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Market leader for many years software tools economic and accounting purpose confidently holds the company "1C". As practice shows, the majority of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to automate accounting and management processes use the products of this company.

Configuration "1C: Management small firm 8.2", the description of which we offer the reader, is one of the latest solutions from 1C. It is a modern, high-quality and multifunctional product addressed to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The program implements a number of fundamentally new solutions that greatly facilitate the work of financial workers and meeting the most stringent and relevant requirements of today.


It is possible that in the process of studying the program, the reader will find some inconsistency between the contents of this book and what he sees on the monitor screen - after all, all products of the 1C line are constantly being improved and finalized (in particular, during the preparation of the book for printing, new release). But in any case, these discrepancies will be unprincipled.

In this book, we propose to take a comprehensive training course on working with the program "1C: Small Company Management 8.2" with the help of 100 lessons grouped into thematic chapters. As you study each chapter, the reader will fully master the relevant techniques and methods of working with the program.

Chapter 1
Acquaintance with the program and preparing it for work

This chapter contains basic information about the program "1C: Small Company Management 8.2". You will learn what the functionality of this standard solution is, what are the features of the program compared to previous versions, how to run the program, create and select infobases, and much more.

LESSON 1. Brief description of the products of the company "1C"

The structure of any software product of the 1C family is based on the integrated use of a technological platform and one or more configurations. In this case, the technological platform is the foundation on which a configuration is installed that specifies the specifics of a typical solution. In other words, the 1C technological platform is a kind of "frame" on which one or more configurations are "strung".

Currently, 1C offers products based on two technological platforms - versions 1C 7.7 and 1C 8. Version 7.7 appeared quite a long time ago, but today it is one of the most popular products in its market segment. As for version 8, its active promotion began several years ago, and by now it has also managed to occupy a solid niche in the market and win a lot of fans, the number of which is increasing every day.

The capabilities of the programs of the 1C 7.7 family provide for the setting, organization and automation of accounting, personnel, operational trading, warehouse and production accounting, as well as the implementation of the calculation wages.

However, at present, more and more users of the 1C system opt for products implemented on the basis of the 1C 8 technology platform. Developers offer a wide range of standard solutions: "1C: Small business management 8", "1C: Accounting 8", "1C : Trade management 8", "1C: Payroll and personnel management 8", "1C: Integrated automation 8", "1C: Payment documents 8", etc.

You can find more details about typical solutions of 1C company on its websites at and And in this book, we will consider one of the most popular standard solutions created on the basis of the technological platform of the latest version of 1C 8.2 - the "1C: Small Business Management 8.2" configuration.

LESSON 2. Purpose and functionality of the program "1C: Small business management 8.2"

Due to the flexibility of the technological platform, the program "1C: Small Company Management 8.2" can be successfully used in enterprises of various activities. Its accounting functions financial resources, fixed assets and intangible assets, production, commercial and other types of costs, other assets and liabilities of the enterprise open up wide opportunities for accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting standards.

The tasks solved using the program "1C: Management of a small company 8.2" can be formulated as follows:

Automation of all accounting and management processes occurring at the enterprise;

Accounting for the company's funds;

Accounting for banking and cash transactions;

Accounting for the movement of inventory items;

Accounting for settlements with counterparties;

Accounting for warehouse operations;

Production accounting;

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets;

Accounting for payroll and settlements with personnel;

Maintaining personnel records;

Setting up, generating and printing various reports;

Maintaining multi-currency accounting.

In addition to the above, with the help of the configuration under consideration, it is possible to solve a number of other tasks, the presence of which may be due to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

We note right away that the capabilities of the program "1C: Management of a small company 8.2" provide for the maintenance of only management accounting. For accounting and tax accounting it is recommended to use the program "1C: Accounting 8".

LESSON 3. Launching the program

After installing the 1C program in the menu Start its program group will be created. In this menu, the command to launch the program is 1C Enterprise.

When the program starts, the window shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch window

In this window, you select the required mode of operation, as well as the infobase. The 1C program can function in two modes - 1C:Enterprise and Configurator, the choice of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in this window. We will learn more about what each mode of operation of the 1C program is, later, when going through the corresponding lesson.

The list of infobases is presented in the central part of the program launch window. At the first launch of the program, this list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new ones to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases - how to do this will be described in lesson 5 "The concept of an infobase".

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The order of actions when starting the program is as follows: first, you need to select the infobase in the launch window, then click the button 1C:Enterprise or Configurator- depending on the mode in which you want to run the program.

LESSON 4. Operating modes 1C: Enterprise and Configurator

As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C:Enterprise and Configurator. The required mode is selected by pressing the appropriate button in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1).

Mode 1C:Enterprise- this is the mode of operation of the program in accordance with its intended purpose. In other words, it is in the mode 1C:Enterprise accountants, financiers, managers and other users of the program work.

