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According to postal rules, it is considered that until the parcel is delivered to the recipient, it belongs to the sender. Therefore, all responsibility for the correct filling of postal documents, search in case of loss, receipt of compensation in case of theft, etc. lies on the shoulders of the seller.

Plus, on Aliexpress, according to the buyer protection rules, if the buyer has not received the package, then he can get back the entire amount that he paid for the order. Moreover, buyers who no longer needed the goods could simply not pick up the parcel from the post office and after 30 days it went back to China, and the buyer opened a dispute and returned the money. Moreover, there were no problems if suddenly the parcel did not go through customs. And it didn’t matter for what reasons: whether it was a product prohibited for import, or stolen goods, or the need to pay customs duty. Previously, it was easy to open a dispute, attach a screen of the tracking system, where it was clear that the parcel did not pass customs and went to the seller. In almost 100% of cases, the dispute was resolved in favor of the buyer. After all, he did not receive the parcel.

But, recently, problems have begun for those whose parcel was unwrapped at customs or if the buyer does not want to pay the duty. When opening a dispute due to "Problems with customs" you will see a list of reasons why customs usually holds packages. Such reasons as: lack of an invoice, licenses or certificates, underestimation of the cost of goods, counterfeit goods are the responsibility of the seller. And goods prohibited for import and the need to pay customs fees- lies on the shoulders of the buyer. That is, now, if you are not ready to do customs clearance and pay the duty, then you will be refunded minus the cost of shipping the goods.

If you escalate the dispute for a reason "Problems with customs", then most likely the Aliexpress administration will ask you to provide documents within 7 days stating that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller.

The buyer receives a message with the following content:

“Please confirm with your local customs and provide official documents from them to clarify the exact delayed reason to AliExpress within 7 calendar days.

If we haven’t received the official document from customs during this time, we would assume that you’re responsible for the shipping fee and compensate seller for the freight.”

(Please contact your customs office and provide within 7 days of official documents explaining the reason for the delay of the package. If we do not receive official document from customs within this time, we will assume that you are responsible for the cost of shipping the goods and compensate the seller for it"

But this requirement It is very difficult to complete within 7 days. Since the standard time for registering a request for a document is 3 business days. And the document itself can be prepared by customs officers within 30 days. That is, it is extremely difficult to meet the allotted time and the result does not depend on the buyer, but on other persons.

Moreover, the fault may be entirely of the seller. There were situations when the seller forgot to fill out the customs declaration, when he accidentally wrote in the cost of sending the amount one order of magnitude more than the real value and the goods did not fit into the norms and it was necessary to pay a substantial amount of duty. There were cases when the seller sent copies of tablets and phones that did not go through customs due to being counterfeit. Or significantly underestimated the cost of the goods, which was clearly visible at the customs.

Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, we have not yet seen a single positive outcome of the escalated dispute due to "Problems with customs". In all these cases, when opening a dispute, buyers attached screenshots of the tracking service, where it was clear that the package is coming back to the seller. And they described the situation in detail, that it was not their fault. Unfortunately, mediators require a document with a signature and seal.

Outcomes of the dispute due to "the goods did not pass customs"

In the letter, the mediators inform that if there is no evidence that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller, the buyer will receive a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

But there are also situations when the money goes completely to the seller, although the buyer has not received the goods. Most often, if the goods are detained by customs or subject to payment of customs duties.

That is, buyers end up without money and without goods. Which is very embarrassing.

How to open a dispute due to "Problems with customs".

First of all, you do not need to rush to open a dispute. Wait until the package arrives in China. Then the seller will see that he will now receive his goods back and it will be easier for him to agree to a return.

Secondly, do not rush to aggravate the dispute. Try to arrange a refund with the seller first. If the reason is clearly in you, then agree to a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

If the reason is the seller, then you can request a document stating that the package was deployed through no fault of yours in advance, even before opening a dispute. Then you will definitely be able to meet the required 7 days to provide evidence of the reason for the delay in the parcel.

Status on Aliexpress "Customs clearance failed"

Since the end of April 2018, strange statuses began to appear in the tracking of parcels on the Aliexpress website, saying that "Customs clearance has not been passed." Of course, buyers are very worried when they see that their package has been detained at customs.

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Zvyazda journalists traced the path of international correspondence at customs.

To the enterprise Minsk post» flock all international mail addressed to Belarus. Here they are processed, sorted, from here they are sent to all regions of the country. But after they pass customs control, as some of the shipments are being held up by vigilant staff...

