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Hi all!

Quote: Genuine exhibition is not just a collection of books that ended up together due to a number of random circumstances, but a meaningful creation designed to awaken purposeful intellectual activity in the reader.

J. H. Shira, American librarian

I bring to your attention information about some exhibitions that are interesting and unusual (experience of different libraries).

It happens thatreaders - children and adults, while reading books, often leave things in them that are used as bookmarks. Here employees of the National Children's Library of the Komi Republic and decided put all these finds on public display. Unusual exposure called "A gift to a librarian, or what our readers leave in books". Books and found things were placed side by side in the hope that this way readers will recognize them faster. The exhibition caused a real sensation. It lasted more than two months, replenished daily with new finds. No wonder they say that everything in a book can become an occasion for an exhibition, and not just the text.

It came as a complete surprise to readers.Exhibition "When the Book Dies", which featured dilapidated and spoiled editions by readers.

Instead of a quote - an appeal to children: "Reader, think about what you will leave your friends and classmates behind."

First section: "Books read to holes". There are books by different authors, which were read by more than one generation of children. These editions were prepared for scrapping, and the meeting with the readers was their last.

Second section: "Barbarians of the 21st century" . Section included works of classics of Russian literatureN.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Bunin and other writers who are studied at school: in entire chapters and paragraphs were torn out of their books, the pages were painted. Children and adults reacted with interest to the presented documents, expressed their negative attitude towards barbarism. As a result, users gave the library books from home collections and new books bought from the store. Total over the year, donors donated more than 200 books to the fund of the subscription department.(From the experience of the National Children's Library of the Komi Republic)

Presentation Exhibitions "Book Treasures" was timed toAll-Russian Day of Libraries. On the the exhibition presents books different years from the library collection. The exhibition is aimed primarily at specialists, but it turned out to be of interest to readers as well. Its intended purpose: familiarization of employees with publications that can be used in their professional activities.

The book exhibition was from the following sections:

"They were the first" (books that laid the foundation for the library);

"Rarities of the Library" (publications related to the category of book monuments);

"Famous people - library» (books donated by famous writers, poets, artists, musicians, with autographs).

Effective family bonding, transmission family traditions and moral values ​​remainsfamily reading. On the exhibition-nostalgia "Good books live long" were introduced copies from family libraries, a memo on creating a home library.

Exhibition sections:

"Family Heirloom" (books from employees' home librarieslibraries and readers). Each of the presented books had its own history and was included in the reading circle of several generations of the family;

"Generation next chooses" (the best books, according to children and adolescents - readers of the library);

"How to build a home library" (books from practical advice, as well as - a booklet that offers tips for both parents and young readers on creating home libraries).

During the design of the exhibition were used household items of the 50-60s. 20th century: figurines, toys, green lamp, clock, napkins, made in loin technique and cutwork; attributes of modern youth subculture: baubles, bracelets, baseball cap, computer disks. On the stand also included in the exhibition space, were located photographs from family albums, school certificates, pioneer tie, badges and postcards. sound background there was a record instrumental music of the past. The interior of the room corresponded to the style of the 50s. The room where the exhibition was set up at the time of the presentation turned into a common for those years communal apartment. The exhibition was presented by the librarians of the department with participation of a famous local historian-researcher who told about family libraries of townspeople in pre-revolutionary times.

The exhibition ended with quiz "Finish the aphorism" in which those present were asked finish the well-known phrase about the book:

2. A house without a book is like a body without (soul).

3. Books are ships (thoughts).

4. A book is not red in writing, but red (in mind).

5. Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from (books).

6. A man without a book is like a bird without (wings).

8. Unfinished book - not completed to the end (path).

10. Collection of books - the same (university).

11. The book is a small window, through it the whole world (visible).

12. The book is the best (comrade).

13. The book decorates in happiness, and in misfortune (consoles).

14. From time immemorial, a book raises (a person).

15. I owe everything good in me (to books).

16. A bad letter to a person (destruction).

17. Who reads a lot, he (knows) a lot.

18. The book is your friend, without it it’s like without (hands).

19. Read a new book - met with (a friend).

20. A house without a book is a day without (the sun).

21. There is no smart neighbor, with a book (talk).

22. Pearls are taken from the depths of the sea, (knowledge) is drawn from the depths of books.

23. In the book, look not for letters, but (meaning).

24. The book is like water - it will break the road (everywhere).

25. The book will help in work, help out in (trouble).

26. Living with a book is not a century (to grieve).

27. A good book is brighter than a star (shines).

In memory of the meeting, all participants were presented bookmarks.

(From the experience of the Pskov regional library for children and youth)

Let's take a closer look at this form of exhibition, as an exhibition-cognition and look at examples.


Cognition is a process of purposeful active reflection of reality in the human mind. In the course of cognition, various facets of being are revealed, the external side and essence of things, phenomena of the surrounding world are explored. The subject of cognitive activity - a person - also explores a person, that is, himself.

The results of cognition not only remain in the mind of a particular person, but are also passed on from generation to generation, mainly with with the help of information carriers - books, drawings, objects of material culture. In the course of life, a person performs two types of cognitive activities: learns the world directly (that is, it opens something new: either for itself or for humanity); learns the world around through the results of the cognitive activity of other generations (reads books, studies, watches movies, joins all types of material or spiritual culture).

Based on the definition of cognition, probably, any book exhibition in the library can be called an exhibition-cognition. However, librarians reserve the right to determine the form of the exhibition in this way.

Favorite by the older generation of readerswas presented atexhibition-knowledge "Chronicle of events" .


book series "Life of Remarkable People"

(experience of the Pskov regional library for children and youth)

Book series "Life of Remarkable People"- this is the history of mankind in faces, the history of science, technology and culture.

Purpose of the exhibition:

— the awakening of the youth's cognitive interest in history through reading historical and biographical literature;

- moral education of the younger generation on examples from the lives of prominent people;

- disclosure of the library fund.

