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The change in the economic situation in Russia has forced many employers to reconsider their strategy for their further development and personnel policy. However, in conditions of market instability, the personnel becomes the strategic resource for the company that allows you to survive difficult times. The task is greatly simplified if the company's image is attractive in the eyes of both current employees and job seekers. A strong and constantly supported HR brand allows you to save on recruiting staff, helps you select specialists on a targeted basis, and also helps to retain valuable employees. There are not so many companies in Udmurtia that are consciously engaged in the formation of an HR brand - most prefer to solve personnel problems by “plugging holes”.

reputation outside

The experts of the personnel market do not raise questions about the conceptual content of the term "HR brand" - it has long been used in Russian practice, annually growing tons of specialized literature. Another thing is that not everyone copes with the task of translating it into reality.

Meanwhile, the image of the company as an employer in the eyes of existing and potential employees, its reputation in the labor market is mirrored in the positioning of the company in the market in general, says the teacher of the Infograd training center, the author training course"Organization personnel service» Ekaterina Krylova.

A company whose HR brand is built competently and systematically has qualities that distinguish it from others, it offers employees special conditions, and its competitiveness in the labor market is high. And, as a result of the attractiveness of the brand, candidates for various positions quickly respond to open vacancies, and the employer has a wider choice, and the faster you can find the one he needs, the expert says.

Favorite definition of the Welcome Group HR Director Svetlana Alabuzheva:"HR-brand is a promise to potential employees of the benefits that they will receive by finding a job in a company."

After all, where does HR branding begin for a potential employee? Essentially, with hiring. What is hiring? Attracting, finding the people we need through the right selection tools. This is the identification of whether a person is suitable for us to solve those tasks that are relevant for the company, or not. In turn, the potential employee also makes a choice about his willingness to be involved in this activity. Already at the search stage, a person should have the most accurate idea of ​​​​what awaits him in the company. And it's great if it happens on a win-win basis. The creation of such a situation, first of all, is the care and responsibility of the employer.

Executive director of projects of the media group "Center" Anton Demin claims that it is important for the company that even people who do not work in it know that the Center media group is a serious, responsible employer who needs the best of the best.

Therefore, the formation of an HR brand is a conscious and methodical process, - says Mr. Demin. - We understand that generations of people are changing, that in order to attract young employees, a different motivation is needed than 5-10 years ago. And we act on the basis of this knowledge.

As an example of attracting newcomers, Anton Demin cited the common practice of financial incentives for employees for the recommendations of their friends and acquaintances.

On the basis of what do we often decide whether or not to trust this or that person? Based on the opinions of friends and relatives. About three years ago, the media group introduced a rule: if an employee brings his friend to our company, who successfully passes a three-month trial period, we pay him a bonus - 3,000 rubles. We kept our promise. And not just once. Therefore, now friends work and develop in the company.

Some experts believe that the stronger the HR brand, the lower the cost of staff - to attract and retain it. Svetlana Alabuzheva likes to repeat that an HR brand is a name that helps to save money, and the stronger it is, the less expenses are required to promote it, because the company is recognizable, it is popular among job seekers. “Of course, this does not mean that we spend less on retention - no one has canceled internal HR branding,” says Ms. Alabuzheva.

Internal and external HR

Traditionally, they talk about two components of a company's HR brand: internal, which is aimed at working employees, and external, which is focused on job seekers. As Ekaterina Krylova notes, they initially have different goals. If internal HR branding aims to create employee commitment to company values, increase staff loyalty, adapt newcomers and reduce staff turnover, then external branding is different.

In my opinion, they concern already more global questions, for example, positioning of the company as the careful employer and a prestigious place of work, - the expert speaks. - Indirectly, this affects the growth of the company's profitability. On this account, there are studies on the close relationship of employee satisfaction with consumer loyalty and company profits. Customer dissatisfaction with the service provided increases in direct proportion to the dissatisfaction of employees, which, in turn, manifests itself in a decrease in loyalty, poorer performance of their work, or even leaving the company.

Experts recognize that work on building an HR brand should be done consciously and systematically. The problem is that this doesn't always happen. There are not so many employers who monitor their HR brand or even try to support it. Moreover, the majority of advanced HR brands were formed not due to staff loyalty programs, but due to the quality of the company's work or its products.

As the host notes educational project for women "Business under the heel" Svetlana Aksyanova, if you do not follow and support the HR brand, it will form independently, not always in the way that the company's management would like, and it will be difficult to track why the company has low demand in the labor market.

Experts say that the formation of an HR brand should begin with the internal component. It is the employee who is the carrier of information about the company, the carrier of opinion about it as an employer. Having a certain opinion about it, people share it with others in the same way they share opinions about various goods and services.

The main channel through which the brand is broadcast to the market is the attitude of its employees towards the company, says Ekaterina Krylova. - Those image campaigns and advertising campaigns that position the enterprise in the labor market should not contradict the opinions of employees that they broadcast about the company.

Working on it allows you to answer the questions: “what to promise?”, “to whom to promise?”, “how to promise?”, Svetlana Alabuzheva says.

But the main thing we have to take care of is how to keep our promises. Because, before positioning how cool we are, we need to become cool, - says the expert. “Contradictions between the internal and external brand, the expected and the real picture will only aggravate the reputation, the novice employee will feel cheated.”

