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Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs are turning their attention to activities in the service sector. Popularity is also increasing due to the fact that almost every resident uses such services, especially big city. Such an area is the development of mechanical engineering and the increasing number of cars on the roads.

As can be seen from practice, this situation "plays into the hands" of receptive entrepreneurs who open their own parking lot. In order to start your own business, it is recommended to create a business plan for a car park.

Success in doing business will be in the following elements:

  • an area in an area where there is no parking nearby, but there are a lot of parked cars;
  • ensuring good protection of the territory.

Among the advantages of maintaining a car park is a stable customer base, demand is only growing, there are never many of them and the costs are one-time.

Moreover, you can register as an ordinary individual entrepreneur, which will save you from the red tape with accounting and simplify the payment of taxes.

To take into account all the nuances, you must first draw up a business plan for the parking lot.

The demand for parking services is constantly increasing, so the competition is relatively small.

Even if two car parks are located in the same area, they will still be full, because the owner would rather leave his car in a fenced area under protection than in the open.

To start your own business exemplary business parking plan can be downloaded free of charge on our website. The first thing to be puzzled is the future location of the guarded parking lot.

It is quite logical that the closer to the houses it will be, the better, and in the most populated areas. So the likelihood of a quick replenishment of parking spaces increases.

The practical part of opening a car park will involve the following expenses:

  • site asphalting;
  • lighting installation;
  • construction of a cabin with two floors for a security guard;
  • installation of a barrier at the entrance;
  • installation of a fence 500-600 m long;
  • video surveillance system.

The site itself should be 5 thousand square meters. m., then it will be able to stand 200 cars.
For the operation of the parking lot, it will be necessary to hire staff in the form of a director, at least 4 security guards and at least 2 handymen.

Car Park Security- one of the main criteria by which it will be possible to keep the clientele. First, the staff must be responsible. In order labor discipline the use of alcohol in the workplace should be banned and those who break the rules should be severely punished. You can install a video surveillance system, then the workers will have no time to relax.

financial part can be organized as follows - even before the opening of the parking lot, give the opportunity to book places. You can also make original pricing policy to places - those that are closer to the exit - are more expensive, and accordingly, the farther from the exit, the cheaper.

Good to know!

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The allowable costs of opening a car park must include the costs of:

  • registration of a package of documents, certification of the layout and territory;
  • construction of a parking lot;
  • workers' wages.

You also need to include in comparison small expenses for business cards and outdoor advertising with parking signs.

Watch the video Automated parking in the underground car park

The car park business plan must be drawn up with accurate calculations according to the economic zoning of the future parking lot. Important role in design, the amount of money to launch and focus on a specific target audience play.

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The main service provided by paid parking is monitoring the safety of the vehicle.

The client can count on the fact that during his absence the car will not:

  • stolen;
  • damaged;
  • deprived of fuel;
  • robbed.

The following are provided as additional services:

  • tire pressure check;
  • cleaning of mirrors and glasses;
  • car wash.

You can open a parking lot at the service station base or organize boxes for repair or self-service. In this case, the profit will increase several times.

Types of car parks

Parking lots are divided into 3 main types:

  • ground (open and closed type);
  • multi-level (ground and underground type, there may be mixed options);
  • mechanized (parking and return of the car is carried out by an automated system).

The open type of car parks involves finding a car on a single-level area, fenced (or not) around the perimeter. Such parking can be free and paid (if there is a guard).

Closeness can be ensured by large-scale construction of the complex (according to the garage principle), or partial closing of the car from above. Sheds made of various building materials are used to create a roof over the machine.


The relevance of the business idea is explained by the annual increase in the number of cars, in many respects exceeding the availability of parking lots. Many owners are forced to park their car near the entrance, leaving it virtually unattended. This is especially true for residents. apartment buildings in sleeping areas. The number of garages near the residences of car owners does not solve this problem.

Another argument in favor of the need to organize such a business is a large cluster of offices in the central part of the city. This creates an additional load on all nearby yards and road sections. Motorists are forced to park far enough from their destination, and sometimes change to public transport.

