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A business on jewelry with a competent approach can quickly pay off, and in the future it will bring you stable income. Experts say that since 2011, the market for jewelry and accessories has grown several times. The main consumers are girls between the ages of 16 and 30, who are not able to spend huge amounts of money on expensive jewelry, but at the same time cannot resist buying some beautiful original jewelry.

There is always a demand for these products. Therefore, it is worth learning how to open a jewelry department, attract customers and start making money on it.

Step 1. We draw up documents

No matter how much you want to quickly deal with the papers and get to work, it is impossible to avoid bureaucratic fuss in our country. In order to open a jewelry department, you will need the following documents:

  1. Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor (sanitary and epidemiological station), confirming the compliance of the store premises with the standards established for objects of this type.
  2. License from Rospotrebnadzor for the location and organization of the enterprise.
  3. The program of sanitary-industrial control, coordinated with the control and supervisory departments.
  4. Regulatory documents for a jewelry store.
  5. Agreements on the implementation of preventive disinfection in the premises, on the cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems, on the disposal of fluorescent lamps, the removal of solid household waste and other waste.

Be sure to comply with all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the State Fire Inspectorate and other services - stores in which violations were found may be fined or even closed.

As for registration, you can work as a legal entity (for example, LLC) or register as an individual entrepreneur.

Step 2. Choose a place

Having decided to organize a business on jewelry, you need to be extremely careful in choosing a suitable location for the store. Without this, you will never get high sales. What should you pay attention to when choosing a location for your outlet?

  • The premises should be located in a place with good traffic, where there is always a large crowd of people (mainly women, since they form the basis of the target audience). A good choice is a place near higher educational institutions.
  • The minimum area of ​​a boutique is 8 m2.
  • The department should be beautifully, brightly and modernly designed - only in this case it will attract the attention of buyers.

Of course, along with the traditional offline business, you can organize the sale of jewelry online and open an online store. This will give you the opportunity to significantly increase the geography of sales, because people from other regions and even cities will be able to make purchases.

Step 3. We buy equipment

When deciding how to design a jewelry department, you do not need to try to be original in everything. In particular, this concerns the choice of suitable equipment. Classic glass showcases and the shop body remain in trend - nothing better has yet been invented.

All goods will be well viewed and will be able to attract the attention of even those people who initially did not think about buying jewelry at all. The main thing is to maintain a single concept and involve designers so that your outlet looks stylish, bright and fashionable.

Step 4. We think over the assortment

Do you already know what exactly you will sell in your store? The answer "jewelry" is obvious, but very inaccurate. Before looking for suppliers and proceeding to the purchase of products, decide which categories of goods you want to work with.

Here is an example of a good assortment for the jewelry department:

  • all kinds of decorations for clothes;
  • brooches;
  • bracelets;
  • necklace;
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • chains.

In order for buyers to have plenty to choose from, each category should have at least several hundred items.

Step 5. Looking for suppliers and purchasing products

Costume jewelry as a business is especially attractive when working on a franchise basis. What does it mean? You enter into an agreement with a jewelry manufacturing company. On average, this requires about 30-40 thousand dollars.

Think it's expensive? However, this amount is more than justified - within a year you will be able to recoup your costs by 100%. You represent well-known, well-established products on the market. And this means that soon after the start of work, the level of "net" profit can reach 2-4 thousand dollars a month.

Starting a business in this area, you need to take into account seasonality. So, the best option it is considered to open a store in December - this is due to the fact that sales reach their maximum in winter and spring, until April.

Step 6. We hire staff

Our task is to ensure the stable and uninterrupted operation of the outlet. Considering that we are not talking about a large store, but about a jewelry department, two salespeople will be enough for this. The best option is to work on a salary (16-20 thousand rubles per month). That is, every month you will have to allocate from 32 to 40 thousand rubles for the payment of salaries.

But you don’t have to spend money on a cleaning lady: if you decide to settle down on the territory of a shopping center, then the employees of the complex itself will take on these duties.

Step 7. We draw up a financial plan for the project

Is it even profitable to create a business on jewelry? Roughly speaking, is the game worth the candle? Let's try to calculate the costs and estimate the approximate profit that you can receive by starting to work in this area.

