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Education at the university assumes that immediately after graduation you will freely find yourself workplace within the chosen specialty. However, organizations and the government have other plans.

The state, for its part, rarely correctly predicts the exact number of specialists needed in a particular field. So it's not a fact that you have enough space. On the other hand, no one canceled the blat.

There is another moment that will be difficult for someone to predict: the crisis. In difficult times, companies cannot afford to keep even highly qualified employees. There are massive layoffs. So where can you get a job after university in such conditions? After all, you have enough knowledge, but the trouble is with experience. And the employer is more likely to invite someone who is devoid of ambition, but has long been familiar with activities in a certain area.

And what remains for yesterday's students if they don't get a job after graduation? That's right: unskilled work or freelancing. But is it really for this that you soared your unfortunate brain for so many years and pored over the implementation of all control, term papers, diploma theses?

Life after graduation: how to get a job?

Even at the stage of admission, it would be good to monitor the data on after which institute it is easy for a young specialist to get a job. The fact is that there are universities that help in the employment of graduates in their specialty.

It also doesn't hurt to follow the companies. Some organizations are interested in an influx of fresh young meat. Such employees are cheaper than experienced ones, and at the same time, as a bonus, the company in the person of such an employee receives youth, enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Even with a small pay for your work, it is worth going there, at least in order to gain experience in your field.

Do not neglect the opinions of HR managers who point out an overestimated level of self-esteem and their own market value in young professionals.

Even if the work during the holidays was paid much more than what the employer offers you, do not rush to refuse. Often, career opportunities come with a small salary. And this is much more important for you this moment.

Don't forget to prepare for interviews responsibly. Learn more about the company beforehand. And at the meeting, try to demonstrate all your advantages. Let the employer know that you are interested in working for them, even though you have no experience in this area.

How to find a job for a university graduate without work experience?

Few people know that a crisis is an ideal time to look for a job by a young specialist who still has absolutely no experience.

Employers cannot maintain experienced and highly paid employees. And here your task is to offer yourself to such employers in all its glory. Convince him that you will do the same for much less money.

The crisis will end sooner or later, and by then you will have gained experience and skills that will become the basis for asking for a raise.

Often, employers are willing to compensate for the lack of knowledge of an employee with a small salary.

If there is no work in the specialty

It also happens that even if you agree to any conditions, you can’t find a job in your specialty, but you want to eat.

What should be done in this case:

  • bring up all the old connections if you have ever worked part-time in logistics, sales, call center, outsourcing;
  • look for work as an assistant or part-time assistant;
  • find any black new job(courier, loader, consultant) and continue to look for work, send resumes, go to interviews.
By the way, finding a job in England after university is also very difficult. Former students have to work at McDonald's and be unemployed before they can find something suitable. The main difference from us is that foreign students are ready for this situation.

Do not try to get the first job that comes your way, but you should be careful with ambitions. It's good when you know your worth. But often graduates make the same mistake: they try to find a job with a salary in the market that matches this specialty.

Remember: high salary is the result of hard work, experience gained and constant work on oneself, advanced training. And while you do not have this, it is quite natural that you will receive many times less for the same functions than a more experienced colleague.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any kind of work

And here are a few useful tips that will help you stand out and sink into the “soul” of employers.

  1. Design your resume to stand out from your competitors. Describe the advantages that you think others don't have. A certain weight to your resume will be added by knowledge of foreign languages ​​(the more - the better), excellent knowledge of office programs and technology, etc.
  2. Even in the last courses, begin to engage in self-education. Take courses that are not covered by the university curriculum. Let it be ordinary cooking courses or driving courses - this data will help to form an opinion about you as a purposeful and capable young professional. If possible, do an internship while studying at those enterprises that are known in your area. This will help with employment.
  3. Self-confidence (mind you - confidence, not self-confidence) is the key to getting a job. Calmness, self-control and confidence will let the employer know that you are not only ready to get this job, but also to reach certain heights in this area. And since you yourself are going to rise to a certain level, then at the same time you will pull up the company behind you. During probationary period show yourself as hardworking, responsible and executive.

