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Is it possible to issue an urgent labor contract, which will not be a job at the main place of work? An employee at the main place of work works in another organization.


Answer to the question:

Yes, in the described situation, it is not only possible, but also necessary to conclude a fixed-term employment contract.

If the need to hire a new employee is caused by the absence of the main employee, who retains the place of work (for example, vacation), then the employment contract is concluded precisely for certain period on the basis of par. 2 parts 1 art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is not recommended to determine the term of an employment contract by indicating a specific calendar date for its expiration. an employee may have a sick leave during the vacation period, in connection with which the vacation will have to be extended. In this situation, it is recommended to indicate the event, the occurrence of which will entail the dismissal of a temporary worker.

Recording example:

1.6. This employment contract is fixed-term and is concluded in accordance with par. 2 parts 1 of article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the period of performance of the duties of an absent employee, for whom, in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory acts containing norms labor law, the place of work is saved, namely before the release of the main employee I.A. Ignatieva

When concluding an employment contract with a part-time worker, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on the duration of his working time - no more than half of the established norm of time (20 hours per week, and in the case of summarized accounting, on average for accounting period). The part-time mode will differ from the mode of work in your organization and it must be specified specifically in the employment contract: indicate working days, start and end times of daily work, breaks for rest and meals, days off, alternation of days off and working days (Article 57, 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

For more information about accepting a part-time worker, see below in the selection of materials from the System.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Situation: How to apply for a part-time job

The procedure for working part-time

What are the features of part-time work

In case of a combination of jobs, an employee, in his spare time from his main job, performs other regular paid work under a separate employment contract (part 1 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An example of hiring an external part-time worker

E.V. Ivanova was accepted into Alfa CJSC as a secretary on the terms of an external part-time job ().

The head of the organization issued an order for hiring for and, at the request of Ivanova, issued her a confirmation of hiring part-time. On the basis of this certificate, an employee of the organization responsible for maintaining personnel records at the main place of work made an entry for a part-time job in Ivanova.

An example of hiring an internal part-time worker

A.V. Dezhneva works at Alfa CJSC as a cashier. On March 4, 2011, Dezhneva was accepted as secretary on an internal part-time basis ().

The head of the organization issued an order for employment by. And the person responsible for maintaining personnel records made a record of part-time work in Dezhneva.

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

Expert Systems Personnel

Home → Accounting advice → Part-time jobs Update: January 17, 2017 We will immediately make a reservation that we will not find a direct answer to the question of whether there can be two main jobs in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the current labor legislation gives the employee the right to work simultaneously in several jobs (positions). However, this should not mislead either the employer or the employee. Officially allowing the employee to do such actions, the legislator establishes the features of simultaneous work in several places. Differences of part-time work from the main job Fulfillment of labor duties for two, three, etc. employers is called the special term "part-time job" (part 2 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Can there be two main jobs

If an employee directly servicing cash or commodity values, hiding the fact of having another permanent place of work, asked to issue a new work book, then he may be dismissed due to loss of confidence (clause 7, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In any case, if a decision is made to continue relations with an employee who hid the fact of working for another employer, then it is necessary to reissue the documents and transfer the employee to part-time work.
If the employee refuses to reissue documents or the nature of the work requires the presence of the employee at work full time, then the relationship can be terminated under paragraph 11 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to have two main jobs?

And in any other industry - easily. Please note - in any case, a part-time job should not strike at the main place of work. The Labor Code also states that in case of employment in several places, a conflict of interest in the chosen areas is unacceptable.


Otherwise, they have the right to deprive you of a part-time job. Or main job. And without it, as it has already become known, it is impossible to find a job in several places at the same time.

Practice Is it possible to work at two jobs officially? As we have already found out, almost all citizens have such an opportunity. And even the law does not prohibit having a part-time job. Moreover, it is encouraged - from all sides you are entitled to social guarantees.


But how are things in Russia in reality? Practice shows quite an ambiguous picture. Legally, you can officially find a part-time job.

And even a few.

Can I legally work two full-time jobs at once?

An employee works at the same enterprise, but at the same time performs different functions. In labor agreements, the same organization acts as the employer.

The option is quite simple to design and comfortable for both parties. A person has one job in fact, but performs several work functions.

There are also no difficulties with the execution of a work book, since it is stored in both work options in one place. Another advantage is that there is no need to re-assemble the package of necessary documentation, the employer can independently make duplicates of the necessary papers.

  • External.

