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Where you can succeed by creating own business. Each branch of commerce has a purely individual characteristics and complexity. This time we will talk about the consulting business. Many have heard this term, but not everyone understands the essence of this type of entrepreneurial activity. Meanwhile, it means a very profitable and popular business.

What is a consulting business

No matter how well and productively any company works, from time to time
time, she may still need the help of outside professionals. We are talking about highly qualified assistance of real experts in their field. Consulting company provides very specific services. Its employees help clients achieve the desired result in the implementation of their commercial activities.

So what exactly does a consulting company do? Assistance consists not only in competent and professional advice from the company, but also in practical assistance in the work of the client.

What is a consultant

In fact, this is a specialist in a certain professional sphere. As a rule, the knowledge of an employee of such a company is quite narrow, but at the same time deep. Therefore, an experienced specialist of a consulting company will assist in any issue related to the activities of a particular legal entity, as well as give the right recommendations and solve every problem that the client has. Such an employee without fail should have higher education, as well as positive experience in the required field.

As a rule, we are talking about the knowledge of most of the intricacies of marketing, organizational development legal entities, managerial work. In addition, a standing employee in this area is simply obliged to have a high degree communication skills, be able to find a common language with clients of all levels and areas of business, have the skills of a lecturer, as well as understand computers, securities and accounting.

Consulting as a business today. Why such demand?

Why exactly this area activities so rapidly gaining popularity? The fact is that in modern times there is a real boom in the development of all areas of business. Technologies change, markets undergo a process
globalization, companies are being absorbed and merged.

As a result, the need for competent consulting services has increased many times over. As a result - the rise in the cost of the help of highly qualified specialists and the extension of the terms of its implementation. Long-term and global projects came to the fore, the cost of which is quite significant for most clients.

If even in the relatively recent past, consultants could be compared with guests who only briefly visited companies, then today specialists in this field are firmly entrenched in almost every company. Therefore, the considered type of commercial activity is one of the most dynamically developing and promising today.

What is the main influence in this area?

First, a general transition to outsourcing (which is exactly what a consulting company does for the most part). Today, an increasing number of services are provided to firms by third-party organizations on the basis of an agreement concluded between them. Of course, all this activity will not be free and disinterested for the customer.

However, the creation of a special division in the company does not always pay off with the scale of production. Or the process of compensation for the money spent is delayed for quite a long time, which becomes a real problem for many representatives of commerce. The selection of competent personnel, the formation of a department, the creation of jobs, offices - all this also requires serious time costs. Consultants are ready to start their work immediately after signing the contract and take on even the most complex projects.

Secondly, now all spheres of production and any other commercial activity are actively developing. Are being introduced the latest technology, large-scale and ubiquitous computerization is being carried out. If the head of the company does not want to lag behind the closest competitors and wants to maintain a leading position in the market, he needs to use consulting services. Help becomes especially valuable when the situation has already formed in the most unfavorable way.

Consulting is a business aimed at saving other companies. Employees of such a company will not only give all the necessary information, but also suggest specific, quite real directions for overcoming a crisis situation. At the same time, all the necessary marketing research will be carried out, and the costs for the client will be minimized.

Main directions and trends

Consulting is a fairly versatile business. This firm can provide a variety of services. However, today there are several most stable and promising areas. First, credit
consulting. This is a very popular area for outside help.

If you try to name at least one company that has never used a loan throughout the entire period of its existence and activity, it turns out that such financial injections are needed from time to time even by the largest and most economically stable legal entities.

If only because the development and expansion require fairly large amounts, which are completely unprofitable to withdraw from circulation. And the successful implementation of the project will allow not only to recoup the interest on the loan, but also to receive a tangible income. That is why competent consulting services in the field of business lending are so in demand. And experts' forecasts indicate a positive development trend.

In this article, you will learn what consulting is and what an important function it performs in the field of business. What types consulting services exist, who provides them, and when it is appropriate to apply for them. As well as expert comments and a useful video on the topic of consulting.

Consulting is a type of intellectual activity, the scope of which includes consulting entrepreneurs, managers of small, medium and large businesses. The main task of consulting is to analyze and determine the state in which the enterprise is located at the time of the analysis.

With the help of consulting services, you can resolve most commercial issues: legal, financial, technological, etc.

“Consulting is an assistance in management to achieve the set goals and positive results in business. It is the advice of experts in a particular field.”

