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The restoration of the national economy after the Great Patriotic War was characterized by the development of science, space technology and led to the creation of new high-strength materials and technologies. During this period, the question arose of creating an industry for the production of testing equipment to study the strength, reliability and durability of new materials and structures.

On February 25, 1952, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 3836 - rs organized the Armavir Machine-Building College, whose task was to train mid-level specialists for the testing machine plant (ZIM) under construction, the special design bureau for testing machines, as well as for the restored Armalit instrument-making plant and other machine-building businesses in the city and region. The grandeur of the project was impressive: the total area of ​​5786 square meters, classrooms, laboratories, production workshops with locksmith, mechanical, electroplating areas. After the construction of the educational building was completed, it was planned to build a hostel.

The year 1952 marked the first order to enroll students in the first year of the Armavir Machine-Building College. 180 people were admitted to the daytime and evening departments. They had to master the specialties: foundry, production of machines and devices for mechanical testing, metal cutting. While the educational building of the technical school was being built, classes were held in the dormitory of the "Armalit" plant on Efremov Street, 35/45 in three shifts, educational and industrial practice - in the workshops of the plant. The first director of the technical school was an employee of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the USSR Alexei Semyonovich Bulanovich. A year later he was replaced at this post by Konstantin Naumovich Volintsev.

Here is the first composition of the college's teachers' council:

Bulanovich A.S. - director;

Novoydarsky G.N. -deputy Director of Education;

Kudinov S.P. - Head of military education;

Shatokhin G.E. - teacher of the Russian language;

Kuchkov A.D. - teacher of drawing;

Balyazin A.V. - teacher of chemistry;

Akhtyrskaya A.P. - foreign language teacher;

Devitskaya A.P. - foreign language teacher;

Grafov A.I. - teacher of mathematics and physics;

Mordinsky I.A. - head. farming;

Miroshnikov G.I. - head. the library;

Nikitin V.M. - director of the plant "Armalit";

Travushkin G.M. - "ZIM";

Chernikov O.I. - secretary of the Komsomol technical school;

Popova R.N. - secretary of the council.

The relevance and importance of providing personnel for the ZIM plant under construction and the Armalit Restored Plant is evidenced by the fact that the directors of these plants Travushkin Grigory Mikhailovich and Nikitin Vasily Mikhailovich were members of the pedagogical council of the technical school. 15 people.

Diploma No. 1 with honors from Grigory Andrianovich Andrievsky (later he returned to the technical school as a teacher of technical mechanics), the second excellent diploma from Nikolai Zhebotinsky.

Graduates of the technical school were sent to the Armavir plant of testing machines and "Armalit", the Kharkov boiler and radiator plant, the Novorossiysk plant named after. Hammer, Maykop furniture factory and mechanical plant.

In the 1954-1955 academic year, subject circles of foundry production, metal-cutting machine tools, metal technology, which are of great importance for the training of specialists, begin to work.


Students of the technical school assisted in the construction of the city's thermal power plant, a reservoir, and the Kurganinsky sugar factory. Since 1959, the technical school has been moving into a new building with equipped subject rooms, a gym, a library with 3726 copies of technical and fiction literature, spacious

The first head of the training workshops, S.I. Popov: “The locksmith and mechanical workshops produced products for equipping the classrooms and laboratories of the technical school. Subsequently, orders from our base enterprises were carried out. In the training workshops, students received practical skills, passed an exam for a qualification category (second or third). trained workers. The products manufactured by them were included in the plan of the workshop. "

For 10 years, the technical school sent 1029 graduates to the enterprises of the city, 66 of them received diplomas with honors. Graduates of the technical school headed departments, services, teams, shifts, workshops at the enterprises of the city and the region.

By the end of the first decade of its existence, the technical school began to recruit students for new specialties: forging and stamping production, installation and adjustment of control and automation systems, tool production

The construction of a technical school and a hostel for 250 people has been completed.

Classrooms and laboratories work with full load: drawing, course and diploma design, cutting and metal-cutting machine tools, machine parts, foundry technology, economics and planning, engineering technology, initial military training, metal technology, a sports hall. In 1965, 11 more offices were added. In 1962, the correspondence department began to work. The first set of 60 people in the specialty "Metal cutting".

