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What started Emelyanov Vasily Semyonovich

Front and rear are united

Front and rear are united

During the war years, the vast majority of people worked with incredible stress - both physical and mental. More and more complex problems constantly arose, requiring immediate solutions. These solutions are usually found.

Often it was difficult to name the author of the technical solution. Thoughts surfaced like sparks of a flame raging in people, running from one to another, supplementing and enriching one another. It was this collective search that most often led to brilliant results.

... In the armored hull of the tank there was one small but important detail with a long narrow slot, called the "sight". Through it, using a system of mirrors, the driver could view the area. The machining of this part was very difficult. It was necessary first to drill high-strength steel, and then carefully process the inner surface of the slot with a long cutter of a special shape, called the “finger cutter”. Before the war, this cutter was manufactured by the Moscow Frazer plant and even then belonged to the category of a scarce tool. And then a new difficulty arose: "Frazer" was evacuated from Moscow, and in the new place he had not yet managed to mount all the equipment and set up production.

We had only two finger cutters in our factory, and one of them was essentially unusable.

It is impossible to manufacture tank hulls without a part with a “sight slot”. It was obvious to everyone. How to be?

Gathered engineers and craftsmen. They began to consult. It was hopeless to get finger cutters somewhere at other factories. Therefore, either it was necessary to make them ourselves, or to come up with some new technology production of a part with a "sight gap" - without machining.

There was a long and heated discussion on this topic. And suddenly someone spoke in favor of trying to cast these parts. If we make precise molds and try to improve the casting technique, then it may be possible to meet the given dimensions. The idea was witty and captured everyone. In fact, if it were possible to cast parts together with a slot, then this would immediately solve many complex issues.

There were excellent foundry workers at the plant. Consult with them? Or maybe still contact the neighboring Zlatoust plant and, in cooperation with it, try to organize the production of finger milling cutters on our own? What will be faster and more reliable? The danger looming over the country prompted quick action. There was no time for doubts and hesitation.

We decided to cast the details with the “visual slot”, just cast!

And the very first cast parts showed that the chosen path is real. But will they survive field tests? The quality of any armor products was checked, in addition to the usual methods for metal products, by shelling them at the training ground. Field tests were final. If the parts withstood shelling, they were accepted.

Several cast parts were immediately sent to the landfill. The landfill was located near the plant. Shot the details all over established rules. The results are great!

So, finger cutters are no longer needed. Everyone cheered up, as if everyone's tedious toothache had stopped at once.

... At that time, I talked almost every day with V. A. Malyshev, who was the people's commissar of the tank industry. He was not far from us - in Sverdlovsk. Either I called him and asked him to provide this or that assistance, then he asked me about the affairs at the plant, giving advice and instructions. Of course, I informed him about the difficulties with the tool, and in particular about the inability to get finger cutters.

And so, when the cast parts with the "sight gap" passed the test, I called Malyshev and told how we got out of a difficult situation.

I beg you to immediately send all technical documentation and a couple of those castings,” he said. - Send today! Or maybe you will come. We also have a lot of new items. Academician Evgeny Oskarovich Paton does such miracles in welding armor! Come, see for yourself!

Good. I'll leave at night, I'll be with you in the morning.

At that time, the experience of one plant was immediately transferred to another, and this incredibly speeded up production processes.

... And all sorts of requests and information were continuously coming from the front about which parts of the tank should be improved or changed. Tanks for repairs also began to arrive. Somehow, carefully examining one such tank, which arrived from the front, we saw on the bottom, near the driver's seat, a soldier's medal "For Courage". A small spot of blood was baked on the ribbon. Everyone standing near the tank, as if on cue, took off their hats and silently looked at the medal. Everyone's faces were solemnly stern.

Zverev, the senior master of the flight for machining parts, said with some anguish:

Now, if they shot right through me now, it would, it seems, be easier. Shame burns everything from the inside, you only think that you are not doing everything that is necessary.

And I must say that I saw Zverev at the machines day and night. His head, with fiery red hair, burned like a torch first at one end of the workshop, then at the other. When details were missing somewhere and he saw me, he would invariably come up and say:

Again no details! Rather than work like that, it's better to go to the front!

And now he's in front of me again. The rays of the sun fell on his head, and it seemed that it was on fire.

So it happens - you walk next to a person and do not see anything special in him, and suddenly you find out that he is all, as it were, filled with an inner fire that burns brightly in him, igniting others.

It was a time when for the vast majority of people neither encouragement nor coercion was required - they were aware of their duty and their responsibility.

On another occasion, we received a message that the Germans had discovered a weak point in our tanks - the joint between the turret and the hull. In a specially printed German instruction with a sketch of our tank, it was even indicated that it was necessary to shoot exactly at the junction of the turret with the hull. With an accurate hit, the projectile jammed the turret, and it could not rotate.

We had to quickly eliminate this weak point. I don’t remember who first came up with the idea of ​​how to eliminate this shortcoming. The proposal was surprisingly simple. On the hull of the tank in front of the turret, armored parts of a special shape were fixed, which allowed the turret to rotate and at the same time completely eliminated the possibility of jamming.