Thus, a strong HR brand is always based on the company's values ​​and HR strategy, so you need to build on these factors first of all. The values ​​of employees and the values ​​of the company should be as similar as possible, or at least should not contradict each other.

According to Svetlana Aksyanova, the creation of an HR brand begins after the manager realizes the need to form the image of the company in the labor market.

It is important to assess how transparent the motivation system is, whether employees understand what exactly they receive wages for and what they receive bonuses for. Unfortunately, in practice, I still encounter the fact that the staff is not fully aware of which components make up the remuneration. As a result, it cannot work as efficiently as possible. The system of adaptation, training and development of an employee is another element of the HR brand.

As Svetlana Alabuzheva notes, the adaptation of a newcomer is one of the key functions of the personnel department. At this stage, he decides whether his expectations coincided with the ideas about working in the company with which he came.

The main problem we experienced was the dismissal of new employees before a year of work. We have had internship programs for several years, but this did not solve the problem. The main goal of the Newcomer Adaptation project, which we launched, is to increase the efficiency of introducing an employee to the company. The main finding is that we make the learning process fun and interesting - it's a game with a certain plot. Moreover, the plot is also a tool for getting to know the concept of the institution. We have taken care of the quality of the educational and methodological material, and also included social features in the program, with the help of which the trainee successfully integrates into the system of relations in the team. It is at this stage that the future loyalty and commitment of the employee is born. If this task is solved, then the employee is ready to go through “difficult times” together with the company, feeling his belonging to this corporation.

Ms. Aksyanova suggests developing a “beginner's book” for each position, this will significantly reduce the time spent on introducing a new employee to a position. In her opinion, when compiling such a book, management answers many important questions: “why do potential employees need to line up?”, “What is the global goal (mission) of our company?”.

From the employee's point of view, the clear and precise criteria for a successful HR brand are: the level of salary, the size of the social package, understandable motivation, training and adaptation programs, the level of relationships in the team and the attitude of management towards the staff.

In times as uncertain as these, the need for security is heightened. Therefore, the HR department should analyze the average level of salaries for positions in the city, republic and industry in order to be “in the market,” says Ms. Aksyanova. - Another important element is the general information field, which is often forgotten when working on employee loyalty. How is the notification of events within the company? How quickly can the right employee get a new task? How is the performance of the assigned tasks monitored? It should be convenient for staff and managers to communicate and offer their ideas.

Who are the HR brands?

Welcome Group first began to develop the theme of its own HR brand three years ago, when the situation on the labor market was critical for it. As Svetlana Alabuzheva recalls, there were about 150 vacancies in the work weekly, which they could not close. A feature of the industry is that 60% of the staff are students who were temporarily employed. This explains the high turnover of staff in the catering industry.

Then for the first time came the realization that the company must make efforts to interact with existing and potential employees, which makes it an attractive place to work. The first steps were taken according to the principle “let's go,” says Svetlana Alabuzheva. - “Let's create content on the site, applicants will read it, make a conclusion about how great we are, and everyone will come running to work with us!” This did not lead to the expected result. Thus, we realized that before making any movements and messages outside, we need to understand who these messages are aimed at, what we want to say, what “catches” our audience. We returned to the starting point, conducted a competitive analysis, launched an internal employee survey, analyzed the channels and methods of communication with our potential employees, and adjusted internal HR processes. The main attitudes-leaders among the company's employees were "work in a dream company", "search for friends", "financial independence". Traditional events that solve the problems of internal HR-branding in the Welcome Group have become annual corporate events in a variety of formats: KVN, Olympics, Barmen's competition, Reverse Day, and so on.

According to Anton Demin from the Center media group, it is important that their employees have common goals, similar values, professional interests, but not only.

For example, we read books together: not only professional literature, but also classics. Everyone can take their favorite book from the office or their library, read it and talk about what conclusions they have made, and discuss these conclusions with colleagues. On the initiative of the employees themselves, we started playing basketball and volleyball, learning English and Spanish. It fires people up. And managers are connected to this process, communicate with their subordinates, learning a lot of new things about them, - says Mr. Demin.

There are similar forms of corporate cohesion in the Coffee Like chain of coffee bars. Its director Zufar Garipov notes that the team has a common task to make a company "that will earn money, in which happy people feel comfortable and safe and can reach their full potential.”

When moving from internal tasks to external HR departments of companies closely interact with marketing and PR services in search of points of contact with the target audience. The tools are known and universal: word of mouth, the Internet, leaflets, recruitment agencies. Big role the first persons of companies leading an active life also play.

One of the principles that we have defined for ourselves in the recruitment policy is a creative approach to describing the functionality of a vacancy, - says Svetlana Alabuzheva. - Satiated with information, our applicants are more likely to turn their attention to a vacancy described in a non-trivial way, avoiding formal stamps and templates. Very soon, our HR-site will appear on the air, in which we have implemented our ideas and ideas.

The crisis has given HR employees a rare opportunity to become actively involved in business processes in the company. The situation is changing not only in industries, but also in the labor market. Experts admit that he is shifting more towards the applicant, the employee ceases to be the "property" of the company, but wants to be a partner making a free choice.

