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A healthy lifestyle today is experiencing, if not the peak of popularity, then as close as possible to this. Healthy lifestyle is promoted from all TV channels of the country, Internet sites and print media. Naturally, this is the right trend towards the improvement of the nation and an increase in the life expectancy of the population. But from a different point of view, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial for manufacturers. sports nutrition, the purpose of which is to maximize sales of their own products. Against this background, a novice entrepreneur can successfully join this business area. It is enough to develop a business plan for a sports nutrition store and strictly follow it.

Business Features and Benefits

The business of a sports nutrition store is essentially no different from the activities of any other outlet. The principle of operation is the same - the purchase of goods in bulk and retail sales through its own network.

The main feature of a sports nutrition store is product specificity. Target audience is not just people involved in sports or fitness, but athletes who prefer strength exercises. Sports nutrition in this case is necessary to build muscle mass, quickly restore strength and normalize metabolism.

Another feature of the business is a narrow circle of suppliers, limited to domestic manufacturers and intermediary firms that supply foreign goods. Regardless of the geographical location of the outlet, products will still have to be purchased either in Moscow or at large regional bases, which are extremely few in Russia.

Reference. The purchase of goods through online stores is not considered, because the volume of supplies from dealers is calculated for retail chains. In addition, it is problematic to check the quality of the goods in advance.

Target audience of a sports nutrition store:

  • 50% are people involved in heavy sports at a professional level;
  • 20% - people involved in heavy sports for themselves and who want to build muscle mass;
  • 20% - novice athletes who want to try sports nutrition and see the effect;
  • 10% - the rest of the categories of people who take sports nutrition for one reason or another.

In any case, the target audience of a sports nutrition store is athletes or people who visit the gym and prefer strength training.

Project advantages:

  1. Low investment - to open a sports nutrition store, you need to have an amount in the range of 400-500 thousand rubles. Major expenses include organizational measures, rental space and advertising costs. The purchase of the first batch of goods is not taken into account for several reasons. First, you can find a supplier that provides goods for sale. Secondly, a high markup on products in the first month will cover all investments.
  2. Low competition - cities with a population of 400-500 thousand inhabitants are not crowded with sports nutrition stores. It is rare to find a point located in mall in the neighborhood of a clothing store or children's goods, because the demand for products in such places is low. As a rule, the sale of sports nutrition is carried out directly in the gym building or nearby. And it is almost impossible to meet two competing entrepreneurs in the same territory.
  3. High income - given the low purchase price of products and a margin of 100–200%, an entrepreneur may well reach an income of 100,000 rubles in the first month, gradually increasing profits. However, it should be understood that the final result depends on the demand for the goods, the location of the outlet and the competitive capabilities of the store compared to similar firms operating in the city.
  4. Quick payback of business - the criterion directly follows from the previous one. If the store is successful, then with a high income, the payback period varies within 4–5 months.

Reference. The main advantage of a sports nutrition store is independence from external factors. The financial crisis in the country, the decrease in the solvency of the population, the increase in food prices and utilities- these and other parameters do not affect the demand for sports nutrition in any way, because athletes in any case are forced to use supplements to maintain their shape.

Market and competitor analysis

Given the narrow focus of the business, it is quite easy to analyze the sports nutrition market.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the number of official outlets selling these products. It is best to use an internet search.

The second stage is visiting potential competitors in order to identify positive and negative qualities in the work. It could be:

  • successful or erroneous location of the store;
  • the presence of a gym in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet;
  • approximate number of customers per day/week/month;
  • product range;
  • suppliers and brands of sports nutrition;
  • price category various kinds goods;
  • availability of promotions, discounts, bonuses;
  • advertising effectiveness.

The third stage is the comparison of the obtained data. Of course, some store will be more successful and recognizable, while the other will be practically unknown to consumers or aimed at a narrow target audience (members of a fitness club).

Using the data obtained, you can easily create your own business model, taking into account the mistakes of competitors and focusing on the factors that led to success.

Online stores can be called competitors at a stretch. There are only a few organizations in the country that sell sports nutrition retail via the Internet. The rest of the companies operate either illegally or are fraudsters, which is why the demand for products in general in the network is low. More than 50% of athletes prefer to buy sports nutrition through offline points so that they can be sure of the quality of the product.

Organizational events

Store registration and documentation

The first stage of organizing a business is the registration of entrepreneurial activity. You can choose from sole proprietorship or LLC. Each has pros and cons legal form, so you need to focus only on the format of the business and your own preferences.

IP status is convenient for a small shop with an area of ​​​​20-25 square meters. m. In this case, you can save on state duty (800 rubles, and for opening an LLC - 4,000 rubles) and an accountant. Also, for individual entrepreneurs, a simpler form of tax reporting is provided.

Opening a legal entity is beneficial when organizing a large sports nutrition store or a network of outlets located in different regions of the country. In addition, the founder of an LLC does not risk personal property during the bankruptcy of the company, but is liable before the law only within the authorized capital of the legal entity. An individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay off all debts even after the closure of business activities, otherwise it is possible to seize private property.

Reference. An equally important distinguishing point of an individual entrepreneur from an LLC is the status of an entrepreneur. Large and well-known sports nutrition suppliers are reluctant to enter into contracts with individuals (IP) due to the low amount of working capital, while any company is ready to work with a legal entity.

