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Mahatma letters

Anonymous translation in editorial N. Kovaleva

Verification and correction of the translation according to the English original; translation of footnotes - editors of English editions; arranging letters in chronological order S. Arutyunov

Foreword, text structuring, comments, dictionaries - N. Kovaleva

The editors would like to thank the administration of the site "Adamant" and K.A. Zaitsev for help in preparing the publication.


This book is one of the most unusual in the world. Its contents are letters from the spiritual Masters of India and Tibet. It was They, the Adepts of esoteric wisdom, who in time immemorial founded in the Himalayas a monastery hidden from the eyes of outsiders, called Shambhala in the East, and the White Brotherhood in Western countries. Even with the wide spread in the world of the teachings of theosophy, set forth in the philosophical works of E.P. Blavatsky, few people in the West believed in the real existence of the Mahatmas, the Adepts of Shambhala, except for the Theosophists themselves. Nevertheless, Those in whom the skeptical Western world did not believe entered into correspondence with one of the best English journalists of the 19th century, Alfred Percy Sinnett, and, answering his questions, set out in their letters to him the foundations of their philosophical doctrines, thereby giving to the Western world a unique source of hitherto unknown esoteric knowledge of India and Tibet.

The book was first published in December 1923 and since then has been reprinted many times not only in England but all over the world. The importance of these letters cannot be overestimated. They are a source of unique knowledge, comparable in scale even to such a fundamental work as The Secret Doctrine. But in addition to theoretical knowledge about man and the universe, the Mahatma Letters also contain a lot of interesting information related to practical methods of self-improvement, with the history of the theosophical movement. These letters reveal the ideological foundations of the teachings of the Mahatmas and Their worldview, as well as certain aspects of Their life and work; speaks of age-old rules that govern the entire life of the mysterious Himalayan abode. They also reflect the attitude of the Teachers towards people, illustrated by specific life examples, both to the followers of Theosophy and to its enemies. Perhaps there is no source in esoteric literature so lively and convincing, based on real historical events, as the Mahatma Letters.

Another meaning of these letters is that for an unbiased thinking people they are, so to speak, material evidence the real existence of the Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts. The handwritten originals of these letters are kept in the British Museum. Among the messages Sinnett received from Mahatma K.H., there is one that, thanks to the postmarks on the envelope, is rightly considered irrefutable proof of the existence of people with paranormal abilities, in particular, the ability to deliver letters to the addressee over a considerable distance almost instantly, in such a time , for which it could not be delivered in the usual way.

The initiative for this correspondence came from A.P. Sinnett, then editor-in-chief of the Anglo-Indian government newspaper The Pioneer. As a follower of Theosophy, personally acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky, Sinnett, through her mediation, turned to the Mahatmas with a proposal to start a correspondence, during which he could ask them questions about various aspects of their philosophical teachings. Sinnett intended to use the answers thus obtained in his articles and books on the foundations of the esoteric teaching of the Mahatmas. This proposal was accepted by the Teachers, Mahatma Kut Hoomi entered into correspondence with Sinnett, who spoke French, Italian, German, English and was generally well acquainted with the culture of Western countries. This unusual correspondence began in 1880 in India, in Allahabad, where Sinnett then lived. Thanks to the letters received and preserved by the British journalist, the world received a unique material covering a wide range of issues of Eastern esoteric philosophy.

To make it easier for the reader to understand the events referred to in the letters, let us make a short digression into the history of the theosophical movement.

Beginning of the Theosophical Movement

The 14th century was a turning point for the spiritual development of Tibet. At this time, the great reformer of Buddhism, Tsong-Ka-Pa, appeared in Tibet. He not only cleansed the Buddhist teachings of dogmas and remnants, creating new school– Gelug-pa (“yellow hats”), known for the purity and high discipline of its spiritual life, but also reminded the Adepts of India and Tibet of the need to observe the ancient rule of esoteric wisdom: Truth must be kept secret, Truth must be proclaimed. This rule and the lofty principles of the esoteric Buddhist teaching prescribed the Arhats at the end of each century to attempt the spiritual enlightenment of the world, not only in the eastern, but also in its western countries. The name Tsong-Ka-Pa will also be encountered by the reader in the letters of the Mahatmas. This great ascetic of Tibet in esoteric Buddhism was assigned a special role, the secret of which was revealed in the works of H.P. Blavatsky. High lamas (priests of Lamaism, or Tibetan Buddhism) have traditionally been considered incarnations of Bodhisattvas, disciples of the Buddha. But Tsong-Ka-Pa in the esoteric Buddhist tradition was revered not as a disciple of the Buddha, but as an incarnation of Himself. In the Theosophical Dictionary, Blavatsky writes that the keepers of the sacred traditions of Buddhism believed that the Buddha Himself incarnated in Tibet in the form of Tsong-Ka-Pa in order to purify and return to the original sources the teaching He once brought into the world.

Anonymous translation in editorial N. Kovaleva

Verification and correction of the translation according to the English original; translation of footnotes - editors of English editions; arranging letters in chronological order S. Arutyunov

Foreword, text structuring, comments, dictionaries - N. Kovaleva

The editors would like to thank the administration of the site "Adamant" and K.A. Zaitsev for help in preparing the publication.


This book is one of the most unusual in the world. Its contents are letters from the spiritual Masters of India and Tibet. It was They, the Adepts of esoteric wisdom, who in time immemorial founded in the Himalayas a monastery hidden from the eyes of outsiders, called Shambhala in the East, and the White Brotherhood in Western countries. Even with the wide spread in the world of the teachings of theosophy, set forth in the philosophical works of E.P. Blavatsky, few people in the West believed in the real existence of the Mahatmas, the Adepts of Shambhala, except for the Theosophists themselves. Nevertheless, Those in whom the skeptical Western world did not believe entered into correspondence with one of the best English journalists of the 19th century, Alfred Percy Sinnett, and, answering his questions, set out in their letters to him the foundations of their philosophical doctrines, thereby giving to the Western world a unique source of hitherto unknown esoteric knowledge of India and Tibet.

The book was first published in December 1923 and since then has been reprinted many times not only in England but all over the world. The importance of these letters cannot be overestimated. They are a source of unique knowledge, comparable in scale even to such a fundamental work as The Secret Doctrine. But in addition to theoretical knowledge about man and the universe, the Mahatma Letters also contain a lot of interesting information related to practical methods of self-improvement, with the history of the theosophical movement. These letters reveal the ideological foundations of the teachings of the Mahatmas and Their worldview, as well as certain aspects of Their life and work; speaks of age-old rules that govern the entire life of the mysterious Himalayan abode. They also reflect the attitude of the Teachers towards people, illustrated by specific life examples, both to the followers of Theosophy and to its enemies. Perhaps there is no source in esoteric literature so lively and convincing, based on real historical events, as the Mahatma Letters.

Another meaning of these letters is that for open-minded people they are, so to speak, material evidence the real existence of the Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts. The handwritten originals of these letters are kept in the British Museum. Among the messages Sinnett received from Mahatma K.H., there is one that, thanks to the postmarks on the envelope, is rightly considered irrefutable proof of the existence of people with paranormal abilities, in particular, the ability to deliver letters to the addressee over a considerable distance almost instantly, in such a time , for which it could not be delivered in the usual way 1
See letter no. 10 and comments to it. - Approx. ed.

The initiative for this correspondence came from A.P. Sinnett, then editor-in-chief of the Anglo-Indian government newspaper The Pioneer. 2
Here and below, words are marked with a sign, the meaning of which is explained in the dictionary. - Approx. ed.

("The Pioneer"). As a follower of Theosophy, personally acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky, Sinnett, through her mediation, turned to the Mahatmas with a proposal to start a correspondence, during which he could ask them questions about various aspects of their philosophical teachings. Sinnett intended to use the answers thus obtained in his articles and books on the foundations of the esoteric teaching of the Mahatmas. This proposal was accepted by the Teachers, Mahatma Kut Hoomi entered into correspondence with Sinnett, who spoke French, Italian, German, English and was generally well acquainted with the culture of Western countries. This unusual correspondence began in 1880 in India, in Allahabad, where Sinnett then lived. Thanks to the letters received and preserved by the British journalist, the world received a unique material covering a wide range of issues of Eastern esoteric philosophy.

To make it easier for the reader to understand the events referred to in the letters, let us make a short digression into the history of the theosophical movement.

Beginning of the Theosophical Movement

The 14th century was a turning point for the spiritual development of Tibet. At this time, the great reformer of Buddhism, Tsong-Ka-Pa, appeared in Tibet. He not only cleansed the Buddhist teachings of dogmas and remnants, creating a new school - Gelug-pa ("yellow hats"), known for the purity and high discipline of its spiritual life, but also reminded the Adepts of India and Tibet of the need to observe the ancient rule of esoteric wisdom: Truth must be kept secret, Truth must be proclaimed. This rule and the lofty principles of the esoteric Buddhist teaching prescribed the Arhats at the end of each century to attempt the spiritual enlightenment of the world, not only in the eastern, but also in its western countries. The name Tsong-Ka-Pa will also be encountered by the reader in the letters of the Mahatmas. This great ascetic of Tibet in esoteric Buddhism was assigned a special role, the secret of which was revealed in the works of H.P. Blavatsky. High lamas (priests of Lamaism, or Tibetan Buddhism) have traditionally been considered incarnations of Bodhisattvas, disciples of the Buddha. But Tsong-Ka-Pa in the esoteric Buddhist tradition was revered not as a disciple of the Buddha, but as an incarnation of Himself. In the Theosophical Dictionary, Blavatsky writes that the keepers of the sacred traditions of Buddhism believed that the Buddha Himself incarnated in Tibet in the form of Tsong-Ka-Pa in order to purify and return to the original sources the teaching He once brought into the world.

In accordance with the ancient precepts, an attempt to spiritually enlighten the world was made by the followers of esoteric Buddhism in the 18th century. Its initiators were Mahatma Morya and Mahatma Kut Hoomi, the spiritual Masters of the legendary Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts. The essence of this attempt was to open to the Western world a part of the esoteric philosophical doctrines of the East, the development of which could give an evolutionary impetus to the intellectual and spiritual development of modern civilization and, in addition, warn the people of the West against reckless enthusiasm for spiritism, which is dangerous for true spiritual development, which in that era, like a mental epidemic, swept the United States, Europe and spread to Russia. To do this, the Adepts had to find, prepare and send a messenger to the Western world who could bring him new knowledge. Our compatriot E.P. became the messenger of the Mahatmas in the 19th century. Blavatsky, associated with the Teachers in her past incarnations. AT this collection there are brief but very interesting fragments from the letters of the Masters and Blavatsky herself, shedding light on the system of psycho-spiritual education that was taught to Elena Petrovna in the secret Ashrams of Shambhala. Blavatsky was entrusted with the main mission of literary exposition of the foundations of the esoteric philosophy of India and Tibet, which she brilliantly accomplished in her fundamental philosophical works - Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine, as well as in a number of articles devoted to various aspects of Eastern esotericism. In addition to literary and philosophical creativity, Blavatsky's mission also included organizational tasks. Together with her like-minded people, chief among whom was Henry Steel Olcott (formerly a colonel), Blavatsky became the founder of the Theosophical Society, the creation of which gave rise to the international theosophical movement. Officially, 17 people were registered as founders of the Theosophical Society, but of them Blavatsky and two or three of her closest associates were engaged in real organizational work. The Theosophical Society was formed in 1875 in New York, the official date of its foundation was November 17th. Three years later, in 1878, on the instructions of their Master, Blavatsky and Olcott went to India and settled in Bombay.

It was here, in India, that Blavatsky met Alfred Percy Sinnett, a British journalist who became Mahatma K.H.'s chief correspondent. (The main part of the letters was addressed to Sinnett).

A.P. Sinnett and E.P. Blavatsky

Who is Sinnett and how did he end up in India?

According to the English Theosophist Geoffrey Barborka in The Mahatmas and Their Letters, Alfred Percy Sinnett was born in England in 1840. Fate gave him a difficult childhood. The boy had three sisters and a brother, and the father of the family died when Alfred was only five years old. The family was left virtually without a livelihood; the mother of the future journalist struggled to provide for her children and herself. She made a living by writing newspaper articles and translating. At school, things were not going well for the boy, and his mother got him a job as an assistant draftsman. Thanks to this, Alfred mastered the basics of this profession and began to earn enough money to provide for himself and help his mother. Drafting did not much appeal to the young Sinnett; he soon became interested in journalism and eventually, instead of pursuing a career as a draftsman, he got a job as an assistant editor of a London evening newspaper. "The Globe".

When Sinnett was twenty-five years old, he was offered a position as an editor in a newspaper. The Hong Kong Daily Press, published in the territory of one of the colonies of Great Britain, in Hong Kong. He accepted this offer and worked as an editor for this newspaper for about three years.

Shortly after returning to London, Sinnett met Patience Edensor, and in April 1870 they were married. At this time, Sinnett worked in one of the London newspapers as a journalist. Two years later, George Allen, owner of an Anglo-Indian newspaper "The Pioneer", published in India, offered him the position of editor-in-chief in this newspaper. After leaving London, the Sinnetts sailed for Allahabad, arriving in India in late 1872. There they were warmly welcomed by the English community of Allahabad.

Allahabad is 700 miles from Bombay; it was one of the main cities of British India, the capital of the united provinces of Agra and Oudh. There was an important railway center and a fort. The city was located at the confluence of the Ganges and Jumna. The name Allahabad was given to the city by Emperor Akbar when he built his fort there. The emperor also erected a magnificent palace there, the ruins of which can still be seen today, it was one of his most beloved residences. In the same city is one of the most famous pillars of the Buddhist king Ashoka. The locals called the city by the ancient name "Prayag", which means "place of sacrifice".

The Pioneer newspaper, which was headed by Sinnett, was the most famous and influential in all of British India. Since its founding, the newspaper has been published continuously in Allahabad until 1935, after which the editorial office moved to Lucknow. Very soon, Sinnett became a well-known and respected member of the English community of Allahabad; he was shown respect by the highest officials of the Anglo-Indian administration.

The journalist had the opportunity to travel; so, in 1875, he went on a three-month vacation to England. While Sinnett was in England, a friend persuaded him to attend a séance held at the home of Mrs. Guppy, a well-known medium. At that time, spiritualism was a craze throughout Europe and the United States. About what he saw during the session, Sinnett wrote in his diary: “The phenomena demonstrated were stunning, they excluded any thought of any kind of fraud. It was then that my conviction of the reality of spiritualistic phenomena was strengthened in me, and never afterwards was it shaken.

