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Farming is a promising activity, even considering all the risks. Few entrepreneurs decide to organize a KFK (peasant farming), since this type of business requires considerable financial investments, and the results of the work will be visible only after 9-12 months. Organizing an agribusiness from scratch in Belarus is inexpensive - you will have to pay one basic amount for registration. Also, in some cases, governmental support farming activities.

Cattle breeding

How to organize a farm from scratch?

KFH- this is commercial organization, organized by a citizen or members of the same family, to conduct entrepreneurial activity for the production (processing, storage, transportation, sale) of agricultural products, on a plot of land allocated by the state.

The future farmer should be determined with the direction of activity:

  • beekeeping (honey, propolis, wax, perga);
  • (geese, chickens, ducks, pheasants, turkeys);
  • fish farming (carp, pike, trout, sturgeon, etc.);
  • cattle breeding (goats, sheep, horses, cows, rabbits, pigs);
  • plant growing (vine growing, forestry, meadow growing, vegetable growing, horticulture, seed growing, etc.).

Farm "DAK"

Up to 50 hectares of agricultural land can be obtained for free lifetime use. The land cannot be sold or exchanged, but it can be inherited. State financial support can be provided to household plots within a year from the moment of their establishment, as well as to farmers whose income from agricultural products (except for flowers, ornamental plants, fur farming) is at least 50% of the total income of the previous year.

After choosing a direction of activity, you can develop a business plan for opening a farm business, which will be a business program.

The farmer should consider the following points:

  • name of the KFH;
  • composition of persons included in the economy;
  • location of the KFH;
  • goal;
  • the size statutory fund, the amount of contributions to UV;
  • rights and obligations of members of the peasant farm, the procedure for their entry;
  • the procedure for distributing profits, etc.

The creation of KFH activities is regulated by the following documents:

  • Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Peasant (Farm) Economy”;
  • Decree of the President of Belarus No. 667 “On withdrawal and provision of land plots”;
  • Land Code of the Republic of Belarus.

After drawing up a business plan, it is submitted to the local District Executive Committee along with an application for the possibility of placing a peasant farm on a specific land plot. The application must be considered by the authorities within one month. If the answer is positive, the agricultural enterprise should be registered.

Is farming profitable?

If you want to minimize risks, study the market and the level of competition in detail, as well as possible locations marketing of agricultural products. Breeding large cattle- a profitable direction, because there will always be demand for meat products. But this type of agribusiness requires large financial investments. With the right approach, the business will pay off within 2-5 years. If you want to make a profit faster, take up poultry or crop production. This business does not require large areas and money. Vegetables, fruits and berries can be grown all year round in greenhouses. This is especially true for the winter period: product prices will rise sharply. Fish farming, with proper management, brings a decent income not only from the sale of fish, but also from the organization of paid fishing. Investment in bee breeding will also pay off in a short time.

Ostrovets farm


  • For the first three years, no tax will be charged for the use of the land plot. In subsequent years, the farmer must pay tax. It is also possible to receive benefits from local authorities;
  • if hired workers work in a peasant farm, then the farmer must pay contributions to the Social Security Fund, insurance, etc.;
  • KFH can switch to paying a single tax (payment in fixed amount) for agricultural producers.

Also, from January 1, 2018, Decree No. 311 on simplifying the accounting form for small businesses comes into force. KFK with an average number of employees of 15 or less people and an annual revenue of not more than 110 thousand basic units is granted the right to conduct accounting in a simplified form in the book of income and expenses of the farm, including personally by their leaders.

Citizens who created a farm

Mikhail Shrub proved that it is possible to make money on agribusiness: 3% of the land of the Zhitkovichi region brings about 30% of the agricultural revenue of the region's enterprises. The Belarusian is successfully engaged not only in vegetable growing, but also in animal husbandry.

Farmer Mikhail Shrub

In 1989, farmers first appeared in Belarus. Their activities accounted for 2% of the country's agricultural production. On the this moment most of the country's state-owned agricultural enterprises are unprofitable, and the number of household plots is declining. The main reason is the extinction of the village and the decrease in the number of villagers. Over a 25-year period, about 7 thousand peasant farms were registered in Belarus, but due to various circumstances, 64% of them were liquidated.