We are in customs control hall, where there is an incredible number of parcels and packages. Despite this, the work, clearly divided into several stages, is proceeding smoothly. It begins with the fact that each package is entered into a computer database data with the scanner. It is necessary to make surname and name of the recipient, his address, as well as the name, weight and value of the goods in the parcel. And this is where the difficulties begin: the sender, for example, did not indicate full name, address or product description. If such moments arise, the employee who enters the goods into the database postpones the shipment to a separate basket and notifies the recipient. He must clarify the necessary information and, since his correspondence slowed down the entire circulation of items at this stage, pay a fee of 28 thousand rubles collected by Belpochta.

Next, the so-called risks are worked out: small packages weighing up to two kilograms are scanned, check with the register in the computer and find out whether citizens have previously tried to receive goods prohibited for import by mail. Among them - alcohol, tobacco products and smoking mixtures, any types of weapons, radioactive materials, cultural property, perishable goods, animals, except for some, and plants, precious stones (if they are not in jewelry), narcotic and psychotropic drugs (including in the form drugs), ozone depleting substances. Here they control import frequency and value of goods: within a month one addressee can receive shipments weighing up to 31 kilograms and for an amount not exceeding 200 euros otherwise you will have to pay a fee. As a rule, most postal items do not arouse suspicion among customs officers. However, there are exceptions. True, experienced employees see various tricks immediately and send correspondence to additional inspection. And now the chief inspector of the customs control department Sergei Prokhorik is wary: one package states that it contains a new phone from an online store worth $18 and a $20 camera. The cost of the devices is clearly underestimated, so the inspector “sees through” the shipment with an x-ray.

We see that in the dispatch there is a camera with wires for connection and a telephone, - Prokhorik comments on the image on the computer screen. - Postal operators they will open this shipment and present it to the customs inspector who will evaluate it and make a decision on an in-depth examination.

The next step is to check parcels from three to 27 kilograms. On the employee's screen is the contents of a 14-kilogram parcel from Italy: silhouettes of shoes, canned goods, clothes, sweets. And in the next package, the expert notices the silhouette of the bottle. It can be, for example, “harmless” olive oil, or maybe alcohol prohibited for shipment. Therefore, with technical control this departure also submitted for manual inspection.. If the package does not contain anything prohibited, it will continue on its way to the recipient. Otherwise, they will make the inspection report and the parcel will be sent back sender.

By the way, each workplace equipped in the customs inspection zone video camera, and the opening of shipments takes place with the participation of the commission and also under video surveillance. So if a citizen has any claims about the integrity of his parcel, then everything can be easily checked using the appropriate video recording. In addition, the weight of each shipment postal service controls up to the gram. If any discrepancy is found, it is also documented.

Further, the customs officer, according to the declarations pasted on the items, selects those that are waiting in-depth manual inspection. Of the 40 thousand parcels processed per day, violations are found in 40-50. Upon opening, it is established that the things in the parcel are really intended for personal use or they were sent for sale. After all, some go to any lengths to avoid paying the duty: they write down several items to one address, and change the surname to several letters, and hide and disguise forbidden things in the most fantastic ways. For the first quarter of the year already initiated eight criminal cases on the facts of import of psychotropic substances into Belarus. In addition, customs officials note that recently, without documents and declarations, they began to import edged weapons, batons, foreign currency, and means of secretly obtaining information disguised as other items. So, we were very surprised when we saw electric flashlights among the things removed during the inspection. Why can't they be shipped? It turned out that these were not flashlights at all, but electric shock devices ...

Total in the customs control zone - 18 jobs. On the days of the highest flow of departures (for example, on new year holidays) the number of employees here is doubled. More and more they have to process parcels from China(in 2013 they accounted for 54% of all international shipments, last year - already 70%). Partly it is electronic, mobile devices and other equipment. Leaders in ordering things from abroad - Minsk and Minsk region(more than 50% of recipients), in second place (14%) - Gomel region.

Last year Belarus received 6.5 million international mail in the amount of 58 million dollars. And for the first quarter current year 2.6 million shipments have already been received, - said the head of the Minsk Regional Customs Alexander Bogdevich.

Volumes international parcels increase: if last year individuals received goods worth about 60 million euros through postal items, then in the first quarter of 2015 the amount already amounted to 40 million. This situation forces customs and postal workers to take additional measures to process correspondence.

- June 1st plans to open another point of international postal exchange on the territory of the National Airport"Minsk" in the zone of activity of the customs "Minsk-2", - the deputy chairman of the State Customs Committee announced the event Vladimir Orlovsky. - If part of the shipments arriving by air will be processed directly at the airport, customs operations will be reduced, as well as certain postal operations.

