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electrochemical protection

VSN 009-88


Moscow 1990

DESIGNED: VNIIST Minneftegazstroy - Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.A. Nikitenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences K.L. Shamshetdinov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences N.P. Glazov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.V. Pritula, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.M. Efimova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.V. Blagoveshchensky;

SSO "Neftegazelektrospetsstroy" - Yu.N. Konstantinov, V.V. cat;

Institute "Giprotruboprovod" - O.N. Nasonov.

INTRODUCED: VNIIST Minneftegazstroy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL: GNTU Minneftegazstroy - leading engineer of the standardization department V.V. Kuznetsov.

With the introduction of the regulatory document “Construction of trunk and field pipelines. Means of installation of electrochemical protection "VSN 009-88 / Minneftegazstroy the following become invalid regulations:

"Instruction for the construction of installations for electrochemical protection against corrosion of the linear part of the main pipelines" VSN 2-127-81 / Minneftegazstroy;

"Instruction for the protective protection of the inner surface of oil tanks from corrosion" VSN 158-83 / Minneftegazstroy;

"Instruction for the electrochemical protection of casings at pipeline crossings under roads and railways" VSN 211-87 / Minneftegazstroy;

“Specifications for the technological system of electrochemical protection of underground pipelines with cooling of the transported product “TSKZ-holod” RD 102-013-83;

“Specifications for the technological system of electrochemical protection of underground pipelines in the northern regions and Western Siberia “TSKZ-SEVER” RD 102-014-83;

"Instruction for the electrochemical protection of underground pipelines in the northern regions and Western Siberia" VSN 155-83 / Minneftegazstroy;

"Instruction for cathodic protection of field facilities" VSN 174-84/Minneftegazstroy;

AGREED: Tsentrtruboprovodstroy - letter No. 06-25-129 dated 10/25/88,

Glavneftegazelectrospetsstroy - letter No. 04-8-1795 dated 10/24/88;

Glavgosgaznadzor - letter No. 11-5-9 / 276 dated 10/24/88,

VNIIGaz - letter No. 63-4 / 7065 dated 10/24/88;

Glavtransneft - letter No. 9/1675 dated 10/26/88

Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises (Minneftegazstroy)

Departmental building codes

Construction of main and field pipelines.

Means and install electrochemical protection


RD 102-015-83

RD 102-014-83


1.1. The requirements of these Departmental building codes must be observed by organizations of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction that perform construction, installation, commissioning works in the construction of electrochemical protection against corrosion on the main and field pipelines.

1.2. These VSN apply to work on the electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines throughout the USSR.

1.3. When constructing electrochemical protection, in addition to the requirements of these BCH, the requirements for installation should also be observed. certain types electrochemical protection equipment installed in technical documentation plants - manufacturers of equipment, in the technical specifications and other documents approved in in due course and the following rules and regulations:

GOST 9.015-74 “Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Underground structures. General technical requirements”;

GOST 25812-83 “Main steel pipelines. General requirements to protection against corrosion";

GOST 26251-82 Protectors for corrosion protection. Specifications";

1.17. If by the time of start-up, testing and commissioning of the ECP system there are technological breaks in the linear part of the main or field pipeline in the coverage area of ​​electrochemical protection facilities and installations, then the nearest ends of the pipeline sections at the break point must be connected with an insulated electrical jumper, material and dimensions which are determined by the construction organization project.

1.18. When choosing a set of machines and mechanisms, as well as the composition of the team for the construction of means and installations for electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines, one should be guided by “Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization” and “Construction of field steel pipelines. Technology and Organization".

1.19. After the construction of the cathodic protection unit is completed, the land plot must be recultivated.


Preparation of legal and design estimates and technical means

2.1. By the beginning of the construction and installation of electrochemical protection equipment and installations, the following main preparatory work must be completed to ensure the legal and technical right to conduct construction and installation work on electrochemical protection of the pipeline:

a) transferred by the customer (or through the general contractor) to the contractor of the contractor in the manner and within the time limits established by the current " Guidelines on the relationship between general contractors and subcontractors of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction in the new economic conditions”, “Rules on contracts for capital construction” and “Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors”, the following materials:

design and estimate documentation (at the same time, each copy of the transferred working drawings must have a stamp “into production” with the signature of the customer);

documents on the permission of the relevant authorities (organizations) to carry out work in the area of ​​​​overhead power lines and communications, operated sections of railways and roads, near underground structures with the application of diagrams of their passage on construction site;

documents on the allocation of land for construction and demolition of buildings that impede construction;

b) a project for the production of works has been developed and approved in the prescribed manner in the amount necessary for their production.

In addition, the contractor must:

a) prepare inventory mobile, storage, production and sanitary facilities necessary for the production of construction and electrical work in the field;

b) accept from the customer the materials and equipment to be installed in the quantity and according to the nomenclature provided for by the agreed schedules;

c) perform the technological part of the pipeline in the amount necessary to start construction and electrical work;

d) provide the team with the necessary lifting and transport vehicles, construction machines, assembly mechanisms, tools and fixtures.

Input control of ECP equipment

2.2. Before sending the equipment for installation on the pipeline route, the contractor must carry out an incoming inspection. During the input control, the suitability of the equipment for installation and subsequent operation must be established by establishing the serviceability of structural elements, electrical circuits, contact connections, measuring instruments, etc.

Delivery and acceptance of equipment

2.3. Means and installations of electrochemical protection must be supplied for construction in a complete set in accordance with the specification specified in the project, and accompanied by documents certifying the compliance of these means and installations with their specifications.

2.4. Means and installations of electrochemical protection must be transferred for installation upon request installation organization within the established time limits in accordance with the accepted sequence of construction and installation works and issued with an act of acceptance of electrical equipment for installation.

2.5. When accepting means and installations of electrochemical protection for installation, they are subjected to external inspection without disassembly into components and parts, while checking:

compliance with the project;


absence of damage and defects, preservation of the color of preservative and special coatings, preservation of seals;

the availability and completeness of the technical documentation of manufacturers, necessary for the production of installation work.

Storage of means and installations of electrochemical protection

2.6. Storage conditions for means and installations of electrochemical protection and cable products must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production".

2.7. Storage of materials, hardware, protectors and anode grounding devices under basic conditions must meet the following requirements:

a) metal pipes, rolled metal, sheet steel, protectors and anode ground electrodes must be stored under sheds;

b) electrodes for electric arc welding, as well as hardware, should be stored in dry, heated rooms in their original packaging.

Preparatory work in the construction area

2.8. Before starting construction and installation work, preparatory work is carried out. On the sites of cathode stations and drainages of anode grounding, connecting cable lines, felling of the forest, clearing the working area from trees and shrubs, uprooting and burial of stumps are carried out.

2.9. In watered and peaty areas of the station site with the size provided for by the project, the moss cover is cut with a bulldozer to a depth of up to 0.5 m and moved to a dump at a distance of up to 50 m with leveling. Remove the top layer of peat in the same way. Instead of the excavated peat, a mound of drained mineral soils is arranged, which are developed in the nearest quarry by an excavator and delivered to the site by a dump truck. The embankment is compacted, its surface and slopes are planned and strengthened by sowing grasses. Then, in the center of the site, where it is planned to place the block-complete installation of cathodic protection, sand and gravel bedding 10 cm thick with the area specified in the project is arranged.

When installing UKZ converters on piles, work is carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works.


Cathodic protection plants

3.1. Preparatory work on the construction of cathodic protection must be carried out in the following sequence:

b) selection and arrangement of a place for storing cathodic protection installation equipment, installation of their components, parts, hardware, tools and materials before installation;

c) delivery of earth-moving equipment, construction machines and mechanisms to the site of construction and installation works;

d) preparation of a site for the performance of work on the device of cathodic protection;

e) delivery to the site of construction and installation works of cathodic protection equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials.

3.2. Store cathodic protection equipment, assembly units, parts, tools, hardware and materials at the work site should be in one place, using trailers or covered trailers to protect them from atmospheric precipitation.

3.3. For the construction of a cathodic protection installation, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) development of soil for cathodic protection equipment, overhead or cable power lines;

b) laying of overhead conductors or cables in the ground;

c) installation of a transformer substation (pillar transformer substation STP, complete transformer substation KTP) when cathodic protection is powered from a power line with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV;

d) construction of anode grounding;

e) construction of protective grounding and lightning protection;

f) installation of a cathodic protection current source (converter) or a block-complete high-voltage cathodic protection device when powered from a power line with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV;

g) installation of a control and measuring point;

h) installation of the cathode terminal;

i) installation of electrical circuits of the cathode installation, connecting and electrical drainage lines;

j) installation of the enclosing device of the transformer substation, block-complete high-voltage cathodic protection device or converter.

3.4. Installation of a cathodic protection current source (converter, low-voltage cathodic protection package device) includes:

a) installation of pipes with cables in the pit for connecting the cathode installation to the power supply line, pipeline and anode grounding;

b) backfilling and compaction with the help of driven rammers of the lower part of the excavation over the entire surface, including the surface for installing foundation pillars;

c) assembly of the foundation and its installation in the pit;

d) installation of a frame or other metal structure to the foundation for installing the transducer;

e) fastening of cable pipes to the converter frame;

f) applying a protective coating to the frame and pipe;

g) installation of the transducer on the frame;

h) protective earthing device;

i) connecting the converter to the mains supply.

A general view of the mounted low-voltage cathodic protection device is shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. General view of the mounted cathodic protection device for low-voltage UKZN:

1 - block of cathode stations; 2 - sled

3.5. Installation of a high-voltage block-complete cathodic protection device includes:

a) installation of pipes with cables in the pit to connect the cathode installation to the power supply line (in case of cable version), to the pipeline and to the anode ground;

b) laying foundation slabs;

c) fastening of cable pipes to the frame of the modular device;

d) applying a protective coating to cable pipes;

e) installation and fastening of the block-complete device on the foundation slab;

f) protective earthing device;

g) connection of a block-complete cathodic protection device to a power transmission line - 6 - 10 kV (cable or air input).

A general view of the mounted high-voltage cathodic protection device is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. General view of the mounted device for cathodic protection of high-voltage UKZV:

1 - block of high-voltage transformer; 2 - block of cathode stations; 3 - sled; 4 - bushing insulator; 5 - fence mesh; 6 - air inlet bracket; 7 - cable entry pipe

3.6. The total depth of the excavation for the foundation of the converter must comply with the requirements of the project.

3.7. Concrete and metal parts of the foundation and pipe entries must be protected from corrosion in accordance with the project.

3.8. When constructing a cathode plant in unfixed sands, it is necessary to carry out measures to fix the sands in accordance with the requirements of the technical design.

Overhead and cable power lines

3.9. When constructing power lines, one should be guided by the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations" PUE (M .: Energoatomizdat, 1986) and "Instructions for the construction of along-route power lines 6 - 10 kV main pipelines"

Grounding devices and protective earths

3.10. When constructing protective grounding, it is necessary:

a) immerse vertical electrodes in the ground or lay horizontal ground electrodes on the bottom of the trench;

b) lay the main conductor in the trench;

c) connect the main conductor to the grounding electrodes by welding;

d) connect the main conductor to the grounded structure;

e) isolate the places of welded joints;

f) compact and level the ground above the ground;

g) paint the above-ground part of the grounding conductor.

3.11. Protective earth electrodes, as a rule, should be made from steel rods, angles or rolled products of another profile in accordance with the technical design and working drawings.

3.12. It is forbidden to use anodic grounding as protective grounding, as well as the device of autonomous (not connected by conductors) protective and noise-protective grounding switches for various parts of the equipment that can be touched simultaneously.

3.13. Protective grounding contact connections must be located from the ground surface at a distance specified in the technical design and working drawings, but not less than 0.6 m.

3.14. Grounding conductors and grounding conductors located in the ground should not have coloring and insulating coatings.

3.15. The connection of grounding elements with one another, as well as the connection of grounding conductors with grounding conductors, should be carried out by welding, while the length of the overlap should be equal to six diameters with a circular cross section and double the width with rectangular section ground electrode.

3.16. Vertical ground electrodes must be immersed in the ground in a mechanized rotational or vibrational way.

3.17. The connection of grounding conductors to grounded structures must be carried out by welding, and to the housings of cathodic and electrical drainage protection devices - by welding them with a reliable bolted connection using measures that provide for loosening contacts.

3.18. Welds located in the ground must be isolated.

3.19. The above-ground part of the grounding conductors should be painted black.

Transformer substations

3.20. When constructing cathodic protection transformer substations, one should be guided by the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations PUE". To supply cathodic protection, pole transformer stations STP with a voltage of 6-10 / 0.22 kV, a power of 5 - 10 kV × A and complete transformer substations (KTS) with a voltage of 6 - 10 / 0.4 kV, a power of 25 kV × A, are used,

3.21. Pillar transformer point STP-6-10/0.22 kV, 5 - 10 kV×A must be built in the following sequence:

a) development of soil in accordance with the technical design;

b) assembly of the anchor end support;

c) installation of an anchor end support;

d) installation of a single-phase transformer;

e) installation of high-voltage equipment (disconnector with a drive, fuses, arresters, insulators);

f) installation of the converter;

g) installation of connecting power lines;

h) installation of grounding devices and protective grounding;

i) fencing;

j) installation of warning posters;

k) connection of the STP to the power transmission line 6 - 10 kV.