As mentioned earlier, T. Ambler and S. Burrow were the first to introduce the concept of “employer brand”. Simon Barrow, occupying during his research work presidency consulting company in the field of personnel management "People in Business", designated the so-called "employer brand wheel", which became one of the very first models of the HR brand. This model describes the main factors that influence the perception of applicants. It is fair to say that this concept was proposed by the researcher at the very beginning of the development of HR branding as a direction, however, it served as a qualitative basis for further developments.

This model was later designed and detailed by Samon Barrow and Richard Mosley. Researchers have identified many factors that are components of an employer brand. These factors can be conditionally divided into two groups: organizational (political) and local (practical). It should be noted that despite the fact that all these components are interconnected with each other, their nature and nature of education are different. [Mokova, 2015, p.74]

* International Research Journal//Employer Brand Building Model - 2015, No. 6(37), p.74

The researchers pay special attention to the external reputation of the company, designating it as one of the most important political factors. They explain their position by the fact that there is a direct relationship between the product brand of the company and its brand as an employer, since the employees of the organization are more likely to identify themselves with successful company, whose products are in demand and respect among consumers.

The next important factor that belongs to the political category, Barrow and Mosley include internal communications, emphasizing the importance of understanding the goals of absolutely all employees, from senior management to line personnel because each of them is a representative of his organization.

The researchers also pointed to the special role of top management, as they are a role model for other employees.

The growing interest in corporate social responsibility also reflected in the development of the employer brand. As researchers from the Future Foundation have shown, about every specialist considers companies that are more actively manifesting themselves as socially responsible to be more attractive in terms of potential work in them. Active social activity fruitfully influences the motivation of employees to recommend their employer to others. [Mokova, 2015, p.74]

The last important political factor is the support of employees in their work, since it is important for them to feel the support of the company, to feel protected not only financially, but also psychologically.

Let's move on to the most important practical factors.

Recruitment is a significant factor, since the idea of ​​the employer brand is formed from the first impression.

Teamwork is one of the defining factors that create an employer brand in the eyes of current employees. Trust, openness, mutual assistance - this is what affects employee satisfaction and increases the credibility of the company.

I would also like to pay attention to another practical factor - training and development. It is known that career growth and development prospects are what attracts most applicants, because their desire to improve their skills and achieve recognition in a professional way is easier to understand. That is why the company must provide conditions for the disclosure of the capabilities of employees and regard training as a long-term investment. [Krinitsyna, 2013, p. 43]

Let's look at no less famous model The employer brand developed by Backhaus and Tiku, where they considered the relationship between the employer brand and employee loyalty: the researchers described a holistic model that explains the branding goals, as well as a system of relationships between the brand and its goals.

According to this scheme, the employer brand creates two main assets: HR brand associations and brand loyalty. Associations with the employer brand, in turn, form the image of the employer, which increases its attractiveness in the eyes of job seekers. The researchers also note that the HR brand has an impact on organizational culture and identification with the organization, and, accordingly, helps to increase employee loyalty to the employer brand. The logical conclusion of this chain is to increase their productivity.

Human resource practitioners who specialize in employer branding describe building an HR brand as a three-step process.

The first step is to create value for the company's employees - the "value proposition" or, in other words, the reasons why the employee chooses this job and why he is ready to work effectively. The value concept of the enterprise is developed with the help of organizational culture, management style, professional and personal qualities employees.

After developing a value proposition, the company offers it to the target audience, i.e. potential employees, recruitment agencies, employment consultants, and so on. External marketing of the employer brand is the second step that is necessary to attract potential employees who can become loyal employees in the future. This is a very important element in the process of creating an employer brand, since the productivity and financial results of the company directly depend on the number, and most importantly, the quality of the people hired.

When building external marketing into an HR branding system, a company should answer the following questions that highlight the benefits to the company from different angles.

Table 1 Benefits of introducing an HR brand in a company by an employer*

The third aspect of building an HR brand is internal marketing, which, in fact, is the fulfillment of the employer's promises that he made at the first and second stages. The more accurately and efficiently the employer fulfills the promised conditions, the more loyal employee he will receive. In other words, the main goal internal marketing is to increase employee satisfaction, motivation and productivity. Ambler and Barrow also give their interpretation of the questions from the side of the applicant, who answers them from the side of various benefits.

Table 2 Benefits of introducing an HR brand in a company by an employee*

* Ambler T., Barrow S. The employer brand, 1996, p.188

The concept of internal marketing provides for the fact that employees are internal customers of the company, and their result of work is an internal product.

Ruslan Mansurov in his book on HR branding focuses on the creation of an associative network of an HR brand, that is, on the totality of links that exist between the name of the company, its brand, products, reputation, and other information related to this company. The author points out the need to build positive relationships based on basic human and professional values. Thus, the HR brand must be inextricably linked with the name of the company, otherwise employer brand recognition will tend to zero. [Mansurov, 2011 p.90]

Let's consider each of the signs of an associative network in more detail.

By “reliability”, the author understands not only the stable position of the company in the market, which guarantees the stability of employment by employees, but also care for each employee, that is, a guarantee that in a difficult situation the employee can count on the support of the company.

“Perspective” means that not only the company has a future, but also the professional future of the employee in it, that is, the possibility of self-realization and career development.

"Cohesion" characterizes the team: how it is united by the common goals and mission of the company, how widespread are informal emotional ties between employees.

“Prestige” means the status of the company in the eyes of the internal consumer, that is, the employee: how much is he proud that he works in this particular company?

