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What should be included in the business plan of a pharmacy in the form of a store or kiosk with or without the right to manufacture? Before starting a project, it is important to understand what expenses are foreseen at the first stage, what instances you will have to visit, where to start and what profit you can count on. Ready business plan and its example can be downloaded in the application.

Determine the type of legal entity

Before drawing up a pharmacy business plan, you need to decide on the type of legal entity. There are three forms for a pharmacy:

  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • limited liability company;
  • public corporation.

Each type of legal entity has its own subtleties. In accordance with the law "On the Circulation of Medicines", only a pharmacist can become an individual entrepreneur in this area. In other cases, a pharmacist or pharmacist should be placed at the head of the enterprise. Different types of taxation OKVED codes and much more. The best option- before the start of the pharmacy establishment, consult with an accountant who will work after the opening of the pharmacy.

Which pharmacy organization to open?

At the second stage of drawing up a pharmacy business plan, one must choose what type of institution will be opened. By type of activity, pharmacies can be divided into manufacturing and trading. The production of dosage forms will require additional costs. It is more profitable to consider the project of a trading organization. You can sell medicines:

  • pharmacy;
  • Pharmacy;
  • pharmacy kiosk.

The pharmacy is allowed to dispense prescription drugs and drugs of the "A" list. A pharmacy and a pharmacy kiosk do not have the right to do so. But the sale of prescription drugs implies a mountain of different reporting and other "charms" of control by the state.

In terms of payback period, comparison is in favor of the pharmacy. The considered example assumes an average period in which a pharmacy reaches a break-even point of 2 years. The average payback time for an item is six months. But there is a slight complication. Pharmacy is an example structural unit, and to open it, you must either organize a pharmacy, or find partners who will agree to open a pharmacy from their enterprise.

Choose a room

If you plan not to purchase ready business, and opening from scratch, then the first and most expensive part is the purchase or rental of premises. Here is a sample of the requirements for the premises of a pharmacy:

  • the pharmacy must occupy a total area of ​​at least 75 m²;
  • production premises with a total area of ​​at least 60 m² include: shopping room, place of receipt and unpacking of goods, storage department;
  • administrative and utility rooms with an area of ​​at least 13 m² - this is a separate place for the head and accountant, a dressing room or closet, a staff room, an archive;
  • sanitary facilities of at least 2 m²: toilet, inventory storage.

All communications must be centralized. Be sure to equip not only fire, but also light and sound alarms. The place of storage of medicines is equipped with devices that record the temperature and humidity of the air. These are security requirements, but there are conditions that must be met for the project to be successful.

It is better that the future pharmacy is located in passing place. After all, it is planned to open a business, the purpose of which is to make a profit. When choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account not only the absence of competitors nearby and the presence potential clients but also who will be the buyers. Kiosks located in new urban areas with economy-class housing and next to luxury houses will have different purchasing power for customers. This must be taken into account when compiling the assortment of goods and the formation of margins.

Cost Planning

After buying or hiring a suitable room, it must be renovated to meet SES standards and equipped with equipment. During the repair process, only materials that can be easily processed with disinfection solutions can be used. Floor covering - tile or linoleum. According to the most conservative estimates, the repair of the pharmacy will cost several hundred thousand rubles.

And you also need to buy display cases, lockers, a refrigerator for storing medicines, a safe for drugs on list “A” and a separate safe for revenue. For all equipment, you will have to spend an amount comparable to the cost of repairs. In the expenditure side of the pharmacy business plan, you still need to take into account the manufacture outdoor advertising(signboard, pointers, plates, etc.), wages employees for several months (preferably 4-5), payment utilities, money for settlements with suppliers.

Before registering a legal entity and starting work, it is necessary to carry out marketing research: which distributors of medicines work in the city, on what conditions they supply goods to new customers. Ask them for price lists, compare prices and payment terms. It's good to take the time to get to know the most loyal ones. They will take a long time to work with.

