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GOST R 1.2-92

State system standardization
Russian Federation




1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia, finalized with the participation of working group specialists of branches of the national economy

INTRODUCED by the Main Directorate of Technical Policy in the Field of Standardization of the State Standard of Russia


4 REPUBLICATION (May 1999) with Amendment No. 1 adopted by the Decree of the Gosstandart of Russia dated December 15, 1993 No. 21

GOST R 1.2-92


State standardization system of the Russian Federation
Development order state standards

State System for Standardization of Russian Federation.
Procedure for developing state standards

Introduction date 1993-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for the development, approval, adoption, state registration, publication, updating (change, revision) and cancellation of the state standards of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the standards).

The provisions of this standard shall be applied by the technical committees for standardization, government bodies management, enterprises, entrepreneurs, scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

GOST R 1.5-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards

3 Development of the standard

3.1 General provisions

3.1.1 The development of state standards of the Russian Federation is carried out by technical committees for standardization (TC), as well as enterprises, public associations in accordance with the tasks of the state standardization plans of the Russian Federation, the programs (plans) of work of the TC and contracts for the development of standards or on an initiative basis.

3.1.2 When developing standards, one should be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, state standards of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents on standardization.

When developing standards, scientific and technical results of research, development, experimental and technological, design work, results of patent research, international, regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization, progressive national standards of other countries and other information about modern achievements of domestic and foreign science, engineering and technology.

3.1.3 In order to ensure organizational unity and create conditions for timely preparation for the application of standards, as a rule, the following procedure for developing a standard is provided:

1st stage - organization of standard development;

2nd stage - development of a draft standard (first edition);

3rd stage - development of a draft standard (final version) and its submission for adoption;

4th stage - acceptance and state registration standard;

5th stage - publication of the standard.

Note - It is allowed to combine the stages of developing a standard, which is reflected in the contract for its development.

3.1.4 Construction, presentation, design, content and designation of standards - according to GOST R 1.5.

3.2 Organization of standard development

3.2.1 The development of standards is preceded, as a rule, by the preparation and submission of applications for the development of standards to the TC for the objects of standardization assigned to them. The application provides a justification for the need to develop a standard.

The application may be accompanied by a draft standard prepared by the applicant as source material.

Applications may be submitted by TCs, scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations, government bodies of the Russian Federation, enterprises and entrepreneurs.

The preparation and consideration of applications, the formation of an annual plan for the state standardization of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of an agreement for the development of a standard is carried out in the manner established by the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia).

At the same time, it can be developed as an annex to the contract for the development of a standard or as an independent document, the terms of reference, which, for example, establish:

Stages of development and deadlines for their implementation;

Sections of the standard and an approximate nomenclature of the main requirements established by the standard;

List of documents submitted with the standard;

The list of government authorities and (or) enterprises to which the draft standard should be sent for consideration or approval;

Additional customer requirements.

3.2.2 The TC organizes the development of the draft standard:

Determines the subcommittee (SC) in which the standard will be developed;

Identifies a working group or enterprise to develop a draft standard;

Establishes the deadlines for the implementation of work on the stages of development of the standard in accordance with the deadlines, established by the agreement.

The TC sends information about the beginning of the development of the standard (with a brief annotation) for publication in a specialized publication of the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) in order to receive applications from interested enterprises for sending them a review of the draft standard (first edition).

3.3 Development of a draft standard (first edition)

3.3.1 The working group (enterprise) prepares a draft standard and explanatory note to him.

The name of the explanatory note contains the name of the draft standard and the name of the stage of development of the standard.

In the explanatory note to the draft standard, in the general case, they lead:

The basis for the development of the standard, indicating the relevant document;

Brief description of the object of standardization;

Information on the compliance of the draft standard with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international, regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization (their drafts), as well as progressive national standards of other countries;

Information about the patent purity of the draft standard;

Information on the relationship of the draft standard with other regulatory documents on standardization and proposals for their revision, amendment or cancellation;

Information about the approval, if any;

Sources of information.

3.3.2 The TC (PC) checks the draft standard for compliance with the terms of the contract for the development of the standard, the requirements of the legislation and the standards of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation and sends it with an explanatory note to the members of the TC (PC).

3.3.3 Members of the TC (PC) consider the draft standard (at a meeting, by correspondence, negotiations) and prepare their proposals on it in the manner determined by the TC (PC).

3.3.4 The TC (PC), taking into account the proposals received, prepares a draft standard as the first edition.

Note - The nomenclature and level of requirements included in draft standards is determined by the TC (PC) in accordance with 3.1.2.

3.3.5 The TC (PC) sends the draft standard (first edition) with an explanatory note to the customer for the development of the standard and to the relevant research organization of the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia), if it is not a member of the TC (hereinafter referred to as the research organization).

The TC (PC), taking into account the received applications for the draft standard, sends it out for review.

3.3.6 After receiving the draft standard for review, interested enterprises and specialists draw up reviews on the draft standard and send them to the TC (PC) in two copies no later than 2 months from the date of receipt of the draft standard.

Comments and suggestions on the draft standard are set out in the following order:

For the project as a whole;

By sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, enumerations, applications in the order of presentation of the standard.

Proposals to introduce new, exclude or change the requirements provided for in the draft standard must be justified.

3.4 Development of a draft standard (final version) and submission for adoption

3.4.1 The TC (PC), taking into account the feedback received, prepares the final version of the draft standard.

3.4.2 The draft standard (final version) with an explanatory note of the TC (PC) sends:

Members of the TC (PC);

Bodies of state control and supervision, if they are not members of the TC (PC), and if necessary;

To the research organization (two copies).

Members of the TC (PC) consider the draft standard in the manner and within the time limits established by the TC (PC).

Bodies of state control and supervision that are not members of the TC (PC), within a month from the date of receipt of the draft standard, agree on this draft or give an opinion on it with reasonable proposals on the requirements of the draft standard relating to their competence.

The research organization prepares a conclusion on the draft standard, provides its publishing editing, sends to the TC (PC) the conclusion and a copy of the draft standard that has passed the publishing editing, within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receipt of the draft.

3.4.3 The TC (PC), taking into account the proposals of the members of the TC (PC), coordination with the state control and supervision bodies, the conclusion of the research organization and the results of publishing editing, finalizes the draft standard.

If there are disagreements on the draft standard, the TC (PC) organizes the consideration and removal of these disagreements.

3.4.4 The TC (PC) at the meeting considers the draft standard and votes on it.

The decision of the meeting is recorded in the minutes. The minutes must contain the voting results of each enterprise (organization) - a member of the TC (PC).

It is allowed to confirm agreement with the draft standard of enterprises (organizations) - members of the TC (PC) by letter, telegram, telefax, teletypegram signed by the head (deputy head) of the enterprise (organization) - member of the TC (PC), or by the signature of the head (deputy head) of the enterprise ( organization) on the draft standard, if the permanent authorized representative of the enterprise (organization) - a member of the TC (PC) did not have the opportunity to attend the meeting.

Upon receipt of the consent of all members of the TC (PC) with the draft standard, it is allowed not to hold a meeting of the TC (PC).

The entry "Agreed with the comments" is not allowed.

