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After we have identified the possibilities of the chosen destination in terms of creating a tourism product of the selected type, it is necessary to clarify the type of tourism product we have chosen for designing, and, consequently, its general goal and, accordingly, private goals.

What could be the reason and what is the essence of this clarification?

Let us explain this using the example already considered: the tourist product "Family rest and treatment of the tourist class on the Black Sea coast of Russia."

Having studied the resources of the destination, we suppose that we found a large number of ready-made services and basic tourism products, i.e. huge opportunities for organizing only recreation, and realized that we would not have enough time or our own resources to create a tourism product related to treatment. Therefore, we need to clarify the type of the projected tourist product. There may be other reasons as well.

In the above example, we can clarify the type of the projected tourist product, formulating it, for example, as follows: "Tour class family vacation on the Black Sea coast of Russia."

This clarification is very important in the sense that by making it, we reduce the number of developed heterogeneous elements (rest, treatment), but at the same time we can work out one of the areas - rest - in more detail. In this case, we can reduce the number of resources under consideration, we can change the composition of the services of the created tours.

Having specified and specified the type of tourism product chosen for creation, it is necessary to clarify its goals and, accordingly, the characteristics of the target group.

Section 1.2. we have already talked about the goals of the original and designed tourism products, about the connection of these goals with the needs and interests of consumers.

The creation of any tourist product should begin with the formulation of its goals. A clear formulation of the goals of the future tourism product is the most important factor in creating a tourism product that is attractive to consumers.

In each specific created tourist product, the tour operator must formulate the goals of the tourist product and the tasks arising from them as specifically as possible.

Let us explain on the example of the already specified tourist product “Tour class family vacation on the Black Sea coast of Russia” and the described target group. What needs of these people can be associated with this tourism product? This is the need to rest in a favorable climate that has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and improve their health and the health of their children; the need to live during the holidays in safe environment in a modern comfortable hotel or boarding house located close to the sea, preferably on the first line, having its own well-groomed territory, its own equipped beach; it is the need to receive high-quality nutrition rich in vitamins; the need for the intellectual development of the child during rest; the need to link a suitable vacation option with the budgetary possibilities of the family, having bought vouchers at affordable prices.

The tour operator, having identified these needs, must link them with real opportunities. Black Sea coast Russia for their satisfaction, that is, with the resources of this destination. This linkage is carried out by studying the indicated resources and opportunities by the tour operator, after which he can formulate the mentioned needs in the form of goals.

Any tourist product should have common goal and private goals, which should clarify and maximize the overall goal. A clear formulation of each particular goal of the created product gives the operator an understanding of the tasks, tells what and how to do.

In the above example of a refined tourism product, the overall goal can be formulated as follows: "Effective rest and recovery in a healing climate and high comfort." The task corresponding to this goal is to identify the resources that best meet this goal, and optimally group them into tour packages. An example of a private goal: "Accommodation of tourists in modern boarding houses of 3 * - 4 * level, having their own well-groomed, protected territory, located on the first line and having two to four-bed rooms with all amenities." To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the problem of finding accommodation facilities in this destination that allow achieving this goal.

Or another private goal: "Quality balanced nutrition, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits." To achieve it, you will have to negotiate with the management of the selected accommodation facility on the organization of just such a meal.

Another private goal: "Intellectual development of the child during the holidays with the help of developing circles, etc." Knowing the resources of the destination and the possibilities of achieving this goal, the tour operator can formulate the tasks to achieve this goal in the following way: “For the intellectual development of children, it is necessary to organize various educational circles / drawings, soft toys, theatrical, car model /, as well as hold various quizzes, festivals , excursions. To do this, it is necessary, with the help of service providers, to involve teachers of local schools, amateur art groups, and excursion agencies in this work.

Such a clear formulation of the specific goal of the tourism product and the corresponding tasks tells the tour operator himself what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve the goal: you need to look for accommodation facilities that have conditions for achieving this goal, or decide on the allocation of premises for circles, purchases Supplies, hiring circle teachers, etc. The tour operator can solve these problems himself - in the event that he buys all the places or a significant part of the places for the entire season in the chosen accommodation facility. Or he can convince the administration or the owner of the accommodation facility of the profitability of these events.

