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Hello friends!

I recently ran into a friend who hasn’t been able to find a job for several months and was surprised that she still doesn’t work remotely. The fact is that many people, including young people, come up with many barriers for themselves, and as a result, they never start looking for a job on the Internet. Therefore, today I decided to talk in more detail about remote work, tell how it differs from standard freelancing and what are the advantages and disadvantages in this type of activity.

Ability to work anywhere in the world

What does remote work mean? Imagine that you are sitting in a cozy home environment, or in a cafe, or even better - in a beach house in the Maldives, doing your favorite job and getting decent money for it, do you think this is hard to achieve? - Actually, no, it's all well-constructed remote work. If you love what you do and are ready to improve every day, then get this kind of workplace very simple. Also one of the most important factors in this job is self-discipline .

If you, dear reader, know how to independently organize your working day and think that the standard work schedule is not for you, then this type of activity will be to your liking! How often does it happen that during a trip to work you think: “Now I could calmly drink a cup of coffee, spend more time with my family, and not just see them in the evening for several hours”? This is especially acute for people who live in big cities, they are on the road for 3-4 hours a day. Count how many days a year you waste, just on the road ... I'll tell you - an average of 30-40 days. But there are such poor fellows that they are forced to spend up to six hours of their precious time on the road, then it turns out to be two whole months that they can delete from their lives.

Remote work and freelancing - what's the difference?

Now about a more specific one - how is freelancing different? Remote work implies official employment in a company for a remote worker vacancy. Sign all required documents now it is possible without problems by e-mail.

But if this organization is located in your city, then I advise you to visit there at least once and see what this organization is like. And freelance work is a kind of private business. On the Internet, you can find many vacancies and projects, even for beginner freelancers. Depending on the level and experience of the employee, the salary depends on his work.

Who initiated remote work?

I recently came across some interesting information. Did you know that Jack Nilles was a pioneer in the development of telecommuting in 1972? Of course, there was no Internet at that time, and telephones were used to communicate with remote workers. After a number of studies, it has been proven that telecommuting has many benefits for both entrepreneurs and workers. Managers save on rent, electricity and a host of related costs.

Remote control of the process is carried out in the same way as in office work, since no one canceled reports on the work done. And for a disciplined worker, this type of activity will bring even more advantages. After all, everyone would like to succeed in working time do a few personal things. It would seem that there are not many of them, but if they pile up in a big snowball for a short evening after an 8-hour working day, then it becomes difficult to find time for an elementary rest at such a pace.

There is work for everyone

Anyone can work from home , regardless of age, nationality, religious beliefs, etc. The main desire is to have at least basic computer skills. Think about it, maybe you have a hobby that you would like to turn into a paid job, but, for example, there are some problems with the sale of products?

Take care, in this case, to find organizations or individuals who could pay for your work. As a result, doing what you love, you can earn no less than doing office work, which does not bring you such pleasure. There is work on the Internet, as they say, "for every taste and color."

Benefits of Internet Workers

Internet business is moving forward with great strides, so using this resource You keep up with the times. Abroad, already every fifth resident works remotely. This is beneficial, because you do not need to spend time and money to get to the workplace, you can delete from the expense column the purchase of clothes to comply with the dress code, and this type of activity is also different in that you can start working without financial investments , which will also positively affect your wallet.

Do you think these are all advantages? - There aren't many of them yet.. But in my opinion, the main advantage is that there is an opportunity to devote more time to your family and yourself. To feel that you are living and not existing, you need to constantly develop. And if you sit in the office every day and do the same routine work, then development, unfortunately, remains somewhere in the background. Working at home, you can do one type of activity for some time, and if something doesn’t suit you in the future, you can always retrain, and you will have the opportunity to try yourself in a new role.

Some of the most active workers at home are students, women in maternity leave and IT professionals. IT companies are the most common firms that make the most of remote work. Specialists in this organization can be scattered all over the globe, and this not only does not interfere with them, but, on the contrary, makes it possible to get a wider client base.

Perhaps you know grammar well, like to read and write? Then you can try yourself as a journalist and engage in filling various sites. Perhaps in the future you will be able to write for some well-known glossy magazine and many readers will admire your articles. Or you perfectly know a foreign language, then the payment for your work will increase by at least three, or even more. After all, European and American companies will pay for quality work in foreign currency, which in the current economic situation will only increase your earnings.

A guide for beginner freelancers

: there is a large selection of sites where you can find a decent paying job, but you should always choose proven sites. If you have friends who are already working remotely, then perhaps at first they will help you to correctly orient yourself in " world wide web". Or do you want to try your hand at a new field on your own? Then I can advise you to go to the freelance exchanges and

On these sites you will find responsible employers, who clearly set tasks and help new freelancers not only learn how to properly perform the required tasks, but also pay your work on time. Vacancies and projects on these sites are divided into categories, so it is very easy and convenient to search for the information you need. Even older people can figure it out and find a job they like.

Do not wait, try yourself in new areas, change your life for the better. After all, the world is so wide and multifaceted. There is so much to try and do, and the Internet is the most easy way access to the unknown. Take advantage of the benefits that today's technology gives us. Subscribe to my blog updates, as I always have up-to-date and interesting information. Share it with your friends. I am sure that after reading the blog, you can always show off your erudition.