3.4.5 The TC (PC) approves the draft standard, recommends it for adoption by the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) and sends it to the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) if at least two thirds of the enterprises (organizations) - members of the TC (PC) agree with this draft .

At the same time, the draft standard cannot be sent for adoption in the following cases:

If it was not agreed upon by state control and supervision bodies that are not members of the TC (PC).

3.4.6 The TC sends for adoption to the Gosstandart of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) a draft standard (final version) in three copies, one of which must be the first, with cover letter, signed by the chairman of the TC, and the following documentation in one copy:

Explanatory note to the draft standard (in accordance with 3.3.1);

Minutes of the meeting of the TC (PC) to consider the final version of the draft standard;

Original documents confirming the approval of the final version of the draft standard, if it was carried out;

A copy of the draft standard that has passed publisher's editing.

At the same time, the draft standard (final version) with an explanatory note and minutes of the meeting of the TC (PC) or documents confirming the approval of the draft standard with members of the TC (PC) is sent to the customer of the standard.

3.4.7 In the case of developing a standard outside the TC of an enterprise, public associations develop a draft standard, taking into account the procedure provided for in subsections 3.2-3.4.

If there is a TC for this standardization object, the enterprise (organization)-developer sends it a draft standard for review, and by decision of the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) for approval.

Note - The approval of the draft standard in the TC (PC) is carried out in accordance with 3.4.4.

3.5 Acceptance and state registration of the standard

3.5.1 Gosstandart of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) considers the draft standard, adopts it and puts it into effect by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia).

Before adopting a standard, Gosstandart of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) checks it for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of state standards, metrological rules and regulations, the terminology used, the rules for constructing, presenting and designing standards.

When adopting a standard, the date of its entry into force is set, taking into account the activities necessary for the implementation of the standard. The validity period of the standard, as a rule, is not set.

3.5.2 State registration of the standard is carried out by Gosstandart of Russia in the manner prescribed by it.

3.6 Edition of the standard

3.6.1 Gosstandart of Russia publishes information about the adopted standards in the monthly information index "State Standards of the Russian Federation".

Gosstandart of Russia and Gosstroy of Russia publish and distribute standards in the manner prescribed by them.

4 Update, cancellation of the standard

4.1 General

4.1.1 Updating the standard is carried out to maintain its compliance with the needs of the population, the economy and the country's defense capability.

The TC (PC) analyzes and summarizes proposals for updating the standard received from enterprises - members of the TC, other enterprises, entrepreneurs, scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations, government authorities, including from state control and supervision bodies.

The proposal may be a draft change or a draft revised standard.

4.1.2 Taking into account the proposals received, the TC develops and sends to the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) a draft amendment to the standard (proposals to revise the standard) or a proposal to cancel the standard, the decision on which is made by the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia).

4.1.3 Gosstandart of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) decides to cancel the standard:

In connection with the termination of the production of products or the performance of work (rendering of services) carried out according to this standard;

When developing another regulatory document instead of this standard;

In other justified cases.

4.2 Development of a change to the standard

4.2.1 A change to the standard is developed when replacing, adding or deleting individual requirements of the standard.

A change to a product standard is developed when new, more progressive requirements are introduced into it, which do not entail a violation of interchangeability and compatibility. new products with products manufactured according to the current standard.

A change to the standard of only an editorial and (or) reference nature in the form of an independent document is not developed. A change of this nature is included in a change caused by the replacement (addition, exclusion) of requirements for the quality of products (services), as well as a change associated with the application of international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization or progressive national standards of other countries.

4.2.2 The development of changes to the standard is carried out in the manner prescribed in section 3 for standards, and taking into account the requirements of this section.

4.2.3 When developing a change to the standard, they simultaneously prepare proposals for changing interrelated regulatory documents on standardization.

4.2.4 It is allowed not to coordinate the draft amendment to the standard with state control and supervision bodies that are not members of the TC (PC), if the amendment does not affect the requirements within their competence.

4.2.5 The draft amendment to the standard is sent for adoption to the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia), as a rule, no later than 9 months before the expected date of the amendment's entry into force.

4.2.6 Each change made to the standard by the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) is assigned a serial number and sets the date the change is put into effect (as a rule, not less than 6 months from the date the change was adopted).

4.2.7 Information about the change to the standard and the text of this change are published in the information index "State Standards of the Russian Federation", issued monthly by Gosstandart of Russia.

4.3 Revision of the standard

4.3.1 When revising a standard, develop new standard instead of the current one. At the same time, the current standard is canceled, and the new standard indicates which standard it was developed to replace. The new standard is assigned the designation of the old standard with the replacement of the last two digits of the year of adoption.

The revision of the product standard is carried out when new, more progressive requirements are established, if they lead to a violation of the interchangeability of new products with products manufactured according to the current standard, and (or) a change in the main indicators of product quality.

4.3.2 When revising the standard for specific products (non-interchangeable according to the new and current standards), if it is necessary to manufacture spare parts and repair previously manufactured products that are in operation, the current standard is not canceled. In this case, the developer prepares a draft change to the current standard, in which he specifies the scope of its application:

“This standard is applicable only to the manufacture of spare parts and the repair of products in service.”

At the same time, they keep registration number standard to which such a change is designed.

4.3.3 When revising the standard, they simultaneously prepare proposals for updating or canceling interrelated regulatory documents on standardization.

4.4 Repeal of the standard

4.4.1 Upon agreement with the proposal to cancel the standard, the TC sends to the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) with a cover letter signed by the chairman of the TC, the following documentation in one copy:

Minutes of the TC (PC) meeting containing a proposal to cancel the standard, as well as information about which document will be valid instead, or information about canceling the standard without replacement;

Original documents confirming the agreement on the possibility of canceling the standard with state control and supervision bodies that previously agreed on the standard, if they are not members of the TC (PC).

4.4.2 Gosstandart of Russia registers the document on the cancellation of the standard and publishes this information in the information index of state standards of the Russian Federation, as a rule, no later than 3 months before the date of cancellation of the standard.

Keywords: state standards of the Russian Federation; procedure for development, approval, adoption, state registration, renewal, cancellation

The development of standards in the Russian Federation is carried out by technical committees (TC) for standardization, as well as enterprises, public associations in accordance with state standardization plans, work programs of the TC or on an initiative basis.

When developing standards, scientific and technical results of scientific research (R&D), experimental design work (R&D), experimental technological work, design work, results of patent research, international, regional standards, progressive national standards of other industries, other inf. About modern achievements.

Stages of standards development

1. Organization of standard development

2. Development of a draft standard (first edition)

3. The final version of the standard and submission for adoption.

4. Adoption and state registration of the standard

5. Edition of the standard

GOST 1.5-92 "General requirements for the construction, presentation, design of the standard"

Procedure for developing standards

1. An application is prepared and submitted to the TC for the development of a standard.

2. A contract and TOR for the development of the project are being developed

3. The technical committee determines the subcommittee in which the standard will be developed; a working group (WG) is being formed

4. The WG develops the first version of the project in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The first draft of the draft is sent to organizations involved in the development for feedback

5. Enterprises, organizations, TC develop a conclusion based on the cat. The final version is being developed.

6. Conclusions on the final version are sent and collected. Submitted to the technical committee for adoption.

7. Acceptance takes place on the basis of compliance with GOSTs of the Russian Federation.

Update (change, revision)

The standard is produced on the initiative of members of the TC, other enterprises, entrepreneurs, responsible organizations, government authorities.