When all expenses are taken into account, the premises are found, you can start registering entity and look for the head of the enterprise. To obtain a license for pharmacy activities, you need an order to appoint a director and chief accountant of the organization. The license itself is paid. For its receipt, a certain amount is paid to the account of the Ministry of Health.

The most reasonable way out is to obtain permission from firefighters, a sanitary and epidemiological station, the choice of OKVED codes, etc. - hire a person who understands this paper maze.

When the license is obtained, the opening of the pharmacy is considered completed and you can start working.

What income to expect? At any point of sale profit is formed from the difference between the cost of purchasing goods and the selling price. In the pharmacy business, you will have to face the fact that the size of the margin on medications regulated by law. The same goes for hygiene products. It is better to lay the estimated profitability at a level of 10% of the volume of trade. In any case, if within six months of operation the pharmacy reaches a breakeven point and starts to make a profit, we can say that the business is successful.

Today, there is a slowdown in the growth of the pharmaceutical market. Over the past 5 years, it has decreased by 6 times. So, in 2012, the increase was 16%, and in 2018 this figure dropped to 1.8%. However, the total volume in monetary terms is 1.7 million rubles. The rate is quite high. If you competently approach business development, you can earn good money by opening your pharmacy. However, keep in mind that business is associated with obtaining a large number of permits.

Pharmacy organizations: types

By law, pharmacy owners are required to license products and comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. Select a business category. There are the following types of pharmacies:

  1. Standard. Cooperation is conducted directly with buyers, and the goods are sold at retail.
  2. Production. The main work is aimed at the manufacture of drugs. Products are sold in bulk.
  3. With the right to issue aseptic products. It has the same capabilities as the production pharmacy. In addition, sterile drugs are manufactured in specialized aseptic facilities.
  4. Pharmacy. It differs in area, assortment of goods and structure of premises.
  5. Pharmacy store. The activity is focused on the sale of goods at retail. The manufacture of drugs is not carried out.

Each category of organization is assigned certain functions. The buyer can go to the pharmacy to buy prescription drugs. The store sells only drugs that are available for free distribution.

Gradation is also made according to the method of selling products. Allocate pharmacies of open or closed type. In the first case, medicines are displayed on open racks. The buyer can familiarize himself with the goods before purchasing. AT closed pharmacies medicines are placed on display cases under glass. Sales are controlled by a pharmacist. Choose the first implementation method if the expected attendance exceeds 10,000 people. The open type of drug sales will increase sales by up to 30%.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

To quickly open a pharmacy, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Study the market, analyze the offers of competitors. Estimate the reset and possible costs of starting your business.
  2. Make a business plan for a pharmacy, indicating in it all the nuances of opening a company. Use finished example document, reflecting personal data.
  3. Choose a room by renting it or buying it. At the first stage of business development, the first method is preferable. So you protect yourself from large expenses and can direct the money to grow your business. However, rent will increase your monthly expenses.
  4. Register a business, issue permits.
  5. Hire staff. Pharmacies employ employees with pharmaceutical education.
  6. Start promoting your business. Set aside a monthly advertising budget.

The documents

To get started, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If we are talking about the pharmacy business, it is better to choose the second option. If you are registered as a sole trader, you must have higher education and 3 years experience. Therefore, it is easier to form an LLC. In this case, the pharmacy director must have a diploma of a pharmacist.

Then select OKVED codes. If the pharmacy manufactures medicines, enter code 24. 42.1. When a pharmacy is opened only for the sale of medicines, code 52 will do. 31. Then you need to proceed to the preparation of documents. You will need:

  • license for the sale of medicines and medical products;
  • permission to use the premises;
  • permission from the fire department.

Registration will take about 1.5 months. For a pharmaceutical license, you must apply to Roszdravnadzor. It is impossible to open a pharmacy without a document. A permit is issued if the premises have already been rented and repairs have been made in accordance with the requirements of the law. After that, you must prepare an application, pay the state fee and wait for the consideration of the application. The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:

  • founding documents;
  • certificate of registration;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee;
  • lease agreement or documents confirming the presence of ownership;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor;
  • characteristics and plan of the object;
  • documentation for employees;
  • permits for the use of equipment;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • specialist certificate.