Exhibition sections:

History of the series "Life of Remarkable People";

historical figures;

Figures of art and literature.

“When we love, we are proud of the Fatherland, it means we are proud of its great people” (academician Ivan Pavlov).

“I am firmly convinced that people will understand and begin to develop the only necessary science - the science of how to live” (Leo Tolstoy).

“Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science” (Alexander Pushkin).

Bibliographic support of the exhibition:

- booklet "Library of a thousand books: ZhZL series".

The presentation of the exhibition took place with the participation of students facultyelementary education of the Pskov State Pedagogicaluniversity. The students participating in the presentation told how the examples of life and work of outstanding people influenced their worldview.

The review of the ZhZL series took place right at the book exhibition. Readers learned about the history of the series, its first issues and publishers, as well as how to use the reference and bibliographic apparatus for the series.

In addition to the books of the ZhZL series, the exhibition featured quotes, booklets, emblems, illustrations, portraits, objects and accessories.

The final moment was quiz "Name the book", the gist of which was: the presenter showed the subject, which in meaning was suitable for the content of a particular book about a historical figure . Participants were asked to name prominent representatives of the relevant type of activity. Thus, several items were played:

Fan— Pavlenko, N.I. Catherine the Great / N.I. Pavlenko. - 4th ed. - M .: Young Guard, 2004. - 496 p. - (ZhZL).

Steering wheel— Semanov, S.N. Makarov / S.N. Semanov. — 2nd ed., corrected. - M .: Young Guard, 1988. - 288 p. - (ZhZL).

Headdress of the academician— Danin D.S. Niels Bohr / D.S. Danin. - M .: Young Guard, 1978. - 560 p. - (ZhZL).

the globe— Pioneers: a collection. - M .: Young Guard, 1983. - 352 p. - (ZHZL).

Goose feather- Tyrkova-Villiame, A. Pushkin's life / A. Tyrkova-Villiame. - In 2 vols. T. 1: 1799-1824. - M .: Young Guard, 1998. - 480s. - (ZHZL).

Order, medal- Generals and commanders of the Great Patriotic War: collection / comp. A. Kiselev. - M .: Young Guard, 1985. - 368 p. - (ZhZL).

Easel— Descargues P. Rembrandt / P. Descargues. - M .: Young guard, 2000. - 294 p. - (ZhZL).

At the end of the presentation, everyone was invited to treat themselves to an apple - the fruit of knowledge.

Exhibition algorithm: connection of the book, reader and librarian in a single interactive space. An important point is engaging readers directly in the program. The perception of the material by young readers is much more positive if the information comes from a peer.

Library readers with hobbies respond to librarians showcase your passions at exhibitions. This allows you to decorate the library space, create a feeling of comfort, make the exhibition attractive and unique. Such items can become both an independent exposition and part of an exhibition dedicated to folk art.

The Youth Service Department issuedexhibition-hobby "Skillful hands do not know boredom" and invited beginners and experienced needlewomen. All items presented at the exhibition were made by the hands of librarians(pictures embroidered with ribbons; soft toys; tablecloths; hats; needle beds; crocheted and knitted items). Each type of needlework was described in the exhibited publications with detailed instructions and diagrams. At the presentation of the exhibition, the author could present his product and talk about the technique of its implementation.

In the senior school service department, athematic exhibition-journey "The World of Mysteries and Wonders" enabling with the help of books plunge into the mysterious world, reveal many secrets, learn the unknown. Special purpose- to provide readers with the whole variety of popular science literature in the process of preparing them for academic disciplines, develop cognitive interest, creative activity.

Everyone celebrates their professional holiday differently. However, everyone wants it to be successful and leave only warm memories. Librarians of our system this year, the Year of Culture, took an active part in the competition of book exhibitions about the librarian and the library"Best book exhibition to All-Russian day libraries."

We bring to your attention a galaxy of these wonderful creations, perhaps they will once again cause pride in our library work, viewing them will bring pleasant moments, and perhaps some of the ideas will be further embodied in your work.

Books make you stop near them, close your eyes with pleasure, as you close your eyes, looking at the sun, in order to look again with already open eyes.

K.A. Fedin

So, get acquainted:

It's no secret that many exhibitions have been named "The library is the wise house of the soul" , but you will agree how individual they are, despite the general headline!
Head of the Ilmensky library No. 7 MBUK "TsBS" (0.5 rate)

Exhibition sections:
Ilmenskaya - 2 library - 40 years
The library's best friends
And I open the book, like a door to a great life

History of the best events

A. de Monzi
fr. minister

Team Bolshov Library№33 MYUK "CBS" (1.5 rates) to80th anniversary of its founding libraries in 3 sections

1. If the library is alive, the village will also live!

2. The eternal keeper of wise books.

3.Library and reader: face to the face.

List of references for the exhibition:

Blinova, A. Adventures of Olya Iriskina in the book state: Scenario of a tetralized game program / A. Blinova / / How to entertain guests. -2011. - No. 12. - p. 26-30.

Buyanova, E.E. Dedication: poems about the Bolshov Library / E.E. Buyanova / / Library-pharmacy for the soul: Album.-2009.-p.1-2.

For the promotion of books on best practices in collective farms and MTS agriculture: from the experience of the Bolshov rural library of the Mikhailovsky district.-Volgograd:

Volgograd truth, 1965.-35s.

Kitov D.V. Together with the collective farm: from the experience of the Bolshov rural library.-M: Book, 1961.-50s.

Kramov V.V. Your Shart Cathedral: a teenager about the choice of professions / V.V. Kramov.-M: Education, 1979.-205p.

Sidorova S.I. Bolshov rural library//Out of the kindness of the soul: Essays, poems, stories.-Mikhailovka, 2008.-p.226-228.