Sinnett's interest in the occult grew further when he read H.P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled", which was published in New York in 1877. Sinnett decided at the first opportunity to get acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky in order to get closer to the source of the unusual knowledge that was presented in her book. Two years later, such an opportunity was given to him in full: as already mentioned, three and a half years after the founding of the Theosophical Society in the USA, on February 16, 1879, Blavatsky, together with Olcott and two other members of the Theosophical Society, arrived in Bombay, a large port city. on the west coast of India. There they settled in a small house, which stood in the shade of palm trees, and began their educational activities in the field of Theosophy. Together with her small group, Blavatsky remained in Bombay for two years, after which they moved to Adyar, a suburb of Madras, and organized the headquarters of the Theosophical Society there.

Blavatsky's arrival in India was noted by Anglo-Indian print media. As already mentioned, the most influential among them was the Pioneer newspaper, headed by Sinnett. Sinnett not only wrote in his newspaper about the arrival of Blavatsky in India, but immediately set about fulfilling his long-standing desire - to get to know Blavatsky personally. He sent her a letter inviting her and Olcott to visit Allahabad and stay at his house. The invitation was accepted, and thus Sinnett became acquainted with the founders of the Theosophical Society. The circumstances of this acquaintance are described in detail in Jeffrey Barborka's book The Mahatmas and Their Teachings, which is a valuable source for anyone who wants to get more detailed information about the history of the Theosophical movement and about the Mahatmas. In particular, Barborka cites in his book the memories that Sinnett left about his acquaintance with H.P.B. 3
So, according to the name of the English letters that made up her initials - H.P.B. - Blavatsky was called by her English-speaking followers. - Approx. ed.

In his book “Episodes from the Life of Madame Blavatsky”: “I will always remember the morning of her arrival, that day I arrived at the railway station to meet her. Trains from Bombay used to come to Allahabad then early in the morning, and it was still time for chota khazri, or early breakfast, when I invited our guests home. She was very preoccupied with something, judging by her last letters; she wrote to us frankly about everything, so that we would not form an idealistic impression of her; she constantly spoke of herself as a rude old hippopotamus, completely unsuitable for being present in civilized society; but all this was done with such humor that it somewhat extinguished the impression of a rather bad state of mind. Her rude manner, of which we were told so much, was by no means so intimidating, although I remember how she was shaken by fits of laughter precisely after Colonel Olcott (by then she had already been with us for one or two weeks) with the most serious kindly informed us that Madame had hitherto "behaved in the highest degree of self-restraint." I cannot say that my wife and I formed an impression of her corresponding to this definition, but on the other hand, we found conversations with Madame Blavatsky more than interesting.

I would not venture to say that our new friends made the most favorable impression on all our acquaintances in Allahabad. The English community was to a large extent subject to certain conventions, and Madame Blavatsky in many ways went far beyond the standards established in that milieu to be readily accepted there. At the same time, those friends whom she made for herself among our acquaintances in our house were just those people who in the highest degree deserved the right to be called friends; and all those who knew her well and who had the ability to appreciate the interesting conversation on the most diverse topics, brilliant humor and refined taste, spoke of her with great enthusiasm and called her a very society lady. However, speaking about her preferences at the dinner table, it should be said that they did not include everything that forms the basis of the carouse menu: she had an extremely negative attitude towards all types of alcohol, which sometimes took a very painful form, and sometimes she behaved extremely intolerantly in relation to those who allowed even the most moderate use of wine " 4
Sinnett A.P. Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky. N.Y., 1976.

Beginning of correspondence with the Mahatmas

Be that as it may, despite the very unusual character and manners of E.P. Blavatsky, communication with her made a huge impression on Sinnett, and in 1879 he joined the Theosophical Society.

The stay at the Sinnett house of the founders of the Theosophical Society aroused the keen interest of the whole English community of Allahabad; the Sinnett house became something of a salon, which everyone interested in esoteric philosophy and who had heard of the "miracles" that surrounded Blavatsky sought to visit. It was in the Sinnett house that Blavatsky and Olcott, as well as the owners of the house, met another future correspondent of the Mahatmas - Allan Hume, at that time a government official who served in the department of taxes and fees in Allahabad. Hume, like Sinnett, became very interested in what Blavatsky had to say about the Mahatmas. Soon, like Sinnett, he joined the Theosophical Society and, on the basis of his passion for theosophical ideas, became friends with a journalist.

Sinnett was not content with the six weeks that Blavatsky spent with Olcott at his home in Allahabad. He wanted to continue communicating with her, and he invited Blavatsky to stay with him again, this time in his summer house, located in another city, Simla, located in the foothills of the Himalayas.

J. Borborka characterizes this beautiful city, spread out in the bosom of majestic, beautiful nature: “Simla was founded by the British as a summer residence of the government, where one could wait out the heat. The residence is located in the foothills of the Himalayas at an altitude of approximately 7000 feet. The mountains in that place form part of the gigantic central chain of the Eastern Himalayas. The hills and mountains there are covered with forests, where the Himalayan cedar grows in abundance. Thickets of rhododendron cover the slopes of the mountains up to the areas of eternal snow, which gives the landscape additional beauty. Five rivers flow through the area where Simla is located, all this creates a majestic panorama. 5
Barborka J. Mahatmas and their teachings. M., 2005. S. 56.

Blavatsky accepted Sinnett's invitation to be his guest again and came to Simla. During her stay in the summer home of the Sinnetts, she, just as in Allahabad, had to demonstrate various phenomenal manifestations at the request of a journalist and his friends. Sinnett was clearly more interested in these phenomena than in theoretical foundations theosophy, with which Blavatsky first of all wanted to interest him. It was there, in Simla, that Sinnett came up with the idea of ​​writing to one of the members of the mysterious Himalayan Brotherhood of Initiates, to which Blavatsky belonged, and asking her to deliver his letter to Them. As Sinnett himself wrote in his book The Occult World: “Once I asked Madame Blavatsky: in case I write a letter to one of the Brothers 6
At first it was customary to call the Himalayan Adepts Brothers. Only later, at the suggestion of one of the Theosophists-Indians, they began to be called Mahatmas (from the Sanskrit Mahatma - “Great Soul”). In this edition, capital letters in the words "Brother" and "Brothers" are used only when referring to the Mahatmas. - Approx. ed.

With a statement of her views, can she convey it? I didn't really think it was possible, for I knew how inaccessible the Brethren usually were; but since she said she would try anyway, I wrote a letter addressed to "The Unknown Brother" and gave it to her to see if anything would come of it.

Blavatsky fulfilled Sinnett's request - she sent his letter to one of the Adepts, He wrote an answer to his letter, and Blavatsky gave this message to the journalist. Sinnett was greatly inspired by the Adept's reply, and determined to learn as much as possible about the Brethren and their philosophies by means of this correspondence, and then to set forth the material thus obtained in his books. When Sinnett's friend Allan Hume learned of the beginning of this unusual correspondence, he also wished to enter into it. As J. Barborka notes, the most detailed information about how this correspondence began is contained not so much in the memoirs of Sinnett himself, but in one of the letters of Mahatma K.Kh., written by A.O. Hume at the end of August 1881, that is, almost a year after the beginning of the correspondence.

Mahatma K.H. wrote: “It was Mr. Sinnett himself, on his own impulse, who addressed “Brother” two long letters before Mrs. B[lavatskaya] received permission or some promise on our part to answer him. She didn't even know which one of us to give this letter to. Her own mentor [Mahatma M.] for some reason refused to correspond, so she contacted me. Moved by concern for her, I agreed, even telling her that she could reveal to you my spiritual Tibetan name, and I answered our friend's letter. Then yours came - just as unexpectedly.

Subsequently, when during some period Mahatma K.H. could not correspond with both Theosophists, another, more influential member of the Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts, Mahatma M.

Since the difference between the national and cultural traits and mentality of the Mahatmas and their British correspondents was great, various misunderstandings, frictions and disagreements inevitably arose in their correspondence, which follows from the letters. The Indian theosophist Jinarajadasa, president of the Theosophical Society, who was once a student of the history of the theosophical movement, characterized Sinnett and Hume as follows: “Both of these Englishmen were aware of the scientific ideas that prevailed at that time in England; none were particularly religious or had a penchant for mysticism. Both were "quite British", with a hidden antipathy towards the dark-skinned Aryans to whom their ancestors descended. Mr. Sinnett was proud of his race, and Mr. Hume was incredibly proud of his outstanding intellect. The former had not the slightest idea of ​​what metaphysics or esoteric philosophy is; he was exceptionally objectivist, he was fascinated by the results of scientific experiments; the second was an ornithologist 7
Hume was an official by profession, ornithology was his passion. - Approx. ed.

And his hobby was collecting stuffed animals rare birds; he, it is true, had some knowledge of metaphysics. At some time both of them began to take an interest in Theosophy; It is interesting to note that Mr. Sinnett had a strong attachment to Master KH, whom he soon came to call his Patron, an attachment apparently rooted in his past lives. But none of them at that time realized what the Teachers really were, and the Teachers also did not reveal their true abilities to them, acting only as mentors in the field of philosophy, who from time to time could demonstrate some kind of phenomenal abilities. » 8
Jinaradjadasa. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom. First Series. Adyar, Madras: TPH, 1919.

Anonymous translation in editorial N. Kovaleva

Verification and correction of the translation according to the English original; translation of footnotes - editors of English editions; arranging letters in chronological order S. Arutyunov

Foreword, text structuring, comments, dictionaries - N. Kovaleva

The editors would like to thank the administration of the site "Adamant" and K.A. Zaitsev for help in preparing the publication.


This book is one of the most unusual in the world. Its contents are letters from the spiritual Masters of India and Tibet. It was They, the Adepts of esoteric wisdom, who in time immemorial founded in the Himalayas a monastery hidden from the eyes of outsiders, called Shambhala in the East, and the White Brotherhood in Western countries. Even with the wide spread in the world of the teachings of theosophy, set forth in the philosophical works of E.P. Blavatsky, few people in the West believed in the real existence of the Mahatmas, the Adepts of Shambhala, except for the Theosophists themselves. Nevertheless, Those in whom the skeptical Western world did not believe entered into correspondence with one of the best English journalists of the 19th century, Alfred Percy Sinnett, and, answering his questions, set out in their letters to him the foundations of their philosophical doctrines, thereby giving to the Western world a unique source of hitherto unknown esoteric knowledge of India and Tibet.

The book was first published in December 1923 and since then has been reprinted many times not only in England but all over the world. The importance of these letters cannot be overestimated. They are a source of unique knowledge, comparable in scale even to such a fundamental work as The Secret Doctrine. But in addition to theoretical knowledge about man and the universe, the Mahatma Letters also contain a lot of interesting information related to practical methods of self-improvement, with the history of the theosophical movement. These letters reveal the ideological foundations of the teachings of the Mahatmas and Their worldview, as well as certain aspects of Their life and work; speaks of age-old rules that govern the entire life of the mysterious Himalayan abode. They also reflect the attitude of the Teachers towards people, illustrated by specific life examples, both to the followers of Theosophy and to its enemies. Perhaps there is no source in esoteric literature so lively and convincing, based on real historical events, as the Mahatma Letters.

Another meaning of these letters is that for open-minded people they are, so to speak, material evidence the real existence of the Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts. The handwritten originals of these letters are kept in the British Museum. Among the messages Sinnett received from Mahatma K.H., there is one that, thanks to the postmarks on the envelope, is rightly considered irrefutable proof of the existence of people with paranormal abilities, in particular, the ability to deliver letters to the addressee over a considerable distance almost instantly, in such a time , for which it could not be delivered in the usual way.

The initiative for this correspondence came from A.P. Sinnett, then editor-in-chief of the Anglo-Indian government newspaper The Pioneer. As a follower of Theosophy, personally acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky, Sinnett, through her mediation, turned to the Mahatmas with a proposal to start a correspondence, during which he could ask them questions about various aspects of their philosophical teachings. Sinnett intended to use the answers thus obtained in his articles and books on the foundations of the esoteric teaching of the Mahatmas. This proposal was accepted by the Teachers, Mahatma Kut Hoomi entered into correspondence with Sinnett, who spoke French, Italian, German, English and was generally well acquainted with the culture of Western countries. This unusual correspondence began in 1880 in India, in Allahabad, where Sinnett then lived. Thanks to the letters received and preserved by the British journalist, the world received a unique material covering a wide range of issues of Eastern esoteric philosophy.

To make it easier for the reader to understand the events referred to in the letters, let us make a short digression into the history of the theosophical movement.

Beginning of the Theosophical Movement

The 14th century was a turning point for the spiritual development of Tibet. At this time, the great reformer of Buddhism, Tsong-Ka-Pa, appeared in Tibet. He not only cleansed the Buddhist teachings of dogmas and remnants, creating a new school - Gelug-pa ("yellow hats"), known for the purity and high discipline of its spiritual life, but also reminded the Adepts of India and Tibet of the need to observe the ancient rule of esoteric wisdom: Truth must be kept secret, Truth must be proclaimed. This rule and the lofty principles of the esoteric Buddhist teaching prescribed the Arhats at the end of each century to attempt the spiritual enlightenment of the world, not only in the eastern, but also in its western countries. The name Tsong-Ka-Pa will also be encountered by the reader in the letters of the Mahatmas. This great ascetic of Tibet in esoteric Buddhism was assigned a special role, the secret of which was revealed in the works of H.P. Blavatsky. High lamas (priests of Lamaism, or Tibetan Buddhism) have traditionally been considered incarnations of Bodhisattvas, disciples of the Buddha. But Tsong-Ka-Pa in the esoteric Buddhist tradition was revered not as a disciple of the Buddha, but as an incarnation of Himself. In the Theosophical Dictionary, Blavatsky writes that the keepers of the sacred traditions of Buddhism believed that the Buddha Himself incarnated in Tibet in the form of Tsong-Ka-Pa in order to purify and return to the original sources the teaching He once brought into the world.

