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Explanatory note

Artistic work is a universal educational tool that contributes to the development of children's creativity. In the system of developmental education, manual labor occupies an equal place among other types of activity designed to influence the will, mind, feelings of children, to encourage them to creative self-expression.

Main tasks mug for artistic work:

To promote the development of children's ability to create artistic images;

Form an aesthetic taste;

To develop imagination, ingenuity, the desire for creativity, knowledge of the properties of materials;

Develop a desire to experiment.

Physiologists have established that our fingers are organically connected with the brain centers. The level of speech development directly depends on how fine finger movements are formed. To this end, in the younger preschool age I often use finger games in my work. The older the children, the more skills and abilities they have - they are more often attracted to productive activities. Even the simplest handmade require constant attention, make the child think, skillful work with hands further contributes to the improvement of brain activity.

Being engaged in the manufacture of various crafts in a circle, children not only perform certain movements, they also learn to analyze the task, plan the course of its implementation, think about the arrangement of various objects, consolidate knowledge about the properties of various materials. In addition, working in a circle helps me correct the behavior of the so-called hyperexcitable children - guys who have problems communicating with their peers.

Classes are held once a week, in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 30-40 minutes. Also recommended for elementary school teachers.

Expected results.

Children will know:

About the variety of materials from which crafts can be made;

About the properties and qualities of various materials;

About ways to connect parts to each other (using glue, wire, needles, etc.)

About safety while working with scissors, glue, wire, etc.

Children will be able to:

Plan your work;

Negotiate with each other when performing team work;

Analyze, determine the conformity of shapes, sizes, colors, location of parts;

Create individual works;

Use different materials and ways to create items;

Use materials carefully and economically.

October (paperwork)

Topic Target
1 "Fluffy ball" To teach children to show creativity, accuracy in the process of making toys; to cultivate industriousness, to consolidate the skills of working with paper and scissors.
2 "Bunny" Learn to make toys out of paper, supplementing it with details; Cultivate accuracy while working with glue.
3-4 “Bright rug” (trimming) Improve skills in working with scissors, paper; develop fine motor skills of the hands; to cultivate accuracy when working with glue, a tube (paste for a pen).

November (work with natural material)

1 "Kitty" Teach children to use rose hips to make a variety of crafts; learn to work with an awl; to consolidate the skill and ability to analyze a sample of crafts in the process of its implementation; generate interest in working with natural material. Encourage safety precautions when working with an awl.
2 “Leaf fall” (leaf appliqué) To form practical skills in working with a variety of natural materials; when making crafts, measure its parts, develop the imagination of children.
3-4 Collage “Late Autumn” (group work) Improve the ability to work with natural material, use the knowledge acquired in the course of previous classes; encourage children to work together.

December (work with waste material)

1 "Pencil" To develop the creative abilities of children; continue to teach children how to make souvenirs from waste material; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate artistic taste.
2 “Hares on the Forest Lawn” To develop the desire to design, transform one object into another, understanding that its result depends on the creative attitude to work.
3 "Titmouse" ( Christmas tree toy) Direct the child's thinking to solve a specific problem of transforming an object; learn to work quickly and accurately; educate attention and caution.
4 “Herringbone beauty” To consolidate the ability to work creatively with various materials and tools; to encourage the manifestation of invention and diligence, the observance of safety.

January (velvet paper work)

February (decoupage technique)

1 “Beautiful plate” Introduce children to new techniques for making and decorating objects; develop creative abilities, the ability to transform objects; to cultivate accuracy in the performance of work.
2 “Gift for dad” (grandfather) Make children want to prepare a gift for dad for the holiday with their own hands; consolidate the ability to work with various materials; develop motor skills.
3-4 “Vase for flowers” ​​(gift for mom) Arouse the desire to prepare a gift for mom for the holiday of March 8; to consolidate technical skills when working with decoupage napkins.

