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Trading is a sure way to make good profits. Organization of an online store is not required big investments. You can trade at home. It is easier and more profitable to resell goods from Asia. These are clothes, jewelry, gadgets, etc.

With bulk purchases, you will significantly reduce the cost of things so that the markup on them ranges from 100-200%. In parallel with the store, it is worth developing and promoting communities in in social networks to sell products through multiple channels.

After six months of active work, it is realistic to reach net income one hundred thousand. Some of the best shopping sites include:,,,

2. Profitable specialty or position

Such salaries are received by middle and senior managers: heads of departments (advertising, trade, production, etc.), top managers, directors. To qualify for this position, you need great experience work and deep knowledge in the chosen field. At the same time, young and ambitious people should not be afraid to offer their candidacy and prove that they are suitable for this vacancy.

There are many profitable and in-demand professions that a person without education can master. Among the highly paid specialties: programmers and app developers on iOS and Android, web developers and web designers, good advertisers and "salesmen", interior designers, engineers, cooks, real estate agents, working specialties (like skilled builders or welders).

Options for girls with training as a manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist. For example, the cost of a wedding or evening make-up starts at $40, and it is possible to receive about 4-5 clients per day.

3. Franchise business

One of the easiest options where to earn 100,000 rubles a month is to purchase ready business. This eliminates the need to independently plan the organization of the business, plus you get an already promoted brand.

It could be a cafe fast food, a clothing store, a toy store, a fitness center, etc. The amount required for the purchase is from $ 4,500. Acquisition large enterprise will allow you to earn a lot from the first month.

4. Own business

The best business ideas that will allow you to receive 100 thousand rubles. per month: grocery store, construction and repair company, beauty salon, private Kindergarten, gym, cafe and dining room, tattoo parlor, manufacturing enterprise(bar, rubber crumb, fuel briquettes, etc.) After the payback, the business will be able to bring good money.

5. Work in the event field

Current specializations in this niche:

  • Photographer and videographer (weddings, corporate parties, shooting clips);
  • Event leader;
  • Decorator;
  • Rental of lighting and sound equipment.

For example, a presenter is able to start earning with little or no investment. Appropriate skills required good publicity and useful contacts in the event field. The popular presenter's fee is from $350 per evening. For photographers and videographers - from $400 for a full day. And in a month it is possible to fulfill from five orders.

Lighting and sound equipment requires considerable investments for acquisition, but pays off in less than six months with constant employment. Such services are in demand at weddings, corporate and city events.

6. Transportation

This includes freight and passenger traffic. Having only one car (truck or minibus) in your fleet, you can make a good profit.

Services truck or minibus for a trip starts at $ 20-25 and depends on the declared time or mileage. It is profitable to rent cars for a wedding procession or a limousine. Profit - 12-60 $ per hour.

7. Vlog

A way for creative and able to stand out personalities. The income of popular video bloggers freely exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month due to direct advertising (various brands, other channels, films, etc.) and due to the number of video views (for example, through AdSense) and clicks to the advertiser's page.

Popular Topics: travel, reviews of films, gadgets, games (as well as walkthroughs of games - letsplays), beauty blogs, various experiments and educational channels.

8. Your site

A website on the Internet allows you to earn thousands of dollars a month with the right approach. The main investments are intellectual. It is necessary to choose a relevant topic, fill the portal with interesting and “catchy” content, and work on SEO promotion.

"Top", but also the most competitive topics: business and work, beauty and health, psychology and relationships, cooking, real estate, cars, applications and games.

Bulletin boards are very profitable, but you have to work hard to break through in a highly competitive environment.

Ways to earn income from the site:

  1. From direct advertisers on your topic (shops, agencies and other companies);
  2. Contextual, teaser, banner advertising.

In the first six months or a year, you will need to work on attendance, only then can you count on big income. The number of unique visitors should be at least 5-10 thousand people per day for good advertising revenue.

9. Forex and binary options

Exchanges are the place, 100,000 rubles a month with trading ingenuity, analytical skills and a fair amount of composure. The initial amount for trading is 5-10 $, with a successful outcome, the deposit can be multiplied several times. Therefore, to receive a hundred thousand rubles, you will need to invest more than ten dollars.

Choose reliable brokers with a good reputation and high profitability. For Forex trading, they usually choose Alpari, Alfa Forex, Forex4you, for making money on binary options - GT Options, OptionFair, IQ Option.