Remember, it doesn't matter how long you last in your first job. The main thing is to be able to get it, and then it will be a completely different story. In the meantime, you are looking, looking closely and thinking,

On the eve of the new academic year, we asked the students of our university what worries them. And here are the answers we got

Oksana Kuznetsova, FESTD

- Why did you enter your faculty?

- This specialty attracts me, here you can develop your creative abilities. Become a qualified specialist, in addition, we have a good and friendly faculty.

- Good, kind teachers who professionally present information. But I don't really like the education system itself. Have fun in couples. I like the fact that the university often holds various recreational activities and maintains an incentive in participation encouragement. Sometimes teachers of our department go to meet us.

- As I said earlier, to become a qualified specialist and get a well-paid position. Realize as a designer. Create new trends in interior design.

- What are your plans for the future?

After graduating from university, I want to immediately get a job in the specialty (interior designer). Provide for yourself in life, live in abundance. Become famous, successful, in terms of career. Start a family, children, a house, buy an expensive car. Provide for parents. I want to travel the world, discover unexplored lands and so on.

Alexander Pak, MSF, KTOMP

- Do you regret that you entered your faculty, if so, why?

No, I'm not sorry. I really like our university and my faculty. Here they give a good education better than in other universities. I also made many friends.

- What do you like most about studying?

- Various competitions.

- What are your career goals?

- To earn money. Become a successful person.

What are your plans for the future after graduation?

- Go to the army, and then go to work at the factory. Then buy a house, a car, go to the sea and to different countries.

Yana Vityazeva, FEU, specialty "Applied Informatics"

Why did you choose your faculty?

“We get a good education.

- What do you like most about studying?

- Most of all I like the fact that there is an opportunity to express myself, for example, speaking at conferences with reports or messages. Also show yourself creatively. Since there is a CDC.

What goals do you want to achieve in your career?

- So far, the main goal is to get a higher education, and then I think to work in my specialty. Maybe even work in higher positions.

I want to see the world, travel. In fact, there are no plans, but this is the first thing that came to mind. Most likely, like an ordinary girl, start a family house car, help relatives, visit different cities.

Sergey Ivanov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

- Do you regret that you entered your faculty, if so, why?

— Not much. At other faculties, I simply have nothing to do. Plus, I like the group number.

- What are your career goals?

- Work by profession, develop applications, programs, games, and then get a lot, a lot of money.

— What are your plans after graduation?

The first is, of course, to find Good work, With big income. The second is to provide yourself with everything you can. The third is to buy a good gaming computer and play games on it. I want to visit Japan and look at the latest inventions, maybe buy something for myself.

Alexandra Konovalova, specialty "Advertising and Public Relations"

- Why did you enter this specialty?

- We are given a good education, everything is accessible and understandable, interesting. The teachers are friendly and will help if needed. It's just that education is expensive.

- What do you like most about studying?

I like that practice is more than theory. dialing good experience and found a lot of friends. I have funny classmates.

What goals do you want to achieve in your career?

- In a few years, I see myself as the most effective employee in a well organized company. I plan to develop my skills while continuing to be useful in my profession.

- What will you do after graduation?

- If it works out, I will go to another city and work there in my specialty. In my long term plans is to develop with the company where I will work, study, expand my responsibilities and bring the greatest possible benefit to my company.

Valery Muratov, Vasily Korenev

One of the pluses and minuses of Soviet education was the mandatory employment of graduates of educational institutions. Yes, after graduation, the student was sure that he would not be left without a job. But as part of the mandatory distribution, he could be sent to work in absolutely any corner of our vast Motherland. That is why, with the beginning of the education reform, many breathed a sigh of freedom: the opportunity to choose a place of residence and activity appeared.