"Sociality". This criterion indicates that the company is interested not only in its own benefit, financial result, but also treats the company's employees with care, that is, provides them with social guarantees and benefits.

"Honesty" guarantees the fulfillment of its obligations in relation to employees in a transparent manner, for example, timely wages "white" salary.

After reviewing these criteria, which are relevant to a carefully crafted HR brand, it becomes clear that qualified and talented job seekers will choose this company over any other. This leads to the logical conclusion that a company's profit depends on the talent it can attract, which in turn reinforces the importance of investing in an HR brand.

In 2008, Katon and Macioschek built a model in which they showed the relationship between the company's profitability and the degree of development of the HR brand.[Katoen, Macioschek, 2007, p.156]

As we can see, this model takes into account the main goal of the brand in its usual sense, that is, increasing profits. The author shows that the employer brand is just as effective in achieving this goal, since the HR brand allows you to retain valuable staff. In addition, he identifies two more important areas that are affected by the phenomenon under consideration: satisfaction and loyalty of the company's internal consumers, which will be discussed in more detail in the next paragraph.

HR Brand. 5 steps to the success of your company Osovitskaya Nina A.

Internal and external HR brand

Internal and external HR brand

“Winning the war for talent means, first of all, focusing on retaining your talents, and then taking a strong position in a key segment of the labor market,” believes Joe Pieters , vice president of grading (Vice President Job Grading) of the company Philips.

There are two main areas in HR branding: internal and external.

The target audience internal HR brand - employees of the company. It is worth starting its formation with a study of the involvement and satisfaction of employees, with the identification of the main factors of staff retention. Analyzing the data obtained, it will be possible to see the priority tasks - namely, what needs to be adjusted in the systems of adaptation, training, motivation, internal communication, as well as in “ environment", the atmosphere of the company. If we are talking about the formation of these systems from scratch, then their most effective construction will be tied to the values ​​and characteristics of the company. For example, important point in a properly built adaptation program - acquaintance with the top managers of the company. The best basis for forming a corporate culture is first-hand information - from the first persons. But even without a reference book / book / package / disk for a new employee, it is also impossible to do. It is difficult to say what the contribution of a particular retention technology to general process: if all systems are set up and the most effective tools are used in each of them (for example, in the training system it can be mentoring, corporate university, e-learning), employee loyalty and involvement will grow.

David Lee advises: before declaring yourself to the labor market as an excellent employer, make an effort to make it true. To get started you need:

1. Ask employees what they think of the company as an employer.

2. Find out what they see as strengths and weak sides companies.

3. Ask them how the company compares to other employers.

4. Find out from new employees what they heard about the company and why they chose it among other potential employers.

5. Ask new hires if they are getting what they expected.

6. Ask employees from different professional and social groups what you can do to become a more attractive employer.

7. Act and change based on this data. The worst mistake is to ask employees for reviews and then send them to the "Big Black Hole of Employee Reviews".

8. Plan meaningful HR activities with great care and precision. Ask employees for step-by-step feedback on processes such as hiring, onboarding, any organizational changes, appraisals, etc.

9. Use the secret weapon of HR branding: attract managers who know how to create a positive work environment. Common sense backed by research Gallup Organization, suggests that supervisors are the most important factor influencing an employee's work experience. “Employees come to the company, but they leave the managers.” To truly become an employer of choice, and not just talk about it, you need to invest in developing leadership at all levels.

10. Create a system for evaluating the effectiveness of managers. In order for an investment to transform into a strong HR brand, it is necessary to evaluate the application of new management skills in the maelstrom of the daily work routine.

In addition, two processes are of great importance for the formation of an internal HR brand: effective internal communications and personnel training and development system.

international company S.A.S. Institute, a leader in Fortune magazine's 100 Best Employers in 2010, almost from the moment of its inception, it has paid great attention to open and honest communications within the company. The direct connection between management and ordinary employees is still a key part of the company's culture today. Company managers are required to speak directly and honestly with employees, to be open to honest answers to questions, and to ask for ideas and feedback. Regular meetings of top managers with small groups of employees are held in SAS throughout the existence of the company.

Elina Polukhina, independent expert, lists the following important tasks of the internal communications system:

1) form a single information field in the company;

2) to form and constantly maintain staff loyalty;

3) to form, correct and develop the corporate culture.

Effective internal communications should:

Contribute to the creation of a climate of trust and participation in the company;

Demonstrate that the company's management takes into account the interests of employees at all levels when developing strategy and policy;

Ensure constant informing of employees about changes, key decisions and achievements in the company;

Motivate employees through public recognition of individual successes and achievements.

The role of internal communications has increased especially during the crisis: according to a study Watson Wyatt, 83% of companies used the strengthening and activation of internal communications as an anti-crisis way to influence employee engagement.

In recent years, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, such an internal communication tool as an intranet, or an internal portal, is most in demand. This is not surprising, because it is possible to create an internal portal at minimal cost, and if implemented correctly, this leads not only to strengthening the internal HR brand, but also to a reduction in time costs and an increase in labor productivity. In the second section of the book, you can find a number of successful projects on the creation of internal portals (p. 114).

Among the factors of choosing an employer, the presence of great opportunities for development, training and career growth always has a great weight. The best employers, even in difficult economic periods, try to keep the budget for training and development of employees. And if it is necessary to reduce it - to find effective solutions to maintain the level and volume of training at a lower cost. The transition from external to internal training has become a new trend in both Russian and international companies. Firstly, this is due to cost reduction, and secondly, internal training is often better than external training, since it takes into account the specifics of a particular company.

