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Technology for the production of polymer-sand products

Polymer sand tiles and paving slabs - production technology
Preparation of raw materials (waste polymers and sand)
All the improbability and uniqueness of this technology is that the raw materials used in the production of polymer-sand tiles are free of charge, lying around underfoot. This is polymer waste various types: packaging, plastic containers, worn-out household items. A shortage of raw materials is not expected, but on the contrary, the volume of polymer waste will only grow, and the need for it will only increase.
Of course, there are efficient technologies for their processing that allow polymers to be reused. As a rule, careful sorting of waste plastics, their washing, drying is required. These are expensive and time-consuming processes. And the quality of recycled raw materials is low, and does not allow using it 100% instead of the original one.

The proposed technology for the production of polymer sand tiles from polymer waste does not involve cleaning and deep sorting of raw materials. It is only proposed to adhere to the ratio of 40-50 / 60-50 of the so-called soft (polyethylene) and hard (polypropylene, polystyrene, ABS plastics, PET, etc.) polymers. In this ratio, the waste is in landfills.
Refractory polymers (polycarbonates, fluoroplasts) and rubbers are NOT suitable. Fusible, such as PVC, can partially burn out, but this does not affect the quality of polymer-sand tiles. Impurities (paper, food waste) also burn out, moisture evaporates.

In addition to waste polymers, sand is required in the production of tiles. It is used as a filler and must be dry, sifted without clay and dust inclusions. It doesn't matter what color the sand is and where it comes from. Permissible sand fraction up to 3 mm. Another filler, more available in the selected area, can also be used. So this incredible new technology obtaining building materials from free raw materials.

Pre-processing of raw materials.
At the first stage, the selected and sorted plastics are crushed in a crushing machine. It is desirable to have a 50/50 ratio of hard and soft polymers.
For example: polyethylenes behave better at negative temperatures and it is easier to get a gloss on a product, but “hard” polymers will add rigidity and strength when heated in the sun. It is better and more convenient to work with granulate or polymer of the same brand. It turns out geometrically even and regular tiles.
Polymer-sand tiles are obtained the better, the more evenly mixed polymers and sand. No need to pre-clean waste plastics. The only pest may be engine oil that comes in with canisters. But its quantity, as a rule, is insignificant, does not affect the quality of the tile, and if it appears as a stain on the tile, it disappears during re-processing. The remaining impurities burn out. In the future, building materials from a polymer sand mixture are resistant to oils and other chemicals. products.

Preparation of polymer sand mass
After the first grinding, the waste plastics enter the extrusion machine, where they are mixed under heating. Any chemist will say that it is impossible and unscientific to mix dissimilar polymers; It's like mixing kerosene with water. But such a task is not set - to mix polymers at the molecular level, it is enough to mix plastic waste using the viscosity properties of molten polymers.
Polyethylene and polypropylene films occupy a large place in the structure of polymer waste. They are added to the extrusion machine without grinding.
The resulting polymer-sandy mass with the consistency of yeast dough is removed by the operator with a mitten at the outlet of the extrusion unit of the line, and, having rolled a ball (agglomerate up to 100 mm.) with his hands, throws it into the water for cooling. Taken out of the water, not completely cooled, but already hardened, the agglomerate dries quickly, cooling down.
It happens that the polymer mass overheats, and it flows out of the extrusion machine onto the floor until the operator turns off the heat. Cooled such a mass, then suitable for use. The entire cooled agglomerate is subjected to repeated grinding into chips with a fraction size of up to 1-10 mm. Thus, a ready-made raw material for the polymer-sand mixture is obtained.

Obtaining polymer sand mass and molding tiles
This stage of tile production is the final one. Some separate it from the harvesting area, located in a separate room. In addition to aesthetic considerations (the preparation of an average polymer mixture is accompanied by the release of gases, and requires the provision of an exhaust), there are also practical benefits: it is easier to control and account. And in cases of work in correctional institutions, it is simply necessary because of the security of the enterprise.
The mixing of sand, polymers and dyes takes place in a thermal mixing unit (Melting and Heating Unit). It is important to keep the mass of the mixture in the APN constant, adding new portions as the finished mass is consumed. The crushed polymer-sand mass is mixed with sand and dyes in different proportions, depending on the products being manufactured. For, for example, tiles, this ratio is: 24/75/1, and for paving slabs it can be 5/94/1.
The ratio of sand and polymers also affects performance - the mass that has more sand in its composition will take longer to heat up.
This property should be taken into account when calculating the cost and accounting for products.