However, the freedom of choice has practically killed the chances of employment assistance from the educational institution. To date, job search is the work of the graduate himself, his environment and the demand of the market. The crisis has also contributed to the situation in recent years: in difficult times for business, companies cannot afford the maintenance of even highly qualified specialists, massively reducing employees. And even more so, they do not seek to recruit young people who also need to be taught the realities of production: unfortunately, few people immediately after graduation are ready to work effectively without additional training.



Youth unemployment is considered one of the global problems of mankind. According to the Association "Center for Research on Economic and Socio-Cultural Development of the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe", at the end of 2016 it exceeded 71 million young people around the world - 13.1% were left without a permanent job. At the same time, young people aged 15–29 make up about 35% of the entire working-age population.

According to the association, among the main obstacles for young people, job seekers, general economic situation. This in particular entails a lack of jobs suitable for entry-level skills. For young people, the most accessible jobs are in the informal sector or underdeveloped industries.

The lack of information and knowledge about the modern labor market adds to the negative, which does not allow drawing the right conclusions on building one's own career. Young people also lack skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

And, of course, the lack of experience from the point of view of the employer hinders the employment of young people. Many companies are skeptical about the ability of former students to apply skills. And at the same time, they don't want to invest in training young people when more experienced adults might be unemployed and available for hire.


Universities themselves are well aware that the situation with the employment of their graduates is not easy, and they are trying to look for ways to solve the problem. The most conscientious and responsible of them even have special student support programs, helping them prepare for the realities of production and further employment. For example, the situation at NUST MISIS is indicative, which, following the results of 2016, entered the top 5 Russian universities in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings, which reflects the level of interaction between universities and employers and how successfully their graduates find jobs.

NUST MISIS has developed a comprehensive program of professional navigation and preparation for employment and improvement of the employment monitoring system. Thanks to her, the university scored the maximum 100 points out of 100 possible in the mentioned rating. Only seven universities in the world have the same indicator, among them the California Institute of Technology and the University of Arizona.

As they said at the university, the program goes on throughout the entire education of students and has several milestones: adaptation in the university environment, self-development and development, as well as preparation for employment, advanced training. The last point, according to NUST MISIS, is additional practices and internships provided by employers and partners. As an additional preparation at this stage, the program "Successful start to a career" is running, which runs for five months in the spring semester. In general, students are invited to take part in a number of programs and specially designed courses, including such as the championship in solving business cases CUP MISIS CASE, YouLead and BreakPoint forums, etc.

As a result, in 2016, as part of promoting the employment of university students, contracts were concluded for internships with more than 1,200 companies in all areas of student training. Among them are large industrial enterprises Russian Federation, such as Metalloinvest, OMK, RUSAL, NLMK, Norilsk Nickel, EVRAZ, Severstal, ALROSA, Mosmetrostroy, Euro-Chem, SUEK, etc.

Another example is RSSU, which, in addition to cooperation with large Russian and international companies, is actively developing partnerships with recruiting companies, market leaders such as Head Hunter and Ankor. Cooperation allows the university to conduct various recruiting, career guidance events and master classes to develop additional competencies of students.

By the way, as Christina Chumbaykina, the head of the center for personnel decisions at RSSU, says, the university is actively solving the problem of employment of graduates with disabilities. “Unfortunately,” she says, “the problem of employment of people with disabilities in Russia is already quite acute, and provided that this person is still included in the category of yesterday’s university graduate, the task becomes several times more complicated.” As an already existing solution, a resource educational and methodological center for the training of people with disabilities and people with disabilities (RMMC) was created at the RSSU.

A lot of work is carried out by the partners of the institute - non-profit organizations: for example, ROOI Perspektiva has an employment department that provides job search services for people with disabilities and initiated the creation of a disability business council (CBVI), which includes more than 40 largest companies-employers and representatives of universities.