Documents for registration of entrepreneurial activity are almost the same in both cases:

  • the passport;
  • statement;
  • paid receipt of state duty;
  • decision to establish a legal entity (for LLC);
  • company charter (for LLC);
  • information about the authorized capital (for LLC).

Registration term - no more than 5 days.

Taxation system - STS 6%.

OKVED codes:

  • 47.64 - sale of sports goods and equipment in specialized outlets;
  • 47.29 - sale of other food products in specialized outlets;
  • 47.29.39 - sale of other food products not specified in other codes.

The second stage of organizing a business is the collection of permits. By this time, the entrepreneur must rent premises for the store, conclude contracts with suppliers, find employees for the position of sellers, carry out repairs and prepare the premises for work.

List of additional documents:

  • lease contract;
  • an agreement with the municipal service for the removal of garbage and solid waste;
  • conclusion of an employment agreement with the seller;
  • conclusion of an agreement with the sanitary service or a special company for periodic disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
  • quality certificate for products (provided by the supplier);
  • documentation from pension fund on registration as an employer (in the presence of hired personnel in the amount of at least one person).

Next, you need to contact the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor to obtain permits for doing business. In particular, the premises under the store will be checked for compliance with fire safety and sanitary rules.

Assortment compilation

The sports nutrition market is represented by a wide range of products. This includes both well-known brands and brands unfamiliar to the buyer. The focus should be on the demand for products and the popularity of the manufacturer.

The minimum assortment of a sports nutrition store:

  1. Protein (protein) is the most purchased product among athletes. The products are designed to gain muscle mass, therefore they are used in 90% of cases by weightlifters.
  2. Vitamins - products are intended to replenish the necessary trace elements in the body. Vitamin complexes are popular with people on a diet.
  3. Creatine - is intended to increase the endurance of various muscle groups. The drug is popular with athletes in various fields, since every person visiting the gym is aimed at increasing the duration of training.
  4. Amino acids - are aimed at replenishing the nutrients in the muscles, which is necessary to restore tone after the end of the workout.
  5. Fat burners - the name speaks for itself. A group of drugs is aimed at burning excess fat in the body.
  6. Groups of drugs aimed at improving the condition of ligaments and joints.

At the first stage, the listed names of sports nutrition are quite enough. In the future, buyers themselves will tell you what they need additionally.

Reference. The assortment of the store may depend on the format of the business - professional or amateur sports nutrition. Each direction has its own type of product, brand and composition. The best option would be to combine both types - it is enough to organize several departments at the outlet.

The location of the object and the choice of premises

The nuances of the location of a sports nutrition outlet are different from the same grocery store or second-hand. This is explained by the fact that the target audience in all cases is completely different. If the food pavilion requires high traffic of people, then the same technique with sports nutrition will not always work. More than 80% of people passing by are not the target audience of sports nutrition.

The location of the store will serve as a guideline:

  • gym;
  • Fitness Centre;
  • various weight loss centers and yoga classes;
  • athletic facilities.

The best option, of course, is to place a retail outlet in a building with a gym or conclude an agreement with the owner of the establishment to sell products on its retail space. The problem is that most of the places are already taken by other entrepreneurs. This can be clearly seen when visiting any fitness center - there is always a sports nutrition store near or nearby.

As an alternative, you can choose a large mall in the city center and position your store as "No. 1" or "Sports Nutrition Center" in the city. In this case, the high traffic of people and the view of the point from different angles will only play into the hands of the businessman, and it will be convenient for buyers to get to the place from any part of the city.

Shop space does not include special conditions. It must meet the standard requirements of SanPiN and fire safety.

Purchase of equipment

For a retail outlet with an area of ​​20–25 sq. m will need:

  • racks;
  • showcases;
  • shelves;
  • counter;
  • cash machine;
  • chair for the seller;
  • lockers;
  • racks or shelves for utility (storage) premises.

Supplier search

The Internet is the only place where you need to look for sports nutrition suppliers. Preference is given to well-known companies and brands, but it is worth paying attention to the terms of cooperation and the cost of purchasing products. The minimum markup should be 50%, otherwise getting into a plus will turn out to be a long and complicated process.

At first, it is recommended to conclude contracts for the supply of goods with several companies, and then determine the positive and negative sides cooperation. In addition, it is worth considering foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition. By ordering goods directly from abroad, you can save on the margin of domestic intermediaries.


Everything is simple here - 1-2 sellers per store with an area of ​​25 square meters. m. Best of all - 2 people working 2/2, 3/3 days. In this case, there will be no problems with weekends and vacations of employees.

Staff requirements:

  • age - 18–35 years;
  • gender - does not matter;
  • skills - experience in trading;
  • qualities - honesty, openness, diligence.

The ideal option would be if the staff has something to do with sports, products sold, or at least understands what it is. In this case, the seller will always answer the questions posed and give competent advice on choosing a particular product. Experience with sports nutrition is not required, because staff can always be trained in the basic nuances.

Store advertisement

The advertising company of the outlet depends on its location. If this is a gym or a fitness center, then the store does not need large-scale advertising. If the premises are neutral in terms of location to sports facilities, then standard advertising techniques should be used.