An example of general and private goals from the sphere educational tourism: When formulating the overall goal of an educational tour, it is important to take into account the level of knowledge potential consumers about the destination and display objects. It can be conditionally divided into three levels: the first is the complete absence of any systematic knowledge about the destination; the second is such a level of knowledge about the destination, at which a person no longer needs a general acquaintance with the destination in general, but a more detailed acquaintance with some particular aspect of the life of this destination; the third level - is characterized by the need for deep penetration into a particular topic.

In the first case, the needs of tourists are limited by the desire to get a general idea of ​​the country, city, history, culture, nature, and customs of the people they are interested in. Accordingly, a tour operator creating a tourist product for first-level consumers must also formulate a common goal, for example: "All of Greece: acquaintance with the history, culture, nature, traditions and customs of the people." Private goals: "To acquaint tourists with the brightest pages of the history of Greece, with the most characteristic cultural phenomena, show some corners of nature and give a general idea of ​​the peoples inhabiting Greece, their customs and traditions."

In the second case, we must create a tourism product for people who not only have general ideas about the destination, but also already have specific preferences associated, for example, with the history of this destination, or with architecture, or with art, nature, ethnography. If in the first case we were dealing with one target group interested in this destination in general, then in the second case we must create a tourism product for different target groups, one of which is interested in history, the second in architecture, etc.

According to each of the chosen directions, the general and particular goals of the tourism product are formulated. For example, the general goal: “Greece. Acquaintance with the culture that has survived millennia, and private goals: Acquaintance with great poetry, The art of the drama of ancient Greece, Acquaintance with the sculpture of ancient Greece, Legends and myths of ancient Greece, etc.

The third level of knowledge and the corresponding level of tourist needs is associated with a deep study of certain topics, and what was one of the private goals in the second level tourist product, here becomes a general goal, which is achieved with the help of narrower private goals. For example, the general goal: "Legends and myths of ancient Greece." Private goals: "Gods of Ancient Greece", "Heroes of Ancient Greece"...

It should be noted that the creation of optimal conditions conducive to the most complete immersion in the topic also belongs to the private goals of tourism products of any considered level. These conditions include:

  • - living conditions: hotels conveniently located in relation to the main thematic objects and the category of which corresponds to the price level of the tour;
  • - food conditions that allow tourists to be less distracted by the independent solution of this issue;
  • - building a logical schedule for the passage of the route, combining mandatory excursions with the availability of free time;
  • - providing tourists with qualified guides, the level of knowledge of which corresponds to the subject and goals of the tour;
  • - choosing the duration of the tour, which will enable tourists to penetrate deeply enough into the topic and, at the same time, will not tire them excessively, affecting the degree of perception;
  • - selection of such service providers, the level of prices for services of which will make it possible to offer consumers a tourist product with an optimal price-quality ratio and, at the same time, having an acceptable profitability for the tour operator.

Thus, undertaking the creation of a new tourism product for itself, the tour operator must be able to correctly and accurately formulate the goals of the future tourism product based on the needs of potential buyers and the resources of the chosen destination.

Our review also shows that, in the general case, the goals of our future tourism product may not coincide with both the goals of the original tourism product and the goals of the tourism product identified by us in the destination.

test questions

  • 1. What is the clarification of the selected type of tourism product? For what reasons it passes? Name several reasons for a possible clarification.
  • 2. What is the purpose of the tourist product from the point of view of the consumer?
  • 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the existence of basic tourism products for the tour operator?
  • 4. What should be the basis for the formulation of the goals of the designed tourist product by the tour operator?
  • 5. Why does a tour operator need to identify the properties of basic tourism products?
  • 6. What are basic travel services?
  • 7. Why does the tour operator need to formulate the private goals of the designed tourist product as clearly and specifically as possible?
  • 8. What factors influence the formulation of the purpose of the created tourist product by the tour operator?

