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A USB key is outwardly indistinguishable from a regular USB flash drive. But inside there are not vacation photos or favorite music, but an electronic digital signature protected by a special program. To prevent scammers from using the signature, you need to enter a PIN code, which in the test version consists of 10 characters. Using a USB key, the registration procedure on the public services portal is reduced tenfold. Until now, in order to get a login and password, one had to wait for weeks until valuable information reached the channels of the Russian Post. With a USB key, this will take several hours. A flash drive with an EDS costs 600 rubles, but as they promise in Rostelecom, this is only at first. When more companies join the production, the price will be brought down to 300 rubles.

The electronic digital signature that will be stored on this flash drive will be of three types and, accordingly, of different degrees of protection. For various kinds public services will be required different types EDS. According to experts, the introduction of EDS will expand opportunities for business and government document flow: after all, the time for processing requests will be reduced, while the information will be under reliable protection. However, adherents of traditional autographs should not worry. By law, the use of EDS is voluntary.

In a number of countries, EDS has long been introduced. There is both European and American experience, but, according to experts, for Russian realities make the best use of what has been developed in terms of the use of EDS in Germany. According to the Director of the Department of Legal Support of the Ministry information technologies and communications of Mikhail Yakushev, a detailed classification of electronic digital signatures. At the level of the law, it is prescribed what requirements are imposed on certification centers. The German law is based on the European directive on the use of electronic signatures. On the basis of German experience, it has already been clarified which provisions of this directive are viable and which have not been justified in practice. In particular, the Germans paid great attention to the problem of transferring a signature certificate in the event of termination of the certification center. The German experience shows that this is a very complex issue, and if the state regulates the activities of certification centers, then it must constantly monitor the fulfillment by these centers of the relevant requirements.

Electronic document management has become widespread in Germany. This system is an integral part of the interaction between residents of settlements and local administrations, between companies that serve local administrations. This system makes it possible to promptly resolve issues that now take several days or even weeks to resolve in Russia.

12/25/2018, Sasha Bukashka

Probably many have heard about it, but not everyone is well aware of what it is for and how to acquire it. We will try to answer all questions and tell you how to get an EDS for an individual.

What is an electronic signature

(abbreviated as CPU, ES or EDS) makes it possible to identify the identity of the signatory. Verification is a unique sequence of several characters that is generated using cryptographic transformation of information, in other words, it is a flash drive with a key fob to sign virtual documents, put an electronic signature on various resources and more. Just as a stroke of a pen is an essential requisite for using a paper document, so is an EDS ( electronic signature) is the attribute of a document created on a computer. Just as your handwritten autograph is a unique symbol, so is a digital or electronic signature for individual is also unique. A document on the Internet signed with an EDS has legal force, the same as the data on a paper document signed with one's own hand.

By the way, “cloud” electronic signatures have been issued for several years now - those that are stored on the server of the certification center, and the user gets access to them via the Internet. This is convenient, because you can access the signature from any device with Internet access, and you do not need to think about carrying a flash drive with you everywhere. But this type of EDS also has a minus - they are not suitable for working with state portals (for example, State Services or the website of the Federal Tax Service).

Who needs and why

There is a certain category of people who absolutely do not need a digital / electronic signature. These people get a special, understandable only to them pleasure, choosing and visiting various institutions, jostling in lines, cursing the weather, and at the same time the authorities of all stripes. But for all other citizens who have access to the Internet, an electronic signature can be very useful. EDS for public services for individuals allows you to access the full range of electronic online services provided by a single portal of public services. With it, you can also:

  • apply for admission to a higher education institution;
  • verify your identity;
  • participate in electronic auctions;
  • conclude contracts for remote work;
  • apply to in electronic format.

How to get an electronic signature for an individual

: simple, qualified and unskilled.

A qualified electronic signature is one that was obtained from a special accredited institution, has full legal force and can be used in courts and other state structures. A qualified digital signature completely replaces the traditional handwritten one.

To obtain a qualified electronic signature of the CPU, contact a specialized Certification Center that has state accreditation for this type of activity. A list of such centers in your region can be found on the public services portal or on the website of the Ministry of Communications. Many citizens prefer to apply for this purpose to the Rostelecom service offices that have been created almost everywhere.

To obtain a special electronic certificate and a flash drive with your ES, you must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance certificate of the State Pension Fund ();
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority ().

