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Opening a children's amusement park is costly, but profitable. If you are not afraid of large financial investments and waiting stable income, we recommend a business idea for opening a country park. This area business offers a number of benefits, which include:

  • the cost of renting and purchasing a land plot is lower than in the city;
  • territorial choice of location is not limited;
  • demand for out-of-town holidays has recently increased by 30%;
  • interaction with different target audiences.

Instructions for use, or how to implement a business idea in the entertainment industry

Organization business ideas of wellness and entertainment complex not easy. You should adhere to the rules, the exact observance of which will not only facilitate, but also guarantee the profitability of the business:

  • the maximum distance of the recreation park is 20-40 km from the nearby city;
  • ecologically clean area;
  • a reservoir and a forest belt in the park area;
  • availability of an asphalted access road;
  • availability and convenient location of parking spaces;
  • comfortable zoning of the park for recreation of different age groups;
  • entertainment infrastructure.

Segmentation of the commercial area should be given more attention than other areas of the enterprise. It is the content and location of the entertainment infrastructure that contributes to the effective work budding amusement park.

An open cinema, or an original idea for a leisure business

Today, work in the entertainment industry can hardly be called stable. The viability of the park depends entirely on its entertainment infrastructure. Demand for it, unfortunately, quickly loses its relevance. A mobile cinema is not only a profitable business idea, but also a sustainable competitive advantage country park.

Firstly, park customers will be able not only to watch an interesting film, but also to relax in the fresh and clean air. Secondly, they will be able to comfortably retire in their vehicle without burdening yourself with the neighborhood with strangers. Thirdly, the cost of a film show will please fans of companionable rest. Film screening fee is charged for parking space only. To successfully implement a business idea, you need to purchase:

  • computerized equipment;
  • matte screen surface;
  • projection equipment;
  • attachments;
  • audiovisual production;
  • material for the production of printed ballots.

The initial payback of the business idea will appear in 2-3 seasons stable operation summer cinema. The average ticket price can vary from 200 to 800 rubles. for one parking space.

The implementation of the budget version of a summer cinema can cost you 1 million rubles. While the cost of a full-fledged version can reach 15 million rubles.

Climbing wall, or the idea of ​​outdoor activities

A healthy lifestyle has more than a million active adherents. Alpinism and rock climbing is an integral part of the active recreation of young people in the 21st century.

In pursuit of adrenaline, people are ready to study in detail the features of the new route, making it not so much safe as exciting. However, for beginners, this practice is too costly and dangerous. In this connection, the implementation of a business idea for a recreation park today is no less relevant than a climbing expedition. At the startup stage, equipment of the following format should
to be available:

  • simulator for beginners;
  • climbing wall;
  • professional climbing infrastructure;
  • professional equipment.

The mountaineering training center is considered a cost-effective business idea. On its territory, classes can be held in the following formats: classes for beginners, advanced training courses and corporate entertainment events.

Climbing infrastructure can be located both outdoors and in a specialized room.

You can calculate the cost of building an Alpine city based on the average cost per 1 sq. meter. According to experts, the minimum price of 1 sq. a meter of high-quality equipment costs about 17,000 rubles, while following international standards can cost you 58,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter.

Laser tag and paintball, or innovative entertainment for children and adults

Today, laser tag is considered not only a fundamentally new format of the entertainment complex, but also profitable business idea. Innovative tools and protective equipment allow you to master military sports shooting skills without harm to your health.

A laser duel in a recreation park is one of the profitable scenarios for the development of the infrastructure of an entertainment complex. Military sports attractions are very popular among the younger generation of teenagers aged 8 to 16 years. Before opening the club, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment:

  • decorative infrastructure of the playground;
  • protective camouflage equipment for two teams;
  • game sets of shooting equipment;

An equally popular business idea is the opening of a club specializing in aimed paint shooting. Paintball is an approximate version of military-strategic actions. Pain from a dye bullet is close to real.

The game is suitable for people over 16 years old, as the possibility of injury is much higher than the previous type of military sports attractions.

