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I approve

___________________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, pre- ________________________

acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other

legal form) official person, authorized

must approve

nostalgic instruction)

» » ____________ 20__

Job description

vice president

on the main issues of activity


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

» » ____________ 20__ N__________

Real job description developed and approved for

basis employment contract With __________________________________________

(name of the position of the person for whom

And in accordance with

this job description has been drawn up)

provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory

acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category of technical

performers, are hired and fired from it by order

enterprise director.

1.2. A person who has

higher professional education, no requirement for experience

work, or secondary vocational education and work experience

specialty for at least _________ years.

1.3. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports directly to .

(enterprises, organizations, structural units)

1.4. During the absence Deputy Director for General Affairs (vacation, illness, etc.)

1.5. In his work, the assistant director is guided by:

— normative documents on the issues of the work performed;

- methodological materials related to relevant issues;

- the charter of the enterprise;

- labor regulations;

- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise

(immediate supervisor);

- this job description.

1.6. The Deputy Director for General Affairs should know:

resolutions, orders, orders and other guidelines

materials and regulations relating to the activities of the enterprise and

office work;

- the structure and management of the enterprise and its divisions;

- organization of office work;

- methods of registration and processing of documents;

- archiving;

- typescript;

- rules for the use of receiving and intercom devices;

— standards of the unified system of organizational and administrative


- printing rules business letters using standard forms;

— the foundations of ethics and aesthetics;

- regulations business communication;

— basics of labor organization and management;

- operating rules computer science;

– the main provisions of administrative law and legislation

- internal labor regulations;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

II. Functions

The Assistant Director has the following responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of work on organizational and technical support

2.2. Record keeping, accounting of orders requiring control

for their execution.

2.3. Participation in the development of rationalization measures


2.4. Organization of reception of visitors.

III. Job Responsibilities Deputy Director for General Affairs

To perform the functions assigned to him, the assistant director

enterprises must:

3.1. Carry out work on organizational and technical support

administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise.

3.2. Accept incoming for consideration by the head

correspondence, transmit it in accordance with decision in

structural divisions or specific performers for use in

the process of working or preparing answers.

3.3. Conduct business, carry out various operations With

application computer technology for collecting, processing and

presentation of information in the preparation and decision-making.

3.4. accept documents and personal statements to be signed by the manager


3.5. Prepare documents and materials necessary for work


3.6. Ensure timely review and submission

structural divisions and specific executors of documents,

received for execution, check the correctness of the execution

prepared draft documents submitted to the head for signature,

ensure quality editing.

3.7. Organize telephone conversations with the manager

write down the information received in his absence and bring it to him

information its content, transmit and receive information on

receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as

telephone messages, timely bring to his attention information,

received through communication channels.

3.8. On behalf of the head to write letters, requests, other

3.9. Carry out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings,

conducted by the head (collection necessary materials, alert

participants about the time and place of the event, the agenda, their registration),

take and draw up minutes of meetings and meetings.

3.10. Monitor the performance of employees

issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with deadlines

fulfillment of instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise, taken on


3.11. Maintain a control and registration file.

3.12. Provide workplace the head of the necessary

organizational equipment, stationery,

create conditions conducive to its effective work.

3.13. Print office materials at the direction of the head,

necessary for its operation, or to enter current information into the data bank.

3.14. Organize the reception of visitors, promote efficiency

consideration of requests and proposals of employees.

3.15. Form cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature,

to ensure their safety and in due time to hand over to the archive.

3.16. Copy documents on a personal copier.

3.17. _____________________________________________________________.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:

4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management,

relating to his activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for consideration by management

improvement of the work related to the duties stipulated

this instruction.

4.3. Receive from leaders structural divisions,

information and documents necessary for the performance of their

official duties.

4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in

performance of their duties and rights.

V. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official

duties set out in this job description

within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For those committed in the course of carrying out their activities

offenses - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and

civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined

labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________



document number and date)

(initials, surname)



» » ________________ 20__

I am familiar with the instruction: (initials, surname)



» » _____________ 20__

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The job description is a local document that should be in every enterprise. It is developed by specialists of the personnel department together with lawyers, taking into account the specifics of the employer's activities and the work performed by the employee. labor functions. The instructions must comply with current legislation.

Each enterprise has a deputy director, therefore, the job description of such an employee must be present at each enterprise. For its absence, the labor inspectorate has the right to impose a fine on the employer in accordance with Art. 5. 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Before signing an employment contract with the applicant, he must familiarize him with the job description. The employee must put his signature on the last sheet. If this is not done, then involve the employee in disciplinary responsibility for failure to perform their duties is almost impossible.

Sample job description for deputy director

An authorized employee of the personnel department with special skills is responsible for compiling the instructions. When compiling, it can focus on type specimen, adding some nuances to it for a particular enterprise.

A typical example might look like this:

General provisions

This reflects the general provisions relevant to such a position as deputy director. The deputy can be in different areas, depending on the field of activity:

  • Executive Director;
  • Technical Director;
  • Deputy for educational work;
  • Deputy for administrative and economic part;
  • other.

Job duties depend on this. But the section "general provisions" can be the same for all deputy directors. Here are the provisions:

  • belonging to the category of "leaders";
  • the hierarchy of subordination - directly to the head of the enterprise;
  • Availability higher education;
  • hiring and dismissal from office occurs exclusively by order of the head of the organization;
  • if for some reason he is absent from the workplace, he functional responsibilities transfer to another person who is appointed by order;
  • the list of documents that the deputy director should be guided by in the performance of his duties is: the charter, internal regulations, this instruction, orders of the head, etc.;
  • a list of knowledge that a candidate for this position should have. The specificity of the list depends on the position for which he is accepted. If this is an executive director, then the list is one, if it is for the economic part, then another. But the fundamentals of economics, business etiquette he must know the procedure for concluding and terminating contracts;
  • other that is related to the activities of a particular deputy director.

As a rule, the general provisions of the job description are not much different, however, depending on the specialization of the deputy director, some nuances can be taken into account. Therefore, a responsible person can make it the same, if necessary, making some adjustments.

Rights of the Deputy General Director

Each employee has his own rights and obligations in the workplace, which are prescribed in the job description. They can be included in different sections or combined into one. It depends on the “completeness” of the responsibilities disclosed in the document. Thus, the Deputy Director can perform the following job responsibilities:

  • to establish effective cooperation of all structural divisions;
  • exercise control over their work;
  • develop and coordinate with top management plans for the development of production and optimal financing of departments;
  • exercise control over how the heads of structural divisions submit reports to senior management. This must take place on time and in full;
  • delegate the powers of the heads of structural divisions, depending on their specialization. For example, the CFO oversees the activities of the accounting and finance departments. It does not concern the technical department. For this, there is a deputy director of a different direction;
  • approve the staff list of structural units under his control;
  • prescribe, agree and approve official salaries, allowances and bonuses to employees of those departments whose activities he controls and delegates;
  • together with the department personnel service develop, coordinate and implement measures for additional stimulation and motivation of employees of the structural units entrusted to him;
  • take measures to address issues of optimizing work and improving the quality of departments under his control;
  • contribute to the fulfillment of tasks that are directly related to the organizational and executive activities of subordinate structural units;
  • depending on their specialization, ensure the full fulfillment of obligations to suppliers, buyers, contractors, customers, creditors;
  • control the quality execution of contracts for economic and labor purposes;
  • keep records and control the expedient spending of funds allocated by the highest management team for the systematic development of the structural units entrusted to him;
  • exercise control over the observance of financial discipline in the departments under his control;
  • other.

Responsibilities of the Deputy Director

Deputy director is a rather "blurred" position. Therefore, there is always a clarification. For example, the deputy director for educational work or for production. The duties of the deputy also depend on this clarification.

