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Remote business has long ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. Proof of this are numerous online stores, where anyone can make a purchase without leaving home. Saving time and money is definitely an advantage of online shopping. From this article, you will learn how to independently organize an online clothing business, find potential buyers and successfully develop your business.

How to start selling clothes online?

Anyone can start their own online. Often this does not even require big investment. Enough to have free time, constant access to the Internet and the desire to earn.

For example, many housewives in maternity leave child care, attracts the sale of children's clothing via the Internet. Potential buyers are the same familiar mothers who are looking for unusual and inexpensive things for their children. Having organized their business online, women are in no hurry to return to their usual routine work and continue to develop their profitable business even after maternity leave.

In order to start your online business, it is not necessary to make bulk purchases and be afraid that the goods will not be in demand. Selling clothes over the Internet allows you to act as an organizer joint purchases. In other words, people will order the product they are interested in from you, make an advance payment, and you will buy it from the supplier and wind up your percentage for the work done. Today, many individual entrepreneurs work according to this scheme, for whom it is much more comfortable to work at home at the computer than to trade in the market.

Decide on an assortment

Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the range. The main criterion for successful online sales is the relevance and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses in your city, or it is absolutely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to conduct a comparative analysis of existing retail clothing stores, read forums and find out the opinion of friends about what they would buy from you with great pleasure.

An important factor is the average income per capita in the region where you are going to organize your e-commerce. Inflated prices can repel potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality. Try to focus on those products for the sale of which you will have the lowest possible competition.

How to find a clothing supplier?

The sheer variety of clothing suppliers is confusing for the newcomer to online trading. Today you can order clothes both in the CIS countries and far beyond the Commonwealth. The most profitable suppliers are, of course, Chinese clothing manufacturers. The leaders among the resources offering to make online sales are AliExpress and TaoBao. However, if the latter site is aimed at native Chinese speakers, then users from all over the world can make purchases on AliExpress.

The advantage of Chinese suppliers is high-quality inexpensive clothing. Through the Internet, you can order quite exclusive things from China that cannot be found in any retail store Russia.

The main rule of wholesale purchases on such a site is the rating of the selected seller. Make a deal only after making sure of its integrity and the quality of the goods. You can check this by the reviews of customers who have already placed orders with this supplier.

The AliExpress resource protects the rights of both parties, as evidenced by a well-thought-out payment system. After choosing the right product, the customer pays the full amount of its cost, after which the seller sends the goods by mail. The money entered into the system will be transferred to the seller's account only after the customer receives his goods and confirms its quality and safety during shipment. Otherwise, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount or a full refund of their funds. The system guarantees that any package will arrive safely, including clothes purchased through the store. The Internet in this case greatly simplifies the process of making a transaction.

How to find potential buyers?

After you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to start looking for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable with your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require financial investments (website creation, design development, promotion in search engines, search for a hired administrator, etc.). Therefore, the most rational way to find buyers for a beginner is a group or community in social networks.

You can create such a group absolutely free of charge by advertising your services and posting a range of custom-made clothes. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers. Gradually, people will begin to learn about your online clothing community and will tell their friends about it. The principle of the so-called word of mouth marketing"works flawlessly to this day.

However, if allowed financial resources, then you can entrust the promotion of the community to professionals who will invite potential buyers based on the principle of targeting. In other words, there will be people in your group who will actually start ordering. Remember that buying clothes online should be as comfortable as possible for your potential buyers.

Payment methods for orders

For the convenience of making transactions, you need to offer customers various payment methods for orders:

  • Transfer to a bank card or money transfer to a bank account.
  • Payment by electronic currency (WebMoney, Qiwi, "YandexMoney").
  • Postal transfer or cash on delivery.
  • Payment in cash upon receipt of the goods.

In addition, in order to insure yourself against the buyer's refusal of the order, you can introduce a prepayment system, which can range from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods. This item may even include making payment transactions much easier and more convenient, which significantly saves time and money for customers.

