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In the economy of any state, the role of the food industry is enormous. Currently, there are about 25 thousand enterprises in this industry in our country. The share of the food industry in the volume of Russian production is more than 10%. The dairy industry is one of its industries. It includes enterprises that produce their products from milk. The scale and uniqueness of production are determined by the number of inhabitants, their creative and genetic potential.

Global dairy and meat industry

All states have a food industry, however, in terms of its level of development, it differs significantly in different countries. The undisputed leaders are economically developed states. In addition, many industries, including the dairy and meat industries, have an international specialization. This means that some states are major exporters, while others are major consumers.

The meat industry is an industry of international specialization in European countries (especially France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Denmark), North America, New Zealand, Australia, as well as some developing countries (Brazil, China, Uruguay, Argentina). The countries of Western Europe are considered the largest exporters of these products to the world market. They account for about 50% of all world exports. The industry leaders are also the USA, Australia and Brazil. The largest importers of products are the states of Western Europe, Japan and Russia.

Dairy products are produced in Europe, as well as in the USA, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, New Zealand and Australia. Finnish and French butter, cheeses from Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Lithuania, sour cream from Estonia and Finland, yoghurts from Germany and France have gained wide popularity. The leaders in the supply of dairy products to the international market are the states of Europe (especially Northern and Middle), as well as Australia and New Zealand. Its main importers are the CIS countries and China.

Features of dairy production

Milk in its nutritional properties is the most perfect type of food. It has an almost perfect balance of nutrients. Dairy products account for a significant proportion of the human diet. The researchers calculated that their annual consumption is about 16% of all types of food.

Dairy production has one important feature: the result of it are, in addition, they are among the goods characterized by a high rate of consumption. This means that their production must be large-scale, and the range - steadily expanding.

A bit of history

The processing of milk in pre-revolutionary Russia was mainly artisanal. During Soviet times, the dairy industry became a major industry. Already in the 1930s, it received great development. It was then that, as a result of the industrialization of the country, conditions were formed for the active growth of manufactured products. At this time, the dairy industry was developing especially actively in Moscow, Leningrad, Kislovodsk, Sochi, Kuibyshev, Sverdlovsk. Large dairy plants were established in these cities. In the 1970s, the USSR ranked first in the world in terms of animal butter and milk production. Today, factories and combines produce a wide range of products. They are equipped with automated and mechanized lines for bottling into bags, bottles and other types of containers, coolers and pasteurizers, evaporators, separators, cheese makers, etc.

Location Factors for Dairy Industry Enterprises

These enterprises are located depending on the availability of the consumer and raw materials. They are concentrated mainly in highly urbanized areas.

The following most significant placements of dairy industry enterprises can be distinguished:

  • the location of the respective farms in relation to the sales markets, as well as the presence of processing enterprises in this place; state of communications and Vehicle; availability of containers for storage of final products and raw materials;
  • production potential, expressed in the already created livestock, industrial buildings and structures for agricultural purposes;
  • the efficiency of output from the point of view of the economy;
  • stability and features interregional relations in the field of dairy farming;
  • availability of means of production supplied by industry.

Modern market trend

The number of butter and dairy enterprises is relatively stable. However, the current trend in the market is to create more large forms. Large firms often buy up small factories, thus expanding the sales area and production capacity. In addition, the purchase of modern equipment, which allows improving the quality of products and maintaining the reputation of the manufacturer, is financed mainly by large enterprises. Industry profits in just one year, from 2009 to 2010, grew by 36.8%. This happened thanks to the successful functioning of national and regional market leaders.

Shortage of raw milk

Dairy businesses face a number of challenges. One of the main ones is the production of raw milk. The fact is that milk yields have been constantly declining in recent years. This means that processing enterprises face the problem of shortage of raw materials, which, in turn, leads to an increase in prices for it. In addition, raw milk produced Russian manufacturers is often of unsatisfactory quality. This creates additional difficulties in the production of products. High Quality. Enterprises are forced to use dry and artificial additives, which leads to an increase in production costs and a decrease in the value of goods.

Organizational problems

Currently, the dairy market in our country is experiencing serious difficulties. We can state the absence of a unified strategy for its development, internal disorder. There is also no clear system of state support for this industry.

The dairy industry in Russia is currently fragmented. Each processor and manufacturer tries to cope with the solution of the problems of his company alone. As a result, the development of the dairy industry in our country is significantly slowing down. Industry unions that bring together processors and milk producers, unfortunately, have been unable to develop a unified strategy for protecting this industry.

Requirements for the production of products emanating from government officials are multidirectional and politicized. Each association, each industry participant comes up with its own proposals and requirements, often contradicting each other. The state, in response to this, offers its own vision of solving the problems faced by the dairy industry - one that is convenient for officials. However, the market often cannot agree with him. The state now needs to draw up a clear business plan for 30-50 years ahead.

The dairy industry in Russia is highly disintegrated. Processors and milk producers are often in opposition to each other. Common sense and world experience suggest that two industries - milk production and its processing - are parts of one system. It is impossible to raise the industry if only milk production is supported, since an increase in its production will require its processing. In the same way, the development of only a processing industry will lead to a shortage of raw materials. Only importers can quickly fill it.

Other problems

To the main problems listed above that impede the development of such an industry as the dairy industry in our country, the following should be added:

  • seasonality of milk production in our country;
  • shortage of milk collection points, lack of refrigeration units on farms;
  • moral and fixed assets of factories, the construction of most of which dates back to the 70-80s of the last century.

Many of the problems listed above need to be addressed at the state level. They require joint efforts of enterprises. This is the only way to solve many problems of the dairy industry.

Russia in the world market of dairy products

Our country is a major importer, but it cannot be called a major player in the global market. Russia is actually not represented in the main world associations. This has a very negative effect on the development of the industry. The market of our country does not take part in the discussion of global problems. He does not know what are the global trends in the development of such an industry as the dairy industry. He also does not apply instructions, innovative and scientific developments that are used by the world's largest associations. This affects both milk processors and producers, as well as end consumers.

Main manufacturers

Today there are quite a few manufacturers of goods in this industry in our country. However, only a few dairy enterprises sell their products in most regions of Russia. According to experts, the market leaders in our country are the following companies (2012 data):

  • Unimilk.
  • Wimm-Bill-Dann.
  • Ochakovsky dairy plant.
  • Voronezh Dairy Plant.
  • Piskarevsky dairy plant.
  • Permmoloko.
  • "Danone".
  • Rosagroexport.
  • "Ehrmann".
  • Campina.

Market competition

The share of Wimm-Bill-Dann, the leader in the domestic dairy products market, was estimated at 10.8% in 2012. Note that the share of its closest competitor is about 4 times lower. One could say that the food dairy industry in our country is characterized by relatively high competition. But keep in mind that many products have a short shelf life. In addition, they require special storage conditions. In this regard, the degree of competition in local and regional markets is much lower. As a result, it turns out that in some regions, local leading plants or industry leaders receive from 30 to 70% of the entire dairy products market. The rest is shared by other local firms or firms in neighboring regions.

Import of goods

Imported goods compete with Russian products. In general, the share of imports is small, it is estimated at between 15 and 19%. This is explained by the fact that the dairy market has a natural defense against foreign competitors, since the goods are perishable and require special conditions for transportation and storage.

Nevertheless, in some categories that have a long shelf life, it is imported products that are in the lead on the Russian market. In particular, foreign brands account for 30% of sold butter and 60% of cheeses. The import of dairy products and milk is also actively growing. The volume of imports into the country of condensed cream and milk for 2012 increased by 124.6%, cheese - by 34%, butter - by about 21%.

The volume of products in Russia is not enough, so our country is forced to import condensed milk, cheeses and butter in large volumes. As for the market of whole-milk products, it is fully provided by domestic production. During the period from 2009 to 2012, the total volume of cheese imports amounted to $7.5 billion, butter - $2.15 billion. In the annual resources of cheese and butter, the share of products imported into the country from abroad is approximately 40%.