First, let's talk about the start-up capital that is needed to open a jewelry department:

  • rental of premises (may vary depending on the location) - from 20,000 rubles;
  • conducting repair work, beautification of the department, repair and design;
  • purchase of products - from 150,000 rubles;
  • purchase of branded high-quality equipment - from 30,000 rubles.

In the future, you need to take into account monthly expenses. These include:

  • rent - from 20,000 rubles;
  • salary for employees - about 35,000 rubles;
  • accounting - 2000 rubles;
  • UST - 10,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 4000 rubles.

The markup on jewelry is traditionally considered one of the highest - up to 400%. On average, by developing your business from scratch, you can reach net profit up to 50,000 rubles per month. The profitability of the project in this case can reach 20%. That is, the business will pay off in a year. When working on a franchise, you will need a more impressive start-up investment, but the project can pay for itself several times faster.

Instead of a conclusion: surprise your customers!

For example, you can slightly change already finished products or add jewelry made by your own hands to finished collections.

A little diligence and patience - and your store will begin to bring you a steady income, and you will be able to enjoy doing what you love!

The jewelry store is a business that has stood the test of time. Despite the extremely high competition in this niche, we still see the opening of new outlets. Some of them are turning into a full-fledged business with a developed network throughout the city and even outside the region. The reasons for success lie not only in the organizational skills of a businessman, but also in the specifics of the product. There is a great variety of jewelry and costume jewelry, ranging from classic factory items to unique design solutions. Therefore, almost every store can create its own original assortment, thereby attracting the attention of even the most sophisticated customer.

How to run a successful jewelry store? Present to your attention step by step guide for starting a business.

Step 1 - Selecting the outlet format

The first thing to start with is to decide on the format of the business. There are plenty of options for opening a profitable jewelry trading point. Here are just a few of the well-known profitable destinations:

  • Piercing jewelry store
  • Men's Jewelry Store
  • Artificial stone jewelry store
  • Jewelry store
  • Shop of exclusive jewelry
  • Jewelry store
  • watch store

Each of these directions has its pros and cons. You must first look at the presence of competition in the place where you plan to open a store. If there are already a couple of watch stores in the mall, then opening a third one is already inappropriate. But here they can be successfully sold men's jewelry: rings, pendants, bracelets, chains, etc.

Step 2 - Finding Project Funding Sources

To open a point of sale of jewelry, depending on the format of the store, it may take from 450,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises (6 - 15 sq. m.) - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition commercial equipment(racks, economy panels, stands for jewelry, KKM, etc.) - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - from 250,000 rubles.
  • IP registration and other expenses - from 50,000 rubles.

Step 3 - Selecting a room

Most successful this business depends on the location of the outlet. The most profitable and "brisk" places are shopping centers. Such places are visited by wealthy people who are ready to spend tens of thousands on beautiful jewelry.

At the same time, it is optimal to be located as low as possible - on the first or second floors. The most accessible format is a shopping island for 4-6 sq. m. Retail space in the popular shopping center of the city will cost at least 5000 rubles. per sq. m. The main difficulty when opening in such places lies in the high financial costs of the design of the store. Each shopping center requires retail outlets to have appropriate design, which must fit into the overall design of the shopping center.

More budgetary retail space - the first floors of apartment buildings, as well as underground passages. In the first case, it is important to choose premises on the first line of houses, in close proximity to the roadway, sidewalks and bus stops. Here we are counting on a less solvent buyer, so it is advisable to trade inexpensive goods in such places.

Step 4 - Finding suppliers of goods

You need to decide on the key suppliers of products to your store. It is not necessary to buy Chinese goods. In our country, there are many manufacturers, including the plant "Etalon", "Colibra", "Red Song", "Privolzhsky Plant", "JOKER", "Infiniti" and others. Although there is one big "but" - direct manufacturers work with large batches of orders (at least 50 pieces of each product of a particular color). Entrepreneurs with one outlet per 10 sq. m. manufacturers are not interested.

A simpler, but less profitable option for individual shops is to purchase at wholesale depots in Moscow. Here you will find mainly Chinese goods, which are often sold under the guise of luxury Italian or French jewelry.

Some of the goods can be purchased from private craftsmen. Today there are many people who are engaged in the production of exclusive jewelry at home. As raw materials, they use natural stones and leather, 925 sterling silver, topazes, mother-of-pearl, zircon and so on. Some make very beautiful things, while the price may not be so high. A big plus of cooperation with private masters is that many of them are ready to give the goods for sale. That is, you simply allocate shelf space to them and do not pay for the purchase. As soon as the goods are sold, you deduct money to the master (for example, for bank card), and keep part of the markup for yourself.