In an effort to give students solid knowledge and work skills, the administration of the technical school organizes undergraduate practice at the best enterprises of the country: at the Volgograd tool and tractor factories, at the Stavropol Krasny Metallist and tool factories, at the Novocherkassk electric locomotive plant, at the Rostov Spetsinstrument and Rostselmash, at the Krasnodar plant named after. Gray hair, at the Kharkov Tractor Plant, at the Moscow Automobile Plant. Lenin Komsomol, at a metal plant, etc. The initiator of the passagetechnological andundergraduate practice at leading factories

of the country was the deputy director for UPR Popov V.I.

About high scientific potential students says this fact. In the 1963-1964 academic year, student Uzhkin was awarded a bronze medal and a third degree diploma for the development and manufacture of a semi-automatic line for the electroplating shop with program management. His project was presented at the exhibition of technical creativity in Krasnodar andat VDNKh of the USSR, where he became a prize-winner.

Students and teachers of the technical school constantly participated in the improvement of the city (landscaping, construction of a trolleybus line), harvesting on collective farms and state farms Russian Federation.

The first leaders of the student construction team in 1971 were: commander Shaginyan GL., Commissioner Lapitsky Vasily. Object - Kurganinskoye PMK, Oktyabrsky state farm.

In 1972, the first agricultural detachment was organized in the amount of 50 people on the Malaya Zemlya. Commander Zheleznikova V.M., Commissioner Reznik Sasha. At the end of the work, a trip was organized to motor ship "Colchis" on the route Novorossiysk-Batumi-Sochi with a tour of Sukhumi.

Since 1973, a labor and recreation camp has been operating in the village. Vardan.

To improve educational work, develop initiative, creativity of teachers and students, a lecture hall and a university of public professions were organized with faculties: film demonstrators, photography and filmmaking, public librarians, public sports judges, newspaper editors.

The technical school took part in competitions held by the Ministry, and was awarded diplomas and diplomas for prizes. A great contribution to the holding of cultural events, evenings Gvnesli S.S. Avanesyan, Yu.M. Badalyan. Festive columns, thanks to their efforts, were celebrated by the leaders of the city. Soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble Larisa Gurgeeva, Elena Usova, Lyubov Kalyaeva, Olga Klyanova and many others are still remembered by graduates

The pride of the college is the teachers who participated in the Great Patriotic War: Shokhin G.E., Chunosov A.S., Lugovkin V.F., Lazarenko N.K., Popov S.I., Kolesnikov V.C., Barmashov A.V., Troyanov N.K., Bogomolov F.K., Kurbet P.N., Bespalko A.K., Krakhmalnee B.S., Bykov V.F., Shtefanov P.F., Pribotsin V.V.

These wonderful educators played big role in the formation of a moral climate in the team, in the patriotic education of youth.

For a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, government awards were given to the work of Gavryushova O.V., Novodarsky G.N., Shaginyan.

The social and scientific life of the team is coordinated by: Self-Service Council, Technical Council, Hostel Council.

A great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists was made by: teacher of hydraulics Ivanov V.A., teacher of history Kirakosyan Ts.A., teacher of literature Miklashevskaya E.Ts., head. office Pyshnova N.K., teacher of special disciplines Shamuilova L.L., teacher of physics Faitelevich V.M., teacher of drawing Sitnikov A.D., head. library Kushnir R.V., teacher of special disciplines Krakhmaltsev V.C., teacher of special disciplines Egorova D.P., Arakeliants R.K., Onishchenko S.P., teacher of drawing Bykov V.F., teacher of technical mechanics Nosov O.P., teacher NVP participant of the Great Patriotic War Bespalko A.K., teacher of physics Shaginyan GL., deputy. Director for Academic Affairs Novoydarsky G.N. and director of the technical school O.V. Gavryushova, Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The employees of the technical school speak with great warmth about the director Gavryushova Olga Vasilievna, that "he was an excellent organizer, an excellent teacher, a person of high moral principles"; and about the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Georgy Nikodiyovich Novoydarsky, as an intelligent, intelligent organizer of the educational process, who has the highest pedagogical erudition. Over the 10th anniversary of the technical school graduated 2995 specialists, 168 of them received diplomas with honors.

This period is characterized by the fact that graduates of the technical school, at the request of the factories of the Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems, received directions to work not only in the software "Tochmashpribor" and the software "Weight meter" in Armavir, but also in the cities of Chisinau, Krasnodar, Aktyubinsk, Tomsk , Ivanovo, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.

