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Chapter 2 Optimizing Effective Management by human resourses

2.1 Ways to stimulate the workflow

2.2 Labor relations

2.3 Painless dismissal. Outplacement


List of used literature


The success of the enterprise (organization, firm) is ensured by the employees employed in it. That's why, modern concept enterprise management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas management activities the one that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the personnel of the enterprise.

It is quite natural that at every enterprise there is a need to determine the number of personnel, in an effective system of selection, hiring and placement of personnel, in ensuring their employment taking into account the interests of production and the employee himself, in the system of remuneration for work based on its results, promotion of employees, system work motivation, in taking into account the individual problems of workers, improving their living conditions and recreation, etc.

The increased interest in the human factor in the 1960s and 1980s led to the development of the theory and practice of social planning at an enterprise and workforce management. The scientific literature of those years reflected the results of a study of various social and socio-psychological factors and their influence on the qualitative characteristics of collective activity. At the same time, it was assumed that the activities of the labor collective should be aimed at the systematic achievement of the socio-economic goal, which consists in obtaining high end results while minimizing the cost of all resources, creating a favorable moral and psychological climate, incentives and working conditions that determine its high attractiveness and satisfaction with it. all members of the team. Much attention was paid to the formation and organization of the functioning of the work collective, the management of its socio-economic development, organizational, economic and socio-psychological relations in the team and their regulation (forms and methods of self-government, development of labor, creative and social activity of team members, material and moral incentives , socio-psychological climate in the workforce, etc.).

Country transition to market relations fundamentally changed the concept of personnel management, the choice of means and methods for the practical implementation of personnel management tasks in order to increase production efficiency as a condition for the competitiveness of an enterprise.

The performance of an enterprise (organization, firm), of course, continues to be influenced by the economic aspect in personnel management. It is with him that the formation of the number of personnel, its professional and qualification composition (in conjunction with the applied equipment, technology, production and labor organizations), effective use personnel by time, by qualification, level of education, etc. However, it is becoming increasingly important social orientation in personnel work, a change in emphasis in personnel policy to take into account the interests of the employee, increasing labor motivation, as a condition for its higher performance. New economic conditions involve the use of not only new theoretical premises, but also new technology staffing itself.

The creation of production is always associated with people working at the enterprise (firm). Correct principles of production organization, optimal systems and procedures play an important role. However, production success depends on specific people, their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems, receptivity to learning.

At the same time, labor relations are perhaps the most difficult problem of entrepreneurship, especially when the company's staff consists of tens, hundreds and thousands of people. Labor relations cover a wide range of problems related to the organization of the labor process, the training and recruitment of personnel, the choice of the optimal system wages, the creation of social partnership relations at the enterprise.

Therefore, in order for the enterprise to work effectively, it is necessary to properly organize the work of employees, while constantly monitoring the activities of employees, using various methods of personnel management.

At the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress, the role of man is of great importance. Today it is the main strategic resource of any company in the fight against competitors. This is due to his ability to be creative, which is now becoming a decisive condition for the success of any activity.

The modern market, the competitive forms of its functioning have radically changed the attitude towards "human resources" and their role in competitiveness.

Human resource management is a special type of management activity that requires the performance of specific functions and the presence of special qualities in people involved in this activity. Personnel management is about providing the necessary skills and abilities of the organization and maintaining the desire to use these skills among its employees. Organizations solve this problem by creating special systems for the selection, development, evaluation and remuneration of personnel.

Personnel management consists in the selection and retention of the personnel required by the organization, its professional training and development, the evaluation of the activities of each of the employees in terms of achieving the goals of the organization, which makes it possible to correct their behavior, remuneration of personnel for their efforts.

In order to develop successfully, an organization must manage the selection, training, evaluation and remuneration of personnel, i.e. create, use and improve methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes.

Investments in human capital are considered the main source of profit, although previously personnel costs were considered unnecessary expenses. These investments are aimed at creating conditions for the development of creativity.

The personnel is the most difficult object of management in the organization, as it has the ability to independently resolve any issues, has subjective interests, is extremely sensitive to managerial influence and is critical of the requirements placed on it.

In the management of the company, the leadership at this stage of economic development, one of the important problems is the problem in the field of work with personnel.

The main tasks of the personnel management system include: providing the organization with qualified personnel; creation of the necessary conditions for the effective use of knowledge and experience of employees; improvement of the system of remuneration and motivation; management of internal movements and careers of employees; providing employees with opportunities to improve their skills.

Chapter 1. Elements and methods of human resource management

1.1 The role and responsibility of the manager for personnel management

HR is a young profession. As a kind of managerial activity, it originated at the end of the last century. The advent of human resources specialists trained in industrial sociology and psychology meant a real revolution in traditional forms of personnel work. If before that personnel work was a function of line managers of various levels and ranks, as well as employees (and heads) of personnel services involved in accounting, control and administrative (administrative) activities, then the emergence of a managerial (staff) function related to ensuring the proper level of human resources organization, significantly expanded the range of tasks and increased the importance of this direction of management. It is with the advent of personnel management as a specialized staff activity in the system of modern management that the formation of personnel management is associated.

There are five main functions that managers perform: planning, organizing, recruiting, directing, controlling. Together, these functions constitute the management process. Each of the above features includes:

Planning: setting goals and standards, developing rules and sequences of actions, developing plans and predicting some opportunities in the future;

Organization: setting certain tasks for each subordinate, dividing into departments, delegating part of the authority to subordinates, developing channels for managing and transmitting information, coordinating the work of subordinates;

Personnel management: resolving the issue of determining the standard for suitable candidates, selecting suitable employees, selecting employees, setting work standards, compensation to employees, performance appraisal, consulting employees, training and development of employees;

Leadership: solving the issue of how to get employees to do their job, providing moral support, motivating subordinates;

Control: setting standards such as sales quota, quality, productivity level; verification of compliance of work performance with these standards; adjust them if necessary.

Personnel management (better known as human resource management) corresponds to the concepts and methods that a manager needs to use when working with personnel. These include:

Job analysis (determining the nature of the work of each employee);

Planning for staffing needs and hiring candidates for work;

Selection of candidates;

Orientation and training of new employees;

Payroll management;

Providing motivation and benefits;

Performance evaluation;


Education and development;

Creating a sense of responsibility among employees;

Worker health and safety;

Complaint handling and labor relations.

In small organizations, line managers can perform all HR related duties without any assistance. But as the organization grows, they need help, expertise, and advice from HR managers.

Personnel management or otherwise human resource management corresponds to the concepts and methods that the manager needs to use when working with personnel.

A manager can do everything right—create brilliant plans, draw a clear organizational chart, use advanced accounting—and still fail as a manager (by hiring the wrong people or by improperly motivating subordinates). On the other hand, many managers only succeed when using non-traditional organizational or management plans. They succeed because they can hire the right people for the right jobs and motivate, evaluate, and develop them.

All managers are in some sense HR managers, because they are all involved in one way or another in such processes as recruiting, interviewing, selection and training. Many firms have an HR department with its own HR managers. What are the responsibilities of these managers, and how do these responsibilities align with the line managers' responsibilities in relation to personnel? To do this, it is necessary to understand what the “linear” and “personnel” aspects of management include.

What is the line manager responsible for in human resource management?

List of duties of line managers used in accordance with the main instruction big company, for effective human resource management:

1. Placing the right people in the right jobs.

2. Attracting new employees to the organization.

3. Training of workers in a new job for them.

4. Improving the quality of work of each employee.

5. Creation of an atmosphere of creative cooperation and development of good relations between employees.

6. Interpretation of the policy and sequence of actions of the company.

7. Control of labor costs.

8. Development of the abilities of each person.

9. Creation and maintenance of the moral climate of the department.

10. Taking care of the health and physical condition of employees.

What is the HR manager responsible for?

The Human Resources Manager performs the following three functions:

1. Linear function - the direction of action of the people of the department and service workers. They have line authority within the HR department. The Human Resources Director has access to senior management on all HR matters. As a result, the "proposal" of the HR director is very often seen as an order from above. These powers often carry a lot of weight in overcoming the difficulties that superiors face in dealing with staffing issues.

2. Coordinating function - coordinating the actions of personnel, which is called functional control.

3. Personnel (service) functions - service of line managers. These functions are to help with the recruitment, training, evaluation, reward, discussion, promotion and dismissal of employees.

Collaboration between line manager and HR manager.

The Institute of Personnel Management has given the following definition of personnel management, formulated as: “personnel management is the responsibility of all those who are related to the management of people, as well as professional specialists by frames. This is the part of management that deals with people at work and the relationships of people in the enterprise. Human resources management aims to ensure efficiency and equity, and neither of these objectives can be successfully achieved without taking into account the other. Human resources management tries to unite both the men and women who make up the team of the enterprise into an effective organization. Providing everyone with the best opportunities for successful work, as an individual. And as a member of the work team. It tries to ensure fair rules and conditions for employees and their job satisfaction.”

The tasks of a manager when working with people are focused on managing a group (department, subdivision). The manager must understand the personnel policy of the entire organization, and the main concern is the management of the team.

The misconception about the activities of HR specialists, as people responsible for all the problems of personnel management of an organization, has led to a common situation when they began to be counted on in solving small, local issues which are actually the responsibility of managers. Now the situation is changing. Organizations understand that line managers must be involved in staffing, that they are responsible for discipline and solving problems faced by their employees.

Ideally, the division of responsibilities that a manager defines should reflect different levels of focus. When considering issues that are important to the organization as a whole (setting pay levels or implementing discipline methods), or issues that require great experience(taking into account the subtleties of labor laws or interpreting test results), the specialist will be able to make a more significant contribution.

Personnel management is an integral part of the work of every manager. Whether you are a general manager, middle manager or president, whether you are a production manager, commercial manager, office manager, hospital administrator or head of human resources, getting results from people is the main goal.

So, effective management personnel is the key to the success of the enterprise.

1.2 Mission of the Human Resource Specialist

Today, a person in an organization is the main resource. This is due to the fact that all production processes depend on the person, i.e., on the organization's personnel. The use of personnel is not a new phenomenon for the economy, since even in ancient Egypt there were slaves who differed from the personnel in their attitude towards them.

A unique professional core of human resources is the main competitive advantage of any company seeking to strengthen its position in global markets. In the 21st century this maxim, according to foreign analysts, will gain the force of an immutable law for successful entrepreneurship, since only highly mobile, continuous development-oriented personnel can adapt to unpredictable and often chaotic changes in the market environment.

The staff is our problematic, expensive, but at the same time the most valuable resource. A professional approach to personnel management is, first of all, an understanding that, unlike other types of resources, personnel do not lose over time, but, on the contrary, acquire additional value.

Effective management activities in modern organizations implies an attitude to human resources as the main strategic management factor. Time for intuitive control and active application financial management as the only effective management tool has passed irrevocably. In today's business, it's not "money makes money" but people make money.

Any organization thrives to the extent that it competently attracts, retains and develops its staff. It is the people who generate income and are the key to the effective operation of the organization.

Human resource management requires the coordination of managerial influences with the psychological patterns of people's behavior. Therefore, there is a stage of fine-tuning the organization for success, when the most important thing is that all those who work in this organization show their best.

Human resources are part of the country's population with certain qualitative indicators, and the basis of human resources is the labor potential and labor resources in aggregate.

Consideration of human resources as one of the factors of production and growth of the organization has its own specifics.

Firstly, people are endowed with intelligence and their reaction to external influences is emotionally meaningful, and this affects the fact that the process of interaction between the organization and the employee is mutual.

Secondly, human resources, unlike other resources of the organization, are capable of continuous improvement and development. In the conditions of modern scientific and technological progress, when technologies, and with them professional skills, lose their relevance for several years, the ability of personnel to constantly improve and develop is the most important promising and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any organization.

Thirdly, the working life of a person continues in modern society for 30-50 years, respectively, the relationship of a person in an organization can and should be of a long-term nature. Thus, human resources become an effective investment of material resources in the long-term development of the organization and can bring quite large dividends. It is no coincidence that the direct costs of private business in the United States for all types of training increased by the beginning of the 1980s. 20th century up to 30 billion dollars, and the total private and public costs, taking into account the payment of compensation for the training period, reached 100 billion dollars.