If you do not know how to trade and do not want to risk money, invest in PAMM accounts and mutual funds. Professionals will be able to manage investments and increase your capital. After dividing investments into several funds, form a portfolio of valuable papers, stocks, currencies. This minimizes the risks, and the total income can reach one hundred thousand.

10. Watch

Those who are not decently on the Internet can find job vacancies on a rotational basis. Not every specialty will be so highly paid, "price" forwarding drivers, engineers, electromechanics, surveyors, welders, etc. Try to get a job in oil and gold mining companies. It's hard work, but it pays well.

Also, elite Moscow mansions often require staff with accommodation. They can count on a salary of 100 thousand home cook, nanny, nurse.

11. Daily rent of an apartment, house, office

If you have your own apartment, house or commercial real estate, then they can be profitably rented by the day or even by the hour (office). The rental price depends on the city. If you make a good repair and bring the object to the status of elite apartments, then it is realistic to have 100,000 rubles per month.

12. Selling training courses

Selling your own knowledge (sewing and cutting, dancing, handling skills) will allow you to quickly reach large sums. computer programs etc.) You can sell video courses and electronic manuals on the Web or do tutoring at home.

These are the main ways, 100 thousand rubles per month. In any case, you need to invest in your own training, starting a business, or investing funds to increase them.

Once again, the boss has spoiled your mood, and the question of opening your own business is an edge: should you start or continue to work for your "uncle"? Of course, both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Work for an employer - be free from problems with the financing of the enterprise, tax and financial statements, attracting customers. Have ideas to start your own business? A good option, but you need to be prepared for the fact that all organizational issues will now fall on your shoulders. are you not afraid of that? Then we turn to the second question: what is the source of business financing?

What budget is needed to start a business? To get started, we offer two business ideas that will help you if you have a relatively small amount - 100,000 rubles.

So, the budget is determined - 100,000 rubles. The budget is not large, but enough for the start-up capital of a small business. What can be opened for 100,000 rubles? How to get started? What's the first step?

Getting started with formalities

You need to implement your business ideas from the registration of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (IP). First, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, since the work can be done alone or with the involvement of personnel under civil contracts. Subsequently, if the business is being implemented, it will already be possible to think about expanding and registering a legal entity. Surely many now have the idea of ​​​​working without registration. Please note that Article 171 of the Russian Criminal Code provides for criminal liability for entrepreneurial activity without registration. So, we register IP.

We will not describe the registration procedure itself, it is regulated federal law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"Let's dwell on the fact that we pay a state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur and issuing a seal: 800 and 500 rubles, respectively. Then we pay 1,000 rubles for opening a bank account. Taking into account bank commissions for transferring, the first investment in the implementation of our idea will amount to 2,500 rubles.

Were you able to open an IP? Let's move on! Register at the branch pension fund at the place of residence, and then we buy and register cash machine(on average, the cost will be 20,000 rubles). So, the budget for starting a business "lost weight" by 22,500 rubles. However, if you do not plan to provide services or carry out retail sale, you can do without it.

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Business idea options

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Let's start a beauty business

What business to open? Let's look at the market segment that is most in demand in your area. The budget does not allow opening a store, but beauty services are rarely in demand. Of course, you need to invest a lot of money in a full-fledged salon. It is better where the masters will not be on the staff of the employer, but only rent jobs. Yes, and the cash register is not useful yet.

So, renting a room, about 20 sq. m. in a residential area in a small mall, will cost at least 30,000 rubles (for St. Petersburg and remote areas of Moscow). The purchase of equipment for the work of masters: three armchairs and mirrors, an administrator's desk and a sofa for waiting - will cost you about 30,000 rubles if you buy used equipment. You will have to spend about 10,000 rubles on a small decoration of the room (refresh the wallpaper, change the flooring, etc.). About another 10,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of small things for the interior and customer care: decor elements, a kettle, dishes, etc. With the rest of the money, we advertise for renting the workplace of a hairdresser, and then invest in advertising our business.

Since funds are scarce, leaflets and newspaper advertisements, which are distributed free of charge, are well suited. Next, we conclude lease agreements for workplaces with hairdressers. Depending on the area, this is an average of 15,000 rubles per master per month, taking into account the fact that each workplace rented to two masters in shifts (for example, from 09.00 to 15.00 - one master, from 15.00 to 21.00 - another).