Urakova O. We are poets ourselves, compose with us, or Welcome to Rifmo-city!: game-journey through the library / O. Urakova / / Scenarios and repertoire.-2009.-

No. 13.-p.40-54.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the book exhibition: Time period exhibition works - 1 month.During this time more than fifty visitors were at our exhibition: 14 times the book was published"Together with the collective farm"former librarianD.V. Kitova (from work experience in the 60s). They read it ataman of our farm O.L. Makarihin (there is material about his ancestors), the widow of a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad-Chuvilova A.E., farmers - Markova N.E., Pryanikova V.I., Trubitsyna A.T., Belyakova T.A. and many others - they all read she got into her youth ... etc. Many visitors of different ages reviewed albums - “Mass work of Bolshovskayalibraries. Nowadays". Some teenage girls were interestedprofessional books librarian.

Conclusions and perspectivesfurther use of exhibition materials:

The materials of the exhibition will not lose their relevance in the future - this is the history of the founding of our library, the work of our "hotbed of culture" in various periods of its existence, and finally, the life of the population of the farm for many years.


Katason Library No. 35 M BUK "CBS" (bid) Exhibition catalog

Exhibition title"Pharmacy for the Soul"

The structure of the book exhibition:

-Sections "Medicines for every taste"

"Cure for boredom - creativity"

"Vitamins - fun" (fun books for children) "Gratitude of healed patients"

- Quotes

“A library is better than any pharmacy

Heal from spiritual hardships.

From depression and separation.

I read - nothing hurts "

Yu.A. Orlova

"What bliss to lie in bed

You read familiar prose a hundred times,

And everything is new to you - thanks to sclerosis "

- Illustrative material Presentation "Book-healer"

Images of medicinal bottles with stickers: Anti-sadness drops, Spleen potion, Love decoction, Adrenaline tincture, Balm for mental wounds. Books are holding these bottles in their “hands”.

- figures of Dunno and Bunny on the children's shelf

List of used literature for the exhibition:

1. Balashova M. Ya. Knitting: the secrets of magical patterns / M. Ya. Balashova. - Minsk: Harvest, 2010. - 255 p.: ill.

2. Knitting, cutting and sewing / ed. - comp. V. Nadezhdina. - Minsk: Harvest, 2009. - 479 p. - (Complete reference).

Home > Document

Names of book fairs

To help school curriculum

"Want to know everything"

"Helping Literature Teachers"

“Terrible is everything that is unknown”

"On the continents and countries"

"Geography of continents, oceans and seas"

"History in faces"

"Two steps away from the textbook"

"My tongue is my friend"

"Your Friend Forever"

"Language is the confession of the people"

"With a book in the world of interesting sciences"

"Behind the Pages of the Textbook"

"For Know-It-Alls and Dunnos"

"knowing the world"

"Alive like life" (about the Russian language)

"Reference kingdom is a wise state"

About books and reading

"With a book for life"

"The book is in your hands"

"Creative Reader"

"Smart Reader"

"Read, Think, Discuss"

"Read, Discuss, Create"

"To you, book lovers"

"Foreign writers - for children"

"Humor in children's books"

"Holidays with a book"

"Aloud. Loudly. Inwardly. About us!"

"Family Favorite Books"

"Open the book and miracles begin"

"Reading fairy tales, watching fairy tales"

"Encore Reading"

"The second profession is a reader"

"Each book is about you, each is for you, just look"

"Book news"

"Books Everyone Knows"

"A miracle is the name to which the book"

"Library - book - modern reader"

"Kind Lyre" (new modern literature for children)

"The book I want to talk about"

“These books were read by grandparents”

"Good wise book"

To the anniversaries of writers and poets

“In this world I am only a passer-by” (S. Yesenin)

“To you, O Motherland, I composed that song”

"My land, thoughtful and tender"

"Golden foliage swirled"

“I bless everything that was” (A. Blok)

"Disturbed Soul" (V. Shukshin)

“The music of love is higher and higher” (B. Okudzhava)

“He told the truth to people with a guitar” (V. Vysotsky)

"Double of its time"

“Frankly speaking” (L. Rubalskaya)

“But we will still love” (to E. Asadov)

"Poet, writer, illustrator" (E. Charushin)

"Merry Writer" (N. Nosov)

“They gave me a name at baptism - Anna” (A. Akhmatova)

"Pages of a rebellious life" (M. Lermontov)

“These lines will be a monument to me” (to N. Gumilyov)

“The mountain ash lit up with a red brush” (M. Tsvetaeva)

About etiquette

"Times and manners"

"Etiquette for every day"

"Courtesy for every day"

"Let's be polite"

"Lessons in Good Manners"

"Lessons in Courtesy"

"Ethical Grammar"

About beauty, fashion and good taste

"A man of culture is..."

"His Majesty Etiquette"

"Elegance, beauty, charm"

Fairy tales

"In the world of fairy tales"

"This old good fairy tale»

"A fairy tale is clever and charming"

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Drawing a fairy tale"

"Journey to the Fairy Meadow"

"Journey to a fairy tale"

"There, on unknown paths"

"Let's play a fairy tale"

"In a certain kingdom"

"Wonderful world of fairy tales"

"The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

"Tales of the Good Wizard"

"Tales of the peoples of the world"

"Fairy Tales Travel the World"


"On the roads of fairy tales"

"Tales of the Udmurt people"

"Oh, these fairy tales"

About health

"If you want to be healthy"

« healthy image life"

"Beauty, health, youth"

"Your health is in your hands"

"Longevity Real and Possible"

"Take care of your health"

"Take care of your health from a young age"

"Grow up healthy"

"You will be healthy - you will get everything"

"Be healthy"

"Healthy every day is a holiday"

Nature and ecology

"With love for nature"

"Through the book - love for nature"

"A world to be understood and loved"

"Land of Silver Springs"

"Ecology and the book"

"We and our smaller brothers"

"About the native land with love"

"Live, nature"

"Live, Earth!"

"Living language of nature"

"I love Rossi forest noise"

"Man and Nature: Harmony or Tragedy?"