Fourth, people, unlike material and natural resources, come to the organization consciously, with certain goals, and expect help from the organization in realizing these goals. In a relationship this issue the main problems arise, since it is necessary to attract this resource to the organization, and at the same time it must be of the highest quality from all positions. The organization needs to offer a decent reward for the work that will be sold to it, and often it is expressed not only in monetary terms, but in the situation that exists in the organization.

Fifth, the peculiarity of human resources is that each person is unique in nature. Accordingly, the reaction of various members of the organization to the same management method can be diametrical. Just as it is impossible to invent a universal way and method of managing an organization, it is also impossible to manage the same methods and human resources. This raises the question of the universality of human resource management.

Personnel is the most valuable resource of any enterprise. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on competent personnel management. Qualified, proactive and loyal employees can significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

Intangible assets are one of the most important sources of competitive advantage. Knowledge, skills, experience of the staff are the most valuable intangible assets of the organization. Investing in staff education will allow your organization to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in a dynamically developing external environment.

The management of companies has come to understand that it is not money and material resources are the main capital of the organization, and the people who create this money, these material resources, the "know-how" of the company, which is a set of procedures, methods, techniques and technologies for creating and maintaining a business in an organizationally mature state.

People are the most valuable resource of the company, which differs from other types of resources in that it is a self-increasing value. And if this resource is provided with everything necessary, and appropriately motivated, then it will ensure the growth of both capital and material assets and much more for the company.

Unlike personnel management, human resource management is reoriented from the needs of employees to the needs of the organization itself in the labor force, and the priorities of personnel management are determined primarily by the results of a functional analysis of existing and projected jobs, and not by the existing human resources of the organization.

The mission of a human resource specialist in today's highly competitive environment is to increase the human resources potential of a corporation in order to realize its business strategy. The HR manager becomes a kind of "skill calibrator", without whose participation no company strategy can be developed and implemented, and the results achieved can not be correctly assessed. Ensuring the high competitiveness of a firm without partnership with human capital is becoming increasingly difficult for corporate management. How to attract responsible, hard-working, highly qualified and talented people to the corporation and keep it? It is the HR managers who are called upon to play the role of a “catalyst” in the corporation in multidimensional and long-term personnel processes that provide competitive advantages to the company due to the uniqueness of human potential and a high level of responsibility of all its employees. Corporate culture creates responsibility, and the ability of people creates competitive advantages.

At the present stage of economic development, it is extremely important for an enterprise to obtain and maintain long-term competitive advantages that will ensure its survival and successful operation in the market.

The essence of the concept of "human resources" is the recognition of the economic feasibility of investments associated with attracting work force, maintaining it in a competitive state, training and, most importantly, creating conditions for a more complete identification of the capabilities and abilities inherent in the individual, people are considered as the most valuable resource of the organization. Some experts believe that the term "human resource management" focuses on the personnel policy of the organization, which is based on the principle of the highest value of a person, his rights and freedoms.

Figure 1. Model "Five levels of HR contribution"

The "work" of HR (Human Resources) managers can be clearly divided into five levels, from operational to strategic.

1. Management of information flows and implementation of basic operations.

Each HR function must ensure that employees are provided with the information they need, that they answer their questions, and that they fully complete all current tasks at the operational level. Most experts will agree that these are the longest-known and simplest HR operations:

Working with documentation related to hiring new employees, registering staff movements and dismissals, maintaining payrolls, etc.;

Advising employees on issues of labor legislation, personnel policies of the company.

2. Implementation of the main functions

In addition to performing basic operations, most HR departments perform staffing functions. The second level of functioning covers the standard areas of responsibility of the HR service: staffing, compensation, relationships in the team, staff training. Each functional unit of the HR department interacts with others and has its own goals and objectives and provides some services independently

3. Coordination of efforts aimed at increasing productivity

At the third level, the activities of the HR service are included in the range of activities planned within the company as a whole, and are mainly focused on tactical tasks. One of the main goals of any company is to increase productivity, therefore, to achieve it, the efforts of all departments must be coordinated. The task of the HR service is to increase or maximize the productivity of all employees.

In order to directly influence labor productivity, parameters for its assessment and specific measures of influence on it are necessary. In addition, organizational solutions are needed to help stimulate (or even force) the various functional departments of the HR service to work towards this goal as a single team.

Increasing overall productivity requires HR managers to develop initiatives to continually increase the value of labor output, while maintaining a constant or lower average cost of labor per unit of output.

At the third level, the functional responsibilities of HR departments include identifying all factors affecting labor productivity and developing measures to manage them.

Here are some "non-traditional" HR functions that are added at this level:

Development of tools and strategies aimed at retaining key employees;

Transfer of employees to units that have a greater impact on the achievement of business results;

Development of systems of non-material incentives and recognition of employees;

Measurement and analysis of the state of labor resources;

Coordination of knowledge management efforts.

4. Development of competitive advantages through talent

The fourth level is a significant transition point, after which the work of the HR department begins to make a strategic contribution to the success of the entire company. To enhance competitive advantage, efforts must be focused on ensuring that every key human resource management program and every HR service is the best of its kind (compared to competing companies). At this level, efforts are focused on the components of the external environment, while all the previous ones concentrated exclusively on internal processes. Instead of simply tracking what competitors are doing, the fourth level is to identify (and take advantage of) weaknesses and shortcomings in the performance of competitors. So far, only a select few, elite companies have funded HR activities at this level. Typical actions aimed at developing competitive advantages can be considered:

Analysis of HR programs in competing companies;

Planning the number of employees and forecasting labor productivity;

Creation and development of a positive image of the company as an employer;

Competitive intelligence.

5. Develop solutions to strategic business problems and search for new opportunities

At the fifth level, the most complex work is carried out, ensuring the strategic contribution of human resources to the success of the company. Efforts at this level go far beyond simply influencing worker productivity. Here it is necessary to take on the solution of strategic business problems in such areas as the development of new products and services, improving their quality, improving customer services, as well as improving the company's position in the market. Only a few companies achieve this strategic level human resource management, and most of them belong to the “productivity culture”. Typical activities of HR-services, aimed at solving the strategic problems of the enterprise and the search for new opportunities, are:

Inclusion of HR managers in business development groups;

Consultations by HR-managers of specialists in the field of design and development of new products and services;

Analysis of the impact of the quality of workforce management on innovation processes and on the time required to bring new products to the markets;

Formation and development of a "productivity culture" in the company;

Participation of HR departments in the processes of mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Managers in strategic positions in the business identify as their customers only the key end users of the company's products and services. Each employee should consider increasing the value of these products and services for the end consumer as a priority and consider any action in the company from this point of view. But when providing services within the company, it is important to clearly define internal customers as well.

Labor productivity growth is defined as strategic goal human resource management, the HR service should take on the role of "asset manager". In most cases, the most expensive corporate asset is human resources. Any focus on the productivity and profitability of the workforce can be discredited if the HR manager takes the employee's point of view. Quite often, their personal interests do not coincide with the company's goals of increasing productivity and increasing profits. Whether we like it or not, HR's job is to help employees do things they wouldn't naturally do. If employees “on their own” worked to their limits, we would not need to develop incentive programs and pay for performance, establish corporate rules, train employees and use many other tools that help manage talent.

Being a strategist means achieving results that affect the company's business goals. To achieve a strategic result, you need to get a credit of trust, and for this, first of all, take responsibility - to a certain extent become the "owner" of a certain strategic area. In our case, the HR service needs to feel its involvement in the task of increasing the productivity of employees and take responsibility for its implementation. Then she can legal grounds claim their share of the contribution to the achievement of this result.

1.3 Human resource management: increase human capital, change in the conditions of globalization, application information technologies

Human capital is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities used to meet the diverse needs of a person and society as a whole. The term was first used by Theodor Schultz, and his follower, Gary Becker, developed this idea, substantiating the effectiveness of investments in human capital and formulating economic approach to human behavior.

Initially, human capital was understood only as a set of investments in a person that increases his ability to work - education and professional skills. In the future, the concept of human capital has expanded significantly. The latest calculations made by the World Bank experts include consumer spending - the cost of families for food, clothing, housing, education, health care, culture, as well as government spending for these purposes.

Human capital in a broad sense is an intensive productive factor of economic development, the development of society and the family, including the educated part of the labor force, knowledge, tools for intellectual and managerial work, the environment and labor activity that ensure the effective and rational functioning of human capital as a productive development factor.

How is human capital different from labor resources? The labor force is directly people, educated and uneducated, who determine skilled and unskilled labor. Human capital is a much broader concept and includes, in addition to labor resources, accumulated investments (taking into account their depreciation) in education, science, health, safety, quality of life, in the tools of intellectual labor and in the environment that ensures the effective functioning of human capital.

The main way to increase (accumulate, produce, reproduce) "human capital" is to invest in it. There is a debate about what investment in "human capital" is, how comparable it is to a company's normal investment. One part of the researchers understands them as the cost of funds, while the other - any actions or measures aimed at improving the characteristics of "human capital".

The term "capital" usually refers to those products of labor that are going to be used for further production. The process of creating capital is called investment. Investing, by definition, requires an initial outlay, which then, after a certain period of time, pays off. According to the theory of human capital, people can increase their opportunities by investing in themselves, and the government can increase national income by directing funds to create human capital. The main argument in favor of such investments is that the money spent can be repaid by increasing productivity and wages and thus be justified.

Human capital can take various forms. In general, any acquired skills, knowledge or even information that will help a person to increase productivity and thus earn more can be considered as a form of human capital. Typical forms of investment in human capital are the following activities:

1. Education. It may consist of obtaining a formal higher education, and in its subsequent continuation, and attending evening courses to improve, for example, computer literacy. Education in its various forms is the main activity for investing in human capital, since it requires a significant investment of time and money.

2. Training. It can be professional, i.e. aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills in the field professional activity, or special, aimed at acquiring special skills. It can be carried out both in the process of work (apprenticeship), and in isolation from it - in special courses. Training can also be divided into general (literacy) and special (skills for a specific job or institution). Training also makes up a large part of the investment in human capital.

3. Migration and job search. Labor migration is seen as an investment in human capital, since moving from a place with low wages to an area where they are high leads not only to higher wages, but also to a better use of human skills. Finding a job is considered an investment because it requires significant effort and certain costs to collect information about the labor market.

4. Health and nutrition. Various types of health and nutrition services are also an investment, as they increase the return on work by reducing morbidity and mortality, and help maintain health and, consequently, increase the length of the productive period of life.

The rate of return on investment can give a clear and fairly complete picture of the economic consequences of investing in human capital.

The main problem is to determine the economic effect of investing in human capital. Numerous empirical studies have shown that the levels of return on investment in it and in physical capital are comparable, although different forms of investment in human capital can determine different levels of return.

One of the important provisions of the theory of human capital is that its increase is among the main causes of economic development, since human capital makes up a large part of the welfare of society. Researchers point out that great social and economic gains are the result of capital investments in education, training, health care and nutrition, as well as other activities that ensure the creation of human capital. Therefore, investing in human capital is absolutely essential for any national economy, especially in developing countries.

Like any investment market, the human capital market is not free from flaws. Among them are the following:

1) the relative freedom of movement of the labor force reduces the willingness of employers to invest in its development;

2) lack of information about the value of education, especially among young people, leads to insufficient or incorrect investment in human capital;

3) a significant part of the population does not have enough funds for serious capital investments.

Because of these and some other flaws in the market for investment in human capital, it is probably not worth counting on the fact that market mechanisms alone will provide the optimal level of such investments for the economy. Therefore, government participation in investing in human capital becomes vital. Governments need to study its various forms and all the costs and benefits associated with it, and then optimally allocate resources.