Bye everyone, see you in the next article.


Hello! In this article we will talk about remote work.

Remote work is already an established trend. Despite its great popularity in the West and in Russia, most residents of the CIS are still skeptical that it is possible to work outside the office. I will try to dispel a few popular beliefs about remote work, talk about what its advantages are, who is better off looking for remote work and where.

What is remote work

Remote work in Russia has been actively developing for the last 7-8 years. Companies are hiring remote workers to work from home rather than from the office.

Distant work - a form of employment in which the employee and the employer are at a distance from each other and transmit / receive tasks, and then a salary using the Internet.

Remote work is often compared with. They have a lot in common:

  • You work primarily on the Internet.
  • You can work from home on your computer.
  • Free schedule.

But there is one fundamental difference: freelancers in most cases work on projects. It's more like real business, which interacts with different customers in different time. There are permanent partners with whom you can work for a long time, but nevertheless, the freelancer himself chooses how much his work costs and what services he provides.

Remote work has more in common with real office work. You also complete tasks, report to your supervisor, and get paid. Only you work not together with the rest, but from your home, personal office and even a cafe. You can work anywhere you like.

Remote work is good because it can be combined with anything: with training, freelancing, even homework.

Important: do not confuse full-fledged remote work with dubious vacancies like at home, assembling some goods, and something like that.

Why remote work has become so popular

For several years now, remote work has been steadily keeping its trend in Russia and around the world.

The main argument in its favor is cost savings. The company can save about 200 thousand rubles a year if it transfers 1 employee to a remote location.

In addition to economic benefits, there are also a large number of ways to control the activities of employees. Managers are not ready to take the word of their employees, especially if they are paid for hours of work. Software allows you to see what the employee was doing on his computer, what tasks he performed and for how long.

The third factor that speaks for remote work is the character, psychology and comfort of employees. Some people really find it much more convenient to work at home, in their comfort zone: communicate with colleagues via instant messengers, receive tasks and complete them remotely.

This is a great option for introverts who have a hard time going out and talking to real people.

And the fourth factor is the erasing of language barriers and boundaries. Large Western companies have to pay their skilled employees huge amounts of money to work on their projects. This is not only a salary, but also insurance, allowances, deductions, etc. For most large firms it is much more profitable to hire an employee from another country.

Minsk is a vivid illustration of this factor. Large European companies that are engaged in development come and set up their offices in Minsk due to the fact that employees in this city have to pay 2-3 times less than in conditional Germany.

Looking at all these factors, most economists and analysts have been saying since 2015 that in Russia remote work is becoming and has already become a new trend that covers more and more areas. It is convenient, profitable and simple.

Pros and cons of remote work

Now let's define the positive and negative aspects remote work. Let's start, as always, with the good.

Advantages of remote work:

  • Flexibility in managing your own time.
  • New skills. Working from home forces you to take a fresh look at your own efficiency, learn how to manage yourself and your work process.
  • It's cheaper. Both for the company and for the employees.

The biggest advantage is flexibility. You get complete freedom. many creative people the easiest way is to work at night, for someone early in the morning, and someone cannot force themselves to work at all in the evening. Many have their own characteristics, but the standard work ignores this.

Remote work, on the contrary, allows you to act more efficiently by studying your body, yourself and the organization of work processes.


  • Lack of communication. Communication and mutual assistance in projects is very important. At a distance, you will not be able to knock on the next door or turn to the person with whom you are sitting next. Sometimes it's difficult.
  • Lots of ways to relax: flipping through social networks, cleaning, cooking, even just walking around the room. It greatly interferes with concentration.

Lack of communication is not the biggest problem. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to do without live communication, but working moments can be solved in correspondence, instant messengers, or, in extreme cases, with a phone call.

Distraction is a more serious problem. Lack of self-discipline has killed many freelancers and remote workers.

As you can see, remote work has its advantages and disadvantages. It is very well suited for independent people who know how to manage their time, and is completely unsuitable for those who are constantly distracted. When you work from home, you will only get paid for how much you earn. And in the office, you can sit your pants all day, doing almost nothing.

A few words about salary

Most companies have come to the same conclusion about remote workers:

Remote employees should be paid the same as people who work in the office (if they have an equal amount of work done and tasks).

According to official statistics, 8 out of 10 companies that hire remote workers have a similar policy. One of them gives out regional coefficients (depending on the region, salaries will differ for specialists of the same level) and one, when searching for applicants, deliberately reduces the salary for remote vacancies in order to save money.

At first glance, it might seem that in financial terms Remote work is just as beneficial as regular work. But in reality, things are different. The biggest argument is the shipping costs. And it's not just travel, car maintenance, etc. It's also the time you spend to get to work.

For example, you spend 1 hour driving to work and 1 hour to get home. Even more so in big cities.

That's 10 hours a week and 40 hours a month that you could spend more efficiently: learn something new, go to the gym, spend time with your family, even just sleep better. Thus you become more effective employee which means you have a lot more options.

You not only save money, but also work more efficiently. That is why I believe that in practice, salaries and prospects in remote work will be much higher.

Just look at the American cult of workaholism. They value not workers who work hard, but those who work hard and efficiently.