The technical school took part in all competitions of technical creativity, amateur performances, seminars and sports days held by the Ministry and the Department of Education of the Krasnodar Territory. There are 22 circles of technical creativity in the technical school at the offices and laboratories. During this period, the students of the technical school completed the following works: a model of a workshop with a pneumosuction of chips;

broach for machining large holes with internal chip removal;

operating model of a vibroconveyor driven by a gearbox; operating automatic line for the processing of body parts; automatic line for the production of chipboard. Works of students are marked with diplomas and medals. Classrooms and laboratories were equipped with office equipment, teaching aids, stands, and radio equipment of the technical school was carried out.

Pivovar A.K., Barmashov A.V., Troyanov N.K., Rudakova R.A., Pershin Yu.S., Popov S.I., Steparev V.V., Tepfer E.F., Stashkov A.S., Bastron V.A., Sitnikov A.D.

Great importance was attached to military-patriotic education. A team of students took part in city and regional competitions in military-applied sports.

Annual athletics races in the places of military and labor glory of the Kuban have become traditional. The participants of the runs visited the obelisks to the defenders of the city of Armavir, made the run Armavir-Labinsk-Psebay-Pregradnaya, then the runs: Armavir-Labinsk-Maikop-Khadyzhensk; Armavir-Krasnodar-Novorossiysk; Aramavir-Ventsy-Zarya and others. Avanesyan S.S., Zheleznikova I, aparticipants wereL.M. Dzhagupov, master. sports doctor, graduate of the technical school Volodya Nechaev.

The topics of diploma projects of graduates of the technical school constantly take into account the real problems of the city's enterprises. In 1972, on the recommendation of the GKK commission, separate elements of 23 projects for full-time students and 33 evening and correspondence departments were put into production.

“The diploma design office,” says Aleksandr Stepanovich Sadovsky, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs since 1976, “was equipped with drawing instruments, microcalculators and the necessary technical documentation. Great merit in this office of Pribotsin Vladimir Vasilyevich, a participant in the Second World War.

All coursework and theses began to be carried out according to GOSTs. ESKD, ESTD, ESTPP systems were introduced.»

The technical school becomes one of the leading secondary educational institutions of the region and the Ministry. Representatives of the administration and teaching staff are involved in the development of many curricula; take part in republican, union, regional seminars on the exchange and dissemination of best practices,

Teachers of the technical school become chairmen of the commissions of the Ministry:

Gavryushova O.V., director of the technical school - chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Instrumentation.

Popov V. I., Deputy Director for Training and Production Work, Chairman of the Commission for Industrial Training of the Ministry of Instrumentation.

Badalyan Yu. M. Deputy Director for Educational Work, Chairman of the Commission of Social Disciplines of the Ministry of Instrumentation.

Zheleznikova V.M., teacher of economics, chairman of the commission economic disciplines of the Ministry of Instrumentation.

Avanesyan S.S., Deputy Director for Sports and Mass Work - Chairman of the Commission for Sports and Mass Work of the Ministry of Instrumentation. The technical school is proud of the first Lenin scholarship holder- Boris Titov, a student of the specialty “Metalworking by cutting”.

The life of students is rich in events. Traditionally, they are prize-winners of sports competitions, the hall at the city competition “Kuban Spring” applauds the amateur art group, they are one of the best in their work.

Since 1973, in the labor and recreation camp in the village of Vardan, near Sochi, students have been working in the fields and greenhouses of the Chernomorets state farm. Work in construction teams has become a good school for many generations of students. They worked conscientiously, learned to serve themselves: they could cook almost any dish on a fire in pots and cauldrons. They remember that the girls-cooks usually asked: “What kind of compote are you cooking today?” - and went to the forest to fulfill the "order": blackberries and dogwood for dessert grew next to the camp. AT free time went on trips: they were in Sukhumi, on Lake Rida, every week at concerts in the Sochi Festival Hall. The excellent students went on excursions to Dombay, Pyatigorsk, Moscow.

They can endlessly talk about these events, as if permeated light!) cheerful summer sun, those who studied then at the technical school.

Everyone remembers the performance of students at the amateur art competition in Krasnodar in 1976. The composition of the participants was solid: the organizer of the competition was the Ministry of Instrument Engineering of the USSR, it was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our artists took the second prize only because they had to prove it, bring the record book of the soloist Elena Usova, a student of the Instrumental Production specialty. The jury did not want to believe that they were not a professional singer.

