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An article about how you can and how not to store car tires, depending on various factors and conditions. At the end of the article - a video about 3 basic rules for storing tires.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not pay much attention to this issue. But the wrong choice of tire storage method can lead to a deterioration in their properties and technical parameters. This is especially true of winter tires, because in winter the safety of all road users depends on their quality properties.

General storage requirements

  • Each wheel must be marked. indicating the installation location on the vehicle. If necessary, you can mark the outer and inner sides of the tire.
  • Check pressure before storage(if the tire will be stored installed on the rim) with a pressure gauge, if necessary, bring its indicator to the values ​​​​recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Wash the wheel thoroughly after removal., inspect the entire tread surface. Remove stones and other foreign objects from the tread, make sure there are no cracks.
These requirements are the absolute minimum that must be met at every seasonal tire change.

Storage with or without disks

Many car owners are faced with the question - is it correct to store rubber on disks or is their removal a prerequisite? It can be stated unequivocally that both methods are acceptable, but there are a large number of nuances for each and them.

On disks

If this type of storage has been chosen, then the necessary requirements should be followed to prevent deformation and deterioration of the properties of the rubber. Under no circumstances should tires be mounted vertically on rims. If space permits, you need to lay a wooden pallet on the floor, on which to store the wheels in horizontal. It is allowed to stack them on top of each other.

Some motorists hang the wheels from the ceiling. This type of storage is acceptable, especially when space is limited in the garage.

Without discs

With the storage method without disks, all the rules are opposite to those described above. Horizontal storage, stacking of tires and hanging is prohibited.

Installation is allowed only in a vertical position, and every three to four weeks the rubber must be rotated. Not a bad decision will assemble a special rack that will be attached to the wall.

Ignoring these rules can lead to severe deformation of the tires and the subsequent impossibility of balancing at the tire fitting, that is, complete damage.

Storage at home

How not to store

  • On the balcony, if it is not glazed. This type of tire storage is equivalent to street storage. Aggressive exposure to cold, wind, sun and moisture can cause permanent damage in three months.
  • In the common apartment vestibule, on the landing and other places of mass passage of residents of the house. In addition to the inconvenience that the wheels will create, fire safety requirements are also violated, since in the event of an emergency, the evacuation of people will be difficult.
  • Next to hot batteries, under flowing pipes, in cold unheated rooms. Such storage conditions will affect the quality of the rubber surface, which will subsequently lose its performance properties.
  • On floors with sharp edges or uneven surfaces. This will cause deformation and damage to the tire, which will lead to the impossibility of its further use.

How can you store

  • Glazed heated balcony apartments or houses.
  • Dry storage room. This is a clean and dry place without temperature differences, exposure to sunlight. As a rule, pantries are dark, which is one of the positive factors for rubber storage. It is only necessary to make sure that moist air and steam from the kitchen or bathroom do not get into the pantry. It is also not allowed to store various chemicals nearby.
  • Heated garage. Chemicals should not be stored near the tires, and sparks and open flames should not fall on the rubber itself during the work. However, if the garage is metal, then it is undesirable to store winter tires in it in the summer, because in this case the effect of temperature difference is great - during the day it is very hot in the garage, and at night the temperature inside drops. Such vibrations will lead to cracking of the rubber.
  • dry cellar, if the temperature in it is more or less constant, and the humidity is within the normal range.