Another good factor is the lack of regional binding. For example, in my region (Oryol region) the average salary is 16,000 rubles. If you really plow, then in 10 years you can reach an income of 25 - 30 thousand rubles a month. But there are plenty of such vacancies for remote work.

For people from regions with a low average salary, remote work is the only option to get a lot. Except for moving to big cities, certainly.

What professions are in demand

Now let's talk in more detail about the professions in demand. Despite the fact that remote work is developing and going uphill, separate areas in which it is much easier to find a job still dominate.

1. Online sellers.

The most in-demand profession at a distance is related to sales. Hundreds of ads on dozens of thematic job search sites. Most of the vacancies are related to cold sales and bringing the client to a deal.

A salesperson is now the most sought-after profession in general, not only remotely. The ability to find and offer a product to a client is highly valued.

Sales professionals earn high incomes. Although the salary is low (15 - 30 thousand rubles), due to bonuses for the implementation of plans and percentages from sales, many professionals earn from 80,000 thousand rubles a month exclusively on cold sales.

2. Programmers.

Where without programmers. This is a very popular profession not only in Russia, but also abroad. You can work remotely even in large European companies.

Good specialists from the CIS are highly valued in Europe. Paying in-house talent is expensive, so many companies are looking to other worker markets.

For programmers with work experience of at least 3 years, the average salary is 45-90 thousand rubles, depending on the specialization. When working abroad, you can count on a salary of $ 3,000 per month. If you are lucky and you can interest the company, it will offer you a permanent job and help with moving to another country.

3. Designers.

Designers are needed everywhere. They create very cool things from almost nothing. Professional design teams are required in any field, so this area is very well developed in Russia.

Remote work as a designer can be found in any agency. Most executives creative professions are loyal to the desire of employees to work remotely.

Good designers can't get paid little. Most design vacancies are in the price bracket from 24 to 48 thousand rubles. The national average salary for a designer is 47,000 rubles per month.

4. Copywriters.

Copywriters most often work on a project-by-project basis, but there are agencies that take full-time writers remotely.

Although this is wrong, journalists can also be included here. They also work with texts, but in a different format. However, there are plenty of remote journalists and the profession is also popular.

In general, it is a rather popular Internet profession, but it is much more difficult to find a job in an office. As for the salary, it all depends on the qualifications and the name of the author. Average authors receive 300 - 500 rubles per hour, more advanced - from 2 - 3 thousand rubles per hour.

5. Translators.

Translators are becoming more valuable every year. Many high-quality specialized materials are published on foreign websites and forums, and all this can be dragged into the ru-segment.

Even a good translator at a remote job will not be able to get much. The average income is about 40 - 50 thousand rubles per month, if you work exclusively with companies as an employee. But if you combine it with freelancing, it comes out from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

6. Online project managers.

In order to create cool projects, you need not only employees, but also competent managers. Most companies have a specific manager working on each project. He negotiates with the client, selects employees to complete the task, tells what they will do and controls the entire workflow.

Most remote managers work with creative teams and development teams. Everyone has one project, everyone works on a certain direction.

Project Manager in Russia - highly paid profession. The average salary in the market is 70,000 rubles. But it is difficult to get such a position. Do not take someone from the street. You can only get work experience in a company, then a promotion, and after that, only with experience in certain areas, work in other companies.

7. Lawyers and accountants.

Lawyers and accountants are the most sought-after professions according to most people who are far from the Internet. The reality is less colorful, but nevertheless, remote lawyers and accountants are also entitled to stable work and high salaries.

Large companies prefer to keep lawyers and accountants on staff. Therefore, if you are exclusively interested in remote work, in most cases you will work with a small business.

The average salary of an accountant in Russia is 40,000 rubles. For lawyers, this figure is lower - 30,000 rubles.

8. Online consultants.

This is one of the easiest remote jobs. You must have seen more than once when dialogues with online consultants pop up on websites.

Most often, the role of online consultants is performed by company employees. But sometimes they invite individuals to remotely to respond to users.

Since the work is quite simple, and most of the conversations take place according to the instructions, the salary is not very large (from 15 to 30 thousand rubles on average). But the load is high. If the company is popular or provides interesting services, the flow of questions will be large.

9. SMMs.

In social networks. People who work in this direction are engaged through social networks. They work with groups of companies and individuals. With the help of advertising, maintaining publics, posts, and various tools, they make customers out of ordinary users.

SMM is now one of the most popular areas. I'm not sure that it will be the same in demand in 5 - 10 years, so I put it at the end of the list.

However, SMMs are getting pretty good. The average price for maintaining a public (unique posts, increasing the number of subscribers and working with clients) is 20-25 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, you can work with 2 - 4 such publics every month.

These are the most popular jobs that can bring stable income for a long time. The most promising areas that will constantly grow and show stable results are sales, programming and design. But with the exception of SMM, all these professions are guaranteed to be in demand, popular and highly paid for at least 10 to 20 years.

Where to look for vacancies

There are several ways to search for remote work vacancies. Consider the most popular of them.

General job sites:

  • the most popular Russian job search site. You can find almost everything. More than 20,000 remote job postings are posted every year.
  • Ukrainian analogue of the site Almost the same functionality. An ideal option for residents of Ukraine to find work, including remote work.
  • a large site for job search. Contains over 500 different remote work ads.