Description and analysis of the market

When planning the construction of a parking lot, it is necessary to take into account the market research, according to which:

  1. In Russia, open paid parking is in the first place in popularity. The second place is occupied by closed areas.
  2. The greatest profit is brought by parking lots located in the business and sleeping part of the city.
  3. Payment occurs by the hour or day. The average cost of an hour is 60 rubles, while 83% of car owners leave the vehicle for up to 3 hours. The daily cost starts from 200 rubles per day and depends on the zoning.
  4. AT major cities in 2014, demand exceeded supply by up to 90% (St. Petersburg).
  5. After the tightening of fines for parking in the wrong place, the number of people wishing to take a place in a paid parking lot began to grow. The amount of the fine is 700-1000 rubles.
  6. According to the "Rules for the provision of parking services" dated November 17, 2001, the distance between a residential building and a parking lot should be 50 m. For one car, 25 m should be allocated, and the distance between the rows should be 7 meters or more. Asphalt must be processed special tool, which does not allow oil products to soak into the ground.

The target audience

Thinking through the idea, you need to decide who will be the regular customers of the parking lot.

It can be the following categories of people:

  1. Residents of apartment buildings with an average income. In this category, open guarded sites are in the greatest demand.
  2. Persons with above average income who prefer closed parking.
  3. Business people and tourists visiting the busy parts of the city. They can use any type of parking, giving preference to multi-level ones.

Competitive advantages

As competitive advantage you can use the following:

  • preferential conditions for pensioners and disabled people;
  • discount when purchasing a monthly subscription.

Advertising campaign

  • placement of signs (6,000 rubles);
  • a large bright sign (3,000 rubles);
  • leaflets (400 rubles).

Step-by-step instructions for opening a parking lot

The first thing a founder should do is to analyze the market and prepare a business plan. An example document can be downloaded on the Internet or ordered from specialists. The cost of such services varies between 200-1000 dollars.

After the business plan for the parking lot is approved by the founder, you need to organize the implementation of your business idea:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Obtain building permits from the relevant authorities.
  3. Conclude a long-term lease on land or buy it for personal use.
  4. Hire a team of workers.
  5. Purchase building materials.
  6. Select staff.

Video on how to open a paid parking lot from scratch - where to start and what to pay close attention to. Taken from the School of Businessman channel.

The documents

Business registration involves the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to contact the Business Registration Center and write an application for opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You must have your passport with you. If the choice is made in favor of the LLC, you need to prepare the Articles of Association indicating authorized capital future enterprise. In the case when there are several owners, the Minutes of the meeting are made. The procedure for obtaining a certificate of state registration takes up to 10 working days.
  2. With a certificate, you need to apply for permits to the city administration.
  3. Next, you will need to visit the State Fire Service and SES. You can start construction only after the approval of the project in these bodies.
  4. Be sure to register with the Tax Service and the Pension Fund.

Location selection

The choice of location must be agreed with the city administration. For an entrepreneur, this criterion is determined by the amount of money to invest. Renting land in a residential area will be cheaper. In the central part (this is especially true for large cities and cultural centers) it is almost impossible to obtain permission for a private person.

Equipment and inventory

For construction open car park you will need the following materials:


To ensure round-the-clock work, you will need to hire the following staff:

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 65,000 rubles.

Financial plan

For financial calculations, the following data is taken:

  • round-the-clock work without holidays and weekends;
  • fenced open area;
  • number of parking spaces - 100;
  • location - on the outskirts of the regional center;
  • area - 2500 m2.

How much does it cost to open a car park?

To implement a business idea, you will need start-up funds for the following cost items:

Recurring costs

The cost of the car park operation per month will be:


If we assume that 85 subscriptions worth 2000 rubles each will be purchased per month, it turns out:

  • monthly income - 170,000 rubles;
  • net profit - 28,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

From the moment a business idea arises to the opening of a parking lot, 7-9 months will pass:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Market analysis+
Business plan preparation +
Registration of a package of documents +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
Construction/rental of premises + +
Repair work +
Purchasing and stocking +
Recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The payback of the project when investing in marketing will be 2.5 years. If you study the reviews of experienced entrepreneurs and apply their advice, the project can pay off in a period of 12 to 36 months.

Among the risks it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • dishonesty of employees;
  • the emergence of a strong competitor (for example, a multi-level or closed parking lot);
  • natural disaster (fire).

The owner of the car park is responsible and compensates from the company's funds for any damage that occurred with vehicle in a protected area.

The problem with the shortage of car parking gets more acute every month. In connection with the introduction of fines for a car left in the wrong place, car owners are ready to pay for parking if only then not to take their “iron horse” from the impound lot.

