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For example: "Don't let yourself dry up!" or "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk." It happens that the slogan starts up on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse the title with the advertising slogan, these text units different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of the slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​the advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and heading: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign, it is the motto that must sound from the beginning to the end of the action. The title is a variable element, it can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. The slogan is the slogan of the advertising campaign, it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the name of the brand.

Light, short, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard-to-pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. In the ideal case, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Some words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and cause soreness. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, feeling, sight, enjoyment, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, authentic, prestigious, true, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tested, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to draw up an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical constructions that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be the combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without worn out words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

In the slogan you can pay attention potential consumers on the:

  • Features of functioning - "You press the button, we do the rest" (Kodak advertisement).
  • Benefit for the buyer - "Let go of your anxiety!" ("Afobazol", a sedative).
  • Orientation to consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is nothing better for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: «Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company's philosophy: "It's good where we are" (Samsung). In corporate slogans, it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: "HP-Laser Jet - 20 years of confident victories." One of the topical solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are awesome". In this case, the slogan can be built as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us”, “McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey the features of emotional positioning: “Joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, contain negations. The positive effect is better. It is desirable that the slogan has a benevolent emotional coloring. These are general rules creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Categories of slogans

Depending on the purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising - for goods.
  • Company slogans.
  • Supporting the image of the company.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the main advantage of the company. You are certainly familiar with the slogan "M&M's melts in your mouth, not in your hands." The main advantage of colored sweets is that the icing covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in the hands, and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolize your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for the ideal.
  • Call to control the dream.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study the slogans of your competitors and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. In other words, listen to how it sounds. Sounds are rounded and soft, strict and hard. Which of them prevail in your motto will depend on its perception.

Rhyme the slogan, and even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This ad is very memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Tell us about the purposefulness of the company, about its steady development. Declare customer loyalty. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or maybe the motto of your company will appear as a result of the joint work of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, turn to professional copywriters whose services are not so expensive: 10 variants of a slogan usually cost 100 to 300 dollars.

College is for epic stories, not epic duty.
College is for epic stories, not epic dedt.
NATURAL Light, beer. The slogan of the program for the repayment of debt to educational institutions, USA, 2019

Only what you can enjoy is valuable.
It's only worth it, if you can enjoy it.
MICHELOB ULTRA, beer. Advertising in the USA, 2019

When everyone plays, we all win.
When everybody plays, we all win.
MICROSOFT. Advertising game controller for children with disabilities, 2019

The wind has never felt better.
Wind never felt better.
BUDWEISER, a beer brand. A slogan that informs about full translation Budweiser breweries for renewable wind energy, USA, 2019

Ladies, the ball is on your side.
Women, the ball is in your court.
BUMBLE, dating app. The slogan calling on women to be more proactive in search of their soul mate, USA, 2019

Do more for the whole mouth.
Do more for your whole mouth.
COLGATE Total toothpaste. Slogan in USA, 2019

Change the habit.
Change up the usual.
STELLA ARTOIS, beer. Advertising campaign in the USA, where heroes choose Stella Artois instead of their usual drinks, 2019

Never just food. Devour.
Never just eat. Devour.
DEVOUR, frozen fast food. Advertising in the USA, 2019

Dream about it. Do it.
Dream it. Make it.
SQUARESPACE, a website building platform. Advertising slogan in USA, 2019

Pepsi ok?
Is Pepsi OK?
PEPSI, soft drink. Image slogan-question, to which the answer follows: “Pepsi is not just okay – it’s absolutely fine!”

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 8

It's hard to be taller.
Vnukovo International Airport. Image motto, 2015

Creating eternity since 1755.
VACHERON CONSTANTIN, Watch House. Harmony chronograph collection slogan, 2016

All of Russia grew up in them.
Family shorts advertisement clothing market, 2015

My Family should be at home.
MY FAMILY, juices. Advertising within the Russian Federation, 2016

Ideal children eat according to the rules, while real children enjoy it.
AGUSHA, baby food. Advertising slogan, 2016

Greens from the garden, everything is in order.
MOSCOW AGROHOLDING. Image motto, 2016

Everyone picks up and we deliver!
REGIONTRANS, transportation of goods. Image motto, 2016

At the center of the story.
HYUNDAI Elantra, car. Advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2016

The power of the place.
DONSKOY, a residential complex in Sergiev Posad near Lavra. Slogan with an emphasis on location, 2015

Feel free to enjoy your food. Kleenex will take care of the cleanliness.
KLEENEX, "the softest wipes in Russia." Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2015

2016 NFL Super Bowl slogans

This car doesn't care what you call it.
MINI Clubman, a car that some people call a "car for girls", others - a "gay car", others somehow. Advertising in the USA, 2016

Live an unfiltered life
Live life unfiltered.
SHOCK TOP, unfiltered beer. Advertising slogan for USA, 2016

Brewed for those who walk the extra mile.
Brewed for those who go the extra mile.
MICHELOB ULTRA, light beer. Advertising slogan in USA, 2016

Stop knocking on wood.
Stop knocking on wood.
INDIANA FARM BUREAU INSURANCE, an insurance company. Slogan in USA, 2016

Sometimes you just want some Coca-Cola.
Sometimes you just want a little Coca-Cola.
COCA-COLA, carbonated drink. US advertising slogan, 2016

Free your skin.
Free your skin.
SCHICK Hydro, razors. US advertising slogan, 2016

Big loans for great people.
Great loans for great people.
SOFI, a company providing loans to students, emerging professionals and parents. Advertising in the USA, 2016

PayPal is the new money.
PayPal is new money.
PAYPAL, electronic payment system. Advertising in the USA, 2016

Strong are beautiful.
Strongs is beautiful.
PANTENE hair care products. International slogan

The future is starting.
Future begins.
LG OLED TV, TVs. US advertising slogan, 2016

Let's go!
Let's go places!
TOYOTA Prius, hybrid car. Slogan for USA, 2016

Football is family.
Football is family.
NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE (NFL) is a professional National Football League that hosted the 50th Super Bowl in February 2016. NFL slogan, 2016

10 advertising slogans for Monday, February 1

Do you want grandchildren? Buy an apartment for the kids!
Real estate agency advertisement, 2015

Beautiful hair isn't all you need to be happy, but it's a good place to start.
There's more to life than hair, but it's a good place to start.
AUSSIE, hair care products. Classic Aussie slogan in Russia

We ball ours.
CROSSROADS, a chain of stores. Slogan of a discount card with accumulation of points for purchases, 2015

140 characters will run out, but not Yota.
Glory will end, but not Yota.
YOTA, unlimited mobile internet. Advertising in Russia, 2015

Great, it's time! New collection.
Exemplary mood.
PEARL PLAZA, "shopping and wonderful center" in St. Petersburg. Advertising slogans, 2015

Do you give birth? Smoking causes infertility.
The slogan of the social campaign “Does it matter?!”, Moscow, 2015

Smoke! We will wait for you!
MEGALITH URAL, production of monuments. Slogan in the Urals, 2015

Big discounts are warm.
EASY STEP, shoe store in Sergiev Posad. Advertising discounts for winter shoes, 2016

The sit is here!
Those who want to eat delicious - eat!
Got luley from the boss? Refresh yourself and have a drink!
Headache in the morning with a hangover? A pancake will heal with strawberry jam!
Pancake with cabbage and egg - you will be well-fed!
Don't have time to eat well? Run to us soon! Why bend over?
Student, forgot to memorize sopromat? Take the pancakes to the dean's office as soon as possible!
Drinking a pancake with kvass, you will become an ace in science!
Finnish trout ear is satisfying - Smirnova's secretary is still slim!
Dreaming of delicious healthy food? Your pancake is already in the pan!
Our pancakes are baked for health!
Rule "Teremka" No. 42: Addressing people as "sir", you will not only become a pleasant conversationalist, but also find yourself new friends among the nobility!
Take our soups and cereals with you!
Accountant, switch to a simplified version - take kvass and a pancake with condensed milk!
We don't drink hard drinks. We eat hot pancakes.
Diets were invented by those who did not have enough of our pancakes.
Attention! If you bring your own food and drinks, our cashier will come to your house with his sofa.
Do not want to mother-in-law for pancakes? We bake them for you!
Pancake is a very simple dish. Water, flour and, of course, the talent of a cook. We put it in the most!
A friend filled his mouth full of high-calorie fast food. And I'm smarter - I'll have lunch here!
Now it doesn't make sense. You ate everything! (at the bottom of a disposable plate)
Cleaning the tray burns 15 calories.
We wanted to write something here, but forgot what. A! Here! Don't forget your things!
TEREMOK, pancake network. Advertising slogans for pancakes, Russia, 2015

10 advertising slogans for Monday, June 15

Nothing feminine, nothing average, the best for men.
AMERICAN CREW, cosmetics for men. Slogan for RF, 2015

Transfer from card to card in 0.453 s.
OPENING, bank. Slogan for RF, 2015
Other banking slogans

Unforgettable moments of genuine love.
PANDORA jewelry. Slogan for Russia, 2015

Pe$et prices.
BEAUTY DISCOUNT CENTER, online store. Cosmetics slogan with discounts, 2015

Life is simplified.
life simplified.
GORENJE, household appliances. Corporate motto

necessary sufficiency. Sufficient need.
CHERRY FOREST, festival of arts. Slogan in 2015

If the evening is fun, you should order GetTaxi.
GETTAXI, online taxi service. Headline in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2015
Other taxi slogans

We make purchases.
GAZPROMBANK. Tagline bank cards"Gazprombank - Gazpromneft", paying with which you receive bonuses for paying for gasoline at Gazpromneft gas stations, 2014

Do you want to visit Ogonyok more often?
OGONYOK, Kommersant publishing house magazine. The slogan of the digital version of the magazine, 2015
Other media slogans

The ice will melt. BORK forever.
BORK, kitchen appliances. Advertising in the cold spring of 2015

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 3

Usually there are no rules.
BMW 2 Series Coupe, car. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other car slogans

Be special. Every second.
Your time is now.
MAURICE LACROIX, watch. International slogan well translated into Russian, 2014
Other watch slogans

This is where the elite park.
OSTOZHENKA, 11, "the last exclusive house" in Moscow. Slogan for Moscow and Moscow region, 2014
Underground parking, where a thoroughbred black stallion stands among expensive cars
Other real estate slogans

More room for love.
On the shores of the green sea…
EMERALD HILLS, a residential area in Krasnogorsk near Moscow. Microdistrict slogans, 2014
Other real estate slogans

The desire to do good is embedded in our code.
MOZILLA, the browser that is being developed by the whole world. Image motto

Sometimes there are simply no competitors.
AUDI Q7 quattro, car. Advertising in Russia, 2014
Other car slogans

Be a friend! Get 500 rubles!
Svyaznoy, a network of communication salons. The slogan of the action, where, having made a transfer from 15 thousand rubles and bringing two friends, you get a discount of 500 rubles for any purchase, 2014

Take coffee regularly.
CHOCOLATE, a network of coffee houses. Slogan for RF, 2014

A fresh take on bread.
BONAPE, production of frozen bread. Slogan for RF, 2014

For the beauty of your homes.
Siding advertisement, Sergiev Posad, 2014
Other construction slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 6

Start with a clean face.
IKEA, shopping centers. Bath product slogan, 2014

Everything is swept away by the mighty Huracan.
LAMBORGHINI Huracan convertible. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other car slogans

One already, five in line.
MONTY PYTHON LIVE (MOSTLY), a series of concerts by the show band Monty Python. Concert slogan, 2014
Graham Chapman of Monty Python died of cancer in 1989
Other show slogans

Money is not the main thing. Is love.
We build for intelligent people.
GALS, development company. Slogans for RF, 2014
Other real estate slogans

Think they're already yours!
MEGA, shopping and entertainment complexes. Sale slogan, 2014
The word SALE is lined with shoes, formed by the color and pattern of the clothes on the hanger
Other slogans for stores and shopping centers

