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Advice and suggestions from the current entrepreneur, the owner of pharmacies from the Kostroma region, Vladimir Pushkov, which he kindly agreed to offer to all users of our Russian Startup online magazine. All the premises where Vladimir's pharmacies are located are leased to them. So it is more convenient and profitable for him. The network has a manager who is also a co-owner of the pharmacy business. Each pharmacy has one pharmacist and two pharmacists. All pharmacies are profitable, and Vladimir's business is flourishing even in our difficult times.

Every year the pharmacy business is gaining momentum. As practice shows, with the right approach, the sale of medicines can be enough profitable business. Vladimir tells about what is needed to open a pharmacy.

How to open a pharmacy from scratch? Personal experience

Before starting the pharmacy business, there was only a desire to open a business, but no experience. I considered various options, but decided to focus on the sale of drugs. No matter what happens in the country, no matter what the income, people will never stop being treated.

Another plus is that the shelf life of medical products is usually at least two years, and the average pharmacy check is not so small.

Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to find a room - it is on where the pharmacy will be located, the area and layout of the room that will largely depend on what will come of it in the end.

So for downtown sales, in shopping malls and other crowded places will require one assortment and appropriate staff, and for a pharmacy in a residential area - a slightly different one.

If you are planning to open a pharmacy in the village, the approach to organizing its work will be completely different.

You need to choose a direction of activity from several types:

  • classic ordinary pharmacy;
  • pharmacy shop;
  • Pharmacy;
  • pharmacy kiosk.

The differences between them are defined by the current normative documents and consist in the number of services provided and medicines allowed for sale.

So only a classic pharmacy or pharmacy can dispense prescription drugs. In kiosks or shops, only OTC products are allowed to be sold.

Therefore, you should decide in advance what services you are going to provide. It should also be taken into account that it is impossible to open a pharmacy without a pharmacy that has already begun its activities. Therefore, it is better to immediately collect documents for opening a pharmacy, and further develop smaller forms of business.

When opening a pharmacy, a business plan will help resolve the issue of initial capital

Like every aspiring entrepreneur, I was worried about the question of finding money. There were savings, but they were few. I applied to the bank for a loan for the development of small business - they asked me to provide a business plan.

To be honest, I had no idea how to draw up such documents. When I tried to put my thoughts into numbers on paper, something unintelligible came out. As a result, I turned to a company specializing in such services and received a full ready business-plan.

As a result, I received a loan from a bank under the state guarantee of the small business development center. Firstly, the bank lent money for a small process, and, secondly, there were no difficulties in concluding an agreement.

What needs to be done to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education?

The only thing that bothered me was the lack of a diploma from a medical institute. Having become interested in how to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education, I found out that this is not connected with direct work, but with the form of ownership.

A diploma in pharmacist or pharmacist is required when you register as individual entrepreneur. This is discussed in the law regulating the circulation of medicines.

If you choose any other type of property, the question of whether it is possible to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education will not stand before you.

But what is needed to open a pharmacy, besides the usual worries associated with financial investments, renting premises or recruiting staff, is knowledge of the laws and regulations related to this area. And this is one of the most important questions among what you need to open a pharmacy in Russia.

Pharmacy activity is regulated by the following regulations: documents:

  • Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" No. 61-FZ dated April 12, 2010.
    Federal Law (as amended on 04.10.2010) “On Licensing certain types activities” No. 128-FZ of 08.08.2001;
  • Regulation on Licensing Pharmaceutical Activities No. 416 dated July 6, 2006;
    Decree "On approval of the rules for the destruction of substandard medicines, counterfeit medicines and counterfeit medicines" No. 674 of September 3, 2010;
  • Decree "On approval of the regulation on licensing the production of medicines" No. 684 of September 3, 2010.

Obtaining a license can take quite a long time. In addition, you will need to purchase equipment: refrigerators for storing medicines, air conditioners, safes for medicines containing narcotic substances, commercial equipment.