Practical tasks

  • 1. Choose any type of tourist product. Think of ways to improve it. What are the possible reasons for specifying the type of tourist product
  • 2. Choose a destination and explore its educational resources. Formulate the general and particular goals of educational tourism products of different levels possible in this destination

Proposals for expanding the scope of activities tourist enterprise can be classified as follows:

1. development and implementation of a new tourist product in those areas that are already actively used by this travel agency;

2. introduction of a new tourism product in a direction that is poorly expressed in the range of offers of the enterprise, intensification of certain areas of activity;

3. development of new tourist destinations and / or fundamentally new for this enterprise types of recreation;

4. significant diversification of activities, which implies the organization of a project that is not exclusively related to tourism;

5. merger or acquisition of an enterprise tourism business or a related field of activity.

Analysis of the current state of Artemis LLC and its external and internal environment allows us to conclude the following:

· the company itself in the study period significantly strengthened its position in the market;

current financial condition LLC "Artemida" is stable and has certain tendencies for further development;

· the enterprise has little contact with the credit and banking sector, which indicates the conservatism of the overall strategy of the enterprise, within which, as a rule, radical changes in determining the company's line of conduct are not welcome;

The functioning of the enterprise can be adversely affected by external objective factors.

Let's analyze possible strategies for promoting a new product using the Ansoff matrix.

I. Ansoff's product/market development model (Ansoff's matrix) allows using several strategies simultaneously. It is based on the premise that the most appropriate strategy for strong sales growth can be determined by the decision to sell existing or new products in existing or new markets. This matrix is ​​a chart designed to help managers make strategy decisions and also serves as a diagnostic tool. The Ansoff matrix is ​​intended to describe the possible strategies of an enterprise in a growing market. On one axis, the matrix considers the type of product - old or new, on the other axis - the type of market, also old or new.

The general view of the Ansoff matrix is ​​presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1

Ansoff matrix

It seems more preferable to choose the method of further development of the enterprise, indicated above at number two - "the introduction of a new tourism product in a direction that is poorly expressed in the range of proposals of the enterprise." More radical changes in the development strategy of the travel agency can lead to destabilization of the economic condition of the enterprise, which is highly undesirable against the backdrop of general macroeconomic instability. In the Ansoff matrix, such a strategy is designated as product development, or commodity expansion. In the case of this strategy, it is assumed that Income is provided through the expansion of the sales market within the geographic region.

As noted above, in the range of offers of the travel agency Artemis LLC, the segment of corporate tours is undeservedly poorly represented. Thus, the final idea of ​​the project was formulated as the development of a tourist product "Corporate thematic weekend tours and one-day tours to the city of Vyborg and individual settlements of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region." In preparing this proposal, the following studies were carried out:

analysis of the market for corporate tours in the Leningrad region (given in Chapter 1 of this thesis);

· study of the tourist potential of the city of Vyborg and the Vyborg region;

· a selection of variations of thematic programs that can be implemented on the territory of a given micro-region.

Below are the results of these studies.

Consider the city of Vyborg and the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region as a tourist attraction. The Vyborgsky District is located in the northwestern part of the Leningrad Region and occupies the entire western half of the Karelian Isthmus. The total area of ​​the municipality "Vyborgsky district" is 747,547.2 hectares, of which 76.8% are forest fund lands, and 12.8% are agricultural lands; lands of settlements - 4.0%.

The investment attractiveness of the Vyborgsky municipal district lies in its geopolitical position: a reliable transport connection with the countries of the European Union is carried out through the Vyborgsky district, a large Eurasian corridor passes here: the IX Intermodal transport corridor "North-South", as well as the international highway "Scandinavia", which is part of it . Trunk Railway connects Vyborg with St. Petersburg and Moscow, the gates of the Saimaa Canal, the largest international trade and transport artery, open into the Vyborg Bay. Availability of forest, water, fish and hunting resources, deposits building materials, natural landscapes, historical and architectural monuments of history and culture, many of which are unique, carry a great recreational potential of the territory.

From the point of view of organizing short-term tours for tourists from St. Petersburg, Vyborg has the following main advantages:

· relatively close location - the distance between cities does not exceed 130 km, the organization of a car transfer along the route is not difficult;

· good transport links - regular buses and electric trains run regularly on the route St. Petersburg - Vyborg, including extra-comfort ones;

· the image of Vyborg as a European city;

· high historical and cultural potential of the region.