A product standard is developed with the introduction of new, more progressive requirements, which entail a violation of the interchangeability and compatibility of old products with new ones.

When a standard is revised, a new standard is developed to replace the current one. The new standard is assigned the designation of the old one and the last 2 digits of the year of adoption are replaced.

The standard is canceled by the State Standard of Russia in the following cases:

Due to the termination of production according to this standard

When developing a new standard to replace this

information about the adopted standard, changes, cancellations and acceptance is published in the monthly information index: "State Standards of the Russian Federation".

Standardization methods.

Standardization principles

1. Balance of interests of the parties

2. The principle of consistency

3. Perspective of work (definition of the standard)

4. Dynamic - change, update and cancel

5. Optimization during standardization, determination of the optimal parameters of standardization objects

6. Prioritizing the development of standards that promote safety compatibility and interchangeability

7. Harmonization - development of interrelated standards

8. The effectiveness of standards is achieved through economic and social effects.

9. Clarity of the wording of the provisions of the standards

Standardization methods

1. Simplification (simplication) - a standardization method that consists in reducing the types of products within a certain nomenclature

2. Ordering (systematization and classification) - is universal. Leads to a decrease in variety. Based on systematization and classification

3. Parametric standardization - used to establish a rational range of manufactured products. A parametric series is a set of numerical values ​​of the main parameter that is regular in a certain range.

4. Unification - a form of standardization, zakl. That the requirements regulated by the document and the products are interconnected.

Unification: standard size, intrasize and intertype

5. Aggregation - a method of creating and operating machines and devices from individual standard, unified in the node

6. Typification - a method of standardization, zakl. In establishing typical objects for a given set, taken as a basis for creating other objects that are similar in functionality

7. Comprehensive standardization - standardization, with a cat. A purposeful establishment and application of a system of interrelated requirements to both the object and its element, material and non-material factors is carried out in order to ensure the optimal solution to a specific problem.

8. Advanced standardization - standardization that establishes increased (in relation to practice) requirements for the object of standardization, which will be optimal in the future.

Groups of ESKD standards. Designation of standards.

1 - GSS (state standardization system)

3-ESTD (unified system of technological documentation)

4-SPKP (system of quality indicators)

8 - GSI (system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements)

10 - standards for goods supplied for export

12 - SSBT (system of labor safety standards)

19 - ESPD (program documentation)

ESPD is a set of standards that establish interrelated rules for the development, design and circulation of a program and program documentation

ESPD standards provide:

Unification of software products;

Reduced labor intensity and efficiency of development, maintenance, and operation.

Automation of production and storage of program documentation.

ESPD groups

GOST 19.102-77

19 - code of the group of standards; group class, serial number in the group

Group class

0 - general provisions

1 - fundamental standards

2 - rules for the implementation of development documentation

3 - rules for the implementation of manufacturing documentation

4 - maintenance documentation

5 - operation documentation

6 - rules for handling program documentation

7.8 - reserve groups

9 - other standards

Key standards

19.001 - "General provisions"

19.101 - "Types of programs and program documents"

19.102 - "Development standards"

19.103 - Identification of programs and program documents

19.108 - General requirements for software documentation

19.201 - terms of reference

19.202 - specification

19.301 - test procedure and procedure

Etc.............................................. ........

Types and types of schemes.

The division is based on 2 principles:

1) the principle of operation of the elements used that determine the type of circuit;

2) the purpose of the scheme, which determines its type;

According to the principle of action schemes are:

13. electrical (E);

14. hydraulic (G);

15. pneumatic (P);

16. gas (X);

17. kinematic (K);

18. vacuum (B);

19. optical (L);

20. energy (P);

By appointment:

3) division schemes (E). It indicates the relationship, accessibility constituent parts, their purpose;

4) combined (C);

1 - structural. For general idea products, its composition parts, purpose and connections.

2 - functional. To explain the processes occurring in the product, its functional parts.

3 - fundamental. To obtain a detailed understanding of the principles of operation of the device, to determine the full composition of the functional parts and the relationships between them.

4 - connections. For an idea of ​​the types, means and places of connections.

5 - connections. Designed to define external connections.

6 - common. To determine the location of the components and connections between them.

7 - locations. Designed to determine the component parts of the product and, if necessary, the links between them.

0 - combined. Combines several types of schemes for one product.


Structural - when developing circuits of other types and operating the product;

functional - when studying the principles of operation, installation and commissioning, design and repair;

fundamental - in the development of design documentation, design, installation and commissioning, control and repair;

connections - in the development of design documentation, design, installation and commissioning, control and repair;

connections - basic + connections;

general - for general acquaintance with the complex;

· location - principal + connections;

· united - principal + connections;

Development and implementation of standards

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Development and implementation of standards
Rubric (thematic category) Standardization

3.1. Stages of standards development

The development of state standards of the Russian Federation is carried out, as a rule, by technical committees for standardization in accordance with the tasks of the plans for state standardization of the Russian Federation, programs (plans) of work of technical committees and contracts for the development of standards.

When developing standards, one should be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, state standards of the State Standardization System (SSS) of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents on standardization, as well as take into account the documents of international and regional standardization organizations.

When developing standards, they use the results of research, development, experimental and technological, design work carried out by enterprises, the results of patent research and other information about the achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology.

In order to ensure organizational and methodological unity and create conditions for timely preparation for the application of standards, as a rule, the following procedure for developing a standard is provided:

Stage 1 - organization of standard development;

Stage 2 - development of a draft standard (first edition);

Stage 3 - development of a draft standard (final version); and submitting it for approval;

Stage 4 - approval and state registration of the standard;

Stage 5 - publication of the standard.

Organization of standard development. The development of standards is preceded, as a rule, by the preparation and submission of applications for the development of standards in technical committees for the objects of standardization assigned to them. The application provides a rationale for the critical importance of developing a standard.

Applications can be submitted by technical committees, enterprises, citizens engaged in individual labor activity, and government bodies in the Russian Federation. The preparation and consideration of applications, the formation of an annual plan for the state standardization of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of contracts for the development of a standard are carried out in the manner established by the State Standard of Russia.

The technical committee organizes the development of the draft standard:

determines the subcommittee in which the standard will be developed;

identifies a working group or enterprise to develop a draft standard;

establishes the deadlines for the execution of work at the stages of development of the standard in accordance with the terms established by the contract.

The technical committee sends information about the beginning of the development of the standard (with a brief annotation) for publication in a specialized publication of the State Standard of Russia in order to receive applications from interested enterprises to send them a review of the draft standard (first edition).

Development of a draft standard (first edition). The working group (enterprise) prepares a draft standard and an explanatory note to it. The name of the explanatory note contains the name of the draft standard and the name of the stage of development of the standard.