When repairing, pay attention to Decoration Materials could be subjected to wet cleaning with disinfectants. Mandatory ramps for customers with disabilities and railings for the elderly.

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It is also important what material will be used for finishing the floor and outdoor space near your pharmacy. Remember that a significant part of the buyers will be people aged with health problems.

If they experience inconvenience at the entrance (especially in winter, when it is slippery), then you will lose most of the buyers.

The issue of recruitment also has its own nuances. In addition to the fact that the staff must have a pharmacist and a pharmacist, even ordinary sellers must understand the product and, if necessary, be able to advise one or another medicine.

This is especially true for pharmacies located in residential areas - this way you can build up a base of regular customers who turn only to you.

If you, like me at the beginning, are not very well versed in what product to buy, you cannot do without the services of a good pharmacist. The purchase of medicines can be made both directly from manufacturers and from pharmacy warehouses that sell goods at wholesale prices.

Don't be afraid to start a business in unfinished development areas.

At first, the flow of buyers will be small, but later, with a lesser degree of probability, competitors will appear nearby.

As a result, you will receive big market at your disposal.

In general, it seems to me that in order to answer the question “I want to open a pharmacy where to start”, it will take a very long time.

But you understand this with experience, and, as you know, it does not appear without practice.

For example, advertising for individual pharmacies does not give a return; it makes sense to invest in promotion only if you work with a network of establishments. But promotions, discounts and benefits, even if very small, can attract a lot of people.

Therefore, think over this issue in advance, prepare discount savings cards, arrange discounts on weekends or in the morning - all this will bring quite a significant income.

How much money do you need to open a pharmacy?

It all depends on what type of pharmacy you will open. So, in order to open a franchise pharmacy, you will need one amount, depending on the conditions offered by the franchisee.

It is very convenient, you get an almost ready-made business with a promoted name, with a developed scheme of work and with ready-made suppliers. In addition, network players are interested in attracting new outlets. But it will cost more, and the profits will have to be shared.

So the franchise of the 36.6 pharmacy chain will cost only a thousand dollars, but, in addition to selecting premises, paying rent and finding staff, you are expected to invest 50-100 thousand dollars. Approximately the same picture in other well-known networks.

It is rather difficult to give an exact answer on how much it costs to open a pharmacy without knowing the specific circumstances. If we talk about approximate initial figures, then they can amount to 40-45 thousand dollars in Moscow. In the provinces, it is quite possible to limit yourself to the amount of 25 thousand.

Table number 1. Potential for expanding the market of pharmacies and pharmacy chains in Russia

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy?

It all depends on how many buyers you can attract. The approximate payback of such an enterprise is about a year. But it is better to immediately aim at opening a pharmacy chain over time.

This will reduce the cost of purchasing medicines and, accordingly, increase the profit from each operating point.

From my own experience, I can say that a pharmacy as a business can become not only a profitable business, but also one that will remain stable under any external circumstances.

Table number 2. Growth of drug market participants in Russia

  • The wider the range offered, the higher the profit;
  • At the initial stage, medicines can be purchased together with some other pharmacies - each of you will benefit from the cost of medicines, since discounts for large wholesale buyers can be very significant;
  • Do not limit the assortment only to medicines: teas, mineral water, dietary supplements from certified manufacturers, skin or hair care products - all this will increase sales and your profit;
  • You can open a specialized establishment and offer goods to a narrow group of customers: expensive medicines, diabetics, homeopathic medicines, etc.

What will be popular in any crisis? Three things: food, alcohol and drugs. The pharmacy always makes a profit. This is due to several factors: the constantly deteriorating environment, the decline in the quality of products, the unwillingness of people to take care of their health. Therefore, the pharmacy business is considered one of the most promising and profitable.

A little information

Many entrepreneurs believe that it is very difficult to “get into” the pharmacy business. Actually it is not. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to open a pharmacy from scratch, what documents you will need to obtain and how to arrange everything correctly without having a specialized education.

