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Despite the ongoing urbanization and the outflow of people and capital to the cities, the countryside still remains an attractive place for investment. Even a person who has no experience in running a business can try to open a business in the countryside.

Important nuances

Not all of the ideas listed below are equally applicable to different conditions. Before developing a business plan, you need to carefully study all the characteristics rural settlement: population, its composition, main types of employment, purchasing power; the size and number of streets; distances to district and regional centers. It is necessary to assess not only the situation in the selected locality, but also the conjuncture of the entire region as a whole.

If the case is organized in the field of agriculture, the condition of the soil and the possibility of growing certain crops are assessed.

Evaluation of competition in the chosen niche is also an important step. In many cases, small business in the countryside does not imply a large coverage, so the direction may not be profitable even if there are one or two entrenched competitors in the market.

The search for suppliers of raw materials and buyers of products is carried out before the implementation of the plan, and not during it, since it is impossible to make money without having regular and reliable customers in any field of activity.

It is important to know: in order to avoid fines from the state, the business must be officially registered in the form of individual entrepreneurship or household plots.

Key Ideas

A large number of opportunities open up before a potential entrepreneur in the countryside: business can be done in agriculture and at home, with minimal and medium investments, with or without professional skills.

Ideas with minimal investment

Agriculture and livestock

The main directions of agricultural activity are presented in the table:

Idea Investments, rub. Labor costs and qualifications Approximate profit, rub.
in greenhouses 30,000 for a greenhouse, 60,000 for inventory and fertilizer. You need to be able to take care of plants and devote time to this, you also need to lead financial accounting and accounting of materials. 100-150 thousand per season
Breeding of laying hens (for sale of eggs) Chicken price - 100

Maintenance costs - 30/month

Arrangement of the farm - 60-150 thousand.

It is necessary to regularly care for the birds, conduct their examinations (including veterinary ones), collect and pack eggs. 100 per month from one laying hen, 100-150 thousand per year from the farm.
mushroom cultivation 60-70 thousand (oyster mushrooms)

140 thousand (mushrooms)

Fungi are sensitive to proper preparation substrate and mycelium. Up to 500,000 per year.
Breeding geese for meat, eggs and feathers. Up to 300 thousand It is necessary to ensure proper feeding of birds, monitor their health, organize the work of farm staff Up to 600,000 per year.
hay packaging 5000 for 500 kg. It is difficult to carry out packing work alone, as they are quite exhausting - it is better to hire assistants. 8-10 thousand with 500 kg of feedstock.
Beekeeping 100 000 The arrangement of the apiary requires the adoption of additional precautions - bee venom is deadly for some people. Up to 300-400 thousand per season
Crayfish breeding 100 000 The advantage of a business is the ability to achieve profitability of a business on a small scale, since crayfish is a niche product. But arranging a habitat for these animals requires labor. 150-300 thousand per year.
Breeding of pheasants (for the sale of meat and live individuals) 70 thousand The pheasant is an exotic bird that is bought by hunting grounds, and its meat is appreciated by gourmets. But the maintenance of this bird is not cheap and requires spending 300-400 rubles per month (for one individual) Depending on the breed of bird, one live pheasant can cost up to 60,000 rubles.
Milk production 200000 for 3 cows It is necessary to obtain medical certificates for both cows and their products. Each batch of milk must be checked separately. Self-milking takes a lot of time - it is better to hire other people for this. Up to 500,000 per year
Repurchase of milk The purchase price varies greatly - somewhere milk can be given almost for free, but some owners of cows can inflate the price up to retail This idea is easier to implement than the idea with independent production. The main requirements are the availability of spacious transport and reliable buyers. Depends on the purchase price
Fish breeding (carp, trout) 150 thousand The arrangement of an artificial reservoir requires technical knowledge. As with the breeding of other animals, veterinary control is mandatory. 300-500 thousand
Freezing and sale of vegetables and berries Purchase of refrigeration equipment - 40-50 thousand.

Prices for vegetables and berries depend on their varieties.

It is important to be able to handle refrigeration equipment and know the optimal temperature regime for each type of plant. Up to 50-200 thousand depending on the amount of work
Feed production Up to 1000000 We need the organization of the production process and the hiring of skilled workers. The idea is on the border of small and medium business. From 250 thousand per month
Cheese production A mini-cheese factory costs 50-60 thousand, milk can be purchased at a price of 10-30 rubles per liter. Knowledge of production technology is required, but modern equipment is largely automated Up to 30000 per month
Pig breeding Up to 500000-1000000 for a small pigsty Pigs require regular feeding and veterinary control, mating of animals also needs to be carried out. Up to 1-2 million per year from the sale of piglets and adult meat

Important: for the production of food products, you must obtain a permit from Rospotrebnadzor.

