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MBUK Central Library MR Blagovarsky District

I approve

Director of MBUK Central Library

local history activities

"My small homeland"

Project details

Project implementation period: 2017–2018

Project Manager- Director of MBUK Central Bank

Address: 452740 Blagovarsky district, with. Yazykovo, st. Lenina, 16

Project executors:

Head of methodological department

Head of the Central Bank Service Department

Children's Library Manager

Local lore is an integral part of our great history, connecting the thread of times. The revival of library local history today is caused by an unprecedented rise in national self-consciousness. The huge educational, patriotic possibilities of local history material make it possible to raise a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the life of parents, fellow villagers, on events from the history of their village.

During the implementation of the project "My small Motherland" it is planned to organize a rubric on the library's website.

The implementation of the project will create an opportunity to organize a fund of unique local history resources on electronic media, expanding the idea of ​​the originality of the historical and cultural heritage of our region; contributing to the formation in children of a sense of love, pride and a sense of belonging to a small homeland.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to create information disks consisting of the presentation "The fertile land of Blagovar", the photo of the exposition "My village today" and the multimedia photo collection "We invite you to Blagovar".

The result of the photo contest "Native Places", the purpose of which is to develop the creative activity of library users in collecting materials about historical and significant places of the Blagovarsky district, will be the creation of a photo album "Chronicle of the district".

An important and significant moment in the implementation of the project will be the publication of the booklet "The Great Winner", about veterans of the Great Patriotic War our region.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to hold presentations, meetings, competitions of practical and creative works.

Project relevance

Local history work is a continuous process rooted in the past and leading to the future, the purpose of which is to ensure the connection of generations, the preservation and transmission of historical heritage, knowledge and traditions, the creation of conditions for a holistic spiritual, intellectual and cultural development both the individual and society as a whole. Local history work is one of the priority areas in the work of MBUK Central Library of the Blagovarsky district.

According to statistics, 25.6 thousand people live in the Blagovarsky district. Due to the fact that the percentage of the elderly population is decreasing every year, it became necessary to transfer the accumulated knowledge about the native land to the younger generation.

Analyzing this statistics, the libraries decided to create a rubric on the website of the MBUK Central Bank "My small Motherland".

The relevance lies in the fact that the work on the site will fulfill an important social mission: to cultivate patriotic feelings, expand knowledge about the region, its history, develop interest in the past, present, promote understanding of the beauty, features, originality of the native land.

Project goals:

* promotion of local history literature, the formation of the image of the library as a place where everyone can find help and support in matters relating to their small homeland.

* creation of own local history resources on electronic media;

* education in the younger generation of a sense of love, pride and belonging to a small homeland, patriotism and citizenship;


* creation of own local history resources on electronic and traditional media;

* organizing a local history movement among users to collect materials about their village, region, developing their creative activity in learning the history of their native land;

* creation of favorable conditions for classes, communication and leisure of readers.

The project is designed for all user groups.

Organizations involved in the implementation of the project

To implement the project, we will cooperate with the following organizations:

Rural houses of culture and rural clubs;

Kindergartens, schools;

Orthodox church with Yazykovo, mosques;

Regional Museum of Local Lore

Public organizations;

Activities within the project

Stage I (January - June 2017)

1. video presentation:

"Native places";

"Historical monuments of the Blagovarsky district";

2. presentations:

"Blessed land. History in faces";

"All about the native land."

"Heraldry of the Republic of Belarus and Blagovarsky district";

"Literary Blessed";


1. photo contest "Native Places";

2. competition of practical and creative works "Let's keep what we love."

Stage II (July-April 2018)

Photo albums "Chronicle of the district".

Booklet "The Great Winner.";

Collection of young poets "I find joy in poetry."


1. presentations of created discs;

2. intellectual quiz "Land forever beloved";

3. educational game "I know everything about my village";

4. creative poetic evening "I sing a hymn to my native land"

Expected results:

1 Satisfaction of users with the quality of the activities carried out and the results of the work.

2. Attracting new users to the library.

3. Development of interest in reading local history literature, works of authors-compatriots.

4. Continuation and addition of the "Chronicle of the Village" with new events and facts.

Project description

1. Conduct a survey and testing to identify knowledge about the native land.

2. Based on the results of the survey, conduct informative virtual tours of the area

3. Organize a series of meetings:

· with soldiers-internationalists;

with eyewitnesses of the Great Patriotic War;

· with honorary citizens, natives of our region.

6. To replenish the book fund with literature on local history.

7. To arrange in the library a permanent book exhibition "My small Motherland".

8. Organize local history days in the library “Lovely places for the heart”, “My native village”.

9. Compile information booklets:

“Can we be proud of heroes?” (about the heroes - countrymen of the Soviet Union);

10. Hold a literary and musical evening "Let the living remember, and let the generations know." (About fellow villagers who died defending their homeland).

Expected results

The implementation of the project will create a fund of unique local history products on electronic media in the form of presentations and photo collections.

Developed jointly with the Museum of Local Lore, the excursion route through historical places “Every corner of your quiet history is dear to me” will help you get to know the history of the region better.

The photo contest will contribute to the development of creative activity of readers in collecting photographic materials of the region.

Competition of practical and creative works "Let's keep what we love" among middle school students. Its goal is to identify the places most dear to the heart of every resident, which are popular in the village, and, if necessary, help in their preservation. It can be springs, parks, etc.

The booklet "The Great Winner" will become another page of the heroic history, will tell about the events of the past war and the people who made a huge contribution to the liberation of our Motherland.

“I find joy in poetry” will involve children in the world of literature. The children will learn the names of writers and poets-fellow countrymen, experience a sense of patriotism, faith in themselves, their uniqueness, feelings of kindness and love for their parents, their land, their homeland, and most importantly - for books and reading.