    In this situation, the employee enters into two employment contracts with different enterprises. Accordingly, jobs will be located at two different addresses.
    This option is much more complicated than the first one, it requires separate paperwork for employment.

Is it possible to officially work at two jobs and is it legal?

If this is done in circumvention of the law, sooner or later the following violations may “surface”:

  • rules for issuing and maintaining labor;
  • insurance regulations (pension and medical);
  • accounting of working time;
  • use of false documents;
  • accounting irregularities, etc.

Each violation provides for a certain article of the civil labor and tax codes and the corresponding punishment. Possible legal option The only way to legally perform several full-time jobs at the same time is to conclude in another organization not an employment, but a civil law contract.

As a result of the conclusion of such an agreement, the employee does not enter a certain position, but undertakes to provide a particular service at a particular time.

Is it possible to officially work at two jobs at the same time: part-time

For example, if a person has two jobs, then the total number of hours spent on each of them should not be more than half of the working time by law. Who cannot be a part-time job The law provides for some categories of employees who cannot hold additional positions as part-time workers:

  • young workers under the age of 18;
  • the specifics of the main production (harmfulness, severity) does not allow applying for additional employment;
  • medical indications (prohibitions);
  • special situations prescribed in federal legislative acts.

Read more about the interpretation of working time under the Labor Code in a separate article.

Issues related to the work book A document that takes into account seniority and positions held, is started and stored in the personnel department of the main work.

Is it legal to work two jobs?

In such a situation, the question arises: through whose fault such a violation occurred. If the employee hid the fact that he had a main job and the employer was in good faith mistaken, then he does not face any risks.


He only needs to take certain actions, from the moment he learned about the employee’s main place of work, to correct the existing violation of labor laws (the procedure will be described later). If the employer knew that the employee already had a main place of work, but still signed a second employment contract with him as with the main employee, then there is a possibility that the employer may be held administratively liable for violation of labor laws.

For this administrative offense, they are held accountable under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

What threatens work on two work books?

TVS 2012-11-03 15:52:46 As soon as you answer the question, I'll give you a link. Although in principle - problems none and no. ERISTARH 03-11-2012, 15:54:48 What does work books have to do with it, you don’t know it’s better not to write anything at all, otherwise you found a reason to write, you don’t need to deviate from the question and lead others into other jungles, I’m not an expert, I’m a beginner, work books are still valid, I agree, but no one will punish you if you have 30 work books, and no company will understand and find out why you have a new work book. I'm interested in the answer to my question...
If, however, the employment contract is terminated, the employee is paid severance pay in the amount of the average monthly salary. If the violations occurred due to the fault of the employee, then it is not necessary to offer another job or pay severance pay. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Answer: How to arrange the transfer of an employee from the main job to a part-time job within the organization. That is, the main employee becomes a part-time N.Z. Kovyazina Labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the direct transfer of an employee from the main job to a part-time job with the same employer.

A person works at two jobs at the main place of work

In fact, everything is much simpler. It should be clarified that with part-time work, one type of activity is always considered the main one (original work), and the other - additional. In the first case, the relationship is formalized through a work book, in the second - with the help of an employment contract, a mandatory clause of which is a note that the employee's activity is carried out part-time.

The nuances of part-time registration Now that you know whether it is possible to officially work in two jobs, you need to clarify additional nuances combinations. First of all, you need to specify the schedule officially authorized by the TC. So, a citizen is allocated no more than 4 hours a day for additional work, provided that before that the employee performed his direct labor duties during a full shift.

Employment at 0.5 rate at the main place of work is a process that requires additional knowledge from the employer and personnel specialists. An employee who agrees to work part-time must be issued without errors, otherwise it can result in serious consequences. Employment at 0.5 rates requires separate preparation and differently executed documents.

Part-time recruitment - what is it

If the boss needs to apply for a part-time job at the main place of work, then he needs to focus on the principles of labor legislation. Information about such a process is contained in articles 93 and 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It talks about two main features of the requirements if you need to arrange a part-time job:

  • Half-time work can be fixed different ways. It can be noted that the employee works part-time in production or, if it is more convenient, part-time week.
  • If full agreement is reached between the employer and the employee, then in this case it is possible to set him a part-time job not only at the time of signing the employment contract, but also if he has been working in production for some time.

