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Israel's economy can be called a market economy. Today, Israel occupies one of the leading places in such leading industries as water supply, rail and road transport, oil refineries, electricity, diamond processing.

The Israeli economy also developed thanks to funds received from Europe and America, because in the middle of the last century in the 50-60s, a lot of things, food, clothes were needed in order to provide the most necessary more than 2 million emigrants who arrived in the young new state of Israel.

In addition, they needed medical services, and it was also necessary to develop industry, build factories, hospitals, roads, institutions, schools, educational establishments and new housing for newcomers. One of the developed sectors of the Israeli economy is the metallurgical industry and mechanical engineering, as well as aircraft construction and the production of ships of various sizes: from boats and yachts to huge airliners.

The developed sectors of the country's economy are pharmaceuticals (there are no equals in this matter to Israeli specialists all over the world), and the microelectronics industry is also developed. Today, the best minds of Israel are working in this direction, inventing for military industry, medicine unique instruments and equipment. The country manufactures computers and robots.

land property

Some land is in private property and some are public property. also has a land metering system in kibbutzim (singular "kibbutz"), cooperative farms that are owned, more often they are collective property.

Residents help each other in business and worries, and instead of a salary, they receive the right to housing, medical care, education and other necessities. There is also Moshav, these are rural communities in which each family owns their own house and is responsible for its condition, as well as for the condition of the land on which the house is built. People have the right to sell their products that they have grown on the ground.

Commercial activities and main industries

Produces various agricultural products, including meat and dairy products, vegetables, citrus fruits and other fruits. Computer industries and accounting technologies are developing for a large number of commercial activities countries. Tourism is another important sector. attracts about two million tourists every year, with its historical and religious sites, as well as resorts and recreation areas in the Dead Sea area.

Israel has a range of industries, including food, textiles, diamond cutting and polishing, metal products, military equipment, high-tech industries in electronics and tourism.

Trade in Israel

The main export items are machinery and equipment, software, diamonds, textiles and agricultural products. They are delivered primarily to the UK, Benelux cities and Japan. Israel imports raw materials, military equipment, rough diamonds, fuel and consumer goods from the Netherlands, the Benelux countries, Germany and the UK.

Division of labor

Palestinian Israelis generally do not have access to good level education, like Israeli Jews, and are therefore more likely to occupy less qualified and poorly paid positions. Immigrants, even those who are well educated, are often forced into low-status jobs. And many immigrants do not have jobs at all.

Over the years, the industry of Israel is growing and growing. In just the last few decades, Israel's industry has advanced to a world-class level in different areas. These are agricultural technology, medical electronics, telecommunications, industrial chemistry, and diamond processing.

As soon as Israel became an independent, independent country, in the first decades, the main task was the development of Israel's industry. All the forces of the State of Israel were directed to the formation of Israel's agriculture, to the formation of energy, transport, and, of course, water infrastructure. Since the country has a huge potential of highly qualified specialists, they are not afraid of the procedure for extracting their own main types of raw materials, scientific developments, etc. It should be noted that the Israeli industry is focused on the manufacture of scientific products, which are developed on the basis of their own technical and scientific innovations.

I would like to recall that over the past decades, the Israeli industry has grown not only due to agricultural technology, medical electrical engineering, telecommunications, industrial chemistry, but also due to diamond processing. In 1990, the Israeli diamond industry exported $3 billion worth of goods. Almost 80% of small, sparkling, polished stones are supplied to world markets by Israel. Most of these beautiful, crystal clear diamonds are used to make fine jewelry.

Israel's industry in this area is the largest, largest manufacturing and shopping center. Because it is here, in Israel, that 40% of all diamonds in the world are polished.

It is known that where there are high the latest technology, in those areas of industry and seen the greatest growth. Of course, one cannot do without the use of the best technology, without attracting investments in investigation and development.

The most popular branches of Israeli industry are traditional branches. This includes: food processing, high-quality machinery, clothing, furniture, various fertilizers, chemicals, plastic, rubber and metal products. Also, food products are produced domestically, such as: drinks, tobacco, fabric and leather products, clothing. Particular attention is paid to electrical and electronic equipment, which is intended for military purposes, for the need for communications and, of course, medicine. Metallurgy and mechanical engineering, aircraft building and shipbuilding, not only civil, but also military, are also developing in Israel.

