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Human Resources- economically active, able-bodied population with physical and spiritual abilities to participate in labor activity.

Labor resources-the part of the country's population that works in the national economy or is able to work, but for one reason or another does not work (housewives, out-of-work students, etc.).

Thus, the labor force includes both employed and potential workers.

One of the tasks of labor resources statistics is to study the professional composition of workers. Labor resources are the most important element of labor potential - the possible quantity and quality of labor that society has at a given level of development of science and technology.

In market relations, the need for personnel at various enterprises or firms is determined by the magnitude of the demand for their products, work performed and services rendered. Demand for labor resources is in market conditions derived from finished goods and services that are performed using data. human resources. How on operating enterprises, and in designed and newly created firms, annual volumes of demand for production should serve as the basis for calculating the needs of all categories of workers.

The composition of labor resources is analyzed in terms of the characteristics of social groups, in which economic statistics single out groups of workers and employees employed in various sectors of the national economy, in various enterprises with various form property (employed in state enterprises, in cooperative and sole private forms of entrepreneurship).

Workers are those directly involved in the creation process material assets, as well as those engaged in repair, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, provision of material services and other works. They also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, security guards.

Depending on the nature of participation in manufacturing process, the group "workers", in turn, is divided into main (producing products) and auxiliary (serving technological process) workers. Employees, in turn, are divided into managers, specialists and other employees. Managers - employees holding positions of heads of organizations and their structural divisions they are empowered to make decisions and bear responsibility for their consequences. Specialists - employees with higher and secondary specialized education, possessing fundamental scientific knowledge, as well as special knowledge and skills sufficient to carry out professional activity. These include engineers, economists, accountants, sociologists, legal advisers, raters, technicians, etc.

Other employees or technical performers are employees involved in the preparation and execution of documents, as well as housekeeping services (clerks, secretaries-typists, timekeepers, draftsmen, copyists, archivists, agents, etc.).

The ratio of employees by category characterizes the structure of labor resources. As part of the labor force, owners (shareholders) are distinguished, as well as employees. According to the positions occupied in the composition of the labor force, managers, specialists, managers, engineering and technical personnel are distinguished.

There are two groups of labor resources: predominantly employed physical labor and mostly engaged in mental work.

The labor force includes:

  • - population of working age (men from 16 to 59 years old and women from 16 to 54 years old inclusive), except for non-working disabled people of the first and second groups and non-working persons who receive pensions on preferential terms;
  • - actually working teenagers from 16 years old and working people of retirement age (men over 59 years old and women over 54 years old).

The essence of labor resources lies in the fact that they express the social relations that develop regarding their formation, distribution and use in social production.

To study the composition of labor resources, they must be classified according to certain criteria (Table 1).

To describe labor resources at the enterprise level, the concepts of “enterprise labor resources”, “enterprise personnel” and “human resources” are distinguished.

Table 1. The main features of the classification of labor resources

The labor resources of the enterprise are represented by employees who have undergone special training, have experience and skills in work and are employed at the enterprise.

The personnel of the enterprise (personnel, labor collective) - is a set of workers of certain categories and professions employed in a single production activities aimed at making a profit or income and satisfying their material needs.

Personnel potential - the ability of personnel to solve the current and future tasks facing them. It is determined by the number of personnel, their educational level, personal qualities, professional, qualification, gender and age structure, characteristics of labor and creative activity. Depending on the nature of participation in production activities, two groups are distinguished in the composition of the personnel of the enterprise: production personnel employed in production and its maintenance, and the personnel of non-industrial divisions (non-industrial personnel), which is on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The composition of industrial and production personnel includes workers, engineering and technical workers and employees, as well as students. It also provides for the division of workers in this category into administrative and managerial and production personnel. Non-industrial personnel usually include workers employed in transport, housing and communal services, social security and other non-production departments.

In general, the composition of the enterprise's personnel varies by profession, specialty and skill level. The profession itself is defined as a set of knowledge and labor skills of a person acquired in the course of experience or special training to perform a certain type of work (doctor, engineer, teacher, etc.).

A specialty is a type of activity within a particular profession that has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees. For example, an economist financial work, economist for accounting and analysis economic activity, labor economist, sales economist, logistics economist within the profession of economist or fitter; fitter, fitter, plumber working profession locksmith. In recent years, the practice of dividing the personnel of an enterprise into three main categories, depending on the functions performed, has become increasingly widespread: managers, specialists and performers. Distinguish between potential and actually used labor resources.