Opening a pharmacy from scratch is not such a difficult task as it seems

First of all, consider what pharmacies are. It could be:

  1. A small pharmacy in or near a medical facility.
  2. A full-fledged pharmacy kiosk (shop).
  3. A pharmacy that sells ready-made medicines.
  4. Manufacturing pharmacy.
  5. A pharmacy that has the right to engage in the production of various aseptic drugs.

If you have no experience, then you should stop at options 1-3, i.e. classic pharmacy stores selling ready-made medicinal preparations, etc.

Document set

let's consider what documents are needed to open a pharmacy, selling finished products. You will need:

  1. Issue a license for the right to retail sales of medicines.
  2. Obtain permission to open from the fire department.
  3. Obtain permission to open a sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as issue a sanitary passport for the premises in it.

Basically, that's all Required documents to open - as you can see, there are not very many of them. Registration of a full package of documents takes about 40-50 days.

Note:A license can only be obtained by an entrepreneur with a specialized medical education. You can bypass this rule by opening an LLC.

Trade in pharmacy stores is usually carried out in a closed system (drugs are stored behind the counter). In some cases, it is beneficial to organize the so-called supermarket trade - customers themselves take the necessary goods, paying for them at the checkout. In this simple way, you can increase sales by 20-25%. But this method only works in places with high traffic and an appropriate security system. In classical establishments, it is better to conduct closed trade.

Pharmacy-supermarket brings 20% more profit

How to get a license

Any pharmacy implies that the entrepreneur has a specialized education. But open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education nevertheless it is possible. The way out will be the formation of an LLC instead of an individual entrepreneur. You, as a business owner, become the founder of an LLC, and a person with the necessary diploma and knowledge is appointed as the head of the pharmacy. Based on this, you are freely issued a license, and you get the full right to distribute profits from sales and control the fate of the enterprise, as an individual entrepreneur.

Room selection

Where is the best place to open a pharmacy? Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose crowded places in the center or on the ground floors of hypermarkets. Actually this is not the best solution. Most often, drugs are bought at the pharmacy closest to the house. Moreover, even if prices in it are 10-15% higher than in the central one, few people will spend time on a trip.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion - pharmacies are best located in residential areas or in the center of the private sector. The area of ​​the store should be about 70 meters. It houses not only a counter with display cases, but also a place for storing drugs, a room for staff, a utility unit, an office for an accountant and a manager.

Room decoration is usually made with durable, easy-to-wash antibacterial materials. Usually the floor is covered with ceramic tiles or homogeneous linoleum, tiles or high-quality plastic are also used for walls.

Note:the room must be cleaned several times a day and disinfected. This applies not only trading floor, but also a warehouse of medicines.

Also, the store must have high-quality ventilation, fire alarms, air parameters monitoring sensors, and burglar alarms.

Which is better - to buy a premises for a pharmacy or to rent it? The question is ambiguous. Buying a good property can cost a lot. In addition, you will need to spend a lot of money on furnishing the premises and purchasing equipment. That's why the best option it is considered to be the lease of premises for a long period (at least a year) with a monthly payment.

Competent specialists and a wide range are the key to guaranteed profit


Now let's talk about equipment and What does it take to open a pharmacy? sale of finished medicines. You will have to purchase:

  1. Cash registers in the required quantity (for each cash register).
  2. Temperature controlled refrigeration units.
  3. Counters and transparent showcases.
  4. Shelving.
  5. Lockable cabinets with drawers.
  6. Computers with appropriate software.
  7. Safes, which are necessary for the storage of narcotic drugs.
  8. Tables and chairs for utility rooms, racks for storage in a warehouse.


To open a pharmacy store, you need specific staff. The pharmacy manager must have a proven pharmaceutical education. Also, the manager must have at least five years of work experience in the specialty.