AT processing industry Israel formed 20% of national profits and concentrated 20% of all employees. In Tel Aviv (the nearest city, in which there are almost 4 thousand large and small enterprises), more than half of the jobs that Israel's industry has.

Let's talk about the chemical industry in Israel. Numerous medical and veterinary preparations, medicines, anti-corrosion materials, phosphates, chlorine, nitrogen, sodium hydroxide, growth regulators, aromatic additives, and means for protecting agricultural products from various pests are produced here.

The main source of energy in Israel is mainly imported oil, thanks to which almost 80% of all energy needs of the state are satisfied, and the rest is due to acquisitions abroad. Israel's industry uses all the opportunities that nature provides. The Israelis use solar energy and wind energy. Israel is the country that ranks first worldwide in the use of solar boilers in their homes.

Let's discuss mining industry Israel. Here in the city of the Negev is the largest source of phosphorites. From here, from the city of the Negev, products are delivered by rail to the city of Haifa. Salt of potassium, bromine and magnesium, which are widely used not only in agriculture, but also in pharmaceutical industry, and for photographs, are mined from the mineral-rich water of the Dead Sea.

In the city of Mihrot-Timna in 1955, on the site where the legendary spears of King Solomon were located, copper mines were opened for exploitation. But already in 1976, the mines were closed due to the fact that copper prices fell sharply in the world.

Clay, in order to be able to make bricks and tiles, and with them quartz sand for the glass industry, has to be mined here in the city of the Negev. The development of materials for the production of concrete and cement is being carried out at full capacity, and this is all being done in many quarries. Since Israeli law requires that materials for building cladding be made exclusively from natural stones. There is also the preparation of marble and building stone for Jerusalem. It can be added that in the industry of Israel there are small reserves of oil and natural gas, which are produced annually by about 9-16.5 million tons.

It is worth mentioning that there is also an aerospace industry in the Israeli industry, which also does not stand still, but moves forward and develops rapidly. Here they bring to life the production of avionics, aircraft engineering, manufacture instruments and equipment for space satellites, also devices for communications and intelligence.

The most influential company in Israel is Israel Aerospace Industries - an Israeli concern, its main office can be found at the Israeli Ben Gurion International Airport. This is a well-known company of the Israeli military-industrial complex.

This company was founded in 1953. The company is one of the leading and influential developers and manufacturers of UAVs in the world, in the world practice of aircraft industry, in some of these areas it has no equal at all. The company's specialists skillfully and actively modernize aircraft equipment around the world. Produced aircraft such as: fighter "Eagle"; tactical reconnaissance UAV; all-weather multipurpose fighter aircraft; heavy reconnaissance and strike UAV.

Israel is a developed industrial and agricultural country. Israel has a technologically advanced, market economy with significant state participation. It depends on the import of oil, grain, raw materials and military equipment. Despite limited natural resources, Israel over the past 20 years has managed to achieve significant success in the intensive development of industry and agriculture. Israel imports a significant amount of wheat, but provides for its own needs for other types of agricultural products.

The creation of the Israeli economy was also facilitated by funds received mainly from European countries and the United States. In the 1950s and 60s, nearly 2 million immigrants needed to be provided with food, clothing, housing and other services in the areas of health, education, hospitals, factories, roads, educational institutions and new homes. Israel is one of the ten richest countries in the world in terms of per capita income. It produces food products, fabrics, clothing, tobacco products, electronic equipment, including for military purposes and medicine, as well as diamonds (Israel is one of the world's largest centers for processing and polishing diamonds).

The country also has developed metallurgy and mechanical engineering, including aircraft and shipbuilding, the pharmaceutical industry, microelectronics, the production of computers and robots, including for the military industry.

