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All living beings have communication. And communication is the interaction of an organism with an organism, living beings with each other. Types of communication in psychology are classified depending on the goals, means, content that are inherent in this or that interaction.

Basic types of communication

  1. Affordable (verbal and non-verbal communication).
  2. Goals (biological and social).
  3. Content (cognitive, material, conditioning, motivational, activity).
  4. Mediation (direct communication, indirect, indirect, direct).

The classification of types of communication depends on what information they are trying to convey to the listener, for what purpose, etc. and with what exactly.

So, communication by mediation means that communication occurs with the help of natural organs given by nature: vocal cords, head, hands, etc. (direct communication). Communication, which is associated with the use of special tools and means for organizing communicative interaction or cultural objects (radio, sign systems, television), is an indirect communication.

Direct communication is built on the foundation of personal contacts (conversations of people with each other). Indirect is carried out through intermediaries (negotiations between conflicting persons, parties).

Types of communication by means are verbal (interaction through speech) and non-verbal (communication using gestures, facial expressions, through bodily contacts).

Content communication is an exchange of products of activity or an exchange of objects (material). The transfer of any information that improves or develops abilities is cognitive communication. Influencing each other is conditional. Exchange of skills, skills - activity. The transfer of specific attitudes to each other for action is motivational.

Communication by goals - communication, which is associated with the expansion and strengthening of interpersonal contacts (social) and the satisfaction of the needs necessary for the development of the body (biological).

Communication is possible in the case of the use of sign systems. Therefore, the types of communication and means of communication are interconnected. Distinguish non-verbal and verbal means of communication.

The concept of types and functions of communication includes:

  1. Self-expression of the "I".
  2. Means of communication.
  3. The main means of managing people.
  4. A vital need and a guarantee of human happiness.

It should be noted that thanks to reasonable communication, a person is able to increase his own values, make a significant contribution both to his development and to personal development other people.

Types of communication affordable:

  1. verbal communication is carried out through speech and is the prerogative of a person. It provides a person with wide communicative opportunities and is much richer than all types and forms of non-verbal communication, although in life it cannot completely replace it;
  2. non-verbal communication occurs through facial expressions, gestures and pantomime, through direct sensory or bodily contacts (tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person). Non-verbal forms and means of communication are inherent not only to humans, but also to some animals (dogs, monkeys and dolphins). In most cases, non-verbal forms and means of human communication are innate. They allow people to interact with each other, achieving mutual understanding on the emotional and behavioral levels. The most important non-verbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen.

By goals:

  1. biological communication is associated with the satisfaction of basic organic needs and is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body;
  2. social communication is aimed at expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual.
  1. material- the exchange of objects and products of activity, which serve as a means of satisfying their actual needs;
  2. cognitive- the transfer of information that broadens one's horizons, improves and develops abilities;
  3. conditioned- exchange of mental or physiological states, influencing each other, designed to bring a person into a certain physical or mental state;
  4. activity- exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills;
  5. motivational communication consists in the transfer to each other of certain motives, attitudes or readiness for action in a certain direction.

By mediation:

  1. immediate communication - occurs with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc. When the term “direct” is used, they mean face-to-face communication, during which each participant in the process perceives the other and makes contact.;
  2. indirect communication is associated with the use special means and tools for organizing communication and exchanging information (natural (stick, thrown stone, footprint on the ground, etc.) or cultural objects (sign systems, recording symbols on various media, print, radio, television, etc.) This communication in which there are third parties, mechanisms, things (for example, a telephone conversation);
  3. direct communication is built on the basis of personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the act of communication itself (for example, bodily contacts, conversations of people with each other, etc.);
  4. indirect communication occurs through intermediaries, which may be other people (for example, negotiations between conflicting parties at the interstate, international, group, family levels).

Other types of communication:

  1. business communication - communication, the purpose of which is to reach any clear agreement or agreement;
  2. educational communication - involves the targeted impact of one participant on another with a fairly clear idea of ​​the desired result;
  3. diagnostic communication - communication, the purpose of which is to formulate a certain idea about the interlocutor or receive any information from him (such is the communication of a doctor with a patient, etc.);
  4. intimate-personal communication is possible when partners are interested in establishing and maintaining trusting and deep contact, occurs between close people and is largely the result of previous relationships.

Depending on the participants communication is called personal-group, interpersonal, and intergroup communication.

In the primary group, the primary collective, a person communicates with each person. In the course of such paired communication, both personal and group tasks and goals are established. Knowledge of communities about the content of communication or the presence of a third person at the time of communication between two persons changes the picture of communication.

Personal-group communication is more pronounced between the boss and the group or team.

Intergroup communication means the contact of two communities. For example, team battles in sports. the tasks and goals of intergroup communication of teams can often coincide (communication has a peaceful character), or they can differ (conflict communication). Intergroup communication is by no means a faceless, amorphous influence. In this communication, each person is a kind of bearer of a collective task, defends it, and is guided by it.

The time interval of communication has a great influence on its characteristics. It is a kind of catalyst for the ways and semantic content of communication. Of course, it is impossible to know a person in detail in a short time, but there is always an attempt to find out the personality and character traits. Long-term communication is not only the path to mutual understanding, but also the road to satiety. Long-term communication creates a prerequisite for psychological compatibility, or confrontation.

Communication is also divided into finished and unfinished. finished communication can be considered a type of communication that is equally regarded by the participants. At the same time, the assessment of communication captures not only the subjective significance of the final results of communication (satisfaction, indifference, dissatisfaction), but the very fact of completeness, exhaustion.

Along the way unfinished communication, the content of the topic or joint action is not exhausted, not the result that each of the parties pursued. The incompleteness of communication can be caused by objective or subjective reasons. Objective or external causes- separation of people in space, prohibitions, lack of means of communication, and others. Subjective - mutual or unilateral lack of desire to continue communication, awareness of the need to stop it, and others.

Types of communication. Communication is extremely diverse in its forms and types. There are several classifications of communication.

    Material (exchange of objects and products of activity);

    Cognitive (knowledge sharing);

    Conditioning (exchange of physiological and mental states);

    Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs);

    Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills).

By goals:

  • Biological communication is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body;

    Social communication - pursues the goal of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts.


  • Direct (carried out with the help of natural organs);

    Indirect (use of special means and tools for organizing communication and information exchange);

    Direct (personal contacts and direct perception by each other of communicating people in the very act of communication);

    Indirect communication (communication through intermediaries).


  • Business conversation - the content is what people are doing, not the problems that affect their inner world.

    Personal communication.

    Instrumental. It is communication that has some purpose other than getting satisfaction from the act of communication itself.

    verbal communication.

    Non-verbal communication.

    If we take as a basis level of interaction between individuals in the process of communication, they will stand out:

    Person-oriented (interpersonal);

    Socially oriented (the subject of this communication is, as it were, doubled: on the one hand, such communication is carried out by one person as a person, and on the other hand, this or that collective or society as a whole acts as the subject of such communication);

    Subject-oriented communication (the subject is interaction).

    Allocate direct and indirect communication. Immediate communication is historically the first form on the basis of which other types of communication arise in later periods of the development of civilization. This is a natural psychological contact of individuals in the presence of a clear feedback (for example, a conversation, a game, etc.). mediated communication is incomplete mental contact with the help of any devices (for example, talking on the phone, correspondence, etc.).

    There are also interpersonal, group and mass communication. Interpersonal communication - it is direct, more or less constant, regular communication in small groups. The main condition for interpersonal communication is certain knowledge individual characteristics each other as participants in communication, which is possible only on the basis of shared experience, empathy, mutual understanding. Mass communication- these are multiple, usually fleeting direct contacts of people unfamiliar with each other (in a crowd, at work, etc.). Many authors identify mass communication with the concept of mass communication. mass communication- a process close to mediated communication, when messages are not addressed individuals and to large social groups through the media.

