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The program "1C: Management of our company 8.3" (1C: UNF) automates all types of accounting (financial, production, warehouse, trade, personnel) in a small enterprise, and also simplifies business analysis and planning.

  • Custom and serial production accounting
  • Production cost planning
  • Execution of work according to work orders and schedule
  • Personnel accounting and calculation wages
  • CRM system and marketing
  • Planning costs, expenses and income
  • wholesale and retail
  • Sales planning and management
  • Integration with VETIS (FSIS Mercury)
  • Integration with the 1C-Bitrix platform
  • Connecting commercial equipment

Full description

1C: Small business management

Solution "1C: Management of our company 8" (formerly 1C: Management small firm) is equally suitable for representatives of different industries: builders, wholesalers and retailers(including online stores), service companies. 1C: Management of our company 8" based on "1C: Enterprise 8.2" allows you to use the following features:

  • Scheduling meetings and calls, loading managers, sales and needs
  • Storing information about assortment positions, prices,
  • Client monitor: all data on the client, amount of debt, amount of sales, date of the last sale and the last event
  • Customer Analysis: Sales Funnel, ABC/XYZ, Debt
  • Analysis of managers in terms of revenue, debts, events, orders, sales dynamics, sales plan fulfillment
  • IP telephony and calls via mobile app

  • Automation of business operations:
  1. wholesale sales and wholesale purchase of goods and services;
  2. retail sales - work with commercial equipment, cash registers in accordance with 54-FZ, reports on retail sales ah, the mobile solution.
  3. for the acceptance and transfer of goods for commission
  • Integration with an online store
  • Automation of work on planning, rendering and analysis of the performance of services
  • Managing the delivery of goods to customers directly in 1C: UNF. Joint work with the Yandex.Delivery service.

  • Doing production accounting- custom and serial.
  • Accounting for the release of products and semi-finished products
  • Control of all stages of production and order fulfillment
  • Analysis of the performance of piecework orders.
  • Planning direct and indirect production costs

  • Accounting inventory, supply and procurement
  • Acceptance of all goods arriving at the warehouse with an indication of the quantity and prices. In "1C: UNF" you can specify the arrival of services rendered and the previously transferred advance payment.
  • Movement of inventory between warehouses, divisions and cells.
  • Registration of the sale of goods from the warehouse, taking into account prepayment or discounts.
  • Fixing the supply process using various schemes.
  • Accounting for receipts and all related transactions.
  • Conducting an inventory of the warehouse.
  • Reporting for analysis by goods and warehouses, and procurement planning.

  • Formation of price lists with flexible settings for a variety of parameters
  • Comparison of item prices for the period
  • Analysis of sales prices and use of discount cards

  • Budgeting (BDR, BDDS and BBL)
  • Planning of direct and indirect costs, income and expenses
  • Keeping records of income and expenses
  • Plan-fact analysis of budget execution, including by departments
  • Formation of the management balance: financial condition enterprise, the structure of its assets, liabilities, state equity
  • Accounts receivable and accounts payable management
  • Analysis of the status of mutual settlements for a wide range of reports
  • Keeping records of tangible and intangible property

  • Registration of employment, dismissal, personnel transfer
  • Keeping records of working hours in one program
  • Planning the workload of personnel in the form of issuing work assignments or piecework orders
  • Evaluation of labor efficiency of each employee
  • Calculation of wages by types of accruals and deductions

Business analysis in 1C: UNF presented in the form of reports - general performance indicators: revenue, cost, gross profit, expense and profit, cash: information on balances and cash flows by item, for the period, settlements with buyers (accounts receivable) for the period, including overdue debt and debt on time, settlements with suppliers ( accounts payable) for the period, including arrears and arrears, regular distribution of the State of the Company report.

  • General performance indicators: revenue, cost, gross profit, expense and profit.
  • Cash: information on balances and cash flows by item, for the period.
  • Settlements with buyers (accounts receivable) for the period, including overdue debts and due dates.
  • Settlements with suppliers (accounts payable) for the period, including overdue and due dates.
  • Regular distribution of the State of the Company report.

Submission of IP reports in the program 1C: UNF occurs by generating and sending all reports using the built-in 1C-Reporting service. Individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, UTII and Patent can exchange applications, messages and notifications with regulatory authorities. Also software allows individual entrepreneurs to generate reconciliation acts with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Legal Entities, control the timing and payment of taxes, and automatically fill out the income book.