Agriculture is well developed in the country, a significant share of production is exported. The main crops grown are peanuts, cotton, wheat, sunflower. From vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes and onions. Fruit crops - bananas, plums, pears, dates, apples, kiwi, mangoes, peaches, olives, some varieties of grapes, etc. In Israel, they are bred and cattle, sheep, goats, some species poultry. The milk yield in the country is one of the highest in the world. Carp, striped mullet and other fish are bred in ponds, and sardines are fished in the Mediterranean Sea. The main sources of state income are duties, taxes (about 25% of GDP) and foreign tourism.

Israel ranks 18th in the world in terms of GDP per capita. In 2007, this figure increased by $4,079 to $31,767. The share in world GDP in 2006 was 0.43%. Israel's GDP growth rate in the first quarter of 2008 reached an annualized rate of 5.4% - even slightly higher than in the record-breaking 2007, when the country's GDP grew by 5.3%.

Fantastically high growth rates are maintained by high-tech industries. In the first quarter current year production in these industries grew at a rate of 12.6% per annum. Such performance of Israeli hi-tech is especially impressive in a situation of a sharp fall in the dollar, the strengthening of the shekel and the economic crisis in the United States. Economically active population 2499 thousand people. Its main part is employed in industry (17.3%), wholesale and retail, car and household appliance repair shops (13.2%), real estate, rental and business (12.3%), healthcare and social services(9.9%). Branch structure of JVD: agriculture - 3%, industry - 30%, services - 67%.

Lacking most natural resources, Israel compensated by the development of labor-intensive industries that require the involvement of highly skilled work force, as well as the creation of centers for scientific development and modern system education. Thus, a significant part of the industry is focused on the creation of high-quality products using the latest technical means in such areas as medical instrumentation, agricultural technology, telecommunications, food production, chemicals, computer development and solar energy systems.

Statistical indicators of Israel
(as of 2012)

High-tech industries provide about 50% of the total industrial production Israel. The growth rate of industrial production in the first quarter of 2008 was significantly higher than in 2007 and reached 9% year on year.

Organizational structure of the Israeli economy

Israel has a mixed economy. Sale state companies led to the restructuring of the economic structure of Israel, to the redistribution of economic forces and levers of influence. For almost half a century, the centers of economic influence were concentrated in the hands of the government, trade unions and the Recanati family. Now the economy was under the control of about twenty groups. "Economic power" during the 90s passed from large banks, concerns to a number of competing investment and industrial groups-families. Among other things, the transition of economic structures into private hands led to an increase in the level of management, which confirmed the higher efficiency of private sector management compared to the public sector.

Non-agricultural activities are controlled by private capital, the Histadrut trade union organization and the state. Members of the Histadrut own shares in the Hevrat haovdim (Workers' Corporation) holding company, which functions like an ordinary capitalist corporation, although it was founded under the slogan of the socialist ideal of collective farming, which assumed the absence of a management layer and workers' self-management. The Histadrut grew into a powerful economic force, extending its influence to almost every area of ​​the economy in the country; he owns the multinational Bank HaPoalim, the design firm Solel Boneh, and industrial company Coors with 280 subsidiaries.

In the public sector, the main proprietors, along with the state itself, are also the Jewish Agency and local authorities. Among public joint-stock companies Israel's largest company, Israel Aircraft, El Al Airlines, and Israel Chemicals (mining and enrichment of minerals) stand out. This sector also has shipping company, shipyards, refineries, water supply system and power plants.

Foreign economic relations of Israel

With limited economic potential and a relatively small domestic potential and market, Israel can achieve an increase in economic growth only through the expansion of exports.

In Israel, the cost of importing goods has always exceeded the income from exports. Important import items are weapons, oil, machinery and equipment, spare parts for them, chemical products and metals, vehicles, food (wheat, raw materials for the production of vegetable oil, meat, coffee, cocoa, sugar), Appliances, rough diamonds for subsequent cutting and re-export. Exports include diamonds, machinery and equipment, fruits and canned food, fabrics and clothing, mineral fertilizers and other chemical products, weapons. The negative balance is covered primarily by donations and loans from the US government.