Due to the abundance of recreational areas, Vyborg is a convenient place for organizing cultural and recreational activities. At the same time, the overhead costs for organizing the event will be lower compared to similar projects in other regional centers of the Leningrad Region and, especially, the cities of Finland and Estonia.

The proposed nomenclature of thematic programs is given below.

Currently on tourism market Petersburg, a fairly large number of companies offer their services in organizing corporate weekend tours. Accordingly, when organizing a new tourist product, it is necessary to carefully consider the promotion strategy.

The basis of such a strategy is the concretization of the proposal of a new tourism product, the derivation of a more precise formulation of its very essence. One of the significant intangible criteria for choosing a tour for corporate clients is the relevance of the event itself.

The easiest way to indicate the relevance of the product is to coincide with certain dates and events. In the presented graduation project, it is proposed to develop a cyclic calendar plan events in the corporate segment, allowing to organize the following types of corporate tourism:

· field meetings and symposiums;

· team building activities;

· entertainment programs("corporate").

Within the framework of one corporate offer, it is permissible to combine several events taking place in different time year, thus forming packages of tourist products. In particular, in December it is permissible to organize a New Year's corporate party, and in June - an outdoor event to raise team spirit (team building) in the organization. Such a calendar may include an off-site conference with partners with additional services in the form of an excursion or relaxation program. Such cyclic activities form complex proposals, the implementation of which brings more income due to lower marketing costs.

In Table. 3.2 shows the main holidays, which are proposed to be guided by when developing a range of corporate offers.

Dates of certain events may vary depending on the specific wishes of customers. Team building events and some other types of tourism can be held at any time of the year as agreed with the customer.

Consider possible concepts for promoting a new tourism product.

At present, the methods of traditional advertising of a tourist product are rapidly becoming obsolete. This is due to the growing fatigue of consumers of information flows from intrusive advertising. When developing marketing strategies for projects focused on the corporate segment, it is recommended to use non-advertising methods of promotion.

Table 3.2

Major holidays and memorable dates

Holiday dates

Possible activities

New Year holidays

Corporate trips at the end public holidays to create a smooth transition from leisure to work, family entertainment programs, excursions

Entertainment programs, excursions, business conferences

March, April

Excursion events, thematic programs

May Day holidays, Victory Day

Thematic programs with elements of active recreation, final events before the start of the holiday season, excursion programs,

summer months


Outdoor activities, sightseeing activities

October November

Business conferences and similar events

New Year

Final conferences, New Year corporate parties

personal sales through an agent;

direct marketing;

· sales promotion;

· propaganda or organization PR - indirect offer.

In the conditions of the modern advertising market, such methods of product promotion as sales promotion and personal or personal sales seem to be the most promising. Sales promotion through the organization of various promotions, including network ones, the creation of so-called "coupon" offers, the formation of corporate bonus systems and other methods within the framework of this strategy are relevant and attractive to clients of travel companies.

Personal selling is quite popular in the corporate segment. At the same time, this method has a high labor intensity, caused, first of all, by the relatively low speed of development and development of the client base. The sales process is a well-known sequence of steps, each of which must be thoroughly studied by the agent. These stages, or stages, are focused primarily on attracting new consumers. Accordingly, they are of exceptional importance in terms of the process of promoting a corporate tourism product. The process of personal selling is quite difficult, as it is necessary:

1. Negotiate (here you mainly need to have the gift of persuasion, argue for existing objections and skillfully use eloquence);

2. Establish a connection (for this you need to know how to accept a client, start communication, approach the issue appropriately, sensitively observe the development of relationships and close the sale just at the moment when it is necessary);

3. Satisfy the need (this means comprehending the need or finding the client's motives for purchasing a tourist product, that is, finding the main aspects of the client's interest, listening carefully to complaints or criticism).

The sales process can be divided into stages as follows:

1. initial reception of the client, initial consultation;

2. identification of needs;

3. informing about the tourist product;

4. search for ways to overcome the disagreement of the parties;

5. organization and conduct of the transaction;

6. implementation of the event;

7. contact with the client, two-way reflection of the completed project.