An overview of the history of the development of the dairy industry is given. The requirements for dairy raw materials, mechanical processing, sanitization of equipment and containers are considered, material balance and normalization in the production of dairy products, technical control at dairy industry enterprises, directions for the development of production and the use of various types of packaging materials are presented. The problems of milk quality and environmental safety of dairy products are outlined.

Foreword ................................................................ ................................................. .............6

1. History of development and prospects of the dairy industry………………..7

1.1. The history of the development of the dairy industry……………………………7

1.2. Main industries and range of products…...…………8

1.3. General retrospective of dairy production…………………………11

1.4. The role of milk and dairy products in human nutrition……………….12

1.5. Current state dairy industry…............................13

2. Dairy raw materials for the dairy industry………………………..........18

2.1. Types of milk raw materials for the dairy industry...............................................18

2.2. Indicators characterizing the quality of raw milk,

their main characteristics………………………………………………………………………. ...............twenty

2.2.1. Physical and chemical indicators………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20

2.2.2. Organoleptic indicators…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.2.3. Technological indicators……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24

2.2.4. Sanitary and hygienic indicators……………..........................25

2.2.5. Indicators of the naturalness of milk……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.2.6. The concepts of "abnormal milk", "colostrum", "old-fashioned

and mastitis milk”…………………………………………………………………… .......27

2.3. GOST requirements for the quality of natural milk

cow-raw materials…………………………………................................................... ......29

2.3.1. Transportation and storage……………………............................34

2.3.2. Terms of acceptance, transfer and payment for milk

at the enterprises of the dairy industry……............................34

2.3.3. Standards for the quality of cream and protein-carbohydrate raw materials......................38

2.4. Sanitary and hygienic conditions for obtaining a benign

milk…………………………....................................... ...............................45

2.4.1. Bactericidal phase of milk, ways to prolong it……….............46

2.4.2. Primary processing of milk on farms…………………………………………………48

2.4.3. Foreign substances in milk and their characteristics ............................... 50

2.4.4. Defects of milk……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..55

2.4.5. Factors affecting the composition and properties of milk....................................................58

3. Mechanical processing of dairy raw materials……………………...................................................61

3.1. Filtration as the simplest method of milk purification

from mechanical impurities………………………………………………………………………….. ............61

3.2. Centrifugal cleaning of milk……………………………...................................64

3.3. Milk separation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….67

3.3.1. The main regularities of the process of milk separation ........ 67

3.3.2. Factors Affecting Process Efficiency

Separation ................................................................................ 68

3.4. Homogenization of milk raw materials………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...........75

3.4.1. The purpose, purpose and essence of the homogenization process……..........75

3.4.2. Formation of adsorption shells of fat globules……81

3.4.3. Factors influencing the process of homogenization .................................... 82

3.4.4. Fat globule crushing equipment....................................................85

3.5. Membrane methods for processing dairy raw materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….88

3.5.1. Purpose, essence and characteristics of membrane methods

processing of dairy raw materials ............................................... ..............88

3.5.2. Membrane characteristics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..94

4. Material balance and normalization in production

Dairy Products……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………96

4.1. Basic equations of the material balance…………............................................96

4.2. Normalization in the production of dairy products…............................................97

5. Thermal and vacuum processing of dairy raw materials ………….…...................................102

5.1. Heat treatment of raw milk…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….102

5.1.1. Thermization…………………………………………...................................102

5.1.2. Pasteurization of dairy raw materials ……………… .......................... 103

5.1.3. Sterilization of milk………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..107

5.1.4. Ultra high temperature treatment (UHT treatment)……..109

5.2. Traditional milk processing methods to reduce

its bacterial contamination……………………………………………………………….. ..110

5.3. Vacuum processing of dairy raw materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 113

5.4. Cooling and freezing of milk and milk

products…………………………...................................... ......................115

6. Bacterial starters, preparations and concentrates

for fermented dairy products……………………………………………………….. .120

6.1. The role of lactic acid microflora in the production of dairy

products…………………………………………………………. .............................................120

6.2. Basic principles of selection of starter cultures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6.3. Technology for the preparation of starter cultures in production

conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………. .................123

6.4. Quality control of laboratory and industrial starter cultures

and activated bacterial concentrate………………........126

7. Sanitization of equipment and containers……………….................................................128

7.1. Influence of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the equipment

and containers for the quality of dairy products…………..................................................128

7.2. Types of pollution and methods of their removal……………….............................128

7.3. Requirements for detergents and disinfectants

and their types………………………………………………………………………………………………..129

7.4. Factors affecting washing efficiency……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7.5. Methods and modes of washing and disinfection of inventory,

equipment and containers………………………………………………..….....134

7.6. Water quality requirements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………137

7.7. Sanitization quality control……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. Technical control at dairy enterprises


8.1. Goals and objectives of control……………………………………......................139

8.2. Basic terms and definitions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

8.3. Organization of control……………………………………...................................140

9. Packaging of milk and dairy products………………..…………..............144

9.1. Classification of packaging and tare………………………….......................144

9.2. Choice of packaging and tare…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………144

9.2.1. Glass packaging……………………………………...................................145

9.2.2. Containers made of polymeric materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..145

9.2.3. Combined, cardboard and paper containers……………………………………..147

9.2.4. Metal containers…………………………………......................148

9.2.5. Biodegradable packaging……………………………………………………………..149

9.3. The main directions of development of production and application

various types of packaging materials and containers……………...…….149

10. The problem of milk quality and environmental safety of dairy

products…………...……………………………….............................. ..........151

10.1. Basic definitions ……………………………… ........................ 151

10.2. Problems of milk quality and ecology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….151

10.3. Ecological characteristics of milk and dairy


10.4. Impact scheme environment for milk and dairy

products……………………………………….................................. .....153

10.5. The main prerequisites for the development of measures to improve the environment

dairy products……………………………………………………………………………………. ...........155

10.6. Interaction of dairy industry enterprises

with the environment…………………………………………………………………………………. ..........157

10.7. Scientific problems of ecology………………………………..................157

References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..159


At present, the dairy industry is one of the most important processing industries, which is armed with tens of thousands of units of modern technological and energy equipment, thousands of production lines, and many means of mechanization and automation of technological processes.

The exit of the dairy industry from the crisis of the 90s of the XX century. associated with the development of the scientific foundations of technology. The technology of dairy products reflects progressive industrial methods for the production of high-quality and biologically valuable food products from milk and is one of the applied branches of knowledge.

For further growth in the output of dairy products, it is necessary to increase milk production, improve its quality and make fuller use of raw milk through its integrated processing and expansion of the range of dairy products. To meet the challenges facing the dairy industry, you need to know modern methods processing of milk and its processing into various products.

“General Technology of the Dairy Industry” is one of the disciplines of a special cycle that forms an engineer in the specialty “Technology of Milk and Dairy Products”. The study of this course involves the study of the following disciplines: "Physical and colloidal chemistry", "Biochemistry", "Food chemistry", "Microbiology", "Heat engineering", "Metrology, standardization and certification", "Food production processes and apparatuses".

In this study guide the issues are considered, including the basic requirements for the quality of dairy raw materials, a set of technological operations used to preserve the natural properties of freshly milked milk, general technology processes for all sectors of the dairy industry, as well as the basics of technological processes for the production of dairy products.



History of the development of the dairy industry

For thousands of years, milk and dairy products have been the constant food of man. Industrial production with its machines and mechanisms, many workers did not invade this area for a long time - milk and its derivatives were very delicate products for processing: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese.

In Russia, commercial dairy farming originated at the end of the 18th century, when the first cheese dairies for the production of cheese, melted butter, sour cream, and cottage cheese were organized on landowner estates.

The very first cheese factory began to work in 1795 in the Lotoshino estate of the Lotoshinsky district of the Smolensk region. Already in 1866, an artel cheese factory was opened in the village of Otrokovichi, Tver province, and a school of craftsmen was opened in the village of Edimonovo. The initiator was a prominent figure Agriculture- N.V. Vereshchagin. With the growth of the urban population, the demand for dairy products increases, in connection with which the dairy industry takes on a commercial entrepreneurial character. Peasant artels and milk buyers open small handicraft dairy factories, most often in peasant huts or adapted premises with a minimum amount of equipment.