In my house

If your own land is not fertile enough to conduct business on a large scale, and there is no money for rent, then. Some of the ideas listed above can be implemented at home: growing flowers and seedlings, freezing vegetables and berries, breeding worms. There are other interesting projects as well.

  1. Renting out housing. This idea is relevant in those regions where rural tourism is developed. If the house is in good condition and has the necessary amenities, then no investment is required. Profit depends on the quality and size of rented housing and can reach up to 30-40 thousand rubles a month.
  2. Needlework. Independent production of souvenirs and small household appliances can not only be profitable, but also a pleasure. Especially popular are trinkets made from natural materials (wicker baskets, phone cases, match souvenirs). Such a craft requires a certain skill, but anyone can learn it. The income of an experienced master can be several tens of thousands of rubles.
  3. A more profitable (but also labor-intensive) version of the previous idea is making wooden souvenirs. The main expense item is the purchase of woodworking equipment (30-50 thousand rubles). Materials for work are taken in their own garden or purchased at the sawmill.
  4. Breeding cats. Siamese, Bengal, Siberian breeds, sphinxes and Persians are popular among collectors. The main disadvantages of the idea are high competition and the inability to keep a large number of cats at home. One thoroughbred individual costs an average of 10,000 thousand rubles, its monthly maintenance costs 7,000 rubles. In a year, one cat brings 15 kittens, profit is calculated from this fact.
  5. Breeding chinchillas. At home, you can easily contain 80 individuals. The purchase of animals and the organization of the premises will cost 100-200 thousand rubles. Annual profit reaches 500-700 thousand rubles.
  6. Earnings on the Internet. Website building and blogging is a competitive niche, but still a profitable one, and you can do it anywhere with an internet connection. Average popularity bloggers earn 10-30 thousand rubles a month.
  7. Production and sale of marinades, pickles, jams. If you put this business on stream, then the revenue will be 10-20 thousand rubles. per month.

Ideas for the whole year

The agricultural business has one big minus - most of its industries are tied to the seasons, in winter their profitability drops. But there are projects that are implemented with the same efficiency at any time of the year.

  1. Conducting excursions. A talented storyteller and connoisseur of nature can easily sell his services to guests from the city. The profit from this business depends entirely on the tourist attractiveness of the village and its environs. Guided tours can be combined with rental housing.
  2. carpentry workshop. A small machine can be equipped at home, and residents of any village have a need for tables and chairs (and their repair). You can earn 5-20 thousand rubles on such a craft. per month. The average price of the machine is 40,000 rubles.
  3. Car repair. In your own garage, you can carry out simple work (replacing tires, windows) and carry out large-scale repairs if you are qualified. The profitability of this business increases significantly in cases where a highway runs through the village. The main items of expenditure are the purchase of parts and tools.

Working Ideas

A small selection of ideas that are more or less reliable. In fact, whether this or that idea will work or not depends on a lot of factors, including the mood of the entrepreneur:

  • Private transport. It is unlikely that this service will be in demand among local residents, but it will find demand among tourists. Since the distances in countryside small, you should not hope for high profits (no more than 10-15 thousand rubles per month in favorable seasons). It is convenient to combine transportation with other recreational activities.
  • Water transportation. The condition of most bridges in villages and villages is deplorable, often they do not exist at all. A small boat is inexpensive (30-50 thousand rubles), in the presence of a constant flow of people, its cost pays off in the first months.
  • Delivery of goods from the city to stores. The idea is relevant if the quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired, and the entrepreneur has freight car with good traffic. With a regular commodity flow, monthly revenue reaches 50-60 thousand rubles.
  • Opening a pharmacy. The need of the villagers for medicines is high, due to high proportion older people in the rural population. Without big investments you can open a pharmacy kiosk, where over-the-counter drugs and hygiene products will be sold.

Important to know: to implement the idea, a state license for dispensing medicines is required.