One of the features of personal selling in the corporate segment is the need for careful selection of the potential sales audience. For the sale of each specific corporate tour, it is necessary to select organizations that meet the following parameters:

1. The company has a budget for corporate holidays;

2. Correspondence of the number and requests of the company's personnel to the capabilities of the host;

3. Compliance of the proposed tourist product with the image and status of the company.

Organizations that meet these criteria are target audience direct sales agent, whose role in Artemis LLC is played by the tour planning manager. Please note that the above parameters are only the primary criteria for generating a list of telephone contacts for the manager. Compliance of the company with these parameters does not give any guarantee of the success of the sale. Success depends primarily on the ability of the manager to interest the representatives of the company.

3.1 Justification of the prospects and relevance of creating a new tourist product

A tourist product is a set of services provided by tourist and excursion enterprises to citizens (tourists).

The success of any company in the market depends primarily on the attractiveness of the product. It forms the main part of the marketing mix, on which all other elements are tied: price, promotion and distribution. The discrepancy in the perception of the tourism product between consumers and producers complicates economic research in the field of tourism. The problem is that the products that go on the market do not always match what the buyers are asking for. When purchasing tours, the buyer is actually looking for something completely different than a set of services. Some go on vacation and buy a ticket to the resort to relax, unwind, sunbathe, improve their health. Others go on a business trip to conduct business negotiations and conclude contracts. Having studied the peculiarities of the perception of a tourist product by consumers, suppliers restructure their work in accordance with them, they offer sets of services and advertise not so much products as their consumer qualities and properties.

The developed tour "Memorable places of Mogilev in the Republic of Belarus for Russian tourists" refers to weekend tours 2 days / 1 night and involves the accommodation of tourists for the night in Mogilev. This tour is focused on Russian tourists, on the basis of which it is formed:

Show objects package;

Excursion service;


At the same time, the tour program includes a sightseeing tour of Mogilev, a visit to the Mogilev Zoo and the memorial complex "Buinichskoye Pole", catering for tourists, accommodation in the city's hotels, as well as providing an opportunity for sightseers to use other outdoor activities - visiting the theater, the zoo etc., for a fee.

At the same time, the developed tour is characterized by relative cheapness, temporary compactness, cognitive efficiency and information richness, involves the organization of sightseeing and educational recreation for Russian tourists and aims to familiarize Russian tourists with the history of the city, its formation and development, participation in the life of the Russian Empire and the Soviet state .

Based on the fact that the tour is organized mainly for Russian tourists, and also considering that the history of Mogilev is closely connected with the history of Russian Empire(city for a long time was within its territorial limits, or on the border with Russia), with the Russian people, the theme of the excursion around Mogilev should be devoted to the exploits of this city, visiting the most significant memorable places for the Russian tourist. In addition, this choice of topics is facilitated by the fact that Mogilev is located near the Belarusian-Russian border, has close ties with nearby Russian regions, which in turn helps to attract Russian tourists to the city. Such a choice of topics for the excursion will undoubtedly enjoy genuine interest from the Russian audience.

When developing the route of the sightseeing tour of Mogilev, it was decided to stop at the following objects:

1) the historical center of the city, located on Sovietskaya Square. At the same time, given that memorial sites are located throughout the city, when it is shown during the tour, several objects can be presented. Among them:

Buildings-monuments of architecture and history of the city (the governor's house, the building of the provincial government, the house of the vice-governor and the house where the zemstvo court, the medical council, the archive were located; the three-story building of the former district court, the medical council, now the local history museum; the building of the city government, in our time - the House of Rites; an eternal flame, on the site of which the governor's house once stood);

Monuments to the heroes who fell during the Great Patriotic War: a) a monument to the soldiers of the 35th armored squadron, b) a monument to the Fighters for Soviet Power.

In addition, when visiting the square, sightseers have the opportunity to see the town hall building, rebuilt in 2008 according to the drawings of the 17th century, and after some time, the building of the Mogilev Regional Theater, built in 1886-1888. (architect Kamburov).

