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Academic discipline "Organization of material and technical support of troops"

Academic discipline

Professor of the military department
retired colonel
KUTSENKO Oleksandr Yanovich
+7 (909) 625 - 38 - 37
+7 (926) 077 - 74 - 36

Academic discipline
"Organization of material and technical support of troops"
Senior Lecturer
military department
reserve colonel
Sergei Adamovich

Fragment of the feature film "Officers"
(G. Yumatov, V. Lanovoy and others, Gorky Film Studio, 1971)

“... there is such a profession -
Protect your homeland! … »

Topic No. 1 Lesson No. 1

"Role and tasks
provision of troops"

Study questions

1. Introduction to the discipline "Organization
2. Logistics
troops, its role, tasks and significance in
modern combat.
3. Current state organizations

1. Kutsenko A.Ya., Kotvitsky S.A. etc. Organization of material and technical support of the troops. Lecture course. Tutorial.
- S.-Pb.: "Kopi R-Group", 2011, p.s. 7-26.
Manual on ensuring combat operations of formations and
military units of the Ground Forces. Part 4. Rear
security. - M .: Military Publishing, 2006, Art. 6-8.
Tutorial. - Volsk: VVVUT, 2005, s.s. 8, 9.
(XVIII - XX centuries). Book 3. Rear of the Red Army during the Great
Patriotic War 1941-1945 / ed. V.I.Isakova. -
S.-Pb.: VATT, 2000, s.s. 28-59.


In accordance with the Decree of the President Russian Federation
dated July 6, 2010 No. 843 "On the Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation" work was carried out on the reorganization of six military districts
(Leningrad, Moscow, North Caucasian, Volga-Ural,
Siberian and Far Eastern) to Western, Southern, Central and
Eastern military districts.
Western military district
Southern Military District
Eastern Military District
Southern Military District
Central Military District

Responsible for the organization of logistics
provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
General of the Army Bulgakov D.V.
Organizes the development of the concept and plan for the construction and development of the system
logistics support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
and manages the logistics system for:
activities of the organization of providing troops (forces) with weapons, military
equipment and material resources, their storage, operation, modernization,
repair and disposal;
preparation of proposals for the state defense order, plans and programs for the creation and
improvement of weapons and military equipment;
organization of military transportation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction
roads and railways of non-public use of the Ministry of Defense;
organization of veterinary and phytosanitary supervision in the Armed Forces,
fire protection and environmental safety measures;
when operating buildings, structures and providing utilities
military units and organizations of the Armed Forces;
state metrological control in the Armed Forces;
also exercises other powers in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry
defense of the Russian Federation.

Organization of the central apparatus of logistics
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Railway Troops
Logistics Headquarters
Armed Forces
Russian Federation
transport support
Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation
Department of Operational Maintenance and Support
public utilities of military units and organizations
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The main thing
Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation
The main thing
rocket and artillery
Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation
Metrology department
Armed Forces
Russian Federation
The main thing
Chief's office
Railway Troops
Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation
Ministry of Defense of the Russian
Federations (to perpetuate the memory
who died defending the Fatherland)

Logistics Headquarters
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Armed Forces Logistics Headquarters
planning and coordination in the central bodies of the military
administration, formations, military units and logistics support organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation,
responsible for the organization of logistics
troops (forces), logistics activities
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime and military
Lieutenant General
Alexey Mikhailovich
Main goals:
organizing the planning of logistics activities in
Armed Forces in peacetime and wartime;
development of the system of logistics and fire safety
Armed Forces, environmental safety, veterinary and sanitary support of activities
troops (forces);
coordination of the activities of the logistics management bodies and
military units of logistics for the implementation of measures for the logistics of troops (forces).

First study question
Introduction to the discipline
"Organization of logistics


Second study question
"Material and technical
provision of troops, its role,
tasks and meaning in
modern combat"

Comprehensive support
combat operations of troops (forces)
Operational (combat)

is integral part comprehensive provision
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and represents
on the
satisfaction of material, transport, technical
and other needs of troops (forces) in order to maintain
combat readiness and combat readiness of troops (forces)
fulfillment of assigned combat missions or solution of
everyday tasks.

Forces and means of the logistics system
provision of the Armed Forces are deployed and organize their work on
the corresponding equipped territory (water area) using
all types of communications and are divided into:
by the scale and nature of the tasks performed for strategic,
operational and tactical (military);
by belonging to the forces and means of the Center, types and branches of troops
Armed Forces, district, naval, army (combined arms armies,
missile armies), long-range aviation and military transport aviation, Air Force,
naval bases, divisional, brigade, regimental and battalion
Troop forces and means of logistics
intended for direct logistics support
formations, units, ships and organizations. They are subdivided into
divisional, brigade, air bases, regimental and battalion
They include: parts and subdivisions of logistics
provision with stocks of material and technical means that are part of
formations and military units of the types and branches of the Armed Forces.

Third study question
"The current state
organization of material and technical support of troops
and directions

The main trends and directions of development and
improvement of the system of material and technical
provision of troops is expected according to the following main
delivery units should include
increased load capacity, advanced kits
technical means for the purpose of mobility and providing
creation own system logistical
provision of troops included in the units and subunits
tactical level;
fundamental change in material support schemes
both in peacetime and in wartime;
implementation is completely new scheme providing fuel;
organization of outsourcing of support functions.