Globalization - this most controversial and discussed process of our time, seems to be in danger of stepping on its own rake. Economy and its driving force- transnational business - with terrible force, traditional concepts of civilization, culture, religion, nation, state are being forced out of reality. All this is now losing its meaning. What is the point of a state if its political system becomes an appendage of economic monopolies, and its borders are useful only to historians? What is the meaning of the concept of a nation if its representatives enter into mixed marriages, work in foreign enterprises and their children are taught abroad? The same with culture, religion, morality, aesthetics, etc. Capital devalues ​​everything and, paradoxically, itself. But something still remains...

The only enduring value of this world is man as its sole creator and as a victim of the fruits of his own inventions. From this point of view, the process of globalization is an expression of the deep inner intentions of humanity itself and, above all, its Western half. Abstracting from emotions, it should be recognized that the requirements of globalization are, by and large, the requirements of mankind for themselves, namely, the total transformation of mentality towards increasing their own efficiency and responsibility. The other half have to choose: accept or reject the new rules of the game, change or resist.

It is difficult for the traditional consciousness to rebuild and change, because the impossible is required of it: activity, courage, determination, responsibility, purposefulness, punctuality, constant work on oneself, self-improvement, etc. To paraphrase a well-known expression, we can say that the motto of the current era is: “Or you will change or you will be crushed.” The product of business - globalization - makes new demands both on its "parent" and on all its participants. It cannot be cancelled, it can only be understood and used to win.

The strongest survive in the struggle. This is especially true now, when Russian enterprises enter the world market and compete with stronger competitors. The problem of organization comes first. effective work enterprises, entailing a whole range of related problems of a managerial nature. And here, as in any team game, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole is achieved by developing the potential of each player. At the same time, usually the greater the cost of training and development, the greater the economic return from each (according to some estimates, the cost of education pays off thirty times).

The rapidity of changes in the economic, technological and social spheres require constant replenishment of knowledge and improvement of skills, education based on the principle of continuous learning and advanced training (the principle of LLL - life long learning). And here it is especially important to understand not only what and who will teach, but most importantly - how?

The business environment is not interested in theoretical knowledge, but in specific, measurable results. That is, the ability to use their knowledge in practice: quickly analyze information and make functional decisions in conditions of uncertainty and time constraints.

The demand for those who know how to do this will constantly grow: modern business high-class managers are required, resolute, creative, independent, capable of quick learning, mastering new knowledge and expanding their own competence. However, it is not just a matter of learning in the usual sense of the word: the unconditional belief in the omnipotence of technological rationality is a thing of the past. School and academism are becoming obsolete in the sense that they are becoming less and less applicable to reality and their value is gradually falling, and fundamental education is becoming the lot of only sincere adherents of science. Nevertheless, the problem of investment in human capital is not canceled and a new knowledge management is entering the arena.

The requirements of high adaptability to changes in the conditions of ever-increasing pace of technological development make it necessary to create a new type of education system. One that would provide for the development of abilities for internal change and development. The goal of the new education system is the formation of individuals who are able to constantly replenish their knowledge and improve themselves. Anyone who aspires to be a leader in a global context can no longer afford to stop within a certain role, function, or mode of action. If only because all of them are necessarily tested daily for strength by constantly updated scenarios (regulatory, technological and scientific).

A person turns into a starting point: by acquiring specific knowledge about tools and technologies, subordinating them to his goal, he gains the ability to control the strategy, the result and the process of achieving it. Therefore, in the near future, a fundamental difference between people will pass not only in terms of material well-being, and not only in the quantity and quality of education, but, above all, in how effectively this knowledge is used to move towards the goal. The situation, familiar to Soviet citizens, in which the employee was, first of all, the executor and obeyed the instructions, is giving way to another. Now the employee is given more and more responsibility and authority, works not according to the schedule, but in the mode that is optimal for fulfilling the goals set for him, which often determine his remuneration. The working atmosphere has also changed: thanks to the development of telecommunications, the employee has become mobile and often works outside the office and overtime.

We are dealing with a trend that cannot be stopped. In the limit, soon the majority of those who work in the service sector will turn into so-called "knowledge workers" - highly skilled workers with a high degree autonomy, which will no longer be just employees, but free professionals cooperating with enterprises on the principles of voluntariness and partnership. Along with the change in the relationship of the former "employee" and "employer", the traditional hierarchical management model will also change.

In Europe, the number of freelancers reached several hundred million in 2008. For these people, having accurate knowledge at the time of providing a service is no longer just a necessity, but a real foundation and the main principle of their work. Meanwhile, companies are experiencing an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel at all levels - free masters are much more expensive. It is estimated that the financial losses associated with the lack of necessary knowledge of the management already today amount to approximately 6 thousand euros per year for each employee in Europe. The problem is known as the knowledge deficit. In an attempt to solve this problem, enterprises are increasingly resorting to new technological projects and poaching experts from other companies. Unfortunately, the results often fall short of expectations. More than 50% of projects for the introduction of new information technologies fail for the first time in two years of their existence. Of the remaining half, less than 50% are able to recoup within a reasonable time initial investment. The main problem is that these projects are launched without taking into account human factor. In other words, all hopes are pinned on technological tools, while the living blood of an enterprise is not technology, but people. Realizing this, European businessmen collectively began to spend about seven billion euros annually on education. Such a pronounced increase in attention to knowledge management is not accidental: it is necessary in order to go beyond everyday activities, look into the future and get ahead of others in your strategy. In Russia today there is a growth of companies at the expense of the territory. But the time when the main sources of extensive growth in Russia will be exhausted is approaching. And by the way, as world practice shows, it is innovative companies, which do not depend on the notorious administrative resource, nor on fluctuations in oil, gas or ore prices, demonstrate the best dynamics in the long term. And innovation is determined by human resources (or rather, by how they relate to work), corporate culture and management system. All Scientific research in the field of business they prove that if a company is growing rapidly, this growth must have inspirers - owners or hired managers. It is thanks to the personal, business and professional qualities leaders, their businesses receive the most powerful stimulus for growth.

The combination of these factors allows the enterprise to quickly respond to changes in the external environment, make decisions, replicate experience and adjust the organizational structure to the specifics of new regions and markets for development. Intensive development is associated with increased efficiency, with a way of doing things: globalization mixes goods and equalizes prices, but it exacerbates the need for specialization and increases the importance of the service. Consequently, people are becoming an increasingly important resource.

In such circumstances, business education is becoming increasingly relevant. And business schools need to understand how to work with a person. Must be able to gather teachers-practitioners. In the process of education today, it is necessary to apply methods that not only allow you to acquire new information, develop new skills, but also work on personal qualities. A person today cannot stop in his growth, it is necessary to reject those stereotypes that are non-functional for him. A person should not just change, but start a mechanism of constant changes within himself at the same speed as changes occur in the external environment. The business school that can do this will win.

The solution of any problem, which initially assumes as a result a practical application in the form of solving any one problem or a set of problems (or this application appears as a logical inevitability in the process of studying the problem), in its development can be represented by two levels. The first level is theoretical or descriptive, which includes the following stages: the emergence of an idea, the definition of concepts, the study of the problem, the description itself, analysis, the formulation of conclusions and recommendations. The second level is applied or technological. It consists of such stages as: general statement of the problem, methods of solving, detailing the solution, the means used for solving, implementation, description of the technology, use.

The tasks associated with managing people have their own ultimate goal the practical aspect.

One of the main features of the use of computer technology in the practice of solving various problems, including the tasks of personnel management, is to streamline and formalize all potential solutions that will be subject to automation.

To solve these problems in the applied aspect, i.e. move to the second level of solving the problem of personnel management, in modern conditions it is impossible to do without the involvement of computer technology.

All tasks of the descriptive level in terms of solution automation can be differentiated in accordance with the characteristics of the information used and presented in a very enlarged form as follows:

1. Work with personnel at the level of the personnel department.

2. Personnel policy.

3. Labor indicators.

4. Rationing of labor.

5. Financing of staff costs.

6. Organization of labor.

7. Motivation of work.

8. Psychological aspects.

9. Sociological research.

10. Social and medical support.

11. Safety precautions.

For any HR specialist, this is exactly the structure of tasks subject area gives the most clear conceptual understanding of the composition of the information base used in solving them.

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Basic concepts of HRM theory

Development of HRM theory

A new HR paradigm

People management

Personnel Management

Human capital management

Human resource system

HRM Models

Goals and objectives of HRM

Characteristics of HRM

HRM and personnel management

Principles of the concept of HRM

Main activities and features of HRM

Main Functions of the HRM Unit

The place and role of HRM in the organization's management system

The concept of human resource management (HRM)

(HR, or HRM - from English human resources management.) represents the human aspect of enterprise management and the relationship of employees with their companies.

Purpose of HRM- ensure the use of company employees, i.e. its human resources in such a way that the employer can get the maximum possible benefit from their skills and abilities, and the employees - the maximum possible material and psychological satisfaction from their work.

Human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and uses technologies and procedures collectively referred to as " personnel Management”, i.e. concerning the staffing of the enterprise, the identification and satisfaction of the needs of the workers, and the rules of thumb and procedures that govern the relationship between the organization and its worker. Next, we will look at the differences between personnel management and human resource management.

Everyone who has subordinates is involved in human resource management; no manager can avoid the performance of this function and shift it onto the shoulders of specialists. Human resources are much more difficult to manage than physical resources, partly because of the potential for conflicts of interest between worker and employer, and partly because workers are increasingly willing to participate in decisions about their jobs (their environment).

Human resource management originates in personnel management, the development of which in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century. contributed to the activities of the movement to improve the working conditions of industrial workers. However, throughout the history of the formation of HRM, the only factor that prevailed was the needs of people in the process of work.

On the first stage a handful of entrepreneurs and philanthropists, driven by the desire to improve working conditions, created various programs to improve working conditions physical labor, working environment and quality of life of workers.

Second phase HRM falls on the period of the First World War, when the warring countries of Europe and the United States faced an acute shortage of human resources and an equally urgent need to significantly increase labor productivity in a short time. At this time, the governments of the United States and European countries actively encouraged systematic research in the field of labor relations. employer - worker and the human factor in industry. This led to a new understanding of the problems of human resource management, and hence - to a more competent and sophisticated approach to the role of the personnel manager.

Third stage The development of HRM is characterized by the appearance in the 30s - 40s. 20th century various academic theories of management and the integration of management into the general circle of the so-called social sciences.

By the beginning of the 1960s. within common function individual areas of specialization began to stand out in personnel management, which took shape as separate sciences with their own subject and field of study, applicable to almost all forms and sizes of business and any situations involving human resources. Now personnel policy and appropriate generally accepted procedures are applied in the recruitment, selection and training of personnel, in the course of labor relations, in the planning of work, in the management of the payroll system and in the evaluation of the performance of each employee,

Intense business competition in the 1980s and 1990s, the development and adoption of the latest industrial technologies, which are largely dependent on the availability of highly skilled workers, flexible work practices (often associated with teamwork) and the need for a culture change both at the national level, and at the level of a single enterprise - all this vigorously brought personnel management to the fore in a business organization.

Human Resources has gradually become associated with an increasingly wide range of functions of a business organization, as well as with business strategy. Thus, HR managers inevitably became more and more involved in the process. general management business and began to touch upon such profit-maximizing aspects of the company's activities as staff motivation, staff performance management, empowerment of workers, total quality management (TQM - total quality management), organizational changes, etc. Decisions on human resources began to be made at the highest levels of company management.

Basic concepts of HRM theory

The idea that employees should be treated as company assets, and not as a source of costs, or, in other words, treated as human capital, was first formulated by M. Bier et al. (1984). The philosophy of HRM, according to K. Legge (1995), says that “human resources have value and are a source of competitive advantage". M. Armstrong and Baron (2002) state the following: “It is now believed that people and their collective skills, abilities and experience, combined with the ability to apply all of the above in the interests of the employing organization, make a significant contribution to the success of the organization and constitute an important source of competitive Benefits".

So, a person with all his qualities is the most important element in the model of PM and HRM. And here are the following indicators:

capabilities: it is more reasonable to send people with certain inclinations to work that requires precisely these inclinations.

emotions: PM and HRM programs are aimed at ensuring the positive position of the employee in relation to the work that is assigned to him.

motives: the manager, using the situation, observing the behavior of employees, finds out the motives of each employee and tries to increase their interest so that there is an internal motivation to achieve certain goals. This part of the model is the most flexible. This block may include such characteristics as: mental abilities, interests, personal qualities: gender, age, marital status, character traits, etc.