  • Opening a small rural cafe or club. The idea is feasible only in relatively large settlements with a population of more than 1000-2000 people. Investments of 30-100 thousand rubles are required, the profit depends solely on the number of visitors.
  • Grocery store opening. Even in small settlements, this niche is usually occupied. But if the residents have a need for additional food supply, the store will make a profit. Costs - 500,000-1,000,000 rubles. Estimated monthly revenue - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Drilling of wells and wells. The idea is suitable for implementation in those villages where there are a large number of new buildings. Drilling rig with additional equipment will cost 70-80 thousand rubles. But the main difficulty of the business lies in the need to obtain good qualifications both in the drilling itself and in carrying out work to find water. Average profit - 40,000 rubles. per month (including the cost of expendable materials and employee salaries).


This is not a complete list of business ideas for the village and village. New niches are constantly opening up, and old ones are losing their relevance. The above list contains only the most reliable and stable projects.

Video Compilation

The first video is a fairly relevant video that briefly describes 20 ideas from the People's Business channel

The following video is an inspiring story of a millionaire farmer. Remarkably, the hero of the video aroused the ardent sympathy of commentators, usually the audience does not spare critical remarks.

A useful video for those who like the "sweet business", one of the best reviews on the web of all the nuances of beekeeping, ideal for beginners.

Describing mainly business ideas that are mainly suitable for implementation by urban residents, and business projects with large financial investments, we undeservedly kept silent about what business can be opened in the countryside. Today we decided to correct this omission and present readers with an overview of the most popular profitable business ideas in rural areas.

Moreover, it should be noted right away that business in rural areas is not only business in agriculture. As a rule, such projects also require considerable expenses at the start. Take, for example, carp farming, quail farming, or truffle farming.

Well, where, one wonders, from the villagers, who receive at best up to 20 thousand rubles of wages, the money for the implementation of such business ideas? Therefore, in today's review, we tried to collect such ideas that describe rural business, which can be realized by anyone who really wants to.

Of course, most of these projects are tied to a specific season - most often summer, however, during this time you can quite earn enough so that you don’t think about money all winter, and look for options to expand your business. So, what kind of business can be opened in rural areas with the most minimal investment, literally making do with what is “at hand”?

The village and the village are now on the verge of extinction - this is no longer a secret to anyone. But does the welfare of the villagers really depend on the federal budget? Is it really impossible to organize in the countryside your most profitable and most profitable business in agriculture? It is possible, and now we will prove it to you!

The main resource that almost any villager has is land.. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of empty hectares of land - everyone chooses the area he needs to start a business. And you can start with the usual "six acres."

To begin with, it is worth deciding which products are most in demand in your region. Here you need to understand that, for example, growing potatoes on such a scale that would allow, after the sale of all grown products, to live for a year on this money until the next harvest, and plus that would also allow you to gradually develop your business in agriculture, will require significant costs for the rental of special equipment, and / or wages of hired workers, a room for storing products, etc.

For many years now, there has been an increased interest of urban residents in real estate in the countryside. Land plots and old houses are being sold literally for next to nothing. For example, a fairly strong, quite habitable house can be purchased in the central part of Russia for 250-350 thousand rubles. This is what urban residents use, buying up such buildings to use them as their summer cottages.

In almost every village there are several (and even several dozen) such country houses. But here's the problem - with the end of the summer season and the departure of vacationers to the city, these dachas become either targets for theft or a haven for homeless vagrants. Many owners of summer cottages face such unpleasant moments.

The essence of the described business idea is in p offering dacha owners services for the protection of their possessions. We think that few people will refuse to pay 1.5-2 thousand rubles for the safety of their property. Such "dacha watchmen" are widely popular in the Ryazan region, in the Tambov region, the Moscow region, and some other areas of the central part of the country. 5 objects for such a watchman will bring at least 10 thousand rubles a month. This work does not present any particular difficulties. And in the summer you can implement any other of the above business ideas.

Procurement and sale of bath brooms

Of course, it is best to organize a business in the countryside related specifically to rural topics - breeding cows, growing porcini mushrooms, breeding dairy goats. Agree, you can’t do such a business in the city!

Therefore, before starting something, it is worth working out a few well. options various business ideas. One of them may be the procurement and sale of bath brooms and / or related bath accessories - wooden tubs, ladles, buckets, carved signs with folk proverbs about the bath, which are often hung at the entrance, etc.

The "hottest" time for harvesting bath brooms early-mid July. Exact time depends on the weather and the condition of the leaves on the respective trees. More accurate information can be found on Internet portals dedicated to bathing topics.

Why is this time "hot"? Because only 7-9 days are allotted for the preparation of brooms, and during this time you need to do so much so that you can sell your goods until spring. Based on our own experience, we can say with confidence that one person can prepare up to 100 brooms in one day.

