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Rospotrebnadzor has developed a new SanPiN, which spells out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is noteworthy, first of all, in that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as was the case in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, where meals are on this moment regulated by the rules for the arrangement, maintenance and service of preschool educational institutions.

Rospotrebnadzor has developed new SanPiN, which spells out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is noteworthy, first of all, in that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as it was in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, food in which is currently regulated by the rules for the device, content and maintenance of preschool educational institutions.

It should be noted that work on the creation of uniform requirements for the organization of nutrition for children began in 2014. Now the document, in the creation of which the leading Russian institutions took part (including the Research Institute baby food and the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), is under discussion and can be put into effect already in the next academic year.

So, how do the new requirements differ from the old SanPiN

Requirements for placement, space-planning and design solutions for food points in educational organizations

From paragraph 2.7, the clarification regarding the number of students in small-class educational organizations. In addition, the new requirements clearly state that a separate room for storing food, serving / eating and washing dishes can not only be allocated, but must be present in without fail.

Paragraph 2.12 has also changed, which regulates the location of containers for collecting solid household and food waste. If in SanPiNe Since the requirements are clearly stated not only for the containers themselves, but also for the dimensions of the areas with a hard surface under them (they must exceed the base of the containers by 1 m in all directions), this clarification has been removed in the new requirements. Also in the new document, the distance from the platform with containers to the windows / doors of the dining room and other buildings / structures has been reduced (from 25 meters to 20).

Requirements for the sanitary and technical provision of catering facilities in educational organizations

Paragraph 3.1 of SanPiN provides for the compliance of catering facilities in educational institutions with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements that apply to organizations Catering. The new rules require catering points in educational organizations limited by their compliance with the design/construction standards for residential/public buildings. True, with the proviso that they must provide optimal parameters of the air environment and microclimate.

Clause 3.3 in the new requirements is supplemented with clarifying requirements for faucets on sinks and washing tubs (their design should exclude re-contamination of hands after washing). At the same time, it is clearly stated that the temperature of hot water at the point of analysis should not be lower than 65 degrees.

The new SanPiN has added paragraph (3.4) regarding the construction of the sewerage system, which in particular prohibits the laying of sewer risers in dining rooms and production / storage facilities, as well as the discharge of untreated Wastewater to adjacent areas and open water bodies. In addition, it is planned to equip toilet bowls and sinks for personnel with devices that protect hands from re-contamination (pedal, elbow drives, etc.).

Requirements for equipment, inventory, containers and utensils

From paragraph 4.2 SanPiNa 2008 edition removed clarification regarding the sale of drinks through automatic dispensers food products.

Clause 4.3 is supplemented by the requirement for tables for working with dough - they must have a special beech surface.

Clause 4.13 is supplemented by the requirement for the time spent in isothermal containers for ready meals - no more than 2 hours.

Requirements for sanitary condition / maintenance of premises and washing dishes

Clause 5.9 in new edition supplemented by a ban on the operation of the catering department if Dishwasher out of order, and in the educational organization there are no conditions for hand wash utensils and no disposable utensils.

Paragraph 5.18 clarifies that disinfectants used in general cleaning must have a virucidal effect.

In new requirements for catering for children paragraph 5.24 was excluded, which prohibits the conduct of deratization and pest control by the personnel of the educational organization.

Requirements for the organization of a healthy diet and menu formation

Clause 6.8 of the new SanPiN provides for the coordination of an approximate menu not only with the head of the educational organization, but also with the authorized federal executive body, as well as with federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection.

Clause 6.20 has been added, specifying that dishes must be prepared in accordance with an approved set of technological cards, each of which must have a number, a link to a normative collection, a recipe number according to the collection, cooking technology and dish quality indicators.

Paragraph 6.25 of SanPiN (in the new edition it is paragraph 6.23) is supplemented by a ban on the use of finished products the next day.

Paragraph 6.33 (in new version- 6.27) was supplemented with a permit for the sale through automatic dispensing machines of fermented milk products, rennet hard cheeses, nuts, dried fruits, flour confectionery(waffles, cookies, gingerbread, mini-cakes), sugar confectionery (marshmallows, bars, sweets), chocolate.