3.22. A complete transformer substation KTP 6-10 / 0.4 kV, 25 kV × A must be built in the following sequence:

a) installation of KTP;

b) installation of the converter;

c) installation of connecting power lines;

d) installation of grounding devices and protective grounding;

e) fencing;

f) installation of warning posters;

g) connection of the transformer substation to power lines 6 - 10 kV.

3.23. Before installing the transformer, the oil tank should be pressure tested for leaks and an oil sample taken for testing.

3.24. An oil sample for testing must be taken into dry, clean glass jars with ground stoppers from special taps in the lower part of the tank at an oil temperature of at least 5 °C. Oil of high-voltage transformers SKZ is taken only in dry weather. For an abbreviated chemical analysis, 1.5 liters of oil are taken, and for a breakdown test, 0.75 liters.

3.25. With reduced chemical analysis determine the content of water and mechanical impurities, acid number and the reaction of water extract.

3.26. The breakdown voltage of the oil in the standard arrester of the oil punch at the higher voltage winding voltage of the transformer up to 15 kV inclusive must be at least 25 kV.

3.27. After installing the disconnector and the drive, check all bolted connections and fastening strength, then connect the disconnector shaft to the drive in accordance with the installation drawing.

3.28. The upper position of the drive handle must correspond to the switched on state of the disconnector. When adjusting and fitting the contacts, it is necessary to achieve ease and simultaneity of the knives of all poles of the multi-pole disconnector, to eliminate distortions by moving the insulators of the fixed contacts, turning the insulators around their axis, using linings under the insulator flange, etc.

3.29. The tightness of the detachable contacts is considered normal if the probe 0.05 mm thick and 10 mm wide does not enter the contact connection deeper than 2/3 of the corresponding width.

3.30. The connection of current-carrying wires with the contact plates of the disconnector must be reliable, excluding contact heating. Nuts of contact connections must be fixed with lock nuts or lock washers.

3.31. The fuses are mounted in a vertical position on the bars, observing the distance specified in the project.

3.32. Arresters of all types must be installed so that the condition of the arrester, the external gap and the position of the ground trip indicator can be checked.

3.33. Upon completion of the installation of equipment at the STP, a fence made of a metal mesh fixed on reinforced concrete pillars should be installed. The guard doors and the disconnector drive must be padlocked with a padlock with a shackle thickness of at least 10 mm.

3.34. On the reinforced concrete support of the STP, the supports of the power transmission line with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV, the cabinet of the cathode station and the fence, warning posters of the established sample must be attached.

Anode grounds

3.35. Preparatory work for the construction of anode grounding must be carried out in accordance with clause 3.1 of these BCH.

3.36. Loading, transportation and unloading of anode ground electrodes at the work site must be carried out in a mechanized way without shocks and shaking.

Surface anode grounds

3.37. The construction of anode grounding from vertical unpacked steel, iron-silicon, graphite and graphite-reservoir electrodes (ground electrodes) should include the following operations:

a) drilling wells to the design depth;

b) installation of grounding electrodes in wells;

c) laying the main cable at the bottom of the trench;

d) making electrical contact between the grounding electrodes and the main cable;

e) connecting the main cable to the outlet to the overhead power line support or to the cable power line;

f) isolation of contact joints and filling of cables with bituminous mastic.

3.38. When constructing anode grounding from horizontally laid unpacked grounding electrodes, the following operations must be performed:

a) backfilling the trench with a layer of coke breeze or graphite to the design height, but not less than 100 mm, with compaction by drive rammers;

b) laying of grounding electrodes in a trench horizontally;

c) backfilling of grounding electrodes with a layer of coke breeze or graphite up to the design height, but not less than 100 mm;

d) backfilling the trench with a layer of soil 0.5 m thick with a compactor driven rammers, while the wires of the ground electrodes must be fixed in a vertical position;

e) laying the main cable in the trench;

f) connecting the wires of the grounding electrodes to the main cable;

g) connection of the main cable with the output to the support of the overhead power line or with the cable power line;

h) isolation of contact joints and filling of wires and cables with bituminous mastic;

i) final backfilling of the trench with soil with compaction by drive rammers.

3.39. The construction of anode grounding with horizontal complete grounding switches packed with coke breeze (Fig. 3) should include the following operations:

a) rejection of anode ground electrodes by the presence of coke filling;

b) horizontal laying of earth electrodes in the trench;

c) laying the main cable at the bottom of the trench;

d) connection of ground electrodes to the main cable;

Rice. 3. Anode ground electrode AK-3:

1 - iron-silicon electrode; 2 - steel rod; 3 - top cover; 4 - cable; 5 - bottom cover; 6 - pipe; 7 - cover; 8 - washer; 9 - body; 10 - slinging hole, 11 - coke fines with an inhibitor; 12 - epoxy resin; 13 - nameplate

e) connecting the main cable to the outlet to the overhead power line support or to the cable power line;

f) isolation of contact connections and filling with bituminous mastic of the cable.

3.40. Earthing switches should be installed in a well or trench in a mechanized way, avoiding shocks and shaking. It is not allowed to use the current lead of the anode ground electrode during its movement and tripping.

3.41. In dry and low-moisture soils, grounding conductors (after quality control of the insulation of contact joints) must be filled with clay mortar at the rate of 0.04 m 3 for each grounding conductor.

Extended anode grounding

3.42. When constructing an extended anode grounding from electrically conductive elastomers, work should be performed in the following sequence:

a) digging a trench of a given depth and length;

b) ground electrode rolling;

c) laying a ground electrode in a trench;

d) backfilling the trench with soil with compaction by drive rammers, as well as the work specified in paragraphs. 3.38, f; 3.93, s.

Deep anode grounding

3.43. Installation of deep anode grounding and its installation in a well worked out with a clay solution should be carried out immediately after drilling is completed.

3.44. Deep grounding in the well should be installed as soon as possible. Breaks in the process of installation and installation are not allowed.

3.45. Installation of deep anode grounding should be carried out in sections (blocks) using an assembly table.

3.46. Before starting the ground electrode systems into the well, it is necessary to check the quality of the insulation with a spark flaw detector with a voltage of 20 kV.

3.47. After anode grounding is installed, the well must be filled with mud or coke, and the upper part with gravel or sand in accordance with the technical design and working drawings.

3.48. Installation and installation of anode grounding from graphite-reservoir electrodes should be carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works.

Pile anode grounding

3.49. Pile grounding, as a rule, should be made from substandard waste pipes with diameters of 89 - 320 mm, up to 15 m long. The design and specific geometric dimensions of each pile are determined by the technical design and working drawings.

3.50. During the construction of pile anode grounding, it is necessary to perform the following work:

a) preparation of piles;

b) well drilling;

c) driving piles into wells;

d) salt treatment of piles in the well;

e) electrical connection of piles;

f) connection to the cable grounding conductor;

g) processing of pile heads.

3.51. When preparing piles and installing them, you must:

give the lower end of the pile a conical shape;

weld a flange with a bolted cover to the pile head;

perforate the walls along the length of the pile.

3.52. Pile driving into the well should be carried out by vibropressure using a steam-air hammer or other similar equipment. The pile head should protrude above the soil surface to the design height.

3.53. The current-carrying cable shall be welded or bolted to the steel connecting strip near the head of the central pile.

3.54. When processing the pile head, the following main works must be performed:

a) the ends of the piles are covered with covers screwed with bolts and nuts to the flanges on the heads;

b) the steel connecting strip and pile heads at a height of at least 0.3 m are reliably isolated from the ground;

c) pile heads are bunded with soil to a height of not more than 0.3 m.

Installation of electrical drainage protection

3.55. Preparatory work for the construction of electrical drainage protection must comply with clause 1.9.

3.56. For the construction of the installation of electrical drainage protection, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) laying cables in the ground or overhead power lines during the construction of an electrical drainage installation with enhanced electrical drainage;

b) construction of protective grounding;

c) installation of a control and measuring point and a cable rack;

d) installation of an electrical drainage device;

e) installation of the cathode terminal;

f) installation of electrical circuits of the electrical drainage installation and lightning protection devices;

g) installation of the fence of the electrical drainage device.

3.57. For the construction of an electrical drainage installation with enhanced electrical drainage, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) install a pipe with cables in the pit for connection to an electrical drainage device;

b) fill the pit with soil, compact the lower part of the pit over the entire surface, including the surfaces for installing the foundation;

c) install a concrete foundation;

d) carry out the installation of a frame or other metal structures on the foundation for the installation of a drainage device;

e) apply an anti-corrosion coating to the frame;

f) carry out the installation of the electrical drainage device on the frame.

3.58. The connection of the electrical drainage installation to the rail network of the railway must be carried out through the device provided for by the technical design and working drawings.

3.59. Connecting cables must be brought to the electrical drainage device through a pipe and connected to its vines with clamps.

3.60. The drain cable should be connected to the pipeline through a steel plate with a permanent connection, for which:

a) the drainage cable is welded to the plate or connected to it by pressing;

b) the plate is made of the same steel as the pipeline;

c) the plate is welded to the annular (mounting) or longitudinal welding seam of the pipeline;

d) the junction of the cable with the pipeline is insulated.

3.61. Connecting the cable to the rail network of the railway and from the pipeline to the electrical drainage device must be carried out at the final stage of construction and installation work.

3.62. The drainage cable must be connected to the rail network in the presence of a representative of the railway operation service.

3.63. Ground conductive cables must be protected from mechanical damage.

Protector installations

3.64. Packed protectors should be delivered to the place of work in the original packaging in covered vehicles.

3.65. When transporting, loading, unloading and installing packed protectors, precautions must be taken to avoid the possibility of shocks and impacts that could damage the protector. It is not allowed to drop protectors from Vehicle on the ground or in a trench and a well.

3.66. Protectors, mounting units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials at the work site should be stored in one place, providing protection from atmospheric precipitation.

3.67. The unloading of the protectors and their installation in the design position must be carried out by a lifting and transport mechanism.

3.68. The development of soil for tread protection devices and their backfilling upon completion of equipment installation should be carried out by earthmoving equipment.

3.69. The protectors must be installed in a trench or in wells, the dimensions and location of which must comply with the technical design and working drawings.

3.70. Before installation, the packed protectors must be freed from paper bags.

3.71. When the protectors are installed horizontally, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) laying protectors in a trench;

b) laying the main cable in the trench;

c) connection of the conductors of the protector with the main cable;

d) connecting the connecting cable to the pipeline;

e) isolation of the joints of the conductors of the protectors with the main cable and the main cable with the pipeline;

f) installation of a control and measuring point and connection of cables to it;

g) filling cables with bituminous mastic;

h) filling the protectors with water at the rate of 0.05 m 3 for each protector.

3.72. At vertical installation protectors, it is necessary to perform the following construction and installation works:

a) develop a trench for laying cables;

b) drill wells for the installation of protectors;

c) install protectors in wells with centering and fixing them with soil;

d) lay the main cable in trenches;

e) connect the conductors from the protectors to the main cable;

f) connect the main cable to the pipeline;

g) isolate the joints;

h) check the quality of the insulation of the joints with a spark flaw detector with a voltage of 20 kV;

i) install a control and measuring point with a cable connected to it;

j) fill the cables with bituminous mastic;

k) completely fill the wells with a liquid clay solution.

3.73. The diameter of the well should ensure the free lowering of the protector into it and the layer-by-layer compaction of the soil during backfilling.

3.74. When installing automatic protector systems (with horizontal and vertical protectors), boxes with diode-transistor blocks and auxiliary electrodes should be additionally installed.

Extended protectors

3.75. Preparatory work for the construction of tread protection, carried out with the help of extended protectors laid in a common trench with the pipeline during its construction, should be carried out in the following sequence:

a) marking of the work site and coordination with the pipeline construction technology;

b) preparation of the site for the device of tread protection;

c) delivery of drums with protectors, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials to the site of construction and installation works.

3.76. Loading and unloading of drums with extended treads at the work site should be carried out by lifting and transport mechanisms.

3.77. Continuous laying of an extended tread is carried out simultaneously with the laying of the pipeline by a pipelayer, on the boom of which a drum with a tread is placed.

3.78. With the combined installation of extended protectors in a common trench with a pipeline, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) laying the protector in the pipeline trench;

b) connecting the construction lengths of the tread to each other (if the length of the tread section exceeds the construction length of the tread);

c) connection of conductors with protector and pipeline;

d) isolation of the junctions of the conductors with the protector and the pipeline;

e) installation of control and measuring points and connection of cables to them;

f) filling cables with bituminous mastic.

3.79. When installing extended protectors in a separate trench parallel to a pipeline equipped with a cable technological connection, the protector should be laid from the side opposite to the communication cable.

