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Business seminars and trainings

Business owners who are interested in increasing their monthly income always think about the possibility of obtaining new ideas, knowledge, methods in the development of the organization. Currently, training programs, business trainings and seminars, courses and other types of training have become very popular among company owners. Their popularity is explained by the fact that in a short period of time the company can achieve high results. The expert talks about ways to improve work, shares useful techniques and tools to achieve goals.

Market educational programs is growing all the time for a number of reasons, where the main one is the increase in people's needs and desire effective management companies.

Why do we need business seminars and trainings?

It is believed that in any organization the main value is qualified and competent employees. Only a professional in his field can establish stable relationships and increase the flow of new customers.

Naturally, the leader will have a question:

"Where to find a professional employee?"

There are several options, for example, you can look after an experienced specialist in a competitor's company and try to lure him over. Or carefully study the people in your organization and try to turn one of the promising employees into a real pro. But it is believed that any ordinary worker can try to make a professional.

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The traditional way of obtaining new knowledge is reading books, lectures, video lessons. Yes, the result will be, but only by 30-40%. To date, the most effective method training - conducting various group trainings. This form of staff training in the company will show results in a short time and increase monthly income.

The term training is understood as a way of learning, which is based on the performance of specific tasks. The purpose of which is the acquisition of new useful skills, and their development in practice is mandatory.

Business training is a training format, the purpose of which is the training of business skills, also based on the performance of certain tasks. The acquisition of such knowledge contributes to an increase in the level of work of all employees for the competitiveness of the company. The process considers such important points in the work of any enterprise as:

  • Solving management problems;
  • Increasing profits;
  • The embodiment of ideas.

The training is considered effective if the manager, after completing the training, was able to solve the tasks, gained new experience and has the ability to easily apply it in practice.

Why are trainings successful among leaders of organizations?

Today, most companies are working to improve the knowledge of the entire staff. The event is held in such a way that all listeners receive information in an accessible and simple language. And in the future, they easily applied knowledge in their work and improved their problems themselves. Consider the main advantages of learning through business seminars.

    The format is collective learning. Participants gain new knowledge and share their thoughts with other people during the course. Practicing effective techniques in work from an expert, on each other. This option allows you to quickly remember the information received.

    The obligatory part is practice. During the training process, the trainer offers to play games and act out real situations. In the course of the game form, the received material is easy to fix in memory. In addition, the game allows participants to quickly remove all barriers in communication and conduct negotiations without difficulty. The coach observes the situation from the outside and always gives feedback, points out mistakes.

    The duration of the lesson is usually up to three days. Such terms allow in a short period of time to get a lot of useful knowledge that is necessary for the effective operation of the company and to make business partners.

Training seminars help to improve the work of the enterprise in a short time. An experienced coach pays attention to the motivation of the participants who set clear goals.

Now the entrepreneurial market has a particularly large range of courses in Moscow and St. Petersburg in many areas. Attending various courses gives you the opportunity to get to know your competitors better, to meet new partners, to establish business relationship and increase the number of customers.

With a fast lifestyle, it is important for a businessman to get specific information on an issue of interest and, with all this, to spend a minimum amount of working time and money costs. Therefore, online business seminars are an excellent option for obtaining such real knowledge that will meet current trends.

The Business Transformation Seminar provides all participants with the opportunity to choose the right educational program depending on the purpose of the training. Most often, a visit is necessary to get motivation, such a useful push that will move towards the goal.

Business trainings and seminars are a key task

The main purpose of training is to transfer the trainer useful information to all participants. And also a motivational push for positive change in the firm. Every qualified person is successful businessman, speaker, trainer in his field of activity. Business seminars and trainings are considered one of the ways to introduce entrepreneurs to new approaches to managing and promoting a business.

Any entrepreneur will think why he needs a business transformation seminar for his company? The answer is obvious, new knowledge is needed in order to:

  • Learn all the secrets of a successful business;
  • Open the mind;
  • Make useful contacts and contacts;
  • Raise the level of your knowledge;
  • Increase capital.

Online business seminars are a good platform for businessmen, which was created with main goal business support and development.