"Our four-legged friends"

"We only have one earth"

"The earth is our home"

"Our common home is nature"

"You and I Need Earth"

"Earth is the home of humanity"

"Environmental Bulletin"

"Words, colors, sounds"

"Man and Ecology"

"Ecology of the native land"

"Nature of the native land"

"Nature and Us"

"Nature and Man"

“Who lives around, what grows around”

"Forest and its protection"

"About our smaller brothers"

"In the fate of nature is our fate"

"Let's give the planet a chance"

"A land that is not more beautiful"

"Earth in Trouble"

"We destroy nature - we destroy ourselves"

"Know, love, take care"

"Man is responsible for the purity of the land and rivers"

"We and our Earth"

"Earth is a blue planet"

"Nature. Ecology. Literature."

"Secrets green forest»

"In defense of nature"

"Alarm Bells"

"Ecology and children"

"Ecology and Society"

"Ecology and life: look around"

« Environmental problems: severity of the situation "

"Love and know the Udmurt region"

"The soul of nature is present in us"

"Caution - nature!"

"Enter Nature as a Friend"

“To protect nature, you need to know it”

"Air, water, soil: their safety"

"Animals are the heroes of books"

"Birds of our forests"

"Nature does not forgive mistakes"

"Love is boundless for a small homeland"

"Our small homeland is a native village"

"For the benefit of present and future generations"

"History of all living things"

"Look around"

"When you walk along your native land"

"Be a friend to a flower, a tree, an animal, a man"

"Seven pages about animals and birds"


"History breathes every line"

"History in faces"

"The Poetry of Myth"

"We live and remember"

"Russian history"

"Our heroes' names"

"Those who love history"

"Pages of History"

"Rus. Russia. Russian empire»

A family

"The World of My Family"

"My family"

"Family Affairs"

"The warmth and light of the hearth"

"Our house"

"At the green lamp"

“Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”

"Family Favorite Books"

"Home Needlework"

"Under the roof of your house"

"Problems of family education"

"Your free time»

About love

"Lines of Love"

"Love, love is a mysterious word"

"Love is the heart of everything"

"There is a book of eternal love"

"Poems about love"

"Song of Love"

“But we will still love ...”

"Writers of Love"

About Pushkin

"A poet for all times"

"Pushkin and his era"

"The poet through the eyes of contemporaries"

"Pushkin's Poetic Echo"

"Let my soul open"

"Hope and Love, Dignity and Honor"

"Pushkin in life"

"And life, and tears, and love"

"Pushkin and his Madonna"

"I loved you…"

"Beautiful and mysterious Pushkin"

"Pushkin and Natalie"


"Kaleidoscope of magazines"

"Newspapers and magazines for children"

"Children's magazines visiting children"

"Country Journal"

"What the Magazines Talk About"

"Journey to the Land of Journal"

"Hello Country Journal"

"Scroll through us, read us, and we will teach you everything"

"new periodicals"

"News of the magazine world"


"In the world of beauty"

"Journey to the Land of Inspiration"

"Journey to the land of creativity"

"Poetry and Painting of the Romantics"

"Learning to see beauty"

"Look at the world with admiring eyes"

"Good through beauty"

"Dialogue of true goodness and beauty"

"Surprise and Joy"

"In the World of Dreams"

"Art of Udmurtia"

"Beautiful around us"

Choice of professions

"In the world of professions"

"Who to be?"

"I choose a profession"

"How to Find Yourself"

"Who am i?"

"Entering Life"

"Choose a profession"

"Your future profession»

“We have a road for young people everywhere”

"Journey Through the Professions"

"Kaleidoscope of professions"

"All works are good - choose to taste"

Unusual, unknown

"Secrets Revealed and Unrevealed"

"Obvious but incomprehensible"

"Obvious - Incredible"

"Space trip"

"Secrets of magic and witchcraft"

Upbringing and education

"Pedagogical search: experience, problems, findings"

"Helping Teachers"

"Towards each other"

"To help the class teacher"

"We and our children"

"A lesson in a modern school"

"School: search on the way"

"From the textbook to the creative concept of the lesson"

"Path to the student"

We teach creativity "

"I am your student, you are my teacher"

Housekeeping and needlework

“Och. Skillful Hands »

"For skillful hands"

"Skillful hands do not know boredom"

"Do it yourself"


"We sew, we knit, we embroider"

"Good hands craftsmanship"

"City of masters"

"Home Needlework"

"Advice from Mary the Artisan"

“Skillful hands and painstaking work will not create this yet”

“Long winter evenings: we sew, knit, embroider”

"Under the roof of your house"


"ABC of a young pedestrian"

"Everyone Should Know This"

"On traffic rules for everyone without exception"

"Pedestrian alphabet"

"Red, yellow, green"

"Attention, dear!"


"Courage, courage and honor"

"Reflections on the Supreme Truth"

"Moral and Legal Responsibility"

"I, you, we"

"Journey to the Land of Rodaria"

"Under the sign of Zakhoder"

  • Name of the CBS (exactly according to the Charter) (3)


    After analyzing the current demographic situation in the villages of the district, statistical information on all libraries of the Central Library Service, the outflow of young people to the city is clearly visible.

  • Name of the CBS (exactly according to the Charter) (4)


    In the structure of the CLS, and in children's libraries in particular, in reporting year no changes have taken place. The CBS has developed a restructuring program, but has not yet been approved by higher authorities.

  • AT The exhibition is one of the main methods of visual propaganda of literature, which provides readers with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge, form and expand interest in the topic presented.

    Our task is to make the exhibition bright, interesting, non-standard. Exhibitions should not only draw attention to the presented publications, but also activate the cognitive activity of readers, cause a surge of emotions and encourage the reader to take the book. At exhibitions, librarians, in addition to books, periodicals, place all kinds of illustrative material, accessories that are meaningfully related to the issue and complement it as a background.