The influence of various factors on the safety of tires

When storing rubber at home, there are many factors that can affect its further condition.
  1. Room temperature. A feature of modern high-quality rubber is the strict observance of the temperature regime. Negative values ​​are not recommended, but above +25 degrees is not allowed. For this reason, an unheated garage is not suitable, as is storage near radiators, heat guns and other heat sources.
  2. Sun rays. Their impact leads to drying and cracking of rubber. Cracks during visual inspection may not be detected, however, if the wheel falls into a pit during movement, then the likelihood that it will burst increases several times.
  3. Humidity. Tires with or without rims may only be stored in a dry place. It is not recommended to pack them in plastic bags, which create ideal conditions for moisture condensation. If tires are stored together with disks, then the latter begin to rust. Special non-woven bags are commercially available for storing wheels, and a separate bag is needed for each wheel.
  4. Chemical substances, of which there are a large number in any garage, have a destructive effect on tires. These substances are various oils, gasoline, acids.
  5. Deformation. Long-term storage in one position causes deformation of the rubber. It is recommended to turn it over from time to time.
  6. Storage periods. Depending on the composition of the rubber, the shelf life of a tire may vary, but usually it does not exceed six years. After this period, the use of the tire becomes unsafe.
Compliance with all the rules listed above will help keep the rubber in good condition for many seasons, and its use will not lead to traffic accidents and other undesirable consequences.

Hello everyone!.. We continue to explore the vast world of business ideas and bring this knowledge to you.

I apologize for yesterday, it's just that our site was inadvertently deleted, we had to restore everything.

Today we will tell you about the newest and perhaps what profitable idea outgoing 2012.

The most interesting thing is that this case does not require any super knowledge.

As always, you will be required to share funds for the purchase of the necessary components. Believe me, the funds invested in this business will return threefold. Let's not stomp around and start ...

Every year, millions of motorists wager and cannot solve the same problem. And it's not like you might think.

Those who live in apartments and do not have their own garage simply have no idea where to put a set of winter tires.

Since ancient times, drivers have found more and more new tricks: they put "shells" in the yard, stored rubber on the balcony, spent time and money building a garage.

However, times are changing and now it is not so easy to do the above things. You will be required not only to shed blood and sweat, but also to go through fiery copper pipes with boiling water.

This is where special organizations come to the rescue and provide you with storage space for a small fee.

As you probably already guessed, we will try to open such an organization and make a temporary storage warehouse for winter tires only.

Do you think this is a disastrous and worthless business? ... Then read on.

Business at the opening of a warehouse for storing car tires

I think this question arose for you as soon as this article appeared.

To be honest, when I learned that such establishments appeared in Russia, I also did not particularly harbor hopes.

However, I was soon told what the annual turnover of capital from these warehouses is obtained.

According to the data, the smallest amounts for the year vary in the range from 500,000-1,000,000 rubles. So there are no jokes here and it's worth paying attention to it.

If you think about it, everything explains itself, but it is recommended for this business.

If you started this warehouse in big city and had a normal advertising company, then getting 100,000 customers in the first year is not difficult.

Again, these sayings are made on the experience of other people. Of course, if you really have nowhere to put the rubber, and it costs decent money, then you definitely don’t want to throw it away.

So you have to pay for various luggage storage like ours.

How to organize a storage warehouse for automotive rubber

And so we have already approached the very organization of our business. What is worth paying attention to and what stones are buried in business organization?

Let's figure it out. To get started, of course, you will need a place to organize a warehouse.

The choice of premises will be the most important step and it must be treated with special zeal. In terms of area, or rather the size of the area, I can advise you to choose a small but promising one for starters.

At first, it will be difficult for you to provide huge areas and it is better to find small premises for a confident start, but you must also take into account the fact that if your business goes uphill, you will need to expand these same areas.

Therefore, it is worth choosing a place that will allow you not only to successfully start, but also to expand your business in the future.

I also want to note the fact that the place of the warehouse should be accessible to customers and not be located 300 km from the city. After all, you are not :). You understand this is very inconvenient.

However, there are different situations.

And if it is not possible to locate the warehouse closer, then I advise you to organize an independent export of rubber from its owners.

It will even be very convenient and people will definitely like it. They do not have to go to you, they can dial the number and your employee or you yourself will come and pick up everything.

The next question that arises when organizing a temporary storage warehouse is how not to lose rubber and know which owner it belongs to. Everything is simple here.

When placing rubber in a warehouse, you must stick a statement to it with adhesive tape, which will contain the owner's phone number and other necessary notes.

To quickly find the desired kit, it will not be superfluous to place the rubber alphabetically. You can take the names of the owners as a basis and place them in order.