Large popular and interesting sites are mostly in English, so if you don’t know the language, it’s better to spend a few months studying it. So you can find Good work abroad or in a TOP Russian company.

For those who know foreign languages, you can go the other way: enter the name of your profession in English in Google. If you are interested in remote jobs in general, then you can simply enter phrases without a job title.

And, finally, you can not look for ads on special sites, but directly go to the company portals in the "job" section and see what they offer.

Example:- even without experience in the field of finance, you can work as a salesperson or collector.

As a bonus: Vkontakte has an excellent group for freelancers “Distance. Freelance, remote work. Interesting remote offers periodically appear in the feed of this group. Most often these are sales, but you can stumble upon jobs for designers, programmers, SMM people, etc. There are many similar groups on social networks, but this one is the best.

Is it worth it to work remotely?

Remote work is a good opportunity to work for certain categories of people. You will not have a boss who will constantly demand the completion of tasks. You will have to communicate to a minimum with colleagues and project managers. Plus, you'll be working from home. But there is one thing: for undisciplined people who find it difficult to force themselves to work without a kick from the boss, working remotely is unrealistic.

There's nothing you can do about it. You can only change hard work strengthening your character and approach to work, or seek a familiar and stable place. But there are a few more complex factors:

From personal experience: it is very hard to work at home, where something is constantly happening. Relatives cannot understand that you are working, and they will constantly come, do something and interfere in every possible way. And it's very difficult to explain it. It took a year to clearly and calmly explain that I need silence.

And the complexity of working at home, in the comfort zone where it is customary to relax, is also present, and this is not an empty phrase. But there are many other options: rent a small office, work in a cafe, equip Personal Area. If you look closely, apart from a personal attitude to work and difficulties with discipline, there are no problems.

To summarize: if you are a disciplined person and want to work remotely, get more money and develop in one of the areas listed above - try to look for remote vacancies. If you find it difficult to work at home - look for ways out.


Remote work is a great option for those who do not like the office and the endless simulation of work activities. Remote work has its pros and cons, but for many people it is the perfect career option. If you work in one of the specialties listed in the article, you can easily get a job remotely and earn money.

remote work in our country is not as developed as, for example, in the USA or Europe. Entrepreneurs are still frightened by the prospect that they may never meet their employee. In our article, we will figure out exactly how remote work can be organized so that it does not cause concern for the enterprise and questions for the regulatory authorities.

Telecommuting or remote work from home

What do we know about remote work? There are several types of remote work:

  • home;
  • remote;
  • freelance.

Freelancing is work under a civil law contract. With this kind of remote work, everything is clear. The entrepreneur finds an employee (freelancer), gives him a specific task, sets deadlines and indicates all this in the GPC agreement. If the employee does the work on time, the employer pays him a one-time remuneration specified in the contract. This type of employment does not imply any social guarantees.

But with the home and remote work things are different. An employee concludes an employment contract (TD), which gives him all social guarantees.

Features of remote work of a homeworker

When working at home, the worker's workplace is his home. Raw materials, tools for performing certain work are provided by the employer or the employee can purchase them on their own. This is specified in the TD. Under such conditions, the contract prescribes compensation for the expenses incurred by the homeworker:

  • for the purchase of materials, raw materials, tools;
  • use of technology (if it belongs to the employee, and is not provided by the organization), the Internet, the telephone;
  • electricity costs and any other costs, the reimbursement of which will be indicated in the TD.

A homeworker can involve members of his family in the work (Chapter 49, Article 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is work at home, we found out. Let's figure out how to build labor relations with such employees?

Ch. 49 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates labor relations between an employer and a homeworker. From Art. 311 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can be seen that the main conditions under which a homeworker can be entrusted with work are his state of health and compliance with labor protection requirements (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For the most part, manufacturers of handicraft goods, seamstresses, and assemblers work at home.

All relations between the enterprise and home workers are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Trade House. Consider the main points of the contract.

After the conclusion of the TD, the enterprise issues an order to hire an employee. In the column "Nature of work" you need to write: "Work at home." The employee must familiarize himself with the order and put his signature in the appropriate place.

The work book is filled out without any indication of home work.

IMPORTANT! Even though the homeworker manages his/her own working time, the employer needs to fill out a time sheet. The rules on overtime pay do not apply to him.

How to fill out the time sheet, read in statye .

Regulations on the working conditions of homeworkers

Until recently, there was a provision on the working conditions of homeworkers, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated September 29, 1981 No. 275 / 17-99, but it has become invalid and is not valid on the basis of the order of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated December 29, 2016 No. 848.

To avoid misunderstanding with the employee, it will be correct to draw up job description or provision for home work. There you can describe in detail the security requirements, responsibility for their non-compliance and other rules of work. You can also provide for the provision of compensation and additional guarantees. In the TD, the employee must put a mark that he is familiar with the rules.

Remote work according to the Labor Code

Remote work on Labor Code of the Russian Federation it can be considered the performance of certain functions specified in the TD, which takes place outside the stationary workplace provided by the employer. For work and communication with the employer, the employee must use public information and telecommunication networks (ITS) (Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A remote worker is a person who has concluded a TD on remote work .

One of the differences between a remote worker and the rest is communication with the employer through the exchange of electronic documents and the use of enhanced electronic signatures (the law "On electronic signature"dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ). Each party after receiving electronic document must send confirmation to in electronic format.