The development of butter and cheese making was facilitated by the construction of the Yaroslavl-Vologda and Trans-Siberian railway, as well as the introduction of separators for cream production. In 1913, 71.5 million rubles were received from the export of butter (gold was mined 2.5 times less, i.e. 28 million rubles).

The first city dairies, processing up to 120 tons of milk per day, were built in 1860-1864. The first condensed milk plant was built in 1891 near the city of Orenburg. The founder of the scientific formulation of the dairy business in Russia was A.A. Kalantar, who worked at the Edimonovskaya school since 1882 and organized the first dairy testing laboratory here with scientific research. He wrote the first manuals and manuals on dairy farming, cheese making, butter making. In the XX century. a dairy and canning industry was created, the industrial production of ice cream and processed cheeses was mastered.

Currently, the Russian dairy industry unites more than 1145 large and medium-sized enterprises various forms property that can accept and process more than 250 thousand tons of milk per shift. Among the total number of enterprises there are more than 670 dairy factories, about 100 cheese factories, 160 butter factories, more than 215 factories for the production of powdered milk, whole milk substitutes and other enterprises.

In Russia, there is a process of concentration and monopolization in the dairy industry. Gaining more and more market share large enterprises especially in large Russian cities.

However, along with large enterprises for the production of dairy products in Russia, a bet is made on small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Thus, about 14% of whole milk products, 5% of butter and 3% of cheese are produced by medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Small enterprises produce about 6% of whole milk products, 10% of butter and 9% of cheese.

In the dairy industry

The assertion that science reflects the state of the industry can be applied to the dairy industry as well. At the same time, the assertion is no less true that science should be ahead of industry and lead it. Otherwise, the industry is doomed to stagnation.

In the dairy industry, the priority areas of scientific research should be considered:

Creation of resource-saving technologies for closed and complete production cycles;

Creation of combined products for special purposes, including therapeutic and prophylactic;

Use of skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey in food production;

Creation of new types of microbiological preparations;

Development of new types of packaging materials and coatings;

Development of technologies for fractionation of milk and milk raw materials;

Improving the methods of membrane processing of milk and dairy products;

Development of milk processing methods using ultra-high pressures in order to purposefully change the structure of dairy products and inactivate microflora;

Automation and computerization of the main technological processes for the production of dairy products.

Successful development the dairy industry is directly related to the need to take into account and more closely merge the development ideology with medical, economic, aesthetic views, to bridge the gap between developments in the field of biochemistry, microbiology, energy and resource saving, processes and equipment, further development of coordination, cooperation and internationalization of scientific research, as well as a number of other factors.

Questions for independent work:

1. What role did Russian scientists play in the development of the dairy industry?

2. What are the basic principles for the location of dairy industry enterprises.

3. Describe the results of the dairy industry for the past year and the tasks for the current one.

Control questions and tasks:

1. Name the main branches of the dairy industry.

2. What is the nutritional and biological value of milk and dairy products?

3. What role do proteins, fats and carbohydrates play in the human body?

4. What are the main areas of research in the dairy industry.

5. Describe the current state of the dairy industry.



2.1. Types of dairy raw materials for the dairy industry

The main raw material for the production of dairy products is milk - the most valuable product of biological origin. The chemical composition of animal milk is not constant. It changes during lactation, as well as under the influence of various factors: feeding, keeping, breed, age of animals and other factors.

Milk is a complex colloidal system, the properties of which are determined by the properties and quantity of its constituent parts. So, lactose and some salts are in a state of molecular solution, proteins are in a colloidal state, fat, depending on its temperature, is in the form of an emulsion or suspension. The dispersion medium of milk is water.

Industrial processing of milk by traditional methods into butter, cheese, cottage cheese, casein and other products is inevitably associated with the production of by-products: skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey, which can be combined by a conditional general term - protein-carbohydrate raw materials. In addition, cream remains from the production of whole milk products, cheese, casein. Protein-carbohydrate raw materials and cream remaining from the production of the main assortment are valuable secondary raw materials for the production of dairy products, including valuable dietary products and cow's butter.

Skimmed milk and buttermilk contain 2/3 of milk solids, including almost the entire protein complex. About 50% of milk solids pass into whey. The composition and properties of whey depend on the main product and the characteristics of the technological processes for their production.

Cream is a polydisperse multiphase system, including a coarse dispersion of milk fat, a fine colloidal system of casein particles, a dispersion of lipoprotein particles, molecular solutions of whey proteins, low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds of lactose, salts, etc.

Cream consists of the same components as milk, but with a different ratio between fat phase and plasma (non-fat components). The average size of fat globules in cream is larger and the distance between them is smaller compared to milk.

Table 1

Milk and by-products are extremely valuable raw materials for the production of high quality dairy products. So, cheese-making is based on the property of casein to coagulate under the action of rennet. Buttermaking is based on the ability of fat globules of milk under the influence of mechanical factors to isolate and form a fat concentrate.

The preparation of fermented milk products is possible due to the ability of casein to coagulate under the influence of lactic acid, which is formed during the action of lactic acid bacteria enzymes on milk sugar. The natural stable state of fresh milk as a colloidal system, due to a certain ratio of individual components, in particular, salts, protein, and others, underlies the production of canned milk. On the property of milk proteins to coagulate from the action of rennet and weak acids, the production of food and technical casein is based. The immutability of milk sugar during whey drying makes it possible to obtain it in its pure form for use in the medical industry and as a raw material for the cultivation of microorganisms that produce antibiotics. Of great importance is the production of milk salts, the production of which is based on the immutability of minerals during the processing of whey.

Dairy high consumer properties can be developed only from dairy raw materials of the appropriate quality.

The quality of raw milk is understood as a set of properties (chemical composition, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators) that determine its suitability for processing.

The quality of raw milk in terms of composition can be considered from three positions: chemical composition, nutritional or energy value of its main components and the possibility of using products with different chemical composition.

Their main characteristics

Fresh natural cow's milk - a raw material obtained from healthy animals, is characterized by certain physical and chemical ( mass fractions fat and protein, acidity, density, electrical conductivity, etc.), organoleptic and technological (thermal stability, rennet, etc.) properties. These properties change under the influence of factors that depend not only on the stage of lactation, breed, animal diseases, but also during falsification. Therefore, their definition allows assessing the naturalness, quality and suitability of milk for processing into certain dairy products.

In diseases of the animal, the composition of milk usually changes in the direction of lowering the content of lactose and increasing the content of salts, in particular, dissociating chloride compounds. A decrease in the lactose content lowers the osmotic pressure and raises the freezing point, but the simultaneous increase in the salt content not only compensates for the decrease in pressure caused by the decrease in lactose content, but also increases it even more. This explains the strong decrease in the freezing point of the milk of sick animals.

GOST requirements for quality

benign milk

Milk is a favorable nutrient medium for the development of various microorganisms, so it is necessary to limit the possibility of their entry into milk as much as possible. This requires strict adherence to sanitary and veterinary rules for keeping and feeding animals on dairy farms, sanitary and hygienic conditions for obtaining, storing and transporting milk. Sanitary and veterinary rules for agricultural enterprises have been approved, strict observance of which contributes to obtaining good quality milk.

The main source of bacterial and mechanical contamination of milk is the udder and skin of the animal, hands and clothing. service personnel, equipment and utensils. The constant maintenance of the udder of the animal in cleanliness is a prerequisite for obtaining high quality milk. The coat and skin of the animal must be cleaned daily, and the animal must be washed during the warm season.

Feed is a direct source of milk contamination. At the same time, the air contains the smallest particles of feed, which can enter the milk during milking. Feed contaminated with soil particles contributes to the ingress of butyric acid bacteria into milk, therefore, two hours before milking, it is necessary to remove feed residues from the feeders and ventilate the room (so that the milk does not adsorb feed odors). It is recommended to have specially allocated rooms for milking. It should also be taken into account that with a large amount of succulent feed, it is difficult to keep animals clean due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Only healthy people are allowed to work on the farm, farm personnel must systematically undergo medical examinations(once a quarter, milkmaids once a month). Every year, everyone is examined for tuberculosis, bacillus carriers and helminthiasis.