  • Formation and sending of all IP reports on the simplified tax system / UTII / patent
  • Using the built-in service 1C-Reporting.
  • Exchange of statements, messages, notifications with regulatory authorities.
  • Formation of acts of reconciliation with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP.
  • Time control and payment of taxes
  • Automatic completion of the income book

Exchange with sites. Integration with 1C-UMI and 1C-Bitrix platforms.

Bank exchange. Transfer of payment documents to the bank and receipt of current account statements directly from 1C:UNF, bypassing the client-bank. Connecting to the DirectBank service using cryptography ( electronic signature and encryption) or through login and password.

Fur marking. Working with RFID readers (RFID readers). Data exchange with the State information system labeling of goods (GISM).

EDI Exchange of documents (invoices, contracts, waybills) with customers and suppliers in electronic form.

RIB Consolidation of geographically disparate points into a single system by creating remote jobs (RIB).

EGAIS. Connecting the Universal Transport Module (UTM) and processing EGAIS requests. Formation of receipt documents alcoholic products and accounting for discrepancies in the receipt of goods and services.

FGIS "Mercury". The solution is integrated with FSIS "Mercury" via VetIS.API (format 2) and allows you to fulfill all the requirements of the legislation on working with the list of products controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor (exchange with Mercury is possible in version 1.6).

Mobile work in 1C: UNF - work with the program via the Internet or a mobile application(connection of online cash registers, acquiring terminal and barcode scanner)

Also, the program allows you to set up data exchange with the popular 1C: Accounting 8 solution, which increases the transparency of accounting and makes the work of employees more efficient. And the presence of an English-language interface allows you to use the program for accounting in international companies.

1C: UNF simplifies the preparation of primary documentation, trade and production accounting documents, financial statements. The modular structure allows you to connect and disconnect a number of functions as needed - the user has everything he needs at hand and is not distracted by unnecessary things. A well-thought-out interface and the possibility of flexible customization to the specifics of the organization also simplifies the daily work of an accountant and a manager.

The program "1C: Management of a small company 8" is designed for trade, manufacturing and service companies for 1 to 10 users.

1C:Fresh is an access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. Nothing needs to be installed on the computer, even the electronic signature key for reporting via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

Advantages of working in 1C: Managing our company 8 through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual interface of the program, but through the browser
  • All you need is internet to work
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • 24/7 technical support from 1C
  • Access to the system and services 1C:ITS
  • Data privacy and security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

The cost of 1C:Management of our company 8 in the 1C:Fresh service - from 2,818 ₽ per month*
*price when paid for a year with continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Assistance from certified professionals
  • Free access for 7 days!

The cost of renting 1C: Managing our company 8 in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated server cloud server. There is no longer a need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy & Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backup
  • Server administration and technical support

The purpose of creating commercial enterprises is the extraction of profit, the source of which is the timely satisfaction of consumer demand, accompanied by optimization own costs. Achieving the desired level of income requires the organization of effective activities of personnel that embody the strategic ideas of the company's leaders. The small scale of the business should not become an obstacle to implementation modern technologies management. Designed for small firms, the UNF configuration includes many of the tools of CRM systems and provides managers with the necessary management tools.

Philosophy of CRM-technologies

The software of this class is distinguished by a focus on increasing sales through automation. marketing operations, analysis of information about customers and their orders, a comprehensive assessment of the activities of sales managers. To solve these problems in software include typical components:

  • Workplaces for front-office employees, providing user authorization, the ability to work with the customer base, registration of sales and other operations;
  • Centralized data storage;
  • A back office subsystem for middle and senior managers, which implements the functions of planning work and generating analytical reports of various sections.

It is assumed that having a CRM tool at his disposal, the manager will increase the “degree of customer satisfaction”. Based on the information of the system, he is able to anticipate the possible wishes of the client, form targeted commercial offers, maintain operational communication with customers through various communication channels, that is, be an indispensable and desirable counterparty. Management, in turn, from the data of the application will know about various aspects of the activities of employees, plan and adjust their work in accordance with the selected guidelines.

Customer Relationship Management at UNF

In the application menu necessary tools collected in the CRM section. Here the user gets access to directories, document journals and operations grouped into logical groups:

  • "CRM" - includes a list of buyers, a calendar that reflects planned events and tasks;
  • "Events" - contains links to lists of typical events: calls, letters, sms-messages, appointments, by referring to which the user can plan working hours and reflect the results of work;
  • "Orders and invoices" - consists of links to the logs of orders and invoices for payment;
  • "Goods and Services" - provides access to the list of stock items and templates for generating price lists;
  • "Planning" and "Analytics" - consist of tools for specialists whose duties include control of sales;
  • "Service" - makes it possible to organize mass information mailings, create business process rules and access to functionality component 1SPARK Risks;
  • Other tools.