Also, the employee has the opportunity to write an application for his transfer to part-time. And in some cases, the employer is obliged to satisfy the requirement of the employee by registering him for a part-time job:

  • If the application is written by an employee who is expecting a child;
  • If the application is written by an employee who has children under the age of fourteen. Also, a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can write such a statement. If he has not reached the age of eighteen, then the employer must also transfer this employee to a part-time job;
  • If the employee who wrote the application this moment caring for a sick relative. This application must be accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the fact of the disease.

All the reasons mentioned above make it mandatory for the employer to comply with the employee's request to renew the employment contract for part-time work. If he refuses to do this, then the worker has the right to apply first to a special commission, and if an agreement is not reached as a result of the labor dispute, then to the court.

It must be remembered that for an employee who works on part-time, all laws prescribed in the Labor Code apply Russian Federation. And they apply to the employee in full. This applies to both leave and other rights and privileges that are guaranteed to the employee by law.

Employment contract for part-time employment

If the head of the enterprise needs to arrange a part-time job at the main place of work, an entry in work book is carried out on a general basis, as well as about any other full-fledged employment. A different procedure is provided for, which in itself cannot imply full-time work.

When an employee is employed on a part-time basis, there are no restrictions on, for example, the duration of paid leave. The right to rest is still reserved for the employee, regardless of the fact that such a person works fewer hours than expected. It is also impossible to limit the employee in receiving, as stated in Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to register a person for a part-time job, it is necessary to conclude a special one with him. When writing it, a free form is used, which, however, should include the following items:

It is worth noting that the points above are mandatory, but not final. If the parties agreed that the terms of the employment contract require additional clauses, then they can be easily entered there. There are no restrictions here. The main thing is that these clauses correspond to the specifics of labor activity and introduce additional details into the terms of the contract without violating the basic rights and obligations of the parties regulated by labor legislation.

A person who takes a part-time job at the main place of work retains the right to take advantage of a shortened working day. It must be assumed in terms production calendar. And if an employee is accepted for workplace part-time, it is necessary to stipulate the standards of working hours. This is done so that the employee can count on overtime and all payments that are associated with them. This is stated in Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A part-time part-time shift must be established in the employment contract, which is concluded between the employee and superiors. There you can specify both part-time work and part-time work.

  1. In the first case, the employee will work 4 hours a day with a five-day work week.
  2. The second concept is somewhat more complex, and in this case, the employee can work on different schedules.

For example - four days a week and five hours a day - the main thing is that he working time actually amounted to half of the standard duration of work. And it is very important in the text of the contract to accurately reflect the number of hours that the employee will have to spend on the shift.

If an employment contract is concluded with an employee for full shifts, then working hours can not be prescribed, but only indicate the number of such full shifts per week or month in accordance with the schedule with half the working time.

Also, in addition to clear hours of rest, there is another part of the schedule that needs to be written in without fail. This is the period during which the employee can count on rest. In addition, it is necessary to specify separately such a point labor agreement, as the subject of the contract, in which it is necessary to describe general functions to be performed by the employee.

This paragraph also indicates the duration of the probationary period and the place where the employee will work. If the contract is urgent, then it is necessary to clarify the period during which the employee will be at his workplace. At this point, it is important to indicate that part-time work in this position is the main one for the employee.

The recruitment process for a part-time job

When hiring an employee for a part-time job, it is necessary to issue an order where his acceptance to the position will be recorded. And when compiling this document, as well as when compiling others relating to an employee working part-time, it is worth considering some features:

  • In the section called "Conditions of Admission", it is worth fixing the conditions for admission to part-time work;
  • In the line where his salary is indicated, it is necessary to fix the employee's rate. It is set at 50% of the salary, which is indicated for the same position in staffing;

An order that speaks of hiring a part-time employee must be signed within three days. The term begins to run from the moment the employee begins direct labor activity at his workplace.

If an employee wants to switch to part-time own will, then he needs to write a corresponding application. In the header of this document, he must indicate the first person of the organization where he works. It is also necessary to indicate the full name of the company and the name of the production manager, in full.

The employee must indicate in the application his initials and the address indicated in the appropriate column in the passport. The document must indicate the essence of the request - hiring part-time. Also, there must be indicated the reason why the employee wants to get a part-time job. The employee needs to write down the name of his department and the title of the position.

An entry to be made in the employee's work book. Does personnel worker enterprises. The document must indicate the very fact of acceptance for the position, as well as indicate the full name of the organization and that structural unit where the employee is located.

It is not worth mentioning that the employee was hired on a part-time basis. An entry in the work book must be made according to standard rules that do not differ from the entries of other employees. There you need to specify only the salary that is set for this employee.