RESCUE OF THE DROWNING The problem of employment in the specialty is largely far-fetched, believes the chairman of the public council under the Moscow Department of Education Tatyana Mineeva. First, she explains, higher education itself, unlike professional education, is primarily a system for obtaining knowledge. A student after graduation must have systemic thinking and possess the necessary basis general knowledge, be able to independently work with sources, do research, etc. And it is not at all a fact that the profession that the graduate of the school has chosen will be interesting to him by the fifth year. But the system of obtaining knowledge and information, their structuring - this is what distinguishes high-quality higher education and will be with the graduate until the end of his professional activity.

Secondly, the expert says, in our country, higher education itself as a phenomenon is greatly overestimated. This partly explains the huge number of higher education institutions per capita. The column in the resume "education" simply must be filled with the name of some university - and the more prestigious, the better.

The situation is best characterized by the saying about the salvation of drowning people, which is the work of their own hands, Mineeva believes. No one prevents a student from working in his specialty from the very junior years. Large companies and some state institutions happy to take young people on internships. By senior years, these internships can already be paid (there are cases when fifth-year students received salaries that were much higher than the average for the region). And by agreement with universities, students generally go full-time and on an individual study schedule.

The competition in the labor market of the so-called "white collars" is quite high. And the employer is more willing to take on a graduate with experience in his field. Therefore, do not be surprised when you see the requirements of mandatory work experience in almost every vacancy. In addition, the shortage of vacancies stimulates the mobility of the population. In the West, this is an absolutely common practice. There are even entire countries of the so-called "open immigration", when the government makes it easier to obtain a residence permit and citizenship for people of those professions that are urgently needed in this historical period. “And in our country, the times of distributions are over. But the times of opportunities have come, and this is much more important and interesting,” concludes Tatyana Mineeva.

The task of graduate employment can only be solved by joint interested efforts, and above all by the graduates themselves, employers and educational institutions, a member of the Presidium of the General Council of Business Russia, the head of the public and business council at project committee in the strategic direction of development "Education" Alexander Rudik. Employers should pay more attention to personnel planning and building systematic cooperation with key educational institutions. Universities and colleges should be more open, respond faster and more flexibly to business requests, develop communication channels and joint projects. Among the priority measures for solving the problem, Rudik names, firstly, increasing the transparency and predictability of the actions and strategies of all participants, developing tools and platforms for coordinating the policies of companies and educational institutions. For example, the inclusion of business representatives in supervisory boards universities and colleges. They can become the very “window” to the university for entrepreneurs interested in cooperation, help form a package of educational services, provide real support in the commercialization of the results scientific research. Many entrepreneurs are ready to come to the university, for example, to teach, share experience.

Second, orientation matters. educational institutions for the staffing needs of the business. The university and business have two key points of interaction with the labor market - the practice of students and the hiring of graduates. Today, the practice of students is often formal. A graduate student comes without a clear task for research, the research topic is not consistent with the company and its interests. The opacity of the decision-making system and its participants makes the educational institution unpredictable.

And, thirdly, says Alexander Rudik, all parties need to concentrate on the professionalization of students, maximum immersion in real practice- involve students in joint projects, volunteer programs and other activities that develop students' independence, improve the quality of their orientation in the labor market. In some countries, students are given academic leave for a year to work in a real industry, after which the level of involvement and students' requirements for the knowledge they receive change dramatically.

All these measures should support enterprising graduates who really strive for development and self-realization in the profession. It is necessary to pay more attention to the awareness of the choice of an educational institution, to develop the skills of labor market analysis, decision-making, and job search at school. Unfortunately, graduates often have inadequate salary expectations, exaggerated demands on working conditions, and unjustified ambitions. And neither a university, nor an entrepreneur, nor the state should stimulate infantilism.


What should students do to find, if not the job of their life, then at least a launching pad for these searches - their first job? First of all, understand that the search, or at least preparation for it, begins with the very first courses of the university. To do this, you should understand what kind of competencies and knowledge a person already has and will have after graduation. At this stage, you need to clearly formulate for yourself what kind of profession the student will receive, what exactly he intends to do. Often, universities provide too general education within the framework of one course, which allows you to apply for several specialties at once.