Delivery of the order to the buyer

The correct organization of the delivery of the order to the buyer will not only have a good effect on the reputation of the online store, but will also significantly reduce the time of the transaction. You can arrange delivery in the following ways:

  • Deliver the order to the buyer's home on their own.
  • To give the goods in a predetermined place on neutral territory.
  • Ask buyers to pick up goods directly at the seller's home.
  • Hire a courier who, for a nominal fee, will deliver the goods to the right place and time.
  • Send goods by mail cash on delivery.

The advantage of online shopping is that you can buy this or that thing without leaving your home. That is why it is better to give preference to delivery to the buyer's home. It will be convenient if the delivery is positioned as free, and you include its real cost in total cost purchases.

Contract between seller and buyer

A well-drafted service agreement can protect the seller and the buyer from possible misunderstandings in the course of the transaction. And it doesn't matter if it's legal document or a formal verbal agreement. The main thing is that both parties fulfill their obligations.

For example, an obligatory clause of such an agreement may be an advance payment of 50% of the purchase price or a refund if the product turns out to be defective or does not fit in size. The buyer must be sure that he will not lose his money and receive a quality order that will meet his expectations.

Taxes - to pay or not to pay?

Any entrepreneurial activity within the territory of Russian Federation must be legally executed and registered with the tax authority. Contributions to the state treasury will not only save you from possible problems but also help create a secure future. After all, by registering as individual entrepreneur, you will make monthly social and pension payments, from which your pension will be formed in the future.

However, if you are still not sure about the success of your online business, you can try to make some test orders for friends or relatives. If you see that selling clothes over the Internet brings positive results, then it makes sense to continue to develop your business by registering it according to the law. In the last few years, it has become possible to register online businesses in accordance with the tax code of the Russian Federation.

What else can you sell online?

Selling clothes online is not the only way to organize online trading. You can sell anything. The main thing is that the product is in demand and relevant among the residents of your city or region. So, unusual women's jewelry and accessories, various devices for the kitchen and home, car accessories and replica watches are very popular. famous brands. People will always be looking for unusual things that can be easily purchased without going abroad.

Online business is a responsible and hard work. Selling clothes over the Internet or any accessories requires a certain investment of time in the early stages. However, with a properly planned business project, the result in the form stable income won't keep you waiting long.

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular these days. This is due both to the fact that they provide the widest possible choice, and to the fact that such outlets mobile and quickly respond to the needs of the user environment, and with the fact that the cost of goods in them is an order of magnitude lower than in standard stationary stores, and with many other factors.

Today, you can buy anything in the online store: from household appliances and clothes to food. To understand where such outlets get their goods, you first need to understand their organization.

Where do online stores get their goods

Depending on what type of store has opened on the Internet, its distributor is also determined. So, for example, if a given outlet belongs to specific brand such as Sela, Zara, Mango, GloriaJeans, Austin, etc. will sell the products of his label. And there is hardly another one. Accordingly, manufacturers will act as a supplier.

In such stores, the price of goods is unlikely to be lower than in stationary points. Indeed, in this case, corporate rules apply to online trading too. This shopping option is suitable for those who save time.

Stores like Utkonos, Enter, Vikimart, etc. act as intermediaries. They establish contacts with various manufacturers who have their own sales departments and people involved in the sale of products. Further, the goods are simply put on a virtual showcase and delivered to the user at the request of the user.

This method of receiving goods is mutually beneficial for both suppliers and distributors. the products are not stale, and the intermediary receives his percentage.

True, in some cases, online stores can receive goods through second hands, i.e. through a distributor who himself purchases from some other intermediary. Naturally, in this case, there is no need to talk about a fundamental difference in price with stationary points.

Owners of sites that sell clothes, small household appliances, accessories, are often purchased at large wholesale warehouses. These can be located in Russia, for example, Moscow, or in other countries (China is especially popular in such a situation).

Where is the best place to buy

Naturally, it is better to buy in trusted outlets. Especially when it comes to fairly large and expensive goods. If you are not sure that the online store is reliable, place an order for some small thing in it and wait. Then evaluate the result: the speed of delivery, order processing and other details.

Alternatively, you can try to return the purchased item and check the return procedure. After all, even if there is a problem with a small product, it will be even more difficult with a large product.

You can also use the feedback system that is on each site. It can be used to easily track the performance of a particular trading platform.