March (work with fabric and threads)

1 “Napkin gift for grandma” Introduce children to the method of making fabric crafts (teach how to make a fringe on a napkin); develop labor and creative skills in the process of performing a specific task.
2 "Tree of Joy" (collective) To teach children to create compositions on velvet paper from fabric and braid; develop creative abilities; show the kids unlimited possibilities transformative activity in creating fabric crafts using additional material (sequins, beads)
3-4 Panel "Spring" (collective) To develop the ability to select fabric by color, texture, cut out fragments of the required shape and size and place them on the panel; improve teamwork skills.

April (cardboard work)

May (beading)

"Meeting of the Seasons"

Used Books:

1. “Educator of preschool educational institution” No. 7, 2010.

2. Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. What can be made from natural material. - M., 1991.

3. Dybina O.V. "Create, change, transform." - M., 2003.

4. Korotkova E.A. “Drawing, application, designing in kindergarten”. -

Yaroslavl, 2010.

5. Kutsakova L.V. "Design and art work in kindergarten." - M., 2007.

6. Naydenova A.L., Shnurovozova T.V. "Beads and beading" - Rostov-on-Don, 2011.

7. Novikova I.V. “Paper construction in kindergarten”. - Yaroslavl, 2009.

8. Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Smart Hands" - M., 2010.

Club work, not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, has long become the norm for the activity of the teaching staff. The variety of circles, their content is amazing. Nevertheless, no matter how different they may be, in matters of planning and direct organization of work, circles are subject to general laws. We create these associations additional education based primarily on the interests and needs of children. And we draw up plans for their activities, also guided by these considerations.

MAAM will try to help you in your work by offering you samples of work plans for circles of various directions. In particular, cognitive, creative, spiritual and moral, patriotic, folklore, sports and recreational. Here are ready plans club work for the entire academic year or for a more limited period.

Plan activities for additional education with us.

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1078 .
All sections | Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans

Calendar-thematic plan of the circle "Plasticine Tale" in the senior group (September-November) Calendar-thematic plan of the circle"Plasticine fairy tale" in senior group (September-November) Topic No. 1 Diagnostics Identification of children's knowledge in the field of sensory standards of color, shape through didactic material at the beginning of the year. Topic #2"Fairy-tale heroes" Learn to fold...

The plan of individual work in the institution of additional education “Kaleidoscope of creativity. Gifted Children» Caring for gifted children today is caring for the development of science, culture, social life Russia in the future. In this regard, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children in various fields of activity is extremely urgent. It is talented children and youth...

Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans - Thematic work plan of the circle "A healthy mind in a healthy body" in the middle group

Publication "Thematic work plan of the circle "A healthy mind in a healthy body" in ..." June Date Topic Tasks 1 week I am a person Form an idea of ​​myself as a person “I have a body”, “I need a body to live”, “I am different from animals”, what parts does my body consist of?”, cultivate cultural behavior skills Week 2 Personal hygiene rules...

MAAM Pictures Library

Perspective-calendar plan of the Tic-Tac-Toe circle Promising - calendar plan mug "Tic-tac-toe" No. Month topic October 1 1. Monitoring 2. Block "Point". Execution of simple elements according to the model. Objectives: To continue to teach children to navigate on a piece of paper. Fix the orientation in the cell. Keep teaching kids...

Planning the circle "Magic Paper" in the middle group The purpose of the program is the development of children's creative abilities, using paper plastic and origami, the development of imagination, thinking; formation of creative outlook; education of aesthetic qualities of students; instilling an interest in manual labor. Tasks: 1. Teach technical ...

The plan of the circle work of the teacher-psychologist budgetary preschool educational institution Omsk Kindergarten No. 112" AGREED: Head of the Children's Kindergarten No. 112 in Omsk _ Zemerova I.V. "_" _ 2019 Plan of work of the circle "I am a man" preparatory group for the 2019-2020 academic year. Implementation period: 1 year. Age...

Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans - Perspective planning of the circle "Skillful Hands"

Long-term planning of the circle "Skillful hands" preparatory group 2017-2018 academic year Alexandrova S.E. EXPLANATORY NOTE The world in which a person lives today makes people look for clear guidelines, overcome the contradictory nature of many ideas and knowledge, ...