    Various fonts are used for the title, sections and quotes, natural objects, layouts, models, props. Accessories can be divided into: iconic - quotations, annotations, text headings, section headings; art - paintings and reproductions of paintings, collages, illustrations, photographs, posters; subject - objects and things that help create an image of a person or an era (a fan, binoculars, a candle, a soldier's bowler hat, a balloon, toys, models, dummies, etc.); decorative - flowers, draperies, embroidered towels, natural material (cones, shells, stones, fancy roots, branches) and crafts from it; structural - various office equipment, stationery (wooden, metal stands, folders, boxes, clips, clothespins, bookmarks, etc.).

    However, no matter what the book exhibition is, one should not forget that the book should still be in the center of attention, and all the paraphernalia is only its addition. The main objective of the exhibition is to present books and other types of documents. Good design, various materials and accessories are not the goal, but only a means to help solve the problem. Therefore, they should not obscure the book, but, on the contrary, draw attention to it.

    There is a certain procedure for the development and design of a book exhibition, consisting of the following stages:


    The topic should be relevant, carefully thought out and interesting to readers. If we arrange an exhibition to accompany a mass event, it must clearly correspond to the theme of the event and complement it.


    The exhibition should have a clear readership address for whom you are designing the exhibition: for younger or older children, or for parents or leaders of children's reading. Book fairs for children's audiences are different from exhibitions created for adults. They must be bright, conspicuous, which will help: bright publications, toys, paper crafts and natural materials. Exhibitions for children may contain elements of the game (puzzles, riddles, crossword puzzles). The librarian should carefully select books with illustrations, colorful covers and place them at the level of children's eyes, so that any can be taken from the shelf freely, and not asked for by the librarian. Near the exhibition, a free space is necessarily created for children, where they can not only leaf through the selected book, but also take part in the game, complete tasks, if the exhibition provides for them..


    With the help of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library: catalogs, file cabinets, using guidelines, manuals, bibliographic indexes to identify all sources - books, articles from periodicals, illustrations, photo documents that are available in the library on this topic. Then he will get acquainted with them and select those that correspond to the purpose and reader's address. Preference is given to documents containing new information and having an attractive appearance.


    How many sections? Do you always need a quote, an appeal to the reader, how many books should be at the exhibition? All answers to these questions depend on the volume and amount of the fund, where the exhibition will be located, the size of the exhibition rack. And it is very important to maintain a sense of proportion, the exhibition should not be overloaded, overwhelmed. Each document must be clearly visible. Another question is closely related to the development of the structure of the exhibition - what kind of exhibition it will be - a quiz exhibition, an exhibition of one book, an exhibition-exposition, etc.

    (pictures are clickable, enlarge, view)


    After you have decided on the structure of the exhibition, we proceed to the choice of the title of the exhibition, the definition of the titles of the sections, the selection of quotes, illustrations, objects. The name must necessarily attract attention, be catchy, and informative, accurately convey the essence. It should be short enough, no more than 4-5 words, often aphorisms, catchphrases, proverbs, lines from poems, songs are used as a name. The title of the sections should gradually reveal the theme of the exhibition and complement the title. For the design of the exhibition, you can use a wide variety of items and accessories: portraits, illustrations, posters, reproductions of paintings, photographs, decorative elements, natural materials, drawings, crafts, book reviews, mini essays, essays, various things, items that help recreate the image of the era or a person. Again, the choice of accessories depends on the form and type of exhibition. Also, with the advent of the Internet in our lives, when designing exhibitions, information taken from some sites is often used. Such information must be checked (excluding "fried facts"), carefully arranged ("jumps" from one to another) and must be accompanied by a link to the site from which the information was copied.


    A well-thought-out and designed exhibition often fails readers if it is poorly designed. The first requirement is compositional integrity, which is achieved through various means. For example, one or more visual centers are singled out around which the main action unfolds. In other cases, "close-up" and "deep exposure" are used, which create a three-dimensional effect. The composition of the exhibition can be based on symmetry or, on the contrary, asymmetry, on the contrast of color, but at the same time, one should not forget about the proportionality of the books and illustrations presented on it. All of them should give the impression of a single ensemble. It is created without overloading with objects and placing emotional accents, for example, with the help of lighting, a vase, a flower. In order to correctly distribute where everything will be placed at the exhibition, its layout is drawn up. In a schematic form on paper, you must imagine where you will place the heading, on which shelves the sections, citations and other information. On which shelves will it be presented book production, and on which periodicals, etc. The layout will help save time when you design the exhibition and place documents on it.

    The use of memoirs. Genuine things or objects that replace them - models, models - provide a deep perception of the created image. Items at the exhibition should be meaningfully and aesthetically close to each other, as well as to books and illustrations. Illustrations and things create the image of the book and the images of its characters.

    Use of handouts. The exhibition should present handouts prepared for the event (if the exhibition accompanies it) or published on the theme of the exhibition. These can be bookmarks, business cards, memos, information sheets, booklets. The booklet should lie in such a way that it can be picked up and unfolded; if the bookmark is published in limited quantities (or if we want to show it in color), we fasten it to the rack and one side and the other. (we lay out the black and white version so that you can take it).

    Techniques for visual selection of objects. One way to draw attention to a book or illustration is to turn its cover at a three-quarter angle. Also, the book makes a better impression when it stands on a holder-stand, and the visitor perceives it as a three-dimensional object. Dynamism in the display is achieved by placing images of moving objects (a train flying in the opposite direction or running children), as well as using a color scheme that is selected according to contrast. Light book covers, like objects, are well perceived on a dark background and vice versa.

    Articles from publications or periodicals are presented in two ways: put the book closed or unfold the book at the place where the desired article begins and attach a card to it. On the card, indicate the bibliographic description of the article. Articles from the newspaper are inconvenient to place at the exhibition, the newspaper is wrinkled or the headline is not visible. It is better to make a copy to which to attach a card with a bibliographic description. The exhibition should not look empty, but it should not be overloaded either. This can lead to the opposite effect, and therefore "less is better."

