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"Poetry is the music of words", within the framework of the I Interdistrict festival of children's and youth creativity "Marathon of talents"

General provisions

1.1. This provision regulates the procedure for holding the competition of readers "Poetry - music of words" within the framework of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Marathon of Talents" for students of GBOU SOSH, OU, UDOD, ODOD OU.

Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1.Target: creating conditions for demonstration creativity students and the formation of spiritual, moral, patriotic values ​​in the system additional education, attracting the interest of the younger generation to poetry.


Attracting attention to the art of the artistic word;

Formation of a respectful and careful attitude to Russian literature;

Formation of public speaking skills;

Development of performing skills.

Founders and organizers of the competition

3.1. The founder of the competition is the Department of Education of the Administration of the Central District. Contest organizer -

3.2. The organizer of the competition is the state state-financed organization Additional Education Center for Out-of-School Activities with Children, Youth and Adults of the Central District of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Center for Out-of-School Activities).


4.1. The following are allowed to participate in the competition:

students general education schools and other educational institutions

students creative teams UDOD and ODOD

4.2. All participants of the competition are divided into the following age groups:

1st age group - 7-10 years old (grades 1-4);

2nd age group - 11-13 years old (grade 5-8);

3rd age group - 14-17 years old (grades 9-11);

4th age group -18 and older.

Terms of the competition

5.1. Participants submit works at the competition in accordance with the proposed topics:

Works of patriotic themes

Works about the family

Works about nature

5.2. The contestant may choose to artistic reading all types of speech genre: poetry, prose, artistic word. When performing, the following are allowed: musical accompaniment, visual accompaniment, staging, costumes.

5.3. Speech time limit is up to five minutes.

5.4. Before listening, the contestant provides the jury members with the text of the selected work in printed form.

5.5. Only individual applications are accepted for the competition.

5.6. The number of participants per class is no more than 5 people.

5.7. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to make additions and changes to this provision.

5.8. Not allowed:

non-scenic appearance (sportswear or shoes, lack of replacement shoes, untidiness);

ignorance of the text;

Exceeding the number of participants.

Competition deadlines

6.1. December 1 to December 18, 2017- acceptance of applications for participation in the competition of readers "Poetry music of words"

December 20, 2017 in 13.00 - Competitive auditions will be held at the address: Pravdy Street, 8 lit. D.

March 30, 2018 at 15:00 – Closing of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Marathon of Talents". Gala is a concert of winners. Solemn award.

6.2. Applications (Appendix 1) for participation in the competition are accepted from 12/01/2017 to 12/18/2017 at the address: st. Pravda, 8, lit. D (office 203), also by fax: 315-48-81 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Criteria for evaluation

7.1. Grade competitive works is carried out according to the criteria with scoring for each criterion from 1 to 10.

7.2. The performances of the participants will be judged according to their level of professionalism.

7.3. Criteria:

- compliance of the repertoire with the age of the participant;

Marina Razgulyaeva
Regulations on holding a review competition of readers among pupils of the preschool educational institution "Russia-My Motherland"

1. General provisions.

1.1. The present position determines the order of organization and holding a reading contest« Russia is my homeland» .

Competition held on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution.

2. Goals of the competition.

2.1. Quality improvement educational work with kids preschool age on the use of the poetic word in cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development.

2.2. Upbringing feelings of patriotism in preschool children,

familiarization with the history and culture of their homeland.

3. Tasks of the competition.

3.1. Formation of expressive reading skills in preschoolers,

artistic skills, development of expressive skills playback


3.2. Identification and support of young talents and talents in artistic reading.

3.3. nurturing positive emotional attitude to literary and poetic works.

4. Participants, jury of the Competition and deadlines holding.

4.1. Participate in the Competition pupils of the secondary, senior and preparatory groups kindergarten.

4.2. Member of the Competition Jury are included:

Older educator

Teacher speech therapist

Chairman of the trade union committee

5. Order holding.

5.1. Selection round to determine the participants of the Competition conducts the educator each age group.

5.2. No more than three participants of the same age can be submitted to the Competition from a group.

5.4. caregiver informs the jury of the Competition the number of children participating, the names and authors of the works performed by them.