3.80. Preparatory work on the construction of tread protection with extended protectors laid in a separate trench is performed in the following sequence:

a) marking of the work site;

b) choosing a place for storing drums with protectors, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials before installation;

c) delivery to the place of work of earth-moving equipment, construction machines and mechanisms;

d) preparation of a site for a searchlight protection device;

e) delivery to the place of work of drums with protectors, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials.

3.81. The laying of an extended tread along an independent route is carried out with the digging of a trench with an excavator or a trenchless method using a cable layer.

3.82. When laying the protector, the following operations must be performed:

a) digging a trench;

b) rolling out the tread with a cable trolley;

c) laying the tread in a trench;

d) backfilling of the trench, as well as work in accordance with paragraphs. 3.78, b - 3.78, f.

3.83. The preparatory work for the construction of tread protection with extended protectors using a trenchless method is as follows:

breakdown, planning and preliminary logging of the route, as well as work in accordance with paragraphs. 3.80, b - 3.80, d.

3.84. With the trenchless method of laying an extended tread, the following work must be performed:

a) development of a gap in the ground with a cable-laying knife with the laying of a tread;

b) control of the tread depth using a measuring bar.


3.85. Prior to the installation of the control and measuring point, it is necessary to apply an anti-corrosion coating to its underground part, and paint the above-ground part in accordance with the project.

3.86. During the construction and installation of control and measuring points, work must be performed in the following sequence:

a) dig a foundation pit to install a point;

b) open the cover of the item;

c) stretch cables or wires into the cavity of the post of the point, providing for their reserve 0.4 m long;

d) install a long-term non-polarizing copper sulfate electrode;

e) connect the measuring control cable (wires) to the protected pipeline;

f) install the rack in the pit vertically;

g) connect cables or wires to the terminals of the terminal board;

h) mark cables (wires) and terminals corresponding to the connection diagram;

i) point to the top of the rack oil paint serial number of the point along the pipeline route;

j) fix the soil around the point within a radius of 1 m with a mixture of sand and crushed stone with a fraction of up to 30 mm.

insulating flanges.

Purpose and conditions of use

3.87. Butt-welded insulating steel flanges are designed to improve the efficiency of electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines. The need for their installation is determined by the project.

3.88. Insulating flanges are used for:

electrical disconnection of pipelines - outlets from the main line;

increasing the longitudinal ohmic resistance of the pipeline;

electrical disconnection of an insulated pipeline from non-insulated grounded structures (gas pumping, oil pumping, water pumping stations, field communications, pipelines, art wells, tanks, etc.);

electrical disconnection of pipelines made of various metals;

electrical disconnection of pipelines from underground structures of enterprises where protection is not provided or prohibited due to explosion hazard.

Production of insulating flanges

3.89. The manufacture, assembly and testing of insulating flanges is carried out under basic (factory) conditions.

3.90. The gasket material of the insulating bushings and washers must satisfy the tightness conditions of the flange connection at the operating parameters of the pipeline (pressure, temperature).

3.91. The assembly of insulating flanges is carried out in the following sequence:

a) before assembly, the sealing surfaces of the flanges are coated with an insulating varnish;

b) in order to avoid distortion, the flanges are connected by sequential tightening of diametrically opposite studs;

c) after assembly, the ends of the insulating gaskets and washers, as well as the inner surface of pipes and flanges, are coated with insulating varnish, and the flanges are dried at temperatures up to 200 °C.

Insulating flange testing

3.92. Tests of insulating flanges are carried out after drying.

3.93. In electrical tests, correctly assembled insulating flanges, tested in a dry room with a megger at a voltage of 1000 V, should not show a short circuit.

3.94. Hydraulic tests for the strength and density of the connection are carried out by pressure testing with water on a special stand. It is advisable to test a series of flanges simultaneously.

3.95. The test pressure P test is selected depending on the maximum pressure in the pipeline P max according to the formula

P use \u003d 1.25 R max. (one)

3.96. Crimping is done with a hydraulic hand pump.

3.97. An act is drawn up for electrical and hydraulic tests. The tested pipes with flanges are cut, inspected and transported to the route to the tie-in point.

3.98. Insertion of insulating flanges on an underground pipeline under construction is carried out as follows:

a) turn off the nearest electrochemical protection installations;

b) before cutting the coil, to the ends of the pipeline formed as a result of cutting the coil, an electrical insulated jumper with a copper cross section of at least 25 mm 2 is welded;

c) after cutting the coil, adjust and weld the coil with flanges;

d) for electrical measurements, a control and measuring point is equipped in accordance with clause 3.4 of these VSNs;

e) the section of the pipeline adjacent to the flanges is covered with reinforced type insulation.

3.99. Insertion of insulating flanges on existing pipelines is carried out after the implementation of safety measures in accordance with applicable rules and instructions.


Contact connection during installation of overhead conductors

Connecting wires with oval connectors

3.100. The connection of wires with oval connectors (Table 1), as a rule, is carried out by the twisting method using devices such as MI-189A (Fig. 4) and MI-250A (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4. Device type MI-189A for connecting wires in oval connectors by twisting

Rice. 5. Device type MI-230A for connecting wires in oval connectors by twisting

3.101. Preparation for the installation of wires in an oval connector by twisting is carried out in the following sequence:

a) cleaning from dirt and protective grease of the oval connector and connected sections of wires and washing them with gasoline;

b) applying neutral vaseline to the surfaces of the connected sections of the wires;

c) removing the oxide film under the vaseline layer with a metal brush.

3.102. The prepared wires should be inserted into the oval connector with an overlap on both sides so that their ends protrude from the connector by 20 - 40 mm.

3.103. Twisting wires in an oval connector with MI-189A or MI-250A devices must be performed in the following sequence:

Table 1

Oval connectors and fixtures

Wire brand

Connector brand

Fixture type

a) loosen nuts of hinged bolts (Fig. 6) or unscrew nut 1 (Fig. 7);

b) raise the upper folding dies 2 (see fig. 6) or remove the traverses 2 (see fig. 7);

Rice. 6. Clamping units of the MI-189A fixture:

a- turning part; b- creeper; 1 - swing bolt nut; 2 - top folding die; 3 - lower die; 4 - lever

Rice. 7. Clamping units of the MI-230A fixture:

a- details; b- clamping unit assembled; 1 - nut, 2 - traverse; 3 - matrix; 4 - lever; 5 - additional lever

c) install the connector with the wires inserted into it into the slot of the rotary part of the device, turn it by 90° and lay it with the flat side on the slider and die 3 (see Fig. 6) or matrix 3 (see Fig. 7);

d) install and fix the upper folding dies 2 (see Fig. 6) or traverses 2 (see Fig. 7);

e) insert the lever (knob) 4 (see Fig. 6), 4 and 5 (see Fig. 7) into the hole of the rotary part and twist the connector in any direction by 4 - 4.5 turns;

f) the completed connection is released from the dies or matrices and removed from the fixtures through the slot in the rotary part. The completed connection is shown in fig. eight.

Rice. 8. Connecting wires in an oval connector

Connection of aluminum and steel-aluminum wires by thermite-muffle welding

3.104. Aluminum and steel-aluminum wires of overhead conductors in loops, as a rule, should be connected by thermite-muffle welding with core compression (with sediment) with thermite cartridges (Fig. 9) using welding tongs (Fig. 10).

Rice. 9. Thermite cartridge brand AC for welding cores of wires and cables:

1 - thermite cartridge; 2 - chill mold; 3 - aluminum insert

Rice. 10. Welding tongs type ATSP-50-185:

1 - protective cover, 2 - clamping device; 3 - ends of connecting wires, 4 - thermite cartridge; 5 - hook; 6 - spring frame

3.105. Welded contact connections during the installation of overhead conductors are performed in the following sequence:

a) the wires are straightened, trimmed and cleaned with a steel brush from the card tape;

b) the wires prepared for welding are inserted into the mold of the thermite cartridge and installed in the clamp of the welding tongs;

c) the thermite cartridge muffle is lit with a thermite match, and at the same time the protective cover on the welding tongs is closed;

d) 1 - 2 minutes after ignition of the thermite cartridge, the pincers are compressed;

e) after welding is completed (the thermite cartridge muffle will darken), the pliers, the thermite cartridge muffle and chill mold are removed from the welded joint.

During the welding process, the welding tongs with installed wires must be in a horizontal position.

Contact connections during the installation of anode grounding and protective installations

3.106. The conclusions of the anode ground electrodes (protectors), as a rule, should be connected to the main cable by thermite-muffle welding (by introducing an additive into the mold of the thermite cartridge).

3.107. Thermite-muffle welding of contact joints must be performed in the following sequence:

a) from the end of the wire of the anode ground electrode or protector, the insulation is removed in a section 50 mm long;

b) the exposed section of the core is tinned with tin-lead solder;

c) remove the insulation from the core of the main cable in a section 50 mm long;

d) the bare section of the core is bent in the middle, folded together and rounded with pliers;

e) bandages made of corded asbestos are applied to the bare section of the cable cores, taking into account the diameter of the mold of the selected thermite cartridge;

f) cable cores with a bandage are inserted into the mold of the thermite cartridge (Fig. 11);

Rice. 11. Prepared for welding cable heels with a thermite cartridge brand AC

g) to preserve the cable insulation during welding, a cooler (Fig. 12) from the set for thermite muffle welding (Fig. 13) is installed on the exposed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cores;

h) the thermite cartridge muffle is ignited with a thermite match, simultaneously with the start of burning of the thermite cartridge, a filler rod made of aluminum wire is introduced into its mold until the mold is completely filled with molten aluminum;

i) after the burning of the thermite cartridge, the core of the wire of the anode ground electrode output is inserted into the mold of the thermite cartridge with molten aluminum (see Fig. 12);

j) after welding is completed, the coolant is removed, and the thermite cartridge muffle and mold are removed from the welded joint. The welded joint is shown in fig. fourteen;

Rice. 12. AC cartridge with coolant installed for branch wire welding

Rice. 13. NTS-1 set for thermite-muffle welding of wires and cables

k) perchlorovinyl varnish is applied to the bare area of ​​​​the cable cores and the welded joint, and then three-layer winding with polyvinyl chloride tape with 50% overlap;

Rice. 14. A sample of the contact connection of PSRP brand wires with aluminum cable cores

l) a cap made of a PVC tube with a diameter of 28 mm and a length of 140 mm, welded on one side, is put on the insulated section of the welded joint, the cap is pre-filled with perchlorovinyl varnish and, wrapping the cable and wire exit points with tape, seal it. To prevent the cap from falling off, it is attached with a PVC tape to the cable insulation (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Insulated section of the welded joint

Contact connections of aluminum cables with pipeline

3.108. To connect aluminum cables to the pipeline by welding, it is necessary to terminate the core with an L-shaped steel rod, tinned in a 50 mm long section with tin-lead solder.

3.109. The cores of the cable with the steel core must be connected as follows:

a) from the end of the cable core, the insulation is removed in a section 50 mm long;

b) a bandage of corded asbestos is applied to the bare area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe core;

c) a bare core of a cable with a bandage is inserted into the mold of a thermite cartridge;

d) a cooler is installed on the exposed section of the core (Fig. 16);

Rice. 16. Cartridge brand AC with a cooler installed for welding an aluminum core of a cable with a steel rod

e) the thermite cartridge is set on fire with a thermite match, simultaneously with the start of burning of the thermite cartridge, an aluminum wire filler rod is introduced into the mold (Fig. 17) until it is completely filled with molten aluminum;

f) after the burning of the thermite cartridge, the tinned end of the steel rod is inserted into the mold of the cartridge with molten aluminum (Fig. 18);

g) after the end of welding, the coolant is removed, the thermite cartridge muffle and the chill mold are removed from the welded joint. Welded joints are shown in fig. 19.

Rice. Fig. 17. Introduction of a filler rod made of aluminum wire into the chill mold of a thermite cartridge of brand AC when welding an aluminum core of a cable with a steel rod

3.110. To connect a cable with an aluminum core to the pipeline, the following work must be performed:

a) remove the insulation from the upper part of the pipeline and clean the bare part to a metallic sheen, washing off the remaining insulation with gasoline;

Rice. 18. Introduction of a steel rod into the mold of a thermite cartridge with molten aluminum

b) weld a cable with a steel L-shaped rod to the pipeline in accordance with SNiP III-42-80 “Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines.

Rice. 19. Samples of contact connections of steel rods with aluminum cable conductors:

a- with a section of the welded joint; b- without cutting the welded joint

3.111. The welded joint is insulated in the following sequence:

a) the cable connection unit with an L-shaped steel rod is insulated with PVC tape;

b) a temporary form of roofing material or roofing is installed at the junction;

c) an insulated welded joint is shown in fig. 20 (dimensions are given in millimeters).

Rice. 20. Insulated welded joint:

1 - pipeline; 2 - pipeline insulation; 3 - L-shaped steel rod; 4 - welded joints; 5 - cable; 6 - bitumen-rubber mastic; 7 - insulating tape

Cathode and drainage outlets from pipes made of steels with a standard tensile strength of more than 539 MPa (55 kgf/cm)

3.112. Cathode and drainage outlets should be welded to the pipes with electrodes of the calcium fluoride type E42A-F (GOST 9467-75) with a diameter of 3 mm at a current strength of not more than 120 A.