During the implementation of this project, the number of users will increase in the library, attendance will increase, and the range of library services will expand.

Library users will receive a valuable information resource on local history and literary heritage of the Blagovarsky district.

The project will help to improve the information work of the library on local history.

Project efficiency assessment

The creation of an electronic and documentary fund of local history is necessary for future generations.

At the end of the project, the effectiveness will be assessed by the number of hits to the library's website and by the results of the survey.

Project type : research, long-term.

Objective of the project:

The project was created with the aim of preserving information about the native village, its sights, streets, residents for posterity.


* Enrich children's knowledge about their small homeland.

* To form love for the native village and interest in the past and present of the native land;

* Expand and deepen children's knowledge about the history of the Kazan village, the name of the streets, about the sights of the village, about the people. Who glorified our village;

* Develop moral and patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the village;

* Introduce children to the buildings and architecture of the village

* Encourage the active involvement of parents in joint activities with a child in a family and kindergarten



municipal institution

"Department of Education Administration municipality"Sernur municipal district"

Municipal general development institution

"Kazan secondary (complete) general education school".

425464, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Sernursky district, s. Kazanskoye, Kooperativnaya street, 24-a, telephones: 9 - 42 - 44; 9 - 42 - 36.

With. Kazan


"I found out that I have
There is a huge relative:
And the path, and the forest,
In the field - every spikelet,
River, the sky above me -
This is all mine, dear!

Brief annotation of the project "My little Motherland".

Looking at the map of the settled villages of the Sernur region, you understand how much has been irretrievably lost in our history. These are not only the names of settlements, these are people, their destinies. There are fewer and fewer who still remember, if not the disappeared villages themselves, then at least their names. The past is fading into oblivion...

The project was created with the aim of favorably developing the educational process of preschool educational institutions by introducing preschoolers to the origins of national culture, using different types activities.

When developing the project, it was important for us to familiarize preschoolers with the origins of national culture, using a variety of methods and means that encourage children to a vivid, emotional perception of new knowledge about national culture, to form an interest in the history, life and activities of people, to cultivate love for their native land.

Project type : research, long-term.

Objective of the project:

The project was created with the aim of preserving information about the native village, its sights, streets, residents for posterity.


  • Enrich children's knowledge about their small homeland.
  • To form love for the native village and interest in the past and present of the native land;
  • To expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the history of the Kazan village, the name of the streets, about the sights of the village, about the people. Who glorified our village;
  • To develop moral and patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the village;
  • Introduce children to the buildings and architecture of the village
  • To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten

MOU "Kazan secondary complete (general education) school",


Shumekova Nina Vasilievna


In our modern age, without much difficulty, using the Internet, you can find almost any information. But not a single Internet will tell us the story of its street, house, family. We must have time to take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with the living keepers of history.

Reasons for the project:

When introducing children to our native land, the village where we live, it turned out that we ourselves have little information about the origin of the village, we know little interesting facts from the history of the streets and its inhabitants. The interest in this topic led us to the preparation and implementation of the research project "My Little Motherland".

During the development of the project, it was important for us:

  • Collect material about the streets of the village of Kazanskoye and its inhabitants.
  • Study the literature on this topic.
  • Prepare a story about the street on which each of us lives and its inhabitants, adhering to the plan: when the street appeared, why it was called that, what was interesting on it before, what it is like now, what people glorified it in different years.
  • Conduct a survey of the old-timers of the village, parents
  • Involve parents in the research project. Examine family archives (documents, photographs).

Object of study:

Streets of Kazanskoe village.


If we collect material about the streets of the village of Kazanskoye, about its inhabitants, then we will make up for the lack of information about our native village, we will be able to tell a lot to our friends, children, relatives, neighbors about the most interesting facts from the history of the village of Kazanskoye.

Planned results of the presentation of the study:

  • To have an idea about the native land, about people and their customs, about traditions, folklore, work.
  • To love and protect the nature of the native land.
  • Organization of excursions around the native land (together with parents).
  • Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "My native village"

Research methods:

  • Observation;
  • Conversation;
  • Questioning of parents, grandparents, neighbors, old-timers of the Kazanskoye village and recording the memories of participants in significant events that took place in our village;
  • Working with family archival documents, photographs:
  • Study of literature;
  • Comparison, generalization, systematization.

Action plan for project implementation:









Tour through the streets of the village


Shumekova N.V.

senior group

2012 - 1013


The study of "literature".

Prepare a story about the street.







Shumekova N.V.

Shumekova N.V.

2012 - 2013


Create a presentation.

Final lesson.

Drawing competition.

Photo album.

Practical activities.

Shumekova N.V.

Preparatory stage:

Development of a project implementation strategy. Creation of conditions for independent activity.

  • Photo information "Sights of my small homeland".
  • Albums "The Road from Home to Kindergarten", "I Live Here".
  • Map of Russia, Republic of Mari El, Sernursky district.
  • Excursion through the streets of the village.

Stage II - the mainEducational situations with children.

  • The study of "literature". A trip to the library. Work with newspapers, magazines. Search for the necessary information.
  • Conversation "My address".
  • Prepare a story about the street on which each of us lives, and about the inhabitants adhering to the plan: when the street appeared, why it was called that, what was interesting on it before, what it is like now, what people glorified it in different years.
  • Game journey on the maps "Russian Federation", "Republic of Mari El", "Sernursky district".
  • Memorizing poems about their small homeland.

Cooperation with parents.

  • Conduct a survey among parents, grandparents, neighbors, residents of the Kazanskoye village.
  • Creation of the album "My dear native village"; Involve parents in the research project. Examine family archives (documents, photographs).The final stage:
  • Present research in a computer presentation.
  • Conduct a final lesson with the invitation of guests - assistants.
  • Hold a drawing competition based on the results of the project: “The street you live on”, “The most beautiful house on your street”.