You will also need an application and an address. Email.

How to recover EDS

Are you afraid of losing your electronic signature? Most importantly, do not give your PIN to anyone. In this case, no one except you will have access to the electronic signature. If the key is lost or stolen, you need to contact the certification center. There you will receive a new key and an electronic signature verification certificate.

Electronic signature for individuals - public services: free or for money?

In order for the user to send to the tax authorities tax documents(declarations, statements and other information), you can use the so-called enhanced unqualified electronic signature. Its number is obtained absolutely free of charge, without visiting the Certification Center, directly in the "Personal Account of the Taxpayer for Individuals" on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Electronic documents signed in this way are recognized by the tax service as equivalent to paper documents signed by the taxpayer in his own hand. Your email key EDS signatures in this case, it will be stored on your computer or in the "cloud" in the secure storage of the Federal Tax Service.

Well, the third type of electronic signature of the ES - the so-called simple one - is your login and password to enter the system. You receive them when registering on the public services portal after receiving a confirmation code. Here, too, you do not need to pay money, all registration is free.

Meanwhile, in order to get a qualified digital signature, you will have to pay in any case, since the USB drive itself, which you will be given, costs money - about 500-700 rubles.

Some Certification Authorities charge higher amounts for the service. In such cases, the cost, as a rule, includes the provision of a special program for using the CPU (you do not have to look for it yourself and download it from the Internet), detailed instructions, or even training in working with a new device.

Register in advance for public services

In any Certification Authority, you must receive a private key with an electronic signature on a USB drive, a public key and a certificate.

In order to reduce the time for issuing a media with a digital / electronic signature, as well as to be able to immediately check the operation of the device, it is advisable to register on the public services portal before receiving an electronic digital signature.

Validity period of the electronic signature

Many are concerned about the question: how long will they be able to use an electronic autograph. The signature is valid for 1 year from the date of its manufacture, after this period it will need to be renewed. To do this, you will have to go through all the above procedures again.

Modern providers, providing the population with a wide range of telecommunication services, strive to organize their activities as much as possible in the interests of the consumer. Rostelecom is no exception. Every year, new tariff plans and special profitable offer. We are in a hurry to acquaint you with the latest developments of the company, and also consider some features of connecting, changing tariff plans for individuals and technical support functions.

  • Services Rostelecom for individuals

  • Home internet connection

  • Tariff plans for home Internet from RTK

  • Telephony from Rostelecom

  • Basic tariffs for local calls

  • Cost of calls in the region

  • Long distance and international calls

  • Advantages of interactive TV from the provider Rostelecom

  • Specifics of obtaining an electronic signature for individuals Rostelecom

  • Rostelecom hotline for individuals

Wi-Fi does not work on the Rostelecom router.

In what ways you can pay for Rostelecom services via the Internet, you can read here.

Rostelecom tariffs for home Internet for individuals and the conditions for its connection can be found either on the official website of the provider, or by contacting the operator from the support service. The third, more energy-intensive option will require you to visit the company's sales office. So, having decided on the tariff package, which we will discuss in more detail below, you need to decide on the connection method. There are two options:

If you choose a telephone line as a conductor, take care to purchase an ADSL modem that provides the Internet in this mode. It has higher performance than simple analog modems. The provider's technical specialist will help you determine the best connection method. With an equal choice, we recommend that those who like to save money give preference to a telephone line, this type of connection will cost much less. However, a fiber optic connection will provide you maximum speed data transmission, greatly improve the quality of video communication.

Interactive TV or Interactive TV 2.0.

To use the Interactive TV service, you must be a client of RTK. The connection is carried out by wire, using Videosender or PLC-adapters. At your disposal are 5 main TV channels and 9 additional excellent broadcasting quality, a huge library of movies and series. The downside is that such TV only works within the connected household.

This shortcoming is eliminated by activating Interactive TV 2.0, which operates in Russia at Internet access points. The provider of Internet service delivery is not important in this case. True, the channels are much smaller. Additional services in these services are the same. Connection is possible via WiFi or by wire. Payment is made using a personal account or a bank card.

set up Interactive TV through a router.

Where you can see your personal account number, you will read here.

Documents required to obtain a signature:

  • number of insurance certificate of the Pension Fund;

  • the passport;

  • applicant's email.