Perspective plan of the circle "Skillful Hands" in the middle group Perspective plan of the circle "Skillful Hands" in middle group. The content of the program of the circle "Skillful Hands": 1. Explanatory note. 2. The content of pedagogical work with children. 3. Perspective-thematic planning. Explanatory note. RELEVANCE. Getting up more and more...

Of great importance is the shape and size of the chisel handle. The most convenient handle shapes in cross section are oval, oval-faceted. The handles should also be slightly oval in length. The end of the handle should be rolled up for easy pressing with the palm of your hand. The length of the chisel handles is from 105 - 130 mm, the average diameter is from 22 to 28 mm.

From the auxiliary tool, the cutter must have a marking tool, a tool for drilling, sawing, etc.

The marking tool is used for drawing patterns, stencils, marking ornaments on workpieces, checking contours and reliefs during the carving process.

In addition, the carver may need carpentry tools to prepare parts for carving: a planer, scraper, etc.

5. Organization of the circle and the basic principles of its work.

The circle is an important link in the system of labor training and education of schoolchildren. This concept means various forms organizations labor activity stable groups of students. Labor circles provide solutions to the issues of educating industriousness, organization, the ability to work in work collective, obey his regime, maintain for a long time business relationship with comrades. Ample opportunities in choosing the content and organization of the work of the circle allow teachers to solve many issues of in-depth study and development of types of labor. At the same time, the interest and independence of choosing a circle, the voluntariness of work in it, contributes to the formation of consciousness in labor activity.

A student goes to a circle for various reasons: to do some thing, to master certain skills, to work together with comrades, to show his abilities, etc. In all cases, his interest is supported and developed by success in work, a major situation, and the expedient expenditure of time and effort. From this follows the specifics of circle work: they do not use punishment, censure and other methods of stimulating the activities of members of the circle, and, on the contrary, encourage business support, help, and advice. In circle work there are no such specific criteria as in educational work, but originality, independence of work, to a certain extent its spirituality by search, inquisitiveness, and satisfaction with what has been done are of great importance.

The distribution of students according to the studied types of arts and crafts should be voluntary, since teenagers often come to study not alone, but with friends. Distribute them evenly different groups not recommended, creative communication with each other when studying the same type of artistic processing of materials helps them achieve great success, the process of their labor and aesthetic education is more active.

Lessons various types arts and crafts eliminates one-sidedness in the creative development of students, helps to acquire a wide range of diverse knowledge and skills. It is absolutely not necessary that “pure” chasing or carving come out of the hands of the circle members. If the circle members master several types of work, they can create a creative composition, where embossing, inlay and carving will be synthesized. This greatly expands the possibilities of aesthetic education, development of creative abilities of students. When concentrating several types of arts and crafts in one circle of studies, the problem with materials is also simplified.

The effectiveness of the educational impact on students by means of arts and crafts depends on the correct and timely planning of the children's work. creative team. The work plan for half a year and for a month is drawn up on the basis of the annual program. This plan should provide for all the main forms of classes, a conversation with showing the best examples folk art, practical work drawing up sketches, visiting museums, workshops of applied artists, factories of applied art.

The outlined plan and program are discussed with schoolchildren at the first lesson of the circle, where self-government bodies are also chosen - the headman and the asset of the circle. Their functions include assistance to the head of the circle in emerging organizational issues. The headman is responsible, in particular, for drawing up a schedule of duty and appointing a duty officer for each lesson. The duty schedule promotes involvement in active self-service work.

In the activities of the circles, not only the continuity of classes from year to year should be carried out, but also, in the words of A.S. Makarenko, “the continuity of generations”, that is, the preservation of traditions and friendship between older (according to the time of classes) and younger members of the circle.

Most often, those who “enrolled” in the circle want to start working in the workshops as soon as possible. Therefore, they (especially those who are not strong in drawing) are constantly drawn to some random pictures that they seek to translate into a tree. If you do not pay attention to this and start up a lesson on the principle of “do what you want”, when doing such work, their efforts will be wasted in vain; students will develop bad taste.