Immediately, all hulls began to be produced with these additional parts, and we sent sets of parts to the front for installation on combat vehicles.

And how many such offers! We made it a rule after the end of one shift and before the start of another to hold short meetings of engineers and craftsmen and consider all the difficulties and obstacles that were, as well as measures to eliminate them. Here, attention was drawn to new difficulties. Everything was subordinated to one goal: how to speed up production, how to make better use of equipment, tools and materials.

I involuntarily compared these short ten-minute meetings with the same meetings that I had to hold here, in Chelyabinsk, before the war - five or six years ago. And then there were many valuable proposals expressed by engineers, craftsmen, workers. But there were proposals and unrealistic ones, connected with the need to install new equipment, and even additional construction. During the war, people learned to think more sensibly. Everyone understood that it was necessary to use the available opportunities to the maximum extent and not divert attention to unrealizable projects.

... In one of the bays of the forging and stamping shop there was an idle small press. For what purposes it was installed here, no one already at the plant remembered. All stamped parts were made on horizontal presses, and this one was vertical.

One day I saw one of the stamping masters near him. He measured something and, apparently, counted. I went up to him and asked what he was "whispering" and trying to figure out.

Yes, for the second day I have been wondering if it is possible to stamp the 23rd part on this press. You know how the whole production is delayed precisely because of this detail. Every day at meetings, only talk about her.

At that moment, the foreman of the workshop approached us and, having heard our conversation, said with irritation:

What, Ivan Maksimovich, are you completely crazy? I would like to know how you will supply blanks for stamping here? They won't get through! You need to think before you start this whole conversation.

And I think, - calmly replied the master. - I've been thinking about it for two days. I measure and count. And now I responsibly declare: it is possible to stamp parts on this press! Of course, something needs to be changed. These allowances must be transferred for sampling to another place, and the master showed what and where should be transferred. - Otherwise, of course, you cannot stamp the 23rd part on this press, but if you move it, then you can. So you, comrade chiefs, coordinate this issue with the military representative. And I'm with the department technical control already said, they have no objections. And I was in the laboratory too - they agree, they say that there is no difference in which place to take the sample - here or there. After all, when the sampling site was established, it was believed that this part would be manufactured on horizontal presses, and therefore it was determined, and, in my opinion, there were no other considerations.

I listened to this unsophisticated speech of an ordinary master and was amazed at the logic of his thinking, technical competence and efficiency. How people have changed!

We are two people higher education, engineers, listened to him and agreed.

At the end of the week, the press was put into operation, and scarce parts were made on it. Another production bottleneck has been eliminated. But how many similar proposals arose then!

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At the end of the 10th century, at the confluence of the two rivers Kur and Tuskar, the fortress city of Kursk arose. An outpost of Kievan Rus, it was called upon to protect its southeastern borders from the nomadic tribes of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians.
“And my Kurians are experienced warriors:
Twisted under the pipes, cherished under the helmets,
From the end of the spear fed,
They know the ways, they know the ravines,
Their bows are stretched
The quivers are open
Sabers are sharp;
They jump like Gray wolves in field,
Seeking honor for himself, and glory for the prince.

("The Tale of Igor's Campaign")

Repeatedly subjected to fires during the time of the Kingdom of Moscow by Lithuanians, Poles and Crimean Tatars, the fortress was reborn again and again, blocking the way for uninvited guests to Russia. History itself ordered that the Kuryans involuntarily had to become good warriors. Until the 17th century, when Peter I finally drove the Crimean Tatars far to the south, the Kuryans lived on the borders of Russia.
The history of Kursk and the Kursk Territory is inextricably linked with the history of all of Russia, the names of the Kursk people are firmly included in the heroic annals of the Russian state, whether it be the Patriotic War of 1812 or the Russo-Japanese War. However, the most difficult tests fell on the lot of Kursk people during the Great Patriotic War.