In the period from 1979 to 1983, Tarasov Vladimir Konstantinovich was appointed director of the technical school. Tarasov V.K. managed to strengthen the material base of the technical school, its ties with the basic enterprises.

The work of the teaching staff was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Executive Committee for the progress made in improving the educational process and improving the quality of education.

Graduates often visit the technical school, provide him with technical assistance. Meetings of graduates within the walls of the technical school every 10 years have become traditional.

The end of the 70s was remembered by the Spartakiad, which was held on the basis of the technical school by the USSR Ministry of Instruments. Students of branch technical schools from Moscow, Krasnodar, Lvov, Leningrad, Chisinau competed in athletics and game types. The AMT volleyball team took first place.

Over the decade, the technical school has trained 6273 specialists, of which 246 received diplomas with honors.

In March 1983, Yury Ivanovich Mordasov was appointed director of the technical school.

1983 gave college a new tradition of the “week of subject commissions”. It's a joint o report about the work done by teachers and students: conferences, olympiads, quizzes, extracurricular activities,company tours.

A lot of work on organizing industrial training, developing programs for all types of practices in all specialties, strengthening the educational and material base, equipping laboratories, training and production workshops, strengthening ties with basic enterprises was done by the Deputy Director for Training and Industrial Training Popov Valentin Ivanovich.

Time imposes new requirements for the training of specialists, and the technical school begins to recruit students for a new specialty "Technician-electromechanic for operation industrial robots and setting up machines

numerical control at the correspondence department, specialty "Technologist-technologistproduction organizer.

The development of new specialties was carried out UNDER THE LEADING

Noah work Rimkus Svetlana Yakovlevna with the active participation of the head. Bobryshev A.A., Zheleznikova V.M., Shchukina N.A., Gorshkov V.M.

AT educational plans Since 1985, a new course has been introduced "Fundamentals of information and computer science”, new classrooms and laboratories begin to work, there are 36 of them in total.

Informatics, computer engineering and a number of new training courses set before the technical school the task of creating new educational laboratories and providing them with equipment.

The semi-basement premises of the former boiler house were overhauled to house laboratories for robotic systems and drives. The technical school has equipped its training and production workshops with CNC machines.

The Ministry of Instrument Engineering allocated funds, Krasnodargrazhdanproject completed in 1990 a technical project for the reconstruction of the technical school, which provided for: the creation of a new educational and laboratory building, a sports complex and the reconstruction of the first floor of the hostel. Unfortunately, due to insufficient capacity of urban construction organizations the reconstruction of the technical school was not carried out.

The technical school has begun the reconstruction of the labor and recreation center "Mashinostroitel" on the Black Sea coast in the village. Vardan, Lazarevsky district. Employees, teachers and students of the technical school participated in the reconstruction of the recreation center. Works on the construction of new sleeping houses, improvement and creation of engineering communications were carried out under the guidance of the head. UPM Dudchenko Alexey Vasilievich. The recreation center was equipped, the teacher of mathematics created the conditions for recreation, and in the summer, concurrently, the commandant of the camp Pershin Yuri Semenovich. AT

the camp was comfortable for everyone: students, teachers, staff and their children.

Since 1989, certification of offices has been carried out.

The commandant of the educational building Gorshkova T.P., senior accountant Kolesnikov V.C., head of the warehouse Lukovnikova GG, watchman Zyubina V.D., I head of the library Sipko deserved high marks for conscientious work Artistic creativity of students L.A., foreign language teacher Kovalnogova E .V., pre< пава?6ль русского языка и литературы Силкина В.И., преподаватель химии Лоакелянц Р.К., преподаватель спецдисциплин Рувинский И.Р., преподаватель спецдисциплин Грицких A.M., преподаватель автоматизации производства Оршуляк В.И., преподаватель технической механики Рыбакова К.С., преподаватели математики Россаус А.С. и Колесни­кова Л.В., все они занесены в книгу Трудовой Славы техникума. Результат хорошей подготовки - победа студентов техникума в краевых олимпиадах: по математике - первое место, по физике и химии - второе.