Considering that the target audience of the project are young people under the age of 35, the marketing campaign should be directed to the Internet:

  • creating your own website;
  • creating and maintaining groups in social networks;
  • product and store advertising in urban communities, including popular groups in in social networks;
  • active communication with users, commenting on entries;
  • regular posting with promotions, discounts and great offers.

In addition, it is necessary to order and install an attractive sign for the store.

Financial plan

Investments in business and operating expenses

Costs at the project organization stage (in rubles):

  • 20,000 - registration of entrepreneurial activity and paperwork;
  • 10,000 - analysis of the market and competitors (remuneration of "mystery" buyers and people who collect information);
  • 35,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement for premises with a deposit;
  • 50,000 - repair of the premises;
  • 20,000 - production of a sign;
  • 40,000 - advertising costs;
  • 150,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 50,000 - purchase of the first batch of goods;
  • 30,000 - reserve fund.

Result: 405,000 rubles.

First month expenses:

  • 35,000 - rent;
  • 60,000 - wages;
  • 10,000 - utilities;
  • 50,000 - additional purchase of goods.

Result: 155,000 rubles.

Sports nutrition store revenue

The average check of an outlet varies between 700–1,300 rubles, and income depends on the number of customers.

For example, you can take the average values ​​in both cases - 1,000 rubles and 8 customers per day. In this case, the daily income will be 8,000 rubles, and the monthly income will be 240,000 rubles.

Profit calculation and payback

240,000-155,000 = 85,000 rubles.

The payback period for a business based on the given data is 5 months.

When opening a sports nutrition store, you always need to think about target audience because the products are quite specific. Guided by a competent business plan, market analysis and financial calculations, you can open a successful sports nutrition business with a high income and a quick payback.

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Sports nutrition is a very popular product. Now a lot of fitness clubs are opening in the country, and people are increasingly buying subscriptions and starting to train in earnest. As a result, the sports nutrition market is also rapidly growing – by 17–20% per year in the regions and by 10% in Moscow.

Sports nutrition store: perspectives

Let's say a few words about how things are with sports nutrition in our country. There are few sports nutrition stores. If we talk about cities with a population of less than a million, then there are often simply no full-fledged stores there - only small outlets operate, where an extremely narrow assortment is offered. Because of this, many athletes order sporpit online or directly from foreign manufacturers, and then wait weeks (sometimes months) for delivery. It is clear that this state of affairs does not suit anyone.

Another favorable factor for entrepreneurs is associated with the artificial popularization of sports nutrition.

  1. The owners and instructors of many fitness centers cooperate with sports nutrition dealers, and therefore actively promote the idea of ​​​​the indispensability of canned protein and creatine among visitors to strength halls. Beginners usually listen to them.
  2. Experienced athletes know from their own experience that sports nutrition is good. Moreover, they treat the training process very responsibly and are ready to buy sports nutrition in the complex (protein, creatine, BCA and other supplements at once). Professionals and amateur veterans can spend from 10,000 to 20,000-30,000 rubles a month on supplements. Read the builder forums and you'll see for yourself.
  3. More recently (in May 2015), enterprising online businessmen entered the market, actively promoting just one brand of protein over the Internet. Millions of people who were not interested in sports at all suddenly learned about sports nutrition. Naturally, many of them will continue to buy protein in the future, and stocking it in a special shop around the corner is easier, cheaper and more reliable than buying from someone on the other side of the monitor.

Only one minus can be singled out, but quite significant: good sports nutrition is practically not produced in Russia. If you open a sports nutrition store, you will only have to trade in foreign-made products (primarily German and American). This means that the purchase price will be tied to the exchange rate. If the ruble collapses again, it will be possible to burn out great.

How much does it cost to open a sports nutrition store?

First you need to decide whether you will open a store on your own or through a franchise. Note that buying a franchise greatly simplifies life. The cost of a franchise ranges from 100-150 thousand rubles.

How much to buy? If you immediately establish contact with reliable wholesalers, you will have to spend about 200 thousand rubles at least. There is no need to rent a spacious room for a store in the very center of the city, so the cost of rent will be small - in the range of 25-50 thousand rubles. You may need to hire a salesperson (although at first you can work behind the counter and on your own). average salary seller - 15-30 thousand, depending on the region. The amount of advertising costs varies depending on the region and promotion methods. As you prepare your business plan, be sure to include a contingency reserve.

Thus, the minimum amount for opening a store is 500 thousand rubles. However, it is worth considering that the exchange rate is still unstable, and the ruble may well collapse again. This, in turn, will directly affect the purchase price.

Is it profitable to open a sports nutrition store?

So, how much profit should you expect? Let's first define the markup. When buying sports nutrition from distributors or directly from a foreign manufacturer, you can make a markup of 40-60%. This is quite good.

If you live in small town, where there are almost no competitors or not at all, you will have buyers quickly. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the situation with competition is more difficult, but even in the capitals, attendance will be good, especially if you are located near a fitness club.

Every mid-range fitness center has a minibar that sells protein shakes, creatine bars, and other "light" supplements. If you manage to negotiate the supply of your goods to fitness clubs - excellent, you can safely make a markup of 100-130%.