“In order to maintain the volume of revenue, in the future it will be necessary to update the assortment of goods at least twice a month,” market players advise.

Step 5 – Business Registration

The next step is business registration. For a small store, the best option would be to register individual entrepreneurship. Such an event costs only 800 rubles. state duty. If the case is organized in partnership, then it will be necessary to register a legal entity (LLC). This is a more expensive option (costs from 20 thousand rubles), but with its own advantages. Status legal entity allows you to open branches. And selling a business, if such a need arises, will be much easier.

UTII is most often chosen as the taxation system for small shops. This is the most profitable special mode taxation, when the tax is paid depending on the size retail space. The smaller the area, the lower the tax.

A few words should be said about the product documentation. Jewelry and bijouterie are not subject to mandatory certification, however, in order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, ask the supplier for a declaration of conformity or a hygiene certificate. Each product must be accompanied by at least one of the specified documents.

Step 6 - Acquisition of commercial equipment and purchase of goods

After registering a business and concluding a lease agreement for premises, you can start buying commercial equipment and creating an assortment of goods. Depending on the size of the outlet, furniture may be required for displaying and storing goods: shelving cabinets, display cabinets, as well as auxiliary equipment. Do not skimp on the purchase of high-quality backlight: halogen, metal-halogen or LED. Such investments pay off handsomely. The arrangement of the outlet will require at least 100,000 rubles.

Step 7 - Advertising

Active advertising for a jewelry store is required only when the outlet is located in a very busy place. Then 99% of the goods will be bought on impulse (saw - touched - liked - bought). In other cases, you need to try hard so that the client goes to you. In the era of the development of the Internet, advertising in in social networks and through their own websites. Promoting your page is easy. Each buyer should be given a business card with the address of the group and site and provide a discount on the next purchase.

Regular holding of promotions is also a mandatory tool for increasing sales. inform about new promotion it is possible through groups in social networks, as well as by sending SMS messages (client numbers can be collected by filling out small questionnaires).

And do not forget about the seasonality of the business. The "dead season" in the jewelry trade traditionally falls on the summer period. Traders begin to make a profit only from October. Advertising in the off-season is money down the drain.

Bijouterie is one of the highest marginal products - the margin is from 100 to 500%, which makes the business of selling it especially profitable. Therefore, both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur can make money on jewelry from scratch.

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The jewelry store sells the following items:

  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • brooches;
  • necklace;
  • bracelets;
  • jewelry sets;
  • pendants;
  • vintage jewelry;
  • hairpins;
  • brooches;
  • gift boxes.

A large and well-thought-out assortment of the store is the key to business success. Products must meet requests target audience.

Types and relevance

Selling jewelry is especially relevant in times of crisis. This is due to the fact that this product is much cheaper than jewelry, but it looks high quality and spectacular.

Types of jewelry stores:

  • online store;
  • department in the mall.

Online store

A popular way to sell jewelry is to set up an online store.

  • does not require the purchase of expensive showcases;
  • sales throughout the country;
  • a large assortment.
  • requires technical support programmer
  • the client does not have the opportunity to feel and try on the goods;
  • high logistics and delivery costs.

On the initial stage launching an online jewelry store as a warehouse, the owner can use his own apartment.

Online store requirements:

  • Beautiful design;
  • thoughtful structure;
  • use of social networks;
  • the use of contextual advertising.

Design ideas for an online jewelry store:

colorful background Detailed catalog Minimalistic design Deep Filtration

Department in the shopping center

Mall requirements:

  • high permeability;
  • the presence of a cinema and a cafe;
  • the possibility of advertising a point of sale.

Options for placing a jewelry store in a shopping center:

  1. Island. Area: 6-10 square meters.
  2. Department. It requires large financial investments, as it will require not only the purchase of equipment, but also repairs.

Description and analysis of the market

Costume jewelry is jewelry that is made from inexpensive non-precious metals and stones. Outwardly, jewelry resembles jewelry, but its cost is much lower. Costume jewelry is integral part fashion retail, whose volume is estimated at about $57 billion. The jewelry market is about 2.5 billion dollars, that is, about 4% of the entire fashion retail market.