Consulting professionals are independent and provide assistance management system organizations or businesses. the main objective these specialists - to improve the quality.

Help should be understood as consultations on organizational issues and recommendations on the competent conduct of business in different conditions market.

At the same time, any consultations are given after a detailed study, analysis of the business and its existing problems. Further, options for business development are considered: reorganization of the enterprise, increasing labor efficiency, etc.

Tasks, goals and stages of consulting

The key task and at the same time the goal of consulting is to improve the quality of management, increase the efficiency of staff work, improve the functioning of the business and find solutions to financial, legal and other problems that negatively affect profits and business in general.

For each individual case, consultants from consulting firms create unique solutions that will improve management structure and solve existing problems.

Consulting tasks include:

  • market analysis;
  • forecasting;
  • strategy Development;
  • competitor analysis;
  • analysis of services, products, goods;
  • analysis of the financial and economic part;
  • consultations.

Main stages of consulting

There are 4 main stages included in consulting services.

  1. Finding and posing a problem. At this stage, an independent specialist analyzes the business, the market and identifies all existing problems.
  2. Assessment of the situation. After discovering problems, the consultant assesses the situation - how critical it is for the business and how it hinders its development.
  3. Creation of a plan to eliminate the problems found. At this stage, a strategy is developed to solve problems.
  4. Implementation of the plan. The final stage is the introduction and implementation of the created strategy to solve all the issues and difficulties of the enterprise or business.

Main types of consulting services

Consulting services are suitable for almost any type of business, as there are more than 10 types. Each will be discussed in detail below.

The scope of activities of consulting companies includes:

This is a type of consulting service aimed at improving the management and conduct of business or entrepreneurial activities. Specialists provide advice and optimal solutions to existing problems related to working with clients and staff. They find and analyze the problems of the company, after which they implement the developed strategy for their effective elimination.

Such consulting services are aimed at consulting in any industry and business areas. They allow you to rebuild from competitors and increase the company's profits.

In this case, it is about financial management business. This includes:

  • investment analysis;
  • financial planning advice;
  • creating strategies to strengthen financial system and its future development;
  • designing plans for investment activities of the business;
  • creation of a structure for managing finances, investments, economic services and the budget of an enterprise or company.

Management advice accounting, training accountants and their managers to work with accounting software and assistance in maintaining new forms of accounting.

Tax consulting

Assistance with paying taxes tax documents, reporting, detection of violations and elimination of errors in the field of taxation.

This type of consulting is to help legal sphere and is for advisory purposes only. Specialists of consulting companies help companies solve legal issues with a systematic or integrated approach.

Expert consulting

It consists in analyzing the business and implementing the identified problems by developing a special strategy and plans.

HR consulting

In this case, work is carried out in the field of personnel motivation, improvement of production indicators, holding events for company employees, optimizing the psychological climate within the team and solving other personnel issues.

These consulting services are related to information technology and support for various business processes. Due to this service, it is possible to determine how effectively information technologies are used in business.

Investment (strategic) consulting

This refers to the advice of managers and investors on investment activities. Specialists offer optimal and safe schemes for investing or raising capital.

Logistics consulting

This type of consulting service is aimed exclusively at solving questions and problems in the field of logistics. They allow you to develop a unified and optimal logistics policy. Find strengths and weak sides and strengthen them by analyzing logistics, developing and implementing projects and strategies to improve the situation in this business area.

Environmental consulting

Such services are suitable for companies from the field of construction, design or production. In this case, specialists are looking for a solution to the problems associated with the environmental support of a company or a large enterprise.

Environmental consultants help organizations find the best solution to reduce pollution environment caused by their activities.

Restaurant consulting

This type of consulting is exclusively for restaurant business. It includes:

  • Analysis of the success of the restaurant.
  • Development and implementation of new business standards.
  • Business optimization.
  • Restaurant management on a contractual basis.
  • Full support for the restaurant from the moment the idea was formed to its opening and further work.

These are the main types of consulting services that every entrepreneur and company leader should know about.

“Consulting services are consultations on certain things. The word "consulting" comes from the word "consultation". Therefore, if you take and simplify the whole model, then this is just a consultation, but in most cases it is expensive and very professional.

In essence, you pay for the experience and knowledge of some people - a consultant in a particular area or several consultants.