What kind of business can be opened in the village - the specifics of doing business, advantages and disadvantages + 5 standard and 5 original ideas.

Many mistakenly believe that business can only thrive in metropolitan areas.

And therefore, many residents massively leave villages and small towns to try their luck in large cities.

And so it turns out that they “take out” all the opportunities for the development of small settlements.

And that is why for those who still want to stay at home, the topic will be relevant.

It should be understood that a rural business is as risky as an “urban” one, so it is important to choose the very niche that will be in demand among future consumers.

The specifics of business in the village

First of all, before planning what kind of business can be opened in the village, you need to analyze the available resources and analyze the future market.

The former will help reduce the cost of the initial investment, and the latter will save you from the losses that you can incur in the absence of demand.

For example, the opening of a beauty salon or is unlikely to be in demand among pensioners.

It is also worth paying attention to which village you will open a business in.

For example, it can be a village remote from the city, where fellow villagers will be your consumers, or a village near a large settlement, which serves as a kind of transit where city dwellers look.

In the first case, you need to select a business idea, the implementation of which will be in demand within your village.

And in the second case, you can even count on the high purchasing power of your consumers.

Advantages and disadvantages of starting a business in the countryside

As usual, the start of any business begins with the fact that future entrepreneur in addition to analyzing the market, he thinks about all the advantages and disadvantages of the business that he can open in the village.

Advantages of starting a business in the countryside:

  • compared to urban conditions, there is minimal competition (but this is on condition that the conceived niche will not be occupied by someone else);
  • minimum investment for organizing a home village business;
  • relatively cheap labor force.

Disadvantages of starting a business in the countryside:

  • the difficulty of choosing a niche, because you don’t always know what will “shoot” and what will not;
  • frequent lack of qualified personnel;
  • the inability to receive such income as in the city (although this is also a moot point, because some entrepreneurs, as their business expands, reach significant amounts of profit);
  • low purchasing power.

What kind of business can be opened in the village: 10 ideas

After a market analysis has been made and the main needs have been identified potential consumers, you can start studying the question: what kind of business can be opened in the village.

The generation of an idea is an important and difficult moment, because the success of the future business depends on its choice.

Among rural business ideas, one can single out standard ones - familiar to every resident of the countryside, as well as original ones - only courageous and creative people are capable of implementing them.

5 Standard Village Business Ideas

The proposed business ideas are quite popular, because it is with them that many people associate village life.

But if you choose just such options, then there is a chance to stumble upon quite tough competition.

    Growing vegetables, fruits and berries for sale.

    This is the most common idea for starting a business in the countryside.

    Almost everyone has a garden, and many try to sell the surplus grown plants.

    To do this, you can take products to the local market, take them to stores or enter into contracts with restaurants and cafes.

    The main investments will fall on the purchase of seeds (seedlings), fertilizers and water for irrigation.

    But important role daily work plays here.

    This includes the sale of meat, dairy products, eggs and other derivative goods.

    It is important to understand that with a small number of livestock “you won’t go far”, since the volume of products sold will be insignificant.

    This village business idea requires investment, as animals cost decent money, and there are also daily expenses for their food.

    Additional area for pastures is also needed.

    An important point is the concern for the quality and safety of their products.

    If you ever sell damaged goods, you will undermine your reputation.


    Honey is a very useful product, which is always in demand.

    In addition, if you choose which business can be opened in the village, then this is the most cost-effective option.

    But also do not forget that the apiary is a business that requires certain knowledge, preparation, and investments.

    Bees, beehives, special equipment, honey plants, the presence of an apiary - this is what is necessary for the production of honey.

    Most often in the village you can find 1-2 shops, and they cannot satisfy all the needs of the inhabitants.

    Analyze what your fellow villagers go to the city for and offer it to them in your locality.

    For starters, you can try to open a small store, the assortment of which will include not only food, but also hygiene products, small building materials.

    Production in the village

    Such an idea will not be particularly attached to the village, since it is possible to sell manufactured products outside the home.

    This includes a sawmill, woodworking, the production of mixed fodder, biohumus, the manufacture of bath brooms, items woven from a vine.

Such village ideas will definitely require capital investment, but you can benefit from being a family business and will not need to hire workers at first.

5 original ideas for a village business

Such business options also have the right to life.

And if you correctly approach this issue, then you can build not only a profitable, but also an interesting business.