According to Belstat, in 2016, Belarusian farmers used 2% of all agricultural land in the country. As of January 1, 2017 2531 the farm was doing its job. 2.3% of employees are employed by peasant farms. In total, in 2016, farmers produced agricultural products worth 291 million rubles.

Head of the farm Priozernaya-2010"shared with Zvyazda the secret of popularity among local old women, and also told why Kirkorov did not please him.

"Still can't get over the fact that I became a farmer"

"I hope you won't detain me for a long time? After all, I would also like to have time to go for fertilizer. Sowing season is just around the corner, time is running out." Thus began my acquaintance with Alexander Neiranovskiy- a person who knows firsthand that a spring day feeds a year.

Until recently, neither Alexander nor his soulmate Olga even thought about taking up farming. Accustomed to work from childhood, they busied themselves like bees on a personal plot. Until they felt it, it became a bit crowded on three hectares.

Today, the Neiranovskis have nothing less than 54 hectares of land. It is located in a neighboring village, which is two kilometers from the house. Immediately nearby, guarded by dogs, are three brick buildings, which the zealous owner adapted for storage.

Last year's cereals and buckwheat wintered here, - says Alexander. - Without storage facilities, a modern farmer will definitely have a hard time. Think for yourself: it's one thing to sell the crop for next to nothing immediately after harvesting, it's another to hold it and sell it for a lot more before sowing.

- Where do you get these buildings from?

Previously, collective farm bathhouses, a stable, a pigsty were located here ... But, as often happens, they were abandoned. The pigsty was demolished, and there was not enough money to demolish the rest of the buildings. Just look at the state they were in a year ago: the windows were smashed, the roofs were dismantled, wherever you look - weeds (shows photographs)! However, it was not so easy to redeem these useless buildings. Only the correspondence with the local economy, on the balance sheet of which they were, lasted about a year. The most interesting thing is that I lost not only much more time on paperwork, but also money than directly on the repair itself.

- And how quickly did you get the land?

The farm was registered in May 2010, the land was received only in the autumn. The first year was kind of a paper year. I had to knock on the thresholds of various instances, which, to be honest, I don’t like. If only you knew with what pleasure I got into the tractor after this paperwork! I'm a Swiss, and a reaper, and a player on the pipe, one might say. I do everything myself, because there is no way to hire people. One joy - the assistant is growing up: last year my son helped me a lot to harvest.

- Have you had any luck with the land? Many farmers complained that they were given the worst that only exists on the farms.

I asked the chairman of the local economy for the site on which I had my eye. But the head did not agree to give it entirely. As a result, he carved out 50% of good land, 50 - worse. Here at least from this put on (shows) last year I collected 11 trailers of stones. But it does get worse. I know a farmer, at whose request the chairman of another farm said: " As long as I live, not a single farmer will receive a hectare of land.". So it's a sin for me to complain.

- Alexander, what is the land for you? Many now do not grow anything on it or sow lawn grass.

Who is used to what. For the last 8 years (before becoming a farmer) I have been self-employed. He processed human cells with his technique. I had more than 60 regular clients during the season among local old ladies. They still can't get over the fact that I became a farmer. Like, "who will cultivate the land for us?". And why do I need farming, so much of that land? .. You have to feed the children, clothe, teach, eat and dress yourself. No wonder the earth has long been considered a breadwinner. Yes, and your own is your own, no one drives you, does not stand over your soul.

"In my harvester you can become a black man in an hour"

Near the house of the Neiranovskis there is a lot of various equipment. Most of which, according to the farmer, are 20-30 years old.

I came to farmers already technically “outfitted,” says Alexander. - I acquired the equipment gradually - from my hands, through advertisements. If something did not suit, I remade it for myself. I'm a turner and welder by trade.. Therefore, there were no difficulties with this. And here is my old one (leads me to a small combine harvester, covered from the rain with a tarpaulin. - N.D.). He is over 40 years old, but in terms of cleanliness of cleaning, he will outdo many younger cars.