In the explanatory note to the draft standard, in the general case, they lead:

the basis for the development of the standard, indicating the relevant document;

brief description object of standardization4

information on the compliance of the draft standard with international (regional) standards (their drafts) and national standards of other countries;

information about the patent purity of the draft standard;

information on the relationship of the draft standard with other regulatory documents on standardization and proposals for their revision, amendment or cancellation;

information about the approval, if it was carried out;

sources of information.

The technical committee (subcommittee) checks the draft standard for compliance with the terms of the contract for the development of the standard, the requirements of the legislation and standardization of the Russian Federation and sends it with an explanatory note to the members of the technical committee (subcommittee).

Members of the TC (PC) consider the draft standard and prepare their proposals on it in the manner determined by the TC (PC).

The TC (PC), taking into account the proposals received, prepares a draft standard as the first edition.

The TC (PC) sends the draft standard (first edition) with an explanatory note to the customer for the development of the standard and to the relevant research organization of the State Standard of Russia, if it is not a member of the TC.

The TC (PC), taking into account the received applications for the draft standard, sends it out for review.

After receiving the draft standard for review, interested enterprises and specialists draw up reviews on the draft standard and send them to the TC (PC) in two copies no later than 2 months from the date of receipt of the draft standard.

Comments and suggestions on the draft standard are set out in the following order:

for the project as a whole;

by sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, enumerations, applications in the order of presentation of the standard.

Development of a draft standard (final version) and its submission for approval. The TC (PC), taking into account the feedback received, prepares the final version of the draft standard.

The draft standard (final version) with an explanatory note of the TC (PC) sends:

members of the TC (PC);

state supervision bodies, if they are not members of the TC (PC), and if this is extremely important;

to the research organization (R&D) in two copies.

A member of the TC (PC) considers the draft standard in the manner and within the time limits established by the TC (PC).

State supervision bodies, if they are not members of the TC (PC), within a month from the date of receipt of the draft standard, agree on this draft or give an opinion on it with reasonable proposals on the requirements of the draft standard ͵ related to their competence.

The research and development organization prepares a conclusion on the draft standard, provides its publishing editing, sends to the TC (PC) the conclusion and a copy of the draft standard, which has undergone publishing editing, within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receipt of the draft.

The TC (PC) considers the draft standard at the meeting and agrees on it.

The decision of the meeting is recorded in the minutes. The minutes must indicate the voting results of each enterprise (organization) - a member of the TC (PC),

The TC (PC) decides to send the draft standard to the State Standard of Russia for approval.

The TC sends the draft standard (final version) for approval to the State Standard of Russia in 3 copies, one of which must be the first, with a cover letter signed by the chairman of the TC, and the following documentation with one copy:

explanatory note to the draft standard;

minutes of the meeting of the TC (PC) to consider the final version of the draft standard;

original documents confirming the agreement on the final version of the draft standard, if it was carried out;

a copy of the draft standard, which has passed publisher's editing.

At the same time, the draft standard (final version) with an explanatory note and minutes of the meeting of the TC (PC) or documents confirming the agreement of the draft standard with members of the TC (PC) is sent to the customer of the standard.

Approval and state registration of the standard. Gosstandart considers and decides on the approval of the standard.

Before approving the standard, Gosstandart of Russia checks them for compliance with the requirements of the legislation, current state standards of the Russian Federation, metrological rules and norms of the terminology used, the rules for constructing and presenting standards.

When approving a standard, the date of its entry into force is set, taking into account the activities necessary for the implementation of the standard.

Edition of the standard. Gosstandart of Russia publishes information about approved standards in the monthly information index ʼʼState Standards of the Russian Federationʼʼ.

Gosstandart of Russia publishes and distributes the standard in the manner prescribed by it.

3.2. Basic requirements for the construction, content and presentation of standards

When developing standards, much attention is paid to the formulation of its name. The name of the standard should include features of the object of standardization, necessary and sufficient to distinguish it from other objects of standardization.

The title of a standard consists of a heading, a subheading and, most importantly, a group heading.

header- this is the part of the name, which defines the object of standardization. The group heading is included in the name of the standard in cases where this standard is included in a set of standards united by a common purpose; in the group heading, the first place should be the definition (adjective) and then the name of the object (noun), for example ʼʼState standardization systemʼʼ.

Subtitle- this is part of the name of the standard, which indicates the type of standard.

The name of the standard may consist of a heading and a subheading, for example, ʼʼBevel gears. Main parameters; group heading, heading and subheading, for example, ʼʼUnified system for design documentation. Electrical diagrams. Terms and definitionsʼʼ; group heading and subheading, for example, ʼʼState standardization system. Basic provisionsʼʼ.

When writing the name of standardization objects in the name of the standard, the reverse word order is mainly used, for example, ʼʼTransparent drawing paperʼʼ. The reverse word order is used in the names for the convenience of using pointers.

The names of the standardized objects in the names of the standards are written in the singular, if the standard applies to one object, and in the plural, if the standard applies to several objects. For example, ʼʼPolyamide resinʼʼ, ʼʼAutomobile gasolineʼʼ,

The name of state standards must be indicated in Russian and English.

Introduction discloses in more detail (if it is extremely important) the object of standardization, defines the scope of the standard or limits the scope of its application.

In cases where the title of a standard fully discloses its scope, the introduction should be omitted.

Items with extreme importance are divided into sub-items, which should have serial numbering within each item.

With a large volume of the standard, a table of contents should be placed at the end of it, including the names of sections and subsections with page numbers.

The standard must contain data (rules, norms, requirements, methods, etc.) necessary and sufficient in other standards related to the object being standardized.

The text of the standard should be short, clear, unambiguous and stylistically correct. The text of the standard should use the words: ʼʼmustʼʼ, ʼʼshouldʼʼ, ʼʼextremely importantʼʼ.

Turnovers of everyday speech, professional expressions in the standard are not allowed. It is also not allowed to replace words with alphabetic characters and signs.

The standard should use the numerical values ​​of quantities only with units of measurement established by the current standards; if critical, they should be rounded according to the rounding rules. Fractional numbers must be given as decimals, except for inch sizes.

Large digital material should be presented in the form of tables.

If certain requirements, indicators and norms are already established in another standard, then in this case reference should be made to this standard. At the same time, you need to refer

or on the standard as a whole, or on its sections and applications. Reference to subsections and clauses of the standard is not allowed.

The standard does not allow duplication or abbreviation of the norms or requirements established in other standards, except for restrictive standards.

Notes should be avoided in the standard. Notes are not allowed in the introductory part.

Drawings and diagrams that are placed in the standards must comply with the requirements of the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System.

Illustrative material, tables or text of an auxiliary nature are drawn up in the form of applications, which are mandatory, recommended or reference. In the text of the standards, references to applications should be made indicating the extent to which they are mandatory. Appendices should have continuous pagination in common with the standard. The information data provides information about the developers, approval and registration of the standard; information on the validity period of the standard and the frequency of its verification, on the compliance of the standard with ISO, IEC standards, on normative documents, which are referenced in the main part of the standard, etc.

3.3. The procedure and terms for checking, revising and changing standards

Development of science and technology, improvement industrial production entails the replacement of obsolete products with more advanced ones, leads to the emergence of new substances and materials. For this reason, many indicators, norms and requirements previously established in the standards become obsolete and lose their relevance. To ensure the progressive role of standardization in the development of industrial production and the improvement of product quality, it is extremely important that the indicators, norms and requirements laid down in the standards constantly correspond to the advanced level of achievements in science and technology.