5.5. In the competition the following nominations:

Best Poetry Singer among children 4-5 years old;

Best Poetry Singer among children 5-6 years old;

Best Poetry Singer among children 6-7 years old.

5.6. When selecting works to be performed, teachers should focus on the program tasks for each age:

For children 4-5 years old poems on the topic “Our Motherland is both beautiful and rich, guys” (at least 8 lines);

For children 5-6 years old poems on the topic "What do we call Motherland" (at least 12 lines)

For children 6-7 years old poems on the topic "Native land - paradise to the heart" (at least 16 lines)

5.7. At celebration(review-competition) caregivers decorate the music hall in accordance with the theme of art works:

Medium group - exhibition of drawings;

Senior group - wall newspaper on the topic;

Preparatory group - exhibition of photographs on the topic (collage).

6. Requirements and evaluation criteria.

6.1 The level of performance of a poetic work is evaluated on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:

Intonational expressiveness of speech (dynamics, expressed in stress; melody, expressed in the movement of the voice through sounds of different pitches; tempo and rhythm, expressed in the duration of sound and stops, pauses; emotional coloring of speech that determines the character);

Correct literary pronunciation;

Emotionality (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements);

Image, originality of performance (selection of a costume, attributes corresponding to the content of the performed work)

6.2 The winner of each nomination is determined by the accumulated points.

7. Summing up and rewarding.

7.1 The Jury of the Contest determines no more than one winner in each nomination.

7.2. The winner of the nomination is awarded with a diploma and a prize.

7.3. All participants of the Contest are awarded with diplomas and incentive prizes.

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I approve

Director of KGKP

"Nursery - garden number 4" Dolphin "

G. Kurmangozhina



    General provisions

1.1. The review competition of readers "A Heart Filled with Love" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held on the basis of the approved action plan of the decade "Self-Knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity", in order to expand the potential of children, to identify their creative abilities.

      The competition is held within the framework of the decade "Self-Knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"

2. Objectives of the Competition

The main objectives of the Competition are:

    creation of conditions for the cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

    education of a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works;

    fostering love for loved ones;

    the formation of preschoolers' skills of expressive reading, artistic skills;

    identifying the best readers among children, providing them with opportunities for self-expression.

3. Participants, the jury of the Competition and the timing

3.1. Children 5-6 years old take part in the Competition

3.2. The Competition Jury consists of:



    educational psychologist;

    Kazakh language teacher;

    music director.

4 . Order of conduct.

4.1. The qualifying round to determine the participants of the Competition is carried out by group tutors.

4.2. No more than six participants can be submitted to the Competition from a group.

4.3. Educators of senior groups inform the jury of the Competition the number of children participating, the names and authors of the works they perform.

4.4. All poems should be devoted to the theme "Heart filled with love"

4.5. The Competition provides for the following nominations:

    "The best performer of the poem among girls";

    "The best performer of the poem among boys";

    "The most charming performer";

    "For the sincerity of performance";

    "For the most lyrical performance";

    "Most Emotional Performer".

4.6. When selecting works to be performed, teachers should focus on program tasks for children 5-6 years old.

5. Requirements and evaluation criteria.

5.1. The level of performance of a poetic work is evaluated on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:

    Knowledge of the text.

5.2. The winner of each nomination is determined by the total score of the participant.

6. Summing up and awarding

6.1. The jury of the Contest determines the winners in the nominations: “The best performer of a poem among girls”; "The best performer of the poem among boys"; "The most charming performer"; "For the sincerity of performance"; "For the most lyrical performance"; "Most Emotional Performer".

6.3. The winners are awarded with diplomas of the participants of the competition, indicating the nomination.

6.4. All participants of the Competition who did not receive a diploma are awarded certificates of participation in the competition.