However, the ability to make a large margin does not guarantee success. If you do not gain good momentum, the business will not bring much income. Keep in mind that sports nutrition stores survive due to regular customers, so you will have to constantly monitor the range and quality of the supplements sold.

Of course, it is impossible to give exact numbers, but on average, the profitability of such outlets is 20%. If you reach an average turnover of 400 thousand rubles per month, you will be able to receive 80 thousand profits. The store pays off in a period of six months to two years. Compiling good business plan and by opening a sports nutrition store, you can make a decent profit - this is a fact. But there will be no super profits - this is also a fact.

How to open a sports nutrition store: step by step

Before opening a store, you have to resolve the traditional dilemma of start-up entrepreneurs: individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. Both forms have many pros and cons, which are pointless to list within the framework of this article. Perhaps, in the case of a sports nutrition store, the optimal form will still be an individual entrepreneur. You will be able to freely dispose of all profits and almost not bother with tax issues. IP is simple, fast and convenient. And if you open a store alone and do not hire a seller, the entrepreneurial option is completely ideal.

With regard to the taxation system, it is better to go the traditional way and choose the simplified tax system. One tax instead of three, the ability to choose a flexible tax rate, no paperwork - what you need for a small business. Concerning common system taxation, then it is extremely unprofitable and inconvenient at the start stage: deductions will be too large, as well as the volume of document flow. With VAT in DOS, too, not everything is going smoothly.

Before opening a store, you will need to go through four preparatory stages:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • register with the IFTS;
  • obtain permission to trade in the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority;
  • obtain permission to carry out trade in the regional district administration.

Room selection

No need to rent a spacious room - rooms of 50 square meters. m. will be enough. A warehouse is not needed at all, because most of the goods can fit in the main hall (in extreme cases, a dozen or two cans can be kept in your apartment). Buy only used racks and counters - you can save a lot on them.

To place the store, you should choose one of the following places:

  • a building near a fitness club (it would be just great if you can stay in the same house with such an institution);
  • shopping center;
  • sports complex;
  • a large sports store (even if you manage to rent a very small room there, you will have many buyers).

Just do not rent semi-basement premises or offices in any yards. The reach of the audience will immediately narrow significantly.

Important nuances

  1. It sounds trite, but the product must be of high quality. Athletes (especially bodybuilders and who consider themselves as such) really care about quality. You can't deceive them, they will immediately detect an unusable product, since experience allows. Sometimes even a torn protective film on the lid can cause a person to never come to you again. And at the same time he will tell all his friends who are jocks (and at the same time all the clients of the fitness club where he is engaged) about what a bad store you have.
  2. Target audience - men aged 20 to 28 years (70%). Most of them are students who want to quickly pump up, there are also former athletes who keep fit. The core is men aged 25–28 with an average income of 30–40 thousand rubles. (in Moscow - twice as much). Clients over 30 are usually professional athletes. If they like your store, they will be purchased monthly for at least 10-15 thousand rubles. Women, alas, rarely buy sports nutrition.
  3. Ideally, the sports nutrition store should eventually become something like an interest club. The most loyal customers will come to you on the recommendations of regular customers.
  4. Supplement the assortment with thematic literature and training courses. Be sure to create a shop website and social media community. Advertising on the Internet is a powerful tool that, if used correctly, will allow you to increase sales at times. Let athletes from your city order supplements directly on the site. You only need to conclude an agreement with a courier agency or hire a courier under a contract.

Summing up

The niche of sports nutrition is promising and will remain so for at least another 5-6 years. Is it profitable to open a sports nutrition store? Yes, but not always. The consumer audience is limited, and you should not count on big profits. 50, 80 thousand rubles net profit- the result is achievable, but it will be difficult to overcome the bar of 100 thousand. True, well-configured online advertising can break through this ceiling.

Do not forget that the "sports" niche is very specific. It’s worth trading sporpit if you yourself are in the know (doing power sports now or have trained before). Without understanding the basics of bodybuilding and the principles of action of various sports supplements, it is difficult to find a good assortment and satisfy the needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

How to open a sports nutrition store? Where to start, what you need to know?

Here you will find recommendations for starting your own business, a sports nutrition store. Recommendations are given in the form step by step instructions(where to start, what features need to be considered). An example is also given of how to write a business plan for a sports store (and this may also apply to the sale sportswear or inventory).

Step-by-step instruction

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preliminary stage

It’s good if you yourself went in for sports (professional sports, gyms, bodybuilding, fitness, etc.) and used sports nutrition (amino acids, creatines, gainers, fat burners, L-glutamines, etc.) in the process of training. If not, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the currently offered sports nutrition preparations, their characteristics, methods of application, possible side effects, contraindications.

Step 2

Need to decide on target groups for which your future store will be designed. There can be two such groups: professional athletes who periodically take doping tests, and amateurs who train exclusively for themselves. In the first case, if you do not want to get into an unpleasant situation, you will need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, official website In Russia, an accredited laboratory is located in Moscow (Anti-Doping Center), where you can get a list of prohibited drugs. In both the first and second cases, it must be remembered that sports nutrition is subject to mandatory registration in accordance with the "Unified List of Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (Control) at the Customs Border and the Customs Territory of the Customs Union". In subjects Russian Federation state registration is carried out federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being ("Rospotrebnadzor").