Now the technical school lives by its own rules of the system of operational progress, self-management and self-service. The team has its own traditions. In September for new entrants! initiation into students; then the evening "A man is famous for his work" - a report of groups on summer agricultural work, and third-year students - on technological practice; seeing off graduate students for undergraduate practice; competition "Best in profession";

competition for the title of "Best Group"; of course, amateur art shows; sport competitions. One of the significant events is the spring run through the places of military glory of the Armavir partisan detachment to the village of Pregradnaya in the Otradninsky district.

Here is what the teacher of social sciences Kraskovskaya N.D. says about the students of this decade: “Looking through my methodological folders with a variety of topics, descriptions of laboratory work and business games, lectures and workbooks, I catch myself that these are not just the results of my searches , experiences, methodological discoveries and failures. And this is familiar to every teacher, because this is his work - many years, creative, interesting, but also very difficult.

Over the decade, the technical school has trained 3807 specialists, of which 274 received diplomas with honors.

Perestroika, market economy, development modern technologies gave a new impetus to the staff of the technical school: you can’t stand still, you need to learn new things, keep up with the times. From 1992 to 1994, three new specialties were opened: “Accounting, control and analysis economic activity"(since 1993 "Economics, accounting and control"), "Software for computer technology and automated systems”, “Maintenance and repair of radio-electronic equipment”, “Management”.

The time has come for the next certification of five specialties of the technical school: 0102 “Accounting, control and analysis of economic activity”;

1106 " Foundry ferrous and non-ferrous metals”; 1201 "Processing of materials on machine tools and automatic lines»; 1203 "Tool production";

2102 "Maintenance of machine tools with program control and robotic systems."

The preparation and conduct of the certification were carried out by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Irina Georgievna Krupnova, with the active participation of the Deputy Director for Industrial Training, Yury Yuryevich Terentyev, the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Elena Arkadievna Prokopenko, and the heads of departments, Viktor Mitrofanovich Gorshkov, Viktor Pavlovich Ermachenko, and Lyudmila Artemovna Nadezhdina and Andrienko Evgeny Viktorovich.

The development of new specialties again set the task of finding additional educational premises for the technical school. In 1995, at the request of the technical school, a technical project was completed for the reconstruction of the educational building of the technical school through the construction of an attic 4th floor, which was supposed to house sports halls, technical library rooms and circle work rooms.

Additional classrooms in the technical school were created by reconstructing the fifth floor of the dormitory, which housed (7 classrooms) foreign language, drawing, history and economics classrooms.

In conditions of constant underfunding, the technical school strengthened its material base of forces .., and employees, teachers and students. In technical circles, educational equipment and stands for equipping laboratories were created.

Despite the difficult economic situation, the Council of the technical school decided to rent a plot of land in the village of 1995 from 1995. Vardane, Lazarevsky district for a period of 15 years to continue the work of the student camp "Machine Builder", where up to 100 students, a team of employees and teachers improve their health annually in the summer.

For conscientious work and a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, the following are listed in the Book of Labor Glory of the technical school: teacher of technical mechanics Tarasov S.L., teacher of special disciplines Dovgal Yu.A., teacher of engineering technology Sokolova TA., teacher of special disciplines Zhivotova S. , teacher of economic disciplines Sayadov V.P., teacher of drawing Radutinskaya T.I., teacher of drawing Tishenskaya L.M., teacher of drawing Gaivoronsky N.P., teacher of social disciplines Krakovskaya ID., teacher of general technical disciplines Krasnova. teacher of the Russian language or literature Bugaeva G.V., teacher of electrical disciplines Shtefanov P.F., teacher of special disciplines Minosyants D.O., teacher of social disciplines Badalyan Yu.M., deputy director for educational and production work Popov V. I., head of the correspondence department Ermachenko V.P., porter Makhnovskaya L.N., teacher of special disciplines Zbarskaya L.N., teacher of chemistry Astakhova A.P., head, laboratory Belyaev V.M. teacher of electronic technology Parzyan G.A., head. library Golovanenko N.I., Chief Accountant Krylova A.N., senior accountant Malakhova T.N., carpenter Shusharin V.V., head of the Computing Center Satarov B.E.

The technical school has a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education from 06.03. 1994 No. 16G-1303. The technical school received a certificate of state attestation No. 0259 on February 28, 1996, a certificate of state accreditation No. 25-0548 of July 26. 1999

During this period, 3165 specialists were trained, of which 516 received diplomas with honors.