Not like everyone else. Such as you!
NOKIA Lumia 930, smartphone. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2014

You make a decision. He accepts the challenge.
BMW X3, car. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other car slogans

Get the ideal.
Mazda, cars. Mazda loans slogan, 2014

Gift order.
DYATKOVO, furniture. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other furniture slogans

Convenient, anywhere!
HIPER, external batteries for digital devices. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other mobile device slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, September 29

Come in, bring the owner.
BEETHOVEN, a network of pet stores. Image motto
Other pet store slogans

Smoking wastes you.
Smoking drains you out.
Anti-nicotine slogan

When the pulse is louder than the engine.
AUDI RS 6 Avant quattro, sport car. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2014
Other car slogans

Life without an apron.
KUDINOVO, agro-industrial complex. Image motto, 2014

Summer will pass, gold will remain.
ADAMAS, a network of jewelry stores. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2014

A safe place for happy moments.
wd, hard disks. Slogan for RF, 2014

Bring love to life.
VEGAS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Slogan for Moscow and Moscow region, 2014
Other shopping center slogans

Hotel prices are known in comparison.
Hotellook, hotel search site. Image motto, 2014

They say that here happiness flows like a river. This is true.
SCARLET SAILS, residential complex. Advertising slogan in Moscow and Moscow region, 2014
Other real estate slogans

If the product was suddenly ...
KARBOPEKT, remedy for poisoning. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other medical slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, February 24

We measure the hundredths of a second that separates the winner from the participant.
OMEGA watch. Advertising slogan of the official timekeeper of the Olympic Games in Sochi, 2014
Other watch slogans

Extra papers are out of the game.
UniCredit Bank. Slogan promoting the feature "cash loan and credit card in one set of documents", 2013
Other banking slogans

The rest will have to catch up.
AUDI RS Q3 quattro, powerful car. Slogan for RF, 2014
Other car slogans

Learn to speed-read road signs.
BMW X5 M50d, car. Slogan for RF, 2014

Destroy what destroys you.
Fitness community slogan, 2014
Other fitness club slogans

Every child is special. All children are equal.
Give a future to children with disabilities.
PERSPECTIVE, regional public organization disabled people. Image motto, 2014
Other social advertising slogans

We even have what we don't have yet.
GORBUSHKIN DVOR, technomall. The slogan of Gorbushkin Dvor, 2014

Rebellious. Asks for a storm.
MERCEDES-BENZ GLA, car. Slogan for RF, 2014

Close to home. Close to heart.
ATTACKS, the essence of supermarkets. Image motto, 2014
Other store slogans

The house has grown, but the prices are still small.
MOSCOW, residential complex in Sergiev Posad. Slogan that stimulates sales of apartments, 2013
Other real estate slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 19

Do not govern, but rule.
BMW X5 SUV. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other car slogans

We do what we like, and what we have done - we like even more!
EUROVAZON, production of trash cans, paving slabs, etc. from crumbs of natural stone. Image motto in Russia

Bad news with us is much more positive.
SOGAZ, insurance group. Slogan on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the insurance group, 2013
The picture shows the headlines of newspaper articles that talk about insurance payments from Sogaz.
Other insurance slogans

Buy at a glance.
BEELINE, telecom operator. The slogan of fashionable gadgets in Beeline communication stores, Russia, 2013

News is like a holiday.
BIMRU.RU, news portal in Kazan. Slogan in days new year holidays, 2013

1000 grams of clean energy.
CHAIKOFSKY, refined sugar. Slogan on the packaging, Russia, 2013

11% from deposit to income.
CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW. Deposit slogan, RF, 2013
Other banking slogans

Successful people don't look for a path, they pave it.
AUDI quattro, cars. Slogan in Russia, 2013

Business intelligence.

Other media slogans

Want more money?
MONEY, business magazine of Kommersant Publishing House. The slogan of the digital version of the magazine, 2013

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 6

It's easier to quit than smoking.
It's easier to quit smoking than to catch sidelong glances.
BRIZANTIN, a drug to reduce craving for nicotine. Advertising slogan for RF, 2013
Other medical slogans

Our beer is as cold as your ex's heart.
Our beer is as cold as your ex's heart.
Western beer advertisement
Other beer slogans

Caring for the hands that take care of everything.
NIVEA hand creams Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2013

Shock with your smile.
BLEND-A-MED 3D White Luxe Glamor toothpaste. Slogan for Russia
In the picture - the singer Shakira
Other toothpaste slogans

If you only have time for one novel a year, read this one.
Abraham Verghese. "STONE'S CUTTING". The slogan of the novel for the Russian Federation, 2013
Other book slogans

Happy H2 year!
AQUAPHOR, water filters. Slogan for Russia on New Year's Eve, 2013

Purely symbolic.
IKEA, hypermarkets for home and office goods. The slogan of gifts and things for the New Year, 2013
Other store slogans

Tygydym, tygydym, tygydym! Everything will be fulfilled that we want!
RED CUBE, a chain of gift and interior stores. The motto of the promotion before the Year of the Horse, 2013

For those in the house!
SKY FORT, residential complex in Moscow. New Year's advertising slogan, 2013
Other real estate slogans

Getting ready for the new year.
DOKA MED, dental clinic in Sergiev Posad. December 2013 promotion slogan

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 25

BARREL, restaurant. Advertising in Moscow, 2013
Glamorous lady trying on fried chicken as a mask
Other restaurant slogans

The same money, but cheaper.
Click on Money!
MONEY, business magazine of Kommersant Publishing House. Slogans of the digital version of the magazine for tablets in the Russian Federation, 2013
Other media slogans

The same Power, but does not crumple.
Press Power!
POWER, Kommersant publishing house magazine. Slogans of the digital version of the magazine for tablets within Russia, 2013
Other media slogans

The same "Spark", but on a battery.
OGONYOK, Kommersant publishing house magazine. The slogan of the digital version of the magazine for tablets in the Russian Federation, 2013
Other media slogans

We are not afraid of fines for exceeding the speed of work.
YULMART, supplies of office equipment for business. Slogan for RF, 2013

Business class - period!
HYUDAI i40, car. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other automotive slogans

Follow beliefs, not circumstances.
BMW 7 Series, car. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other automotive slogans

For those who are in business.
For those who do.
Lenovo, computers. Global image motto, 2013

What could be more noticeable?
Operator outdoor advertising in Mytishchi. The slogan on the shield that surrenders, 2013
Other advertising industry slogans

Mitsu us discounts.
ROLF, a network of car dealerships. Discount slogan for Mitsubishi cars, 2013

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 18

From good to great - one bank.
CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW. Deposit slogan, 2013
Other banking slogans

Let's be happy!
Let's go dresser!
It's time for the wife!
Let's laugh!
FRIDAY, "the last live television." Slogans for RF, 2013
Other media slogans

Dolbit is normal.
LENOVO smartphone with Dolby Digital Plus. Slogan for RF, 2013

Rumbler, Annoyer, Experienced ... We don’t need such a cough!
OMNITUS, cough suppressant. Advertising in Russia, 2013
Other medical slogans

It is easy to follow the rules when they match the desires.
ACTIVIA, yogurt. Advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2013

Having views and owning them are two different things.
VALLEY SETUN, elite house in Moscow. Slogan from "Rules of Life in Premium Style", 2013
Other real estate slogans

Nobody trains to lose.
Nobody trains to lose.
Boxing club advertisement, 2013
Other sports mottos

From words to numbers.
MTS, telecom operator. Slogan of MTS data products, 2013
Other communication slogans

Be the boss of your boss.
EF courses in English. Advertising slogan within the Russian Federation, 2013

We will take you without any problems - 707-07-07.
Taxi slogan, 2013
Other taxi slogans

10 slogans for Monday, October 21st

Lots of space in the right place.
TECHNOPARK CHEMNITZ. Slogan on the occasion of the sale of the technology park located in Dresden, Germany, 2013
Other real estate slogans

From the modest - only the price!
ADAMAS, a network of jewelry stores. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other jewelry slogans

Every detail matters.
What does the name say? About everything.
LEGO, children's designers. Slogans for RF, 2013

Your business needs a Light.
1,800,000 people will see what you need!
OGONYOK, Kommersant publishing house magazine. Slogans within Russia, 2013
Other press slogans

Cooking champions in English.
EF, English language course network. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other educational slogans

The quality is 50% better. Noticeable on any TV!
TRIKOLORTV, satellite TV, after increasing the average data rate. Slogan for RF, 2013

The closest place to the south of Italy is in Moscow.
PANE&OLIO, trattoria. The institution's slogan, 2013
Other slogans for restaurants and cafes

The breed is immediately visible.
IKEA, a chain of hypermarkets. Wooden furniture slogan, 2013
Other store slogans

According to a recipe from the village of Maasdam, where everything revolves around cheese.
The pride of Dutch cheese makers. Since 1898.
MAASDAM Frico, cheese. Advertising slogans within Russia, 2013
Other food slogans

A new apartment will wake you up better than a kiss.
FALCON FORT, a residential complex in Moscow. Slogan in Moscow and Moscow region, 2013
Other real estate slogans

Motherland calls to take a loan at 18% per annum!
Banking slogan that caused public outrage, Kaliningrad, 2013
Other banking slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 19

Who are you not to be great?
Who are you not to be great?
PLAYSTATION game console. World slogan, 2013

wok with you!
Street fast food slogan, Sergiev Posad, 2013
Other slogans for restaurants, cafes and fast foods

Bath days.
CASTORAMA, hypermarket chain. Slogan of the period of special prices for sanitary ware, 2013

"Honey, get your personality!"
Darling, go buy a personality!
CLIMONA, clothing. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other clothing slogans

Vitamin apartments.
Pollimona as a gift. Time has gone!
Elk Island, a residential complex in Moscow. Slogan of special prices for apartments, 2013
Other real estate slogans

The knife is sharper - the dinner is faster.
BILLA, supermarket chain. Discount slogan for Japanese knives and knife stands, 2013

Take mom shopping!
METROPOLIS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Slogan for special children's programs, 2013
Other shop slogans

More tiles with big discount!
Advertising floor tiles, Moscow, 2013

Big families rule!
FIAT Freemont, roomy safe car. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other car slogans

Olympic. Main. Yours.
OLYMPIC GAMES 2014. Image motto of the Olympic Games in Sochi, 2013
Other sports slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, March 11

Make a gift from the heart, and preferably from Braun.
BRAUN, home appliances. Slogan for RF, 2013

Breaks stereotypes and hearts.
MERCEDES-BENZ, the A-Class car "made in a futuristic design". Advertising slogan for RF, 2013
Other car slogans

Put things on hold.
WEST, cigarettes. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other tobacco slogans

4G is waiting for those who don't.
MEGAFON, telecom operator. Tagline mobile internet 4G, 2012
Other communication slogans

Bought more than planned.
VOLKSWAGEN, cars. Special price slogan for the 2012 range

Selling air.
VIFANSKIE POND, a residential complex in nature. Slogan in Sergiev Posad, 2013
Other real estate slogans

You need it when you don't have it...
PHONE DIRECTORY from Posad Info. Advertising in Sergiev Posad, 2013

Catch him if you can!
VOLKSWAGEN Tiguan, car. Special price period slogan, 2013

Think about doing laundry when you're not up to it.
SIEMENS i-Dos, washing machine. Motto on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2013

City delicacy.
TVOROSHKI, glazed bars. Slogan for RF, 2013

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 14

Others will be ashamed of their prices.
ROLF, a network of car dealerships. Slogan for RF, 2013
Other car dealership slogans

And at this time in Jerusalem ... the shrines of three religions are waiting for you.
MINISTRY OF TOURISM OF ISRAEL. From a series of slogans “Meanwhile in Israel…”, 2012
Other tourism slogans

Everything is possible together. Even buy an apartment.
ROSBANK, mortgage loans. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other bank mottos