One minus is that you have to work in the open sun, as the harvester has an unglazed cabin. An hour is enough to become a black man. So with such a combine, Alexander does not need any Crimea.

Own equipment, although old, is a big deal, says the farmer. - After all, if you rent the same combine or tractor, you will still be in debt. Or a farmer at one meeting "boasted" that he dragged a harrow with a motorcycle ... What's the point of doing farming at all then? At the same meeting, the former deputy minister said that we, farmers, work according to the old grandfather methods, on old equipment. He called to go to the Belagro exhibition. But what to go there: to see and lick your lips? It costs so much that it’s even scary to pronounce the amount out loud.. And the prices for it are constantly growing, in contrast to the prices for the same potato, which, despite the growth of the dollar, stand still.

As for the support for new farmers, according to the interlocutor, this is a problem. Especially now, when there is no money in the country.

- Farmer without initial capital very difficult to stand up. No one will give him a loan. I myself came to the bank last year, asked for only 10 million, gave seeds on bail. But they looked at me like that, as if I had fallen from the sky, they say, get out of here, we don’t know you. It would be great if the practice of giving young farmers a raise to help them get started would return.

True, last year Alexander still lucky: got a new tractor on lease. He does not even count on preferential loans for fuel. According to him, it is almost impossible to "knock out" something without connections.

Even writing out the forest is a problem. In the summer I applied, paid. And he waited his turn until autumn. Like, you need to provide your own first. I would like to believe that someday the attitude towards farmers will change.

"You won't be full with one song"

Another dream of Alexander is to wait for the day when the farmer's income will be comparable to the income of processors and merchandisers.

They are clean, warm, they will work for 8 hours - and go home. And they have more, due to the fact that they wind up the prices of products. And we spin like squirrels, almost 23 hours a day, we survive by increasing yields, reducing production costs. But there are also such operations on which it is impossible to save money, even if you wanted to. For example, if potatoes are not treated for phytophthora, then you will not get a crop.

The Neuranovskys grow many different crops: buckwheat, cabbage, and carrots... But priority is given to potatoes. "Second bread," Alexander admitted, is always on their table at home.

We will grow a new variety, and then we will taste it with the children, - says the farmer. - AND at the family council we decide whether to breed it or not. How many different varieties of potatoes we tried - you can’t tell. Either it does not have a species, or it is not stored, or the yield is low. As a result, we settled on four: two Belarusian and two foreign - German and Dutch. But the last variety decided to reduce, since the Dutch potato, although famous for its yield, contains little starch. Most Belarusians prefer mealy potatoes. Moreover, there are Belarusian varieties that are practically not inferior in terms of yield.

The farmer plans to sow several acres this season with new vaunted varieties of carrots. True, the Neuranovskys have already realized that catalogs are not very trustworthy.

Look at the picture - such a beautiful carrot! And as it grows, so at least shout the guard. You don’t know where to put carrots weighing more than a kilogram.

- Alexander, you mentioned at the beginning of our meeting that you like to go hunting in the winter. How do you spend your free time with my family?

Look at what season. In winter, we go skiing with children, I take them to the skating rink in Molodechno, where the Ice Palace was opened. If it's a church holiday, then it's not a sin to lie on the couch and read the newspaper. In spring, summer and autumn, all entertainment is on the field. In the hot season, there is no time to cross your legs. Every day is precious, every hour.

- What would you advise to those who, like you two years ago, thought about farming?

Don't wait for something to fall from the sky, but rely only on yourself and your strength. Maybe someday things will change, but for now.

He spoke about some global plans not too willingly. Most likely, he is of the opinion that if you want to make God laugh, then tell him about your plans. Nevertheless, he admitted that in the future he is thinking of doing animal husbandry, they say, this is a more profitable direction than vegetable growing. And a lot of waste remains from potatoes and grain. During the conversation, they also touched on current events taking place in the world, and talked about the WTO and Eurovision. " Kirkorov was invited to the final of Eurofest. They paid him that kind of money! And that's all budget funds. And so what: he sang - and the trace caught a cold. It would be better if they supported the farmer with those millions, who would have acquired good equipment and provided the Belarusians with vegetables to the eyeballs. After all, the song is not a secret, you will not be full".