In Russia most of market is occupied by imported jewelry, domestic production makes up the smaller part. Price segment: medium.

The target audience

You should start selling jewelry by determining the target audience of the store. The entrepreneur must draw up a portrait of his client, taking into account the interests of the buyer. This is necessary to determine the range and marketing strategy shop.

An example of a client profile:

  • gender: female;
  • age: 30–45 years;
  • income: above average;
  • interests: fashion, beauty, style.

Competitive advantages

To the main competitive advantage jewelry stores include:

  • varied assortment;
  • sale of actual goods, in terms of fashion and demand;
  • professional advice;
  • thoughtful pricing policy;
  • control of sales indicators;
  • cooperation with reliable suppliers;
  • attractive store design;
  • effective marketing campaign.

Advertising campaign

The store can be a great source of income if the owner plans his advertising campaign.

  • website;
  • pages in social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • leaflets;
  • audio advertising in the shopping center;
  • videos on television;
  • signboard;
  • banner on the facade of the building.

Ways to increase sales:

  1. Stock. You can offer a discount or arrange a sale.
  2. Loyalty program. Cumulative discounts for regular customers.
  3. Affiliate program. Cooperation with third-party sites and bloggers. Payment for attracting customers as a percentage of sales.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Steps to Selling Jewelry:

  1. Preparation of documents.
  2. Search for premises and definition of design.
  3. Purchase of equipment and supplies.
  4. Purchase of goods.
  5. Recruitment.

The documents

To open a store, you need to receive required documents. An online store will require only a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, the registration of a point in a shopping center requires additional documents.

To open a department in a shopping center, you need:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Room and design

Requirements for the premises and design of the store:

  • purity;
  • good light;
  • uniform style;
  • minimalistic design;
  • convenient checkout area;
  • attractive sign.

Equipment and inventory

Necessary equipment and inventory.

Showcase options for a jewelry store:

Black color Light colors Red color Beige and brown tones

Equipment and inventory must meet the requirements of:

  • high quality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • presence of mirrors.

When laying out goods, you can use groupings:

  • by type of product;
  • by color;
  • by topic.

The location of all goods and equipment should be logical and intuitive. The client should easily find what he needs.

Purchase of goods

A product can be purchased from one supplier or from several.

Advantages of buying from only one supplier:

  • you can get additional volume discounts;
  • shipping savings.

Pros of buying from multiple vendors:

  • a wide variety of assortment;
  • regular deliveries even in case of problems with one of the suppliers.

What you need to focus on when choosing products for sale:

  • on own experience and taste of the owner;
  • on sales figures (select hits).

When choosing a supplier, you need to focus on the following data:

  1. Supplier experience in this area. It is recommended to choose companies that have been on the market for a long time.
  2. Feedback from shop owners who work with this supplier. Most reviews should be positive.
  3. Documentation. The supplier is obliged to provide documents for each consignment of goods. It is recommended to order a small trial batch for verification.
  4. Own production. It is advisable to purchase goods directly from the manufacturer, in this case the purchase price will be minimal.

Video instruction on the purchase of goods for a jewelry store from Alexander Bondar.


Employee requirements:

  • woman;
  • sales knowledge;
  • cleanliness and neatness;
  • interest in the product.

Seller's Responsibilities:

  • consultation;
  • sales registration;
  • display of goods;
  • maintaining cleanliness.

Online Store Manager Responsibilities:

  • order picking;
  • counseling clients;
  • verification of data for sending;
  • sending orders.

Financial plan

Financial planning allows you to compare the expected income and expenses of a future company and evaluate the effectiveness of a business project.

Starting investments

Starting investments in the business will be 660,000 rubles.

Recurring costs

Monthly investment in the store.


Monthly income is determined based on the fact that:

  • average daily revenue - 6,600 rubles;
  • monthly revenue - 200,000 rubles;
  • expenses - 160,000 rubles.

The store will bring a monthly profit of 40,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

From the moment of developing a business idea to the date of opening the store, it will take from three to four months.

Jewelery shop calendar.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months
Business project preparation+
Search for product suppliers+
Preparing documents for store registration+
Store registration+ +
Selection commercial premises and conclusion of a lease agreement+ +
Premises renovation +
Installation of commercial equipment +
Obtaining approvals from supervisory authorities +
Purchase of goods +
Conclusion employment contracts with staff +
Advertising + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The project to open a jewelry store is distinguished by a low level of risks. The business requires a small initial investment. The location of the outlet in a large shopping center provides a guaranteed daily flow of customers, but there is a risk of becoming unprofitable due to high rental rates.