Project Implementation Plan.

Work with children.

Working with parents.


Presentation on theme: "The house I live in."

Drawing: "My house".

Excursion along the street "Cooperative".

Excursion along the street "Konakov".

- “Already the sky was breathing in autumn” - an excursion to the autumn forest.

The game "Name the trees in our area."

Diagnostics "Patriotic education of preschoolers".

Questionnaire "Do you know your child?" - Making a plan for safe movement from home to kindergarten.

Making a plan for the village of Kazanskoye.


Excursion around the kindergarten.

Drawing: "Kindergarten".

Excursion along Sovetskaya Street.

Excursion along the street "Communal".

Design of the album "Our Village".

Consultation "The main conditions for raising children in the family."


Occupation "Native Village". - Excursion to the school.

Examining pictures of wild animals living in our area. - Conversation "Wintering birds of our village."

Compilation of the story "My village". - Making bird feeders.


Didactic game "Our village". - Monitoring of transport.

Drawing: "Transport on the streets of the village."

Excursion to the hospital - Sovkhoznaya street.

Co-creation of children and parents: an exhibition of drawings, "What kind of transport does my family use."

Blade manufacturing.


Drawing on the theme: "Weekend in the family."

Entertainment "Gatherings".

Conversation "The history of the life of the village of Kazan".

Excursion to the House of Culture "Museum of Antiquity".

Drawing "Household utensils".

Design of the album "My family".

Questioning "Moral education of children in the role-playing game."


Conversation "I love you, my native land." - Lesson "Journey through the village." - Familiarization of children with the song "My village".

Holiday "Dad - my pride."

Excursion to the store.

Joint production of snow buildings on the territory of the kindergarten.


Conversation "People of our village".

Lesson: "Birds are in a hurry to visit us."

Holiday "The heart of a mother warms better than the sun."

Excursion to the post office - Komsomolskaya street

Questionnaire "Labor education". - Making birdhouses.


Excursion to the prayer house. - Drawing "Favorite places of my family."

Excursion to the school local history museum.

Entertainment together with the House of Culture "Visiting the hostess."

Final diagnosis.

Photo contest: "We and nature".


Thematic lesson "A man without a Motherland is like a nightingale without a song." - Excursion to the monument. - Speech at a rally dedicated to the Day victory, laying flowers at the monument to fallen soldiers.

Fantasy activity "Village in the future"

Quiz game "My village".

Landscaping of the kindergarten.

Co-creation of children and parents: exhibition of drawings "My village in the future".


Project results:

During the creation of the project, we learned how to interview, conduct a dialogue, ask the right questions, work with family archives, analyze and formalize the results of our work.

We collected material about the streets of the village of Kazanskoye and its inhabitants, thereby confirming the hypothesis put forward: they made up for the lack of information about the streets and were able to tell their pupils interesting facts from the history of the village of Kazanskoye.

During the implementation of the project, the following tasks were fulfilled:

1. We studied the literature on this topic.

2. We prepared stories about the streets where each of us lives and its inhabitants, adhering to the plan: when did the street appear, why was it called that, what was interesting on it before, what is it like now, what people have glorified in different years her.

4. Conducted a survey among parents, old-timers of the Kazanskoye village.

5. Studied family archives (documents, photographs).

6. The results of their research work(reports and presentations) were presented at the final lesson "Journey through the streets of the village of Kazan" with the invitation of informants - assistants.

7. We designed an exhibition of children's (together with parents) drawings on the topic:

"My street", "The most beautiful house on my street."

8. Presentation on the topic "Streets of the village of Kazanskoye," (see Appendix No. 1)

9. Photo album on the theme "Streets of the Kazanskoye village" (see Appendix No. 2)

Participation of children in various drawing competitions, in which children glorify their small homeland, bring certificates, diplomas, certificates, thanks that will be useful to them at school to collect a portfolio.

Further development of the project.

By working on a research project, parents and children have become true explorers. They offered their topics for research and now we have begun to study folk songs and round dance games of the village.


  1. Informants (residents of the Kazanskoye village, the administration of the Kazan rural settlement).
  2. Personal photo archives of families (documents, photographs).
  3. Local history albums of the school museum "From the history of the village of Kazan", "Our countrymen - veterans of the Great Patriotic War."

Application #3:

Questions of the questionnaire for parents during the preparation of the study:

1. What street do you live on? What is she?

2. Find out what it used to be called? Why did she have such a name?

3. Which of your relatives lived here? What can he tell us?

4. What is interesting about the street you live on? (past and now)

5. What is your favorite corner? Why is he loved?

6. What else would you like to know about the history of your street and family.

Application No. 4.

Presentation on the topic "Journey through the streets of the Kazanskoye village."

The story-message of teachers with a slide show "Excursion to the past."

Consultation for parents "Educating children to love their native land in a family and preschool"

What attractive force lies in what surrounds us from childhood? Why, even after leaving home for many years, a person remembers them with warmth, and living in a city, village, he constantly proudly tells the guest about the beauty and wealth of his native land? I think this is an expression of deep affection and love for everything that early years entered the heart as the most precious. Their love for their native places, the idea of ​​​​what they are famous for, what nature is like, what kind of work people do - all this adults pass on to children, which is extremely important for educating moral and patriotic feelings, and active position This issue should be addressed by educators.

The main source of impressions of preschoolers is their immediate environment, the social environment in which they live.

Not everything that surrounds a child is educationally equivalent. Therefore, the correct choice of objects from the point of view of pedagogy, which should be told to children, is very important.