To general duties deputy CEO, regardless of specification, include:

  • the right to sign a number of documents. Such a right is given only by the general director after the execution of all the required papers;
  • organization effective work all structural divisions;
  • development and coordination with the director various plans production for the long and short term;
  • development and coordination with the director of the company's budget for the reporting period;
  • resolving issues related to the scope of its activities. For example, the solution of financial and economic issues;
  • development of instructions according to their specifics for heads of branches or separate subdivisions;
  • control over the activities of all structural divisions according to the specifics of their work;
  • organization of the current work of the entire company in its direction;
  • control over the fulfillment of all obligations to counterparties;
  • statement staffing company (Deputy Director for Human Resources);
  • setting and coordinating salaries for employees with the employer;
  • development of measures to motivate and stimulate employees;
  • control over the use by the heads of structural divisions of measures to motivate employees;
  • control over the receipt and expenditure of materials (deputy director for production);
  • development and implementation of measures to implement plans to improve the efficiency of economic and production activities employer;
  • control over compliance with financial discipline;
  • control over the preparation of reports for structural units;
  • control over the timeliness of this reporting;
  • other duties, depending on the specifics of the labor functions performed by the deputy.

These items can be added with additional information. The person responsible for compiling job descriptions includes more specific items in this section, depending on the specialization of the deputy director.

For example, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is required to:

  • properly organize work on the economic support of structural divisions, ensure that the employees of these divisions do not have economic needs;
  • take part in the discussion and conclusion of contracts;
  • to monitor how the organization's personnel comply with the standards industrial sanitation and fire safety regulations.

If we are talking about the Deputy Director for Production, then his job responsibilities include:

  • ensuring timely release of quality products;
  • development and implementation of the latest production systems.

Responsibility of the Deputy General Director

Like any other employee, the deputy director, regardless of his specialization, is liable under labor and other legislation. In the job description, it is necessary to prescribe the types of responsibility to which the deputy can be held, as well as the reasons that have become the basis for disciplinary sanctions.

According to the standard job description of the Deputy Director, he is responsible for:

  • for providing top management of the enterprise, middle managers and ordinary employees with information that does not correspond to reality;
  • for causing actual material damage to the enterprise, counterparties, employees or the state;
  • for violation of the provisions of the administrative documentation issued by the management of the organization;
  • for disclosure of information related to commercial or state secrets;
  • for the performance of official duties contrary to the rules and regulations that are enshrined in the local normative documentation provided that these norms and rules do not contradict the law;
  • for violation labor discipline, occupational safety, fire safety, internal regulations;
  • for holding meetings with partners, conducting negotiations that were not planned and approved by the senior management. If the results of these meetings and negotiations harm the firm, the deputy director can be held jointly and severally liable in court.

It is possible to bring the deputy director to disciplinary responsibility, or to administrative or criminal liability. But this requires evidence of the guilt of this employee.

The Deputy Director is the usual employee who reports directly to the head of the company. Therefore, he can be held accountable and dismissed on the same grounds as an ordinary employee.

For example, if a deputy does not visit his workplace for no apparent reason, this is considered absenteeism. For such actions, he can be fired "under the article."


You can download a sample job description of the Deputy General Director in .doc format


Moscow 15.01.2008


15.01.2008 _ № _06__ CEO

(date) (number) (head position)



First Deputy General Director


1.1. The First Deputy General Director (hereinafter referred to as the organization) belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. The First Deputy General Director resolves the issues of operational management of the organization in the direction entrusted to him1 and performs the duties of managing the organization2.

1.3. The decision to appoint the First Deputy General Director and dismiss him from office is taken by the General Director.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education, a certificate of training or a diploma of retraining in the specialty "management of the organization" or another, corresponding to the direction of work of the unit entrusted to him in the organization, has at least five years of experience in a managerial position is appointed to the position of First Deputy General Director.

1.5. The First Deputy General Director in his activities is guided by:

- civil, administrative, labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts that regulate the activities of the organization;

Charter of the organization, local regulations, organizational and administrative documentation issued by the General Director;

1.6. The First Deputy General Director must know:

- a system of legal, financial and other methods and levers that ensure production management;

- the procedure for the distribution of labor, financial and other resources, determining the effectiveness of financial investments in new production technologies;

- rules for the use of computers;

1.7. The First Deputy General Director reports directly to the General Director and is accountable to him.

1.8. During the absence of the First Deputy General Director (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in in due course which acquires the relevant rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to it.