What is an electronic signature?atye .

The question arises: how remote work conclude a TD with a remote employee?

The contract is concluded, as well as the document flow as a whole, using public ITS, incl. Email. After that, the employer sends a paper copy of the contract by mail to the remote worker within 3 days.

How to register an employee, working from abroad, read inarticle .

Since at remote work the employee has all the same rights as those who perform their duties in the office of the enterprise, he must submit to the employer in electronic form the documents listed in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If necessary, the employer has the right to require the employee to send him notarized copies of documents.

If the employee did not previously have SNILS, he must obtain it on his own and send a copy to the employer.

With mutual consent, the work book is not filled out. The document confirming labor activity and length of service is TD. In the absence of such an agreement, the employee sends by mail (registered mail) work book employer (Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's take a closer look at some points.

Reflection of the place of work of a remote worker in an employment contract

Because remote work cannot be associated with the address of the employer, the home address of the employee is indicated as the place of work in the contract. But this does not mean that he should only work at home.

An employee may, for example, appear at the employer's office to hand over finished work or receive an assignment. It is possible for the employee to be present in the office for a limited (specified in the contract) time. But if in fact the bulk of the work is done outside the office, it is still considered remote.

Remote employment: mode of work and rest

According to Art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation remote worker independently establishes the regime of his employment and rest, unless otherwise stipulated in the employment contract. So the order remote work must be determined at the time of signing the contract. These working conditions are typical for specialists in creative professions.

If the contract stipulates a free work schedule, that is, regardless of the time of day and weekends, the employer is relieved of the obligation to keep track of working time.

But if the working hours are specified in the contract (for example, from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00 or any other time), the employer needs to keep track of working hours and make an additional payment for overtime, if any. Such conditions are typical for the work of dispatchers.


Most of the requirements for the organization of labor protection and safety regarding remote work the employer is not required to comply.

When hiring a remote worker, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements for labor protection when working with equipment provided or recommended by the enterprise (Article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, the enterprise is obliged to conduct a special assessment of jobs, but in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the law "On a special assessment of working conditions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ special assessment jobs is not carried out in relation to the working conditions of homeworkers and teleworkers.

How often should safety training be given?, read the articles:

If the employee during the execution job duties is injured or ill, the enterprise is obliged to organize an investigation, during which it will be clarified whether this is an accident at work or not (Article 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 3 of the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases” dated 24.07 .1998 No. 125-FZ). Only the commission has the right to conduct an investigation (Article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


At runtime remote work the worker organizes his own labor process. If an employee uses his or rented equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means, the TD must specify the procedure and terms for paying compensation for its use. It is also necessary to provide and specify the procedure for reimbursement of other possible costs associated with the implementation remote work(Article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

We conclude that the employee and the employer can agree on and fix in the TD the procedure for compensating the employee's expenses. But in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 11, 2013 No. 03-04-06 / 11996, documentary evidence of depreciation of property and other expenses required by the employee is required. It should also be noted that if the property was used not only for official needs, a separation of the degree of wear and tear is required in accordance with the purposes of its use.

Payroll for remote workers

So that the employer can fearlessly take into account the payment remote work in your expenses, you need to fix in the TD methods of accounting for hours worked. The fact that an employee can independently determine his own working time does not cancel the obligation of the employer to take into account the time actually worked (Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If this is not possible, other evidence may be presented. For example, a register of completed works.

The remuneration itself, as a rule, occurs by bank transfer according to the details specified in the contract. If the employee wants to change the bank details for the transfer, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement and indicate the new card details.

In addition to the transfer to the account (card) of the employee, payment options are applied by postal order, as well as from the cash desk of the enterprise in cash, if the employee periodically appears at the employer's under the terms of the contract.

Termination of an agreement

Features of the termination of TD are specified in Art. 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The grounds for its termination must be specified in the contract. The grounds may be the same as for office workers. For example, termination by agreement of the parties or at the initiative of the employee (Articles 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can also give specific grounds that will be characteristic of a particular remote work. This may be due to the amount of marriage or violation of the deadlines for submitting reports on the work performed. By specifying all this in the contract, the employer will be able to protect himself from unscrupulous employees.

After issuing a dismissal order, it is sent to the employee on the day of dismissal by electronic channels communications, and its paper copy - by registered mail. The employee has the right to request copies of all documents related to his labor activity(Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Despite concerns, more and more modern employers are beginning to resort to the services of remote workers. This is largely due to the desire of the enterprise to save on the costs of organizing the employee’s workplace, compensation for travel to and from work, etc. Also, do not forget that remote employees are usually paid less than their office colleagues, and this is savings on payroll and insurance premiums. Most importantly, taking an employee on remote work, draw up an employment contract with him correctly.

Most of us are used to working “for our uncle”. We live according to the scheme “home-work-home” or, more precisely, “home-traffic-work-traffic-home”. Sometimes on weekends it is possible to meet with friends or get out into the world with the whole family. Vacation - according to the schedule, getting sick and doing personal business at a convenient, usually working, time is generally not recommended.