EDS is issued in the customer service department upon presentation of a list of the specified documents. After a short procedure, you will receive a USB drive for performing operations on the public services portal, accompanied by strict identification. The signature is absolutely free, but for the electronic media you will have to pay a one-time fee of 660 rubles.

Technical support for clients of the Rostelecom provider

You can get help of any kind, advice on a question of interest regarding the services provided by the RTK by phone numbers hotline or on the provider's website by going to the "Support" section.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is systematically working to improve the quality and convenience of obtaining state and municipal services in electronic form. One such measure is an electronic signature.

Currently, relations in the field of the use of electronic signatures are regulated by the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 63-FZ), other federal laws adopted in accordance with them by regulatory legal acts , as well as agreements between participants of electronic interaction. Federal Law No. 63-FZ defines the concept of an electronic signature, establishes its types and requirements for electronic signature tools, with the help of which an electronic signature, an electronic signature key and an electronic signature verification key are created and verified.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 63-FZ, an electronic signature is information in electronic form, which is attached to or otherwise associated with other information in electronic form (signed information) and which is used to identify the person signing the information.

There are the following types of electronic signature: simple electronic signature and enhanced electronic signature. There is a difference between an enhanced unqualified electronic signature and an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Participants in electronic interaction have the right to use an electronic signature of any kind at their discretion, if the requirement to use a specific type of electronic signature in accordance with the purposes of its use is not provided for by federal laws or regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them or by an agreement between participants in electronic interaction in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article four federal law No. 63-FZ.

Information in electronic form signed with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced unqualified electronic signature is recognized electronic document, equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature, in cases established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them, or an agreement between participants in electronic interaction in accordance with Part 2 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 63-FZ.

Information in electronic form, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, is recognized as an electronic document, equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature, and can be used in any legal relationship in accordance with the law Russian Federation, except for the case when federal laws or regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them establish a requirement that the document be drawn up exclusively on paper in accordance with Part 1 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 63-FZ.

Types of electronic signature, the use of which is allowed when applying for state and municipal services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2012 No. 634.

To obtain a simple electronic signature key in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Rules for the use of a simple electronic signature in the provision of state and municipal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 33 of January 25, 2013, you must contact the bodies and organizations providing state and municipal services in electronic form.

To obtain a key certificate for verification of an enhanced unqualified electronic signature, you must contact a certification center.

To obtain a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key, you must contact an accredited certification center.

The list of accredited certification centers is published on site Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation ( in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

On "State Services" and how to get it - this question has been tormenting many users of the "Unified State Portal" since D. Medvedev announced that the EDS will be available to any citizen, and not just organizations.

The simplest services can be obtained without any confirmation - these include, for example, checking traffic police fines. However, these services make up only a small part of the functionality of the Gosuslugi portal. To use the site "to its fullest", you will definitely have to think about getting a verified account - and for this you need an EDS.

Why do you need an EPC

Many thematic portals answer this question very vaguely or do not give an answer at all. Others mislead readers, arguing that with an EDS, a citizen will be able to receive any services at all and he will not even have to leave his own home.

In fact, all services of the Gosuslugi portal are available to a citizen who has passed full registration, regardless of whether he has a confirmation key or not. For example, the information that it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur through "Gosuslugi" only using an EDS is false.

Why do individuals really need an electronic signature on "Gosuslugi"? There are two ways to connect to the All-Russian portal: classic and electronic. Using the classical method, a citizen is forced to fill out numerous forms and forms every time when it is necessary to use any public service. The electronic method involves the use of EDS and saves the user from regular writing.

Conclusion: due to the electronic signature, it is possible to make the procedure for using the “Gosuslugi” portal easier, but the EDS does not provide access to any unique services. The importance of this means of confirmation for the "Gosuslug", alas, is exaggerated.

Will the EDS be useful for other purposes?

Regardless of the "Gosuslug" EDS provides holders with some advantages:

    Possibility to send applications for admission to the university. Everything more educational institutions implement such a practice. In this situation, the presence of an EDS will give a very tangible material benefit: parents will not have to spend money on taking their child around the cities to submit paper applications.

    The right to participate in online bidding. At such auctions, the property of bankrupt companies is usually sold at a liquidation price, which can be several times lower than the market price.