Kursk Bulge

In November 1941, the enemy rushed to Moscow, and in the meantime, units of the 2nd Guards Division, which were based on militias armed mainly with Molotov cocktails, pulled back two heavily armed German divisions. For two whole days, the militia opposed the 95th Infantry Division and the Panzer Division Model, about which Guderian said that the dust of all Europe had settled on the tracks of its tanks.
Alas, Kursk was surrendered, and the Kursk people switched to active guerrilla war, giving the invaders no rest day or night. During the years of occupation, 32 partisan detachments were formed, which destroyed about 19 thousand soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht. Residents of Kursk and the region showed mass heroism, whole families went to partisans.
Meanwhile, fellow Kuryans showed the same miracles of heroism in the army. Suffice it to recall Ekaterina Zelenko, the only pilot in the world who committed an aerial ramming, or Semyon Kosinov, who repeated the feat of Gastello.
On February 7, 1943, the troops of the 60th Army under the command of Major General I.D. Chernyakhovsky launched an operation to liberate Kursk. Thanks to the courage and heroism shown in fierce street battles, the regional center was liberated from the invaders by the evening of February 8.
By the end of March, when the winter offensive campaign of the Soviet Army ended, almost the entire territory of the Kursk region was cleared of the enemy. A ledge formed on the front line, called the Kursk Bulge.
There was not, and, probably, there is not a person in our country who would not have heard about the greatest battle of the Great Patriotic War in this area.
The Battle of Kursk, which is also called the Fiery Bulge, began on the morning of July 5, 1943. Nazi Germany hoped to achieve strategic success with Operation Citadel - to regain the lost initiative on the Soviet-German front, to achieve a turning point in their favor, to take revenge for Stalingrad. If successful, the German command expected to launch a new offensive against Moscow.
This battle lasted for fifty days. For fifty long days on the ground and in the air, Soviet soldiers fought to the death in smoke and fire, showing true heroism in conditions when it seemed that the earth was melting under their feet, and the armor, according to eyewitnesses, was burning like paper.
More than 4 million people, up to 70 thousand guns and mortars, about 13 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns and up to 12 thousand combat aircraft from both sides took part in the battle of the century.
On the northern front, troops of the Central Front (commander General of the Army K.K. Rokossovsky) fought against the formations of the German Army Group "Center", on the southern front against the army group "South" - the troops of the Voronezh Front (commander General of the Army N.F. Vatutin) .
On the northern front, the enemy advanced only 10-12 km in 7 days of fighting (July 5-11). Particularly fierce battles were fought in the Olkhovat and Ponyrov directions. On the southern front, the German troops first delivered the main blow to Oboyan, then, without success, tried to break through our defenses in the direction of Prokhorovka, so that, bypassing Oboyan from the east, they could break through to Kursk.
On July 12, 1943, the largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War took place near Prokhorovka, which had no equal in the entire history of World War II. In a frontal attack on the Prokhorovka field, 1,200 Soviet and the latest German tanks and self-propelled guns converged simultaneously. The enemy, having lost 400 tanks and self-propelled guns, failed to break through to Kursk and on July 16 began to withdraw his troops from the captured positions. The warriors, among whom there were many Kursk people, bravely fought against the German invaders, contributing to the victory in the Battle of Kursk. Among the 180 soldiers awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union for exploits in the Battle of Kursk, 8 - natives of the Kursk region.
The battle on the Kursk Bulge is rightly placed on a par with the Moscow and Stalingrad battles. Hitler's plan for a blitzkrieg finally collapsed near Moscow. The defeat of the enemy troops near Stalingrad meant a turn in the war, the beginning of a radical change: the strategic initiative in military operations irrevocably passed to the Soviet Army. The victory in the Battle of Kursk completed a radical turning point in the course of the war.
During the Battle of Kursk, Soviet military strategy, operational art and tactics proved their superiority over the German ones. The talent of such brilliant generals as G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, who coordinated the actions of the fronts during the battle, K.K. Rokossovsky, I.S. Konev, N.F. Vatutin and others.
Front and rear are one
The slogan, which became a vivid reflection of the close connection between the institutions of the rear of the Soviet Army and the population of the front line. Preparation for battles in the area of ​​the Kursk ledge is another example of the mass heroism of the inhabitants of Kursk and the region.
The troops and the local population carried out a colossal amount of engineering work: 8 defensive lines and lines up to 300 km deep were equipped. The Soviet Army did not have such a deep-echeloned and very effective defense either before or after the Battle of Kursk. About 20,000 km of trenches and communication passages alone were dug on the Kursk ledge, which is equal to half the length of the Earth's equator. All this was done to prevent enemy tanks from breaking through defensive lines.
In April, 105 thousand Kursk people worked on the construction of defensive lines in the zone of the Central and Voronezh fronts, in June - 300 thousand. The inhabitants of the city worked with special diligence in the construction of fortifications on the outskirts of Kursk. "Do not allow the enemy to hometown"- this was the slogan thrown by the builders - the working people of Kursk. In a short time, 130 artillery structures, more than 900 bunkers, 46 earthen ramparts were built on the outskirts of the city. Inside the city, all the buildings were turned into strongholds, the streets were blocked by barricades. The workers and engineers of the repair and mechanical plant on the eve and during the battle repaired more than 300 tanks. A brigade was created that went to the front to repair tanks in the field. The Kuryans showed great concern for the wounded. We equipped 13 hospitals on our own, provided them with doctors and nurses. The Kursk Pharmaceutical Plant, partially restored, has been producing medicines for hospitals since May 1943. Many people from Kursk became donors during the days of the battle. The Kursk city blood transfusion station prepared and sent 1,179 liters of blood to hospitals.
The team of Kursk worked heroically railway junction. Working in difficult conditions, often under enemy air fire, he ensured the uninterrupted delivery of goods to the front. In May-July 1943, the staff of the Kursk station was awarded the Red Banner of the State Defense Committee three times.