    Rural tourism (agritourism)

    Recently, you can notice such a trend - many refuse to relax on the beach and go out of town to a picturesque village.

    The organization of agritourism is suitable for owners of a large house and a beautiful plot.

    Growing plants for landscape design

    Landscaping is now at the peak of popularity.

    Designers in this field, and the owners of houses themselves, need beautiful and exotic plants with which they will decorate the site.

    You will need an area for growing plants, young plants (shoots), knowledge of caring for them, time and patience.

    Freezing vegetables, fruits and berries

    If everything is clear with conservation, and almost every villager is engaged in this, then freezing is a relatively new direction.

    There is practically no competition here, but it is important to find where to sell your products.

    To implement this business idea, you will need special equipment for shock freezing.

    It is also necessary to monitor the quality and purity of the harvested vegetables and fruits.

    Herbal tea production

    Among non-standard ideas it is the most cost effective.

    The approximate margin will be 100-200%.

    You are required to grow herbs, collect and dry them.

    It can be sold to shops, coffee shops and restaurants.

    Leftovers can be packaged in herbal pillows, which will serve as an excellent tool for the prevention of colds.

    flour production

    Flour is in demand in any region.

    Its production requires special equipment, grain, as well as knowledge of technology.

    Do not limit yourself to the production of wheat flour, supporters of proper nutrition need oatmeal, rice, buckwheat flour.

    Why not focus on them too?

Another 10 best business ideas for the village - see this video:

It can be seen that there are many options for what kind of business can be opened in the village.

Among them you can find ideas both with investments and without them.

Feel free to come up with something new and look for your niche, no one else will do it for you.

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In this material:

What ideas for a small business in rural areas might be suitable? There is a small population, each of the inhabitants mainly satisfies his needs at the expense of a personal plot, low incomes, etc. - all this is not conducive to starting own business in the village. What kind of business can there be? But do not rush to draw conclusions. Except negative sides, in rural areas there are certain positive aspects that make doing business in the countryside not only possible, but also highly profitable.

Benefits not to be missed

Before moving on to consider ideas for a business in a rural area or in small town, let's pay attention to a number of undeniable advantages that make starting your project in the village from scratch very promising.

Firstly, there is a lot of free land and premises, which makes the idea of ​​building their own agriculture promising in the village. It just needs to be done smartly. It is not difficult to rent or own some plot with a house (albeit a little rickety). And in some regions it can be done absolutely free of charge. In the village, the local authorities will only be glad to the arrival of new residents, especially entrepreneurs who will provide new jobs. But in an urban area, such a number will not work: both the land and the premises will cost a specie.

It is even easier with this issue for local residents who have their own house with outbuildings and a plot of land. For them, the issue is already settled.

Secondly, the cost of staff salaries in rural areas is much lower than in the city. It is quite possible to get by with an amount close to the minimum wages. Where the city will have to pay each employee 15-25 thousand rubles. and more, in rural areas you can get by with 6-12 thousand rubles. But, in addition to the staff, and himself individual entrepreneur may be limited to a lower income, which is very important, since he is freed financial resources to expand and scale your own business. And this is very important for the further development of commerce.

Thirdly, the state is more willing to subsidize businesses that are located in sparsely populated areas and create jobs. You can get up to 100 thousand rubles to start your own business. and more, for which you only have to report and that's it. No need to pay interest, share business income, etc.

It turns out that starting a business in a rural area, in a small town is beneficial for beginners, because it:

  • cheap space and land;
  • inexpensive labor force;
  • there is a high probability of receiving a subsidy from the state.

All this allows you to start your own project with minimal investment. But this is true if all these advantages are used for business in the village. For example, if you want to open a beer stall in the center of the village, then a subsidy for such a project is not allowed, and the first two benefits will not be used, because land and premises for a beer stall are not needed, and the entrepreneur himself can be the seller.

We use the benefits

These business ideas for starting your project in the countryside from scratch and with minimal investment are designed to ensure that the entrepreneur enjoys all the benefits. This is the only way to create the most profitable business in agriculture for a beginner, if he does not have large investments for the project. He needs to use the benefits provided to the fullest.

Based on this, it is worth paying attention to such business ideas as livestock and poultry farming. In this case, you can not be limited to any one species, but create a full-fledged farm. With absence initial capital you can start building your small business in stages, gradually investing the profits in its development.

What should you focus on, what ideas are suitable and what kind of business to open? Your efforts should be directed to projects such as growing:

  • rabbits;
  • pigs;
  • large meat cattle.