Stanislav Cyst - manager consulting agencyUniconsulting

Who provides consulting services

The services described above are provided by consulting companies. Such work is carried out by specially trained specialists, called consultants.

The tasks of consultants of consulting firms include:

  • Finding problems within the company.
  • Analysis of the enterprise activity.
  • Development of strategies and programs to address the identified problems.
  • Consulting on any issues: management, accounting, logistics, finance, etc.

Consultants have all the necessary knowledge to help small, medium or big business solve problems and quickly adapt to an ever-changing market or a regularly growing market.

In particular, consultants of consulting companies have the following knowledge:

  • computer science (computer skills and various software);
  • marketing and advertising;
  • finance and accounting;
  • sales and management;
  • logistics and investments;

They should also understand personnel issues, environmental issues, as well as computer technology, basic software and more.

When is it appropriate to use consulting services?

  1. In case of disagreements between business partners regarding the further development of the company, production, marketing, investment, etc.
  2. When a business is in a critical situation, for example, on the verge of bankruptcy or ruin, and the manager or entrepreneur is not able to independently solve the problems that have arisen and save the company.
  3. When expanding the business and scaling it. When it is planned to work in other regions of the country or even enter the international market.
  4. When you need to find fresh ideas for rapid advance new service, product or product.
  5. When it becomes necessary to conduct an audit of a business in order to understand how effective it is and what are the future prospects in the current state of affairs.
  6. When you plan to sell a business and you need to check all the important points.
  7. In the absence of new ideas to promote a business, product, service or product. Or to develop a new product, instead of an obsolete or lost consumer demand.
  8. When a leader or managers need new experience and knowledge to effective work with customers, staff, to improve the quality of products and reduce production costs.

Consulting - solving any problems in the field of business

In conclusion, we summarize all of the above.

Consulting is a type of activity aimed at solving a number of issues and problems related to doing business. In total there are 14 types of consulting services provided by consulting companies. The service itself is provided by specially trained consultants.

You need to resort to consulting services when a company or business has problems in the field of management, competition, finance, investment, accounting, logistics and other areas.

Consulting helps to quickly solve the problems that have arisen and restore the stability of the company. However, such services are not cheap and require some effort, since without the active participation of the manager it is difficult to solve all problems.

Consulting is, definition

Consulting is a paid type of activity for the provision of consulting services by a consultant to a client. An independent professionally trained consultant goes to help the client in order to optimize the client's business. Analyzes the problem of the situation, then draws conclusions from the analysis, determines the criteria for selection, draws up a plan to achieve the goal.

This is a type of consulting service provided by an organization to clients who are interested in optimizing their business. Word " consulting"comes from of English language and means counseling.

Consulting is a type of intellectual activity, the main task of which is to analyze, justify the prospects for the development and use of scientific, technical, organizational and economic innovations, taking into account subject area and client problems.

Consulting is entrepreneurial activity, carried out by professional consultants and aimed at serving the needs of the economy and management in consultations and other types of professional services.

Consulting is

Consulting services are carried out by professionals and specialized advisory (consulting) companies who are valued for their high professionalism, objectivity and independence, extraordinary assessment of situations and non-standard recommendations.

Consulting organizations provide services: market research and forecasting (goods, services, licenses, " know-how"etc.), world commodity prices markets; according to the assessment of trade and political conditions, export import operations; on the development of feasibility studies for the objects of international cooperation and the creation joint ventures; to develop an export strategy, conduct a complex of marketing research, develop marketing programs; analysis of financial and economic activities enterprises taking into account the internal and external environment, as well as the characteristics of specific markets, where enterprises carry out export-import operations.

The activity of special companies, which consists in advising manufacturers, sellers, buyers on a wide range of issues of economics, finance, foreign economic relations, creation and registration of firms, research and forecasting of the market for goods and services, innovations. Consulting firms may be specialized in certain areas of consulting activity. Consulting may consist of preparing packages constituent documents when creating new organizations.

Consulting is

The main goal of consulting

The main goal of consulting is to improve the quality of leadership, increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole and increase the individual efficiency of each employee.

When do clients turn to a consulting organization for help?

According to popular belief, the services of external consultants are addressed mainly and first of all by those companies that find themselves in a critical situation. However, assistance in critical situations is by no means the main function of consulting. In what cases and who turns to a consulting firm for help?