The construction of railway Stary Oskol - Rzhava with a length of 95 km for the needs of the Voronezh Front. The road was built in 32 days - a month earlier than the deadline prescribed by the State Defense Committee.
City of Military Glory
I am from the Kursk region. While still a boy, reading books about the war, the question was often asked: “So why didn’t my native Kursk become a hero city?” I was offended as a child by this injustice, especially when I happened to listen to the recollections of elderly front-line soldiers and those who gave all their strength to ensure victory in the rear.
As a youth, I did not understand and did not accept this, studying at the Uspenskaya high school named after a native of these places, Hero of the Soviet Union Semyon Kosinov. Moreover, already as an officer of the Kursk Fighter Aviation Regiment, he tried to understand why, after such a great battle, the city did not receive at least some other honorary title.
Historians say that Kursk did not receive the title of a hero city because there were no strong battles on the territory of the city itself, only in its environs. True, no one has ever dared to belittle the role of the city in the Battle of Kursk. Was there a feat behind him? For me, as well as for thousands of my fellow countrymen who lost relatives and friends in the war and in that battle, the answer has long been formed. As for historical justice, sooner or later everything falls into place, because a feat has no statute of limitations.
On May 7, 2007, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Kursk was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory". The country has fulfilled its maternal duty by paying what it deserves to one of its city-warriors and workers.
“I was lucky as part of the delegation to be at a reception in the Catherine’s Hall of the Kremlin, when the president presented certificates of conferment of the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Military Glory” to Kursk, Orel and Belgorod,” the chairman of the regional council of veterans of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement told me bodies Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Bulatov. - When presenting the diploma, the president addressed a lot of heartfelt words to Kursk and its residents. I literally took my breath away.
- During the exciting opening ceremony of this memorable event, I happened to sit next to Putin, - Mikhail Alekseevich continued the story. - And when the banners were brought out, I told him: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, many thanks to you from all veterans for preserving the historical Victory Banner in the form it was in reality.” To which he replied: “How could it be otherwise?”. It really couldn't be otherwise.
The Banner of Victory is a symbol of the valor of the Soviet people, on it is the blood of victorious soldiers, which irrigated the expanses of Mother Russia, including the Kursk land, the expanses of Europe.
A few years ago, in the regional center of the Kursk region, Lgov, under repair work builders stumbled upon a mass grave. For several decades, the old building kept a terrible secret about the death of the Lgov underground youth organization. Tortured, shot by the Gestapo, but not broken, the young heroes finally found names.
During the occupation, an underground group of Dr. Kozubovsky operated in Kursk itself. Being the chief physician of the regional hospital, he managed to save several hundred Soviet prisoners of war, transporting them to partisan detachments. Kursk could also be a hero city.
- Yes, yes, the city had such a chance, - Mikhail Alekseevich Bulatov continued the topic. - Or rather, as the popular rumor says, the then first secretary of the Kursk Regional Party Committee Alexander Gudkov had such a chance. During one of the receptions in the Kremlin, Gudkov turned to Brezhnev: “Leonid Ilyich, isn’t it time to give Kursk the title of hero?” To which the secretary general replies: “Well, give me paper!” But Gudkov did not have any documents in his hands. While he was collecting them, while the typists were typing, a foreign delegation came to Brezhnev, and the reception that day became impossible. Then, on his return to Kursk, Alexander Fedorovich lamented for a long time about his unfortunate oversight, reproaching himself for not carrying important papers with him all the time.
The power of patriotism is in memory
- And I, and that's my deputy Leonid Petrovich Konovalov, had to fight on the Kursk Bulge, - continues the story of the chairman of the council of veterans. “And we are very pleased that today, with the assistance of the administration of the city and the region, with the personal participation of the governor of the region Alexander Mikhailov, school museums have begun to be revived in the vast majority of schools in the region,” this is big success. And there are even schools that have 2-3 museums each, and their expositions are worthy of the highest marks, such as, for example, the museum of the 43rd Kursk school, awarded a Certificate of Honor and listed in the Book of Honor of the All-Russian Council of Veterans.
In Kursk, in one of the few, if not the only Russian city, has never ceased to operate post number 1 at the Eternal Flame at the memorial complex. The city administration did everything to save it. Each of the city schools during the week carries out a service there, which sentries will never forget.
With the support of veterans in charge of the district's schools, tens of thousands of high school students, boys and girls, have already passed through this post.
Alas, the ranks of veterans of the Great Patriotic War are inexorably thinning.
- Our organization basically consists of front-line soldiers, - Mikhail Alekseevich shares his thoughts further. – It is bitter to realize, but less than 9,000 people remain in the region, of which about 1,200 are participants in the Battle of Kursk. 36 veteran city and regional organizations, 900 primary ones are our combat units, operating units. We are still at the forefront in the patriotic education of young people, despite their age and state of health. Veterans are personally assigned to each school, and not a single event is complete without our participation.
- I will not hide, - the Hero of the Soviet Union says with sadness in his voice, - more and more often we need help. That is why we value the fact that both regional and city authorities show constant concern for veterans. This concern is not in words, but in deeds, it is enough to mention at least the governor's program for repairing veterans' housing or for their relocation from dilapidated, uninhabitable housing to comfortable apartments. Believe me, it's worth it.
Grenadiers of the Presidential Regiment
- My most important observation regarding the Kursk people, - the military commissar of the Kursk region, Major General Nikolai Pustovalov, shared his opinion with me, - boils down to the fact that I saw in them genuine kindness and incomparable readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the interests of the country . A simple example: in the spring, we not only fulfilled the order of the command of the Moscow District on the number of conscripts, but were also ready to overfulfill it, helping some other regions of Russia. Here the main thing remains in people: unwillingness to serve in the army is a shame for the family. The deepest historical traditions are the basis of the work of the regional military commissariat, both when drafting young people into the ranks of the Armed Forces, and in general with its patriotic education.