Such compliance with indicators, norms and requirements should be ensured not only through the development of new standards, but also through a systematic review of existing ones, on the basis of which specific proposals for revising and amending the standards should be prepared. All state and industry standards in force in the Russian Federation are assigned to the relevant ministries, which are obliged to systematically verify the compliance of the indicators, requirements and norms established in the standards with modern achievements in science and technology. Standards must be reviewed at least once every five years. The term of the first inspection and its frequency are set for each standard upon its approval and are indicated in the information data of the standard.

The lists of standards to be verified are compiled by the base organizations to which these standards are assigned when planning work on standardization. The verification of standards is carried out by parent and base organizations, standards development organizations and other organizations established by the relevant ministry.

When checking, the compliance of the indicators and norms of the standards with the advanced achievements of science, technology and production, the requirements of consumers and interrelated standards is determined. The results of the check are recorded in an act that indicates whether this standard meets the current level and requirements of consumers or is it outdated and requires cancellation, revision or amendment.

The cancellation of standards is carried out by organizations that approve them. The decision to cancel the standard must be made no later than 6 months before its expiration date.

If, during the review process, it is found necessary to change key indicators technical level and product quality, established in the standard, the standard is subject to revision. The revision of the standard is carried out by developing a new standard to replace the current one. At the same time, the revised standard is canceled, and in the new one it is indicated to replace which standard it was developed, and the digits of the year of approval are changed.

Amendments to the standards are made when it is extremely important to adjust individual values ​​of indicators and parameters, as well as introduce additional parameters and requirements, if this does not entail a change in the basic technological and operational characteristics of the product. A change in a standard is not only a change in its content, but also a postponement of the entry into force, an extension or limitation of the validity of the standard, etc.

Changes are approved by those organizations that approved the relevant standards. Each approved change is assigned a serial number during registration.
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Draft changes to existing standards related to price changes must be agreed with the relevant pricing authorities.

After approval and registration of the change, the standard must be reissued with this change included in its text.

Proposals to revise or amend existing standards can be made by any organizations representing consumers or manufacturers of standardized products.

3.4. Accounting and storage of standards

Timely provision of all departments of the enterprise with standards should be successful only if they are well-established accounting and storage. For this purpose, a special group is organized within the standardization department of the enterprise. On a monthly basis, based on requests from departments, workshops and services of the plant, analysis of standard indexes, the need for standards is determined and an appropriately executed application is sent to one of the specialized standards stores (a copy of the application is left in the group for order control). The number of ordered copies of the standards must be at least two (working and control).

The standards received by the enterprise are registered in special standards registers. Of the total number of copies of each standard received by the enterprise, a control copy is allocated.
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Control copies of all standards are stored separately in the standardization department and are not subject to issuance. On the first page of the control copy, the stamp ʼʼControlʼʼ is put.

The issuance of the remaining copies of the standards to the divisions and services of the enterprise is carried out by subscription, according to the applications of those authorized for standardization, who are appointed from among the engineering and technical workers of the workshops, departments and services of the plant.

Authorized for standardization carry out:

timely provision of the subdivision with regulatory documentation (ND);

systematic accounting of ND, its storage and issuance to employees of subdivisions;

timely information of employees of divisions about the received standards and about changes to them.

The standards are stored in folders or special card-index boxes, on which there should be a sticker indicating the range of numbers of the stored standards. Collections of standards are stored separately.

Information about changes in state and industry standards is published in the relevant ʼʼInformation Pointersʼʼ. The originals of the changes published in them are pasted into the control copies of the standards.

Minor changes and amendments to the working copies of the standards are allowed to be made by hand.

Working copies of canceled or revised standards are subject to withdrawal from use and are removed from the register in the standardization department. Control copies of such standards are recommended to be kept in the standardization department for reference.

Amendments to the standards, as well as their withdrawal and replacement at the enterprise, must be made within a week from the date of receipt of the information. If the working copy of the standard is lost or has become unusable, the authorized person is obliged to draw up an act on this in two copies, which must be signed by the head of the enterprise subdivision and the authorized person. One copy of the act must be sent to the standardization department of the enterprise to deregister this copy and replace it with a new one.

Experience shows that well-organized accounting and storage of standards is one of the important conditions for compliance with and timely implementation of standards.

3.5. State supervision over product quality, implementation

and standards

The timely introduction of progressive state standards at enterprises contributes to the systematic improvement of product quality and gives a great economical effect. The delay in the implementation of standards or non-compliance with them causes great material damage to the national economy of the country.

Implementation of the standard- is the implementation of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements established by the standard, in accordance with its scope and scope. To ensure the implementation of state standards, ministries (departments) approve plans for relevant organizational and technical measures. These plans should include:

revision (in case of extreme importance) of normative documents related to the implementation of the standard;

development of new design and technological documentation or revision of the existing one;

organization of new production facilities or reconstruction of existing ones;

design, manufacture and supply of critical equipment, tooling and components;

production, selection and supply of extremely important raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, etc.

The draft action plan for the implementation of the standard is sent for feedback to enterprises, organizations and ministries involved in the implementation of this standard. Based on the feedback received, a final draft plan for the implementation of the standard is drawn up.

After the approval of the state standard, the development ministry sends out an action plan for its implementation to all interested ministries (departments), which are required to include measures to implement this standard in the relevant plans.

The methodological guidance for the implementation of a new standard is assigned to the basic standardization organizations and to the organization that developed the standard.

After receiving an order from the Ministry and a plan of organizational and technical measures for the implementation of the standard, the enterprise draws up a schedule for the implementation of these activities by services and divisions. The planned activities are included in the plan for the new technology.

When planning work on the implementation of the standard, it is advisable to use network charts. Which allow you to determine the relationship between the work carried out by various departments of the enterprise, identify the most important work and set the optimal time for the completion of all work.

By the time the standard is put into effect, all the necessary preparatory work must be completed at the enterprise, all technical and regulatory documentation (standards, drawings, maps technological process, manufacturing instructions, instructions for inspection and testing), prepared technological equipment, tooling and tools, production is provided with raw materials, semi-finished products and components, engineering and technical personnel, workers and QCD personnel are trained. Therefore, the implementation of the standard must be completed by the date of its entry into force, from which the standard becomes legally binding and obligatory to comply with it. It is allowed to introduce the standard ahead of schedule, while the date of introduction must be agreed with the consumer of the product for which the standard is set. The standard is considered implemented at the enterprise if the requirements established in it are observed in accordance with its scope and the stability of the quality of the products is ensured.

Along with the development of provisions aimed at streamlining the work on the implementation of standards, Gosstandart of Russia exercises state supervision over the implementation and compliance with standards, which is aimed at further improving product quality.

Control over the implementation and compliance with standards provides for a deep study of the state of production, identification of the reasons for the delay in implementation and non-compliance with standards and their elimination through the development and implementation of organizational and technical measures. State supervision over the implementation and observance of standards, the state and use of measuring instruments and observance of metrological services is carried out by the State Standard of Russia, its research organizations and territorial bodies. The following can be involved in this work: interdepartmental quality inspections, head and base organizations, research institutes and design bureaus.