The internal HR brand largely determines external. The labor market does not always trust the official information of the company (according to a number of studies, about 75% of people are sure that advertising is deceiving), but reviews of real and former employees- to a much greater extent. How a company looks in the eyes of candidates is largely determined by how it looks in the eyes of employees. This influence may not always remain spontaneous either; there are quite common tools for the mutual influence of internal and external HR brands. For example, a reward system for recommendations. By attracting acquaintances to work in the company, employees strengthen its image as an employer, and this is encouraged. The role of working with departing employees should not be underestimated - after all, it is their feedback that often creates a negative opinion about the company. A properly conducted Exit interview, resolution of all controversial issues, assistance in further employment turn former employees into loyal guides to the company's HR brand.

External HR branding is focused on specialists who are still on the other side of the company - that is, on potential job seekers. Speaking in marketing terms, candidates are in this case the target audience. Any company has to position itself as an employer: on job sites, bulletin boards, in print, in recruitment agencies etc. However, not everyone does it thoughtfully, in accordance with the built-in concept of building an employer brand. Companies often just post jobs on job sites when they need new hires. Or they update the corporate website to attract students. Or they print booklets if you need to present yourself at a job fair.

The formation of an HR brand is a more labor-intensive and less spontaneous process; it requires carefully calibrated actions, and above all, a detailed study of the target audience. When developing the concept, in accordance with the goals and objectives set, specific tools for influencing the audience are selected: methods, forms and channels for delivering information. Recently, more and more experts have been talking about the need to segment the target audience of candidates and place appropriate emphasis in the message of the HR brand. So study Employer Brand International shows that flexible working hours are six times more important for women than for men. And the cheerful atmosphere, the mood of the holiday at work, “fun” is three times more significant moment for the youth audience compared to candidates from the age group over 50 years old. There is no one-size-fits-all employer – it is important that the HR brand promise matches the expectations and needs of the right candidates. At the same time, companies carry out better selection, where the flow of irrelevant resumes is reduced, and the number of responses from the “right” people who are really highly motivated to work here is growing. Candidates, in turn, receive maximum information in order to make the right decision and choose the employer that suits them.

Summarizing, we can say that building a strong HR brand requires a systematic approach and consistency of processes at all stages: from the initial positioning of the company in the labor market to the exit interview with employees leaving the company.

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To bookmarks

HR branding is an important tool for improving business performance. The image of a company as an employer consists of two components: what employees think about their company (internal HR) and how potential job seekers perceive it (external HR). These components are inseparable, and the formation of any HR brand should be complex. But you should still start with an understanding of the internal processes in the company.

1. Analysis of the internal situation

Working conditions and corporate culture are the most important factors for the internal image of the company. Issues that seem to be far from personnel policy, such as poor supply of office supplies and boring corporate parties, can seriously affect the company's image and cause dissatisfaction among employees. At the first stage of developing an HR brand, it is necessary to identify and correct errors in internal processes to the maximum and create a favorable working atmosphere within the team. Without this, any attempt to create a reputation as an attractive employer is doomed to failure.

In practice, there was an experience when it was necessary to remotely search for employees in the office and working staff for one large, but little-known in Russia international company. At the same time, more than 10 sites with very negative reviews about the company itself, as well as about working conditions and corporate culture. As a result, despite the fact that the employer offered salaries much higher than competitors in the region, none of the potential applicants found agreed to come even for an interview. it real example the fact that if you do not work on your reputation within the company, no bonuses and salaries will help attract staff.

2. Definition of the target audience

Just like advertising a company's products, when building an HR brand, you need to know exactly the target audience for which it is intended. What is valuable to some candidates is completely unimportant to others. It is important for young professionals to gain new experience, to work in a pleasant company in a comfortable office. Experienced professionals are more interested in career opportunities, income levels and the opportunity to learn new technologies.

Therefore, before starting the formation of an HR brand, it is necessary to analyze what kind of specialists the company wants to have in its ranks now and in the future.

3. Working with a team

The formation of a corporate culture and the measurement of its nuances must be carried out again, from the inside, by the forces of HR specialists and marketers.

Surveys and feedback

For feedback with employees, the formats of informal meetings with management, questionnaires and surveys are very effective. Questionnaires help determine expectations and moods, and the level of motivation is the so-called “360 survey”. The same questions are sent to the employee, his immediate superiors, colleagues and subordinates.

Questions, for example, may be related to self-esteem, initiative, the quality of problem solving, leadership potential and the ability to work in a team.

When processing responses, it is important to compare how the employee evaluates himself in comparison with colleagues, subordinates, and the manager. Analyze strengths and weaknesses. If necessary, adjust the loyalty program and conduct additional training.

It is also necessary to conduct regular job satisfaction surveys and collect feedback from employees after all events held in the company. Despite the apparent obviousness, such methods are not accepted everywhere, although they really work.

For example, after conducting surveys in our company, it became clear that it was difficult for new employees to adapt to the team - they felt uncomfortable for the first days and weeks, did not know who to contact in case of problems and what to do in between work tasks. After that, an adaptation system was introduced. Special mentors take care of new employees, helping to deal with emerging difficulties in time.