It is important to obtain a high-quality mixture - sand particles must be completely enveloped in polymers, without gaps. This is achieved by a unique shaft design calculated empirically. More precisely, not calculated, but tortured by experimental designs and scientific research. As a result, the blades on the shaft are located in such a way that when the shaft rotates, the mass advance rate is different in 3 heating zones, which ensures complete polymer melt and high-quality mixing with the filler.
By the way, in this node we see some design flaws, the change of which leads to an increase in the productivity of the entire line.

Thus, the resulting polymer-sand mass with an outlet temperature of about 170-190 degrees and the consistency of a tight dumpling dough is squeezed out of the machine after the damper is opened. The operator cuts off the required amount with a knife, weighs it on the scales, and having received the right amount (about 2 kg.), Puts it into the mold with an ordinary scoop.
The form, mounted on a press with a movable bottom plate, is cooled in different ways.
The upper part has a temperature of about 80 degrees, and the lower 45, or cooled as much as possible, for the fastest formation of tiles (30-50 seconds).
This is done to create a gloss on the outside of the polymer sand tiles, as if the polymer is squeezed up, filling the pores between the filler.
This is another secret of technology. Although such uneven cooling can lead to the bending of the tiles, for which it is placed on the cooling table and pressed with a load until the final molding.
To obtain a matte surface of polymer-sand tiles, it is enough to cool the upper mold as much as the lower one. This is applied to the production of polymer-sand paving stones. The dye may not be added, and the product turns out to be gray in color, like concrete.

Product range
Depends directly on the availability of additional forms. Of course, makes the business competitive. Market building materials not saturated, and while some manufacturers in the season only sell tiles for months ahead. And you can produce a wide range of goods for construction: tiles, trays, bricks, fixed formwork elements, manhole covers for wells. A chemically resistant polymer-sand tile laid, for example, on the basement floor will also carry the function of waterproofing.

Problems arising in connection with the production of building materials from a polymer sand mixture
By premises
Equipment manufacturers recommend using rooms of 150-300 m2. The dimensions of the equipment for the production of tiles are small, and will allow it to be placed on smaller areas - about 50 m2, but you still need to have space for storing raw materials and finished polymer tiles. The recommended ceiling height is 4 meters. The press has a height of 1780 mm.

By raw material
If raw sand is used, then during the heating process, gases will be released, leading to pore formation in the product, which is highly undesirable. Large inclusions can also lead to loss of quality of tiles, wear of the forming tool. It is necessary to avoid the ingress of machine oil into the polymer-sand mixture, metal inclusions.

In general, the produced tiles are not subject to mandatory certification, as well as equipment, since it is non-standard. But here are the requirements for the premises, labor protection and environment may be presented. It is necessary to establish control over the quality and accounting of products.
There is a danger of equipment failure when starting the engine. The screw cannot rotate in a polymer or polymer sand mixture that is not heated to the plasticizing temperature.

Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles
The capacity of the proposed lines allows to produce about 40 m2 of polymer-sand tiles per shift. All equipment is serviced by 7 people. In one square meter there are 9 tiles, taking into account the overlap, the weight of 1 m2 is 20 kg. Power consumption 26-28 kW/h, installed power 42 kW, three-phase power supply.

Waste crusher
The crusher used in the line can be replaced by any other crusher used in the production of polymers and products from them. Crushes waste into fractions up to 30 mm. and agglomerate up to 10 mm. Engine installed, 3000 rpm. Productivity is high, sufficient to provide 3 lines with polymer raw materials.
dimensions: 1000x1100x1200 (WxDxH) Weight 420 kg.

extrusion plant
It differs from traditional ones in that the volume of the zone of heating and plasticization of polymers changes by changing the outer diameter of the working cylinder. It is justified by the ease of manufacture, and the task that is set is to mix the plastics by heating.
The disadvantage of the design is frequent congestion of the mass at the place of change in the diameter of the working cylinder, which leads to overheating of the mass, a delay in the loading of polymers. Heating elements are used as heating elements, which are easily changed in case of failure. The shaft is centered by the polymer mass at the exit, has low frequency rotation. A design flaw is the non-installed thrust bearing, because a linear load also acts on the shaft. The performance is sufficient to ensure the operation of 2 presses and thermomixing units.
Dimensions: 520x3300x1230 (WxDxH) Weight 580 kg.