According to Vladimir Orlovsky, about 30% of air shipments will be processed at the airport, and by the end of the year, their number may increase to 50%.

Thus, there is hope that Belarusians will receive their shipments faster. By the way, many reproach postal workers for the fact that correspondence takes a long time. And in vain, because the time of its journey depends on many components.

From the moment the goods are purchased in a certain country, the online store packs them for some time and transfers them to the postal operator of the country of departure. Next is transportation. Of course, if this is China, then the departure will pass through two or three transit airports. However, all operators try to choose logistics with a minimum transit time to the country of destination. After departure arrived at the Minsk National Airport(Today, 70% of shipments are delivered by air), during the day it is brought to the point of international postal exchange. It processed 2-3 days- depending on how the shipment is issued. Further delivery is carried out depending on the destination one to three days(to the farthest corner of the country), - said the first deputy CEO enterprises "Belpochta" Elena Skripchik.

Timing customs clearance if there are no questions, also 1-2 days. For greater convenience of customers, parcels and EMS items are delivered directly to the recipient's home. small packages are issued either at post offices or at specialized points of issue (there are now more than 15 of them in the country). However, if desired, the client can use additional services, for example, order a courier and agree on a delivery time. Of course, these services are charged. In addition, on the website of "Belpochta" you can track the path of your postal item in online mode.

We are seeing a little panic, so we probably need to explain what happened and what changes it threatens users with (spoiler: not everything is so scary). We gave interviews on this occasion to newspapers and the 360° channel. And they forgot to write in GT. We are correcting and clarifying the situation.

What happened

On December 7, a new order of the Federal Customs Service came into force regarding purchases imported from abroad (FTS No. 1861 dated November 24, 2017). Users are now being asked for new data - in particular, a TIN and confirmation of the price of the goods - to help customs track whether they are importing "too much" and whether they should start demanding payment of duties from them. This is an "experiment to introduce into the Unified Automated information system customs authorities (EAISTO) the function of checking goods purchased individuals in foreign online stores and delivered by transport forwarding companies and courier services.

Everything is as usual: the government does not like foreign online purchases: customers who buy goods there cheaply do not pay any additional taxes to the budget. Since 2014, there has been an active tightening of the rules and the introduction of duties is constantly being discussed. But so far, purchases abroad continue to grow. The share of foreign e-commerce in Russia in 2017 will be about 40%. This is 420 billion rubles by the Russian treasury. Aleksey Fedorov, head of the AKIT association, which brought together twenty of the largest Russian online stores to lobby for their interests, states that "Buying on Aliexpress, you are, in fact, committing theft."

The duty-free threshold for purchases in foreign online stores is now €1,000 or 31 kg per person per month. Now it will be easier for customs to track whether this limit is exceeded. The FCS also says the new requirements will reduce "the risks of importing goods to nominees." New order will be tested across the country from December 7, 2017 to July 2018. Passport data of users, TIN, as well as information about the cost and weight of the goods they buy in euros and rubles will be stored in EAISTO.

Only international shipments sent via Russian Post do not participate in the experiment.

What has changed for you

Not so much. If you took something in foreign online stores, you were probably required to have passport data anyway. And now, in addition to them, buyers will need to indicate their TIN and provide links or screenshots to the ordered goods. However, the laws on buying in online stores change with enviable regularity, and the quality of their implementation may depend on a particular customs officer. For example, with links and screenshots, they already understand that they got excited:

As you can see, the FCS themselves are not yet very sure what the new rules mean. But the TIN applications and links to the product are still enough. We are not yet required to attach invoices, screenshots and other confirmations of purchase. In the account, there has always been a field for adding a link, and now just another one has appeared nearby - for the TIN. The situation is the same for most other intermediaries. If something else is required in the future, the support service will contact you itself.

During customs clearance, the value of the goods will be fixed in accordance with the declaration you have issued. The confirmation of the correctness of filling out the declaration on your part is an invoice - a letter confirming the payment for the order, which the store sends you by e-mail.

If the link to the product is "burnt" (gives 404, for example), its alternative is a screenshot of the order confirmation page from your personal account in the online store. The screenshot must be made so that the name, photo, price and quantity of the purchased goods are clearly visible. And then - upload it to the cloud or file hosting.