E.I. Rogov identifies three main types of communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogic(Rogov E.I., 2002) . imperative communication also called authoritarian or directive. It differs in that one of the partners seeks to subjugate the other, wants to control his behavior and thoughts, forces him to certain actions. At the same time, the communication partner is considered as a machine that must be controlled, as a soulless object of action. The peculiarity of authoritarian influence lies in the fact that the ultimate goal of communication - forcing a partner to do something - is not hidden.

manipulative communication- similar to imperative. Its purpose is to influence the communication partner, but here the achievement of one's intentions is hidden. A partner is perceived as a carrier of certain properties and qualities that we “need” to use. Often a person who chooses this type of relationship with others as the main one ends up becoming its victim himself. Communicating with himself, he begins to evaluate himself as one of the chess pieces on the board, to be guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. Studies show that a manipulator is characterized by deceit and primitive feelings, apathy for life, a state of boredom, excessive self-control, cynicism, distrust of oneself and others. Allocate 4 main types of manipulative systems.

    Active manipulator tries to control others through active methods. As a rule, he uses his social position or rank: parent, teacher or boss. The philosophy of life is to dominate and dominate, by all means.

    passive manipulator is the opposite of active. He pretends to be helpless and stupid, allowing others to think and work for him. Life philosophy - never cause irritation.

    Competitive Manipulator perceives life as a constant tournament, an endless chain of wins and losses. He assigns himself the role of a vigilant fighter. For him, life is a constant battle, and people are rivals and even enemies, real or potential. Life philosophy is to win at any cost.

    Indifferent manipulator plays indifference, indifference. He tries to leave, to distance himself from contacts. His methods are either active or passive. The philosophy of life is to reject caring.

The imperative and manipulative form of communication can be characterized as monologue communication. A person who considers another as an object of his influence, in fact, communicates with himself, with his goals and objectives, not seeing the true interlocutor, ignoring him.

Dialogical communication opposes the authoritarian and manipulative, as it is based on the equality of partners. Dialogical, or so-called humanistic, communication allows you to achieve a deeper mutual understanding, self-disclosure of the interlocutors. Dialogue communication occurs only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

    Psychological attitude to the emotional state of the interlocutor and their own psychological state (following the principle of "here and now");

    Full trust in the intentions of the partner without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

    Perception of the interlocutor as an equal, having the right to their own opinions and decisions (principle of parity);

    The focus of communication on common problems and unresolved issues (the principle of "problematization");

    Appeal to the interlocutor on one's own behalf (without reference to someone else's opinion), expressing one's true feelings and desires (the principle of personifying communication).

Functional communication. This is communication at the level social roles partners (boss and subordinate, teacher - student, seller, buyer). There are certain norms and expectations involved. Role masks communicate. The transition from role-playing to interpersonal communication and vice versa is often used in business contacts.

Interpersonal communication. Actually, almost everything that we are considering here is directly related to this type of communication. It implies (as the most common model) the participation of two people in interpersonal communication, although the minimum total number of participants in the communication is three. The difference between these types of communication is that for the third relationship the other two are objective: he cannot influence them directly, but only through relations with one of them. When two people communicate, the third is always present invisibly or as social norm, or as the opinion of a close friend, or other authority.

Business conversation. It can be easily separated from the functional role. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. There is always a purpose in business communication. It is believed that in business communication the problems to be solved do not affect the interests of the "mask", but the individual himself, and he is mobbed.

Interpersonal communication is extremely multifaceted. But, perhaps, the moments of influence of people on each other are most practically interesting. Psychotherapy and various schools of applied psychology deal with this most seriously. The concept of trust is central here, and trust is not telling someone something in secret, but accepting information from another without a critical filter, without verification. The extreme form of such communication is rapport.

Rapport communication. This is communication with one-sided trust - the patient trusts. Mutual trust is associated with complete mutual freedom, openness and acceptance of everyone as they are. Trust, having arisen and strengthened, tends to deepen: people reveal to each other ever deeper layers of their inner world. Mutual immersion is an emotionally intense process that can greatly change people. It imposes responsibility for the conformity of behavior to the level of depth achieved. Can you really help? If a person trusts you, a sense of responsibility should regulate the available depth of trust. If this is not the case, trust easily turns into betrayal with the corresponding consequences. In this regard, the presence of protective barriers is understandable. One-sided use of barriers occurs with interpersonal protection: one person tries to change the personality of another in order to justify his negative qualities and create psychological comfort for himself in communication.

The orientation in the style of communication can be different - the need for another, self-preoccupation (pliable style); the need to achieve success by controlling others (aggressive style); maintaining emotional distance, independence, solitude (detached style). Also allocate different types orientations: altruistic (benefit and help to others); manipulative (achieving one's own goal); mieeionereky (non-intervention, cautious influence). More about styles: cooperation, compromise, rivalry (I insist on my own), adaptation (I try to maintain relationships); avoidance (of the unpleasant). Communication management can be authoritarian (individual decisions), democratic (group-oriented), liberal (subject to chance) in style.

phases of communication. The most important phase of preparation

if it is possible. Communication must be planned, the right place and time must be chosen, and attitudes must be determined for oneself on the results of communication. The first phase of communication is making contact. Attunement is important here, it is important to feel the state, mood of the partner, get used to it yourself and give the other person the opportunity to navigate. There are techniques for joining a partner (up to imitation of some of his features, detachment of the breathing rhythm, etc.). It is important to position the partner towards you and ensure a smooth start. This period ends with the establishment of psychological contact. Next comes the phase of focusing on something, some problem, the task of the parties and the development of the topic. The next stage is motivational sounding. Its purpose is to understand the motives of the interlocutor and his interests. Then comes the attention maintenance phase. It is necessary to return to the methods of maintaining attention (switching, etc.) repeatedly. Then follows the phase of argumentation and persuasion, if there is a divergence of opinion. And finally, the phase of fixing the result. If the topics are exhausted or the partner shows concern, it is necessary to complete the communication. This is always a critical moment in a relationship; niyakh. Objectively, this is a break, since you will not communicate for some time. It is always necessary to end communication in such a way that there is a possibility of continuation. The very last moment is very important, the last words, glances, handshakes, sometimes they can completely change the result of many hours of conversation. As opposed to a break, the end of a relationship is the end of contact. A gap is always bad: missed opportunities. Once again, let us remind you of the permissible depth of trust in communication - weigh your desires and possibilities in a relationship.

Business communication has its own peculiarities. For any goal, there are always tasks: 1. Evaluate a person from a business point of view. 2. Receive or transmit information. 3. Influence .. on motives and decisions. Ultimately, in any business conversation, it is important to have specific agreements that a person perceives not as imposed by you, but as a result of their own beliefs. What does it mean to evaluate a partner from a business point of view? This means finding out if he can do the job offered, who he is, what his relationship with others is. Going to the specifics, explain the task, check the understanding, understand whether he can evaluate the work in progress and see the result in perspective; whether he is able to evaluate the achieved result; whether he is willing to do the work, what are the motives and whether there are conflicting trends; whether he is capable of more complex work, associated with a greater level of responsibility and freedom ... How many people will be engaged in this work, how much time will he spend on other work.

In any business conversation, three aspects must be kept in mind: business, personal, and dynamics, the spring of conversation development.