Multipurpose vehicle
KAMAZ-5350 "Mustang"

Increasing Opportunities
delivery road transport
Until 2010
of the year
By type
Carrying capacity, thousand tons
By dry cargo
By filling
Transition to code of type
similar cars
family cars
By type
Carrying capacity, thousand tons
By dry cargo
By filling
Transition to code of type
similar cars
family cars
family KamAZ
KamAZ will increase
will increase the carrying capacity
lifting capacity
on 20
which will lead
will lead
will allow
to increase the capabilities of automotive parts and subdivisions and will guarantee the organization of
motor transport
providing troops
troops like
as in peace,
peaceful, so
war time.
motor transport

Exclusion from the trailer system
in the military

bath and laundry facilities
Field bath battalion
link BPO-32 "Apricot"
Movable bath and laundry
PCBP-10 complex
complex DDK-01 "Monogram"
mechanized field
laundry MPP-9 "Chittz"
Bath and laundry point
maintenance PBPO-10
mobile household item
Tents to accommodate military personnel in the field
Tent frame M-30
Tent frame M-10
Tent M-4
raincoat tent

Improving mobility and technical equipment
food security
Trailer kitchen KP-130.11
Kitchen trailer block-modular
Isothermal van
Mobile food station MPP-120KP
drinking water tank truck
Kitchen-dining room transported in a container body
variable volume KSVK-240 / 24
Portable kitchen KP-20
Field car kitchen
Trailer baking block PCB-0.4M
Portable kitchen MK-30

Scheme of material support in peacetime
bases and
bases and
State Reserve
Existing since
Essence: The proposed scheme involves providing troops (forces) from
industrial enterprises to military units, excluding the bases and warehouses of the Center, two
directions: 1) industrial enterprises - bases and warehouses of the district (fleet) - military
part; 2) industrial enterprises - military unit. A promising system will allow
shorter terms to deliver materiel directly to the troops,
reduce transportation costs, shorten reloading stages, as well as reduce the load on
infrastructural objects.

Existing Fuel Supply Scheme
Warehouse (base)
Military Unit Transport
filling station
filling station
A promising fuel supply scheme
200 km)
ort in
oh part and
Military transport
Transport village
transporter (svy
Gas station NK - in major cities, resort
(up to 200 km)
less than 200 km)
TZK NK - at base and joint
Losses are excluded
fuel loss
its transshipment
transshipment through
bases are minimized
expenses, time
time for
on the
delivery of fuel to military units, the stability of fuel supply increases.

fuel service

Stock content
For the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation contains reserves up to 90 days (100%), 5593.0 thousand tons
Existing stock allocation scheme
(until 2010)
Transition of the RF Armed Forces to the Main Combat Personnel
Re-equipment of the RF Armed Forces with weapons and military equipment with Euro3, Euro-4 engines (2015-2020)
Troop stocks
In military units
4-6 days (17%)
In military units
4-6 days (fourteen%)
In military units
4-6 days (17%)
Operational stocks
Warehouses (bases) of fuel
22-24 days (80%)
16-18 days (58%)
Center reserves
1 day (3%)
KBMTO 2 days.
refineries and
Tank farms
1 day (3%)
Volume reduction
content by 25% (5-6 days)
by placing on
FAGR plants
15-17 days (55%)
Free storage with
payment during the threatened period
in fact
Combines FAGR
Up to 60 days
Storage: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation up to 30 days, 2018.1 thousand tons
FAGR up to 60 days, 3574.9 thousand tons
Combines FAGR
Up to 66 days
Storage: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation up to 24 days, 1661.3 thousand tons
FAGR up to 66 days. , 3931.7 thousand tons
(transferred to FAGR 356.8 thousand tons)
Combines FAGR
Up to 66 days
Storage: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation up to 8 days, 837.9 thousand tons
NB NK, refinery up to 18 days. 823.4 thousand tons
FAGR up to 66 days, 3931.7 thousand tons
Permanent placement of 356.8 thousand tons of fuel reserves at FAGR plants will reduce the cost of repair and maintenance of the tank farm
warehouses and bases of fuel and save 6.5 billion rubles of budgetary funds necessary for the purchase of fuel to restore these stocks.

Improvement of organizational and economic forms
management by increasing the participation of the civil sector (outsourcing)
national economy in the logistics of troops (forces)
The most promising directions
Bunkering of ships (vessels) and tankers of the Navy with fuel during their
long stay in the World Ocean and foreign ports by forces
Russian company OAO Sovfracht
Refueling of automotive vehicles at civilian filling stations and aviation
equipment at joint airfields
Catering for military personnel in universities, hospitals and military units
constant readiness
In large garrisons from industrial enterprises organized direct
supplies of materiel, excluding district (naval) complex
logistics bases and their branches
The forces and means of suppliers are used in the course of providing troops (forces),
stationed in the regions of the Far North, remote garrisons of Siberia and
Far East, as well as outside the Russian Federation
Bath and laundry services for personnel
Maintenance and repair of equipment

Table setting

Self-service line with delivery prepared food cooks

The use of self-service lines with elements of a "buffet" with the involvement of chefs only for the issuance of first courses

Equipping canteens with modern technological and
refrigeration equipment is one of the priorities

Outsourcing of bath and laundry service for military personnel of the RF Armed Forces
Scheme that existed until 2010
Scheme existing since 01.01.2010
Clothing service
reporting and
Clothing service
82.8 t
ra bel
reporting and
yes i
Are bel
With. tone
ka bel
. then
100 %
Expected effect:
38.6 thousand tons
44.2 thousand tons
47 %
53 %
1. Improving the quality of washing clothes due to
service personnel.
2. Release of military personnel
parts from unusual functions associated with
delivery of linen to laundries.
3. Reducing the cost of
laundries KSVK -240/24

Command vehicle
Integrated hardware communication P-260-u

Jobs of the deputy commander for logistics and
heads of services

Portable complex for the management of the deputy commander for logistics of the battalion

The topic of the next lesson:
Topic number 1, lecture number 2.
"Fundamentals of the system of material and technical
supply of troops. Lecture.
Assignment for independent work:
Study the material of the recommended basic and
additional literature.
Unified Logistics System
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

To those who have a superficial understanding of the structure of the armed forces, the army seems to be a trivial set of military personnel, distributed according to the branches of service. In fact, it is a separate institution, functioning in different regimes, depending on the foreign policy situation. Often, internal affairs of state importance are also decided by involving the armed forces. To ensure such uninterrupted functioning, a service is needed that would deal with the state of the material and technical base, not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.

The Logistics Service (MTO), being an integral part of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, organizes the regulation of the receipts and expenditures of funds necessary to maintain the constant combat readiness of all units.

It is possible to classify the tasks that the logistic support of the RF Armed Forces solves, breaking them down according to the principle of homogeneity:

  • Planning of expenditures of budgetary funds for the implementation of the state defense order, work government programs and other target areas.
  • Monitoring of the equipment of all units with weapons, equipment, equipment, material means.
  • Monitoring compliance with allowances for soldiers, as well as organizing the supply of products.
  • Solving legal issues regarding the supply of funds.
  • Ensuring the operation of their own services.
  • Preparation of internal personnel reserves for the functioning of the logistics service.