It will also be very correct to maintain an electronic sheet, which will indicate everything that will help you find the necessary set of rubber in a matter of seconds.

Now to the account of your warehouse employees. Everything is very clear here. A storage warehouse does not inherently require a large number of people. At first, you can do everything yourself, and hire people already in the course of doing business.

It will also be important to conduct competent advertising. You will need to convey to future customers the understanding that in case of loss or damage to the kits, you will be fully responsible for them.

By the way, I forgot to say about the damage that upon receipt of the rubber in the statement, I advise you to describe all the chips and cracks with the owner, so that he assures that the damage to his offspring was not suffered in the warehouse - this is very important because people are different.

What should be considered when organizing this case

Storing goods in a warehouse is essentially a very profitable business, but it is also not without its drawbacks.

Chief among them is the location of the warehouse. This business should not be opened in small towns.

After all, our country is so vast and wide that in small towns there will be a huge number of garages and people simply will not need to buy a place in our warehouse, so everything is simple.

Therefore, this case is popular in large cities such as Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod. Please keep this note in mind.

Sample business plan for a tire warehouse

Business plan for temporary storage of winter tires:

  • Purpose: the preservation of winter tires for the required period;
  • Budget: 300,000 rubles;
  • Capital turnover: 6 months;
  • Area: 150,000 - small premises near the city;
  • Salary to employees: at first you are your own employee;
  • Advertising: 50,000 rubles;
  • Car rental: 50,000 rubles;
  • Risks: 50,000 rubles.

I'll tell you right away this is all about, so I think you'll figure it out. If so, I'll be happy to answer questions.

That's probably all! For those who want to see the latest business ideas of the outgoing year: business ideas of the outgoing year. Don't forget to subscribe to our group social network to keep up to date with all the latest business ideas.

Shelf life of tires in stock Storage of complete wheels (tyres and wheels included)
R12-R13 R14-R15 R16-R17 R18-R19 R20-R22
1 month
6 months

2 200 rub.

2 400 rub.

2 600 rub.

3 200 rub.

3 600 rub.

12 months

3 600 rub.

4 000 rub.

4 400 rub.

5 600 rub.

6 400 rub.

Storage of car tires in Moscow and the Moscow region

The clients of our tire center very often have a question: “What rules should be followed during the storage of car tires?”. Among motorists there are a large number of those people who live in apartments. Therefore, they most often have an acute question of where to store tires for their "iron friend". After all, the maintenance of a set of tires at home creates a lot of inconvenience and problems, taking away precious square meters of living space, say, on a balcony or in a storage room. Absolutely each of us wants to use our car tires to the maximum, drive on our tires for as long as possible and at the same time maintain its performance characteristics. It is possible to achieve high indicators of durability in a single case. To do this, it is necessary to carefully handle tires, conduct timely checks and inspections for the presence of foreign bodies in the tread, and special attention should be paid to off-season storage of wheels. This approach will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations on the roads and achieve a high level of safety while driving.

The question of seasonal storage of tires in Moscow is asked by almost every second car owner. Indeed, for many this task is very difficult. Right choice room parameters are the key to successful seasonal storage of car tires. As soon as the season is over and you have prepared your car, for example, for winter, then the summer set of tires should be stored in a specially equipped room. Save physical properties tires and discs while waiting for the next season, special preservative compounds will help you.

If you belong to the category of people who prefer to keep car tires and discs on your balcony or in your garage, then you should carefully monitor that the temperature in the room does not fall below 10 ° Celsius. The recommended storage room humidity is not more than 60%. Remember, fluorescent lights can be detrimental to tires, so it's best to minimize lighting during seasonal storage. It is strongly not recommended to place car tires on the top shelves of racks.

Another common mistake that motorists often make when storing tires at home is packing rubber in cheap airtight bags. In fact, following such imaginary storage rules, you are doing tremendous damage to your wheels. Waiting for the new season, condensate begins to accumulate in sealed packaging, which subsequently negatively affects the durability of tires. Experienced specialists in the field of car maintenance and repair strongly recommend using only vacuum bags.