Even if the link does not burn down, it is useful to save screenshots and invoices for one more situation. Many of our customers take goods at discount prices. And since the data from the links will be processed by EAISTO at the time the parcel passes through customs, it is likely that the price there will be higher. If you literally barely invested in the limit of €1 thousand, and the price increase "passed" you over the edge, you may be required to pay a fee - 30% of the amount exceeding the limit. If the iPhone X, which cost a safe €800 somewhere on eBay, turns into €1200 on the same link, you will have to pay an additional €60. A similar story - if the page at the link simply disappeared, and now the customs office has nothing to compare the price with.

In general, notarized screenshots, over which the Internet was once mad, are no longer a myth, but a reality.

What has changed for us

Not so much either. We already advised to put links so that there would be no misunderstandings. Now we have added a field for the TIN. In existing orders going through FastBox, Express Mail and Express Light Mail, we urgently add the TIN from those users who have entered it into their account or contacted our operators. Those who are not ready to provide their TIN number are offered to switch to EMS, USPS Priority or Econom Priority delivery free of charge, which work through Russian Post.

Technical support in the field of online shopping is already not easy. For the next few days, we are working on an emergency basis. Until the package meets the new requirements, it will not pass through customs, and many users need to be informed about this personally. On the plus side, we are preparing for a potential time delay while the FCS sorts out its new system. Although the customs service itself assures that this will not happen.

And so - it's okay, there were worse laws. We are waiting for a real blow in July 2018, when the limit on purchases from abroad

When making online purchases abroad, you should understand that parcels from Aliexpress are checked by customs. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide passport data and TIN.
There are also other problems with customs. In this article, we will look at how to proceed if the customs does not let the parcel through.

Fans of foreign online shopping are better off studying the algorithm in advance on how to act in case of a delay in customs clearance of an order with Aliexpress.

There are a number of reasons why goods with Aliexpress may “freeze” at the stage of customs clearance:

  1. Employees suspected a commercial shipment (for example, the order contains a number of identical items).
  2. The cost of the goods sent is deliberately underestimated.
  3. The weight of the parcel does not correspond to that stated in the accompanying documentation.
  4. The seller did not include Required documents or they have errors.
  5. Customs needs to clarify the information about the sender.
  6. The product is included in the list of prohibited items for import (drugs, weapons, spy equipment, valuable art objects, etc.). In this case, the parcel is arrested and an investigation is carried out.
  7. Counterfeit products that infringe copyright are moved, such as counterfeit Cell phones.
  8. The weight of the parcel exceeds the allowed limit of 31 kg, and the payment of duty by the buyer is required.
  9. total cost goods is 1000 euros or more. Or, orders to the same buyer for an amount exceeding 1,000 euros have already passed through customs for a month. In this case, the recipient is also obliged to pay the fee.

Note! To control duty-free limits, customs uses the TIN and passport data that the buyer indicates when placing an order for Aliexpress.

And if you become aware of the very fact of the delay quite soon - through the mail tracking service, or from the delivery service, then no one will tell you the reason for the problems with customs. To find out, you will have to contact directly with customs authority.

What to do if the order is stuck at customs

The term of customs clearance is not a constant value. It happens that parcels "skip" the stage in just a few hours, but sometimes the procedure is delayed for 3-5 days, and this is also considered normal. In any case, until this period has passed, you should not panic. Just periodically check the status of the package through the tracking system, and be patient. Perhaps the delay is due to technical problems or high customs workload, and in the near future your order will be safely released and sent to your post office.

Be careful! When opening a dispute due to the delay of goods at customs, get ready to prove that your fault is not here. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the decision will not be made in your favor.

How and when to open a dispute on Aliexpress

The standard stay of a delayed parcel from Aliexpress at customs is 14 to 30 days from the date of notification of the recipient, depending on the type of mail. After this time, the order is sent back to China. It is at the moment when the track shows that the goods are being returned that negotiations with the seller can begin. Perhaps he will not bargain when he sees that the package is already on the way, and will agree to return the full cost of the goods to you.

If you yourself are to blame for problems with customs, a good compromise would be to agree on a refund, minus shipping costs. Agree to this option, because if you decide to aggravate the dispute, Aliexpress can take the side of the seller, and you will lose not only the goods, but also the entire amount paid for the order.

Postal rules state that until the package is delivered to the buyer, the responsibility for it lies with the seller. He is obliged to search for the loss himself, resolve issues with documents, and in case of non-receipt by the client, compensate him for the cost of the goods.

However, in the case of a customs return, everything is not so simple. If the goods ordered for Aliexpress are detained at customs, the site places the burden of proof on the buyer and allocates him only 7 days for this. Moreover, a screenshot from the order is, as a rule, not enough, and when opening a dispute, they are required to provide “live” documents with seals and signatures.
At the same time, a request for customs service It can take up to 30 days to receive the necessary papers.
Therefore, before opening a dispute, visit the distribution post office.