The main risks that may prevent you from making money on jewelry:

  1. Seasonality. During holidays and weddings, the demand is very high, and the rest of the time it is moderate.
  2. Decreased purchasing power. It may occur due to the situation in the country's economy, because of which the population will buy less non-essential goods.
  3. Incompetent employees. The store's revenue depends on the quality of customer service. Unprofessional staff will not be able to provide the required level of sales.
  4. The growth of the exchange rate and the increase in purchase prices, customs duties.
  5. The growth of competition. The active behavior of competitors can affect the behavior of the target audience not in favor of the business.
  6. Rising costs due to rent increase.

The payback of the initial investment will come in 16-17 months.

A jewelry store is a good idea for a business. A properly organized business can become quite profitable and pay off within a year. Success is guaranteed by demand: high-quality jewelry to the liking of women of any age. Such things are suitable for everyday wear, and new collections are released every season, forcing fashionistas to replenish their stocks.

The second success factor is the high markup that can be set on this species goods. The norm for jewelry is 200-300%. Under such conditions, its sale will soon begin to bring a stable income, so it’s worth finding out in detail how to open a jewelry store and get an interesting profitable business.

First you need to study the features of the product, consumer preferences and sales opportunities in order to be able to accurately answer the questions: what, to whom, where and how to sell. When the preliminary steps are completed and necessary information collected, it's time to start implementing the plan.

You will need to draw up a number of documents, install equipment, purchase the first batch of goods, hire sellers. In a word, there will be a lot of things. In order not to forget about anything, when you are going to open a jewelry store, you need to draw up a business plan with all the details and preliminary calculations.

We draw up a business plan

The main requirement for this document is that it really be a plan that clearly explains how you can generate income with the help of a jewelry store.

Product Detail

At this point in the business plan, you need to indicate which jewelry is chosen and why it will be in demand. For example, the choice was made in favor of products of the middle price category and a little more expensive, with semi-precious stones and the use of hypoallergenic jewelry alloys, since these things are safe, aesthetic and suitable for any style of clothing.

Characteristics of the target audience

Having carefully studied the tastes and preferences of women in your city, you need to determine the category of potential buyers and draw up a typical portrait. The chosen type of jewelry is interesting for women 25-50 years old. They already have a steady income and can afford to buy such jewelry, but their needs are sometimes different. It is important for young people to look stylish and follow fashion, they can be demanding on the brand. Those who are older actively take care of their health and know that there is no allergy from a silver-plated chain, amber beads are useful for diseases of the thyroid gland, etc. They are rarely guided by fashion and will agree to purchase jewelry from last season that meets their requirements.


Surely every shopping center has such a department, so even at the planning stage, you need to find out the strengths and weak sides future rivals. What vendors do they work with? How often is the assortment updated? Is the markup high? What methods of attracting customers are used?

With this information, it will be possible to figure out how to resist competition. The methods may be different. For example, to develop original packaging for purchases, come up with a check lottery, make discounts on birthdays. It may be worth opening a jewelry and accessories store in order to diversify the offer and thereby attract more customers.

Possible risks

When selling jewelry, there are few of them. First, it's competition. If it is too high, then it will be possible to squeeze the ranks of rivals only by lowering prices.

Secondly, dependence on fashion and tastes of the target audience. What is not sold at the peak of its popularity has every chance to stay in stock for a long time. The situation can be saved only by a master who is able to take apart a thing and make something new out of it.

Thirdly, seasonality. Women always strive to look better, but massively this desire intensifies before graduations, New Years and March 8th. After these periods, sales drop. There is nothing you can do about it, the only way to make sure is to prepare well for the season in order to sell as many jewelry as possible.

Choosing a location for a future store

It's no secret that success depends on the choice of location. The area of ​​the city, traffic, proximity to other departments are important. The recommendations here are simple: jewelry is usually bought spontaneously, so it is better to spend money on renting in a busy shopping center. It will be very good if there are departments nearby that are focused on the same target audience.

As for the area, for starters it is worth limiting yourself to 5–6 m 2. Here it will be possible to place racks, and the seller will be comfortable.