    Of great importance to the reader are links given at exhibitions to sections of the fund or systematic catalogue. The content of the link may be as follows: “Literature on the topics proposed at the exhibition, you can also find on shelves No. ________ in sections ... (sections are indicated). Refer also to sections of the systematic catalog (sections are also indicated).

    (pictures are clickable, enlarge, view)


    It is necessary to think in advance where to place the exposition: in glass showcases (which we do not have, but we hope to have), on bookcases or tables. Sometimes all three options are combined, and the surfaces of windows, walls or doors are also used. The showcase creates a sense of volume, depth, which is perceived as an orderly and closed world. In exhibitions placed on racks and tables, it is difficult to place illustrations and objects, since standard racks are not deep. But on the other hand, the books presented on the rack, inside the shelf, are enclosed in a kind of frame that focuses attention. Often, shelving is connected to tables, which removes the monotonous nature of the show. With a lack of free space (but not when saving it! The exhibition should first of all attract attention, and then save space), poster exhibitions are designed, which are placed on the walls of the foyer or corridors, exhibition stands on which photographic materials or creative works are placed ( drawings) is a very convenient form of exposure. The Book Rain exhibition at our senior subscription, where books seem to come down from the ceiling. This exhibition is good because it is updated very often, as books are in front of the eyes of readers and attract attention.

    (pictures are clickable, enlarge, view)

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    Attention should be paid to the advertising of the exhibition - its success and efficiency largely depend on this. Advertising and information support of the exhibition is based on the creation of advertising messages and publications. The advertising message can be internal (for library readers) or external, aimed at potential users. Various means of advertising: advertisements in local media, word of mouth, telephone, outdoor advertising(posters, posters), print advertising (leaflets, booklets, brochures), a running line on the facade of the library, colorful information in the "Reader's Corner".


    First of all, it is necessary to keep records; for this, a separate column is allocated in the Work Diary, in which the number of documents issued from the exhibition is entered daily. Appropriate notes are made by the librarian in the form of the reader who took the book from the exhibition. In the pocket of each document, book from the exhibition, put a colored indicator-bookmark with the name of the exhibition. After the period of exposure is over, the librarian uses the "Diary" to calculate how many publications have been issued during the period of the exhibition. By comparing the amount of literature provided and issued, you can calculate the efficiency ratio. The efficiency ratio is equal to: "number of books issued" divided by the number of literature submitted.

    If the performance is low, it is necessary to find out why the exhibition was not popular with readers. To do this, it is necessary to analyze all stages of the exhibition work, starting with the choice of a theme and ending with advertising, and determine where mistakes were made. High performance should also be studied in order to identify the reasons for the success of the exhibition with readers. Currently, to study the effectiveness of exhibition work, methods of polling readers are widely used - conversations, interviews, and questionnaires. They help to identify the interests and needs of readers and allow you to plan exhibition work in accordance with reader expectations. Thus, by analyzing the effectiveness of exhibition activities, one can avoid mistakes in the future and make each exhibition bright, meaningful, interesting and popular among readers.


    The desire to place as many exhibits as possible in an exhibition is one of the most common mistakes. Since the redundancy of information reduces the effect of visual impact up to complete rejection. I would like to say again: we should not forget that the focus of the exhibition should still be the book, and all the paraphernalia is only its addition and accompaniment. Therefore, it should not obscure the book, but, on the contrary, draw attention to it. The title, section titles and attributes accompanying the exhibition must exactly match its theme. (for example, an exhibition on ecology is called "World indoor plants"). The exhibition will not work if it is poorly lit or located in a hard-to-reach place. It happens that the title does not "strike" the reader at first glance, or there are no so-called signal objects that attract attention.

    The most common mistakes when designing book exhibitions:

    In library practice, traditional types of book fairs:

    • exhibitions of new arrivals;

    • exhibitions on current topics and problems;

    • personal exhibitions;

    • genre exhibitions;

    • exhibitions for significant and memorable dates.

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    The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint readers with new documents - books, newspapers, magazines, photo and video materials received by the library. Most often, these exhibitions are universal in content. They present books on various branches of knowledge and fiction, so the order of arrangement of documents at such exhibitions should be systematic, that is, according to the LBC table system. The traditional title for such an exhibition is “New Books”. It has long become a template, so you should look for new options for names, for example: “A new book has come to us”, “New items on the bookshelf”, “New items from the book basket”.

    How to arrange exhibition on current topics and problems?

    The main goal of such an exhibition is to draw the attention of readers to a specific topic, problem, to encourage them to read books and other documents on this topic by presenting and recommending the best of them. The task of the librarian is to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to readers. It can be:

    How to arrange personal exhibition?

    The goal is to draw attention to some personality, person, to arouse the desire to learn as much as possible about this person, his life and work. Such an exhibition can be dedicated to an artist, writer, poet, composer, scientist, politician, historical figure, etc. For example: “The Last Russian Autocrat” (about Nicholas II) “The Discoverer of Unknown Countries” (about Lev Kassil); "The Fantasies of Senor Rodari" (about Gianni Rodari).

    Traditionally, the solo exhibition has three sections:

    • the first section tells about the life of an individual, a person;

    • the second section is devoted to its activities;

    • the third section presents the works themselves, the works of this person.

    What is the feature exhibitions for significant and memorable dates?

    The purpose of the exhibition, arranged for a significant or memorable date, is to provide information about some event, holiday, its history and traditions, to give advice and recommendations on how to hold it. Traditionally, the library arranges exhibitions for the "red" days of the calendar:

    • for the New Year (“Fun, merrily celebrate the New Year”, “New Year's mosaic”, “New Year's Kaleidoscope”);

    • to the Defender of the Fatherland Day (“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”, “On guard of the Fatherland”)

    • for the holiday of March 8 (“My dear mother”, “Girl's secrets”);

    • to Victory Day (“Let's bow to those great years”, “We brought this day closer as best we could”).