The second important step is to assess the knowledge and skills that the student currently possesses. Having chosen a field or profession, it is worth looking for initial positions, from which the growth of specialists and their search by enterprises usually begin: as a rule, ordinary employees are required more often than managers. There is no need to be afraid to take such positions - not only can you get invaluable initial experience here, which allows you to understand the mechanism of functioning of the selected company or industry, but also six months or a year of experience will already allow a potential employer to look more seriously at such a candidate for an employee than at his "colleagues" with no work experience at all.

By the way, you can look for such a job at any time, even in the process of learning, and not just after graduation - modern technologies(both training and employment) allow students to combine education with work. You can work both in the evening hours, weekends, and freelance at any time. free time. Yes, this does not make learning easier, taking a sufficient amount of time, but in the future it creates a good foundation for getting a profession and employment, not to mention the fact that individual subjects, having practical skills, are also much easier to study.

In the face of high competition for jobs, it is worth considering where to get a job. If there is a choice of several companies, you need to choose the one in which they will train, develop and promote a young specialist. You must also understand that if you want to work in your specialty, you should be prepared for the fact that the salary will not differ much from the scholarship.

There are also several practical advice. So, today there are quite a large number of sites, including on the Internet, where vacancies are posted. Job fairs help search, recruiting agencies, competitions for students. They must be monitored constantly, responding in time to the requests of employers. This requires a resume and transmittal letter, be prepared for a prompt interview and not refuse to visit them, even if they are refused in several places. By the way, many leading companies are constantly recruiting employees for start-up vacancies, so often such information is available on websites large companies in the "Jobs" section.

What do the students themselves say? They also believe that the problem is solvable. So, according to a master's student at the Academy of Labor and social relations Dmitry Romanov, the main way to solve the problem is internships. Many large international companies potential employees are selected precisely through such internships, and it is not surprising, because for many employers, internships are an opportunity to “get acquainted” with a newly minted specialist in a real workload and evaluate the qualities that an intern will show (or not show) solving the tasks that are built in front of him. Universities can help to find a job, although few do this, while the student himself must make every effort to find a job.

In general, for the third year in Russia, the national championship of competitions has been held. professional excellence for people with disabilities "Abilimpics". The championship among people with disabilities is held according to the Olympic system and includes more than 50 professions that are most in demand on the labor market. According to the results of the competition, the participants have a real chance to get a job.

Another important direction in solving the current problem, according to Chumbaikina, is to identify talents in a child in school age. So, since 2012, there has been a concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents. A new, extensive infrastructure for identifying talents has been formed in Russia: in addition to traditional Olympiads, which cover 6 million schoolchildren annually, intellectual and creative contests, the total number of which in the current academic year reached 62, including the All-Russian Olympiad of Professional Skills, the World Skills National Championship.

Summing up, it must be said that the problem of finding a job by yesterday's student is acute, but often its solution directly depends on the efforts of the university graduate himself. Companies always need conscientious, responsible and qualified specialists, and constant work on oneself, search for options and self-improvement with high proportion probabilities will help to become just such an employee.

Dear reader, if you are wondering what to do after graduation, then this article will be especially relevant. To be honest, I'm surprised today's youth who, graduating from university, experience a certain feeling of euphoria. Do they really not understand that the freebie will soon end and they will have to make independent decisions regarding their future fate?

University doesn't care feel like a child, because you live to some extent dependent on your parents, being listed in the house as "the youngest." But at the end of the university, the situation changes radically, because, on a par with parents, you have to be a breadwinner and live, as they say, in a split.

This is where difficulties arise, since it turns out that without five minutes a specialist or a master is absolutely not adapted to adulthood, but still looks at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. So isn't it time to break stereotypes and become more mature, especially since the most suitable reason for this is to receive a diploma of higher education.