Pros and cons remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and limitations. Therefore, recently such a form of work as, or remote work at home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work was invented by American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Even then, the existing means of communication allowed employers to maintain contact with employees at a distance. After 7 years, the term “flexiplace” was coined - “flexible workplace”.

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, a huge number of people around the world work and earn money without leaving their homes. These are men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with babies in their arms and professionals who are tired of daily long hours of commuting. There are many types of remote work from home. And everyone, whether a highly qualified specialist or a person with little experience, can choose the right option for themselves.

Modern businessmen willingly take remote employees into their teams. This is very profitable: no need to rent a room, buy furniture and office equipment, hire service staff. All the work is done by people living in different corners the globe. If, at the same time, the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company's customers will not even understand that the staff does not work in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to an individual schedule.

Advantages of remote work

  • No need to waste time and money traveling to and from work.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live wherever you want (and there is the Internet).
  • You are your own boss: you can freely manage working hours, prices for services and work with customers of your choice.
  • No need to be afraid that the employer will refuse because of age, gender, appearance or having small children.
  • You can work for people with disabilities and poor health.
  • It is possible to find a job where communication with people will be minimized (for some, this is very important).

Disadvantages of remote work

  • It is necessary to maintain self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • Career prospects are not always clear.
  • Problems with excess weight and health in general due to low mobility, a large load on the eyes, lack of motivation to look good.
  • Some regions may have expensive and/or slow internet.
  • Limitation of “live” communication with colleagues (although the “minus” is doubtful).
  • You need to spend your own money and time on arranging a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk of running into scammers.

By the way, since 2013, Russia has provided legal regulation remote work. According to Labor Code Russian Federation, remote work is officially referred to as remote work. And an employment contract for remote work can now be concluded not in paper form, but signed using an electronic signature. This allows you to find formal work at home and reduce the risk of fraud from employers.

If you are attracted by the “pluses” of remote work at home via the Internet and are not embarrassed by the “cons”, then you may well find yourself a remote job to your liking and in accordance with your abilities, including as a part-time job.

Next time we will talk about the most demanded Internet professions on the market and about what parameters you can use or work at home to.

Remember the words of Confucius: "Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

To better understand what remote work is, watch a short video about people working successfully through the Internet. They share their feelings about new form works, talk about what has changed in their lives for the better.

Based on the book “24 Internet Professions, or How to Work Without Leaving Home”.

Technology and the mentality of modern society lead to the fact that remote work will soon become the only possible way to earn money.

But if some are already taking full advantage of technological progress and earning money without leaving their homes, others are just beginning to think about working remotely.

To dispel all the doubts and fears of beginners, let's analyze in as much detail as possible the most basic issues related to remote work at home.

Remote work: what is it?

The principle of remote work is clear from the very wording of the concept: we are talking about remote (remote) work.

Often people confuse this type of income with opening their own business. But how do you understand what “remote work” is if you don’t have a business and you yourself are not a director who only appears at work to check employees and sign contracts?

As soon as the Internet began to develop at a rapid pace, representatives of intellectual labor realized that it was no longer necessary to go to the office to receive new tasks and transfer the results of their work. Why not do all this through a computer and the global network?

Let's delve a little into history. Back in 1972, the American Jack Nilles was outraged why, as an introvert, he had to work in the office (like many others), if now technology allows you to do all the work remotely? Despite the then apparent absurdity of this idea, the authorities became interested in this idea. They saw in it a solution to many problems: transport, organizational, personal.

Now it was possible not only to solve all these issues, but also to give work to people from remote parts of the country, where there has always been terrible unemployment.

Why is that? The fact is that all people are divided into 2 camps:

  1. Some perceive the Internet as entertainment. It seems to them that others (remote employees) will do anything but work, because no one sees them, there is no discipline.
  2. Others look at the worldwide network as a tool for making money, a lot of opportunities for self-realization.

So what exactly is remote work?

So, remote work is:

Standard work with a conclusion employment contract, tightly regulated schedules, days off, paid (sometimes) vacations, boss, subordinates, their own deadlines and stresses.

Who is a remote worker?

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of a freelancer and a remote employee.

The first is a freelance artist who is hired exclusively for some project without being hired.

A remote employee is a standard employee of an organization who performs a number of duties, but from home, without visiting the office. As a rule, a separate agreement on remote work is concluded with such a person (Article 312.1 - 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What gives him the signing of such an agreement? This document is his guarantee that all the same norms of labor legislation will apply to a remote employee as to an office employee (vacation, sick leave, etc.).

Forecasters assure that by 2020 in Russia about 20% of people will work remotely. Already today we can note the mass transfer of employees large companies in a similar mode of operation.

Another important difference between a remote worker and a freelancer is work for one company with the possibility of a side job (if the employer does not mind). A freelancer, on the other hand, can carry out as many projects as he likes at any time, even at the same time. He is forced to constantly look for new orders, while a remote employee always receives tasks from his organization.

Is remote earnings on the Internet and remote work the same thing?

It is necessary to distinguish remote work on the Internet from ordinary remote work.

Remote earnings on the Internet is an area in which the Internet is not only a tool, but also a material for earning.

That is, there are certain actions that will bring profit, but the process of work and the result of labor will remain within the framework of the virtual world.

For example, performing certain tasks on the Internet and getting paid for it (comments, clicks, likes, public subscriptions, etc.), binary options or other financial transactions - if you understand them, you can get money.