Organization of hot meals for students

Clause 7.3 is supplemented by the requirement for the uniform of children on duty serving tables - they must be dressed in aprons, hats and comfortable non-slip shoes.

Requirements for the conditions / technology for the manufacture of culinary products

Paragraph 8.8 is supplemented with a clarification that when baby food organizations It is preferable to use chilled meat. If this is not possible, then defrosting and primary processing can be carried out in two ways:

  • slow defrosting in a defroster at a temperature of 0 - +6 degrees;
  • in the meat shop on the production tables.

Do not defrost food in water or near the stove and re-freeze it.

Clause 8.11 is supplemented with a restriction on the storage of defrosted products for 2 hours.

Requirements for personal hygiene, preventive medical examinations and professional hygienic training of personnel

Paragraph 13.15 of SanPiN is expanded with requirements for appearance catering workers: when preparing meals, they should not only cut their nails short and not varnish them, but also refuse to use false and extended nails. Also, employees are prohibited from storing in the workplace medications personal use.

Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations

Clause 14.2 provides for the organization of course hygienic training / retraining of personnel under the hygienic training program at least once a year (as amended in 2008 - at least 1 time in 2 years).

I. General provisions and scope
II. Public catering organizations of educational institutions and sanitary and epidemiological requirements for their placement, space-planning and design solutions
III. Requirements for sanitary and technical provision of public catering organizations of educational institutions
IV. Requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers
V. Requirements for the sanitary condition and maintenance of premises and washing dishes
VI. Requirements for the organization of a healthy diet and the formation of an approximate menu
VII. Organization of hot meals for students
VIII. Requirements for the conditions and technology for the manufacture of culinary products
IX. Requirements for the prevention of vitamin and microelement deficiencies
X. Requirements for the organization of the drinking regime
XI. Requirements for catering in small educational institutions
XII. Requirements for the working conditions of personnel
XIII. Requirements for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by the staff of public catering organizations of educational institutions, the passage of preventive medical examinations and professional hygiene training
XIV. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations
Annex 1 Recommended minimum list of equipment for industrial premises of canteen educational institutions and basic catering establishments
Annex 2 Recommended form for compiling a sample menu and nutritional value of prepared dishes
Annex 3 Recommended mass of servings of dishes (in grams) for students of different ages
Annex 4 The need for nutrients and energy of students of general education institutions aged 7 to 11 and from 11 years of age and older
Annex 5 Routing culinary product (dish) No. ____
Annex 6 Food replacement table for proteins and carbohydrates
Appendix 7 List of products and dishes that are not allowed for sale in public catering organizations of educational institutions
Appendix 8 Recommended Average Daily Food Sets
Appendix 9 Recommended range of food products for organizing supplementary nutrition for students
Appendix 10 Forms accounting documentation catering unit
Form 1 Journal of rejection of food products and food raw materials
Form 2 Journal of marriage of finished culinary products
Form 3 Health Journal
Form 4 Journal of fortification of third and sweet dishes
Form 5 Journal of accounting for the temperature regime of refrigeration equipment
Form 6 Diet Control Sheet
Annex 11 Guidelines for daily sampling
Appendix 12 Recommended nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory and instrumental studies in catering organizations of educational institutions

The organization of optimal conditions for conducting the educational process in schools is impossible without providing students and staff with hot meals that meet the requirements of rationality, safety and diversity. To help the heads of educational institutions and structural divisions SanPiN standards for school canteens have been developed, defining:

  • variability in the forms of organization of school meals (available options - maintaining a full cycle of cooking, purchasing semi-finished products with their subsequent heating, selling finished products received from third parties in accordance with the concluded agreement);
  • requirements for the premises, equipment, inventory of the OS canteen;
  • the procedure for compiling the menu, taking into account the principles of rational nutrition, seasonality, and the territorial factor;
  • the authority of the rejection commission to verify the compliance of freshness, organoleptic characteristics and yield of finished dishes with approved recipe standards.

SanPiN requirements for the school canteen

Sanitary and epidemiological standards for catering in educational institutions are regulated by SanPiN, which is relevant for schools of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation. The requirements of SanPiN for the school canteen apply to all forms of providing baby food, namely: basic organizational units (food plants) that provide full cycle work - from the purchase of food raw materials to the issuance of ready meals;

  • pre-cooking catering stations that process culinary semi-finished products;
  • school canteen, working with different types food raw materials within the approved menu;
  • buffets and distributing, specializing in the sale of finished culinary products.