Step 3

Finding a supplier is probably the most important step in the store opening process. Firstly, it is necessary to monitor retail prices in retail outlets offering similar products to you in your area, city. Then you can start looking for a wholesaler or manufacturer (Internet, media, acquaintances). It is important to pay attention not only to prices and discount systems, but also to what kind of support the supplier offers (advertising materials, consultations, special literature, related products: from special clothing to any gadgets), to the availability of permits, to so that the annotations to the preparations and packaging are in Russian.

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Administrative stage

Step 4

So, you have decided on the assortment, found a supplier. You can proceed to the next step - registering your company. If you do not have enough time or do not want to visit government offices, you can contact specialized law firms(the cost of registration is 3-5 thousand rubles), but you can do all this yourself (it's not so difficult). "Blank" charter, protocols can be borrowed from friends. Fill out an application, visit a notary and tax office It won't take long, but you can save money.

Selection of retail space. The specifics of a store offering sports nutrition does not require large retail space (40-50 square meters is enough). The search for a suitable premises must be carried out by all means (Internet, newspaper ads, real estate offices, acquaintances). Racks, counters, showcases can be purchased and used, storage space in the store is not needed (you just need to have a minimum of goods), the bulk of the products (due to their small dimensions) can be kept in your apartment. Renting a separate room does not make sense due to the high rent, best option- shopping centers, sports complexes. Not bad if you are adjacent to a sportswear or sports equipment store. After you conclude a lease agreement for the premises, you will have to go through the approval procedures in the SES, the State Fire Supervision Service, the administration municipality, resolve issues with the cash register and the tax payment system.

Step 6

Personnel selection. At first, it is best to take up sales yourself and at the same time train newly hired employees. It is better to recruit staff from former or current athletes, as their appearance can sometimes tell a potential buyer more than any advertising brochure. Ultimately, this will affect the sale of goods. It is more profitable and effective to post vacancies via the Internet, since the focus group is young people.

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Advertising stage

Advertising. The pavilion itself (sales outlet) should be designed in such a way that visitors do not have questions like “What is it that they sell here?”. Posters, advertising booklets must be in the store and freely available. It is necessary to establish personal relationships with managers, trainers, instructors of gyms, fitness clubs, sports clubs nearby to the outlet, provide them with promotional products and interest in material terms(percentage of sales), hold mini-seminars with them, introduce them to new products in the assortment. Even a simple posting of ads in residential areas can give a good effect. Over time, you can create (or order) an online store.

The business of selling sports nutrition does not require large investments and the competition in this segment is still small. The need for such goods increases by 20% every year, the main consumers are young people involved in power sports.

Each of those who would like to start their own business asks the main question: how much will it cost? The most interesting is the business that requires minimal investment. This is understandable: making good money with minimal risk is the dream of any businessman.

The sports nutrition trade is a relatively young type of business that requires very little investment. There is little competition in this market: the distribution of sports nutrition is mainly occupied by small online stores located in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to experts, the annual growth of the market is at least 20%.

Sports nutrition: description, composition, consumer groups

What is sports nutrition? In terms of chemical composition, it is an absolutely harmless concentrated mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals.

Most often, it comes in the form of powder, capsules or tablets. Sports nutrition is produced from natural products: eggs, meat, soy, milk, etc. The basis of sports nutrition is protein, which is the main source of energy for an athlete.

Experts determine the following optimal composition of sports nutrition and the cost of these products per month:

  • Protein mixtures for muscle growth - from 1,300 rubles.
  • Carbohydrates for recovery after high energy costs - from 800 rubles.
  • Creatine to increase strength and endurance - about 600 rubles.
  • L-carnitine for burning fat - about 600 rubles.
  • A complex of vitamins and minerals - about 600 rubles.

Consumers of sports nutrition are young people from 18 to 30 years old who are actively involved in strength sports, as well as professional athletes and individual age fans of various sports.

It is better to open a business selling sports nutrition in cities with a population of 100 thousand or more people, where there are sports schools, fitness centers, boxing clubs, etc.

Some of the main ways to implement sports nutrition:

  • Organization of retail outlets in sports and recreation centers, gyms, sports clubs, etc. In this case, the administration of these institutions can be involved in the implementation, having interested it in a percentage of the profits.
  • Organization of small (5-7 sq. m.) specialized departments for the sale of sports nutrition in large shopping centers with a large number of potential buyers.
  • Organization of an online store for the sale of sports nutrition with home delivery.

The amount of capital investment in the business will mainly depend on the choice of the trading method. In case of organization sales department, costs consist of the acquisition of commercial equipment, putting the outlet in order and purchasing goods. Most likely, this option will be the most costly due to the need for constant payment of rent and wages hired vendors.

Let us consider just such an option in more detail, since it is he, despite the costs, that looks the most promising because of the potentially highest revenue.

Organization of a sports nutrition store:

Location selection

It would be optimal to place a retail outlet in a large sporting goods store, shopping center, on the territory of a large sports and recreation complex, club or gym.