2) Park them. M. Gorky - the cradle of the ancient city, where in the Middle Ages there was a castle, surrounded by three belts of the defense system;

3) Architectural monuments located on the territory of the city, which are of great historical and cultural significance for citizens and guests of the city:

Cathedral of the Three Hierarchs - the main Orthodox church of the city, an architectural monument of the early XX century (1903-1914);

The complex of the St. Nicholas Monastery of Belarusian baroque architecture;

Church of St. Stanislaus, a remarkable monument of art and architecture of the 18th century;

Archbishop's shaft and the palace, which bears the name of G. Konissky;

The Temple of the Three Hierarchs is an architectural monument of the 20th century.

4) In addition, taking into account the rich past of Mogilev, when conducting a sightseeing tour of the city, in order to form the most vivid impressions of its military and secular past among tourists, it is advisable to introduce the historical places of the city associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 to the tourists:

Memorial complex on the site of the Lupolovsky death camp (Stalag No. 813) for prisoners of war of privates and sergeants of the spacecraft operating during the years of the occupation of the city by the Nazi invaders.

5) during the transfer of sightseers by bus to the main objects of the show, it is advisable to diversify it with a story about modern buildings of the city, streets and enterprises that the route passes by. Among them: a pedestrian zone on the street. Lenin, the building of the former women's gymnasium, the building of the former noble assembly, built in the second half of the 19th century in the Art Nouveau style, Lenin Square, row industrial enterprises and sports facilities.

The route of the tour is the most convenient route for the tour group, contributing to the disclosure of the topic. It is built depending on the most correct sequence of inspection of objects for this excursion, the availability of sites for the location of the group, the need to ensure the safety of tourists.

One of the tasks of the route is to contribute to the most complete disclosure of the topic. The main requirements that must be taken into account by the compilers of the route are the organization of the display of objects in a logical sequence and the provision of a visual basis for the disclosure of the topic.

Based on the specified tasks of the excursion route on the selected topic, I would like to propose the following excursion route:

The area of ​​the railway station - park them. Gorky - Sovetskaya Square - the complex of St. Nicholas Monastery - a memorial complex on the site of the Lupolovsky death camp - Oktyabrsky district.

In the construction of the project of this route, the geographical location of the objects, the possibility of accessing the objects by bus along a logical ring route, as well as the construction of the text of the sightseeing tour, were taken into account. Total time such an excursion is 2 hours.

The proposed route belongs to the category of thematic-chronological routes. The peculiarity of this route is its information richness in the first part of the tour, after which tourists are invited to get acquainted with the main memorable places of Mogilev in a more dynamic mode, which allows tourists to have time to redistribute their attention between the main objects of the show.

The program of the second day of the tour includes a visit to the Buinichskoye Pole memorial complex, located outside the city. On the way to the memorial, tourists are presented with information about the heroic past of the city and the region, so that by the time tourists arrive at the complex, they have a strong desire to get to know the memorial in more detail.

The memorial complex "Buinichskoye Pole" was opened on May 9, 1995. In the center of the memorial, which covers an area of ​​more than 20 hectares, tourists can see a 27-meter chapel - a symbol of the greatness of the military spirit of the Slavs, and military equipment during the Great Patriotic War (tanks, divisional guns, artillery pieces and anti-aircraft guns). The walls of the chapel are painted with frescoes, marble plaques with the names of the defenders of Mogilev are placed in the niches, and in the center there is a Foucault pendulum, a symbol of eternal life, movement and memory of all those who died on this field in 1941. The chapel is crowned with an ancient Greek cross.

Nearby is a small artificial reservoir "Lake of Tears", a symbol of the tears of mothers who lost their sons during the war. Four alleys diverge from the chapel. One of them bears the name of the famous writer Konstantin Simonov, who glorified the heroism of the defenders of Mogilev in his books The Living and the Dead and Different Days of the War.

The memorial complex "Buinichskoye Pole" became the center of patriotic education of youth. Watches of Memory, lessons of courage, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, solemn receptions of students into the ranks of the pioneer organization and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union are held here.

A separate stage of the developed sightseeing and educational tour of Mogilev for Russian tourists is a visit to the Mogilev Zoo with a demonstration of not only the inhabitants, but also the Belarusian territorial landscapes to the tourists, holding separate entertainment events.