Specialists of the company's business trainings for the development of the enterprise allow to solve a number of the following tasks:

  • Optimization of business processes;
  • Formation of sales technologies and skills of successful negotiations with clients;
  • Increase in labor productivity;
  • Creation of team spirit, motivation;
  • Raising the qualifications of employees of the enterprise.

Specialists will help develop managerial and leadership qualities for working in a team, as well as teach you how to effectively manage finances. The trainer of a business training company should make a good impression, be highly qualified, and give competent advice on the development of the organization. After such training, all participants will be satisfied with the result and will certainly be able to use the information received in their work.

What are business trainings?

In the modern world, in the business of successful entrepreneurship, one cannot stop at one place, but one must constantly improve the activities of specialists, increasing their labor productivity. Training is an indispensable tool in improving business conduct.

Specialized companies conduct business training, taking into account the characteristics of each enterprise, and draw up a specific training program. They use various tools and materials, hold various discussions and business games among the participants.

Now a lot of information is on the Internet, so in order for a businessman to save time searching for the right training format, you need to use it. When reviewing the business training plan on the expert's website, it is possible to form your opinion about the quality of the course in advance.

Training can solve a whole range of problems, so the choice of training should be taken responsibly. Information about which courses and seminars are currently relevant can be found using the Internet. It takes just a couple of minutes to go to the business training website, get acquainted with the format and venue of the event. Conducting such a format of training by the company's management guarantees, in a short period of time, to increase the level of activity of managers and establish relationships in the team.

© Konstantin Baksht, CEO Baksht Consulting Group.

The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to visit K. Baksht's sales management training "Sales System".

NPP Garant Service- Moscow

38,000 - 48,000 rubles

...individual consultations from experts, All-Russian satellite onlineseminars,professional magazines, the latest technology and service... products necessary for qualityorganizationsseminars; Maintenance of the closed section "Internet seminars" on the site...

3 days ago

PhysioTape - metro Kaluzhskaya, Moscow

60,000 - 90,000 rubles process. In other words, specializedseminarsand workshops on the methods of complementary and sports... ...We can help even more). Income is almost equal. At the same time, the ceilingorganizationscourses is not limited and depends on your activity in the search for partners...

8 days ago

University "Synergy - Sokol metro station, Moscow

80 000 rub.

Responsibilities: Sale of tickets for Event events, I-Fak, fights, the world's largest business forums (Global Event Forum, Synergy Global Forum); Competent advice to customers on the product of interest; Work with the existing database (without searching for clients) ;...

25 days ago

Gamma - Aviamotornaya metro station, Moscow

...Responsibilities: identification of training needs; planning,organizationand conducting training in various forms (trainings, seminars,webinars and others) development of plans, programs, scenarios for training events preparation of training content: training...

2 days ago

Richet - Moscow

50 000 rub.

...Identification of training needs, planning andorganizationactivities for management personnel... ...; organizing and conducting trainingseminarsfor the company's products throughout Russia; presentation development andtrainings;Creation and implementation of programs for...

6 days ago

"Palmetta" lingerie store network- Moscow

70 000 rub., drawing up and implementing a training plan; Holdingtrainings and seminars;Conducting individual events with employees... ...motivation programs for staff and analysis of their effectiveness;Organizationand onboarding for new employees; Adaptation of existing...

25 days ago

MGCOM - Moscow

80,000 - 120,000 rubles

...We are ready to add to our teamtraining-manager / business coach who:... ...various methods of teaching and development (lectures,seminars,trainings, case studies, mentoring... ...accounting, sales, soft skills, etc.;organizationexternal training; processing...

6 days ago

FOUR PAWS, Network of pet stores- Moscow

Responsibilities: Organizationeducational process for various forms training /trainings,(including offsite) held for employees central office, employees... ...Conducting the educational process (education / training /seminar/webinar/ business game / workshop, etc.)...

3 days ago

ATRIUM INNOVATION RUS - Paveletskaya metro station, Moscow

100,000 - 120,000 rubles

...effective Feedback, setting goalsorganizationeffective communications; control... positions of employees based on resultstrainingSelection and evaluation in recruitment, an introduction to... ...educational activities (trainings,seminars,business games) for SE and managers Experienced...