As for the mode Configurator, then it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content are defined printed form documents, as well as a number of other actions to set up and configure the system. In most cases with Configurator the administrator works, because it requires specific knowledge.

In this book, we will not consider the issues of configuring the program - a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently make changes to Configurator: its unskilled editing can violate the integrity of the data, and indeed lead to unpredictable consequences.

Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the work mode 1C:Enterprise. The user can edit these parameters on his own (in this case, it is recommended to notify the system administrator), and we will learn how this is done when going through the corresponding lesson.

LESSON 5. The concept of an infobase

To start using the program, you need to create an information base when you first start it, in which all data will be stored and with which work will be carried out. To switch to the infobase creation mode, in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1) click the button Add - As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. The first step in adding an infobase

In this window, using the switch, you need to specify how the infobase should be created. If you are just starting to work with the 1C program, and no infobases have been created so far, you need to set the switch to the position Creation of a new infobase to form a new empty base for later work. The second option is designed to connect the previously created infobase.

To go to the next step, press the button Further. When creating a new infobase, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Choosing how to add an infobase

If you need to create an infobase based on an existing template (for example, based on a demo configuration), you need to set the switch to Creating an infobase from a template. In this case, a list of available configurations and templates will be displayed below, in which you need to select the required position with a mouse click and press the button Further.

If you select the second option (lower switch position), an infobase without configuration will be created. It will be possible to subsequently connect the required configuration from the corresponding file to it.

Rice. 1.4. Entering the name of the infobase and selecting its location

In this window, in the field Specify the name of the infobase you need to enter an arbitrary name of the database to be created from the keyboard. Under this name, the infobase will subsequently be displayed in the list of infobases in the program launch window (see Figure 1.1).

Using the switch below, you need to specify where the created base will be located. In most cases, this is either a computer or a local network, so by default the switch is set to On this computer or on a computer in local network . After pressing the button Further The window shown in Fig. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5. Path to infobase directory

This window specifies the path to the directory where the infobase files will be stored. On fig. 1.5 shows the path that the program suggests by default. To change it, click the select button at the end of this field. As a result, a window will open on the screen. Catalog selection, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, the required path is specified (if necessary, you can create a new directory).

In field Language (Country) select the language of the infobase being created from the drop-down list. The default value for this field is Russian Russia).

The process of creating an infobase is completed by pressing the button in this window Ready.

To change the parameters of an infobase, in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1) select it with a mouse click and press the button Change and then make the necessary adjustments step by step.

Infobases are also deleted in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1). To do this, select the database to be deleted with a mouse click and press the button Delete. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation.

Remember that for the operation of the program, you must have at least one infobase.

LESSON 6. User interface and toolkit of a typical solution

Users of previous versions of the program immediately pay attention to the fact that in new version configuration, the user interface has changed dramatically. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but adaptation is fast, since the advantages of the new structure of the standard solution are obvious.

The main window of the program "1C: Small business management 8.2" is shown in fig. 1.6.

Rice. 1.6. The main window of the program "1C: Small business management 8.2"

At the top of the interface there is a section panel, which includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing and Sales, Supply and Procurement, Warehouse and production, Retail sales, Cash(this section is opened in Fig. 1.6), Salary and staff, Fixed assets, Finance and Service and administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. In the process of work, the user can freely move from one section to another - depending on what he intends to do.

Let us briefly characterize all sections of the program "1C: Management of a small company 8.2".

Desktop. In this section, you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents, and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on Desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

Marketing and sales. This section forms marketing policy enterprises: price types and price groups are formed, standard agreements with clients are set up, conditions for granting discounts and markups are determined, marketing events are planned and carried out, etc. Marketing and Sales can later be used in other sections of the program.

Supply and purchases. This section keeps records of wholesale purchases of the enterprise, as well as warehouse accounting. Here, orders are placed with suppliers, shipping documents are issued for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers, price lists are registered, and a number of other actions are performed to manage the supply and purchases of the enterprise.

Warehouse and production. This section is intended for conducting warehouse accounting, registering the movement of inventory items, preparing warehouse documentation, conducting inventories, and maintaining production records.

Retail sales. This section is used by retailers. Checks are written here, a list is formed checkout KKM, documentation is underway retail sales. In this case, you can use external equipment ( fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the section Service and administration.

Cash. This section keeps records of cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise. It registers the receipt of money at the cash desk and their issuance from the cash desk, payment documents are issued, the movement of non-cash money in the bank accounts of the enterprise is registered, and a payment calendar is compiled.

Salary and staff. The section is intended to form staffing, registering personnel events (hiring, etc.), recording working hours, maintaining documentation on personnel and wages, maintaining personnel records, calculating and calculating wages for employees of the enterprise, as well as for solving a number of other tasks of personnel accounting.