In accordance with the ancient precepts, an attempt to spiritually enlighten the world was made by the followers of esoteric Buddhism in the 18th century. Its initiators were Mahatma Morya and Mahatma Kut Hoomi, the spiritual Masters of the legendary Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts. The essence of this attempt was to open to the Western world a part of the esoteric philosophical doctrines of the East, the development of which could give an evolutionary impetus to the intellectual and spiritual development of modern civilization and, in addition, warn the people of the West against reckless enthusiasm for spiritism, which is dangerous for true spiritual development, which in that era, like a mental epidemic, swept the United States, Europe and spread to Russia. To do this, the Adepts had to find, prepare and send a messenger to the Western world who could bring him new knowledge. Our compatriot E.P. became the messenger of the Mahatmas in the 19th century. Blavatsky, associated with the Teachers in her past incarnations. This collection contains brief but very interesting fragments from the letters of the Masters and Blavatsky herself, shedding light on the system of psycho-spiritual education that was taught to Elena Petrovna in the secret Ashrams of Shambhala. Blavatsky was entrusted with the main mission of literary exposition of the foundations of the esoteric philosophy of India and Tibet, which she brilliantly accomplished in her fundamental philosophical works - Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine, as well as in a number of articles devoted to various aspects of Eastern esotericism. In addition to literary and philosophical creativity, Blavatsky's mission also included organizational tasks. Together with her like-minded people, chief among whom was Henry Steel Olcott (formerly a colonel), Blavatsky became the founder of the Theosophical Society, the creation of which gave rise to the international theosophical movement. Officially, 17 people were registered as founders of the Theosophical Society, but of them Blavatsky and two or three of her closest associates were engaged in real organizational work. The Theosophical Society was formed in 1875 in New York, the official date of its foundation was November 17th. Three years later, in 1878, on the instructions of their Master, Blavatsky and Olcott went to India and settled in Bombay.

It was here, in India, that Blavatsky met Alfred Percy Sinnett, a British journalist who became Mahatma K.H.'s chief correspondent. (The main part of the letters was addressed to Sinnett).

A.P. Sinnett and E.P. Blavatsky

Who is Sinnett and how did he end up in India?

According to the English Theosophist Geoffrey Barborka in The Mahatmas and Their Letters, Alfred Percy Sinnett was born in England in 1840. Fate gave him a difficult childhood. The boy had three sisters and a brother, and the father of the family died when Alfred was only five years old. The family was left virtually without a livelihood; the mother of the future journalist struggled to provide for her children and herself. She made a living by writing newspaper articles and translating. At school, things were not going well for the boy, and his mother got him a job as an assistant draftsman. Thanks to this, Alfred mastered the basics of this profession and began to earn enough money to provide for himself and help his mother. Drafting did not much appeal to the young Sinnett; he soon became interested in journalism and eventually, instead of pursuing a career as a draftsman, he got a job as an assistant editor of a London evening newspaper. "The Globe".

When Sinnett was twenty-five years old, he was offered a position as an editor in a newspaper. The Hong Kong Daily Press, published in the territory of one of the colonies of Great Britain, in Hong Kong. He accepted this offer and worked as an editor for this newspaper for about three years.

Shortly after returning to London, Sinnett met Patience Edensor, and in April 1870 they were married. At this time, Sinnett worked in one of the London newspapers as a journalist. Two years later, George Allen, owner of an Anglo-Indian newspaper "The Pioneer", published in India, offered him the position of editor-in-chief in this newspaper. After leaving London, the Sinnetts sailed for Allahabad, arriving in India in late 1872. There they were warmly welcomed by the English community of Allahabad.

Allahabad is 700 miles from Bombay; it was one of the main cities of British India, the capital of the united provinces of Agra and Oudh. There was an important railway center and a fort. The city was located at the confluence of the Ganges and Jumna. The name Allahabad was given to the city by Emperor Akbar when he built his fort there. The emperor also erected a magnificent palace there, the ruins of which can still be seen today, it was one of his most beloved residences. In the same city is one of the most famous pillars of the Buddhist king Ashoka. The locals called the city by the ancient name "Prayag", which means "place of sacrifice".

The Pioneer newspaper, which was headed by Sinnett, was the most famous and influential in all of British India. Since its founding, the newspaper has been published continuously in Allahabad until 1935, after which the editorial office moved to Lucknow. Very soon, Sinnett became a well-known and respected member of the English community of Allahabad; he was shown respect by the highest officials of the Anglo-Indian administration.

The journalist had the opportunity to travel; so, in 1875, he went on a three-month vacation to England. While Sinnett was in England, a friend persuaded him to attend a séance held at the home of Mrs. Guppy, a well-known medium. At that time, spiritualism was a craze throughout Europe and the United States. About what he saw during the session, Sinnett wrote in his diary: “The phenomena demonstrated were stunning, they excluded any thought of any kind of fraud. It was then that my conviction of the reality of spiritualistic phenomena was strengthened in me, and never afterwards was it shaken.

Sinnett's interest in the occult grew further when he read H.P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled", which was published in New York in 1877. Sinnett decided at the first opportunity to get acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky in order to get closer to the source of the unusual knowledge that was presented in her book. Two years later, such an opportunity was given to him in full: as already mentioned, three and a half years after the founding of the Theosophical Society in the USA, on February 16, 1879, Blavatsky, together with Olcott and two other members of the Theosophical Society, arrived in Bombay, a large port city. on the west coast of India. There they settled in a small house, which stood in the shade of palm trees, and began their educational activities in the field of Theosophy. Together with her small group, Blavatsky remained in Bombay for two years, after which they moved to Adyar, a suburb of Madras, and organized the headquarters of the Theosophical Society there.

Blavatsky's arrival in India was noted by the Anglo-Indian press. As already mentioned, the most influential among them was the Pioneer newspaper, headed by Sinnett. Sinnett not only wrote in his newspaper about the arrival of Blavatsky in India, but immediately set about fulfilling his long-standing desire - to get to know Blavatsky personally. He sent her a letter inviting her and Olcott to visit Allahabad and stay at his house. The invitation was accepted, and thus Sinnett became acquainted with the founders of the Theosophical Society. The circumstances of this acquaintance are described in detail in Jeffrey Barborka's book The Mahatmas and Their Teachings, which is a valuable source for anyone who wants to get more detailed information about the history of the Theosophical movement and about the Mahatmas. In particular, Barborka cites in her book the memories that Sinnett left about meeting H.P.B. in his book Episodes from the Life of Madame Blavatsky: “I will always remember the morning of her arrival, on that day I arrived at the railway station to meet her. Trains from Bombay used to come to Allahabad then early in the morning, and it was still time for chota khazri, or early breakfast, when I invited our guests home. She was very preoccupied with something, judging by her last letters; she wrote to us frankly about everything, so that we would not form an idealistic impression of her; she constantly spoke of herself as a rude old hippopotamus, completely unsuitable for being present in civilized society; but all this was done with such humor that it somewhat extinguished the impression of a rather bad state of mind. Her rude manner, of which we were told so much, was by no means so intimidating, although I remember how she was shaken by fits of laughter precisely after Colonel Olcott (by then she had already been with us for one or two weeks) with the most serious kindly informed us that Madame had hitherto "behaved in the highest degree of self-restraint." I cannot say that my wife and I formed an impression of her corresponding to this definition, but on the other hand, we found conversations with Madame Blavatsky more than interesting.

I would not venture to say that our new friends made the most favorable impression on all our acquaintances in Allahabad. The English community was to a large extent subject to certain conventions, and Madame Blavatsky in many ways went far beyond the standards established in that milieu to be readily accepted there. At the same time, those friends whom she made for herself among our acquaintances in our house were just those people who in the highest degree deserved the right to be called friends; and all those who knew her well and who had the ability to appreciate the interesting conversation on the most diverse topics, brilliant humor and refined taste, spoke of her with great enthusiasm and called her a very society lady. However, speaking about her preferences at the dinner table, it should be said that they did not include everything that forms the basis of the carouse menu: she had an extremely negative attitude towards all types of alcohol, which sometimes took a very painful form, and sometimes she behaved extremely intolerantly in relation to those who allowed even the most moderate use of wine.

Beginning of correspondence with the Mahatmas

Be that as it may, despite the very unusual character and manners of E.P. Blavatsky, communication with her made a huge impression on Sinnett, and in 1879 he joined the Theosophical Society.

The stay at the Sinnett house of the founders of the Theosophical Society aroused the keen interest of the whole English community of Allahabad; the Sinnett house became something of a salon, which everyone interested in esoteric philosophy and who had heard of the "miracles" that surrounded Blavatsky sought to visit. It was in the Sinnett house that Blavatsky and Olcott, as well as the owners of the house, met another future correspondent of the Mahatmas - Allan Hume, at that time a government official who served in the department of taxes and fees in Allahabad. Hume, like Sinnett, became very interested in what Blavatsky had to say about the Mahatmas. Soon, like Sinnett, he joined the Theosophical Society and, on the basis of his passion for theosophical ideas, became friends with a journalist.

Sinnett was not content with the six weeks that Blavatsky spent with Olcott at his home in Allahabad. He wanted to continue communicating with her, and he invited Blavatsky to stay with him again, this time in his summer house, located in another city, Simla, located in the foothills of the Himalayas.

J. Borborka characterizes this beautiful city, spread out in the bosom of majestic, beautiful nature: “Simla was founded by the British as a summer residence of the government, where one could wait out the heat. The residence is located in the foothills of the Himalayas at an altitude of approximately 7000 feet. The mountains in that place form part of the gigantic central chain of the Eastern Himalayas. The hills and mountains there are covered with forests, where the Himalayan cedar grows in abundance. Thickets of rhododendron cover the slopes of the mountains up to the areas of eternal snow, which gives the landscape additional beauty. Five rivers flow through the area where Simla is located, all this creates a majestic panorama.

Blavatsky accepted Sinnett's invitation to be his guest again and came to Simla. During her stay in the summer home of the Sinnetts, she, just as in Allahabad, had to demonstrate various phenomenal manifestations at the request of a journalist and his friends. Sinnett was clearly more interested in precisely these phenomena, and not in the theoretical foundations of Theosophy, with which Blavatsky first of all wanted to interest him. It was there, in Simla, that Sinnett came up with the idea of ​​writing to one of the members of the mysterious Himalayan Brotherhood of Initiates, to which Blavatsky belonged, and asking her to deliver his letter to Them. As Sinnett himself wrote in his book The Occult World: “Once I asked Madame Blavatsky: if I write a letter to one of the Brethren outlining my views, will she be able to convey it? I didn't really think it was possible, for I knew how inaccessible the Brethren usually were; but since she said she would try anyway, I wrote a letter addressed to "The Unknown Brother" and gave it to her to see if anything would come of it.

Blavatsky fulfilled Sinnett's request - she sent his letter to one of the Adepts, He wrote an answer to his letter, and Blavatsky gave this message to the journalist. Sinnett was greatly inspired by the Adept's reply, and determined to learn as much as possible about the Brethren and their philosophies by means of this correspondence, and then to set forth the material thus obtained in his books. When Sinnett's friend Allan Hume learned of the beginning of this unusual correspondence, he also wished to enter into it. As J. Barborka notes, the most detailed information about how this correspondence began is contained not so much in the memoirs of Sinnett himself, but in one of the letters of Mahatma K.Kh., written by A.O. Hume at the end of August 1881, that is, almost a year after the beginning of the correspondence.

Mahatma K.H. wrote: “It was Mr. Sinnett himself, on his own impulse, who addressed “Brother” two long letters before Mrs. B[lavatskaya] received permission or some promise on our part to answer him. She didn't even know which one of us to give this letter to. Her own mentor [Mahatma M.] for some reason refused to correspond, so she contacted me. Moved by concern for her, I agreed, even telling her that she could reveal to you my spiritual Tibetan name, and I answered our friend's letter. Then yours came - just as unexpectedly.

Subsequently, when during some period Mahatma K.H. could not correspond with both Theosophists, another, more influential member of the Himalayan Brotherhood of Adepts, Mahatma M.

Since the difference between the national and cultural traits and mentality of the Mahatmas and their British correspondents was great, various misunderstandings, frictions and disagreements inevitably arose in their correspondence, which follows from the letters. The Indian theosophist Jinarajadasa, president of the Theosophical Society, who was once a student of the history of the theosophical movement, characterized Sinnett and Hume as follows: “Both of these Englishmen were aware of the scientific ideas that prevailed at that time in England; none were particularly religious or had a penchant for mysticism. Both were "quite British", with a hidden antipathy towards the dark-skinned Aryans to whom their ancestors descended. Mr. Sinnett was proud of his race, and Mr. Hume was incredibly proud of his outstanding intellect. The former had not the slightest idea of ​​what metaphysics or esoteric philosophy is; he was exceptionally objectivist, he was fascinated by the results of scientific experiments; the second was an ornithologist, and his hobby consisted of collecting stuffed rare birds; he, it is true, had some knowledge of metaphysics. At some time both of them began to take an interest in Theosophy; It is interesting to note that Mr. Sinnett had a strong attachment to Master KH, whom he soon came to call his Patron, an attachment apparently rooted in his past lives. But none of them at that time realized what the Teachers really were, and the Teachers also did not reveal their true abilities to them, acting only as mentors in the field of philosophy, who from time to time could demonstrate some kind of phenomenal abilities. » .

In 1882, Hume retired from public service and devoted himself entirely to his favorite pastime - ornithology. He amassed a large collection of stuffed birds, which he later bequeathed to the British Museum. In parallel with this, Hume studied theosophical doctrines and took an active part in the activities of the Anglo-Indian branch of the Theosophical Society - the so-called Eclectic Theosophical Society of Simla. Without a doubt, he was an extraordinary, very capable and intelligent person. However, his exorbitant pride, ambition, clearly inflated self-esteem and militant attitude prevented him from becoming a disciple of the Mahatmas, even if it was a secular one. (By the way, these qualities prevented him professional career- his arrogance and inability to cooperate with those higher in the ranks led to Hume's demotion.) From a follower of theosophical ideas, he turned first into a secret, and then into an open enemy of the Theosophical Society, leaving it in 1884, and caused the Theosophical movement great harm, which appears from the letters of the Mahatmas. Nevertheless, the spiritual impulse that he received from his mysterious correspondents allowed him to bring some benefit to India in the socio-political field - he actively participated in the political life of the country and, together with the Indians, made efforts to free India from bureaucracy. Thanks to his initiative, the Indian National Congress was created; Hume was elected its general secretary and held this post from 1884 until 1891. In 1894 he returned to England.

… The cosmic task of man is his only property … The Central Asian expedition is one of the stages of the Roerichs’ mission … Russia is the savior of mankind in the coming New Epoch … The Roerichs’ expedition laid the magnet of the Land of the New Epoch … The Message of the Great Teachers is the goal of the Roerichs’ trip to Russia;
The Message of the Mahatmas is a document of Cosmic significance ... All historical events are composed by “human hands” ... Historical facts of helping humanity by the Great Teachers ... The transmission of the Message to the Soviet Government in 1926 ... The fate of the USSR is the result of the attitude to the Message of Shambhala ... The Message of the Mahatmas is a plan for building the Land of the Future ... “In New Russia - My first message”

Each eternal immortal person has his own Cosmic task, his great duty to cosmic life. The fulfillment of this task is the only thing that connects a person with the Earth. This task can be called the only property that a person possesses. Everything else that a person considers his own is of a temporary nature and serves only as a means for the fulfillment of this Cosmic task. As he fulfills his duty, everything earthly, temporary, given to him for rent, ceases to exist for a person.