What kind of business to do in rural areas from all the options considered? It is better to start a small business by growing quails and rabbits. These projects do not require large investments, it is possible to implement a business for rural areas with an amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, which can be received as subsidies from the state as support for small businesses.

Quail and rabbit farm

A quail project can be started with 500 birds. To do this, you need to purchase or make cages, purchase quail eggs, a special incubator and food. During the first three months, the bird will hatch from the eggs, grow up and begin to bring the first income. From such a project, you can get from 15 thousand rubles a month. Not only eggs are sold, but also quail carcasses and bird droppings. The latter can be used on the farm to grow grain as food for the birds themselves.

Such a farm takes up little space, it is located on an area of ​​\u200b\u200b5 m 2, so it is often organized in urban areas. But in the village there are no problems with the place, therefore, as soon as the project begins to make a profit, which means that the production technology has been successfully mastered, it is necessary to increase the number of heads.

When the number of quails exceeds 5 thousand, it is necessary to hire a worker, because instead of developing the business, you will immerse yourself completely in manufacturing process. The main difficulty with an increase in the number of quails will be sales. Therefore, hiring an employee can be envisaged even earlier, when the farm has reached 1.5-2 thousand quails.

A rabbit farm can be started by raising 60 rabbits, which are placed in a specially made Mikhailov farm. It is designed in such a way that it is very convenient to feed the animals, the design provided for the removal of waste products of rabbits. The cost of one such farm is about 20 thousand rubles. It fits two dozen individuals. You can make it yourself, and save 60 thousand rubles.

The fecundity of these little animals, the non-waste of their production make it possible to extract an annual profit from such a project of 800 thousand - 1.2 million rubles. The advantage of this project is that rabbit meat is highly valued, it is not inferior to beef and pork in terms of cost, and it requires less investment. Increasing the number of rabbits to 200-300 individuals gives a profit of 3-5 million rubles a year.

Both considered projects are very easy to implement, do not require a lot of space, investment and maintenance. In contrast, the traditional rearing of chickens, geese, pigs and beef cattle looks less attractive, requires more time and investment, and there may be serious problems with the sale of products due to high competition. Another important question arises: why, then, the considered projects are not so massive in the village? Both of these business ideas are very attractive, relatively simple, and do not require much time. For the village it is compact business, considering what open spaces are available, and the farmer has enough of his own yard and personal plot.

This is due to the inertia of the rural population, which is accustomed to focusing all its efforts on traditional activities. In the village people are used to having a cow or two, a few pigs, a dozen or two rabbits, and a few dozen chickens. In addition to this - the cultivation of vegetables on the site. All together, this makes it possible to provide the family with the necessary, but it requires titanic daily efforts, and the surplus sold at the bazaar brings some small profit.

To do the opposite, to focus on the most profitable business in agriculture, to invest in the production of some profitable crop, berries, flowers, poultry or animals - only a few people in rural areas can decide on this. It is wiser to start something from the production discussed above, which would bring a constant income and allow you to buy everything you need.

Services sector

Lack of attraction to poultry and livestock does not mean that starting a business
in rural areas from scratch will not work. If a Agriculture not to your liking, you can do business in the village by offering services to the population. Not only in a small town, but even in the countryside, subsistence farming is absent, people are demanding more and more goods. The mass appearance of computers, cell phones, televisions requires the availability of services for their maintenance. Back in the 80s of the last century, if there was a TV, then not everyone had it.

In the last 15 years, every home has not only a TV, but also other household appliances in the form of multicookers, food processors, washing machines, etc. Even for grandmothers, their children bought cell phones for communication. But all this equipment with an enviable frequency fails. The nearest service is located in the city, it is inconvenient every time to go to the service for 20-30 or more kilometers. So business ideas are born to open such a service in a village, providing services to the local population.

For example, it could be a combined workshop-shop, which would not only provide repair services household appliances, but also some necessary things were sold, spare parts for equipment, the equipment itself (telephones, irons, multicookers, etc.), account replenishment cards. Of course, repair services will require appropriate skills, and it will be difficult to hire someone from their local residents in these conditions. Therefore, you need to be able to do it yourself. If there is no such skill, you can do the following. Equipment that needs repair is collected over a period of time (a week or two) and taken to a service station located in the nearest city.

How profitable such a business is depends on many factors, but above all on organizational skills. It is not at all necessary to be limited to only one village - there can also be regular customers from neighboring villages. In addition to the services discussed above, the population can be provided with:

  • cable television services;
  • repair and adjustment of computers;
  • Internet provision;
  • and other types of services that may be required.