Some technical advice. Always set the task specifically - if the proposal is specific, the person is more likely to accept it as his own. To feel the plan of the conversation as a whole - then it will leave the sphere of the conscious and will control. Spend most of your time on the main issue. very carefully consider the choice of place and time, take into account the characteristics of the partner. During the conversation, do not lower the level of goals - the responsibility of the partner will fall. You need to be creative, look for options. The results of the conversation should be recorded in any form together with the interlocutor. As soon as the goal is achieved or the impossibility of a solution is determined, the conversation should be completed. At the same time, be careful not to cross out the results. Be sure to evaluate the conversation for yourself immediately after it ends and then in a more relaxed atmosphere, when the results are determined. Pay attention to whether the conversation was formal or confidential, whether the partner is satisfied, what you are dissatisfied with in yourself, what are the prospects for continuing business and relationships, whether the conditions and plan of the conversation were chosen correctly, what impression did the partner have of you. Remember, communication is a great gift of nature, it is also a weapon and an instrument. You have to be careful with him.

People, according to their attitude to the process of communication, are divided into sociable and shy. F. Zimbardo specifically studied shy people and described this property in detail in his book "Shyness." To be shy means being a person with whom it is "difficult to communicate because of his caution, timidity and incredulity." A snarky person "avoids interaction with certain persons and objects."

Bewilderness can be a mental illness that cripples a person no less than the most serious illness of the body. Its consequences can be devastating.

Anxiety prevents you from meeting new people, making friends, and enjoying potentially pleasurable experiences.

It will keep a person from expressing his opinion and defending his rights.

Your shyness does not give other people the opportunity to positively evaluate your personal merits.

It exacerbates excessive focus on yourself and your behavior.

Confusion makes it difficult to think clearly and communicate effectively.

Confusion is usually accompanied negative experiences loneliness, anxiety, depression.

Being shy means being afraid of people, especially those who are emotionally threatened for some reason: strangers because of their obscurity and uncertainty; superiors,

empowered; Representatives of the opposite sex due to the potential for intimate contact.

Stanford quirkiness questionnaire

Here is a sample questionnaire that has already been completed by over 5,000 people around the world. Fill it out at a fast pace, and then re-read it thoughtfully to see how confusing really defines your life.

1. Do you consider yourself a nerd? 1 = yes; 2 = no.

2. If so, have you always been this way (i.e. were shy before and still are)? 1 = yes; 2 = no.

3. If you answered no to the first question, was there a time in your life when you were shy? 1 = yes; 2 = no.

If you answered "yes" to at least one of the three questions, go ahead.

4. When you are shy, how strong is it?

1 = extremely strong; ;

2 = very strong;

3 = very strong;

4 = moderately strong;

5 = something like embarrassment;

6 = I am only slightly embarrassed.

5. How often do you feel (have you experienced) the feeling of being shy? >

1 = every day;

2 = almost every day;

3 = often, almost every other day;

4 = once or twice a week;

5 = sometimes - less than once a week;

6 = rarely - once a month or less often.

6. Compared to people in your circle, gender, age, how shy are you?

1 = much more confusing;

2 = more shy;

3 = about as vague;

4 = less obnoxious;

5 = Significantly less opaque.

7. How desirable is it for you to be cheesy?

1 = highly undesirable;

2 = undesirable;

3 = don't care;

4 = desirable;

5 = highly desirable.

8. Is (was) shyness a personal problem for you?

1 = yes, often;

2 = yes, sometimes;

3 = yes, occasionally;

5 = never.

9. When experiencing shyness, can you hide it so that others don't see you as shy?

1 = yes, always;

2 = sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't;

3 = no, I usually can't hide it.

10. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

1 = pronounced introvert;

2 = moderate introvert;

3 = slightly introverted;

4 = neutral;

5 = slightly extroverted;

6 = moderate extrovert;

(11 - 19) Which of the following could be causing you to be shy? Note what concerns you.

11. Opaee that I will be negatively evaluated.

12. Fear of being rejected.

13. Lack of self-confidence.

14. Lack of social navshas, ​​namely: …………………………

15. Fear of close relationships.

16. Propensity for solitude.

17. Asocial interests, hobbies, etc.

18. Own imperfection, shortcomings, namely …………………

19. Other, namely: ………………………………………………

(20 - 27) Perception of being shy. Do the people named below think you are shy? How silly do you think they think you are? Answer, I use the following points:

1 = extremely shy;

2 = very shy;

3 = very shy;

4 = moderately shady;

5 = somewhat opaque;

6 = slightly shady;

7 = unobtrusive;

8 = they don't know;

9 = I don't know their opinion.

20. Your mother?

21. Your father?

22. Your brothers and sisters?

23. Close friends?

24. Your spouse (or intimate friend, girlfriend)?

25. Your classmates?

26. What is your current partner?

27. Teachers or supervisors, colleagues who know you well?

28. When deciding to call yourself a nerd, what guided you?

1 = you are shy (or you were shy) always and under all circumstances;

2 = you are (or were) retarded in more than 50% of situations, i.e. more often than not;

3 = you are (or have been) shy only occasionally, but in situations that are important enough for you, so that you can therefore be considered shy.

29. Has your shyness ever been taken for some other trait;| for example, indifference, coldness, indecision?

Namely: ………………………………………………….

30. Do you ever get shy when you are alone?

32. If yes, please indicate when, how and why …………………………….

(33 - 36) What makes you shy?

33. If you are currently experiencing or have experienced in the past feelings of confusion, please indicate what situations, activities, or types of people cause them. (Check all the boxes one way or another.) Situations and activities that make me confusing:

any situations of communication; large groups of people;

small groups performing joint activities (for example, a workshop in a classroom, a team at work);

small groups of people communicating (for example, at parties, at dances); one-on-one communication with a member of the same gender; one-on-one communication with a Representative of the opposite sex; situations in which I am vulnerable (for example, when asking for help); situations in which I take a lowered position compared to others (for example, when I turn to superiors); situations requiring the assertion of their rights (for example, when you have to complain about poor service or poor quality of goods); situations when I am in the center of attention of a large group of people (for example, I am making a report);

situations where I am in the center of attention of a small group of people (for example, when someone introduces me or asks for my opinion); situations where I am judged or compared to others (for example, when I am interviewed or criticized); any new social contacts; the probability of e-exual proximity;

34. Now go back to the previous question and for each situation note whether it has caused you to be confused during the last month; 0 = yes, to a large extent;

2 = yes, to a large extent;

3 = generally yes;

4 = only slightly;

5 = definitely not.

35. Types of people that make me shy: my parents; my brothers and sisters; other relatives; friends; Strangers;

elderly people (significantly older than me); children (much younger than me); a group of Representatives of the opposite sex;

Representative of the opposite sex one on one; Representative of my gender one on one.

36. Now, please, go back to the previous question and note if you have had shyness during the last month when meeting this category of people: 0 = during the last month - no, but it happened before;

1 = yes, to a large extent;

2 = yes, to a large extent;

3 = generally yes;

4 = only slightly.

(37 - 40) Reaction related to blurryness

37. On the basis of what do you conclude that you are experiencing shyness?

1 = based on thoughts, experiences and similar internal symptoms;

2 = based on their actions in this situation;

3 = based on both internal sensations and external reactions.

Physical reactions

38. If you experience or have experienced confusion, which of these physical reactions are characteristic of this condition of yours? Put 0 against those that are not significant, rank the rest from 1 (most typical, frequently occurring, severe) and above 2 - less frequent, etc. reddening of the face; increased heart rate; rumbling in the stomach; tinnitus; strong heartbeat; dry mouth; hand trembling; increased sweating; weakness; other (please specify)………………………………………

Thoughts and feelings

39. What are the specific thoughts and feelings that are characteristic of your experience of being shy? Put 0 against those that are not typical for you, rank the rest from 1 (most typical, frequent and strong) and higher (less typical). Several points can be marked with the same score.

