ISO 9001 standard should include requirements that provide quality improvement and be focused on the needs and preferences of consumers; ISO 9004 should ensure the overall effectiveness of the organization and promote the mutual interest of consumers, manufacturers, suppliers and society as a whole.

    Taking into account these and other wishes and comments, assessing their significance and expediency of taking action, ISO represented by TC 176 came to the following conclusions:

    1. The ISO 9000 family of standards will consist of four core standards:

    ISO 9000 “Quality management systems. Concepts and vocabulary” (instead of ISO 8402);

    ISO 9001 “Quality management systems. Requirements";

    ISO 9004 “Quality management system. Guidelines";

    ISO 10011 Guidelines for the verification of quality systems.

    2. Standards ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 will be included in a single revised ISO 9001, and its structure will be based on processes, and not on 20 elements, as it is now. It is assumed that the main sections of the ISO 9001 standard will be:

    management responsibility (policy, objectives, planning, quality management system, management review);

    resource management (human, information, infrastructure);

    process management (customer satisfaction, design, procurement, production);

    measurements, analysis, improvement (checks, process management, continuous improvement).

    The title of the new version of ISO 9001 does not contain the term "quality assurance". This is due to the orientation of the standard on the requirements for a quality management system that proves the possibility of meeting consumer preferences.

    Compatibility with ISO 14000 series standards is also provided, for example, in terms of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (planning - execution - control - adjustment).

    It is envisaged that the current version of ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 will be used as a “consensual pair” when they are revised. This means that they can be used both separately and together, since their structure will be identical, but their fields of application are different. ISO 9004 will continue to be methodical and applicable to the development of a quality management system covering all stages of the quality loop. The new version of this standard will be based on eight quality management principles:

    consumer orientation,

    leadership role,

    employee involvement,

    approach to quality management as a process,

    systematic approach,

    continuous improvement,

    making decisions based on facts,

    mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers.

    Let us consider in more detail the content of these principles.

    Principle 1: customer orientation of the organization.

    Organizations depend on their customers and therefore must understand their current and future needs, meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

    The application of the principle requires:

    awareness of all the needs and expectations of consumers, including product quality, mode of delivery, price, etc.;

    a balanced approach to the needs of consumers and the needs of other stakeholders (owners, shareholders, suppliers, regions and society as a whole);

    communicate these needs and expectations to all personnel in the organization;

    measurement of customer satisfaction and corrective actions;

    customer relationship management.

    Principle 2: the role of leadership.

    Managers create the unity of the goals of the organization and its management, create and maintain an internal environment in which employees are fully involved in achieving the goals of the organization.

    The application of the principle requires:

    demonstrating commitment to quality by example;

    understanding and responding to external changes;

    focus on the needs of all stakeholders;

    forecasting the future of your enterprise;

    creating an atmosphere of trust and work without fear;

    providing personnel with the necessary resources and freedom of action within the framework of responsibility;

    initiating, recognizing and encouraging the personal contribution of everyone;

    maintaining open and honest relationships;

    training and continuous improvement of personnel;

    setting innovative goals and finding strategies to achieve them.

    Principle 3: employee involvement.

    The application of the principle requires:

    • * initiative and responsibility of the staff in solving problems;
    • * active search for improvement opportunities;
    • * transfer of experience and knowledge to team members;
    • * focus on creating additional value for consumers;
    • * getting job satisfaction.

    Principle 4: approach as a process.

    The application of the principle involves:

    developing a process to achieve the desired result;

    identification of the beginning of the process and determination of the method for evaluating its result;

    determining how the process interacts with the functions of the enterprise;

    assessing the risks, consequences and impact of the process on customers and other interested parties;

    establishing clear rights, powers and responsibilities in managing the process;

    identification of consumers, suppliers and other interested parties;

    coverage of all components of the process in its design.

    Principle 5: system approach to management.

    The effectiveness and efficiency of an organization is enhanced by defining, understanding and managing a system of interrelated processes in accordance with the goal.

    The application of the principle requires:

    a systematic analysis of the organization's management in terms of the effectiveness of the process of achieving the goals and internal capabilities of the organization;

    understanding the interdependence of processes in the system;

    continuous improvement of the system through analysis and evaluation.

    Principle 6: continuous improvement.

    Continuous improvement should be a constant goal of the organization.

    The application of the principle requires:

    formation of the need for each employee of the enterprise in the continuous improvement of products, processes and the system as a whole;

    developing concepts for continuous improvement in “small steps and breakthroughs”;

    periodically evaluating the process to identify opportunities for further improvement;

    continuous improvement of the efficiency of all components of the process;

    knowledge of methods and means of continuous improvement by each employee;

    definition of criteria and goals for improvement.