Starting to consider the main topic, let us clarify the content of such concepts that we will use in the future, such as "cadres" and "human resource management", "personnel" and "personnel management", "human resource" and "human resource management".

In recent years, the field of personnel management in Russian organizations has changed markedly. Traditional HR departments have been replaced by HR departments, HR departments. However, it is not uncommon for yesterday's HR inspectors and HR managers to suddenly ask to call them in a new way - "manager-CR" (human resource manager), without realizing what is behind this abbreviation.

Indeed, in the XX century. there has been a change in three main concepts of personnel management, which was due to changes in the economic, social, technical development of society (see table 2.1).

Table 2.1. The evolution of personnel management in the XX century.

At the beginning of the last century, the concept of personnel management was developed, which, instead of a person as a person, considered him labor function. In other words, the category frames» characterizes not only the ability to work of a single individual, but the totality of workers united to achieve the set organizational goals. Personnel services performed mainly accounting and control and administrative - administrative functions.

After the Second World War, scientific and technological progress, which caused the complexity of the production process, necessitated the introduction of new mechanisms for motivating workers, improving their qualifications, regulating labor relations on the basis of partnership and cooperation, actively involving personnel in management, and their participation in profits. It was from the 1950s and 1960s, when the technocratic approach to management was losing ground, that the concept of personnel management replaced the concept of personnel management. Now the employee is considered not only as a subject of labor relations, but also as a person with all his abilities, features, needs and interests. The role and place of personnel services in the organizational structure of enterprise management is changing.

The personnel management system covers a wide range of management issues: planning of personnel needs, selection and professional adaptation of new employees, development of compensation programs, corporate training of employees, etc. However, personnel management services, as a rule, also performed a service role, being functional divisions, and personnel were seen as costs that need to be optimized.

In the 70-80s. of the last century, when the economies of developed countries were engulfed by structural changes under the influence of scientific and technical progress, a new concept appears - "human capital".

The development of the theory of human capital is reflected in the works of Nobel Prize winners S. Kuznets, T. Schulz, G. Becker and many other economists. Harry Becker, in the classic in this field, Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, defines human capital as "a set of acquired and inherited qualities, such as education, knowledge gained in the workplace, health and others, which can be used for a certain time to produce goods and services."

In human capital theory, costs are a kind of capital investment, allowing an individual, a firm, society as a whole to achieve certain economic results, produce goods and services in large volumes and of better quality, receive higher cash incomes, etc. These costs are called investment in human capital».

In the most general form, theories of human capital can be defined as follows: it examines the relationship between investment in human factors and the returns that are derived from this investment.

To express a new look at the role of man in modern production since the mid-80s. the term is used human resources».

Thus, in the most general terms, the totality of all human resources that an organization possesses - its main resource, is called organization staff.

It should be noted here that the term " human resources» apply to the potential composition of employees of the organization, the terms "cadres", "personnel"- in relation to its actual composition, while the term" staff' is preferred over the term ' personnel”, since the latter mainly takes into account only the ability of a person to work and does not sufficiently take into account the personal qualities of the employee.

So, let's formulate the basic concepts of PM and HRM.

Personnel- the actual composition of the organization's employees, taking into account their ability to work, perform formal roles (positions) in accordance with their official status.

Staff- the actual composition of the organization's employees, taking into account not only the ability to work, but also their personal qualities (needs, interests, motives, value orientations, character, abilities, feelings, moods, etc.).

Human resources- this is the potential composition of the organization's employees, taking into account all the potential capabilities of the personnel, taking into account their further development and effective use.

Human resource development- this is an activity aimed at developing the potential abilities of employees with the aim of their continuous professional growth and development.

Development of HRM theory

Personnel management, or personnel management, is part of the management of the entire organization - management. According to Makarova I.K. it is advisable to consider the history of personnel management within the broader framework - within the framework of the history of labor organization.

And here one can distinguish pre-industrial phase, which, in connection with the first scientific and technological revolution of the 19th century, passes into first industrial phase, which, in turn, in connection with the so-called second scientific and technological revolution passes into second industrial phase. The pre-industrial phase is preceded by early phase(Table 1.1).

Tab. 1.1 Phases in the development of an organization of work

early phase. In the early phase of development, at the dawn of human history, everyone had to do everything for himself. There was no segregation of duties, professional distinctions were not defined. Therefore, this phase was called undifferentiated.

pre-industrial phase. With the growth of the complexity of society, many activities began to develop, carried out by specialists: farmers, soldiers, fishermen, priests, etc. The phase primary differentiation. More and more professions appeared: millers, bakers, shoemakers, tailors, blacksmiths, hairdressers and hundreds of others. Some professions were very well protected, and they organized this protection in guilds.

An analysis of this phase of the development of the organization of work shows that regardless of the type of activity, profession, there are common aspects in the organization of labor: whether it is a hairdresser, a baker or a blacksmith, each of them independently solved all issues related to supply, production and marketing. The quality of products and, accordingly, the possibility of making a profit from its sale depended only on him.

Thus, the responsibility in this phase was also high. Accordingly, and motivation was also high. At this stage, the worker needed enough high qualification to produce and sell products. Each worker performed a fairly wide, varied set of tasks that required different skills and abilities.

First industrial phase. The situation for many people changed with the beginning of the so-called first scientific-technical or industrial revolution of the 19th century (after the invention of the steam engine and machines). Guilds lost their power, and in large factories work began to be divided into small parts, which were carried out by different people. Therefore, this phase can be called the phase of secondary differentiation of work.

This approach found its culminating manifestation in the assembly line - assembly line - Henry Ford: the work was divided into the smallest elements. The workers were only supposed to do these little pieces of work.

New professions have emerged: those in charge of purchasing raw materials and those in charge of selling finished products. Specialists appeared who were supposed to organize the production process, and specialists coordinating different parts of the production process, as well as those who checked the quality.

Analysis of the organization of work on first industrial phase highlights the following points.

1. There was no need for a good education or highly skilled workers.

2. They were only trained for a small piece of work. If they needed to move to work in another department of the factory, they underwent short-term training and after that they could perform another small piece of the production process. Thus, on the one hand, the organization's expenses for training and retraining of personnel were reduced, labor productivity increased by bringing work to the simplest operations; on the other hand, the execution of these smallest operations required low qualifications and a narrow set of required skills and abilities, used to complete tasks.

3. An individual worker had no responsibility for the production process, much less for the sale of the final product (unlike, for example, a baker or a tailor). He was responsible only for his little piece of work, for his operations.

Thus, one can speak of low level of responsibility workers in this phase. The worker of that era may not have known where the product comes from, where it goes then, what the final product is and who is its consumer.

Work brought to separate, often repeated operations during the working day, requiring only a few skills, that is, essentially monotonous, could not but cause a state of monotony, psychological fatigue, and boredom. If we add to this the difficult conditions of the pile, low wages, very difficult relationships with superiors, then we can say with confidence that job satisfaction and work motivation were low.

Thus, if in the pre-industrial phase, people doing work had: high qualifications, high responsibility and, accordingly, high motivation, then the first scientific and technological revolution and a certain organization of labor in organizations (which was based on the theory of "scientific management" by F. Taylor and A. Fayol) led to a low level of qualification, responsibility and motivation for work among workers, i.e., what was valuable that was in the previous phase was lost.

Second industrial phase. The next phase is an attempt to return what was lost, but on a new turn of the spiral, since the manufactured products have become much more complicated: one person cannot completely manufacture a computer, a car, etc. Therefore, we are talking about a working team that is a small group in size. It is the team as a self-governing working group in accordance with new form organization of work independently solves issues related to supply, production and marketing, performing a fairly large integral identifiable amount of work. This phase can be called secondary undifferentiated.

To achieve their goals, team members must have high diversified qualifications, diverse skills and abilities, which they use to do their job.

A responsibility team members high. They themselves are responsible for many issues: supply, production, marketing, distribution of profits, hiring, etc. Accordingly, and very high motivation(Table 1.2).

Table 1.2 . Peculiarities of personnel at different phases of organization development

As you know, high responsibility has a positive effect on the quality of performance: the higher the responsibility, the better the quality of the products.

The transition to this phase is due, on the one hand, to the theory of "human relations" by E. Mayo and his followers (D. McGregor and others). The ideas of this theory were not heard in the 1920-30s, since there was still a strong enthusiasm for the ideas of F. Taylor, and they gave results.

It was only in the 1960s that a drop in labor productivity began to be observed as a result of the excessive and excessive introduction of ideas about the division of labor and increased dissatisfaction with their work among workers. That's when the ideas of the theory of "human relations" began to spread among the leaders. Perhaps, the growth of the economy in all countries, the transition to the so-called information society, computerization, etc., influenced it. In any case, it is believed that most countries are in the middle of this phase.

People management

According to M. Armstrong, the term " people management» includes two interrelated concepts – human resource management(HRM) and human capital management(UCH). These concepts have almost completely replaced the term " personnel Management”, although the philosophy and practice of personnel management is still fundamental to the philosophy and practice of HRM and HMC. The relationship between these aspects is shown in fig.

Rice. 1.1. Relationship between aspects of people management

When describing processes that cover the management of an organization's employees, the term "personnel management" is increasingly being replaced by the terms "human resource management" (HRM) and "human resources" (HR).

The concept of HRM includes all activities described in this course of lectures.

Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as a strategic and logically consistent approach to managing the company's most valuable asset: the people who work there, who collectively and individually contribute to the achievement of the company's objectives.

M. Armstrong argues that HRM can be viewed as "a set of political strategies based on an ideological and philosophical foundation." He offers four aspects characterizing a meaningful version of HRM:

1) a certain set of beliefs and assumptions;

2) decisions about personnel management are based on strategic needs;

3) the leading role of line managers;

4) emphasis on the system of "leverage" in the formation of working relations.

A systematic approach in foreign management practice in recent decades has led to the emergence of a fundamentally new technology of personnel management - human resource management. This technology has become part of strategic management, and the function of personnel management is an obligatory component of the competence of the highest officials of the organization. The nature of personnel policy has also changed - it has become more active and purposeful.

Under human resource management understood strategic and operational management of activities aimed at improving the efficiency of using the organization's human resources.

In contrast to personnel management, human resource management is reoriented from the needs of personnel to the needs of the organization itself in the labor force, and the priorities of personnel management are determined primarily not by the existing personnel potential of the organization, but by the results functional analysis of existing and planned jobs.

Human resource management makes the personnel policy more active, in contrast to the passive and reactive policies that are characteristic of the traditional personnel management system. At the same time, the personnel work of managers at all levels of management is integrated into the personnel management system, which contributes to effective implementation this work.

In the human resource management system, management is being reoriented to individual work with staff and, consequently, a reorientation from collectivist values ​​to individualistic ones.

HR management personnel in the human resource management system is aimed at improving efficiency long-term investment in human capital, instead of striving to save on the costs associated with the reproduction of the labor force. Human resource management technology provides for the provision continuous professional growth workers and improvement of working conditions.

Unlike personnel management, where all attention was focused on ordinary employees, in human resource management, the emphasis is shifted to the management staff, since managerial competence is called, ultimately, a key element of the human resources potential of a modern organization.

The human resource management system stimulates an atmosphere of mutual responsibility between the employee and the employer, the desire of the entire staff of the organization to make it the best among competitors by supporting initiatives at all levels of the organization, constant technical and organizational innovations, and open discussion of problems. Human resource management technology has a significant economic and social effect.

Human resource management organization involves a whole range of interrelated activities:

Determining the need for personnel, based on the strategy of the organization;

Personnel marketing;

Selection, admission and adaptation of personnel;

Planning the career of employees of the organization, their professional and job growth;

Ensuring optimal working conditions at each workplace;

Formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

Labor efficiency management;

Development of a system of labor motivation;

Designing the system of remuneration;

Participation in tariff negotiations between the employer and employees together with the elected trade union body;

Stimulation of rationalization and inventive activity;

Prevention and elimination of conflicts;

Development and implementation of the social policy of the organization;

Organizational, legal and regulatory support of labor protection as a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the course of labor activity;

Socio-economic and psychological support for personnel.