So the Great Roerich family came to Earth with a certain Cosmic Mission. Moreover, in this common work. each of them performed its specific task. Being the Messengers of the Great Cosmic Brotherhood of the Teachers of Humanity, the Roerichs carried out the work entrusted to them by the Great Teachers. The mission of the Roerichs was clearly defined after their meeting with the Great Teacher in March 1920. Then there were other meetings where the details of the work at certain stages were discussed and clarified.

One of the stages of the Great Mission was the Central Asian expedition planned after the meeting with the Great Teacher. The opportunity to carry out this expedition appeared in 1923. It lasted about 5 years, from 1923 to 1928. Twenty-five thousand kilometers were passed through the territory of India, China, Soviet Russia, Mongolia, Tibet. The expedition was led by Nicholas Roerich. Helena Ivanovna Roerich and Her eldest son, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich took part in it.

This expedition, in addition to external scientific goals, also had an esoteric, internal, sacred and prophetic character. Many ancient prophecies and predictions say that Russia will become the savior of mankind in the coming New Age.

In the Proclamation of the Lady (Mother of the Solar System), who appeared to St. Sergius of Radonezh, it is said:

“And the hated will be saviors, and the vanquished will lead the victorious…”

One can interpret these words as follows: Russia, which the world of selfishness hates, saves it... Now the peoples of Russia are “defeated”. But soon they will lead the “victorious”, that is, the whole world, which brought down on Holy Rus' a blow of invisible power, namely the campaign of the “dark international”, reinforced from within the country by the betrayal of the rulers, the so-called. princes of darkness, who surrendered the entire power to the West without a fight. Moreover, they surrendered in exchange for the right for the very top, the so-called “popularly elected”, to rob their people with impunity and profit. Therefore, the peoples of Russia need courage not to break under the temporary and apparent success of darkness, for the hour of its power is short. Ivan the Hundred Thousand, i.e. spiritually developed Russians will shake off delusion and lead the spiritual Evolution of mankind. And all the peoples of Russia will be reborn in their new capacity. And the Future New Country will appear, Future Russia. And its location will be the current Siberian part of Russia, Mongolia, Tibet and India. The Center of the Future New Country is the route of the Roerichs. Thus the expedition of the Roerichs laid the magnet of the Land of the New Epoch.

Not knowing the mission of the Roerichs and the purpose of the expedition, it seemed strange in the route of the expedition to visit Moscow. No one guessed the true purpose of the Roerichs' trip to Soviet Russia - the Message of the Great Teachers of mankind, the Message of the Mahatmas, which They carried to Moscow. The message of the Hierarchy of Light of the Solar System had the following content:

Mahatma's message
“In the Himalayas We know what You are doing.
You have abolished the church, which has become a hotbed of lies and superstitions.
You have destroyed philistinism, which has become a conductor of prejudices.
You have destroyed the prison of education.
You have destroyed the family of hypocrisy.
You burned an army of slaves.
You crushed the spiders of profit.
You closed the gates of the night dens.
You have rid the land of traitors (monetary).
You acknowledged the nullity of personal property.
You have guessed the evolution of the Community.
You pointed to the meaning of Knowledge.
You bowed before Beauty.
You have brought to the children all the power of the Cosmos.
You opened the windows of the palaces.
You have seen the urgency of building houses for the Common Good.
We stopped the uprising in India when it was premature, We also recognized the timeliness of Your movement and send You all Our help, affirming the unity of Asia! We know that many constructions will take place in the years 28-31-36. Greetings to you who seek the Common Good!”

The Roerichs' trip to Moscow pursued not political goals, but much deeper and more far-sighted ones. The political situation was only one of the means of overthrowing colonialism, the revival of the East and the spiritual transformation envisaged by the Plan of the Teachers of Light throughout the world. This visit to Moscow was of great importance for the future, since it was connected with the Central Asian expedition, which was of a planetary nature.

The Soviet government was informed about the goals of the Central Asian expedition by N.K. Roerich in December 1924 before the delivery of the Message of the Mahatmas. Returning to India to continue the expedition, through Berlin at the direction of the Great Teacher, Nicholas Roerich visited the Soviet Ambassador in Berlin. He said that although he was leading a scientific expedition under the American flag, he nevertheless asked the Soviet Union to provide patronage to the expedition. The American flag is a pure formality, and He is ready to put all the materials obtained on the expedition at the disposal of Russia.

Roerich did not hide his philosophical views from the Soviet ambassador, he openly spoke about the Mahatmas and the goals of the expedition being undertaken. The conversation was recorded and sent to Moscow, People's Commissar G.V. Chicherin, who had known Roerich since his studies at St. Petersburg University. Chicherin expressed his readiness to help the expedition in everything. But by that time N.K. Roerich had already left Europe. Thus, the Soviet leaders were informed about the expedition and its goals, which later played an important role in its fate.

The Message of the Mahatmas was the Plan of the Teachers of mankind, the program of action, the fundamental transformations of social life that all earthly humanity had to make. It would be naïve to think that the Mahatmas hoped by their Message to instantly transform reality. And it is even more naive to believe that the Mahatmas did not know the real state of affairs and took what they wished for reality. It's just that Their Message was that “Christ” walking in front, like Blok, who leads the people who are restless in the revolution. The Message of the Mahatmas, brought by Roerich, expressed precisely the Cosmic Destiny, and not a political document. Its affirmative power does not lie in the magic of words stating what has already been achieved, but in the direction that will henceforth be present as necessary step to move humanity forward.

The question may arise: why was this Message not delivered in a different, more convincing way? For example, using any phenomena, miracles. Maybe then it would have convinced those who ruled the destinies of peoples. But the main principle of the impact of the Cosmic Brotherhood on the events of the social life of mankind is only the natural course of events, carried out by the aspirations and will of the people themselves. According to the Cosmic Laws, humanity independently builds its life, following its own chosen path. All historical events were only of a natural order. No “miracles” from Above are allowed. History is folded only by people and it is done only by “human hands”. The Great Teachers of the Cosmos can only suggest one way or another, or a plan of action, give certain Advice and Knowledge. They do their best to point out the most correct path. Acting in the Subtle Worlds of Matter, They send messages, indications, signs in every possible way to each person individually, and to groups of people, and to entire peoples, and states. And to accept or not to accept, to fulfill or not to fulfill, to believe or not to believe, this is the business of each specific person, ruler and people. Most people do not want to see and hear anything, playing their acting roles in the so-called "economic scenario of life" of our planet. And many simply aggressively reject any news from Above, while persecuting the Heralds of Light who brought them.

Talented composers, poets, writers, and artists often receive help from the Teachers of the Solar System. They say about such moments that they were visited by the Muse or inspiration from Above. Likewise, all scientific investigations and discoveries are invisibly being prepared in the Fiery World. Then, through searching and talented scientists, they become the property of mankind. To many scientists discovering come in a dream. For example, D.I. Mendeleev saw periodic table elements in a dream. Sometimes Instructions and Advice are given through Messengers both known and unknown. So, for example, when the US Declaration of Independence was being adopted in America and there was disagreement in the congregation, a stranger stood up and made a pep talk in support of independence. The enthusiasm of the meeting was raised and the document was signed. And when they rushed in search of a mysterious stranger, they could not find him.

Another example. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte received certain Instructions from the Great Teachers of mankind. As long as Napoleon acted in accordance with Them, he was lucky. When he violated Them by attacking Russia, his lucky star set.

The United States has also chosen its own path. America was given a chance to enter the New Epoch along with Russia. In the 20-30s of the last century, it was in the United States that the construction of the Roerichs' spiritual center began. But the betrayal of this undertaking by several former employees The Roerichs and their support by the Vice President of the United States laid down a terrible karma for the United States. As a result, America lost its spiritual path to the Future.

All these historical events happened in the most natural ways. And where the Instructions of the Teachers were accepted, everything turned out favorably. And where there was a violation of the Cosmic Plan, that is, the plan of Evolution, everything was destroyed, destroyed and perished by the forces of darkness.

So it is in the case of the transmission of the Message of the Mahatmas. It had to be transmitted in the most natural way. The choice of the Spiritual Center of the planet fell on N.K. Roerich, as a well-known and highly respected person. For this occasion, this unusual journey to Moscow was undertaken. By itself, this fact already assumed that the Message would not be lost, that sooner or later attention would be paid to it. And indeed, having lain in the archive for about forty years, It became famous thanks to the interest shown in the Roerichs and in Their Central Asian expedition. The true Authors of the Message - the Great Mahatmas - remained behind the veil. They were the ultimate reality for Those Who Delivered the Message, and may or may not have existed for those who did not receive. It is again the business of each person to accept or not to accept the reality of the existence of the Mahatmas, the Great Creators of the Earth and the Solar system.

In the spring of 1926, the Roerichs from northwestern China, through Kazakhstan, the Irtysh River, Novosibirsk, went to Moscow. They visit People's Commissar G.V. Chicherin, Lunacharsky, as well as N.K. Krupskaya, wife V.I. Lenin. They donated the Message of the Mahatmas and the earth to the grave of Lenin from the grave of Buddha, as well as several paintings by N.K. Roerich.

Neither the Message nor Roerich's paintings were needed by the princes of darkness in the Soviet government. Later, the writer Maxim Gorky took these paintings to Nizhny Novgorod. Now they are in the museum of this city. The message became known only in 1965 thanks to the Khrushchev “thaw”, published in the journal International Affairs.

Moreover, the Soviet government showed extreme ignorance towards the Ambassadors of the Hierarchy of Light and aggravated the karma of the country by trying to use force against the Roerichs. An attempt by People's Commissar of the Cheka Dzerzhinsky to arrest them ended in the sudden death of the "iron" Felix right in his office, when the Roerichs were sitting in his waiting room. But when the Roerichs were already in Mongolia, a telegram came from Moscow from Stalin about the arrest and return of the Roerichs to Moscow. The telegram was delayed by Mongolian friends for one day, which gave the Roerichs the opportunity to leave Mongolia.

Everything that concerns the Ambassadors of Shambhala has not a personal character, but a Cosmic one, and therefore the karma for sacrilege, for the crimes of the powerful princes of darkness falls on the whole country. This is the reason for the terrible subsequent misfortunes in the USSR, which followed a black stripe later. These are forced collectivization, a terrible artificial famine organized by the OGPU and people like the executioner Lazar Kaganovich, from whose actions up to 7 million people died, the Gulags, where millions of Russians, especially Russians, died. And most importantly, the forces of evil created an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, denunciation and intolerance of dissent in the Soviet country, which amazed even science, especially the science of man. Biology and genetics were the first victims of this satanic inquisition. The unpreparedness for war, and indeed the war itself, which was won by huge sacrifices of the people, is also the result of the criminal actions of the Soviet rulers. In the future, the country will sink into an alcoholic pool and “stagnation”. And then the deadly atmosphere of the decay of the spirit with the scientific and technological arms race, with the worship of the West, with the media promoting horror, violence, Western-style sex.

In case of acceptance of the proposal by N.K. Roerich about cooperation with the Cosmic Teachers of the Higher World - the country would be led through the same tests with minimal sacrifices, since the Great Teachers know the path of Evolution. But spiritually ignorant Russia went “its own way”, imposing its barracks spiritless socialism on everyone.

Much of what was said in the Message was fulfilled by the Bolsheviks, but nevertheless the Message was given by the Great Teachers of mankind not only for one specific moment in the history of Russia, but also for the future. For the future of the New Country, the highest plan of which has already been formed in the Subtle World and will be materialized in our physical world at the scheduled time.

Let's return to the text of the Message and examine each of its points in more detail.

“In the Himalayas We know what You are doing.”

Russia as a New Country is under close attention of the Mahatmas of the Hierarchy of Light. The very personality of Lenin was protected to the maximum by the Forces of Light and was led from Above. The cosmic dates are 1917 and the fate of Russia crossed, so the Great Builders of the Solar System said: "Accept the appearance of Lenin as a sign of the sensitivity of the Cosmos." That is, extraordinary measures and an extraordinary Leader were needed to save Russia. In the Fiery World, in the Higher World, events are visible long before dense (physical) materialization. The blow of the prince of this world, i.e. The 1st World War could not be prevented, because the heavy karma of all mankind was also intertwined here, but it was possible to make the most of the chaos of the Revolutions that arose after the war and the unrest of the masses in the worst conditions for good purposes. This is the so-called Adverza tactic. Of course, one cannot fail to recognize the power of Satan, who over and over again frustrated small terms, but was unable to influence a long evolutionary period.

Direct intervention of the Forces of Light in the affairs of earthlings is prohibited by the Laws of the Cosmos - They can influence only indirectly: by the thoughts and deeds of the Great people, but not by violence and direct suggestion, because only the forces of evil act in this way. Because of this, the free will of people, influencing the Higher decisions with great force, often distorts the Higher Plan very much, but, nevertheless, it is carried out even under the worst circumstances.

The personality of Lenin was led by the Cosmic Teachers, and They knew what He was doing in Russia. Moreover, it was Their help that ensured His appearance in Russia, and it was He who received the flow of energy from Above.

The tragedy of the situation is that there are extremely few Great People among earthlings, and They appear for a short time, push evolution with great force and go to the Supermundane World, from where their work continues, already invisible - a current of psychic energy and a psychofield of the idea of ​​this leader are created. So it was with Lenin - he only spent 7 years in Revolutionary Russia (from 1917 to 1924), and then the psycho-field of the ideal of communism worked, gradually more and more distorted by dark followers ... But the egregor of Lenin's ideas and the ideal of social communism is alive and working on the benefit of mankind so far. The ideal of communism has been worked out over the centuries by freedom fighters: from the utopian socialists to the theoreticians of Marx and Engels and ending with the revolutionary practitioner Lenin. The evolutionary role of the ideal of communism will be understood by mankind later, when the laws of the Spiritual Community, which is head and shoulders above the social community, will triumph on Earth.

"You have abolished the church, which has become a hotbed of lies and superstitions."

It must be said that the church was treated even cruelly, many tens of thousands of clergymen were shot, and hundreds of thousands were exiled. The temples were plundered by the rebellious people. There was a mockery of a religion that was perverted, over its shrines, over relics, icons were burned and chopped ...

Although Lenin personally, for example, in the Kremlin gave the order to restore all the churches, because. he understood their cultural and artistic significance.

But He had a deeply contemptuous attitude towards the church cults themselves, and precisely as towards “opium for the people” - which, in essence, they were.