3.113. Sections with a length of at least 50 mm must be welded with a continuous fillet weld on both sides.

3.114. The leg of the fillet weld must be equal to the diameter of the welded part of the cathode terminal.

3.115. The welding arc should be excited from the seam on which the lead is welded.

3.116. The seam must have smooth transitions to the longitudinal or assembly seam of the pipe.

3.117. Visible defects on the surface of the seam are not allowed, the seam should not go beyond the longitudinal, factory or annular field joint.

3.118. If visible defects are found, the defect site must be removed with an abrasive tool; melting with an electrode is not allowed.

Contact connections by gas welding during the installation of electrical drainage installations

3.119. To terminate the cable cores with a cross section of 300 - 600 mm 2, as a rule, propane-oxygen welding is used.

3.120. The contact surface of the tip is a tire with a cross section of 100×10 mm 2 .

3.121. Welding requires the following tools:

a) two-horn propane-oxygen burner from the NGO kit (set for welding flexible busbars), fig. 21;

b) clamping device for half-forms (Fig. 22);

c) cooler with replaceable liners (Fig. 23).

Rice. 21. Two-arm propane-oxygen burner

3.122. Propane-oxygen welding should be performed in the following sequence:

a) insulation is removed from the end of the core for half the length of the standard size of the welding mold, taking into account the thickness of the cooler;

b) the section of the cable core prepared for welding and the contact plate are cleaned with a brush made of cardolent tape;

c) install and fix the insert in the cooler according to the cross section of the cable core;

d) the end of the core to be welded is installed in the welding halves, which are fixed with a clamping device;

e) a cooler is installed close to the cut of the insulation;

f) an asbestos screen is placed between the cooler and the mold;

g) the operating pressure for propane-butane is set from 1.4 to 1.5 kgf / cm 2; for oxygen - from 4.5 to 5 kgf / cm 2;

h) the molds are heated by directing the flame of the side burners to the walls of the welding mold. The flame of the burners should evenly heat the walls of the mold in the zone of the weld pool, without lingering in one place;

i) 30 - 40 s after heating the mold to red color, an additive is introduced into the sprue hole, and after filling it with liquid aluminum, a contact plate (Fig. 24);

Rice. 22. Welding halves:

a- disassembled welding half-moulds; b- welding half-moulds in assembled form; in- half mold clamping devices

Rice. 23. Cooler with replaceable liners:

a- cooler; b- replaceable liners

Rice. 24. Contact plate for insertion into the sprue hole of the mold

j) the heating of the mold is stopped, after the aluminum melt has solidified, the mold halves are disassembled and the protective (asbestos) screen and cooler are removed;

l) a cable core terminated by a contact plate, cooled to a temperature environment, cleaned with a brush made of cardolent tape and wiped with a rag soaked in gasoline. The cable core terminated by the contact plate is shown in fig. 25.

Rice. 25. Terminated aluminum cable using half-moulds made on the basis of the NTO set:

1 - cable, 2 - contact plate

Connection and termination of cables by crimping

3.123. Crimping is based on the principle of local indentation, continuous compression and multifaceted compression with local indentation of the tubular part of the lug or connecting sleeve into the cable core (Fig. 26, 27). Crimping is used when terminating and connecting aluminum cables with a cross section of 16 - 240 mm 2.

3.124. Pressurization must be carried out in the following sequence:

a) choose the tips of the sleeves, tools, dies with punches and mechanisms, depending on the method of crimping:

multifaceted compression with local indentation according to Table. 2;

local indentation - hole according to the table. 5;

b) the inner surface of the tips and sleeves is cleaned of dirt and lubricated with quartz-vaseline paste;

c) from the end of the cable core, the insulation is removed from the tubular part of the lug plus 5 mm and cleaned with a steel brush;

Rice. 26. Crimping methods:

a- local indentation; b- continuous compression; in- multifaceted compression with local indentation

Rice. 27. Samples of termination of aluminum conductors of cables, made by crimping:

1 - terminated cable cores; 2 - connected cable cores

d) the multi-wire core of the cable is inserted into the lug until it stops (when connecting the core, it should be placed in the middle of the sleeve);

e) the tubular part of the tip is installed in the matrix bed and crimped. The indentation is carried out until the stop of the punch washer in the end face of the matrix.

3.125. The quality of crimping must be controlled in the following ways:

a) external inspection;

b) checking the alignment and symmetry of the compression;

c) measurement with a caliper with a nozzle or a special measuring tool of the residual thickness (Fig. 28) at the place of crimping, which must correspond to the value indicated in Table. 2 and 3.

Rice. 28. Measurement of the residual thickness at the pressing point:

a - multifaceted compression with hard indentation; b - local indentation with a hole; c - local indentation by stepped pressing

table 2

Tip sizes for multifaceted crimping with local indentation and residual thickness of the crimping point

Section and design

Tip sizes



Aluminum tips

Copper-aluminum tips

95C or 120H

120C or 150N

Note. In the first column on the left, the numbers characterize the cross section of the cores (in mm 2), the letter following the number - the design of the cores; H - round stranded conductor (normal), C - sector stranded conductor.

Table 3

Sizes of tips with crimping and local indentation and residual thickness of the crimping point

Cross-section and construction of cores

Tip sizes

Residual thickness at the place of crimping (±0.3), mm



Note: In the first column on the left, the numbers characterize the cross section (in mm 2), the letter following the number - the design of the cores; H - round stranded core (normal).

Contact connections of branches with the main cable

3.126. Branches with a main wire or cable must be connected by crimping as follows:

a) the insulation is removed from the main cable over a length of 100 m, and the stripped section is bent in the middle;

b) remove the insulation from the branch at a length of 100 mm;

c) lead the prepared main cable with branches into the corresponding sleeve filled inside with quartz-vaseline paste;

d) carry out pressure testing according to paragraphs. 3.123 - 3.125 of this BCH, depending on the type of mechanical press used;

e) insulate the contact assembly, for which it is covered with a layer of perchlorovinyl varnish and wrapped with PHL-20 tape in three layers with a 50% overlap and layer-by-layer varnishing. A cap made of a vinyl chloride tube, sealed on one side, filled with perchlorovinyl varnish, is put on the insulated assembly and fixed with a PHL-20 tape on the cable (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29. Contact connection unit during installation of anode ground electrodes:

1 - cable; 2 - branch; 3 - cap

Connecting the cable to the pipeline by soldering

3.127. Connecting the cable to the pipeline by soldering must be done in dry weather. In winter conditions, soldering should be carried out at temperatures down to minus 10 °C.

3.128. Preparation for soldering and soldering is carried out in the following sequence:

a) clean the pipe section 100×100 mm at the point where the cable is connected to the insulation;

b) clean the bare section of the pipe to a metallic sheen (best with the end of a flat file);

c) tinning the pipe section at the cable connection point with tin-lead solder and soldering fat using a blowtorch or gas burner;

d) remove the insulation from the cable in a section of 50 mm;

e) tinning the cleaned part of the cable with tin-lead solder and soldering grease;

f) put the tinned part of the cable on the prepared section of the pipe and, holding it, heat it up simultaneously with the pipe and melt the solder;

g) form the hot solder by quickly ironing it with a coarse tarpaulin cloth;

a) insulate the contact assembly (see Fig. 20).


Organization of work

4.1. Start-up, testing and adjustment of means and installations of electrochemical protection is carried out in order to check the operability of both individual means and installations of electrochemical protection, and the electrochemical protection system, putting it into operation and establishing the mode provided for by the project to ensure electrochemical protection of the underground pipeline section from external corrosion, in in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation.

4.2. When starting up and testing means and installations of electrochemical protection, one should be guided by state standards, building codes and regulations, regulatory and technical documents for the protection of underground structures from corrosion, as well as the requirements of the technical design and working drawings for electrochemical protection of an underground pipeline and these Departmental building codes.

4.3. Turning on and off devices and installations of electrochemical protection, as well as their testing must be performed by personnel who have undergone special training and have a qualification of at least group III in accordance with the "Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers and safety regulations for the operation of consumer installations.

Connection of cathodic protection installations to power lines is carried out in the presence of a representative of the power supply organization.

4.4. Start-up and testing of electrochemical protection of pipelines against corrosion (ECP) must be carried out before freezing or after thawing of the soil in two stages:

Stage I - start-up and testing of individual means and installations of electrochemical protection,

Stage II - start-up, testing and adjustment of the system of electrochemical protection against corrosion of the pipeline section.

4.5. Start-up and testing of individual electrochemical protection installations should be carried out as their installation is completed in accordance with the requirements of the project for electrochemical protection, these VSN and SNiP III-42-80.

4.6. Start-up and testing of devices and installations must be carried out no earlier than 8 days after the installation of anode grounding and tread installations.

4.7. Start-up, testing and adjustment of the ECP system against corrosion of a pipeline section that has joint protection with other structures should be carried out in the presence of personnel of interested organizations. When checking the influence of means and installations of electrochemical protection of the constructed section on the adjacent structure, an act of control measurements must be drawn up.

4.8. If during start-up, testing and adjustment it turns out that any installation of electrochemical protection or site protection as a whole does not meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documents, the project, project changes approved in the prescribed manner, or the requirements of Sec. 4 of these VSN, then the order and scope of further work is determined jointly by the customer, the organization that designed the protection of the pipeline section, and the general contractor.

4.9. Start-up, testing and adjustment of ECP facilities and installations is carried out by a commissioning team, which includes specialists with skills in commissioning of each type of equipment. The number of people in the team is determined by the volume and nature of commissioning.

4.10. Before you start commissioning, you must perform the following preparatory work:

a) drawing up a plan for the organization of work, which provides for familiarization of the adjusters with the object, obtaining and checking the completeness of the performers of technical documentation, clarifying the scope and drawing up a schedule for the execution of work for the entire period with the determination of specific deadlines and performers;

b) determination of the adjustment work technology, the current standards for these works and data on their duration, taking into account local route conditions;

c) determination of the material and technical equipment of the commissioning team;

d) providing the commissioning team with means of transportation along the pipeline route (vehicles, helicopters) and, if necessary, with a trailer house;

e) distribution by the foreman of duties among the members of the brigade, safety briefing, clarification of the work schedule and obtaining permission to carry out them.

With a significant amount of commissioning, it is recommended to use a mobile electrical research laboratory for electrochemical protection of PEL, ECP or a mobile laboratory for monitoring anti-corrosion protection of PEL, KPZ.

When determining the parameters of protection against soil corrosion, a direct current generator is used, from which current is supplied to the pipeline and the anode ground electrode through the channels of the power circuit.

Start-up testing and adjustment of cathodic protection installations

4.11. Before start-up and testing of the UKZ, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory work:

a) visual inspection, as well as using acts for hidden works, to establish compliance of the performed installation work with design solutions;

b) measure the value of the current spreading resistance of the protective grounding of the current source (converter) of cathodic protection, this value should not exceed the design value. When measuring, follow the instructions supplied with the ground resistance meter. The wire from the device, which, according to the instructions, must be connected to protective earth, should be connected to the cabinet of the cathodic protection converter;

c) measure the spreading resistance of anode grounding. The distance between the measuring electrodes and the anode ground must be taken according to fig. 30, observing the following ratios:

a ³ 2la h; in ³ 3la h; i/a > 1.5.

During measurements, the wire coming from the anode ground must be disconnected from the positive terminal of the cathodic protection converter. After measurements, the wire from the anode ground should be securely connected to the positive terminal of the converter;

Rice. 30. Scheme for measuring the resistance to current spreading of anode grounding:

1 - anode grounding; 2 - measuring wires; 3 - ground resistance meter; 4 - measuring steel electrodes; la s- length of anode grounding; a and b- distance from the anode ground to the first e 1 and second e 2 measuring electrodes, respectively

d) in the presence of a representative of the power supply service, connect the cathodic protection converter to the secondary voltage terminals of the transformer substation or to the power supply line of the electrochemical protection installations, and the operations for connecting the converters must be performed only after the high-voltage disconnector of the transformer substation (KTP, STP) or high-voltage block - complete installation of cathodic protection or the power line is de-energized and the line is grounded;

e) switch the power supply switch of the converter to the “off” position and turn on the high-voltage disconnector of the transformer substation or high-voltage modular installation or apply voltage to the power supply line.

4.12. Start-up and testing of cathodic protection installations must be carried out in the following sequence:

a) set the output voltage regulator of the cathodic protection current source (converter) to the position corresponding to the minimum voltage. If the converters have two or more control ranges, then it is necessary to set the range corresponding to lower voltage values;

b) transfer cathodic protection converters with automatic current or potential maintenance to manual control mode;

c) assemble an electrical circuit for measuring the potential difference "pipe-ground" at the point of drainage of the UKZ in accordance with fig. 31.

A non-polarizable copper sulphate reference electrode should be installed on the ground above the pipeline. When connecting the measuring device to the reference electrode and the pipeline, it must be taken into account that the potential of the pipeline has a more negative value than the potential of the reference electrode.