“Personnel management is a part of management that concerns employees and their relationships within the enterprise. Its purpose is to unite and develop the efforts of the men and women who make up the enterprise within the framework of an effective organization of work and, taking into account the well-being of each employee and work groups, to ensure that they work most effectively for the good of the company.

Personnel management is associated with the organization and development of the following management functions.

Human resource planning, attraction, recruitment, staffing, dismissal.

Education and training, professional growth.

Terms of employment, methods and norms of encouragement.

Working conditions and provision of services to workers.

Formal and informal communications within the organization and consultation between employer representatives and employees at all levels of the organization.

Negotiation and application of agreements on wages and working conditions, procedures for resolving or preventing disputes.

Personnel management is also related to humanitarian and social aspects changes internal organization and methods of work, as well as economic and social changes in society”.

The functions of personnel management also include:

Constant monitoring of wages set in other companies in this region in order to maintain the remuneration system adopted in the company at the same level;

Motivation to work, i.e. development of a reward system that encourages employees to work more efficiently;

Administration of old-age pension schemes (together with finance departments), providing advice to employees on the amount of pensions and other social benefits that they may qualify for;

Accounting professional achievements employees and maintenance of special databases;

Preparation of detailed descriptions official duties and other materials for work with personnel;

Enforcement of health and safety regulations, prevention of accidents at work and provision of everything necessary for first aid emergency care;

Ensuring leadership preparation, development and consistent planning;

Maintaining communications with staff, establishing a system for disseminating information of interest to employees through news bulletins, bulletin boards, organizing briefings, etc.

Another definition personnel management is to regard it as set of policies, institutions and procedures that enable practical application of the principles of work psychology.

Its goal is not only to make the most efficient use of the worker's labor and establish normal relationships between workers in the labor process, but also to motivate workers both by providing such work that would bring them satisfaction (if possible), and by offering financial and other types of remuneration for work.

That's why personnel Management can be seen as part of management that deals with workers in the workplace and deals with:

a) recruitment, selection, transfer, promotion, division, evaluation, training and development of personnel;

b) motivation - the development of the main job responsibilities, the remuneration system, the construction of a system of additional benefits, consultations, the participation of employees in management, negotiations with employees, the observance of justice;

in) social protection- creation of safe working conditions, ensuring compliance with the law.

These three directions are not isolated and are not self-sufficient. For example, an employee who is carefully selected and well trained will be significantly more motivated than someone who is randomly selected and poorly trained. The use of advice and involvement of employees in management often not only increases their motivation, but can also suggest how to use the employee in the best possible way. Carefully designed and safe conditions labor will always allow the best use of the capabilities of workers and in many cases will help to better meet the needs of the person.

HRM Models

According to M. Armstrong, one of the first unambiguous statements about the concept of HRM was made Michigan School(Fombran, 1984). They believed that HR systems and organizational structure should be adjusted to fit the organizational strategy (hence the name "fit model"). They went on to explain that there is a human resource cycle (Figure 1.3) consisting of four main processes, or functions, performed in any organization. It:

selection - correspondence of available human resources to jobs;

attestation– performance management;

remuneration- "the reward system is a management tool that is used to stimulate organizational performance is often insufficiently and incorrectly"; it is obliged to encourage both short-term and long-term achievements, bearing in mind that "an enterprise must work today in order to succeed in the future";

development- the desire to have highly qualified employees.

Rice. 1.3. Human resource cycle

Other founding fathers of HRM were representatives of the Harvard school - M. Bier et al. (1984), who developed a scheme later called Harvard by P. Boxell (1992).

Harvard School believed that HRM had two characteristics:

1) most of the responsibility for ensuring a competitive strategy and personnel policy lies with middle managers;

2) employees must develop rules that guide the development of personnel activities and are applied in such a way as to mutually reinforce both levels.

The Harvard circuit as modeled by Bier et al. is shown in Fig. 1.4. P. Boxell (1992) believed that the advantages of this model are that it:

Takes into account the interests of all influence groups;

Recognizes the importance of compromise, expressed or implied, between the interests of owners and workers, as well as between different interest groups;

Expands the context of HRM to include worker influence, work organization and the related issue of leadership style at the lower level;

Recognizes a wide range of environmental influences on management's choice of strategy, assuming a combination of both market and product related aspects and socio-cultural aspects;

Emphasizes strategic choice - this model is not guided by situational or environmental determinism.

The Harvard Schema has had a significant impact on the theory and practice of HRM, in particular the notion that HRM is the business of managers in general, and not a particular function of the personnel department.

Rice. 1.4 Harvard scheme of human resource management

Goals and objectives of HRM

During the development of cybernetics, behaviorism, philosophy and psychology often used the image of a black box: there are incoming and outgoing data, but what happens in the "black box" is unknown, and this knowledge was dispensed with. The well-known formula "stimulus - reaction" made it possible to get out of this predicament even when exposed to a person.

Recently, apparently, in view of the accumulation of some knowledge (the theoretical views of 3. Freud can be attributed to them), they began to use the image of an iceberg. At least what is known at the top is known, and this is 20% of all information. And what is hidden, you can guess. If we recall the theoretical views of 3. Freud, we can define the upper part as conscious, and the lower as unconscious. Now, if we apply the image of the iceberg to understand the processes taking place in the organization, we get the following (Fig. 1.

The essence of human resource management

Human Resource Management (HRM) 1 represents the human aspect of enterprise management and the relationship of employees with their companies. The purpose of HRM is to ensure that the human potential of the company is used in such a way that the employer can get the maximum possible benefit from their skills and employees - the maximum possible material and psychological satisfaction from their work. Human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and uses technologies and procedures collectively called "human resource management", i.e. concerning the staffing of the enterprise, the identification and satisfaction of the needs of workers, and the rules of thumb and procedures that govern the relationship between an organization and its worker.

Personnel management is an important element of a broader concept - human resource management 2, although in practice both these terms are often used interchangeably, as synonyms.

This emphasizes the fact that people used as workers are resources that are no less important than financial or material ones, and which should also be given attention and care.

Employees will not passively submit to management, they increasingly expect and demand a more skilled approach to hiring and managing them. Behavioral research shows that a competent management response to these

1 HRM - short for English. human resources management - human resource management.

2 In Russian, you can also find the term "human resource management", but "human resource management" is used much more often.

requirements will benefit the company. The technology of personnel management, for example, in the field of employee certification, his professional training and assessment of the complexity of work, can only be successfully applied with the assistance and support of the personnel themselves.

A significant number of commercial and government organizations moving from personnel management to human resource management. Differences between these concepts:

1. Personnel management is a practical, utilitarian and instrumental area, it focuses mainly on the administration and application of personnel policy. Human resource management, in contrast, has a strategic dimension and considers the overall placement of human resources within a company.

2. Human resource management deals with the more global aspects of change management, and not just the consequences of changes for the company's accepted work practices. HRM is committed to actively driving change and adopting new ways of working.

3. Personnel management is reactive and diagnostic. It responds to changes in labor laws, labor market conditions, trade union action, government-recommended codes of practice, and other influences from the business environment. Human resource management, on the other hand, is prescriptive and deals with strategies, the development of new activities and the development of fresh ideas.

4. Human resource management determines the general direction of the company's policy in the field of relations in the field of wage labor within the enterprise (company). Thus, there is a need to create a special culture within the organization that would favor cooperation between employees, ensure their commitment to business goals. Human resource management, on the other hand, has been criticized for focusing primarily on purely commercial purposes in light of the implications for employees, on employees' compliance with the rules and procedures adopted by the company, rather than the desire to develop their loyalty and devotion to the company.

5. Expanding and deepening social partnerships and labor relations are becoming increasingly important functions of human resource management. In economics, partnership is seen not only as an ethical concept, but also as an organizational principle. It means the recognition of interdependence and solidarity in the social context, as well as the recognition of various kinds of social interests of certain social groups and, as a result, granting them the right to participate in political and economic processes in making managerial decisions. Human Resource Management (HRM) played essential role not only in the development of this process, but also in its use as a tool to improve the efficiency of personnel management.

Partnership and participation in managerial decision-making determine labor relations and the psychological climate in enterprises. As a result, employees show a greater understanding of the problems of enterprises, become more active in increasing labor productivity.

6. Human resources management is characterized by a short-term perspective, and HRM has a long-term perspective, tends to concentrate all aspects of the organization's human resources into a single whole and set high goals for employees.

7. Within the framework of human resource management, personnel is seen as an investment that needs to be developed, as well as a cost that needs to be controlled. When managing personnel, people are considered only as costs that need to be controlled.

8. The goal of human resource management is to combine available human resources, qualifications and potentials with the strategy and goals of the company. Employees are an object of corporate strategy, a factor of competitive advantage, an object of investment for the company. Human Resource Management aims to ensure that the right people are in the right places at the right time and free the unwanted people. Employees are factors of production, and they are “arranged” like in chess.

9. The approach specific to human resource management emphasizes the need for direct communication with workers, and not just with their collective representatives; developing an organizational culture that would be conducive to the introduction of flexible working methods; conflict management by leaders of working groups; group work and participation of employees in the development of collective decisions; improving the long-term capabilities of employees, and not just achieving a level of competitiveness in the performance of their current duties.

All management decisions, which relate to the relationship between the company and the employee, affect the process of human resource management, and accordingly this means that the practice of personnel management is increasingly closely related to business strategy. HRM is proactive and aims to improve company performance and employee satisfaction. Its tight integration with the overall business strategy is a fundamental difference between HRM and traditional management personnel.

The Human Resource Management Strategy recognizes that line management should integrate HRM practices and goals with business strategy. This practice allows managers at all levels to attract, select, promote, reward, use, develop and retain employees who meet business requirements and employment needs. This requires, for example, effective integration of workforce planning into the overall in-house planning process.

Successful implementation of human resource management requires the following:

HRM should be represented at the highest level of company management;

HRM should be involved in the development of the business strategy and organizational structure of the company;

All line management should be involved in the implementation of HRM;

Responsible for HRM is the Line Management Advisor.

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management personnel human

The formation of the market has already set a number of new tasks, the solution of which is impossible on the basis of old ideas, approaches and methods. The issues of restructuring personnel work have acquired particular urgency in this regard today. In all spheres of the economy, the problems of intensifying production, increasing its efficiency, better using expensive and scarce human resources came to the fore, began to acquire key importance for the survival and adaptation of enterprises to a new economic situation for them.

Using the possibilities of scientific and technical progress and increasing the efficiency of production now more than ever before, turned out to be dependent on the degree of participation in these processes of all production workers: from the worker to the director.

No organization can exist without people management. Without qualified personnel, the organization will not be able to achieve its goals. It is an undeniable fact that the income of any company primarily depends on how professionally the specialists work in it.

The current socio-economic and political situation in Russia is forcing many managers to reconsider their priorities in human resource management, will allow management to realize the need to use a scientific approach to management and develop a clear personnel policy that will help improve the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The new role of the individual in the organization and the rapid changes in the economy, organizational culture and technology have given new challenges to the careful selection, training, pay and proper use of staff. The solution of these problems within the framework of traditional work with personnel turned out to be impossible. It was necessary to include this work as an equal component in the process of strategic management.

Thus, the effective work of the staff is necessary condition successful operation of any enterprise. Therefore, personnel management is a responsible and creative task at the same time. The creation of a scientifically based personnel management system involves solving one of the most important problems in the functioning of an enterprise. In connection with the above, this topic is particularly relevant.