The latter characterize the actual functioning of the labor potential of the able-bodied population.

Labor resources as an economic category express the economic relations that take shape in society at a certain stage of its development in the process of production, distribution, redistribution and use of the able-bodied population in the country's economy.

The structure of labor resources is multifaceted. It includes the distribution of people according to certain classification criteria: by sex, age, education, place of residence (urban, rural), social groups, professions, areas of application of labor, and a number of other characteristics.

Enterprise workforce- potential labor force, expressed in the number of able-bodied workers. When characterizing the workforce, organizations use two terms: "personnel" and "personnel".

Enterprise Personnel- this is the main (full-time, permanent), as a rule, qualified staff.

Enterprise personnel- a more capacious concept, includes all the personnel working at the enterprise, namely:

- employees of the main, full-time staff;

- persons employed part-time from other enterprises;

– persons performing work under civil law contracts.

In the composition of the labor resources of the enterprise, depending on the participation in the production process, two groups are distinguished:

1. Non-industrial personnel- trade workers and Catering, housing, medical and health institutions, educational institutions and courses, institutions of preschool education and culture, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

2. Industrial production staff- employees directly involved in the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services. This group consists of:

a) workers main, auxiliary, servicing, auxiliary units;

b) employees, among which there are categories of workers:

leaders(higher, middle and lower level) - persons empowered to take management decisions and organize their implementation;

specialists- employees with higher or secondary specialized education engaged in engineering, economic, legal and other similar activities;

actually employees- employees involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services and office work.

Personnel structure- this is the ratio of individual groups of personnel in their total number.

Grouping can also be carried out on the basis of:

- by skill level (according to the degree of mastery of the profession, specialty by the employee - in accordance with the tariff-qualification guide);

- by professions and specialties (for example, economists are divided into planners, marketers, financiers, accountants, etc.);

- by gender;

- by age;

- by length of service, etc.

The budget of working time, indicators of its planning.

working time budget- the planned number of days and hours that one worker or employee can work in the planning period. Time is recorded in man-hours, as a rule, for categories of workers, and for other categories of personnel, man-days are usually used. When planning personnel, a number of indicators are used.

1. Calendar fund of working time (T k)- number calendar days for a certain calendar period (month, quarter, year). It can be calculated for the entire number of workers, a group of workers of an enterprise (workshop, section) and, on average, for one worker.

Calculation of the indicator in man-days:

T to \u003d D to * H csp;

D to. is the number of calendar days in the period.

H csp - the average number of employees in the period.

Calculation of the indicator in man-hours:

T to \u003d D to * H csp * P s;

P s.- the average set duration of the shift, h.

2. Timesheet (nominal) working time fund (T tab)- the difference between the calendar fund of working time and the number of man-days (man-hours) not used on holidays ( T prz) and weekends ( T in):

T tab \u003d T to - T prz - T in;

3. The maximum possible working time fund (T max)- the potential value of the maximum use of the working time fund in the period. It is calculated by one of the formulas:

T max \u003d T to - T prz - T in - T o;

T max \u003d T tab - T o

That.- time regular holidays in the period.

4. Planned (effective) working time fund (T pl)- the maximum working time fund, reduced by the amount of planned absences of workers from work for good reasons. It is calculated according to one of the formulas:

T pl \u003d T k - T prz - T in - T o - T b - T y - T g - T pr - T km - T p - T s;

T pl \u003d T max - T b - T y - T g - T pr - T km - T p - T s;

T b - absence from work due to illness and childbirth;

That - duration of study holidays;

T g - time to complete public and public duties;

T pr - other absences permitted by law;

T km - breaks for feeding children;

T p - time to reduce the length of the working day for adolescents;

T s - time of reduction of working days in holidays.

The number of working days for valid reasons is determined, as a rule, on the basis of the average data of the report for previous periods and in accordance with labor legislation.

5. Average established working hours- the arithmetic mean value, weighted taking into account the officially established length of the working day by the number of individual groups of workers.