1SPARK Risks is an application that automates management activities tax risks and assessing the reliability of partners. The user, having created monitoring for a counterparty in UNF, will receive Risks from 1SPARK useful information subject to the purchase of a license.

All about buyers

The interface contains tools that are common in nature, but at the same time allow you to increase the speed of the manager by bringing together a variety of information:

  • The right panel contains tools for creating filters that provide a selection of records, for example, assigned to a specific manager;
  • Contact information is also displayed here, which eliminates the time spent searching for it in other sources;
  • The tabular part contains the "Debt" column, the content of which is certainly useful when working with receivables or tracking outstanding orders;
  • The "Dossier" button opens a window containing an overview of the partner's details in official sources, including in state registers EGRIP / EGRUL and the company's own information;
  • The "Buy", "Sell" and "Events" buttons provide a quick opportunity to create documents filled with the data of the selected counterparty.

Systematic control is the key to effective work

The group includes reports that present summary data in accordance with the philosophy of CRM:

  • Analysis of the counterparty base - reflects the dynamics of the development of the client base in the context of managers;
  • Analysis of the work of managers - contains graphical and numerical characteristics illustrating the results of the work of personnel in the context of revenue, the number of orders, recorded events and existing customer debt;
  • Sales funnel - the form is named after a well-known marketing term, the content corresponds to the name, but is more specific: the report is based on the history of order status;
  • Calendar of events and others.

The quality of reports depends on how fully the employees interacting with customers record their activities in the program: to create many reports, a history of order status changes is required. Another important factor is the creation of staff tasks in the application and the setting of workflow rules. The quality of reports is reduced if CRM tools are not fully utilized.

This material contains short review CRM tools. With a detailed acquaintance, sales specialists will certainly find much more useful nuances in the UNF.

1. About the program

The video tutorial tells about "1C: Managing our company" - a comprehensive turnkey solution for operational accounting, control, analysis and planning, which provides both the needs of small businesses and the expansion of automation needs during business development, up to solving complex problems of production management, planning, budgeting, multi-currency accounting, integration with online stores, etc.

"1C: Management of our company" is a turnkey solution for automating key management processes in small businesses: accounting, control, analysis, planning. The program helps to increase the efficiency of the company, providing owners and managers with a wide range of management tools, and employees with new opportunities for productive work.

The mission of the book is to help anyone who has never seen 1C: UNF to start using the program on their own. This book is unique, it is written in an easy-to-read format with color illustrations. The authors are 1C: UNF experts - Yuri Pavlov and Ilya Bandulya. The book is recommended for small and medium-sized businesses as an assistant in automating a company with 1C: UNF

2. New versions of the program

In UNF version 1.6.16, we have prepared a lot of interesting and useful projects for you! The full functionality of the 1C:UNF solution is now available on mobile devices; Our company management assistant – Dasha; New discount program - bonuses; New resource planner for job scheduling, production and appointments; Staged assembly of products and automated workplace"Performing Stages"

Among the innovations of version 1.6.14 1C: UNF are integration with virtual PBXs, gift certificates, the development of automatic payment posting, and expanding the possibilities for processing production operations. Version 1.6.14 provides new functionality for a wide range of companies: History of document changes in chats; Templates for commercial agreements and contracts. New substitution values; Development of integration with mail services; New reports "Applied discounts"; Report "Sales" and "Summary Report" with limited rights; Return of goods to another cash register; Improvement of exchange with online stores, etc.

There are new opportunities for a wide range of companies: wholesale and retail trade companies, online stores, manufacturing companies, individual entrepreneurs and companies providing regular services. As well as the development of CRM, the publication and search for trade offers in the 1C: Business Network service, new opportunities for accounting for mutual settlements, and much more.

Meet new tool CRM systems- IP-telephony! By connecting a virtual PBX to 1C: UNF, phone calls can be made from customer cards and any lists that contain contact information. When receiving a call, 1C: UNF identifies the client and automatically downloads his card. So telephone conversations can be conducted more substantively and efficiently, having all the important information at hand.