Church pseudo-religion sanctified all the sins of power, legitimized the "divineness" of serfdom and inequality, the ignorance of the people and senseless wars, the stupidity of kings and court nobility. That is, instead of awakening conscience in an earthly person, instead of spiritualizing the earthly world, instead of awakening a craving for high knowledge, instead of creating a counterbalance to secular power in order to keep it from injustice, the church hierarchy became, precisely, “a hotbed of lies and superstitions.” What are the resolution of drunkenness and smoking, pressure on scientists, burning of dissident Old Believers. By the way. The Old Believers still forbid alcohol and tobacco and because of this they are the healthiest people. Then - the expulsion of the Old Believers from Russia, keeping the people in the leash of ignorance, indulging the whims of the authorities, a ban on dissent and paganism - that is, in fact, depriving the people of their true past. But our ancestors lived in harmony with Nature, knew how to influence the elements of Nature. The self-serving church, fighting against the so-called "heresies", blocked the way to true knowledge. Recall that the first enlighteners, Russian Masons, were mercilessly persecuted by churchmen, forbidding both astrology, and the knowledge of magic, and simply knowledge that shook the church dogmas of the “universe” of their own invention. “Christian” churchmen to this day diligently, earnestly embody the plans of the prince of darkness...

The woman was humiliated – “Let the wife be afraid of her husband” – this slavery is also “sanctified” by the Church... which is the heaviest crime of the Cosmic Laws!..

The main thing is that the church has become a servant of the monarchy, and not an awakener of the conscience of the people, in order to change outdated customs and move the country forward.

The impulse given by St. Sergius of Radonezh, who personally renounced all church and bureaucratic posts, died out by this time, and the church acquired earthly, not heavenly power ... The people were mired in sin, and the church, by its example, acted on him corruptingly.

It is characteristic that when the Provisional Government abolished the obligation to attend church services in the army, the overwhelming majority of the soldiers stopped attending them (and these were mostly peasants, the most so-called “believers” and “downtrodden” people).

The hardened "biblical ideology" became a brake on the path of science and morality, the dead Jewish dogmas had to be removed at any cost.

Lenin was forgiven even for the fact that, on His orders, they tried to take the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh Himself out of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery! The Great Teachers of mankind are not concerned about Their own old relics and obsolete forms, but the spirit of change... (Although for us, of course, the relics of Sergius are holy, and for the people it is still an attractive magnet for the veneration of the Saint in Rus').

And further crucial point for the distant future: with such "Orthodoxy" no other ideology could have penetrated into Russia - neither secular, nor Soviet, nor spiritual. Such “Orthodoxy”, like the fence of a concentration camp, kept the mind and soul of the people in the dark, condemning and cursing any dissent. Even the courage of Leo Tolstoy failed to overthrow their conviction in their rotten rightness... On the other hand, the “anathema” on the writer showed the attitude of the church towards dissent, and after all, Lev Nikolayevich only tried to figure it out, but not to cancel the dogmas of the church, which are the antipode of the Cosmic Laws...

The current attitude of the Church towards Agni Yoga clearly demonstrates the intolerance of the ignorant Church consciousness, bound by the dogmas of a perverted understanding of the Bible. Theosophy was branded even earlier by churchmen. E.P. Blavatsky and the Roerich Family, being the Great Cosmic Teachers, were also anathematized and accused of being anti-church and anti-Christian, not to mention the more rude slanders of the “Black Hundreds” and other “guardians” from the church-bureaucratic ideology. We should not forget how the earthlings met 2000 years ago the Great Long-suffering Hierarch of the Solar System, incarnated in the Image of Jesus Christ! They do the same in our time, persecuting all the Carriers of Light, all the Heralds of Christ!…

The breakthrough that Russia undertook after the Revolution can be explained only from the point of view of the emancipation of the spirit - the people reached out for knowledge!

"You have destroyed the philistinism, which has become a conductor of prejudice."

The Bolshevik government forced all the people to live the life of the country. Everything concerned everyone. People's shock construction projects, new scientific ideas, travel and flights - all the people closely followed the successes and grieved for the failures of the Motherland. The tradesman of old Russia did not care. “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” Warm opportunists, accepting any violence and adapting to any authority, had no right to success in Soviet Russia. Of course, there were mistakes and “excesses”. However, the Bolsheviks, with their new ideology of communism - the public life - forced to look at the world differently. The worldview of a person who cares not for his little world, for himself and his family, but for the Motherland and the whole world, has come to Russia. After all, the ideology of communism of those years is the expectation of a worldwide communist revolution. This is how the people lived and built their way of life, realizing that they would set an example for the rest of the world of the oppressed, serving as a beacon!

"You have destroyed the prison of education."

This point overlaps with the previous one. The revolution of education is a rejection of philistinism and a revolutionary attitude - to study, study and study.

Honoring the past, even the perverted one, honoring the authorities, even unjust ones, humility before the authorities, which, supposedly, “from God”, while “while it crushed and oppressed the Russian people” ... - all this was mercilessly swept aside; the eyes of the people were opened to injustice, they were forced to be resolute, as the Bolsheviks themselves were.

The new man became active and enterprising, began to think about the future, to study and work fieryly. This cannot be denied even by the spiteful critics of the Soviet Power.

And about the royal upbringing: it was class-based - the aristocracy learned to rule, and the lower classes were taught to obey. The priests were taught to lie, and the people were taught to listen and “keep a low profile”. “Know your cricket” is the leitmotif of the class approach to the issue of education. Equality for all created a unique situation - the masses of the whole of Russia rushed to knowledge.

"You have destroyed the family of hypocrisy."

It is known that many marriages in Russia were arranged, starting with the most important - the marriage of the king and queen ... The aristocracy in general cynically violated the sacrament of marriage long ago - debauchery was encouraged from above and was almost legalized. “Marriages are made in heaven,” the church used to say pharisaically, but in life everything was violated and, most importantly, financial calculations were included in the relationship of the sexes.

From a cosmic point of view, marriage without love is criminal!

The authority of the church again worked here, since divorce was forbidden in Russia - suffer, but live. Although divorce was possible for the upper classes, it was very difficult for the lower classes to do so. The married woman was humiliated and reduced to the role of a birthing machine. But she worked on a par with a man, and maybe more! At the top, the woman was assigned the role of sexual pleasure for a rich man ... All this was under the shadow of the church, which sees, but does not condemn, since debauchery often came from the royal chambers. The institution of favoritism was born in the royal palaces.

Having blown up church marriage, the Bolsheviks ideally proclaimed a free marriage, a love marriage, sweeping aside the calculation and prejudices of church, racial and other differences, not to mention caste.

"You burned an army of slaves."

The revolution replaced the old army, which was based on fear, with slavish discipline "for the faith, the tsar and the fatherland." Replaced - with the people's army of conscious defenders of the Motherland and the Revolution. AT tsarist Russia blind faith was false, the king was the main exploiter, his power was not from God for a long time, he was not God's anointed. The fatherland, in the understanding of the royal power, on the one hand, was represented by aristocrats, churchmen and landowners, and on the other, serfs. Because the protection of the so-called. "fatherland" in the suppression of popular uprisings, was actually anti-people for the tsarist army. It was necessary to beat off external attacks, but tsarist Russia waged many wars and unjust ones ... Discipline in the army was based on blind obedience. Only the great Suvorov taught the soldiers to "know your maneuver", but Kutuzov saved Russia from Napoleon, appealing to truly patriotic feelings. Basically, the “army of slaves” is the whole drill of the old army, the caste of its officer-general corps, which defended tsarist Russia and all kinds of inequality. The "army of slaves" also included the gendarmerie and the police, who defended the foundations of the old regime.

The Bolsheviks needed a new, conscious army from the people, with people's officers and generals who consciously fulfilled their duty to the Fatherland, and ideally they aspired to this.

The Russian people showed the heights of true patriotism in the sacrificial feat of saving all mankind and Russia during the Great Patriotic War. The free army and the people overcame the enemy in great tension, and the sacrifice was the highest in the history of wars ... Of course, this sacrifice compensated for the lack of weapons, ammunition and experience of the commanders, but nevertheless, it was precisely this sacrifice that was the fire that led our people to victory in 1945.

In 1914-1917, the tsarist army collapsed and the people themselves began to decide their fate on their own.

"You crushed the spiders of profit."

We are talking about a cardinal decision of the Soviets, i.e. about the destruction of capitalism as a form of exploitation, when profit is placed above man. Under capitalism, a person is a means, and the goal is money and profit. The spiders of profit are those magnates who ruled the country invisibly by the country, braiding it with their nets, drawing juices from the people and the state. There is not only capitalism here, but also the remnants of feudalism and usury. In its purest form, the “spider of profit” is a banker and a usurer. In Agni Yoga it is indicated that speculation is the worst way to earn money, because the speculator did not earn anything, did not create anything, but received the money... .

Another important factor is that for the sake of profit, state interests are often not noticed, the environment is collapsing, and the health of the people is suffering. Profit obscures the eyes and thinking of the banker, who is essentially a co-ruler of the state, along with the aristocracy.

The Bolsheviks decisively cracked down on the world of capital, uprooting it from the root, and even temporarily abolished money in 1918. This, of course, was too much, the so-called “leftist excess”, but the very fact of this indicated their desire to create a society without this evil, without money. But after the Bolsheviks were still forced to return the money again, because in the chaos of the civil war this made even greater difficulties in the exchange of goods ...

"You closed the gates of the night dens."

This paragraph of the Epistle clearly indicates that the godless Red Bolsheviks were more moral than the “believing” white aristocrats, in whom prostitution flourished. In tsarist Russia, this "institution" was not legalized, but flourished very strongly in the cities.

It also showed that, in fact, the Bolsheviks were on the side of women's rights. It is difficult to imagine a greater humiliation of the Feminine Principle than this method, namely, turning it into an animal that serves to satisfy the demonic lust of the other sex. At the same time, the Pharisaic observance of the so-called. "decencies" and "preservation of marriage."

The severity of the reprisals against prostitutes was characteristic of that time, like almost all measures of the Bolsheviks in general, but they were essentially deeply moral. This item is closely related to the family. The woman was protected from falling into depravity, and the family became a link in state concerns. The woman received the right to study and hold high-level positions in the state.

"You have delivered the earth from the traitors of money."

We are talking about those who, for the sake of money, committed crimes against the Motherland. These are all kinds of transnational corporations, this is the investment of Western money in Russia to squeeze out huge profits. The tsarist government, going for it, betrayed national interests. The aristocracy could not protect Russia from the intrusion of Western funds, and gradually Russia became mired in debt, while the intermediaries profited. National interests were betrayed both during the war years and in peacetime, when a banker robbed his country for profit, robbed Russia.

In addition, we are talking about corruption, i.e. about the bribery of officials, which was sick at the top of power. She also corrupted the lower ranks of the bureaucracy. Bribes were given everywhere, on all floors of the “hierarchical ladder of power”.

A money traitor is the highest power-holding aristocrat who sells the interests of his country to unscrupulous merchants for a bribe, allowing the sale of alcohol and tobacco, the import of unnecessary and even harmful products and goods, contributing to the strangulation of the country's economy and the adoption of laws that give super profits to the rich and rob the population.

The tsarist government was thoroughly corrupt (i.e. corrupt). To the credit of the revolutionaries - basically, they were unmercenaries, except for some, such as Trotsky's "Judas", who left Russia with several wagonloads of valuables. But as they say, "the family has its black sheep." For the most part, however, the Bolshevik Party was absolutely incorruptible. For bribery, if they found out about it, they were simply to be shot! In this sense, the new government, with all its revolutionary intolerance and ruthlessness, often excessive, introduced a healthy stream, and the people believed in it. She was honest! And this principle descended to all the people from the Council of People's Commissars, from Lenin.

And the misfortune of Russia and its peoples lies in the fact that we could not preserve this principle, refusing the help of the Higher Forces. And today we are witnessing that corruption has flared up with renewed vigor in the countries of the former CIS after the collapse of Soviet Union. A very striking example is the current situation in Ukraine, in our government. Corruption and the personal interests of the so-called "chosen people" have reached a fever pitch, forcing them to take such steps as the resignation of the government to cover up their dark deeds. Whether this will be better for the country is unknown, and the loot will remain looted from the "legitimate" robbers.

"You acknowledged that religion is the doctrine of the universality of matter."

This paragraph of the Message is an advance on the Future. Since in those years when atheism took possession of the minds of the people, all religious dogmas and ideologies were rejected, when the expulsion in 1922 of all philosophers of the humanitarian and theological sense from Red Russia was still fresh in memory. This provision of the Cosmic Message had significance for the Future of all mankind. Although even then islands were ripening in the worldview of Soviet scientists. Chizhevsky, Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky, who made Russia famous, created theories: one about the influence of the Sun on the earth and humanity, the second about the need for man to leave his “cradle” - the Earth - into Space, the third about the noosphere, i.e. in fact, about the Akashic Chronicle, indicating that thought is material and eternal... But the formal ignorant "ideologists" of communism at that time did not yet recognize these theories.

In subsequent years, Agni Yoga (“Living Ethics”) will appear, and earlier the “Secret Doctrine” was created, but this is for New Russia, for the Great Future.

Let us recall that the classics - Marx and Engels - were in a very mystical mood, and sometimes things broke through in them, pointing to their deep understanding of the Universe and its Infinity. The dialectic of Marxism itself is in essence a true philosophical reflection of reality, if we remove the only misconception – “about the primacy of matter over consciousness”... (This is already a consequence of godlessness, the denial of the Will of the Creator in the creation of the World). But in understanding the world, Marx and Engels, followed by Lenin, went further than many "idealists" and "believers", i.e. all sorts of "God's servants" who fell into the illusion of a "religious intoxication," as Lenin put it.

Lenin showed a complete understanding of the role and influence of thought, and psychic energy - this comes through in his famous phrase: "Ideas then become a material force when they take possession of the masses!"

And our leaders had a scientific attitude to the world and the Universe, which made them progressive, since, rejecting the “religiousness of dope”, they stood for a comprehensive study of all natural phenomena. That is, they did not trust, but checked. And one more thing: they recognized that it was a person who is the arbiter of destinies, and not a mythical “god”, by which they returned the right of choice to a person and forced him to be responsible for his deeds and thoughts.

The contribution of the classics of Marxism-Leninism to world philosophy is now not disputed by any serious researcher. Another thing is that the dark perverts, the so-called. the princes of darkness have led our science of the world and man to a dead end....

"You recognized the nullity of personal property."

Perhaps one of the most important achievements of the Soviets is the rejection of personal property, which has become “insignificant” in reality. This provision clearly points to the communality of the new government, to its transitional quality to true cosmic communism, when everyone knows that we have only to improve.