The area of ​​the rented trading place depends on the estimated volume of sales. There is no need to start right away with a store or a large department. At first, 5-7 square meters would be enough. m of retail space for one shop window with goods, and then, as demand grows, it would be possible to gradually expand retail space.

Formation of the assortment

The basis of the assortment of the sports nutrition store is:

  • Proteins, creatine.
  • Means for ligaments and joints.
  • Fat burners.
  • Vitamins, minerals.
  • Amino acids.
  • Protein-carbohydrate mixtures (gainers).
  • Glutamine.

At least 100 thousand rubles must be spent on the purchase of the necessary assortment of goods to start the store.

The assortment should include the main running items that are in constant demand. As the implementation progresses, it is necessary to track the positions that are in high demand, and increase the purchase of these particular positions. To increase the volume of sports nutrition sales, consultations on this topic should be constantly held. Sports nutrition advertising should be a continuation of articles about healthy way life, the benefits of playing sports, etc.

The main task in organizing the sale of sports nutrition is the conclusion of contracts with suppliers of quality goods at low prices. When concluding contracts, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the retail trade margin was at least 50%.

An example here is the German company Milei, which supplies sports nutrition at low prices. In general, direct contacts with importers are most advantageous due to the lowest prices. It can be more profitable only by self-delivery of goods. At the lowest prices retail margin can range from 50 to 100%. For each batch of goods, be sure to require quality certificates.

Financial expenses

First, registration of a business entity is required. IP will cost 800 rubles, subject to independent preparation of documents. Commercial equipment (racks, showcases) will cost noticeably 50 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will be:

  • Rent of retail space is approximately 10 thousand rubles per month.
  • Purchase of goods - 100 thousand rubles.
  • The salary of a sales consultant is 12 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 8 thousand rubles.

Total: 130 thousand rubles.

It can be seen from the expenses that, when selling the purchase volume of goods for 100 thousand rubles with a mark-up of 50%, the profit will be 20 thousand rubles per month. To increase profitability, you should:

  • Increase turnover
  • By increasing sales to 200 thousand per month, you can count on a doubling of net profit, up to 40 thousand rubles.
  • Increase the markup (reduce the purchase price).
  • Reduce costs.

You can, for example, refuse the services of a sales assistant and trade on your own at first.

The business of opening a sports nutrition store is promising and has large reserves for development. It is better to start a business with a small trading department, gradually increasing turnover. The main thing in profitability is to find a supplier with the lowest prices for goods with guaranteed high quality. Good advertising is of great importance.

You should look for non-standard ways of working with clients. Income could be increased, for example, by the production and delivery of protein shakes to sports and fitness complexes, sports clubs according to preliminary requests of clients.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

A win-win option for a profitable business is a business related to beauty and health. A sports lifestyle, in turn, unites both areas: spending all free time on the couch without physical activity, you should not count on either a beautiful body or good health. At the same time, every athlete knows that the results of his classes depend largely on his nutrition. Moreover, the diet of a person who wants to get a beautiful and strong body should include not only healthy foods, but also special supplements that increase the effectiveness of training.

Types of sports nutrition

The complexes of these special nutritional supplements have an increased biological and nutritional value. They are made, as a rule, from natural products using complex technologies, as a result of which all unnecessary and unnecessary substances are removed from the raw materials. Of course, sports nutrition does not replace the usual, but only complements the usual diet. Compared to conventional foods, these supplements have increased nutritional value, help increase the effectiveness of training, restore strength after hard physical exertion, build muscle and even lose weight (of course, when dieting).

The main types of sports nutrition include proteins (protein), gainers, creatine, amino acids, fat burners and vitamin complexes. According to sales results and public opinion polls, proteins are the leader in this list - protein supplements for building muscle mass. Vitamin complexes are next in popularity, since dieting or dietary restrictions do not allow you to get all the trace elements in the required amount. The third place is occupied by amino acids and creatine. L-creatine allows you to significantly increase the intensity of training, increasing muscle endurance. And amino acids contribute to the rapid replenishment of nutrients in the muscles after training. In last place in demand are gainers and fat burners. Gainers are used to quickly gain body weight. They contain proteins and high-quality carbohydrates, which are necessary for building muscle mass. Fat burners, on the other hand, help break down fats during exercise and turn them into energy, which leads to weight loss.

Sports nutrition market

A sports nutrition store may not be an original business idea. However, this direction does not lose its relevance. The sports nutrition market is growing rapidly. Its growth reaches 15% per year. In the Moscow market, this figure is slightly lower and equals 10%, which is due to high level competition and proximity to saturation. At the same time, until recently, about 35% of sports nutrition sales were in the capital. In value terms, the Moscow sports nutrition market is estimated at 4.2 billion rubles.

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In general, on domestic market products of all major manufacturers are presented. Most consumers prefer sports nutrition of foreign brands, considering it to be more effective and of higher quality. In particular, the products of the German company Multipower are in great demand, the assortment of which includes a wide selection of sports nutrition - from vitamin and mineral complexes to gainers. A big plus of the products of this manufacturer is the division of products into series, which, in turn, are arranged according to courses taking into account individual features athlete. Another well-known in Russia german brand Weider, under which high-quality sports nutrition is produced, which has passed a large number of different tests.