The measuring device must be connected to the pipeline through a control and measuring point. The accuracy class of the measuring device should be no more than 0.5; measurement limits 0.5 - 0 - 0.5 V; 1 - 0 - 1 V; 5 - 0 - 5 V or close to the specified, input resistance - not less than 20 kOhm / V;

d) measure with the cathodic protection installations turned off the natural potential difference "pipe-to-ground" at the drainage point in accordance with clause 4.12, in these VSNs;

Rice. 31. Scheme for measuring the potential difference "pipe-ground":

1 - pipeline, 2 - contact with the pipeline; 3 - cathode output; 4 - control and measuring point; 5 - multi-limit voltmeter; 6 - measuring wires; 7 - non-polarizable copper sulfate electrode

e) check the correctness of the connection of the output terminals of the cathodic protection current sources (converters) to the pipeline and anode grounding by turning on and off the cathodic protection converter in turn and synchronously measuring the “pipe-to-ground” potential difference at the drainage point.

With the correct connection of the converter, the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" should have more negative values ​​when the converter is turned on. If the reverse picture is observed, then the polarity of connecting the converter to the pipeline and the anode ground should be reversed;

f) turn on the cathodic protection converter and, smoothly (or stepwise) changing the position of the output voltage regulator, check the performance of the converter in all control ranges. The output voltage should smoothly (or stepwise) change from its maximum to its minimum value, which are indicated in the instructions attached to the converter. Changes in the output voltage should be controlled according to the readings of the converter voltmeter;

g) test the CCW in the maximum mode for at least 72 hours. To do this, set the output voltage regulator to the maximum current strength for which the converter is designed. If at the time of testing the resistance of the DC circuit does not allow setting the maximum current even at the maximum output voltage of the converter and the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" becomes more negative than the maximum allowable value, then a load resistance should be connected in parallel with the output of the converter, designed for maximum power converter current. The connection diagram of the load resistance is shown in fig. 32;

h) set the design value of the current strength at the output of the UKZ, fix the value of the output voltage using the transducer instruments and after 24 hours in accordance with clause 4.12, in these VSNs, measure the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" at the drainage point;

i) turn off the UKZ to start up and test the electrochemical protection system of the pipeline section.

Start-up testing and adjustment of electrical drainage protection installations

4.13. Before start-up and testing of electrical drainage protection installations, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory work:

a) by visual inspection and using certificates for hidden work, establish the compliance of the installation work performed with the design solutions;

b) using a ground resistance meter in accordance with clause 4.11, b of these BCHs, measure the spreading resistance of the protective ground of the electrical drainage installation. The spreading resistance value of protective grounding should not exceed the design value;

c) according to the information of the organization operating the railway, determine the time of day when the maximum and minimum current loads of the railway traction network are observed in the section under consideration.

Rice. 32. Scheme of switching on instruments and devices when testing cathodic protection converters in the maximum load mode:

a- during the operation of one converter per one anode grounding point; b- during the operation of two converters on two centers of anode grounding; 1 - pipeline; 2 - adjustable additional load resistor; 3 - ammeter; 4 - anode grounding; 5 - cathodic protection converter; 6 - drainage point

4.14. During the minimum current loads of the traction network of the railway and with the means and installations of electrochemical protection turned off (including the electric drainage installation on the considered section of the pipeline), the potential difference "pipe-ground" and the potential difference "pipe-rail" are measured. The measurement should be carried out in accordance with paragraph 4.12, c and fig. 33 real VSN.

Rice. 33. Scheme of switching on measuring instruments during commissioning at electric drainage installations:

1 - pipeline, 2 - non-polarizing copper sulfate reference electrode; 3 - voltmeter; 4 - electrical drainage installation; 5 - drainage point; 6 - rail network

The accuracy class of the device for measuring the potential difference "pipe-rail" should be no more than 0.5, and the measurement limits:

0.5 - 0 - 0.5 V; 1 - 0 - 1 V; 5 - 0 - 5 V; 50 - 0 - 50 V; 100 - 0 - 100 V; 250 - 0 - 250 V or similar.

4.15. Start-up and testing of installations of polarized electrical drainage protection should be carried out in the following sequence:

a) measure the potential difference "pipe-rail" and "pipe-ground" with the electrical drainage installation turned off during the maximum current load of the railway traction network. Measurements should be carried out for at least 30 minutes and the instrument readings should be recorded every 10 - 15 s. It is recommended to carry out measurements with self-recording measuring instruments with a chart paper speed of 180 or 600 mm/h. During the measurement period, at least two trains must pass in both directions;

b) determine the value of drainage resistance for its preliminary regulation. The calculation should be carried out according to the approximate formula

Specific electrical resistance of the material of current-carrying conductors of the drainage cable, Ohm×m;

The length of the drainage cable (determined according to the project data and the certificate for hidden work), m;

Cross-sectional area of ​​the current-carrying conductors of the drainage cable (determined according to the project data and acts for hidden work), m;

c) set the calculated value of the drainage resistance with the resistor switch;

d) turn on the electrical drainage installation in the presence of a representative of the organization operating the railway, who checks the influence of the electrical drainage of the pipeline on the operation of the automatic blocking and signaling circuits of the railway;

e) measure the potential difference "pipe-ground" and the strength of the drainage current with the electric drainage protection installation turned on during the period of maximum current load of the railway traction network. The measurement should be carried out in accordance with paragraph 4.15, a and fig. 33 real VSN. The strength of the drainage current should be determined by the readings of the ammeter of the electrical drainage installation;

f) turn off the polarized electrical drainage installation to start up and test the electrochemical protection system of the pipeline section.

4.16. Start-up and testing of enhanced electrical drainage protection installations must be carried out in the following sequence:

a) perform work in accordance with paragraphs. 4.15, a and 4.15, b of these BCH;

b) determine the possible maximum strength of the current passing through the electrical drainage installation when it is operating in the polarized drainage mode, according to the following approximate formula:

where is the value of the possible maximum current through the drainage installation when it is operating in the polarized drainage mode, A.

At right choice the connection point of the electrical drainage installation and the type of drainage must comply with the following inequality:

where - the maximum allowable current strength of enhanced drainage (determined according to the passport data of the electrical drainage installation), A.

If the inequality is not met, then the connection point of the electrical drainage installation on the pipeline or rail network or the type of drainage is chosen incorrectly;

c) turn on the installation of electrical drainage protection in the polarized drainage mode in the presence of a representative of the organization operating the railway. The representative checks the effect of the electrical drainage of the pipeline on the potential condition of the track and the operation of the automatic blocking and signaling circuits of the railway;

d) carry out measurements in accordance with clause 4.15, e. If, as a result of measurements, it turns out that the current strength through the electrical drainage installation exceeds the maximum allowable drainage current strength, then the type of drainage is selected incorrectly;

e) set the range switch and the output voltage regulator to the position corresponding to the minimum output voltage, and turn on the electrical drainage protection unit in the enhanced drainage mode;

f) determine the highest voltage at which the drainage current does not exceed the maximum allowable current of the electrical drainage installation, and the potential difference "pipe-ground" does not become less than the normalized GOST 25812-83. To do this, at the maximum load of the railway traction network, by increasing the output voltage of the electrical drainage installation, measure the drainage current and the potential difference "pipe-to-ground". It is necessary to fix the highest voltage of the electrical drainage installation, at which the drainage current does not yet exceed the maximum permissible current of the electrical drainage installation, and the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" remains more normalized by GOST 25812-83.

If even at the minimum drainage voltage, the current through the drainage installation exceeds the maximum permissible current or the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" is less than the standard GOST 25812-83, then the type of drainage or the connection point of the electrical drainage installation is chosen incorrectly;

g) measure the voltage and current of the harmonic components at the drain output. Measurements should be performed in accordance with the recommendations of GOST 9.015-74;

h) turn off the reinforced electrical drainage installation before starting up and testing the electrochemical protection system of the pipeline section.

Start-up testing and adjustment of tread installations

4.17. Start-up and testing of packaged local-acting tread units (single and group) should be performed in the following sequence:

a) check the conformity of the work performed with the design solutions according to the acts for hidden work;

b) check the correct marking of the wires at the control and measuring point. For this purpose, the wires from the pipeline and the tread installation are disconnected and the potentials of the wires are measured with a high-resistance voltmeter relative to a non-polarized copper sulfate reference electrode installed on the ground above the pipeline near the control and measuring point. The potential of the wire from the tread installation must have a more negative value than the potential of the wire from the pipeline;

c) measure the natural potential difference "pipe-to-ground" with the cathodic protection installation and adjacent cathodic protection installations turned off. The requirements for the measurement circuit and the measuring instrument are the same as in clause 4.11 in these BCHs;

d) connect the tread installation to the pipeline and measure the "pipe-ground" potential difference at the drainage point. Measurements should be carried out in accordance with clause 4.11, in these BCHs. When connecting the tread installation, there should be a shift in the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" in negative side;

e) measure the potential difference "pipe-ground" at the drainage point at least 24 hours after connecting the tread installation;

f) turn off the local tread installation to start up and test the electrochemical protection system of the pipeline section.

4.18. When starting and testing automatic tread installations, work should be performed in accordance with paragraphs. 4.17, a - 4.17, e and, in addition:

check the serviceability of the diode-transistor unit; a good unit should pass current from the pipeline to the protector and lock it in the opposite direction.

4.19. Start-up and testing of extended protectors laid in a common trench with the pipeline during its construction, as well as in a separate trench, is carried out in the sequence specified in paragraph 4.17.

Start-up testing and adjustment of insulating flanges

4.20. Before commissioning and testing of insulating flanges, the following preparatory work must be carried out:

a) visual inspection, using certificates for tie-in flange connection and hidden work, check the compliance of the installation work performed (the location of the flanges, the control resistor, down conductors-protectors, the control and measuring point) with the design solutions;

b) check the certificates for hydraulic and electrical testing of flanges carried out at the manufacturing plant;

c) use a ground resistance meter to measure the value of current spreading resistance of down conductors-protectors, this value should not exceed the design value (clause 4.11, c).

The characteristics of the measuring device must be the same as in paragraph 4.11, b;

d) using an ohmmeter, determine the resistance values ​​of the shunt resistor and its compliance with design solutions;

e) measure the resistance of the insulating flanges with the shunt resistor and down conductors-protectors switched off. Measurements should be performed using two voltmeters according to the circuit shown in fig. 34. The resistance of insulating flanges (in ohms) is determined by the formula

where D U 1 - average value of the voltage drop across the flanges, V;

D U 2 - the average value of the voltage drop in the section of the underground metal structure, Ohm;

Distance between measurement points, m;

R- specific longitudinal electrical resistance of the pipe, Ohm×m.

4.21. Start-up and testing of insulating flanges must be carried out in the following sequence:

a) with the shunt resistor and down conductors-protectors disconnected, determine the effectiveness of the insulating flanges. Perform measurements in accordance with the scheme shown in fig. 34b; when the installation of electrochemical protection is on on one side of the flange connection on serviceable flanges, synchronous measurement shows a “jump” of potential;

Rice. 34. Schemes for switching on measuring instruments and devices during testing and adjustment of insulating flanges of the pipeline:

a- measurement of resistance; b- determination of the effectiveness of the action; in- measurement and regulation of current in the shunt resistor, 1 - pipeline; 2 - insulating flanges; 3 - contact with the pipeline; 4 - multi-limit voltmeter; 5 - installation of cathodic protection; 6 - drainage point; 7 - non-polarizable copper sulfate reference electrode; 8 - adjusting resistor; 9 - ammeter; 10 - down conductor-protector

b) short-circuit the insulating flanges before the start-up and testing of the electrical protection system of the pipeline section.

Start-up testing and adjustment of the system of electrochemical protection of the pipeline section

4.22. The sequence of turning on the devices and installations included in the electrochemical protection system of the pipeline section is determined by the schedule for commissioning.

4.23. Start-up and testing of the system of electrochemical protection against corrosion of the pipeline section must be carried out as follows:

a) measure the natural potential difference "pipe-to-ground" in the places of installation of control and measuring points with the means and installations of electrochemical protection switched on. Measurements should be carried out in accordance with clause 4.11, in these VSN, not earlier than 24 hours after all means and installations of electrochemical protection are turned off in the entire area under consideration;

b) turn on the means and installations of cathodic protection and adjust the mode of their operation, in which at the drainage point the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" will correspond to GOST 25812-83;

c) turn on the electrical drainage protection installations. When using a polarized electrical drainage installation, the drainage resistance value is adjusted taking into account the drained current, which should not exceed the maximum allowable current of the electrical drainage installation (according to clause 4.15, e). When using a reinforced electrical drainage installation, the voltage at its output is regulated so that the drainage current does not exceed the maximum allowable current of the drainage installation (clause 4.16, e);

d) measure the potential difference "pipe-ground" at the installation sites of control and measuring points after 72 hours of cathodic polarization of the pipeline. In the coverage area of ​​cathodic and sacrificial protection installations, measurements should be carried out in accordance with clause 4.11, in these VSN.

In sections of the pipeline subject to the influence of stray currents, measurements and processing of results must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of GOST 9.015-74.