Pharmacological education and experience must be present with sellers. Every 5 years, all employees take refresher courses to improve their level of knowledge. The seller must understand what he is selling, since up to 80% of buyers come without a prescription and the pharmacist has to sell drugs based on symptoms.

Where to get goods?

Our step by step instructions on opening a pharmacy comes to its logical conclusion - the last we will consider the question of where to get the goods. Usually there are no difficulties with this - in each city there are several distributors from different companies. Never get hung up on one - work with several suppliers. This will allow you to maximize the range and reduce prices due to competition.

Note:often large distributors offer good discounts on large volumes. Therefore, small single pharmacies form purchasing cooperatives, which allows them to stay afloat.

To open, you will need not only racks and showcases, but also refrigeration equipment, safes, cabinets and cash registers

If you do not want to cooperate with others, then your purchase prices will not be the most profitable and low. Therefore, think about how to reduce the final cost of medicines and attract customers. It's easy to do - give Additional services. For example, free blood pressure measurement, competent consultations, expansion of the range due to cosmetics and nutritional supplements.


We come to the main question - what is the price open a pharmacy kiosk and how much you can earn on it. The average cost of opening varies between 1.5-2 million rubles. This amount includes absolutely everything: obtaining documents and licenses, renting and repairing premises, purchasing equipment, furniture, drugs, an advertising campaign and a fund wages for the first time.

The profitability of opening depends on several factors: location, rental cost, purchase prices, and the presence of competitors.

The markup on medicines is 30%, on related products - 50%. While ensuring a constant flow of visitors (and it is in most cases), all investments made pay off in a maximum of 2 years. Detailed pharmacy business plan you can find on the Internet and adjust it to fit your conditions.

At first glance, the profitability is not the best - there are many more interesting projects that pay off much faster. But a pharmacy is a guarantee of a constant income and an almost risk-free business. The profitability of the business increases with each new point opened - two pharmacies pay off in 12-15 months, three or more in 9-12. This is due to lower prices for bulk purchases, as well as cost optimization. In general, a pharmacy is a profitable, stable and white business that will always be in demand. She can be like family business, and the beginning of the opening of its own network.

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Pharmacies, like grocery stores, are unlikely to ever lose their relevance. Health and the problems of its absence are a circumstance that at least once in a lifetime was familiar to each of us, so the need for medicines always exists. Against the backdrop of high demand in Russia, there is no less high competition. But with the availability of capital and a competent development strategy, it is quite realistic to open a pharmacy from scratch.

What does it take to open a pharmacy?

Even at the start, you need to clearly define the format of the institution, in which direction the development is planned. All pharmacies are divided into:

  • territorial - the pharmacy is focused on local residents of the area in which it is located;
  • hospital - located on the territory of a medical institution or near it, focused on patients;
  • family - the range consists of the most popular and frequently requested medicines and medical products for the family;
  • premium - located in business districts, elite areas, on the territory of shopping centers, include medicines, family goods, premium pharmaceutical brands in the assortment.

Like any field, the typology of pharmacy organizations is constantly evolving. In addition to traditional ones (with a closed display case), open-access establishments are gaining popularity, which allow each visitor to choose the necessary drug, read its instructions.

Also, new types of pharmacies include pharmaceutical markets (or pharmacy supermarkets), online pharmacies with home delivery. According to experts, it is these areas that will develop in Russia in the coming decades.

Pharmacy business: where to start?

The next important aspect that needs to be decided even before opening from scratch is the choice of location. It's no secret that a pharmacy, like any other retail outlet, should be located in busy places - in the middle of residential areas, near transport stops, markets, shops, places for recreation.

At the time of planning, it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis, market segmentation and determine trends in its development. It is necessary to study the local pharmacy market and potential buyers, taking into account the employment of a niche, the search for profitable positions in a particular direction.