Before milking, milkmaids should wear clean sanitary clothing and wash their hands with clean, warm water and soap.

The first prerequisite for obtaining good quality milk is that the milk must be obtained from healthy cows. Animals showing signs of infectious or other diseases must be isolated. The milk of cows suffering from anthrax, rabies, plague and other diseases is destroyed on the farm. Milk in FMD-quarantined farms can be used after boiling for 5 minutes.

Currently, machine milking is used, milk is supplied in a closed system through pipelines to the milk storage room. This eliminates the contamination of milk and the adsorption of foreign flavors and odors. In this case, it is required to thoroughly wash and disinfect equipment and inventory. Washing water must meet the requirements drinking water. Dairy and washing rooms should be dry, clean, bright, well ventilated, and should have cold and hot water supply.

The walls must be tiled. Responsibility for compliance with sanitary rules lies with the heads of farms, directors of agricultural enterprises.

To obtain high quality milk, it is necessary not only to properly feed and maintain animals, but also to observe sanitary and hygienic conditions on the farm.

2.4.1. Bactericidal phase of milk, ways to prolong it

Milk, like any biological secret, for example, blood, has one important feature - bactericidal, or bacteriostatic, i.e. the ability to delay the reproduction or destroy those microorganisms that enter freshly milked (fresh) milk during its production.

The bactericidal activity of milk is determined by the presence of protective agents in it, such as lactelin, lysozymes, antitoxins, bacteriolysins, immune bodies, etc. They cause the reaction of agglutination, or gluing of cells, precipitation (precipitation), sequential action on the cell membrane (lysis) with its destruction. Bactericidal substances are inactivated at a temperature of 90 °C. The period during which bacterial growth is inhibited is called the bactericidal or bacteriostatic phase. During this period, milk retains its original properties. In steam uncooled milk, these properties are preserved for 2-3 hours.

The duration of the bactericidal phase in milk depends on the physiological state of the animal, the lactation period and the sanitary and hygienic conditions for its production (bacterial contamination and storage temperature). The duration of the bactericidal phase depending on the storage temperature of milk is presented in Table 16.

Table 16

Bactericidal activity of milk depending on storage temperature

But no matter how ideal the conditions for obtaining milk are, the duration of the bactericidal phase in natural freshly milked milk is several times shorter than the period that, under the prevailing conditions of dairy production, milk passes from milking to processing into the final product.

In order to prolong the bactericidal phase and preserve the properties of the milk is subjected to cooling. To preserve the native properties of milk for 24 hours, the temperature of its storage should not be higher than 10 ° C, provided that it is obtained in a sanitary and hygienic manner. Of great importance in this case is the initial content of bacteria in milk (table 17).

Table 17

Influence of bacterial contamination and cooling temperature

of freshly milked milk on the quality of milk during storage

From Table. 17 shows that milk with a bacteria content of up to 40 thousand per 1 g after 24 hours at a temperature of 10 ° C corresponds to the highest grade according to GOST R 52054-2003. Milk with a bacteria content of 150 thousand per 1 g belongs to the second grade, and even deep cooling does not guarantee its safety.

As the temperature of freshly milked milk decreases, the duration of bacteriostatic action increases. Therefore, the most important condition for maintaining the original properties of milk is its immediate cooling after cleaning from mechanical impurities.

As the temperature of raw milk decreases, most of the vitamins are also retained.

After the destruction of the bactericidal properties of milk, that is, the completion of the primary stage of development of the microflora of milk, the second period begins - the stage of development of the mixed microflora.

2.4.2. Primary milk processing on farms

Milk, as a raw material for the dairy industry, can be considered of high quality if it retains its original properties and can be processed with the maximum use of useful components. The fulfillment of this task largely depends on the primary processing of milk on dairy farms: the more effective the primary processing, the better quality milk and, consequently, higher efficiency of the entire dairy industry.

Primary milk processing is a set of technological operations used to preserve the natural properties of freshly milked milk. These include: cleaning from possible mechanical impurities, cooling, storage, transportation.

Purification of milk from possible mechanical impurities. With the manual method of milking, even with strict observance of sanitation and hygiene, it is possible that such impurities as animal hair, room dust, epithelium, mucus get into the milk; particles of feed, bedding, dust get into the milk into the milk pipeline. Therefore, natural milk always contains a certain amount of mechanical impurities, the nature of which is predetermined by the specifics of keeping and feeding animals.

Dairy farms use two methods of milk purification: filtration and centrifugal cleaning.

The technological process of primary treatment must be built in such a way that the purification stage precedes all subsequent stages (cooling, storage, transportation). If it is necessary to filter milk, preference should be given to coarse calico or non-woven materials and to exclude filtering milk by forcing through the filter cloth using a pump.

Milk cooling. In order to prolong the bactericidal phase and preserve the properties of the milk is subjected to cooling. To preserve the native properties of milk for 24 hours, the temperature of its storage should not exceed 6 ° C, provided that it is received in a sanitary and hygienic manner. Of great importance in this case is the initial content of bacteria in milk.

To cool freshly milked milk, dairy farms use mechanized coolers of various designs, as well as special tanks. Mechanized cooling methods are the most efficient and less labor-intensive compared to cooling in flasks with ice, therefore, they are widely introduced in livestock complexes. Coolers work on the principle of counterflow of liquids. Lamellar milk coolers are the most common in milking installations. Cooling of milk in them occurs in a thin (2-4 mm) layer.

Tanks for cooling milk have become widespread on farms. However, in cooling tanks, milk is cooled to a predetermined temperature for a long time, which leads to a decrease in its quality.

The most rational scheme for cooling milk on farms should be recognized as two-stage cooling: the first stage is pre-cooling with water in the flow with milking; the second stage is aftercooling on a plate or tubular cooler with brine.

In order to preserve the bacterial purity of freshly milked milk during its cooling, the gap between the milking and cooling processes should be minimized as much as possible. The most effective is in-line cooling with milking. The time gap between milking and cooling should not exceed 2 hours. For mechanized cooling, plate coolers should be preferred. It is better to use tanks for storing chilled milk, and not for cooling it. The most economical and technologically efficient is two-stage cooling. End temperature of milk cooling at the farm up to (4 + 2) °C ensures the preservation of milk quality during transportation and storage for up to 24 hours. Deeper cooling of milk leads to unproductive costs and is not technologically justified.

Milk storage. Two types of tanks are used to store milk: 1) open cooling tanks and 2) closed thermos tanks. Open cooling tanks are used for cooling and storing milk, they have a drawback - a long cooling period (from 4 hours or more), which exceeds the duration of the bactericidal phase of milk. After 20 hours of storage in milk, the content of bacteria increases several times, and the acidity increases by 1-3 °T, the organoleptic properties of milk deteriorate. Milk is not protected from impurities in the form of dust and other particles. Long-term mixing of milk with a stirrer during cooling and storage activates lipolysis to a certain extent. Thus, open cooling tanks are most appropriate to use for cooling milk. In this case, storage efficiency is improved.

Closed tanks serve to store milk. They are cylindrical vessels with two spherical bottoms, covered with thermal insulation material over the entire surface and enclosed in a protective steel casing. They keep the temperature of chilled milk well. For a storage period of 20 hours, the temperature of the milk rises by 1-2 °C. Milk is supplied to the tank pre-cooled on a plate cooler to the storage temperature, taking into account the duration of storage and the degree of temperature rise during the storage period. In closed tanks, milk is protected from mechanical impurities and foreign odors.

When choosing equipment for storing milk, preference should be given to closed tanks with thermal insulation.