The technical equipment of the paintball playground is similar to its less traumatic equivalent. The difference between the games is only in the shooting equipment. The main distinguishing elements of which are paint balls and equipment for spraying them.

The costs necessary to implement a business idea in the park are most often calculated individually. However, appealing to the experience of successful businessmen, it can be assumed that the cost of opening a children's military sports club can vary from 500,000 rubles. up to 1,500,000 rubles While the role-playing military sports ground, focused on the older generation, will cost you from 950,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles.

To the opening seasonal business you should prepare in advance - there is no time for buildup, the summer will fly by quickly, and with it the opportunity to earn money. There are amusement parks in every city, so you need to think about what services will be in demand.

The specifics of a seasonal business is that there is no time to build up - you need to prepare for the summer in advance and treat the matter as a full-fledged project. In resort towns, summer is the golden time, when the number of vacationers exceeds the number of indigenous people.

But in other settlements, people liven up in the summer, especially on weekends, the parks are filled with vacationers, many come with their whole families and are ready to spend some money on pleasant things. It is a sin not to take the opportunity and not create conditions for fellow citizens for a full-fledged and varied urban recreation.

Traditional types of seasonal park business (attractions, ice cream and soft drinks sales, photography) do not need advertising. If you manage to come up with something new, take care of advertising, which should be catchy, with recognizable images and attractive conditions.

Characteristic features of the summer business

Success is achieved by those who can think flexibly and change quickly. The time to correct mistakes will not come until a year later, so hurry to seize the opportunities here and now.

  • In summer, the demand for some services and goods is so high that in a few months you can fully recoup your investment and get a solid profit.
  • Fruits and flowers in the summer can be purchased from farmers at minimal prices.
  • Mark-ups on draft kvass and ice cream, which are extremely popular during the hot months, reach 40%, and equipment can be rented.

Seasonal Business Ideas

Trade (ice cream, soft drinks)

it win-win business in places of public recreation. It is unlikely that anyone, after spending several hours in the park, will not buy a serving, a glass of cool lemonade or a pie, etc.

You can organize trade in a summer cafe under umbrellas, in a stall, on a tray, or simply from a cooler bag attached to a bicycle or scooter. You will have to prepare for the opening of a stall or cafe in the fall, as you need permits, documents and approvals from municipal authorities. A tray or portable refrigerator is much easier to organize.

It is possible to recoup investments in the business of selling ice cream and soft drinks in just a few days, since in the heat the goods fly apart, and the margin compared to the wholesale price sometimes reaches 200%.

For seasonal use, a rented or used refrigerator is quite suitable, the price of which does not exceed 15,000-16,000 rubles. You can conclude an agreement with producers or wholesalers of ice cream, then you will receive a refrigerator for free, but you will be able to sell only certain types of goods. According to reviews, during the season a mobile point with ice cream and drinks can bring up to 60,000 rubles net income. If you install a network of 20 or more points in parks, by the end of the season you can become richer by a couple of million rubles.

It is more profitable to sell ice cream by weight and soft ice cream, but organizing such a point is much more difficult, mainly due to the strict requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Summer cafe

At right choice summer cafe places in the park are guaranteed to bring profit. To open a cafe, you need to collect an impressive package of documents and obtain permission from the municipal authorities. Add to list required documents will definitely include:

  • Land lease agreement.
  • Permission of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • A list of goods and products that you will trade.
  • Sketch and characteristics of the structure.

As a rule, a competition for applications for construction is announced in cities summer cafes, in which businessmen with a “tarnished reputation” and complaints from visitors have no chance to win.

In addition to the permission of the local authorities, you will need a canopy, pavilion or tent. It makes sense to cooperate with one of the brewing companies - you will receive branded dishes and a free tent, but you will be able to trade beer from only one manufacturer.

Buying a tent will cost about 40-45 thousand rubles, you will also need furniture (bar counter, tables, chairs) and utensils. The total costs are in the range of 80-100 thousand rubles, but they will pay off during the season, since the average profitability of these establishments reaches 35%.