Every corner of our country is unique. In one city there are many plants, factories, tall houses, wide avenues. The other is famous for its past, ancient monuments. One village stands on the banks of a large river, while the other is lost in the dense taiga, spread widely in the steppe or on the seashore.

Every locality has its own artists, athletes, painters, poets, advanced workers. Preschoolers should have an idea about the heroes of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars who defended their native land.

In older groups, it is already possible to build work in such a way that each pupil is imbued with the glory of his native land. Feeling their involvement in local social events. However, it would be wrong, introducing children to their native land, limiting themselves to showing only its features. In this case, the guys may not have a correct idea of ​​their native land, as part of a large country - Russia, in which they live.

It must be emphasized that no matter how special the native land may be, it certainly reflects what is typical, characteristic of the whole country:

People work in factories, factories, construction sites, various institutions, shops, farms, fields, etc., they are always ready to help each other;

AT hometown, district, village, as in other places, folk traditions are observed: they celebrate nationwide and significant dates, honor the memory of fallen heroes, escort recruits to serve in the army, honor famous people, labor veterans, etc .;

Here, as elsewhere in the country, children are taken care of;

People of different nationalities can live in their native land, they work together, have a rest;

Here, as throughout the country, people must protect and protect nature;

Every person who loves the Motherland must show respect for work, interest in the culture of his native people.

Considering age and individual characteristics children of his group, the teacher himself determines the volume and content of knowledge that older preschoolers should master.

Is it possible to talk about education in the native land without giving children certain knowledge about it? The selection and systematization of such knowledge is carried out taking into account the mental capabilities of preschool children: the nature of their thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze are taken into account, i.e. the level of mental development of the child serves as a kind of prerequisite and necessary condition education of the beginnings of patriotic feelings.

The teacher should organize the replenishment of knowledge about the native land and native country in such a way as to arouse interest in children and develop curiosity. Direct observation, combined with the assimilation of available knowledge, contributes to the development of the child's figurative and logical thinking.

A bright, lively word, music, and visual arts help children to emotionally perceive the environment around them. Listening to songs, poems about their native land, about exploits and work, about the nature of their native country, children can rejoice or grieve, feel their involvement in the heroic. During walks in the forest, in the field to the river, an adult teaches to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, to treat it with care. This is how problems are solved not only cognitive, aesthetic, but ultimately moral. The need to involve the family in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the social environment is explained by the special pedagogical opportunities that the family has and cannot replace. preschool. The position of parents is the basis of family education of the child. From an early age, a child can feel involved in the life of his people, feel like a son not only of his parents, but of the entire fatherland. These feelings should arise even before the child realizes the concept of "homeland", "state", "society".

Everyone is well aware that the Motherland begins with a home, street, city, village. To study with children the places where you live, you like to wander along the familiar streets, to know what they are famous for, is a task that any family can do.

Parents can also be advised such forms of attracting preschoolers to public life as walks and excursions in order to get acquainted with historical places (of close history), monuments to fallen soldiers, visiting a local history museum, a museum fine arts and etc.

The family is the first collective of the child. And in it he should feel like an equal member. Gradually, the child understands that he is a part of a large team - a kindergarten, a school, and then our republic, country. The public orientation of actions is gradually becoming the basis for the education of civic feelings, the ability to love one's native land, country, the ability to protect nature, to join the culture of one's native land.

Excursion to the library.

OBJECTIVES: 1) to form realistic ideas about work in children

adult people;

2) involve parents in the work of familiarizing children with

The profession of a librarian;

3) to educate in children responsiveness, respect for the work of adults.


Reading with children A. Lopatina's fairy tale "Living Books";

Give the head of the library a plan for a preliminary conversation about the profession

Librarian and make questions on the content of the conversation;

Schedule a tour.


The teacher asks the children: - What book do we read?

Children: let's read "The Tale of Lost Time"

The teacher tries to find a fairy tale, but does not find it, and invites the children to go to the library and take this book there.

Teacher: children, do you know what a library is?

Children: Yes, this is a place where many books are kept.

Teacher: That's right, there are a huge number of books in the library, and there we can find the book we need.

The teacher and children come to the library, and there they are met by the librarian.

Teacher: hello! We wanted to read a book called "The Tale of Lost Time", but, unfortunately, we did not have such a book, and we came to you for this tale.

Librarian: hello guys, my name is Valentina Vasilievna, I work as a librarian.

Children: we know you, you are Ilyushin's grandmother.

Librarian: yes, I am Ilyushin's grandmother, and I work in the library. Do you want me to tell you what I do here?

Children: we really want.

Librarian: Come in, I'll tell you about this fascinating profession.

The librarian is very important and the right profession. The word librarian comes from the word "bible", which means "book". Many people have home libraries. Books are on shelves and in cabinets. Adults and children read them. They know all their books. But there are still huge storages of books - libraries. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among the books. We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. The most important Russian State Library is located in Moscow, which contains millions of books, ancient and modern. (LIBRARY TOURING THE LIBRARY). Each library is whole cities, long, long rows of bookshelves stretch there like streets. These vaults occupy many floors. They contain books from different countries. A librarian helps to find the right book in such a city.

Each book has its own number of letters and numbers - a cipher. By this cipher, you can find out the address of the book: the floor and the shelf where it is stored. In boxes - catalogs cards with titles and codes of all books are stored. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the store and bring you the book you need. Read and get smarter. (SHOWING CARDS).

But I would like to tell you about the work of a librarian in a children's library. No matter how many books you have collected at home, the library has an immeasurably larger selection of books! The librarian lends books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, advises which book to read. The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, introduces the latest issues of children's magazines.

The librarian arranges colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of a writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings. Librarians invite authors of books known and loved by children to meet with young readers.