There are 35 registered peasant (farmer) households in Glubotchyna, almost a third of which have existed for more than 10 years. Someone grows berries, vegetables, seeds and seedlings, someone is engaged in breeding cattle, goats, sheep.

At the moment, the documents are drawn up by another owner. The names of many farmers are known in the region, as they not only develop their business, but also take an active part in the life of the region, popularize hard work on the land.

“It’s not an easy thing to be a farmer,” notes head of the peasant (farm) economy Sergey Kovalyonok. - The main thing is to be patient, to have the desire to achieve your goal. It is especially difficult at the beginning of the journey. It will not work “for show”; sometimes you have to work in the field from dawn to dusk. Every day and the ruble spent on the account.

The farm of the farmer Kovalyonok appeared on the map of the Glubokoe district in April 2010.

In 2014, the peasant (farm) economy of Sergei Kovalyonok was named the best in the region. For high achievements in meeting the forecast indicators of socio-economic development in 2015, it was entered on the Board of Honor of the Glubokoe District.

She is a biology teacher, he is a physical education teacher

Spouses Sergey and Victoria have a pedagogical education, they graduated from VSU named after P. Masherov. For some time they worked at the school, but one day they decided to radically change their lives.

“An example for us is the parents who, in addition to the garden plot, have been cultivating 2 hectares of land for many years, growing vegetables,” Victoria joins the conversation. – Of course, we helped them, including selling surplus products on the market. Why not try it yourself? Additional material support for young teachers, and by profession I am a biology teacher, and my husband is physical culture was irrelevant at the time.

To begin with, they took 2 hectares of land. After work, on weekends they worked in the field, the grown products were taken to the market. Soon they decided to create a farm.

– Being engaged in vegetable growing, we saved up money for the first tractor, – Victoria continues. - True, they bought it unassembled, and my husband assembled it himself. On a plot of 25 hectares, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets were grown, and they were supplied to wholesalers.

The building of the former grain warehouse of one of the agricultural enterprises was taken under the investment project

For the implementation of the investment project in 2012, Sergey Kovalyonok took the unused building of the former grain warehouse of one of the agricultural enterprises of the region. The building, next to which there is one of the plots of the farm, began to collapse, the roof was leaking.

The new owner made a large-scale reconstruction of the old building in three years, equipped compartments for storing vegetables, and installed heating. Three jobs were created for machine operators and a driver.

Thanks to Decree No. 6, spouses purchased agricultural machinery without customs clearance

Thanks to Decree No. 6 of the President of Belarus, the spouses purchased agricultural machinery and vehicles for transporting products without customs clearance.

– In 2014, we planted the first plantation of garden strawberries of five high-yielding varieties, – says Victoria. - At first they were sold at the local market. Soon we bought a car equipped with a refrigeration unit. In the season of harvesting berries, in order not to waste time, we additionally install a mobile refrigeration unit on the field. It's easier and more reliable that way. In addition to Belarus, we sell useful products in Russian Federation. If there is a demand, then we also export vegetables. FROM wholesale buyers We work on requests.

At the moment, the area of ​​farm land has exceeded 150 hectares. The plots are located in different corners district. 6 people help Sergey to cope with the work in the field. active, especially summer time, 15-year-old son Vadim works with his parents.

“We try to minimize manual labor”

– We also attract seasonal workers, – says Victoria. - True, we try to minimize manual labor. We rely on the use of modern agricultural machinery. For example, there is a carrot harvester. In a mechanized way, we harvest beets and potatoes. This improves efficiency.

The local raipo suggested interesting idea

“At one time, we actively cooperated with the raipo, which prompted one interesting idea,” Sergey Kovalyonok notes. – It is impossible to grow and assemble the perfect product. For example, a head of cabbage can be damaged during harvesting or, if it ripens earlier, it can crack in the field. It is such products that we chopped and fermented. We carried out all the necessary checks before offering the novelty to customers. Demand in the area was good. The case is small - it is necessary to prepare documents, equip a mini-workshop for the mass production of sauerkraut and pickles.