    Principle 7: making decisions based on facts.

    The application of the principle requires:

    collecting and analyzing data and information related to the task;

    evidence of the reliability and accuracy of data and information;

    use of proven methods of data and information analysis (statistical, etc.);

    making decisions based on analysis of facts, experience and business intuition.

    Principle 8: mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers.

    An organization and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both parties to create value.

    The application of the principle requires:

    selection of main suppliers;

    establishing relationships with suppliers based on a balance of short-term and long-term goals of the enterprise and society;

    organizing clear and open communications;

    initiating collaborative innovation;

    understanding by both parties of the needs of the consumer;

    exchange of information and long-term plans;

    recognition of achievements and improvements in supplier enterprises.

    One of the objectives of the new version of ISO standards is to create conditions for a painless transition to new standards for those organizations that have already implemented ISO 9000. Special guidelines are being developed for this.

    It is necessary to note other directions in the development of standardization in the field of product quality management - the concept of TQM (Total quality management) * and QS 9000 (Quality system 9000). But both of these concepts do not contradict the international standards of the ISO 9000 series and can be considered as a further development and refinement of system quality management.

    * The Russian translation of "total quality management" does not reflect the essence of this concept.

    TQM system is aimed at achieving full compliance of approaches to ensuring the quality of the functional services and divisions of the company, as well as its sub-suppliers. The main economic effect of the introduction of TQM is a significant reduction in the costs associated with defects in finished products (the level of defects in them is expressed as the number of defects per million products).

    Basic principles of TQM -- minimization production costs, delivery of products just in time (just in time) and continuous quality improvement (quality improvement)

    QS 9000 standard essentially has an industry character, as it was developed and adopted by the three giants of engineering: Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. They were joined by five more truck manufacturers: Freightliner, Mack Truck, Navistar International, Packar, Volvo GM Heavy Truck. The QS 9000 standard is based on ISO 9000, but contains requirements developed by these companies that are both industry-wide and more specific to each company.

    The requirements for quality management systems are defined by the main document of the QS 9000 series of standards - the industrial standard QS 9000 "Requirements for Quality Systems", according to which three groups of requirements can be distinguished:

    general, conforming to the ISO 9000 series standards, namely the ISO 9001 standard;

    industry, which complement and specify the general;

    specific presented to their sub-suppliers by Chrysler, Ford and General Motors, as well as truck manufacturers.

    In addition to the specified industry standard, QS 9000 documentation includes:

    description of the procedure for harmonization of quality assurance methods with manufacturers of component parts and assemblies (RRAP procedure);

    methodology for assessing the current quality system (QSA);

    Statistical Process Control (SPC) manual;

    the Measuring Systems Analysis (MSA) manual;

    Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) manual;

    Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) manual.

    PPAP procedure is aimed at minimizing the losses characteristic of the initial stage of production of a new product. The PPAP document discusses eleven situations in which the coordination of the production process between the sub-supplier and the consumer of the components provided by him is mandatory before the start of production. Also included is a list of documents that the sub-supplier is obliged to provide to its consumer for each product in any of these situations.

    Based on the results of the PPAP procedure, an attitude towards the sub-supplier is formed, i.e. in essence, there is his choice as a partner or refusal to cooperate:

    production approval;

    temporary approval;


    QSA document is designed to evaluate the quality assurance system operating at the enterprises of the company-owner and establishes possible options assessment procedures:

    first party assessment (self-assessment);

    assessment by the second party (consumer);

    assessment by a third party (certification body);

    audit of a potential supplier upon selection (prior to the conclusion of a contract for the supply of components).

    SPC Guide contains explanations on statistical methods of production process control and aims to prevent failures, analyze their causes for continuous improvement of production.

    MSA Guide is devoted to the issue of ensuring the reliability of the results of the assessment of the finished product and the production process, which is defined as “the quality of the measurement results”.

    APQP Guide is intended to unify the quality planning process of sub-suppliers and the consumer in order to satisfy the latter's requests. It proposes six stages of planning the quality of promising products, and each stage corresponds to the specific interests of the consumer, the degree of satisfaction of which will depend on the quality of the product.

    FMEA Guide describes methods for analyzing possible failures in relation to the process of developing a production technology.

    Since 1997, the QS 9000 standard has been declared mandatory for all sub-suppliers of the above eight companies and will be mandatory for all who join it. The standard has quickly moved beyond industry boundaries, and its popularity and adoption is expanding in the US, and there is interest in other countries as well. So, some European, Japanese and Korean car companies have announced their interest in and focus on the QS 9000. Offers for consulting, training and certification of quality systems for compliance with the QS 9000 standard in foreign countries reflect the growing demand for these services.