Thermal mixing plant (APN - melting and heating unit)
Unique knot throughout the line. To achieve a high-quality mixture of polymer and sand, the loaded mass passes through different speed and different modes of heating through the pipe. A shaft with blades arranged in a special way was installed, and their location often changed to achieve high-quality mixing of the polymer sand mixture. The shaft has a large load, including linear, and the thrust bearing is not installed. Auger blades wear out quickly.
Two temperature control devices are installed in two mass heating control zones. Works continuously, ensures the work of one press.
Overall dimensions: 520x3200x1230 (WxDxH) Weight 800 kg.

Small Hydraulic Press with movable bottom plate. 4 hydraulic cylinders dia. 125 mm., travel 300 mm. Working pressure 10 MPa. A matrix with cooling and ejectors is installed on the bottom plate. Moreover, the temperatures of the matrix and punch are different, which is achieved by two different cooling circuits.
The press is equipped with a hydraulic station, tanks for cooling the coolant. The productivity of the line depends, among other things, on the productivity of the press, the cooling rate and the molding of the product. The components used in the manufacture of the press are available if they need to be replaced. Overall dimensions: 2600x1500x1780 (WxDxH) Weight 1300 kg.

Additional forms for the manufacture of paving slabs, tiles, paving stones and much more
A large selection of molds is offered, allowing the production of an expanded range of products, thereby making the business competitive. At the very least, paving slabs are required in the kit.

Recently appeared on Russian market, polymer sand paving slabs, immediately won the trust and love of customers. Due to its characteristics, it has become a worthy replacement for cement tiles. Polymer tiles, the production of which takes place with the help of modern ways, easily competes with classic concrete products.

The following characteristics are considered the advantages of this material:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • variety of forms;
  • wide scope;
  • durability.

The demand for this material is constantly growing, so the production polymer tiles with their own hands, will soon become a "gold mine" for businessmen. The main thing is the right approach and a sober assessment of all the advantages and possible risks in this business.

The advantages of polymer tiles

Polymer sand tiles consist of the following components:

  • quartz sand (3/4 of the composition);
  • high pressure polyethylene (25% of the composition);
  • a small part of other refined products.

This composition makes the material plastic and resistant to negative external influences.

The advantages of the product include

  • durability - polymer coating lasts up to 30 years;
  • stability - the material is not afraid of frost, moisture, heavy loads, liquids containing acids and oils;
  • decorative - tiles are often made in any shape. However, it often has a glossy, matte or structured surface. And also in the manufacture of polymer tiles, craftsmen can use a wide range of colors;
  • no toxic fumes when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • repeated use and easy repair in case of damage;
  • ease of cleaning the coating (the tile is easy to clean);
  • wide scope. Polymer sand tiles are used as a decorative coating for a private courtyard, parking lots, playgrounds and sidewalks in public places.

Material production

The raw materials for the manufacture of polymer tiles are simple and affordable components:

  • various pigments;
  • polymers;
  • quartz sand.

To reduce the cost of purchasing components, you should use secondary raw materials, which will be cheaper, but will not spoil the quality of the products.

The exact recipe for making sand tiles as such simply does not exist. Each manufacturer independently develops the composition. The best option is to draw up a recipe from your own experience, but the masters also recommend resorting to the help of a technologist.

The production technology of tiles is quite simple. It does not require special knowledge and skills to comply with it.

Since the polymer that is part of the tile has a neutral chemical composition, only nitric acid serves as a solvent for it under certain conditions. To form a homogeneous mixture with sand, the polymer must be melted at a temperature of 180 degrees and atmospheric pressure. This process is called extrusion.