The First Deputy General Director has the right to:

2.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management related to the performance of their labor (official) duties.

2.2. Request from employees (personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor) information and / or documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

2.3. To involve specialists of structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him.

2.4. Contact your immediate supervisor for assistance in the performance of their job duties.

2.5. Represent the company in dealings with individuals and legal entities, in government bodies and bodies of the judicial system on the basis of a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Make proposals to the General Director on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.7. Take initiative to improve the performance of the company in front of the CEO.


The First Deputy General Director is obliged to:

3.1. To carry out operational management and management of the current activities of the organization in accordance with orders and instructions issued by the General Director or a person authorized by him, instructions of the General Director, within the powers granted by the power of attorney.

3.2. Execute orders and orders issued by the General Director or a person authorized by him, instructions of the General Director.

3.3. Inform the General Director about the results and prospects of work in the organization as a whole and in particular in its direction, make adjustments taking into account his opinion and the developed strategy for the development of the organization, timely inform about all situations that can disrupt normal activities and entail losses.

3.4. Organize activities for profit.

3.5. Participate in the preparation of plans for the production and sale of products, the definition of a development strategy, the development of standards for ensuring product quality, the organization of storage and transportation of raw materials, and the marketing of finished products.

3.6. Control compliance with the law in activities, ensure financial discipline in the organization, timely fulfillment of obligations arising from the conclusion of civil law contracts, other transactions.

3.7. Ensure the rational use of property, including intellectual property, its safety and protection from illegal actions of legal entities and individuals.

3.8. Participate in negotiations with key customers and draw up contracts for the production and supply of the company's products, monitor their execution.

3.9. Monitor compliance by employees with labor discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3.10. Organize and control the timely preparation and reliability of financial statements and other documents required for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS3.

3.11. Ensure the production, supply (sale) and receipt (purchase) of products in accordance with the specified schedules and volumes.

3.12. Ensure compliance with the production technology, storage and transportation conditions, production energy consumption modes;

3.13. Submit to the General Director or officials authorized by him from the 1st to the 3rd day of each month reports on the state of affairs in the organization, a report on the performance of his labor (official) duties established by this job description.

3.14. Provide, at the request of the General Director or an official authorized by him, reports on the activities of the organization, including the implementation of certain instructions of the General Director.

3.15. Not later than 60 days before the date of the annual general meeting of shareholders, submit to the General Director the annual report, profit and loss account of the organization, distribution of profit and loss of the organization.

3.16. Perform other assignments of the General Director.


The Deputy General Director is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other acts containing labor law norms.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities in accordance with the current civil, administrative, criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated 01.01.01 No. 06

____Head of Human Resources___ Firsova __

(head of the structural unit) (signature) (signature transcript)

With this job description

acquainted. One copy received

and undertake to keep in the workplace Lushkin

(signature) (signature transcript)

_________Legal Counsel _______ _Bobov_

(visas of officials of the legal service) (signature) (signature)

Footnote 1

The Deputy General Director may oversee certain areas of the organization's activities, for example, finance, marketing, legal issues, personnel management, production, etc.

Footnote 2

Performs duties on the basis of an order if the General Director is absent or for any reason cannot perform his duties until the election of a new General Director (in accordance with the Regulations on the General Director and other local regulations governing this procedure).

Footnote 3

International Financial Reporting Standards.

When the head ceases to cope with the workload, does not have time to control everything, or simply wants to relieve himself of some of his duties, he attracts a deputy to the enterprise. Consider who can become this person and what is included in job description of the Deputy General Manager.


It is the leader who decides exactly when to appoint a deputy - he can introduce a position in parallel with the signing of documents on taking office, in the process of work, or create it as a reserve parachute if he wants to leave (the deputy is appointed assistant, delves into all matters and after the dismissal of the general takes his place) . The position itself can also be worn various titles: Vice President, Deputy, Executive Director.