Pay attention to the existing pharmacies in the area of ​​interest with an established customer base. It is necessary to take into account the behavior of customers, assortment. This will make it possible to highlight target audience and understand what is missing in the current market.

When choosing a location, it is necessary to find the optimal ratio of a good busy location and the cost of rent. Find out how much it costs to rent the premises of interest in different places, choose the appropriate option for yourself. The rental fee must be compared with the total cost of opening a pharmacy from scratch.

Advice: often entrepreneurs open a pharmacy from scratch on the territory of hospitals and clinics. In this case, you can build on specialization - if it is, for example, a dermatological or dental center, offer products in this particular direction.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy?

Opening a pharmacy from scratch is much more difficult than providing one. To conduct activities, a large package of permits is needed, so its preparation is a laborious process. Pharmacy business is going through the stage of compulsory licensing. In order to obtain a license, you need:

  1. application for grant of license, which spells out the name and choice organizational form, address of the future institution, listing of works that are planned to be dealt with;
  2. copies constituent documents for legal entities;
  3. certificate of tax registration;
  4. confirmation of payment of the license fee;
  5. specialist certificate, which indicates vocational training leader;
  6. a lease agreement or ownership of the premises in which it is planned to open a pharmacy from scratch;
  7. documents confirming the receipt of higher specialized education by employees;
  8. a copy of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with the established requirements.

To open from scratch, you need to obtain permission from the fire inspection, which will draw a conclusion according to the following documents provided:

  • certificate of completion of the company registration stage;
  • documents that confirm the presence of a fire alarm and fire protection equipment;
  • fire safety declaration;
  • confirmation of measurements of insulation resistance of electrical wires.

Also, to open a pharmacy from scratch, you need to obtain permission to conduct activities in the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological station. To do this, prepare the following papers:

  • an application for a permit from the SES;
  • passport of the founder of the business;
  • identification code;
  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • extract from the USRIP or USRLE;
  • a lease agreement or ownership of real estate in which it is planned to open an institution from scratch;
  • explication;
  • BTI planning;
  • contract for disinfection, disposal of fluorescent lamps and laundry;
  • sanitary books of employees;
  • the results of measuring the microclimate of the room and the level of its illumination.

As you can see, the package of documents is large, it will take months to collect it. Many entrepreneurs entrust the function of preparing permits to specialized organizations that will advise on issues of interest and, for example, provide information on how.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

To open a pharmacy from scratch, you need to complete a number of organizational processes. Registering a business and implementing this idea is much more difficult than. Therefore, be patient. After choosing the premises and completing the documentation, you need to go directly to the preparation.

Pharmacy Automation

Today, any business cannot do without automated devices - from to a hypermarket. Opening a pharmacy from scratch is no exception, moreover, in this business it is especially important because of the wide range of medicines, different manufacturers and the availability of analogues with different names.

There are special programs that help you quickly find the drug you need, show its cost, quickly update the assortment and help you identify items that are expiring.

Advice: automation of the workplace will increase the speed and quality of customer service, which will affect the turnover and image of the organization.

To automate the pharmacy business, you need:

  • buy computer and server equipment, components;
  • select the program for which work is planned (for example, 1C Pharmacy, Likis, Morion, ANR Pharmacy Program);
  • purchase cash registers cash machine, barcode scanners, terminal);
  • connect equipment to the network, devices to software products;
  • implement programs.

The introduction of automation is necessary to minimize human factor. Even the most skilled and professional pharmacist cannot keep thousands of drug names in his head for quality customer service. Many are interested in how much special accounting programs cost. Their price depends on the degree of complexity, functionality and varies between 1.5-4 thousand rubles per month.

Assortment policy and merchandising

How to open a pharmacy from scratch: how much does it cost?