Becongenial pancake.
The name of the slogan of a pancake shop in Moscow, 2013
Other mottos of restaurants and cafes

Always expect something more from Scavolini.
SCAVOLINI kitchens. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012

New wave of crisis...
ALFA INSURANCE. The slogan of the investment and insurance product Alfa Finance, 2012
Sticker "Alfa Finance" closes the end of the word "crisis"
Other insurance slogans

Fly to the waltz.
AUSTRIAN, air transportation. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other airline slogans

Cough? This is not serious! Glycodin!
GLYCODIN, cough syrup. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other medical mottos

Luxurious scent of your things.
VERNEL Royal, laundry conditioners. Slogan for RF, 2012

14%. A big advantage for a big dream.
VTB24 bank. Cash loans slogan, 2012

In 2013 without hemorrhoids.
MEDICAL ON GROUP, international medical center. Proctology slogan, 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 7

Samu, bachelor of climbing. 17 summits conquered.
Julia, doctor of winter sciences. Launched 386 snowballs.
Johanna, princess of the snow castle. The construction of the castle took 15.5 hours.
Ealey, an eminent polar explorer. 15784 steps on virgin snow.
Tested by kids.
REIMA, children's winter clothes. Headlines and slogan for RF, 2012
Depicted children in winter
Other clothing slogans

Let men just try not to kiss your hands!
LOKOBASE, medical cosmetics for hands. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other cosmetics slogans

Buy yourself infertility.
Tagline social advertising against smoking as part of the campaign “Whatever?!”, 2012
Other social advertising slogans

Winter has come! And you come out!
MERRELL, footwear collection. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other shoe slogans

Oh, my Golf!
VOLKSWAGEN Golf, car. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other car slogans

End of the world, and you're not wearing makeup?
AVON cosmetics. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation on the eve of the "end of the world" 12/21/2012

I invite everyone to porridge, my mother cooks, I interfere.
BYSTROV, instant porridge. Slogan for RF, 2012

All folds are smooth!
Bosch, irons. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012

Ice to taste.
Each of us has a story to tell.
KINOVSKY, cognac. Advertising slogans for Russia, 2012
Other alcohol slogans

We don't promise anything. We guarantee.
RENAULT Logan, a car with a 5-year warranty. Slogan for RF, 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, December 4th

The glorious Anton and Lena with friends have been walking in this house for the third hour now.
Live to let the traffic jams fly.
CINZANO Asti, sparkling wine. Headline and slogan for RF, 2012
Board on the house about Anton and Lena - capital, marble
Other alcohol slogans

Your premiums.
RUSSIAN STANDARD, "Bank in your pocket Platinum" cards with a number of bonus options. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other finance and banking slogans

I didn't plan to invent deep diving. But I wasn't going to leave three barrels of my whiskey at the bottom of the White Sea either.
In 1780 I was about to join the Navy, but the Irish reminded me that my true duty was to make whiskey.
Jameson, whiskey. Headlines for RF, 2012

Sometimes everything in life works.
LLOYD shoes. Image slogan for Russia, 2012
Other shoe slogans

Popov is not ashamed of us.
SILVER RAIN, radio station. Slogan in Russia, 2012
The inventor of the radio Popov is depicted in a Silver Rain T-shirt
Other media slogans

A holiday story is great to share with friends, especially if it starts in 1866 in Lynchburg, Tennessee.
Jack Daniels, whiskey. International slogan, 2012

The future understands you.
TOSHIBA, computers, laptops and other gadgets. Image motto, 2012

new year night [picture of a bottle of Myagkov vodka]
MYAGKOV, vodka. Headline in Russia, 2012
Other vodka slogans

"Scarlet Sails". New cases.
SCARLET SAILS, an elite residential complex. Slogan in Moscow, 2012
Other real estate slogans

Brilliant Siemens ideas for brilliantly clean dishes.
Siemens dishwashers. Slogan for RF, 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 26

Time is on our side.
HERMES, accessories. International slogan, 2012

Advertising in Ogonyok: 10 kopecks is not money, but the cost of an advertising contract.
OGONYOK, Kommersant publishing house magazine. Advertising slogan in a magazine, 2012
Other media slogans

Everyone is playing! In our shoes.
GRAND STYLE, shoe salon. Slogan in Sergiev Posad, 2012
Other shoe slogans

He doesn't need words to express himself.
BMW 7 Series, car. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other car slogans

Life is changing radically.
IMPAZA, a drug for the treatment of potency disorders. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other medical slogans

The taller the stills, the finer the flavor of the single malt. Our stills are the tallest in Scotland.
GLENMORAGIE single malt whisky. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other alcohol slogans

Fly in your dreams. Sleep in flight.
AEROFLOT, air transportation. The slogan for flying an Airbus A330-300 equipped with seats that fold out like a bed, 2012
Other air travel slogans

Unreal camera. Real sound.
HTC One, a smartphone with HD photo and video capabilities. Slogan for RF, 2012

Beautiful blogs will save the world.
OGOROD.RU, blog platform. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other internet slogans

Nice to look after. It's beautiful to love. It's beautiful to live.
MERCEDES-BENZ B-Class, car. Slogan for RF, 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 19

Are you tired of fitness? Pinch your fat!
Amateur fitness club slogan, Russia, 2012
Other fitness slogans

The heart will be waiting for you.
Photo frames slogan, 2012

A small part of a big happiness.
VOTCHINA, club village. Slogan of plots in the future settlement, 2012

The perfect place to multiply speed by time.
BMW, "the unrivaled new BMW 7 Series". Slogan for RF, 2012
Other automotive slogans

Some stories live no longer than the paper they are written on. Our story begins on Jack's birthday and doesn't end there. September is Jack's birthday. For Jack! Without him, there would be no Jack Daniel's.
JACK DANIEL'S American Whiskey. Copyline in Russia, 2012

Tomorrow brings us closer.
We know how to smile in 120 languages.
Hello tomorrow!
hello tomorrow.
EMIRATES, air transportation. Headlines and slogan of the international advertising campaign, 2012
Other aviation slogans

Let's hit the harvest!
CHAIKHONA No. 1, cafe. Autumn slogan in Moscow, 2012
Other cafe and restaurant slogans

Sponsors of the Future.
Intel, processors. Image motto

Have you seen Pepe?
Have you seen Pepe?
PEPE jeans. International slogan, 2012

Gadgets. Topic opened.
NOMOBILE.RU, "the first glossy site about gadgets". Slogan for RF, 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 20

Talk radio.
LIGHTHOUSE, talk radio station. Slogan within the Russian Federation, 2012
Other media slogans

Amazing food, nothing else.
The best view is the Moscow River, and no other.
The best live music from America and Europe, and no other.
RIVER, restaurant and club. Slogans in Moscow, 2012
Other restaurant slogans

Be smart - buy from people.
SLANDO, electronic board of private announcements. Advertising slogan in Runet, 2012

Successful leaders, after thinking, nevertheless decide to open a salary project in Alfa-Bank.
ALFA BANK. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other banking slogans

Don't skimp on emotions. Save on fuel.
VOLKSWAGEN Jetta with TSI engine. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other automotive slogans

What is your body waiting for...
KORPO, a chain of clothing boutiques. Slogan in Moscow, 2012

The taste of absolute purity.
KHORTITSA, vodka. Image slogan, 2012
Other vodka slogans

Saves on space, not on features.
PANASONIC KX-MB 1500RU, compact home printer-scanner-copier. Slogan for RF, 2012

Low prices at your feet.
LEROY MERLIN, goods for home and renovation. Slogan "August Laminate", 2012

Click with Ingrid in Europe from 8900 rubles.
CZECH AIRLINES, air transportation. Slogan for RF, 2012
Depicted interesting Ingrid with a camera against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower
Other air travel slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 6

You are attractive. Our conditions are very attractive. Why waste time?
ALFA BANK. Slogan for loans in the Russian Federation, 2012
Other banking slogans

Melt in your mouth, not hot.
M&M's, candy. Slogan for RF, t 2012

Oh, has your bus left?
It looks like an advertisement for a private carrier - a taxi or an autoline, Khimki, May 2012
Other taxi slogans

Buy business class.
UNICREDIT BANK. Credit card slogan, 2012

In the battle for profit, the new Fiat Dukato wins.
FIAT Dukato, minivan. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other automotive slogans

Be modern, go to Sovremennik.
CONTEMPORARY, theater. Slogan calling to visit the theatre, Moscow, 2012

Repair with a needle.
DUFA, varnishes and paints. Slogan for RF, 2012

The new is waiting.
Bavaria, beer. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other beer slogans

Start with small texts. Gradually increase the load. (Pushkin)
3 sets of 7 pages daily, and the result is noticeable in a week. (Chekhov)
Do not give up. On the 500th page, a second wind will open. (Tolstoy)
Get busy reading.
ROSPECHAT and THE UNION OF BOOKMERCHERS OF RUSSIA. Reading campaign headlines, 2012 Classics depicted as sports coaches

10 advertising slogans for Monday, April 16

Attention! An Audi R8 GT was sold in your city. Don't take the left lane.
Attention! An Audi R8 GT has been sold in your town. Slow traffic keep right.
AUDI R8 GT, sports car. Slogan in USA, 2012
Other automotive slogans

Within freedom.
PROFILE, magazine. Slogan for RF, 2012
Other press slogans

For those who are rich not only in money.
LITERATOR, an elite residential area. Slogan in Moscow, 2012
Other real estate slogans

Leave boredom on earth! (children play in the sea)
Hello tomorrow!
Hello Tomorrow!

EMIRATES, air transportation. Headline and slogan of the global advertising campaign, 2012
Other air travel slogans

If literally everyone has tortured you with the question of what car to buy, send them to
MOTORPAGE.RU, automotive portal. Advertising slogan for RF, 2012

In the spring, you can lose your head, but not the interest on the deposit.
EXPOBANK. Slogan for RF, 2012

Dear cultivator from Germany.
Slogan for a gardening equipment store, 2012

Religion is like a penis. It's fine when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of it. But please don't take it out or wave it in public. And PLEASE don't try to slip it on my kids.
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats.
Atheistic slogan, USA, 2011
Other church slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, April 16

Bought a German Insure delight!
ALFA INSURANCE. Auto insurance slogan from Alfa Insurance in Russia, 2012
hint at advertising campaign BMW 2011, where the word "delight" was played up
Other insurance slogans

I make sure that Muscovites speak for free.
MTS, telecom operator. The slogan of the Super Zero tariff in Moscow (on behalf of boxer Nikolai Valuev), 2012
Other slogans of communication

Our best article. Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Freedom of the mass media is guaranteed. Censorship is prohibited.
VEDOMOSTI, newspaper. Newspaper advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other press slogans

Everything you need for family happiness is included in the price of the apartment.
IN THE FOREST, residential village, "microcity". Advertising slogan "microcity", Moscow and Moscow region, 2012
Other real estate slogans

For 20 years, you risk nothing.
MAX, insurance group. Slogan on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the insurance group, 2012

Click on the money!
The same Money, but cheaper.
MONEY, economic journal Publishing house "Kommersant". Advertising electronic version magazine on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012

Runs quieter than you flip through this magazine.
SAMSUNG inverter refrigerator. Slogan for RF, 2012

The main thing remains.
VIDIM, operator of LED screens. Slogan in Sergiev Posad, 2012
Other advertising industry slogans

In the capital with the "Old Miller" to do what the soul lies to.
OLD MILLER, beer. Slogan in Moscow, 2012
Map of Moscow with the icons of the "Old Miller" applied to it
Other beer mottos

They are again wanted all over the country. Latest BMW 2011.
AVILON, official dealer of BMW. Slogan in Moscow, spring 2012

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 30

Vegetables are good for the regime.
FOR FAIR ELECTIONS, social movement. The slogan of the picket in Perm, January 21, 2012
Other campaign slogans