Many drivers have long decided that leaving a car in a protected area is much safer and easier than driving around in the yard in search of an empty piece of land, and then worrying all night no matter who accidentally hooked it. So, how to open a car park from scratch in Russia?

There are several main types of parking lots for cars, the construction costs of which increase depending on the type:

  1. The easiest and most affordable option - open parking- a fenced area of ​​\u200b\u200bland with one or two entrances located opposite each other. Requires low cash investment construction works, but you should not count on high incomes.
  2. covered car park, involves the construction of a building, boxes or a canopy, which should practically replace a garage for car owners. In such a parking lot, cars are not afraid of harsh weather conditions, and, therefore, the price per place is higher than in the first option.
  3. Also allocate multi-level and mechanized parking, the use of which is more common in large metropolitan areas. with this type of parking is very difficult and risky. Enormous funds are required for construction, acquisition of territory and establishing links.

The first type of car parking is most preferable for a novice businessman - open. It is also the most budget-friendly. On his example, we will consider the beginning of an automobile business .

Procedure for opening your own car park

Opening a car park is not difficult, however, it requires a certain sequence:

  1. its activities.
  2. Site selection and compilation
  3. Receipt required permits for conducting activities.
  4. Arrangement of the territory and obtaining conclusions on compliance with the requirements of authorized bodies.
  5. Advertising campaign.

Let's take a closer look at each item below.

Registration of a parking business

You need to legitimize your entrepreneurial activity. You can choose in this case, you will need copies of the passport along with the original, TIN, application for registration and a receipt.

For registration, it is necessary to collect a package of documents: minutes of the meeting of the founders, application, charter, receipt for payment of state duty, copies of passports with the originals of each participant, receipt for the introduction of the Criminal Code.

The second important step will be the search for the territory and the registration of a lease on it. After that, you will need to prepare a construction project for transfer to local governments and the land committee.

The third, final stage of the "paper collection" will be obtaining permits from fire supervision and administration.

Choosing a suitable parking space

Parking can be placed anywhere, the main thing is to study in advance the demand for such services in the area where construction is planned:

1. City center- the most profitable option, every day a huge number of cars pass and stop here in search of parking. But finding a free place in the center is quite problematic, and the rent for it will be very high.

2. Sleeping areas not distinguished by round-the-clock uninterrupted traffic of cars, but those who want to use a parking space, especially if there are many apartment buildings nearby, will be enough. To avoid daily scandals for a place in the yard, car owners will be happy to park their cars in a place specially equipped for this.

3. Outskirts of the city boast low rental prices and large open areas. Here, a plot of suitable size will not be a problem, and residents of new buildings will provide a stable monthly income.

On average, about 25 square meters are allocated for each car. m. of the plot, when calculating the number of cars that are planned to be placed in the parking lot, it is worth remembering that the distance between the rows should be from seven meters. If parking is planned to be located near residential buildings, then the distance between them should be at least 50 m.

Car parking equipment

To arrange an open parking lot, you will need to take several basic steps:

  • Leveling and asphalting of the entire territory reserved for parking. A prerequisite is to cover the surface with a material that prevents the penetration of combustible and lubricating mixtures into the ground.
  • Enclosing the parking lot around the perimeter with a fence.
  • Carrying out the necessary communications (electricity, water).
  • Building a house or installing a trailer for the guards. It should have a good view of the entire parking lot.
  • Installation of lanterns or searchlights if the parking will work and in dark time days.
  • Purchase and installation with the possibility of archiving video surveillance systems.
  • Placement of a barrier at the entrance to the car park.

This is a list of the main equipment needed at the initial stage. However, if any other services are supposed to be provided, this list will need to be expanded.

Covered car park equipment

If you decide to build a covered parking, you will need to purchase necessary material. The simplest option is modular metal systems, quick to assemble, affordable. Brick will be more expensive and reliable.

Recruitment for car parking

The main employees of the parking lot are security guards. It is enough to find three people with experience in a similar field or If the parking area is very large, it is necessary to hire security guards at the rate of two per shift. The optimal work schedule is three days later.

It is recommended to hire an accountant, but if you have experience in the relevant education or work, you can perform its functions yourself. You will also need to hire a cleaner who will tidy up the guard house and clean the parking area from snow, leaves, etc.

car park advertisement

It is advisable to think over promotions in advance and start informing the population even before the car park opens. Leaflets or business cards indicating the address, phone number, prices can be placed in mailboxes at the entrances, behind the windshield wipers on cars.