Naive thoughts of students - graduates

In the fifth year, as a rule, a student’s head is a complete mess, because in addition to completing a diploma, thoughts about future profession and career. Someone naively dreams, but still the majority of graduates with such global thoughts begins to tremble.

However, for the most part, the thoughts of graduates turn out to be erroneous, and some even cause a touching smile of naivety. So what do professionals think without five minutes?

1. There is that category of students, like Levin from the Interns, who believes that it is their homeland that has been waiting all their lives and will accept them for work without hesitation, and immediately on leadership position. As a rule, such illusions are dispelled already on the first working day, and once a graduate - an excellent student becomes just a "rookie", who will face difficult trials on the way. You certainly won’t have to trump with your theory, since practice will still prevail.

2. Another category of students in their behavior is similar to Lobanov from the same "Interns", that is, they want a highly paid job, but it is not necessary to make efforts at all. Such in work collective they don’t like it either, and each employee will consider it his duty to put the insolent person in his place and once again prove his worthlessness even if he has a higher education certificate.

3. As for university graduates, most of them naively believe that in the new team they will be admired, pitied and cherished. In fact, the formed team does not care what kind of fifa came to a new job. So you will have to deserve a place in the sun, and for this, not only change outfits and clap your eyes, but also take a direct part in the diligent work process.

4. Some students believe that they will have no problems with further work, because their parents have taken care of everything. However, having replenished the staff, there are frictions with colleagues, because no one favors thieves anywhere. So you will either have to prove your own importance, or become a hermit in an unloved job.

I think, dear reader, that now it is clear what I want to say; and you will agree that in life you need to achieve everything on your own, and not rely on gifts of fate that supposedly should fall from the sky.

A student should think about his future profession since September of the last year, in order to gradually select options and try himself in a new field. This is not difficult to do, but the adaptation period takes a certain period of time.

Competent approach to the future profession

So, the diploma is just around the corner, and you have not yet decided what you plan to do in the future? This is not good, because the choice must be made finally and irrevocably. For this, it is very important to complete the diploma on your own. Why, ask?

Everything is simple here, because last year practice takes place within the walls of the future enterprise, and the production mentor, as a rule, is a future colleague or boss. That is why it is so important to prove yourself in a timely manner as an interested potential employee who seeks new knowledge.

To do this, it is advisable to pay more attention to the essence of your diploma, or at least make smart eyes, nodding in a timely manner. This will allow you to find a common language with potential employees who will be treated as equals. By the way, they will help to make a diploma and instill an incentive for future work. So do not show pride, but be happy to make new acquaintances and pleasant connections.

If you prove yourself correctly, then after graduating from the university it will be possible to come to this enterprise as a full-fledged employee, in whom you are interested, and who you were looking forward to. Such a young specialist not only has good prospects, but also quickly adapts to a new team.

Getting a useless crust

Today, many students already in their fourth year have additional earnings, which, as a rule, are not related to their future specialty. Such graduates need only a “crust”, which will subsequently gather dust in the closet without need. So you can lose your professionalism, and not thoroughly master the received specialty.

Of course, it is difficult to leave your familiar places, but you should understand that you need to at least try to understand the specialty that you have mastered for five years at the university. That is why teachers try so hard to instill love for the subject so that the desire to devote the rest of their lives to it inspires and pleases.

According to statistics, most of the graduates today do not work in their specialty, but to the question: “Why do you need a diploma of higher education?” they answer simply, but with humor: "For mom."

Future prospects

So, if a diploma of higher education is already on the way, it's time to build your future destiny, and this must be done correctly. There are many options for resolving the internal conflict, but you need to find one for yourself that will not cause melancholy and despondency.

Option one. If a student understands that he would like to significantly expand his knowledge and bring it to the international level, then it is too early to stop studying. If there are opportunities and financial support, then you can always continue studying abroad. This is a great prospect that opens up a graduate unique opportunities realize yourself as much as possible in your future profession and at the same time make a tangible capital.