At night, all thoughts are different.
RUSSIA 1, TV channel. The slogan of the conversational program "Profilaktika", airing after midnight, 2011
Other TV and press slogans

Much more than its price.
The dark side of the force.
VOLVO XC90, an SUV with family car features. Slogans on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012
Other car slogans

Actual, modern, dynamic, stylish, new design.
To see the world, you need to get a visa, buy tickets, book a hotel desire!
CHESTERFIELD, cigarettes. Slogans for RF, 2011
Other smoking slogans

“If I were a coffee machine, I would have already finished brewing coffee, and you would just be about to press the right button. But I am a camera…”
I am always one step ahead.
NIKON 1 J1, camera. Headline and slogan in Russia, 2011
Other photo slogans

In the suburbs and it is easier to say.
MEGAFON, telecom operator. Tariff slogan "Podmoskovny", 2011
Other mobile communication slogans

An important brand for wet cleaning.
BISSELL, vacuum cleaners. Slogan for RF, 2011

The best gift is a mobile.
Gorbushka, audio, video and household appliances. Slogan in Moscow, 2012
Other store slogans

This is more than a photograph. This feeling of the moment!
SANDISK, memory cards. Slogan within the Russian Federation, 2012

Tourists needed for contact with the sun!
BIBLIO GLOBUS, travel operator. Advertising in Moscow and Moscow region, 2011
Other tourism slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, January 16, 2011

Big business starts with small business.
OPORA RUSSIA, all-Russian public organization of small and medium business. The slogan of the program "Create your life", 2012

Who if not us.
METROPOLIS shopping mall. Image motto, 2011
Other store slogans

Telephone chik.
Excellent features of a female phone: elegant design and long conversations. What else does a woman need?
PHILIPS Xenium X519 phone with up to 8 hours of talk time. Slogan and tagline on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

There is only one key to all locks.
FRUTOLAX, herbal laxative. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other medical slogans

A gentle fairy tale for your feet.
INBLU, shoes. Slogan for Moscow and Moscow region, 2011
Other shoe slogans

We are 14 years old! You - 14%.
NIKKO, a chain of dry cleaners. Advertising in Moscow, 2011

- 40 warm like never before!
Such a minus warms the soul!
KIA Cee'd, car. The slogan of the season when the car became “more profitable by 40,000 rubles”, 2011

Miracles happen? Certainly! If you plan them.
Thank you Santa Claus Okay, I'll give it to him!
Guessing with gifts is easy if you know where to choose them!
MEGA, family shopping centers. New Year's Eve headlines and slogan, 2011

Let colleagues think that you are throwing money away. Special conditions for the 2011 C-Class.
MERCEDES-BENZ, cars. Advertising for the Russian Federation, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, December 26, 2011

I will tear for Putin. (Churov tears the Constitution of the Russian Federation)
Churov, where are our voices? State Department, where is our money?
I demand the dissolution of the Duma and new fair elections without Churov.
They stole our votes (the girl sealed her mouth with this inscription)
4+9=49. Welcome to the math lessons from the puppeteer and his bearded puppet.
We are not banderlogs.
We do not have the law of the jungle! (by Mowgli)
Havel would be with us.
We demand freedom for political prisoners, economic amnesty!
For Russia without Putin.
Get tired, go away! (to the portrait of Putin, to the portrait of Medvedev)
No Putinism!
The best gift is not even honey, but a new adequate calculation!
Winnie the Poo fooled us all.
Vova, you're fired!
Enough! (Putin, Medvedev, Prokhorov are taken out of the Yeltsin matryoshka)
We are for Navalny.
Wizard, how many fingers? (fak)
We will come again! There will be more of us!
We are 146%.
I am looking for a point for issuing small money by the State Department.
Putin has expired.
Stop feeding the boa constrictor.
Do not reuse a dirty tandem.
Prague is closer to us than Pyongyang. (to the portrait of Havel)
The white ribbon - V - is a symbol of your indifference to election fraud!
We weren't kidding! Fake will not work!
I'm here for free. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, and I defend my constitutional rights.
Engineers are also for fair elections!
Russia will be free!
You don't even represent us!
These elections are a farce!
Russia is for russians! (a nationalist slogan that did not meet with the support of the majority)
Slogans of the rally of many thousands "For Fair Elections", Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Avenue, December 24, 2011
Election slogans

Russian Vodka Standard.
RUSSIAN STANDARD, vodka. International slogan, 2011
Other vodka slogans

Simplicity that transcends all boundaries.
Customers are close even when you are far away.
ALL.BIZ, international online catalog of goods, services, companies. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2011

The steepest part of Mont Blanc has a slope of 70 degrees.
A hard-boiled egg can withstand pressure up to 25 kg.
Composer Krutoy wrote more than 100 hits.
Kommersant is cooler.
KOMMERSANT, national daily newspaper. Headlines and slogan, 2012
Other press slogans

For you, goods from the top shelf, and prices from the bottom.
And good gifts go to those who behaved well ... well, or badly.
Give it to her. Give it to him. Better yet, give it to yourself!
Who are you going to shoot for the holiday? (camera commercial)
WHITE WIND DIGITAL, a network of electronics stores. Advertising slogans on the eve of the New Year, 2011
Other store slogans

Our freshness is unbreakable!
GOLD MINE BEER, beer. The slogan of beer in a new package that “protects freshness 4 times more effectively”, Russia, 2011
Other beer slogans

Time to change gender.
OLD MAN HOTTABYCH, a chain of stores, goods for repair and construction. Floor covering advertisement, 2011

Has a love of discovery.
BARNEY BEAR, cookies. Slogan for Russia, 2011

You fly in life - fly on the Internet.
MTS and SAMSUNG. The slogan of the promotion, where they give a month free internet when buying a Samsung Galaxy smartphone in MTS stores, Russia, 2011

Stop filming! It's time to buy!
MORTON, group of companies, developer. Slogan in Moscow and Moscow region, 2011
Polka-dot men's shorts hanging on a rope with the inscription "Affordable housing"
Other real estate slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, December 12, 2011

You don't even represent us.
Bring back fair elections!
Bring back the snowy winter!
Keep the constitution, damn it! Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3: "The only source of power is the people."
Crooks and thieves, return the elections!
Where is my voice, wizard?
Churov, take a ride on the carousel!
Guys, it's time to move!
Moscow does not believe in edram.
Lie, edrut and smirk.
Edro in a bucket!
Leave tricks to the circus!
I didn't vote for these bastards, I voted for other bastards!
Wizard Churov to Azkaban!
We do not believe Churov. We trust Gauss.
Gauss can't be fooled!
Putin, stop fooling around!
Churov, thanks for being funny.
Rogues and thieves stole the votes.
The silence of the lambs is over!
Stop lying!
Bring back our votes!
All power to the people!
We demand respect!
The authorities are afraid of fair elections!
The party of thieves and crooks stole the elections!
Down with PZhIV!
Arrest those who saw and release Alexei Navalny!
Congress of ballet lovers.
Take me, OMON!
Slogans of a rally against rigging the results of elections to the State Duma, Bolotnaya Square, Moscow, December 10, 2011
Other campaign slogans

Do you think bears drink whiskey? Yes! And, I'm afraid, they bite! (a conversation between two guys in a street cafe, to which a bear is heading)
Soft taste, light character.
Jameson, whiskey. Headline and slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other alcohol slogans

Cold? "Lukhta" will warm beautifully.
LUHTA, clothing. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other clothing slogans

High fashion for your eyelashes.
CLINIQUE High Impact Mascara. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other cosmetic slogans

There is no luck, there is someone who creates it. Wait? Life is too short. I don't want to wait, I act. I learn, I feel, I try, I take risks, I love - I live! What will I become? Where will I be? Who will I be with tomorrow? I create my own world.
I create my own luck.
Luck is an attitude.
MARTINI, vermouth. Headline and slogan in Russia, 2011

There are many coffee recipes. One button.
BOSCH Tassimo, coffee machines. Slogan for RF, 2011

Drink positive.
drink positive.
Lipton tea. International slogan, 2011
Other tea slogans

Don't be afraid to turn it up.
BOSE AE2, headphones. Slogan for RF, 2011

More fun! Faster! Cheer up!
STOMP, show with acrobatics and drums. Advertising in Moscow, 2011
Other slogans of shows and holidays

No lunch breaks or other surprises.
ROBOKASSA, electronic payment system. Image motto, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, December 5, 2011

OLYMPUS PEN, compact and fast cameras. International slogan, 2011
Independent = "independence"
Other photo slogans

Business intelligence.
BUSINESS FM, "the first business radio". Slogan for RF, 2011
Other press slogans

We don't have time to rest.
UBS, an international financial group. Image motto, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

If I were a radio player, I would put on your favorite song before you think about it... But I'm a camera...
I am always one step ahead.
I am life at its best.
NIKON 1 J1, camera. Headline and slogans on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Hot tours for money.
Raiffeisen Bank. Slogan for fast money transfers, 2011

Fashionable smartphone and wall lamp.
Plasma screens and water taps.
Vegetable cutter, chisel and gold pendant.
Diving fins and space blaster.
We give time for the present. Honestly. With love. As for yourself.
New way buy.
We deliver joy, set comfort.
In order for a new wardrobe to appear in the apartment, you do not need to ask your neighbor for a screwdriver!
ENTER, online store in the network "Svyaznoy" with the service of delivery of goods, installation, configuration. Headlines and slogans, 2011
Other store slogans

For those who have little enthusiasm.
VOLVO S60, car. Slogan arguing with BMW advertising, where the word "delight" is played on, 2011
Other car slogans

It is better to store in meters.
MORTON, real estate developer. Advertising slogan in the Capital Region, 2011

125 years in power!
MERCEDES-BENZ S-Class, car. The slogan of the anniversary series Edition 125 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the brand. Slogan within the Russian Federation, 2011

People don't share like that.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE RF. The slogan of the "Accessible Environment" program aimed at the formation tolerant attitude to the disabled, 2011
Other social slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 28, 2011

Your money will burn beautifully!
Fireworks advertisement, Moscow, 2011

If you know the laws, they will recognize you!
PONTIFIC, competition of practicing lawyers. Competition slogan, 2011

Look differently.
CHESTERFIELD, cigarettes. Image motto on the territory of Russia, 2011
Other cigarette slogans

Nano for business, nano for life.
IV International Nanotechnology Forum. Advertising slogan of the forum, Moscow, 2011

And we are getting stronger.
KOMMERSANT, daily national business newspaper. Newspaper advertising slogan, 2011

Kill the boss? Will my hand rise to fulfill the American dream?
2x2, TV channel. Headline by Homer Simpson, 2011

Buy thanks.
SBERBANK. Tagline bonus program, in which for each payment by bank card the holder is credited with a “Thank you”, equal to 1 ruble, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

The dark side of the force.
VOLVO XC90 Black Edition, car. Slogan for RF, 2011

When are you going on a date? And to us - 1 time, already for the money!
When are you going to take your license? And to us - 1 time, already for the money!
ALFA BANK. Slogans for loan processing services on the bank's website, 2011

Time to choose a leader. The leader's choice is Mercedes-Benz.
MERCEDES-BENZ, cars. Slogan on the eve of the Duma and presidential elections in Russia, autumn 2011
Other car slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, November 7, 2011

To have money.
KOMMERSANT Money, weekly economic magazine. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other TV, radio, press slogans

... And the wolves are full!
KOZLOVICA, Czech restaurants in Moscow, 2011
Other restaurant slogans

Trust and Bruce is a plus.
TRUST, bank. Advertising slogan for banking services by Bruce Willis, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

I don't have Putin nano!
Opposition slogan, Russia, 2011
Other political slogans

1 look. 2 look. 3 look. "I know you're looking at me."
DIVAGE, cosmetics. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other cosmetic slogans

Every glance is yours.
DIVAGE, cosmetics. Image motto, 2011

Millions read with us.
ROSPECHAT, a network of newspaper and magazine kiosks and shops. Image motto

From reality to dreams - one Golf.
VOLKSWAGEN Golf, car. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other car slogans

It's time to take power.
KOMMERSANT Vlast, magazine. Advertising slogan of the magazine, 2011

Let's discuss!
KOMUS Furniture, sale of office furniture. Slogan for RF, 2011
Depicted conference table and chairs
Other furniture slogans

Boys! You don't need it!
NO TO DRUGS!, All-Russian anti-drug action. Slogan on behalf of Vladimir Putin, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 31, 2011

Better every day.
MAIL.RU, portal. Image motto, 2011
Other internet slogans

Everything we have done is in everything we do.
HONDA Corporation. Image motto, 2011
Other industry slogans

Live forever or die trying.
TIME, a film directed by Andrew Niccol. Rolling slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other movie rental slogans

Every evening is a luxurious evening.
JOHNNIE WALKER Gold Label Reserve, whiskey. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other alcohol slogans

Future with pedigree.
JAGUAR XF, car. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other automotive slogans

You can't change people, but you can change their workflow.
CEREBRO, "tools for advertising business". Advertising in Runet, 2011

A star known on all continents.