6. Actual working time fund (T f)- the actual cost of working time for a certain period. Planned and unscheduled losses of working time are subtracted from the annual planned working time fund and actually worked overtime hours are added. Overtime -- time worked in excess of the statutory hours of work (including those worked on weekends and public holidays, if rest days are not provided for them)

7. Working time utilization factor (K)- is calculated in relation to the calendar, timesheet, maximum possible and planned working time fund as the ratio of the actual hours worked to the corresponding time fund. This indicator shows how much of the relevant time pool was actually used.

Planning the number of employees of the enterprise.

The need for personnel is determined separately by categories of employees. In the practice of accounting and personnel planning, there are direct, list and average payroll s.

Payroll (H sp)- an indicator of the number of employees for a certain number. This indicator takes into account the number of all employees of the enterprise, with the exception of those working on a civil law basis. The payroll includes employees in the context of each day, both those who actually came to work, and those who are absent for any reason.

Turnout number (H I)- the number of employees on the payroll who came to work on a given day, including those on business trips. This indicator should not be less than the number of employees required to complete the task within the established time frame.

Average headcount(H csp)– number of employees on average for the period under study. This indicator is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the number of employees for the period under study. At the same time, the payroll number of employees for weekends and holidays is equal to the headcount of the previous working day.

There are three methods for calculating the number of employees.

1. According to the rules of time:

H cn \u003d (Number of products * T pcs) / (T pl * K n);

T pcs- the rate of time for the production of a unit of output.

T pl.

K n.- the coefficient of performance of production standards.

2. According to production standards:

H cn \u003d Number of products / (T pl * K n * H vyr);

N ex- production rate.

3. Service standards:

H cn \u003d (O / N obs) * C * (T tab / T pl);

O- the number of units of installed equipment.

N obs.- service rate.

FROM- the number of shifts.

T tab.- payroll of working time.

T pl.- planned fund of working time.

Labor resources are the able-bodied part of the population, which, having physical and intellectual capabilities, is able to produce wealth or provide services.

From this definition it follows that labor resources include, on the one hand, people employed economic activity, and on the other hand, those who are not employed, but who can work. Thus, the labor force consists of actual and potential workers.

The necessary physical and intellectual abilities depend on age: in the early period of a person’s life and at the time of maturity, they are formed and multiplied, and lost by old age. Age acts as a kind of criterion that makes it possible to single out the actual labor resources from the entire population. The composition of the labor force includes the population of working age (from 16 to 55-60 years old), adolescents (14-18 years old) and part of the population older than working age - pensioners.

Before considering various areas of study of labor resources, it is advisable to refer to the composition and structure of the population, changes in numbers.

Under the reproduction of the population is understood the process of continuous renewal of the generation of people as a result of the interaction of fertility and mortality. The reproduction of the population has not only demographic, but also economic and social aspects. It determines the formation of labor resources, the development of territories, the state of productive forces, the development of social infrastructure, etc.

Age limits and the socio-economic composition of labor resources are determined by state legislative acts. In Russia, working age is considered: for men 16-59 years old inclusive, for women 16-54 years old. Working age limits vary from country to country. In some countries, the lower limit is set at 14-15 years (in some - 18 years), and the upper - in many 65 years for all or 65 years for men and 60-62 years for women.

In Russia, the legislature has repeatedly considered the need to increase the age threshold for assigning an old-age pension for men - from 60 to 65 years, for women - from 55 to 60 years. This process occurs gradually, in stages - at first up to 62-63 years for men and up to 57-58 years for women. There are supporters and opponents this decision. One of the arguments of those who oppose raising the retirement age is the reference to the plight of the working population in general.

Since 1993 in Russian Federation made the transition to international system classification of the population, according to which the scheme of the composition of labor resources is as follows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2.

The economically active population is the part of the population that provides supply work force for the production of goods and services. This category includes the employed and the unemployed and is measured in relation to the surveyed period.

The economically inactive population is the population that is not in the labor force, including persons younger age established to measure the economically active population.

The structure of labor resources is multifaceted and includes various components and characteristics of labor resources. In particular, the structure of labor resources by sex is important for the formation efficient structure employment by areas of application of labor in professional, sectoral and territorial contexts and is determined by identifying the ratio of men and women employed in social production, household and personal households, in studies with a break from work, etc. The structure of labor resources by gender varies across the country and areas of employment.