For the third year in a row, conscripts from the Kursk region serve in the so-called nominal company, which consists entirely of Kursk people. It is part of one of the permanent readiness units of the Moscow Military District. The corresponding initiative of the military council of the Moscow Military District was warmly supported by the leadership of the region.
Twice, in spring and autumn, the region holds the Day of the Conscript. The leaders of the region and the city, the regional Duma, veterans and public organizations, clergy, commanders of military units of the garrison, representatives of law enforcement agencies, conscripts and their parents. On the same day, according to tradition, a solemn departure of a team of conscripts to serve in the Presidential Regiment is organized.
The most important direction in military-patriotic education is the organization and conduct of search expeditions within the framework of the Memory Watch. Exploration work in 2006-2007 was carried out on the territory of 12 districts of the Kursk region. In the last two years alone, the efforts of search engines have found and reburied more than two thousand who fell on the fields of the Great Patriotic War.
The highlight of the edge
On the eve of my business trip to Kursk, the city celebrated its 975th birthday. To tell the truth, I did not even hope that I would be able to communicate with the mayor of the city, Viktor Surzhikov. The tense period of preparation and the actual holding of the holiday itself were already behind us. However, it turned out that Viktor Petrovich only dreams of peace - on the day of my arrival, the mayor of the city was at the opening of a fair in Root Hermitage. By the way, the Root Hermitage itself and the Korenskaya Fair have a long history and are calling card Kursk region. If someone can compete with them in terms of fame, then, probably, only the famous Kursk nightingales.
"Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers ...". Remember the words to this wonderful song? It seems that in the early morning of July 5, 1943, these pichugs were sung for our fighters both on the northern and southern faces of the Kursk Bulge. Among the participants in the Battle of Kursk were the father of the current mayor of Kursk and his father-in-law. Alas, both of them, crippled by the war, have already passed away, but for Viktor Surzhikov, the memory of them is imperishable. Therefore, his emotional excitement, a storm of emotions in his heart, is understandable when the President of the country presented him with a Diploma on conferring the title of "City of Military Glory" to Kursk.
- As a person who served from a cadet to a major general of the security agencies, I could not help but feel a sense of spiritual uplift at the moment when the city's merits in the Great Patriotic War were finally appreciated, - says Viktor Petrovich. - It was the city, it was Kursk, that was a kind of foundation for the grandiose battle that was in full swing around it. Even during the establishment of such a title as the "City of Military Glory", we realized that Kursk has the right to claim it, discussed this topic at different levels, and always with the participation of veterans. After many consultations, they turned to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to consider the issue of a possible assignment of this title to Kursk. And on the eve of the 975th anniversary of the city, they found new status. He makes a lot of commitments.
- I can't help but note that, - the mayor emphasizes, - that the awarding of the honorary title to three cities at once - Kursk, Orel and Belgorod - brought us, neighbors, even closer, akin. I will say more, if sometime in the future the regions will be enlarged, then on the basis of our three regions we can safely make one big edge. Morally, we are all ready for this.
We are "rebirthing" the whole of Russia. Mayor Surzhikov dropped such a joke in his speech upon receiving the diploma.
- Having learned that we were invited to the Kremlin, smiling mischievously, Viktor Petrovich says, - we were looking for a zest for a response speech. A high birth rate, a visible and successful solution to the demographic problem - this is what this highlight is.
Demography has been done in Kursk for a long time, they started long before the corresponding national project. After all, it is really a joy when there are two or three children in a family. Last year, Kursk ranked first among all the cities of the central federal district in terms of fertility. And, by the way, continues to hold this high position today. And Surzhikov firmly promised the president that in the future the Kursk people would surpass, “regenerate”, so to speak, the rest of Russia.
And then we talked about the patriotic education of youth.
- We will not get tired of referring to the heroic experience of the older generations, - emphasizes the Kursk mayor, - in order to remind the younger ones what the people have experienced and how important it is to protect the security of the Fatherland.
The second reference point in the sphere of education is the family. Almost every family in the Kursk region is in one way or another connected with the already distant war, lost loved ones, survived the occupation. The older generation will never forget the post-war devastation and the most difficult period of restoration of the region and the country as a whole. Keeping the memory of this is also very important.
And, of course, it is difficult to overestimate the school as the third reference point in the educational process.
Plus, the connection of youth with the army. And to establish relations with the units is already a direct task of the municipalities. Despite the fact that Kursk is a land city, located almost in the center of the European part of Russia, on the streets of the city, for example, you can always see boys with elements of a marine uniform. Almost all city events are attended by young sailors. These are schoolchildren of the cadet maritime classes of school No. 18.
Kursk has long-standing friendly relations with the Northern Fleet. The tragedy of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" was experienced in each family as their own.
- Our Kursk guys served there, - Viktor Petrovich says with pain in his voice. – Today, the newest ship “Guarding” was launched, and we have already officially taken patronage over this ship. Our guys will go there to serve. All this was the impetus for the fact that about 30 school graduates of the last three years are now cadets of higher naval schools and institutes. Awarding the title of "City of Military Glory" to Kursk is an event that inspires, inspires, but also obliges. Obliges to keep high the brand of the Russian stronghold, the city of patriots.