Option two. Most students, after receiving a diploma of higher education, begin to diligently look for a job, connecting to this occupation not only all efforts, but also connections, capabilities. With a job, especially promising now, it’s tight, so find yourself vacancy problematic enough. And, nevertheless, competent specialists are always needed, so it is so important not to fall asleep already at the first interview.

Option three. Work not in the specialty is also becoming the choice of many modern students, however, in the pursuit of prosperity, they do not always understand that they are losing part of their essence and cross out five years of study at the university. It is possible that soon there will be a desire to get a second higher education according to your favorite job; and this means that the first was obtained meaninglessly.

Option four. walk soul. Many graduates of higher educational institutions go on a spree after graduation, relaxing and enjoying life for the first month, and then for half a year. If you do not pull yourself together in time, you can remain unemployed for a long time, finally losing respect in the eyes of your own parents and close friends. Such long vacations and temporary earnings lose their meaning higher education which was not so easy.

Option five. Military service can also become a concise continuation of higher education. The fact is that not all domestic universities have a military department, so many graduates, after receiving a diploma, have to go to the army in order to pay their due debt to their homeland. However, this has its advantages, since at the end of the service life the rank of junior officer can be awarded.

So there are plenty of options after the student bench, the main thing is to decide for yourself exactly what you want to do in life and what to devote all your free time to. Yes, and you should not live in other people's brains, because the feeling of your own unfulfillment in the future will only oppress.

Labor Exchange to help you

If looking for a job on your own lacks experience, perseverance and skill, then why not entrust this activity to specially trained personnel. To do this, the labor exchange is required to provide all Required documents and photocopies, as well as express your wishes about the future salary, position and prospects.

While the employment center will look for good options, you should not be lazy yourself, because, as you know, "one head is good, but two is better." You can also additionally take advanced training courses, because an extra crust never hurts. In addition, wasted time contributes to degradation, and this graduate cannot be allowed in any way.

Conclusion: So now it is quite obvious that a graduate certainly should not be upset and feel a sense of melancholy, to answer the question of what to do after graduation, you need to decide in the last year, so as not to waste time later. So there are many prospects, and it is better not to be scattered, but to set all priorities in time.

Now you know about what to do after graduation.

The vast majority of respondents (65%) who are currently studying in colleges plan to enter a university later.

At the same time, 54% of college graduates who decided not to receive higher education later regretted that they did not continue their education.

Do you regret not graduating?

Region of residenceYes, %Not, %Difficult to answer, %
Chelyabinsk region61 26 12
Moscow region60 22 17
Krasnoyarsk region59 23 18
Rostov region58 21 21
Sverdlovsk region58 20 22
Novosibirsk region57 28 15
Samara Region56 30 14
Republic of Tatarstan56 33 11
Voronezh region55 23 22
Other regions55 26 19
Krasnodar region55 25 21
Moscow53 32 16
Republic of Bashkortostan50 38 13
St. Petersburg48 31 21
Nizhny Novgorod Region47 39 14

53% of students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions plan to work in their specialty, 27% found it difficult to answer this question, and 20% of respondents realized that they were not attracted to the chosen profession.

However, only 30% Russian specialists work in their specialty. Professional activity 40% of domestic workers have nothing to do with their education, and 23% are employed in a related field.

The shares of specialists - graduates of universities and colleges - satisfied and dissatisfied with their work, are almost equal - 41% and 42%, respectively.

60% of students and graduates of colleges receive or received education for the sake of knowledge.

65% of college students say that the training helped them acquire professional skills.

Check no more than three statements that are most relevant to you: during the period of obtaining secondary vocational education (during my studies at the college) I ...