If an employee leaves his position, then he needs to make exactly the same entry in, as well as any other employee. There should be no indication that he worked part-time and received half the rate.

The nuances of hiring for 0.5 rates

Violation of the rules established in the state for the registration of part-time workers can result in severe penalties. If an employee turns to a special commission to start a labor dispute, then any mistake made by the employer will play into his hands.

It is important to keep that level wages, which is set for part-time employees. Their salary is assigned in the amount of 50% of the salary fixed for this position in the staff list. And if an employee works in a position where the minimum wage is set, then it can also be reduced by 50%. This will not be a violation of labor standards.

It is worth remembering that a part-time employee should not have restrictions on receiving .

All documents that an employee needs to provide in order to draw up an employment contract, both standard and part-time, are specified in the legislation. This is stated in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The only thing that needs to be clearly monitored by both the employer and the employee himself is job descriptions. If part-time work means that the employee needs to perform a smaller amount of work, then this should be reflected in this clause of the employment contract.

It is worth distinguishing between such concepts as part-time work and reduced working time. They reflect different situations. In the first case, an employment contract is concluded between the employee and the manager by mutual agreement of both parties. In the second case, the worker is left with no choice but to submit to the will of his employer. Of course, if he has critical objections, and the suspicion that this is doing contrary to legislative norms, then he can apply to a special commission to start a labor dispute.

It should be noted that many state enterprises work around the clock. Such a work schedule implies that a shift type of work schedule has been introduced in production. And if there are harmful factors in the workplace that directly affect the health of the employee, then a smaller amount of working time should be established there.

All of these factors must be considered if an employer decides to hire a part-time worker.

If an employee has been working on a regular working day for some time, and it was decided to transfer him to a part-time shift, then this must be reflected in the documentation. This is done with the help of an additional agreement concluded between the employee and the employer. All must be specified working conditions, which have been changed as a result of this decision, namely:

  • New working hours for the employee;
  • The period during which the employee will work part-time;
  • Changes related to the terms of payment for work and job descriptions;

Today, you can hardly surprise anyone with part-time work: it has become quite common. Moreover, such an organization of labor is beneficial not only to the employee who gets the opportunity to earn extra money, but also to the organization itself. After all, it happens that a full-time employee is not required or a small amount of work allows you to use an internal or external part-time job. About what are the features and nuances of such cooperation - read the article.

"Moscow accountant"

Law on part-time work
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there is no restriction on the number of jobs for citizens, therefore, if there is a desire and strength, any of us can work at least 10 positions. Can a person get a part-time job without having a main job, we asked the leading specialist of the Human Resources Department of RetailComStar, Yulia Nazarova:

If an employee carries out activities under several employment contracts, then one of them must be regulated by the rules, as for the main place of work, while the rest of the contracts must stipulate that the work is part-time (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, the order for admission to the service (form No. T-1) also necessarily indicates the nature of the upcoming activity “part-time” (post. Goskomstat of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Thus, to work only as a part-time job, as well as to have several main jobs, the Labor Code prohibits. First of all, this is due to the fact that the employee should have only one work book, and part-time employment in it can be indicated in a separate line. The entry is made by the main employer, according to supporting documents from another place of work on part-time admission (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Set limits
Traditionally, a distinction is made between internal part-time work (when an employee works under two or more employment contracts in one organization) and external part-time work (when an employee works in several organizations at once). In the first case, everything Required documents are already with the employer. Additionally, only a diploma (copy) or other document on education or vocational training, confirming the competence of an employee in another profession.

If an employee gets a job at a new enterprise for himself, then it is enough for him to have a passport or other identity document - a work book is not needed here. The employer also has the right to demand a document on education, or its certified copy. And also, when applying for a part-time job, as well as when applying for a job at the main place of service, a certificate of state pension insurance is required.

There are certain co-op restrictions. For example, it is forbidden to work in several organizations at once if the working conditions are both dangerous or harmful. Therefore, in accordance with Article 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring for hard work, a part-time worker is required to present a certificate of the nature and working conditions at the main place of service. It is also forbidden to combine positions related to driving. Vehicle or management of their movement (Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 11.1 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” (Federal Law No. 395-I of December 2, 1990) establishes restrictions on part-time work for heads of credit institutions. It is forbidden to have two or more positions for civil servants (the regulation does not apply to employees of scientific, teaching, creative and medical activities).