To color the tiles in different colors, I use various inorganic substances: iron oxide to get brown, red or orange, chromium oxide to get green, titanium dioxide will give the product a white color.

Do-it-yourself production of polymer sand tiles is carried out as follows:

  • crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. But if you buy polymer chips, then this stage is easy to avoid;
  • mixing components with a concrete mixer;
  • melting of the mixed mass in APN (extruder);
  • pressing products into molds;
  • transportation and storage of finished products.

Necessary equipment

For the production of polymer sand tiles at home, you will need to purchase special equipment:

  • crushing device;
  • scales;
  • concrete mixer;
  • press;
  • Press forms;
  • cooling system for finished products;
  • loader for moving finished products.

The total cost of equipment and its adjustment depends on the power and configuration of the machines. With a minimum configuration, the amount will be 800 thousand rubles.

Polymer-sand paving slabs

Work space

The room for the production of sand tiles must be at least 100 square meters. Of these, 30 will be occupied by a zone for storing raw materials and 70 - a zone for installing equipment.

It is also necessary to provide a place for storing finished products. It is often recommended to store this material outdoors.

Work force

Even for the production of tiles with their own hands, the master will need work force. Best Option will start continuous production (in two shifts). To do this, you will have to hire one master, two APN operators and one auxiliary worker in the batch. The master will spend about one hundred thousand rubles on wages for one month.

Electricity and heating

On average, the production of 1 square meter of tiles will take about 8 rubles to pay for electricity. But it will help save on heating. During the operation of the APN, a large heat transfer occurs, which replaces the heating pipes.

Sales market

The high performance characteristics of sand tiles significantly expand the scope of its application, thanks to this, sand tiles confidently replace materials such as concrete tiles, asphalt, concrete, natural and artificial stone.

The demand for tiles is constantly growing. And what is more profitable than buying materials from the manufacturer itself?

Establishing sales of your own products will be quite simple.

But for this, it is necessary to monitor existing buyers of these products.

It can be:

  • various building materials stores;
  • tiling companies;
  • owners of private houses, summer cottages, cafes;
  • owners of restaurants, hundred, warehouses, public buildings;
  • landscape designers.

It's best to decide on your target audience even at the stage of production planning, in order to please their customers and distinguish themselves favorably from competitors.


The success of any production, even the most modern and high-quality, depends entirely on the number of customers.

And the production of polymer sand tiles attracts more and more businessmen, which increases competition in this area.

To stay afloat and get high profits, you need to radically differ from competitors. The main advantages are:

  • high quality products. The sole purpose of the manufacturer must be to satisfy all the needs of its buyer. Everyone should have an individual approach;
  • execution of obligations. This means that you need to respect the client. Do not let him down by breaking the agreed deadlines, do not raise prices for products without warning him in advance;
  • good publicity. Nothing needs to be explained here. Everyone knows that advertising is the main driver of sales. Be sure to participate in exhibitions, create product samples, collect a portfolio of photographs of completed work.

Profitability and payback of production

The production of polymer tiles in practice pays for itself very quickly. It will take about one and a half million rubles to launch the production line. This includes:

  • expenses for equipment, raw materials;
  • rent;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • company registration.

Even the smallest tile workshop can easily produce a thousand square meters of tiles per month. One square meter in the market costs from 250 to 500 rubles. That is, on average, with a full-fledged sales of products, the profit will be 500 thousand rubles.

Business brings a decent income

This is a fairly high rate of return in a small business.

To calculate revenue, you need to subtract the following indicators:

  • taxes and wages;
  • rental of premises;
  • utilities;
  • purchase of new raw materials;
  • fare.

If all expenses are taken into account, then, subject to full sales, the monthly profit will be equal to 60 thousand rubles. Production of polymer sand tiles - profitable business. The main thing is the observance of technology, the production of high-quality material and the active promotion of business in the market. The active production of polymer sand tiles will require initial capital, a small tile shop, workers and accounting. Handmade tiles always have a high price.

At modern approach to the manufacture of polymer tiles, production will be profitable from the first month.

Video: Polymer sand tiles

To find out the current prices and get the current "Business Plan" fill out the form at the end of this page, or call the phone number listed at the top of the site or in the section.