That is, remote work and freelancing can exist without the Internet if you perform a task at home (for example, accounting reports, design development) and bring the solution to the office. Earnings on the Internet will not do without it.

Misconceptions about remote work

As in other areas human life, the world of remote earnings has its own myths. Let's find out what misconceptions are and why they are misconceptions:

  1. It is extremely difficult to find a remote job. Finding it is as difficult or easy as finding a regular job. The main thing here is the level of your knowledge, experience, goals, personal qualities. When looking for a remote job, you will have to take tests, pass interviews, and introduce you to your portfolio.
  2. Remote work is not for everyone. Already today, there are cases when positions of applied professions are suitable for remote work: teachers, doctors and even cleaners. And every day the possibilities of technology are growing, as is the range of vacancies for new and old professions.
  3. remote employee receives less than the office. We do not argue that before this could be a reality. But today such discrimination has disappeared, if not completely, then almost completely.
  4. The remote employee has no growth prospects. A remote employee is an ordinary employee of the company who will receive a promotion if he is worthy of it.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work

What's the catch? Why do we need remote work if there is a traditional one? Here are the top benefits of working from home:

  • freedom of action and movement (work in any convenient place);
  • maximum convenience (no dress code, discipline, uncomfortable furniture);
  • saving time (no traffic jams, crowded public transport, loss of travel time);
  • maximum concentration on work (no distractions in the form of colleagues, telephone conversations others, etc.);
  • perfect job for .

Hiring employees to work remotely has its advantages for the employer:

  • greater motivation of the employee (no need to sit a full 8-hour working day);
  • the search for an employee is not limited to the geography of the company (companies can hire the most suitable employee, even if he lives on another continent);
  • Significant savings in jobs, wear and tear of equipment and other expenses.

But before you find a remote job on the Internet at home, you need to know about the disadvantages of this type of activity:

  • many companies prefer traditional employment and are not ready to provide space for remote workers;
  • lack of live communication;
  • purchase of computers and software at the expense of the employee;
  • rigid self-organization and ;
  • often irregular working hours.

The most demanded remote professions

After analyzing the world's largest sites with the publication of new remote vacancies, having studied the current offers of employers, we can present the following list of areas:

  1. IT: developers, programmers, designers, layout designers, SEO specialists, etc.
  2. Finance: accountants, bank specialists, estimators, project managers, etc.
  3. Sales: operators, managers, etc.
  4. Administration: administrators, transcribers, assistants, database operators, etc.
  5. Media/advertising/marketing: PR specialists, SMM specialists, journalists, copywriters, marketers, editors, etc.
  6. HR: recruiters, managers, etc.
  7. Video / photo / design: web and graphic designers, video and photography, illustrators, editing, creating videos, etc.
  8. Consulting: consultants, managers, etc.
  9. Education: tutors, translators, coaches, authors of student papers, etc.
  10. Other: insurance agents, travel managers, insurance agents, etc.

How to find a remote job

We have already talked about what professions in remote work can suit you. But how to find a place where you can finally start earning?

Many people still think that remote work with knowledge of some area is available only to residents of large cities. Wake up, people! The Internet is a boundless space without division into large and small cities. The Internet is a world in which the binding to any geolocation disappears.

And here are some ways to find remote work at home:

  1. Talk to your employer. If you are a valuable employee, he will not want to lose you. At first, you can try remote work with weekly office visits. Over time, these visits can be reduced to a minimum. If you have not yet become such an employee, strive for this.
  2. Search on specialized sites. Usually, in ordinary job search sites there are filters with which you can select all ads based on remoteness. And there are even entire sites dedicated specifically to remote work.
  3. Help agencies. There are entire organizations looking for remote work for job seekers according to your requests. But in general, we recommend that you simply search the Internet for the query “remote work for + profession”). The search will surely give out a lot of options, among which you will certainly find yours.

Remote work for students: types of professions

But still, young people should not despair. Quite often, companies are looking for just such inexperienced, with a not yet clouded brain of people. Here are professions in which students can try to realize themselves.


It is perfect for students of philological or linguistic specialties, since literacy and the ability to correctly express thoughts are important here.

Copywriting is writing articles to order of absolutely any direction: description of resorts, purpose of metal structures, biography of a celebrity, benefits of goods and services, and so on.

The Internet is evolving, and so are websites. Therefore, copywriters are in high demand on electronic market. And to survive, you need to write well and on time.

How much can you earn from copywriting? The amount depends on the amount of work. A novice copywriter needs to fill his hand and syllable. To do this, it is necessary to issue 15,000 - 20,000 characters per day. Later, when your own customer base is built up, the number of characters can be slowly reduced, while increasing the cost of work (within reasonable limits).

On average, such work brings about $ 300-400 per month. Particularly cunning manage to bring $ 1000, but this is not for everyone.

Where to find a job as a copywriter? Start with open areas Advego, or eTxt. And best of all - register immediately for all and see which service you like.

The principle of operation is the same for everyone: register, select the first order, complete it, receive payment for remote work, withdraw money to your account.

Get ready for the fact that the first orders will have to be carried out literally for a penny. The more you work, the more profitable orders you will receive.

Rewriting and other little things

This is more likely not a job, but a part-time job, because they pay for it very modestly.