Positive thoughts (for example, self-satisfaction); no special thoughts (for example, empty dreams, thoughts "about nothing"); self-centeredness (for example, extreme concern with one's own change, with one's every step);

thoughts focused on the unpleasant aspects of the situation (for example, the thought that my situation is terrible, that I would like to be out of it);

distraction-oriented thoughts (for example, about something else to do, that an unpleasant situation will end soon); negative thoughts about yourself (for example, feeling that I am stupid, inferior, etc.); thinking about how others evaluate me (for example, thinking about what others think of me); thoughts about my behavior (for example, what impression I will make and how to improve it) ...


40. If you experience or have experienced sensations of obscurity, then in what external actions does this manifest itself, so that others can understand

what are you zaetenki? Put 0 for those you don't like

and rank the rest from 1 (most typical, frequent and strong)

and above (less frequent and strong). The same score can

mark a few points;

I speak very softly;

I avoid people unable to look into the eyes;

I am silent (I cannot speak);

I stutter

I talk nonsense;

avoid doing anything

I try to hide

other, namely ………………………………………………

41. What are the negative consequences of ambiguity? (Check those that apply to you.) None.

Arise social problems; it is difficult to meet people and make friends, enjoy communication. Negative emotions arise - feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression. Concealment prevents others from evaluating me positively (for example, my accomplishments go unnoticed because of conjecture).

It is difficult to achieve one's own, express one's own opinion, use the opportunities that are presented. My shyness encourages others to evaluate me negatively (for example, I may be unfairly seen as unfriendly or arrogant).

Difficulties arise in mutual understanding and cognitive processes (for example, in public I cannot think clearly and express my feelings). Obsession provokes a deepening in oneself.

42. What are the positive consequences of being confusing? (Check what applies to you.) None.

It becomes possible to give the impression of a modest person, immersed in himself.

Integrity avoids conflicts. Being shy is a convenient form of self-defense.

There is an opportunity to look at others from the outside, to behave in a balanced and reasonable way.

Negative assessments from others are excluded (for example, a shy person is not considered obsessive, aggressive, pretentious). Being shy allows me to choose among the likely social partners those who are more attractive to me. It is possible to retire and enjoy loneliness.

In interpersonal relationships, shyness keeps you from hurting or hurting the other person.

43. Do you think that your shyness can be overcome?

3 = not sure.

44. Are you ready for some serious work on yourself to get rid of your shyness?

1 = yes, definitely;

2 = probably yes;

3 = not sure yet;

Communication levels

Communication can be viewed at various levels. It all depends on what is taken as a basis. That is why there are many classifications of communication levels.

B. Lomov identifies the following levels of communication:

  • macro level (a person communicates with other people according to traditions, customs, social relations that have developed);
  • mesa level (communication takes place within the framework of a meaningful topic);
  • micro level (this is an act of contact: question - answer).

Each of these levels can manifest itself in different situations and in different areas: business, interpersonal, role-playing, etc. In particular, it is one thing when partners act as equal participants in communication, and quite another if one of them feels a certain dependence, and especially if inequality begins to manifest itself in the form of pressure, aggression, intimidation, etc.

The American psychotherapist and psychoanalytic theorist E. Bern distinguishes the following levels of communication, or ways of structuring time: rituals(communication norms), passing time(entertainment), games, closeness and activity. Each of these levels has its own means of communication.

Analyzing the features of the dialogue, A. Dobrovich proposes to distinguish seven levels of communication: conventional, primitive, manipulative-effective, standardized, playful, business and spiritual.

  • the first phase - focus on the partner;
  • the second is the mental reflection of the partner;
  • the third - informing the partner;
  • the fourth - disconnection from the partner, if the motives with him have disappeared, or a return to the second phase, if they are preserved.

Given the fact that the partners act in contact, the scientist calls the first phase of the communicative act mutual orientation, the second - mutual reflection, the third - mutual informing, the fourth - mutual disconnection.

Conventional level characterized by the fact that a person either feels the need for contact and an attitude to external communication arises in him, which is aggravated by the fact that there is a real partner, or the person does not feel such a need, but since he was contacted, he encourages himself to switch to someone who turned to him.

Under the condition of contact, the individual accepts in advance the fact that he will be either a listener or a speaker, because by stimulating someone to talk, one should provide him with equal opportunities in communication. At the same time, it is important to catch the actual role of the partner, as well as one's own actual role through his eyes. In other words, it is necessary to establish what role expectations the partners have for each other.

However, each of the partners has the right to confirm or not confirm these expectations. Thus, mutual information can take the form confrontations or congruences(mutual agreement). If the participants choose confrontation, then communication gradually fades away, leaving the partners the right to their own opinion. If they choose the path of congruence, i.e. confirm mutual role expectations, then this necessarily leads to a growing disclosure of their “role fan” (a set of psychological roles that a person performs when interacting with another person) by each of the partners.

However, at the end of the conversation, each of the partners takes care not to impose his persona on the other. Of course, contact at the conventional level requires partners to have a high culture of communication and can be considered optimal for solving personal and interpersonal problems. Real practice communication gives levels that are above and below the conventional level. A. Dobrovich calls the lowest level of communication primitive, and between the primitive and conventional levels there are two more: manipulative and standardized.

Characteristics of a person who descends to primitive level of communication, can be denoted as follows: for him, the interlocutor is not a partner, but a necessary or unnecessary object, it follows that the actual role of the partner is not captured by the subject. Therefore, perception patterns are launched, with the help of which it is possible to describe this “object”, for example, whether it is big or small, what clothes it has, age, etc. These external signs are extremely important, because if, for example, the interlocutor is small, you can not stand on ceremony with him, but confidently take a position “from above”.

That is, the subject expresses his sympathy to those who like him, and does not sympathize with those who do not like him. Of course, if a confrontation took place during the exchange of information, then the subject ends contact with a weak interlocutor with quarrels and ridicule, and with a strong interlocutor - apologies and threats (threats are made when the partner has moved a dangerous distance. In the case of congruence, the subject received what was required from the interlocutor and does not hide his boredom.

Subject who chooses manipulative level of communication, in its approaches to another partner is close to a primitive participant in the dialogue, and in its performance capabilities it approaches the conventional level of communication. general characteristics manipulator has the following form: for him, a partner is an opponent in a game that must be won. At the same time, winning means a benefit: if not material or life, then at least psychological.

Standardized level of communication very different from the primitive and manipulative levels of communication, but "does not reach" the conventional one, for the reason that real role interaction does not occur at this level. The very name of the level suggests that communication here takes place according to certain standards, and not according to the mutual capture by partners of each other's actual roles. In other words, we are talking about the “contact of masks”: “mask of zero” (I don’t touch you - you don’t touch me), “tiger mask” (aggressiveness mask), “hare mask” (so as not to incur the wrath or ridicule of others ) and etc.

Game level of communication located "above" conventional. It is endowed with the fullness and humanity of the latter, but surpasses it in the depth of content and richness of shades. People reach this level only with those whom they know at least a little and for whom there is a certain feeling - if not mutual, then such that it is not overshadowed by disappointments.

In the phase of focusing on a partner, there is a keen interest in the personal characteristics of the interlocutor, in his “role fan”, imbued with sympathy for the person. In the partner's reflection phase, a heightened perception of his "role fan" occurs. In the phase of informing the partner, the subject tries to be interesting to his partner, and therefore he spontaneously "plays" in order to "have an interesting look." You can react in different ways: joyfully perceive the interlocutor's judgments, do not destroy the contact (such is the congruence), or go to a confrontation with a partner, pinch him, make him angry, surprised, etc.