Consider an example of calculating the cost of production of polymer sand paving slabs, which can be taken as the basis for drawing up a business plan and a feasibility study for production.

All calculations are given as an example. The data is up to date January 1, 2011 for the Udmurt Republic. All prices are without VAT. The simplified taxation system was taken for calculation.

You can also order and substitute your details.


Material characteristics:

  • size 330*330*35 mm
  • tile weight - 3.1 kg.
  • number of pieces in one m2 - 9 tiles
  • weight 1m 2 - 27.9 kg.
  • water absorption 0.37%
  • tensile strength 152 kgf \ cm 2
  • compressive strength 300 kgf / cm 2
  • abrasion 0.003 g \ cm 2
  • frost resistance 500 cycles.


The total cost of a set of equipment, including the cost of turnkey commissioning, is: 2,382,780.00 rubles, excluding VAT.

A plastic crusher may not be needed if you use ready-made primary or secondary polymers, but this will lead to an increase in the cost of the product;

The mixer can be replaced with a concrete mixer, but with a loss of performance.


Three people are enough to operate the site - a manager (25,000 rubles), an APN operator (20,000 rubles), an auxiliary worker (20,000 rubles). The wage fund is 65,000 rubles per month for one shift and 130,000 rubles. at the rate of 2 shifts.

The volume of finished products per month is 140 sq.m. x 30 days = 4,200 sq.m. m

Payroll fund for the month 130,000 rubles. : 4,200 sq.m = salary costs for 1m 2 is 30.95 rubles.

UST - 30%, gives 9.3 rubles. in the cost of 1m 2 of finished products.


To accommodate equipment and storage areas for raw materials and products, it is necessary to provide about 100 m 2 production areas and 100 m 2 warehouse (may be located outdoors). The production room does not have to be heated, heating occurs due to the heat generated by the equipment. Finished products are stored in the workshop, and then moved to the warehouse.

At a rental rate of 100 rubles per sq.m. the cost of renting production space will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Thus, the cost of rent for 1 m 2 of the product is 2.38 rubles.


In total, the cost of raw materials (polymer + sand + pigment) per ton is 5,000 rubles. Thus, the cost of raw materials per 1 m 2 tiles is 139.5 rubles. For 1 piece 15.5 rubles.


  • A crusher with a capacity of 300 kg/h consumes 22 kW/h. To produce a mixture of 3,906 kg, 960 kg of polymer are needed. For its preparation, the crusher will work for 3.2 hours and consume 70.4 kW of energy.
  • APN - 29 kW / h during heating, when working around the clock with a heated ALP, consumption decreases by 4 times, i.e. calculation: 7.25 kW x 24 hours = 174 kW / day
  • Hydraulic press - 5.5 kW / h. When molding the product, the program on the presses is designed for the consumption of el. Energy in the mode of raising and lowering the upper punch, when forming el. Energy is not consumed. The travel time of the slider is 40 seconds per day 1260 pieces x 40 seconds. = 50 400 sec. = 840 min. = 14 hours of press operation
  • Consumption per day 77 kW.
  • Mixer - 5.5 kW / h 1 batch - 3 min. Mixes 0.5 tons per mix. 3,906 tons of mixture for 1,260 tiles per day. Per day 23.0 min. Electricity consumption 1.8 kW.
  • Lighting - 12 kWh

Total electricity consumption per day will be 335.2 kW / day, per shift for 12 hours 167.6 kW.

The cost of electricity for 1 kW / h - 4.03 rubles. Thus, the cost of electricity is 675.4 rubles. for 12 hours in the production of 630 tiles, the cost per 1 tile will be 1.07 kopecks.

Equipment depreciation is set by the enterprise independently

Cost price 1 m 2 paving slabs


Net profit per day 44,830.8 rubles., Gross revenue per day 600 rubles. x 140 sq.m. = 75,600 rubles. Net profit / Gross revenue x 100 Profitability is 59.3%

This business is highly profitable as of 2011. Rate of return - 59.3%

Polymer-sand tiles appeared on the Russian building materials market quite recently, but have already managed to establish themselves as a material worthy of becoming a full-fledged replacement for traditional cement tiles. The demand for such tiles is growing, and those businessmen who are not afraid to work in an innovative field have a great opportunity to show their entrepreneurial talent, of course, having assessed all possible risks before doing so.