Carrots on a farm are harvested by a combine, and this also does not exclude possible damage to vegetables. Therefore, the enterprising spouses plan to establish the production of carrots in Korean.

According to the head of the farm, the farmers of the Glubokoe region do not see each other as competitors, on the contrary, they often meet, share their experience and useful advice.

Solve many questions, get acquainted with useful information, including those related to the purchase of equipment, are assisted by the republican, regional associations of farmers, the district executive committee.

Also with great interest Sergey and Victoria attend seminars organized by vegetable seed suppliers.

The farmer has four unpredictable "helpers"

A few years ago, the Belarusian Agricultural Academy organized trips to Holland, Poland, and Germany for heads of farms. The heads of peasant (farm) enterprises, among whom was Sergey Kovalyonok, were also able to get acquainted with the best practices in the field of crop production.

- The farmer has four unpredictable "helpers": winter, spring, summer and autumn, - Sergei notes with a smile. - It can be very difficult to protect the harvest from the vagaries of the weather. We choose the most resistant varieties for planting, but this does not guarantee that everything will go according to plan. The early frosts in early autumn, as well as the fine contours of the fields, cause trouble. So you have to maneuver, make every effort and ingenuity to achieve the desired result.

Photo by Diana BERNIKOVICH.

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Farming is a fairly complex type of entrepreneurial activity, both in terms of physical labor as well as in terms of material costs. The meaning of farming is to make a profit from the products of your labor, so first of all you should decide what type of activity you want to do.

It can be cattle breeding or growing vegetables, dairy products or cereals.

In any case, this requires land and initial capital. It is better for the inexperienced landowner to start with a small scale of work. must be accurately calculated necessary costs, with everything you need.

If we are talking about breeding cattle or, then again, premises are needed for its maintenance. If at the time of planning your farm you do not have land and you are only going to buy it, then it is better to find a plot with paddocks already on it. Cost, depending on the area, it will not be much more expensive than an empty site, but when compared with the construction of new pens, it will come out more economically.

Otherwise, you should start building the necessary buildings. And one more important point: it is better to acquire land in ownership than to rent. It is not known how successful your farm will develop, and the rent is high and it is not yet a fact that you will be able to pay it regularly.

Immediately it should be said about possible problems, and they consist primarily in the lack financial resources. First stage the formation of a farm is quite costly, so you should calculate your strengths and capabilities in advance. To dispel illusions, it must be said that in this case one should not hope for state assistance. You can try to get a loan from a bank, although this is the least desirable, again, due to further uncertainty.

Another option is to try to find an investor. Can be negotiated and found best option cooperation. The disadvantage of this method is that most likely the sponsor will want to have his share in your household in order to constantly receive profit from you. And this is a significant disadvantage.

Now a few words about registration. Definitely necessary officially register your business. To do this, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the appropriate authorities: an application for registration of the established form, a photocopy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the state. duties. At the same time, you must submit an application with a request to transfer you to a special taxation regime for agricultural producers.

As a result, you will have the following documents in your hands: certificate of state registration of your farm, a certificate of registration with the tax authority and an extract from the Unified state register individual entrepreneurs. Do not underestimate the importance of documents. When you have everything in order with the documentation, then it is much easier to sell products.

If funds for full-scale actions are not available, then it is necessary to start small. And it is best to give preference to the cultivation of vegetable crops. In this case, money will be needed to buy seeds and plant protection products. We select certain crops, distribute plots on the ground and, at the beginning of the season, we independently plant. We care for plants in the process of their growth, harvest and sell the crop.

We divide the profit received from the sale into parts: taxes, the purchase of seeds for the next season, and we set aside a part as capital for future activities. If everything is done correctly, it is possible to save enough in a few years to take up cattle breeding. Another nuance: at first, you should sell your products on your own, without resorting to the services of resellers and wholesalers. Moreover, the work is seasonal and you have enough time to implement it.