22 days ago

Estelle Adoni, Network of luxury lingerie salons- Moscow

Responsibilities: ~ organizationstaff training and development ~ holdingtrainings and seminars(by product and sales) ~ post-training work; ~ identification and development of professional capabilities of employees in the learning process ~ development of teaching aids...

24 days ago

Lady Collection - Moscow

45 000 rub.

...level and line employees Development of training materials, workbooks necessary for employee training Implementationtrainings, seminars,consultations and other types of training sessions in accordance with the approved program Conducting current methodological work...

3 days ago

Yashin - Moscow

80 000 rub.

Job Responsibilities: Holdingtrainingson product and sales for retail personnel Development and implementation of new forms and programs... (feedback, testing).Organizationand performance appraisal of employees. Field training...

3 days ago

Group of companies "Five-fifty-five"- Moscow

1 rub./year

Requirements: ~1 year sales experience (educational and consulting services); ~ Negotiation experience ~Presentation experience ~skills to assess customer needs; ~knowledge of the market of educational services. Personal qualities: ~ organizational skills; ...

Fast response over 2 months ago

Memorial, International Public Organization Human Rights Center - Pushkinskaya metro station, Moscow

100 000 rub. one of the leading human rightsorganizationsin Russia and has been engaged in... ...the subject of eligibility; conductingtrainingsto improve the skills of practitioners... ...conducting educational trainings and/orseminarson legal matters would be an advantage...

3 days ago

Garant - Moscow

...payments - interaction with customers and regional partners).Organizationregistration and issuance of documents to students on the basis of the results... ...on the internal portal for customers, updating information aboutseminarsin the Garant system. Higher education (preferably pedagogical)...

Quick response 11 days ago

Telecom-Service IT, Group of companies - Baumanskaya metro station, Moscow

Once I climbed the stairs of an office building: in one hand I held a heavy briefcase with handouts and a laptop, in the other I bought coffee on the way. When fully loaded, managed to talk on the phone. She stumbled. A moment of free fall, and now I’m lying in the pose of a Vitruvian man and in the voice of Dzhigurda I say: “I’ll call you back!”. Over the four years of experience, enough funny and not so funny stories have accumulated to follow safety precautions when passing the distance. This approach helps to achieve the result with the most environmentally friendly attitude towards yourself and others.

Here are 6 rules of ethics for a training organizer with an explanation of how it works for me in real life.

Rule #1

Do not embellish where there is none. Be beautiful where you are.

Work and act in a way that makes you proud and always keeps your promises. Openness and sincerity encourages trust and honest feedback.

How does it work for me

If an acquaintance with a product or a trainer is planned, I speak about it directly. The speaker will not conduct a full-fledged training in two hours and will not answer all the questions. Therefore, I do not promise the supernatural from the cycle: "Come - everything will be."

I also strive to invite an audience with common interests and life views to thematic events. For example, the presentation of the topic “Energy Saving Mode” for businessmen and housewives is diametrically opposed. A diverse audience will not allow you to form a productive flow of conversation. For many, the meeting will turn out to be a waste of time and investment, and, as a result, nullify the efforts to organize the event.

If there is a deep work that requires mutual resource and attention, I warn the client so that he knows where and why he is going. Thus, I give the participant the choice to take exactly as much as he is ready to take.

Rule #2

Tact is tick-tock.

Punctuality is an unspoken rule. It's about the work schedule. Being in touch 24/7, no matter where you are and what you are doing, is valuable. But let this be the exception rather than the rule. Teach yourself and clients to respect each other's time.

How does it work for me

Rule #3

Giving → receive, receiving → give.

Accurately observe the balance of energy accounting. It is no secret that the energy given to someone should be returned in the form of money, emotional support, new knowledge and tangible things. If you give more than you receive, then moral and physical exhaustion follows.

How does it work for me

Now very carefullyI evaluate what benefit I will receive by providing a discount or free participation in the event. Often, those who get the program as a gift are not tuned in to productive work. Moreover, with apathy or inappropriate questions, they fill the whole space: they slow down other participants or pull strength from me and the coach.

Therefore, if the client is a leader of public opinion, then I ask you to publish an announcement about the upcoming event. I am also considering a partnership on barter, depending on the expertise of the participant.