The appearance of this building material was initially due to the desire of technologists to find the coating that can solve the two main problems of cement tiles: low frost resistance and durability. And, admittedly, they succeeded: polymer sand tiles have many advantages. She is:

  • durable: according to manufacturers, its service life is about 30 years
  • sustainable to negative environmental influences. Polymer sand tiles are not afraid of frost, moisture, direct sunlight, exposure to acid-containing liquids and oils. It is resistant to high mechanical loads and is not at all prone to point splitting.
  • decorative: can have any shape, any surface: matte, glossy, structured. It is made in a wide range of colors, and more importantly, does not lose its decorative effect over time.
  • Does not emit toxic fumes under the scorching sun
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy to repair and easily withstand repeated use

Polymer sand tiles can be used:

  • when ennobling garden plots;
  • for the arrangement of adjacent territories;
  • in places of mass attendance: courtyards summer cafes, parks, trade and exhibition pavilions);
  • in garages and covered parking lots;
  • in workshops;
  • for covering operated flat roofs;
  • for plinth cladding.

All of the above is about demand of this product among buyers and, as a result, the large market capacity, and taking into account the simple manufacturing technology and relatively low costs for starting a business, all this makes the production of polymer sand tiles quite relevant to start.

The implementation of the finished tile can be carried out:

  • directly to consumers of products: individuals, construction teams and organizations, organizations whose activities are aimed at the improvement of the city;
  • through the wholesale network: wholesale warehouses, bases.
  • through retail network: building supermarkets, specialized stores, markets.

Raw material for the production of polymer sand tiles are:

  • sand without clay inclusions, the fraction of which does not exceed 3 mm;
  • polymers: primary and secondary - the latter option is more attractive from an economic point of view,
  • pigments, both mineral and organic.

Main stages of production

  1. Crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. This stage may be absent if the manufacturer purchases polymer chips.
  2. Mixing raw materials in a concrete mixer.
  3. Melting the mixture in the extruder (APN).
  4. Forming a product with a press.
  5. Shipment of finished products to the warehouse.

When calculating economic efficiency production of polymer sand tiles, the following parameters were taken as a basis: work is carried out in 2 shifts, the duration of each of which is 12 hours. The productivity of the mold is 5.83 m 2 of finished products per hour, respectively, the entire line produces 140 m 2 of finished products per day.

Finished product characteristics

  • Tile size - 330 x 330 x 35 mm;
  • The number of pieces of the product in 1 m 2 - 9 tiles;
  • Tile weight - 4 kg;
  • Weight 1 m 2 - 36 kg.

Initial cost of starting a business

Naming of expenditures

Price without VAT, rub.

Depreciation per year, rub.

Commissioning works

General purpose scales MK-15.2-AV20

Visit the list of equipment for polymer sand tiles in a special section.

Requirements for production premises and rental costs

The cost of rent in terms of 1 m 2 of finished polymer sand tiles will be 2.38 rubles.

Labor costs

Number of employees

Wage, rub.

Total, rub.

APN operator

Ancillary worker on the batch

TOTAL per month

The cost of materials for the manufacture of 1 m 2 of finished products

Thus, the costs for the manufacture of 1 m 2 of polymer sand tiles will be 136.58 rubles.

Electricity consumption for 1 work shift


Power, kW/h

Quantity, pcs.

Total consumption

Consumption for 1 shift, h

Total, kWh/shift

Press D2430 modernized

Concrete mixer SBR-500

Scales of general purpose MK-15.2-AB20


The average cost of electricity in Russia is 4.03 rubles. for 1 kW / h, from which it follows that the manufacture of 1 m 2 of paving slabs will entail electricity costs in the amount of 7.8 rubles.

Current costs of the workshop for 1 month of work

Naming of expenditures

per month, rub.

per 1 m2, rub.




The final calculation of the profitability of the business for the production of polymer sand tiles

Cost of 1 m 2, rub.

Overhead costs, rub.

Including overhead

Market price of 1 m 2, rub.

Profit before tax per 1m 2, rub.