If you want to be as sure as possible about the quality of the purchased goods, make online purchases in official


Contact large wholesalers. As a rule, such warehouses are located not only in specially equipped Soviet times premises, but also in the buildings of former vegetable depots, railway warehouses, as well as in more modern ones. In addition, many once large enterprises have recently increasingly rented huge warehouses that have become unnecessary to wholesalers.

Be wary of confiscated sellers at surprisingly low prices. Firstly, there is a high probability that the goods are simply stolen, and secondly, even if there are some documents for it, these wholesale channels cannot always be regarded as permanent.

If you are interested in purchasing goods, contact one of the nearest hypermarkets (such as "Metro") for this purpose. Such hypermarkets are simply indispensable for owners of small shops and businesses. Catering.

If you live in Moscow, then in order to find wholesalers, go to the website first Wholesale Warehouse for Moscow and the Moscow Region).

If you are interested in buying or selling food products, do not forget to visit the website and get acquainted with the widest range of products or place an offer in one of the categories. You can order a review, an analytical article, and other presentation materials about almost every type of product or batch.

Go to one of the Internet business forums (for example, on to the section " Marketplace”) and register in order to post information about your product or contact suppliers.

Refer to website catalog wholesalers). Register and select wholesalers whose conditions suit you in the price list of the website or, if you yourself are a supplier of goods, place information about yourself.

You have decided to start your own business, and one of the first questions you will face is the question of finding reliable suppliers. Despite the fact that there are a huge number of offers for the sale and supply of goods, finding a supplier who will provide you with the necessary assortment on conditions convenient for you and at affordable prices is a big problem.


In our country, word of mouth is one of the most common ways to find anyone, including business partners. Therefore, ask familiar businessmen, friends, relatives, maybe they know reliable suppliers in your region.

Look for a supplier who will be interested in you, just as you are in him. Build only mutually beneficial relationships with business partners.

Pay attention to the following points: does the price of the offered products correspond, is the full range always in stock, what discounts does it offer, what is the speed of delivery of the ordered products, what are the conditions, what Additional services provided by the supplier.

Whichever way you choose a supplier, be sure to check its reputation. Feel free to ask questions to businessmen who are already working with your potential partner.

Good luck with your partnership!

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Efficient and profitable business associated with the turnover of any goods, it is extremely difficult to build if there are no reliable suppliers. Long-term business cooperation can only be established with a trusted supplier, which requires considerable resources to find.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - business press;
  • - mailing about exhibitions;
  • - Appeal to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Decide what level of suppliers you need. If your business is connected with large wholesale, then it is more profitable for you to work directly with the manufacturer. In this case, you will receive the lowest possible price, you will have the prospect of a regional dealership, and you will also be able to resolve any issues and make quality claims. If you plan to purchase goods in small batches or want to purchase a product in an assortment of different brands, it is better to conclude an agreement with. In this case, the price will be slightly higher, but you will get rid of many documentation and logistical problems.

Not all suppliers and manufacturers are active. Especially when it comes to small companies or. Attend exhibitions in your field of activity. Subscribe to the e-mailing lists of the expo centers, which will inform you in advance about the upcoming events. At the exhibition, you will be able to establish direct contacts and get acquainted with the company's products. However, after that, you should still find information about them in open sources.

Get a membership in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of your city. This organization has information even about those companies that you are unlikely to find on your own. In addition, you will be able to participate in seminars and trainings, get advice on organizing a business.

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Be careful with competitive intelligence. The purchase of certain information or the introduction of one's own people into another company is always associated with a violation of trade secrets and is subject to administrative prosecution.

Useful advice

Make active use of your business connections. Your partners and clients can suggest already trusted suppliers, and you will save a lot of time.


  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Finding the right manufacturer is always a complex process. As you know, there are a huge number of different plants and factories around the world. How to find a supplier who will be able to provide you with the necessary goods at an affordable price?


Decide which item you would like to order. To do this, use one of the systems for searching goods by manufacturers on the Internet (for example, suppliers of Chinese products can be found on Alibaba, Global Sources, Baidu, EC21, Made-in-China). To easily find information in these free directories, you need to know English well.