At each organizational point of school meals, regardless of its type, space-planning and design solutions should be provided to ensure the preparation of culinary products, their subsequent storage before sale without violating sanitary and epidemiological standards. The new SanPiN for school canteens allows you to place the latter both in the main school building and in separate buildings and outbuildings, where it is possible to install everything necessary equipment and inventory.

During the construction, reconstruction of school buildings, SanPiN provides for the need to equip production and administrative premises of the canteen on the first floors of buildings, including warehouses for storing food raw materials and two vegetable shops, as well as a loading platform with a height corresponding to the vehicles used, awnings and air curtains (above the entrances , loading platform). To ensure a comfortable fit for students and staff during meals, which should take place in one or two shifts, it is recommended to design a dining room at the rate of 0.7 square meters. m per person. Sanitary standards provide for the possibility of placing auxiliary, utility, storage rooms of the dining room in the basement and basement floors, provided that they are properly waterproofed.

Save this for yourself so you don't lose it:

- Choose which catering method suits your school (current standards)
- Regulation and order for parents to stop complaining to the founder and the prosecutor's office about the school canteen (templates for download)

The current SanPiN 2020 for the school cafeteria establishes additional requirements for communication systems of food units:

  1. Water centrally supplied through cold and hot water supply systems must comply with the standards approved for drinking liquids.
  2. In all industrial premises of the school cafeteria, sources of water supply (sinks, washing bathtubs) must be installed, including backup ones, which can be used during repairs and preventive work. In the dining room, it is necessary to install washbasins at the rate of one unit for 20 people, as well as equip the installation with electric or disposable towels.
  3. In the absence of the possibility of connecting to a centralized water supply, an educational organization is obliged to equip a water supply system fed from an artesian well, with a water intake and digging system. Similar requirements apply to the regulation economic activity schools that, due to infrastructural features, cannot be connected to the sewer system, while the procedure for the disposal of wastewater and household waste must be agreed with local executive authorities.
  4. In the course of the capital reconstruction of the building, the requirements of SanPiN for the school canteen provide for the installation of an additional air conditioning system in hot shops, in the warehouse of the school catering unit. Areas of increased contamination of the catering unit (washing bathrooms, thermal installations) should be equipped with points exhaust system ventilation in addition to the supply and exhaust module. Sources of artificial lighting, which must be protected from moisture and dust by a special coating, are prohibited from being placed above heat sources (stoves), cutting tables, functional equipment.

Another important aspect of the organization of economic activities of the school canteen, provided for by sanitary standards, is the provision of centralized removal of solid domestic waste from the economic zone of the OS. For this, it is recommended to use separate containers with lids, which should be filled no more than 2/3 of the volume and systematically cleaned in in due course. Garbage containers may be installed to collect waste in hard-surfaced areas, at a distance of at least 25 m from the entrances and windows of the school canteen and the main building, sports grounds.

School canteen equipment according to SanPiN

The current sanitary standards provide for the possibility of using only equipment, utensils and utensils intended for contact with food raw materials and meeting the requirements of epidemiological safety at the OS food unit. When choosing equipment for a school canteen according to SanPiN (in the course of equipping a catering unit from scratch or its planned replacement), the heads of educational institutions are recommended to give preference to installations that:

  • facilitate or automate the preparation of a large number of dishes from a typical menu (for example, food processors, industrial meat grinders);
  • guarantee the possibility rational use catering facilities;
  • contribute to the reduction of utility costs and labor costs of employees.

All equipment installed in the dining room of an educational institution must be in good condition. In case of failure of refrigeration or heating installations, the administration is obliged to promptly make changes to the current menu, thereby ensuring compliance with all sanitary installations, and take care of quick repairs. To prevent breakdowns, before the start of each school year, technical control of the school canteen equipment should be carried out according to SanPiN and passport characteristics of the devices. It should be noted that a frequent cause of breakdowns in the production equipment of the catering unit may be a discrepancy between its capacity or characteristics of the real daily load, which necessitates its replacement with a more technological analogue.