I suggest that photographers and videographers listen to the program and at the same time make a reportage sketch of the event. At the same time, I understand that the quality and value of information corresponds to the interests of a person.

Rule #4

Everything that was in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Maintain confidentiality and do not share information about other participants outside the program. Thus, creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere, as well as increasing the desire of customers to return again.

How does it work for me

If, when talking to a potential participant, it is necessary to give examples of the successes or failures of others, I replace everything that can point to a specific person. I bring the focus to the point. I don't dwell on the details.

Rule #5

Don't do good.

Your personal experience and observations are not a valid reason to give advice. The maximum that is acceptable if a question is asked is to express an opinion. Remember that your main task is to create conditions for a comfortable passage of programs. Everything else is directly related to the coach with the appropriate qualifications.

How does it work for me

When we meet, I clarify the request of the participant. Based on the information provided, I recommend the program and argue why. I try not to get involved in other people's stories and not speak out, as I would have done, being in the place of the interlocutor. Even if there is something to say.

Advice - bear a joint responsibility for the events of another person. Therefore, you can do good and bring happiness not only to the interlocutor, but also to yourself.

Rule #6

Operate from high vibrations.

Acting out of high vibrations does not mean a voluntary refusal to observe and study the negative manifestations of the world. It is a conscious choice to see the good in people, relationships and events. Then, in any case, the “green light” will certainly turn on. Agree - this is much more pleasant than increasing irritation, anxiety, doubt and despondency?

How does it work for me

In a reliable business center, pipes are leaking, air conditioners are breaking down and elevators are out of order. A public person acts bypassing honor and conscience, postponing payment for participation indefinitely. There was a case when half of the group checked out overnight, and the coach from another city had already arrived.

I breathe out.

And I find three interchangeable options for training. I keep a receipt template handy. The sent call to the chat rooms helped to recruit a group in two hours.

Conclusion: there is no unfavorable scenario in space. Only a positive tone with a focus on: “What can be improved?” helps to constructively get out of a difficult situation.

Of course, the organization of trainings is a laborious and responsible task that requires flexibility, resistance to stress, readiness to change and change. And yet ... I wish you to set goals not for the sake of goals. Enjoy what you do at different levels: in the long term, in the short term, and also in the here and now.Unleash your curiosity, explore and improvise. Be open to new things and boldly move forward. Then the maximum result will be achieved in full.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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The modern world of technological progress and speed requires specialists of any level of constant training, mastering new knowledge and technologies. And only in this case it is possible to bypass competitors, get as many customers as possible, and achieve high profits. Many individual entrepreneurs have long been imbued with this idea and constantly contribute to the budget of their enterprise an expense item - training.

Explore your market

First you need to collect information about exactly where businessmen and their employees who live in your city and district study. If these are Moscow and St. Petersburg, then you have a clear advantage, you can save money on your trainings - not spend money on travel and hotel accommodation.

Also analyze the work of similar training organizations that conduct seminars and trainings in your city. Here you need to approach the issue more carefully - study prices, topics, the location of training centers, the capabilities of staff and trainers.

It is necessary to analyze all the subtleties, identify all the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, and then come up with your own unique selling proposition. If something is missing from competitors in the process, be sure to offer it to the consumer, if something positive seriously attracts potential students to competitors, then you need to create an idea that would surpass the achievements of competitors. In this process, you will approximately understand the course of your actions to organize a training center, based on these considerations, you can begin to draw up a business plan.

Start-up capital

To create a center for seminars and trainings, absolutely small investment. The first is the lease of the premises. It is necessary to find such areas where it would be convenient to hold seminars. This may initially be one or two rooms of 20 square meters. m, and a small service room for staff. And it won't be much at the first stage.

You are the owner and coach. A young and energetic girl is a secretary who constantly sits in the office and receives calls, draws up documentation, writes out invoices, issues acts of completed work, and also prepares coffee for visitors. It is good if this employee will also carry out the function of an accountant. If this is not found, then you will have to hire an accountant. And it is better if you choose the form of cooperation - part-time employment.