Total: the monthly profit from the hairdresser will be 90,000 rubles, minus the rent of the premises, as well as the cost of communal payments(about 10,000 rubles), the output will be 50,000 rubles. What are the advantages of such a business? Masters themselves provide the purchase of consumables and necessary equipment(hair dyes, shampoos, hair dryers, scissors, etc.), and also work with their own client base. You will only need the work of an administrator, which you yourself will be able to successfully perform. What are the downsides? Masters themselves regulate the price range of their services. In addition, the masters need to be found in a short time, otherwise there will be nothing to pay for the rent. On the other hand, if the start of this business is successful, you will be able to hire craftsmen on a permanent basis, conclude an agreement with suppliers Supplies and set your price range for hairdressing services.

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Opening an online store

There are a lot of reasons why an online store will be a great start when implementing your first business idea. Firstly, you do not need a room to work, which will save on rent (from 10,000 to 30,000 per month on average in St. Petersburg or Moscow). Goods for sale can be stored at home, of course, if they are not bulky items. Secondly, work is carried out at home, which means that there is an opportunity to earn money without spending time on the road, and also not to look for where to attach a small child, if any. The expenditure part of the project is: 1,500 rubles - we connect unlimited Internet with a dedicated line, 10,000 rubles. - development and commissioning of the website. Do not forget about advertising: website promotion on the Internet and advertising in small newspapers will cost you an average of 10,000 rubles.

Now let's move on to the most important thing: what will we sell? What is most in demand: women's clothing, accessories and jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, children's things and toys (educational toys are in great demand), pet products, etc. Let's focus on children's clothing. We are looking for a supplier of goods: it can be a factory or a manufacturer that works at wholesale prices. Be sure to study the reviews about this potential counterparty and the quality of its products. If a negative reviews no, we conclude an agreement, form a model and size range, make an advance payment and wait. The range of goods purchased with the remaining budget funds will be enough to launch the project. Upon the arrival of the goods, we launch the website and wait for the first orders.

You can open your own business even without initial capital, therefore, having a budget of 100,000 rubles, the entrepreneur has an increased chance of a quick payback on the funds invested in the business. In order for entrepreneurship to bring tangible income, you must first draw up a business plan in which each item of expenditure must be thought out and planned.

Business for 100,000 rubles

Sphere of trade

Trade is one of the most popular and promising business areas.

The main task of an entrepreneur who has chosen a sales niche is the correct selection of the subject trading operations. It must be in demand in the area where it is planned to conduct activities, and its purchase cost is commensurate with the amount invested in the business.

Trade area

When drawing up a business plan, one should take into account the need for registration and permits, as well as renting space for work. For the formation of a showcase, a diverse product range is needed, appearance which will be an advertisement for the store.

In case of a shortage of funds for the purchase of products, it is possible to agree with the supplier on a documented commodity credit with a loan period until the moment the products are sold. You should be ready to provide security for return guarantees, expressed in a pledge of property, the price of which is commensurate with the parameters of a commodity loan.

To meet a small budget without loans, you should initially plan a small format business that does not require investment in acquisition and equipment. outlet and obtaining permits. For a quick return on investment, the cost of raw materials and materials should allow you to increase sales by more than one hundred percent. A great business idea is to sell:

  • bijouterie;
  • accessories;
  • household goods;
  • books;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines.

You can make good money on food products that are in demand, such as bread, milk, ice cream and soft drinks. However, having chosen a niche in the food trade, you will have to worry about the seller passing a special medical examination required for the SES authorities to obtain permission to conduct activities in the food sector.

Bijouterie trade

An excellent idea for making money that does not require impressive investments is the organization of exit points in villages and towns for the sale of goods that are in daily demand. Making coffee at relocated outlets will allow you to adjust the desired level of purchasing power. As an alternative, seasonal sales can be considered, the implementation of which is possible without the equipment of a permanent point of sale. Her subject can be vegetables, fruits, milk and meat.

Financial operations

Travel business

Earnings in the field of financial transactions have always been considered a profitable niche, since competent investment of funds allows you to get a high percentage of profit at minimal cost. 100 thousand rubles for business in financial sector enough to invest in projects. To reduce the risk of losses, it is recommended to divide the investment amount into several portfolios. The loss received in one of them will be covered by the profit from the other.