Travel business

And what kind of business can be opened in a rural area if neither agriculture nor the service sector is suitable for the population of this area for some reason? In this case, you can think about providing services for non-local, urban populations.

You can organize your business from scratch in the field of ecotourism or implement a paid fishing project for visitors. But in order to open such a business in the village, some investments in infrastructure development will be required. It is not necessary to do something grandiose from the very beginning - you can start by arranging several summer houses. Make sure they have their own toilet and hot and cold running water.

Of course, you can do without this, offering tourists a simple house, a toilet in the yard and water in the well.

But over the past 20 years, the Russian tourist has been greatly spoiled by foreign holidays, where it is very difficult, even in summer houses, to meet the absence of all the benefits of a city apartment.

Therefore, in order to get the appropriate feedback and regular seasonal customers, it is worth spending money on the arrangement of residential premises.

Before you start a business, enlist the support of local and regional authorities. Firstly, it will help to get a solid subsidy in the amount of several thousand rubles. Secondly, part of the costs can be taken over by the government, which in this case contributes to the development of tourism infrastructure and the growth of jobs.

Without state support you will have to invest a lot of your own money. But teach that you don’t have to count on a large amount of state assistance either.

Therefore, prepare a business plan in which the project would provide for a phased development, starting with small investments. But it should contain the prospect that over time it will expand, the number of jobs will grow to several dozen or more.

It is very good to come to the authorities with a business plan, saying that I am investing in agriculture or infrastructure development. Investors are treated very favorably, they try to assist them as much as possible.

It has nothing to do with any patronage of the authorities. The presence of investors allows you to present reports on the work done in a more favorable color.

Attracting investors, supporting small businesses are a separate item that they pay attention to. And an investor who develops the infrastructure of sparsely populated regions, creates jobs in them, is regarded as very valuable.

The suggestions described above are not an exhaustive list for those who are thinking about what kind of business they can do in the countryside. You can come up with many projects, but the most important issue is their implementation.

It will require good organizational skills, flexibility of thinking, the ability to promote your own product or service on the market. The bad news is that not everyone has these qualities necessary for entrepreneurship.

And the good news is that they are all acquired, often changing a person for the better.

it doesn't matter Auto Bijouterie and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Internet shops IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Cheap franchises Footwear Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Catering Gifts Production Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health goods Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

Investments: Investments 3 350 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

New Chicken is new project restaurant holding BCA, behind which the experience of opening more than 150 establishments in 8 countries. The company is actively growing, developing new directions and knows what the consumer needs tomorrow. The company promotes a network of establishments on a franchising model. Description of the franchise The franchise package includes: production / trade / assembly equipment, furniture The New Chicken franchise has…

Investments: Investments 2 200 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

The first and only personal protection service in Russia available in your smartphone. Personal Security ARMADA We met with the co-owner of Armada.Vip Alexander Aliev to find out why it is important to be able to call a bodyguard within an hour, in what situations it may be needed and how the market for such services is developing in Russia. Why did you decide to go into business with...

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 600,000 ₽

URAL-STROY has been operating in the construction services market since 2008. The company is engaged in private housing construction. Ural-Stroy adheres to the "Quality and openness to the client" strategy, thanks to which it leads the cottage construction market. We build modern, comfortable turnkey houses. Our Goal: Become a developer - No. 1 in Russian Federation in the segment low-rise construction. Join us and together we can develop...

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

COMPANY DESCRIPTION The network of laser hair removal studios Laser Love was founded in 2018 in Novosibirsk. The group of companies has a distribution company responsible for the supply of equipment directly from the manufacturer. The company has all quality certificates for equipment - a certificate of conformity and the European Union. Own line of equipment under the DF-Laser brand guarantees the quality of the procedure from the first visit. Own marketing agency in…

Investments: Investments 3 800 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

G.Bar is the most large network beauty bars in the world, which serves more than 60 thousand customers and provides more than 140 thousand services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 own beauty bars (Kyiv, Moscow) and 21 franchised ones in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides…

Investments: Investments 100 000 ₽

AWS - Provides self-storage warehouses for private and corporate customers. Warehouse terminals are located in all districts of Moscow and the region. AWS is an investment offering with franchise elements. Description of the AWS Franchise - Provides self-storage warehouses for private customers and businesses. Concept: Minimal Risk, a profitable business while saving resources and time for the formation of service standards, ...