The main consumers of personnel of new specialties in Armavir and districts of the region are private enterprises and organizations that are quickly equipped with modern computer and office equipment, apply progressive management principles and methods, quickly respond to the needs and demands of the population.

After graduating from a technical school, 50% of young men are drafted into the ranks of the Russian Army, the rest enter higher educational institutions or work at enterprises in the cities and pions of the Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

The technical school has agreements on continuous education with the Taganrog Radio Engineering University, the Armavir Pedagogical Institute, the Krasnodar Technological University, the Armavir branch of the Modern Humanitarian University, enabling the students of the technical school to receive education in universities in a reduced form of education.

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 25.03.2010

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 185

Operator location address: 352900, Krasnodar Territory, Armavir, st. Kirova, 43

Start date of personal data processing: 05.08.1995

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Krasnodar region

Purpose of personal data processing: 1. Implementation of the provisions of regulatory enactments 2. Making a decision on the employment of the applicant. 3. Conclusion and fulfillment of obligations under employment contracts, civil law contracts and contracts with contractors. 4. Implementation of access and intra-object mode.

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed, documents defining the policy regarding the processing of personal data have been issued, local acts aimed at preventing and detecting violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the policy of GBPOU CC "AMT" in the field of personal data processing is posted on the official website, employees processing personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, threats to the security of personal data are identified, organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, TIN, passport data, work book data, military ID data, information about pension insurance, other information.

List of actions with personal data: - non-automated processing - accounting, maintenance work books, personal files on employees and students of GBPOU KK "AMT", - automated processing - during the processing of personal data, information is available to strictly defined employees.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: 1.1. the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1.2. Labor Code Russian Federation. 1.3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 1.4. Federal Law No. 160-FZ of December 19, 2005 “On the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection individuals during automated processing of personal data”. 1.5. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". 1.6. Federal Law No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Information, information technology and on the protection of information. 1.7. "Regulations on the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 101 1.8. Federal Law No. 165-FZ dated July 16, 1999 "On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance". 1.9. Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children". 1.10. Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On social protection persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation". 1.11. Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 "On the State social assistance". 1.12. Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". 1.13. Federal Law of 07.24.1998 No. 125-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases." 1.14. Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2006 No. 859 "On the procedure for financing in 2007 conducting in-depth medical examinations workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors". 1.15. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 28, 2005 No. 701 "On the birth certificate" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 30, 2005 No. 7337). 1.16. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 No. related to payment for services to public and municipal institutions health care medical care rendered to women during pregnancy and (or) childbirth. 1.17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 876 “On the procedure for financial support in 2006 of the cost of paying for services for additional medical examinations of working citizens and the primary health care provided to them at the expense of funds transferred from the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund to the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation". 1.18. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 No. 869 “On financing in 2006 additional medical examinations of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors”. 1.19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 865 “On approval of the regulation on the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children”. 1.20. Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 “On approval of the procedure for providing a set of social services certain categories of citizens. 1.21. Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2005 No. 12 “On the organization of work on the implementation federal law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122 regarding the provision of sanatorium-and-spa treatment for privileged categories of citizens. 1.22. Decree of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2007 No. 28 “On the organization operational control financial support in 2007 by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the payment of a monthly allowance for caring for a child to citizens not subject to social insurance. 1.23. Decree of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 4 dated January 10, 2007 "On the organization of work to ensure that in 2007 the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation pays a monthly allowance for caring for a child."

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

- Irina Georgievna, tell us how you became the director of the technical school?
- I came to my profession quite unusually. I went to medical school, I wanted to be like my mother - a doctor. And dad at that time was the chief engineer in the Tochmashpribor association. He insisted that I follow in his footsteps. So, against my will, I had to enter the Polytechnic Institute, although later I never regretted it. After graduation, having gone through work in the city Komsomol organization, she came to the technical school as a teacher of technical mechanics. At first I worked at the evening department, then at the full-time department, and after nine months I was invited to the position of head of the department for educational work. And in 2007 I was appointed to the position of director of the technical school. We can say that what dad wanted so much, one of the first graduates of our technical school - to create an engineering dynasty -
he succeeded, only with a pedagogical bias. As for the dynasties of this technical school, four generations have already studied here. The first graduates bring their grandchildren here, and some even great-grandchildren.