The pharmacy business is a profitable and cost-effective area, but at the same time very costly. How much money do you need to have to open a pharmacy from scratch? Consider the current prices in Russia today:

Name Price
Registration of licenses, permits 30-50 thousand rubles
Purchase commercial equipment, inventory 120-250 thousand rubles
Automation ( software+ implementation) 22-30 thousand rubles
Computer and cash technologies, equipment (computer, receipt printer, cash register, barcode scanners, terminal) 60-80 thousand rubles
Purchase of the first batch of goods 500-900 thousand rubles
Outdoor advertising 20-30 thousand rubles
Marketing activities when opening a pharmacy from 6 thousand rubles
Renting the premises, if it is not owned by the owner from 40 thousand rubles
Other expenses (household appliances, communications, etc.) 10 thousand rubles

The total cost of opening a pharmacy from scratch is 800-1100 thousand rubles. It is possible to reach the break-even point in one and a half to three years. In the first 6-8 months, it is recommended to invest in business promotion.

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The pharmacy business is one of the most popular today. In terms of relevance, it stands along with the sale of food products. Demand for medicines and related products continues to grow. This is due to poor ecology, a large proportion of harmful substances in food, lack of physical activity due to increased business activity and closer attention to one's health. As practice shows, the average check in a pharmacy is quite comparable to the average check from a supermarket.

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Here we will consider an article on how to open a pharmacy, what you need for this, how much it costs to open and an example of a business plan for this business.

The pharmacy business is growing every year and is gaining more and more momentum. People continue to get sick as before, the cost of foreign and domestic medicines increases, people take care of their health and use preventive drugs, big role play all sorts of advertising campaigns. The average pharmacy checks contain quite impressive sums, medicines have, on average, two years of expiration date. These factors influence the fact that pharmacies can be called a profitable business.

The modern market is widely filled with pharmacies, but if you approach it constructively, you can open a pharmacy from scratch near shopping center, metro stations, medical institutions and other buildings of mass congestion of the population. Take care of the design of the room, beautiful glass showcases, professional workers, and do not forget about feasible advertising, signs, name and reasonable prices.

Business plan - ready-made example

We present to you for free finished example pharmacy business plan to help you get started. The price range for opening this business varies within 20 thousand dollars - a pharmacy and 1 million dollars. - network of pharmacies.

Very often the price is too high, the seller wants to recoup all his investments and receive income. Bargain comes down to finding a reliable consultant who knows this business. When buying a pharmacy, you must first of all choose a favorable location so that there are effective connections with suppliers. Also important is the renovation of the premises, advertising, staff. As you can see buy good business resource is quite difficult. Can it be easier to organize a pharmacy business from scratch? This will also be quite problematic if you do not own all the pitfalls of this case, and you also need knowledge in the field of taxation, registration issues, and so on.

If you properly organize your pharmacy business and plan, then the estimated income will be 3000-15000 dollars per month.

How to open from scratch

So, consider the information on how to open a pharmacy from scratch.

Planning for future activities

For profitable activities, you need to have a good understanding of the specifics of the pharmacy business. So, there are pharmacy kiosks, points, ordinary, pharmacies in the form of mini-markets or a network. There are also distinctions in the assortment, for example, it is possible to sell only medicines, medical and children's cosmetics, healthy food, products for diagnostics, and so on. Implement medications prescription prescriptions are legally allowed only to pharmacies and points, so you need to initially decide on the form of the institution and the range of drugs. And also, a working pharmacist must be experienced in pharmacy activities.

Opening a pharmacy in the shortest possible time

The choice of premises, repairs, equipment, staff - these components depend on you and, if desired, everything can be organized in a month. But the longest period in the beginning of activity is obtaining a license for a pharmacy. The chain is long and tiring: the local licensing commission, Moscow, federal, plus the conclusions of the SES and firefighters. It can take about two months to receive all notifications, permits and licenses, and for an inexperienced person up to six months.

Favorable location is the key to success

As already mentioned, for a large attendance of customers, it is necessary to choose the location of the pharmacy successfully, i.e. place of large crowds of people. These can be metro stations, large housing estates, retail and medical centers, bus stops, etc.