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6.11 of the 1C:Managing Our Company program: selling sets and kits, deliveries and shipments to several warehouses, automatic generation and sending of a check to the buyer when paying online (54-FZ), the ability to choose documents of the special taxation regime for printing checks, preparation of contract templates and much more

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6.10 of the program "1C: Management of our company": the formation commercial offers for the client, Uploading contacts for mailing from external sources, automating the most popular delivery scenarios, Uploading data from 1C-Bitrix, adding pictures for product characteristics, uploading custom order states to the site, support for the use of foreign accounts and banks, facsimile of signatures and stamps on printed documents personnel orders, accounting in the Book of income and expenses for the purchase of goods purchased for sale, etc.

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6.9 of the 1C: Our Company Management program: mobile telephony, data download from the UMI website, the "State of the Company" report, simplification of the money transfer operation, email and SMS templates, billing, control of the date of issuance invoices, costing orders at supplier prices, etc.

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6.8 of the program "1C: Manage our company": support federal law 54-FZ (application cash register equipment with data transfer to the Federal Tax Service through a fiscal data operator), support for cash register equipment, sending electronic checks to customers, etc.

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6.7 of the 1C: Our Company Management program: a CRM section containing tools for interacting with customers, a new mechanism for working with order statuses, a sales funnel, customer order costing, a warranty card in production, a TN VED code in invoices, budget classification codes for tax payments, etc.

The video tells about the new features of version 1.6 of the 1C:Manage Our Company program: simplifying the program settings, improving the convenience of working with product and counterparty directories, product and counterparty cards, the reconciliation act, using a shopping cart for selecting goods, using Yandex Market category classifiers, increased pricing flexibility and ease of creating price lists, a more powerful mechanism for generating and configuring reports, regulated reporting for entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system and UTII, employee calendars, etc.

The video provides an overview of the new features of the program "1C: Manage Our Company" version 1.5: flexible configuration of access rights, automatic verification of counterparties based on the Federal Tax Service, convenient filling out of contracts, improved integration with email and etc.

3. Interface

The video tutorial shows how to set up workspace on the screen in such a way that it is convenient to work with the program even on small screens.

The video tutorial shows how to set up an employee's workspace so that the information most needed at work is always at hand.

The video tutorial will introduce you to the features of the toolbar, with which you can make your work in the program more comfortable.

The video tutorial shows how to change the composition, names of details and bookmarks in document forms to make it more convenient for you to work with them.

4. Sales

The video tutorial tells about the workplace of the cashier in the program "1C: Management of our company", where you can quickly and conveniently draw up KKM checks, perform routine cash transactions, issue returns from customers in open and closed cash register shifts, accept cash payments and bank cards, promptly search for retail documents.

The video tutorial tells how to carry out acquiring operations in the program (payment for goods and services with bank cards) and control accounting for these operations.

The video tutorial shows new form item list with the ability to work with a shopping cart, a new item card form, as well as categories that are loaded from Yandex.Market.

5. CRM

The video tutorial shows how you can easily and quickly inform customers about marketing events using the mass mailing mechanism.

The video tutorial shows how the program can inform your customers via SMS about the execution of an order or about a special promotion, about discounts on the goods they are interested in, etc.

The video tutorial tells how to use the address book and google calendar to schedule appointments, schedule tasks, and check they're on time.

The video tutorial tells how the program can send messages, links to each other, fix changes in documents and main directories of the program.

In version 1.6.12 1C: UNF, IP telephony appeared. By connecting a virtual PBX to 1C: UNF, phone calls can be made from customer cards and any lists that contain contact information. When receiving a call, 1C: UNF identifies the client and automatically downloads his card. So telephone conversations can be conducted more substantively and efficiently, having all the important information at hand.

6. Analysis

The video tutorial tells about the manager's monitor, which allows you to quickly and conveniently receive the most important information on the main areas of the enterprise's activities, to identify growth points or negative dynamics in a timely manner.

The video tutorial tells about the reports of the program, which provide the director with a complete picture of the state of affairs in the company, help to control key indicators activities of the company and make informed management decisions.

The video tutorial shows how, using the ABC and ABC/XYZ - sales analysis reports, you can analyze the company's sales by product line, managers or buyers and identify leaders and outsiders in each group.

The business grows as the customer base grows and customer relationships strengthen. The reports of the 1C:Management of our company program will allow you to know your client "in person".

The video tutorial tells how to get prompt and accurate information about the availability and movement of goods for effective management commodity stocks.