Firstly, in cases where, having the status of reliable, it outlines the restructuring of the entire system, associated either with expansion, or with a change in the form of ownership, or with a radical change in the spectrum of the enterprise's activities and its reorientation to more promising and / or profitable business areas.

Consulting is

Secondly, in cases where an enterprise with a reliable status, in order to assert its position in the market and create the necessary image in the eyes of potential partners, turns to the services of a consultant (for example, an auditor), audits its activities (for example, audit) and then makes its results public.

Consulting is

And, finally, thirdly, in cases where the enterprise is in a critical situation (or even on the verge of collapse) and is not able to get out of this situation on its own due to lack of experience and internal resources for an adequate and timely response to the situation. The services of a consultant (consulting company) in this case are in the nature of consulting.

Consulting is

The main task of consulting

The main task of consulting is to identify and find ways to solve existing problems. Consulting services are carried out both in the form of one-time consultations and in the form of consulting projects. There are many divisions of the consulting process into stages.

Any consulting project includes the following main stages:

Diagnostics (problem identification);

Development of solutions;

Implementation of solutions.

The initial step of the pre-project stage is the recognition by the client that he has such a problem, the solution of which he would like to implement with the help of consultants. This recognition is the result of a bilateral process: on the one hand, the client's awareness of the existence of a problem as such, on the other hand, the formation of a manager's desire to entrust the development of a solution to the problem to consultants. Usually the client competitive basis selects from several proposals the one that best suits him in terms of quality and price, after which he concludes a contract with a consultant of his choice.

The post-project stage consists in analyzing the changes that have taken place in the client company, resolving issues related to the possible expansion of the project in connection with new problems - either identified during the implementation of the project, or arising as a result of the company reaching a new state as a result of the project. As part of this stage, the final financial settlements of the client with the consultant and self-analysis of the consultant's activities are also carried out in order to comprehend the experience gained for use in other projects.


The services provided by a consulting firm can take the following main forms:

1. Analytical activity (analysis and evaluation of on-farm and financial activities client enterprise, analysis of investment projects, research of competitors, sales markets, movement prices etc.);

2. Forecasting (based on the analysis carried out and the methods used by the consultant - making forecasts in the above areas);

3. Consultations on the widest range of issues related to both the activities of the client company and the market as a whole;

4. Audit of the activity of the client enterprise;

5. Participation in the activities of the client enterprise ( strategic planning, solving a set of problems associated with company management in various areas of the enterprise, as well as the development and implementation of information systems, system integration, etc.).

Types of consulting

There are two main kind classification of consulting services:

1) in terms of the subject of counseling - subject-specific classification;

2) in terms of the method of counseling - methodological classification.

More common because it is more understandable to consumers of consulting services. In accordance with it, consulting services are qualified depending on the sections (elements) of management to which they are directed: general, financial management, production management etc.

Concerning methodological classification, then it is professionally focused on the consultants themselves, as it qualifies them depending on the methods of work. According to this classification, there are expert, process and training consulting.

It should also be noted that the classifications published by national and international associations of consultants often combine subject-specific and methodological approaches, although focusing more on the first. In addition, they include in the list of consulting services and other professional services. An example of such a "synthetic" approach is the above classification of the European directory of consultants in economics and management, published under the auspices of FEACO. This classification includes, on the one hand (by subject), such services as provision of information technology, industrial engineering, management training (training), public relations, etc., which constitutes professional services, and on the other hand, such types consulting, as training consulting, i.e. counseling method.

Types of consulting services according to the directory

Types of consulting services according to the classification of the European Directory of Management Consultants:

1. General management

1.01 determining the effectiveness of the management system

1.02 business valuation

1.03 innovation management

1.04 competitiveness assessment/market research

1.11 project management

1.12 quality management

1.13 reengineering

1.14 research and development

1.15 strategic planning

1.16 benchmarking

1.17 search for partners

1.18 internal management

1.19 export and import management

1.20 crisis management

2. Administration

2.01 document flow analysis

2.02 placement or relocation of departments

2.03 office management

2.04 company and management practices

2.05 risk management

2.06 security guarantees

2.07 planning of working premises and their equipment

3. Financial management

3.01 accounting systems

3.02 capital cost estimation

3.03 turnover of the organization

3.04 cost reduction

3.06 profit increase

3.07 increase income

3.08 taxation

3.09 financial reserves

4. Personnel management

4.01 professional movement and downsizing

4.02 corporate culture

4.03 equal opportunity

4.04 personnel search

4.05 selection of personnel

4.06 health and safety

4.07 incentive programs

4.08 internal communications

4.09 score works

4.10 labor agreements and employment

4.11 management training

4.12 workforce planning

4.13 motivation

4.14 pensions

4.15 performance analysis

4.16 psychological assessment

4.17 remuneration

4.18 staff development

4.19 conflict resolution

4.20 training

5.02 corporate image and public relations

5.03 Customer after-sales service

5.04 design

5.05 straight market analysis

5.06 international market analysis

5.07 market research

5.08 market analysis strategy

5.09 new product development

5.11 Retailing and dealership

5.12 management sales

5.13 training marketing

5.14 socio-economic research and forecasting

6. Production

6.01 automation

6.02 equipment use and maintenance

6.03 industrial engineering

6.04 recycling of materials

6.05 regulation of internal distribution of materials

6.06 packaging

6.07 scheme of the company works at the enterprise

6.08 product design and improvement

6.09 production management

We will look at the answers to these questions in the video with a successful business coach Sergey Zmeev “How to create a consulting empire?”.

Consulting is

Sources of the article "Consulting" - the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - dictionary site consulting and training in St. Petersburg - website of ACE Consulting Company - website about tax planning and tax optimization - financial dictionary on the website of Academician dictionaries - Modern Economic Dictionary Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. - Control Library - management - Information and analytical resource - Magazine "Optimist" - site "The Big Question" - consulting

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .


The world's largest consulting firms today include PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG (KPMG). They are also called the "Big Four".

The services of consulting companies in most cases are used by managers, management apparatus, managers of departments.

Companies may use the services of external consultants in two cases. Firstly, when the company is small and is at the active stage of its development. In this case, she does not have her own structural units capable of solving the problem.

Secondly, the services of consulting companies are often used by large corporations. The point is that the outsourcing of a consulting division is due to considerations of economic feasibility and makes it possible to reduce staff costs.

Usually, a consulting company is contacted in difficult crisis situations. For example, in the event of a drop in sales, loss of market share and a decrease in the competitiveness of products. Consultants can help reorient the business to more promising niches for development or develop marketing strategy company or competitive strategy. But the solution of critical situations is not the only function of a consulting company.

Often her clients are companies that involve business development and the search for new areas of development. To this end, consultants marketing research market, determine the most promising niches for its development, analyze the activities of competitors, make a pre-investment assessment of business projects, and forecast the development of market segments. They can also carry out internal audit activities of the company to identify problem areas within the organization.

External consultants can solve the internal problems of the company, providing the management with a plan for optimizing business processes, building a management structure in the organization, motivating staff, etc. They can also directly participate in the management of the company, carry out strategic and tactical planning.

The main goal of HR consulting is to increase the efficiency and individual productivity of employees.

Another activity of consulting companies is the development and implementation of information systems, as well as system integration.

A new area of ​​consulting is the so-called personal consulting. Unlike traditional psychological counseling, it aims to develop strategies personal development, the formation of a system of relations.

Types of consulting companies

Consulting companies are extremely diverse. From the point of view of the profile of activity, they can be broadly specialized (which cover the entire range of consulting services) and highly specialized (providing only one type of service - for example, audit of companies or IT consulting).

According to the methods of activity, expert, process and training consulting are distinguished.

Localization distinguishes between domestic and international consulting.

According to the range of tasks solved by consulting companies, one can single out specialists in the field of commercial, financial, legal, environmental, technological consulting, etc.

Business development is influenced by multiple factors, and sometimes the strategy for its functioning is not clear.

If it is difficult for the management of the company to calculate some steps, then it is useful to see the activities of the company from the outside with the help of a competent person. They often act as a consulting company that produces a specific type of service to optimize the activities of various business structures.

Consulting to some extent there is a rescue of other companies in the modern world of economic and technological risks and crisis processes business development. It makes no sense for enterprises to spend money on creating their own advisory service; it is enough, if necessary, to attract outside professionals. Consulting services incredibly popular today, because any company wants to win in the fierce competition.

The concept and characteristics of consulting

Consulting refers to business activities for the provision of consulting services to various companies. The concept itself is borrowed from English and means "consulting". It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the scope of the consulting firm. According to popular opinion consulting as long as there are main and support functions or departments in a large manufacturing company (management, legal service, finance, sales, technology, IT service, strategy, etc.).

primary goal activities of a consulting company - optimization, increasing the efficiency of the business of its clients.