Attractions for children

Another sure way to develop a seasonal business. The location must be agreed with the city authorities or with the administration of the park, as well as with the local department of culture. You must have safety and quality certificates, documents of compliance with standards and regulations, without which attractions cannot be allowed. Prepare a package of documents and photographs of all attractions. It is not necessary to advertise an amusement park - bright colors, joyful music and beautiful uniforms of workers will attract visitors without additional invitations. The more money you invest in attractions, the greater the return. On average, the park pays off in one and a half to two months.

Summer cinema

With the right approach, this business can bring good profits. Of course, ticket prices cannot be the same as in, but spectators will definitely gather for an evening open-air session. Cinema under the stars is romance, fresh air and unusual experiences.


Few go specially, but parents, walking with their children in the park, do not deny themselves the pleasure of checking the vigilance of the eyes and the firmness of the hands. The money invested in the equipment of the summer design of the shooting gallery and the purchase of pneumatics will pay off in a month and a half.

A license for the purchase of pneumatics with energy up to 7.5 J is not required, and you can equip the pavilion yourself, rent or buy a transformer - the price ranges from 20,000 to 180,000 rubles.

Try to attract visitors not with empty cans and printed targets, but with something more interesting, such as mechanical toys and prizes.

Cotton candy

Cotton candy is bought willingly - no one has to be persuaded. The profitability of this business is incredible - one serving is sold at the price of a kilogram of sugar, while for its production you need one tablespoon of granulated sugar (9 grams). The price of the equipment depends on the performance and the company - there are devices for 3,000 rubles. and for 150,000 rubles. If there are parks in your city that have not yet been chosen by competitors, urgently occupy the territory and give people joy.


You can sell it anywhere - it will be bought up in, on the street, in mall and, of course, in the park. Why not crunch on corn while sitting on a bench in the shade? To start a business, you need a popcorn machine, specially prepared corn kernels and disposable cups. To make popcorn even tastier, you can diversify its taste with additives. Popcorn costs ten times as much as corn, the demand is always high, and the equipment is inexpensive.


If you live in a city with a large flow of tourists, it makes sense to do. All equipment is limited to a table or rack for displaying goods, and you can buy souvenirs from wholesalers, large manufacturers and individuals involved in hand-made. Even better, if you yourself can produce something interesting and original - in this case, in the summer you can sell the work done in the winter at home. Crafts, magnets, knitwear, painted dishes - all this is still in demand among city guests.

Sunglasses, hats

In places of rest, inexpensive attributes of summer holidays will be in demand. The purchase price of such things is 50-80% lower than the sales price, and from the equipment you need only a table for laying out the goods.

Table tennis

You need to set up a tennis table in a light tent or under a canopy, and charge for playing time. If possible, equip the site with electric lighting, then the operating time of your service will last until late in the evening.

Rental of bicycles, scooters, children's cars

Find a safe place where children can ride in a free area or paths, and parents will be happy to please their child. The purchase of bicycles and cars will require financial investments, but you will return them within the first season. This business is relevant from the first warm days of spring until late autumn.

Photos for memory

Even 10-15 years ago, photographers in parks made good money, but now everyone has a mobile phone or a camera that allows them to capture every minute of life. Your chance to attract the attention of the public is an interesting entourage. Stock up on theatrical costumes, a carriage, a throne, exotic plants and everything that your fantasy tells you. It is unlikely that you will return the investment in the first season, but after a few years the investment will definitely pay off.

In this material:

Business ideas in the field of entertainment are so vast and diverse that if you set out to build your business on this, be sure that you will definitely succeed (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Diversity of entertainment business ideas.

Start of action

When starting your entertainment business, remember the main thing - this is a business that will bring you not only money, but also the joy of what you do. For, while making people happy, one cannot remain gloomy and gloomy oneself. So, when you take on an idea in the entertainment industry, get ready to have fun!

It will be of great help if you have an art education. This means not only a more subtle aesthetic nature, an innate sense of beauty, but you can also embody your ideas in drawings. You can attract investors.