According to external signs, “game” - confrontation is similar to manipulation, however, the sensations that the subject has for a partner differ significantly: the manipulator is indifferent or unkind to another, winning and self-assertion are an end in itself for him, the partner’s chagrin only pleases him, and the “player” builds contact to the indifference of another interlocutor. In the fourth phase - mutual exclusion - everything is clear to partners without words, that is, there is no need for mutual performance of farewell rituals. As a rule, in communication at the game level, partners "get bogged down one in one", in their contact there is a "second plan" - something that is felt, but not called words.

Business level communication provides for not ordinary business contacts, but a type of human occupation. Therefore, real business contacts do not necessarily take place at this level, they often take the form of communication at a manipulative or standardized level.

Features proper business communication are clearly seen during the analysis of the contact phases. The first phase (focus on the partner) is characterized by the fact that the partner is of particular interest to the interlocutor as a participant joint activities like a person who can help. The second phase (mutual reflection) shows the sensitivity of the partners to each other, the sharpness of perception on both sides of the mental and business activity of the interlocutors, their involvement in solving a common problem.

It is in such conditions that people stop thinking about what kind they have and reveal their individual roles, the main thing is the case. This is also important in the third phase - mutual information. The fourth phase is characterized by external dryness, behind which internal warmth is felt.

In general, communicating at a business level, people take out of contacts not only certain “fruits” of joint activities, but also a stable sense of trust and mutual affection. And if communication at the game level is predominantly festive, then at the business level it is much more serious, deeper and at the same time distinguishes everyday life.

Spiritual Level considered the most high level human communication, because at this level the partner is perceived as the bearer of the spiritual principle, which awakens high feelings: from friendship to the opportunity to get closer to the highest values ​​of humanity. At the same time, spirituality is provided not by the selection of topics for conversation, but by the depth of the dialogical penetration of people into each other's thoughts, i.e. a conversation on an everyday topic can be more spiritual than a conversation about literature.

In general, summing up the analysis of levels, it should be emphasized that in real interaction communication does not occur at one level or jumps from one to another.

Communication styles

The individuality of a person in relations with other people determines his style of communication, which is commonly understood as a system of principles, norms, methods, methods of interaction and behavior of an individual. The style of communication is most clearly manifested in business and professional field, in relationships between business partners or between a leader and a subordinate. That is why the problem of style is better explored in the field of leadership - leadership.

The classification of K. Levin is well-known, he identified three styles of leadership (leadership):

  • authoritarian(hard methods of management, determination of the entire strategy of the group, termination of the initiative and discussion of decisions made, sole decision-making, etc.);
  • democratic(collegiality, encouragement of initiative);
  • liberal(relinquishment of control, removal from leadership).

According to these leadership styles - leadership and communication styles are described.

According to authoritarian style the leader makes all decisions individually, gives orders, makes instructions. He always accurately determines the "limits of competence" of each, that is, he rigidly determines the rank of partners and subordinates. With an authoritarian style of communication, decisions made at the top of the hierarchy come down in the form of directives (which is why this style is often called directive). At the same time, the leader (manager) does not like directives to be subject to discussion: they, in his opinion, must undeniably be carried out.

The leader also remains in the role of the prerogative to control and evaluate the effectiveness of activities. Managers (leaders) with this style of communication, as a rule, have an overestimated self-esteem, self-confidence, aggressiveness, a tendency to stereotypes in communication, a black-and-white perception of subordinates and their actions. People with an authoritarian style of interaction have a dogmatic mindset in which only one answer is correct (mostly the opinion of the leader), and all others are wrong. So, discussing with such a person, discussing her decisions is a waste of time, because the initiative of others is not encouraged by such a person.

Concerning democratic style communication, then it is characterized by collegial decision-making, encouraging the activity of participants in the communication process, broad awareness of all those involved in the discussion about the problem being solved, about the implementation of the tasks and goals.

All this contributes to the fact that each of the participants in communication voluntarily takes responsibility for the task and realizes its importance in achieving common purpose. At the same time, the participants in the discussion of the problem, in a democratic style of interaction, are not only executors of other people's decisions, but people who have their own values ​​and interests, show their own initiative. That is why this style contributes to the growth of interlocutors' initiative, the number of creative non-standard solutions, and the improvement of the moral and psychological climate in the group.

Thus, if for authoritarian style communication is characterized by the allocation of one's "I", then the leader-democrat takes into account in interaction with others their individual psychological properties, studies their needs, interests, reasons for the decline or increase in activity at work, determines the means of influence, etc., i.e. . actualizes "We" in establishing social and business contacts.

At liberal communication style feature is the slight activity of the leader, who may not be a leader. Such a person discusses problems formally, is subject to various influences, does not show initiative in joint activities, and often is unwilling or unable to make any decisions.

A leader with a liberal communication style is characterized in interaction with others by shifting production functions on their shoulders, by the inability to influence its result in the process of business interaction, tries to avoid any innovations. About a liberal person, one can say that in communication he “goes with the flow”, often persuades his interlocutor. In the end, with a liberal style of interaction, a situation becomes typical when active and creatively oriented employees begin to use workplace and time for activities not related to the common cause.

Other names are used to describe these styles:

  • directive (command-administrative, authoritarian, in which a person, in interaction with others, is a supporter of unity of command, subordination of their own will, their orders, rules, instructions);
  • collegial (democratic, for which a person takes into account independence, initiative, activity of others in communication, trusts them);
  • liberal (in which a person practically does not control the situation of communication, does not show communicative abilities, indulges in other things, if he discusses the problem, then formally);

As you can see, each person develops certain stereotypes of interaction with others, which determine her style of communication.

There are a number of studies that indicate a certain relationship between the style of communication, the type of human behavior, his attitude to activities and the socio-cultural characteristics of interaction:

  • style reflects the established ways of activity of a certain type of person, it is closely related to the psychological characteristics of his thinking, decision-making, manifestation of communicative properties, etc.;
  • communication style is not an innate quality, but is formed in the process of interaction and changes, so it can be adjusted and developed;
  • description and classification of communication styles to a certain extent reproduce the content of the characteristics of the business sphere: the specifics of the tasks, relationships, etc.;
  • socio-economic, political, socio-psychological and other external factors affect the nature of the formation of communication style;
  • the style of communication is determined by the cultural values ​​of the immediate environment, its traditions, established norms of behavior, etc.

Regarding the last feature, here we are talking about the connection of the style of communication with the national culture. The practice of interpersonal interaction shows that communication styles that are effective in one culture may not work in another. This is especially true for the business sector. Therefore, when establishing business contacts, one should take into account the fact that business people brought up in different national traditions and conditions hold different opinions regarding behavior and establishing social contacts.

Communication style has both an objective and a subjective basis. On the one hand, it depends on moral norms, socio-cultural, socio-economic and political factors, the existing system of relations, and on the other hand, on the personal characteristics of a person.

In the field of management today there are several approaches to the analysis of leadership styles, and hence - communication styles associated with a certain ratio of subjective and objective in the process of establishing business contacts.

Regarding the first approach, it relies mainly on the structure personal and business qualities leader. That is, each leader is an individual in the sense that he has a unique combination of the manifestation of individual structural components of personal and business qualities.

In accordance with this approach, two classifications have been created: on the basis of the first one, the structures "head - political leader", "specialist", "organizer", "mentor", "comrade" are distinguished, which are harmoniously combined in an ideal management system, and on the basis of the second - in the management process, authoritarian, collegial and liberal styles guides.

The desired effect can be achieved if the leader knows how to apply a style that is adequate to the situation. As for the second approach, it relies on objective factors in management, in connection with which there are business, sociable and office styles.

AT depending on the orientation of the personality communication styles are divided into: executive(human orientation to official subordination and interpersonal contacts) and initiative(orientation of a person to work and to himself).