Having invested up to 100 thousand rubles in a business, you can start lending individuals. Implementation of the idea is possible through specialized services, which include electronic payment systems. Despite the fact that credit sites provide guarantees for the safety of the funds issued, you should not issue a loan in the entire amount at once. It is recommended to break it down by 10 thousand rubles, since when registering a relationship with a dishonest borrower, you will have to look for a debt buyer, which will take time, and also lose the potential profit that you could get for it.

Scope of lending

An alternative business option in this area is to open your own credit institution that offers short-term loans to anyone in need of financial assistance. To implement such an idea, one should register in the status of a business entity and rent an office for negotiations with clients. In this perspective, it is better to issue loans secured by property. To do this, you need to establish relations with a notary who would provide services for paperwork for a fee.

Read also: Innovative Ideas for small business

stock markets

Considering business ideas for 100,000 rubles, it is worth noting separately earnings on financial markets forex, as well as using the binary options service. There are several ways to make a profit in this area, but they all involve opening an individual account and investing funds.

The principle of earning on Forex is bargain purchase with the subsequent sale of the trading instrument. Binary options involve the need to place bets on the increase or decrease in the quotes of a currency, metal or futures.

Those who wish to understand the nuances of the functioning of the business are recommended to start working with a demo account. Operations with real money should be carried out only when decent results are achieved on the demo version of the account. Considering the possibility of obtaining passive income in this way, funds can be invested in a PAMM account, after selecting a trader on specialized service, which provides monitoring data for their performance.

Financial services

A great idea, for the implementation of which it is easy to fit into 100,000 rubles, would be to buy a terminal for making payments. The cost of equipment ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. Its maintenance is simple, so this task can be easily handled on your own.

Since the terminals are installed in the buildings of organizations, it is necessary to formalize with their owner contractual relationship to lease a piece of premises of a certain size. Agreements must also be concluded with all organizations in respect of which it is planned to receive funds from clients.

The income of the owner of the financial terminal is formed at the expense of commission charges, the amount of which is set by the owner independently. Some counterparties pay for services for the funds received and transferred to a specific current account. Their cost can reach up to 10 percent of the payment made.

Beverage preparation

Business on coffee machines

The realization of the idea of ​​earning money, which is based on the preparation of drinks, is possible by investing in the purchase of special machines that will produce coffee, tea and lemonade in automatic mode after the customer has made payment. The personal presence of a businessman, his representative or an employee is not required. It is enough to bring water and ingredients for making drinks in a timely manner. Its elements are filled into special cells, and subsequently mixed, heated or cooled, depending on the type of activated operating mode by the buyer, due to its selection by pressing a button.

Internet business

Choosing which business can be opened for 100 thousand rubles, many decide to invest in Internet projects. Entrepreneurial opportunities in this area are wide, since the business does not involve investing in real estate, rent, equipment or raw materials.

You can earn a good profit for your ability to navigate in the ever-changing modern world.

Having opened an online store, the entrepreneur will have to spend money on the purchase of goods, as well as on the development of the site and on its advertising. Knowledge in the field of SEO optimization and SMM promotion will save a large amount. The payback of the project does not exceed one year with a competent approach to business.

Almost every person thinks about creating such a source of income that will be both stable and the budget will be replenished by a significant amount. The first thing that comes to mind is starting your own business. But this requires funds, and sometimes quite a lot.

However, if we consider some options, the amount can be very small. On the one hand, 100,000 is a decent amount, on the other hand, it is not so much. Consider in order which business to open for 100,000 rubles:


There will always be a demand for making keys or repairing shoes. That's why choosing the right place, you can get a very good source of income. Renting the premises will be relatively cheap, just as high costs are not expected when purchasing equipment. If there are few or no similar establishments in the selected area, you should count on a quick payback.

There is also an opportunity for 100 thousand rubles to open workshop for repairing clothes or tailoring them. But here you should already hire a competent specialist who will be able to attract and retain customers with his talent and ability.

Salon where they make regular photos, will not immediately become popular, therefore, on initial stage It is worth providing such a service as instant photos. What will be required?

Firstly you need to purchase the equipment. Fortunately, the abundance of various equipment has made the prices for it very affordable.