If you are not using your vehicle in winter, in order to prevent deformation of the rubber and maintain the working condition of the tires, it is necessary to roll the car at least once a week.

Seasonal storage of car tires.

In the modern world, specialized rubber storage services are gaining immense popularity. The list of the main advantages of using this service in our tire center:

We offer our customers to leave tires in a spacious warehouse equipped in accordance with generally accepted norms and standards;

  • We take care of our clients.

You will have unique opportunity avoid conflicts in the family about "tires on the balcony." By giving the rubber for storage to the service, you can save precious space in the apartment or garage;

  • We work at reasonable prices.

The cost of the service depends on how many sets of car tires and for how long you transfer for storage.

Experienced employees of our company will help you to correctly draw up a contract for the storage of automobile rubber, with the help of which it will be easy for you to find tires in the warehouse in the future. Each set is given its own serial number, which is assigned an individual place. During storage, the rubber is in dry rooms, with normal humidity, the temperature in which does not exceed 20 ° Celsius. Not every service is able to provide the client with the most favorable conditions for storing rubber in the off-season.

We fully comply established rules safety of car tires. Our employees are well aware that tires should not be stored near chemicals, oils and gasoline, because this can adversely affect the quality of rubber in the new season. Moreover, storage of tires in specialized services implies that the tires will be in cases until the new season. This approach will avoid sunlight on the rubber and, as a result, maintain performance.

Experienced specialists pay great attention to the equipment of the room intended for tire storage. There is an opinion that wheels assembled in a horizontal stack are the right storage option. Considering that each stack contains no more than 8 car tires. Experts in this field of activity argue that for the period of storage it is necessary to halve the pressure in the tires. In no case should you store car wheels and rims in an upright position.

The unspoken rules for placing tires during storage.

In order to avoid deformation of a car tire without a disc, the craftsmen place the rubber vertically on a hard surface and turn it over at least once a month. Storing rubber in a suspended state or in horizontal stacks will be detrimental in the future, so such methods should be avoided.

The Shinny-mir.rf company brings to your attention services of professional storage of tires. With each client, we conclude an agreement for seasonal storage of tires in Moscow. This service can be used by both individuals and legal entities. The list of services that we provide under this agreement:

  • technical washing of a set of wheels, drying of car tires and disks;
  • treatment with a special solution;
  • a thorough inspection of the rubber for the presence of deep cuts and the absence of foreign bodies. The received data is entered into our computer;
  • Sealing of wheels;
  • providing the necessary documentation on rubber;

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prices for the service of seasonal storage of car tires. We strongly recommend that you choose professionals. This approach will help you keep your tires in good condition and eliminate the need to purchase a new set of tires each subsequent season.

The service life of concrete is around 100 years. The shelf life of raw smoked sausage outside the refrigerator is 3-4 years, provided that it is lubricated with vegetable oil.

Shelf life car tires somewhere in the middle between these two products. Tractors successfully run on tires manufactured in Soviet time. Retro cars in the Mille Miglia, Mercedes and Porsche museums are on tires from the 40s-80s and periodically participate in endurance races - drive from northern Italy from Brescia to the central city of Rome and back.

Tires get old! But they age very slowly. Everything in this world grows old and only cognacs and wines become better and more expensive over the years. But tires age very slowly, aging at about the same rate as humans. Five-year-old tires, especially summer ones, should never be thrown away, just like five-year-old people :)

How do you know if tires have been stored correctly? Were they lying in the sun?

If you see that the tires are yellowed, have cracks in the tread or sidewall, then don’t even look at the release date - you don’t need to take such tires. If the tires, on the contrary, are black and look sleek and beautiful, then look at release date You don't need those tires either. Just feel free to take them, ride and enjoy!

A few years ago, a government car, Seagull, came to us, having a very specific wheel size, and brought new tires with it. 1968 release. Beautiful, black with white insert, brand new looking car tires. We installed them on a beautiful car weighing about 2.5 tons and she left us with dignity. At the same time, the driver asked for his own peace of mind to give 7 atmospheres of pressure to each wheel as a stress test, and then blow off the wheels to the working two barrels. Tires behaved like new.