In the area of ​​action of stray currents, the "pipe-ground" potential difference should be measured during the maximum and minimum current load of the rail network and in accordance with clause 4.15, e of these VSN;

e) turn on the protector protection settings;

f) turn on the insulating flanges and adjust the resistance of the resistor;

g) turn on and adjust the currents in the electrical jumpers (with coordinated protection with nearby metal underground structures) to establish the “structure-to-ground” potential difference specified by the project;

h) draw, based on the results of measurements, a diagram of the distribution of the potential difference "pipe-ground" along the entire section of the pipeline. In the areas of action of stray currents, the minimum, average and maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof the potential difference "pipe-to-ground" should be applied.


The delivery to the customer of the completed construction means and installations of electrochemical protection of pipelines is carried out in accordance with “Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works.


6.1. The construction of installations for electrochemical protection of pipelines against corrosion should be carried out in accordance with “Construction of main and field pipelines. Environmental Protection".

6.2. The environment is understood as the totality of natural elements in the construction zone and the territories adjacent to it.

6.3. The basis of environmental protection during the construction of ECP is compliance with environmental protection requirements at all stages of the technological sequence of work with mandatory reclamation after their completion.

6.4. Environmental measures should be carried out in accordance with the specific features of the environment characteristic of the nature protection zone within which the construction of ECP facilities is carried out.

6.5. Environmental measures and land reclamation after the completion of the ECP construction should be comprehensive, or not only the preservation of individual natural elements (relief, soil, water, air, flora and fauna), but also landscapes as a whole should be ensured.

6.6. The volume of necessary environmental protection measures is reduced by constructing the ECP as a single integral process with the construction of the pipeline. The flow of work makes it possible to avoid carrying out conservation environmental measures during breaks between various types of work and to a large extent limit them to reclamation measures.

6.7. Reclamation work should be recognized as mandatory integral part technological chain of ECP construction in all environmental protection zones.

6.8. To reduce the adverse impacts on the environment during the construction of ECP in all environmental protection zones, it is necessary to reduce the area of ​​construction sites in every possible way, limiting them to the minimum technologically necessary sizes.

6.9. When carrying out work on the construction of the ECP, it is necessary to avoid environmental pollution with fuels and lubricants, insulating materials, construction waste, for which it is necessary to provide for methods of processing or disposal of waste at the design stage of the ECP.

6.10. At all stages of the ECP construction, measures should be taken to neutralize or prevent adverse relief-forming processes arising or activated as a result of the construction of ECP facilities.

6.11. At all stages of the ECP construction, disturbance of the natural drainage network should be avoided, it should be restored in a form close to that which existed before the start of construction during reclamation work.

6.12. When constructing ECP facilities, it is necessary to ensure compliance with fire safety rules, especially when working within the forest zone and permafrost zone in months with positive average daily air temperatures.


7.1. The construction of installations for electrochemical protection of pipelines against corrosion should be carried out according to the construction organization project and the project for the production of works in accordance with the following regulatory documentation on labor safety:

SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction";

"Rules for the installation of electrical installations" PUE, approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy;

“Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, Glavgosenergonadzor;

“Safety regulations for the construction of main pipelines”, approved by the Minneftegazstroy;

"Safety rules in the oil and gas industry", approved by Gosgortekhnadzor.

7.2. Personnel involved in the construction and installation of electrochemical protection installations must be trained and instructed in labor protection in accordance with GOST 12.0.004 -79. Workers at least 18 years of age who have been instructed, trained and tested in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-79 may be allowed to perform construction and installation works.

7.3. All workers must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and protective devices in accordance with the "Model industry standards for the free issue of overalls, shoes and other protective devices" (M.: Nedra, 1984).

7.4. When performing work using equipment, mechanisms, devices and instruments, it is necessary to observe the safety precautions specified in the relevant instructions for their operation.

7.5. Work in the areas of existing main and field oil and gas pipelines must be carried out in accordance with the "Safety Rules in the Oil and Gas Industry" and "Safety Rules for the Operation of Main Gas Pipelines".

7.6. Works in electrified areas railways should be carried out on the basis of written permission and in the presence of a representative of the relevant maintenance service railway transport.

7.7. Earthworks at intersections with underground structures (pipelines for various purposes, electric cables and telemechanics and communication cables, etc.) must be carried out in compliance with the rules for the protection of these structures on the basis of a written permit and in the presence of a representative of the services for the operation of these structures.

7.8. At the intersection of the route with underground utilities, mechanized excavation in an area less than 2 m from the communications is not allowed. In this case, the development is done manually.

7.9. If there are dangerous electrical voltages on the pipeline, induced from power lines to the electrified railway, then work on the construction of electrochemical protection devices must be carried out in compliance with electrical safety measures. The presence of these voltages is detected by preliminary measurements AC voltage between building and land.

7.10. When installing insulating flanges, cathode and measuring leads and other work performed on a pipeline section that is not cut into the main pipeline and located in the area of ​​​​high-voltage power lines, stray currents of railways or currents of cathode installations, an electrical jumper should be installed between the pipelines and ground this area at the place of work, and the resistance to the spreading of the protective grounding current should not exceed 10 ohms. In this case, the nearest operating installations of cathodic and electrical drainage protection should be turned off.

7.11. Protective grounding must comply with the requirements of the "Electrical Installation Rules" PUE -86.

7.12. Cathodic and electrical drainage protection installations must have lockable guards that exclude access to electrochemical protection equipment for unauthorized persons and animals, warning signs and inscriptions.

7.13. The installation of cathodic and enhanced drainage protection should be connected to the power supply line only after the voltage has been removed from it and protective grounding has been applied to the line.

7.14. Connect cables and wires to cathodic and drainage protection devices only if they are de-energized.

7.15. The drain cable should be connected first to the drain installation where the circuit breaker is off, and then to the rail network.

7.16. Cathodic and drainage protection installations powered by overhead power lines must be equipped with lightning protection devices.

7.17. It is strictly forbidden to carry out work on the construction of electrochemical protection during thunderstorm activity.

7.18. The equipment of electrochemical protection should be switched on at the direction of the manufacturer of the work of this section after the installation work has been completed, the correctness of their implementation has been checked and the workers have been removed from the power lines.

7.19. Welders are allowed to work if they have a certificate of passing exams and tests in accordance with the "Rules for the certification of welders".

7.20. Thermite cartridges and thermite matches should be stored packed separately and in different places.

7.21. Open thermite cartridges and boxes with thermite matches immediately before starting work.

7.22. During thermite welding, the package of thermite and thermite matches must be stored at a distance of at least 5 m from the place of welding.

7.23. It is forbidden to transfer thermite cartridges and thermite matches during thermite welding.

7.24. Work with gas welding equipment, its transportation and storage must be carried out in accordance with the "Safety Regulations and industrial sanitation in the production of acetylene, oxygen and gas-flame metal processing.

7.25. The distance from the place of welding to the place of storage of flammable or flammable materials must be at least 50 m.

7.26. Technological equipment, as well as the suit and gloves of a gas welder, must not be contaminated with vegetable, animal and mineral fats.

7.27. The connection of the reducer to the gas cylinder should be carried out with a special key, which must be kept by the welder at all times.

7.28. Before connecting the reducer to the cylinder, the cylinder fitting must be blown out by opening at a short time valve, and people must be removed from the nozzle area.

7.29. After installing the reducer on gas bottle its performance should be checked: for a short time, smoothly open and close the valve, people should not be in the area of ​​​​action of the reducer fitting.

7.30. The welder should not let go of the burning torch; put it on the welding table after turning off the flame.

7.31. When the burner flame is turned on, open the oxygen valve, then supply propane-butane and ignite the gas mixture of the burner.

7.32. When turning off the gas burner, you must first close the valve of the propane-butane cylinder, and then with oxygen.

7.33. The welder must ensure that the burner valves are closed during a break in work.

7.34. The gas burner must be periodically cooled and cleaned, as well as monitor the correct adjustment of the mixture supply.

7.35. During breaks in work for a long time, the valves of the oxygen and propane-butane cylinders must be closed, and the pressure screws of the reducer must be loosened.

executive documentation of linear structures for electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines

1. Certificate of acceptance of electrical equipment for installation.

2. Act for hidden work during the construction of grounding (working, protective, linear-protective).

3. Act on hidden work during the construction of anode grounding.

4. The act of hidden work when laying the cable.

5. Act on hidden work during the construction of control and measuring points.

6. Act for electrical work during the construction of electrochemical protection devices.

Appendix 1 to act 5. List of changes and deviations from the project.

Appendix 2 to act 5. List of technical documents.

Appendix 3 to act 5. List of installed equipment.

7. Act of the working commission on the readiness of the electrochemical protection system completed by the construction of the pipeline section.

VSN 009-88




Introduction date 1989-01-01


VNIIST Minneftegazstroy - Ph.D. tech. Sciences E. A. Nikitenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences K. L. Shamshetdinov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences N. P. Glazov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V. V. Pritula, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. M. Efimova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. V. Blagoveshchensky;

SSO "Neftegazelektrospetsstroy" - Yu. N. Konstantinov, V. V. Kotik;

Institute "Giprotruboprovod" - O. N. Nasonov.

INTRODUCED: VNIIST Minneftegazstroy.


Tsentrtruboprovodstroy - letter No. 06-25-129 dated 10/25/88;

Glavneftegazelectrospetsstroy - letter No. 04-8-1795 dated 10/24/88;

Glavgosgaznadzor - letter No. 11-5-9 / 276 dated 10/24/88;

VNIIGaz - letter No. 63-4 / 7065 dated 10/24/88;

Glavtransneft - letter No. 9/1675 dated 10/26/88

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL: GNTU Minneftegazstroy - leading engineer of the standardization department VV Kuznetsov.

APPROVED by the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises. Order No. 375 dated 12/27/88


1.1. The requirements of these Departmental building codes must comply with the organizations of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction, performing construction, installation, commissioning work in the construction of electrochemical protection against corrosion on the main and field pipelines.
1.2. These BSNs apply to work on the electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines throughout the USSR.
1.3. When constructing electrochemical protection, in addition to the requirements of these VSNs, the requirements for the installation of certain types of electrochemical protection equipment established in the technical documentation of the equipment manufacturers in the technical specifications and other documents approved in the prescribed manner, as well as the following rules and regulations should also be observed:
GOST 9.015-74 "Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Underground structures. General technical requirements";
GOST 25812-83 "Main steel pipelines. General requirements for corrosion protection";
GOST 26251-82 "Protectors for protection against corrosion. Specifications";
GOST 16149-70 "Protection of underground structures against corrosion by stray current by polarized protectors";
SNiP III-42-80 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines";
SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices";
SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions";
SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production";
SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction";
Rules for the installation of electrical installations PUE. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986;
Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers PTE and PTB. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985;
Rules for the technical operation of main gas pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1982;
Regulations on maintenance linear part of main gas pipelines. Mingazprom. - M.: VNIIGAZ, 1984;
Safety rules in the oil industry, Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR. - M.: Nedra, 1974;
Safety regulations for the construction of main steel pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1975;
Safety rules for the operation of main gas pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1985;
Standard instruction for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive objects. - M.: Nedra, 1975;
Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels. - M.; Gosstekhnadzor of the USSR, 1987;
Rules for certification of welders. - M.: Metallurgy, 1971;
Rules for safety and industrial sanitation in the production of acetylene, oxygen and gas-flame metal processing. - M.: Nedra, 1970;
Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations. - M.: Atomizdat, 1974;
Instructions for the combined construction of 6-10 kV transmission lines along the main pipelines;
Guidelines on the relationship between general contracting and subcontracting organizations of the Minneftegazstroy in the new economic conditions. - M.: NIPIESUneftegazstroy, 1981;
Rules on contracts for capital construction. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1975;
Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1977.
1.4. The construction of electrochemical protection devices is distinguished by a wide scope of work, stretched along a many-kilometer route of the main pipeline, the presence of areas difficult for wheeled vehicles, as well as a large number of construction and installation operations.
Effective work electrochemical protection is only possible with high quality installation of all structural elements. This requires a scientifically based organization of work, maximum mechanization and high qualification of construction and installation workers. Since a limited number of types of installations are used to protect pipelines, and the elements of electrochemical protection are mostly typical, it is necessary to pre-produce the main assembly units and blocks at the factory.
1.5. For the construction of electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines against corrosion, it is necessary to use means and installations of cathodic, electrical drainage, tread protection, electrical jumpers, control and measuring points and structural units standard projects.
1.6. Equipment, products and materials used in the installation of electrochemical protection must comply with the project specification, state standards or specifications and have appropriate certificates, technical passports certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials.
1.7. Locations of means and installations of electrochemical protection (devices for cathodic, electrical drainage, sacrificial protection, anode grounding, control and measuring points, electrical jumpers, etc.) must comply with the design of the pipeline ECP system.
1.8. Installation of electrochemical protection should be carried out mainly using mechanized methods using enlarged units, for which the following should be provided:
a high degree of readiness of mounting structures and assemblies that are assembled and manufactured in assembly and procurement workshops, excluding finishing and finishing operations during the installation and installation of these structures and assemblies in the design position in the route conditions;
use in the installation of mechanized tools, special devices, machines and mechanisms;
rational combination of construction and installation works.
1.9. Work on the construction of electrochemical protection must be carried out in two stages.
The first step is to do the following:
marking the routes of the work site, power lines and cables, preparing the construction site;
selection and arrangement of storage space for equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools and materials;
delivery of earth-moving equipment, machines and mechanisms;
preparation of the site for the production of works;
delivery of cathodic protection installation equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials;
development of soil in trenches and pits. Backfilling with tamping after installation of equipment and cables to the level specified in the working documentation;
construction of anode and protective grounding, installation and laying of protectors;
laying of underground communications;
installation of cathode and control electrical outlets from pipelines, as well as contact connections of anode, protective grounding and sacrificial outlets;
installation and laying in the foundations under construction of supporting structures for the installation of equipment.
At the same time, equipment, cathodic installations and electrical drainage protection, mounting assemblies, hardware, parts, tools, fixtures and materials at the work site should be stored in one place protected from atmospheric precipitation.
The work of the first stage should be carried out simultaneously with the main construction work on the technological part of the pipeline.
In the second stage, it is necessary to carry out work on the installation of equipment, connecting electrical cables and wires to it and individual testing of electrical communications and installed equipment.
The work of the second stage should be completed, as a rule, after the completion of the main types construction works and simultaneously with the work of specialized organizations that carry out start-up, testing and adjustment of means and installations of electrochemical protection according to a combined schedule.
1.10. Construction and installation work, performed both in terms of elements and parts, and for completed objects, must have a quality assessment in accordance with the quality assessment instructions for this type of construction and installation work.
1.11. Parts of electrochemical protection installations that are located underground can be covered with soil only after they have been surveyed, received written agreement for their backfilling from the representative of the customer and a bilateral act for hidden work was issued. The quality of the insulation of the contact connections of the anode and protective grounds, as well as tread installations, before backfilling with soil, must be checked with a spark flaw detector with a voltage of 20 kV. The list of as-built documentation is given in the recommended appendix.
1.12. The marking of installation sites for electrochemical protection devices (if they are not specified in the project) must be carried out by the customer and project organization with the participation of the organization that installs electrochemical protection, within the timeframe agreed by the interested parties.
1.13. Installation of insulating flanges and construction of branch pipelines with installation of reducing and other technological equipment for power supply of electrochemical protection means using thermal energy transported product, must be carried out by the organization building the pipeline.
1.14. Deviations from design solutions when performing construction and installation work, the customer must agree with the design organization.
1.15. The proposals of the construction and installation organization to change the design solutions, the customer must consider in a timely manner that ensures the timely execution of work.
1.16. Electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines must be built in the full scope of the project. The timing of construction, start-up, testing and commissioning of the ECP as the pipeline sections are laid in the ground must comply with the requirements of SNiP III-42-80.
1.17. If by the time of start-up, testing and commissioning of the EH3 system there are technological breaks in the linear part of the main or field pipeline in the area of ​​operation of means and installations of electrochemical protection, then the nearest ends of the pipeline sections at the break point must be connected with an insulated electrical jumper, material and dimensions which are determined by the construction organization project.
1.18. When choosing a set of machines and mechanisms, as well as the composition of the team for the construction of means and installations for electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines, one should be guided by "Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization" and "Construction of field steel pipelines. Technology and organization".
1.19. After the construction of the cathodic protection unit is completed, the land plot must be recultivated.