The direct manager in medium and large businesses can have 30-60 people in submission. It is unlikely that with such a structure, the manager will be able (and should) deal with the adaptation of each new employee. By the way, it takes about 20 hours a month to adapt each new employee, not including training.

The adaptation of employees consists of several blocks, depending on the specifics of the business and the specialization of a particular employee. This is an introduction to the company, to the department, training, definition of work tasks, adaptation. Each of these blocks requires time and attention, but the system fully justifies itself. "Recruits" quickly join the team, work with full dedication and a positive attitude.

4. Development of EVP and media policy

Based on internal indicators, an EVP (employment value proposition) is created. This is the positioning of the company in the labor market, which includes a slogan that reflects the purpose and mission of the company, as well as key points that show the value of working in this particular company compared to competitors.

Usually, specialized marketing and HR agencies or their own departments within the company are involved in the development of EVP. Specialists help to bring the situation within the company in line with the desired EVP - after all, the creation of an HR brand and media policy of the company as a whole is impossible without transparency, openness and truthful information.

Then job offers are compared with competing firms for all positions, interviews are conducted with applicants and representatives of the target audience in order to find out their preferences and expectations. If necessary, the necessary elements are added to the corporate EVP.

5. External HR branding

Several employees of personnel and marketing services are responsible for working with social networks. Competently built communities in different social networks with different tasks, as well as cooperation with specialized sites, have a decisive impact on the HR brand, especially for young companies. The rules of SMM promotion within the framework of a unified personnel policy are the same for all business areas. Communities should be "live", that is, regularly updated and attract the maximum number of subscribers and friends. Publications should be interesting to readers, regardless of the content.

When working with social networks and online employment resources, it is important to respond quickly to user comments and use modern techniques, including social listening, chat bots, and automated responses to emails. In any external publication, the main thing is to maintain a balance. FB is relevant for partners and clients, it is appropriate to publish profile business news, consumer and industry reviews, alternating with entertainment content. Partners, for example, are not very interested in seeing how you celebrated March 8 in the office. And it is important for potential employees in VK to evaluate the corporate spirit of the company, get acquainted with vacancies, see comments and reviews, and pass tests.

Neutralization negative reviews

Most of the negative reviews about the company on the Internet are a flaw in the HR service. In 30% of cases, reviews about a company on websites and social networks are left by those who did not get into the company for one reason or another (for example, they did not pass an interview). That is why you should always leave a positive impression, regardless of whether the candidate has approached or not. You need to be able to conduct an interview and give feedback so that the candidate leaves with a positive attitude and a desire to return in the future. In addition to the usual courtesy, you must definitely try to give a person what he needs - for example, good advice on employment, a recommendation to another company, or just a smile and a good parting word. This is important, since the HR-brand will, first of all, be formed from such reviews, especially if the company is still little known in the market. Of course, there are times when none of this helps, and applicants are still offended - in HR, one must not forget about the human factor.

* * *

It is important to remember that you need to think about creating an HR brand even at the stage of creating a new business. The image of the company is not only the quality of goods and services and the fulfillment of all obligations to customers and partners. The personnel reputation of the company in the labor market is important for both current staff and potential employees. After all, the success of any enterprise ultimately depends on the work of specific people.

An HR brand is one of the tools to improve business performance. Any self-respecting company is engaged in branding as an element of the marketing mix, because in today's competitive world this is a great opportunity to get loyal followers.

Marketers were the first to engage in branding to increase attractiveness trademarks and fixing certain key characteristics of the brand in the minds of the target audience. The target audience of such messages were primarily customers and consumers. Those who were more perspicacious began to include in communications internal audiences(employees) and external, as employees themselves were often consumers (in FMCG markets) and loyal advocates for their employers' brands.

Over the past 10 years, the struggle not only for consumers, but also for one of the company's main assets - human capital. And here, branding technologies have earned their full potential, adjusted, of course, for their specifics. HR brand and branding plays one of the main roles in this war for talent. It allows you to attract the most valuable personnel from the market at the lowest cost, retain and save on staff due to the added intangible value, makes it possible to implement all kinds of programs for high-potential and ordinary employees, consciously manage the strategy of working with people, systematically convey the company's key values ​​to people, increase efficiency intra-team interaction, involve them in new projects and much, much more.

The topic of HR branding is close to me because it is at the junction of two huge areas that are of great interest to me. I have been involved in branding for more than 12 years and even managed to receive the Brand of the Year / Effie award in the low-budget project nomination for creating an umbrella brand in the consumer market back in 2005. And it's amazing when marketing and branding technologies are already being actively used by companies to create an HR brand, an employer's value proposition, a set of internal and external communications with target audiences, and much, much more.

On the way to building an HR brand, you may lie in wait a huge number of errors and risks. I will list Top 10, which should be remembered by everyone who plans to do or is already engaged in HR branding.

1. Building a root brand identity (essentially the brand promise) based on a misconception of needs, wants and values target audiences.

Before building a brand structure, it is necessary to conduct research in order to understand these people and speak the same language with them. It happens that the person or team responsible for the development and implementation of an HR brand is in a completely different value field (remember the simplest example with generations X and Y), which entails serious errors in the development of the platform that come from this discrepancy.