Formulate clear requirements for the product and, based on them, start searching for a suitable supplier, comparing it with your wishes. Make sure that the manufacturer you have chosen is a company that can solve any problem, including prepayment of the ordered goods and their delivery. Therefore, first learn the maximum about the manufacturer and only then conclude an agreement with him.

Specify the scheme according to which the manufacturer works with customers, what is the area of ​​​​the enterprise and workers are engaged in production. Request samples of the manufacturer's key documents, including the registration certificate, trade license, and others. Thanks to the key points, you will better understand who you will cooperate with in the future, and you will be able to know which manufacturer is best for you. And never make an advance payment for the goods without having familiarized yourself with the proposed product sample.

Ask for advice from your friends who have experience in choosing and buying such equipment. Let them assist you in negotiations with the main manufacturers and in the organization of deliveries.

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  • How to choose a manufacturer

A good supplier who can regularly supply you with the goods you need at reasonable prices, conceived becomes a guarantor of business stability. That is why finding the right supplier can be a key task both at the stage of establishing a new business and during the operation of the company.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - Exhibitions;
  • - subject directories.


Use thematic directories that list the main companies operating in your region and beyond. Such guides are distributed in various institutions, and are also sold in newsstands.

Turn to the internet as it is one of the most effective tools For search . Try searching for wholesale suppliers through search engines directly. In addition, you can register on business resources that provide their subscribers with information about all products and manufacturers. For example, if you are looking for a supplier from China, the portal will help you.

Take part in exhibitions of your industry. At such events, you always have a chance to get acquainted with the most large enterprises, see the manufactured products, as well as discuss the terms of potential cooperation on the spot.

Look for suppliers through business partners and acquaintances. In this case, you get an important advantage: personal recommendations that can say much more than any Internet site.

Spend competitive intelligence. If you see on the market exactly the product that you would like to deal with, try to find out the channels for its purchase. At the same time, act legally, avoiding bribes and other illegal methods. In most cases, this information is fairly easy to obtain.

Make suppliers find you. Place information in the relevant directories, indicate information about the search for business partners on your website. Most companies are interested in expanding their customer base, so you need to make sure that you are approached with commercial offers.


  • how to find wholesale suppliers

In the process of doing trading activities any enterprise is faced with the need from time to time to look for suppliers. This may be due to the expansion of trade areas or the replacement of an old contractor whose services for some reason no longer suit you. How to quickly find a reliable contractor?

You will need

  • - calendar of exhibitions of your trade area;
  • - industrial magazines and catalogs of goods;
  • - the Internet.


Find out how many suppliers you need in order to ensure the uninterrupted flow of goods. If you are going to create a business, you can start with two or three contractors.

Visit exhibitions dedicated to the particular industry in which you work or intend to work. At such events, there are many meetings of specialists, manufacturers and distributors of certain categories of goods. Look at all the presented samples, choose the ones you like, write down the contacts of the manufacturers. In addition, at each exhibition stand you can find representatives of the manufacturer. They can tell in a detailed form about the products they represent.

Buy industry magazines or product catalogs. In them you will find the coordinates of all companies whose products are described in the publication. This method is one of the most effective in finding suppliers.

You can find a supplier online. In any search engine, in the search bar, enter "Manufacturer (product name)". Large companies must have their own website on the Internet, where their contact details are indicated, an overview of products is presented.

Ask your friends about the companies that produce the products you are interested in. Pay attention to the opinions and recommendations of acquaintances related to the field in which you work.

Place advertisements for the search for suppliers in newspapers, place them on the appropriate boards on the Internet.

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When choosing clients, be sure to find out as much as possible about the selected candidates. Look for reviews, visit thematic resources on the Internet, ask competent people about the company. A rash choice of supplier can have a significant impact on the well-being of your business.

Useful advice

At the preliminary stage of negotiations with the prospective supplier, try to mention that you are considering proposals from several candidates and are looking for the most suitable ones. Perhaps with this remark you will push the supplier to more profitable cooperation offers.

If you decide to open your own store, your first task is to find a supplier for the store, and this task is not very simple. The stores themselves do not share such secrets, fearing competition, and good suppliers are not very willing to cooperate with partners who are just starting to work - their volumes are small.


Suppliers come in three categories. The most preferable, although the most expensive, are the producers of the goods. The second category includes dealers and distributors, officially representing manufacturing companies. They are not so exacting to invest money. The third category is resellers, the most undemanding, but also the most unreliable category.