Since Israel's trade with neighboring countries is hampered by the political situation and the weak development of their economies, Israel sets itself the goal of penetrating into more distant markets. Now Israel can freely export goods to the US and EEC countries. In order to achieve maximum success, Israeli businesses seek to enter the industry international trade that best suit them in their specificity. Creation joint ventures with foreign firms often makes it possible to combine the innovative potential with the wide opportunities of foreign firms.

Israel's current liberalization course foreign trade subjected to rigorous testing. Domestic producers complain about economic stagnation and demand higher customs duties to create a barrier to cheap imports from third world countries. A particularly difficult situation has developed in the textile industry, which is unable to compete with imports from the Far East.

Israeli industry

In the first decade after Israel's independence, the main conditions of the country were focused on the development of agriculture and the creation of water, transport, and energy infrastructure. Since the country has an impressive potential of qualified specialists, while experiencing a shortage in the main types of raw materials, the Israeli industry is focused on the production of scientific goods based on its own scientific developments and technical innovations.

Over the past few decades, Israeli industry has reached world-class levels in medical electronics, agricultural technology, telecommunications, industrial chemistry and diamond processing. The Israeli diamond industry, which exported more than $3,000,000,000 in 1990, produces about 80% of the world's supply of small polished stones, most of which are diamonds used for jewelry. 40% of all diamonds are polished in Israel, making it the largest trading and manufacturing center in this industry. The greatest growth is observed in those industries where there is high technology, using the most advanced technology, as well as attracting investment in research and development, traditional Israeli industries are: food processing, machinery, clothing, furniture, fertilizers, chemicals, rubber, plastic and metal products.

20% of the national income is created in the manufacturing industry and a little less than 20% of all employed people are concentrated. Tel Aviv and nearby cities, home to nearly 4,000 large and small businesses, account for more than half of Israel's industrial jobs, the Haifa area for nearly a third, the South area for 12%, and the Jerusalem area for 6%.

The country produces food products, drinks, tobacco products, fabrics, clothing and leather goods, electrical and electronic equipment, especially for military purposes, the needs of the communications and medicine sectors; diamonds (Israel is the most important world center for polishing and cutting diamonds). Metallurgy and mechanical engineering are developed, including aircraft and shipbuilding, incl. military. Although the main branches of Israeli industry are agriculture, and animal husbandry, it is the goods of these industries that are exported.

Chemical industry: raw materials for the production of medical and veterinary drugs, medicines, anti-corrosion materials, nitrogen, phosphates, chlorine, sodium hydroxide, polyester resins, pest control agents for agricultural products, growth regulators, aromatic additives, etc.

The main source of energy is mainly imported oil, due to which almost 80% of the country's energy needs are met, and the rest is covered by coal purchases abroad. used solar energy(Israel ranks first in the world in the operation of solar boilers in homes) and wind power.

Mining industry. Large deposits of phosphorites are located in the Negev, from where the products are delivered by rail to Haifa. Potassium, bromine and magnesium salts are extracted from the waters of the Dead Sea, which are used in agriculture, as well as in photography and the pharmaceutical industry. Copper mines in Mihrot-Timna, on the site of the legendary mines of King Solomon, were opened for operation in 1955, but in 1976, after the fall in world copper prices, they were mothballed. In the Negev, clay is mined for the production of bricks and tiles, as well as quartz sand for the glass industry. Many quarries are developing materials for the manufacture of cement and concrete. Marble and building stone are also harvested for Jerusalem (where local law requires the use of natural materials for building cladding). The country has small reserves of oil (production is 9-16.5 million tons per year) and natural gas.

Agriculture in Israel

Since Israel's independence, the total area of ​​cultivated land has increased 2.6 times to approximately 445,170 hectares today, and the area of ​​irrigated fields has increased 8 times to 220,816 hectares. During the same period, the number of agricultural settlements increased from 400 to 750, but due to the high rate of urbanization, the share of the population living outside the cities decreased by 6%.

At present, Israel's food needs are mainly met by own production, supplementing it with imports, which mainly include: wheat, raw materials for the production of vegetable oil, coffee, etc. The secret of Israel's agricultural success lies in the close cooperation between farmers and scientists.