Lesson outline.

1. Grade 11 Date of the lesson

2 . Lesson # 5 in thematic module 5 (name of TM) Introduction. USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War

3. Lesson topic: Front and rear are one.

(The price of victory. The role of the USSR in World War II. Soviet military art. Culture during the war: contribution to victory. The Russian Orthodox Church during the war. Women and children during the war).

4 . Lesson type : S-O, K-R

5. Goals and objectives of the lesson :

teach to determine the meaning of Soviet art and its role in the victory over fascism;

develop search skills, summarize and systematize the studied material, draw conclusions and conclusions;

to promote the formation of one's own position and responsible behavior in modern society.

6. Formed UUD :

Subject: to form knowledge about the price of victory, about the role of the USSR in World War II, about Soviet military art, about culture during the war years, about the contribution to the Victory, about the Russian Orthodox Church during the war years, about women and children during the war years


Cognitive: to be able to search for and highlight the necessary information from various historical sources; define concepts, create generalizations.

Regulatory: choose actions in accordance with the task; take a stand on issues

Communicative: be able to ask questions and seek help from educational literature, be able to communicate in a group and a large team.

Personal: comprehension of the social and moral experience of previous generations, the ability to determine one's position and responsible behavior in modern society.

7. Planned methods, techniques, technologies:

The teacher's story with elements of conversation. Work with the textbook and reference literature. Group work. Presentation and viewing of presentations with elements of individual performances, "chess game", test tasks.


Health savings, phased formation of mental actions, differentiated approach to learning, research activities, pedagogy of cooperation, student-centered learning, information and communication

8. Key definitions, dates, personalities

Metropolitan Sergius, A.V. Alexandrov, A.A. Deineka, A.T. Tvardovsky, V.S. Grossman, K.I. Shulzhenko, L.A. Ruslanova, A.N. Vertinsky.

Russian Orthodox Church, Baptists, Armenian Gregorian Church, emigrants.

9. Homework :

Individual reports "Peculiarities of post-war restoration work in the USSR", "Famine of 1946-1947 in the USSR".

Lesson script

    Organizing time(2 minutes)

teacher's word

Good afternoon!

I am glad to welcome you all to the talk show "Through the Pages of History". At the entrance to our hall, you received tickets, according to which you took your seats.

So experts will take part in our meeting: Igor and Ivan on issues of the Orthodox Church.

Experts on emigrant issues Lyudmila and Elizaveta.

Experts in cultural studies and fine arts Victoria, Yana, Ivan and Bogdan.

Music experts Yana and Diana

Literary expert Anna.

And also an expert in the field of cultural history Yegor.

And of course our audience. During our event, viewers can take part in voting on issues discussed during our meeting.

2 Updating of basic knowledge. (12 min)

Teacher's word.

"Chess is set, the game will start tomorrow" And our game will start now.

I ask one representative from each group to come to the table (draw). We only have 10 minutes to play. So try to give as many answers as possible.

    To whom do these words belong? (Napoleon, before the Battle of Borodino)

    In what work of Russian literature does this phrase sound? (“War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy)

    What kind of melody sounds in our hall? (Viennese Waltz by I. Strauss sounds)

    When did WWII start?

    What was the nature of the Great Patriotic War?

    Chairman of the USSR Defense Committee was ...

    What was the name of the plan to attack the USSR?

    Who made the first air rams in the war? (D.V. Kokorev, L.G. Butelin, I.I. Ivanov)

    The operation to capture Moscow was called ("Typhoon")

    How many days did the Moscow battle last? (203)

    The blockade of Leningrad continued (872 days)

    They called the road of life (the road through Lake Ladoga)

    What was the name of the German plan to misinform the Soviet command in order to launch an offensive in the Caucasus? ("Kremlin")

    Order No. 227 went down in history under the name (Not a step back)

    What did the order “Not a step back! Twice heroes of the Soviet Union were commanders of partisan formations (S.A. Kovpak and A.F. Fedorov.)

    The plan to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad was called (Uranus)

    A plan was developed to defeat the Germans near Stalingrad (G.K. Zhukov and A.V. Vasilevsky).

    Which of the German commanders was captured during the Battle of Stalingrad? (Field Marshal F. Paulus)

    Where did the largest tank battle of the WWII take place? (Near Prokhorovka)

    During what battle did the Soviet troops manage to get ahead of the enemy by how many minutes earlier to attack him (near the Kursk Bulge)

    When did the Tehran Conference take place (November-December 1943)

    What issues were discussed at the Tehran conference?