All enterprises and organizations involved in the planning, design and production of products are subject to state supervision.

State supervision over the implementation and compliance with the standard is carried out in stages:

Stage 1 - checking the availability of information on the approval of the standard ͵ orders for the implementation of the standard ͵ a plan of organizational and technical measures to prepare production for the release of products in accordance with the requirements of the new standard;

2nd stage - verification of the implementation of the plan of organizational and technical measures for the implementation of the standard. At this stage, the security of the enterprise with the necessary raw materials, basic and auxiliary equipment, technological equipment, technical documentation to introduce a standard. If the standard is not being implemented, then the reason why the standard is not being implemented should be established;

3rd stage - verification of ensuring the release of products according to the new standard. At this stage, they check the compliance with the standard of design and technological documentation for the production of products, check the compliance of the plant with the programs and methods of control testing of products established by the standards, and check the condition of the measuring equipment associated with the production of these products.

The management of the audited enterprise is informed about the purpose of the audit and its timing.

Quality control of products and their compliance with the standard is carried out in the following order:

select control products (assemblies and parts) from among those accepted by the QCD;

subject them to operational, type and laboratory tests for all indicators provided by the standard;

check compliance with the modes of technological processes, the state of measuring instruments, the work of the QCD.

In the process of control, they also check compliance with standards for raw materials, materials, components obtained through cooperation.

Based on the results of the audit, an act is drawn up with conclusions and proposals.

In the practice of state supervision, comprehensive inspections are widely used, which cover several enterprises involved in the creation of a complex product or in the implementation of a comprehensive standardization program.

The bodies of State supervision carry out their work in close cooperation with other controlling organizations, bodies of people's control, and public organizations.

3.6. Legal basis standardization

The legal basis for standardization in Russia is established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Standardization”. The provisions of the Law are binding on all government bodies, subjects economic activity regardless of the form of ownership, public associations.

The law determines the measures of state protection of the interests of consumers and the state through the requirements, rules, norms introduced into state standards when they are developed, and state control over the observance of the mandatory requirements of standards when they are applied.

The law interprets the essence of standardization in the Russian Federation as an activity aimed at defining norms, rules, requirements, characteristics that should ensure the safety of products, works and services, their technical and information compatibility, interchangeability, quality of products (services) in accordance with scientific achievements. -technical progress. The norms and requirements of the standards may also apply to the safety of economic facilities in emergency situations (for example, natural and man-made disasters); to the defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country.

In addition to this law, relations in the field of standardization in Russia are regulated by acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation issued in accordance with it, for example, the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Standardization”, “On Ensuring unity of measurements”, “On certification of products and services” (1995 ᴦ.); Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in pursuance of the Law “On Standardization”, orders of the State Standard of the Russian Federation. For example, the order of the State Standard of the Russian Federation approved the “Procedure for State Control and Supervision by the State Standard of Russia of Compliance with the Mandatory Requirements of State Standards, Rules for Mandatory Certification and for Certified Products”.

The Law “On Standardization” regulates:

Organization of work on standardization,

Information Support standardization work,

Organization and rules for conducting state control and supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards,

Financing of work on state standardization, state control and supervision,

Stimulating the application of state standards,

Responsibility for violation of the provisions of the Law “On Standardization”.

Based on the legal norms of the law, the principles and tasks of standardization in Russia are determined.

The principles of standardization are as follows:

1) the feasibility of developing a standard is determined by analyzing its critical importance in social, economic and technical aspects;

2) the priority direction of standardization is the safety of the object of standardization for humans and environment, ensuring compatibility and interchangeability of products;

3) standards should not be a technical barrier to trade. For this, it is essential to take into account international standards(and their drafts), rules, norms of international organizations and national standards of other countries;

4) the development of a standard should be based on the mutual consent of the parties concerned and participating in it (consensus). At the same time, the opinion of everyone on all issues of mutual interest should be taken into account;

5) developers of normative documents must comply with: norms of legislation, rules in the field of state control and supervision, interconnection of standardization objects with metrology and other standardization objects; optimality of requirements, norms and characteristics included in the standards;

6) standards should be updated in a timely manner so as not to be a brake on scientific and technological progress in the country;

7) mandatory requirements standards must be verifiable and suitable for the purpose of certification of conformity;

8) the standards applied at these levels of management should not duplicate each other.

The implementation of these principles is carried out in the performance of the tasks defined by the fundamental standards of the GSS:

Ensuring mutual understanding between all stakeholders;

Establishment of optimal requirements for the range and quality of the standardization object in the interests of the consumer and the state;

Determination of requirements for safety, compatibility (structural, electrical, electromagnetic, informational, software, etc.), as well as interchangeability of products;

Unification of structural parts of products;

Development of metrological standards and regulatory and technical support for measurements, tests, quality assessment and product certification;

Optimization of technological processes in order to save material, energy and human resources;

Creation, maintenance and harmonization with international rules of classification and coding systems for technical and economic information;

Organization of systematic provision of consumers and all interested parties with information about the range and quality of products, services, processes by creating a system of catalogs, etc.

Difficulties characteristic of the transitional period in Russia pose even narrower, more specific tasks for standardization, which include saturation of the market with safe consumer goods and the establishment of civilized barriers to entry into Russian market low-quality imported goods. In this direction, close interaction between standardization and certification is extremely important.

Fundamental standards. In accordance with the Law “On Standardization”, the State System of Standardization operates in the Russian Federation. The methodological issues of its organization and functioning are set out in the set of state fundamental standards “State Standardization System of the Russian Federation”, new edition which was adopted in 1993 ᴦ. and entered into force on April 1, 1994 ᴦ. This set includes the following documents:

GOST R 1.0-92 “State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic Provisions”.

GOST R 1.2-92 “State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development of State standards”;

GOST R 1.4-93 “State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Industry standards, standards of enterprises, scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations. General Provisions”;

GOST R 1.5-92 “State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards;

PR 50.1.001-93 “Rules for approval and approval of technical conditions”.

The standardization system adopted in the Russian Federation provides and maintains up to date a single technical language, unified series the most important characteristics products, system building codes and rules; size ranges and standard designs of products for general engineering and construction; classification system of technical and economic information, reliable reference data on the properties of materials and substances.

In conditions market relations Standardization has three functions:

economic, social and communication.

The economic function allows stakeholders to obtain reliable information about the product, and in a clear and convenient way. When concluding an agreement (contract), a reference to the standard replaces the description of information about the product and obliges the supplier to comply with the specified requirements and confirm them; in the field of innovation, the analysis of international and progressive national standards allows you to find out and systematize information about the technical level of products, modern methods tests, technological processes, and (importantly) to eliminate duplication; standardization of test methods allows obtaining comparable characteristics of products, which plays into big role in assessing the level of competitiveness of the goods (in this case, technical competitiveness); standardization of technological processes, on the one hand, contributes to the improvement of product quality, and on the other hand, to an increase in the efficiency of production management.

At the same time, there is another side of the standard technological process: the possibility of a comparative assessment of competitiveness.