Perhaps the biggest celebration of children's books is Book Week, which takes place in the spring. And the warm spring sun, and the covers of elegant children's books - everything pleases little readers, instilling in them a love for Her Majesty the Book.


We came to the holiday

Book week.

How beautiful are the books

The artists dressed

smooth covers,

Bright pictures -

Cockerel in boots

Pink pigs.

The walls decorate

Asterisks, flags.

The poet reads to us

New verses.

About the cat

And about the sparrow.

Sparrow Gosha -

He is such a prankster!

kind and good

The Book Festival is out!

Guys, what do you think, what qualities should a librarian have?

Children: the librarian must love books, must have a good memory.

Librarian: Right! The most important property of his soul is a disinterested and endless love for books! Excellent memory - after all, the librarian must perfectly remember where this or that book is located. sociability, knowledge literary works, their authors. In addition, the librarian must have endurance, the ability to listen, tact and attentiveness to the reader.

Guys, have you ever been to the library?

Name your favorite book. Who wrote it?

What is the job of a librarian?

Librarian: This is my profession. And now we will find the book for which you came to me. Do you want to read "The Tale of Lost Time" written by Evgeny Schwartz?

Children: Yes.

Librarian: Then come with me.


The teacher and children thank Valentina Vasilievna for the book and say goodbye.

Teacher: Thank you very much Valentina Vasilievna for an interesting excursion and for the story about your wonderful profession, and the guys and I will go to read a fairy tale. Goodbye!!!

Librarian: come to the library with moms and dads, I will be very glad to see you, goodbye guys

"The edge you are my favorite"

Program content:

To form in children a sense of patriotism, comprehending such concepts as the Motherland, the small Motherland, the native land.

To acquaint children with the history of their village, tell about the people who work in the village, whose hands our village was built.

To consolidate the ability of children to select definitions for the word Russia.

To cultivate humane feelings and love for the Motherland through the artistic word.

Preliminary work:Tours of the village, exhibition of photographs, conversations.


caregiver . Guys, today we will burn with you about our homeland, about our native land. Listen to the poem:

If they say the word Motherland

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden
Thick poplar at the gate.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden virgin.

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Did you like the poem? Who will tell me what the Motherland is?

Children. This is the place where we were born.

Educator. We have one homeland guys. Russia. But among the expanses of our large country there is a place, a region where you were born, live, go to Kindergarten walk, work. What is the name of the place where you were born and live?

Children: the village of Kazan.

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a small part of our big Russia - this is our small homeland. Listen to this poem:

My village is a part of the Motherland

And a particle of my heart.

Here are all the paths that I have traveled

Managed to get close.

There is also a river without a name,

Angry, only in the flood.

And early childhood bathed in it

Under nightingale melodies.

When you grow up big, you will leave to study, work, but all the same, you will always remember your village, your small homeland. Today we will talk about the creation of our village.

Once upon a time, a small village was formed. And there were only seven courtyards. And this village was called Toksybaevo. The houses were small, squat, with small windows, covered with straw. People were engaged agriculture working for a landowner under the supervision of a manager.

The peasants were illiterate. They couldn't read or write. There was no mention of any school. At the age of 6-7 years, children also worked. They grazed horses, harvested bread. Then a revolution took place in our country. The land was taken from the landowners and given to the peasants. The peasants began to live better life getting better. But here a mortal danger hung over our Motherland. The enemy has attacked our land. The Great Patriotic War began. Many of our countrymen left to defend our Motherland. Only the elderly, women and children remained in the village. Instead of men, they sat on tractors and combines. They plowed the land, sowed bread, looked after the cattle. It was hard and hard. But each person has invested a particle of his heart in the approach of the Great Victory. The war is over. The men returned from the war. Gradually, our farm grew. A school, kindergarten, shops were built. A brick-making shop was built. They made houses from it, laid stoves. Heat and water supply began to be carried out. The central manor of the village is being planted. A Victory Park was planted with a memorial to fallen soldiers. In the 1970s and 1980s, the central street of the village, leading to the office, was transformed. Demolished old wooden houses and in their place modern, 3-storey houses, a new two-storey kindergarten are being built. A new hospital is being built. Renovated the House of Culture. People started going to the cinema in the evenings. Our library worked. The economy became strong, they received rich harvests of grain and potatoes. Our village has a dam with a lot of fish. We have honorary residents - war and labor veterans. This is what they need to say thank you very much for the fact that ours lives and prospers.

Comprehensive activity with children middle group on the topic

"This is my village."

Program tasks:

  • Activate children's knowledge about their native village,
  • To acquaint children with the features of a wooden house, with a village.
  • Introduce the origin of the word "street".
  • Strengthen the ability to "read" the simplest schemes.
  • To learn to take into account the features of the material in the independent manufacture of crafts, in the composition of the work.
  • Develop curiosity and creativity.
  • Cultivate friendliness and respect for adults.