Without fail, the school canteen is equipped with furniture:

  • production tables made of stainless steel with appropriate markings (for example, SM - raw meat, SR - raw fish, X - bread, etc.);
  • racks designed for storage of food raw materials, utensils, inventory. The height of the bottom shelf of the rack should be at least 15 cm from the floor (clause 4.6 of SanPiN
  • cupboards (dishes, sinks, corner cabinets, with countertops) equipped with a practical opening system;
  • pedestals, optimally - with adjustable leg height;
  • washing bathtubs, kettles, washbasins for washing hands.

SanPiN for the school canteen for 2020 determines the need to purchase dishes in the amount of at least two pieces per seat, which makes it possible to comply with the rules for washing and disinfecting appliances. Educational institutions are recommended to purchase dishes made of porcelain, faience, glass (plates, cups, saucers), as well as cutlery (spoons, forks, knives) made of stainless steel or a material similar in terms of hygienic characteristics. In catering, it is allowed to use disposable cutlery approved for contact with cold (or hot) products. The secondary use of disposable tableware, as well as glass plates, cups, glasses with deformed edges, bowls and pots with chips on the enamel, plastic cutting boards, wooden utensils with cracks in the school cafeteria is prohibited.

Additional instructions for the school canteen according to SanPiN

Draft SanPiNa contains detailed recommendations for ensuring cleanliness, order and proper arrangement of production and other premises of the food unit in OS. The instructions for the school canteen according to SanPiN stipulate that the dining halls must be cleaned after each meal: the surface of the tables should be cleaned using detergents, using clean, appropriately labeled rags and containers.

As for washing kitchen and tableware, the following requirements are specified in the sanitary and epidemiological standards:

  • Washing of kitchen utensils is carried out separately from tableware according to the instructions posted above the washing tubs. In the instructions drawn up to help the employees of the catering department, it is necessary to fix the temperature regime of the water used, the concentration of chemicals and the algorithm of actions.
  • Detergents and disinfectants, measuring containers, production items must be stored in the manufacturer's containers, in specially designated places.

The current version of the SanPiN for school canteens with changes states that cleaning of kitchen utensils should be carried out only in two-section washing bathtubs as follows: initially remove food debris mechanically, wash dishes in soapy water (temperature - not lower than +45 ° С) with a brush, then rinse in hot water (temperature - not lower than +65 ° С), and finally put the inventory on the grate or rack for natural drying.

The technological equipment of the school cafeteria must be cleaned daily, as it is used up, as well as production tables, which must be cleaned using detergents and disinfectants. Small wooden utensils, cutting boards should be soaked in a sink in warm water, the temperature of which should not be lower than +45 ° C, and rinsed in hot water (temperature - not lower than +65 ° C), then dried on the ribs in the washing area .

Once a month in the school canteen, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning with disinfection of the premises, equipment and inventory. In case of detection of signs of vital activity of insects or rodents, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of hygienic measures in accordance with the regulations governing the implementation of pest control activities without risk to participants in the educational process. In order to prevent insects from entering the school canteen, windows must be equipped with nets, the integrity of which is checked on the eve of each warm season.

Any canteen, no matter where it is located and according to what principle it works, belongs to catering places. For this reason, it is subject to legislation that also applies to restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and coffee houses. There is no separate SanPiN for the dining room for 2018. The main document regulating the work of distributing bistros is SanPiN dated November 8, 2001. These rules cover the work of all food enterprises in all its many aspects. Last time this document was modified in 2016, so any later version may be considered up to date.

The differences between food establishments are described in detail in the State Standard Classification of Public Catering Establishments. According to this document, the dining room can be public or open only for a certain contingent, for example, for employees of one company, students of one school or guests of one hotel. The dining room from cafes, restaurants and other places may also differ in the following features:

  • Dishes during the week are made in accordance with a specific menu, which necessarily changes from day to day.
  • Payment is made independently by the client at the checkout before he sits down at the table and starts eating
  • You can get a plate with the necessary dish by moving along the display case with food and voicing your choice to the canteen employee in each department
  • Possibility of catering in buffet style
  • Dispensing takes place in a live queue
  • From the cash register to the table, the visitor himself carries food on an individual tray
  • Cutlery and napkins must be taken from the cashier or at the very beginning of the issuing line
  • In some cases, for example, in rest homes, sanatoriums and hotels, waiters can bring dishes and clean dishes.
If the establishment meets most of these criteria, then with a high probability it can be argued that this is a canteen. If from the point of view of the organization of the catering process, it differs from cafes, bars, restaurants and other similar places, then in terms of legislative framework work differences are minimal. SanPiN for canteens regulates the following areas in the activities of enterprises of this profile:
  • Where can I build or open a dining room
  • How and where to conduct water supply, sewerage, electricity
  • What rooms you need to have in the dining room, what are they intended for
  • How to equip them
  • Necessary equipment and utensils
  • Rules for working with raw materials and products
  • Rules for the release of ready meals and drinks
  • Rules for the transportation and acceptance of products
  • Requirements for personal hygiene of personnel
  • Production Control Rules
  • Planning and carrying out treatments against rodents, insects and bacteria

SanPiN for school canteens for 2018

Especially for schools, a separate SanPiN has been developed. It does not contradict the general document for public catering establishments, but has significant additions due to the narrowness of its profile. SanPiN for school canteens for 2018 has not changed compared to previous editions, so the versions are more early years are also relevant. One of the main requirements for the nutrition of schoolchildren is its benefits for growing organisms. An approximate menu should be developed approximately 10-14 days in advance. This applies not only to full breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners, but also food that children can buy at own will during the change. If the school is a boarding school, where students are 24 hours a day, then the diet should fully cover the need for nutrients for each age. The exact amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, product names, options for their combinations and replacements are contained in the annexes to SanPiN for 2018 for school canteens. You don't need to specifically look for them. Tables are located at the end of the main text part.

Any catering establishment is sometimes subjected to inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. In the event that the premises, employees or any work processes do not comply with the legal requirements recorded in SanPiN, the organization may receive a fine, an order to correct the discrepancies, or in the most critical cases, such as mass poisoning, be closed. In order to avoid any unfavorable outcome, it is enough to conduct our activities on an ongoing basis in full compliance with literally every item of the sanitary and epidemiological regulations. However, it is not at all necessary to take everything on your shoulders. Prepare Required documents can help professional lawyers. Sanitary treatments can be entrusted to SES experts, who will not only carry out all the necessary procedures, but also issue acts that are needed when checking by the inspection of state oversight bodies. Knowing the rules of SanPiN for catering and the ability to put them into practice can save you from many problems and make work easy, enjoyable and beneficial to other people, regardless of where exactly your establishment is located and in what mode it operates.

The academic year has begun, not only the success of the educational process, but also the health of those who learn and those who teach. On one aspect of this great work- catering at the school we want to stop.

Many questions arise from school directors and catering organizers - who is responsible for what in terms of compliance with the requirements for the implementation of sanitary rules and regulations.

Catering at the school must comply with the requirements of SanPiN " Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary institutions vocational education » and row others normative documents:

the federal law "On education in Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended in 2015-2016.

the federal law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated 03.03.1999 No. 52-FZ;

the federal law "On consumer protection" dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1-FZ;

the federal law "On the quality and safety of food products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ;

the federal law "On technical regulation" dated December 27, 2000 No. 184-FZ;

Technical regulations Customs Union for food;

SanPiN "Organization of baby food"

SanPiN " Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products»;

SP 1.1.1058-01 " Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures»;

SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them of food raw materials and food products";

MR "Organization of nutrition for children of preschool and school age in organized groups

Head of an educational institution is responsible for the organization and completeness of the coverage of students with hot meals.

legal entities, regardless of the legal form, and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to catering for students, provide the following:

Presence in each organization SanPiN;

Compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees of the enterprise;

Proper sanitary condition of water supply sources and the quality of water in them;

Organization of production control, including laboratory and instrumental studies;

Availability necessary conditions to comply with sanitary norms and rules at all stages of the preparation and sale of dishes and products that guarantee their quality and safety for the health of schoolchildren;

Employment of persons who have access to work for health reasons, who have undergone professional hygienic training and certification;

Availability of personal medical books for each employee;

Timely passage of preliminary, upon admission to work, and periodic medical examinations by all employees;