Preparation of legal and design estimates
documentation and technical means

2.1. By the beginning of the construction and installation of electrochemical protection equipment and installations, the following main preparatory work must be completed to ensure the legal and technical right to conduct construction and installation work on electrochemical protection of the pipeline:
a) transferred by the customer (or through the general contractor) to the executor of the contracting organization in the manner and within the time limits established by the current "Methodological guidelines on relations between general contractors and subcontractors of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction in the new economic conditions", "Rules on contracts for capital construction" and "Regulations on relationships between organizations - general contractors

VSN 009-88







Introduction date 1989-01-01


VNIIST Minneftegazstroy - Ph.D. tech. Sciences E. A. Nikitenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences K. L. Shamshetdinov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences N. P. Glazov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V. V. Pritula, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. M. Efimova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. V. Blagoveshchensky;

SSO “Neftegazelektrospetsstroy” - Yu. N. Konstantinov, V. V. Kotik;

Giprotruboprovod Institute - O. N. Nasonov.

INTRODUCED: VNIIST Minneftegazstroy.


Tsentrtruboprovodstroy - letter No. 06-25-129 dated 10/25/88;

Glavneftegazelectrospetsstroy - letter No. 04-8-1795 dated 10/24/88;

Glavgosgaznadzor - letter No. 11-5-9 / 276 dated 10/24/88;

VNIIGaz - letter No. 63-4 / 7065 dated 10/24/88;

Glavtransneft - letter No. 9/1675 dated 10/26/88

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL: GNTU Minneftegazstroy - leading engineer of the standardization department VV Kuznetsov.

APPROVED by the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises. Order No. 375 dated 12/27/88


1.1. The requirements of these Departmental building codes must be observed by organizations of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction that perform construction, installation, commissioning work in the construction of electrochemical protection against corrosion on main and field pipelines.

1.2. These BSNs apply to work on the electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines throughout the USSR.

1.3. When constructing electrochemical protection, in addition to the requirements of these VSNs, the requirements for the installation of certain types of electrochemical protection equipment established in the technical documentation of the equipment manufacturers in the technical specifications and other documents approved in the prescribed manner, as well as the following rules and regulations should also be observed:

GOST 9.015-74 “Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Underground structures. General technical requirements";

GOST 25812-83 "Main steel pipelines. General requirements for corrosion protection";

GOST 26251-82 "Protectors for protection against corrosion. Specifications";

GOST 16149-70 "Protection of underground structures against corrosion by stray current by polarized protectors";

SNiP III-42-80 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines";

SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices";

SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions";

SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production";

SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction";

Rules for the installation of electrical installations PUE. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986;

Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers PTE and PTB. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985;

Rules for the technical operation of main gas pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1982;

Regulations on the maintenance of the linear part of the main gas pipelines. Mingazprom. - M.: VNIIGAZ, 1984;

Safety rules in the oil industry, Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR. - M.: Nedra, 1974;

Safety regulations for the construction of main steel pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1975;

Safety rules for the operation of main gas pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1985;

Standard instruction for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive objects. - M.: Nedra, 1975;

Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels. - M.; Gosstekhnadzor of the USSR, 1987;

Rules for certification of welders. - M.: Metallurgy, 1971;

Rules for safety and industrial sanitation in the production of acetylene, oxygen and gas-flame metal processing. - M.: Nedra, 1970;

Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations. - M.: Atomizdat, 1974;

Instructions for the combined construction of 6-10 kV transmission lines along the main pipelines;

Guidelines on the relationship between general contracting and subcontracting organizations of the Minneftegazstroy in the new economic conditions. - M.: NIPIESUneftegazstroy, 1981;

Rules on contracts for capital construction. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1975;

Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1977.

1.4. The construction of electrochemical protection devices is distinguished by a wide scope of work, stretched along a many-kilometer route of the main pipeline, the presence of areas difficult for wheeled vehicles, as well as a large number of construction and installation operations.

Efficient operation of electrochemical protection is possible only with high quality installation of all structural elements. This requires a scientifically based organization of work, maximum mechanization and high qualification of construction and installation workers. Since a limited number of types of installations are used to protect pipelines, and the elements of electrochemical protection are mostly typical, it is necessary to pre-produce the main assembly units and blocks at the factory.

1.5. For the construction of electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines against corrosion, means and installations of cathodic, electrical drainage, tread protection, electrical jumpers, control and measuring points and structural units of standard projects should be used.

1.6. Equipment, products and materials used in the installation of electrochemical protection must comply with the project specification, state standards or technical specifications and have the appropriate certificates, technical passports certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials.

1.7. Locations of means and installations of electrochemical protection (devices for cathodic, electrical drainage, sacrificial protection, anode grounding, control and measuring points, electrical jumpers, etc.) must comply with the design of the pipeline ECP system.

1.8. Installation of electrochemical protection should be carried out mainly using mechanized methods using enlarged units, for which the following should be provided:

a high degree of readiness of mounting structures and assemblies that are assembled and manufactured in assembly and procurement workshops, excluding finishing and finishing operations during the installation and installation of these structures and assemblies in the design position in the route conditions;

use in the installation of mechanized tools, special devices, machines and mechanisms;

rational combination of construction and installation works.

1.9. Work on the construction of electrochemical protection must be carried out in two stages.

The first step is to do the following:

marking the routes of the work site, power lines and cables, preparing the construction site;

selection and arrangement of storage space for equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools and materials;

delivery of earth-moving equipment, machines and mechanisms;

preparation of the site for the production of works;

delivery of cathodic protection installation equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials;

development of soil in trenches and pits. Backfilling with tamping after installation of equipment and cables to the level specified in the working documentation;

construction of anode and protective grounding, installation and laying of protectors;

laying of underground communications;

installation of cathode and control electrical outlets from pipelines, as well as contact connections of anode, protective grounding and sacrificial outlets;

installation and laying in the foundations under construction of supporting structures for the installation of equipment.

At the same time, equipment, cathodic installations and electrical drainage protection, mounting assemblies, hardware, parts, tools, fixtures and materials at the work site should be stored in one place protected from atmospheric precipitation.

The work of the first stage should be carried out simultaneously with the main construction work on the technological part of the pipeline.

In the second stage, it is necessary to carry out work on the installation of equipment, connecting electrical cables and wires to it and individual testing of electrical communications and installed equipment.

The work of the second stage should be performed, as a rule, after the completion of the main types of construction work and simultaneously with the work of specialized organizations that carry out the launch, testing and adjustment of means and installations of electrochemical protection according to a combined schedule.

1.10. Construction and installation work, performed both in terms of elements and parts, and for completed objects, must have a quality assessment in accordance with the quality assessment instructions for this type of construction and installation work.

1.11. Parts of electrochemical protection installations that are located underground can be covered with soil only after they have been surveyed, a written consent to their backfilling has been received from the customer’s representative, and a bilateral act for hidden work has been drawn up. The quality of the insulation of the contact connections of the anode and protective grounds, as well as tread installations, before backfilling with soil, must be checked with a spark flaw detector with a voltage of 20 kV. The list of as-built documentation is given in the recommended appendix.

1.12. The marking of installation sites for electrochemical protection devices (if they are not specified in the project) must be carried out by the customer and the design organization with the participation of the organization that installs the electrochemical protection, within the timeframe agreed by the interested parties.

1.13. The installation of insulating flanges and the construction of branch pipelines with the installation of reducing and other technological equipment for power supply of electrochemical protection means using the thermal energy of the transported product must be carried out by the organization building the pipeline.

1.14. Deviations from design decisions when performing construction and installation works, the customer must agree with the design organization.

1.15. The proposals of the construction and installation organization to change the design solutions, the customer must consider in a timely manner that ensures the timely execution of work.

1.16. Electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines must be built in the full scope of the project. The timing of construction, start-up, testing and commissioning of the ECP as the pipeline sections are laid in the ground must comply with the requirements of SNiP III-42-80.

1.17. If by the time of start-up, testing and commissioning of the EH3 system there are technological breaks in the linear part of the main or field pipeline in the area of ​​operation of means and installations of electrochemical protection, then the nearest ends of the pipeline sections at the break point must be connected with an insulated electrical jumper, material and dimensions which are determined by the construction organization project.

1.18. When choosing a set of machines and mechanisms, as well as the composition of the team for the construction of means and installations for electrochemical protection of main and field pipelines, one should be guided by "Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization" and "Construction of field steel pipelines. Technology and organization".

1.19. After the construction of the cathodic protection unit is completed, the land plot must be recultivated.



Preparation of legal and design estimates

documentation and technical means

2.1. By the beginning of the construction and installation of electrochemical protection equipment and installations, the following main preparatory work must be completed to ensure the legal and technical right to conduct construction and installation work on electrochemical protection of the pipeline:

a) transferred by the customer (or through the general contractor) to the executor of the contracting organization in the manner and within the time limits established by the current "Methodological guidelines on relations between general contractors and subcontractors of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction in the new economic conditions", "Rules on contracts for capital construction" and "Regulations on relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors", the following materials:

design and estimate documentation (at the same time, each copy of the transferred working drawings must have a stamp "into production" with the signature of the customer);

documents on the permission of the relevant authorities (organizations) to carry out work in the area of ​​overhead power lines and communications, operated sections of railways and roads, near underground structures with the application of diagrams of their passage at the construction site;

documents on the allocation of land for construction and demolition of buildings that impede construction;

b) a project for the production of works has been developed and approved in the prescribed manner in the amount necessary for their production.

In addition, the contractor must:

a) prepare inventory mobile, storage, production and sanitary facilities necessary for the production of construction and electrical work in the field;

b) accept from the customer the materials and equipment to be installed in the quantity and according to the nomenclature provided for by the agreed schedules;

c) perform the technological part of the pipeline in the amount necessary to start construction and electrical work;

d) provide the team with the necessary lifting and transport vehicles, construction machines, assembly mechanisms, tools and fixtures.