    Theoretical foundations, basic indicators, concepts and definitions of product quality. Analysis of the quality management system at the enterprise "OMZ-Special Steels", personnel and personnel policy, dynamics and structure of revenue. Personnel and infrastructure management.

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    Quality management at the enterprise is carried out on the basis of enterprise standards regulating system-wide issues information support, the procedure for the development, execution, approval and implementation of enterprise standards, as well as the implementation of state and industry standards; holding "days of quality"; the work of various commissions (on the culture of production, a permanent commission on quality and others). Special standards establish the quality characteristics of raw materials, materials, components, which increases the responsibility of suppliers. They fix the technical and operational parameters of manufactured products, determine test methods, rules for product acceptance. Enterprise standards define the quality management mechanism, which includes the following stages: collection, processing and analysis of information on product quality, as well as analysis of information on product quality, as well as on the progress and status of technical and other processes that affect product quality; comparison of the actual results of the activities of various departments of the enterprise in the field of product quality with the requirements of the standards; preparing and making decisions on quality improvement issues; organization of planned and preventive measures.

    The standards of the enterprise contain provisions on the promotion of product quality, recommendations on the development of forms and methods of material and moral incentives for the team and individual workers enterprises. The indicators laid down in the standards make it possible to correctly assess the contribution of each performer to solving the problem of improving the quality of products and thus provide the basis for the correct remuneration of employees who deliver high-quality products.

    The standards of the enterprise oblige all employees of the enterprise to constantly improve their skills, enable the enterprise to use all material and labor resources with the greatest efficiency, in a timely manner to focus the attention of workers, engineers and technicians on the use of additional production reserves. Enterprises are obliged to produce products in full compliance with the standards, the enterprise is responsible for the production of products with deviations from the standards.

    Functional quality systems are the performance by management and all departments of their functions and tasks in order to ensure product quality. This is the content side of the system, that is, what it is intended for.

    At the same time, almost all departments of the enterprise are involved in the implementation of the functions of the quality system to one degree or another, each of which solves its own problems.

    In this regard, there is a need to perform auxiliary tasks to maintain the quality system itself. These tasks include: conducting internal audits and completing the system, coordinating and methodological support for the work of units in the quality system, organizing the activities of quality circles, as well as certification of products and the quality system.

    The importance of meaningful activities in relation to the maintenance of the system itself shows how rationally the quality system is organized. Therefore, one should be wary of the overgrowth of ancillary activities. In sociology, this phenomenon is known as the "expression of bureaucracy", when a system closes in on self-service, to the detriment of the performance of the technical functions for which it was created.

    In accordance with the recommendations of the ISO 9000 standards, a representative of the enterprise management should lead the quality system and be responsible for its effective functioning. As a rule, the quality service is directly subordinate to him and unites the quality management department, departments technical control, metrological service, central factory laboratory and standardization service.

    The responsibilities of the quality service include how to fulfill

    other tasks, quality services:

    Organization of work on quality - development and improvement of the quality system

    Policy development and quality planning

    Quality control of development, manufacturing and testing of finished products

    Metrological support of production

    Carrying out work on standardization and control norm

    Introduction to claim work

    Preparation of measures and organizational and administrative documents in the field of quality, control and analysis of their implementation.

    Verification of the functional quality system

    Organization of work on certification of products and quality systems

    Methodological guidance for training personnel on quality issues

    Of course, at the enterprise during production, quality problems can arise - marriage. Sometimes this is unavoidable in some situations, but dedicated QC departments are currently dealing with this problem quite successfully.

    Of course, with an increase in the cost of quality management, the cost of defects will decrease. However, this does not mean that the company should increase the cost of quality indefinitely. It is necessary to constantly analyze the costs of quality management, the costs of defects and the total costs of the enterprise, because with an unreasonable increase in the cost of quality, an increase in total costs is possible.

    Quality control costs and scrap costs can be plotted on the same graph, as shown in Figure 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3

    The point of intersection of these two curves is usually the point of minimum cost. But in practice it is not easy to get even a rough estimate, because many other variables must be taken into account. However, this task is the most important task for management. Many firms do not make these calculations, although quality costing can be a source of huge savings.

    Ongoing management of quality systems

    The current management of quality systems is associated with the control of technological processes. The control parameters of the technological process are determined. Going outside the acceptable range of control parameters can lead to the release of defective products. Deviations of parameters occur under the influence of random factors. Statistical methods are used to control the quality of technological processes.