Another option. If funds allow, then rabbits can be bred in parallel with vegetable growing. Unlike cattle, there is much less trouble with them and it will not take much money to purchase feed. But like all animals, you will need veterinary services from time to time. This should also be included in the list of estimated expenses.

In any case, when deciding to become a farmer, you must remember that you should not rush. It is better to work hard growing vegetables for several years and then gradually begin to expand the scope of activities than to take out a loan, incur debts, and eventually remain in the red. In this case, the success of the enterprise directly depends on a competent approach.

Regarding changes and additions to the KFH catalog, write to the email address: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Regional list:

Brest region:

Vitebsk region:

Gomel region:

The Grodno region:

Minsk Region:

Mogilev region:

List by specialization:

Ornamental crop production (arborvitae, junipers, cypresses, spruces, firs, pines, yews, etc.)

Poultry farming (poultry and ostrich farms)

Fish farming (aquaculture) and fisheries (fish farms growing aquaculture)

Farm organizations:

Belarusian Association for Horticulture and Nursery "BELSADPITONNIK"

Grodno Regional Association of Farmers (GOAF)

Detailed information:

Peasant farm "Avdey"

(The main types of products are barley and other grain crops, sugar beet).

Peasant farming "Rodnik"

(Potato growing, vegetable growing, seed growing, meat and dairy production).

Farm "Vasilyok"

(Transport services, cargo storage, animal husbandry, fish farming, crop production, wholesale and retail meat products various kinds).

Farm "Pakusha I.A."

(The main types of products are potatoes, beets, onions, carrots, white cabbage)

Farm "Janusz"

(Activity: gardening, nursery, berries)

Farm "Veres"

(Construction and reconstruction of grain cleaning complexes of enterprises.)

Farm "Fortuna"

(Activity: production and processing of potatoes and vegetables).

Peasant (farm) economy "Willia-agro"

(Activity: animal husbandry, crop production, agro-tourism).

Peasant farm "Sea buckthorn"

(Activity: organic fruit growing, cultivation of sea buckthorn).

Peasant farm "Todrika B.S."

(Activity: crop production, animal husbandry, pig breeding).

Peasant farm "Diana"

(Potato growing, grain crops, storage of products, transport services).

Ready-made business plan for farming in Belarus

Opening a farm in the Republic of Belarus is quite cheap - the state will have to pay only about one basic amount. However, unlike opening a PUE or LLC, it will take more time - about three months. This article provides step-by-step instruction how to open a peasant farm in Belarus. 1. It is necessary to determine the types of crops grown and the place of their cultivation. A farmer can receive free, life-long use of up to 50 hectares of agricultural land. At the same time, the land plot can be inherited, but it cannot be sold or exchanged. 2. Next, you need to write a farming program. In fact, this is a business plan for the future of the peasant farm, which is subsequently considered by the Executive Committee. Naturally, he must objectively take into account the possibilities of cultivating specific crops in the planned areas. 3.

Farm business plan

This is due to specific benefits - they are associated with the widespread craze for healthy eating and eating only natural products, which creates an increased demand for them among all consumer groups: from mothers with babies and ending with pensioners. It may seem to inexperienced entrepreneurs that opening a new farm is not only promising, but also more than simple.


However, in practice, such an event is associated not only with the requirement to have experience in doing business in a similar area, but also with significant difficulties that may arise in the development of the economy. Besides, this species business is associated with some risks that may arise in the course of its development.

How to create a farm in Belarus?

The conditions of the premises in which the animals will be kept also affect their healthy development. Building a building from scratch is quite costly and unprofitable for starting a new business.

It should be remembered that the better the premises are equipped, and the entire process of raising animals is automated, the less it will be necessary to hire workers who monitor the keeping of pigs. However, such vacancies as livestock specialist, veterinarian, manager-administrator and accountant simply cannot be dispensed with. An example of a business plan for this area In this area, the profitability is estimated at 25%, respectively, the initial investment can pay off in about 4-5 years.

Business plan: download an example for free

In addition to the main food, in the diet of livestock in without fail include multivitamin complexes and supplements. Not less than important role plays and constant access to net drinking water.