“I take Temirtau kalasynyn,

dene shynyktyru zhane sport bөlimі»

"Temirtau kalasy аkimdіgіninіn №4"Dolphin"balabaқshasy "communaldyқ memlekettik


Municipal State Treasury Enterprise

"Nursery-garden No. 4"Dolphin"

Akimat of the city of Temirtau "of the Department of Education, physical culture and sports of the city of Temirtau



« »_____________2015 livedO/D

Temirtau kalasy city of Temirtau

"About the competition Readers "A Heart Filled with Love"

In order to implement the action plan of the decade "Self-Knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity", expand the potential of children, identify their creative abilities, foster a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works; fostering love for loved ones


    To hold a reading competition “A Heart Filled with Love” among the pupils of the senior groups of the nursery-kindergarten, according to the approved action plan of the thematic week on February 10, 2015.

    Create a jury of the competition, according to the developed regulations.

    Responsibility for organizing the competition of readers "Heart filled with love" is assigned to the methodologist Ilyicheva Anna Aleksandrovna.

Director G. Kurmangozhin

familiar with the order:


Surname, name of the participant


Seibert Alena

Dyusupova Amina

Knyazeva Sofia

Sidorov Artem

Zhuravleva Angelina

Yudina Maria

Mikina Agata

Tkachenko Elizabeth

Pashchenko Julia

Zlunikin Kirill

Ferzauli Islam

Shakhmanov Sultanbek

Kholodov Dmitry

Chernikova Tatiana

Kamnev Denis

Shishko Artem

Shalamova Ekaterina

Siliverstova Ulyana


    Correspondence of the selected poem to the theme of the competition.

    Knowledge of the text.

    Intonational expressiveness of speech (dynamics, expressed in stress; melody, expressed in the movement of the voice through sounds of different pitches; tempo and rhythm, expressed in the duration of sound and stops, pauses; emotional coloring of speech that determines the character);

    Correct literary pronunciation;

    The use of expressive means of the theater (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements);

    Selection of a costume, attributes corresponding to the content of the performed work.



Surname, name of the participant






Educational psychologist


Musical hands




Seibert Alena

Dyusupova Amina

Knyazeva Sofia

Sidorov Artem

Zhuravleva Angelina

Yudina Maria

Mikina Agata

Tkachenko Elizabeth

Pashchenko Julia

Zlunikin Kirill

Ferzauli Islam

Shakhmanov Sultanbek

Kholodov Dmitry

Chernikova Tatiana

Kamnev Denis

Shishko Artem

Shalamova Ekaterina

Siliverstova Ulyana

Dedicated to the Unknown Soldier...
General provisions
Competition goals:

promote patriotic education of students;

to form a sense of respect for heroism, feat;

instill a sense of pride in the country, respect for veterans;

identification and encouragement of talented children and adolescents;

teaching expressive reading, acting skills.


Students of 3 age groups take part in the competition:

7 - 10 years (younger)

11-14 years old (middle)

15 -18 years old (senior)

Dates and place of the competition(specify)

The procedure for awarding the winners of the competition:

The winners are awarded according to the protocol drawn up by the jury members at the end of the competition, for three age groups: 7 - 10 years old (youngest),

11-14 years old (middle), 15-18 years old (older)

The winners of each age group are awarded with diplomas and prizes.

Competition Jury: (specified)
Criteria for evaluating the performances of the participants of the competition:

knowledge of the text.

Expressiveness and clarity of speech.


Acting skills.


(This scenario development was prepared based on materials from the site htpp://

December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.
The memorable date "Heroes of the Fatherland Day" was established by the Federal Law Russian Federation No. 22-FZ of February 28, 2007 "On Amendments to Article 1-1 federal law On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia.

This holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date is dedicated to the outstanding event of the era of the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to soldiers who showed valor, courage and courage in battle.

The Order of St. George had 4 degrees of distinction, of which the first was the highest. It is known that 4 people became cavaliers of all four degrees, among them the great Russian commanders M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly. Catherine II honored herself with this award in honor of the establishment of the order.

Heroes of the Fatherland are honored in Russia today on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory.