How many wheels are considered new?

Manufacturers do not recommend the use of winter tires made more than 10 years back. The fact is that the rubber compound becomes stiffer over time, which has a bad effect on performance - hard tires cling worse to ice and rolled snow. The possibility of further operation is determined by the buyer, based on their technical condition. But the most main reason why manufacturers started rumors about tire aging - they need to make sales. They are not satisfied if you ride the same tires for 10 years. They've long since made light bulbs burn out and cars break down after the warranty expires.

According to GOST 52900-2007 during 5 years the tire is considered new.

To date, there is no law regulating the period of use and storage conditions for tires, but there are only recommendations from tire companies. For example, Nokian does not regulate exactly how rubber should be stored. They simply ask them to periodically shift - there is no question of even a flat surface for storage - only a change in the support zone. That is, according to Nokian, even storage at an angle or on an uneven surface is apparently possible. Continental, for example, states that tires should be stored in a dry, dark, cool, low-ventilation area, and vertically rotated tire storage is ideal, not mandatory.

Guarantee period

Any manufacturer gives a guarantee against manufacturing defects. We give our customers a 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects. Some manufacturers give a five-year warranty on their tires from the date of manufacture of the tire. But in principle this is a trick, since small print it is stipulated that the tire must not have a tread depth below 4 mm. Tire manufacturers are well aware that in three or four years after the start of operation, 95% of the tires will become bald and no one will remember the factory warranty, firstly, and secondly, factory defects are such a rare occurrence even among Chinese or domestic manufacturers, Yes, and it is usually opened on the first day and most often at the first tire fitting.

Storage conditions depend on tire centers and tire dealers. 95% tires in our company are stored in warehouses from several days to several weeks, because they are sold very quickly. A small part of the tires inevitably hangs up for the next year, since it is impossible to fully predict the demand in each model and size, but we move such tires several times due to the compaction of warehouses, winter tires are taken out for the summer to a remote warehouse (and not sold summer tires, respectively, for the winter) , then again returned to warehouses close to the buyer. That is, during the year of storage, such tires change the side several times, on which their ordinal place in the stack lies. By the way, the stack cannot be too high, as the tires are light goods, and high stacks tend to collapse, often with the risk of knocking over the entire warehouse like a domino.

Why is horizontal storage better than vertical storage?

On the websites of tire manufacturers, it is sometimes written that tires should be stored vertically and rotated periodically at a certain angle. At the same time, it is not written anywhere at what angle they need to be turned and how often to do it. And the funny thing is that all tire manufacturers do not have warehouses for long-term storage of finished products - their entire business is built in such a way that tires must be immediately shipped and sent to distributors and retailers immediately after production.

Almost all tires go to Russia first by sea - it’s much cheaper when delivering even their Europe, because transportation by rail requires the relocation of containers from the narrow European gauge to our wide Russian gauge, and therefore requires additional costs. Therefore, it is much cheaper to send a hundred or two sea containers with tires on one huge dry cargo ship to Finland, the cost drops significantly.

As a result, tires will already spend several months in containers at sea, especially when transporting them from Japan. But even from Hamburg, the path is also not as close as it seems when looking at a geographical map. Perhaps a few more months the tires will stand in these same containers at distribution warehouse sites in Finland before they are needed by a Russian or European customer.

Why to Finland? Everything is very simple:
first, the width railway gauge in Russia coincides with track gauge in Finland (after all, she was part of Russian Empire when a huge number of key railways), so the cars of Russian railways can directly enter our northern neighbor;
secondly, tires stored in Finland are stored nearby, cheaply and reliably, and most importantly, you don’t have to pay huge customs duties , which are inevitably used when importing tire products when imported into the territory Russian Federation. Any wheel that has entered the territory of Russia will never leave its borders - it is not advisable, customs duty no one will return.