The red star is an element of the Heineken identity
Other beer slogans

The police are speaking. Shows Star.
STAR, TV channel. The slogan of the TV series "Police Says" on the channel, 2011
Other TV, radio, press slogans

Perfection of the imagination.
FORMULA KINO City, IMAX Sapphire cinema. Advertising in Moscow, 2011

Internet access book.
INCH, electronic readers. Slogan for RF, 2011

Increase your contribution. Even small - big!
HOME CREDIT, bank. Deposit slogan, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 24, 2011

You are able to.
FOREX CLUB, foreign exchange market. Slogan to attract new traders, Russia, 2011
Other finance slogans

See what's being done.
Kommersant turns on the TV.
KOMMERSANT-TV, round-the-clock news channel. Launch slogan, 2011
Other media slogans

Take over Wall Street!
Occupy Wall Street!
Take over the streets!
Occupy streets!
Take over your city!
Occupy your city!
Take over America!
Occupy America!
Let's take it together!
Occupy together!
Us 99%.
We are 99%.
This revolution will not be shown on TV. Get information yourself.
The revolution will not be televised. Keep yourself informed.
You can't privatize this revolution.
The revolution will not be privatized.
You have the right to remain silent. Your money speaks for you.
You have the right to remain silent. And let your money speak for you.
Money is talking. 99% are coming.
money talks. 99% walks.
Rise up October 15th. Bring your posters. Bring your tools. Bring your supplies. Come informed. Come with courage. Bring the noise with you. Answer the call!
October 15 rise up. Bring your signs. Bring your instruments. Bring supplies. Bring an informed mind. Bring a full heart. Bring the noise. Answer the call!
We are here. There are more and more of us.
We are here. We are growing.
This is democracy, dumbass.
It's democracy, stupid.
OCCUPY WALL SREET, social movement. Slogans in the USA, autumn 2011
Other political slogans

A corner for every tomboy!
Mortgage for a family man.
URALSIB bank. Mortgage slogans, 2011

An airline that is as punctual as your own.
SWISS, air transportation. Slogan for Russia, 2011
Other air travel slogans

Quality. When you can't pretend.
KITON, men's suits. Slogan in Moscow, 2011
Other clothing slogans

No friction between the drum and your belongings.
SAMSUNG, delicate washing machines. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other household appliances slogans

Now you don't have to watch movies in your sleep.
MTS, telecom operator. The slogan of "Home TV" - movie channels for every taste at a convenient time for you", 2011
Other communication slogans

Bank of the first.
SBERBANK. Premium Financial Services Slogan, 2011

Way to your desires!
PROMSVYAZBANK. Slogan for consumer loans, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 17, 2011

I fall asleep with kefir, I wake up with the Monarch!
DIXY, a chain of grocery stores. Slogan of discount period for coffee Jacobs Monarch, 2011
Other store slogans

Real credit. The rest are surrogates.
TRUST, bank. Slogan from the face of Bruce Willis, the hero of the film "Surrogates", 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

There are many in the world good people looking ahead with optimism. But they sometimes give back (motorists)
There are many good people in the world, open and honest. But sometimes they flood (with water)
INGOSSTRAKH, insurance company. Insurance advertisement, 2011
Other insurance slogans

So that only a memory is left of the machine.
INTOUCH, an insurance company. Car theft insurance slogan, 2011

Our fish feel like a fish in water!
We have a pea, a princess!
All of our steaks have a white bone!
We do not store potatoes in a long box!
All our cakes are worth the candle!
We don't have to blush for our fruits. (yellow pears)
We do everything for you to choose from the best!
AZBUKA VKUSA, grocery supermarket chain, Moscow and Moscow region, 2011

Sofas for home theater. Premiere in Russia!
MOBEL & ZEIT, furniture, in particular, sofas that adjust to a comfortable position for the body, 2011
Other furniture slogans

Undisguised superiority.
VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, car. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other automotive slogans

Completed by dynamics. Even in static.
Designed to be on the move.
BMW 6 series. Slogans on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Nothing will start without you.
BEELINE, telecom operator. Home digital television slogan, 2011
Football referee hands the TV remote control to the viewer
Other communication slogans

Previously, it was inconvenient to look for a husband with a residence permit and a car. Now it's convenient. Section "Dating".
It used to be inconvenient to sell grandfather's library. Now it's convenient. Book section".
Previously, it was inconvenient to look for a master of original tattoos. Now it's convenient. Section "Services".
Previously, buying a car cooler than the boss was inconvenient. Now it's convenient. Section "Auto".
Previously, it was inconvenient for a mistress to buy an apartment. Now it's convenient. Section "Real Estate".
It used to be inconvenient to buy leather shorts. Now it's convenient. Section "Clothes".
Previously, buying a chainsaw along with a hockey mask was inconvenient. Now it's convenient. Section "Repair".
It used to be inconvenient to sell wedding gifts. Now it's convenient. Section "Technology".
Feel free to live better.
FROM HAND TO HAND, IRR.RU, newspaper and site of free ads. Advertisement for RF, 2011
Other TV, radio, press slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 10, 2011

P ... c.
PEPPER, TV channel. Launch slogan, 2011
The contractor did not want to hang billboards with this slogan on Rublevsky and Kutuzovsky highways, because he “values ​​these billboards and is afraid that problems may arise”
Other TV, radio, press slogans

Racing car on a chain.
A racing machine on a chain.
RICHARD MILLE, pocket tourbillon, brutal chain watch. International motto, 2011
Other watch slogans

Case hearing.
KOMMERSANT FM, news radio. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Adrenaline of victories, not mothballs of memories.
CITROEN DS3, car. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other car slogans

Season of the Rain.
RAIN, TV channel. Slogan at the beginning of the TV season, 2011

Are you on the list?
Are you on the list?
This is a private party!
This is a private party!
CAROLINA HERRERE 212 VIP, men's and women's fragrances. International slogans, 2011
Other perfume slogans

The road is open, Your Majesty.
MERCEDES-BENZ RUS, official dealer of Mercedes-Benz. Tagline special conditions for GL-Class cars, Moscow, 2011

Fueled by victory.
AUDI TDI, a car with a TDI diesel engine, based on the experience of Audi racing cars. Slogan for RF, 2011

Meet autumn with the Hunt.
HUNTING, beer. Advertisement for RF, 2011
Other beer slogans

For Russia without crooks and thieves!
JUST RUSSIA, political party. The slogan of the party on the eve of the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other campaign slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, October 3, 2011

Moet washes twice as good twice as good.
BOSCH, "the world's first Dishwasher with two rocker arms in the upper flask. Advertising slogan for RF, 2011

We are 21! Now everything is possible!
ECHO OF MOSCOW, radio station. Anniversary slogan, 2011
Other TV, radio, press slogans

The same money, only in profile.
Absolut Bank. Slogan of bank cards, 2011
Fingers holding a card showing OK sign

Is it true that I am the main decoration of the city?
MOSCOW JEWELRY FACTORY. Advertising slogan, Moscow, 2011
Other jewelry slogans

Change to juicy.
MY FAMILY, juices. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other juice slogans

The taste and color of a comrade ... is! (Big Mac)
The most poignant! (Chicken McNuggets with sauces)
Each McDonald's has its own.
McDonald's, restaurants fast food. Headlines and slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other restaurant slogans

We introduce your money to world markets.
CITIBANK. Tagline investment programs, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

Coal in Stakhanov style.
The slogan of activated carbon "new generation with chamomile and calendula", 2011
Other medical slogans

Save the whole world and one love.
COUNTERGRAM series. Advertising slogan for the series, 2011

Light up the sound.
BURN, energy drink. Burn slogan in support of DJ David Guetta performance in Moscow, October 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, September 26, 2011

Vogue has created a woman.
VOGUE, women's magazine. Advertising slogan for Russia, 2011
Phonetic game: "Voug" resembles "God"
Other press slogans

You won't give us 15 years!
PROFILE, business magazine. Slogan for the anniversary of the magazine, 2011
A hint at the famous slogan "For a real Kommersant, 15 years is not a term", inspired in turn by Khodorkovsky's first term

For strong ears.
KOMMERSANT FM, news radio. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

I like to lie down with Madame Bovary. (Artemy Troitsky)
Personally familiar with the "Hero of Our Time". I recommend! (Olga Shelest)
I ate Heart of a Dog at the age of 14. (Ilya Lagutenko)
The night with "Martin Eden" was unforgettable! (Ksenia Sobchak)
Read books - be a Personality!
Headlines and slogan of the campaign with the participation of celebrities in support of reading, Russia, 2011
Other book slogans

Rewriting worlds.
4th MOSCOW BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY ART. The name of the main program of the Biennale, which is used as an advertising slogan for the entire event, Moscow, 2011

It's easier than ever!
URALSIB bank. Slogan of the period of reduced rates on consumer loans, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

Nobody called us to the moon.
APOLLO 18, mockumentary film directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego. Rolling motto in Russia, 2011
Other movie slogans

Smell better than you are.
Smell better than yourself.
OLD SPICE, deodorant. International slogan, 2011

At 17, everything matters! ...And your own apartment!
PIK, group construction companies. Slogan of discounted apartments on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the group of companies, 2011
Other real estate slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, September 19, 2011

Not everyone has a modem as a gift.
YOTA, wireless internet. The slogan of the campaign "Modem included", in which Yota gives a modem to those who bought 4G Internet for a month or two, 2011

There is such a demand for it that they take it without asking.
McDonald's, fast food restaurants. French fries slogan on a McDonald's menu, 2011
Other restaurant slogans

We can buy furniture without money.
LAZURIT, production and sale of furniture. Credit sales slogan with zero down payment, Russia, 2011
Other store slogans

My silk chocolate.
DOVE chocolate. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other chocolate slogans

He will do everything for a luxurious debut... But the development of events depends only on you.
It will comfortably deliver your equipment anywhere... And the sea of ​​thrills is your choice.
Why do you just need a car when you can choose a Land Rover?
LAND ROVER Discovery 4, luxury SUV. Headlines and slogan of the campaign in Russia, 2011
Other automotive slogans

Engineering art for men.
IWC, watch. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other watch slogans

The sensuous form of the mind.
MERCEDES-BENZ CLS, car. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Wind is my playlist.
Hear many. Listen to yourself.
Be real. Be free. Be Marlboro.
Be yourself. Be free. Be with Marlboro.

marlboro cigarettes. Headlines and slogan, 2011

Undisguised superiority.
VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, car. Slogan for RF, 2011

The best gift is diamonds!
EPL DIAMOND, Yakut diamonds. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other jewelry slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, September 5, 2011

We do not throw words to the wind.
We shed light, not water.
From the news we make Izvestia.
NEWS, newspaper. Headlines and image motto of the newspaper, 2011
Other press slogans