The problems of personnel management are widely reflected in the works of many authors. Concepts and approaches to the study of personnel management were considered in the works of Avdeev V.V., Komisarova T.A., Maslova E.V., Pugacheva V.P., Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko A.D., Tsvetaeva V.M. . and others. In the works of Russian authors Vesnin O.R., Komisarova T.A., Slutsky G.V., Dyatlov V.A., Egorshina A.P., Utkina E.A., Kibanova A.Ya., Odegova Yu.G., Fedorova N.V., Minchenkova O.Yu., Slesinger G.E., Travin V.V. et al. considered a wide range of issues related to various areas of improving the efficiency of enterprises based on solving problems of personnel management.

The object of research is the personnel management system of the enterprise. The subject of the study is personnel management at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

The aim of the work is to study the personnel management system.

In accordance with the goal in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Describe the essence of personnel management;

Describe the methods of personnel management;

To study the personnel management system;

Explore personnel as an object of management in the organization;

Conduct an analysis of the personnel management system at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

1. Theoretical foundations of personnel management in the enterprise

1.1 The concept and essence of personnel management. The evolution of approaches to personnel management in the organization

“Personnel” (from the Latin personalis - personal) is “the entire staff of employees, permanent and temporary specialists and workers and employees serving their activities”, “the totality of all human resources that an organization possesses”, “the totality of employees of an organization working for hire if there is an employment relationship with the employer, usually formalized by an employment contract (contract).

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are the availability of specific knowledge and professional skills in a particular field of activity; certain professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, the need for professional and personal self-realization; the presence of psychological, intellectual, physical qualities for a specific professional activity.

The staff is the backbone of any organization and is the most important resource used by all organizations without exception, and as such, the staff needs to be managed.

Recently, in the domestic literature, several attempts have been made to formulate the category of "personnel management".

I.P. Gerchikova writes that “personnel management is an independent type of activity of specialist managers, the main purpose of which is to increase the production, creative output and activity of personnel; focus on reducing the number of production and managerial employees; development and implementation of a policy for the selection and placement of personnel; development of rules for the admission and dismissal of personnel; solution of issues related to training and advanced training of personnel” .

AND I. Kibanov defines personnel management as "a purposeful activity of the management team of an organization, managers and specialists of departments of the personnel management system, including the development of the concept and strategy of personnel policy, principles and methods of personnel management" .

German researchers believe that personnel management is a field of activity characteristic of all organizations, and its main task is to provide the organization with personnel and purposeful use of personnel.

Personnel management as a type of activity has two groups of goals - organizational and personal.

Organizational goals clearly dominate personnel management. Personnel, along with other resources, work to fulfill the mission and achieve the purpose of the organization. There are attempts to combine organizational and personal goals in personnel management: “The effectiveness of personnel management is the achievement of organizational (in relation to commercial organizations - the profitability and stability of the enterprise and its adaptability to future changes in the situation with minimal personnel costs) and individual (satisfaction with work and stay at work). enterprise) purposes".

In foreign literature, the concepts of "economic efficiency" and "social efficiency" are used to characterize the goals of management.

Economic efficiency is understood as the achievement of the organization's goals with minimal personnel costs - economic results, stability, high flexibility and adaptability to a constantly changing external environment. Social efficiency is understood as the satisfaction of the interests and needs of employees (remuneration, its maintenance, the possibility of personal self-realization, satisfaction with communication with comrades, etc.). It is desirable that economic and social efficiency complement each other.

The subjects of personnel management are officials directly involved in this type of activity, namely: managers of all levels, personnel services, bodies of labor collectives public organizations operating in the enterprise.

Personnel management of an organization is a purposeful activity that involves the definition of the main areas of work with personnel, as well as the means, methods and forms of work with them.

The activity of personnel management consists of two main areas, or areas - personnel management and work with personnel (personnel). How do these and some other closely related categories that characterize personnel management compare?

In the most general sense, personnel management is the activity of direct day-to-day management of employees. The concept of "leadership" is closely related to a number of other related categories, primarily with the concept of "management", they are often used as synonyms. However, “management” reflects the regulation of the system in accordance with certain goals and is broader in content: it includes not only the management of people, but also the management of financial, material, technical and other resources, as well as equipment and machines.

The concept of "management" is closely related to the category of "leadership". However, these concepts do not completely coincide. "Management" - a category of microeconomics, meaning the management of an enterprise in a market environment. Accordingly, the "manager" is the head of a market enterprise. As regards public service usually use words such as "leader", "administrator", "official", but not "manager".

On the one hand, "leadership" is broader than "management", as it covers non-market, state forms management, on the other hand, already, since "management" is the management of not only personnel, but also other resources: financial, material and technical, etc. And from this point of view, management, as Richter Manfred notes, performs only certain functions in management, in particular the following: setting goals (studying the problem and developing an ideal result for solving it), planning (identifying alternatives, evaluating them, choosing the best ways to implement them, decision making), implementation (formation of the organization necessary to achieve the goals, as well as mobilization, inclusion of people in their implementation) and control (comparison of the achieved results with the set goals, identification of deviations, adjustments and measures of influence).

In relation to market commercial organizations, work with personnel can also be characterized as personnel management, interpreting this concept in a narrow sense, i.e. as all the diverse activities of personnel services (HR departments). In a broad sense, personnel management is identical to personnel management. commercial organization and contains at least such sections (fields) as analysis of the composition of personnel; determination of the need for personnel; personnel changes, including staffing, development and release; personnel management; personnel management; personnel cost management; personnel information management.

1.2 Evolution of approaches to personnel management

The essence of personnel management is easier to understand by tracing the evolution of views on personnel, on the principles, functions and methods of working with them.

Any social management is inextricably linked with the management of people, so personnel management is inextricably linked with the history of management. However, until the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management was not based on science, but on the basis of experience, traditions, common sense. From the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management began to stand out as a specific function of social management, but until the middle of the 20th century, the activities of the personnel services of enterprises and organizations had an auxiliary character. Working with personnel meant organizing the recruitment and reaching an agreement with the worker about wages. This was due to the industrial nature of labor, requiring its strict division, narrow specialization of workers, functional polarization of performers and managers, a rather limited level of education and cultural development worker.

Only since the 60s of the XX century ideas about the development of systems for working with personnel began to appear. The theory and practice of personnel management was formed with the development of productive forces and social and social relations in the advanced countries of the world (primarily in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France).

In the theory and practice of managing the human side of organizations, four concepts can be distinguished that have developed within the framework of three main approaches to management.

The economic approach determined the view of a person, his place in the organization and the optimal leverage. Thus, the metaphor of an organization as a machine has formed a view of a person as a detail, a cog in a mechanism, in relation to which it is possible to use human resources.

The organic approach to management has given rise to two main metaphors. The first is an organization as a person, where each person is an independent subject with his own goals, values, ideas about the rules of behavior. In relation to which active subject - partner of the organization in achieving its goals, only management is possible by setting goals agreed with it. And for this it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the specific needs, the basic orientation of a person. The second metaphor is that the brain is a complex organism that includes various substructures connected by diverse lines - communication, management, control, interaction. In relation to such a complex system, one can only speak of resource management aimed at the optimal use of the available potential in the process of achieving the set goals.

As part of the humanistic approach, a metaphor of the organization as a culture was proposed, and a person as a being developing within a certain cultural tradition. It is possible to implement the personnel management function in relation to such an employee only within the framework of the approach - managing a person, not only an independent, active being, but also adhering to certain values, rules, accepted norms of behavior.

Speaking about the current stage of the evolution of personnel management, they are increasingly talking about the transition from personnel management to human resource management.

Human resource management is characterized by the consideration of personnel as one of the most important resources of the organization, necessary to achieve its goals. Employees are the most important resource of the organization, which must be preserved, developed and used in competition. The effective use of all other resources depends on the staff.

The integration of personnel management into the overall strategy of the organization is the most important difference between human resource management and personnel management.

Modern trends in the evolution of human resource management, in addition to those indicated above, are as follows:

Transition from fragmented office personnel activities to the integration of management and personnel functions;

Professionalization of the human resource management function;

Internationalization of the human resource management function;

Increasing the share of the function of deepening social partnership and regulating labor relations in human resource management;

Transition from advanced training to development of human resources.

As for Russia, for decades a technocratic approach to governance has dominated our country. Plans, budgets, structures, etc. were put at the forefront.

An ideologized personnel policy was the prerogative of state and party bodies. Monopoly in the sphere of labor led to a narrowing of labor motivation and low productivity.

At present, with the transition to the market, the situation is changing. Practice shows that human capabilities are decisive in achieving any goals. The main potential of any enterprise is its staff. People management is essential for all organizations without exception.

Nowadays, every organization needs a division that deals with personnel management. The name and structure of this unit may be different (personnel management service, human resources department, personnel department, etc.). It is not enough for modern personnel services, as it was before, only to issue orders for employees and store personnel information - This unit must manage personnel in accordance with the goals of the organization, must be constantly improved, updated in accordance with changes in the goals of the organization.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization is currently the increasing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Thus, personnel management is a whole system of knowledge associated with a purposeful organized impact on people, employed, (personnel) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the organization (enterprise, institution) and meet the needs of the employee, as well as the interests of the workforce.

Personnel as an object of management has its own properties (organizational-structural, psychological, etc.) that require skillful consideration in practical work. Personnel management (PM) is aimed at achieving the effective operation of the organization and the fairness of relationships between employees. Flexible organization of labor, self-organization of the employee and groups of workers become the starting point for the creation of human resource management systems.

1.3 System and methods of personnel management

The personnel management system is a set of elements (goals, functions, personnel, technical means, information, methods of organizing activities and management) that form the personnel complex of an organization.

From the table we see that in modern management there has been a shift in emphasis from administrative and regulatory methods, focused mainly on achieving the goals of the organization, to more flexible, evolving methods, focused on the person in the organization and the satisfaction of his higher needs.

Such a change of orientation in personnel management had a long previous evolution of the overall management of the organization. One of the first concepts of personnel management is based on the postulates of the "school of scientific management", in which one of the main principles is the minimization of investments in hired labor. In the 1970s, the concept of “human resource management” emerged as a result of the synthesis of the schools of “human relations” and “behavioral sciences”, which made it possible to recognize the economic feasibility of investing in labor. With this approach, there is a direct dependence of the amount of income on the individual productivity of the worker, his creativity and self-realization.

Establishing a clear procedure and regulations for setting goals and constantly clarifying the long-term and current tasks facing the unit as a whole, as well as each functional management body and structural link;

Formation and continuous improvement organizational structure management, related to the specification of the number of divisions and functional management bodies, provisions governing activities, formal relations between them regulated by legal acts, professiograms for each official, including job descriptions and job models;

Continuous improvement of the conditions that determine the level of organization of work of employees (increase in the degree of responsibility, enrichment of work, improvement of the organization of work and maintenance of workplaces, etc.);

Continuous improvement economic activity subdivisions, creating the most favorable conditions for the optimal combination of collective, individual interests with the interests of the organization, by constantly updating incentive systems and norms;

Forecasting and planning the need for personnel, the qualifications and business qualities of which would meet the requirements, and ways to provide them with public service.

Each of the listed areas is included in the functional responsibilities of specific management bodies, but the personnel management service coordinates and directs their work.

The global goal of personnel management is to form, develop and implement the organization's human resources potential with the greatest efficiency. This means improving the work of each employee so that he optimally increases and uses his labor and creative potential and thereby contributed to the achievement common purpose and also supported the activities of other employees in this direction.

The system of goals serves as the basis for determining the composition of management functions. To form functions, it is necessary to identify their objects and carriers. The bearers of management functions are: the management of the body, deputy heads, head of the personnel management service or deputy director of personnel, specialized divisions for personnel management and personnel management specialists (they are also both carriers and objects). The object of management are the personnel of the organization.

Enterprise human resource management is a complex and time-consuming process that includes the following processes:

1. Resource planning - developing a plan to meet future needs for human resources;

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

3. Selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best for the reserve created during the recruitment;

4. Determining wages and benefits: developing a salary and benefits structure to attract, hire and retain employees;

5. Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization;

6. Training - development of programs for teaching the labor skills required for the effective performance of work;

7. Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity;

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees up the career ladder;

9. Training of management personnel - promotion management, development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of work of management personnel.

The general and main task of personnel management is to ensure that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the goals of the organization.