As for manufacturers, it will not be difficult for you to find such a supplier - just look at the packaging of the product you like. It usually contains the name, address and email address or website. Your task will be to overcome resistance and conclude an agreement, as suppliers tend to work only with large wholesalers. But be sure to check the availability of certificates from the manufacturer, since it is quite difficult to independently certify the goods.

You can make a choice of an official dealer by typing the name of the product in the search bar of the browser and adding the word "wholesale" to it. But the problem is that not always those enterprises that will be indicated in the first lines of the query result are really official suppliers and will be able to work with you by bank transfer, as with legal entity.

The information and methodological center "Expertise" will help you in finding suppliers, it has a database of registers of Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemic service of Russia. You need to use them using queries. If, for example, you are interested in products of a certain brand, in the search bar on the site, type E8%E7%EE%F0%FB + brand name. Upon request, you will be given the names and addresses of sales representatives.

Be careful when choosing a supplier from the third category - intermediaries. As a rule, they do not bear any responsibility for the quality of the goods and cannot guarantee it. The goods can be delivered to you without any accompanying documentation and warranty obligations.

The choice of supplier also depends on the transport arm and payment terms. It is clear that the closer the supplier, the lower the cost of delivery of goods. Note also that the smaller the wholesale supplier company, the less it depends on the bank, since the cost of maintaining the machine is low. choose small companies with a good assortment - it is less likely that the bank will send your money transferred for the goods to wage arrears.


  • Information and methodological center "Expertise"

It is difficult to find high-quality employees, but it is even more difficult to find stable partners, because you cannot do business with just anyone.

networks exhibition centers regularly hold exhibitions on various topics and industries. At the booths, you can learn more about the products on offer, as well as arrange follow-up meetings.

Web search.

You can try to find suppliers through the Internet. However, in the first positions for most search queries are those that are already well-established on the market and are hardly interested in additional cooperation. But small suppliers may not have their own website.

Boards of announcements.

If the search on the Internet was unsuccessful, then the bulletin boards will be the way out of the situation, where you can either post the search ad yourself, or view those already published. The most popular bulletin boards are Slando and Avito.

Tip 9: Where to find a wholesale supplier original clothes Adidas

The Adidas brand has been around for a long time. This brand is loved all over the world and it seems that the demand for clothes of the German industrial concern will never fall. Undoubtedly, clothes from Adidas are also interesting for entrepreneurs from a financial point of view. The question immediately arises if this brand is so popular and in demand all over the world, where to find a supplier of original Adidas clothing.

Brand production

For a long time, global brands from Europe and America have moved their production to China, Vietnam, Indonesia. This is due to cheap labor and more loyal tax system. And Adidas is no exception. All original Adidas clothing is made in China. The factories have the strictest quality control. Because of any, even the most insignificant defect, the thing is sent to marriage. All clothes and shoes are made to order with appropriate labels for different countries.

Supplier search

First of all, you should look for a wholesale supplier of original Adidas clothing in China. One of the options to find an intermediary without leaving your city is through the Internet.

You can do this on any online platform of Chinese goods.

Adidas is very popular, so you have to work hard to choose the right one from the many offers. Next, you will have to establish communication, check the reliability and reliability of the information provided. For his work, the intermediary will take a percentage, but you can bargain with him and achieve a reduction in the wholesale price.

It will be more difficult to reach a direct manufacturer, but nothing is impossible. To do this, you will have to go on your own, and already agree on cooperation on the spot. Here you will need a guide, translator and perseverance.

Quite often, the Chinese offer to purchase sports goods with minor defects that did not pass quality control and were rejected.

As a rule, defects are very minor and almost invisible to a simple buyer. And the price of these things is much cheaper, although they are original and excellent quality but no certificate.

These two options are more suitable for small entrepreneurs who have a small stationary or online store and do not need large supplies.

If you do not want to puzzle yourself with a trip to another country and find a supplier, you can conclude a supply agreement with the official representative of Adidas in Russia. Quality certificates for all goods are provided. Ordering from such a supplier will be a little more expensive than from a direct manufacturer, because the wholesale supplier takes care of all the hassle of ordering and delivering the original product to your warehouse or store.