Transportation of milk. Transport pipelines are an important part of the technological process in dairy lines. They are used as links between machines and for transporting milk from milking parlors to dairy farms. For these purposes, milk pipelines are made of glass, steel, polymeric materials, and sometimes rubber (hoses), although the use of rubber hoses is considered a violation of the rules of sanitation and hygiene. Transport milk lines, depending on the material from which they are made, can affect bacterial contamination and changes in the temperature of milk in different ways. The degree of influence on the bacterial composition of milk depends on the profile of the inner surface of the pipelines and its sanitization. Conducted studies of the surface of steel, glass and polyethylene pipes found that for better preservation of the quality of milk, glass milk pipelines have the greatest advantages compared to polyethylene and steel.

milk microbiological ryazhenka cottage cheese

The dairy industry is a branch of the food industry that combines enterprises for the development of products from milk. At the same time, the possibility and uniqueness of the scale of production of dairy products have determined and continue to determine the size of humanity, its genetic and creative potential. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced. (Ivanova S.V., 2013)

Modern dairy plants or factories carry out complex processing of raw materials, produce a wide range of products, are equipped with mechanized and automated lines for bottling products into bottles, bags and other types of containers, pasteurizers and coolers, separators, evaporators, cheese makers, automatic packaging products.

A significant share of Russian milk is intended for processing and production of dairy products.

The dairy complex is one of the most important components of the agro-industrial complex, the main task of which is to meet the needs of society for dairy products at a certain level of income of the population.

The most important factors for the growth of market volumes are:

Growth trend in real incomes of the population;

Market capacity potential associated with the low current level of consumption of dairy products compared to the level of consumption in European countries;

Interest in healthy lifestyle life;

Commitment of the population of Russia to dairy products.

These factors are the source of the increase in demand for dairy products in the near term. (Labinov, V.V., 2013)

The demand for dairy products is satisfied by Russian and foreign producers, and the share of imports in certain market segments is steadily growing. Consequently, additional opportunity market expansion for domestic companies is import substitution.

The Russian dairy market is actively expanding the range of dairy products provided. Experts predict a gradual decline in the consumption of traditional dairy products (sour cream, fermented baked milk, curdled milk) in favor of enriched modern products (bio-kefir, bio-milk, bio-yogurt). Any dessert dairy products that people consume not to satisfy hunger, but for pleasure are also promising. And this is primarily due to the increase in the income of the population. The total volume of these products will grow not only due to an increase in the number of new consumers, but also due to an increase in the frequency of consumption by regular customers of this category of products. (Ermakova, E.E., 2014)

As for the analysis of the market for milk and dairy products in Russia, the market for dairy products is developing and growing, and, accordingly, competition in it is intensifying. This is due to many factors, namely, the constant increase in production volumes by market players, the appearance of factories of foreign manufacturers in Russia and the gradual increase in the welfare of most of the country's population.

The milk market, according to experts, is highly competitive. The trends of this market is the process of "branding" the market for dairy products. There are large enterprises and holdings on the market that have their own high-tech equipment, funds for marketing activities and a dealer network. It is not surprising that such enterprises are crowding out small firms or factories.

Due to the lack of funds necessary for the modernization of production, expansion of the product distribution network, supply geography, creation and advertising trademark, local companies are often uncompetitive. Every year, large producers absorb an increasing number of small regional producers. Due to the fact that large enterprises have a solid financial and industrial foundation and, moreover, are well oriented in the market, it is more profitable for many small producers to join them than to act independently. From the foregoing, it can be predicted that in the future a small number of the largest producers will produce dairy products, because today they already occupy a large market share.

Summing up, we can say that the Russian dairy industry market is also characterized by good growth prospects, but rising prices and uneven market expansion will create, on the one hand, many opportunities for key players in the dairy supply chain, and on the other hand, many problems. (Ivanova, S.V., 2013)

The Russian market of dairy products is an integral part of the Russian food industry. The food industry plays a huge role in the economy of any country. At present, the Russian food industry includes 25 thousand enterprises, and its share in the volume of Russian production is more than 10%.
Relevance of the topic term paper It is determined by the fact that the dairy industry is a branch of the food industry that unites enterprises for the development of products from milk. At the same time, the possibility and uniqueness of the scale of production of dairy products have determined and continue to determine the size of humanity, its genetic and creative potential. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced.
Many countries have strict regulations governing the production of dairy products, for example, there is a law requiring the pasteurization of all liquid dairy products. In most cases milk is subjected to pasteurization, in some cases milk is subjected to sterilization or homogenization. The main requirement in the production of dairy products is to ensure their safety and high quality. However, despite significant advances in technology - automation and new types of processing - production safety remains an important issue.
Modern dairy plants or factories carry out complex processing of raw materials, produce a wide range of products, are equipped with mechanized and automated lines for bottling products into bottles, bags and other types of containers, pasteurizers and coolers, separators, evaporators, cheese makers, automatic packaging products.
The purpose of this course work is to study the current state and prospects for the development of the dairy industry in Russia.
The following tasks were set and solved in the work:
1. The history of the development of the dairy industry in Russia is considered.
2. An analysis of the current state of the dairy industry in Russia was carried out.
3. The problems and prospects for the development of the dairy industry in Russia have been studied.
The paper presents an overview of the Russian dairy industry.
In the first chapter given general characteristics dairy industry.
The second chapter presents the characteristics of the supply side of the dairy market. First, the geography and dynamics of dairy production volumes are considered. Secondly, the state of the resource potential of the industry and its impact on supply are analyzed.
The third chapter analyzes the potential of the consumer market for dairy products in the future development.
The conclusion reflects the main conclusions of the course work.
The subject of the study is the economics of the industry.
The object of the study is the dairy industry of the Russian Federation.
The work contains an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

1. Place and role of the dairy industry in the country's economy

1.1. The importance of the industry in the economy of the Russian Federation and the life of people

The dairy industry is a branch of the economy that covers all processes of the production of dairy products. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced. Dairy products make up a large proportion of the human diet; their annual consumption reaches 16% of all types of food 1 .
Processing enterprises of the dairy industry are one of the most important elements of the structure of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
Dairy production is characterized by an important feature: products in this area are classified as perishable. In addition, these products are consumer goods with a high consumption rate, that is, they must be produced in very large quantities with a steadily expanding range.
The dairy subcomplex is one of the most important components of the agro-industrial complex, the main task of which is to meet the needs of society for dairy products at a certain level of income of the population.
All dairy products are conventionally divided into the following groups: whole milk products, butter, cheeses, canned milk products, dry dairy products, ice cream, milk protein concentrates and milk proteins, milk sugar, whey products.
Whole milk products combine a wide variety of products, usually produced in urban dairies and intended for direct sale locally. The highest value in industrial production dairy products we have cow's milk.
Whole milk products include drinking milk, cream, sour cream, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and curd cheese products. This list shows the conventionality of the name of whole milk products, since many of the products included in this group are not obtained from whole milk, but only from its individual components (cream and sour cream - mainly from the fat fraction of milk). All types of products of this group are traditional in the diet of the general population, but drinking milk, sour-milk products and cottage cheese are of the greatest importance.
Regardless of the type of fermented milk drinks, the traditional features of their preparation and use, they have much in common. All of them are obtained due to the fermentation of milk by lactic acid microorganisms, which ferment milk sugar, forming lactic acid, which is the cause of milk clotting, the appearance of a milk clot. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on digestion and improves bowel function.
The systematic use of milk, sour-milk drinks is necessary for proper nutrition. These products are rightly called health drinks. A person must eat them from early childhood throughout life in order to be healthy and efficient. Exceptions or limitations are possible only in individual cases when there are contraindications (for example, in the case of low activity of the lactose enzyme in the human gastrointestinal tract). 2
Milk is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, so it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for its storage; it quickly sours, and at the same time, undesirable types of microbes can develop in it, sometimes giving the milk a bitter taste. The curdled milk formed in this case is not recommended to be eaten directly. eight
It should be noted the stable growth of per capita consumption of milk and dairy products. During the period from 2009 to 2012, consumption per person increased by 14 kg and amounted to 249 kg.
The development of the dairy industry is increasingly being introduced into the technology of obtaining dairy products. Successes in the development of milk make it possible to improve existing technological processes milk processing and develop new ones. Today, dairy industry specialists must know and be able to explain the essence of the biochemical processes that occur during the production and storage of dairy products, choose the right technological modes for processing and processing milk, develop measures to prevent the occurrence of defects in dairy products, etc. Milk and dairy products should become indispensable foodstuffs for people of all ages.