Advertising is the engine of progress! And so that as many potential customers as possible learn about an interesting vacation, you should not skimp on advertising. Advertising campaign can be inexpensive, but extensive and versatile:

  1. For example, it is quite inexpensive to advertise in local newspapers and magazines.
  2. You can start a video on a local TV channel.
  3. It is useful to distribute printed on paper advertisements in an area where potential visitors gather, if you arrange a children's attraction, then near schools and cultural centers.
  4. Advertisements can be sent via social networks. After all, everyone, probably, posted a photo of how he has fun? Why not turn it into an advertisement for your business?

Capital Raising

If you have a lot of ideas and can masterfully convey them to potential investor, then it will be easy for you to get money for its implementation. The fact is that smart people understand that the entertainment business will bring money even in the most severe crisis.

Yes, maybe incomes will fall during a crisis, but with the right marketing, you will not become bankrupt. People will never be so mired in their problems that they forget about rest. And the harder it is, the more I want to break away from the gray reality at least for a while and just go with my family, for example, to a 3D cinema. So, if you have business ideas in the field of entertainment, feel free to get down to business.

Several options for ideas

If you haven't had many ideas of entertainment up until now, here are a few options that might spark your imagination. You may not choose anything suitable from the proposed list, but the idea is yours own idea must be born! After all, the main thing is to start. So, here is a little that is now popular with children and their parents:

  1. or quest house - it doesn't matter. In this game, players must find a way out of the room in an hour, solving various problems. The game's inventors seem to have been inspired by the Saw movie, so the game is usually teeming with scary zombies and creepy howls outside the walls. That is, the players are scared in every possible way.
  2. You can open a flyboard rental, which is now fashionable fun on the water. Something like the already known banana, but much more dynamic.
  3. Crane machine. And again, the crane-machine, or the “handless thief,” as it was called thirty years ago, is in fashion. This is a simple mechanical grip, controlled by two buttons, which must be used to lift a soft toy. These devices can be installed throughout the city: in shops, clinics, parks.
  4. Archers Club. The fascination with films and books about the enchanted worlds inhabited by elves revived interest in the sport of archery. Bows and crossbows are freely sold in stores, so you can rent them at your club almost all year round. Especially if there is a covered area.
  5. Karaoke bar. Russian people have always loved to sing. So there is no need to stop them! And we need to help them. And the evening with friends in the karaoke bar will be bright and unforgettable.
  6. Mirror Maze. In the mirror maze you can relax with the whole family. Fun and not expensive.
  7. XD Motion. The feature of the attraction is in the almost complete effect of presence. The attraction works in 5 and 6D format. You can install it in parks.
  8. Mobile 5D cinema. Mobile is good. Mobile - this means that it can be installed not only in parks, but also in places of festivities on holidays or deploy it at a private party.
  9. Silomer-boxer. Also a harmless machine. Installation and use does not violate any laws. Installing several of these machines around the city will bring tangible income.
  10. Laser tag. fashionable children's entertainment. Fun running around and shooting, not related to injuries from shells, as, for example, in paintball.
  11. Inflatable trampolines. Easy to store, quick to deploy. The equipment is relatively inexpensive, mobile.

Conclusion and Conclusions

There are thousands of ideas, as you understand, the main thing to remember is that no matter what you think of, no matter what business you start, you must register as an individual entrepreneur.

Get the corresponding code, register in tax office. Otherwise, at any moment your business can be arrested, and you are fined, and where is the joy? So it's better to follow the law and sleep peacefully.

it doesn't matter Auto Bijouterie and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Internet shops IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Cheap franchises Footwear Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Catering Gifts Production Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health goods Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

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  • Tyr
  • Catapult (blob)
    • Difficulties in this case
    • About Flyboard
    • How much money do you need for an attraction
        • Similar business ideas:
  • We bring to your attention 6 summer attractions that will definitely bring you profit. Naturally, subject to proper organization, including a good location, the quality of the attraction and the level of work of operators.