The composition of the MTO service

prototype modern service logistical support is the commissariat department formed by Peter I, which carried out the conduct of the military economy. The modern structure is represented by a number of departments and directorates that cover all types of activities in the armed forces.

The logistics headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is entrusted with an organizational and managerial function. His responsibilities include providing mobilization training, readiness of the rear, collection of operational information in the rear, logistic support of the troops, resolving issues of security and defense of the rear. The MTO also includes the Department of Transportation, the Department of Railway Troops, the Department of Public Services, the Department of Food Supply and the Department of Metrology.

Certain types of troops are assigned to the listed departments, which ensure the fulfillment of planned and unplanned tasks of the armed forces. Automobile troops are presented as independent units dealing with transportation issues, this can be the delivery of building materials, transportation of military personnel, evacuation, transportation of the wounded. AT Russian army brigades, regiments and battle automobile troops were formed, reporting directly to the head of the transport support department.

Transport communication would not exist in full if it were not for the activities of the road troops. Their task is to build, maintain, cover and restore military roads. Some tasks of road transport support are also within their competence. The structure of the troops is quite complex, since they include different units, but they all report to the head of the road administration under the Ministry of Defense.

Railway Troops provide construction or restoration work railway tracks, their technical cover and operation. Few people know about the existence of pipeline troops. These divisions implement the transportation of fuels and lubricants to warehouses for storage, during pumping or for delivery to parts. In their department there is not only personnel, but also the corresponding construction equipment. The total length of all branches of the pipeline is 2,000 kilometers.

As a separate MTO service, a clothing service has been allocated, which is engaged in bringing the personal clothing property of a serviceman back to normal. To do this, repairs, dry cleaning are carried out, detergents and hygiene products are purchased, and bath services for soldiers are organized. There are units in the Russian army that do not run their own economy. In this case, they are on allowance in other, larger units.

The food service, as an integral part of the MTO, provides food for personnel. For this purpose, the supply of food in parts, the rationing of products, and control are organized. This service is technically equipped, because the delivery must be carried out in all army units.

The fuel and lubricants supply service includes associations involved in the transportation of rocket fuel, lubricants, special liquids, and fuel. This also includes storage areas, bases, pipelines.

Support for the combat readiness of the army will be complete only with proper medical care, which is implemented by the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The function of the medical service includes not only the provision of assistance, but also the implementation of preventive measures. Subordinate to the Chief medical management MO.

Priority tasks

Taking into account the presented structure, as well as grouped tasks, we present concrete examples, explaining why it is necessary to maintain such a complex education as a logistics service. To do this, it is enough to remember what the army is facing in the rear, what work has to be carried out to maintain the combat capability of units and organize the life of military personnel.

  • The supply of weapons is carried out to directly ensure the defense capability of the state.
  • Delivery of fuel is carried out in order to maintain the combat readiness of all military equipment.
  • Military equipment, clothing and equipment.
  • Food for soldiers and officers.
  • Bath and laundry procedures.
  • Construction and maintenance of roads, railroad tracks and pipelines.
  • Maintenance of buildings, repair of premises, maintenance of public utilities.
  • Training of own personnel. There are no courses or short-term programs for training personnel in the staff of the MTO service. Therefore, preparation issues have to be dealt with independently.

The army principle of unity of command is also implemented in the management of logistics. It was mentioned above about the components of the entire structure, which were presented by the departments. But along the vertical of subordination, the entire service is under the control of the Ministry of Defense. Direct supervision is carried out by one of the Deputy Ministers. Further, the powers are distributed among the commanders-in-chief of the troops, with the subsequent transfer to the heads of departments and directorates.

To those who have not thought much about the structure of the RF Armed Forces, the army may seem like a banal set of employees who are distributed among different troops, however, this is far from being the case. The army is a separate formation capable of working in various conditions, based on the current foreign policy situation.

Sometimes the Armed Forces help to resolve cases of domestic importance. For proper operation in any situation, there must be a service dealing with logistics issues (in short, MTO). It is recognized to organize the receipt and expenditure of money that are allocated to stay in combat readiness of units.

As part of their MTO activities, the troops solve the following tasks:

  • plan to spend money on the state defense order, the functioning of state programs and the appointment of a different target character;
  • check the equipment with weapons, equipment, equipment and other means;
  • control the receipt of allowances by soldiers, organize its delivery;
  • resolve supply issues;
  • provide their services;
  • preparing reservists.

Composition of the Logistics Service

Back in the time of Peter I, a quartermaster management body was organized, which led the military economy, and became a kind of model for today's logistics. Currently, this structure covers every activity in the RF Armed Forces.

The organization of management is carried out at the headquarters. Here, mobilization and rear preparation, data collection, provision of troops, security and defense are carried out. This includes the transport department, the regulation of the railway troops, housing and communal services, food provision and the coordination of metrology.

Under these departments, certain troops are assigned, which implement diverse tasks. Automobile troops are independent units, they are engaged in the transportation of both materials and employees, the wounded and the like. There are brigades and battalions in the army, which are subordinate to the head of the transportation department.

If it were not for the road troops, such a transport communication as known today would not exist. They are engaged in the construction, maintenance and restoration of military roads. These troops have a complex structure, but are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The goals and objectives of the railway troops are to build and restore communication lines on the railway, to cover and operate it. Few people know that there are also pipeline troops. They transport fuel and lubricants to warehouses or to HF. In addition to the personnel, the department has construction equipment and weapons.

The clothing service deals with the property of an employee, while performing repair work and dry cleaning, baths are provided, hygiene products are purchased. There are armies without their own economy, then large units are engaged in this.

The task of the food supply service is to provide personnel with food. She has a corresponding technical equipment, since when catering you need to supply it in parts.

Great importance is also given to the issues of medical care, which are solved by the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Here they not only provide the necessary assistance, but also carry out prevention.

Appointment of MTO troops

Given the goals and objectives of the formation, it becomes clear why such a complex unit as the MTO is needed.