Been everywhere, I want to go home.
PROMSVYAZBANK. Mortgage slogan, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

All girls are his type.
FEAR NIGHT, a film by Craig Gillespie about a vampire. Rolling slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other movie slogans

Aerobatics figure.
N-ERGO, a network of fitness clubs. Advertising in Moscow, 2011

It's a long road.
Everything is for your money.
OUTSIDES OF RUSSIAN BUSINESS, a book about Berezovsky, Chichvarkin, Khodorkovsky... Advertising slogans of the book, 2011
Other book slogans

Just don't zek!
Julia is cool!
Slogans of supporters of Yulia Tymoshenko during her trial, Kyiv, August 2011
Other political slogans

Decide on a hug instead of a handshake.
Dare to say "Cool car!" when they took your parking lot.
Dare to send an emoji to the boss.
Decide to be gentle.
MILKA, chocolate. Headlines and slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

It's clear that the beer is dark!
LOVENBRAU Dunkel, dark beer. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other beer slogans

Kyiv. Sometimes clothing is an option.
Kyiv. Sometimes clothing is optional.
KYIV. The slogan of lovers in the city, 2011
Nude model in front of a brick wall

Come on, talking hollow, entertain!
OUR RUSSIA, a comedy program on the TNT channel. Advertisement for new releases, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 22, 2011

Less words. More running.
NIKE, sports shoes and clothing. The slogan of the Run Moscow under the auspices of Nike, 2011
Other sports slogans

Pizza delivery faster than a bullet.
SOPRANOS PIZZA, a pizzeria with pizza delivery to your home and office. Pizzeria slogan, Moscow, 2011
Other slogans for restaurants, cafes, pizzerias

The inevitability of change.
JUST CAUSE, political party. The slogan of the website, close to her in spirit, 2011
Other political slogans

Doing the work of robots for you.
Making robots work for you.
IROBOT, a robot manufacturing company, including cleaning robots. Corporate motto

Hang out on yours!
YAPOSHA, a chain of restaurants. Job slogan for a waiter, cook, manager, Russia, 2011

Tasty in Russian.
Delicious French.
Delicious Japanese.
Delicious in any language.
McDonald's, a chain of fast food restaurants. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

London in a makeup bag.
RIMMEL London, cosmetics. Name-slogan of the promotion, Russia, 2011
Other cosmetic slogans

Brighter style. Stronger temper.
NISSAN Qashqai, car. The slogan of the new modification Nissan Qashqai, Russia, 2011
Other automotive slogans

Yes, we've set up camp.
Yes, we camp.
REAL DEMOCRACY, worldwide movement. The slogan of the movement, in which people take to the squares and discuss without holding any slogans, 2011

I'll tear for Putin!
PUTIN'S ARMY, a community on the VKontakte social network. The name is the slogan of the action in which the girls tore on their chests a T-shirt with a portrait of Vladimir Putin, 2011
Other campaign slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, August 8, 2011

No V in this Vodka!
There is no V in Wodka.
WODKA WYBOROWA, Polish vodka. International slogan, 2011
Other vodka slogans

Live sour!
PEPSI Lemon/Lime, soda. Slogan for RF, 2011

We will buy your credit history.
CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW. Slogan of the on-lending program, 2011
Other bank slogans

The taste is right.
BURGER KING, a chain of fast food restaurants. Image motto, 2011

Power is in the truth. Who is right is stronger.
Truth is the real power. Who is right is strong.
JUST CAUSE, political party. Party slogan, Russia, summer 2011
Other political slogans

Let's protect the ozone layer so as not to hurt the sky.
Protect the ozonosphere so that the sky is no longer injured.
GREENPEACE, environmental organization. Slogan in China, 2011
A kite in the form of a plaster was raised into the sky of Beijing, symbolically closing the "wounds" in the ozone layer

An increase in the family? We lower the rate!
URALSIB bank. Mortgage slogan for young families with a reduced percentage at the birth of a child, Russia, 2011

Filled with music.
FLY MC, phones. Slogan for RF, 2011

Power. Beauty. Soul.
power. beauty. soul.
ASTON MARTIN, cars. Image motto, 2011
Other automotive slogans

For life, love and kindness.
To life, love ang loot.
CAPTAIN MORGAN, rum. International slogan, 2011
Other alcohol slogans

10 advertising slogans for Monday, July 25, 2011

Do not be afraid of fairy tales, life is scarier.
REN TV, the slogan of the program "Russian Fairy Tales" by Sergei Dorenko, 2011
Other TV and press slogans

Don't worry, you are with us.
ADIDAS Climacool, ventilated sport shoes and clothes. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other clothing slogans

Money in action!
AMT BANK. Advertising of deposits for companies, Russia, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

The envy of the neighbors will not take the family to the dacha.
Admiring glances won't take kids out of school.
Someone else's attention will not roll around the city.
High conceit will not go on a picnic with friends.
The feeling of superiority will not go shopping.
Closer to life!
CHERY Bonus, car. Headlines and slogan for RF, 2011

No budget Porsches. There is a Porsche within the budget.
Porsche Center Moscow. Slogan for loans for the purchase of Porsche cars, 2011
Other automotive slogans

Birds of high comfort.
Flying delight.
EMIRATES, airline. Slogans within the Russian Federation, 2011
Other air travel slogans

Filled with deep meaning.
haier, vodka. Advertisement for RF, 2011
Other vodka slogans

Yakimanka. Boring Garden. Sky.
SKY HOUSE, premium class residential complex. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2011
Other real estate slogans

I don't fight dandruff, I get ahead of it.
CLEAR VITA ABE anti-dandruff shampoo. Slogan on behalf of football player Cristiano Ronaldo, 2011

In a fresh bottle.
COOLER, beer. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other beer slogans

A refreshingly simple way to accumulate.
BARCLAYS bank. Slogan of deposits: withdrawal and replenishment of the deposit at any time without loss of interest, Russia, 2011

10 advertising slogans for Monday, July 18, 2011

Converted bathroom.
Furnishings bathroom.
Bathroom furniture at low prices.
LEROY MERLIN, goods for home and renovation. Advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Valya, back off!
Valentina, repent.
The city is tired.
Peter without Matvienko!
Opposition slogans against Governor Valentina Matvienko, St. Petersburg, spring and summer 2011
The slogan "The city is tired" drove away the predecessor of Vladimir Yakovlev in 2003 ...
Other political slogans

We have known our clients for a long time. Some for as long as we can remember.
REVIVAL, bank. Image slogan, 2011
Other banking and finance slogans

Ownership desires.
GRAND PARK, residential complex in Sergiev Posad. Advertising slogan of the complex, 2011
Other real estate slogans

15 times closer to the most interesting.
FUJIFILM Finepix F550 ultra zoom camera. Advertising slogan within the Russian Federation, 2011
Other photo slogans

It's not a star, it's a comet!
MERCEDES-BENZ SLK, car. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011
Other automotive slogans

Your child - Blank sheet. Who is next, he fills.
DOESN'T MATTER?! The slogan of a social program that encourages parents to communicate more with their children, Russia, 2011

Golden times - two pairs, one price!
The slogan of a discount campaign in a shoe store, Sergiev Posad, 2011
Other store slogans

At this price, it won't hurt the figure! (mayonnaise)
They've slashed the price! (melted cheese)
DIXY, a chain of grocery stores. Advertising slogans for Russia, 2011

Go to Xquest.
VV will cover
XQUEST, an integrated campaign, "the most interesting quest in the history of Russia", which used the name of Prime Minister V. V. Putin. Advertising slogans for the quest, Moscow, 2011
The White House ordered to remove the posters "VV will cover"
Other slogans of promotions and holidays

10 advertising slogans for Monday, July 11, 2011

Crunch for the best!
KHRUSTTEAM, croutons. Advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

London 2012 rules the future.
London 2012 fuelling the future.
BP, oil company. BP sponsorship slogan for the London 2011 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Macbooks for three.
YUTINET.RU, online hypermarket of electronics. The name is the slogan of the promotion, in which it is possible to purchase a Mac Book Air laptop for 3000 rubles, Russia, 2011

If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped. Find out what you can do at...
VERA, fund for helping hospices. Slogan in Russia, 2011
Other social slogans

Willing to communicate in any language.
HEINEKEN, beer. Slogan for RF, 2011
Other beer slogans

When you get paid to smoke, you steal my money.
Amateur anti-tobacco slogan on behalf of an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation, 2011

Don't spend your evenings with yourself.
Don't spend your evenings on your own.
AMOUR.COM, dating site. Slogan in France, 2011

Enjoy summer!
COCA-COLA, soda. Slogan for RF, 2011

Summer is Pepsi time.
Summer time is Pepsi time.
PEPSI, soda. International campaign slogan, 2011

It all ends July 13th.
HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY Hallows part 2 movie. Advertisement for the latest Harry Potter movie set to premiere on July 13, 2011

An indispensable part of creating any brand, of course, is the slogan. This word itself came to us from the Gaelic language (sluagh-ghairm) and meant literally "battle cry". With this battle cry, goods are still thrown into the market and into the hands of buyers. So, passing by Sprite's jars mall, we remember that this drink will not let us dry out, and seeing the owner of a Toyota car, we know that he is driving a dream.

The slogans that we hear from TV screens or on the radio, read on packages, stands and billboards quickly and imperceptibly enter our lives, are woven into our conversation and thus do the bulk of the work of brand makers. Recognizable slogans attract attention, increase brand loyalty and, most importantly, sell.

The 90s in Russia generally passed under the sign of this previously unknown advertising wave, which covered the post-Soviet space along with new goods, products and services. In 1999, Viktor Pelevin released the cult novel-reflection of the decade "Generation" P "" ("Generation" P ""), using in the title one of the most famous slogans of the time "The new generation chooses Pepsi." The hero of his novel, Vavilen Tatarsky, as they say, caught the wave and took up the promising direction of that time - the creation of slogans. And there are thousands and thousands of such “Vavilens” all over the world, but some of them really make some kind of masterpieces.

"Euroset, Euroset - prices are just ... New Year»

As the owner of Euroset, the bold and eccentric Russian businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin was never afraid to play on the strongest feelings of his compatriots. For example, on their passionate love for a strong and precise word. One of the network's slogans, which appeared on New Year's Eve in the mid-2000s, is still stuck in people's heads to this day. This unobtrusive motive, playing from every iron with the words "Euroset, Euroset - the prices are just ... New Year", both made Russians laugh and outraged. But the main thing is to sell.

"I have an idea - there is IKEA"

The first complex of the Swedish company IKEA opened in Khimki in March 2000. From that moment on, we all know very well - "If there is an idea - there is IKEA." The company's image videos always clearly demonstrate to the public that this is the brand's feature. So, for example, an ordinary chair from the IKEA store gave hundreds of ideas to this cute grandfather and changed his life.

"Yandex. Everything is found"

Many of us see this slogan several times a day. Including he taught us to look for a solution in the search bar in any incomprehensible situation. And all why? Because Yandex. Everything will be found."

"Sometimes it's better to chew than talk"

This completely wild advertisement with one of the most popular Russian actor Igor Petrenko now reminded the whole country of the main thing - do not talk! In Soviet times, we were taught this by a worker in a red headscarf, and later, oddly enough, by Stimorol chewing gum. After all, "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk."

"Tanks are not afraid of dirt"

This slogan has firmly entered our speech about 20 years ago. I can’t even believe that the expression “Tanks are not afraid of dirt” has an author and, most importantly, an owner. Just a few words, but sometimes our roads, our cars, and even ourselves are so perfectly described. It remains to say thanks to KAMAZ for the catch phrase.

“Ovip Lokos! In the name of good"

Even now, when Sokol beer is no longer produced, one has only to hear this spell - “Ovip Lokos! In the name of good" to remember everything. It would seem that an absolutely senseless move is to read the phrase “Sokol beer” in reverse and pass it off as a slogan. However, it still works! Although after watching this, for example, video, one wants to ask: what were they all smoking there?