Before you decide to go into Adidas, think carefully about everything in advance and draw up a business plan. Is it really as profitable as you think. Indeed, now in many cities there is at least one official store representing this trademark. It will be hard to compete with them.

In recent years, stores selling goods at a fixed price have become extremely popular in Russia. In them you can buy various small things at fairly favorable conditions. It is also an interesting option for business - it brings a stable profit and practically does not reduce turnover even in a crisis, since the goods sold through it are constantly needed by people. In this article, we will look at how to open an “all at the same price” store and where to get goods, to work as efficiently as possible.


Such stores first appeared in the United States in 1878 - Frank Woolworth became their founder. Initially, he worked as a salesman in a regular store. It came to his mind interesting idea- put the stale goods at a single price of 5 cents, raising the real price on something, and lowering it on something. The experiment turned out to be successful - people quickly bought up the stale goods, and the store made a profit.

Fix Price stores are very popular among the population

Woolworth took this idea on board and opened his own store in Utica, New York. He worked on the principle of FixPrice, that is, a fixed price. The goods in them had a certain price gradation - all for 5 cents, all for 10, etc. The result was stunning - sales broke all records, and the number of stores increased rapidly. On the this moment This network has about 5,000 stores around the world, and their total revenue is almost 8 billion dollars.

In Russia, Fix Price stores appeared at the end of the 2000s and quickly became popular. Probably, each of the readers has seen outlets “all for 50”, “all for 100”, etc. - these are exactly them.

The main income of the store is not due to a large markup, but due to high traffic and sales volume. According to statistics, 87% of people who enter an institution make a purchase, while in a regular store - no more than 20, and out of 87% of those who enter, 75% buy 2 or more items.

Of course, that the store is “all at the same price” does not sell branded or high quality items, but low prices and minimal markups always attract people. They will not be offended if a knife for 30 rubles breaks after 3 months - they will simply buy a new one.

Where to get goods for sale

Consider where you can get suitable goods for sale through similar stores. Note that you need to purchase them in bulk in order to significantly reduce the cost and selling prices, but this is not always possible if you do not have a large warehouse and a wide distribution network. Therefore, it is more profitable to look for active suppliers for the “all at one price” store, which will offer you goods a little more expensive than from the manufacturer, but at the same time in a wide range and in the required volumes, so as not to clog warehouses and utility rooms with products.

For successful business a store from 50 meters is enough, for a franchise - from 150-200

If you have a storage room, you can try to buy goods yourself - you can do this in China, through sites like Aliexpress or Alibaba, or through intermediaries if you do not want to contact the Chinese directly. Buying in China in bulk, especially large ones, you can get goods at very competitive prices, but you need to constantly monitor the quality and monitor the delivery - it can be delayed due to the quality of the work of the Russian Post and customs authorities.

There are other options for where to take the goods:

  1. Buy it in bulk at large bases, gradually forming the right assortment.
  2. Purchase at sales in supermarkets such as Auchan, etc.
  3. In online stores, on various ad sites.

There is another option - to franchise a store. In this case, you get a fully established business and suppliers, but this approach will limit your assortment and require large initial investments. In return, you will save on advertising and will be able to develop immediately after the start.

What kind of assortment should be created in the store? We recommend focusing on the following types of goods:

  1. Everything you need for the kitchen (inexpensive knives, sharpeners, planks, washcloths and brushes, coasters, etc.).
  2. Household goods ranging from lids for closing preservation to brushes for applying paint.
  3. Perfumery, cosmetics.
  4. Inexpensive food, canned food.
  5. Shampoos, detergents and other household chemicals.
  6. Stationery.
  7. Toys, puzzles, rubber bands, etc.
  8. Festive accessories, paraphernalia, souvenirs.
  9. Inexpensive clothes.
  10. Hygiene products for men and women.

Think what else buy goods in bulk for the store "all at one price" it is possible in your locality and the chosen place - goods for animals will be popular in sleeping areas, in office centers - stationery, mice and keyboards, paper, etc.