vocabulary work: log hut, log house, explain the origin of the word "street".
Preliminary work:Excursions around the village, viewing illustrations, reading Russian folk tales.
Materials: demonstration - illustrations (of a wooden Russian house, a view of a village, a “magic chest”, a sheet of drawing paper with painted trees and a river for a collective application, “Wooden Street”;
Handout for each child: an envelope with cardboard, paper for windows and architraves, a construction scheme, a brush, scissors, a napkin, glue.
Lesson progress
Beginning of the lesson. The children are sitting at the tables. The Russian beauty enters.
Alyona. Hello guys, hello adults. I am Alena beauty, blond braid. I went to the fair, but it seems I got lost. You guys here are so beautiful, smart, but it doesn’t look like a fair. Tell me where did I go?
Children's answers. You are in kindergarten.
Alyona. - What is the name of your kindergarten?
Children's answers. Our kindergarten is called "Golden Key" Alyona . Guys, where is your kindergarten located, in the village or in the city?
Children's answers. Our kindergarten is located in the village.
Alyona. What is the name of your village?
Children's answers. Our village is called Kazan.
Alyona. Are there many streets in your village?
Children's answers. There are many different streets in our village.
Alyona. What streets do you know?
Children's answers. Sovkhoznaya street. New, Cooperative, Communal, Komsomolskaya, Sadovaya, Konakova, Pionerskaya
Alyona. Which houses in your village are tall or low?
Children's answers. The houses in our village are tall.
Alyona. Stone or wood?
Children's answers. In our village houses are made of stone, wooden.
And you know children, there was such a case.
People were driving home from work
Just arrived, - here are miracles -
Everyone has forgotten their addresses.
Where is our street? Where is our home?
Residents rush about - “Where is our garage?”
All messed up, all lost
Fortunately, this only happened in a fairy tale.

I told you this story to find out, to check if you know exactly where and on what street you live?
Alena turns to the children.- And you are a beautiful girl, in what house do you live?
Child's answer. I live in a stone, high house.
Alyona. - Are there many floors in your house? Child's answer.
Alyona. - Well, you are a good fellow, what kind of house do you live in, how many floors are there in your house, describe your house? ( child's response).
Alyona. - Yes, in your village the houses are high, multi-storey. And I guys live in the village. In our village, everything is different. And we don’t have as many streets as in the city, and there are few cars, but our houses are not at all like that. In our village, the houses are as they were built in the old days. And such houses were called - huts.
Since ancient times in Rus', houses were built from wood, from logs. How do you guess why?
Children's answers (if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them answer this question).
Alyona: - Yes, people lived among the fields, Surrounded by forests. The forest gave shelter to a person, fed, shod, clothed. Wood in Rus' is a special material.
A Russian person was born in a chopped, log hut, lived in it all his life.
Examining illustrations.
Alyona. - Look, the huts are standing side by side, like sisters, pressed against each other.
The houses are beautiful and durable. Building a house is difficult. People decorated their houses, the part that went out into the street was the "face" of the hut. Therefore, the road near which the huts stood was called the street. The house looks at the world through windows - eyes, through which sunlight enters the window. They called them affectionately - windows and decorated with platbands (accompanied by a show of the educator).
Alyona. - Look, my village is almost the same, but it’s not my destiny to return.
If you don't help me, I won't see her. Can you guys help me?
(Children's answers.)
Alyona. - Look at places like ours and a river, and a forest, and a hillock, and even a well like on our street. There are just not enough houses. Let's build them. And to build houses, we need logs. Get up guys, we'll go into the forest, look for logs.

Dear readers, you are at the starting point for all local history projects created by the National Library of the Komi Republic in cooperation with local historians, scientists, writers, libraries and other organizations.

Komi is a land with a rich and harsh nature, multilingual working people. This is the taiga with its berries and mushrooms, the mountain peaks of the Urals, the leading Russian industrial enterprises, gas and paper for the whole of Europe. But also the Gulag, exiles and prisoners. As well as ancient customs, unique works of art and literature.

How many unknowns from the life of our region we managed to discover in the course of work on projects. And how much more to come!

Our resources are created in the form of thematic sites, databases, publications specially written for the site. Here are collected the full texts of particularly valuable, reliable and relevant books, magazines and newspapers. Significant names and dates for the Komi land, interactive games, virtual travels are presented. We hope that each of you will find the necessary and useful information.

Full-text electronic library, includes publications on the history, development and current state of the economy, science and culture of the Komi Republic, works of art, music manuscripts, periodicals from 1920 to the present. The corporate project involves public access centers, the largest fund-holders of the Republic of Komi of various departments and authors. Text in Russian, Komi and other Finno-Ugric languages.

Depending on whether the publication included in the NEL is “public domain” or is under the protection of legislation in the field of copyright and related rights, what conditions are stipulated in the agreement with the copyright holders, there are three levels of access: remotely without authorization, remotely with authorization (you must enter the last name and the number of the library card of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and in the project.

A site for those who are interested in the history, geography and culture of the Komi Republic.

Here you will read about social institutions, tourist routes and specially protected territories of cities and regions of the Republic. Get to know artists, sculptors, writers, composers of the Komi Republic, national festivals and creative unions, memorable places, architectural structures and centers of arts and crafts.

The cultural map of the Komi Republic has been translated into the Komi language. In 2011, the Finnish M. Kastren Society provided a grant for the implementation of this idea.

The Internet resource includes biographies of 17 New Martyrs, photographs dedicated to saints and bibliographic information for additional study of the topic.

Created by the National Library of the Komi Republic in 2018 with the support of the International Open Grant Competition "Orthodox Initiative".

The legendary heroes of the Komi legends are Pam, Shypicha, Kort-Aika, Yirkap, Yag-Mort, Pera, Vörsa, Vasa, Yoma and others.

Illustrations, cartoons, videos, full texts and audio recordings of fairy tales and works by Kallistrat Zhakov and Ivan Kuratov in Russian and Komi languages.

Reference information for teachers, parents, pupils and students.

The mythological map was created in 2018 at the expense of the republican budget as part of a grant from the Head of the Komi Republic in the field of librarianship.

On the virtual map you will find monuments, memorial plaques, institutions and streets named after the writers of the Komi Republic: Ivan Kuratov, Viktor Savin, Nikolai Dyakonov, Kallistrat Zhakov, Vasily Yukhnin and others.

Click on the icon on the map and solve a literary puzzle, test, rebus, crossword puzzle, musical guessing game, assemble a puzzle. It didn’t work out right away - go back to the hint and read about the literary attraction. For correct answers you will be awarded points. The most successful players will receive a winner's diploma.