Pregnant and sick individuals should receive special attention. In addition to feeding, some animal species require the creation of a certain microclimate.

In a room specially equipped for a barn, not only a comfortable temperature should be maintained, but also an appropriate indicator of air humidity. The barn must be isolated from drafts, but provide good air circulation.

We should not forget about lighting. So, for example, for high productivity of hens, a long daylight hours is needed, but too much light can become stressful for laying hens and have the opposite effect. Similarly, the presence of a lot of noise can lead to a drop in egg production.

Farm business plan

What do you need to open a farm? When drawing up a business plan, the first step is to decide on the direction of business development. Modern farms can operate in various directions, among which the following industries are most popular:

  • Breeding of domestic animals and birds. In this case, the products of production can be not only meat and offal, but also wool, skin, feathers, eggs, milk, and so on.
  • Cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, technical, melons and others).
  • Growing vegetables and fruits.
  • Other activities, including beekeeping, fishing, mushroom cultivation, greenery cultivation and so on.

Most farms are created on the basis of existing households located in countryside.

Sample business plan for a peasant farm

Growing vegetables/fruits Opening an agricultural farm for growing vegetables or fruits is also a promising business development due to the widespread craze for eating only natural products. And, since potential consumers do not fully trust the quality of agricultural products grown by state collective farms, the opening of private farms may well become promising business bringing stable income. Moreover, according to experts, prices for these products will only rise in the future, while demand will not only not decrease, but, possibly, increase. Like any other direction of business development, this activity requires the preparation of a competent business plan that takes into account all the features and capabilities of the entrepreneur himself.

How to open a farm in Belarus?

These include:

  • seasonality of activity;
  • lack or instability of demand for products;
  • high competition;
  • decline in income potential consumers;
  • increase in prices for the supply of raw materials and supplies;
  • increase in the cost of renting large agricultural machinery.

Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of these risks occurring, as well as successful development businesses need to develop a business plan. It will step-by-step plan the activities to open the farm, list ways to reduce risks, and calculate and analyze the main economic indicators project - revenue, start-up capital and payback period. If you are interested in rabbit breeding as a business, you should read this overview article.

Start a farming business in Belarus

It is advisable to contact banks or private financial institutions focused on issuing loans specifically to agricultural-type organizations, since other banks simply may not understand the specifics of organizing activities set out in the business plan. Some farms may apply for financial support for business from the state, but only farms whose activities are included in the agro-industrial complex development program can use such assistance.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on the main activities of farms. Breeding chickens Chicken meat is one of the most popular all over the world, not only due to its high taste characteristics, but also due to its lower cost compared to pork, beef and other types of meat.

How to organize a farm from scratch: the nuances of starting an agribusiness.

The place and time of walking chickens should be carefully thought out, while walking should be carried out mainly in the warm season and daylight hours. Since the chickens are looking for food during the walk, it must be provided in the form of worms, compound feed and corn. The estimated payback period for such a business is about 8 months, which characterizes the direction as highly profitable.

Pig breeding Pig breeding is one of the most profitable types of commercial activities in the field of animal husbandry. In doing business in this direction, special attention should be paid to the sale of breeding young animals.

In order for the initial investment to pay off, it is necessary to sell 2-3 generations of animals. The choice of pig feeding method (dry or liquid) depends on the breeder's preferences.

How to open a peasant farm (KFH) from scratch?

The most favorable development of the event will be the conclusion of a contract for the supply of products for large network. Depending on the chosen niche and the form of production (IP or LLC), it is possible to use various wholesale and retail distribution channels.

The main ways to sell products can be:

  • weekend fairs;
  • market;
  • own retail store;
  • non-chain partner stores;
  • resellers;
  • public catering.

As additional sales channels, it is also worth considering the participation of the farm in seasonal exhibitions, government tenders, membership in the agricultural consumer cooperative. In addition to standard distribution channels, do not forget about technological progress.

At the moment, there are several large sites on the Internet for selling agricultural products directly to buyers.