Fixed assets. This section keeps records of non-current assets of the enterprise, in particular - fixed assets and intangible assets, including the calculation and depreciation.

Finance. This section is used to maintain financial records, calculate the performance of the enterprise, reflect in tax accounting, allocate costs and record other expenses.

Service and administration. This section contains all the main settings for the program, and immediately performs many actions for its administration. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, and a registration log is kept system events, accounting settings are being configured, etc.

As we noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding link in the sections panel.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you can select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation panel is located on the left side of the section (in Fig. 1.6 it includes subsections Bank, Cash register, Payment schedule etc.), and the action bar is at the top, immediately below the links of the section bar (in Fig. 1.6, it contains areas Create, Reports and Service).

As for the main menu of the program, which in previous versions was located along the top border of the interface and included items File, Edit, Operations, Service and others, it is now called using the button with an arrow located at the top left of the main window (Fig. 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Main menu of the program

Note that the commands of the main menu do not directly affect the functionality of the applied solution, as well as the procedure for using the program, but mainly contain service and auxiliary functions.

The central part of the main program window displays the contents of the current mode of operation. For example, if in the section navigation bar Cash click on the link Cash receipts, then in the central part of the interface a list of previously generated documents for the receipt of cash will be displayed (see Fig. 1.6). If you want the contents of the current mode of operation to be displayed in a separate window, click on the corresponding link while holding down the key .

To work in the selected mode, the buttons of the toolbar, menu All actions, as well as commands of the context menu called by pressing the right mouse button. On fig. 1.6 toolbar includes buttons Create, Find, Create based on, Seal, as well as a few more buttons, the names of which are displayed as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. Menu All actions located on the right side of the toolbar and is an analogue of the menu Actions, familiar to users of previous versions of the program. As for the context menu, some of its commands duplicate the corresponding toolbar buttons and menu commands. All actions. Note that the contents of the context menu may depend on the current mode of operation (for example, when working with a list of documents and in document editing mode, the context menu will include different commands).

In general, work with the program is carried out according to the following algorithm: first, the required section is selected, and then in the navigation panel or in the action panel, by clicking the mouse, the operating mode is indicated in which all further actions. The most relevant tasks for quick access to them can be displayed on Desktop- a special section, the contents of which you form yourself.

LESSON 7. List of "hot" keys

The program can use the so-called "hot" keys. For example, adding a new item (document, item, etc.) is done using the key , switching to the position editing mode is carried out by pressing the key , marking a position for deletion (as well as removing such a mark) - by pressing the key etc. Further in the table. 1.1–1.7 lists the "hot" keys that are most in demand among users.

Table 1.7. "Hot" keys for working with text documents

The book provides a complete description of the techniques and methods of working with the program "1C: Management of a small company 8.2". It is shown how to automate management accounting of all major operations, as well as automate organizational processes (marketing, building personnel policy and etc.). It is described how to enter initial data, fill in directories and catalogs, work with primary documents, generate various reports, and print data. The material is presented in the form of thematic lessons, which cover all the main aspects of the activity modern enterprise. Each lesson contains a detailed description of the topic under consideration with a detailed analysis and illustration of all stages. All the examples and recommendations given in the book are based on real facts and have practical confirmation.

On our website you can download the book "1C: Managing a Small Firm 8.2 from Scratch. 100 Lessons for Beginners" Aleksey Anatolyevich Gladkiy for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book on the Internet store.

Software"1C: Management of our company" is presented on the market as a multifunctional managerial decision for small business. Initially, it was called "1C: Management of a small company", but it was renamed at the initiative of the partners of the 1C company.

1C UNF meets the two main requirements of small businesses - low cost and minimal implementation costs. Suitable for enterprises with a small number of employees (10 - 20 people). But it should be noted that there are no strict limits, and everything is determined by the needs of the company. It can be used in such areas of small business as:

When you start working with the 1C UNF program, the initial setup assistant is automatically called up, at the prompts of which you can configure everything you need to work or, if necessary, use the services of a specialist who will install the program. As a rule, 1C partners in the purchase of programs include one hour or more for free setup.

Consider the capabilities of 1C UNF on the example of the demo base edition 1.6 (version

The bootloader window might look like the one in Fig. 1 (approx.). All functions are grouped into sections with clear and simple names, so there will be no difficulty in navigation (Fig. 1, left side). The proposed set of forms in configuration 1.6 allows you to customize the initial page to suit your needs (Fig. 1, right side). To do this, in the main menu, you need to go to the item “View - Customize the initial page” and select the necessary indicators in the window that opens.

Rice. one

The program has a wide range functionality:

  • Small production (piecework, custom);
  • Trading operations and service accounting;
  • Retail and Internet sales;
  • Pricing;
  • Warehouse accounting and purchases;
  • CRM (interaction with buyers);
  • Accounting and financial management;
  • Salary and staff;
  • Submission of regulated reporting for individual entrepreneurs (USN, UTII);
  • Analytical reports;
  • Data exchange and integration.