7. Mutual settlements

8. Integration

1C:UNF and amoCRM integration organically connects two strong systems and helps to organize effective work with clients: communication and sales in amoCRM; processing and execution of orders in 1C: UNF

Now it is possible to connect Evotor smart terminals to 1C: Management of our company without additional processing. The "1C-Evotor" application will allow you to synchronize the data of 1C and Evotor smart terminals, delete or change the range on the terminals directly from 1C, upload sales data to 1C: UNF, generate reports to analyze the work of your store. Integration with amoCRM

The video talks about DirectBank technologies, which allows you to exchange payment documents with banks directly from the 1C: UNF program without installing additional software

The video shows how you can create a website for any business in one click from 1C:Managing our company, fill it with goods and tell your friends and clients about it

9. Reports and reporting

The video tutorial tells how using the program "1C: Management of our company" you can easily generate and submit reports to regulatory authorities. The program supports the possibility of generating taxes and reporting if the entrepreneur applies a simplified taxation system or a single tax on imputed income

The video tutorial presents a new form of working with reports in the program "1C: Managing our company" version 1.6. This report form has everything you need for quick and convenient customization: a search bar, the ability to apply filters, convenient setting of the report period and structure, etc.

10. Mobile application and mobile client

The video tutorial shows how to organize convenient ordering, maintain a customer database, take into account balances and movement of goods and funds, receive various reports, etc. in the 1C: Manage Our Company mobile application.

The video tutorial tells about the new features of the mobile application "1C: Manage our company" 1.2.80: automation of one or more small retail outlets, documents to reflect retail sales transactions, cash receipts to couriers of online stores when delivering orders to customers, support for a barcode scanner, cash register equipment with ATOL data transfer (11F, 15F, 22F, 25F, 30F, 52F, 55F, 77F) and acquiring terminals.

The video tutorial tells about the tax calendar in the mobile application "1C: Managing our company". The tax calendar shows when the due date is approaching. If the mobile application is used in conjunction with the desktop or cloud solution 1C:UNF, then individual entrepreneurs on a simplified taxation system and UTII can immediately prepare reports and send them via the Internet to regulatory authorities.

The video tutorial tells about the new features of the mobile application "1C: Managing our company". You can invite colleagues to work in the application directly from the mobile application. Free version supports collaboration of 3 users on mobile devices.

11. Webinars

The webinar was prepared specifically for small business manufacturing companies. It will be of interest to owners and directors of manufacturing companies and firms, as well as employees responsible for organizing production process

The webinar will be of interest to those who want to easily manage a business with mobile phone, quickly access the accounting system for sales, goods and money, synchronize the work of managers without reference to the office. It will be useful for a director, entrepreneur, startup, manager, marketer, company owner. Scenarios of work only in a mobile application are considered and sharing mobile app and main base

The webinar discussed the possibilities of integrating 1C: UNF with online stores: how to set up automatic receipt orders from the site, how to transfer information about goods, prices and stock balances to the site, etc. The scenarios for the operation of an online store are analyzed step by step from purchasing goods on order to ensuring timely delivery

The webinar discussed the main features of the program "1C: Managing our company" for automating the sales department and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Scenarios for using the program recommended by developers, as well as tools for monitoring operational work sales managers, key performance reports and tools for analyzing sales and customer base

The webinar will be of interest to business owners and managers. As well as financial directors and chief accountants responsible for managing money and preparing financial reporting. The main features of the 1C: UNF program for the organization are considered financial accounting: from cash management to control of income and expenses, as well as management of mutual settlements. Practical examples show methods recommended by developers for organizing accounting for funds, obligations and costs in 1C: UNF, basic financial reports, as well as business analysis tools

Service "1C: Business Network. Trade offers" works on the principle trading floors: Suppliers place trade offers with product name, description and prices. Buyers, for their part, see a list of offers that include the product of interest, and can immediately form and send an order to the supplier. The webinar will be of interest to suppliers and buyers who want to automate their trading and purchasing activities, as well as partners who want to open a new profitable line of business

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of service companies and service companies, as well as any firms providing regular services. The webinar analyzed a cross-cutting example of work in 1C:UNF of a company providing works and services for the installation of custom systems, as well as regular warranty and paid services for a large number of customers

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of medium-sized trading companies - wholesalers and online stores. During the webinar, an example of organizing work in 1C:UNF "wholesale and through the site" was analyzed. A cross-cutting example includes all stages of using work in 1C: UNF in a trading company: taking an order by phone or from the website, processes for agreeing on the composition of an order and delivery terms, procurement logistics and sending orders to customers

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of medium-sized manufacturing companies and firms that assemble products from components. The webinar analyzed an example of organizing the work of a manufacturing company in 1C: UNF. A cross-cutting example includes all stages of using work in 1C: UNF in a manufacturing company: from taking an order into account and generating specifications according to customer requirements, to releasing a finished product and sending it to the customer.