Nina Osovitskaya, HR Brand Award consultant, HeadHunter HR branding expert

Speaking of mistakes in working with the employer brand, one cannot fail to note the mistake at the very beginning of the process - when setting goals. Why are we building an HR brand? What candidates and employees do we want to attract or retain? Companies often formulate goals in a very abstract and in general terms: we want to become the best employer, we want any student to dream of getting an internship with us. At one of the meetings, the client announced such a goal, for example: in two years to become like Google. It is better to set specific, realistically achievable goals that are consistent with the overall business and HR strategy of the company.

Another common mistake concerns research. HR departments are trying to save money and independently use non-adapted questionnaires that can be found in the public domain on the Internet, for example, Gallup Q12.

You can imagine how puzzled line employees in production are when answering the question “Does your boss or any of your colleagues care about your personal development?”.

And last, and perhaps the most common - errors in communications. I will name only two of the most typical. The first is the use of publicly available images from photobanks instead of photos of employees or at least materials from a special photo shoot. It is rather strange to see the same blonde with a Hollywood smile, who offers to join her team, either in a bank, or in a real estate agency, or in a large pharmaceutical company. The second is to use photos of products or goods instead of photos of people and jobs. A shoe store prides itself on patent leather shoes, a poultry farm prides itself on fluffy chickens, and only somewhere in the back of a page about a career in a company can one find something about the people who work there.

2. The HR brand is disconnected from the core brand identity offered to consumers on TV screens.

A brand cannot be both energetic, young, cheerful and respectable, serious, conservative at the same time. Since communications often overlap, the consumers of these communications will have a complete mess in their heads. Align the HR brand with the consumer brand so that they become part of the same whole.


Irina MaltsevaHRDRostelecom, Volga macroregion

Firstly,HRA brand is an extension of a company's brand and the values ​​of its product or service. On the one hand, this can help, on the other hand, interfere with the perception of the employer brand in the eyes of target audiences. CongruenceHR-brand is the key topic here. ExternalHRThe brand should be a mirror of the internal brand. The message for the external audience should reflect the true values ​​of the company, internal working conditions, corporate culture. It may be worth starting with internal engagement and staff commitment, and then planning to expand to the external level of the brand.

It should be noted that Rostelecom, since its integration in 2011, has now become a very strong corporate brand with high recognition and attractiveness. ControlHR-brand recently stood out as an independent direction. At the same time, Rostelecom regularly enters the lists of the top various ratings of employers in Russia and certain territories. For example, the Volga macro-regional branch of PJSC Rostelecom was awarded the national award "HR–brand – 2014”, having received the third degree award in the nomination “Region”, regionalHR- Award "Employer of the Year - 2014", one of the best employers Nizhny Novgorod according to the portal, having received the "Index of Happiness - 2014", "Index of Confidence - 2015". In many ways, these are the results of the implementation of the strategic program "Personnel Transformation", which ultimately form a positive image of the company in the labor market.

Second, to manageHRThe following conditions are important for a brand:

- act systematically, with an understanding of the long-term goals of the company. including in the areaHR. Assess the real effect of the impact of initiatives on business;

- to form a value proposition as employers (EVP). Understand and feel your target audience and differentiate from competitors;

- be consistent in your actions.

3. The HR brand doesn't really stand out from the competition. The same promises, the same communications, even the faces are the same.

What is the distinguishing feature of your company then? The most you can hope for is getting rid of those companies that do not have any meaningful long-term personnel policy at all.


One of the first notable players in the marketfast- foodpaying serious attention to the constructionHR-brand, was and still isMcDonald's. In this area, it often outperforms its closest competitors. The example of attracting candidates shows how their communication strategy has changed over time. Initially in advertising campaign they listed social benefits and working conditions in the company. Moreover, some of them were mandatory from the point of view of labor legislation (paid leave), and some reflected personnel policy (training, flexible schedule) and corporate culture (friendly team, stability and reliability). All arguments were clearly stated and clearly presented. Soon this technique began to be used everywhere by other companies in appeals to a potential target audience - not only in terms of content, but also in style and communication channels.

LaterMcDonald'sbegan to use stories about specific people with their photos and descriptions of success stories in their advertising posters for future employees. The emphasis has shifted to the fact that this work can be combined with studies, make friends and fulfill oneself. Evolution in constructionHR-brand took into account modern tendencies marketing is an appeal not only to rational arguments, but also to the emotional component.

At a recentHR-conferences, I remember the speech of one of the leaders of this company, who is responsible for personnel management issues. She spoke about non-standard and new experience in the application of non-material motivation. A great resonance within the company received an internal competition when the best workers restaurants across the country had the opportunity to work in Sochi during the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games. The winners were compensated for transportation costs to a new temporary place of work and were provided with housing.

The use of similarHR- andPR-technology helps to be one step ahead of its competitors in building and maintaining an individual employer brand.

4 . HR branding is one of the key policies in the company, does all top management know about it? Does he share this strategy, does he demonstrate it in his work, does he actively communicate it to the market and internal employees, or is it just a new fashionable toy in the hands of an HR director? Doing the same thing as before, but now we call this word HR branding? If the management does not share this strategy or even a different opinion about what the company is like, expect troubles and conflicts. Most likely, target audiences will not believe what the company tells them.