Secondly, you need a good specialist who understands this area. The payback at the photo salon is also very fast, so the business will begin to flourish after a short time. Naturally, taking into account the right place to open a salon.

Barbecue home delivery

Well, who doesn't love barbecue, especially when the warm weather beckons to the street? Not everyone has the opportunity to cook juicy meat on their own, and it is for such people that home delivery of a ready-made dish will come to the rescue.

What is required to open a business? The bare minimum: a car on which the order will be delivered to the client, a utility room where you can cook delicious shish kebab. And, of course, you will need a barbecue and products.

All this will not cost so much, however, such a business has a significant disadvantage. It consists in the so-called "skewed orders." That is, in certain time a large number of applications will be received for preparation and delivery. Weekends are such times holidays and warm evenings. You can solve the problem by hiring an assistant.

This category of business includes not only terminals for payment cellular communication but also other devices. For example, a machine that dispenses coffee or another drink that dispenses shoe covers. You can purchase a machine that will sell items in capsules for a fee.

You need to put them there., where the flow of people is constant and, of course, it is worth considering the conformity of the product to the place.

This is only a small part of business ideas that you can start with 100,000 rubles. If you follow the general idea, you can see that all options relate to the service sector. With a competent approach, after a short time, when the business begins to generate good income, one or more similar establishments should be opened. So there is an opportunity to gain a foothold in the service market, and maybe even monopolize the chosen niche, preventing competitors from entering it.

Business ideas for 100,000 rubles

You can open your own business even without initial capital, therefore, having a budget of 100,000 rubles, the entrepreneur has an increased chance of a quick payback on the funds invested in the business. In order for entrepreneurship to bring tangible income, you must first draw up a business plan in which each item of expenditure must be thought out and planned.

Sphere of trade

Trade is one of the most popular and promising business areas.

The main task of an entrepreneur who has chosen a sales niche is the correct selection of the subject of trading operations. It must be in demand in the area where it is planned to conduct activities, and its purchase cost is commensurate with the amount invested in the business.

When drawing up a business plan, one should take into account the need for registration and permits, as well as renting space for work. To form a showcase, a diverse product range is needed, the appearance of which will be an advertisement for the store.

In case of a shortage of funds for the purchase of products, it is possible to agree with the supplier on a documented commodity credit with a loan period until the moment the products are sold. You should be ready to provide security for return guarantees, expressed in a pledge of property, the price of which is commensurate with the parameters of a commodity loan.

To meet a small budget without loans, you should initially plan a small format business that does not require investment in the purchase and equipment of a retail outlet, as well as obtaining permits. For a quick return on investment, the cost of raw materials and materials should allow you to increase sales by more than one hundred percent. A great business idea is to sell:

  • bijouterie;
  • accessories;
  • household goods;
  • books;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines.

Many people have a rather erroneous opinion that a business can only be created with an initial large capital. This is not true. There are many ideas, the implementation of which requires only up to 100 thousand rubles, and some of them can be implemented without capital investment. Efficiency entrepreneurial activity very often depends on a well-chosen direction, the businessman's own ambitions, even sometimes luck.

What kind of business can be opened for 100,000 in order to receive a good income in the coming months?

Own atelier: sewing new clothes, repairing old ones

To date, there are very few ateliers that could offer such services as tailoring modern and high-quality clothes to order, repairing old clothes. This niche for the formation of their entrepreneurship is practically free. Therefore, having experience in the sewing business and at least 100 thousand rubles to start, you can completely organize your business in this direction.

Initially, it is really possible to start sewing business in your own apartment. Therefore, all expenses will go to the purchase of the necessary equipment and tools. Claim about own business in order to attract customers, you can through your relatives, acquaintances, by advertising in print, pasting on bulletin boards in residential areas, posting on the Internet.

Real estate agency

Having such an amount and experience in real estate activities, you can organize a real estate agency. This business is associated with the provision of services to the population in hiring inexpensive high-quality housing. Available capital up to 100,000 rubles. necessary to open an office, which is recommended to be located in crowded places.

Today, we have few specialists in this service sector, so real estate services are in high demand on the market.

Photo printing on a ceramic surface

Today, such a business as photo printing on ceramics is gaining popularity. These products are in good demand among consumers. Therefore, whoever has a small capital available, at least up to 100 thousand rubles, who is still thinking about what kind of business to start, can easily occupy this niche.


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