    After the completion of which operation did the Soviet troops enter the territory of Poland? (Bagration)

    21. Who was the Soviet representative at the Yalta Conference? (I.V. Stalin)

    Who hoisted the flag over the reystag (M.A. Egorov and M.V. Kantaria)

    Accepted the act of unconditional surrender of Germany (G.K. Zhukov)

    Why is May 9 declared Victory Day? (surrendered the remnants of the German army in Czechoslovakia).

And so the party was played out. The team won...

    Motivation. (3 -5 min)

The topic of the talk show is "Front and rear are united."

The question that you have to answer is: “Did the art of war contribute to the unification of Soviet society in the fight against the enemy?”

Our action plan looks like this

    Compatriots abroad.

    Literature and cinema during the war years.

    Music during the war.

    art during the war years.

    Chronicle of cultural loss.

Set goals for yourself to achieve by the end of our game.

Compare them with the goals of the game on the screen.

slide number 11

    Learning new material

Work in groups of experts and spectators.

Speeches of experts. After each expert vote on the issue.

    Orthodox Church during the war.

    Compatriots abroad. .(5 minutes)

    Literature and cinema during the war years.. (5 min)

Poem performed by Valeria.

4. Music during the war years. (5 min)

Song performed by Daniel.

    Visual art during the war years (10 min)

Drawing from the soul.

Our collage is almost open. The last performance is left.

    Chronicle of cultural losses. (5 min)

On the board is a fully opened collage "Front and rear are one"

    Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

I suggest you answer our main question.

"Did the art of war contribute to the unification of Soviet society in the fight against the enemy?"

Students' responses.

History must be remembered. Then she will not present unexpected surprises. Therefore, I suggest that you complete the test tasks.

FULL NAME ___________________________________________________________


1. Officially, church activities were:

A. is allowed;

B. is prohibited;

V. acted from abroad.

2. The church was engaged in:

A. helping those in need;

B. the construction of new monasteries and churches;

V. engaged in patriotic education.

3. Russian emigrants:

A. joined the ranks of the resistance movement;

B. did not support the USSR;

V. supported the USSR.

4. The song became a symbol of popular resistance:

A. "Holy War";

B. "Katyusha";

V. "Dark Night".

5. Which of the writers was our countryman:

A. A. P. Gaidar;

B.V.S. Grossman;

V. A. Tvardovsky.

6. The monumental cloth "The defense of Sevastopol belongs to the brush:

A. A, A. Plastova;

B.A.A. Deineka;

V.I.M. Toidze.

7. One of important features Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War was:

A. unity of the people;

B. struggle for national advantages;

V. fight against unnecessary nations.

8. Art during the war:

A. actively developed;

B. was not needed by anyone;

V. fell into decay.

9. During the war years, the following were destroyed:

A. Palace Ensembles of Peterhof;

B. Catherine Palace;

V. museum of L.N. Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana;

G. Eiffel Tower;

D. Twin Tower;

E. Alexandria Palace.


Evaluation card F.I. student

For work in class:

Experts (assessment)

Spectators (score)

Test verification work (assessment)


Study the materials of paragraph 23, answer questions p. 44-45.

Essay writing " soviet man in War: The Historical Roots of Heroism.

Individual reports (presentations, researches) "Peculiarities of post-war restoration works in the USSR", "Famine of 1946-1947 in the USSR".

When the earth was cold with blood,
When our common house was on fire,
Victory home front workers
Forged with righteous labor.
Everyone gave: strength, means ...
The war dragged
Children who do not know childhood
And women with a bitter fate.
Those who were in the trenches are heroes
Stopped fascism,
But the rear with a determined attitude
No less betrayed heroism.
The memory is still alive in the descendants
Those heroic times
Soviet home front workers
Our low bow to the earth!
B.B. Polyakov

