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Coming up with an idea for a business is one thing. But putting it into practice is a completely different thing. Many business ideas remain unrealized for one simple reason - lack of money. One category of people, we will call them failed businessmen, leave their idea until better times or completely forget about it. The other is looking for all sorts of ways to bring the project to life. They gut the "stash", take loans or think about how to find sponsors.

How to find sponsors for your business: 5 search options + 3 steps to fundraising

Before asking yourself the question of how to find sponsors for a business, you need to understand for yourself how we imagine these same sponsors, what you yourself can offer them. Just because no one will give money. The sponsor must always be confident in the profitability of the project, so it is necessary to provide him with full information about the business idea.

Therefore, we will divide our story into two blocks: the first - we will find out where to find sponsors, as well as who can become them. Second, we will define the main steps of how to find sponsors for the project.

Where to find sponsors: 5 ways to raise money for business development

So, who can act as a sponsor? Who can you ask for money? As they say, where to start, where to run? And let's start with the simplest - with our relatives and friends.

Relatives and friends

You need to contact friends or relatives - entrepreneurs, and those involved in a business close to your idea. Sponsors give money for a reason, firstly, they must be sure that your project will be profitable. And secondly, you will need to advertise the sponsor's services. This can be done both at the presentation of your project and after it.

For example, you are going to open a beauty salon, and your relative is engaged in production. cosmetics. Consider that you have found each other - he gives you money for promotion, and you not only advertise his products, but also use them in your activities, i.e. here the sponsor also acts as a supplier.

Big businessmen

If among relatives or acquaintances there was no one suitable, contact the entrepreneurs of your city. Gather the necessary information about the companies you are interested in and come up with a proposal to their leader. In our example, we are looking for organizations related to cosmetology: cosmetic products, specialized equipment, and so on.

By the way, entrepreneurs themselves are often not averse to sponsoring profitable projects. If they have free funds, then they would rather invest them in a profitable business than keep them just like that. The main thing is to prove to them that "the game is worth the candle." For more information on how to convince sponsors that the project will be successful, read the chapter "how to find sponsors for a project".

Regional state structures

If you think that your innovation will help the development of the region, or maybe it is connected with some scientific discoveries, then feel free to contact the city administration with a request for a grant.

A grant is a kind of gratuitous amount for starting a business. It is clear that many start-up entrepreneurs apply for a grant, but not everyone who wants it receives this grant. The main thing here is to prove that your project will not only bring you profit, but, first of all, it will be useful to society.

For example, if you want to open a car rental company, then you don’t even have to think about a grant. But the idea of ​​opening a mini-bakery specializing in the so-called "healthy" bread: dietary, whole grain, BIO or "live" may well qualify for the help of the region.

Technopark and business incubator

Structures such as business incubators and technology parks that help young entrepreneurs have become widespread. Sponsorship here is to create favorable conditions for the start of business development.

New businessmen are offered training services in the basics of entrepreneurship, accounting and other important sciences. A fully equipped office with furniture, office equipment, etc. is also provided on favorable terms. Assistance is provided both in writing business plans and in finding sponsors.

Banks and credit organizations

If you don’t seriously think about the question “how to find sponsors” at all and you are confident in your creditworthiness, then you can simply contact the bank for a loan. But then you will need to find guarantors, you must have a good credit history, you will need to find property secured. As a rule, the amount for business development is not small, and whether this business will be profitable is still unknown.

The pitfall when contacting the bank is the high interest on the loan. Therefore, this option of obtaining funds for business development is very risky.

How to find sponsors for a project: 3 main steps to sponsor money

So, we have decided where to look for sponsors, now we will write down the steps that will help us “reach out” to them.

Step 1. Decide on the amount, develop a business plan

Before we ask ourselves how to find sponsors, we ourselves must have a clear idea about our future project. It is necessary to clearly know how much we will need, to put all the costs on the shelves, to plan the profit. Of course, for the sponsor, the project that involves a larger amount of planned profit will be more attractive. Equally important is the payback period of the project.

The inclusion of a section in the business plan on possible risks and their assessment, as well as a development plan for this type of activity with all calculations. Do not be too lazy to draw up a business plan in a beautiful and high-quality way - you have yet to submit it. The printed paper must be of high quality. Accompany the material with graphic data.

A well-designed business development strategy is the first step for a successful search for sponsors!

Step 2. We attract sponsors

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Sponsors will not know about you until you declare yourself. How? Now we'll find out.

  1. Post information

Business associations or business associations have been set up in almost every city. Apply there. Maybe that's where there is a person who wants to invest their money.