Region of studydeveloped general intellectual abilities, %acquired professional skills, %learned to learn, %learned how to find a way out of difficult situations, %learned self-discipline, %organized personal life, %had a good time, %found new friends, %found (-la) its professional purpose,%learned nothing, acquired nothing, %other
Moscow41 64 18 37 24 6 11 32 15 6 2
St. Petersburg47 65 24 35 27 6 13 30 15 4 0
Moscow region47 57 30 29 22 13 11 25 12 8 0
Krasnodar region51 55 24 43 31 7 13 32 16 4 0
Rostov region47 63 22 46 33 4 13 25 18 3 1
Sverdlovsk region51 66 20 54 25 4 7 24 17 6 0
Samara Region54 54 15 51 35 6 7 24 12 4 0
Krasnoyarsk region50 60 19 48 29 9 5 26 14 2 2
Republic of Tatarstan41 70 11 57 28 4 2 20 22 6 0
Voronezh region55 68 21 36 23 9 13 19 8 6 0
Novosibirsk region56 63 31 31 29 6 6 21 15 10 2
Chelyabinsk region43 71 14 35 33 8 12 20 22 2 0
Other regions45 67 20 38 29 7 9 28 16 4 0

Among the respondents - students and graduates of colleges - the share of those who did not find study difficult was 86%, which is 19% higher than the similar share in universities.

Region of studyYes, %Not, %Difficult to answer, %
Republic of Tatarstan17 80 4
Samara Region12 79 9
Sverdlovsk region11 83 6
Moscow11 83 6
Chelyabinsk region10 86 4
Krasnodar region9 89 1
Other regions9 87 3
St. Petersburg8 89 2
Rostov region8 86 6
Voronezh region8 83 9
Moscow region7 86 7
Krasnoyarsk region7 86 7
Nizhny Novgorod Region6 89 4
Republic of Bashkortostan6 81 13
Novosibirsk region6 92 2

Was it difficult to study in a secondary school (college, vocational school)?

The average assessment of the quality of education received by graduates of colleges and vocational schools was 3.8 points.

College graduates, regardless of whether they work in their specialty or not, for the most part tend to believe that the knowledge gained at the university was necessary for them in labor activity- 29% of respondents with a diploma of graduation from a secondary school are absolutely sure of this, and another 36% adhere to this position rather than believe that they did not need the knowledge they received.

Did you need in your work the knowledge gained in the process of studying at a university and college?

The plans of university students and college students regarding employment in their specialty are almost identical - 52% of university students and 53% of college students plan to work in their specialty.

Among specialists with higher education, 33% work in their specialty; among specialists with secondary specialized education, this figure is 20%.

Despite the fact that university graduates are more likely to find a job in their specialty, the proportion of respondents who are satisfied with their work practically does not depend on the level of education.

Once in the place of a school graduate, specialists with higher education would be more willing to go to university again than college graduates in a similar situation - 88% versus 76%, respectively.

In terms of the level of education, the largest share of potential businessmen is observed among university students and workers who graduated from school and did not continue their education - 25% and 27%, respectively.

The largest proportion of respondents who believe that higher education is a prerequisite for a successful career are students (18%) and graduates (30%) of universities.

21% of respondents who regret that they did not manage to graduate from the university are sure that successful career impossible to build without higher education. At the same time, 29% of respondents who have not received higher education and are not annoyed about this, hold the opposite point of view.

60% of line managers and top managers with specialized secondary education experience an acute lack of knowledge.

At the same time, students and graduates of colleges evaluate the knowledge gained in educational institution, higher than college students.

Rate the quality of knowledge that you received in the secondary school on a five-point scale, where 5 is high quality knowledge, and 1 is low quality.

Region of studyAverage
Chelyabinsk region3,98
Novosibirsk region3,92
Sverdlovsk region3,87
Republic of Tatarstan3,87
Other regions3,79
Krasnodar region3,77
Krasnoyarsk region3,76
Voronezh region3,75
St. Petersburg3,75
Moscow region3,73
Rostov region3,71
Samara Region3,65

Among respondents planning to open own business in the next one or two years, training was less in demand (57%) compared to respondents who did not want to continue to work for themselves (63%).

University students and college students have about the same priorities regarding education.


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