The main tasks of the service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include the following:

  • the supply of weapons to maintain the country's defense capability;
  • delivery of fuel and lubricants to maintain combat readiness and military equipment;
  • providing the employee with all the necessary equipment;
  • food;
  • laundry and hygiene procedures;
  • construction, maintenance of auto and railway roads, pipelines;
  • maintenance, repair, provision of housing and communal services of buildings and premises;
  • staff training.

In the management of logistics, as in general, the principle of unity of command applies in the army, therefore, in management, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the central body, and direct leadership is entrusted to one of the deputy ministers. Further, the powers are transferred to the commanders-in-chief, heads of departments and departments.

MTO RF Armed Forces- an integral part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including forces and means intended for the rear and rear services of the technical support of troops (forces) in peacetime and wartime. The MTO of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes: military command and control bodies with military units and organizations of support and protection, special troops (units and military units of material support, automobile, road, rail, pipeline, auxiliary fleet, military units for the supply of rocket fuel), military units, organizations and bodies (military communications, transshipment areas, commercial, (tourist, cultural and leisure), rear services (fuel, food, clothing, medical, veterinary and sanitary), as well as military educational institutions, training military units, scientific - research, testing and design organizations and military units.

Organizationally, the forces and means of the rear are part of the military districts (fronts), fleets, associations, formations and military units of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and are also directly subordinate to the central bodies of military control. MTO of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is subdivided: according to the scale and nature of the tasks performed - into strategic, operational (operational-strategic, operational and operational-tactical formations) and military (combinations, military units and subunits); by affiliation - to the rear of the Center, types and arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, district (front), naval, army, corps, Air Force (Air Force and Air Defense) of the fleet, rear of flotillas, naval bases, squadrons, divisional (brigade), regimental, battalion (divisions).

General management of the MTO of the Armed Forces is carried out by the Minister of Defense through the Chief of the MTO of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces, commanders of the military branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, heads of the main and central departments of the RF Ministry of Defense.

History reference. The foundations of the organization of the military economy in the Russian army were laid by the decree of Peter I of February 18, 1700, which formed the Provision and Commissariat orders. Since 1711, the functions of supplying the army and navy were transferred to the Senate, since 1720 - to the Military Collegium, which included a commissariat office and a provisions office, since 1802 - to the relevant departments of the Military Ministry, and in 1864 instead of them - to the Chief quartermaster management. The logistic support system was improved taking into account the experience of wars. As part of military units, formations, associations and at the disposal of the central bodies, full-time subdivisions, units and institutions have been created, designed to centrally supply troops separately for each rear service. In World War I, front-line and army supply bases were formed, front-line distribution stations began to function, which ensured the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country, as well as hull unloading stations.

In the Red Army, in 1918, the Central Supply Directorate was formed, in associations and formations, the positions of supply chiefs were established, to whom the units, institutions and services of the rear were subordinate. During the Great Patriotic War, the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was formed, which successfully coped with a large volume of tasks for the logistics of troops (forces). On August 1, 1941, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense, the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army (since 1998, August 1 is the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), rear departments in the fronts and armies were created. By May 1942, the positions of chiefs of logistics in corps and divisions were introduced. Thus, a centralized rear was formed.

In the postwar years, as the country's economy developed, changes in organizational structure, the technical equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the development of military science, the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was being improved.

Heads of the Logistics of the Red Army, the Soviet Army, the USSR Armed Forces and the RF Armed Forces: A.V. Khrulev (1941-1951), V.I. Vinogradov (1951-1958), I.Kh. Bagramyan (1958-1968), S.S. Maryakhin (1968-1972), S.K. Kurkotkin (1972-1988), V.M. Arkhipov (1988-1991), I.V. Fuzhenko (1991-1992), V.T. Churanov (1992-1997), V.I. Isakov (1997-2009). Since 2009 D.V. Bulgakov.

Department of Logistics Planning and Coordination (former Logistics Headquarters) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- the main control body in the system of logistic support of troops (forces). Main tasks: maintaining the combat and mobilization readiness of the rear of the Armed Forces; collection, study and evaluation of data on the operational and rear situation; preparation of operational logistic calculations and proposals for making decisions on the organization of logistic support for troops (forces); logistics planning, bringing tasks to the performers and monitoring their implementation; organization of interaction between the rear services, its protection, protection and defense; ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the control and communication system of the rear, etc. Includes the departments - operational rear and organizational and mobilization, the department of communications and automation, a special department (for exhumation).

History reference. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated August 1, 1941 No. 0257, the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army was created, which included the headquarters of the head of this department (A.V. Khrulev), later renamed the Headquarters of the Logistics of the USSR Armed Forces. During the restructuring of the highest bodies of military command in the late 1940s - early 1950s. reorganized into the Logistic Services Directorate of the Military Ministry of the USSR. On April 23, 1953, it was restored as the Headquarters of the Logistics of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the position of its head was established. In 1965, it was renamed the Logistics Headquarters of the USSR Armed Forces. Chiefs:

P.V. Utkin (1941), M.P. Milovsky (1941-1944), V.I. Vinogradov (1944-1951), V.F. Konkov (1952-1953), F.M. Malykhin (1953-1959), M.S. Novikov (1959-1969), I.M. Golushko (1969-1989); A.T. Klimov (1989-1997), V.I. Isakov (1997), D.V. Bulgakov (1997-2009).

Automobile Troops- special logistics troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intended for the implementation of military road transport, including the supply of materiel, transportation of personnel, evacuation of the wounded, sick, property and trophies. They include automobile brigades, regiments, battalions and other units and subunits that are organizationally part of associations and formations of the types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the MTO of the Armed Forces. Subordinate to the head of the Central Automobile and Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

History reference. They appeared in the Russian army in 1906 in the form of automobile teams attached to railway battalions. During World War I, there were 22 automobile companies with a total fleet of about 10,000 vehicles. The first automobile units of the Red Army were automobile columns and cargo detachments (10-20 vehicles each). By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were about 27 thousand, and in 1944 100 thousand cars. The fronts included 35 automobile regiments and over 200 separate battalions and companies. During the war years, they transported over 101 million tons of cargo, the total cargo turnover amounted to more than 3.5 billion ton-kilometers. 77 of them were awarded orders, 15 were awarded honorary titles, 14 motorists were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.