1.2. Features and factors determining the location of dairy production enterprises

The location of the dairy industry depends on the availability of raw materials and the consumer. The dairy industry is connected with the places of consumption of finished products and produces perishable products (production of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir). The dairy industry is concentrated primarily in highly urbanized areas.
The most significant economic factors for the location and specialization of the dairy industry include:
- the location of farms in relation to sales markets and the presence of processing enterprises, containers for storing raw materials and final products, the availability and condition of vehicles and means of communication;
- already created production potential of the dairy industry: livestock, agricultural facilities, industrial buildings, etc.;
- economic efficiency of dairy production, determined by a system of indicators;
- features and stability of inter-regional relations for dairy products. The possibility of purchasing farm products, their guarantee create the basis for the development in certain regions of only those sectors of the dairy industry for which there are the most favorable conditions;
- security of the dairy farm with the means of production supplied by the industry. Correspondence of the price level for these industrial products with the level of prices for agricultural raw materials and products of their processing 1 3 .
Also an important factor in the location of dairy industry enterprises is the level of development of forms of organization of social production.
Among the forms of organization of social production, the leading place belongs to concentration, which creates the necessary conditions for deepening and expanding the rest.
The enlargement of enterprises has a positive effect both on the progress of technology and on the organization of production. The efficiency of the use of mechanization and automation means is increasing, the issues of specialization and combination are being solved more successfully, and, consequently, the tasks of the most complete use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, better use of fixed assets and work force. The optimal capacity of dairy industry enterprises in each specific case depends on the state of the road network and the density of milk procurement in the raw material zone of these enterprises.
Peculiar forms of concentration of production are specialization and combination.
Specialization is one of the most important directions in the development of the dairy industry. It makes it possible to increase output per unit of production area, creates conditions for improving product quality, reduces its cost, contributes to the automation of production, the creation of its rational structure and management.
The most common and widely known in the dairy industry is the specialization in the production of the finished product. This specialization contributes to the concentration of the dairy industry, but it should be carried out after a deep social and economic analysis.
The concentration of dairy industry production is often a condition for the development of another form of production organization - combination, which allows more complete processing of raw materials, rational use of all its components.
An example of a combination is skimmed milk powder plants that produce butter, skimmed milk powder, and sometimes whole milk products.

1.3. Methodology for determining indicators characterizing the level of development of the industry

One of the existing methods proposes to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the industry by various groups of indicators that can be represented as a system.
The system is a structured set of various coefficients, indicator values ​​in physical terms, as well as dynamics indicators.

Rice. 1.1. Scorecard for comparative assessment of industries 4
Industry and communications, agriculture, construction, trade, transport are among the basic sectors of the economy. Most important indicator, which characterizes the dynamics of the development of basic industries as a whole, is the index of the physical volume of the basic industries, is the index of the physical volume of the output of goods and services of the basic sectors of the economy.
The following volumes can be suggested:
- the volume of products produced in the industry;
Determining the volume of produced or sold products is one of the fundamental operations that every economist should be able to do. That is why tasks in which it is required to find the volume of production are so common in economic and financial educational institutions.
Gross output: , where
- work in progress
The volume of products sold: where

    - finished products in stock at the beginning and at the end of the billing period.
- the number of production personnel in the industry;
The staff of the enterprise is a set of all employees of the enterprise, ensuring the implementation of its functions.
- the amount of profit;
Profit characterizes the final results of the production process, is an indicator financial condition enterprises.
Net profit = Gross profit - Taxes, fines, penalties, interest on loans - Operating expenses.
Gross profit = net income- The cost of production.
– the number of enterprises in the industry, etc.
Gross dynamics indicators used to analyze the investment attractiveness of the industry:
- absolute increase in the volume of manufactured products;
To determine the absolute increase in the volume of manufactured products due to changes in the return on assets and the value of fixed assets of an individual enterprise, the following formula is used:
– absolute increase in profit, etc.
This indicator is calculated using the following formula:
Absolute increase in profit = Profit of the enterprise for the planned period - Profit of the enterprise for the reporting period.
Financial ratios are:
– overall profitability ratio;
The main and most common indicator that evaluates the profitability of an enterprise is the overall profitability ratio. It allows you to determine how much profit the company has from each ruble of proceeds from the sale of goods, works or services. This indicator is calculated both as a whole and for individual commodity items.
K orp = Profit before tax / Sales proceeds * 100%
- specific output per worker;
The average specific output of one worker depends on the average output of the worker and their ratio between the number of workers and other categories of workers, i.e. from the personnel structure of the enterprise. This dependence can be expressed as a formula:
W R \u003d Q / R \u003d (Q / r) * (r / R), where W R is the average annual output per worker
– average specific profit of enterprises in the industry, etc.

The relative indicators of the structure include the following:
- the structure of employment by industry;
– profit structure by industry sectors;
– revenue structure by industry.
Index indicators include:
– index of physical volume of production;
The index of the physical volume of production is a relative statistical indicator that characterizes the change in the physical mass (quantity) of products. This indicator is used to assess the degree of influence of a change in the quantity of produced (sold) products on a change in the volume of its production (sales), provided that the product price is taken into account as a constant value of the base period.
Individual index of physical volume:
General volume index:
– profit index;
– profitability index, etc.
, where CF0 is the initial investment
The profitability index is a relative indicator. It characterizes the level of income per unit of costs, that is, the efficiency of investments - the greater the value of this indicator, the higher the return on each ruble invested in this project.
Thus, by calculating the required values ​​and comparing them with each other, we can draw conclusions about the investment attractiveness of a particular industry.

2. The state of development of dairy production in the Russian Federation

2.1. General characteristics of the industry

The dairy and butter-cheese food industry includes enterprises for the production of whole milk and dairy products, fermented milk products, butter, cheese, powdered milk and canned milk.
Table 1
Production of dairy products in the Russian Federation
AT %
Dairy production
processed liquid milk
yoghurt and other milk or cream, fermented or fermented
milk and cream in solid forms
butter and butter pastes
cheese and cottage cheese
ice cream and other frozen desserts
condensed milk, million standard cans

Table 1 shows that by September 2012, the production of dairy products increased by 2.5% compared to September last year.
Over the past few years, the retail trade turnover for certain types of products in this industry has grown both in nominal and real terms, with the exception of retail butter. The retail sales turnover of whole milk and whole milk products in nominal terms increased in September 2012 by 12.3%, cheese - by 22.5%, butter - by 11.4% compared to September 2011.
table 2
Retail turnover certain types products of the dairy and butter-cheese industry Russian Federation
in actual prices (million rubles) 18 5

The dairy industry is one of the main branches of the food industry in Russia, producing products that play a special role in human nutrition and health. In 2010, its share accounted for 13.4% of the total volume of products sold by enterprises of the food and processing industry.
The number of dairy and butter-cheese industries is relatively stable. However, the market tends to consolidate firms. Prosperous large enterprises are buying up smaller plants, expanding their production capacity and sales territory. Also, mainly large enterprises finance the purchase of modern equipment that allows them to improve product quality and maintain their reputation.
During the year, from 2009 to 2010, the industry's profit grew by 36.8%, which is due to the successful functioning of regional and national market leaders 18 6 .
The problems of production in the dairy industry are closely related to the production of raw milk. Here we should pay attention to two aspects. Firstly, in the past few years, milk yields have been constantly declining, which means that processing enterprises are faced with the problem of a shortage of raw materials and rising prices for it. Secondly, the unsatisfactory quality of raw milk from Russian producers creates difficulties for the production of high quality dairy products and forces enterprises to use artificial and dry additives, which reduces the value of food products and/or increases production costs.
Table 3
The largest milk processors on the Russian market in 2012 17