Employment is the provision of jobs and participation in labor activity, determined by the characteristics of the mode of production. As an economic category, employment expresses social relations related to providing the population with jobs and necessary means existence. AT socially Employment is the provision of an opportunity to work in the public or private sectors of production to everyone who is willing and able to work.

The employment of the population, especially the rural population, is influenced by many factors, the main ones include: territorial (geographical), economic, social, demographic, legal, national (ethnic) and environmental.

The employed population is the population involved in the production and non-production spheres of activity. According to Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Employment, the employed population includes:

  • working on employment contract, as well as having other paid work, including temporary, seasonal work;
  • independently providing themselves with work, including individual labor activity (farmers), entrepreneurs, as well as members of production cooperatives;
  • elected, approved or appointed to a paid position;
  • military personnel of any branches of the armed forces serving in the internal affairs bodies;
  • able-bodied students of any full-time educational institutions, including training in the direction of the employment service;
  • temporarily absent from work (vacation, illness, retraining);
  • performing work under civil law contracts (contracts).

It is important to determine the employment status for the economically active population, including the unemployed. Usually there are five statuses.

  • 1. Employees - persons working under a concluded written contract (agreement) or under an oral agreement with the management of the enterprise on the conditions of labor activity, for which they receive a fee agreed upon when hiring.
  • 2. Self-employed - persons who independently carry out activities that bring them income, do not use or use employees only for a short period.
  • 3. Employers - persons managing their own (or authorized by the state to manage) joint stock company partnership, etc. The employer can fully or partially delegate his functions to a hired manager, leaving behind the responsibility for the well-being of the enterprise.
  • 4. Unpaid family business workers - persons working without pay in a family business owned by their relative.
  • 5. Persons not classifiable by status in employment. These are the unemployed, not previously engaged in labor activity that brought them income. This includes persons who are difficult to attribute to a particular employment status.

The practical need to account for the population necessitates the allocation of types of employment. There are several categories of employment: full, part-time, productive, rational, efficient, not formal.

With full employment, all those in need are provided with paid work. This situation reflects a balance between labor supply and demand.

With part-time employment, not all those who need and want to work are provided with jobs.

Productive employment characterizes the participation of the population in social production, the creation of material goods and the provision of services in order to improve the level and quality of life.

Rational employment implies the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of the population in individual and socially useful work.

Efficient employment characterizes the use of the rural population most fully and rationally during a certain period of time (shift, day, season, year) in order to obtain the maximum end result.

Thus, full and part-time employment of the population reflects the quantitative side of the problem; productive, rational and efficient - qualitative.

Informal employment characterizes hidden or shadow employment, i.e. informal, illegal activities. The International Labor Organization considers informal employment to be a collection of very small economic entities producing and distributing goods and services. They consist mainly of independent, self-employed workers.

The imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market always affects the employment of the population.

The imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market can affect employment in different ways. The excess of supply over demand leads to open (explicit) unemployment, and the excess of demand over supply leads to informal employment or hidden unemployment.

Unemployment - temporary unemployment of the economically active population. By standards international organization labor category of the unemployed include persons who: did not have a job (profitable population); engaged in job search, i.e. applied to the employment service, placed advertisements in the press, etc.; were ready to start working.

The main causes of unemployment are:

  • structural shifts in the economy, accompanied by the introduction of new technologies, equipment, which leads to a reduction in excess labor;
  • an economic recession or depression that forces employers to reduce the need for all resources, including labor;
  • wage policy of the Government and trade unions: raising the minimum wage increases production costs and thus reduces the demand for labor;
  • seasonal changes in the level of production in some sectors of the economy;
  • a change in the demographic structure of the working-age population: the demand for labor increases and, consequently, the likelihood of unemployment increases.

Unemployment can be voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary unemployment occurs when an employee is not satisfied with the level of wages or the nature of work. Involuntary unemployment is associated with a shortage of demand for labor. It mainly manifests itself in a serious decline in production.

For Agriculture the following types of unemployment are characteristic: pendulum, structural, regional, specific, cyclical.

Pendulum unemployment is associated with regional, professional, functional and age-related movements of people (moving to a new place of residence; obtaining a new job, position; study, etc.). According to its content, this form of unemployment is more related to voluntary.

Structural unemployment is associated with the peculiarities of the development of the agricultural sector by region. At the same time, an excess in the labor market in some regions (sectors of the economy) is accompanied by a shortage of workers in others.