    If you ask an entrepreneur which of the attractions in his mini-park is the most proven and reliable in terms of earnings, then you will probably hear in response - a trampoline - a slide! And indeed, children love trampolines so much, and if it also has a slide, not a single child can pass by such a miracle.

    Installing a trampoline slide in any crowded place with children will definitely bring profit. This is such a proven business that it can be compared to a bread stall.


    How much money do you need for trampolines

    The recipe for success in this business is extremely simple. A trampoline slide is purchased, costing from 300,000 rubles. Everything that is cheaper, as a rule, does not look very interesting, which means it attracts less attention. The slide should be big, like the trampoline itself, then the children will come to it again and again. During the summer season, some children jump on the same trampoline at least 20 times, and parents leave several thousand rubles on just one attraction. The advantage of the trampoline slide is that it works even in the sleeping areas of the city. The more young families living in the district, the better. For this reason, there are a lot of places to place this attraction. The payback of a trampoline slide, subject to a good location, is no more than 2 months.


    Another proven entertainment business of all time is the shooting gallery. First of all, we are talking about a classic, pneumatic shooting range. In any resort town, on any beach and city park, shooting ranges are constantly in demand. Where there are a lot of vacationers spinning, shooting galleries are constantly packed with arrows.

    How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery

    Shooting ranges are profitable because they are equally interesting for both men and women. The cost of the game, as a rule, does not exceed 50 rubles, which is an excellent bait. But after all, things never end with one shot, so the average client leaves at least 300 rubles in the dash.

    How much money do you need to open a shooting range

    For a novice entrepreneur, a shooting gallery is attractive because it requires minimal start-up costs. Often, it takes no more than 100 thousand rubles to open a tent with pneumatics, and everything invested can pay off in a couple of city celebrations (May 9, Youth Day).

    It may seem to some that 5-d attractions have long gone out of fashion. Yes, there is no hype anymore, but the business still generates income. Children love this entertainment very much, and parents can take it with them. 5-d attraction (or 7-d) can be safely called family entertainment. Unlike real amusement park rides, 5-d cinemas seem completely safe and at the same time bring no less thrills. In our town (100 thousand inhabitants) for the past 5 years, starting in the spring, they have been putting up a 5-d cinema, and in the same place. And they don't complain about attendance. As you walk past, you can always see a few people waiting in line. The main criterion for success is to update the tracks on time and customers will come again.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a 5-d attraction (or 7-d)

    You can choose two formats of work - stationary, when the attraction is always in one place and mobile, when the cinema moves around small regional cities and towns. The first option is good because it requires less hassle and earns on regular customers. However, there is also a minus - over time, entertainment becomes boring, and the cinema begins to bring less profit. The mobile format of work, on the contrary, is more labor-intensive, but the organizer always receives excess profit. Since the arrival of such a miracle entertainment in any village causes a storm positive emotions local residents and 2-3 days from those who wish there is no end.

    Catapult (blob)

    Perhaps one of the most striking and exciting beach attractions is a water catapult or blob. Installing such a thing on any beach causes a storm of admiration and crowds of people who want to get adrenaline or just show off in public.

    The attraction consists of only two components: a jumping tower and an inflatable cushion, like a trampoline. The length of the pillow (blob) is on average 6 meters, and the width is at least 2.5 m. The flight range from the catapult depends on the height of the fall and the mass of the jumper.

    How much can you earn on a water catapult

    The average price of a jump from a blob is 200 rubles. It takes no more than 10 minutes per client, including briefing, preparation, putting on a vest and the jump itself. For one beach day, the attraction can take up to 35 people, thereby earning 7000 rubles. The water catapult itself can be purchased directly on the Internet, and the tower can be ordered at any local factory that welds metal structures.

    Difficulties in this case

    The main difficulty in this case is to “knock out” permission to install an attraction. Depending on who owns part of the beach, you should contact either local administration, or to the owner of the land (more precisely, the tenant). You can count on a quick payback blob only in resort towns, where there are always a lot of vacationers who are ready to spend money on any entertainment. On the city beaches of the middle zone of the Russian Federation, the blob will work for no more than a month, due to weather conditions.