When the interlocutor seeks to achieve success in communication and activities by controlling others, his style is called aggressive. If in a conversation a person maintains an emotional distance, independence in communication, her style is characterized as aloof.

Allocate also altruistic(desire to help others) manipulative(achievement of own goals), missionary(careful impact on the other) communication styles.

In conditions when a communication partner shows attention to another partner, his style is considered attentive. An attentive communication style can have the following features: expressing gratitude to another in a tactful manner, showing attention to the interlocutor's personal problems, the ability to listen to a partner and sympathize with him, willingness to help, etc.

In the modern business sphere of communication, the so-called transformational style. Business people who profess this style appeal to the high ideals and moral values ​​of the interlocutors, stimulating them to change their preliminary goals, needs and efforts.

Ways of communication and behavior of business people are built in such a way as to demonstrate their confidence in the conversation, to be an example for subordinates, to inspire them to achieve their goals. In general, the style of communication usually remains constant in certain situations, but if circumstances change, then adaptation, transition to another style or combination of styles is possible.

Most people have a dominant style as well as one or more alternates that show up when the main style can't be applied. However, none of the communication styles mentioned here is universal. In some cases, altruism, counseling or manipulation can be effective, in other circumstances - delegation, alienation or authoritarianism.

Types of communication

To characterize the features of communication in social psychology, the concept of "type of communication" is also used.

The following types are known and described in the scientific literature:

  • mentoring type of communication, which is based on the principle of strict subordination of one interlocutor to another, focused on teaching, instruction. In our time of renewal and democratization of public life, humanization of relations for the participants in the interaction, this type of communication becomes especially unacceptable, because it suppresses the activity of one of the interlocutors, causes a negative attitude towards each other, leads to a deterioration in the moral and psychological nature of relations;
  • "informative" type of communication aimed at conveying certain information. The "informative" type of communication in the modern communicative process is not effective enough, because simple relaying of information leads to the passivity of its perception, does not create conditions for the exchange of opinions, independent search for ways to solve problems based on scientific methodology;
  • "inspired" communication is considered a real indicator of a high culture of contacts. This type of communication, characteristic of a democratic style of interaction, is distinguished by the active participation of each of the participants in the communication process, the ability of partners to be exacting at the same time as justice, the ability to maintain a conversation, listen to an opponent, etc. That is why the principles of this type of communication are interchangeability, mutual assistance, cooperation and dialogue;
  • "confrontational" type of communication, which is now becoming didactically necessary, since it encourages discussion, dialogue with opponents. At the same time, only a person is able to express and consolidate with words and gestures the content of his feelings and thoughts, to call them various phenomena and objects. Thanks to this, he creates a certain communicative space in which his inner, spiritual world and the external, objective world unite and coexist.

A distinction is usually made between verbal and non-verbal means of communication. The main, universal verbal means of human communication is language (oral and written).

Language is the basis of the culture of the people, a boundless inexhaustible ocean of universal human experience. Emphasizing the importance of language in human life, folk wisdom puts it next to other unconditional values, such as freedom, goodness, etc.

The native language as a means of communication connects us not only with the present, but also with the past and future - all generations of our people. That is why as long as the language exists, the people also live, and its disappearance would lead to the loss of historical memory and the disappearance of the nation, its dissolution among other human communities.

Of course, knowing not only your own, but also other languages ​​means having access to the cultural traditions of other nations, greatly expanding the boundaries of your communication.

It is known that no, even the best translation can convey the whole gamut of feelings and thoughts embodied in the works of Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Balzac, Pushkin and other outstanding masters of the word, thanks to which there is communication and mutual enrichment of different national cultures over the centuries and even millennia.

So it is not by chance that so many inspired poetic lines in world, Russian and Ukrainian literature are dedicated to the native language, reverence and glorification of its greatness and beauty.

Language is a phenomenon not only linguistic, but also psychological, aesthetic and social. That is why people have long noticed the various qualities of the language and tried to explain them using words such as “correct”, “beautiful”, “accessible”, etc. For example, Cicero believed that the speaker would only arouse the admiration of the audience when his speech was pure clear and beautiful. During communication, the language develops and improves. So the form of its existence is broadcasting, i.e. the act of an individual using a language to communicate.

In order to more clearly understand the communicative qualities of speech and thinking, it is necessary to find out what it relates to and how this relationship can be used to describe the whole gamut of those meanings of communication that are hidden in it.

First of all, speech is correlated with a person, so it should be accessible both to the one who speaks and to the recipient of information. The most important is the fact of the correlation of language with the sign mechanism of communication. However, this evidence does not yet mean that we see and understand all the components of this ratio. We are talking about the fact that speech is built from a set and a system of sign units of communication, obeys the laws of this system, but it is not equal to it. In language, sign units of communication receive choice, repetition, placement, combination and transformation.

That is, the one who speaks or writes is forced by the very tasks and possibilities of communication to select, repeat, place, combine and transform from a large number of words and other units those of them that correspond to the situation of speech.

Questions arise: How do these actions affect the communicative properties of the language and the one who currently uses it? Can the one who speaks convince the interlocutor with the help of the chosen system of sign units of communication? Can the interlocutors achieve the goal of communication that they have chosen a certain sign communication mechanism? How does the combination and transformation of linguistic signs affect the result of communication? In the answers to the questions posed, there is an existing connection between the communicative qualities of a person’s speech and its correctness (observance of the norms of the literary language), purity (the absence of extraneous words in the literary language) and wealth (the use of various linguistic signs), which in turn are the key to the effectiveness of communication.

Language and thinking are constantly interconnected: with the help of language, a person’s thought is reproduced and it is formed in speech. This ratio makes it possible to comprehend such qualities of speech as its accuracy (meanings of words in relation to the content and volume of the concepts expressed) and consistency (the connection of the meanings inherent in words, phrases and sentences included in the structure of speech does not contradict the laws of logic, the laws of thinking).

Language expresses and transmits not only thoughts, but also feelings, the will of people, those states of consciousness that can be called the aesthetic experiences of the individual. Language that affects the mind and the emotional sphere of consciousness, maintains the attention and interest of the interlocutor or reader, is usually called expressive. And if at the same time concrete-sensory ideas about reality are formed, then we are talking about figurative speech.

Finally, the fact of the relationship between the language and the conditions of communication, that is, the place, time, genre, tasks of the communicative process, is irrefutable.

Natural speech is universal for communication, with the help of which almost everything can be expressed - from an obscure feeling that is being born, to the very idea and concepts.

A living natural language reflects the soul of the person who communicates, it is full of sounds, wins with colors, smiling or gloomy, invisible, like the sea - it all glitters and shimmers under the sun of our "I".

According to the language of a person, one can determine his ethnic and social affiliation. Natural speech can be colloquial or literary, where the first is a living language of everyday communication, which does not always correspond to generally accepted linguistic norms and incorporates dialect and jargon expressions that are used only in a certain area or by representatives of a certain profession or type of activity, and the second is it is natural speech, processed by masters of the word, generally accepted in the country, it meets certain standards and is evidence of linguistic culture.

Along with the natural language, the so-called artificial languages ​​are an important means of communication: Morse code, the language of the deaf, various ciphers, etc. Often, an artificial language is used in science, for example, various special terms and concepts, mathematical and chemical formulas, conventional geographical designations, etc. P. That is why mastering the language of a particular science is a necessary pass to its temple. Artificial languages ​​also include computer languages, thanks to which a person communicates with a computer in the virtual space of the Internet.

Commonly used in interpersonal communication written and spoken language.

Written speech is a kind of language that makes it possible to communicate with interlocutors: both those who are contemporaries of the one who writes, and those who will live after him. Her role becomes decisive in those situations where accuracy and responsibility for every word are needed.