It is undesirable to occupy less than 5 m 2, such savings have more disadvantages than advantages:

  • a small department does not look very solid, especially if the shopping center has a large pavilion of competitors;
  • a small number of people can approach him at the same time;
  • if UTII is chosen as the taxation system, the value of the base yield will be 9000 rubles.

An ideal option for selling jewelry would be an island-type department. It is viewed from all sides and you don’t even need to go into it to see the thing you like. In addition, ready-made modules for jewelry are now being sold. There are already showcases and racks protected by shockproof glass, light boxes are built in, there are stands for jewelry. However, with limited funds, you can find a company that inexpensively makes such things to order.

Supplier selection

China, Korea and Turkey are famous for attractive prices for good jewelry. It is more expensive to buy in Europe, but fashion is born here, so all products perfectly match it, differing in safety and quality. Suppliers can also be found nearby, among domestic manufacturers.

Department design and advertising

Faceless shop windows are unlikely to attract buyers, so it would be nice to come up with a name for your department in advance, design a sign, decorate racks with goods, and think over lighting. Original branded price tags, in turn, attract the eye and contribute to the formation of the image of the store. Before opening, it is worth advertising on TV, radio or in newspapers.

Approximate payback calculation

First you need to calculate inventory required for at least the first month of trading. Suppose that the department should have 1000 pieces of jewelry, the average purchase price of each is 200 rubles. The total amount of the stock is 200,000 rubles.

Things will be sold, but empty stalls must be filled. An average of 10 units are sold per day. So, for a month, by modest standards, you need a supply of 300 jewelry, for 60,000 rubles. Let's round up to 100,000. So, to start trading, you need 300,000 decorations.

Starting costs when opening a store:

  • purchase of a batch of jewelry - 300,000;
  • purchase of a trading module - 100,000;
  • signage design and production, different types advertising - 50,000;
  • cash desk, including and an apparatus for cashless payments - 30,000;
  • the cost of services for paperwork - 20,000.

Total: 500 thousand rubles.

Suppose that the goods are sold at twice the purchase price, and the monthly revenue is 150,000 rubles. Estimated expenses in the same period will be 20,000 (rent) + 30,000 (salary salaries) + 15,000 (taxes, purchase of stationery, etc.) + 55 (purchase of a new batch of jewelry to replace those sold out). After all the deductions, 30,000 will remain, therefore, in the most modest scenario, it will take 17 months to recoup the investment. But in reality, revenue can be twice as much, for example, in a season or at a higher margin, so you have to wait less than a year.

Starting a business

All the actions described above are a preliminary stage, mostly theoretical. When everything is ready, it's time to start practical steps on the opening of the store.

Choice of legal status

If you plan to open a small store, it will be enough to register or. Most often, entrepreneurs choose individual entrepreneurs: it is easier to open, the fines are lower, you can dispose of the proceeds as you like, which is very important when selling jewelry. Suddenly, during the season, sales will rise above the expected ones and you will need to buy another batch of goods? An individual entrepreneur is free to take money from the proceeds for this.

However, in the case when the business was conceived by several people who plan to expand it and eventually create a network of jewelry departments in different shopping malls city, it is better to register an LLC.

Choosing a taxation system

Since 2013, firms whose activities are subject to the application of the simplified tax system can choose any of them. On the forums, it is often advised to use the first one, since it is fixed and does not depend on profit, but on other indicators, including area sales department. The jewelry store has few square meters, so the tax will also be small.

However, this option is suitable for a long-existing department with good profits, and for a newly opened one, whose revenue is small, it is better to choose. From the amount of the first small incomes, the tax will also be modest, and even during periods of reduced demand, you can not be afraid that there will not be enough money to pay it.


After registering a legal entity, you will need to register with the tax office, obtain a TIN and Goskomstat codes, register with pension and medical funds, and social insurance. Then you can start preparing the documents necessary to start the store:

  • commercial space lease agreement;
  • papers from Rospotrebnadzor confirming that the store does not violate the standards established for objects of this type;
  • contracts for preventive disinfection, garbage disposal, hazardous household waste disposal, ventilation cleaning;
  • documents from fire services confirming the safety of the premises. It will also be necessary to appoint one of the employees as the head of fire safety and conduct his training;
  • documents for KKM;
  • product certificates and refusal letters from licensing authorities. The fact is that jewelry is not subject to licensing.