Stopped at borrowed funds? Apply to banks and credit organizations. You can place ads looking for sponsors through some business publications. Moreover, it can be both electronic and printed sources.

  1. Visit the "right" places

What shall we include here? Business forums, meetings aimed at helping new entrepreneurs. You can find out about such events through the Internet or online forums.

Step 3. Project presentation

So, the sponsor is found, the stage of persuasion begins. The business plan has been drawn up, now it is necessary to present it correctly. That's right, it means not to leave any doubts with the sponsor about the profitability of your proposal. It is necessary to inform him both about your goals and plans for the future, and about the benefits that the sponsor will receive by investing in your project.

Plan your presentation to fit within 5-7 minutes. Don't forget visuals. Slides are the best. Prepare answers to possible questions that you will no doubt be asked. For your part, also prepare a number of questions that interest you. Any person likes to be asked about him. By asking questions, you will make it clear that you have inquired about the sponsor and its activities and are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation.

How to find sponsors for an event: 3 steps to what you want

Another issue that I would like to highlight in this article is how to find sponsors for the event. Let's say you open the same beauty salon and in honor of its opening you decide to hold a local beauty contest. A competition is a competition, but money is also needed for it. How to find them?

Again, we are looking for sponsors, especially with an event interconnected with the main activity, you can kill two birds with one stone: find sponsors both for the planned event and for further cooperation.

Preparatory work

First, before looking for sponsors, you need to provide all the information about the event. Describe both the purpose and duration of the event, describe in detail the program and participants of the event.

Do not forget to mention sponsors in advertising. For example, place advertisements for sponsored products on invitation flyers. You can also use their products as prizes in the competition. Even if other prizes are used, they can be placed in bags with the sponsor's logo.

Working with sponsors

The next step in how to find sponsors for the event will be direct phone calls to potential patrons. Feel free to both write them letters and make calls. And do it regularly. Keep up to date with how the preparations for the event are going on, which of the authorities supported your event, where the advertisement was given.

Do not forget also about direct meetings with sponsors. Show them promotional products with their logo, listen to both comments and wishes. Show a sincere interest in their activities, make inquiries about them, follow their achievements.

Many sponsors are not satisfied with only advertising about them during the event. They need direct access to customers. Try to make this way out! And the first step will be, of course, the distribution of prizes from sponsors. If people are satisfied with the products or services, then in the future they themselves will turn to the right address.

After the event

At the end of the event, do not forget to thank the sponsors in writing, as well as give some statistical data characterizing the event. For example, tell how many people were present, reflect the number of both donated and purchased products, give them a copy of the promotional product. By the way, don't forget to include your contact details.

If the sponsor is satisfied with the advertising campaign carried out as part of your event, then the next time he will contact you.


So, if you decide on your own project, but do not have finances at all, do not hesitate to turn to third-party resources. We hope you find our tips on how to find sponsors helpful.

The development of any business can be hindered by the lack of financial resources. If you manage to organize your own enterprise, the problem of financing it becomes a priority. In such a situation, sponsors can come to the rescue and help build your business the way you planned. Sponsorship is a winning mechanism for both parties. Sponsors provide you with finances, and they themselves receive wide advertising company or advertising your brand.

You also had to face the problem of attracting sponsors for own enterprise? You may not be using the best approach to prospective sponsors. After putting in a lot of effort in planning and building your business, you can end up in real frustration - having to cut back on major expenses because you can't get investors to fund your business. If you want to be entrepreneurial and cut costs at the same time, or if you don't have enough money to start your own business, financial support is a must. Yes, it is not easy to attract investors, and you have probably already encountered difficulties related to this issue. Market competition is great, the economic downturn is a vivid confirmation of this. When companies try to cut costs, they all want one thing: the best balance of price and quality. If your business is sponsored, then sponsors will expect decent advertising that is worth their cost.

First of all, you must interest sponsors. Tell them how their financial participation in your business will help them expand their customer base, inform a new segment of consumers about their services and products.

Give sponsors a clear picture of your partnership with them. Mark every detail related to the development of the business, the expected results, and emphasize the prospects that your sponsors will receive as a result of the investment. So you will be able to outline the reputation of your company, inspire greater investor confidence.

If you are raising sponsor funds to make or sell something in the future that you have not yet touched, you need to convince potential sponsors that their participation in the business is win-win, and financing it will be a very wise investment, and long-term The benefits of the deal are undeniable. First of all, you need to have excellent presentation skills in order to win the trust of sponsors. Tip: never lose faith in the success of the enterprise and constantly radiate confidence.