But the share of domestic products in the sports nutrition market in our country is not yet very large. It does not exceed 10%. The main advantage of food additives from Russian manufacturers is significantly lower prices compared to foreign-made products. It is because of this advantage that sports nutrition of Russian brands is bought, as a rule, by novice athletes who want to save money. Experienced and professional athletes do not trust domestic companies, considering their products less effective. According to laboratory research, indeed, the effectiveness of Russian food additives, in general, is somewhat lower than German or American ones. However, many Russian enterprises are only engaged in the packaging and marketing of sports nutrition. The "semi-finished products" themselves are imported from abroad.

The situation on the domestic sports nutrition market is assessed by experts as stable. It is influenced by a large number of different factors - the growth of the well-being of the population, the fashion for a sports figure, an increase in the overall physical education, the popularity of fitness clubs and gyms ... But with all this, consumers are still poorly aware of the existence of various types of sports nutrition and their purpose. In addition, the myth about the dangers of food additives for health is tenacious. All this has a negative impact on the development of the sports nutrition market in general and small businesses in particular.

In order for your business to be successful, you will have to put a lot of effort and time into informing consumers about the benefits and effectiveness of special additives, their purpose and main differences. We will write more about this below.

The target audience of such products are people who love sports, do it regularly or even professionally. By age, the spread is quite large - from 16 to 50 years (sometimes older). But the age group from 25 to 40 years prevails here. As for the gender composition, sports nutrition is mainly interested in men (about 75-80% of the total number of consumers).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Competition in the field retail sales sports nutrition is quite high, but this applies, first of all, to large cities. Both large federal chains and independent small shops have long been represented in the "millionaires". Sports nutrition stores are indirectly competed by trainers in gyms and fitness rooms who sell sports nutrition products to their customers.

Organizational moments: LLC or IP?

So, you've decided to open your own sports nutrition store. Where to begin? First of all, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of your future business - whether it will be an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Society with limited liability is a legal entity that can be created by one or more founders. The latter can be either an individual or a legal entity. The individual entrepreneur is individual which deals with entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity. The main drawback of the IP form is that an individual entrepreneur is liable for the obligations of his company with his personal property. And the founders of the LLC do not bear such responsibility for the obligations of the company. They only lose their contribution to authorized capital. A significant minus of the IP lies in its "disrespect". Many large and medium-sized companies are reluctant to enter into contracts with individual entrepreneurs. Although there are no serious grounds for this (moreover, the situation itself is illogical, because a large capital is not required to establish an LLC), but such a fact takes place. Therefore, if you plan from the very beginning to purchase products not from intermediaries ( wholesale companies), but directly from manufacturers, including foreign ones, and / or organize a whole trading network soon, it is better to give preference to a limited liability company.

The IP form is also not suitable if you open a business with one or more partners. There are other significant differences between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur, which include the name of the company, methods of management, investment and lending features, accounting and taxation. Therefore, before registering, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the best legal form for you. If this is not possible and you are planning to open one small store without big plans for expansion, give preference to IP.

Opening a sports nutrition store

Sports nutrition is a specific product. On the one hand, it is in high demand, and on the other hand, its target audience is rather narrow and heterogeneous. For these reasons, it makes no sense to open a sports nutrition store in a residential area. But it’s also not worth trying to find a room closer to the city center: the cost of renting there is too high. The best place for such a retail outlet is near sports complexes, large fitness centers, sporting goods stores or on the territory of a large shopping center. The last option may seem controversial. However, some malls or nearby malls may have gyms or fitness rooms. Their permeability is very high. True, the cost of rent here is also above average, but sports nutrition does not take up much space, so renting a small island in a shopping center will cost less than renting a separate room for a store (even with a small area of ​​the latter of 40-50 square meters).

Even the mode of operation of your store is of great importance. If it is located in a shopping center, your store will work in accordance with the schedule of the shopping center itself. But even if you open in a separate building, it is advisable to increase opening hours from 8 (or 9) to 20 (or 21) hours. This is especially true if your store is located near sports centers that are open from early morning until late at night.

After the conclusion of the lease agreement for the premises, it will be necessary to go through the approval procedures in the SES, the State Fire Supervision Service and the administration of your city.

Choosing a sports nutrition supplier

The largest item of expenditure is the purchase of goods. The range of sports nutrition is quite wide. It includes not only the nutritional supplements mentioned above, but also various mixtures, quick breakfasts, bars, salads according to special recipes, enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for athletes. As a rule, one does not come into such a business by chance. Most likely, if you are thinking about opening a sporting goods store, you yourself play or have played sports and understand the topic. In this case, you will be able to correctly form the assortment of your store, taking into account the most popular items and famous brands. The main share falls on fat burners, gainers, protein supplements, vitamin complexes and energy products. If you consider professional athletes as your main target audience, then you must strictly take into account the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency. There is an accredited laboratory (anti-doping center) in our country, but it is located in Moscow.