Where to open

We have already dealt with the goods a little, so let's think about where it is more profitable to open a similar store. Much, if not all, depends on the location. You need to find a comfortable place in passing place- you need constantly coming buyers. For this, central streets, sleeping quarters, private sector centers, markets, entrances to supermarkets, etc. are suitable. The volume of the trading floor is from 50 m2, ten more squares will be needed to accommodate staff, a warehouse, a wardrobe, etc. There is no special rent for premises less than 40 squares meaning - you will not be able to put all the goods on them or its range will be extremely limited.

The wider the range, the more sales and customers

Attention:If you are entering into a franchise agreement, then be sure to study the requirements for trading floor. Many franchisors have strict requirements for both the area and the design of the hall - if you do not fulfill them, then they will not sign a contract with you.

Does it make sense to buy a room or is it better to rent it? It all depends on how seriously you decide to approach the issue and how much money you have. It is most logical to conclude a lease for at least a year in order to try whether you have chosen a good place, whether you have organized your business correctly, whether you liked doing it. If everything suits you in a year, then you can think about buying.

How to open

So, you have already picked up an assortment of goods and found a room in a convenient passageway. How to proceed? If you have already analyzed the market and drawn up a business plan, then it's time to go to the tax authorities and register the store. There are two options for the development of events:

  1. You open an IP if you work independently.
  2. You open an LLC if you plan to open a store with a partner.

You can also open an LLC on your own - this solution has both its pros and cons - you can read about them in other articles on our website. One of the main advantages is that the LLC does not risk its property and many suppliers are more willing to work with a legal entity than with a private trader. But IP has its advantages - simplified reporting, ease of opening and closing, the ability to choose a taxation system, etc.

When registering, select the KVED codes associated with retail- this is quite enough for doing business. It is unlikely that you will occupy other industries in the process of trading, but if you plan to conduct other activities, then indicate the codes right away - this does not oblige you to anything.

Marketing and promotion

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade. You will also need it, but only advertising should be narrowly focused and centralized. You understand that it is pointless to play commercials on TV for the whole city, no one will travel 10 kilometers to buy a dish brush. Therefore, you need competent marketing. We suggest focusing on:

  1. High-quality and noticeable signage, which should be placed at the entrance to the store.
  2. For portable advertising (boards, streamers, posters near the store).
  3. For print products distributed in your area.
  4. For the correct design of the hall.
  5. For promotions, discounts, discounts and various events. The grand opening of a new point will attract many passing customers to you, and then the glory will be passed on word of mouth.

Remember that you need to attract customers to the store and sell it as much as possible, so the goods in demand can be placed a little further from the entrance, so that while a person walks along the windows, his gaze caught on something he needs in the household and he just took it with him "small things" at the checkout.

Hall equipment

The issue of registration must be approached with all responsibility. It doesn't matter if you have store franchise “all for one price” or you are planning to deal with the equipment yourself - think about how the showcases will stand, how many there will be, what you will put on them.

Convenient shelves and proper layout - a guarantee of good sales

What equipment will you need? Since you won't be selling perishable food, you won't need refrigerators either. All that is needed is a few glass display cases, several floor systems and stands, mannequins for clothes and a full-fledged counter. The store will need to supply a barcode reader and a computer, as well as cash machine. In total, for the equipment of a store of 50 square meters, you will have to spend about 80-100 thousand rubles, for 100 m2 - about 150 thousand. Showcases and the rest can be purchased from numerous companies that sell shop equipment as well as in the market. In some cases, it will be worthwhile to purchase a BU in good condition, perhaps someone closes a similar store and arranges a sale.

Brief business plan

Now let's look at an example of calculating a store operating in a city with a population of 300,000 people. The area of ​​the store is 50m2, the premises are rented, the goods are purchased on their own. The average buyer in such stores is a woman (75% versus 25% of men) with an income of up to 30 thousand rubles, aged 25 to 55 years. She visits such stores once a week, buying everything she needs for the house and various knick-knacks for the children. The main emphasis is on household chemicals, household and kitchen goods, an average of 4-6 items are purchased per visit.

Let's calculate the required costs:

  1. Repair and decoration of the hall - 150,000.
  2. Purchase necessary equipment - 100 000.
  3. Purchase of goods - 600,000.
  4. Marketing, other expenses - 100,000.