Qualitative characteristics:

Abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge, professional skills, work experience);

Motivation (a range of professional and personal interests, the desire to achieve something);

Personal qualities that affect the performance of a professional role.

Management methods are a set of techniques and ways of influencing the control object in order to achieve the goals set, i.e. ways of influencing the team individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in manufacturing process(Figure 2).

There are three forms of manifestation of organizational and administrative methods:

Mandatory prescription (orders, prohibition);

Conciliation (consultation, compromise resolution);

Organizational impact on the management structure is carried out through organizational regulation, regulation, instruction.

The administrative influence on the collective or the individual implies subordination, which can be of three types:

Forced or externally imposed (accompanied by a feeling of dependence and is taken as pressure from above);

Passive (satisfaction caused by liberation from making independent decisions);

Conscious, internally justified submission.

Direct influences can increase the passivity of personnel and or lead to covert defiance. Therefore, the most effective are indirect methods of influence, which are carried out by setting goals and creating stimulating conditions.

Economic methods appear in the following forms: planning, analysis, granting economic independence. This causes the material interest of workers in the results of their work.

Socio-psychological methods - a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in labor collectives. For the greatest effectiveness of the impact, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of the teams; use techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, persuasion, competition, rituals, culture, etc.). Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are determined by the competence and ability of the leader.

All methods are interconnected.

Thus, the concept of personnel management is a concentrated expression of the management methodology in its essential part, which is the content of the socio-economic side of the organization's management and is directly related to the person.

The methodological basis for building a personnel management system should be a systematic approach to the internal use of the human factor. It implies that the personnel management subsystem closely interacts with other subsystems - financial, innovation, investment, strategic planning, production, marketing.

2. Study of the personnel management systemOJSC« YAZDA"

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

JSC "YAZDA" refers to the automotive industry, which is one of the key sectors of the Russian economy, in particular, to the diesel industry. The company provides fuel equipment to all major manufacturers of diesel engines in Russia and the CIS - Avtodiesel, KamAZ, Altaidiesel, Minsk Motor Plant. The division is one of the main suppliers of AVTOVAZ and Zavolzhsky Motor Plant (the main supplier of GAZ) in terms of precision hydraulic components and valve springs.

JSC "YAZDA" has the following shares of production for individual manufacturers in the industry in 2008:

KamAZ - 72.4%;

Autodiesel - 100%;

MMZ -38.1%;

Altaidiesel - 22.2%.

JSC YAZDA is located on 2 separate industrial sites located in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl.

The area of ​​the territory of the enterprise in the fence:

Site "A" - 614,000 m 2;

Site "B" - 73,000 m2.

All facilities for production and auxiliary purposes, power and water supply were built in accordance with the approved projects, with the exception of the procurement and storage building, the waste processing building, the road laboratory, the engineering and amenity building 2A. The total developed area of ​​all buildings is 961.1 thousand m2.

OJSC "Yaroslavl Plant of Fuel Equipment" is included in the division "Fuel supply systems" of the GAZ group. The decision to merge the Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant (YAZDA OJSC) and the Yaroslavl Fuel Equipment Plant (YAZTA OJSC) into one Fuel Supply Systems company today confirms its correctness. Until now, enterprises have competed with each other, fought for markets and consumers. Naturally, in this state of affairs, both plants could not fully realize their technological, design and production capabilities. The current strategy of factories in the creation developed business, capable of successfully competing not only with Russian, but also with European companies.

JSC "YAZDA", JSC "YAZTA" as part of the "GAZ Group" is one of the fastest growing and promising industrial enterprises in the region.

The strategy of YaZDA OJSC, YaZTA OJSC is to consolidate efforts to obtain a well-developed business that can compete not only in Russia, but also in Europe, since the technological, design and production base of Yaroslavl plants is much higher and more modern than the potential of competitors in Russia and CIS countries.

Main economic activity:

Manufacture and marketing of engineering products, mainly fuel supply systems for engines;

Manufacture of tools, accessories, equipment, consumer goods;

Design, technological, design and other engineering developments in various industries, mainly in the automotive industry in the field of fuel supply systems for automobile and tractor engines;

Service maintenance of fuel equipment;

Organization of new types of production, technical re-equipment of existing production;

Implementation of construction and installation works;

Investment, commercial and intermediary activities;

Foreign economic activity;

Organization of marketing and consulting activities in the automotive industry.

Main types of products (works, services):

Production of fuel equipment for completing engines;

Production of spare parts for REN;

Production of heat energy on the side.

Product Feature: High pressure fuel pumps for diesel engines; precision products for fuel equipment (sprayers, nozzles, plunger pairs, valve pairs); cutting tools (drills, microdrills, taps, collets); tension, compression, torsion springs; threaded inserts, spring rings. Fuel equipment repair.

Last year, three types of Yaroslavl fuel equipment with an electronic regulator received a certificate of compliance with Euro-3 environmental standards. This allows the use of engines with Euro-3 standards not only on large-capacity trucks, but also on special vehicles with high engine power for various industries. In particular, engines with similar power are also in demand in railway transport.

In the coming year, the plants of the Division also face the task of developing special fuel supply systems for a two-level power engine installed on tractors.

Currently, in the production of fuel supply systems for automobile diesel engines and spare parts for them, YaZDA OJSC is an absolute monopolist in Russia.

The technical level of the fuel supply systems manufactured by JSC "YAZDA" ensures compliance with the standards EURO-1, EURO-2 of the Committee for Inland Transport of the UN European Environmental Commission.

Table 1. Types of the Company's activities in 2007-2008, %%

Manufactured products

Fuel supply systems

Spare parts for fuel supply systems

Precision hydraulic components (hydraulic bearing and hydraulic tensioner)

Valve springs for AvtoVAZ and ZMZ

Thermal energy for third-party consumers

Other (experimental products, consumer goods, social sphere, other)

In 2008, the production and economic activities of JSC YAZDA were carried out in accordance with the approved business plan and current applications of fuel equipment consumers.

In 2008, the sales volume of JSC YAZDA increased by 35% compared to 2007 and amounted to 130,687 units. TA. This increase led to a 120% increase in gross profit

The results of the work of the Yaroslavl diesel equipment plant for 2008 are characterized by the following indicators:

The volume of marketable output in comparable prices amounted to 2,464,221 thousand rubles. or 161.3% to the level of 2007 (in comparable prices).

Dynamics of production volumes of fuel equipment in physical terms by quarters is characterized by the following indicators:

I quarter - 20.8%;

II quarter - 25.3%;

III quarter - 27.7%;

IV quarter - 26.2%.

Marketable products sold in the amount of 2,679,906 thousand rubles.

With the growth of production volume for 2008 by 61.3%, in comparison with 2004, the output per 1 operating PPP increased by 34.8% and amounted to 516.8 thousand rubles; the average monthly salary per 1 working PPP increased by 20.3% and amounted to 9034.8 rubles.

Table 2. Results of the Company's work in 2007-2008 (in comparable prices)


Fuel equipment

Spare parts

Hydraulic tensioner


Tool per side

Heat to the side

Other products total

including cooperation products and services

Total marketable products

Products corresponding to the profile of the plant (TA, s / h, hydraulic tensioner, springs, hydro bearing, R & D products.)

Specialization level

The actual cost of commercial products in 2008 amounted to 2,176,586 tr. The cost of 1 ruble of marketable products in current prices amounted to 88.33 kopecks.

Compared to 2007, the costs decreased by 7.7% (2004 = 93.26 kopecks).

The gross profit margin for 2008 was 14.2%, which is higher than in 2007 (5.5%).

According to the results of the work of JSC "YAZDA" in 2008, the growth of the actual wage fund amounted to 44% compared to 2004.

With an increase in production volumes in 2008 by 61.3% compared to 2007 (in comparable prices), labor productivity per employee increased by 34.8%, the average monthly wage - by 20.3% and amounts to 9,034.8 rubles Thus, labor productivity outpaced wage growth.

The growth of the payroll was due to an increase in the number of industrial and production personnel, which is explained by an increase in production volumes (161% compared to the previous period) and structural changes in terms of the transfer of personnel from JSC YAZTA to JSC YAZDA.

The average headcount in the 3rd quarter of 2009 amounted to 5650 people.

The age of employees at the enterprise ranges from 18 to 52 years. The age structure of employees is distributed as follows:

The main composition of employees from 30 to 40 years old - 53%, the composition of employees under 29 years old and 40 - 50 years old were distributed equally 17% and 23%. Employees over 50 years old accounted for 7%, respectively.

81% of employees have higher education. This is a very high figure, which creates a positive picture of the educational level of the staff. 11% of workers are in the process of receiving higher education. 8% of employees have secondary technical education.

It should be noted that the staff is not fully staffed, there are vacancies.

2.2 The personnel management system of the enterprise and directions for its improvement

Personnel management is carried out by the Human Resources Department. Appendix 2 presents the structure of the personnel department of the enterprise.

The company has developed a Human Resources Strategy. It is determined by the economic strategy of the enterprise. The main strategic task of JSC "YAZDA" is to ensure its long-term competitiveness in the world market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce new technology and equipment, improve the quality of products and expand their range, and increase production volumes. All this determines the essence of the personnel strategy of JSC "YAZDA": providing the company with labor resources capable of solving the tasks set. Or, in other words, the creation of an effective system of training, retraining of personnel, the formation of a reserve of specialists and managers, and the improvement of the qualifications of personnel as a whole.

The main priorities of the personnel policy are also formulated:

Correspondence of human resources to the economic strategy of JSC "YAZDA";

Formation of a management team as a fundamental factor in improving the efficiency of the company's management;

Improving the forecasting and planning of the need for personnel, advancing the development of personnel;

Professional and career workers.

The set is traditionally divided into external and internal. The advantages of external selection are that new people are involved in the organization, bringing new ideas with them, and opportunities are created for more active organizational development.

Sources of external selection are: newspaper advertisements, employment agencies, specialized consulting firms.

Thus, the recruitment of workers is carried out mainly through consulting (recruiting) agencies. At the same time, when selecting candidates for managerial vacancies, the organization mainly uses internal sources, and when selecting other employees, the organization turns to special agencies and the newspaper. Sometimes new employee received through other sources.

The advantages of internal recruitment are that the employee is already adapted to the team compared to the newly hired, his abilities are evaluated higher, higher and job satisfaction.

When selecting personnel, the following selection criteria are used:

High qualification;

Personal qualities;


Professional skills;

Previous work experience;

Compatibility with others (personal qualities).

Selection of employees for transfers to higher positions, i.e. from their own internal source, is carried out on the basis of an assessment of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The process of making a decision on internal movements includes the following stages.

Based on information about the vacant positions in the department, the head of the department makes a decision on the nomination of candidates for vacant positions, determines the number of vacant positions, and instructs the personnel department to search for candidates within the organization.

Compliance of the qualitative composition of candidates with the existing ones vacancies determined by the Head of Human Resources. The head of the department relies on the existing job descriptions that determine the basic requirements for the level of professional knowledge, skills, work experience.

Next, the head of the personnel department analyzes the composition and number of possible candidates, draws up a preliminary list of promising employees, based on an assessment of personal documentation (personal files (cards), statements on the use of working hours in order to identify absenteeism, track records, and other documentation that provides information about professionalism and work behavior of the employee). The personal experience of communication between employees of the personnel department with these employees is also used.

The head of the personnel department evaluates candidates as follows: a “three-dimensional” assessment of the candidate is made, which consists in taking into account information about the employee received from his work colleagues, from his subordinates, as well as from higher management.

The list of candidates is presented to the head of the department, who gives an opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of each candidate with a certain position.

Certification as a procedure for assessing personnel in a company has existed for several years. Its main tasks are:

Determining the level of personnel training and its compliance with the requirements of the company;

Rotation of personnel in accordance with the level of professionalism;

Formation of an effective team;

Determining the need for training.

Certification, as a rule, is planned to be carried out once every six months. A schedule of preparatory and attestation activities is drawn up for each semester.

The certification procedure itself consists of several stages:

Determination of the range of knowledge and skills necessary for personnel - theoretical and practical.