    Flyboard rental is a business idea for resort towns. This is a mega-flying novelty that captures the attention of absolutely all vacationers.

    About Flyboard

    Flyboard is a jet water board, which due to jet boots allows you to rise above the water up to 10 meters. The rider can not only rise, but also dive into the water. It looks very cool and unusual. The following video demonstrates how the flyboard works:

    The operation of the entire system comes from the jet ski motor. If you install a similar rental in a resort town like Yalta or Sochi, there will be no end to those who wish.

    How much can you earn on a flyboard

    The average price for 15 minutes of rental is 3000 rubles. Even if only 5 people use the rental per day, the revenue will be 15,000 rubles. For 20 - 25 days of work, you can earn about 350,000 rubles, and for three summer months - more than a million. Although in fact, the income can be 2-3 times more if the number of rentals per day is 10 - 12. The only drawback of the attraction is its price. For a set that includes a flyboard, boots, an 18m hose, a pipe-connector to a jet ski, you will have to pay at least 250,000 rubles. Plus, you will have to purchase a jet ski, which doubles the amount of investment.

    Collecting record holders net profit at mass festivities are the attractions "horizontal bar" and "ladder". Oddly enough, they are still in demand, although they are no longer considered novelties. Attractions always gather crowds of people, one has only to try to climb the stairs or hold out for a few minutes on a spinning horizontal bar.

    How much can you earn on the attraction

    For one brisk holiday, the costs invested in the purchase of a horizontal bar or stairs can pay off 2-3 times. Rough calculation:

    • Ticket price - 100 rubles. (given 2 attempts)
    • Number of attempts per day - 200
    • Revenue - 20,000 rubles.

    Even if someone manages to get to the main prize (for example, mobile phone), the organizer still remains in profit.

    At any free time people want to have a fun and spectacular family vacation with children! As for megacities, there are no problems with the number of spectacles.

    But in small towns with a variety of entertainment, things are not so good. Live in small towns passes quietly and peacefully without any special recreational activities. That is why it is precisely such settlements that are ideal and suitable for the attraction business. Make a business plan for an amusement park, and construction can begin.

    Every type of business has its pros and cons, and this one is no exception. According to statistics, there are more than 7 hundred amusement parks on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not possible to give this figure more precisely, since this type of activity does not require licensing and industry technical regulations. Therefore, it remains not entirely clear what exactly is meant by the name "Amusement Park"? Let's take this question a little deeper.

    Types of amusement parks. Family business

    In order to figure out which one and in which place it is most profitable to build an amusement park, they will have to be classified into several types. How exactly?

    In summer (most often in the central part of the city) in parks, squares, private entrepreneurs put up a children's attraction, such as a trampoline or an air slide.

    It usually stands alone, most often it is a family business. A slide or trampoline costs no more than five thousand dollars. But keep in mind that this area of ​​earnings only works in late spring, summer and early autumn before the start of the rainy season.

    Such attractions bring the most income in the south in resort towns, where water attractions are also very popular. In summer, children spend family holidays with their parents and love to visit such amusement parks.

    Profitable business. Pros and cons

    The next type is already more expensive, but it also allows you to earn several times more. This is a mobile amusement park. One or two roundabouts are no longer enough to create such a park.

    To run this kind of business, you will not only need to draw up an amusement park business plan in advance, but you will also need to purchase several trucks(to transport all equipment from city to city), rides different kind and his portable power station.

    A business of this kind has both many advantages and some disadvantages. The positive aspects include mobility and ease of installation, dismantling of the park and a quick return on all invested funds. Another plus is that the maintenance of such a park does not imply spending on the improvement of the surrounding area. But there are also drawbacks: it is not known whether it will be possible to obtain permission to install the park in one place or another next time. local authorities the authorities may simply not sign the treaty.

    Cure for boredom

    Still, try to equip on your own a small but stationary amusement park in a small town. To put game attractions for a business in a small village, a lot of financial investments will not be required, $ 10,000 will be enough.