In total, you will need about 950 thousand rubles to open it. Then you need staff. Usually, 1 employee is enough for an institution with such footage, but it all depends on the occupancy. Wage for the seller - 20,000 rubles. Rent will cost 500 thousand a year, another 100 will be eaten by utility costs. Taxes will be about 150 thousand a year and other expenses - 200 thousand. In total, a year of work will cost you 1,200 thousand rubles, but these costs can already be paid after opening, and if you work independently at least at the initial stage, they will drop to 900 thousand.

Further, we consider the income from one sale, the earnings are approximately 15 percent, the average check for a purchase is 300 rubles, that is, you receive about 50 rubles from one client. About 150 customers visit the store per day, bringing you 7,500 rubles net profit or 225,000 per month. In a year, your profit will be 2,700,000 rubles, that is, all the costs incurred will fully pay off. In practice, everything is somewhat more complicated: in the first days and even weeks you will not have so many customers, but as soon as people get used to a convenient store, they will constantly come to you. The main thing is to maintain a wide range, favorable price and good quality goods. For example, it will cost you nothing to give a balloon to each little visitor, but next time he will definitely drag his parents into the institution when they pass by.

In contact with

It is important for every store owner who sets himself big goals in business to have a full range of items in stock and constantly update it. That is why a fair question arises before him: “Where to buy clothes in bulk for sale?”. Buying interest and popularity of the store depend on the timely arrival of seasonal novelties that correspond to all fashion trends. You need to figure out where to buy clothes in bulk for sale.

How to determine the store where to buy clothes in bulk

There are not so many conscientious and reliable suppliers for bulk purchases, this must be discussed immediately. Many not only beginners, but also experienced businessmen are looking for a place to buy wholesale clothes in Moscow. Success in the search can be achieved by defining quite clear criteria for choosing a partner for cooperation. So, it must fully comply with a number of conditions:

  • The completeness of the range. The list of goods in a wholesale store where you can buy clothes in bulk must be complete. It is desirable that the catalog contains clothes of various styles and trends. In this case, you can surprise customers with a large assortment of goods.
  • Availability of new products. Each buyer, entering your store, hopes to find models from the latest fashion collections in order to purchase them. If he can buy stylish clothes from you, he will definitely turn to your services again. Otherwise, he will find another store.
  • Compliance with the needs of buyers. The goods in a place where you can buy women's clothing in bulk should be not only of high quality, but also stylish.
  • Low purchase prices. An important criterion for finding a place where you can buy cheap clothes in bulk. The lower the purchase price, the more goods at a lower cost you can offer to buyers. This is an important advantage over competitors, which will allow you to purchase goods profitably.

Supplier types

Wholesale clothes are sold by the following categories of suppliers: large and small. Large suppliers carry out large deliveries of goods - such conditions are well suited for procurement big business, however, for a small one, they can be completely unbearable. As a rule, this is a great option where you can buy clothes in bulk cheaper, since such suppliers are also manufacturers and offer to purchase large quantities of goods.

Small suppliers are stores where the owners of small shops or boutiques, that is, small businesses, buy clothes in bulk. Prices from such suppliers are higher, however, a novice entrepreneur gets the opportunity to purchase the items of goods he needs, and not get involved in large batches of purchases.

Amorce online store is a reliable clothing supplier

You went to an online store where clothes are wholesale and cheap. We value our customers, therefore we offer them favorable and reliable conditions for cooperation and procurement. Our customers point to the following benefits of Amorce.

  • Low prices. We make you a profitable offer, and therefore our store is considered a place where you buy clothes in bulk. We set minimum trading margins on their products, thereby offering favorable terms of cooperation.
  • High quality. Our team is a team of professionals. We are a store where wholesale clothing is thoroughly checked. You can be completely sure of the excellent condition of our goods.
  • Extensive range. We are constantly working on finding the latest novelties of the season, offering you only the most fashionable trends.
  • Comfort. Working with us is easy. You need to use the quick search system created on our website, select the positions that suit you and place a purchase order. The order is promptly processed and delivered. The benefit is provided to both large and small buyers.
  • Various payment methods. We know the price of mobility, so we offer you the opportunity to pay for the purchase both in cash and by bank transfer.


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