How best to draw up such employees was advised by a specialist personnel department company "Reika" Svetlana Zamolueva:

It is better not to involve employees of state structures as part-time workers. We once had the head of a department of a state institution working under such conditions. When checking the control and audit department, this employee had to write an explanatory note, and there were also claims against us, although we are a private company. Well done without a fine, just warned. If such an employee wants to work for you, it is better to hire him under a contract, and the costs are less (only personal income tax is charged and UST and mandatory pension insurance payments are withheld), and you don’t need to keep a time sheet, and you won’t have to pay vacation. But here it should be noted that not every state enterprise is a state structure, for example, a plant is not a state structure, and, therefore, employees can be hired from such organizations without fear.

Restrictions also exist for the directors of an organization who apply for a part-time job leadership position in another company. Permission is required to employ such a person. authorized body the company in which he is employed, or the owner of this organization. For example, a top manager joint-stock company who wants to take a position in the management body of another company must obtain the consent of the board of directors at the main place of service (clause 3 of article 69 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ).
At internal combination the head of the company cannot be a member of the supervisory and control bodies of this organization.

tax question

When concluding an employment contract with a part-time job, it must be taken into account that he is the same employee as the rest and the norms of all local acts of the organization apply to him, including probation(Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the rules of internal work schedule, provisions on bonuses, disciplinary or full liability.

The working time of a part-time worker should not exceed half labor day principal employee for the same period. Restrictions do not apply if the part-time worker at the "main" place of work has suspended labor activity, including in connection with a salary delay or suspended from service in accordance with a medical report (Articles 284, 142, 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, a part-time worker can receive no more than half of the amount of payment of the main employee for his work. At the same time, the full salary is indicated in the employment contract with the proviso that the employee is accepted on a part-time basis with remuneration in proportion to the hours worked (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Orders are made in the same way.

But it should be noted that there are circumstances that allow you to pay a part-time job more than the established salary. The fact is that the Labor Code provides for the possibility of remunerating such an employee depending on the output (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, when setting standardized tasks, it is possible to pay the amount of the full salary if the part-time worker performs the amount of work corresponding to the norm of the main employee. At the same time, the amount of time spent on the performance of the work does not matter.

Part-time workers can be set bonuses, additional payments, and be paid material assistance, if they are provided for by the conditions of remuneration for this position. At the same time, the amount of compensation, again, should not exceed half the salary for the position, otherwise it will not be possible to take it into account as expenses when taxing profits (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated February 1, 2007 No. 03-03-06 / 1/50. and letter Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated September 30, 2005 No. 20-12 / 69936, with full version this document you can find in the reference legal system ConsultantPlus).

The issue of taxation in this case has its own nuances. So, a part-time worker can use the personal income tax exemption only at one of the enterprises. And if an employee writes an application for a benefit, it would be quite legitimate to ask him to bring a certificate from his main place of work that he does not use this privilege there. And for internal part-time workers, the object of personal income tax is formed from all RFPs.

Sick leave allowance is provided both at the main place of work and part-time. Accordingly, the employee is issued several certificates of incapacity for work according to the number of places of work. The amount of temporary disability benefits cannot exceed a certain limit (in 2009 - 18,720 rubles) for each place of work. All employers also pay maternity benefits (the limit in 2009 is 25,390 rubles).

The part-time worker has the right to annual leave, by the way, it is provided simultaneously with the "holidays" for the main work. In this case, the employee must be released from work, even if 6 months have not passed. If the duration of rest at the main place of service exceeds part-time leave, at additional work for the difference in days, days off are provided at their own expense. And also the part-time worker has the right to receive compensation for unused "holidays". But study leave for part-time workers is not provided, but if this is provided at the main job, in another organization, the employee is allowed to take unpaid days off.

The term of the employment contract for part-time work is established by agreement of the parties. Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the parties to conclude TD with part-time workers for a period of not more than 5 years.

Dismissal or transfer?
The transfer of an external part-time worker to the ranks of the main workers can be done in two ways. The first way involves registration through dismissal. At the same time, the termination of the TD on part-time work is coupled with mandatory payment compensation for unused vacations.

When concluding a new employment contract, it becomes possible to establish a probationary period for the employee. Meanwhile, the employee's seniority is interrupted, which means that the right to the next annual leave will appear only after 6 months of continuous work in the company.