All documents, except for the application itself, are provided in the form of copies. They will need to be notarized.


Be careful when renting space. Check its compliance with the requirements of the SES and the fire department. Premises with an area of ​​about 80 sq.m. are suitable.

Distribute it like this:

  • 65 sq.m. allocate a sales area and storage space;
  • organize a rest room and a place to store personal belongings;
  • create a bathroom and archive;
  • prepare a place for the management staff.

The use of plasterboard partitions is not allowed. Be sure to place a mat in front of the entrance. Maintain the optimum level of humidity and temperature in the room.

If you place a company in a hospital, the area of ​​​​the premises can be reduced to 8 sq.m.


The number of staff depends on the scale. On average, 3 - 5 employees are needed. Check for pharmaceutical education. Hire:

  • controller - works with recipes;
  • pharmacist;
  • analytical chemist;
  • warehouse worker.

Additionally, a cleaner is needed to maintain cleanliness. Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to work in a pharmacy. It is important to have health books and certificates of accreditation. If you have received a pharmaceutical education, take on the job of a manager. Otherwise, hire an employee. Check with him for the presence of higher or secondary pharmaceutical education and work experience of 3 years or more.


To equip a pharmacy, purchase:

  • cabinets
  • refrigeration units
  • computers
  • chairs and tables.

May require specific equipment. It all depends on the characteristics of the functioning of the pharmacy. All equipment is subject to registration with the Ministry of Health. Certificates of conformity and a service contract are required. Documentation will be confirmed during the on-site inspection.


Having solved the issues with opening a pharmacy, start attracting customers. Act comprehensively:

  1. Brightly hold the opening of the organization. Organize sweepstakes, promotions and gifts. Colorfully decorate the room, take care of the musical accompaniment.
  2. Find partners and purchase advertising.
  3. Arrange themed events, invite doctors and organize free consultations.
  4. Use advertising on the radio, on billboards, screens of shopping centers, hand out flyers. Create a pharmacy site and a group in in social networks, engage in Internet marketing and SEO-promotion.
  5. Please follow the merchandising rules. Profitable demanded goods are located at eye level. Assistance will increase sales.

Financial plan: profitability and payback of a pharmacy

On average, it takes 2 million rubles to open a pharmacy. Most of the funds will go to the purchase of goods, purchase of equipment and renovation of the premises. There are monthly expenses. They consist of rent, purchase of additional goods, taxes, payments to employees. On average, you will have to spend about 200,000 rubles. Profitability depends on traffic. A medium-sized pharmacy brings in about 350 - 400 thousand rubles per month. The business will pay off within 2-3 years.

Business risks and cons

Doing business involves the following risks:

  1. Rent increase. Agree in advance on the terms of the cost of the premises and conclude long-term contracts.
  2. Reduction of the maximum possible price for drugs. The cost of medicines is regulated by law. To minimize the risk, follow the innovations, and form proposals taking them into account.
  3. The number of clients has decreased. Promote your business, create an offer based on demand.


The pharmacy business is complex and not suitable for a beginner. However, a competent approach to the development of the organization will make good money. Periodically analyze the market and follow the changes. Don't forget to promote your business and keep up with the times.

The pharmacy business is one of the most profitable after the business related to food, alcohol and tobacco. Demand for medicines and related products is steadily growing.

This is partly due to poor ecology, high concentration of harmful substances in food products, and people's closer attention to their health. The average pharmacy check is quite comparable to the average supermarket check.

At first glance, this market segment seems closed and rather difficult to enter. In fact, this is not at all the case. Previously, pharmacies were indeed a purely family business, and administrative barriers to pharmacy business were difficult to overcome.

Now if a person has sufficient initial capital and the necessary business qualities, then he often begins to wonder how to open a pharmacy from scratch and where to start.

Pharmacies can be of several types, namely:

  • Pharmacy;
  • pharmacy store or kiosk;
  • pharmacy of ready-made medicines;
  • industrial pharmacy;
  • pharmacy with the right to manufacture aseptic drugs.