"Trust" - it's like me, only a bank "

One of the most popular slogans of recent times belongs to Trust Bank. True, here we have a successful combination of both the text of the slogan and, one might say, the media person involved in the bank's advertising campaign. Some even have tears of tenderness at the sight of a banner where, against the backdrop of a confident bald guy named Bruce Willis, “Trust” is modestly written - it’s like me, only a bank.

"Pepsi - take everything from life"

Another slogan from Pepsi, which has ideally fit into our consciousness over the years, is "Pepsi - take everything from life." True, one logical question arises: why can “everything” in our life be concluded in plastic bottle with a dark sugary liquid inside. And this once again proves the success of the slogan, because in a sense we were almost convinced of this. For example, in this video there is football, and a western, and Pepsi, and even Siemens for some reason.

More attention to personality in the name of rustling cash!

Who understands the meaning of a masterpiece has dollars and euros.

Be observant like Proust, then you will hear the bucks crunch!

Normality is a road to nowhere. Be "strange" - and the Client will suddenly say "YES!".

It is very sad to live in the world without margin and without Art!

It is high time to understand: the basis of business is the game!

In a whirlwind of creative rage, a sale is made!

Imagine yourself a hero, and we will bury the profit in the garden!

Today Carlson, tomorrow - Don Juan, if only the money would fall into your pocket!

Instead of "tightening the screws", start memorizing tales!

For a business of any kind, more important than profit is freedom!

Whoever knows the best joke wins today!

Emotions are the source of money! And so - run to the training!

Do not mix beer with vodka, do not interfere with life with wiring.

One of characteristic features- we have a race, then a concert!

The outcome of the game is unclear, but that's why it's beautiful!

Business is a preference: it gives an obscure chance!

Do you want to become a significant figure? Enjoy the business procedure!

Keep the right price for a sufficient margin!

Spreading with impunity, the sign means more than it's shown.

The connection between an asset and a liability is both useful and beautiful!

In order for the act to be pleasant, the right contact is important!

Meet in the best style, so that later you will be forgiven!

No one has resisted persistent praise yet!

Sale is a fusion of souls! And so - run under the shower!

Friendship, equality and brotherhood are the basis for wealth!

Speak slowly - so the connection will be more reliable!

If you want to be helpful, try to be kind!

Similarity is better than superiority!

One of the modern truths: the one who is selfless is lucky!

No quality system is possible without trickery!

Then only we are needed when we know how to be gentle!

Please be kind - and maybe avoid the abyss.

There are many intonations in life. Feel free to change!

Seminar attending sell positive!

With whom you live, you will give to that - that's the sales technique!

Success is available to everyone: you are wiser than everyone else in some ways!

A complaint is a reason to say a compliment: the Client teaches you business for free!

There are no bad roles in the play - there is a replica and there is an answer!

Comrade, seize the moment: art has become a tool!

Whether you're a hero or a simpleton - it doesn't matter WHAT, but it's important - HOW!

A writer and a poet will give advice to an entrepreneur!

Useful and thoughtless dandy, when he was invented by Gogol!

Incomprehensible to the mind, there is a thread from Hamlet to Mumu.

The balance of fantasy and meaning - here is the rocker of art for you!

Chestnuts and nasturtiums bloom on the tip of any instruction.

You can't describe a rhythm-filled life with an algorithm.

Today there is a demand for your ear, throat, nose! As well as other parts necessary for happiness!

Collect tricks and tricks for your daily workout!

Any of us in the life of a Jung is not yet aware of Jung!

When learning new concepts, don't forget contraception!

When dealing with the upgrade problem, don't forget about Sigmund Freud.

Our flags are higher! The happiness of business is in Freud!

Any behavior is explained by love.

We answer the question by avoiding the word “No!”

Having picked up the question to the answer, in the eyes of the Client you will be right!

Do you drink tea or whiskey?
Lower your risks.
ITS disks -
This is subscription happiness!

Why is it so characteristic of the mind
Sometimes ask: "why?"
And why sometimes then
We ask the question "why?"

No one has ever been loved by command.

What we recognize for the sign is the meaning, and we will choose the destination.

Give meaning to phrases
A wise mind is adapted.
But bypassing any restrictions
There is a path for poets!

For 1C:Enterprise sales, train your perception!

Have a couple of phrases in your stash that hit not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

The sage is at the mercy of the ice of logic and the hot flame of passion!

Whose character you like more, the accountant is drawn to that.

Wild nature is wise: there is no sense in it, but there is a game!

Only what is interesting to us is useful for business.

The state of delight is a condition for bargaining!

Metaphor as a woman is beautiful: incomprehensible and diverse!

Sometimes, the number of nuances is equal to the number of finances.

How to fight for money to always be yourself?

The words "Accessible and serious" do not mean "Quickly and to tears."

There is one way to happiness: a thought filled with passion!

Who has the Kamasutra on the table acts useful and wise!

Consult with the Genius more often - and you will be ready for changes!

So that there is no empty pocket learn from the eternal art!

They say in six words
Vastness of feelings is hidden:
Happiness, anger, sadness and fear.
Eroticism and tenderness!
Accept yourself as you are and you will eat porridge with butter!

Give freedom to the imagination, to the desired benefit for the sake of it! Create a unique style, and all unnecessary to the scrap!

Do not compete, be different, which means very expensive!

Extravagant approaches promise considerable income!

The more fun ideas the more rich people!

Sales Generator

We will send the material to you:

From this article you will learn:

  • How slogans work to attract customers
  • What principles are they based on?
  • What phrases should be used in slogans
  • How to develop a successful slogan to attract customers
  • How to avoid mistakes when compiling a slogan

Short, capacious phrases are well remembered by people. Even if a person has heard a good slogan only once, it will most likely stick in his memory. Moreover, many people may then not remember the content of the advertisement, have no idea at all what kind of product they are talking about, but the slogan will be quoted by heart.

Why are slogans so important to attract customers?

First, let's figure out what an advertising slogan is. Translating the "slogan" from English, we get the "call", "slogan", "slogan". Hence the definition of an advertising slogan: this is a short motto of a product or company, the main task of which is to convey the main idea of ​​an advertising campaign. Therefore, a good slogan is not just a beautiful, but also a phrase that carries a certain semantic load.

Another, no less important, task of the slogan is to attract customers, increase brand awareness, work on the image of the company.

Meanwhile, if the slogan to attract customers is developed according to all the rules, then you can win quite a lot. The company's product will become more recognizable and memorable, and the image of the organization will be maintained at a certain level.

Advertising slogans to attract customers: requirements, types, approaches and methods of creation

The slogan consists of only a few words. But the value of each of them indicates the strategy of the firm.

With slogans:

  • Promote products and brands.
  • Attract clients.
  • Increase sales.
  • Trying to bring the team together.

In the latter case, we are talking about all sorts of corporate slogans and slogans.

The classification of slogans follows the principle of formation. The main options are as follows:

To create a good slogan to attract customers, you need to follow certain rules.

Be concise

Some are just too lazy to read a long text, others do not have time for this. Therefore, the phrase should be as short as possible, as well as easy to read and pronounce. Avoid complex words, so it will be easier for a person to understand the meaning of the slogan.

Examples here are the following:

  • Toyota: Drive the Dream!
  • Skoda: "Simply brilliant!"
  • Clothing Francesco Donni: "Only the best!"

Submit your application

Take advantage of the language

The slogan should not only attract customers, but also “take care” that the person remembers the information conveyed to him. Here you will be helped by rhymes, various puns, oxymorons and consonances. Don't skimp on metaphors without fail use irony and humor. Find words with a strong emotional load: fear, hope, happiness, deliverance, etc.

Examples of such slogans:

  • Humor combined with metaphor, plus a reference to the well-known proverb: “Wash water before eating! Brita"
  • Most people appreciate humor: "Nuts - charge your brain."
  • The same goes for duplicated words: “A pair for each pair. Salamander.
  • Consonant words are easier to remember: “Free - “Volvo”.

Use Numbers

The numbers in the slogan attract the attention of a potential client in the first place. The buyer, for example, can be intrigued by a low price, a small amount of goods, a limited time for a purchase, etc.

Examples of similar slogans:

  • Quickness of impact: “Renny. 5 minutes and no heartburn!”
  • Unlimited: “Maximum possibilities. Maximum freedom. Lexus.
  • The ability to stretch the pleasure: “Guaranteed for 10,000 candies. George Dental Group.
  • Quality and strength of impact: “Triple protection for the whole family. Aquafresh.

Ask questions. Play on contradictions

These slogans attract customers by arousing their curiosity. If a question sounds in a phrase, but there is no answer, a person wants to know “how it will end.” Paradoxical, contradictory phrases also never go unnoticed by a potential client.

Examples of slogans:

  • Tide: "Are you still boiling? Then we go to you!"
  • The Snow Queen: "Where do you dress?"
  • Winston: "You think I have no taste?"
  • Fairy: "Easy victory over difficult fat."

In the latter case, the slogan attracts the attention of customers with a phrase built on contradiction.

Try to evoke positive emotions in the client

To do this, use the appropriate words, upon hearing which, a person imagines warm clothes, a harmonious melody, a pleasant taste, a magical aroma, etc. Such ideas contribute to the production of serotonin by the human body - the “hormone of happiness”. As a result, the product you offer begins to be associated with something pleasant for the client.

Examples of similar slogans:

  • Candies Mars: “Mars. Everything will be in chocolate!”
  • Cosmetics L'Oreal: "Loreal Paris. After all, you deserve it!”
  • Nissan Almera car: "Pleasure without delay!"
  • Cosmetic brand Maybeline “Everyone is in awe of you! And you're from Mabillyn."

Promise customer benefits

The client must be sure that by purchasing your product, he will improve his health, achieve well-being, improve his living or other conditions, etc.

  • Panasonic: Microwave. Vitamins remain.
  • Pinosol drops: “Pinosol. Sneeze for a runny nose!
  • Kinder Surprise: Kinder milk slice. Milk to snack on!”
  • Audi car: "Winning for a clear advantage."

How slogans to attract customers affect the psychology of buyers

If the slogan is composed correctly, then it acts not only on a conscious, but also on a subconscious level. Emotions are bound to be involved. potential clients. And thanks to the originality of the slogans, a logical chain is created in the human brain that keeps the created image in memory.

As noted above, many people enjoy humor - provided it is subtle and original enough. Such slogans not only attract the attention of customers, but also cause joy and inspiration.

  • "The impossible is possible!" - people hope that their problems will be solved.
  • "Pause - eat Twix!" - customers are sure that they will enjoy the purchase.
  • "A touch of luxury" is a game on the feeling of self-importance of customers, because the product is a status one.
  • “All shades of your desires” - sexual motives are affected. Lipstick is simply obliged to attract the attention of men.
  • “Either the best, or nothing” is a slogan that attracts ambitious clients.
  • “Do you love? Give!” is a game of pride. A person thinks: “How can I not like this? I love it, of course!
  • "Florence. Causing envy ”(we are talking about a cottage village) - a game on a person’s desire to stand out among others - neighbors, colleagues, etc.

Not all slogans aimed at attracting customers appeal to noble human feelings. But these phrases do not harm anyone, and therefore have the right to exist.

On what principles are slogans built to attract customers?