Yes, property was forcibly taken away - “by expropriating the expropriators”. But in essence, this is the most important act, which, equalizing everyone in the possession of property, at the same time made it clear that for an eternal person it is not worth his attachment. All subsequent seizures of personal property also accustomed people to the idea of ​​the uselessness of personal material enrichment.

Cruel as it may be for the demonic adherents of the "sacred private property", but this point of the Message of the Hierarchy of Light is the most heavenly, the most spiritual, as it indicates the need to strive for spiritual riches.

The fact that it was forcibly produced only emphasizes that

in Kali Yuga it is difficult to do something good by earthly means.

Ultimately, soviet man matured to a state that the spiritual is higher than the material, namely, under the influence of this withdrawal of the so-called. "shrines" of the world of capital and the world of inequality.

"You guessed the evolution of the Community."

This point is the most understandable and does not require explanation for those who have been brought up in the spirit of collectivism and mutual friendship, but it requires disclosure for those who do not know that the Evolution of humanity requires the reunification of all our efforts in order to master the new Cosmic energies of Infinity.

A high ability to cooperate is prescribed by the Teaching of Light as a necessary step in the transition of humanity from the Fifth Race of ignorant egoists to the Sixth Race of wise Community members.

That is why the Bolsheviks guessed Evolution! After all, they did not know the Teachings of Life, the Teachings of Fire and generally denied spirituality, religion and all church dogmas! But in essence, they turned out to be followers of the Great Buddha, who bequeathed to humanity an aboveground Community.

"You have pointed out the meaning of Knowledge."

A living confirmation of these words of the Mahatmas of the Hierarchy of Light is the road of Russia from a country a quarter literate to the launch of the world's first orbital satellite and man into space!

The whole world was forced to follow New Russia in the education of its citizens, in the development of science. This has become not only the main condition for success, but also the leading factor in the competition between states and peoples. The gravest crime of earthlings is their complete ignorance in the study of the secrets of man and Nature!..

Marx and Lenin tirelessly repeated verbally and in writing about the need to fight ignorance. In the most difficult conditions of the civil war, the communists began a widespread educational program for the working people, which was both extremely difficult and incomprehensible, but it was the most important goal. Time has shown the profound correctness of the Bolsheviks. Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 confirmed the fidelity of the course of the party of Lenin on education, and therefore on culture and technical progress, which is so necessary for Russia. At that time, the ring of imperialism did not allow us to live, and fascism, the brainchild of Satan, was directly going to destroy us. An illiterate Russia would not have won World War II.

In subsequent years, the USSR apparently took first place in terms of education. Although the world ratings gave us 3rd - 4th place, but this is rather a subjective underestimation. I just didn't want to recognize Russia's priority. The whole world learned from our innovators of pedagogy and science. And it’s not the fault, but the misfortune of the USSR that the “fifth column” of Satan tried to destroy this wonderful mechanism for educating Soviet citizens ...

"You bowed before Beauty."

This point is clear and understandable, since the people of Soviet Russia aspired to the beautiful. Creativity flourished in all spheres of life, art, everyday life, although there were difficulties and distortions. For example, "Proletkult", the dominance of Russophobic elements in order to completely overthrow Russian antiquity. Personally, Lenin saved art monuments. During the years of the New Economic Policy and later, unfortunately, our government sold works of art in exchange for machine tools and factories - in the name of the industrialization necessary for the power. But under Lenin such things were not encouraged. True, in the most terrible time of famine in the Volga region, the so-called. the mission of Hammer, who bought up church valuables in exchange for cheap medicines.

Later, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, our troops everywhere, wherever they could, saved cities, and individual palaces and paintings from fascist vandals ...

Ultimately, the controversial line of the USSR on this issue still outweighed in favor of beauty. Our people, having restored their intelligentsia anew after all the losses of the civil and Patriotic wars, managed to create a great culture.

“You brought the children all the power of the Cosmos.”

For all the atheism of Soviet education, the best went to the children, and they were not destitute of knowledge. Astronomy and all the sciences revolving around these problems eventually brought us into space first, starting with the Katyushas - the first rockets, and ending with the Vostok-type spacecraft and the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin. The striving into the Cosmos determined the priorities of the USSR for several decades, and several generations of children grew up in this atmosphere of striving into Infinity. Until now, we are reaping the fruits of the achievements of the Motherland in space, despite the inhibition of the bourgeois "perestroika" and the so-called. "demon-cratization".

The bazaar-technological aspiration will be replaced by a spiritual one. Material interests will lose priority in the minds of earthlings due to terrible catastrophes and cataclysms! “To the one who has, more will be added, and to the one who does not have, what he has will be taken away.” This stage is hidden and requires sacred time for the maturation of a new generation of people who are ready to strive for cooperation with the Cosmos and Infinity in the key of Psychic energies!

The foundation for this was laid by Kibalchich, Tsiolkovsky, Chizhevsky, Vernadsky, Korolyov and many others.

"You have opened the windows of the palaces."

This paragraph indicated that the people received equal opportunity in the use of the luxury accumulated by the slave owners, which was previously intended only for the "chosen ones", for the castes of the nobility and the clergy, but after the Revolution their palaces became museums, schools, houses of culture and "palaces" of the pioneers. Everything that the people built for the “masters” for centuries before the Revolution, finally became available to the people themselves. The triumph of justice in the use of the created wealth has come. In the 90s of the twentieth century, the opposite picture is observed - the palaces again pass to the newly-minted owners ... The princes of darkness again decided to take the people's property into their own hands ...

Palaces, as you know, are a kind of elite. This paragraph of the Message of the Mahatmas indicates that, in essence, the Soviet government eliminated all elitism, but, unfortunately, political elitism arose - selfishness and ignorance did their demonic work ...

It is a pity that Mahatma Lenin, as He is called by the Himalayan Masters, lived too little in New Russia. He only gave a huge impetus to a big country, but then she went to much to my regret, without him...

"You have seen the urgency of building houses for the Common Good."

We are talking, in particular, about that part of messianism, which included the very idea of ​​the World Revolution and World Communism. The good aim and good ideals of the Bolsheviks - their internationalism and sacrifice in the name of a lofty Idea - are included in the world progress of the spirit. It is another matter that the dark destroyers reduced the International of the Brotherhood to "export of revolutions for the power-hungry". And the world's bright idea of ​​liberating all the working people of the Earth from all kinds of slavery was reduced to a desire to plant Stalinist-Hitler Gulags everywhere, as well as prison-type "collective farms" ...

The Houses of Common Good is also a general cultural activity of the Bolsheviks. Lenin said that “until a communist masters all the wealth accumulated by mankind, he cannot be considered a true communist.”

Also in this paragraph, a wish for the future comes through ... It turned out to be fully unfulfilled.

In general, the entire Message of the Cosmic Teachers is saturated with superlatives to those who, in fact, were not such - the Mahatmas appreciated the essence, but not the forms, which, according to humanity, are always either imperfect, or even terrible, if you look at them short-sightedly. The Mahatmas evaluated the Ideal that the Bolsheviks carried, and not practical deeds... The refusal of the Stalinist government to cooperate with the Mahatmas in 1926 and the attempts of the princes of darkness to encroach on the Ambassadors of the Hierarchy of Light, on the Roerich Family, brought down a whole shower of karma on the country of the "Soviets", and ... too much of the Cosmic Message has taken on meaning for the Future.

“We stopped the uprising in India when it was premature, We also recognized the timeliness of your movement and send you all our help, affirming the unity of Asia.”

Here we see that at times the Mahatmas of the Spiritual Center of the planet interfere directly in the course of history, seeing the concrete results of those deeds that will either flourish or be crushed.

Here we are talking about the fact that after the well-known suppression of the uprising against the colonialists in 1857-59. India could not be freed by military means - the British were stronger than the Indians ... India was not ready for an uprising. In the future, Mahatma Gandhi used the theory of the Russian sage Leo Tolstoy and led India to freedom by non-resistance to the evil of violence! This is a very important fact! That is why the Mahatmas did not give the rebellious Indians strength, which extinguished the ardor of the leaders, thereby weakening the possible repressions from the colonialists.

By the way, we must always remember that the Mahatmas on our planet are the Only Highest Source of all life force for earthlings, the Source of Grace of the Holy Spirit!..

Russia's help was direct and immediate. Lenin received the Ray of the Great Hierarch, Who is entrusted with the evolution of life on Earth. The Red revolutionaries had meager military forces, experienced a need for literally everything, experienced unprecedented devastation in industry, and fought the resistance of the peasantry. The village at that time did not give bread to the city! They fought against mass desertion from the Red Army, where there were 2.8 million deserters for 5.5 million Red Army soldiers. The Reds had in front of them a huge front of the powers of world capital with their professional armies, and they had only their "white", but still excellent military professionals. Within the country, rebellions broke out incessantly, aggravated by national resistance. Everyone tried to secede from Russia. But, despite all of the above, the Bolsheviks won, because they had a genius leader - Mahatma Lenin, because they had the strongest monolithic organization - the Bolshevik Party. There was also a conviction in the rightness of the cause and sacrifice, which means passionarity (i.e. fieryness).

The "White" army did not put forward its leader and did not have a clear concept of struggle. The "White" army and the interventionists had different, diametrically opposed plans - the Whites were for a "united and indivisible Russia", and the interventionists for its dismemberment!

Under these conditions, the Bolsheviks objectively fought for the preservation of Russia, and therefore for the future of planet Earth, since with the death of Russia, the future of mankind and the planet perished.

That is why Lenin received all the power of the Planetary Hierarch, despite all his mistakes and, moreover, mistakes, both intentional and unintentional, both of “fiery Jews” like Trotsky, and just ordinary communists.

In the highest sense, Russia (at the turn of 1917 and later) has always been under the unceasing eye of the Cosmic Hierarchy of Light of the Solar System, saving the future of the planet and its mind, i.e. humanity. Well, the blood and suffering of the Russians - this is both theirs and that of all mankind - karma heaped on their mighty Russian shoulders ...

Lenin the leader was the locomotive of Russia, who changed course several times in order to save the Revolution and Russia:

- the initial course was taken on the Revolution of 1917. It has long been generally accepted that if there were no Ilyich, there would be no Revolution;

- in the period of a terrible threat from Germany, Lenin forced to go to the so-called. "obscene" Brest peace;

– in the civil war, with His courage and wisdom, the ship of the Revolution passed a lot of reefs and entered the safe space of life;

- Lenin passed the war of the poor against the rich, the war of the village against the city and the widespread uprising of narrow-minded nationals against Russians;

- and the GOELRO plan - as an idea for future giant five-year plans;

- and the creation of the Comintern, that is, the emergence of Bolshevism on the world stage. Then for decades the world found a powerful source of hope for the liberation of the working people and the oppressed by the forces of evil through international solidarity.

Unity of Asia manifested itself already in the civil war, when Lenin, unexpectedly for everyone, makes a turn, directing interest in the East, seeing that there is no revolution in the West. It is possible that this happened under the Higher influence... Shortly after the victory of the Revolution in Russia, the Communists also won in Mongolia... The two countries went hand in hand, thereby carrying in the bud the unity of all Asia with Russia.

The Siberian part of Russia, India, Mongolia and Tibet - these are the contours of the New Country, the Country of the Sixth Root Race, when all the forces of evil and darkness are removed from planet Earth...

“We know, we know, many constructions will come true in the years 28-31-36. Greetings to you, who seek the Common Good!”

In 1928 in the foothills of the Himalayas, the international Institute “URUSVATI” was founded, with which the Roerichs associated the revival of the science of mankind on the basis of Psychic Energy. The first country to be represented there was Russia. It is not Russia's fault, but Russia's misfortune that it pushed the Higher Hand away in 1926 and thus maximally slowed down the mastery of the Higher Cosmic Energies, as well as work in this Space Institute...

In 1931 Armageddon began in 1998 - the battle of the Forces of Light and the forces of darkness in the Subtle World of the Planet.

The struggle between the Sons of Light and the sons of darkness has been going on since the time of Atlantis (the end of the third race of mankind), when the fall of Lucifer, called Satan and, according to Cosmic law, is the true master of the Earth. The fall of Lucifer consisted in carrying out by him a plan for the superiority of earthly matter over spirit. Such a plan of action by the Prince of this world would plunge the Earth and humanity into the abyss of ignorance, ultimately leading to their destruction. This struggle between the forces of Light and darkness is mentioned in all ancient traditions, chronicles and religions. In 1931, this struggle led to the terrible battle of these opposing forces - Armageddon. H.I. Roerich wrote to her students that the tension of the battle in the Subtle World is such that bloody sweat flows over the bodies of the Great Teachers (Sons of Light)... Egyptian chronicles and prophecies about life on Earth went only until 1936. Further - uncertainty, because the priests of Egypt did not know what awaits the planet after Armageddon.

In 1936 False Lucifer (Lucifer means Lightbearer) or Satan was removed from the leadership of the planet. The removal of the Master of the Earth from leadership was turning point in the struggle between the forces of darkness and Light. That's why 1936 became a turning point in the life of the Earth and gave direction to the further evolution of the planet. It was the rebellion of Lucifer and the implementation of his black plan that caused these adjustments in the face of the Great Himalayan Brotherhood.

In 1936 responsibility for the planet Earth was assumed by One of the Great Sons of Light, who came to our planet from higher worlds to save humanity and planet Earth. This is the Great Hierarch of Shambhala - Archangel Michael (one of the names of the Great Teacher).

H.I. Roerich pointed out in her letters that the year 1936 is extremely important for Russia... This can be understood esoterically, as the fact that the Lord of Shambhala, the Great Teacher of Cosmic Teachers, is also the Lord of the planet Uranus, and, therefore, the Ruler of Aquarius, sign of the zodiac of Russia, took control of the planet Earth. That is, Russia received the direct Rays of the highly developed planet Uranus in full force. And the battle of Uranus with the dark rays of Saturn received a victorious conclusion.

Already later in 1949, there was a battle between the Archangel Michael and the Prince of this world, which ended in the complete destruction of the Master of the Earth. He was decomposed into principles and sent to Saturn, a lowly developed planet, in order to begin his redemption after many eons of eons.

However, Satan left us his inheritance - his dark army or the so-called devil. This satanic dark army, the dark numerous part of humanity, knowing that the victory will still be with the Forces of Light, in desperation continues to fight for power on Earth. She would prefer to blow up the planet, if only to stay for some time in the astral atmosphere of the explosion, feeding on the dark waste of decay and destruction.