The webinar will be interesting individual entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system, UTII and patent. The webinar told how to keep records of individual entrepreneurs on their own, what reports need to be submitted, how to quickly prepare them, about insurance premiums, a simplified taxation regime, a single tax on imputed income, and a patent regime, as well as about the features of an individual entrepreneur with employees and sending reports via the Internet .

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors small companies and novice entrepreneurs, including those already working in "1C: Managing our company" (1C: UNF). The webinar told about the main indicators of financial accounting in small businesses, about the cash method of accounting for income and expenses, about setting up analytics and getting started in the Finance subsystem, detecting and eliminating losses.

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of small companies and start-up entrepreneurs, including those already working in 1C: Our Company Management. The webinar talked about cash management, cost management, how not to fall into the "cash gap", how to use the payment calendar, the calculation of profits on an accrual basis, the distribution of expenses between several business areas for a more accurate calculation of profits, analysis of financial results.

The webinar is intended for entrepreneurs and managers who want to quickly receive summary information about the state of their business. The webinar describes the control of the main business flows: financial, material, informational, the features of getting started with "1C: Managing our company", the use of special features: mobile application, telephony, integration with the site, cloud services, etc.

Computer program 1C: Enterprise 8 Management of a small firm in edition 1.6.7 is equipped with additional features, which will increase the efficiency of doing business, as well as allow you to organize better accounting and control at the enterprise. In our article we will talk about a new section latest version of this program is CRM. We will deal with its functions and the benefits that the reports generated with its help on the performance of the company in general and the state of its sales in particular bring.

Features of the new CRM section in the 1C program

The CRM section, which appeared in the latest version of the 1C UNF program, is designed to provide a more complete and effective work with contractors. Its tools allow:

· Maintain a good customer base.

· Receive mail in real time and also send it;

· Generate and send email and SMS mailing lists;

· Issue invoices for payment, requirements, claims;

Write out acts, invoices and all types of accompanying documents;

· Manage the sales department in an automated mode.

As for the new tools with which the developers equipped the 1C UNF Configuration program in edition 1.6.7, they include the sales funnel and the Risks service, but we will talk about them below, and now we will continue to consider the fundamental differences between this version of the program and the beloved 1C UNF 1.6.6.

First of all, it concerns its settings. AT new version This program no longer has the statuses we are used to, they have been replaced by states. For example, whether a customer's order has been completed or cancelled, the status will be "Completed" and the details of this can be found in the "Order Completion" tab.

The new version of the 1C UNF 1.6 program allows the user to independently arrange the execution of orders in the order convenient for him. This is very convenient for those companies that use different types orders, as this helps to more clearly control their implementation at each stage. For example, a company sells the same product both from a warehouse and through an online store. In the first case, to fulfill the order, such states as assembly in the warehouse, shipment and transportation are relevant, which are not acceptable for working with the site. There, the order may be in a state - awaiting payment, transferred to the courier, etc. This functional addition to the 1C Small Business Management 1.6 program facilitates the work of the manager and ensures the transparency of the work of the sales department for management.

Basic CRM tools from the new version of the 1C UNF program

Let's start our review with the new service of the 1C UNF program, edition 1.6.7 - 1SPARK risks. It allows you to evaluate the reputation of counterparties, as well as clearly control all the risks that may arise when working with them. This service also allows you to perform high-quality investment analysis, which is necessary for making an important decision for your business.

The license to operate the 1SPARK risks service is purchased separately. Before you start using it, you must activate the corresponding option in the 1C program Management of a small firm, edition 1.6.7. Now the reliability of each counterparty of the company can be assessed immediately by three criteria. For this, the following indexes are provided:

· financial risk;

· due diligence;

· Payment discipline.

Their indicators will be reflected in the counterparty card.

Second service new edition 1C UNF programs are a sales funnel. It is a dynamic report that reflects the entire path of the order, from the moment of its formation to execution. But, most importantly, in it you can clearly see not only the status of all transactions on a certain date, but also their quantitative ratio, including conversion and cancellation. Moreover, the user even has the opportunity to see for what reason this or that order was canceled.

The sales funnel can be formed both in the context of counterparties and in the context of managers working with them. This report allows you to correctly evaluate the work of the sales department as a whole.

If you have any questions, you can contact us in any way convenient for you.

Petersburg Business Solutions will be glad to see you among its clients!


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