We invite you to hold events dedicated to this date in your libraries.
Exhibition activity.
Possible shapes exhibitions:

  • exhibition - panorama;

  • exhibition - search;

  • exhibition - reference;

  • exhibition - memory;

  • exhibition - memory;

  • exhibition of creative works;

  • exhibition - chronicle;

  • exhibition - excursion;

  • photo exhibition.

Possible exhibition themes:

  • "There is no oblivion for the heroes of the Fatherland"

  • "Glory to the heroes of the Fatherland";

  • "Heroes of the Fatherland: past and present";

  • "About exploits, about valor, about glory";

  • "Heroes of our time";

  • "Parade of Heroes";

  • "Kostroma Heroes";

  • "Heroes of the Fatherland. Who are they?";

  • "Russian land - the Fatherland of heroes";

  • "Heroes of the Russian Land".

Exhibition - memory

"There is no oblivion for the heroes of the Fatherland."

Target: Provide information about the holiday, its history and its heroes.


“What is eternity a deaf force? ..
There is a motherland in the world. She is
She gave us her immortality

And remembers our names.

Vladimir Avrushchenko


  • Bogdanov, N.V. Guard private / N. V. Bogdanov. - Moscow: DOSAAF, 1978. - 80 p.

  • Golubev, E.P. Fighting stars / E. P. Golubev. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga book publishing house, 1972. – 592 p.

  • Twice Heroes of the Soviet Union: Album / V. S. Vukolov - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1973. - 247 p.: ill.

  • Stars of achievement: On the land of Afghanistan / Compiled by M. Dynin. - Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1985. - 207 p.: ill.

  • Your name is immortal: A short illustrated guide / Edited by Yu. V. Plotnikov. - Moscow: POLITIZDAT, 1975. - 144 p.: ill.

  • We did not return from that war / Compiled by D.I. Ivanov and others - Kostroma: CJSC Line Graph Kostroma, 2005. - 256 p.: ill.

  • Patriot of the Fatherland: Heroes are the pride of the country. - 2004. - No. 4.

Exhibition - survey

"What is heroism?"

Target: To find out the attitude of adolescents to the concept of "heroism", to identify the level of knowledge about military history our country and its heroes.

Readers had to answer the questions of the questionnaire, which were at the exhibition.

Questionnaire questions:

  1. What act, in your opinion, can be called heroic?

  2. Which of the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland do you know?

  3. Name the heroes by the names that the streets of our city are named?

  4. Name the cities - heroes?

  5. Remember works of art about the Great Patriotic War.

  6. Name the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

  7. What is the name of the private who closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body?

  8. Is heroism possible in peacetime?


  • Alekseev, S.P. Great generals / S.P. Alekseev. - Moscow: "SEARCHER'S WORLD", 2012. - 64 p.

  • Alekseev, S.P. Stories about the Great Patriotic War / S.P. Alekseev. - Moscow: "BOOKS" SEEKER ", 2009. - 64 p.

  • Vasiliev, B. And the dawns here are quiet ...: A Tale. Stories / B. Vasiliev. - Kaliningrad: Prince. publishing house, 1981. - 139 p.

  • Ilyina, E.Ya. Fourth height. Tale / E.Ya. Ilyin. - Moscow: "Children's Literature", 1977. - 304 p.

  • Mityaev, A.V. The feat of a soldier: Stories about the Great Patriotic War / A.V. Mityaev. - Moscow: Oniks Publishing House, 2011. - 160 p.: ill.

  • Pecherskaya, A.N. Children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War: Stories / A.N. Pecherskaya. - Moscow: Drofa-Plus, 2007. - 64 p.

  • Stories about young heroes / Comp. R. Dankova. - Moscow: Oniks Publishing House, 2011. - 192 p.: ill.
Since ancient times, the holiday has been the form of culture through which society expressed its reverent attitude to ideals, its pride in great victories, its hope for a better future. There are many high-profile events and glorious pages in the history of Russia. Our manual contains extensive material on the most important dates in Russia, a variety of methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting library events for youth with the aim of their spiritual and moral development of youth.

This information and methodological manual is intended for librarians, teachers, class teachers, educators and for a wide range of readers.


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