Deputy General works in the areas assigned to him

What exactly are the responsibilities this person? It all depends on the specifics of the enterprise, the decision of the head or founders.

Example:the general director and founder of Dal LLC deals exclusively with production issues at the enterprise. The company is successfully growing and developing, and it needs strong legal and economic support. The general director introduces the position of deputy for economic and legal issues, relieving himself of all duties in these areas, exercising only general control over the state of affairs.

At the same time, the deputy has the right to build all the chain he needs for effective work with the permission of the head of the company: to create a legal and economic department, hire specialists, regulate their activities, etc. Often, the CEO decides to develop strategic plans, search for new directions, capture new markets or identify promising paths, freeing himself from routine and turnover. In this case, he can also hire an assistant, transferring all the main tasks to him and limiting himself to general supervision and advising a specialist.

Who should be selected for the position of Deputy General Director? There is no single answer in It all depends on the specifics of the company and what exactly is required of it.. But in general, it is possible to single out a generalized portrait of a person for this position based on requests and vacancies:

  1. Male aged 27 to 33 years.
  2. Higher technical or economic education.
  3. At least 1 year experience in the relevant field.
  4. Adequacy, the ability to build a workflow, monitor the execution of their instructions.
  5. Independence, leadership skills, responsibility.

Many managers prefer to hire techies because they have well-structured knowledge, they are able to build effective management schemes and approach the process from a practical point of view. Deputies with two educations are popular: technical and legal.

Deputy duties

Before consideringit is necessary to decide what kind of issues he will deal with. There are several areas for this job:

  1. First Deputy. In fact, it is the right hand of the manager, deals with most production issues, replaces the boss in his absence, has the right to sign agreements, documents, contracts, etc.
  2. Deputy for General Affairs. Usually has less authority than the first deputy, deals with routine and partly personnel.
  3. Deputy for Legal Affairs. Serious requirements are put forward for this specialist, because today the efficiency of the entire company depends on the quality of legal support.
  4. Deputy for Economic Affairs, Sales, Marketing. Engaged in the promotion of products and is responsible for the profitability of the company.
  5. Deputy for personnel, technical manager, etc. They solve tasks that are especially sharpened for them, they are usually present only at large enterprises where there are departments tailored for specific responsibilities.

The deputy general may eventually become a leader himself

Who recruits the deputy and creates documentary support for him? This is usually done by the CEO or board of the company. The job description is an internal document that plays an administrative and organizational role. It defines the rights and obligations of the deputy and is signed by the head of the company (or his authorized representative).

What is the instruction

As part of the job description of the First Deputy General Director includes the following paragraphs:

  1. General provisions (to whom exactly the employee reports).
  2. Job responsibilities of a person (what exactly he should do in the company. The more accurately the duties are scheduled, the less controversial situations will be in the process and the less blurred responsibility).
  3. The rights of the person. It lists all the rights that an employee can count on.
  4. Employee responsibility. The deputy general is a responsible position, therefore the document indicates what kind of responsibility the employee bears for his actions or inaction (up to liability).

Let's analyze the above points in more detail.

General provisions

This section usually indicates to whom the employee reports. As a rule, this is the head of the company, but there may be other options (first deputy, owners, etc.). In general, the first paragraph indicates general information about the company and position. It is mandatory to write what issues the employee will supervise, what processes are closed to him. It also prescribes the procedure for appointment to and removal from a position (usually this is done by order of the general or in accordance with the company's charter). The general provisions also prescribe who exactly will perform the duties of the DGD in his absence or illness, the requirements for the qualifications of the employee, his knowledge and skills.

The deputy manages either the entire enterprise or the areas entrusted to him

Job Responsibilities

This point is considered the key - its preparation should be approached with all responsibility, having thought through the structure in advance and calling for the help of an experienced lawyer. This usually includes:

  1. Solving issues assigned by the leader.
  2. Control of production processes within its field of activity.
  3. Organization of the work of assigned departments.
  4. Coordination of various departments and groups of employees.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of plans, compliance with the obligations assumed.
  6. Providing supervised departments with everything necessary to prevent downtime.