This part of the tour in its duration should take 1.5-2 hours and serve to distract tourists from the information richness of the first part of the tour. Here tourists should get the desired rest. Moreover, the composition of the zoo allows you to relax not only physically, but also spiritually.

During a visit to the zoo, the history and goals of its creation, its state at the present stage of development and in the future are told. It is also offered to take part in a more detailed tour of the zoo with a visit to recreational activities - horse and pony rides, a trip around the zoo on a steam locomotive, a visit to an equipped zoo.

At the same time, to form a specific portfolio of a guide for the specified tour program, I assume the use of the following visual objects: master plans its buildings of different times, photographs of the city, its objects; photographs and portraits of persons who once lived and carried out their activities in the city (Tsar Nicholas II, members of his family, the main characters of the October Revolution of 1917, etc.), portraits of military and civilian figures patriotic war 1941-1945, whose achievements and failures are associated with Mogilev, photographs and portraits of prominent political and scientific figures of our time (A.G. Lukashenko), it is possible to demonstrate to the excursionists a copy of the diploma awarded to the President of the Republic of Belarus upon graduation from the Mogilev Pedagogical Institute.

Thus, the developed project of the sightseeing and educational tour “Memorable places of Mogilev in the Republic of Belarus for Russian tourists” assumes its implementation in a mixed order - walking around the display objects alternates with moving around the city by bus. At the same time, given that the tour involves visiting and viewing a large number of not only architectural monuments, but also sculptural ensembles, the Mogilev Zoo, which are uninteresting or significantly difficult to see and visit in winter, the estimated time for organizing such a tour is May-September. It is during this period of time that tourists have the greatest opportunities for maximum familiarization with the objects of display provided. In addition, it is known that in the warm season - sightseeing tour becomes the most interesting and memorable.

The developed tour "Memorable places of Mogilev in the Republic of Belarus for Russian tourists" refers to weekend tours and involves accommodation of tourists in Mogilev for 1 night. To accommodate a large group of tourists, it is advisable to use the services of state-owned hotels and accommodation facilities. The most suitable for these purposes is the Mogilev hotel, which has a sufficient number of rooms, is able to offer accommodation facilities of various price ranges and Additional services. This affects the pricing strategy of the developed tour and suggests its classification as a budget popular weekend tour.

The cost of the tour, in addition to paying for accommodation facilities and the services of a guide, also includes organizational costs associated with renting a bus, which should provide maximum comfort to tourists. In addition, those who wish to diversify their vacation as much as possible can take advantage of the possibility of autonomous visits to the theater, the local history museum. These activities are paid by such tourists separately on the spot and are not included in the price of the tour.


The steady economic growth of countries, the increase in prosperity, the increase in free time of the population and the strengthening of relationships in all areas of activity have made it possible to significantly expand the geography of travel and increase the volume of tourist exchange.

Success commercial activities in the tourism market is determined, first of all, by an attractive tourist product, therefore the main task of a tourist enterprise, in particular a tour operator, is to create an attractive tourist product. The term "product" reflects the quality or essence of concrete and abstract things. But the tourist product at the same time is a collection of very complex heterogeneous elements. In most cases, a tourism product is the result of the efforts of many enterprises.

In order to develop a tourism product that will be successful in the market tourism services, the tour operator company must decide for which market segment this product is created; decide what positions she wants to occupy in these segments; develop a product concept and test it; develop marketing strategy; evaluate the economic feasibility of introducing the tour; to test this tourism product in market conditions to determine its competitiveness. The last stage is the introduction of the tourist product to the market of tourist services.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in the conditions of the formation of the tourist market in Russia, great importance is attached to the formation of interest in the tourist product and, accordingly, the development of new tourist products, as well as information and advertising activities as a means of bringing various information about the tourist product to the mass consumer. Given the competitive nature of tourism activities in the supply and demand market, the importance of the development and promotion of a tourism product increases significantly.

Target term paper is to develop tourism product in Anapa, having previously summarized and analyzed the knowledge gained on this issue.