The parking lot itself should be equipped a large sign so that people understand what exactly is located here.

A few kilometers around the parking lot, you can also place posters indicating the location of the building.

Business plan for your own car park

Opening your own car park requires certain costs, the approximate value of which can be calculated, summing up the main expenses.

Car park opening costs

  • its activities from 20 000, obtaining permits from 100,000 rubles.
  • Territory rent from 90 000 rubles.
  • Arrangement of parking from 200,000 rubles.
  • Costs for from 100,000 rubles.

The total costs will be from 510,000 rubles. If it is planned to build a closed parking lot, the costs will increase by several hundred thousand rubles.

Approximate income from car park operation

A place for a day is about 300 rubles. When placing 40 cars per day, you can earn 12,000 rubles. Per month, respectively, the income will be 360,000 rubles with a stable filling of the parking lot, from which the costs of rent, taxes and wages are deducted.

Profitability of the parking business

Own parking lot, cannot boast of high incomes unless it is multi-level and located in the center of a large city.

But even a small open-type parking lot can bring, albeit a low, but stable monthly income, which is enough to cover the costs associated with wages, its maintenance and the existence of an entrepreneur.

With a good influx of customers, a parking lot can pay off in two years. You can increase its profitability by providing additional services. On the territory of the parking lot, you can equip a small car service or tire fitting, washing.

You can also build a small warehouse and store rubber. By purchasing several racks, you can equip a mini-shop with oils, antifreeze, air fresheners and sell related products.

Nuances possible when opening a car park

The main problems that an entrepreneur may face when organizing and implementing a parking business include theft of cars and disagreements with the landlord:

1. No one is immune from motor vehicle theft and the guard may not see, not have time to prevent the crime. In this situation, the cost of indemnifying customers for losses will be borne not only by the employee, but also by the owner of the parking lot.

2. The landlord may change your mind about renting out a plot, ask for a parking relocation or an exit. In this case, it is recommended to carefully draw up a contract with the possibility of redemption for several years, prescribing and stipulating all possible nuances.

Opening your own car park is not difficult and does not require large financial investments. Most likely, parking will be in demand, but only in cities with a population of hundreds of thousands, where hundreds of new road users appear on the roads every day.

The lack of parking areas, the introduction of fines for cars left on the streets pushes car owners to cooperate with private parking lots. It is much easier to sleep when the car does not interfere with anyone and is parked in a protected area, especially since the price for a place is low.

How to open a car park? Watch the following video for tips:

How to open a parking lot from scratch and will such a business be profitable? It is these questions that concern many entrepreneurs who decide to open their own business in this area. It is worth noting that in most regions the problem of parking is one of the most common, so private parking lots are in high demand. But to open this business, an entrepreneur should draw up proper documentation and invest a considerable amount of money so that the parking lot is fully equipped.

car parking as independent business- a company with an average profitability. The owner is unlikely to be able to earn a lot of money solely on one parking lot, but a stable profit in the amount of 60-80 thousand rubles a month will be ensured if the work of the parking lot is organized correctly.

Before proceeding with organizational issues, you should choose the type of parking - organizing an open parking lot will not require special investment investments, but the cost of one place for a car will be low, and opening a closed parking lot will require a number of additional permits, additional funds for construction, but and the cost of one seat for a car will be much higher. At the same time, car owners often prefer closed car parks, because there the car is protected from rain, sun, hail and other weather conditions.

You should also decide on the type of parking. The car park can be:

  1. Underground or multi-level. It should be located in the central, busy part of the big city. The cost of works on its construction and arrangement is extremely high, therefore this species parking lots are practically inaccessible to private individuals.
  2. Paid for cars. This is the most common option due to availability for private businessmen and popularity among car owners. When opening a parking lot, it is important to observe technical requirements- the width of the carriageway should not be less than seven meters wide, and the road surface in without fail must be treated with an oil-absorbing compound.
  3. For trucks. To organize this business, the most important thing is to choose the right location so that there are no competitors in the next 50-80 km. In this case, parking will be in high demand among truckers. When opening a parking lot, it is important to take into account the technical requirements for its equipment so that there are no problems with the inspection authorities.

What does it take to open a car park?

The first thing to do at the stage of considering the idea of ​​opening a paid parking lot is to assess its relevance and competitiveness. The owner should consider how his parking will be more attractive for car owners than competitors' parking lots?