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    The goal is to draw the attention of readers to books of a certain genre, to interest, to encourage them to read. How to do it? One of the options is to present at the exhibition not only works of a certain genre, but also material about the origin of this genre, its founders, interesting and little-known facts from its history. The librarian’s first assistants in preparing such an exhibition will be the Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Critic, Dictionary literary terms” and popular literature from the section “Entertaining Literary Studies”. For example, you can arrange an exhibition dedicated to different types of fairy tales. Name it, for example, "The Magical World of Fairy Tales." The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint children with various areas of the fairy tale genre, the best works written in this genre. The sections of such an exhibition can be the titles different types fairy tales: Fairy tales”, “Tales about animals”, “Household tales”.


    Currently, there are a huge variety of forms of exhibitions.

    One book exhibition is an undeservedly forgotten form of exhibition. Its goal is to interest readers in a particular book, and this can be achieved by presenting a variety of material at the exhibition that helps to reveal the content of the book. This may be information about the author of the book, his life and work, about the history of the creation of the book, about the prototypes of the heroes of the work, their fate, the exhibition can also present different editions of this book, illustrations made by different artists, photo frames from film adaptations. It is very important for such an exhibition to choose the right book. It should be bright, meaningful, interesting, not ordinary. It can be a classic - of past centuries and a modern, or local history book.

    Exhibition of forgotten books , or it would be more correct to call it "an exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books." The purpose of such exhibitions is to remind about good fiction and popular science books, which for some reason are not popular with readers. The significance of these exhibitions for children-readers is especially great. Many of them read modern children's literature and do not know the books that their parents read at all. The exhibition can be called like this - "Favorite children's books of our dads and moms" or "We read and you read it." Such exhibitions are very relevant not only because they promote mutual understanding between generations. They help modern children to return the moral and ethical books so necessary for their development - the works of Vladimir Zheleznikov, Vladislav Krapivin, Yuri Yakovlev, Albert Likhanov, Anatoly Aleksin.

    Express Exhibition one publication (book) is an operational form about materials on a topic that is relevant and interesting for various reader groups. Such exhibitions are organized on the day of receipt of the periodical (book) and are exhibited for 3-5 days. An article or book is placed in the center of the exhibition with the heading “Interesting article” (“Attention, a new book!”), next to it is a publication on this topic by another author, if an article is exhibited, and reviews of this book, if a book is exhibited.

    Book exhibition-exposition is a synthesis of a library and museum exhibition, where the objects and accessories presented in it contribute to a deeper insight into the theme of the exhibition. Moreover, there are much more items and accessories here than on a regular library exhibition, and books and other documents fit well into the exposition. An exhibition-exposition can be organized in the form of an installation, a museum corner, decorated in shop windows.

    Exhibition-installation is an exhibition using interior items, draperies, natural materials, toys, etc. For example, there is a tree, a pen and paper blanks, such as flowers, lie nearby. Each child writes his dream on blanks and attaches it to a tree. When the tree blossoms, the dream will come true. It is also a kind of game.

    For example, when designing an exhibition-installation dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, you can use such details as a nurse's scarf, a military flask, a dummy grenade, a gas mask, gramophone records with melodies from the war, an old kerosene lamp, a pioneer tie, a cape and, of course, books about the war and its heroes, adults and children.

    Surprise Exhibition - this is an unexpected meeting with a good book, a gift. Such exhibitions create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration. For example, the surprise exhibition "Book cat in a bag", in which the presented books are packed in paper and each is numbered. From the colorful box, the reader chooses a card with a number, and the book with the corresponding number can be taken with them and read at home. Two indispensable conditions: participate once and open the book only at home. A similar exhibition was issued on our senior subscription and enjoyed great success with readers. And for a long time, a surprise exhibition has been operating on the junior subscription. There, the books are placed in a draped box and the little reader can pull out any book without looking and take it home.

    Interactive exhibitions are becoming more and more popular in libraries. They are designed to provide feedback between the reader and the librarian and organize live communication between visitors to the exhibition, to encourage them to discuss the problem. The following typology of interactive library exhibitions can be proposed:

    • Game exhibitions.

    • Dialogue exhibitions.

    • Exhibitions prepared with the participation of readers.

    • Exhibitions-research.


    A distinctive feature of such exhibitions is the presence of a cognitive-playing moment. The reader is invited not only to get acquainted with the presented documents, but also to perform some tasks. Among the forms of exhibition games, the most common are:

    • exhibition-quiz;

    • crossword exhibition;

    • puzzle exhibition;

    • exhibition-competition.

    Exhibition-quiz. This type exhibitions has received the widest circulation in libraries. The exhibition-quiz involves a number of questions, which can be answered by referring to the books presented at the exhibition. Questions can be answered both orally and in writing. There are two options for holding a quiz: during the demonstration of the exhibition (questions and tasks are placed directly on the exhibition space) and at the end of the exhibition (as a result of familiarization with the materials presented).

    The Mystery Exhibition. There can be several options for organizing such exhibitions, its main feature is the presence of a riddle that visitors are invited to guess. Riddles can be used as the title of the exhibition or its sections. You can arrange riddles in the form of competitive questions and tasks. The riddle may be present in the very theme of the exhibition. One of the types of puzzle exhibitions is a provocative exhibition, during the design of which one or more mistakes are deliberately made (for example, books or additional exhibits that do not correspond to the stated topic are placed on it). The reader is given the opportunity to detect errors and report them to the organizers.


    Their peculiarity is to create conditions for the exchange of views between the librarian and the reader, as well as between readers. As a rule, their topics are debatable. It is possible to place sheets, notebooks, in some cases closed boxes for notes on the exhibition space so that readers can express their opinion.

    When preparing interactive exhibitions, libraries use the following options:

    • exhibition-reflection;

    • exhibition-caution;

    • exhibition "question-answer";

    • exhibition-review;

    • exhibition-discussion;

    • exhibition-dispute;

    • exhibition-discussion.