The rout of the dark army in the Subtle World of 1936, on the earthly plane, prepared the rout of the “fifth column of “fiery” destroyers in Russia. The year 1936 curtailed the karma of the executioners and made it possible for the patriotic forces to prepare for a terrible world war. The Stalingrad victory of the Great Russian people in 1942, which became a turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War, is the realization in the earthly world of the Victory of the Forces of Light in the Subtle World of 1936. The earthly war itself was a reflection of the Heavenly Battle...

1936 is the most important year in the evolution of the solar system. The victory of the Great Hierarch of the Solar System over Satan, the prince of darkness, made it possible to save life on planet Earth, which is part of an integral stellar-planetary organism.

The “many constructions” mentioned in the Message surely refer to the design of the Cosmic Plan for the future life on Earth…

The messenger of the New Era was N.K. Roerich, and nothing could make Him retreat. The main thing for Him was to convey the Message of the Mahatmas, the Cosmic Teachers of mankind, and He fulfilled this main task for Himself with honor. But how and when it will be accepted and what forms its application in life will take, it was no longer He who decided, but the readiness of the Russian people, the participation of the people in positive life processes. And yet, nothing shook the Roerichs in their bright attitude towards Russia, towards the New Country, as indicated in the Living Ethics Teaching. And in the very first line of the Teaching it is said: “To New Russia is My first message…”

The Great Teachers state: “... The planet is drowning in darkness under the onslaught of furious elements, caused by human folly. Entire states are working for destruction. …But the old world is irretrievably carried away into the past, and the New World takes its place. This is a global revolution. It touches human consciousness so deeply and is so connected with changes in human thinking that it is impossible to stop the process. The enemies of evolution are trying to suppress it and fight it with the force of weapons and money, but ideas cannot be destroyed with guns and bombs, even atomic bombs. This is the impotence of the old world. And we help the new world(i.e. Great Teachers). Therefore, his victory is inevitable. And the destroyers will be destroyed. In this struggle, the significance of the participation of the New Country, your Motherland, is enormous. She was the first to accept the principles of the New World and cooperation between peoples. The special qualities of the spirit are inherent in its people: it is the ability to cooperate and a fierce aspiration to the Future. Therefore, your homeland will stand victorious, and all who are with it and on its side. Let us not be embarrassed by the fact that much of it is imperfect. In its impetuous movement into the future, by virtue of necessity, everything that is not suitable for evolution is eliminated. A great country, a great people and a great future. By right we consider it the Leading Country. Everything was against the New Country in the last world war, and yet it won. It will win even now, no matter what, and this victory will be global. “Blow the victory louder, for it is near.”


1. V.A. Kleshchevsky. "The Secret of Lenin". Tomsk, 1995.
2. P.F. Belikov. "Roerich (the experience of spiritual biography)". Individual entrepreneur "Lazarev V.V. and O”, Novosibirsk, 1994.
3. “Agni Yoga. Directory". A.I. Ryzhenko, N.G. Tolmachev, "Torsing", Kharkov, 2002.
4. "Letters of E. Roerich" in 9 volumes, Novosibirsk, 1993.
5. "The Facets of Agni Yoga" in 13 volumes. Novosibirsk, "PPK" Polygraphist "", 1995.
6. "AGNI YOGA" (Living Ethics). "Sphere", Moscow, 1999.
7. A.N. Dmitriev. "Fiery re-creation of the Earth's climate". Novosibirsk, 1998.
8. V. I. Vernadsky. "Living matter and the biosphere". M., Science. 1994.
9. V. I. Vernadsky. "Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon". M., Nauka, 1991.
10. L.P. Dmitrieva. "Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky in some concepts and symbols" in 3 volumes. Magnitogorsk, Amrita-Ural, 1994.
11. V.P. Kaznacheev. "Teachings of V. I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere". Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1989.
12. Dmitrieva L.P. "Messenger of the Morning Star Christ and his Teachings in the light of the Teachings of Shambhala". In 7 volumes, M. Publishing House. E.I. Roerich, 2000.
13. Gindilis L.M. "Scientific and Superscientific Knowledge". Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference "Atai-Cosmos-Microcosm". Altai, 1995.
14. Gindilis L.M. "The problem of superscientific knowledge". Journal. "New Epoch" (Fiery World) No. 1, 1999.
15. Helena Roerich "On the Threshold of the New World". M.: Ed. ICR, Master Bank, 2000.
16. Dmitriev A.N. "Technogenic challenge to the planet Earth" // Vestn.vyssh.shk. No. 7, 1989.
17. Dmitriev A.N. "Geophys. aspects of the anomalous. phenomena and global ecology”. Tomsk, No. 3, 1992.
18. "Natural disasters: Study and methods of struggle." Moscow: Progress, 2000.
19. "Our common future." Reports of the international district commissions. environment and development. Moscow: Progress, 1998.
20. Vernadsky V.I. "Selected Ops." T.5. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960.
21. Dmitriev A.N. Planetophysical. State of the Earth and Life”, Vestnik MIKA. Novosibirsk, 1997.

Foreword by A.Koltypin

I receive quite a lot of letters from readers in which some thank me for the work done and educate the population, others send their interesting articles and developments, and still others provide links to publications that contain answers to certain controversial and unresolved questions by me. One such work is writing. XXV mahatmas in the book "The Bowl of the East. Letters of the Mahatmas", which I strongly recommended to pay attention tocoordinator of the InternationalInterdisciplinary Section "KNOWLEDGE" O.S.Vasilenko. Accidentally or deliberately, he sent me two different editions of the "Cup of the East" - 1925 and 1992, which contained 2 different letters XXV . And both letters answered questions (moreover, completely different), the answers to which I was eager to receive. These letters seemed to me so important that I immediately decided to publish them on the site. Thanks a lot, Oleg Sergeevich! Thanks to all the other readers who help me in my work and stay on the site.


First Letter XXV (on the first three pages) confirms the theory I am developing about the incredible antiquity of mankind, which originates from the Cretaceous and Paleogene times (on the 1st page, with my highlights). It also gives credible information about matter and spirit, the nature of magic, the structure and properties of the Earth, the Sun, the solar system and the Cosmos (2nd and 3rd pages) and about the mysteries of life and death (3rd page).
The second letter (on page 4, with my highlights) perhaps answers the questions what are secret government The lands and those forces that want to hide knowledge from people (a little is said about this in the first letter
XXV ) that I picked up in the work"Environmental problems as a confrontation of ideologies. History lessons"and to whom the work is dedicated"What is the historical myth silent about".

Preface to the Russian edition of the editorial board "Ligatma"

The Cup of the East includes selected letters of the Mahatmas (Great Teachers) of the Himalayan Brotherhoodaddressed to two Englishmen living in India. The correspondence began in 1880 and continued for five years. In 1879, A. P. Sinnett, editor of India's most influential English-language newspaper, Pioneer, met the founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891), and, being struck by her wide knowledge and extraordinary abilities, expressed an ardent desire to enter into correspondence with whom one of the Mahatmas whom H. P. Blavatsky called her Masters. The same desire was expressed by his friend A. O. Hume, a well-known ornithologist and a high-ranking official of the Anglo-Indian administration, later the founder of the Indian National Congress. Consent to this was eventually obtained, and so, through the mediation of H.P. Blavatsky, two highly educated gentlemen began to receive letters that today serve as one of the most important milestones on the way to understanding the reality of the existence of the Mahatma Brotherhood, its place and role in the history of mankind.
In 1885, in a report from the London Society for Psychical Research, H. P. Blavatsky was declared "one of the most skillful ... swindlers" who invented the Mahatmas and fabricated their letters.For a century, this characteristic accompanied her name in encyclopedias, many books and publications.
Letters from Mahatma K.H. and Mahatma M∴, preserved in the archives of A.P. Sinnett (1840–1921), were first published in December 1923 (The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett. L., 1923). Since 1939, the original letters have been in the library of the British Museum in London; in 1952 they were re-shot on microfilm, which were then sent to various organizations and major libraries in the world.
In April 1925, during the stay of Roerich's Central Asian expedition in Gulmarg (North-Western India), Helena Ivanovna Roerich, on the advice of Mahatma M∴, began to translate selected letters from this volume into Russian, taking for this purpose the pseudonym Iskander Khanum . In the same year, the translation, intended for distribution primarily in Russia, saw the light of day.†† The manuscript of Helena Roerich's translation (pp.1-4) and the cover of the book.
In 1986, the Society for Psychical Research in London publicly dissociated itself from its 1885 report. At the same time, a study by Dr. W. Harrison was published in the OPI journal, which showed the bias of this report and the inconsistency of its conclusions.

At the end of the 20th century, the letters of the Mahatmas became available in Russia as well. Now they are published, read, studied. Perhaps, H.I. Roerich wrote about this time in 1934: “Of course, the Cup of the East is a book that will be widely distributed in the near future, because it is necessary to shift the consciousness of mankind, which has reached a dead end”

Letter XXV

(1) Is it possible to explain in any way the remarkable leap in human progress observed in the last two thousand years, as compared with the relatively stagnant state of the people of the fourth Round up to the beginning of modern progress?
(2) Or- were there at any earlier period, when the Earth was already inhabited by people of the fourth great circle, civilizations as large as ours, in the sense of intellectual development, which completely disappeared?
(3) Even the fifth race (ours) of the fourth great circle arose in Asia a million years ago. What did she do during the 998,000 years leading up to the last 2000? Did larger civilizations rise and fall than ours over the course of this period?
(4) To what epoch does the existence of the continent of Atlantis belong, and did the change, which had the character of a cataclysm, which led to its disappearance, take place at some appointed point in the evolution of this great circle,
- corresponding to the position that obscurations occupy in the evolution of the whole manvantara?
(6) Another question that is often asked is: "What is the point of this whole cyclical process, if in the end the spirit comes out of it only as pure and impersonal as it was at the beginning, before its descent into matter?"
(8) Do magnetic conditions have anything to do with rainfall, or is it entirely dependent on atmospheric currents different temperatures colliding with other flows of different humidity, and all this set of movements is created by pressure, expansion, and so on. and is driven primarily by solar energy? If magnetic conditions are also involved, then
- how do they work and how can it be checked?
(9) Is there a solar corona
- atmosphere? From any known gases? And why does it take on the radiant shape that is invariably observed during eclipses?
(10) Is there not a photometric measure of the light emitted by stars, a reliable measure of their magnitude, and is it true, as faute de mieux is admitted as a theory in astronomy, that from every square mile the solar surface emits as much light as can be emitted from any body?
(11) Isn't Jupiter a hot and still partially luminous body, and what causes
- because the solar energy probably has nothing to do with it- strong atmospheric disturbances on Jupiter?
(12) Is there any grain of truth in Siemens' new theory of solar combustion, i.e. that the Sun, moving in space, collects combustible gas at its poles (which is in a highly rarefied state and is dispersed throughout space), and then ejects it again at the equator
- after the intense heat of that area again dissipates the elements that were temporarily combined in the burning?
(13) Is it possible to give some clue to the reasons for the change in magnetic declination: diurnal fluctuations in certain places and obviously capricious bends of isogons
- lines of equal magnetic declination? For example, how to explain that there is an area in East Asia where the arrow does not give any deviations from the exact direction to the north, although deviations are observed everywhere around this place?
(14) Can any other planets besides those known to modern astronomy (I mean not only minor planets) be discovered with the help of physical instruments, if they are properly adjusted?
(16) You say: "Remember that we ourselves create our devachen and our avichi, and especially during the last days and even moments of our sensual life."
(17) But are the thoughts with which the mind can be occupied at the last moment, inevitably depend on the prevailing character of the life lived by the person? Otherwise, would it appear that the character of the Devachen or Avichi of this or that person can be determined by the capricious and unjust play of chance, which at the last minute pushes some special thought to the surface?
(18) "The full remembrance of our lives will come only at the end small cycle».
Does it mean here small cycle one big circle or the whole manvantara of our planetary chain?
That is, do we remember our past lives in the Devachen of World Z at the end of each great circle, or only at the end of the seventh great circle?
You speak:
(19) “And even the shells of those good people whose life page will not be missing in the great Book of Lives,
- even they will regain their memories and a semblance of self-consciousness only after the sixth and seventh principles, with the quintessence of the fifth, have entered into a state of maturation.

Was the personal ego good, bad, or neither?- consciousness leaves him as suddenly as a flame leaves a fuse, his ability to perceive fade away forever and ever».
(So ​​what? How can the physical brain, since he's dead retain the ability to perceive; the same as perceived in shell, does this by means of borrowed or reflected light. Cm. notes.)
In this case
- what is the nature of the memories and self-consciousness of the shell?
This is related to a question I often think about.
- desiring further explanation: degree of personality identity in the elementaries.
(21) The spiritual ego in revolutions passes through the worlds, always retaining that degree of identity and self-consciousness that it possesses, no more and no less. (a) But it continually produces personalities in which in any case, as long as it is united with them, the sense of identity is highly developed... (e) Will be whether the shell is still someone that the spiritual ego will think of, even in death, as the person it knew,
- or will it be aware that the individuality is gone? Will she be able to think about herself at all and remember anything about her former higher interests? Will she remember the name she had before? (g) Or is she filled with memories of this kind only in the presence of a medium, while remaining asleep at other times? (h) And is it aware of the loss of a semblance of life as it gradually disintegrates?
(22) What is the nature of life on the "Planet of Death"?
(23) What other planets known to ordinary science, besides Mercury, belong to our system of worlds?
Are more spiritual planets
- A, B and Y, Z - visible celestial bodies, or do all celestial bodies known to astronomy belong to a more material form?
(24) Is not the Sun, (a) according to Alan Kardec, the habitat of highly spiritual beings? (b) Is it not the pinnacle of our manvantaric chain? And also all the other circuits in this solar system?
(28) Obscurations
- this is a question that is currently shrouded in obscurity.
Referring to the only previous letter in which you touched on obscurations, I find:
(a) “We traced the man of one great circle to a nirvanic state between Z and A. Planetary ball A remained dead in the last great circle. (See notes.) With the beginning of a new great circle, a new tide of life captures him, he awakens again to life and gives birth to all his kingdoms, to the very last, already on a higher level.
(29) But must he start all over again between each great circle and develop human forms from animals, those
- from plants, etc.? If so, to what great circle do the first imperfectly developed people belong? According to the previous hypothesis- to the fifth; but the fifth must be the more perfect race in every respect.