Income tax (20%), rub.

Profit from 1 m 2, rub.

Profit per day total, rub.

Profitability, %

Payback period, days

* The calculations presented in the section are conditional and provide only a general understanding of the profitability of this type of activity based on the expert opinion of the author of the material. To determine the exact amount of profitability, you need to independently make a feasibility study, based on the specific numbers of your region and the size of the business you are planning.

Polymer sand tiles appeared on the domestic construction market relatively recently. Such an innovation caused some distrust among buyers, but gradually polymer slabs proved their superiority over traditional pressed and cast concrete tiles.

Consider the main characteristics of polymer sand tiles, the technology of its manufacture, the scope and procedure for paving slabs on different types grounds.

Technology for the production of polymer sand tiles

When developing polymer-sand tiles, the technologists set themselves the task of creating a durable and frost-resistant material with a long service life. I must say that they succeeded and the performance characteristics of polymer sand tiles surpassed cement paving stones in many respects.

Park area paved with polymer sand tiles: photo

The working mixture for the manufacture of tiles consists of three main components:

  • sand of medium fraction (no more than 3 mm);
  • crushed primary polymers (secondary polymers can also be used - from an economic point of view, this is more profitable);
  • dyes are inorganic pigments.

The main filler of the tile is sand, it makes up 75% of the total volume. Before use, it is thoroughly washed and sieved. After that, the sand is placed in a special oven and pierced at high temperature.

The entire production cycle of polymer sand tiles can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. If polymer chips are used, then this step can be omitted.
  2. Mixing sand, polyethylene chips, dyes and additives.
  3. Melting of raw materials in an extruder at a temperature of 250°C.
  4. Pressing polymer-sand mass and forming ready-made plates.
  5. Product packaging.

For the manufacture of plates used modern automated equipment. The product at the output is dense and homogeneous, there are no internal and external cracks or voids throughout the entire array of material.

Technical characteristics of polymer sand paving slabs

Specifications tiles depend on the quality of the raw materials used, the structure of the working mixture and production equipment. However, one can distinguish General characteristics polymer sand paving slabs:

Advantages and disadvantages of polymer sand tiles

The combination of a polymer component with a sand filler causes a number of advantages of laying and operating paving slabs:

The disadvantages include the peculiarity of polymer products - under the influence of high temperatures, the material tends to expand. If the paving technology is not observed (the gap between the plates is less than 5 mm), then the coating may deform in the hot season - some elements will begin to warp and protrude.

Scope of polymer sand tiles

Polymer sand tiles are in demand among professional builders, summer residents, owners of suburban areas and private houses.

Paving slabs based on polymers and sand are used in the arrangement of:

Polymer sand tiles can be produced in the form of tiles for roofing. In addition, there is a facing tile made of polymers for finishing the facades of the building.

Overview of manufacturers of polymer sand products

On the market, the range of polymer sand products is represented by a large number of domestic and foreign companies. Among Russian manufacturers of polymer-sand tiles, Namus LLC, Prompolimer LLC, SibTopProm-14 CJSC, Budprom-Technology Private Enterprise and Polimerika LLC have won a good reputation.

OOO "Namus"- a major manufacturer of polymer-sand products. All products of the company are tested in accordance with GOST 3634-99 before being delivered to the market. The main production is located in Tatarstan, and there are branches and sales offices in different cities of Russia.

The polymer-sand tiles of Namus LLC are produced in the size of 330 * 330 mm, 35 and 20 mm thick, basic colors: green, light gray, chocolate and red. The texture of the tile can be of three types: "parquet", "smooth" and "8 bricks". The cost of paving polymer-sand tiles is about 500 rubles / m2.

In addition to tiles, Namus LLC produces from a polymer-sand mixture: curbs, gutters, well rings, speed bumps, pedestrian crossings, drainage trays, cable protection plates, monuments and storm water inlets.

Company group "Prompolymer", founded in 2006, manufactures products for various market segments: polymer sand products, building metal structures and soft packaging.