Rewriting is a low-grade copyright, retelling the text in other words without changing the meaning.

Yes, this is not theft of articles from other people's sites, but their careful alteration.

There are other tasks that will bring some penny: writing comments, chatting on forums, placing links, participating in voting, inviting friends to communities, and so on.

How much can you earn on rewriting? Do not expect to get more than $50-100 per month here, and this is the maximum!

Where to look for such a job? As in the previous case - Advego, or eTxt, or better - all at once.

This unusual view earnings are suitable only for those who have their own housing. However, in some cases it is worth straining even when you are shooting.

Let's take an example. If serious film festivals, sporting events (the world hockey championship, say), Oktoberfest or other events that attract tourists are planned to be held in your city in the near future, it's time to register on booking or AIRBNB.

The cost of decent housing per day can vary around $ 35 (for a one-room apartment) and more. Even if you rent an apartment, sometimes it's more profitable to hurry up in time and go to friends for the night. Such a quick wit can pay off some of the cost of your stay.

Earnings on a photo

If you like to shoot nature, people around you or whatever, it's a sin not to make money on it. It is enough to post photos in one of the photobanks, correcting the pictures according to their requirements.

Before posting a photo in the public domain, familiarize yourself with the target audience of the selected photo bank. As a rule, each of them has its own specialization, which is quite difficult to understand right away.

Get ready for the fact that you will not start earning in this way immediately. It will take some time before a penny starts dripping into your pocket.

Constantly experiment and post new photos. So it will be possible to better understand which photos the audience likes more.

Typically, on such sites, photos of the following orientation diverge fastest:

  • people and expression of emotions;
  • work, leisure, sports;
  • images of life situations (quarrel, friendship, ball games);
  • photos of food, drinks, objects;
  • images of tourist places (Kremlin, Eiffel Tower, Tower);
  • seasons and seasons (Halloween, New Year, Christmas).

With normal activity, remote earnings can reach up to $600. But remember that this professional level to which one should aspire.

Where can I find photography jobs? Pay attention to the sites, and others like that.

Content-, SMM-, Social-manager

All this is very interesting professions which have their own subtleties.

Each of them is associated with the maintenance and development of a project (website or group social network). Here you have to write or search for texts, select pictures for them, publish, repost, motivate people to join groups.

How much can you earn from this? As a rule, such work is paid low. But at the same time, it will not take much time, which is ideal for students. And if you are determined to make serious money, what prevents you from running several projects at once?

A good specialist in this field knows how to find the needs of his target audience and is constantly increasing it.

Where to find a job? Pay attention to the sites,

Foreign transfers

If you know a foreign language well, give all your strength to an in-depth study of some area (business, logistics, medicine and other highly specialized terminology).

The market always needs translators with good knowledge of technical texts.

How much can you earn from this? At first, it will turn out to earn quite a bit. But here the more you learn, the faster you will cope. And get regular customers. In a good scenario, an experienced translator receives about $600 and even more.

Where can I find a job as a translator? Pay attention to the websites of Advego,

Blog writing

Now only the lazy does not blog. And if you still don’t do this, then you probably don’t know how you can make money on it.

And there are many ways to monetize: participation in affiliate programs, contextual advertising, advertising links, writing custom posts and so on. Your task is to make the project successful and interest subscribers.

The one who begins to write from the heart, who cares about the topic, who has some kind of zest, will be able to advance in this matter. But, as with photos, earnings will not begin to come immediately, but only after the blog begins to appear on the first pages of search results.

Work via Skype (consultations, tutoring)

Tutoring is suitable for specialists in some field (lawyers, accountants, etc.). And tutoring is for teachers and students who are well versed in the discipline. The main thing here is to be a professional and give advice that will surely help the client.

It is especially useful to be a Skype teacher. Just imagine how great it is to study with a native speaker of the country where you are going to go soon!

Where can I find a job as a tutor? Pay attention to the sites,

Work as an author of student papers

This type of earnings is great for students with good academic performance and even teachers. After all, everyone knows very well how low their salary is. And helping to write all kinds of work is a great way to not only earn extra money, but often make this type of remote work your main source.

It is recommended to earn in this way, including students from the first courses. Start by writing essays to order - this is something that even high school students can do. Over time, you retrain for more serious work: term papers, practice reports, diplomas. The sooner you can master these types of work, the better you will cope with writing your own.

How much can you earn from this? It all depends on the type of work and the time that the author is willing to devote to work. There are those who receive $1500-2000 each. There is something to strive for, right?

Working as an author of student papers is great for those who want to develop themselves. Just imagine: constantly learning something new while writing unfamiliar essays or term papers. Constant self-education will only benefit.


Whatever you decide to become, remember: you won’t be able to get a lot at once. For normal earnings, you need to fill your hand, gain experience.

Reward yourself that while working remotely, you are your own boss and can get up at a time that is convenient for you.

The main thing here is to learn discipline and organize the work process. If all this works out, we assure you: remote work will allow you to manage your own life, provide you with freedom.

Despite the fact that in Russia this type of earnings is still developing, already now in almost every city you can find vacancies for remote employment. And if you can’t find it, we are ready to provide you with a job even tomorrow! And to broaden your horizons or just keep abreast of student life, subscribe to our


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