There are quite a lot of Russian enterprises producing dairy products, but only the products of some of them are represented in many regions of the Russian Federation. According to experts, currently the leaders of the Russian dairy market are Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods (WBD), Unimilk, Voronezh Dairy Plant, Ochakovsky Dairy Plant, Permmoloko, Piskarevsky Dairy Plant, Rosagroexport, "Danone", "Campina" and "Ehrmann" 7 .
The share of WBD in the market of dairy products in 2012 is estimated at 10.8% (the share of the nearest competitor is 4 times lower). Thus, one could say that the dairy market is characterized by a high degree of competition. However, due to the fact that many dairy products have a short shelf life and require special storage conditions, the degree of competition in regional and local markets is significantly lower. As a result, in some regions, industry leaders or local leading plants receive from 30 to 70% of the market, and the remaining market share is shared by other local companies or companies from neighboring regions.
Russian products compete with imported goods. The share of imports of dairy products is generally small, according to various estimates - from 15 to 19%, which is associated with the natural protection of the dairy market from foreign competitors in the form of a perishable product and the need to create special conditions for storage and transportation. However, for some categories of goods with long shelf life, imported products are leading in the consumer market. Almost 60% of the cheese market and 30% of the butter market are imported brands. Imports of milk and dairy products are actively growing, in 2012 the physical volume of imports of milk and condensed cream increased by 124.6%, butter - by 20.9%, cheese - by 34%.

2.2. Analysis of key development indicators

Let's analyze the development of the dairy industry of the Russian Federation according to the main indicators:
The number of operating organizations of the dairy industry in Russia are presented in Table. four.
Table 4
Number of operating organizations of the dairy industry of the Russian Federation, units

In the period from 2009 to 2011, the number of economic entities increased by 6 organizations - this amounted to an increase of 0.33%. This indicator indicates some stability in the industry. Despite the crisis of 2009, in 2011 the number of economic entities remained at the same level as before the crisis.
The number of unprofitable enterprises is also stable.
Table 5
Number of unprofitable enterprises in the Russian Federation

The volume of shipped goods of own production of the dairy industry is presented in Table. 6.

Table 6
The volume of shipped goods of own production of the dairy industry in the Russian Federation, million tons

year 2009
Volume of shipped goods

Based on the data in Table 6, we can conclude that from 2009 to 2011 the volume of shipped goods increased by 1.1 thousand tons, or by 11.2%. This is due to the demand for dairy products.
The production of dairy products by federal districts of the Russian Federation is shown in Table 7.
Table 7
Production of dairy products by federal districts of the Russian Federation, thousand tons 9 8

federal district
Central Federal District
Northwestern Federal District
Southern Federal District
North Caucasian Federal District
Volga Federal District
Ural federal district
Siberian Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District

As can be seen from Table 7, the leader in the production of dairy products is the Volga Federal District, its share amounted to 10409 tons of dairy products. This is due to the development of animal husbandry, including cattle, climatic conditions.
In the Volga Federal District, output in 2011 increased by 2.7%. All regions, except for three - the Chuvash Republic, the Perm Territory and the Penza Region, worked in excess of their indicators of the previous year. The best indicators were achieved by the producers of the Republic of Mordovia - an increase in volumes by 23.3%, the Ulyanovsk region. - by 19.1, the Udmurt Republic - by 11.1%.
Financial investments of organizations of the dairy industry are presented in table. eight.
Table 8
Financial investments of dairy industry organizations in the Russian Federation, million rubles 11 10 9

As can be seen from the table, the financial investments of organizations in dairy production in 2009 amounted to 23455 thousand rubles, in 2010 -20122 million rubles, in 2011 - 23987 million rubles.

Export of products of the dairy industry is displayed in table. 9
Table 9
Export of dairy products in the Russian Federation for 2009-2011, million rubles 12 10

year 2009



As can be seen from Table. 7, for the period 2009 - 2011. the export of dairy products almost doubled.
Thus, milk production is a promising area of ​​agricultural business. The decrease in the stocks of powdered milk in the world and its rise in price are forcing processors to look for other sources of raw materials. Therefore, investments in the development of high-quality milk production will have a fairly high level of profitability.

3. Prospects and problems of the industry development

3.1. Problems of development of dairy production

Recently, at the highest state level of Russia, with the participation of President Dmitry Medvedev, a meeting was held at which the problems of developing the dairy industry in Russia were discussed. Highlighting his vision of the situation, the head of state, in particular, said that at the moment there is a discussion of the relationship between the state and private business in the field of joint development of the dairy business. At the same time, often these conversations are in the nature of actually hidden privatization of various infrastructure facilities, which simply simply deprives state authorities of both ownership in the dairy industry and tools to influence the situation. Dmitry Medvedev also added that such a state of affairs is unacceptable, since we are talking about the production of socially significant food products. 6
Despite the fact that milk processing enterprises operate in conditions of limited raw materials, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the production of whole milk products and cheeses. Thus, in 2011, compared with 2010, the production of whole milk products increased by 16% to 11,297 thousand tons. The volumes of production of cheeses and cheese products also increased - by 14.5% to 433.4 thousand tons, however, this sector of the dairy industry is growing due to cheese products. At the same time, the production of such a resource-intensive product as butter decreased by 5.6% to 205.2 thousand tons.
The volume of domestic production of dairy products is not enough to cover domestic demand, so Russia is forced to import animal butter, cheeses and condensed milk in large volumes. The market for whole milk products is fully provided by domestic production. Total imports of butter for the period 2009 - 2012 amounted to 2.15 billion dollars, cheese - 7.5 billion dollars. The share of imported products in the annual resources of butter and cheese is about 40 percent 11 .
The main problems hindering the development of the dairy industry include: a decrease in the market share of domestic raw milk due to a reduction in the number of livestock; seasonality of its production; low specific gravity of raw milk of the highest grade; the lack of refrigeration units on dairy farms and the shortage of milk collection points, as well as the physical and moral depreciation of the fixed assets of milk processing plants, most of which were built in the 70-80s of the last century.
Physical depreciation and obsolete production assets are the main reasons for the high level of production waste generation and emissions of industrial pollution into the atmosphere. In addition, the existing outdated base is overwhelmingly unable to ensure the complex processing of milk in order to produce competitive products from secondary dairy raw materials: dry whey and milk sugar, milk protein concentrates and whole milk substitutes for feeding young farm animals, as well as food and biological products. active substances. 12
For the economic growth of the dairy industry in Russia, it is necessary to conduct a large-scale technical modernization of the industry based on the introduction of innovative technologies, which will allow reaching a qualitatively new level of production and reduce the cost of processing agricultural raw materials and make domestic products cheaper and more competitive.
The task of import substitution of milk and dairy products will be solved through the implementation of sectoral programs and economically significant regional programs aimed at increasing production volumes, weighted measures of customs and tariff regulation.
In order to increase the consumption of cheese and butter by various categories of citizens and increase their production volumes, reduce imports, the industry target program "Development of Butter and Cheese Making in the Russian Federation for 2011-2013" was approved, which will create a new technological structure in butter

1.3 Current state of the dairy industry in Russia

The dairy industry is a major branch of the national economy. In total production food products in the Russian Federation, it ranks third.

Russia belongs to the countries with high level consumption of dairy products. Even now, when domestic dairy farming is going through difficult times, the average per capita consumption of dairy products is 240 kg per year.

Milk, like bread, mankind began to use more than five thousand years ago. Milk is the only food for the first months of a person's life.

“Milk,” wrote Academician I.P. Pavlov, is an amazing food prepared by nature itself.

It is established that this product contains over 100 valuable components. It includes all the substances necessary for the life of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and vitamins. Since ancient times, milk has been used as a remedy for many diseases. The inclusion of dairy products in the diet increases its usefulness and promotes better absorption of all components. Milk has a beneficial effect on the secretion of the digestive glands. According to scientifically sound standards, milk and dairy products should make up one third of the diet (1,000 calories of an average daily human dietary requirement of 3,000 calories).