When offering sponsorship to an investor, do not rush to him with documents regarding the deal and expect that the investor will immediately agree to your offer. You can be given many reasons why your offer deserves to be rejected. You need good speaking skills, you also need good equipment for negotiations. You need to foresee possible changes, be flexible, you need to anticipate the questions of investors, evaluate what they may be interested in in your business project.

So how can you make sure that a potential sponsor has considered your offer without looking a little aggressive? Professionals know one rule: it is necessary to “guide” sponsors in order to be aware of their intentions regarding the project, but this should not be done by e-mail or telephone, but through personal meetings.

Remember the main thing: never lose hope for the success of negotiations with potential sponsors, even if there is one week left before the event or investment date. Know that any sponsorship is good in itself, any sponsorship has a beneficial effect on your finances. When you're negotiating with potential sponsors to find out their terms of financial support for your business, make sure you can reach out to a manager, if you have one, before the deal closes. Among other things, you must have legal proof that the sponsor agrees to fund your event or venture. It is also desirable to receive half of the sponsorship funds before the sponsored event. This provides a certain guarantee. But there is another approach to business, when only reliable business partners, managerial skills and dexterity are required. Such a case requires a separate discussion. Good luck in finding sponsors and business development!

Prepared by the editors: "Business GiD"

Starting your own business often requires raising outside capital. Most start-up entrepreneurs think about how to find a sponsor - to create a profitable and promising business and, at the same time, minimize the influence of the wealthy investor on the performance of the new company.

The search for financial assistance is also necessary for work in the field of charity - the organization of a sports team, kindergarten, fund or development other not commercial activities. To search for investment capital, you need to apply to a bank or a credit institution, or try to find a person who wants to invest his free capital in a profitable business.

In order to find an investor who will invest in your new business project, you must first of all prepare a detailed business plan - with market analysis, organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, calculation of technical and economic indicators, risk assessments, etc. You can prepare such a document yourself or resort to the help of specialists. You can raise money in any kind of business - wholesale or retail, manufacturing, travelling, organizing sports events, opening a catering establishment, a private kindergarten, a beauty salon or a mini-hotel, etc.

When looking for financial assistance, you need to consider the following features:

  • The amount of capital required. The greater the amount of initial investment that will need to be attracted, the higher the requirements of a potential sponsor (sponsor team) for a business project in which money will be invested. To create a company in the service sector (travel and tourism, development of design or marketing campaigns, accounting, etc.) you will need 10-15,000 USD. For organization trading business costs can vary from 25,000 cu, when starting a production, it may require from 100,000 to several million cu.
  • Availability of collateral. Such an object can be real estate, vehicle, other assets of the borrower. In most banks and other financial institutions, a business development loan is issued only if there is a developed business project and material security. When issuing a loan for the organization of commercial activities in the provision of services - organizing travel, providing sports services or sponsoring a team of business coaches - the presence of a collateral becomes especially significant.
  • Project profitability. The higher the size of the planned profit, the more interesting the proposed business plan for the sponsor. When calculating the feasibility study of the project, it is necessary to take into account several indicators of the planned profit - optimistic, real and pessimistic.

How to find a sponsor for a business - search activities:

  • Submission of an application to a bank or credit organizations. To financial institution reviewed your application, it is necessary to carry out market analysis activities, as well as develop a business project - according to the template that this particular institution requires.
  • Placing information that you are looking for a wealthy investor in local business associations and entrepreneurs' associations. Very often in such teams there are many people who are looking for where to invest money for profit. To get the help of such investors, you will also need to provide technical economic justification project. There are such business associations in every major city.
  • Attending investment and business forums. Search for information about such events can be done through the Internet or in specialized online forums.
  • Appeal to venture capital companies. Such applications should be submitted only if you want to bring to the market an innovative product that has no analogues on the market. New technologies that you want to bring to market with the help of a venture company must be patented - this way you can prove your authorship and increase the credibility of potential sponsors.
  • If you are thinking about where to find a sponsor, you can also place your ad in business publications (print or electronic) aimed at investors, top managers or business owners.

Benefits of starting a business with borrowed funds

There are a number of advantages to starting a business with borrowed capital:

  • The possibility of organizing a medium or big business. For example, in order to organize industrial enterprise, transport company, retail or entertainment network, you will need help - attracting big capital. Often, an entrepreneur's own funds are sufficient only to organize a company in the service sector (travel agency, advertising agency, legal or accounting services etc.), but to create a manufacturing company or trading network significant investment will be required.
  • Combining monetary assets, knowledge and connections of team members, which allows to increase the competitiveness of the new company.