(1) The student of occultism must not speak of "the rigid condition of the people of the fourth race," for story knows almost nothing about this state - "up to the beginning of modern progress"- among peoples other than the Western. What do you, for example, know about America before the Spaniards invaded it? Less than two centuries before the arrival of Cortés, there was a similar “jump” towards progress among subrace Peru and Mexico, which is now observed in Europe and the United States. Their sub-race ended in near-total annihilation for reasons of its own making; the same will happen to yours at the end of her cycle. We can only speak of the "stony state" into which, following the law of development, growth, maturity and decline, every race and sub-race falls during its transitional periods.Only the last state is known to your Universal A history that is completely ignorant even of the state in which India was some ten centuries ago. Your sub-races are now rushing to the climax of their cycles, and your History does not go back beyond the periods of decline of several other sub-races, belonging for the most part to the previous fourth race. And what is the space and period of time covered by its World eye? The biggest - a few, insignificant dozens of centuries. Powerful horizon, indeed! And behind him- everything is darkness for her, nothing but hypotheses...
(2) Undoubtedly existed. The Egyptian and Aryan chronicles, and especially our tables of the Zodiac, give us all the evidence for this, not to mention our own. domestic knowledge. culture- it is a heritage, an ancestral heritage, passing from race to race along the ascending and descending trajectories of cycles. During the infancy of one sub-race, Culture is preserved for it by the preceding sub-race, which usually disappears, dies out when it "comes of age". At first, most of them are wasteful and mismanage their property or leave it untouched in the chests of their ancestors. They contemptuously reject the advice of their elders and, like boys, prefer to play in the street rather than explore and make the best use of the untouched wealth that has been accumulated for them in the legacy of the Past. So, during your transition period- Middle Ages - Europe rejected the evidence of antiquity, naming such wise men as Herodotus and other learned Greeks- "Father of Lies", and only after learning something, changed this nickname to "Father of History". Instead of neglect, you are now accumulating and multiplying your wealth. Like every other race, you have had your ups and downs, your periods of glory and infamy, your dark midnight.- and now you are approaching your brilliant afternoon. The youngest sub-race in the family of the fifth race, for many centuries you remained the unloved and abandoned Cinderella in your own home. And now that so many of your sisters have already died, and others are still dying; while very few of the elders left alive are now in their second infancy, only waiting for their Messiah- the sixth race, in order to rise to a new life and again, together with the coming newborn, move along the path of a new cycle,- now that this Western Cinderella has suddenly grown into a proud, wealthy princess, beauty, to which we all look in admiration,- how does she act? Less kind-hearted than the princess from the fairy tale, instead of offering to her older and less favored sister, in fact the oldest now, for she is almost "a million years old", and the only one who never mistreated her, although she may not have noticed her,- instead, I repeat, to offer her the “kiss of peace,” she applies lex talionis to her, moreover, with a vindictiveness that does not at all increase her natural beauty. This, my dear friend and brother, is not at all an exaggerated allegory, but- story.

(3) Yes; the fifth race is ours - originated in Asia a million years ago. What did she do during the 998,000 years leading up to the last 2000? A pertinent question, and posed in a thoroughly Christian spirit that refuses to believe that anything good could ever happen anywhere. previously and other than in Nazareth. What was she doing? Well, she was quite happily doing what she is now,- begging for forgiveness from Mr. Grant Allen, who persists in placing our primitive ancestor, "wild" man, in the early Eocene! Truly, your writers in the field of science saddle their hypotheses with the utmost fearlessness, as I see it. And it will be a real pity when one day their ardent steed starts to kick and break their neck, which inevitably awaits them in the future.
In the Eocene, precisely in its "very initial period", a large cycle of people of the fourth race - Atlanteans - has already reached its highest point, and the huge continent, the father of almost all the present continents, has shown the first signs of subsidence - and this process continued until a time 11,446 years distant from us, when his last island (which, by translating its local name, we can quite accurately call Poseidon) went to the bottom with a terrible roar.
It is no more admissible to confuse Lemuria with the Atlantean continent than Europe and America. Both of them sank and were flooded along with their high civilization and "gods", however, these two catastrophes were separated by a short period of time, about 700,000 years. "Lemuria" flourished and ended its existence precisely in such a trifling period of time before the beginning of the early Eocene, since its race was third .
See the remnants of this once great people in some of the flat-headed natives of your Australia! The reviewer is no less right in rejecting the sweet attempt of the authors to populate India and Egypt with the remnants of the Atlanteans.
Without a doubt, your geologists are very educated, but why not take into account that under the continents they explored and measured, in the depths of which they found the “Eocene epoch” and forced it to give them its secrets, there may be- deep hidden in the immeasurable or rather unmeasured ocean depths- other, and much older continents, whose strata have never been geologically explored;and that they may one day completely overthrow their present theories, thus illustrating the simplicity and grandeur of truth combined with an inductive "generalization" against their illusory assumptions. Why not let- In fact, none of them had such an idea in their heads,- that our current continents, like Lemuria and Atlantis, several times already went under water and eventually reappeared to carry new groups of humanity and civilizations; and what about the first big geological uplift during the next cataclysm- in a series of periodic cataclysms that occur from the beginning to the end of each great Circle,- our already opened the continents will sink, while Lemuria and Atlantis will rise again.
Imagine the future geologists of the sixth and seventh races- how they make deep digs in the bowels of what was Ceylon or Simla, and find the utensils of the Veddas or distant ancestors civilized pahari (moreover, all the objects of the civilized part of humanity that inhabited these areas have already been turned into dust by huge masses of moving glaciers during the next ice age),- imagine how they find only such crude tools and utensils as are now found among wild tribes, and immediately declare that during this period primitive man climbed trees and slept on them, and sucked the marrow from the bones of animals- what civilized Europeans do no less often and no less willingly than the Veddas,- and from here they jump to the conclusion that in the year 1882 after Rozhd.Chr. humanity consisted of "humanoid animals", black and hairy in face, with "prominent jaws and large sharp fangs". Takova your the science. But back to your questions.
Of course, the 4th race had its periods of the highest civilization. Greek, Roman and even Egyptian civilizations- nothing compared to those that appeared with the 3rd race.Representatives of the 2nd race not were savages, but they cannot be called civilized. Greeks and Romans were small subraces the Egyptians- an integral and integral part of our "Caucasian" family. Pay attention to the latter and to India. Having reached the highest civilization and, moreover, scholarship - both of them went down. Egypt- as a sub-race- disappears completely (her Copts- remnants of hybrids). India- as one of the first and most powerful offshoots of the main race, consisting of many subraces,- has survived to this day and is making every effort to once again take its place in history in the future.In your History, the first glimpses of information about Egypt, information scarce, scattered and foggy, refer to times about 12,000 years ago, when, millennia before, having already reached the highest point of its cycle, it went down. What does he know or maybe to know what India was like 5,000 years ago, or about the Chaldeans, whom she so nicely mixes with the Assyrians, turning them today into "Akkadians", tomorrow into Turans, and so on! And that's why we say that your History is completely confused.
Did you know that the Chaldeans reached the zenith of their occult glory yet before how did your "bronze age" come about? That the "Sons of Hell" or the children of the Fire Mist lived hundreds of centuries before the "Iron Age", which was already ancient, when
historical period, how do you call it now (probably because everything that is known about him is basically not a story, but fiction) , has just begun.We argue that much "greater civilizations than ours have come and gone" . To say, like some of your contemporary writers, that even before the rise of Rome and Athens, there was some kind of vanished civilization,- this is clearly not enough.We claim that there was whole line civilizations before, as well as after the Ice Age; that they existed in different parts of the globe, reached the zenith of fame and - were dying. No traces or memories of the Assyrian and Phoenician civilizations survived until the discoveries of recent years began. And now they are opening a new, although far from the earliest, page in the history of mankind. And yet, how ancient are these civilizations in comparison with the most ancient ones?- but even their history does not dare to accept.
Archeo-geology has quite convincingly shown that human memory extends into the depths of centuries much further than history is inclined to admit, and the secret evidence of once powerful peoples, preserved by their heirs, is even more worthy of trust.We are talking about civilizations of the pre-glacial period, and (not only for the layman and layman, but even from the point of view of a highly learned geologist) this statement of ours will sound ridiculous. What then would you say to our assertion that the Chinese- I am talking now about the real Chinese of inner China, and not about the hybrid mixture of the fourth and fifth races that is now in power,- the native Chinese, who in their pure-blood nationality belong wholly to the highest and last branch of the fourth race, have attained the highest level of their civilization, when the fifth race had just appeared in Asia, and when its first offshoots were still a matter of the future. When was it? Do the math. It would be absurd to think that, with such huge chances against the adoption of our doctrine, we would consciously continue invent races and sub-races, if they were not an irrefutable fact.
A group of islands near the Siberian coast, discovered by Nordenskiöld on the Vega, turned out to be littered with fossil remains of horses, sheep, bulls, etc. mixed with giant bones of elephants, mammoths, rhinos and other monsters dating back to the time when man- as your science says- has not yet appeared on earth. How did it happen that horses and sheep ended up in the same company with the "antediluvian" hulks?Horse, they teach us at school,- quite a modern invention of nature, and nobody did not see its fossil ancestor.The mentioned group of Siberian islands refutes this convenient theory. This area, currently enclosed in the chains of eternal winter and uninhabited by man- by this most fragile of animals,- not only had, as will soon be proved, a tropical climate (which your science knows and does not dispute), but also was also the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations the fourth race, the highest remnants of which we find today in the degenerate Chinese, and the lowest- hopelessly (for an ignorant scientist) mixed with the remnants of the third race.

Note by A. Koltypin.Read my work on this matter"The last days of the Great Northern civilization - the descendants of the white gods. What happened in Northeast Asia, Alaska and the shelf of the Arctic Ocean 12 thousand years ago? (reconstructions at the intersection of geology and history)"

I have already told you that the highest (spiritually) type of people now on Earth belongs to the first sub-race of the fifth root race- they are Asian Aryans; the highest race (physical mind)- this is the last sub-race of the fifth, you yourselves white conquerors. The majority of humanity belongs to the seventh sub-race of the fourth root race: the aforementioned Chinese and their offshoots and branches (Malays, Mongols, Tibetans, Javanese, etc., etc.), and to the remnants of other sub-races of the fourth race- and to the seventh sub-race of the third race.All these fallen, degenerate semblances of humanity- direct descendants of highly civilized peoples, the memory of which, like their very names, was preserved only in such books as Popol Vuh, and a number of others unknown to science.

Note by A. Koltypin.Read my work in section "Five World Ages and Mankinds of Maya, Nahua and Aztecs"

(4) By the time of the Miocene. In the evolution of the Circles everything happens at its appointed time and at its appointed point, otherwise it would be impossible for the best clairvoyant to calculate the exact hour and year when such large or small cataclysms should occur. And all the adept could do is predict approximate time; while now events which end in major geological changes can be predicted with the same mathematical precision as eclipses and other spatial changes. The sinking of Atlantis (a group of continents and islands) began in the Miocene era- as now there is a gradual immersion of some your continents- and reached its climax: first - when the largest continent finally disappeared (an event that coincided with the rise of the Alps),

Note by A. Koltypin.The rise of the Alps began at the turn of the early and middle Miocene, about 16 million years ago. At this time, a catastrophe occurred that led to the formation of the modern world and humanity. Read my worksThe most important catastrophe in the history of the Earth, during which humanity appeared. When did it happen", " Works that give best performance about the scientific interests of the author, and facts confirming the worldwide scale of the catastrophe 16 million years ago (in one article) when the last of the beautiful islands mentioned by Plato went under water. The Egyptian priests of Sais told his ancestor Solon thatAtlantis (i.e. the only remaining large island) perished 9,000 years ago. This number is not fictitious, because for thousands of years they have carefully preserved their historical evidence. But then they told only about "Poseidon"and they did not want to betray their secret chronology even to the great Greek legislator. Since there is no geological reason to doubt this legend, but on the contrary, there is a huge amount of evidence to confirm it, science has finally recognized the existence of this vast continent and archipelago, and thus confirmed the truth of another "fable". She teaches now, as you know, that Atlantis or that its remnants lasted until post-Cenozoic times, and that its final subsidence took place in the Paleozoic period of American history! (it is not clear, apparently, a translation error - AK) Well, truth and fact should be grateful even for such small favors, in view of the complete absence of such over the course of numerous previous centuries. Deep sea research, in particular that carried out by the Challenger, is completely confirmed messages of geology and paleontology. great event- the triumph of our "Sons Fire Mist", the inhabitants of "Shambhala" (at that time still an island in the Central Asian Sea), over selfish, if not completely immoral magicians Poseidon,- happened exactly 11,446 years ago.
Of course, your science is right in many of its generalizations, but its premises are wrong, or at least in many ways wrong.For example, she is right in saying that at the time of education new America ancient Atlantis sank and gradually went under water; but she is mistaken both in the epochs she gives, and in the calculations of the duration of this immersion. Such is the coming fate of your British Isles, the first in the list of victims to be destroyed by fire (submarine volcanoes) and water; France and other countries will follow. When they reappear, the last, seventh sub-race of the sixth root race of present humanity will flourish on "Lemuria" and "Atlantis", which will also reappear (moreover, their reappearance will take place immediately after the disappearance of the present islands and continents), and very few seas and great oceans will then be on the globe, since the waters, like the earth, appear, disappear and move periodically, all in their turn.
The approach of each new "obscuration" is always heralded by cataclysms
- fire or water. But apart from that, each "small circle”, or the root race, must be cut, so to speak, in two by one of these elements.Thus, having reached the pinnacle of its development and glory, the fourth race - Atlanteans were destroyed water , and now you meet only their degenerate, fallen remnants, whose sub-races, however, and each of them, had their happy Days fame and relative greatness. What are they now- so shall you be, for the law of cycles is one and unchanging. When your race is the fifth - reaches the zenith in the development of its physical mind and develop the highest civilization(remember the distinction we make between material and spiritual civilizations),and will no longer be able to rise higher in his cycle, her progress towards absolute evil will be stopped (as well as her predecessors Lemurians and Atlanteans, people of the third and fourth races, were stopped in their progress towards the same) by one of these changes, bearing the character of a cataclysm. Her great civilization will be destroyed, and all sub-races this the races will go down in their cycles after a short period of glory and learning.
Pay attention to the remains of the Atlanteans
- on the ancient Greeks and Romans (the present all belong to the fifth race): how great and how short, how short were the days of their fame and glory! For they were but sub-races of the seven offshoots of the "root race." The One Ruling Law does not allow the mother race, as well as its sub-races and offshoots, to violate the prerogatives of the race or sub-race that follows it; and least of all does he allow to encroach on the knowledge and powers reserved for her successor. "May you not eat the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil from the tree that grows for your heirs."This "tree" is protected by us, entrusted to us by the Dhyan-Kagans, the patrons of our race and the Guardians of the future races.. Try to understand this allegory and keep in mind the hint given to you in my letter about Planetary Spirits.


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