    The quality system is created and implemented as a means of ensuring the implementation of a certain policy and the achievement of the goal.

    The company's policy in the field of quality is formed by the top management of the enterprise.

    The quality system includes: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement. It is created by the management of the enterprise as a means of implementing the quality policy.

    The quality system includes a customer (consumer) and a supplier (manufacturer).

    The quality system that ensures the company's policy and the achievement of the goal in the field of quality includes:

    1. Marketing, search and market research.

    2. Design and/or development technical requirements, product development.

    3. Logistics.

    4. Preparation and development of technical processes.

    5. Production.

    6. Control, testing and surveys.

    7. Packing and storage.

    8. Implementation and distribution

    9. Installation and operation.

    10. Technical assistance in maintenance.

    11. Disposal after use.

    The primary is the formation and documentation of the quality policy by the management of the company (enterprise).

    When developing a policy, there may be the following directions:

    Improving the economic situation of the enterprise by improving the quality;

    Expansion or conquest of new sales markets;

    Achieving a technical level of products that exceeds the level of leading enterprises and firms;

    Reduction of defects, etc.

    The quality policy should be set out in a special document, drawn up in the form of a program.

    The overall quality management system may have subsystems for certain types company's products or activities.

    Quality assurance activities include:

    Planning and design;

    Design of technological processes and preparation of production;


    Quality checking;

    Prevention of quality deterioration;

    After-sales service;

    Obtaining information from the consumer;

    Checking the quality assurance system.

    Modern methods of quality management are increasingly used in Russian enterprises. However, there is still a backlog from foreign firms.

    The first editions of the ISO 9000 series of international standards have been released. By the beginning of the 1990s, certification of quality systems abroad had become widespread. In Russia, the first certificate for the quality system was issued in 1994.

    Since the mid-1990s, experts and practitioners abroad have been linking modern methods quality management with the TQM methodology - general (all-encompassing, total) quality management.

    Certification of the quality system consists in confirming its compliance with certain requirements that the manufacturer has established, assumed (on its own or under the influence of external circumstances, for example, at the request of the customer).

    Quality requirements are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO or ISO) - English. International Standard Organization - ISO. Requirements for quality systems are contained in the ISO 9000 series of standards:

    1. ISO 9000 "General quality management and quality assurance standards - Guidelines for selection and use."

    2. ISO 9001 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and (or) development, production, installation and maintenance."

    3. ISO 9002 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

    4. ISO 9003 "Quality system.. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing."

    5. ISO 9004 "General quality management and quality system elements - Guidelines".

    The basis of the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (SSS) is five standards:

    1. GOST R. 1.0-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

    2. GOST R. 1.2-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of state standards."

    3. GOST R. 1. 3-92 "State system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for approval, approval and registration of technical conditions".

    4. GOST R. 1.4-92 State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions."

    5. GOST R. 5 - "State system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

    There are three state quality standards in Russia:

    1. GOST 40. 9001-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in the design and (or) development, production, installation and maintenance"

    2. GOST 40.9002-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

    3. GOST 40.9003-88 2 Quality system. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing.

    The work on certification of quality systems in Russia is carried out by the regional bodies of the State Standard, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and a number of other independent bodies and associations. In Europe - the correspondence of the organization of Great Britain, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Germany, Finland and other countries, which united in the European network, and then grew into the International network. This ensures mutual recognition of certificates and enables enterprises not to unnecessarily carry out multiple assessments of quality systems by different organizations. Certification of products and quality systems has firmly entered the world practice of trade relations in this regard, for Russian enterprises engaged in external economic activity, certification of products and quality systems, is of paramount importance for the admission of their products to the foreign market. When choosing a body for certification, the main criterion should be its international authority, so that the certificate received from it ensures wide recognition of the high quality of products in the markets. Thus, mandatory certification allows you to legally supply products to markets, and voluntary certification of products and systems, quality gives the company an advantage in the competition and increases the price and sales of its products. Certification of products and quality systems, monitoring and strict implementation of the current legislation in the field of quality are important areas of work in the process of product quality management.

    Products subject to mandatory certification cannot be sold without certificates of the relevant mandatory requirements standards. Such products without a certificate cannot be advertised and imported into Russia. Voluntary certification of products and quality systems increases the competitiveness of products on the market. Without the organization of work on mandatory certification of products without knowledge and implementation of the legislation in the field of quality in force in Russia and in the countries - importers of manufactured products, as well as international regulations, the successful operation of the enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets is impossible, because. when selling products, the enterprise will constantly encounter very serious, and sometimes insurmountable obstacles.