Traditional types of services consulting firm in all areas of the production sphere of the enterprise are:

  1. analysis,
  2. diagnostics,
  3. audit,
  4. forecasting,
  5. substantiation of development prospects,
  6. trainings, etc.

Help can consist of both competent advice and practical assistance in the work of the client.

All tools, methods and technologies consulting must be verified and scientifically sound. Consultants are required to provide their services with the maximum degree of objectivity. It is unacceptable to use existing connections and relationships in the business world to solve customer problems.

consulting specialist(consultant) must have a higher education and work experience in the chosen field. He must combine such traits as communication skills, flexibility of thinking, willingness to compromise, be knowledgeable in legal and organizational issues, marketing, computer literacy, accounting, securities.

When services of these companies are needed

Motives for appeal in consulting firms can be the following:

  • The company's need for knowledge, experience, fresh ideas;
  • Overcoming a critical situation in one or more areas of the company;
  • Lack of agreement on an important issue among the company's management personnel;
  • Assistance in the completion of business projects.

At the same time, consulting professionals are not responsible for the final result of the activities of their clients, since they cannot interfere in the internal affairs of organizations. With the help of consultants, the firm itself approaches integrated systems vision domestic situation cases, existing problems in production, as well as to options their solutions, further strategic planning.

It's important to understand that companies don't necessarily turn to consultants when they're already in crisis. On the contrary, many large reputable enterprises want to consolidate and strengthen their commercial success, take care of expanding the scale of their activities, finding the right unhindered path for further development.

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Varieties of consulting services

Despite the universality of the consulting business, it can be distinguished many sustainable varieties of services depending on the areas of activity in the structure of any company.

Let's pay attention to some of them:

  1. Audit;
  2. Legal;
  3. Investment;
  4. Financial;
  5. managerial;
  6. Small business consulting;
  7. IT consulting, etc.

In the process audit consulting the collection, receipt and comprehensive assessment of all systems of the applied company is carried out, the real situation on this moment time. It also establishes the correct and reliable financial reporting enterprise and its compliance with existing legal norms.

Specialists in the field legal consulting provide assistance in all necessary legal matters(civil, administrative, housing, land, family, etc.). Assistance is provided in the drafting and conclusion of contracts, conduct in litigation, licensing issues. Full confidentiality of the appeal to consultants is guaranteed.

Investment consulting includes an analysis of fundraising and leasing strategies in the enterprise. In the first case, the search for an investor in a specific business project is carried out. Here, it is important to assess the investment opportunities of a business, taking into account the base potential investors available in any reputable consulting firm. Leasing is associated with the acquisition or transfer of property to individuals or enterprises with the right of its further redemption.

To field of activity financial consulting can be attributed to the search for the most effective financial strategy for the consulting firm. At the same time, all possible actions to optimize the financial system at the enterprise are taken into account, the search for profitable sources of financing and options for increasing the productivity indicator is carried out.

Management consulting, which is subdivided into marketing, strategic and personnel , seeks to offer the most effective scheme for managing the firm. The work model of a particular company is analyzed, a comprehensive assessment of the state of the enterprise and its main goals is given, a management strategy and an anti-crisis program are developed in case of problems in the management sphere.

Small Business Consulting- young and promising developing direction in the consulting market. A small start-up company needs advice from competent experts on business development, credit and investment policy, cost optimization and profit increase.

IT consulting is a relatively new but in-demand area of ​​consulting. The range of questions includes: assistance in organizing an IT service at an enterprise, determining an automation strategy, creating a corporate information system and its further management.

Criteria for choosing a consulting firm

Since the services of consulting companies are of considerable importance in the development of their clients' business, and are also characterized by high cost, it is important to choose the right company that specializes in consulting services. In this case it's better give preference proven specialists with a solid experience in the service market, as well as those who have provided serious positive results in the business activities of their clients.

It should be understood that trustworthy consultants must not only provide their clients with all the necessary information services, but also ensure that the firm achieves a positive result in a particular business issue.

Exist certain criteria, allowing the most optimal approach to the choice of a consulting company:

  • The length of the company's activities;
  • Qualification of specialists, professional experience;
  • Price of consulting services;


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