The leader should direct the process of selecting compositions. It is better if the children see the finished work in front of them. And do not be shy to offer the guys to repeat certain images. Such a technique will help them understand what can and cannot be created in one form or another of arts and crafts. Along with professional skills, they will develop artistic taste.

The education of aesthetic taste in arts and crafts circles should go through students' understanding of the artistic and technological capabilities of the materials being processed, which leaves its mark on the solution of the image.

The task of the leader is to orient students to a deep independent study of the images of folk arts and crafts and the creation of their own products on this basis.

In the work on samples at the first stage of training, imitation of the model is inevitably observed to a certain extent. It is necessary to ensure that schoolchildren do not have blind copying, but conscious imitation.

Students come to the circle with the mood to work. Therefore, when the leader starts explaining, introduces them to the rules and methods of work, that is, conducts an introductory briefing, their patience does not last long. They become inattentive, impatient, wanting to get to work as soon as possible. The manager is required to take this into account and conduct briefings briefly, purposefully, connecting various information in common system. However, although knowledge should be mainly practical in nature, the principle of the decisive role of theoretical studies should be observed in the initial period of training. An average of 20% of study time is allocated for theoretical information. Theoretical information can be transferred to schoolchildren in the form of thematic conversations.

When conducting briefings and conversations, it is necessary to use various options for combining words with a demonstration of visual aids.

A lot depends on the first task that the leader will offer to the circle members. It should be understandable, accessible, interesting in terms of decorative results. It is desirable that the first task was small in volume and could be completed in one or two sessions. When explaining the first task, the teacher focuses the attention of students not only on the final result of the work. It is equally important to clearly and clearly highlight all the stages, as well as the goals and objectives that schoolchildren face in the process of performing the initial methods of artistic processing of materials. This contributes to the development of independence of schoolchildren, when the sequence of stages in the execution of the product from the sketch to the final finishing operations is clear to them, they will wait less for hints from the leader, showing independence in creative activity.


mug for students 10 "B" class

« Business Law»

Kuleshova T.S.


People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, it rarely occurs in people who are only concerned with weighing and procrastinating.

This program is educational. It is compiled on the basis of programs in economics by Kashanina T.V. and Kashanina A.V.

The program allows students to meet the need for knowledge in one of the most important current and modern sections of law - "Business Law". It is designed to give high school students a holistic view of how law regulates economic life in our country. The course aims to fill the gap in systematic education in the field of economics and entrepreneurship. It will promote a comprehensive view on entrepreneurship issues. The structure of the program is built in accordance with the general logic curriculum, includes comments on legal sources regulating legal features implementation entrepreneurial activity in Russia. The most significant questions are:

Creation commercial organizations;

Subjects of property rights;

The right of ownership of citizens;

Methods of acquiring property;

Bank operations;

public finance;

Economic partnership;

Disputes and the procedure for their consideration.

The composition of the circle program for students of 10 "B" class.

"Business Law"

    Explanatory note.

    The purpose of the circle "Business Law".

    Tasks of the circle "Entrepreneurial Law".

    Methods and forms of education

    Expected Result.

    Approximate thematic planning of the circle. "Business Law".

Explanatory note.

The study of business law is an urgent need for both a modern lawyer working in the field of economic activity, and for an entrepreneur who has his own business, a manager, a head of a commercial organization, and, perhaps, any citizen of our country in modern market conditions.

Modern youth should be well versed in the legal and entrepreneurial foundations, as this is now especially relevant. The circle is designed to help high school students gain the basic knowledge that will contribute to their successful adaptation and search for their place in life.

The circle "Business Law" allows you to expand the knowledge of students of the profile class on this topic and contributes to a professional choice in the field of social sciences and humanities.

The duration of the circle classes is 17 hours. Studied for one semester.

The purpose of the circle: to develop intellectual and practical skills in high school students in the field of business law.