In order to successfully use the written language, you need to constantly enrich your vocabulary, because the richer and more diverse the vocabulary of a person, the richer and more diverse his speech. Written speech is carried out in the form of writing and reading what is written.

Oral speech is a kind of speech that is perceived by other interlocutors by ear. In contrast to writing, oral speech is more economical, i.e. For the oral transmission of any thought, fewer words are needed than for written communication.

In non-verbal communication, a system of signs is used, which differ from linguistic means and the form of their detection. In the process of interaction, verbal and non-verbal means can strengthen or weaken each other's action.

The language of non-verbal communication is the language of feelings, not just gestures. No wonder they say that silence is gold, and the word is silver, i.e. Silence is sometimes more eloquent than words. Or, for example, a glance through the eyes: with its help, one realizes that layer of information and those features of communication that are difficult to convey in verbal language.

So, we can agree with V. Labunskaya who emphasizes the complexity of the phenomenon, which is the concept of "non-verbal communication". Defining it, the scientist understands it as such a type of communication, which is characterized by the use of non-verbal behavior and non-verbal communications as the main means of transmitting information, organizing interaction, forming an image, the concept of a partner, exercising influence on another person.

It follows from this that non-verbal means are not only polyfunctional, but are also the subject of consideration in various areas of communication psychology: as a communicative phenomenon, as an object of social perception (from Latin Perceptio - perception), as a type of interaction.

The concept of "non-verbal communication" is broader than the concept of "non-verbal communications" and "non-verbal behavior". In turn, the concept of "non-verbal behavior" is broader than "non-verbal communications".

Defining the concept " non-verbal communications”, the researcher draws attention to the fact that it is a system of symbols, signs, gestures used to convey a particular message, which are alienated to one degree or another and independent of the psychological and socio-psychological properties of a person, have a fairly clear range of meanings and can be described as linguistic sign systems.

As for the notion of nonverbal behavior”, then it, like behavior in general, is a combination of individual, personal forms of behavior with group, sociocultural ones, it is characterized by the unity of non-intentional ones (from Latin Intentio - aspiration, impulse, direction of thinking, consciousness on some subject), non-conventional (from lat. conventio - deal, contract), unconscious movements with conscious, directed, those that have clear semantic boundaries.

The basis of non-verbal behavior is based on various movements (gestures, facial expressions, eye expressions, postures, intonation-rhythmic characteristics of the voice, touch), which are associated with changes in a person’s mental states, his attitude towards a partner, with the situation of interaction and communication.

It's about individual nonverbal behavior and non-verbal behavior of a group of persons, which is recorded as a set of non-verbal interactions (from the English. Interaction - interaction). The basis for the emergence of non-verbal interaction is the mechanisms of coordination, adjustment, transfer of programs of non-verbal behavior.

The problem of communication is traditionally in the sphere of attention of social psychologists due to its importance in all spheres of human life and social groups. Broadly speaking, communication can be defined as the process of interconnection and interaction of social subjects (personalities). characterized by the exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills, as well as the results of activities.

In a narrower psychological sense, communication is understood as the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems.

keywords in understanding the essence of communication are the following: contact, communication, interaction, exchange, method of unification. Contact, that is, contact, is carried out through language and speech. Speech is the main means of communication. It can be considered as the objectification of human consciousness through a sign system. Speech is carried out through a language - a sign system that encodes information in one form or another. Any contact involves feedback.

Allocate various types of communication:

1. Direct communication - it is direct natural communication "face to face", when the subjects of interaction are face to face and communicate through speech and non-verbal means. Direct communication is the most complete type of interaction. Direct communication can be formal and interpersonal, it can be carried out between two subjects and simultaneously between several subjects in a group. However, direct communication is real only for a small group, that is, one in which all subjects of interaction personally know each other. In any case, direct communication is two-way and is characterized by full and prompt feedback.

2. mediated or indirect communication occurs in situations where individuals are separated from each other by time or distance, for example, the communication of subjects occurs by telephone or by writing - some means of communication. Mediated communication is an incomplete psychological contact: Feedback here it is difficult or remote, a person does not receive complete information.

3. A special type of communication is mass communication. It represents multiple contacts of strangers, as well as communication mediated various types mass media. Mass communication can be direct and mediated. Direct mass communication occurs at large meetings, rallies, demonstrations, in all large social groups: crowd, public, audience, mass. Mediated mass communication is most often one-sided and is associated with mass culture and mass communication.

By appointment, the following can be distinguished communication features:

1. The pragmatic (business) function of communication is realized when people interact in the process of joint activities.

2. The formative function is manifested in the process of formation and change of the mental image of a person. At the early stages of development, the child's behavior, activity, attitude to the world is mediated by communication with an adult. Then the external, mediated forms of interaction between the child and the adult are transformed into internal mental functions and processes and independent external activity of the child.

3. The confirmation function - a person in the process of communication gets the opportunity to know, approve or confirm himself. Wanting to establish himself in his existence and his value, a person is looking for a foothold in other people.

4. The function of organizing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Perceiving people and maintaining various relationships with them (from intimate to business) is associated with evaluating people and establishing positive and negative emotional relationships.

5. The intrapersonal function of communication is realized in a person's communication with himself (through internal or external speech, built according to the type of dialogue).

Types of communication are determined, in turn, by the general culture of the interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, the peculiarities of the situation, social control, and many other factors.

ritual communication. Often communication begins with a ritual (greeting, beginning of a lesson, training). There are complex, detailed forms of rituals (admission of a child to first graders, congratulations to the hero of the day, defense of a diploma). Thanks to the ritual, a person receives confirmation of his belonging to a group, involvement in a group situation, basic acceptance from the referent people.

monologue communication. In the presence of two or more communicating people, in fact, communicates with himself, not seeing the true interlocutor. The other person is perceived as a reflection of their intentions and desires, as a means to achieve their goals. In essence, he is only an object of influence on the part of a more active partner (the subject of communication), so this type of communication can be called subject-object. It can be divided into two sublevels: imperative manipulative communication.

1 Imperative communication is an authoritarian, directive form in order to achieve control over the behavior of a partner, his attitudes, thoughts. Communication is carried out through orders, instructions, requirements. Final goal such communication - the coercion of a partner - is not veiled. At 2 manipulative communication the impact on the communication partner in order to achieve their intentions is carried out covertly. Manipulation is completely permitted in politics, ideology, propaganda, business and business relations, as well as in effective learning technologies, oratory techniques, flirting. Dialogue communication - this is an equal communication of two subjects, which aims at mutual knowledge and self-knowledge (subject-subject communication). It represents the discovery by a person of some other reality, different from himself, and above all the reality of another person, his thoughts, feelings, ideas about the world. M. M. Bakhtin, who developed the idea of ​​dialogism as a principle of interaction, meaning the equality of consciousness in relation to truth, noted: “To be means to communicate dialogically.” Similar to the dialogic concept of humanistic communication, more accepted in the Western psychological tradition. It is possible under the following conditions:

The congruence of communication partners, which allows them to behave in accordance with their true experiences, since they are adequately recognized by the person himself and accepted by him as having the right to exist (the "here and now" principle)

Communication is conducted by a partner on his own behalf, he shows his opinions, feelings, desires (personification of communication)

The communication partner is perceived as a whole person, without division into necessary and unnecessary qualities (non-judgmental perception of the partner's personality)

The partner is perceived as equal, having the right to his own opinions and decisions (equality of partners)

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication is changing not only due to the constant improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some of the social functions of a person as an individual, personality. Features of communication in the modern world are associated with the values ​​that social control brings to the life of each person, and with a change in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture. If a few centuries ago direct communication between people prevailed, then the last century has made mass and direct communication dominant. As for direct interaction, the number of forced contacts between people has increased. This is especially noticeable in large cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts of complete strangers with each other. The peculiarity of such contacts lies in their multiplicity and superficiality, which are not criteria for high-quality communication.