Road Troops- special logistics troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed for the preparation, operation, technical cover, restoration of military roads and other tasks of road support. They consist of road commandant formations and units, bridge, pontoon bridge and road units and subunits. Subordinate to the head of the Central Automobile and Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

History reference. They lead the story from the "pioneer teams" for road work that appeared in the Russian army at the beginning of the 18th century. In World War I, special road troops were formed (by the end of the war, 240 thousand people). During the Civil War in the Red Army, military road detachments were created. During the Great Patriotic War in the summer of 1943, as a result of the separation of the motor transport and road services, they were separated into independent special troops. The Main Road Administration (GDU) of the Red Army was created, as well as road administrations and departments in the fronts and armies. During the war, the road troops restored, repaired and built over 100 thousand km of roads, completed about 35 million cubic meters. volume of earthworks restored and repaired more than 1 million bridges. 59 road sections were awarded orders and 27 honorary titles for distinction.

In 1946, instead of the State Duma, the 5th (road) department was created at the Headquarters of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR, departments and departments were created in the headquarters of the rear of military districts, groups of troops and armies. The road troops were disbanded, partly transferred to the NKVD (in a special road construction corps). Instead of them, road depots of a small number were formed in the military districts. In the 1960s the revival of the road troops began. Road commandant brigades were formed, road battalions were redeployed from the Far East to the western districts. Since 1970, the leadership was carried out by the Road Administration of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in the districts - by road services. In the 1980s new states of road troops were introduced.

Railway Troops- special logistics troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to restore, build, operate, fence and technically cover railways used for military transportation. Organizationally they consist of railway corps, separate railway brigades and battalions, other military units and organizations.

History reference. In Russia, the prototype of the railway troops (ZhDV) was formed by the Decree of Nicholas I of August 6, 1851 (since 2006 - the Day of the Railway Troops) for the operation and protection of the St. Petersburg-Moscow (Nikolaev) railway, military workers, conductors and telegraph companies. They were part of the engineering troops, since 1904 they were independent. They were created in the Red Army on October 5, 1918 (by order of the Commander-in-Chief, a decree of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on their formation was announced). During the Great Patriotic War, together with special formations The People's Commissariat of Railways restored about 120 thousand km of railways. For distinction, 18 formations and units of the Railway Forces were awarded orders, one brigade was awarded the title of Guards, 5 units received honorary titles, 28 railway soldiers were awarded the title of Hero Socialist Labor, one - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Until 1992, they were part of the RF Armed Forces. In 1995-2004 were in charge Federal Service ZhDV. Since January 2005, again in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Pipeline Troops- special logistics troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to deploy field main pipelines and supply fuel through them to the warehouses of associations and formations of the types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as for pumping fuel in transshipment areas. They include pipeline brigades and individual pipeline battalions, companies and platoons that are directly subordinate to the Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the RF Ministry of Defense or are part of the rear of military districts (fronts) and associations of branches of the RF Armed Forces. Equipped with pipelines, pipe fitting equipment and other means of mechanization of work, off-road vehicles, communication facilities. They keep in constant operation lines of field main pipelines with a total length of more than 2 thousand km, through which fuel is supplied from stations (ports) for unloading to airfield and district (naval) warehouses.

History reference. The first military unit of the pipeline troops was a separate battalion for pumping fuel through the pipeline, formed on January 14, 1952. By the beginning of the 1990s. in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the USSR there were 24 pipeline brigades, 6 separate battalions, 3 companies and 8 platoons with a total number of over 5 thousand people. Pipeline troops were involved in the elimination of consequences on Chernobyl nuclear power plant(1986), earthquakes in Armenia (1988), as well as to extinguish forest fires and peat bogs.

Clothing Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- MTO Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to provide troops (forces) with clothing, organization of its repair and dry cleaning, bath and laundry services for personnel, procurement of items of clothing, detergents and repair materials; an integral part of the rear of associations, formations and military units. Includes the relevant authorities, clothing bases, warehouses, repair, bath-laundry and other institutions and divisions. The central body is the Central Clothing Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In associations, formations and military units, it is headed by the chiefs of the clothing service. Clothing provision is carried out according to the scheme: center - military district - army (corps) - connection - military unit - subdivision - serviceman. Military units that do not manage their own economy are on allowances in other units.

History reference. The clothing service traces its history back to the establishment in 1700 of the Commissariat Order headed by a Commissar General (Krieg Commissar General), which marked the beginning of the formation of clothing supply bodies in the Russian army. Established in 1864, the Main Quartermaster Directorate combined the functions of supplying the troops with all types of allowances, including clothing and convoys and household property. In the USSR Armed Forces existed in 1940-1955. and in 1958-1959. After the abolition of the quartermaster service, the clothing supply service that was part of it became independent. In 1975 it was renamed into clothing service.

Food Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation logistics service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to provide troops (forces) with food, special equipment and property of the service, as well as catering for personnel in accordance with established standards; an integral part of the rear of associations, formations and military units. The central body of military administration is the Central Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In associations, formations and military units, it is headed by the chiefs of the food service. Food provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for the Navy) is carried out according to the scheme: center - military district - army - formation - military unit - subdivision - serviceman; in the Navy - according to the scheme: center - fleet (flotilla) - naval base (logistics department) connection (coastal base for connecting ships, floating base) - ship (military unit) - unit - serviceman. Military units that are not part of a military district are provided with food, equipment and property through the military district in whose territory they are deployed. Military units that do not manage their own economy are on allowances in other units.

History reference. The food service traces its history back to the establishment in 1700 of the Provisional Order headed by a Provision General (Provision Master General), which marked the beginning of the formation of food supply bodies in the Russian army. Created in 1864, the Main Quartermaster Directorate combined the functions of supplying the troops with all types of allowances, including food and fodder. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the USSR existed in 1940-1955. and in 1958-1959. After the abolition of the quartermaster service, the food supply service that was part of it became independent. In 1975 it was renamed into the food service.

Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- MTO service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to provide troops (forces) with liquid rocket fuel, fuel, lubricants and special liquids, as well as technical means for working with them; an integral part of the rear of associations, formations and military units. The central body is the Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In associations, formations and military units, it is headed by the respective chiefs of the service. The fuel service also includes the 25th State Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, centers, bases and fuel depots, pipeline, automobile connections and military units, etc.