And you will need one more employee. Of course, you can do without him, but with his presence, training sales will go much better. This is the sales agent for your services. You need to find someone who has sales skills and a natural sales talent. You must explain to him in detail the meaning of the services, their features, advantages over competitors, the structure of after-sales service, as well as the benefits of the client who comes to you for training.

Create a "seller's portfolio", which will include all your commercial offers, design it beautifully, it is better to print it in color and glossy. With such a portfolio, your agent, and, consequently, the trainings themselves, will look very presentable. Do not forget to include clean training contracts in the package of documents, this will actively help close the deal.

The efforts of such a specialist should be paid in the amount of the percentage you determine, the standard agency percentage is 10, the maximum is 25. If you are not going to pay him a salary, then you can hire as many agents as you like, then sales will go even more actively, because a natural process of competition will begin among them .

Let's get back to costs and start-up capital. You will need to spend some amount on promotional items, which we have already talked about. But besides this, you will need to place advertising information in specialized media. Consider what they are watching, reading or listening to your potential clients- businessmen. If your city publishes a magazine for this target audience, or she has radio or TV preferences, then that is where she should be placed.

Think about expensive institutions - medical, sports, cultural and entertainment. Accommodation is possible outdoor advertising- posters, billboards, as well as lay out promotional business cards in these places. About them on this site there is a separate one.

Also, put in funds for the purchase of furniture if you were unable to rent a room with a ready-made classroom. Tables and chairs are not expensive, you can pick up beautiful and inexpensive options. Also think about projection equipment to be able to show presentations, films, slides. All you need is a computer, a projector and a screen. To reduce the cost of the purchase, you can buy used equipment, but in good working condition.

You also need to purchase stationery: pens, pencils, notepads, folders, files, and much more. You will have to give out a package to each person who comes to the training, which will contain training materials, therefore, you must buy paper, refills for toner. And of course, a computer and a good printer to go with it. If you will print a lot, it is best to arrange with a printing house to print all your materials. And it is best to pay for the services of a printing house by training their employees.

Such barter is possible with all the purchases that we have already announced. After all, every company has sales professionals, and training in the art of sales can be that very “gold mine” for you, which will allow you not to spend cash.

Selection of topics for seminars and trainings

We have already outlined the main training, which is in demand by all companies. This is the art of selling. This topic is relevant in any company, and sales trainings are held by both directors and sales specialists. Think of several options for such training. For example, sales stages cold call, telemarketing, creating a unique commercial offer. Managers can receive various trainings on personal growth, time management, the basics of people management, production optimization, etc.

If you are not strong in any topic in demand, then there is one simple option to study it - sign up for such a seminar in one of the capitals, translate this information for your city, based on local features of business, people, sales, etc. and as a result you will get excellent training that will be in demand. Remember that all bicycles have long been invented, and if you are not a leading researcher at a well-known research institute, then you absolutely do not need to invent anything yourself. All advanced developments in the capital sooner or later reach every remote point of the country, and why not speed up this process and make money from it? In addition, this is not plagiarism, this is ordinary training, this is the processing and adaptation of information for the local consumer.

If you want to work not only for businessmen, but also for a wider audience, then you can organize foreign language courses, cooking courses, courses for young expectant mothers. and especially popular in this moment use various courses for adults - teaching the basics of family life, how to attract luck, love, happiness and other joys of life into your life. Courses of massage, manicure, pedicure are quite a demanded service in the education market. Trainings for women on the development of a sensual beginning in themselves are popular with business, busy business women, and the wives of businessmen. They can pay well for valuable information and privacy.

What to do if you are not strong at once in everything? Very simple - hire coaches from outside. These can be psychologists, sociologists, teachers from various family planning centers, medical workers. In the evenings, as an additional income, they will be happy to conduct trainings. Payment to such freelancers is also carried out on the basis of certain percentages. As a rule, the teacher is given 30% of the total amount taken from clients.

Types of training

Trainings and seminars can be short-term (1-2 days), as well as medium-sized events (1 week, 5 working days). And long-term training in the form of courses is carried out for 3-4 months, in rare cases it lasts up to 9-10 months, that is, a full academic year.