All documents can be drawn up without much difficulty on their own, but you can spend 20-30 thousand on the services of companies that assist in such matters. The freed up time will be useful for the installation of equipment and other preparations for the opening of the department.

Knowing how to open a jewelry store from scratch, you can plan and start a truly interesting and profitable business. You will have to face minor risks in the form of competition and dependence on fashion, but the relative ease of paperwork, moderate investment and quick payback make the jewelry trade attractive for those who want to receive a stable income.

If you use the services of someone else's needlework online store to sell beaded jewelry or created your own, then you probably faced the need to write a product description.

- How to describe the decoration?
- So be sure to buy it!

In an online store, the buyer cannot touch the jewelry, try it on ... He relies only on the photo that you successfully edited in Photoshop, and on your description. You, as a psychic wizard, must, through these few lines, suggest that this jewelry simply needs to be purchased.

I think you have noticed more than once how saleswomen talk to customers, and so we need to learn this.

Take the time and effort to hone your descriptions, and you will not be left without sales.

Tip #1: Think of a name for the decoration.

Give descriptive names to jewelry, not vague and "pretentious".
Remember that sometimes a title will be considered without a photo of your work.
In a search engine, in a catalog, for example, the reader will always see the title and a brief description, but there is no photo.

Here are some examples
"The Perfect Bracelet for the Perfect Woman" is much better than the name "Crystal Bracelet".
"Summer bracelet for every day" is better than "Summer Shadow".

Tip #2: List benefits, not features.

To know which advantage to emphasize, you need to know your client.
What they want? What is important to them? Beauty or reliability? Status, presentability or admiring glances of men?

Here are some examples of benefits:
Necklace of perfect length, looks good with a V-neckline, makes you pay attention to the face. Lengthens the neck.
Strong weaving: the decoration made in this technique will not tear, even when the child pulls on it.

Tip #3: Add emotion and logic.

People buy on an emotional impulse, but with a logical approach. So what is it a good idea, - combine logic and emotions, - a blow from two sides.
It's good if you include 3 emotional notes and 2 logical ones.

Examples of emotional benefits:
you will be loved
You will be unique
you will be attractive

Examples of logical advantages:
We solve the problem (for example, if this is a great solution for a gift on March 8)
Save money (eg. free shipping or discount)

Tip #4: The description should be clear.

Throw away all "smart science" terms. No one wants to read official high-flown descriptions filled with big words. You don't have to write a dissertation. Write in a conversational style in accessible language.

Tip #5: Address the reader in a single person.

Imagine that you are talking to your best friend. With just one person. Address not to the crowd, but to the one for which you created this jewelry! This will help build trust, which will eventually lead to a sale.

Tip #6: Say "you" instead of "I" more often.

The sweetest word (after a person's own name!) is the word "you".

So, instead of talking about yourself and what you wanted to create, talk about what the product will do for them.

For example...
"You will feel like the queen of the ball on your wedding day"
it's incomparably better than
"I created this necklace for a bride who wants to be prom queen on her wedding day."

Tip #7: Add a short story.

People often buy products self made to feel their uniqueness. Add uniqueness and originality to your works, tell the reader that your jewelry is unlike others, that they are made in a single copy! They are unique because their author (that is, you yourself) is original and unique.

Here are some examples of stories:

How did you get into beading
The history of the creation of some jewelry (what prompted you to make this particular jewelry)
Interesting coincidences

Tip #8 Mandatory Guarantee.

You should always offer some sort of guarantee to increase your customer's confidence (free repair or replacement if it breaks).
This will undoubtedly increase your sales, but will not increase the number of "victim" appeals. The secret is that even if you offer to send a broken jewelry for repair (exchange) at your own expense, not many will want to go to the post office.

Tip #9 Buy button effect.

People are indecisive creatures. Ads that directly tell people to buy increase the likelihood that they will do so. This is why you often see "buy" or "add to cart" buttons in online stores.
So feel free to tell readers at the end of the description what to do next, which is to click the "Add to Cart" button to checkout now.
Encourage readers to buy! Order if you want! This is the law of advertising...

Tip #10 The buying process should be easy and straightforward.

The easier it is to order, the better.
Try simplifying checkout to one button, don't ask people to enter more additional information than needed. The easier it is to buy from your online store, the more sales you will see.

Try implementing some of these tips in your store and see what happens.


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