Benefits can be considered:

  • more convenient location;
  • the presence of closed boxes;
  • reduced rate for placing a car;
  • the presence of a car service center, a cafe and so on.

Then you need to choose a place to park:

  • on the outskirts of the city, outside the settlement - the cost of rent in this case will be minimal, but the parking lot will bring little profit;
  • in a busy area - here the rent is several times higher, but parking will also be in demand both among those living nearby and those visiting this part of the city on business;
  • in a residential area - parking will be in demand among citizens permanently residing in the nearest houses.

After studying the market and selecting a place, you should proceed to the paperwork. The first thing to do is register with tax office as individual entrepreneur or LLC. The next stage is obtaining the right to lease land if the territory is not owned by a businessman. The most profitable car parking spaces are located near residential buildings, but their cost is quite high.

After obtaining the right to lease, it is prepared and agreed with local authorities authorities and land committee project documentation. In the event that it is planned to organize a closed parking lot or erect other buildings, the following documentation should be obtained:

  • an agreement on the lease of a certain land plot;
  • permission from the administration and council;
  • conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection.

In addition, even if the development will not be carried out, it is required to prepare a production control program and agreements on:

  • export of solid waste;
  • rent;
  • service cash register;
  • deratization.

Since unforeseen situations can arise in the parking business, as in any other business, it is advisable to acquire land for the construction of a parking lot, rather than rent it.

Step-by-step instruction

Initially, a businessman should decide on the place and type of parking to be opened, draw up all the relevant documents, and only after that proceed with opening the parking lot. To equip the parking lot you will need:

The number of employees working in the parking lot depends on the area of ​​the territory - the larger it is, the more security guards and workers who monitor cleanliness in administrative premises and on the street should be on the staff. For a small car park it is enough to hire:

  • three guards who will work in shifts;
  • two janitors who are part-time cleaners;
  • accountant - this position can be occupied by the owner of the parking lot.

After solving the above issues, you should start advertising the parking lot. To do this, you can place an announcement about the opening in the media, put up leaflets in the microdistrict, hire promoters to distribute flyers. If you plan to open a parking lot for trucks, then it is advisable to place an advertisement a few kilometers before it on a billboard located near the highway and advertise on popular radio stations.

Business plan

Drafting detailed business plan should be dealt with at the planning stage of organizing a business. It should indicate:

  1. The amount of initial investment and the cost of the first time the parking lot is open.
  2. The cost of paperwork and the amount of rent.
  3. Estimated payback period for parking.

A small parking lot located in a residential area brings its owner about 60,000 rubles a month. Accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise is at least 10%, and the parking will pay off in full no later than 40 months from the opening.

The minimum investment amount is about half a million rubles. This includes:

  • rent - individually, depending on the location;
  • paperwork - about 150,000;
  • organization of a checkpoint - 75,000;
  • installation of lighting fixtures - 8,000;
  • pavement laying - 10,000;
  • organization of video surveillance, telephone communication - 20,000;
  • staff salary - 100,000;
  • current expenses - from 20,000.

On average, for one parking space you can get 200-300 rubles per day, if the parking lot involves the simultaneous placement of 40 cars. Accordingly, you can get from 8 to 12 thousand profits per day, and from 240,000 to 360,000 rubles per month. Net profit, minus wages, tax deductions and other expenses will be from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles.

How much does it cost to open a car park from scratch?

The average cost of opening an open car park is 500,000 rubles
. If the car park is of a closed type, then this amount will increase due to the costs of paperwork for the construction and the building itself, it can reach several million rubles.

For profit growth, it is worth taking care of additional services, which customers can get at the car park for an additional fee. For example:

  • pumping wheels;
  • defrosting locks;
  • polishing.

Also on the territory of the parking lot you can organize a shop selling car accessories, oils, antifreeze liquid and other necessary things. If it is planned to open a parking lot for trucks, then a cafe and a small hotel can be placed on the territory of the parking lot - the institution will be in demand among truckers who want to eat and relax.

Main difficulties expect a businessman at the stage of obtaining permits and approvals from senior officials. It is possible that at this time the entrepreneur will need to connect personal connections or contact a professional for help. In general, the parking lot is a stable profitable business, the threshold for entry into which is rather low. The main thing is to competently organize the work of the parking lot and try to diversify the range of services provided, then the parking lot will become profitable in the near future.


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