Regional unemployment occurs due to geographic, natural, environmental, national and political factors that are unfavorable for economic activity.

Specific unemployment - professional and qualifying unemployment resulting from changes in production methods. Unemployment of citizens of a certain gender or age can also be attributed to specific unemployment. For example, women with children experience particularly difficult problems in the labor market. preschool age, young people and older people.

Cyclical unemployment manifests itself in conditions of changing economic conditions. It increases during periods of crisis and decreases during production upswings.

The unemployment rate (UB, %) is defined as the ratio of the number of unemployed to the total number of employees:


where, N6 - the number of unemployed, people;

Np is the total number of people with jobs, pers.

Thus, the unemployment rate reflects the degree of dissatisfaction with the demand for paid labor or the excess supply of labor.

Measures to combat unemployment include: the preservation and modernization of jobs, the creation of new and the elimination of inefficient jobs on the basis of entrepreneurship; organization of paid public works; creating jobs for persons with disabilities. All of them together can significantly increase the demand for labor in the labor market.


This course work reveals the concept of labor resources and answers the most topical issues, helping to increase labor productivity, it also indicates the goals and objectives of the analysis of the use of labor resources, the direction of analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources (analysis of the composition of the labor force and analysis of the use of working time, etc.).

So what are labor resources? The labor resources at the enterprise are an object of constant concern on the part of the enterprise management. Especially the role of labor resources increased during the period market relations, and the investment nature of production, its high science intensity have changed the requirements for the employee - they have increased the importance of a creative attitude to work. Now the main task of the entrepreneur-head of the enterprise is a well-chosen work team, which is a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand, realize and implement the plans of the enterprise management. She alone is the key to success. entrepreneurial activity, expression and prosperity of the enterprise.

The choice of this topic is dictated by its relevance at the present stage of the economic development of our country, since labor resources and the efficiency of their use directly affect the quality of products, their cost and competitiveness.

In this regard, the paper will consider issues related to the analysis of the degree of provision of the enterprise with labor resources, the analysis of working time, the efficiency of the use of labor resources, i.e. analysis of production output per worker and, on this basis, changes in labor productivity.

labor personnel worker

Characteristics and structure of the labor resources of the enterprise

The concept of labor resources

Labor resources are a category that occupies an intermediate position between economic categories"population" (the totality of people living in a particular territory (in a district, region, country)) and "total labor force". In quantitative terms, the composition of labor resources includes the entire able-bodied population employed, regardless of age, in the field of public economy and individual labor activity (Fig. 1). They also include persons of working age who are potentially capable of participating in labor, but are employed in household and personal subsidiary farming, in studies with a break from work, and in military service.

Labor resources are the able-bodied part of the population, which, having physical and intellectual capabilities, is able to produce material goods or provide services.

Rice. one

In the structure of labor resources from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential). Thus, the labor force consists of actual and potential workers.

The necessary physical and intellectual abilities depend on age: in the early period of a person’s life and at the time of maturity, they are formed and multiplied, and lost by old age. Age acts as a kind of criterion that makes it possible to single out the actual labor resources from the entire population.

The labor resources in Russia include: a) the working-age population, with the exception of non-working labor and war invalids of groups I and II and non-working persons of working age who receive old-age pensions on preferential terms; b) the population younger and older than working age, employed in the national economy.

The labor resources at the enterprise are an object of constant concern on the part of the enterprise management. Especially the role of labor resources increased during the period of market relations, and the investment nature of production, its high science intensity, changed the requirements for the employee - increased the importance of a creative attitude to work. Now the main task of the entrepreneur - the head of the enterprise - is a well-chosen work team, which is a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand, realize and implement the plans of the enterprise management. Only it is the key to the success of entrepreneurial activity, the expression and prosperity of the enterprise.

It is known that the main factors of production at the enterprise are: means of labor, objects of labor and personnel.

The main role belongs to the personnel potential at the enterprise. It is the personnel that play the first violin in the production process, it depends on them how efficiently the means of production are used at the enterprise and how successfully the enterprise as a whole operates.

Under the personnel of the enterprise is understood the totality of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both core and non-core activities.

It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as "personnel", "personnel" and "labor resources of the enterprise".