The most important cultivated crops are cotton, peanuts, sunflowers, and wheat. The most common fruits are apples, kiwis, mangoes, avocados, bananas, peaches, dates, olives, pears, plums, wine and table grapes, persimmons, pecans and almonds. The main vegetable crops are potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions. Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons) are exported, and some of them are sent for processing. Flowers are cultivated - carnations, roses, gladioli, etc.

The country has accumulated rich experience in winter cultivation of vegetables under film, which makes it possible to harvest several crops per year. As a result, each Israeli farmer can feed 52 people. Own agricultural production satisfies the country's needs for food products by 92%. A significant share of agricultural production is exported, an increase in annual volume that has been achieved, in particular, thanks to the widespread use of the most modern agricultural methods.

Agricultural production - one of the main items of Israeli exports - fully provides agricultural products. At the same time, the share of agriculture in the country's gross product is only 5% against 25% of industry and more than 30% of the contributions of such industries as trade, tourism and finance.

Israel transport and communications

The car is the main means of transportation in Israel. The length of motor roads is over 13 thousand km. The fleet of trucks has 174 thousand, and cars - 845 thousand units. Highways run mainly along the coast from north to south, the most important highway connecting Jerusalem with Tel Aviv. The railway network with a total length of 890 km links the Negev, Gaza and Jerusalem with Tel Aviv, Haifa and the north of the country. Its basis is formed by lines laid during the Turkish and British domination, when Palestine was at the crossroads railways Middle East. The system is currently railway transport is being modified. Main seaports Israel - Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat. International passenger transportation is carried out mainly through the Ben Gurion Airport in Lod, as well as through the Eilat Airport. Two small airports near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem serve domestic flights.

Israeli Employment Bureau (Khabarovsk), license for employment abroad LLC "Visa Tour" No. 20108271020 dated 08/10/2008. Our experience of working abroad: 14 years. We do not deceive, we work conscientiously, we announce real salaries. If necessary, we refurbish. We know how to go through customs correctly, we issue a package of documents for customs clearance. We work for the result, and the result of our work: customs clearance, paperwork for work, legal stay and employment in Israel. We indicate real salaries, we do not engage in fraud.

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Work in resort cities:
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Jobs for men, women and couples under 69:


- working shift: 12 hours (from 07.00 to 19.00) + overtime 1-4 hours

- hourly rate: 30 shekels per hour / $8
- working days: 24-28 working days

Payroll deductions:

- food at work: 1-2 times (there are factories without food)
- medical insurance: $60 per month

Total salary net: 1800 $ -2500 $ (120,000 rubles - 160,000 rubles), salary once a month on the 15th
Average net salary according to customer reviews: 130,000 rubles. per month

- Maid (room cleaning)
- Kitchen assistants
- Laundry workers
- Chefs
- Handymen
- Waiters
- Cleaning and filtration of swimming pools
- Confectionery shops (baking desserts)

Hotel payroll:
30 shekels ($8 per hour)*22-28 working days*8-9 hours shift (from 7.00 to 16.00)=6075 shekels=1642$
Payroll deductions:
- income tax: 10%
- accommodation is provided: 3.4 room apartment (in a room for 2 people), payment $ 300 / per month from the salary
- meals at work: 3 times (including weekends) = $ 34 per month (buffet)
- medical insurance: $60 per month
Total salary: $ 1224 (82,000 rubles) + processing:
+ processing: 1-4 hours at 125% per hour, night shifts at 150% per hour
Total salary net: 1224 $ -2300 $ (82000 rubles - 153000 rubles) per month, salary 1 time a month on the 10th day
The average net salary according to reviews: in the period from November to March: 70,000 rubles. per month, from April to October: 110,000 rubles. per month

- working shift: 22 working days for 10 hours + 4 Fridays for 5 hours, Sat is a day off
- hourly pay: 33-35 shekels per hour / $10 per hour * 240 hours = 8400 shekels, no overtime
Payroll deductions:
- accommodation is provided: 3.4 room apartment (in a room for 2 people), payment $ 300 / per month from the salary
- self-catering (~$250-350 per month)
- medical insurance: $60 per month
Total net salary: 1800 $ -2800 $ = 120000 R. - 180000 R., salary once a month on the 15th

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