Deputy rights

Having listed the mainhis rights should also be noted. What they will be depends on the company itself. Roughly speaking, the rights of the ZGD are the list of opportunities that it is endowed with to solve current problems and everyday issues. Be sure to indicate who he has the right to manage, from whom he can demand results, in what area he can make proposals and carry out his activities.The main features include:

  1. Distribution of workloads among departments and subordinates.
  2. Requiring employees to comply with the rules for working with documents and information.
  3. Making suggestions for rewards and punishments for employees / departments.
  4. Making suggestions for optimizing the workflow.
  5. Drafting of contracts and documents, personnel matters.

Responsibility of DGD

The last paragraph lists what exactly the employee is responsible for. His area of ​​responsibility includes:

  1. Efficiency of work of the entrusted directions and departments.
  2. Achievement of set goals and indicators.
  3. Security of property and information.
  4. Inaction or insufficient action, as a result of which damage was caused to the enterprise.

So, it is the deputy who must monitor the implementation of planned values, control the discipline and performance of employees, provide reports to higher authorities or founders, submit declarations to the relevant authorities and organize the work process.

Describe in detail the rights and duties of the Deputy General

In contact with

We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, sample 2019. should include the following sections: general position, duties of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, rights of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, responsibility of the Deputy Director for Human Resources.

Job description of the Deputy Director for Human Resources belongs to the section Industry-wide qualification characteristics positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations".

The job description of the Deputy Director of Human Resources should include the following items:

Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of Human Resources

1) Job responsibilities. Organizes the management of the formation, use and development of the personnel of the enterprise on the basis of the maximum realization of the labor potential of each employee. Leads the formation personnel policy, definition of its main directions in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise and measures for its implementation. Takes part in the development of business plans of the enterprise in terms of ensuring its labor resources. Organizes research, development and implementation of a set of plans and programs for working with personnel in order to attract and retain employees of the required specialties and qualifications at the enterprise based on the application of scientific methods for forecasting and planning the need for personnel, taking into account ensuring a balance in the development of production and social sphere, rational use personnel potential, taking into account the prospects for its development and expansion of independence in new economic conditions. Carries out work on the formation and preparation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to leadership positions on the basis of career planning policy, the creation of a system of continuous training of personnel. Organizes and coordinates the development of a set of measures to improve work motivation workers of all categories based on the implementation of a flexible policy financial incentives, improving working conditions, increasing its content and prestige, rationalizing structures and staff, strengthening labor discipline. Identifies areas of management work social processes at the enterprise, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, stimulating and developing forms of employee participation in production management, creating social guarantees, conditions for approval healthy lifestyle life, increasing the content of the use of free time of workers in order to increase their labor productivity. Provides organization and coordination of research on the creation of a regulatory and methodological base for personnel management, the study and generalization of best practices in the field of regulation and organization of labor, personnel assessment, career selection and career guidance, the introduction of methodological and regulatory developments into practice. Monitors compliance with labor laws in the work with personnel. Advises senior management, as well as heads of departments on all issues related to personnel. Provides periodic preparation and timely provision of analytical materials on social and personnel issues at the enterprise, preparation of forecasts for the development of personnel, identification of emerging problems and training options their decisions. Provides continuous improvement of the personnel management processes of the enterprise based on the introduction of socio-economic and socio-psychological management methods, advanced technologies personnel work, creating and maintaining a database of personnel, standardization and unification personnel documentation, the use of computer technology, communications and communications. Provides methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise, providing personnel management. Organizes the necessary accounting and reporting.

The Deputy Director of Human Resources should know

2) The Deputy Director for Human Resources in the performance of his duties must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials relating to labor and social development; goals, development strategy and business plan of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; methodology for planning and forecasting the need for personnel; methods for analyzing the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees; a system of labor standards, labor and social standards; procedure for concluding labor contracts, tariff agreements and regulation of labor disputes; labor legislation; economics, sociology and psychology of labor; modern theories of personnel management and motivation; forms and systems of remuneration, its stimulation; methods for evaluating employees and the results of their work; advanced technologies of personnel work; standards and unified forms personnel documentation; basics of production technology; economics and organization of production; means of computer technology, communications and communications; labor protection rules and regulations.