The concept of "labor resources of an enterprise" characterizes its potential workforce, "staff" - the entire staff of permanent and temporary employees, skilled and unskilled workers. Under the personnel of the enterprise is understood the main (full-time, permanent), as a rule, qualified staff of the enterprise or organization.

The composition and quantitative ratios of individual categories and groups of employees of the enterprise characterize the structure of personnel.

Employees of trade and public catering, housing, medical and recreational institutions, educational institutions and courses, as well as institutions of preschool education and culture, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, not directly related to production and its maintenance, belong to the non-industrial personnel of the enterprise.

Personnel of the enterprise directly related to the production process of products (services), i.e. engaged in the main production activity, represent industrial and production personnel. It includes all employees of the main, auxiliary, auxiliary and service shops; research, design, technological organizations and laboratories that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise; plant management with all departments and services, as well as services engaged in capital and current repairs of equipment and Vehicle of your enterprise.

In turn, industrial and production personnel, depending on the functions they perform, are classified into the following categories: workers, managers, specialists, employees.

Workers include employees of the enterprise directly involved in the creation of material values ​​or the provision of production and transport services. Workers, in turn, are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones include workers who are directly related to the production of products, while the auxiliary ones are the maintenance of production. This division is purely conditional, and in practice it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them.

The specialists at the enterprise include employees engaged in engineering, economic, accounting, legal and other similar activities. These are accountants, economists, technicians, mechanics, psychologists, sociologists, artists, merchandisers, technologists, etc.

Employees at the enterprise include employees involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, housekeeping and office work. These are supply agents, typists, secretaries-typists, cashiers, controllers, clerks, timekeepers, freight forwarders, draftsmen.

In addition to the generally accepted classification of PPP by category, there are classifications within each category. For example, production managers, depending on the teams they lead, are usually divided into linear and functional. Line managers are those who lead teams. production units, enterprises, associations, industries, and their deputies; to the functional - the leaders who head the teams of functional services (departments, departments), and their deputies.

According to the level occupied in common system management of the national economy, all managers are divided into: low-level managers, middle and top managers.

It is customary to include foremen, senior foremen, foremen, heads of small workshops, as well as heads of subdivisions within functional departments and services to lower-level managers.

Middle managers are considered directors of enterprises, CEOs various associations and their deputies, heads of large workshops.

Senior executives usually include heads of financial and industrial groups, general directors large associations, heads of functional departments of ministries, departments and their deputies.

Depending on the nature of labor activity, the personnel of the enterprise are divided into professions, specialties and skill levels.

At the same time, a profession means a special type of labor activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and a specialty is a type of activity within a profession that has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees.

Workers of each profession and specialty differ in the level of qualification. Qualification characterizes the degree of mastery of a particular profession or specialty by employees and is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

Science and practice have long established that the efficiency of an enterprise by 70-80% depends on its leader. It is the manager who selects the team for himself and determines the personnel policy at the enterprise. A lot depends on how he does it. If the company does not have perspective plan development of the enterprise, if there is no strategy for the long and short term, it means that all this is not in the head of the head. In this case, we can assume that the company has a bad future. Therefore, at each enterprise, the main core in personnel policy there should be a selection and placement in the first place of leaders of various levels.

The efficiency of the use of labor in an enterprise to a certain extent depends on the structure of the enterprise's personnel - the composition of personnel by category and their share in the total number.

The structure of the PPP is influenced by the following factors:

level of mechanization and automation of production;

type of production (single, small-scale, large-scale, mass);

the size of the enterprise;

· organizational and legal form of management;

the complexity and science intensity of the products;

sectoral affiliation of the enterprise, etc.

The personnel policy at the enterprise should be aimed at the optimal combination of PPP categories.

The process of personnel management requires that at each enterprise the structure of the PPP is determined and analyzed by gender and age composition, as well as by skill level. This is necessary in order to prepare replacement personnel in a timely manner, as well as to achieve the most acceptable personnel structure for the enterprise in terms of gender and age composition, and in terms of qualifications.

Labor force, employment and unemployment

Labor resources - this is the part of the country's population that has physical and intellectual abilities in labor activity, capable of producing material goods or providing services.

Economically active population Economically inactive population

employed unemployed

Figure 2 Composition of labor resources by international standards

The economically active population (labor force) is the part of the population that provides the supply of its labor for the production of goods and services and includes the employed and the unemployed.