History reference. As an independent service, it took shape in the mid-1930s. with the creation in the center of the Fuel Supply Directorate of the Red Army, in the military districts - the relevant departments, as well as military units and service institutions. The 25th State Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation deals with the problems of the development and use of rocket fuel, lubricants and technical equipment of the service. Created on 01/01/1945 as the Research Institute of Fuels and Lubricants of the Red Army. In 1968 it was transformed into a state one. Since 1984, it has been designated as the leading organization in the country responsible for issuing recommendations on the appointment and rational use of fuels and lubricants. In 1995, it was accredited as a Certification Center for components of rocket fuel, fuel, lubricants, filter materials and rubber.

Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- MTO service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intended for medical support of troops (forces) in order to maintain combat capability, improve the health of personnel, timely provision medical care and restoration of health, combat capability (work capacity) of the wounded and sick. It is responsible for the organization and implementation of medical and preventive, medical and evacuation, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, medical measures for radiation, chemical and biological protection, as well as the supply of medical equipment. It consists of governing bodies and various medical units, military units and institutions. The central body is the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; in associations, formations and military units it is headed by the respective heads of the medical service. Under their control are military hospitals, polyclinics, sanatoriums, rest houses, sanitary and epidemiological institutions, medical detachments, battalions, points, etc.

History reference. In Russia, a full-time medical service appeared in the 18th century. By the beginning of the 20th century The troops had corps, divisional, brigade and regimental doctors, in the military districts - district military sanitary inspectors With the appropriate control apparatus, in the center - the chief military sanitary inspector, who headed the Main Military Sanitary Directorate. During the Great Patriotic War and in the pre-war period it was called the military sanitary (sanitary) service, from the beginning of the 1950s. - military medical, and since the late 1970s. - medical service.

Veterinary and Sanitary Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the logistic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intended for veterinary and sanitary support of troops (forces) in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of personnel, prevent and eliminate diseases of military and food animals. It is entrusted with the organization and implementation of veterinary - preventive and anti-epizootic measures, medical measures, veterinary - sanitary supervision of the food supply to the troops, and the supply of service bodies with veterinary property.

It is headed by the head of the veterinary and sanitary service - the chief veterinary and sanitary inspector of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the types and branches of the troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, associations and formations - by the corresponding heads of the service. Veterinary epizootic detachments, veterinary laboratories and warehouses are subordinate to them.

History reference. It traces its history from the "animal healers" introduced at the beginning of the 18th century. in cavalry and dragoon regiments. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the first field veterinary infirmaries were created. By the beginning of the 20th century There were corps, divisional, brigade and regimental veterinarians in the troops, in military districts - district military sanitary inspectors with the appropriate command and control apparatus, in the center - the chief military sanitary inspector, who headed the Main Military Sanitary Directorate (GVSU). During the Great Patriotic War, it ensured sustainable veterinary and sanitary well-being of the troops. In the post-war period, instead of the GVSU, a military veterinary department was formed with subordination to the head of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Until 1972 it was called the military veterinary service.

Military Communications Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- a special service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, representing the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in railway, sea, river and air transport on the preparation of these types of transport for military transportation. The VOSO service is represented on these modes of transport by military communications authorities. The central body of the service is the Central Directorate of the VOSO of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

History reference. The date of creation of the service is considered to be March 5, 1918, when the VOSO Directorate, formed on the basis of the VOSO Directorate at the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army, became part of the formed Supreme Military Council of the Republic. In September 1918, under the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Central Directorate of the VOSO was formed, headed by the head (head) of the VOSO of the Republic. The chiefs of the VOSO of the fronts (armies), railway, automobile and stage troops were subordinate to him. The composition of the linear bodies of the VOSO on railway transport included the directorates of the heads (chiefs) of the movement of troops on railways and management of military commandants of railway sections and stations. Subsequently, the VOSO bodies were formed for river, sea and air transport, and the railway, automobile and stage troops were removed from the subordination of the service.

Thus, the studied composition and purpose of the military branches, special troops and rear show the increased capabilities of these components of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in fulfilling their intended tasks.

Summing up, it should be noted that the composition, organization and armament of the armed forces and special troops, formations, units and subunits of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and after them, their combat capabilities are constantly being improved depending on the changing nature of the tasks they face and the methods of their implementation. . An increase in combat capabilities, in turn, entails a change in strategy, operational art and tactics. Local wars and armed conflicts of recent decades have significantly supplemented the tactics of the troops. The conditions and content of measures related to the deployment of troops, their movement, as well as the comprehensive support of the battle, have changed radically. The problems of resolving the contradictions that arise in this case find their solution, sometimes extraordinary, which leads to new changes in tactics. Every officer must keep this in mind and constantly improve their knowledge and skills.

The combat effectiveness of a modern army largely depends on the effectiveness of the logistics system (MTO) of the Armed Forces. Today it is a well-oiled mechanism that successfully works in extreme and even emergency situations. On the eve of the Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the MTO headquarters, Hero of Russia, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov answered the questions of the Military Industrial Complex.

- Dmitry Vitalyevich, the servicemen need to be fed, clothed, serviced, the equipment needs to be refueled. And also to ensure fire, veterinary, sanitary and environmental safety, safe storage of arsenals ... How does all this work around the clock?

“Military uniform for regions with hot climate and all-weather set of field uniforms confirmed the correctness of our decisions”

– If considered globally, it is the logistics specialists who receive from the military-industrial complex of the country and ensure the accumulation, storage and maintenance of stockpiles of weapons and military equipment, ammunition, rocket fuel, fuel, etc. More than 160,000 military personnel are involved in these tasks daily. and civilian professionals.

The MTO system of the Armed Forces today fully corresponds to their structure. To fulfill the tasks of nuclear deterrence, combat duty, demonstrating presence in the oceans, countering piracy, launching spacecraft, as well as daily combat training and economic activity, our specialists, as you rightly noted, work around the clock.

– What does it look like in numbers?

- More than 100 thousand tons of missiles and ammunition, about two million tons of fuel and lubricants are spent every year on combat training alone. Every day, about 520 thousand people are provided with food on two dozen food rations and 40 types of products. Catering is organized in two thousand canteens and galleys. More than 700,000 tons of food is spent annually on the allowance of military personnel.