This site will be useful for local historians and teachers, parents, schoolchildren and students, organizers of competitions and literary tournaments for children and youth. The National Library of the Komi Republic implemented the project in 2016 using a grant from the Head of the Komi Republic in the field of librarianship for the 95th anniversary of the Republic.

Photos and documents from the family archives of the residents of the Komi Republic. Articles from newspapers published in the republic during the Great Patriotic War.

The site was created in 2015 with the support of the Grant of the Head of the Komi Republic for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The Internet resource introduces films that were shot in the Komi Republic, talks about actors - our fellow countrymen, as well as about famous Russian films based on the works of local authors.

The media resource includes photographs, frames from films, interesting eyewitness details about the shooting from old newspaper publications. We created this website in 2016 for the Year of Russian Cinema and the 95th anniversary of the Komi Republic.

We invite you to listen to the works of the writers of the Komi Republic - Elena Gabova, Elena Kozlova and Tamara Lombina - in the author's performance. Here you will also find folk tales in Russian and Komi languages.

With us you can spend a pleasant evening with your family or organize an educational event for children.

The National Library of the Komi Republic implemented this idea in 2015 in the Year of Literature. The project was supported by the Union of Writers of the Komi Republic.

"Let's Preserve the History of the Native Settlement"

Information and research project

Project relevance: At present, there is an acute need for the revival of spirituality, the formation of the moral personality of a citizen and patriot of one's country, the study of the past and present of the "small motherland". The small motherland, the Fatherland, the native land play a significant role in the life of every person, but it is not enough to talk about love for the native land, you need to know its history. The further time goes forward, the less we know about the events of the past.

The problem of studying and preserving the history of our locality is relevant for each of us, because knowing its history provides an invaluable opportunity to use the knowledge gained in educating new generations, forming a patriotic citizen, preserving the historical and cultural heritage of a small homeland; perpetuates the names and deeds of famous countrymen.

The local history fund of the libraries of the Izobilnensky urban district is represented by interesting and informative publications: “History of cities and villages of Stavropol”, “Cossacks of Stavropol”, “Stavropol study”, books on the history of the Izobilnensky district by local historian A.E. Bogachkova: "History of the Izobilnensky district", "Tales of the gray-haired Yegorlyk", "My countrymen - Izobilnenets", handwritten and typewritten materials of the local historian V.A. Bocharnikov on the history of the village of Moscow.

Librarians actively conduct research and chronicle work, collect and carefully store articles from local newspapers, memoirs of old residents, photographic documents on the history of settlements, video materials (video interviews with war veterans). To date, they have accumulated significant materials: chronicles of villages, dossier folders about fellow countrymen, biographies of prominent personalities of different generations, heroes of the Great Patriotic War, photographs, as well as thematic folders on history, natural and climatic features of the area, ecology of settlements, enterprises and institutions, traditions and culture of the Cossacks.

The results of many years of collecting information on the history of settlements were reflected by libraries in abstracts and presented at library seminars and conferences. Libraries work in close contact with history museums, archives, in library No. 20 st. Baklanovskaya there is a mini-museum "History of the Cossacks".

So far, local history materials are fragmented and do not provide an opportunity for a voluminous, holistic perception of the history of all settlements. Therefore, it became necessary to sum up some results of the long-term collection of information and create a single electronic database on the history of settlements, with the subsequent publication of the chronicle. The project “Let's Preserve the History of Our Native Settlement” is focused on a deeper and more detailed study of the history of settlements, we will try to gradually recreate the glorious chronicle of our small homeland.

Content lines of the project:

educational line - acquaint users with history, interesting facts from the history of the settlements of the Izobilnensky urban district, by famous countrymen.

value line - involves the formation, study and preservation of the history of the settlements of the Izobilnensky urban district.

active line - contributes to the professional training of librarians: the creation of media presentations, video collages about the history of the settlement, annals of villages, retrospective lists of literature.

creative line - provides for the development of creative abilities of librarians, research skills, self-education by means of the local history component, search innovative forms work with local history materials, mastering the practical skills of search and research, collecting, accounting and storage, exposition, mass propaganda, excursion work.

Objective of the project: creation of a unified electronic database on the history of the settlements of the Izobilnensky urban district, the study and popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of the Izobilnensky land.


Actively develop cooperation with the Museum of the History of the Izobilnensky District, school and local history museums under the KFOR, archives, the Council of Veterans;

Establish a close relationship with local historians, old-timers, creative people;

Conduct search and research work together with students, library assets, volunteers for a comprehensive study of the history of settlements, actively use computer technology in search activities;

Conduct educational video tours of the native land, locality;

Organize meetings with old-timers, veterans of war and labor, record, process and store their memories, collect documentary and subject evidence on the history of settlements, video and photo recording of preserved objects of history, culture, nature;

Periodically update and replenish local history book and documentary expositions, develop and design new thematic exhibitions;

Organize and hold events dedicated to the history of the region, district, village, countrymen;

To deepen the historical knowledge of the inhabitants of the Izobilnensky urban district on the history of settlements, to increase the interest of the younger generation in the history and culture of their small homeland;

To analyze the results of the search and research work of libraries in the field of preserving the history of settlements, to popularize the available local history materials.

Project participants - employees of the libraries of the MKUK "TsBS IGO SK", Izobilny

Expected results: continuous development and improvement of local history work of libraries, intensification of search and research activities, replenishment of the library fund with new local history materials, creation of a unified electronic database on the history of settlements, presentation of particularly significant and interesting materials in the “Discover the area with us” section of the library blog “MKUK “CBS IGO SK”, Izobilny, publication “Chronicles of Settlements of the Izobilnensky Urban District.