    The territory on which such a park will be located should not be large, one hectare will be enough. Before starting work, you will have to purchase at least a dozen different entertainment devices for both adults and children, do not forget about the coin attraction.

    In a small town, such a park will become just a "lifeline" from boredom. The coin attraction will be especially popular with the population. The only drawback of such a business is still a small prospect. Business growth will be limited by a small area within the city.

    Classic variant

    For those businessmen who are still thinking about the future, it is worth stopping at the variant of the classic large park. Before you start spending money, don't forget to put together an amusement park business plan.

    To build a large park, you will need at least four hectares of land, and maybe more. The choice of attractions now needs to be approached more responsibly, it is worth taking care of their diversity. You should definitely buy several extreme types of attractions that are very fond of modern youth, and they make up 50% of all visitors to the park.

    Authorities welcome

    The entertainment direction for business, although not young, is open to beginners. It is advisable to start the construction of the park in a city with a population of at least 500,000 people. Why? Yes, because it is in it that the area allows the installation of parks of this type. In addition, stationary parks are usually built in such cities, which local authorities will only be happy to revive at someone else's expense.

    Expensive pleasure

    Our country is not rich in large parks (more than 10 hectares), equipped not only with coin-operated attractions, but also with new modern devices. Such parks often have on their territory not only various attractions, but also lakes and forest belts. Such projects are already moving beyond the level of economy options, and to fill all these large areas, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money (at least $ 20,000,000).

    So far, none of our banks issues a loan for such a large amount of money, even if you provide a bank employee with a well-written amusement park business plan. That is why our country will never become the owner of large and beautiful parks similar to Disneyland.

    Park outside the city

    And there are no parks that can be classified as “at the crossroads” in our country. Abroad, they are located not within the city, but between cities. Many such parks are being built in Europe and America, and besides, they are in great demand. Naturally, one can hope for the prospect that with the increase in the number of drivers, there will be an increase in the need for personal cars and roadside entertainment.

    Which park is profitable?

    The turnover of funds received from park services in the Russian Federation for the year is 3.5 billion rubles. The center brings in the most money.

    Almost 50% of the capital's residents visit amusement parks. This is despite the fact that, according to experts, such an entertainment area has not yet been fully formed.

    An amusement park set up in a city with a population of 200,000 will bring good profits, and if you choose a city with a population of 500,000 or more for this business, you can get more than a decent profit from the park.

    If we talk about the metropolis, then it is difficult to get a good profit. Even though residents of large cities are more affluent than ordinary residents of medium-sized towns. They can afford not only visiting amusement rides, but also other alternative entertainment. Therefore, we conclude: investing such a lot of money and building an amusement park in a metropolis is not profitable.


    Investment in a stationary park will be rather big, even if the land can be rented, still at least half a million dollars must be spent to bring this idea to life.

    This is only the initial payment that will be required to open the park. But if there is already a similar entertainment center in the vicinity of the city, then these funds alone will not be enough, you will have to add about two million euros more.

    Bet on a children's attraction, parents will never save on their children. In addition, you need to take care of the location in the park of dry closets, catering points, ennoble the landscape throughout the surrounding area.

    How much income can you get from such a business?

    The income that the park can bring directly depends on how well the amusement park business plan is drawn up.

    Suppose that with a total occupied area of ​​2 hectares, the services provided will cost at least 50 rubles, then with such a course of affairs in four years the project will be able to recoup the money spent on it.

    Count on the fact that most of the profit, more than 65%, should be received from the sale of tickets for attractions, and the rest - income from other services provided (food establishments and other trade). If the percentage has shifted towards cafeterias, then think about why, with a large visit to the park, people ignore the rides, perhaps they should already be updated.

    How to choose the right attractions. What should be the choice?

    Attractions for business should also be chosen wisely. If you are not strong in the gambling industry, then it is better to hire a special team for this. After all, the payback of such a business will depend on the correctness of the approach and the qualitative calculation of profitability.

    It is in the power of each owner to make sure that the attractions work properly and bring pleasure to visitors. After all the special calculations have been made, and you have already decided on the volume of the future park, proceed to the careful selection of the necessary equipment.