    Exhibition "question-answer" is a kind of correspondence fulfillment of thematic requests of readers and bibliographic references. As a rule, a box or box is installed in which the reader lowers a piece of paper with a question of interest to him. After some time, books and articles containing answers to readers' questions appear on the shelves. Such an exhibition can be convenient when communicating with readers who need specific information, but cannot clearly formulate a request.

    Exhibition-review presents readers' reviews along with books. Thus, readers recommend each other interesting, from their point of view, books. You can post positive and negative reviews of the same book at such exhibitions.

    In modern libraries, along with traditional book exhibitions, electronic book exhibitions have also become widespread in our time. An electronic book exhibition is a journey through the pages of one book or from book to book with detailed information about authors, artists, lists of references, quizzes. An electronic exhibition is easy to create in the format electronic presentation, or video or special. programs. Such an exhibition, with the appropriate sound design and the presence of a multimedia projector, can be used as illustrative material at a mass event. Electronic exhibitions for children have their own specifics. The ability to use not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and adolescents. Unlike a traditional exhibition, an electronic book exhibition has a number of advantages:

    • perception through the computer serves as a kind of "bait" for children. Bright, colorful, with the use of game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this increases the level of motivation of the child to read the book that he saw on the screen;

    • mass character: a large number of books can be presented for review, their design can be compared, thereby encouraging the child to consider these books “live”;

    • variability: at any time, you can quickly change the slides and their location, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or the overall design, relying on the young reader's craving for novelty of sensations;

    • the work of such an exhibition can be equipped with voiced text and music, drawing a parallel between the content of the book and the musical illustration for it;

    • mobility: such an exhibition is very convenient for outdoor events;

    • cost-effectiveness: there is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

    Natural exhibitions , or as they are also called book collapses, these are books handed over the day before by readers and placed near the issuing departments or laid out by the librarian on tables near the corresponding sections of the fund. At first glance, the collapses are unsystematic: there is no definite sequence, there is no characteristic of publications, but this is precisely what attracts readers, especially those who do not trust recommendations too much or do not know what to choose. Collapses are important in that they create a situation of free choice: the effect of trust in those who have read the book before is triggered (“If others took it, read it, then - good book"). An experienced librarian skillfully uses this effect, ordering the seemingly chaotic heap of books in his own way. Firstly, he puts here good, but unfamiliar or for other reasons underestimated editions by the reader. Secondly, it reveals reader preferences in this way and uses the information received in further work. The collapses are titled in a certain way. Instead of the faceless formula “Books handed in by readers”, there are emotionally uplifted, energetic formulations that encourage action. For example, “A book that I liked” or “I read it - I liked it - I recommend it to others”

    One of the options for presenting books could be book or themed shelf , as this format of the exhibition is very convenient: it does not take up much space, is not overloaded with additional elements, is very concise and can be placed anywhere free access. For example, in the senior reading room this form is often used (“900 blockade days”, “Days of military glory of Russia”)

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    Philotimers are the keepers of time

    Every person uses calendars every day. We got used to its existence that we do not think about how long the development of the modern pocket calendar has come - an object of a collector's dream and at the same time a familiar and necessary item in any office or home.

    The history of the appearance of the first Russian calendars is connected with an amazing person - Jacob Bruce. Jacob Bruce - one of the first amusing Peter I, artilleryman, mathematician, astronomer, an outstanding military figure. Under his supervision, the publisher V. Kipriyanov in 1709 issued the first printed calendar in Russia. Gradually, the annual issue of calendars was established in Russia.

    Surprisingly, the history of a small calendar turned out to be closely connected with the history of a large country. For hundreds of years, life, customs, concerns, interests of people, as if in a small magic mirror, were reflected in an ordinary pocket calendar.

    “Time keepers” or philotimers are the names of collectors of pocket calendars.

    In the reading room foreign literature an unusual exhibition was arranged - a collection of calendars by Irina Andrievsky (Porshneva), a graduate Faculty of Law ChelGU.

    Our exhibition is unique and interesting. You will get acquainted with the variety of pocket calendars of the second half of the 20th century.

    The earliest 1967 and 1974 calendars from the collection are a rarity:

    • aluminum pocket calendar for the 50th anniversary of October. It depicts a monument to "Eaglet" on the Scarlet Field, Chelyabinsk, 1967.
    • Leningrad graphics - "Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974

    In the 1960s and 1970s, pocket calendars with views of Leningrad stood out sharply among the various issues in terms of technique and, most importantly, taste. For these issues, graphic drawings by famous artists such as Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Buchina were used. At our exhibition you can see one of the calendars of the "Leningrad Graphics" - "The Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974, artist Dmitry Buchin.

    For ease of perception of the material, we divided the calendars into the following thematic groups: “Set “For 25 years”, “Cars”, “Advertising periodicals USSR”, “Circus”, “Kitties”, “Stereo and iridescent calendars”.

    I would like to pay attention to the calendars from the set "For 25 years". The calendars were published in Leningrad. His was interesting flip side, which is a disk that calculates the date and day for any year for 25 years. The calendars were reprinted many times: the last reprint was in 1988. Circulations ranged from 25,000 to 1,000,000 copies, depending on the year and image. But one thing remained unchanged - the artist Dmitry Buchin. This is a very famous Leningrad painter and graphic artist.

    The exhibition presents the following calendars from this set:

    • Leningrad - "Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974.
    • Soviet car illustration - "Packard" - 1984.
    • Circus - "Nikulin, Popov, Pencil, Seal, Rider" - 1985.

    Another selection deserves special attention - these are stereo and iridescent calendars. In our country, these amazing calendar cards with three-dimensional drawings appeared in the mid-1970s. On them you can see stereoscopic (volumetric) or varioscopic (changing depending on the angle of view) patterns. Now such calendars are practically not issued.

    At the exhibition you will find material about the history of pocket calendars in Russia. You can admire the Christmas tree decorated with horoscope calendars.

    We wish you a pleasant viewing! Thank you for your interest!

    The exhibition is located in the reading room of foreign literature (building 1, room 211)

    A story about the collection of calendars by Irina Andrievsky on the Good News website.


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