It is better to choose from the first three options. And the pharmacy of finished drugs here has the widest range of functions, including the possibility of selling prescription drugs.

By opening a pharmacy, you will also take care of the prospects for further business expansion. For example, you can open several pharmacies, and the pharmacy will become their head office.

Documents required to open a pharmacy

In order to open a pharmacy, you need the following documents:

  • obtain a license to sell medicines at retail;
  • get permission from the fire department;
  • contact the SES and obtain a sanitary passport for the premises and permission to use it as a pharmacy.

Even if collecting documents from maximum speed and with the exertion of all forces, it will take at least a month and a half.

Trade organization form

First you need to decide whether the display will be closed, when the goods are behind the glass of the showcase, or open, when customers themselves can take the goods, as in a supermarket.

Of course, a closed display is more secure, but open display immediately increases sales by 20-30%. But these figures only work for pharmacies located in busy, crowded places with more than 10,000 daily traffic. If the permeability is less, then an open display will not lead to a significant increase in profits.

What does it take to open a pharmacy from scratch

Requirements for the premises

Although many tend to open a pharmacy in the city center, near the metro or in a large shopping center, most people still prefer to visit the pharmacy closest to their home.

At the same time, slightly higher prices than those of competitors are usually not taken into account. That's why the best place there will be a sleeping area for opening a pharmacy quite lively and densely populated.

The minimum area of ​​the premises should be 75-80 square meters, which will include:

  • shopping room;
  • a place to store drugs;
  • place for staff.

It would be good if there were also an office for the manager and an accountant, an archive, and an economic unit.

Choosing Decoration Materials, it should be remembered that the pharmacy will be regularly wet cleaned using disinfectants. The floor of pharmacies is usually either tiled or covered with linoleum with welded seams.

Medicines need to be stored in a sterile clean room. We must not forget that different drugs need different conditions storage. Some medicines are afraid of heat, others are afraid of light, and others need a certain level of humidity.

The room must have an alarm system (security, fire, light and sound) and ventilation. In the place of storage of goods there must be sensors that monitor air parameters.

And this is only part of the requirements that must be considered when opening a pharmacy. Bringing the original premises into proper form alone will require at least tens of thousands of dollars.

It is much more profitable to rent a property than to own it. It is better to conclude a contract with a fixed monthly payment for 1-2 years. This will save your business from economic instability and other external factors.

equipment requirements

The minimum equipment for a pharmacy will cost you 5-8 thousand dollars. To get started you will need:

If this equipment is not available, you simply will not be issued a license to open a pharmacy.

Personnel Requirements

The staff requirements will be quite simple. The head of the pharmacy must have a higher pharmaceutical education and work experience in this field for at least 3 years.

The same applies to IP. An individual entrepreneur will not be able to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education. However, an entrepreneur can compensate for the lack of a pharmaceutical education with a hired pharmacist, whose experience in the specialty is at least 5 years.

Similar requirements apply to all other personnel who work with the storage, receipt, release, manufacture and destruction of medicines.

In principle, all pharmacy employees should have a higher pharmaceutical education. The only exceptions are cleaners.

Every 5 years, all employees are required to undergo advanced training.

There are two categories of people who go to the pharmacy. Some come after a doctor's appointment and clearly know what medicine they want to buy. Others are guided by the existing symptoms. Therefore, they need detailed professional advice.

Friendly and competent staff - in many ways the key to success. If you cannot find suitable personnel, you can contact a recruitment agency.

Purchasing and assortment

In order for the assortment to be as wide and rich as possible, it is worth buying drugs from several distributors at once. Big network pharmacies allows you to purchase medicines with significant discounts.

If you plan to open only one pharmacy, then you can team up with other single pharmacies to create a purchasing cooperative and receive discounts.

It is better for a single pharmacy to attract potential customers not by prices (since favorable prices would be simply unrealistic), but to work in a fundamentally different direction - to expand the range to the maximum and offer customers detailed professional advice.