Short-term seminars have a narrow topic, for example, the features of accounting in construction. Medium-term trainings cover a broader topic and study it thoroughly, in detail. As a rule, 2 days in the training are intensively filled with information, the third day is practice. And the last 2 days contain an active consolidation of the learned information and the so-called "laying it out on the shelves of the brain." Coaches call this process reflection.

it important point when teaching, so that later your student not only remembers what he was told at the training, but also actively used the knowledge gained. After all, it is the application of knowledge in practice that measures the benefit and benefit of the client, this is what he will be proud of later and tell his friends how great he learned from you. And friends will come to you too, as a result. Therefore, any type of training should be built with these requirements in mind.

Trainings, which last about a year, should contain a large amount of information. Why are they so stretched out? Classes are held once a week, control - 1 time in three months. And the topics should relate, for example, to the basics of management. You can talk about them for a long time, with reinforcements and practical exercises. Or - the cuisine of the peoples of the world. On Saturdays, students come to you and study the dishes of different nationalities. Such courses are cheaper per lesson, but you have a guarantee that they are sold, and this money will come to you for a whole year.

So, you have compiled programs in various subjects, rented a room and hired specialists. Now you place ads and wait for your first students. And then everything depends on you - on your charisma, knowledge, oratory, the power of persuasion, the ability to conduct a dialogue. In a word, good luck to you!


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Organizing and conducting trainings is one of the modern forms intensive training and development of company employees. Training is a special method of gaining knowledge, which differs from its counterparts in that its participants learn from their own experience. This is learning through behavior in situations modeled by the trainer. A small part of the training is theory, the rest is action and analysis of these actions. The organization and conduct of trainings have even become a "sign of good taste" among entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Organization of trainings in Moscow is enough popular service. Quite often leaders large firms and companies believe that organizing and conducting trainings for staff is a necessary measure for training employees. The Unlimited Company agency has been organizing trainings in Moscow and the Moscow region for a number of years and has significant experience in this area. The organization and conduct of trainings for personnel by our specialists is the receipt of specific methodologies and tools, using which you can already today increase the efficiency of your work.

Conducting trainings in Moscow, conducting trainings in an organization is the key to the success of any company. Our goal is to provide quality training to students aimed at business development and increasing the competitiveness of the companies in which they work. Agency specialists organize trainings in Moscow and the Moscow region on any topic and duration. Conducting training in the organization can be carried out at any time convenient for you.

The organization and conduct of training is necessary for almost every team. Trainings have a good effect on the development of foresight among employees, they teach the ability to predict events. Organization and conduct of training by the specialists of our agency will make your business successful.

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Training services

Services for the organization of trainings by the agency "Unlimited Companies" is a long-term experience in domestic market knowledge of all the intricacies of their profession and creativity to solve problems of any complexity. By contacting us, you will receive an effective solution in the field of education. We guarantee high quality training services for your staff. Training for employees of the organization is the key to the success of your company!

Conducting seminars and trainings with the help of our agency will allow you to immediately apply the solutions and theoretical knowledge obtained during the training work to the activities of your company. As a result, a number of projects will appear that the company's employees will be able to further implement on their own. Competently conducting seminars and trainings will bring a powerful team-building effect, since most tasks will be solved jointly.

The organization of trainings and seminars will lead to the formation of a profitable and promising business if the professionals take over. For this we attract only first-class practitioners who have original programs and developments, practical experience in real business and consulting and experience in conducting similar classes for any category of specialists.

Organization corporate trainings is the competent training and development of staff skills for effective work in this organization. Corporate training is fundamentally different from other forms of training. It is very important to clearly define the type of training, to build its focus, so specialists should deal with it.

Conducting corporate trainings with the help of professionals from our agency will help you quickly solve existing problems in the team and prevent their occurrence in a timely manner.

Conducting business trainings - unique opportunity gain knowledge and great experience business professionals, people who are successful in it. We will select the most effective training program for you, after which your employees will work with pleasure and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Renting a training room is not as easy as it seems at first glance. We invite interested organizations to take this care upon themselves. We will choose a convenient working area for you, help you prepare materials, equipment, send out invitations, make lists of guests and participants, and organize meals. All you have to do is dial our number:


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