Please note that the success of this case depends 50% on the location of the pharmacy, 30% on the employees of your institution, 10% on competition, the rest is advertising and price policy- on you or the head of the pharmacy.


It is impossible to have good money without a well-coordinated team. Everyone should have one goal. You need to create favorable conditions for work from a pharmacist to a cleaner. Let people go to work in a pharmacy with pleasure. Organize corporate parties, bonuses, employees should have good pay. Compared to 2001, the salary of pharmacists increased by 80%. Personnel must have appropriate education, work experience is desirable.

A wide range of

Constantly expand the range of products offered in the pharmacy you have opened. Let you have foreign and proven domestic counterparts on the shelves. Also type cosmetics, healthy and children food, mineral water, herbal teas and more.

Computer equipment and other for the pharmacy business

For fast and high-quality customer service of your pharmacy, you need to optimize the workplace computer programs. Thanks to which, you can quickly track the order, its availability, apply discount programs, will see the release of funds for new purchases and so on.

Do not forget about refrigerators, appropriate furniture, air conditioners and other amenities for customers.

The price of the question - how much does it cost to open?

If you rent a pharmacy, the lion's share of the costs will be rent, the next item will be the cost of equipment. When renting, be sure to draw up a lease agreement for at least 4-5 years, because the payback of the project is 2-3 years.

Break-even activity is sales at the level of 20-25 thousand rubles a day, the rest is your profit. With success in business, the monthly turnover should be one million rubles.

A pharmacy with the repair of the premises will cost approximately 45-50 thousand dollars.

  • Rent - from 5000 dollars
  • Repair - 20000
  • Trade and cash equipment - 12000
  • Refrigeration equipment - 1000
  • Software support - 3000
  • Additional costs - 3000
  • Permits - 5500
  • Outdoor signs and other - 3000

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy? Total: 52,500 US dollars.

Also, you can order recruitment services and business consulting.

And will it generate income? People buy drugs quite often, regardless of where they live. Opening a pharmacy in a village can be a good business idea, especially since there are not so many such outlets in the area. Even a person who does not have a special education can start a business in this area. Initial investment taking into account today's prices for medicines, they pay off quite quickly. Pharmacies will always have customers, no matter how much the drugs they sell will cost.

  • We open a pharmacy kiosk in the village
  • Choosing the format of the future pharmacy
  • What documents are needed to open a pharmacy in the village
  • Necessary equipment for a pharmacy kiosk
  • Pharmacy kiosk staff
  • What medicines are more profitable to sell? We select the assortment
  • How much money is needed to open a pharmacy in the village
  • What is the OKVED for the business of opening a pharmacy kiosk in the village
  • Sales technology

We open a pharmacy kiosk in the village

Opening a pharmacy kiosk does not require an impressive start-up capital. People get sick often, so you will not experience a lack of clients. The pharmacy business is a business that can be started in any locality, be it a village or. It is necessary to set reasonable prices for medicines so that customers go to your institution. Attracts buyers and a wide range of products. In this case, the villagers will not have to go to the city to purchase any medicine. Your pharmacy should stock drugs in various price ranges.

In the early stages of the institution's operation, it is necessary to develop promotions and discount systems for new and regular customers. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of qualified personnel who can recommend remedies for their diseases to visitors. This significantly increases the competitiveness of your organization, especially considering that many villagers do not like to go to doctors.

Choosing the format of the future pharmacy

Thinking about opening a pharmacy, you should decide on its format. Arrangement provides great opportunities for profit. Here you can sell not only ready-made drugs, but also make prescription drugs. The range of products must include cosmetic and hygiene products. Opening such an institution requires significant financial investments.

So if you don't have enough financial means, pay attention to such a format as a small pharmacy kiosk.