Thus, it turns out that any imported tires have already been stored in containers for several months, at best, in horizontal piles. And now we are not talking about our company, which does not even have foreign economic activity(we do not import tires ourselves); that's what everyone, absolutely all tire companies do. By the way, all tire supplies to Russia have long been carried out only centrally - absolutely all eminent tire manufacturers have their representative offices in our country. No one drives tires himself, directly, except Chinese brands. All tires are imported into the country only by the representative office of each manufacturer. And no one has been carrying them in trucks for a long time - it's too expensive because of the driver's salary and the amount of fuel consumed, and trucks are also lost and disappear on the way. Everything is carried by sea containers.

And it's good if the tires float in the lower containers and it's better in winter in winter. And if these are the upper containers that will spend a month in the Indian Ocean, a week in the Red Sea, a couple of weeks in the Mediterranean Sea under the scorching July sun (although it is not very cold in the Maldives even in winter), heating up every day, possibly up to 100 degrees Celsius?.. It is up to this temperature that closed dark-colored containers are heated. Then we will get what happened recently with a large batch of Dunlop, which was caked in piles, and buyers will again blame Russian online stores for this, not really thinking about how exactly they could violate the conditions for proper storage of automotive rubber so that the tires turned gray and caked ?.. Maybe they were stored in spray booths to save space :) And, in principle, nothing so terrible happened, the tires are wonderfully inflated with explosive pumping boosters, which every self-respecting tire shop is simply obliged to have (we have them at all branches), than listen to beggar tire fitters from garage services about improper storage and an increase in the cost of installing such tires.

By the way, this is an occasion to think about purchasing products from eminent manufacturers that produce their products in free economic zones in Russia. Half of the circulation produced in Russia tire goes abroad, high quality ensured by the application the latest equipment and robots, as well as the strictest quality control of both finished products and at all stages of production. Tire factories in this respect are very much like luxury hotels of the most famous chains: being inside it is very difficult to determine in which country this hotel / factory is located, workers everywhere are from third world countries or the poorest countries, management and top managers / engineers are always from country of origin of the brand.

At our company, tires are stored in a horizontal position - we declare this honestly and openly. Our many years of experience in storing and selling tires shows that tire storage in horizontal stacks greatly affects their characteristics and subsequent operation. The horizontal position ensures that the tire will not be deformed during storage.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that not a single company operating in the tire business stores tires in an upright position. This is due to the high cost of renting space, irrational use of free space and high time costs. And in order to properly store tires in vertical position, every few days they need to be rotated by a (not) certain angle.

How much time and effort do you think loaders and storekeepers will have to spend to turn all the tires in the warehouse? Are you true believe that at least one Russian person will turn the tires at a certain angle ??? Most likely, tires will stagnate in one position, and this can already lead to radial runout of the wheel and deterioration in performance! Yes, and the capacity of the warehouse with such storage falls several times. Plus, the cost of a huge number of racks. So with 100% probability it can be argued that all advertising texts about vertical storage of tires are a trick to lure gullible consumers. The main condition for proper storage, in our opinion, is a flat floor and even piles.

Therefore, we only store tires in horizontal stacks, as shown in the picture below. And if one of our colleagues assures that they, when providing storage services, put rubber without discs vertically, do not be shy, ask to see. Most likely you will be denied this under some pretext. After all, often, instead of a beautiful warehouse with racks, you will be able to present, at best, sea containers, or even crates made of reinforced mesh in the open air, in the worst case. Our company does not store customer tires or new tires in the open - we declare this to you with all responsibility. The floor of all our warehouses is concrete or asphalt and it is even. At the first request, we are ready to show our warehouses from the inside to each client who has paid for seasonal storage.

Many businessmen know firsthand that today it is possible to establish a profitable business with symbolic investments. Today we will consider the features of the implementation of one of these projects. It involves seasonal storage of tires. The idea will be on forces and beginners.