The main task of writing this work is to determine the role of the tourist product in the tourism industry and the impact of a properly designed tour package on the work and creation of a positive image of the tour operator company.

Chapter 1. The concept and structure of the tourist product

1.1. The concept of a tourist product

The success of commercial activities in the tourism market is determined primarily by an attractive tourism product, therefore the main task of a tourism enterprise, in particular a tour operator, is to create an attractive tourism product.

In accordance with federal law No. 132 "On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation” the following definition is given: “A tourist product is the right to a tour intended for sale to a tourist, and a tour is a set of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as services of guides-interpreters and other services provided depending on the goals travels". However, the "right to tour" is a legal category, not an economic one. The tourist product as an economic category has a sufficiently capacious content, so there is still no generally accepted definition of it.

According to one of the approaches, a tourist product should be understood as an aggregated price, pre-sold tourist service, which includes at least two of the following services: a) transportation; b) accommodation; c) other services in the field of tourism, not related to transportation and accommodation, provided that the service covers a period of 24 hours to 6 months in a row or involves more than one overnight stay.

This definition actually reflects the perception of the tourism product by producers, for whom the tourism product is a specific type of service provided. A different perception of the tourism product is inherent in consumers, tourists understand the tourism product more widely than manufacturers. For them, a tourist product is a set of services sold in one package.

Therefore, the following definition is more correct.

Tourist product - a set (complex) of tangible (consumables), intangible (in the form of a service) use values ​​necessary to meet the needs of a tourist that arose during his trip, and the costs associated with its production and sale and forming the price of a tourist product.

It is necessary to distinguish a tourist product from a tourist service. The main difference is that a tourist service can be purchased and consumed at the place of its production, while a tourist product can also be purchased at the place of residence, but consumed only at the place of production of tourist services. Therefore, when purchasing a ticket, you are not yet purchasing tourist services, although you have already paid money, but you are purchasing guarantees of rest. In fact, tourism services are component tourism product.

Unlike tourism services, a tourism product takes the form of a commodity and is characterized by such properties as:

1. use value, that is, utility, or the ability to satisfy certain needs of people. The usefulness of a tourist product is determined by its value for the subject.

Experts have identified several main consumer properties tourism product listed in Table 1.

A tourist product is considered optimal if it takes into account the needs of customers, the subject of service (type of tourism) in terms of content, composition of services, their quantity and order of provision;

2. exchange value characterizes the quantitative relationship in which the use values ​​of a tourist product are exchanged for the use values ​​of other goods.

The main properties of the tourism product

Property Characteristic
Validity The provision of all services must be subject to the Purpose of Travel and related conditions based on the needs of the traveler.
Reliability Compliance with the real content of the product in advertising, the reliability of information
Efficiency Achievement the greatest effect for the tourist at the lowest cost on his part
Integrity The completeness of the product, its ability to fully satisfy the tourist demand
Clarity The consumption of the product, its direction should be clear to both the tourist and the service personnel.
Flexibility The ability of a product and service system to adapt to a different type of customer and be receptive to changing service personnel
Utility The ability to serve the achievement of one or more goals, to satisfy those other needs of tourists

Table 1.

At the heart of any tourism product is the need to satisfy any need. Therefore, the core of the product, its essential side is the so-called design, that is, its focus on solving a specific problem, satisfying a specific need. A real-life tourism product is a specific set of properties that make it possible to realize the idea: to satisfy a certain need of the client. The main properties and characteristics of a tourist product are: quality level, comfort, prestige, economy, safety, impression.

1.2. Tourist product structure

The tourist product with reinforcement characterizes the activities of a tourist enterprise aimed at forming friendly relations with the client, providing him with comprehensive assistance, additional and symbolic benefits. This can be achieved by high level quality, speed of service, advice, information and informal communication.

Tourism product consists of the following three main elements

2. Group tours involve the sale of a pre-planned standard set of services, focused on a certain type of holiday, as well as on the social class of tourists and their age, and sold to tourists in one package. The peculiarities of preparing and conducting this type of tour (a single program for all, strictly linked to the timing and schedule of the trip) do not allow making any changes to the composition of the services offered, so the tourist can either buy it entirely or refuse to purchase it altogether.


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