Input control of EH3 equipment

2.2. Before sending the equipment for installation on the pipeline route, the contractor must carry out an incoming inspection. During the input control, the suitability of the equipment for installation and subsequent operation must be established by establishing the serviceability of structural elements, electrical circuits, contact connections, measuring instruments, etc.

Delivery and acceptance of equipment

2.3. Means and installations of electrochemical protection must be delivered for construction in a complete set in accordance with the specification specified in the project, and accompanied by documents certifying the compliance of these means and installations with their technical specifications.

2.4. Means and installations of electrochemical protection must be transferred for installation at the request of the installation organization within the established time frame in accordance with the accepted sequence of construction and installation works and issued with an act of acceptance of electrical equipment for installation.

2.5. When accepting means and installations of electrochemical protection for installation, they are subjected to external inspection without disassembly into components and parts, while checking:

compliance with the project;


absence of damage and defects, preservation of the color of preservative and special coatings, preservation of seals;

the availability and completeness of the technical documentation of manufacturers, necessary for the production of installation work.

Storage of means and installations of electrochemical protection

2.6. Storage conditions for means and installations of electrochemical protection and cable products must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production".

2.7. Storage of materials, hardware, protectors and anode grounding devices under basic conditions must meet the following requirements:

a) metal pipes, rolled metal, sheet steel, protectors and anode ground electrodes must be stored under sheds;

b) electrodes for electric arc welding, as well as hardware, should be stored in dry, heated rooms in their original packaging.

Preparatory work in the construction area

2.8. Before starting construction and installation work, preparatory work is carried out. On the sites of cathode stations and drainages of anode grounding, connecting cable lines, felling of the forest, clearing the working area from trees and shrubs, uprooting and burial of stumps are carried out.

2.9. In watered and peaty areas of the station site with the size provided for by the project, the moss cover is cut with a bulldozer to a depth of up to 0.3 m and moved to a dump at a distance of up to 50 m with leveling. Remove the top layer of peat in the same way. Instead of the excavated peat, a mound of drained mineral soils is arranged, which are developed in the nearest quarry by an excavator and delivered to the site by a dump truck. The embankment is compacted, its surface and slopes are planned and strengthened by sowing grasses. Then, in the center of the site, where it is planned to place the block-complete installation of cathodic protection, sand and gravel bedding 10 cm thick with the area specified in the project is arranged.

When installing UKZ converters on piles, work is carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works.



Cathodic protection settings

3.1. Preparatory work on the construction of cathodic protection must be carried out in the following sequence:

a) marking of the work site;

b) selection and arrangement of a place for storage of cathodic protection installation equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools and materials before installation;

c) delivery of earth-moving equipment, construction machines and mechanisms to the site of construction and installation works;

d) preparation of a site for the performance of work on the device of cathodic protection;

e) delivery to the site of construction and installation works of cathodic protection equipment, assembly units, parts, hardware, tools, fixtures and materials.

3.2. Store cathodic protection equipment, assembly units, parts, tools, hardware and materials at the work site should be in one place, using trailers or covered trailers to protect them from atmospheric precipitation.

3.3. For the construction of a cathodic protection installation, the following construction and installation works must be performed:

a) development of soil for cathodic protection equipment, overhead or cable power lines;

b) laying of overhead conductors or cables in the ground;

c) installation of a transformer substation (pillar transformer substation STP, complete transformer substation KTP) when cathodic protection is powered from a power line with a voltage of 6-10 kV;

d) construction of anode grounding;

e) construction of protective grounding and lightning protection;

f) installation of a cathodic protection current source (converter) or a block-complete high-voltage cathodic protection device when powered from a power line with a voltage of 6-10 kV;

g) installation of a control and measuring point;

h) installation of the cathode terminal;

i) installation of electrical circuits of the cathode installation, connecting and electrical drainage lines;

j) installation of the enclosing device of the transformer substation, block-complete high-voltage cathodic protection device or converter.

3.4. Installation of a cathodic protection current source (converter, low-voltage cathodic protection package device) includes:

a) installation of pipes with cables in the pit for connecting the cathode installation to the power supply line, pipeline and anode grounding;

b) backfilling and compaction with the help of driven rammers of the lower part of the excavation over the entire surface, including the surface for installing foundation pillars;

c) assembly of the foundation and its installation in the pit;

d) installation of a frame or other metal structure to the foundation for installing the transducer;

e) fastening of cable pipes to the converter frame;

f) applying a protective coating to the frame and pipe;

g) installation of the transducer on the frame;

h) protective earthing device;

i) connecting the converter to the mains supply.

A general view of the mounted low-voltage cathodic protection device is shown in Fig.1.

3.5. Installation of a high-voltage block-complete cathodic protection device includes:

a) installation of pipes in the pit with cables to connect the cathode installation to the power supply line (with cable version), to the pipeline and anode grounding;

b) laying foundation slabs;

c) fastening of cable pipes to the frame of the modular device;

d) applying a protective coating to cable pipes;

e) installation and fastening of the block-complete device on the foundation slab;

f) protective earthing device;

g) connection of a block-complete cathodic protection device to a power transmission line - 6-10 kV (cable or air input).

A general view of the mounted high-voltage cathodic protection device is shown in Fig.2.

3.6. The total depth of the excavation for the foundation of the converter must comply with the requirements of the project.

3.7. Concrete and metal parts of the foundation and pipe entries must be protected from corrosion in accordance with the project.

Rice. 1. General view of the mounted cathode device

protection of low-voltage UKZN:

1 - block of cathode stations; 2 - sled

3.8. When constructing a cathode plant in unfixed sands, it is necessary to carry out measures to fix the sands in accordance with the requirements of the technical design.

Rice. 2. General view of the mounted cathode device

protection of high-voltage UKZV:

1 - block of high-voltage transformer; 2 - block of cathode stations; 5 - sled; 4 - bushing insulator;

5 - fence mesh; 6 - air inlet bracket; 7 - cable entry pipe

Overhead and cable power lines

3.9. When constructing power lines, one should be guided by the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations" PUE (M .: Energoatomizdat, 1986) and "Instructions for the construction of along-route power lines 6-10 kV main pipelines" .

Grounding devices and protective earths

3.10. When constructing protective grounding, it is necessary:

a) immerse vertical electrodes in the ground or lay horizontal ground electrodes on the bottom of the trench;

b) lay the main conductor in the trench;

c) connect the main conductor to the grounding electrodes by welding;

d) connect the main conductor to the grounded structure;

e) isolate the places of welded joints;

f) compact and level the ground above the ground;

g) paint the above-ground part of the grounding conductor.

3.11. Protective earth electrodes, as a rule, should be made from steel rods, angles or rolled products of another profile in accordance with the technical design and working drawings.

3.12. It is forbidden to use anodic grounding as protective grounding, as well as the device of autonomous (not connected by conductors) protective and noise-protective grounding switches for various parts of the equipment that can be touched simultaneously.

3.13. Protective grounding contact connections must be located from the ground surface at a distance specified in the technical design and working drawings, but not less than 0.6 m.

3.14. Grounding conductors and grounding conductors located in the ground should not have coloring and insulating coatings.

3.15. The connection of grounding elements with one another, as well as the connection of grounding conductors with grounding conductors, should be carried out by welding, while the length of the overlap should be equal to six diameters with a round section and twice the width with a rectangular section of the grounding conductor.

3.16. Vertical ground electrodes must be immersed in the ground in a mechanized rotational or vibrational way.

3.17. The connection of grounding conductors to grounded structures must be carried out by welding, and to the housings of cathodic and electrical drainage protection devices - by welding or reliable bolting using measures that provide for loosening contacts.

3.18. Welds located in the ground must be insulated.

3.19. The above-ground part of the grounding conductors should be painted black.

Transformer substations

3.20. When constructing transformer substations of cathodic protection, one should be guided by the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations of the PUE". To supply cathodic protection, pole transformer stations STP with a voltage of 6-10 / 0.22 kV, a power of 5-10 kVA and complete transformer substations (KTP) with a voltage of 6-10 / 0.4 kV, a power of 25 kVA are used.

3.21. The column transformer station STP-6-10/0.22 kV, 5-10 kVA must be built in the following sequence:

a) development of soil in accordance with the technical design;

b) assembly of the anchor end support;

c) installation of an anchor end support;

d) installation of a single-phase transformer;

e) installation of high-voltage equipment (disconnector with a drive, fuses, arresters, insulators);

f) installation of the converter;

g) installation of connecting power lines;

h) installation of grounding devices and protective grounding;

i) fencing;

j) installation of warning posters;

e) connection of the STP to the power transmission line 6-10 kV.

3.22. A complete transformer substation KTP 6-10 / 0.4 kV, 25 kVA must be built in the following sequence:

a) installation of KTP;

b) installation of the converter;

c) installation of connecting power lines;

d) installation of grounding devices and protective grounding;

e) fencing;

f) installation of warning posters;

g) connection of the transformer substation to the power transmission line 6-10 kV.

3.23. Before installing the transformer, the oil tank should be pressure tested for leaks and an oil sample taken for testing.

3.24. An oil sample for testing must be taken into dry, clean glass jars with ground stoppers from special taps in the lower part of the tank at an oil temperature of at least 5°C. Oil of high-voltage transformers SKZ is taken only in dry weather. For an abbreviated chemical analysis, 1.5 liters of oil are taken, and for a breakdown test, 0.75 liters.

3.25. With an abbreviated chemical analysis, the content of water and mechanical impurities, the acid number and the reaction of the aqueous extract are determined.

3.26. The breakdown voltage of the oil in the standard arrester of the oil punch at the higher voltage winding voltage of the transformer up to 15 kV inclusive must be at least 25 kV.

3.27. After installing the disconnector and the drive, check all bolted connections and fastening strength, then connect the disconnector shaft to the drive in accordance with the installation drawing.

3.28. .The upper position of the drive handle must correspond to the closed state of the isolator. When adjusting and fitting the contacts, it is necessary to achieve ease and simultaneity of the knives of all poles of the multi-pole disconnector, to eliminate distortions by moving the insulators of the fixed contacts, turning the insulators around their axis, using linings under the insulator flange, etc.

3.29. The tightness of the detachable contacts is considered normal if the probe 0.05 mm thick and 10 mm wide does not enter the contact connection deeper than 2/3 of the corresponding width.

3.30. The connection of current-carrying wires with the contact plates of the disconnector must be reliable, excluding contact heating. Nuts of contact connections must be fixed with lock nuts or lock washers.

3.31. The fuses are mounted in a vertical position on the bars, observing the distance specified in the project.

3.32. Arresters of all types must be installed so that the condition of the arrester, the external gap and the position of the ground trip indicator can be checked.

3.33. Upon completion of the installation of equipment at the STP, a fence made of a metal mesh fixed on reinforced concrete pillars should be installed. The guard doors and the disconnector drive must be padlocked with a padlock with a shackle thickness of at least 10 mm.

3.34. On the reinforced concrete support of the STP, the supports of the power transmission line with a voltage of 6-10 kV, the cabinet of the cathode station and the fence must be attached warning posters of the established sample.

Anode grounds

3.35. Preparatory work for the construction of anode grounding must be carried out in accordance with clause 3.1 of these BCH.

3.36. Loading, transportation and unloading of anode ground electrodes at the work site must be carried out in a mechanized way without shocks and shaking.

Surface anode grounds

3.37. The construction of anode grounding from vertical unpacked steel, iron-silicon, graphite and graphite-plastic electrodes (ground electrodes) should include the following operations:

a) drilling wells to the design depth;

b) installation of grounding electrodes in wells;

c) laying the main cable at the bottom of the trench;

d) making electrical contact between the grounding electrodes and the main cable;

e) connecting the main cable to the outlet to the overhead power line support or to the cable power line;

f) isolation of contact joints and filling of cables with bituminous mastic.

3.38. When constructing anode grounding from horizontally laid unpacked grounding electrodes, the following operations must be performed:

a) backfilling the trench with a layer of coke breeze or graphite to the design height, but not less than 100 mm, with compaction by drive rammers;

b) laying of grounding electrodes in a trench horizontally;

c) backfilling of grounding electrodes with a layer of coke breeze or graphite up to the design height, but not less than 100 mm;

d) backfilling the trench with a layer of soil 0.5 m thick with a compactor driven rammers, while the atom of the wire of the grounding electrodes must be fixed in a vertical position;

e) laying the main cable in the trench;

f) connecting the wires of the grounding electrodes to the main cable;

g) connection of the main cable with the output to the support of the overhead power line or with the cable power line;

h) isolation of contact joints and filling of wires and cables with bituminous mastic;

i) final backfilling of the trench with soil with compaction by drive rammers.

3.39. The construction of anode grounding with horizontal complete grounding switches packed with coke breeze (Fig. 3) should include the following operations:

a) rejection of anode ground electrodes by the presence of coke filling;

b) horizontal laying of earth electrodes in the trench;

c) laying the main cable at the bottom of the trench;

d) connection of ground electrodes to the main cable;


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