Employed persons include persons of both sexes who, during the period under review:

a) were engaged in employment or other income-generating work, regardless of the timing of receipt of payment for their activities;

b) temporarily absent from work due to illness, nursing, various holidays, strikes and other similar reasons;

c) did work without pay in a family business.

The unemployed are persons aged 16 and over who, during the period under review:

a) had no job or gainful employment;

b) were looking for work or taking steps to start their own business;

c) are ready to start work;

d) were trained in the direction of the employment service

The economically inactive population is the part of the population that is not in the labor force, including young people (under 16). It includes:

1. Pupils and students, listeners and cadets studying in daytime educational institutions, including full-time graduate schools;

2. Persons receiving old-age pensions and on preferential terms;

3. Persons receiving disability pensions;

4. Persons involved in the maintenance household caring for children or sick relatives;

5. Persons who are desperate to find a job and have stopped looking for it, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining a job, but who are able and willing to work;

6. Other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

Employment is a socio-economic category that expresses the state of a part of the economically active population involved in activities related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and, as a rule, brings income.

Types of employment:

1. Productive - this is the employment of the population in social production. It corresponds to the employed part of the economically active population.

2. Social employment - is determined by the number of people not only employed in social production, but also full-time students of working age, employed in housekeeping, caring for children or sick relatives.

3. Rational employment - is determined by the ratio of the value of productive employment to the value of socially useful employment.

4. Efficient employment - is defined as the ratio of the working time fund of the employed minus the loss of working time to the working time fund of employment.

5. Full employment - the state of society, when everyone who wants to have a paid job has it. There is no cyclical unemployment, but at the same time its natural level, determined by frictional and structural unemployment, is preserved.

6. Partial employment is such a state of the working population, when part of it is forced to work less than the legally established working hours.

7. Flexible employment - a form of employment that uses non-standard ways of working, such as home work, part-time work, work on short-term contracts and self-employment of the population without establishing formal labor relations with an employer.

Employment indicators:

1. Employment rate is calculated in two ways

1.1 share of employed in the total population;

1.2 share of employed in the economically active population.

2. The level of economic activity of the population is the share of the economically active population in the total population.

3. Employment efficiency:

3.1 Proportion of distribution of society's labor resources according to the nature of their participation in socially useful activities;

3.2 The level of employment of the able-bodied population in the public sector;

3.3 The structure of the distribution of employees by sectors of the national economy;

3.4 Professional qualification structure of employees.

In order to take into account the characteristics of employment of the population by sex and age, it is advisable to single out the following groups:

1. youth (working-age population from 16 to 29 years old)

2. middle-aged persons (from 30 to 49 years old)

3. persons of pre-retirement age (working-age population over 50 years old)

4. persons of retirement age.

One of the problems social society economic reasons is unemployment.

Unemployment conditions, firstly, public resources are underused, and secondly, part of the population has low incomes. Unemployment is inversely proportional to macroeconomic indicators.

Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon, which means that part of the economically active population who wants to work and is looking for work cannot find it for some time, and sometimes permanently.

Main types of unemployment:

1. Frictional - voluntary unemployment, when a person leaves a job on his own initiative in order to find a more suitable another and at the same time remains unemployed for some time. This type of unemployment is unavoidable and often has a positive effect, since there is a more rational distribution of labor resources and more satisfied with the needs of people.

2. Structural unemployment is caused by a change in the structure of the economy due to scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new industrial specialties, as well as the obsolescence of activities. This kind is also inevitable, but generally leads to progress in society.

3. Cyclical unemployment is caused by violations of stability in the economy, a decline in production, economic crises, leading to mass layoffs of workers. This is the most severe form of unemployment.

4. Hidden - this unemployment is characterized by the fact that the employee is forced to agree to work part-time.

Depending on the time spent without work, unemployment is:

1. Long lasting

2. Long lasting

3. Stagnant

Long-term unemployment occurs when there is no work for 4-8 months.

It is characterized by:

Start of dequalification of workers

Loss of some degree of labor

The appearance of self-doubt, not wanting to look for a job on their own

Getting used to a low standard of living.

Long. 8-18 months, the general dequalification of the employee begins, the loss of labor skills, the ability to work intensively for the required time, there is a loss of psychological self-confidence.

congestive. More than 18 months, there comes a degradation of human labor potential. At this time, a person is difficult to rehabilitate, an individual approach to each person is necessary.