There is also a second way. According to Rostrud specialists, if an employer transfers a part-time job to a full-time job, then it is not at all necessary to first dismiss him (Rostrud letter dated October 22, 2007. No. 4299-6-1). You can simply make changes (indicate that the work is the main one, fix the new mode of work and other conditions) in the employment contract for part-time work.
At the same time, the wording of the entry made in the work book will depend on whether a note has already been made in it about part-time work or not. If yes, then following the record of dismissal from the previous main place of work, data on the new place of service should be entered, specifying from what date work in this position became the main one for this employee.

If a record of the period of part-time work was not made, then a note is made about hiring, indicating the time during which he worked as a part-time job. At the same time, in column 2, the first day of part-time work is indicated as the date of admission to a new place, and in column 4, reference is made to 2 orders - on admission and that the activity in this company has become the main one.

Other options
In addition to part-time employment, labor legislation also provides for the combination of positions. Along with the main duties, the employee may be assigned to perform during the working day additional work. For example, it could be:

Combination of professions (positions). Classical examples are the secretary-typist and the plumber;

Expansion of the service area or increase in the scope of work in the same profession (position). A more experienced worker can, during his main working hours, perform more works. For example, instead of one machine to serve two;

Fulfillment of the duties of a temporarily absent employee (work both in another and in the same profession).

In such cases, the employee combines the performance of duties in two positions within the framework of the main working hours and must receive an appropriate additional payment for this. The period during which the employee will perform the duties assigned to him, their content and scope is set by the employer with written consent employee (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

But you need to understand that not all positions can be combined, and if a locksmith wants to work in free time watchman, then you will have to conclude a separate employment contract with him and hire him as a part-time worker.

Seniority calculation

Personnel officers consider the length of service according to the entries in the work book: accepted - fired. If during this period a person is still working part-time somewhere, then this period still falls within the same time frame. Thus, when calculating the length of service, either one or another period of work is taken into account. Together they cannot be taken into account. According to article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work is additional income.


I was on maternity leave for 3 years and stayed at the enterprise for 2/3 of the rate and I am sitting at home. Can I get another job?

The need to obtain additional income forces working citizens to look for additional places to work. In this regard, a quite reasonable question arises: how many jobs can one worker officially get?

When additional employment, it is the official status of the employee that should be taken into account in the first place, since only in this case he will have the right to all social, payments and benefits (if any are provided for by law for a specific category of working citizens).

Another limitation concerns the norm established for the main place of work. Additional labor duties should not take more than half of this monthly norm.

There are two types of additional labor activity (according to article 60.1 of the Labor Code), each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. means working for one employer. In this case, the initiator is more often the employee himself, who submits an application with a request to be accepted into a vacant place as a part-time worker. For internal part-timers, the rate cannot exceed half of the salary! Accordingly, additional labor activity cannot exceed four hours daily.
  2. implies labor activity for at least two employers (legislation does not prohibit part-time work at more jobs). Usually, employment is done at a half rate. The employee is also the initiator. He looks for a free place, and then writes an application to a new employer asking him to hire him.

For persons engaged in external part-time work, both a half rate and a smaller rate can be set.

The number of additional jobs depends on the capabilities and desires of the employee, but at each of these jobs, the maximum employment on weekdays cannot exceed four hours. On weekends and holidays accrued full time, since during these periods the employee is not engaged in the main work activity.

Payment order

Depending on employment, additional job responsibilities a person can receive 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or half of the rate.

The sizes are fixed in the contract, while the employer takes into account time limits (no more than four hours daily and no more than 20 hours every week). Two payment methods can be set:

  • for hours actually worked;
  • for the amount of products or goods produced (the so-called).

More often, the first option is chosen, as it is more convenient and understandable for both interested parties. The basis for calculating the salary is, which displays the actual hours worked.

The accrual of funds is made by multiplying the hours worked by the rate established according to the contract. Then all the allowances are added to the result obtained. For example, an additional payment (surcharge) is due for work at night. Night hours are multiplied by the established surcharge factor.

And work on holidays and weekends must be paid in double the amount, that is, the rate is doubled, and then hours of work on weekends or holidays are multiplied by it.

Rates for teachers and health workers

For medical workers the norm is set at half the working time assigned at the main place of work (according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor under number 41). For example, a nurse working 30 hours can work no more than 16 additional hours per week. That is, the rate will be one and a half. At the same time, processing is allowed for doctors and other medical staff in settlements where there are not enough medical workers.

According to the mentioned Decree, they can also count on half the rate. And according to Article 333 of the Labor Code, their full weekly employment cannot exceed 36 hours.


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