Development and implementation of standards - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Development and implementation of standards" 2017, 2018.

1. Stages of development of state standards

2. Changes, revision and cancellation of standards

The creation of a standard from planning its development to publication is carried out in a certain sequence, which, as a rule, provides for the following stages (GOSTR 1.2-92):

1st stage - organization of the development of the standard and preparation of terms of reference for development,

2nd stage - development of a draft standard (the first, if necessary, subsequent editions);

3rd stage - development of the final version of the draft standard and its submission to the State Standard of Russia for adoption of the standard;

4th stage - adoption and state registration (assignment of a number) of the standard;

5th stage - publication of the standard

Features of the development of other categories of standards (OST, STO, STP) are set out in GOST R 1 4-93, taking into account the specifics of enterprises and organizations - developers of standards.

2. The state standard in the process of its application may be subject to verification, if necessary, changes are made to it, the standard may be revised or canceled.

Changes to the standard are made when replacing, supplementing or eliminating individual requirements of the standard.

Revising a standard means replacing it with a new standard. At the same time, the new standard indicates which standard it is being introduced to replace, while the designation of the standard is retained with the replacement of the digits of the year of adoption (approval) of the standard.

The cancellation of the standard is carried out by the State Standard (Gosstroy) of Russia, as a rule, in connection with the termination of the production of products or the performance of works (services) according to this standard.

Interested enterprises and organizations receive information about current standards, about the introduction of new state standards, changes to them through the annual and monthly information indexes "State Standards of the Russian Federation", which they receive by subscription.

Question 11 International cooperation of Russia in the field of standardization

1. The most important international and regional organizations for standardization

2. Cooperation on standardization,

metrology and certification within the CIS

1. Successful development trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation between different countries is now becoming impossible without international standardization.

The main goal of Russia's international cooperation in the field of standardization is harmonization, i.e. harmonization, linking national standards with international, regional and progressive national standards of foreign countries in order to improve the scientific and technical level of Russian standards, the quality of domestic products and its competitiveness in the world market.

International cooperation is carried out through international and regional organizations for standardization.

Of the total number of more than four thousand international organizations (global and regional) operating in the modern world, more than 400 are involved in standardization in one way or another.

The most representative of them is international organization for standardization (ISO). ISO was established in 1940 by decision of the UN.

The ISO charter states that "the purpose of the organization is to promote the development of standardization on a global scale to facilitate international exchange of goods and mutual assistance, as well as to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities."

To achieve this goal, ISO can:

Take steps to facilitate the worldwide harmonization of standards and related fields;

To develop and publish International Standards, provided that in each case a standard is approved if two-thirds of the votes of the active members of the technical committee or subcommittee are in favor of it and no more than a quarter of the total votes are against;

Organize the exchange of information on the work of member committees and technical committees;

Cooperate with other international organizations interested in related issues.

ISO bodies are. General Assembly, Council, Council Committees, Technical Committees (TC) and Central Secretariat.

ISO has two types of membership - member committees and correspondent members. The member committees are national standards bodies. The Russian Federation in ISO is represented by Gosstandart of Russia.

The main activity of ISO is the development of International Standards. Therefore, the main structural unit - the working bodies of this organization are technical committees, subcommittees.

In accordance with the powers provided by the Law "On Standardization", Gosstandart of Russia, together with interested ministries and departments, organizations and public associations, participates in the work of ISO. Representatives of Russia actively participate in the work of the 134th ISO TC and lead the work of the 52nd ISO TC.

Today, there is practically no area in which ISO standards have not been developed. Of the total number of standards developed by ISO, more than 8000 are active in various fields of technology.

2. Big job on standardization, certification and metrology is carried out within the framework of the CIS - independent states that were once part of the USSR. In March 1992, representatives of these states signed an Agreement on the implementation of a unified policy in the field of standardization, metro-

logy and certification, which is intergovernmental and has been operating since 1992. The Interstate Council of the CIS member countries (IGU) was created, in which all national organizations for standardization, metrology and certification of these states are represented. MSG has the right to adopt interstate standards (GOST).

The decisions taken by the Council are obligatory for the states whose representatives are included in the IGU. The main working body of the IGU is the permanent Technical Secretariat with its seat in Minsk.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Institute of Land Management, Cadastre and Environmental Management

Department of environmental management


on metrology, standardization and certification

The procedure for developing state standards

Completed by: student of group 54-C Kolmakova O.G.

Accepted: Ph.D. Associate Professor Vinogradova L.I.

Krasnoyarsk 2011






The legal basis for standardization in the Russian Federation is established by the law "On Standardization". The provisions of the law are obligatory for implementation by all state management bodies of business entities, regardless of the form of ownership of public associations. The law defines measures of state protection of the interests of the consumer and the state through the requirements, rules and norms introduced into state standards during their development and state control over the observance of the mandatory requirements of standards when they are applied. The law interprets the essence of standardization in the Russian Federation as an activity aimed at determining the norms, rules, requirements, characteristics that should ensure the safety of products, works and services, their technical and information compatibility, interchangeability, quality of products (services) in accordance with scientific and technical achievements .

The norms and requirements of standards may also apply to household safety. subjects in emergency situations, to the defense and mobilization capabilities of the country.

Based on the legal norms of the law, the principles and tasks of standardization in the Russian Federation are defined:

1. The feasibility of developing a standard is determined by analyzing its need in social, economic and technical aspects.

2. The priority direction of standardization is the safety of the object of standardization for humans and the environment, as well as ensuring the compatibility and interchangeability of products.

Work on standardization in the Russian Federation is organized and carried out by a system of bodies and services for standardization, which consists of:

    Gosstandart of Russia - the national standardization body of the Russian Federation;

    Department of Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia;

    divisions of standardization, certification, metrology of federal ministries and departments of the Russian Federation;

    technical committees (TC) for standardization, created on a voluntary basis by interested parties (enterprises and organizations);

    standardization units (departments, bureaus, groups) created by business entities (enterprises and organizations).

The procedure for the development, adoption, accounting registration of national standards is established by the standards of the State Standardization System (SSS).

State standards are not subject to copyright. They are developed collectively in accordance with GOST R 1.2-92. The developers of GOST R are technical committees for standardization under the State Standard of Russia, assigned to standardization objects. They include on a voluntary basis: authorized representatives of all enterprises and organizations interested in the development of standards (developers, manufacturers, consumers of products); leading scientists and specialists specializing in certain types of products or technologies; representatives of public organizations.


The technical committees under the Gosstandart of Russia work in accordance with the annual standardization plan. The plan is drawn up on the basis of applications that can be submitted to the Labor Code by enterprises, citizens engaged in self-employment, and government bodies. Applications must justify the need to work with the standard. As a result, a full order of work for a year is formed from the proposals received.

The creation of a standard from planning its development to publication is carried out in a certain sequence, which, as a rule, provides for the following stages (GOST R 1.2-92):

1st stage - organization of the development of the standard and preparation of technical specifications for development;

2nd stage - development of a draft standard (the first, if necessary, subsequent editions);

3rd stage - development of the final version of the draft standard and its submission to the State Standard of Russia for adoption of the standard;

4th stage - adoption and state registration (assignment of a number) of the standard;

5th stage - publication of the standard.