In any case, no matter what audience you are targeting, the sports nutrition sold by you must have state registration, which is a confirmation of product safety and its compliance with the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety". State registration is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Ready-made ideas for your business

To obtain state registration of sports nutrition, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor. For controlled goods manufactured in the customs territory of the Customs Union, this list includes: application; copies of documents in accordance with which products are manufactured (standards, specifications, regulations, technological instructions, specifications, recipes, information about the composition), certified by the manufacturer (manufacturer); written notification of the manufacturer (manufacturer) that the products (product samples) manufactured by him meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured; manufacturer's (manufacturer's) document on the use (operation, use) of controlled goods (instructions, manuals, regulations, recommendations) or a copy thereof certified by the applicant (if available); copies of labels (packaging) or their mock-ups for controlled goods, certified by the applicant; act of sampling (sampling); declarations of the manufacturer (manufacturer) on the presence of genetically modified (transgenic) organisms, nanomaterials, hormones, pesticides in food products; protocols of studies (tests) (acts of hygienic examination), scientific reports, expert opinions; extract from the United state register legal entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

For controlled goods manufactured outside the customs territory of the Customs Union, the list of documents is slightly different and includes: an application; copies of the documents in accordance with which the products are manufactured (standards, specifications, regulations, technological instructions, specifications, recipes, information about the composition), certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which the state registration; declarations of the manufacturer (manufacturer) on the presence of genetically modified organisms, nanomaterials, hormones, pesticides in food products; manufacturer's (manufacturer's) document on the use (operation, use) of controlled goods (instructions, manuals, regulations, recommendations) or a copy thereof certified by the applicant (if available); written notification of the manufacturer (manufacturer) that the products (product samples) manufactured by him meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured; a copy of the manufacturer's (manufacturer's) document certifying the safety and quality of the test samples, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out; copies of product labels (packaging) certified by the applicant; copy of the document competent authorities healthcare (other state authorized bodies) of the country in which sports nutrition is produced, confirming the safety and allowing free circulation of these products on the territory of the state of the manufacturer (manufacturer), certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which registration is carried out, or information from the manufacturer that there is no need to issue such document; protocols of studies (tests) (acts of hygienic examination), scientific reports, expert opinions; copies of documents confirming the import of samples of controlled goods into the customs territory of the Customs Union, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out.

Choose your supplier carefully. To get started, study the retail prices for products from your competitors, then start looking for wholesale companies or manufacturers that sell sports nutrition. Not only prices and various bonuses for dealers are important ( special clothing for consultants, advertising materials, information support, etc.). The main thing is the availability of all permits, annotations for drugs and the design of packages in Russian (or additional stickers with translation).

In a small store, as a rule, the most popular items are presented. Sports nutrition has its own expiration date. Of course, it is much longer than that of ordinary food products, but it does not make sense to buy additives that are practically not in demand for the future. But you can offer your customers the opportunity to deliver any products on order. Not everyone knows how to order what they need in foreign online stores. For rare purchases, they may ask you for help. For you, this will be additional profit and an opportunity to significantly increase the loyalty of your customers.

Good sellers are the main condition for successful trading

Even if you yourself are a specialist and are well versed in the variety of sports nutrition, this is not enough for a successful business. It is imperative that your sales assistants understand the products as well as you do and can advise visitors on any issue. Experienced athletes do not need help, but beginners and amateurs will need qualified help. the main task good seller is not at all about selling as many goods as possible, even if in fact it is not at all what the client needs. Treat every visitor as a potential repeat customer. After all, most likely, he will become one if he gets exactly what he came to you for (and preferably even a little more). Facilitate the work of yourself and your sellers - organize a convenient display of goods on showcases and racks, classifying them by sports, expected effect, planned loads. Do not forget that some buyers do not like to turn to consultants for help, fearing intrusive attention or embarrassed to show their ignorance. For such clients, it is desirable to make brief instructions-annotations on the use of a particular product and place them on the showcase.

In addition to awareness and unobtrusiveness, good sales consultants have another requirement related to their appearance. No matter how well your employee understands all the nuances of sports nutrition, if he himself does not look athletic enough, people will not trust him. Finding sellers that meet all the requirements is not as difficult as it seems. These may be students or recent graduates who are actively involved in sports. Post ads on job sites, social groups and forums, as well as on the territory of sports centers, gyms, stadiums, etc.

Don't forget about advertising. Take care of the design of shop windows, a sign on the facade and, if possible, install a pillar at the entrance to the store. It is best if you arrange with the nearest gyms, sports sections and fitness clubs about mutually beneficial cooperation. They can refer customers to you, and you will pay them a percentage of sales. In this case, targeted advertising is most effective. Don't put flyers in mailboxes. It is better to spend this money on making loyalty cards that entitle you to receive certain discounts.

The main items of expenditure for opening a sports nutrition store are related to the purchase of products, registration of an enterprise, rent of retail space, recruitment and training of personnel, placement of advertising, salary your workers. Overheads and unforeseen expenses (for example, possible marriage, returns to the supplier, etc.) are a separate article.

Sports nutrition is in relatively stable demand throughout the year, but in anticipation of new year holidays and in the summer there is a lull in its sales, and the greatest demand occurs at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, when beginners and amateur athletes begin to prepare for the summer season. To open a small outlet on the territory of the shopping center, it will take from 300-400 thousand rubles (the exact amount depends on the region and assortment). Many factors influence the payback period, but, in general, with a competent approach, all expenses can be returned within six months. It is recommended to open a point in late summer - early autumn.

Sysoeva Lilia

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