    To do this, answer yourself the simple question "who will become potential clients your park". The choice of attractions depends on the answer, because they must fully comply with target audience so as not to be idle without work. When choosing attractions, do not forget about electric cars, both adults and children love this type of attraction.

    The choice is made

    Make sure that the supplier of the future equipment is responsible and delivers the ordered devices on time and safely.

    A standard amusement park in an average city should have the following rides:

    • 4-5 children (to your taste);
    • about 5 for the whole family;
    • a couple of extreme for youth.

    Thus, you will need space for a maximum of 12 rides. Naturally, you can buy less, it will directly depend on your financial capabilities.

    Important Points

    See if there are similar amusement parks in the area. If there is, then you need to study them well in order to avoid buying similar entertainment attractions, otherwise they simply will not bring the desired profit.

    If, nevertheless, it is not possible to avoid repetition, then do not spare money for better equipment (its new variants).

    Do not always rely on the price of the goods, study the work and quality of the product itself well. Nowadays, price and quality are not always compatible things. It happens that seemingly inexpensive equipment can give visitors more pleasure than an expensive analogue.

    Choosing a new

    Basically, the profitability of one or another attraction can be calculated by comparing two figures: the possible revenue and the cost of maintaining the equipment itself, so try to purchase unusual attractions so that the revenue is higher.

    However, huge and expensive structures can be very difficult to maintain and operate. Often, such attractions do not gain a large number of people who want to use its services in a small town. That is why the point of buying such a device, one might say, is zero, except for problems, you will not get anything.

    Another the most important indicator- this is the ease of repair and the availability of parts to replace failed ones. We all know that any, even the highest quality equipment can break down. So think about how much future repairs will cost in terms of money and time, and whether it is even possible with this equipment.


    When planning a park, mentally divide it into zones: children's, family and extreme. This will make it much easier and easier for visitors to figure out where to go.

    Sometimes it is not enough to buy the necessary, perhaps even the highest quality and newest equipment. It must also be properly placed throughout the park. The future income of this business directly depends on the correct organization of zones.

    Remember the story of the entrepreneur Romanov, who decided to change the arrangement of attractions in his park a little, and as soon as he moved the children's area to another place, 30% of the profit disappeared on the same day. Remember, children quickly get used to their favorite swings and their location. If at some point everything changes, the children will continue to take their parents to memorable places, but not find their favorite swing there. Such seemingly simple things can negatively affect the box office of the park. And as soon as Romanov returned everything to its place, the income rose to the previous point.

    Understand that children's attractions as a business are very profitable. The design of the equipment layout is as important as the design of the apartment in which you live. Everything should be appropriate and stand in its place.

    When arranging attractions, consider the direction of movement of the flow of visitors, they should consider everything well and choose those options that they liked the most. If the traffic is two-way, then make the tracks in such a way that traffic jams are not created, they can cause a lot of inconvenience.

    In order to correctly arrange and install everything, the desire and knowledge of the owner of the park is not enough, so it is better to use the services of a qualified designer, a specialist in this field. He will be able to help not only with the arrangement of equipment, but also with the design of the surrounding area, or you can decorate the park in a certain theme, which will attract even more visitors.


    Of course, an amusement park is a profitable business, but it is seasonal. People go to such parks only during the warm seasons, so the owner of such an institution receives profit from May to September.

    During the rest of the year, the park is closed and requires only investments from the owner for its maintenance, conservation of equipment and its storage during downtime. It's hard to imagine people who just crave to use the water rides in late autumn.

    So if for 5-6 months this business brings a good income, then the rest of the time is just maintenance costs.

    There is an exit

    Better inflatable attractions and there can be nothing. When cold weather sets in, the owners simply blow them off and put them away for the winter without spending a single ruble on maintenance.

    Mobile parks, which regularly face crossings, will also not be particularly affected in the cold season. All attractions are simply transported to a special indoor complex and stored there until the onset of heat.

    As for stationary large complexes, park attractions in winter are going through hard times.


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