The state standard, in the process of its application, may be subject to verification, if necessary, changes are made to it, the standard may be revised or canceled, completely canceled.

Interested enterprises and organizations receive information about current standards, about the introduction of new state standards, changes to them through the annual and monthly information indexes "State Standards of the Russian Federation", which they receive by subscription.

The work of the technical committee begins with the collection of applications for the development of a standard. Applicants can be state bodies and organizations, public associations, scientific and technical societies, enterprises, firms, entrepreneurs who send applications to the TC in accordance with the objects of standardization assigned to them.

The application must necessarily justify the need to develop a regulatory document, it is also possible to add to it a draft standard already developed by the applicant.

On the basis of applications, the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) forms an annual plan for the state standardization of Russia.

Further work is carried out on the basis of agreements for the development of a standard between the applicant and the relevant TC and includes the following steps: preparation of terms of reference (by the development organization or TC), development of a draft standard, submission of the final version of the project to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) for adoption, updating the standard , revision and cancellation of the standard.

Consider the content of the stages of development of the state standard.

The terms of reference determine: the timing of the implementation of each stage included in the content of the work as a whole; the content and structure of the future standard and the list of requirements for the object of standardization; a list of interested potential consumers of this standard (government bodies, enterprises, firms, etc.). In the future, the draft standard will be sent to the organizations selected for the list for review or, if necessary, for approval; special or additional proposals of the customer of the normative document and other information related to the development procedure, the content of the standard, etc. can be highlighted.

The development of a draft standard is preceded by organizational work that the TC must do. This is due to the clear placement of tasks in subcommittees and working groups in accordance with the objects of standardization. In addition, at this stage, the TC seeks to more specifically identify the organizations from which it is advisable to receive feedback on the draft standard. To do this, brief information about the normative documents being developed is published in a specialized publication of the State Standard of the Russian Federation (or Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) so that interested parties can declare their intentions.

The development of the project goes through two stages. The first edition is created first. The main requirements for the first edition relate to the compliance of the project with Russian legislation, international rules and regulations, as well as national standards foreign countries subject to the progressiveness of these documents and a higher scientific and technical level. An important point at this stage is the determination of the patent purity of the object of standardization, which requires appropriate research and proper information support.

The draft in the first edition, drawn up by the subcommittee and the working group, must be considered by the members of the TC either at a special meeting or by correspondence in order to make sure that it complies with the terms of the agreement for the development of the standard, the requirements of Russian legislation and the provisions of the State Standardization System. After that, the project is sent for review to the customers of the standard and previously identified interested organizations.

The second stage of development consists in analyzing the received feedback, compiling the final version of the draft normative document and preparing it for adoption. The final version should be considered by members of the TC, state control and supervision bodies for compliance with the mandatory requirements of the standard, research institutes of the State Standard (Gosstroy). If at least two thirds of the TC members agree with the final version of the draft, then the document is considered approved and is recommended for adoption. The draft standard must be sent to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation), as well as to the customer of the regulatory document.

The adoption of the standard is carried out by the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation). The adoption procedure includes a mandatory analysis of the content of the project for compliance with Russian legislation, metrological rules and norms, terminological standards, as well as GOST R 1.5-91 "GSS. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards." The standard is adopted by consensus, after which the date of its entry into force is set. The term of validity of the standard, as a rule, is not determined.

All of the above functions are performed by the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) in the manner prescribed by it.

The standard should not be a brake on the development of the economy in accordance with the achievements of scientific and technological progress. But since its validity period is not set, constant work of all members of the TC and interested parties is necessary, aimed at timely updating the regulatory document. According to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, the standard is updated in order to maintain its compliance with the needs of the population, the economy and the country's defense capability. The result of the analysis of the current standard may be to amend its content, or to revise or cancel the normative document.

In order to obtain information for updating standards, technical committees are constantly working to maintain feedback from enterprises and organizations that adopt standards, and also analyze proposals received from TC members to amend the current regulatory documents. If it is necessary to update the standard, the TC develops a draft change, a draft revised standard or proposals for the abolition of the current regulatory document and submits a proposal to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation). A change to a product standard usually involves more progressive product requirements. But they should not violate the interchangeability and compatibility of products manufactured according to the updated standard with those manufactured according to the current one.

The revision of the state standard is essentially the development of a new one to replace the current one. The need for revision arises if the changes introduced are associated with a significant adjustment of the main indicators of product quality and affect its compatibility and interchangeability.

Cancellation of the standard can be carried out both with its replacement with a new one, and without replacement. The reason, as a rule, is the termination of production (provision of services), which was produced according to this regulatory document, or the adoption of a new standard.

The adoption of final decisions on the introduction of changes, revision and cancellation of state standards, as well as the corresponding publication in the Information Index of Standards, are the responsibility of the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation).

The decision to amend, revise or cancel the industry standard is made by the government body that approved this regulatory document. The cancellation of an industry standard is usually associated either with the removal of products from production, or with the introduction of a state standard for the same standardization object with the same or higher requirements and norms.

Updating or canceling the standard of the enterprise is carried out by decision of the management of the business entity itself, which has adopted this standard.

The standards of scientific and technical societies, public associations are reviewed in order to introduce new results of scientific research or production achievements related to the introduction of inventions and scientific discoveries. Cancellation of this category of normative documents is connected with obsolescence of the object of standardization.

All business entities that have been granted the right to develop, update and cancel standards are required to inform the State Standard of the Russian Federation about the work done and its results.


So, summing up the above, it can be noted briefly that the work on the development of state standards has the following content:

The organization of standards development involves the definition of specific performers (working group), the timing of the work and the publication of information about the start of work on the standard, in order to have feedback with project clients.

The working group develops two documents: a draft standard and an explanatory note to the standard. The construction, presentation, design and content of the GOST R project is carried out in accordance with GOST R 1.5-92. The explanatory note contains the following information: compliance of the draft standard with international and regional standards; information about the patent purity of the object of standardization (lack of a similar standard); sources of information taken into account in the development of the draft standard; information about the recipients of the distribution of the draft standard.

The draft standard and the explanatory note are submitted to the TC for verification of compliance with the current legislation. After that, the TCs submit the draft standard for review to interested enterprises and specialists.

The TC, taking into account the comments and suggestions received, prepares two documents: the final version of the draft standard and an explanatory note, which is supplemented by a description of the fundamental comments on the draft standard. The final version, together with the explanatory note, is submitted for consideration: to the members of the TC; organizations of state supervision of standards; research standardization organization for publishing editing.

– the issue of adoption of the draft standard is decided by voting of the members of the TC and registration of the voting results in the minutes.

The adopted projects of GOST R are submitted for approval to the State Standard of Russia. When a standard is approved, the date of its entry into force is set.

State registration of approved standards is carried out in the Federal Standards Fund with the assignment of a registration number in in due course. The use of GOST R that has not passed state registration is prohibited.

Information on the adoption of the standard is published in the monthly information index "State Standards of the Russian Federation".


    Nikiforov, A.D. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook / A.D. Nikiforov, T.A. Bakiev. - 2nd ed. - M.: Higher School, 2005. - 422 p.

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