A few words about the legalization of this type of business:

  • If it serves as an additional source of funds, then it will be possible to bypass such a moment as registration.
  • If the plan is to open a car service, service station, tire fitting point, on the basis of which car owners will be able to deposit tires, then registration will be required. Available OPF: IP, LLC.
  • There is something to think about: the target audience has great confidence in registered entrepreneurs. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to register, do not miss it.


The base for a seasonal tire warehouse can be a garage, however, its area will not be enough with the expansion of the client base. In this case, the solution would be to rent a warehouse. An alternative is to purchase several garages located in one place. Such managerial decision will become appropriate, with a 100% guarantor of high demand for the service. You can go the other way - contact the owners of service stations to talk about the possibility of renting unused premises. The probability of a positive answer is high, since, considered by us, will attract potential clients service station owners and vice versa.


You can open a point in part of the settlement. The main thing is that the room allows you to maintain optimal microclimate parameters.


The object will have to be equipped with special 2-3-storey racks for tires. A good solution would be to allocate a separate cell to each regular client. Before renting a space, it is important to make sure that the roof does not leak. At the slightest leak, it should be excluded. As far as gender is concerned, the best option becomes a wooden floor. Alternative - poured on the basis of sawdust.

No security whatsoever

This issue should be considered in a separate paragraph. In order to minimize encroachment on the tires of your customers, the facility must be equipped with reliable doors. Don't be stingy, buy set an alarm. One of the advantages of implementing an idea based on a garage, which is located in garage cooperative- the initial presence of protection.

Note to the reader: the network of tire hypermarkets "Koleso" offers alloy wheels REPLICA (Replica) - this is the choice for those who want the wheel to be ideal for their car. All discs (manufactured in China, Taiwan and Italy) are made for specific car brands, taking into account their specifications and design.

Tire theft can result in lawsuits, you will have to pay damages, pay for the lawsuit. All this once again confirms the usefulness of the security system. Another argument in favor of signaling is that stolen tires will cause an irretrievable loss of actual customers and a lack of trust from potential customers. Experienced businessmen recommend to insure accepted tires.

Additional services

Having opened a warehouse for tires, you can think about providing tire fitting services. The set of services can also be supplemented:

- washing wheels;

— blackening rubber;

- pumping up the wheels;

- repair of tires, tubes ...

Financial side of the project

The cost of the main service will depend only on your decision. Another thing Additional services- need to focus on pricing policy competitors, but not to the detriment of their own. In any case, it is necessary to strive for the optimal cost / cost / income ratio. The main thing is that it should be attractive to target audience and for you.

Tip: when determining the cost of a service, consider the radius, quantity, and shelf life.

For a set of tires, one square will be sufficient. The area of ​​a standard garage is 36 squares. At least 5 squares should be left for the passage. It will be useful to have a reserve area - 1 square. The remaining square meters will be enough to accommodate 29 sets. An error is not ruled out, so we will reduce the number of sets to 28 pcs.

For a month, completely “clogged”, the garage will bring about 11.2 thousand rubles. In the presence of a two-, 3-tier rack, the income will be 2 and 3 times more, respectively.

Customer acquisition

In small undertakings of this format, the first clients are represented by relatives and acquaintances. If they are satisfied, then information about your service will quickly spread throughout the village. Word of mouth will work. True, it will work in any case, even with the first customers who were dissatisfied.

It's important to know that a consistent, solid customer base eliminates the need for ongoing advertising fees. After the start, if the initiative is not registered, you should not resort to the media. Why once again attract the attention of "tax officials". You can limit yourself to simple business cards, ads. If your "brainchild" is registered, it will be justified through local printed publications, TV channels, radio stations. Don't neglect:

  • internet,
  • social networks,
  • thematic forums,
  • leaflets,
  • brochures,
  • advertising on a car or in public transport.

If you have a good friend who owns a service station, a tire fitting point, then most likely he will not refuse to help you in terms of disseminating information about your services.


As you can see, the idea deserves attention. To put it into practice requires funds, a minimum of time. At the same time, there is no need for expensive, bulky units, any specific knowledge and skills. All you need to store tires is a garage and a responsible approach to business.

Good luck in your endeavors!


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