Requirements for the qualification of the Deputy Director of Human Resources

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty in managerial and other positions in personnel management for at least 5 years.

1. General Provisions

1. The Deputy Director for Human Resources belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in managerial and other positions in personnel management is accepted for the position of deputy director for personnel management.

3. Deputy director for personnel management is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The Deputy Director for Human Resources must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant branch of production and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • profile, specialization, features of the structure of the enterprise;
  • prospects for the technical and financial-economic situation of the enterprise;
  • production capacity enterprises;
  • fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise;
  • the procedure for the development and approval of plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • market methods of management and financial management enterprises;
  • the procedure for keeping records and compiling reports on the economic and financial activities of the enterprise;
  • organization financial work at the enterprise, logistics, transport service and marketing of products;
  • organization of loading and unloading operations;
  • procedure for developing standards working capital, consumption rates and inventories;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
  • economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the Deputy Director for Human Resources is guided by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • the charter of the organization,
  • orders and orders of the director of the organization,
  • this job description,
  • The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. Deputy director for personnel management reports directly to the director of the organization, _________ (specify position).

7. During the absence of the deputy director for personnel management (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the relevant rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Human Resources

Deputy Director for Human Resources:

1. Organizes the management of the formation, use and development of the personnel of the enterprise on the basis of the maximum realization of the labor potential of each employee.

2. Leads the work on the formation of personnel policy, the definition of its main directions in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise and measures for its implementation.

3. Participates in the development of business plans for the enterprise in terms of providing it with labor resources.

4. Organizes research, development and implementation of a set of plans and programs for working with personnel in order to attract and retain employees of the required specialties and qualifications at the enterprise based on the application of scientific methods for forecasting and planning the need for personnel, taking into account ensuring a balance in the development of production and social spheres , rational use of personnel potential, taking into account the prospects for its development and expansion of independence in the new economic conditions.

5. Carries out work on the formation and preparation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to senior positions on the basis of a career planning policy, the creation of a system of continuous training of personnel.

6. Organizes and coordinates the development of a set of measures to increase the labor motivation of workers of all categories based on the implementation of a flexible policy of material incentives, improving working conditions, increasing its content and prestige, rationalizing structures and staff, strengthening labor discipline.

7. Determines the areas of work for managing social processes at the enterprise, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, stimulating and developing forms of employee participation in production management, creating social guarantees, conditions for establishing a healthy lifestyle, increasing the content of the use of free time of workers in order to increase their productivity.

8. Ensures the organization and coordination of research on the creation of a regulatory and methodological base for personnel management, the study and generalization of best practices in the field of regulation and organization of labor, personnel assessment, career selection and career guidance, the introduction of methodological and regulatory developments into practice.

9. Monitors compliance with labor laws in work with personnel.

10. Advises senior management, as well as heads of departments on all issues related to personnel.

11. Provides periodic preparation and timely provision of analytical materials on social and personnel issues at the enterprise, making forecasts for the development of personnel, identifying emerging problems and preparing possible options for their solution.

12. Provides continuous improvement of enterprise personnel management processes based on the introduction of socio-economic and socio-psychological management methods, advanced personnel work technologies, the creation and maintenance of a personnel data bank, standardization and unification of personnel documentation, the use of computer technology, communications and communications.

13. Provides methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise, providing personnel management.

14. Organizes the necessary accounting and reporting.

15. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

16. Comply internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

18. Fulfills, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the Deputy Director for Human Resources

The Deputy Director for Human Resources has the right to:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

  • to improve work related to the provisions of this responsibilities,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the Deputy Director for Human Resources

The Deputy Director for Human Resources is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of the Deputy Director for Human Resources - sample 2019. The duties of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, the rights of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, the responsibility of the Deputy Director for Human Resources.


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