How to find a sponsor for a charity project

In order to implement a charity project, you need a sponsor, a wealthy businessman, the owner of a large company or a politician who plans to run for local government in the near future. Such business ideas include various non-profit events - the organization of a teenage football team or other sport; patronage of a kindergarten - raising funds to buy clothes, gifts and travel vouchers; organization of free sports clubs and sections; a free consultation center to help the socially vulnerable population, etc.

In order to convince a person to invest in your unprofitable project, you need to think through the arguments and benefits that he will receive from the investment (non-material). These benefits include increased reputation and increased visibility of the company or individual. Often, activities such as supporting charitable projects and helping people allow a company to focus on its social orientation, which as a result allows you to attract new customers, partners and, as a result, increase the company's profit and the value of its assets. Participation in charitable and sports projects also helps to raise the team spirit of the company.

How to calculate the cost of opening a project

If you need a sponsor to organize a business, the first step is to prepare a business plan - a detailed document describing the essence of the activity, organization activities, production and organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, business case, etc. For a non-profit event, you also need to draw up a document with a description concepts, basic organizational arrangements, the cost of discovery and development.

When calculating a business plan for commercial activities, you need to provide a future wealthy investor with data such as:

  • primary costs (purchase of premises and equipment, software products, cost of registration legal entity etc.);
  • monthly income and expenses (sales plan, expenses for wages, purchase of raw materials and materials, advertising events, etc.);
  • average profitability (calculated as the arithmetic average for all positions in the product range or services);
  • payback period of the project.

In order to increase the attractiveness of the proposal for the investor, it is imperative to provide a section with a risk assessment for the project, as well as a development plan for this area (with economic calculations).


Before looking for sponsors, calculate exactly how much money you need to complete the project. In the event that you assume a small budget, then it will be quite enough for you to cooperate with only one potential flow financing. If your project is grandiose in its idea, then take care to create an offer that will be of interest to several sponsors at once.

In both cases, you must interest people who can help you in the implementation of your idea. In order to do this, you need, at least when presenting your project, to match the image that you create. Try to offer different ideas for the implementation of your project to different sponsors, this will surely interest them.

It is necessary to invite to the presentation of your project an audience that, in terms of its parameters, would overlap by 90-95% with the audience interested in the sponsor's products. In particular, if you hold an event that will be dedicated to expensive and elite varieties of cheese, it will certainly arouse interest among their producers. Most importantly, the audience that you are counting on as buyers must overlap with the audience that the sponsor is counting on.

There are a huge number of sponsorship packages on the Internet that you can use as samples when working on your project. Pay special attention to the formulation of your goals, the clarity and structure of the presentation of the essence of the project and the point in which you will need to clearly state the benefits that the sponsor can receive if the case is successful.

There are two types of sponsors. Some have money to invest, but do not have sufficient experience in evaluating projects. They invest money and lose it. Other sponsors set high standards for projects and carefully select them. But if you pass the initial conditions, then with such a sponsor you are practically doomed to success. Such people competently control the project and warn you against mistakes. Consider preparing for a meeting with a sponsor of the second type.


Analyze the result and make adjustments to the plan. In reality, things may not go as planned. Now you can really compose good plan because they experienced all the hardships.

Create a second growing point. Now things will go differently. Your task is to work out the nuances so that the plan becomes real. step by step guide.

Write a business plan based on the figures. It's time to make a plan for the sponsor. It will differ from the standard plans drawn up by theorists. After all, you do not take numbers "from the ceiling." This is what will make the plan attractive to good investors.

Show the plan to a potential sponsor. You can apply to anyone with money. If you meet a sponsor of the second type, he will not give a "turn from the gate" because of unreasonable and unproven figures.

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The considered approach requires time, patience, some costs. But by contacting a sponsor, you will have confidence based on the results you get. There will be amazing courage.

Useful advice

Don't be afraid that someone will borrow your idea. There are many ideas in the world, but it takes a dedicated person to implement them. No one is better than you with your idea.


  • Lack of sponsors can be catastrophic


Not only firms need sponsorship, but also people (athletes), even many young people are looking for a sponsor. Important role plays information. If you have the necessary information about where to look for a sponsor in the first place and know what a particular company is, then the search will not drag on for for a long time.

An important point is right choice sponsor, it must suit you. For example, beauty is not suitable for a sponsor who produces engines for cars, and for a football match - hygiene products for women. The sponsor must have the means, be suitable for the type of work you are doing, and have at least one person who can work with the media.