Organization of course hygienic training and retraining of personnel under the hygienic training program at least once every two years;

Implementation of resolutions, instructions of the federal executive body authorized to exercise supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being, and its territorial bodies;

Daily maintenance of the necessary documentation (marriage logs, personnel examination logs for pustular and acute respiratory diseases, and other documents, in accordance with SanPiN;

Creation of working conditions for employees in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, sanitary rules, hygienic standards;

Organization of regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary clothing;

Correct operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment of the enterprise;

Availability of a sufficient number of production equipment, utensils, detergents, disinfectants and other items of material and technical equipment;

Carrying out activities for disinfection, disinsection and deratization;

Availability of first aid kits medical care and their timely replenishment;

Organization of sanitary and educational work with personnel (conducting seminars, conversations, lectures).

Who controls the quality and safety of children's meals at school? What should healthcare professionals look out for?

Control over the quality and safety of nutrition of students is carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur providing meals in educational institution.

Medical workers should follow behind the organization nutrition in educational institution, including the quality of incoming products, the correctness of their bookmarks. Products entering the catering department must comply with the hygienic requirements for food raw materials and food products, and be accompanied by documentation certifying their quality and safety, indicating the date of production, terms and conditions of storage of products. Accompanying document must be maintained until the end of the product sale.

To control the quality of incoming products, they are graded and an entry is made in the gradebook of food products and food raw materials in accordance with the recommended form.

To control the qualitative and quantitative composition of the diet, the range of food products and food raw materials used medical worker maintains a nutritional record . At the end of each week or once every 10 days, it calculates and compares with the average daily food intake (per person, average per week or 10 days).

Who carries out the sampling and is it possible to carry out the issuance of dishes without it?

extradition prepared food carried out only after sampling. Evaluation of food quality marriage committee composed of at least three human :a medical worker, a catering worker and a representative of the administration educational institution according to organoleptic indicators (the sample is taken directly from the containers in which the food was cooked). The result is recorded in the finished culinary product rejection log in accordance with the recommended form. The weight of portioned dishes must correspond to the output of the dish indicated in the layout menu. At technology violation cooking, and if the dish is not ready for delivery, it is not allowed until the identified culinary deficiencies are eliminated.

Who takes the daily sample?

For the purpose of monitoring compliance technological process a daily sample is taken from each batch of cooked dishes. The selection is carried out by a catering worker (cook) in accordance with the recommendations for the selection of SanPiN Correctness control selection and storage conditions of daily samples is carried out medical worker.

Should a health worker conduct a check-up of catering staff?

Daily before work health worker doing an examination employees of a public catering organization of an educational institution for the presence of pustular diseases of the skin of the hands and open surfaces of the body, as well as tonsillitis, catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract. The results of the examination before the start of the work shift are recorded in the health log in accordance with the recommended form.

What research should be carried out when organizing school meals?

To determine the nutritional value (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins) in products and confirm the safety of cooking for compliance with their hygienic requirements, laboratory and instrumental studies should be carried out. Their order and scope are established legal entities or individual entrepreneurs providing and (or) organizing meals, regardless of the form of ownership and production profile, in accordance with the recommended nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory and instrumental studies in accordance with SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

In an educational institution, it is recommended to organize work on the formation of skills and a culture of healthy eating, the ethics of eating, the prevention of alimentary-dependent diseases, food poisoning and infectious diseases. The forms of such work can be different - lectures, seminars, business games, quizzes, health days.

Should the menu be hung out in the dining room and is it possible to involve children in cleaning the hall, and teachers in distributing (portioning) dishes?

Menu , which indicates information about the volumes of dishes and the names of culinary products, hung out in the dining room daily . Concerning children , the presence of students in the production premises of the dining room is strictly prohibited. Involve students in work related to cooking, peeling vegetables, serving ready-made meals, cutting bread, washing dishes and cleaning the room not allowed .

In accordance with SanPiN2.4.5.2409-08 cannot be involved to the preparation, portioning and distribution of culinary products, sanitization and disinfection of equipment, utensils and inventory staff, in official duties which does not include these activities.

Prepared by specialists of the department of hygienic education and upbringing of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Kaliningrad Region" using materials from the journal Sanepidsobesednik No. 8 (144) 2014.


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