    One of the most important areas in the activities of quality management enterprises is the monitoring and unconditional implementation of the current legislation in the field of quality. Responsibility for violation of the law is primarily due to the presence of socially significant mandatory requirements for product safety for the population and the environment, as well as the legalized rules of relations between consumers and suppliers in the field of quality.

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

    This law requires the seller (manufacturer) to ensure that the goods are safe and comply with the mandatory requirements of the standards and the terms of the contract.

    When selling goods with defects, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller either the gratuitous elimination of defects or replacement with a similar product. The seller is obliged to satisfy the requirements of the consumer, unless he (the seller) proves that the defects in the goods arose through the fault of the consumer.

    This law provides for mandatory certification of products if safety requirements for the population and the environment are established for it.

    Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" except general provisions includes sections:

    Protection of consumer rights in the sale of consumer goods

    Protection of consumer rights "On the performance of work (provision of services)".

    Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements"

    Many quality indicators exist in the form of specific quantitative characteristics, therefore, the unity and accuracy of measurements of these characteristics is of paramount importance in quality management, when the results are expressed in legal units and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits. This law just establishes the order, ensuring the unity and accuracy of measurements and aimed at protecting the rights of citizens from unreliable measurement results.

    The law provides public administration The uniformity of measurements on the part of the State Standard of Russia establishes metrological services, State Metrological control and supervision, the procedure for checking measuring instruments, their calibration and certification.

    From July 1 this year, the laws "On Certification of Products and Services" and "On Standardization" are cancelled. They were replaced by the Law "On Technical Regulation". This law abolishes mandatory certification for most products, as the previous system did not adequately ensure food safety. Declarations of conformity are now being introduced, for which manufacturers will be responsible. Requirements for the safety of goods will be contained in the "Technical Regulations". They will be developed within 7 years. And until their entry into force, the previously adopted regulations. The Law "On Technical Regulation" assumes that the manufacturer is fully responsible for its quality. GOSTs formally did not have the force of law, technical regulations after their approval by the State Duma will have it. These regulatory documents will define the requirements for product safety. State standards will remain, but will be advisory in nature. The trade inspection, CSM, sanitary and epidemiological supervision will identify dangerous goods. If there is a suspicion that the product may be dangerous to the life and health of consumers, the manufacturer will have to present test reports. Their manufacturer can carry out either on their own or in an accredited laboratory.

    Thus, quality control will now be at the stage of circulation of goods. Although there will be no mandatory certification, according to the developers of the law, it makes no sense for a manufacturer to risk its money, because a product recall can ruin it. The law provides for the possibility of voluntary certification - to increase the prestige of the brand.

    Law "On Manufacturer's Liability for the Release of Defective Products" The most important legal act aimed at protecting the EU countries from the distribution of poor-quality products was the Law "On Manufacturer's Liability for the Release of Defective Products" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) adopted on July 25, 1985. All EU Member States were required within three years from the date of its publication (07/30/85) to bring their legal and administrative acts relating to liability for the release of defective products in accordance with this Law. This Law established the presumption of the manufacturer's guilt for damages resulting from a defective product. The injured consumer no longer has to prove that the product was manufactured with violations, it is enough for him to indicate the presence of a defect in the product and the causal relationship with the damage suffered, as well as the amount of damage. The manufacturer knows his production well and if he fails to prove his innocence (and the jurisdiction imposes very high requirements), then he is liable for the resulting damage. Thus, in accordance with Article 3 of the Law, a situation is not possible where, in the event of damage or harm to persons due to defective products legally produced or supplied in the EU, there would not be a person responsible for the defective products and being at the same time the subject of the right to EU territory.

    According to the fundamental principles of the New Concept, the Council of Europe issues harmonization directives, which establishes the minimum requirements for products, as well as the procedure for putting them into circulation. An EU directive is a piece of legislation requiring all EU member states to bring their national legislation into line with the requirements of this directive. Member States are obliged to implement EU directives into national legislation. The harmonization directives pursue the goal of issuing a single legal act to immediately be able to resolve the problems of moving a certain group of products within the EU by introducing uniform requirements for all member countries without their constant mutual agreement. The introduction into circulation of products that fall under the EU directive (and, therefore, automatically under the national legislation of each of the participating countries) is unacceptable without complying with the fundamental requirements of the relevant law. If a product falls wholly or partly under an EU directive, the product is said to fall within the legally regulated area. The manufacturer of such products, when placing them on the market within the EU, declares under his sole responsibility that these products comply with all provisions of the directives and marks these products with the symbol.


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