Currently, scientists from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry (VNIMI), the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Butter and Cheese Industry (VNIIMS) NPO Uglich, their branches and a number of higher educational institutions.

The development of the dairy industry is increasingly being introduced into the technology of obtaining dairy products. Successes in the development of milk make it possible to improve existing technological processes for processing milk and develop new ones.

Today, dairy industry specialists must know and be able to explain the essence of the biochemical processes that occur during the production and storage of dairy products, choose the right technological modes for processing and processing milk, develop measures to prevent the occurrence of defects in dairy products, etc.

The fulfillment of the Food Program of Russia also largely depends on them. Together with other workers in the food industry, they seek to further improve the diet of the Russian people by increasing their consumption of milk and dairy products.

Milk and dairy products should become indispensable foodstuffs for people of all ages.

Starting from July 2007, in Russia there has been a trend towards an increase in the rate of milk production in the public sector of the country. The rate of decline in milk production first slowed down, and in October and November current year for the first time in the past few years, the production of raw milk in agricultural enterprises exceeded last year's volumes by more than 4%.

The national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" has identified the accelerated development of animal husbandry as a priority. Reducing the number of large cattle which started in 1986. has not been overcome so far.

The situation in the dairy industry is even more serious than in the meat industry. The Russian dairy herd today is smaller in number than it was in the post-war 1945. Milk yields in the country are falling, and it is impossible to import it into the country in industrial volumes.

The ensuing consequences: the large-scale use of milk powder, an increase in non-dairy components in the composition of dairy products and, as a result, a reduction in the production of full-fledged dairy products.

The main problem of the further development of milk processing enterprises is the provision of raw materials. There is a tendency in the industry to reduce the raw material base of animal husbandry, due to a decrease in the number of cattle. The current structure of the livestock does not meet scientific standards and does not contribute to the reproduction of the herd at the expense of its own resources. Although the industry is underway, the active renewal of the main production assets, the degree of depreciation of their entire set in 2006 amounted to 39.8%, and for the active part - 60%.

According to the Director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR) D. Rylko: large farms having a dairy herd of more than 600 heads and using modern technologies. Milk yield in such farms is often more than twice the average for the Russian Federation.

“The performance of a farm specializing in dairy farming depends on many indicators, while they are largely correlated with the size of the herd,” says D. Rylko, director of IKAR. As a rule, fatteners adjoin such farms, that is, peculiar production clusters are formed"

Tatyana Rybalova, a leading expert at the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), told Interfax: “The reduction in livestock will continue in the near future, as farms where the productivity of cows is below 2,000 kg per year will inevitably leave the market. Unfortunately, the number of such farms continues to be significant, - considers the leading expert of IKAR T. Rybalova. - The improvement of the industry through the creation of modern livestock farms is still going slowly, only about 4% of the number of cows have been transferred to loose housing, but the process has already begun. The successful implementation of the national project is undoubtedly its activates".

The production of raw milk in the first quarter of 2007 by farms of all categories amounted to 6.1 million tons. On the whole, in the Russian Federation, the increase in milk volumes amounted to 2%. The largest amount of milk production falls on the Volga Federal District - 2045.7 thousand tons (34% of the total), i.e. the increase was 6.9% compared to the same period in 2006. The share of the Central Federal District in the total volume of milk production was 21% (1272.8 thousand tons), its slight decrease (by 0.1%) was noted (Fig. 1 ).

Figure 1. - The share of Federal districts in the production of raw milk.

The largest increase in milk production in peasant (farm) farms and farms individual entrepreneurs(8.5%). In agricultural enterprises, it amounted to 3%, in households - only 0.5%. More complete information on milk production in the federal districts in all categories of farms is presented in Figure 1.

Milk production in the public sector has been on the rise in recent months. Starting from July 2007, in Russia there has been a trend towards an increase in the rate of milk production in the public sector of the country. At first, the rate of reduction in milk production slowed down, and in October and November 2007, for the first time in several recent years, the production of raw milk in agricultural enterprises exceeded last year's volumes by more than 4%.

Production of dairy products In the 1st quarter of 2007, there was an increase in the production of almost all types of dairy products, with the exception of skimmed milk powder (-1.7%) and canned milk (-11.5%). The largest increase in production among dairy products is fatty cheeses (including feta cheese). For the quarter it amounted to 24.5% (187.2 thousand tons). The smallest increase was noted in the production of dry whole milk - only 3.4%.

The second half of 2007 was marked by an increase in prices for dairy products. Dry hot weather in most of the Russian regions, which has been established since the beginning of summer, led to a decrease in milk production, and starting from June, its shipment for processing decreased relative to 2006. The flow of milk to processing enterprises was 3-4% lower than last year. It was not possible to fully replenish the volumes with powdered milk, as world prices for it rose to an unprecedented height. And the market leaders have begun a price battle for raw milk.

In the context of a decrease in the volume of raw materials in recent years, the production of whole-milk products has been actively growing, while the output of other dairy products, primarily butter, has decreased. In the second half of 2007 The dairy market situation was formed under the influence not only of the lack of raw materials, but also of a number of other factors, among which the abolition of subsidies for dairy products in the EU countries dominated. If in August-September the changes in the market were not so obvious, and prices only started to rise, then in October the situation finally cleared up. The widespread increase in prices for dairy products affected consumer demand: it fell.

The experience of the early and mid-1990s, when there was also a jump in prices, shows that in the context of a sharp increase in prices for dairy products, the demand for whole-milk products, or rather, the most expensive items in their assortment, falls first of all.

The largest decline in production volumes (Fig. 2) was noted in the European part of Russia, where the main capacities for the production of whole-milk products are localized, there is a greater shortage of raw milk and high prices for it have formed. Moscow and the Moscow Region are the leaders in terms of reduction in production of the CMP, where the production of the most expensive products of deep processing is concentrated.

Figure 2. Growth rate of whole-milk production in the Russian Federation in January-October 2007 relative to 2006

It should be noted that the decline in the production of CMP is not universal, in a number of regions of the country the volumes even increased. The largest increase occurred in the Voronezh region, the main producer - Voronezh MK, which has long been experiencing a shortage of raw milk due to a strong decrease in milk yield in the region, traditionally has large stocks of powdered milk, which, probably, makes it possible for the time being not to reduce, but to increase volumes . A noticeable increase in whole-milk products was noted in the Kurgan region, where the Unimilk company, Yalutorovskmoloko, is located. It is possible to increase the volumes here due to the continued low prices for milk, in December they were kept at the level of 10 rubles / kg (plus a subsidy of 2.5 rubles paid to producers for each kilogram of milk sent for processing) .

The current situation differs from the past in that the decline in demand for whole milk products is accompanied by an increase in demand for skimmed milk powder, domestic cheeses and butter. As a result, there was a redistribution of raw materials in favor of these products, the output of which in October increased accordingly by 21; 18.7 and 13.7%. October was the first month in recent times when shipments of milk for processing reached last year's volumes, and prices for milk powder stabilized.

Import volumes of butter and cheeses in the last months of 2007 decreased by about 10% compared to last year's figures, the structure of imports also changed. So, in the import of cheeses, the role of supplies from Belarus and Ukraine increased again, in October they accounted for 40% of all cheeses.

The dynamics of prices for dairy products will largely depend on world prices for milk powder, and they continue to grow. As for domestic prices, before the seasonal decline, we expect growth in the range of 10-12% relative to December 2007, ie up to 135-138 RUR/kg. Accordingly, prices for both raw milk and products of its processing will rise.

In addition, experts note a drop in the production of high value-added products due to their rise in price.

As already reported, milk with at least 1.5% fat content and kefir with at least 1% fat content are included in the list of products whose prices are frozen until May 1 this year.

In the course of the study, it was determined that at present there are many problems in the dairy industry market, but a well-conducted SWOT analysis allows the enterprise not only to assess the prospects for its development, weak and strengths, but also to analyze the likely threats, making it possible to prevent the impact of negative factors on activities as much as possible, and support at the state level, first of all, contributes to the development and increase in production and processing volumes in this industry.


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