Investments: Investments 370,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

Pyrolysis boilers Tundra - An alternative to gas! You will be a manufacturer and not an intermediary. Our pyrolysis boilers replace gas. This is the most profitable way to heat the room after the main gas. 1st place in terms of cheapness is occupied by main gas (0.5 kopecks per kW) 2nd place pyrolysis boilers (0.8 kopecks per kW) 3rd place is waste oil (1.83 kopecks per kW) 4 ...

Investments: Investments 1 350 000 - 6 500 000 ₽

VodaTeplo® – sales, design, installation, warranty and service maintenance heating systems, water supply, water treatment, sewerage, smoke removal, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical security, video surveillance, smart home systems. As well as sanitary ware, equipment for baths and saunas, fireplaces, bath accessories, equipment for fonts and pools, chemicals for pools and much more. WaterHeat® - engineering systems. The most recognizable brand in our field!!!…

Investments: Investments 130,000 - 765,000 ₽

BestWay Consult (BestVay Consult) - provides a wide range of services aimed at financial recovery of individuals and legal entities. Our company includes several divisions, one of which is aimed at finding alternative options for improving living conditions. We work with the largest federal projects in the Russian Federation and have a good opportunity to provide competent advice and assistance in…

Investments: Investments 300 000 ₽

YAGE was founded in 2017. The founder is Dmitry Kalinkovich, who has 10 years of experience in creating and developing a franchising business, the founder of the first online driving school in Russia. Direction of activity - automation of preparation for the Unified State Examination / OGE. The main goal of the company is to increase the overall level of passing exams and the result in points using an accessible online service. Development plans include…

Investments: Investments 1 400 000 - 1 800 000 ₽

The Krown® brand was founded in 1986 in Canada. On the this moment more than 1000 integrated corrosion protection stations are successfully operating in the world. The unique product T40, which was specially developed by the company's engineers, allows you to comprehensively protect vehicles from harmful effects environment. The composition of the inhibitor is protected by a patent, production is organized only at the Krown® company factory in Canada. Every year more than 1,000,000 vehicles…

All of the above, of course, is necessary, but not at the very beginning. You should start by defining the goals of the presentation and developing its structure. Here are some basic slide tips to help you structure your presentations. Well, or at least make you think about the structure in principle.

1. Purpose of the presentation

The ideal goal (or multiple goals) of a presentation is at the intersection of what you want to say and what the audience needs (and is interested in). And if your presentation does not have a purpose at all, then this is just a waste of time, both yours and the people who will listen to you. Don't forget about it!

2. Presentation structure

For most of your presentations, you can use the following classic S-shaped structure:

1. Introduction(introductory word, smooth "eyeliner" to the point)

2. Identification of the problem(or topical, painful issues)

3. Problem Solving(the main and largest part of the presentation)

4. Conclusion(repetition of the main ideas of the presentation and, of course, a call to action)

This structure is universal and you can use it almost always. But of course, it is not the only correct one of all existing ones.

3. How to create a structure?

Do not immediately create a structure future presentation in PowerPoint or other similar programs if you don't have enough presentation experience. This is a common mistake! By doing so, you are likely to forget or lose sight of something. While creating the structure, you will have to work with a lot of ideas and information, and in PowerPoint it will be difficult to see the big picture. Therefore, we advise you to start with a regular pen and paper, or better ... with stickers! Everyone's favorite sticky notes! :) So you won't forget anything, and if you do, it's always easy to add a new sticker or swap them.

Paper and stickers have an alternative - these are mental maps (Mind Map). From ourselves we can recommend a simple and cool online application Coggle .

4. “How many slides should my presentation have?”

You must have asked yourself this question. In fact, there is no single rule. Because for each individual case, the number of slides may be different. It all depends on: the amount of information, the time for your presentation, the type and format of the presentation itself (for example, public speaking or emailing for self-reading), etc. The main thing to remember is that your slides are free for you :) And no one forbids you to make as many of them as you like!

5. Is a well-thought-out structure the key to a successful presentation?

Partly. To make a great presentation, you simply have to think about the structure and then develop it. But this is not the end of the story, but rather just the beginning! After all, great and interesting presentations consist of 3 important parts: structures(contents, stories), slide design(correct and appropriate) and filing(prepared speech).

How do you get started with your presentations?

Andrey Avdeev, founder of

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If you have any questions about the presentations, you can ask me in the comments or start-up chat (


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