It is better not to be limited to selling medicines and elementary medical devices (thermometers, heating pads, blood pressure monitors, etc.), but also include cosmetics, hygiene products, nutritional supplements, dietary and children food and so on.

The markup on most medicines is usually limited by the state (it will be 20-40% for different positions), but related products can be sold at any cost.


System electronic accounting will greatly optimize the work, so its choice should be approached especially carefully. There are special companies where you can buy ready-made software modules or order an individual program tailored to your specific wishes and needs.

In order to make such an order, you must first clearly define the functions that the system should perform. For example, it could be the creation electronic orders for suppliers, maintaining economic analytics, tracking the expiration dates of goods, their balance in the warehouse, and so on.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy

Opening a medium-sized pharmacy will require an initial capital of at least 1.5 -2 million rubles. These funds will be used to purchase racks, display cases, drugs, furniture, refrigerators, safes, computers, to conclude a lease agreement, paperwork, and advertising.

Estimated profitability

The profit will depend on many factors, including: the place where you decide to open a pharmacy, the size of the sleeping area or settlement, the presence or absence of other pharmacies near, the rent, the prices of suppliers.

With a successful combination of all circumstances, the invested costs will pay off in six months or a year. However, even if the pharmacy pays off more slowly, it is still worth the money invested in it, because medicines are characterized by stable demand.

In Russia, the profitability of pharmacies is usually 10%. This, of course, is not much. But for experienced entrepreneurs, pharmacies are still attractive. The fact is that only pharmacy chains give really high profits, and it is they who become the goal of astute businessmen.

To the question “Is it profitable to open a pharmacy in Russia?” in 99% of cases, the practice of this business will answer in the affirmative.

Pharmacy advertising

If only one pharmacy is planned to open, advertising may not have a significant impact on profit margins, even if advertising campaign will be carried out on all channels: television, radio, the Internet, in newspapers, with the help of advertising posters.

If the pharmacy is located in a residential area, then advertising targeted at local residents will give good results. For example, you can place signs nearby leading to a pharmacy, or periodically distribute leaflets through mailboxes.

Pharmacy services are one of the oldest types of business. Times have changed, customs have changed, but there have always been pharmaceutical establishments. Humanity, unfortunately, most likely, is still far from the eradication of all ailments, which means that pharmacies, as an attribute of society, will continue to accompany civilization.

Before proceeding with the development of a pharmacy business plan, we will give a generalized look at this business. This will give an understanding of what the entrepreneur will face in the development of his pharmacy business. We will give general recommendations for writing a business plan, an example of calculations. In conclusion, several important reservations will be voiced, perhaps mainly of an ethical nature.

The pharmacy business is a field of activity that is under the close control of the state..

Mistakes, negligence, misunderstandings, deliberate deceit in the work of the enterprise can lead to serious, negative consequences for all parties. Therefore, before starting planning, in addition to studying the legislation, consultations with pharmacists are desirable, or an independent in-depth study of the topic.

With the right planning, building a profitable business is possible.

Requirements for a pharmacy, types of pharmacies

Pharmacy activity requires compulsory licensing. This is the hardest and longest part. At the same time, it does not matter much whether it will be a small kiosk or a whole branched network.

Obtaining a license involves:

  • requirements for reconstruction, equipment and equipment (water supply, drainage, ventilation, access areas, refrigerators, cabinets, etc.);
  • appropriate documentation, including requirements for lease (sublease) agreements;
  • requirements for specialists: pharmacists and pharmacists (their work experience cannot be less than 3 years);
  • if the form of ownership is an individual entrepreneur, then an individual entrepreneur must be a certified pharmacist, otherwise register the enterprise as a joint-stock company.

And a number of other requirements (SES, firefighters, etc.). It takes from 2 months to six months to obtain a license.

By type, pharmacies are divided into:

  • production (with the right to manufacture aseptic products and without such a right);
  • pharmacy of finished drugs (you can sell prescription drugs);
  • pharmacy (prescription drugs cannot be sold);
  • pharmacy kiosk (pharmacy point less than 20 sq. meters).