For peasant farms in 2018 will be issued preferential loans for field work

The year starts with government support

Preferential loans to farmers for field work

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 30, 2017 No. 1050 approved a set of measures to prepare agricultural organizations for field work, create a solid forage base and harvest in 2018.

In particular, the regional executive committees, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in 2018 were instructed to implement a set of organizational and technological measures to ensure the production of basic types of agricultural products in the volumes provided for by the State Program for the Development of Agricultural Business in the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020. Thus, in agricultural organizations it is necessary to ensure, per one conditional head of livestock, the production of all types of feed (including summer greens) in the amount of at least 38 centners of feed units, the procurement of feed for the stall keeping of livestock - at least 27 centners of feed units.

In addition, the document establishes the volume of purchases by agricultural organizations, flax mills and other entities operating in the field of agro-industrial production, 710.4 thousand tons of diesel fuel, 58 thousand tons of motor gasoline, 28.7 thousand tons engine oils and lubricants, 14.5 thousand tons of heating oil.

Among other things, the Government instructed to take measures to ensure the readiness of at least 95 percent of agricultural equipment available to agricultural organizations for spring field work until March 25, 2018, the preparation of grass fodder - until May 15, 2018, the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops, primary processing and storage grain - until June 20, 2018

The regional executive committees are set to provide in 2018 at the expense of subventions transferred from the republican budget to the consolidated budgets of the regions to finance the development of agriculture and fisheries, as well as to implement measures for radiation protection and targeted application of protective measures within the framework of the State program to overcome the consequences of the disaster on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for 2011 - 2015 and for the period up to 2020, local budget funds allocated to entities operating in the field of agro-industrial production, own funds of organizations and bank loans, including loans provided on preferential terms within lending limits government programs and activities in 2018, timely financing of the purchase of mineral fertilizers, microfertilizers, lime materials (and plant protection products, the purchase of the necessary volumes of seeds of agricultural plants, work on the application of lime materials on an area of ​​474.2 thousand hectares, aerial work on the application of mineral fertilizers, repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery, components and assemblies for them, purchase of diesel fuel, motor gasoline, motor oils and lubricants, heating oil.

Also, the regional executive committees need to implement a set of measures to ensure timely and full payment by subordinate organizations for the mineral fertilizers they purchase, plant protection products, diesel fuel, including diesel fuel with methyl esters of fatty acids, motor gasoline, motor oils and lubricants, heating oil, repair work, maintenance agricultural machinery, components, assemblies, equipment, agricultural machinery obtained under the terms of financial lease (leasing), as well as seeds of agricultural plants.

Organizations carrying out state testing of plant varieties, scientific organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, carrying out Scientific research in the field of agricultural sciences, educational and training-experimental farms of educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food were recommended to ensure the purchase of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products in 2018 at the expense of the republican budget allocated for the development of agricultural production, fish farming and processing of agricultural products.

In 2018, the country's banks were offered to issue loans on favorable terms in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency for up to one year to agricultural organizations (including peasant (farm) enterprises), repair, maintenance Agriculture organizations, flax mills, procurement, processing of agricultural products, organizations with livestock complexes, poultry farms and fisheries, for field work, harvesting agricultural plants, sowing winter crops, paying for mixed fodder, protein raw materials, grain, including fodder, corn cobs for seeds and other products of the 2017-2018 harvest, including those purchased outside of Belarus, as well as to pay off debts for purchased goods (work performed, services rendered) in 2017-2018 for the purposes of field work, creating a solid forage base and harvesting in 2018 with the payment of interest for the use of loans.

Thus, it was proposed to provide loans in Belarusian rubles in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank, increased by no more than 3 percentage points, reduced by the amount of compensation; in foreign currency (within the framework of concluded foreign trade agreements): in the amount of not more than 13% per annum, reduced by the amount of compensation - for loans issued in Russian rubles; in the amount of not more than 8% per annum, reduced by the amount of compensation - for loans issued in US dollars and euros.

Local executive and administrative bodies are recommended to compensate in 2018-2019 at the expense of the relevant local budgets the losses of banks on loans provided on preferential terms.


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