More than 50 million different items of military uniforms are constantly in the personal use of military personnel, the annual volume for issuance is 15 million units.

Specialists technical services ensure the correct operation and maintenance in good condition of more than 120 thousand units of armored and rocket-artillery weapons, 400 thousand vehicles, etc.

An equally important type of MTO is the operational maintenance and provision of public services for almost six thousand military camps. Most are located in hard-to-reach areas, including islands in the Arctic zone. Today, their preparation for the heating period is in full swing. These are more than 76 thousand objects of the barracks and housing stock, 9 thousand residential buildings, 4.5 thousand boiler houses, 65 thousand kilometers of engineering networks.

- In addition to providing the Armed Forces, formations, military units, subunits and logistics organizations should hone their skills themselves. What significant events, exercises are planned for the near future?

“This year alone, our specialists in combat training plans will ensure that more than four thousand events are held in the Armed Forces, every tenth event is on the subject of logistics. The most significant are the strategic KShU "Kavkaz-2016" and a special complex exercise of the logistics system with the troops of the Southern Military District.

In recent years, we have also participated in the elimination of forest fires in the Moscow region, the consequences of floods and floods in the Far East, Altai, the Krasnodar Territory, in solving problems of providing water to settlements in the Crimea, in the delivery of humanitarian cargo to areas affected by natural disasters and fighting. We are ready for such introductory today. Over the past four months alone, the bridge battalions of the logistics brigades of the Eastern, Central and Western military districts, as well as military railway workers, have built five bridges. The last of them was promptly brought across the Unzha River in the Kostroma Region. Length - 200 meters. And the railway workers of the Western Military District built a 100-meter floating bridge in the Ryazan region, which made it possible to connect the inhabitants of the village of Demushkino with the mainland, shortening the path of social services and doctors to them by more than 100 kilometers.

– You mentioned Kavkaz-2016. What are the features of the special exercises of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which are also scheduled for this year?

- A special exercise of the MTO system will be held from August 15 to 20 in several military districts. A large range of tasks and various issues will be worked out, including guidance of a floating railway bridge over 400 meters long road bridges, training on the issuance of material resources from the plants of the Federal Reserve. We will pay special attention to the issues of logistics Black Sea Fleet. An auxiliary fleet, warships and submarines will be used to work out the episodes.

– How actively implemented innovative projects? What innovations will be used in the near future or are already working?

- A new line of activity in the Ministry of Defense is priority investment, social, scientific and technical innovation projects. In terms of MTO, there are six of them, some of which are already being successfully implemented.

I will share the plans that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu defined as innovative. The troops are actively implementing automated system inventory accounting using bar coding and radio frequency identification technologies.

The purchase and supply of modern ammunition closures is being carried out at a fast pace. The use of containers made of polymer composite materials will increase their service life by several times and at the same time ensure the proper technical condition of the missiles and ammunition themselves, and increase the level of explosion and fire safety of storage areas.

More than 600 canteens of military units and institutions have implemented a system of control, access management and food ordering. Its principle is as follows: before the first visit to the canteen, a soldier undergoes biometric registration, the results of which are entered into accounting systems. When passing along the distribution line through a card reader with a connected information board, food is received by family name. At the exit from the dining room, you can place an order for meals and days of the week, independently withdraw from the boiler allowance or re-enroll in it.

In 2016, we will continue equipping military units with awning mobile devices, which will make it possible to get away from storing equipment in the open.

Construction of 19 modern refueling complexes at airfields is underway, design and survey work is underway at 11.

AT current year the commissioning of 450 new storage facilities at 12 arsenals, their loading with missiles and ammunition should be completed.

We will commission the first production and logistics complex in Naro-Fominsk in the next few months. Until 2020, it is planned to build 24 such PLCs.

The construction of 14 auxiliary fleet vessels this year is being monitored, their further delivery and transfer to the fleets, the selection and placement of vessel crews is ensured. In 2016, the Navy’s auxiliary fleet will include the Elbrus ice-class logistic support vessel, the Akademik Pashin medium tanker, the Sergey Balk tug, the Viktor Cherokov test vessel, self-propelled floating cranes and offshore tugs of various projects.

In 2012-2015, 52 modern vessels of the auxiliary fleet were built and transferred to the Navy, which almost completely provide troops and forces at base points, in the near and far sea zones. Today they perform a very large number of tasks, including in Syria.

At all facilities of the RF Ministry of Defense, in almost 5,800 military camps, 118,000 metering devices for electricity, thermal energy, hot and cold water, and flow volumes have been installed. It would seem a trifle, but the uncontrolled consumption of resources, as before, entails large overpayments. Now we pay supplier companies only for actually received utilities.

The Ministry of Defense organizes remote collection of data on communal resources consumed by military units and organizations. For this, an automated information-measuring system is used. It allowed us to simplify the process of collecting and analyzing data. The annual savings from installed devices is about 2.7 billion rubles.

- What are the results of the work of the Logistics of the RF Armed Forces in Syria?

- From the very beginning of the operation and for ten months, MTO specialists have been doing everything around the clock to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing the Russian Aerospace Forces. For this, a unique logistic scheme securing our military base. NATO specialists nicknamed it the "Syrian Express".

The logistics scheme is based on all types of ground, air and maritime transport both the Armed Forces and commercial organizations. In 2015 alone, more than 200,000 tons of materiel were delivered.

In order to create a grouping in the Syrian Arab Republic, personnel with weapons were deployed in a secret manner in a limited time and over a considerable distance, military equipment and supplies, as well as various equipment. Dozens of infrastructure facilities have been deployed, warehouses for material resources, including for missiles and ammunition, field parks with equipment refueling points, cooking, baking, water supply and bath and laundry facilities. Faulty equipment is restored by the forces of military repair bodies, as well as at a plant in Homs.

For the first time, collapsible block containers with air conditioning systems were used to accommodate our military personnel, which are equipped not only with living rooms, but also with premises for various purposes.

Logistics specialists also perform refueling tasks in Syria aviation technology, providing fuel and lubricants, are engaged in catering and bath and laundry services, repair and maintenance of airfield infrastructure facilities, transportation of goods from the Navy MTO point in Tartus to the air base, etc.

The military uniform for regions with a hot climate and the all-weather set of field uniforms confirmed the correctness of our decisions when creating them.