There are several of them, and each of them is important in one way or another:

  1. Conciseness. The slogan must be short, not contain more than 7-12 words. There are many well-known slogans of just 2-6 words: "Manage the dream", "Impossible is possible!" etc. In general, the shorter the phrase, the better.
  2. Emotionality. A compressed emotional phrase makes the most powerful impression on the client.
  3. memorability. Good-sounding phrases remain in memory - reefed or at least rhythmic. You can use sound repetitions (alliteration). A prime example of such a slogan to attract customers is: “Your pussy would buy Whiskas. Phrases are remembered well in which words or parts of a sentence are repeated: “Easy to buy - easy to sell.”
  4. Simplicity. There is no need for complex or even more incomprehensible terms. Even words that are difficult to pronounce are not welcome.
  5. . The client must understand what is at stake. Only in this case, the image of the product will be associated with the slogan. For example, the phrase "Sleep formula" is quite compatible with the sale of beds.
  6. credibility. The quality of a slogan is extremely important for attracting customers. There should also be a call to action that cannot be expressed in abstract terms like “best” or “good.” You need specifics (at least half of the words in the phrase): “buy”, “only 2 days”, etc.
  7. Uniqueness. Thanks to originality, the phrase will be remembered, while plagiarism will not work. Moreover, borrowed slogans will still work for their "owners". On the other hand, after the emergence of a large number of imitators, even famous brands You have to change your slogans to attract customers.
  8. Focus on the consumer. It is necessary to interest the buyer, to offer a solution to his problems.
  9. Getting into a trend. Slogans distributed via the Internet or the media are on everyone's lips.
  10. Use of numbers. With their help, you can specify the information: “Renny. 5 minutes and no heartburn!”
  11. Use of question and exclamation marks. In the first case, this is a call to action, involvement in a dialogue, an invitation to think: “Where do you dress?” ("Clothing store"). In the second, the slogan sounds more emotional, which also attracts customers: “One Second is Enough!” (glue "Seconda").

Slogans to attract customers + magic phrases

Competent marketers have long known how to work with a word. Moreover, certain words have received the definition of "magic". They first make customers want to read the text of the advertisement in full, and then purchase the product. Here are some of them:

  • Free.
  • Power.
  • Inside.
  • Money.
  • Proven.
  • Intimate.
  • Exceptional.
  • Master.
  • Reliable.
  • Cash.
  • Scientific.
  • Incredible.
  • New.
  • Discovered.
  • Open.
  • Opening.
  • Breakthrough.
  • Disclosed.
  • Secret.
  • Sex.
  • Force.
  • Hidden.
  • Private.
  • Shocking.

If you have doubts that these words do not work, do an experiment. Include some of them in email titles or email newsletters, and then look at open rates. It will definitely grow a lot.

Why is this happening? There is no special secret here. Certain words have a special effect on the subconscious of a person, as a result of which he seeks to read the text more carefully. But when creating slogans to attract customers, in addition to adjectives and nouns, it is imperative to use verbs. They give power to the phrase:

  • Explode.
  • Throw away.
  • Do it.
  • Get to the bottom.
  • Find.
  • Discover.
  • Open.
  • Come.
  • Rip.
  • Spread.
  • Create.
  • Save.
  • Save.
  • Push.
  • Hit the.
  • Find out.

You can call it a kind of hypnosis. A call to action encourages customers to take certain actions: they subscribe to newsletters, leave their e-mail, etc.

How to develop advertising slogans to attract customers: 2 steps

We can say that the process of creating slogans consists of two stages. At the first - analytical - it is necessary to collect and analyze the necessary information in order to find out exactly what and how the slogan should be conveyed to customers. The second stage is creative, and its goal is to find the ideal form for the advertising phrase. Let's analyze the algorithm for compiling a slogan to attract customers.

Analytical stage

At the end of the analytical stage, record all the information so that you can return to it if necessary. After that, it was time to think about the actual form of the slogan to attract customers.

creative stage

  1. Once again analyze the slogans of your main competitors, but with a slightly different goal. Here it is necessary in order to avoid random repetitions and find something of your own. In some cases, you can even play on the slogan of a competing company, only very carefully. For example, one company modestly stated: “We are second, but we try.”
  2. Develop as many slogan options as possible to attract customers.
  3. Consider whether all options meet the requirements found in the analysis. Remove the extra ones.

It is difficult to say what is more in the process of creating a slogan - analysis or creativity. But one thing is clear for sure: even the most “creative” option must remain within the limits defined by the tasks.

And one moment. Any slogan, no matter how wonderful and original it may seem to you, must be checked for uniqueness and tested on representatives of the target audience.

8 strategies for creating advertising slogans to attract customers

Talk about your leadership

There are many ratings that determine the best companies according to one or another parameter. And if the company takes first place in at least one indicator, this is already an excellent achievement. As a comparison, we can cite contests where the most charming "Miss" is chosen. Many people know that in addition to the Miss Universe contest, there are Miss World, Miss Grace, etc. Becoming the best in one of them is also an incredible success.

  • Carlsberg: "Probably the best beer in the world."
  • British Airways: World's Favorite Airline.
  • Pizza Hut: America's Favorite Pizza.
  • Yamaha: Born to Lead.
  • Disneyland: "The happiest place on earth."
  • Xerox: "We taught the world to copy."
  • Yandex: "There is everything."

Call customers to action

To sell a product or service, you need a call to action. Many people will not get up until they are told that “it is necessary!”. The slogan should not only attract a client, but also work to increase sales, that is, push a person to perform a certain action.

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • GP: "GP batteries, you see - buy!"
  • Twix: "Pause - eat Twix!"
  • Snickers: "Hungry? Snickersney!"
  • Sprite: "Quench your thirst!"
  • Nike: Just do it.

Try to be different from your competitors

If your company or product offering has some unique feature, then the level of sales will quickly go up. To attract customers, tell in the slogan about this trait of yours. If people like it, it will be a good boost for your business.

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • M&M's: Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  • Duracell: "No battery lasts longer."
  • Heinz: "57 kinds".
  • Cadbury: "One and a half glasses of milk in every pound."
  • FedEx: "When there is no tomorrow."
  • CAMEL: "CAMEL relieves headaches."
  • Patra: "Beer with a cork."

Use rhyme in slogans to attract customers

Many slogans rhyme, making them more harmonious and easier to remember. A good move would be to build a rhyme around the name of the company or brand.

Examples of similar slogans to attract customers:

  • Whiskas: "Your pussy would buy Whiskas".
  • Sony: "This is not a dream, this is Sony"
  • Nicorette: "Nicorette, Nicorette - you can live without cigarettes."
  • Gillette: "Gillette is not better for a man."

Link the slogan to the target audience

Reaching the right audience is practically a guarantee of success. The slogan will surely attract the attention of a person, and he will think: “This is just what I need!”

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • Alfa Romeo: The Bachelor's Car.
  • Pepsi: The New Generation's Choice.
  • Forbes: "The tool of the capitalist."

Use Comparisons

Often, in order to convince someone of something, you have to resort to comparison. In advertising, it works the same way. Comparative slogans do a great job of making a product or service stand out from its peers.

Examples of similar slogans to attract customers:

  • Ajax: "Stronger than dirt."
  • Beyond Petrolium: "More than fuel."
  • Matchbox: "We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet and Buick combined."
  • Moscow cellular: "Only silence is cheaper."

Convince customers of their choice

If you make a person feel special, then with a high degree of probability he will make a decision in your favor. Advertisers have long understood this, and use this motivator wherever possible - including when compiling slogans. In fact, each person wants something different from the rest, something to attract attention. And by indulging their little weaknesses, people get into marketing networks.

Take care of your image

The image of the company is not only the trust of customers in it. This is prestige and status, this is fashion and trend. Let self-praise and not be too modest, but modest sellers are not successful. To sell a lot, you need to be assertive, in some ways even arrogant. The main thing in business is the result, no matter what philosophers think about it.

The coolest advertising slogans: creative examples from global brands

  1. Nike: just do it (Nike: just do it).

If earlier Nike simply sold sportswear, now we can safely say: it forms consciousness. People believe that you can keep yourself in good physical shape without being professional athletes. The main thing here is desire and perseverance. The company managed to convince its customers of this.

The author of this slogan was the agency Kennedy + Weiden. And none of the specialists working there could even imagine how Nike would develop in the future - and in many respects a well-chosen advertising phrase. From a mere supplier of sports goods for marathon runners, the company has grown into a major player in the world. And it's all about a well-chosen slogan that managed to attract new customers.

  1. Apple: think different (Apple: think differently).

One day, famous dreamers decided to challenge the system. They did it, and the world changed as a result. This was once told by Apple's "Here's to the Crazy Ones, Think Different" ad. This phrase is a response to IBM's "Think IBM" advertising campaign.

Not much time passed, and the slogan “Think different” began to be used in all advertising of the company - even despite the fact that Apple could not boast of any innovative products at that time. But one day people realized that Apple is not just another company that sells computers.

The company produced powerful and at the same time easy-to-use devices. Clients were attracted by the fact that they could feel savvy in terms of technology, and people were happy to purchase computers from the company.

According to Forbes, as soon as Apple issued a slogan to attract customers, its shares skyrocketed, tripling within a year. The company has not used this slogan for a long time, but Apple fans are still proud of the fact that they can think differently.

  1. L'oreal: because you're worth it (L'oréal: because you deserve it).

Every woman is sure that she deserves a lot. L'Oréal knows that their cosmetics are used by the fair sex in order to look as attractive as possible. This slogan attracts customers not by giving some information about the company's products. He talks about the opportunities that open up for women. And completely similar new approach to the understanding of cosmetics fully justifies itself.

  1. mastercard: there are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's mastercard (Mastercard: there are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is a mastercard) .

This slogan was invented in 1997 to attract customers, an advertising campaign with it was launched in 98 countries in 48 languages.

This campaign began with the story of a father and son who decided to go to a baseball game. The father paid for the entrance, for the food, then for the autographed ball, but the main thing in this advertisement is the conversation between the heroes of the video. At that time there were no social networks, but the campaign gained extraordinary popularity and became truly viral.

  1. M&M: melts in your mouth, not in your hands (M&M: melts in your mouth, not in the heat).

Another example of a great slogan to attract customers. The company skillfully emphasized the peculiarity of its chocolate: it does not melt in the hands.

  1. Lay's: betcha can't eat just one (Lay's: bet you can't eat just one).

Has anyone ever eaten just one chip and stopped there? Probably not. A similar slogan to attract customers would be suitable for other snack companies, but, as they say, whoever had time, then ate it.

Lay's doesn't say how delicious its chips are. She talks about what is close to people: the properties of human nature.

  1. Dunkin' donuts: America runs on dunkin (Dunkin' donuts: America runs on dunkin).

The advertising campaign, launched in April 2006, cost Dunkin' donuts several tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. To attract customers, a slogan was used stating that all busy Americans recharge coffee on the go from Dunkin' donuts.

  1. Mcdonald's: i'm lovin' it (Mcdonald's: that's what I like).

The campaign started in 2003, and this slogan still attracts customers. Many people understand that food at McDonald's does not match well. healthy lifestyle life, but hamburgers, wings, donuts and other dishes from there can not refuse.

  1. The New York Times: all the news that's fit to print (The new york times: all the news that's fit to print).

This slogan is over a hundred years old. It was created in the last decade of the nineteenth century. The phrase contrasted The New York Times with publications that specialize only in sensationalism. The idea of ​​the slogan is that you need to print those facts and stories that can teach a person something new. Now The New York Times is considered a source of information that deserves complete trust.

  1. Maybelline: maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's maybelline

One of the most famous slogans in the world. Appearing in the 1990s, until 2016, he made women feel supremely confident. After all, as soon as any lady uses the company's cosmetics, she will turn into a model from the cover of a glossy magazine. In 2016, the slogan was changed to "Make IT Happen", thus inspiring women to express their understanding of beauty in their own way. But the previous motto is still relevant.

How to write slogans to attract customers, avoiding common mistakes

And a little more about the "magic" words, which were discussed a little earlier. Some of them have been used so often to attract the attention of customers that they have become quite worn out and no longer evoke the intended reaction. This:

  • nouns: bliss, fragrance, taste, secret, dream, etc.;
  • adjectives: flawless, perfect, true, best, etc.

If the slogan you created includes words from both of these groups, the advertising phrase simply will not work. It is difficult to come up with an expression more banal than "true bliss." On the other hand, such words in combination with fresh and original images will look very appropriate.


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