    Possibility of business cooperation via the Internet. EDS is also useful to persons who, on duty, deal with freelancers - people who provide services through the World Wide Web. The signature will make it possible to form an agreement on the performance of work - then cooperation will not be based on a word of honor.

How to get a signature

Given the abundance of services on the state website, users often look for ways to make an electronic signature on the State Services. Unfortunately, there is no such service on the portal. Instructions are devoted to how to obtain an electronic signature for "Gosuslug" in other ways.

    Prepare documents. An individual will need a passport and SNILS. It is also recommended to take a card with you, which contains the e-mail address and postal address at the place of registration. The data will be required when issuing an EDS.

    Contact one of the Certification Centers or MFC. Where can I get an electronic signature key for "Gosuslug"? A win-win option is to visit one of the Rostelecom service offices. There are other options - a complete list of CAs is available on the official portal of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications ( and on the Electronic Government website (

Please note: a citizen should not think about how to get an electronic signature for public services for free - obtaining an EDS does not require money anyway. You will have to spend money only for a USB drive - it costs about 700 rubles.

    Specify that you need a qualified signature. There are also unskilled ones: these can be created on a home computer using a special program. An unqualified confirmation tool has no legal force. Employees of Rostelecom are engaged in registration only qualified signatures, however, if you prefer to go to another, less large organization, it is still worth clarifying this point.

    Submit the documents, pay the cost of the USB-carrier at the cash desk of the CA and sign the application for obtaining an EDS. Then you just have to wait for the employees of the CA to complete the work. They'll probably be done in 30 minutes.

    Get an EDS. The applicant is given:

    The device itself is a USB-drive with a signature.

    Transfer deed.

    Certificate for EDS keys.

    A brief user guide.

How to confirm the authenticity of the EDS through the "Gosuslugi" and in other ways

Confirmation of the electronic signature through the "Gosuslugi" makes it possible to conclude how well the CA employees performed their work. Verification of the certificate of the electronic signature key at the "Gosuslugi" is carried out on this page:

Through the "Upload File" button, you need to find the electronic signature certificate. Obviously, it will be stored on a removable disk (USB-drive).

After entering the numbers, you must click on the "Check" button located just below.

Approximately the same as checking an electronic signature through the "Gosuslugi", you can use the "Single Electronic Signature Portal" to confirm.

Through the "Select" button, find the electronic signature certificate in the explorer, then check the box "I'm not a robot" and click "Check certificate".

The results obtained using both services will be equally correct.

How to confirm an account on "Gosuslugi"

Citizens who do not understand how to use the electronic signature on the "Gosuslug" will be reminded that by filling out forms and entering personal data, they can only get a standard or simplified account. With a simplified account "you can't cook a lot of porridge" - most of the services are closed.

If you do not know the status of your account, go to the "My data" section and pay attention to this information block:

If it means that the account is confirmed, there are no problems - all services are available. The owner of a simplified (or standard) account should think about how to raise the status of his account on "Gosuslugi". This can be done either by ordering a paper letter with a personal code to the post office, or by using an electronic signature.

At the account verification stage, the user will be presented with a choice:

If you have an EDS, you should choose the third option.

The system will ask you to connect a USB device to the device from which you access the Internet. Insert the flash drive and click Finish.

Users who do not know how to find at least some information about the electronic signature on the State Services, this link will be useful Here you can get a lot of information about the use of EDS on the Unified State Portal.

How to use EDS for registration of organizations

An electronic certificate is required to register an organization at the State Services. The registration process itself goes like this.

    Click the "Add organization" button in Personal Account on the portal.

Please note: an organization account is created only if there is a valid individual account. Therefore, if necessary, register a company on the "State Services" CEO must first create a regular account for himself, then create a company account.

    Select the required section: "IP" or "Legal entity".

An electronic signature is not required for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

    By selecting the "Legal entity" section, you will see a brief instruction that says that the key carrier must be connected to the PC already at this stage. It is impossible to extract the EDS until the procedure is completed.

If a legal entity If you cannot do without an electronic signature, then an ordinary citizen should seriously think about whether he needs an EDS and whether the costs of acquiring it will become meaningless. The main advantage of an EDS for an individual is that you can get a verified account on "Gosuslugi" immediately, without waiting a whole month for a letter with the necessary code to arrive in the mail. However, if time allows you to wait - why overpay?


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