The tiles are produced in sizes 330*330 mm, 20 and 40 mm thick. Forms of paving slabs: smooth, broken stone and rhombus. The price of a tile is from 350 rubles / m2. The quality of polymer-sand products "Prompolimer" is confirmed by the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Company ZAO SibTopProm-14(Tyumen) appeared on the market of polymer-sand products recently - in 2012, but already competes with experienced manufacturers.

Paving slabs are available in four basic colors: red, brown, gray and green. Plate dimensions 330*330 mm, thickness - 20, 30 and 35 mm. Paving slabs are produced in three grades - depending on the quality of the feedstock. The cost of tiles of the first grade is 490-620 rubles / m2, the second grade - 430-510 rubles / m2.

LLC "Polymerika"(Yaroslavl region) specializes in the production of polymer-sand tiles and paving slabs. The company's products have been tested for UV radiation, checked for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and radiation safety indicators. Each research is confirmed by the corresponding document.

Paving slabs are produced in the size of 330*330 mm, thickness - 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm. Types of textures: smooth, parquet, curly and paving stones. The price of tiles is 495-630 rubles / m2 (the cost depends on the thickness of the plates).

Tips for choosing high-quality polymer paving slabs

When choosing a polymer-sand tile, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Extraneous inclusions on the plates indicate the use of poorly processed or low-quality raw materials, white stains are the result of non-compliance with the temperature regime. The quality of such polymer-sand tiles deteriorates significantly, the strength and durability of the material decreases.

Do-it-yourself polymer sand tile laying

Paving of polymer-sand tiles can be carried out on a sand cushion, crushed stone or on a concrete screed. The choice of base for installation depends on the type of soil and the purpose of the paved area.

Laying on sand is used in the arrangement of garden and footpaths, sidewalks. If there is heaving soil on the site or the site will be used for parking cars, then the slabs must be laid out on crushed stone. Installation on a concrete screed is carried out when the tile will be used to receive heavy vehicles.

Preparatory activities

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • crowbar, shovel and jackhammer - to remove the old coating and excavation;
  • trowel, bucket;
  • rubber mallet;
  • cord and wooden stakes for marking the site and controlling evenness;
  • building level;
  • rake;
  • concrete mixer - if the tile is laid on a concrete screed;
  • mop and broom - for filling sand into the gaps between the plates.

The initial preparation of the soil does not depend on the further method of laying the tiles:

Further actions will depend on the type of flooring - sand, gravel or concrete.

Sand paving technology

Work sequence:

The procedure for laying tiles on gravel

After the “bed” for the site is prepared and the curbs are set, the following work is performed:

  1. Pour a layer of crushed stone 10-20 cm onto the leveled surface and level it, adhering to the selected slope.
  2. Tamp the rubble with a rammer.
  3. Pour a dry cement-sand mixture over the rubble (layer thickness - 5-10 cm).
  4. Level and compact the surface.
  5. If significant loads are planned on the paved area, then it is advisable to lay a reinforced mesh before installing the tiles.
  6. Lay the tiles, keeping the gaps - about 5 mm.
  7. Level the surface with a rubber mallet. Slopes to control the building level.
  8. Fill the joints with a dry cement-sand mixture (ratio 1:5) and moisten.

Gravel paving technology produces a durable surface that can support the weight passenger car

Installation of slabs on a concrete base

The initial stage of this method is similar to those described above: the soil layer is removed, the surface is leveled and curbs are installed. Next, perform the following steps:

  1. Pour a layer of gravel or crushed stone over the entire area (thickness - 20 cm), tamp.
  2. Make a screed of concrete, taking into account the slope of the surface. Screed thickness - 5-10 cm.
  3. Paving slabs are laid on a cement mortar grade M-150 (the proportion of cement and sand is 1: 3). Instead of this solution, you can use tile adhesive - this method is more reliable. In this case, tile adhesive is recommended to be combined with cement mortar in a ratio of 5: 1.
  4. Until the solution has completely dried, the platform cannot be loaded and used.
  5. After the "setting" of the solution, sprinkle the surface of the site with sand and fill the seams between the plates.
  6. Moisten the site and wipe the seams with a cement-sand mixture.

Every year there are new and new technologies that improve the properties of familiar materials. Polymer-sand tiles are the product of such innovations. The product is universal in use, practical, durable and competitive from a financial point of view.


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