The war years were not only the most tragic, but also the most heroic in the history of our Fatherland. Blood and pain, the bitterness of losses and defeats, the death of loved ones, selfless labor to the point of exhaustion in the rear. All the people, both old and young, stood up to defend their Motherland. In all corners of our country, restructuring was going on in a military way, and everywhere they were looking for funds and resources to help the front. Gathered strength and Igry district ...
High patriotism manifested itself in the collection of funds for the needs of the front. The latter was given by people for the Red Army. In the district, the subscription of the State Loan-Victory Loan was successfully carried out, the district supplied products Agriculture state more than before the war. The industry of the region made a great contribution to the victory. Here, on the land that had huge forests, during the war years, the Igrinsky, Menilsky logging enterprises, Lozinsky and Kushinsky logging stations were organized, Lozinsky, Zurinsky, Novozyattsinsky logging enterprises worked. Logging enterprises mainly provided the factories of Izhevsk, produced gun blanks, shell boxes for Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories, sleepers for the Izhevsk-Balezino railway under construction.
Archival documents speak about the help of home front workers:
“... The workers of the Zurinsky timber industry enterprise Korepanov Philip Mikhailovich, Korepanov Fedor Vasilievich, Shklyaev Andrey Fedorovich, Malygin Fedor, Verkholantsev Vladimir, Bushmakin Khariton, Grechkova Valentina, Grechkova Natalya, Chirkov Mitrofan at a production meeting held on September 9, 1941, decided to send for the Red Army soldiers two-day earnings and warm clothes ... "
“... In 1943, for the needs of the front, the staff of the lower warehouse of the Menilsky timber industry enterprise shipped aerial pines - 1508 cubic meters, air birches - 1211 cubic meters, rifle blanks for small arms - 3500 pieces ... "
"... The agricultural artel "Churalud" in 1944 handed over 60 pounds of bread to the fund of the High Command of the Red Army..."
“... Members of the Verkh Palym collective farm of the Sepsky village council collected money for a tank column on February 16, 1944, 24,500 rubles, with a plan of 48 thousand rubles ...”
“...Successfully there was a subscription to the state loan - the loan of Victory in the collective farm "Kameshnitsa", "1st Spring", "2nd Five-Year Plan", "Gord Pazyali". In the very first days in the Igrinsky district, the amount of the subscription to the Loan amounted to 1 million 184 thousand rubles, the collective farmers contributed -716 thousand, the director of the Igrinsky timber industry enterprise comrade Chicherin, the senior accountant comrade Limonov and the technologist comrade Kuraev signed up for a two-month salary. Chairman of the collective farm "Godekshur" Kasatkin P.A. and the chairman of the Gord Pazyali collective farm A.S. Perevozchikov contributed 1,500 rubles in cash ... "
One of the fragments of the common people's feat was the construction of a rokadnaya (road running parallel to the front) Balezino-Astrakhan railway. Part of this line was the section Izhevsk-Balezino with a length of 146 km. Collective farmers from 29 districts of Udmurtia were mobilized for the construction, more than 3 million cubic meters of earthworks were completed, and forests were cleared along a 95 km highway. Each collective farm was given a specific plan for labor conscription and the amount of work.
“... The collective farm “Vukogurt” needs to send 3 foot, 2 horse, carry out land work in the amount of 168 cubic meters, transportation of timber - 6 cubic meters, the collective farm “Lonki-Vortsy” - 15 foot, 6 horse, land work -768 cubic meters, transportation of timber - 28 cubic meters, to the collective farm "Malye-Mazgi" - 13 foot, 6 horse, land work -728 cubic meters, transportation of timber - 26 cubic meters ... ".

Head of the archive department
E.V. Korepanov


70 years have passed since important historical events took place in the Chernsky district.

1943 ... More than a year has passed since the Chernsky region was liberated from the Nazi invaders, but the front line is not far at all, preparations are underway for the Oryol-Kursk operation. All forces are aimed at fighting the enemy. Chernyane performed their military duty, those who remained in the rear spared no effort on the labor front. Residents of the Chernsky district helped to build fortifications in the neighboring Oryol region, looked after the wounded in hospitals.

Our countrymen did not forget about those who fought on the front line. Children and youth prepared gifts for the soldiers of the Red Army: they sewed pouches, handkerchiefs, towels, knitted warm mittens, socks. They put paper for letters, pencils, needles, threads, food into parcels.

And adults collected money for the construction of tanks, aircraft for the front. In April 1943, a telegram arrived in Chern from the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Joseph Stalin: Naryshkin, Chairman of the District Council of Workers' Deputies comrade. Kukushkina. Give the workers of the Chernsky region, who collected 1,605,000 rubles for the construction of the tank column "Tula Collective Farmer" and 201,000 rubles for the construction of combat aircraft ... my fraternal greetings and thanks to the Red Army. I. Stalin.

In July 1943 Pavel Rybalko completed the formation of the 3rd Guards Tank Army in the Chernsky District. The army headquarters was located in the village. Yorzhino, on July 10, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov was met here.

In August 1943 writers Boris Pasternak, Konstantin Simonov, Konstantin Fedin, Alexander Serafimovich stopped in Cherni on their way to the front. The house in which the writers spent the night has survived to this day, but has lost its former appearance (Revolutionary street, 1).

Until August 1943, 101 collective farms were evacuated due to the proximity of the front, and no work was carried out on them. Upon returning to their places, the rural workers, with unprecedented persistence, set about developing the arable land; in many artels, the collective farmers dug up the deposits and fields with shovels and sowed them. A lot of effort had to be spent on the restoration of public animal husbandry, because after the liberation from the Nazis, only nine heads of public cattle remained in the region.

Restoration of residential houses, public buildings, schools, outbuildings in collective farms and state farms was going on in the region; agricultural work was carried out in the fields and farms. Despite the difficult military situation, the citizens of Chernya directed all their efforts to organizing peaceful life: there was no doubt that victory was not far off. Construction of new and repair of surviving schools was carried out, new desks were made, school life began. In Cherni, advanced training courses were organized for teachers of the district. In addition to lessons, children participated in circle work, amateur performances. During the holidays, schoolchildren were active helpers in the fields, gardens, farms, they participated in stacking, collecting spikelets, planting trees, collecting medicinal herbs and many other works.

A lot of attention was paid by the authorities of the region to organizing the work of outpatient clinics and baths, and preventing serious infectious diseases among the population.

So, by joint efforts, adults and children, soldiers and collective farmers, teachers and doctors to their hard work, heroic feat, faith and hope brought the day of the Great Victory closer.

Natalya Zaitseva, photo from the archive of the Chern Museum


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