- What is new in the college, and what has not changed?
- High quality engineering and technical education has always been and will be in the first place for us. We are implementing eight specialties - this is the level of a good university. We always try to keep up with the times. When the specialty "Management" had just appeared and our guys began to get a job in trade, we had the idea to cook merchandisers. At the same time, developing old and discovering new technical specialties: programming, computer networks, Maintenance and repair of radio electronic equipment, automation technological processes and production, engineering technology.

- What was the most difficult period in your work?
- The most difficult period for me in thirty years of work was the complete loss of interest in mechanical engineering. In the early 90s, everything fell apart just before our eyes. All largest enterprises were of no use to anyone. So many years have passed, and we still see a practically inactive factory of testing machines. It's painful and embarrassing. I grew up in the workshops of this plant, I knew its whole history from the moment of its foundation, and bearings have always been the best toys for me. The smells of oil, workshop and parts - it will seem strange to someone, but for me it was like air. I still get real pleasure when I go into the metalworking shop. Nobody needed our graduates at that time. We were graduating casters, and it was scary when highly qualified professionals, my teachers, went to the markets. In order to survive, they became shuttle traders and small traders. At that time, I, already the deputy director, could not return them back. She asked, persuaded, but received the same answer: “We need to feed our families. In the market, we get at least some penny.”

What has changed in education over the years?
- When the content of the metalworking curriculum was dramatically changed, I became scared. It is terrible for the short-sightedness of our authorities. Perfectly realizing the importance of mechanical engineering for the power of the state, we understood that a mistake had been made, for which we would all pay later. The specialty "Tool production" was completely removed, instead of it a certain general "Technology of mechanical engineering" appeared. This will be understood by a professional who is and why a specialist in the field of metal-cutting tools is needed. Since the time of the revolution, such a profession has been worth its weight in gold. I sat in my office, looked at the standard and cried. We have tried, as far as possible, to keep some basics and basics of tool production until now.

- How did you manage to save the college?
- Not many people know that the technical school was created in 1952 for enterprises under construction. For example, ZIM, a purpose-built new enterprise in Armavir, is the only one in the country that did serious work on testing equipment and worked for very unprofitable economic conditions. Almost all machines were single or small-scale production. Such a luxury state support few businesses, such as Rolls-Royce, can afford it.
In those years, the technical school survived largely thanks to the staff. There were and still are people who understand the significance of their work and the fact that sooner or later everything will return to normal, those who have the motto in life "who if not me." We all believed that bright times would come. Thanks to our ancestors who created this college in the difficult post-war years. A certain aura of machine builders and metalworkers arose here. Solid and kind. It is very pleasing when our graduates come to us and stay within these walls as teachers.

- How did the students and their parents perceive the circumstances?
- I would like to mention the parents who brought their children here and believed that sooner or later technical specialties would be in demand again. It was a very big risk: the factories are standing, and you send your child to a technical school, not knowing whether he will be employed in life. We went to the extent of creating conditions that allow our students to simultaneously receive a second secondary professional education, also study at the university in parallel. The guys, without leaving the walls of the technical school, received diplomas of economists and managers, which expanded their further employment opportunities. We had agreements with various universities and, above all, with the Taganrog Radio Engineering University. The team, parents and faith in the future - these are the three pillars on which our college survived.

- What is the collective image of an MST graduate today?
- Everyone is the creator of his own destiny. The main feature of our guys is purposefulness. Today, their success lies in the extent to which they can combine their needs with opportunities. A lot of guys try to get high right away wages. And this is understandable. 70% of our college graduates are boys. After graduation, the army is waiting for them and, having served, they understand that they need to start a family and get a job. Often they cannot afford to do what they love. Go and work in a profession that you love, but which pays eight thousand rubles a month - not everyone will decide on this.
You can talk about the success of graduates when you can trace their life both within the walls of the technical school and after graduation. I keep in touch with my students. Some are over 40 years old, but they are still my children. I look at how their families and careers are developing, and I understand that our main task - raising a worthy citizen of our country - has been completed. Sometimes they occupy absolutely the wrong positions, not the directions in which they studied. Their children come to study with us, and this is also a certain indicator: if a person is not successful in life, he will never bring his child to the alma mater where he himself studied. Despite the fact that many left the country in the 90s, they did not disappear either in Australia, or in the USA, or in Germany. Before entering Australia, your diploma is checked, looking at its status within the state. The Australian Embassy has a list of institutions whose diplomas can be recognized, and the Armavir Engineering College is on this list. All this is thanks to our graduates who work there and have proven themselves on the positive side.