Once you have found the right company for you, contact its director or public relations manager. AT large companies there must be a manager to provide sponsorship, or to promote the product to the market. Moreover, in such companies sometimes there are special departments dealing with this issue.

The next step is to get attention. After all, potential sponsors are attracted by bright and creative projects that will help create an interesting image of their company or brand. Showcase the full potential of your industry or society. Athletes, for example, can take part in various competitions. This will help raise their popularity, but again, this will require a sponsor. Prepare an interesting offer that will be of interest.

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Useful advice

If you do everything right, sponsorship is guaranteed to you.

Sport is a serious matter, especially if you approach it from the financial side. It happens that a very talented and capable athlete goes unnoticed by society, and against the background of the fact that he has to work somewhere to earn his living, the sports potential remains unused.


For solutions financial issue both in sports and in many other areas of life, there is sponsorship. If you are a talented athlete who wants to build a sports club, live for the sake of passion and get involved for the sake of life, then first of all show up in society, reveal your talent in public, make sure that as many people as possible know about you. Participate in various sports competitions in your city. Try also to get to the regional and regional. Make the most of it.

Visit special sites where athletes look for their sponsors, register your account and actively promote it by adding various information about your sports successes and achievements. Build your portfolio often.

In the event that you have found a potential sponsor for yourself, competently introduce yourself or contact the director of the company or the director of public relations, if there is one in the company.

Compose the appeal from 4 parts: - justification. In it, correctly compose a resume, describe your plans for the future; - advantages. Here describe what advantages the sponsoring company will have when working with you;- . In this paragraph, touch on issues related to various bonuses from the company, such as, for example, cash bonuses for certain achievements, product bonuses, trips, and so on; - opportunities. Present a few ideas that will help expand the popularity of a product or trade using the features of your cooperation with the company.

At the final stage, carefully study the terms of the contract offered to you by the sponsoring company. The terms of the contract contain certain plans of the company that can be implemented faster from working with you. Do everything to ensure that these plans lead to the expected results.


  • sponsors for athletes

Government funding educational institutions does not always satisfy all their needs and requirements. Modern equipment, good repair, high-quality furniture, bright holidays - all this becomes impossible due to lack of funds at the school. Seeking sponsorship is a good way out of the situation.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - telephone;
  • - a document on the purpose of assistance.


Make a clear document in which all items of expenditure will be spelled out. Getting money without a specific goal will be extremely difficult. Try to make the occasions really meaningful, like fixing a leaky roof or buying sports equipment.

Form a public and social image. Participate in competitions and olympiads, make a well-filled school website, publish a newspaper. Promote the most talented students. Sponsors will be much more willing to allocate funds to support young talents and the development of the school than for the domestic needs of the educational institution.

Reach out to parents at the meeting. Prepare a short speech with weighty arguments that should convince parents that sponsorship is needed. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to count on what will be found directly at the meeting. It is quite possible that one of them will turn to the management of the enterprise in which he works

No matter how promising your business idea is, sponsors themselves will never come running. They need to be found, interested, convinced of the need to work with you. It turns out that almost anyone who knows about the rules of communication with investors can do this.

First of all, the owner of a start-up company must analyze the specific needs of his offspring. Do we need money or services, advertising or equipment?.. Depending on the answer, we determine the search area for the depositor. Often the sponsor is found in our field of activity or a related field. For example, the search for a rental space for a store may well lead us to such an owner who sees the prospect in this business and wants to invest in it.

There are specialized sites on the Internet that help the investor and the applicant meet. On such web sites it is possible to create a profile of your project, as well as get ready-made offers support.

We are looking for a financial backer. Is he 100% passionate about the idea to be ready to do the best for us? Have we developed a personal relationship and can we interact productively? Incorrect cooperation can negatively affect our business.

It is important to understand that sponsorship is not free. By accepting support, for our part, we undertake to fulfill certain conditions of the investor. It could be free advertising its organization, payment of dividends from invested funds, and so on.

When presenting your company, indicate goals, opportunities and prospects. Separately indicate the benefits that the investor will receive from cooperation. Concrete motivation is the way to conclude a contract.

Look for an investor in advance even before the need for it arises. Even if investments are needed at a later stage of development, it is worth taking care of the connections today.

Do not attract too many sponsors to the project. A board of directors consisting of 5-6 people is much less likely to quickly come to a compromise than a group of 3-4 investors.

The described steps for finding an investor are almost universal. The main thing - interesting idea and readiness not only to take, but also to give in return. These whales keep favorable relations with any sponsor.


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