In recent decades, various learning communication technologies have become popular. People are increasingly realizing that many of their problems stem from their inability to communicate. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of means of communication and diverse channels of information, leads to conflict between form. means of communication and its content, depth. FROM On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those with objects. who are far from it, on the other hand, the improvement of communication facilities does not ensure the quality and depth of communication.

Many mass media create the illusion of communication. Working at a computer or watching television programs contributes to the development of a sense of interaction with other people. Share increase quasi-communication(imaginary, imaginary, apparent) in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication. It is clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the proportion of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and direct communication reduces its quality everywhere.

22. Theoretical and applied tasks of social psychology.

Such an extensive discussion about the subject of social psychology is the fate of most sciences that arise at the junction of various disciplines. In the same way, the outcome of discussions in all these cases does not necessarily lead to the development of a precise definition. However, they are still extremely necessary because, firstly, they help to outline the range of tasks solved by this science, and, secondly, they pose unresolved problems more clearly, making them aware of their own capabilities and means along the way. Thus, the discussion about the subject of social psychology cannot be considered completely finished, although the basis of the agreement reached is quite sufficient to conduct research. At the same time, it remains undoubted that not all "i" have been dotted. As a well-known compromise, such a situation has developed that in practice in our country there are now two social psychologies: one, connected mainly with more "sociological" problems, the other - mainly with "psychological" problems. In this sense, the situation turned out to be similar to that which has developed in a number of other countries. So, for example, in the USA social psychology officially exists "twice": its section is within the American Sociological Association and within the American Psychological Association; prefaces to textbooks usually indicate whether the author is a sociologist or a psychologist by training. In 1954, in the United States, at the suggestion of the famous social psychologist T. Newcomb, a curious experiment was set up at one of the universities: a course of social psychology was taught to half of the students of one course in the first semester by a sociologist lecturer, and the second half in the second semester by a lecturer-psychologist. After completing the courses, students were asked to hold a discussion on the problems of social psychology, but it did not work out, since the students were completely sure that they had taken completely different courses in completely different disciplines (see: Bekker G., Boskov A., 1961). The textbook by K. Stefan and V. Stefan, published in the USA in 1985, is called "Two Social Psychology". Of course, this duality causes a number of inconveniences. It can be admissible only at some stage in the development of science; the usefulness of discussions about its subject should lie, among other things, in contributing to an unambiguous solution of the problem.

The acuteness of the problems of social psychology is dictated, however, not only by a certain uncertainty of its position in the system of sciences, and not even primarily by this feature of it. A very important and essential feature of socio-psychological knowledge is its inclusion (to a greater extent than other areas of psychology) in the social and political problems of society. Of course, this concerns especially such problems of social psychology as the psychological characteristics of large social groups, mass movements, and so on. But the studies of small groups, socialization or social attitudes of the individual, traditional for social psychology, are also associated with those specific tasks that are solved by a society of a certain type. In the theoretical part of socio-psychological knowledge, the direct influence of specific social conditions, cultural traditions. In a certain sense of the word, it can be said that social psychology itself is part of culture. This raises at least two problems for researchers.

First, the task of a correct attitude to foreign social psychology, primarily to the content of its theoretical concepts, as well as methods and research results. As evidenced by numerous Western works, most practice-oriented research in social psychology was called into being by very specific needs of practice. Consequently, the very orientation of these investigations must be carefully studied from the point of view of the tasks set by practice in its time. Modern Scientific research cannot be carried out without a certain system of their financing, and this system in itself dictates both the goal and a certain "color" of the main direction of work. Therefore, the question of attitudes towards the tradition of social psychology in any other country does not have an unambiguous solution: a nihilistic denial of someone else's experience is just as inappropriate here as a simple copying of ideas and research. It is no coincidence that in modern social psychology the concept of “social context” has been introduced, i.e. attachment of research to a particular social practice.

Secondly, the task of carefully working out the problem of applied research in social psychology. Research carried out directly in various parts of the social organism requires not only high professional excellence but also the civil responsibility of the researcher. Orientation practical advice and there is that sphere where social psychology directly "intrudes" into social life. Consequently, for a social psychologist, not only the question of professional ethics but also about the formulation of their social position. The French social psychologist S. Moskovie rightly noted that it is society that sets the tasks for social psychology, it dictates problems to it (Moskovie, 1984). But this means that a social psychologist must understand these problems of society, be able to grasp them sensitively, realize to what extent and in what direction he can contribute to the solution of these problems. "Academism" and "professionalism" in social psychology should organically include a certain social sensitivity, an understanding of the essence of the social "engagement" of this scientific discipline.

In modern society, numerous areas of application of socio-psychological knowledge are revealed.

The specifics of the social psychology that took shape in our country under specific historical conditions, namely, during the existence of the socialist system, naturally gave rise to new problems. Of course, many of the phenomena discovered in traditional social psychology take place in any type of society: interpersonal relationships, communication processes, leadership, cohesion - all these phenomena are inherent in any type of society. public organization. However, in stating this fact, two things must be kept in mind. First, even these phenomena, described in traditional social psychology, sometimes acquire a completely different content in different social conditions. Formally, the processes remain the same: people communicate with each other, they form certain social attitudes, etc., but what is the content various forms their interactions, what kind of attitudes arise in relation to certain social phenomena - all this is determined by the content of specific social relations. This means that the analysis of all traditional problems acquires new facets. The methodological principle of including a meaningful consideration of socio-psychological problems is dictated, among other things, by social needs.

Secondly, the new social reality sometimes gives rise to the need for new accents in the study of problems traditional for a given society. Thus, the period of radical economic and political transformations taking place today in Russia requires special attention, for example, to the problems of ethnic psychology (especially in connection with the aggravation of interethnic conflicts), the psychology of entrepreneurship (in connection with the formation of new forms of ownership), etc. The idea of that society dictates the problems of social psychology must be supplemented by the idea that it is the duty of the social psychologist to be able to identify these problems.

In addition to tasks of a general theoretical nature, society also sets specific applied tasks for social psychology. Applied research cannot expect the solution of theoretical questions; they are put forward literally from all spheres of public life. A number of the most important areas of applied research are determined today by the tasks associated with those changes in the mass consciousness, which are caused precisely by the radicalism of social transformations. New opportunities for the activity of a social psychologist-practitioner are also rooted here.

The logic of the proposed course should also cover these problems of applied knowledge. On the whole, however, it pursues the goal of giving a systematic exposition of all the main problems of social psychology, and in strict sequence, so that the order of the topics reflects some of the fundamental methodological principles of analysis. The entire course includes five large sections: 1) introduction, which describes the subject of social psychology, the history of the development of the main ideas, methodological principles; 2) patterns of communication and interaction, where the connection between interpersonal and social relations is revealed, and communication is considered as their real manifestation, where the structure and functions of communication, as well as its mechanisms are studied, 3) social psychology of groups, where a classification of groups (large and small) is given ) and reveals the features of communication in real social groups, as well as questions about the internal dynamics of groups and their development; 4) the social psychology of the individual, which considers how the general mechanisms of communication and interaction, specifically manifested in various social groups, "set" the individual in a certain social context and, on the other hand, what are the forms of activity of the individual in the further development of social relations; 5) practical applications of social psychology, which analyzes the specifics of applied research, the real possibilities of social psychology in formulating practical recommendations, briefly characterizes those areas where applied research is most developed, and also describes the main forms and methods of socio-psychological influence.

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