- How did you perceive the new law on the abolition of primary vocational education and its merger with secondary education?
- New law“On Education in the Russian Federation” says that we have only two levels of vocational education left: secondary and higher. There is no concept of primary vocational education in the law. There remains the middle one, which includes two branches: training for the positions of workers and training for the positions of employees. At first, of course, everyone was shocked - how will it not be in the NGO education system? But, having visited a large number of congresses and conferences and talking with employers, you understand that he is not very high level elementary vocational education, which fell during the collapse of the USSR, has not risen to the proper level. And now the task of the average is to pull it up. Today I often hear that if you connect a technical school with a college, it will lose its status. I always object to this opinion. The fact is that those vocational schools that can reach the status of a technical school become them. But you can't do it in one or two years. It is much easier and more efficient to merge primary and secondary vocational education together. And those traditions a high degree responsibility and the pace of work to bring to primary vocational education.

- Your technical school has merged with vocational school No. 58. What will teachers and students get from this?
- The order of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory on the merger of the technical school with the school was issued in July last year. The admission campaign at the school was already carried out knowing that there would be an unification. And there have not been so many applicants for many years. The guys get the qualification of a worker, but it will be a diploma from a technical school, and this is a different level and status. The prospect of such an alliance with the school is mutually beneficial and very promising. On the basis of the 58th school, a resource center is being prepared for opening - this is the concentration of investments of very large regional funds in a particular industry. In the Armavir Industrial Construction Technical School this is welding and woodworking, in the 58th school - road construction. Everyone needs roads. We have already purchased several units new technology Volvo, which is interested in training personnel who will be able to work on these machines. A lot of money is being invested in the renovation of the building, computers and modern equipment have been purchased. We also plan to open a new specialty at the technical school, which will be a natural continuation of our auto mechanics and road-building machine operators.

- Will it affect the quality of education in the technical school?
- Despite the new trends, let our employers not worry that we will pay less attention to mechanical engineering. Thanks to the subsidies provided by the regional government, we buy the most modern equipment: CNC machines, virtual laboratories and much more.
Quite recently, the college successfully passed the accreditation procedure and once again confirmed the right to issue state diplomas. All emphasized the increased material base, the high level of quality of training, as evidenced by the number of diplomas with honors - about 15%. And most importantly, today all programs and curricula must be approved and peer-reviewed by our employers and comply with all modern requirements. All our graduates, in addition to college diplomas, receive a certificate of qualification in working profession in accordance with the direction of training, which helps them to be mobile in the labor market.

- What companies do you cooperate with?
- Main strategic partners: JSC "Armavir Electromechanical Plant" - a branch of JSC "ELTEZA", JSC "Armavir Heavy Engineering Plant", JSC "SKBIM", large trade enterprises cities (Ekonom, Magnit) and many others. We have signed tripartite cooperation agreements, and these are practices, free internships for our teachers in the workplace and training of their employees with us. Our initiative was that more than 50% of the members of the state attestation commission were from enterprises. Not teachers, but those people who will then take our students to work. Moreover, according to the established tradition, every year we wait for the so-called buyers - specialists from enterprises come to defend their diplomas, listen, look closely at graduates and invite them to work. In the specialties "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" and "Automation of Technological Processes and Production", we cannot satisfy the number of requests that come to us, including from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Surgut, not to mention the Krasnodar Territory. We have already opened the second group, we are recruiting not 30, but 50 students, and still there are not enough specialists.

- You have been working at the technical school for more than 30 years and literally live with all its problems, joys and difficulties. Ever wanted to be just a housewife?
- Each of us inherits the model of the family in which he grows up. We did not have the concept of "housewife". And this role is not very familiar and understandable for me. My mother was a very popular doctor in the city, she always tried to help people. Working at night was commonplace. Until now, I have been able to combine the roles of mother, grandmother and leader, of course, not without the help of my husband, also a mechanical engineer, in the past the head of one of the city's large car depots. In the same way, I tried to raise my daughter, who received her first education after graduating from our technical school. Now my grandson is studying here.
Unfortunately, they did not turn out to be engineers, but they found themselves in other areas, having acquired fundamental skills and the ability to learn. RT


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