Our services are constantly involved in the provision of humanitarian assistance. For example, the field bakery provided, among other things, the population of the SAR, who returned to their homes.

For the full comprehensive logistics of operations in the SAR, a think tank is working - the headquarters of the MTO. An operational group has been created and continues to work in it, the mobile part of which, consisting of officers and generals of the central bodies of military control and the research institute of the Military Academy of Logistics, is constantly located in the zone of military conflict. The experience gained is summarized, analyzed and introduced into the educational process of the academy and its branches.

All personnel who performed tasks in the Syrian Arab Republic were awarded state and departmental awards.

Let's go back to Russia. Today, the Railway Troops are involved in the construction of the Zhuravka-Millerovo section, bypassing Ukraine.

– Let me remind you: this year the Railway Troops celebrate the 165th anniversary of its formation. By the round date, earthworks should be completed in the specified area from the 31st to the 57th kilometer. On August 6, I plan to inspect how things are going there and congratulate the military railway workers on their professional holiday.

– What is the situation in the Arctic? How is the construction of facilities going, is there any harm to the environment?

– This year, work is being carried out on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, Kotelny and Wrangel islands, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Ecological cleaning platoons of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation collected and prepared for removal more than three thousand tons of scrap metal. In total, this year we plan to harvest over 4.5 thousand tons, clear more than 71 hectares of land.

We are actively restoring the airfield network. More than 190,000 tons of construction and installation and inert materials are being delivered to the islands of Alexandra Land, Kotelny, Wrangel, Sredny, to Cape Schmidt, to the settlement of Rogachevo and the settlement of Tiksi: airfield slabs, cement, metal, pipes, fittings, as well as machinery and life support facilities.

“In navigation in 2016, over 100 thousand tons of various materiel will be delivered to remote military garrisons”

– During the navigation period, more than 20,000 servicemen and their families, as well as representatives of other federal executive authorities living in hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic, the Far North, Siberia and the Far East are provided with everything necessary.

To date, the logistic services of the military districts and fleets have completed about 40 percent of the 2016 plan for the delivery of materiel for these military units. In total, over 100,000 tons of various materiel for more than 150 points will be delivered to remote military garrisons during navigation in 2016. These are military units, garrisons, lighthouses, etc.

– You are in charge of perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland. How about this?

“Today we are establishing the fate of the dead and missing defenders of the Fatherland, we are monitoring the proper condition of military graves both on the territory of Russia and abroad. This applies not only to the First and Second World Wars, but also to other armed conflicts. To do this, seven representative offices are actively working outside the country, in Europe and Asia.

The Ministry of Defense, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Military Historical Society and the Search Movement of the Russian Federation will conduct 12 joint expeditions in 2016 in the Crimea, the Kuril Islands, Kabardino-Balkaria, Novgorod, Kaluga, Pskov, Murmansk and Leningrad regions, in the waters of the Black and Baltic seas.

Work continues on filling a unique electronic database - the "Memory of the People" portal. This resource allows you to effectively fight against the falsification of the history of the Second World War. The documents presented on the portal refute any fabrications on this topic. All information is official, confirmed by scans of archival documents about the dead and missing.

The hosted array has over 80 million sheets. These are digital copies of documents about the irretrievable losses of the Red Army. 15 million records with information on maps about the primary burial place of the dead. More than 1.2 million scanned cards of personal records of prisoners of war from the funds of all archives of the Russian Federation. 20 million records from awards documents. Over 73 thousand staff folders, materials on 216 operations in 1941-1945. And another 143,000 files containing historical maps, combat logs of headquarters of fronts, armies, divisions, documents and diagrams. 12.5 million records contain information about the exploits committed by soldiers and officers.

About 17 thousand visits are registered on the site daily. Geography of users - more than 10 thousand cities, 189 states.

- How is the implementation of the concept of development of armored weapons and equipment going?

– Concepts for the development of armored vehicles and military vehicles of the Armed Forces for the period up to 2020 were approved by the Minister of Defense in 2010. Under our control, experimental design work is being carried out on Armata, Kurganets-25, Boomerang, as well as development work on Platform-O, Typhoon-K and Typhoon-U. We take into account that foreign manufacturers will not stand still in the next 10-15 years. Therefore, the Main Armored Directorate is working on the creation of modern and promising types of military equipment for the Ground Forces, other types and branches of the military.

- How has the training of specialists for the MTO system as a whole, including students, changed?

- Recruitment to the Military Academy of Logistics and its branches has been completed. Compared to previous years, the enrollment of cadets has increased in our universities, and the quality of training military specialists has also increased. There is everything you need for this - from e-books to multimedia simulators.

Nearly 5,600 students undergoing military training at 27 Russian universities, each with 50 VUS for the MTO system, took part in the training camp. These are specialists who acquire knowledge and skills in the interests of the central bodies of the military management of logistics: the Main Armored and Main Missile and Artillery Directorates, the Department of Transportation, the Main Directorate of the Chief of the Railway Troops and the headquarters of the logistics. The training sessions were held on the basis of 43 military units and training centers of four military districts, the Railway Forces, the Airborne Forces and five higher educational institutions of the Moscow Region, stationed on the territory of 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Students are sworn in. At the end of the training camp, a final certification was carried out, which confirmed that we received a high-quality mobilization reserve.

I will separately mention 190 students of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, who were the first in the Armed Forces to successfully complete an experimental course within the walls of the Khrulev Military Logistics Academy. For two years, they have been trained in the highly demanded military specialties of the automotive, road commandant, fire service - a total of 19 disciplines. It was an experiment. He confirmed the possibility of obtaining special education in universities where there is no military department. This took place without interruption from the educational process in the main specialty, according to the “war day” program. The young men completely completed the experimental training course and successfully passed the exams, they were awarded the ranks of sergeants and reserve privates. They do not have to do a year of conscripted military service - now this is our mob reserve.

And the last thing. In the fateful moments of history, logistics specialists have always shown courage, steadfastness and the highest professionalism in defending the Fatherland, making a worthy contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability and economic power. I want to thank all the personnel, veterans for their daily work, professional excellence, conscientious performance of their duties and, in general, for ensuring the combat readiness of our Armed Forces.


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