We give a brief description of the sections 1C UNF 1.6

Some functions are repeated in different sections, but the composition can be configured in any form convenient for work by making the necessary changes in the program configuration.


Orders and invoices are managed, order fulfillment analysis, sales planning and analysis, price list formation, events and tasks planning and notification, mass mailing of letters and SMS, risk assessment by counterparties, analytical reports, segmentation of counterparties (dividing into categories according to various criteria). ), control of mutual settlements.

There is a mechanism for notifying changes in the status of orders. The buyer may be sent an SMS notification or email, manager reminder, task, calendar entry.

Section "CRM - Rules of the workflow" (Fig. 2).



Wholesale - customer orders, product sales, product reservation, task to work with orders, product management, price management, price lists, sales planning by various parameters: managers, departments, groups and product categories.

Retail - KKM checks, workplace cashier, revaluation, exchange with equipment (cash desks) operating in Offline mode. There are various reports for sales analysis (Fig. 3).


Orders to suppliers, invoices from suppliers, registration of goods receipts, price lists of suppliers, inventory management, inventory management: control, movement, reservation, analytical reports and reconciliations with suppliers, procurement planning - automated calculation of the procurement plan for goods and inventory requirements ( Fig.4).


Planning and control of work performed on work orders, work assignments, accounting of working time, work schedules. There is a visualization of the stages of implementation and the state of payment, an analysis of the degree of implementation (Fig. 5).



Orders and placement in production, planning and control of the execution of production according to orders, the formation of piecework orders based on customer orders, accounting and distribution of costs, management production stocks, accounting of working hours, production reports.


Accounting for cash and non-cash funds, financial flow planning, money reservation, payment calendar, card acquiring operations (Fig. 6).



Personnel records, payroll documents, payroll guides, timesheets, payroll reports: payroll, payslips, etc.


The section contains all directories, data on property, budgeting and sales planning, setting up and administering the program, entering initial balances, financial transactions, the possibility of electronic document management, integration with other programs, and analytical reporting of the company.

From the large number of functionalities of 1C UNF 1.6, we highlight the most useful:

  • A common block of settings for all sections of the program with interactive prompts for choosing options. Opens in any section under the item "Even more opportunities";
  • Management accounting for several organizations, and with a given setting - for the company as a whole;
  • Pricing is based on base prices. There is a percentage markup calculation, fixed amount, arbitrary formula (formula builder is used);
  • The monitor of the current state of the company on the home page is configured individually to receive the most necessary and up-to-date information about the company, reminders of business and other events. A short management balance sheet allows you to control the state of the company for any period (Fig. 7).


  • Simple and informative management of orders to suppliers, from buyers and to production, as well as work orders. (Fig. 8).


  • Planning and adjusting work schedules can be done directly from the order-work order, production order, piecework order, work assignment documents (Fig. 9).


  • In the scheduler, there is a schedule for the status of the execution of production orders. It can also analyze the planning and use of labor resources.
  • Planning for the receipt and expenditure of money is carried out by the relevant money planning documents. It is also possible to do this directly from incoming, outgoing invoices and work orders. In the payment calendar, you can create a plan for the desired period.
  • In 1C UNF 1.6, only management accounting can be kept. To maintain regulated accounting (except for special modes), you need to use "1C: Accounting". Integration can be configured through the built-in data exchange mechanism. Integration with other 1C programs is also possible.
  • Submission of regulated reporting is possible, but only for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system (ONS) or the system for the payment of a single tax on imputed income (UTII).
  • It is possible to carry out electronic document management with the client-bank. Also with counterparties in the presence of the connected service "1C-EDO" or "1C-Taxcom".
  • It is possible to interact with the organization's website. In particular, you can import orders from the site and update product data on the site.

In 1C UNF 1.6, it is possible to use other 1C services, including the newest ones - 1C Counterparty, 1SPARK Risks, 1C Reporting, 1C DirectBank, etc.

You can implement the program in stages and choose the cost. For example, in the basic version, the cost of UNF 1.6 is minimal, but there are limitations - you can work in one infobase and only one user at a time, and keep records for no more than two organizations. In addition, you cannot modify the configuration (update only).

In the professional and package versions of the program, there are significantly more opportunities. This is a multi-user mode, an unlimited number of organizations, work through the web interface, as well as with external connections, support for client-server mode. At the same time, additional licenses can be purchased as the number of users increases.

In conclusion, we can say that 1C UNF 1.6 is a product specially designed for small businesses. It has wide possibilities, flexible settings, simple and clear interface. Allows you to introduce functionality gradually, as new requirements arise. At the same time, 1C UNF is not complicated and practically does not require special knowledge of accounting.


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