    Prepare students for independent choice of profession;

    Contribute to the formation of knowledge and skills in business law;

    To promote the development of independent work;

    Develop logical thinking;

    Promote the development of teamwork

Teaching methods:

    verbal: story, conversation, educational discussion;

    partially search: work with additional literature, Internet resources.

    activity: participation in workshops, fulfillment of social roles.

Forms of study:



    role-playing game,

    meeting with an interesting person,

    excursion, integrated lesson,

    Protection of creative works, etc.

Expected Result.

In the process of learning, working with sources, additional literature, Internet resources, students will consolidate their self-education skills.

Acquire the following skills:


    primary analysis and application of information on the topic of the course (for example, drawing up a contract, business plan;

    presentation and argumentation of own judgments on economic, legal problems;

    the choice of forms of behavior and actions corresponding to the law in typical life situations.

Topic 1. Introduction (1 hour)

The main objectives of the course, its content, forms of classes, types of reporting.

Topic 2 Legal status Entrepreneur (2 hours).

Licensing, license, obligation of an entrepreneur, responsibility in the field of entrepreneurship, positive responsibility of an entrepreneur, business entity, subjective right of an entrepreneur.

Topic 3. Forms of entrepreneurship. (3 hours).

Manufacturing business. Service business, individual entrepreneurship, partnership business, corporate business, marketing, trade secret, information, brand, dealer, dealer activity, auction, barter deal, exchange transaction, broker, business plan.

Topic 4. Legal entities.(2 hours).

Legal entity, business partnerships, business companies, production cooperative, unitary enterprise.

Theme 5. Contracts in the field of entrepreneurial activity (2 hours).

State contract for the supply of goods for state needs, enterprise lease agreement, business agreement, franchising, leasing, supply agreement, business risk insurance agreement (practice-Contract for the provision legal services, an agreement on the establishment of FIGs).

Topic 6. Creation of commercial organizations. Insolvency of entrepreneurs. (2 hours).

founding documents, bankruptcy. arbitration court.

Topic 7. Competition: choosing a strategy for behavior in the market (1 hour).

Competition, competitiveness and monopoly. Assessment of competitors. Market behavior strategy, types of competitive markets. Workshop: Identifying Types of Competitive Markets .

Topic 8. Protection of the rights of consumers and entrepreneurs (1 hour).

The consumer and his rights, the law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights", protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, economic dispute.

Topic 9. banking operations (1 hour).

Bank, credit, loan, deposit, emission.

Topic 10. economic disputes (1 hour)

Pre-contractual disputes , contractual disputes, damages, business reputation, trademark, civil disputes.

Topic 11. Reserve. Protection of creative projects (1 hour).

Thematic plan

(Grade 10 - 2007-2008 academic year - 16 hours)

Total hours








Legal status of an entrepreneur





Forms of entrepreneurship





Legal entities




Contracts in the field of entrepreneurial activity





Creation of commercial organizations. Insolvency of entrepreneurs





Competition and monopoly


1. Competition and its types

2. Legal regulation competition and monopoly in entrepreneurial activity






Protection of the rights of consumers and entrepreneurs.




Bank operations




Economic disputes







    T.V. Kashanina "Law and Economics" 10-111 class textbook.

    L.L. Lyubimov, I.V. Lipsitz “Fundamentals of Economics 10-11 grade. Textbook.

    Elective course "How to make a living" collection elective courses in social science (economics, and social design): for pre-profile training and profile education in grades 9-11: method. Allowance / comp. T.A. Korneva, O.V. Kozachek, V.V. Chernikov; ed. O.V. Kozachek, V.V. Chernikova, - M.: Globus, 2007. -137p. (Profi school)

    Economics (workshop) Disk..

5. A.Yu. Arkhipov "Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity."

      1. L.L. Lyubimov, I.V. Lipsits “Fundamentals of Economics 10-11 grade. Textbook. 1993

        Economics (workshop) Disc in 2 parts

        Abstracts on economics. Disk.

        Constitution of the Russian Federation

        "Consultant plus" system, legal reference system "Garant".

The working program of the circle "Entrepreneur" is intended for the implementation of an additional general educational comprehensive program for the development of students.