The license requirements for all types of pharmacies are different. The smallest requirements for pharmacy kiosks, but the possibilities are sharply limited.

By volume, you can also introduce distinctions:

  • network of pharmacies;
  • large drugstores;
  • small stalls.

A separate type of pharmaceutical business is online pharmacies. There are some peculiarities here. Lower selling prices, due to the absence of additional overhead costs. Less trust from customers.

Download a ready-made pharmacy business plan, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.

Pharmacy organization, market analysis

Pharmacy market is oversaturated. That's why a ready-made pharmacy business plan should include well-researched production, organizational, marketing and financial plan.

AT production plan the manufacture of medicines is determined, necessary equipment, organization of the sale of drugs.

Organizational - the number and structure of staff: pharmacists, promoters, drivers and other support staff.

A marketing plan for small drugstores is optional. Enough advertisements. For large pharmacies and especially networks, a well-developed marketing policy: promotions, discounts and more.

The financial plan summarizes all the others and updates the idea. Since the main goal of organizing an enterprise is to make a profit. AT financial plan the period of reaching the break-even point, the profitability of the project should be reflected.

The location of the pharmacy plays a significant role..

It is advantageous to locate a pharmacy within walking distance from people's places of residence. Also in places of high concentration - railway stations, shopping centers. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly analyze and monitor the content. In different places, the demand for goods is slightly different.

In addition, before opening, you will need to carefully study the nearest competitors in the district. Prices for goods in a newly opened pharmacy should be comparable with the neighbors.

Due to the strong competition, in order to increase profitability, in addition to medicines, it is recommended to trade in related products: shampoos, pastes, massagers, etc.

The larger the pharmacy, the more investments will be required and the more difficulties with obtaining a license and regulatory authorities. Depending on the intention of the enterprise, a specific pharmacy business plan should consider:

  1. Primary intended customer base. For example, for pensioners - beneficiaries and departing at railway stations, a different set of goods is needed.
  2. Offers from competitors.
  3. A set of goods, prices, discounts, location, advertising.

Additional features.

What related products can be offered in a pharmacy. Arrangements with organizations and private traders for the provision additional services, for example, by measuring pressure, sugar, and so on.

Pharmacy kiosk costing example

Opening a pharmacy is a complex process. It is better to order a business plan to specialists or, in extreme cases, search the Internet for a more suitable one for a particular implementation.

Here, for a sample, a calculation is taken for a small pharmacy kiosk.

Licensing is the simplest: there is no production, there is no sale of prescription drugs.

The room is small, about 10 sq. meters. Employees: 2 pharmacy specialists. Sophisticated equipment is not required: cash machine, computer, payment terminal. Equipment - racks. Marketing expenses not required. From advertising - signs.

Markup on different groups goods are not the same. For medicines usually - 20-30%, for related products it can be up to 50-100%. On average we take 30%.

With a daily passage of 70 - 100 people and an average check of 200 - 400 rubles, we get: 14 - 40 thousand rubles a day. Per month: 400 - 1,000 thousand rubles.

In this case, the monthly profit can be: 50 - 300 thousand rubles. And the payback period is from 1 to 3 years.

Some notes on the pharmacy business

It should be emphasized again that pharmacy business is specific. And without an idea about pharmaceuticals and state legislation in the field of drug sales, it is risky to engage in it.

In addition, there are three more caveats of not quite correct business conduct.

  1. A fairly common practice of selling various cheap alcohol-containing drugs to the appropriate contingent in small pharmacies. This method makes small pharmacy stalls profitable.
  2. Sale of near-narcotic, strong anesthetics and other drugs semi-legally to the relevant contingent. It also makes small pharmacy kiosks profitable.
  3. Arranging with clinics and doctors to write prescriptions for certain drugs and refer clients for a fee.

If the first two practices border on criminal liability, the latter has more of an ethical aspect. However, the application of such business methods lies entirely on the conscience of the owner.


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