Project means: fund of archival materials: thematic folders, dossier folders, memoirs of old residents, publishing products of libraries on the history of settlements, video and photographic materials, media presentations.

As part of the project implementation, the following will be carried out:

1. Search and research activities. At this stage, local history projects are being implemented, documentary evidence is collected on the history of settlements, video and photo recording of preserved objects of history, culture, nature, organization and holding meetings with old-timers, war and labor veterans, home front workers, creative people, recording, processing and storing their memories, establishing close ties with archives and museums.

This direction is realized on the basis of active collection and study of local history material. Conducting interviews, surveys, questionnaires with direct participants and eyewitnesses of historical events.

2. Outreach activities:

Informational: creation of a unified electronic database of local history materials on the history of settlements in the Izobilnensky urban district. Libraries will have to make an inventory of local history materials (thematic folders, dossier packs, publishing products: booklets, retrospective bibliographic manuals, annals), compile a bibliographic description of local history materials and scan them.

Enlightenment: holding meetings, video tours, local history quizzes based on local history materials, creation of book and documentary expositions, participation in competitions, regional local history conferences, seminars, cooperation with the media, presentation of local history materials on the history of settlements on the library blog "MKUK TsBS IMR SK" City of Izobilny.

Publishing activity: publication of retrospective bibliographic manuals "Chronicle of the Village".

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 June 2018 - December 2019 At the first stage, the systematization of local history materials received by the IMO in electronic format will be carried out.

Stage 2 December 2019 - November 2020. At this stage, interesting materials on the history of settlements will be selected and presented in the “Discover the area with us” section of the library blog of the MKUK “TsBS IGO SK”, Izobilny. On the eve of the 125th anniversary of the city of Izobilny and the 96th anniversary of the Izobilnensky district, on the basis of available sources, the chronicle "Izobilnensky urban district: the history of settlements" will be published.

local history- a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements by the local population, for which this territory is considered to be their native land.

Local history studies the nature, population, economy, history and culture of the native land

The task of the library:

To convey literary history and works of contemporary writers to the younger generation,

to cultivate love and respect for their small homeland, organizing and holding meetings with interesting people, acquaintance with the work of writers and poets of the native land.

Using the great heritage of fellow countrymen writers, the library tries to educate children and adolescents with a true patriotic feeling, to develop love for their land through the study and analysis of local history literature.

Raise the level of knowledge of the history, traditions of the Kazakh people, foster a sense of love for the motherland, pride in their land.

Relevance the chosen topic is due to the fact that today local history is one of the priority areas of activity rural library. Undoubtedly, every person needs to know: who he is and where he comes from.

The revival of library local history in the rural library today is caused by an unprecedented rise in national self-consciousness. By recognizing universal human priorities, library local history is able to fill in people that moral process, which is now much talked about, morality is instilled along with love for one's father's house.

The degree of development of this topic.

The proposed work examines the local history activities of the rural library.

The subject of development is the local history activities of the Dvurechensk rural library.

Mission: Keep the past, open the future.

Theoretical aspects of local history activities of the rural library:

The tasks of the local history work of a rural library are very diverse, each library has its own face, finds its own “zest”, direction,

In its daily work, the rural library solves many problems:

Preserves and transmits cultural traditions in time and space, ensuring the memory of generations;

Forms the moral positions of young people, creates a special cultural, educational and intellectual environment in society.

Local history has always been one of the traditional areas of the library’s work, even the concept of “library local history” has been formed.

Dissemination and promotion of local history knowledge

The library is systematically working in this direction. Introduction to the study of the past of the native land has significantly expanded the field of activity of rural librarians. Today we also act as local historians-chroniclers, ascetics of the patriotic education of youth. A feature of such activities of the library is cooperation with the school.

problem for rural libraries is the lack of specialists to work with information resources and required software.


Today, even the smallest rural library in Kazakhstan diligently collects and stores materials on the facts of local history, accumulates local material for years.

Expected results:

The local history work of the library will receive a new impetus through the use of new technologies in the preservation and dissemination of information in our area.

Local history activities of the Dvurechensky rural library:

Improve and continue the work of the club "Local historian". Club members are high school students - 9 people. With the help of club members, the library is replenished with fresh material about the life of honored workers of the village, virgin lands, and veterans. The memory of one's roots makes a person more worthy and stronger. Today, the Dvurechensk rural library is assigned the role of the creator of the encyclopedia of the native land. The time of the work of the reading room in the village has long passed, but the interest in this period among the inhabitants of the village is great.

Formation, organization and storage of the fund of local history materials

The basis of local history activities of the library is the fund of local history documents (for its territory and the region as a whole). It includes published documents about the native land; unpublished documents donated to the library for permanent storage by individuals or created by the library itself.

Work plan for 2017

Name of the event.

The form

those present


"Young local historian"

Meeting. Work plan

“We love our village and will make it better”



“We are boys and girls of the Kazakh steppe!”


“For posterity to remember…”

Evening - meeting with participants of the Great Patriotic War

Middle school students. Youth

Monuments of the village - "Let's Preserve the Cultural Heritage"


"My contribution to the history of the native village"


adult reader group

"Instilling love for the native land"

history hour

Middle school students

“Praise be to the hands that smell of bread!”

Photo booth

Wide range of readers


"Learning to be Patriots"

Excursion to the school museum of local lore. E. Zaichukova

Middle school students school age

"I love my native village!"

The writing

Learning different ages

To the birthday of the village: "With good memories of Tselina"

Evening meeting

virgin lands

"For a better life here"

Round table

Akimat, club of veterans.

Librarian of the Dvurechensky rural library - Snigur Lyudmila Nikolaevna


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