Scope of the work program




Volume academic discipline and types of educational work


Thematic plan and content of the work of the circle



Requirements for minimum logistics.


Information Support learning



1.1. Scope of the sample program

The work program of the "Entrepreneur" circle is designed to implement an additional general educational comprehensive program for students.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline -

Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline

The purpose of studying the basics of entrepreneurial activity is the formation of:

O general competencies,including the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession show a sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Own information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

professionalcompetencies corresponding to the main typesprofessional activity:

PC Draw up a business plan

As a result of studying the mandatory part of the cycle, the student must be able to:

Find and use up-to-date information for the feasibility study of the business plan;

Draw up a business plan;


Fundamentals of the foundation of entrepreneurial activity

- basics of business planning

Business plan structure

Modern Information Technology in business planning

Business plan methodology.

maximum student workload 72 hours,


obligatory classroom teaching load of a student 48 hours ;

student's independent work 24 hour .


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

2.2. T thematic plan and content of the work of the circle "Entrepreneur"

Name of sections and topics

Watch Volume

Level of development

Section 1.

Business Basics

Topic 1.1 Essence and types of entrepreneurial activity

Entrepreneurial activity. Types of entrepreneurial activity. Business goals.

Responsibilities of an Entrepreneur

Topic 1.2 Organization of business activities

Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity. Determination of officials responsible for combating corruption based on the tasks, needs and specifics of activities, headcount, organizational structure, material resources, involvement of officials in entrepreneurship. Organization of work of internal control and audit.

Theme 1.3 Entrepreneurship Management

Entrepreneurship management. Marketing in business management

Tools for success; knowing the law is beneficial; business starts with planning; the role of finance and investment in business:

Section 2

Main types of taxes

Topic 2.1 Main types of taxes.

Main types of taxes.

Development of measures that exclude bribery, commercial bribery and personal interest of officials in the optimization of tax payments.

Practice #1Calculation of the main types of taxes

Section 3

Basics of business planning

Topic3.1 General structure and summary business plan

Title page



Topic 3.2.

Description of the business.

General description of the company.

Industry analysis.

Company goals

Products and services

Topic 3.3 marketing plan

Assessment of sales markets for products Analysis of competition in sales markets for products Sales plan

Marketing strategy.

Topic 3.4 Production plan

Production costs.

Practice #2Production program calculation

Topic 3.5.

organizational plan

Description of the location. Manufacturing process and its provision

Investment costs Production costs Operating competitive advantages

Development of anti-corruption measures when applying an investment tax credit.

Topic 3.6. Financial plan

Profit and loss plan

Cash flow plan

Investment plan and project financing.

Practice #3

Drawing up a profit plan and a cash flow plan

Topic 3.7 . Risk analysis and assessment

Accounting for the risk factor in business planning. Types of risks Risk assessment and insurance

Risk Analysis

Topic 3.8 . Business plan presentation

Business plan presentation

Practice #4

Drawing up and presentation of a business plan

To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. - reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

3. - productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic tasks)


3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of an office;

Equipment: office.

Seats by the number of students;

Workplace of the teacher.

Technical training aids:

Project Expert software product


multimedia projector


3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

  1. Barinov V.A. Business planning LLC Publishing house "Forum" 2007
  2. Enterprise economics: Tests, tasks, situations: Tutorial for university students enrolled in economic specialties / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, B.N. Chernyshev. – 5th ed., stereotype. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2009.-335s. ISBN 978-5-238-01557-6

additional literature

  1. Collection of business plans of real organizations: pract. allowance / ed. Yu.N. Lapygina-3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Omega-L Publishing House, 2010.-310s.: ill.

ISBN 978-5-370-01410-9

  1. Business Planning: Textbook (+CD with training materials), ed. Strekalova N.D. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. -352 pp.: ill. - (Series "Tutorial"). ISBN 978-5-388-00458-1
  2. Investments. Workshop: Textbook / A.V. Tyurina.- M.: KNORUS, 2010.- 208s. ISBN 978-5-406-00184-4


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