Development of evaluation criteria.

Collecting the necessary information for certification.

Formation of an attestation commission.

The actual certification.


The company also has a staff training program.

The training program is approved by order CEO JSC "YAZDA" and consists of two sections: training of workers and training of managers, specialists and employees in several areas. These are retraining for vacant positions in subdivisions, training in second professions in order to expand the service area, targeted courses for the study of new technologies and equipment. The training program is also aimed at obtaining the right to work under the jurisdiction of state supervision bodies, and advanced training in production and economic courses in order to timely prepare a reserve of workers of high ranks. In other words, there is a process of involving personnel in the activities of the enterprise through the creation of conditions conducive to increasing labor productivity.

The need for personnel training is provided in accordance with the applications of departments based on the personnel analysis of the personnel (work experience, experience, education, employee participation in training or advanced training programs, personal need for professional growth are taken into account). A functional analysis of the personnel is also carried out, which makes it possible to determine the employee's compliance with the required level of competence and qualification, take into account the results of certification and the requirements for industrial safety and labor protection. Based on the analysis of man-made (introduction of new equipment and technologies, commissioning of new facilities and capacities) and instrumental factors (changes in standards, instructions or introduction of new procedures) that affect the work of personnel, training is carried out in various areas.

Taking into account the innovations introduced at the enterprise in the organization of production, namely, the elements of the system " Lean”, an automated production management system, the personnel department team was tasked with organizing educational services employees of the plant with the aim of high-quality and fastest development of these organizational areas.

The main goal of personnel training in the field of quality policy for 2008 is the organization vocational training personnel and meeting the needs of departments and employees themselves. The indicators of its achievement are the increase professional excellence at least 20 percent of average headcount staff and ensure the effectiveness of training by 70 percent. Today we can say with confidence that the training program for the first half of 2008 has been completed.

Thus, the activities of the personnel department of the enterprise can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel. In order to improve the work of personnel management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the personnel department can be given recommendations on career management in the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and relocated employees.

Professional adaptation consists in the active development of the profession, its subtleties, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after finding out the experience, knowledge and character of the beginner, they determine the most appropriate form of training for him, for example, they send him to courses or attach a mentor.

Psychophysiological adaptation - adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical exertion, etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties, it proceeds quite quickly and to a large extent depends on the health of the person, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely because of its absence.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activities- adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members. It can be associated with considerable difficulties, which include deceived expectations of quick success, due to an underestimation of the difficulties, the importance of live human communication, practical experience and an overestimation of the value of theoretical knowledge and instructions.

Career management should be seen as an organized and thoughtful assistance to staff in achieving their goals, professional development, striving to make a career and realize their abilities.

Implementation of the decisions made.

Thus, the following areas of work with personnel should be improved at the enterprise:

Planning an individual professional level and official movement of the employee;

Organization of the acquisition by the employee of the necessary level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulation of the employee's involvement in solving tasks related to appointment to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the individual professional development employee and staffing plan;

Monitoring the activities of the employee, his professional and official growth, rational use his professional abilities.

When planning a career, it is important to consider the tenure of a position. The career plan is drawn up taking into account the fact that the optimal finding of a specialist in one position can be within 4-5 years. The systematic, constant movement (rotation) of personnel has a positive effect on increasing its labor productivity.


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of the life of an enterprise, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management methods are divided into three groups:

Organizational and administrative, based on direct directives;

Economic, driven by economic incentives;

Socio-psychological, used to increase the social activity of employees.

The success of an organization in a market economy depends on the quality of personnel - the most important factor in the competitive struggle, i.e. First of all, the effectiveness of the organization is determined by the quality of the selected employees. In addition, if an organization hires an employee it does not need, then there are expenses for its replacement, which can be significant in terms of money and time.

Based on the results of the practical part of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In the course of the study of the activities of the personnel department of JSC "YAZDA" for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel, it was revealed that the activities of the personnel department of the enterprise can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel.

In order to improve the work of personnel management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the personnel department can be given recommendations on career management in the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and relocated employees:

Identification of the enterprise's needs for personnel and personnel capabilities (needs and capabilities model);

Deciding on a career management strategy in government agency authorities;

Planning of individual professional level and position transfer of an employee;

Organization of the acquisition by the employee of the necessary level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulation of the employee's involvement in solving tasks related to appointment to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the employee's individual professional development plan and the staffing plan;

Monitoring the activities of the employee, his professional and official growth, the rational use of his professional capabilities.


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2. Bazarova T.Yu., Eremova B.L. Personnel Management. - M.: UNITI, 2003, p. 92.

3. Blinov A.O., Vasilevskaya O.V. The art of personnel management: Proc. settlement - M.: GELAN, 2006, p. 102.

4. Vesnin V.R. Personnel Management. Moscow: Prospekt, 2008, p. 129.

5. Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1994., p. 193.

6. Evenenko L.I. Evolution of Human Resource Management Concepts // Staff Development Strategy: Conference Proceedings. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1996, p. 170.

7. Korgova M.A. Supervisor. Team. Staff. Fundamentals of management and interaction. - Pyatigorsk, 2007, p. 67.

8. Marra R., Schmidt G. Personnel management in a social market economy. - M.: MGU, 2004, p. 66.

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Effective human resource management helps to achieve strategic goals in a short time, create conditions for economic growth and development of the enterprise. Employees are considered as the main object that allows them to take first positions in the competition.

From the article you will learn:

How to organize human resource management

Effective human resource management affects all areas of the enterprise. With the help of a well-developed management system, it is possible to increase the share of intangible and general assets of the company. The competence of specialists is one of the most important factors that helps to ensure leading positions and advantages in the competitive struggle. The organization gets the opportunity to survive even with increased competition in a particular market segment.

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The human resources of an organization are among the most important. Create new products, to ensure quality control, to strengthen the economic position of the enterprise is impossible without specialists capable of performing their work with high quality. Systematic improvement and development, the possibilities and initiative of the core resources is limitless. Therefore, the use of an effective management system is considered the basis for solving long-term tasks facing a particular company.

Human resource management refers to the system:

  • strategic development and further implementation of decisions related to the regulation of labor relations and employment within the same organization;
  • creating conditions for the successful functioning of the company, development, growth and achievement of goals.

The concept of human resources

The concept of human resources is considered from the point of view of the development of personnel decisions necessary for the further successful functioning of the enterprise. This cannot be compared with the concept personnel management. This characteristic is more often used in everyday work with personnel.

Human resource management includes:

  • a strategic aspect necessary for solving fundamentally new or global tasks;
  • typical planning functions;
  • development of individual abilities, taking into account advanced training;
  • expenses in line with the budget of the organization.

Economic approach

Attention is paid to technical training. As part of a unified human resource management system, management verticals are strictly observed. Subdivision of all structures of the organization is made. A balance is achieved between the management system and the degree of responsibility.

Organizational approach

A new view of the organization's personnel is being formed. Employees are considered not a labor resource, but a human resource. Particular attention is paid to socio-cultural and socio-psychological aspects. People's reactions to external and internal management emotionally responsible. Human resources have intelligence, the ability to systematically improve professionalism. So, they are the most important and long-term source sustainable development organizations.

Humanistic approach

It aims to create a cultural phenomenon in the organization. Team work people is carried out taking into account the core values ​​of the company. Special attention is paid to the development of corporate culture.

Main Functions of Human Resource Management

The functions of human resource management are the practical basis for making personnel decisions. It is necessary to set clear goals and objectives, take into account all the criteria and analyze development prospects. It is impossible to use the practice of volitional decisions or intuition as the basis of management. It is recommended in advance to performance evaluation all decisions made, implement strategic planning based on a meaningful mission of the organization.

Common mistakes inhuman resource management are as follows:

  • the company's management pays increased attention to solving current operational issues, not focusing on long-term planning programs;
  • in relation to employment, the orientation is aimed at concluding indefinite employment contracts, which can lead to a low degree of labor mobility;
  • own recruitment policy is not developed, the decision to accept an applicant is often made on the basis of the manager's intuitive perception;
  • the foundations and principles of career planning have not been developed, the staff does not seek promotion;
  • personnel assessment systems and incentive methods have not been finalized;
  • there is no unified system of interaction, insufficient attention is paid to the development of corporate culture;
  • the process of information exchange is not organized;
  • the structure of mentoring is not developed, when more experienced specialists take patronage over newcomers.

All this leads to inefficient human resource management. The company continues to have high employee turnover. A lot of money is spent on the search and selection of personnel, training and advanced training.

DevelopmentThe function of human resource management is as follows:

  • a systematic selection is carried out in the recruitment of personnel;
  • increased attention is paid to the adaptation system;
  • a methodology for assessment and certification is being developed;
  • training and development, advanced training;
  • favorable conditions for career planning are created;
  • security is provided;
  • a system of incentives, compensation, and benefits is being worked out;
  • labor relations are regulated;
  • the entire workflow is analyzed and designed, taking into account the basics of strategic planning.

Influence of factors on human resource management

Human resource management is carried out under the influence of

actors of the internal and external environment, dynamism, complexity and security of processes.

Security is considered

The ratio of material, financial and labor indicators. Excess leads to wastage of use and reduced work efficiency. The disadvantage is expressed in within the team and between different structural divisions. Savings on personnel leads to a lack of labor, an increase in the number of marriages, to poor-quality and unproductive work. The functioning of the enterprise in conditions of social tension entails negative economic consequences.

Under the dynamism of the external and internal environment is considered

Management of human resources, taking into account the degree of mobility in response to changing conditions. Such changes can occur in the areas of technological processes, recruitment strategies, incentives, mobility and adaptation.

The degree of difficulty is considered

The level of competition in the regional market for services or products. A large number of competitors contributes to the aggressiveness of the policy in the market. It leaves an imprint on everything control systems. Human resources departments are forced to systematically analyze the situation and provide informed decisions in the field of improving personnel selection systems. Valuable human resources can be retained by reviewing pay systems, incentive payments and reviewing the social policy of the organization.

What methods are used in the field of human resource management of an enterprise

The methods of human resource management of the enterprise are aimed at creating all the conditions and social prerequisites for ensuring the effective work of all specialists, the correct certification and selection of personnel.

These decisions are based on the following processes:

  • creation of material, social prerequisites for the stability of ensuring effective management activities;
  • strategic and innovative activity allowing the development of the entire management system;
  • transition from the system operational management to the methodology aimed at the development and solution of strategic tasks;
  • application of systems and foundations of social engineering practice;
  • activation of resources of technical and technological, financial, informational, material direction.

Administration processes are not considered as active human resource management tools. The main work goes to managers in the field of management.

A complete activity is based on:

  • labor market scanning;
  • application of personnel marketing;
  • external and internal work of the PR service;
  • formation of a strategy in the field of personnel decisions;
  • organizing the design and reconstruction of the company's policy;
  • establishing all major communication systems within the organization;
  • recruitment, selection, placement of personnel, creation of a personnel reserve;
  • staff promotion;
  • effective evaluation and certification system;
  • the formation of management and work teams that work harmoniously;
  • changing the composition of target groups;
  • stimulation of self-regulation processes;
  • revision of the motivation system;
  • creating conditions for learning and development;
  • formation of corporate culture;
  • work to ensure the identification of an employee with organizations;
  • organization of systems for optimization and stability of promotion of personnel;
  • psychological and social adaptation of young professionals;
  • removal of social tension in the team;
  • elimination of psychological and industrial conflicts.

Organization Human Resources

Human resources should be considered as the foundations of development and advancement. Only then can you create an effective management system that will help you quickly achieve strategic goals. Paying insufficient attention to the process of development and management leads to negative consequences. First of all, the process of staff turnover is immediately activated in the organization. And this leads to the need for additional economic costs to solve the personnel issue.

The concept of human resource management should include the most effective methods. To be effective, use the following methods:

  • strengthening the motivation system;
  • systematic review of wages.

These are the main and main methods that allow the enterprise to function effectively in any crisis. All other methods are secondary. A person must clearly understand what is of the highest value. Only then can we expect to achieve specific long-term goals.

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