Unemployment analysis indicators:

1. The unemployment rate is equal to the ratio of the number of unemployed to the economically active population, multiplied by 100%

2. The natural level of unemployment is quantitatively equal to the sum of frictional and structural unemployment (the norm is 4-6%).

3. Characteristics of unemployment on the following grounds:

3.2. age

3.3. social group

3.4. the level of education

3.5. professional and trainee group

3.6. level of income and wealth

3.7. reasons for dismissal

3.8. mental groups

It is advisable to analyze the structure of unemployment on the basis of a combination of economic-statistical and sociological research methods.

The main "price" of unemployment is unreleased products. When the economy fails to create enough jobs for all who are willing and able to work, the potential production of goods and services is lost forever. According to Okun's law, which mathematically establishes the relationship between the unemployment rate and the lag in the volume of gross national product, every 2% by which real output exceeds its natural level reduces the unemployment rate and, conversely, every 2% decrease in real national output below the natural level increases the unemployment rate by 1% compared to the natural rate of unemployment.

Unemployment also has serious social consequences. Since work is, on the one hand, a source of income, and on the other hand, a means of self-affirmation of a person in society, the loss of employment means not only the loss of these statuses.

The decision of a person to offer his labor is most influenced by the standard of living of the population and a particular individual. Here a special place is occupied wage. Its impact is manifested in two aspects. First, the amount of wages can influence, at the micro level, an individual's decision to participate in social production if the wages offered are capable of raising his standard of living. The difference in wage rates in certain areas of activity in a certain way affects the decision of the individual about the possible sphere of application of his labor. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that even having made a decision on the supply of labor, an individual can vary its quantity, that is, the amount of man-hours worked. If, up to a certain point, an individual is inclined to increase the number of man-hours along with an increase in the wage rate (the so-called "substitution effect"), then at further growth wages, there may be a reduction in the supply of labor, because for the individual, as a result of increased income, the value of leisure increases (the “income effect”). For the population of individuals in the labor market as a whole, the dependence of supply on the remuneration rate will have a classical form, since the level of wages, followed by the income effect, is purely individual.

The substitution effect occurs when high wages free time considered as a potential excess. Leisure hours are more and more expensive, and the worker prefers to work instead of leisure.

The income effect occurs when high wages are seen as a source of opportunity to increase one's leisure, free time. The increase in free time reduces the supply of labor.

In quantitative terms, the supply of labor is equal to the number of people entering the open market labor and applied for recruitment to employment services or directly to enterprises and organizations. For the prospective period, it should include persons who are not employed and job seekers, as well as individuals who will enter the labor market during the forecast period. The latter include: laid off workers; dismissed employees (for reasons of turnover and in connection with the expiration of the contract); Graduates educational institutions; persons arriving from other regions; persons entering the labor market from household and personal subsidiary plots.

The supply of labor force should be determined taking into account statistical information on the size and age and sex structure of labor resources, the economic activity of various categories of the population, and the level of employment of older people and adolescents.

Demand for labor is formed by industry and in quantitative terms should coincide with the total additional need of enterprises and organizations for workers (regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership). When calculating the demand for labor force, the need of enterprises for new employees and the need of enterprises for employees necessary to replace those leaving (regardless of the reasons) are determined. Thus, it is possible to establish the number of persons who can be employed.

As background information the data of the current statistical accounting and special surveys conducted directly at the enterprises are used. On this basis, taking into account structural changes, an analysis of the prospects for the development of individual areas of employment is carried out. The sectoral section of information is characterized by two groups of indicators: the structure of those employed in the national economy and the structure of those employed in industries.

For a comprehensive assessment of the state and prospects of regional employment, it is necessary to collect information on the needs of enterprises in the labor force, not only in general, but also by profession (specialty), grouping them if necessary. Using data on the needs for workers of specific professions (specialties) and on the basis of balance calculation methods, the total value of the labor force demand of the region's economy or individual industries is established with much greater accuracy.

The most important stage in the assessment and forecasting of the regional labor market is the comparison of these indicators, through which it is possible to assess the actual and expected situation in the labor market, to establish the presence of a shortage or excess of labor, and already on this basis to develop a system of measures to improve regional employment.


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