Here you can sell over-the-counter medicines. The sale of hygiene and cosmetic products, as well as the manufacture of prescription drugs, are not available for kiosks. You should not immediately refuse to open such a retail outlet, because it also has its advantages: no need to rent a large area and significant financial investments.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy in the village

In order to open a pharmacy of any format, you must obtain a license. To do this, you should prepare documents in which the address of your institution should be indicated. So before obtaining permits, you should find a suitable room. According to the requirements, the minimum area of ​​the premises in which the pharmacy will be located should be 12 m². Pay attention to the need to organize a separate entrance to the premises, a place for unloading goods. In addition, basic communications must be carried out. A pharmacy is best located on the main street of the village, near a rural store or train station. A small utility room should also be provided. Do not forget about the need to equip a bathroom for employees.

Necessary equipment for a pharmacy kiosk

Quite high requirements are imposed on the equipment of pharmacies.

It is necessary to purchase specialized equipment that creates optimal conditions for storing medicines.

It is mandatory to have shelving, a refrigerator and cabinets for storing medicines. It is necessary to equip and workplace pharmacist.

Pharmacy kiosk staff

If you do not have a special education, you will need to hire a manager who has not only a document on higher education and at least 5 years of experience in this field. You can perform the functions of a manager and an accountant on your own.

It is best to organize the continuous operation of the pharmacy, in which case it is necessary to hire several pharmacists who will work in shifts.

We also need an employee who will maintain cleanliness in the room - a nurse. She can work 5 days a week, and 2 cleaners can be hired to work in shifts.

What medicines are more profitable to sell? We select the assortment

To order medicines at the most favorable prices, it is necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of products with manufacturers, not intermediaries. The choice of drug manufacturers is quite wide, so there will be no difficulties at this stage. When opening a pharmacy in a village, you must develop a range of products that will be presented in your establishment.

It should be remembered that if the client does not find the right drug in your pharmacy, he will go to a competitor. Make sure that the most popular and in-demand medicines are always available. When purchasing medicines, pay attention to expiration dates, which should be as long as possible. Pharmacy kiosks should not sell drugs containing narcotic substances.

How much money is needed to open a pharmacy in the village

In order to open a pharmacy in the village, you will need. It is impossible to accurately calculate the expected profit. In the first months outlet will not be profitable, so the start-up capital must include funds for employee salaries, rent and taxes.

After you have regular customers, the pharmacy will begin to bring more than 50 thousand rubles net profit per month. The risks of opening a pharmacy in the village are assessed as moderate; if there is a stable flow of customers, the payback comes in 2-3 years after the start of work.

If you want to create stable income, read the new book Investment TerritoriesHow and where to invest money profitably, and you can avoid the common mistakes newbies often make. A few steps will help you get around many sharp corners and increase your fortune.

What is the OKVED for the business of opening a pharmacy kiosk in the village

To open a pharmacy kiosk selling medicines in the village, you will need to register it with the tax office, indicating the following OKVED codes:

  • 3 Pharmaceutical and medical supplies, cosmetic and perfumery goods at retail;
  • 31 Pharmaceutical retail trade;
  • 32 Retail sale of medical goods and orthopedic products;
  • 33. Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery goods.

At the same time, if the production of some medicines is also planned, it is necessary to additionally indicate the OKVED codes from the group: 24.42.1 "Production of medicines".

Sales technology

Pharmacy kiosks in the village, as a rule, do not have high competition, which high level demand ensures stable profits. However, you need to make sure that the staff has a sufficient level of knowledge in the field of pharmacology and can explain to the villager detailed instructions each drug sold.

Repair of the premises must take into account the requirements specified in the hygiene certificate. The decoration of the ceiling and walls of the pharmacy is carried out with materials that are suitable for wet cleaning with disinfectants. All pharmacy equipment must be registered with the Ministry of Health. It is better to use a closed type of pharmacy kiosk, advising and dispensing products to customers through the window. On the first shelves you need to place the medicines that are most in demand among buyers. As a rule, these are painkillers and contraceptives.


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