Be sure to take with you:

  1. Passport (original and copy), TIN, tracking number of the parcel.
  2. Copies of documents of relatives, if the order contains the same type of goods, so that customs has no doubt that the items were bought for their personal use.
  3. As complete as possible information about the goods: their list, photos, links, description, purpose, etc.
  4. Bank statement confirming payment for goods, invoices, other financial documents.

Try to resolve all issues with customs, if necessary, pay the fee.
Based on a request public service will issue you official papers containing the rationale for refusing customs clearance.

As soon as the documents are in your hands, boldly and be sure to attach scans within a week.

Do not despair if you do not have a customs office nearby to quickly collect documents. When you open a dispute, write to the mediators that you live in a remote place and do not have the opportunity to receive an answer within the allotted time. Attach a screenshot from the order with your address and Google Maps, where indicate the distance to the nearest customs office. In the parcel tracking service, take a screenshot of the information about returning the parcel to the seller. Be sure to refer to the postal convention obliging the sender to be responsible for the parcel until it is handed over to the buyer.

No need to be afraid of difficulties with customs and orders with Aliexpress.
If you do everything honestly, enter the correct data and do not try to buy in bulk without paying customs duties, any problems that arise can be solved.

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Such messages are often seen by AliExpress buyers who are waiting for their package and tracking its progress. in personal account AliExpress. But this information is often wrong!

How and where to track a parcel with Aliexpress? After purchasing the product on the official in the section My ordersAll orders there is a button on the right side of the screen Check tracking.

By clicking on this button, the user is taken to the parcel tracking page, where he can see information when the parcel was sent, tracking number, name logistics company, as well as information about the order number, address of the recipient and the name of the store where the product was purchased.

What is the most important information for us? it Tracking Number and name of the logistics company.

As a package moves from one logistics warehouse to the next, the status of the package is updated and the items in the list are added. Examples: “Awaiting collection by carrier”, “Accepted by air carrier”, “Left country of origin”, etc.

This is how day after day passes, the parcel happily moves to its owner, the buyer is satisfied, waiting for the parcel.
But one day, going to the user's account on the official website, the buyer sees the status of the package: “ Parcel held by customs Please contact customs or the seller" or "". How so? After all, the goods are cheap, fit into customs requirements and are cheaper than 150 euros, they are allowed to be shipped. Why is the goods detained at customs?

And the whole point is on the AliExpress website, inaccurate information on the movement of parcels is indicated!

Look carefully at the tracking page of your package and find out which service will deliver the package in your country.
Click on the active link or find your delivery service through the search engine and see the status of your parcel on the official site. Or we recommend you look at 17track.

In Ukraine, most often the delivery service will be UkrPoshta. In Russia - Russian Post.

The data that you see in the official AliExpress account is “pulled” from the website of a Chinese logistics company Cainiao, which is part of the Alibaba Group. Due to some technical reasons and the imperfection of the translation in your account on Ali and on the website Cainiao you may see erroneous information.

Phrases: “The parcel is detained at customs. Please contact customs or the seller.” and “Customs Clearance Failed” should not be taken literally! Perhaps the parcel has already passed customs and is in your post office!

Parcel held at customs- this often means that the parcel is simply at customs, lying in a warehouse and waiting for clearance. You need to start worrying only if the package does not change status for more than 7 days.

- the same thing, no need to panic and worry. Go to the official website of the delivery service (UkrPoshta, New mail, Belpochta, Russian Post, etc.) and check the status.

Please contact customs or seller– no need to contact anyone, as well as print the AliExpress page and go to customs until you go to the official website of UkrPoshta, Nova Poshta, Belpochta, Russian Post, etc. and look official information on your package! Do not open a dispute long before the end of protection until you find out where the package is, otherwise you may be blocked. Now a new algorithm for blocking users on has been launched

In the summer, parcels go through customs in 2-3 hours. In autumn and winter from 1 day to a week.

In this article, the information applies to parcels with track numbers that tracked. Trackless parcels and parcels that are tracked only in China, customs control also pass, but the status of customs clearance to the buyer not visible.

In Ukraine, when you check the parcel track on the UkrPost website, you will see completely normal statuses for each foreign parcel: “Submitted for checkpoint control”, “To be in the checkpoint: check presented to the inspector of the checkpoint”, “Returned to checkpoint control”. Usually the time corresponds to Chinese information, which supposedly the package is held by customs or customs clearance not passed.


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