Evgenia Brylova, HRD DSM Group

Construction problemHR-brand, in my opinion, consists in the absence of the very root idea that ensures the exclusivity of the company, making it recognizable among other similar companies. It's like charisma, you either have it or you don't. And a key role in the developmentHR-brand plays the identity of the founder of the company or the person managing the company at a certain point in time. It is his unique personality that makes the company itself unique, special, gives an individual character that kindles love in the hearts of people, forcing them to become faithful followers and evangelists of the mission and values ​​of the company.

5. Corporate culture - very inert, it takes time, effort and commitment to change it.

Saying in a company with an army paramilitary mentality today that we are open and friendly, tomorrow you will not get it in reality. We need meaningful and consistent work to create such an atmosphere. You won’t be able to fly into space right away, you first need to build a spaceport, develop a rocket prototype, train astronauts, etc. Be prepared to devote a lot of time to this.

6. How much does non-material staff motivation and HR branding cost? What is the expected return from the implementation of such programs?

When there is no clear understanding of metrics and evaluation key indicators, such an unprofessional approach will increasingly require resources to continue and develop. This can turn into a black hole when, instead of turning on the head, inventing and implementing really interesting and low-budget events, responsible employees and the team simply get hooked on the budget and begin to actively "master" it. Ideally, you need to move away from ratings from the "like - dislike" series and move into the business plane with a discussion of the ROI (return on investment) parameter.


Oksana Kukharchuk Director of MTS Corporate University

HR brandtoday is one of the most important tools workHR. This is how the company is perceived in the market and, as a result, who comes to you ... The right people, with the right potential, at the right time ... or just who can be persuaded to come to an interview and outbid for a lot of money?

Ask the question “If company XYZwas a person, how would you describe her.. ? Only 5 adjectives. Ask yourself, your employees, former colleagues, potential candidates, and even your relatives. It's interesting to see the difference in perception. Write down the received adjectives and compare them with how you likeHRdescribe the company. Focus on gaps. An excellent practice is the facilitation of focus groups. You will not only get a high-quality result, but also involve the main participants.

ATframeworkdevelopmentHR brandmeasureNPS (Net Promoter Score).A customer loyalty marketing tool that allows for cross-sections and benchmarks to increase customer happiness.

Just one question: "How likely are you to recommend company X to your friends/acquaintances"? The client rates on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means “definitely recommend”, and 0 means “definitely do not recommend”. Further, based on the answers, customers are divided into three groups:

"Promoters" - rated 9 and 10. Clients who are highly loyal to the company and are very likely to recommend it to their friends.

"Neutrals" - those who gave ratings of 7 and 8. They are considered "passive" customers who are not only very ready to recommend the company, but not very dissatisfied with it either.

"Criticists" - those who gave ratings from 0 to 6 - are dissatisfied customers who would rather not recommend the Company to their friends/acquaintances, and, moreover, may even "advise" to use its services.

The NPS index itself is calculated as the difference between the percentage of "promoters" and "critics" and shows the level of customer loyalty. The final value can vary from -100 (if 100% of the company's customers are "critics") to +100% (if all customers are "promoters").

It is believed that companies with a very high positive NPS index (conditionally +50 and above) can increase their customer base by themselves, and you can not advertise at all. An example is Apple, which does not need advertising.

If I was asked just 1 piece of advice “What to do for effective developmentHR brand”, I would answer “Study marketing, read Kotler and don’t reinvent the wheel.”

7. Today we are white, and tomorrow we are red. HR branding is a strategy that begins to work when focused work is carried out in the chosen directions for a long time and with commitment.

If you constantly create new creative solutions that contradict each other, then you risk losing this very focus, and there will again be a mess in the head of your target audiences. You can choose different communication formats, but the most important thing is that the structure or identity of the brand is unchanged and with each such communication you only confirm it.

8. Copy best practices without comprehending and imposing on one's identity.

It is possible and necessary to borrow foreign cases and examples of Russian colleagues with one amendment - you need to clearly understand how these communications and programs will confirm the identity of your HR brand that you have chosen. To make HR branding meaningful and effective tool, you need to clearly understand why you need it, what the company will be like, when all programs are implemented, what value it will bring to employees and the company itself, how it will increase business efficiency. Any chaotic copying will only confuse and dilute the root promise of the brand.


Olga Litvinova, HR Director, EVRAZ

During the period of work inexecutive- searchbusiness, I have had to deal with unsuccessful attempts Russian companies copy the Western model of work with personnel. Let me tell you about a few fairly common mistakes.

RussianFMCG- a company (beverage production) sought to attract successful candidates with experience in multinational Western companies, telling candidates "at the entrance" about their progressive technologies and developed corporate culture. In fact, it turned out that the company was unable to create a clear and transparent system of motivation. Because of what, new employees were extremely disappointed, quit before graduation probationary period with a feeling of deceived expectations, not having received the level of income that they expected. After some time, the company gained a reputation, and worthy candidates no longer wanted to consider it as their potential employer.

Another RussianFMCG-company (production of food products) began to actively use the technologies of the assessment center in the recruitment process. At the same time, a number of organizational and communication mistakes were made (uncomfortable environment for candidates, lengthy procedure, inconvenient time, lack of feedback on evaluation results, etc.). Despite the market wages in this company, they failed to close key positions for a long time.

Such examples clearly illustrate that errors in the constructionHR-brands not only have a negative impact on business performance indicators (due to a decrease in the quality of personnel, the speed of filling vacancies, etc.), but also carry significant reputational risks for the company.

9. When formulating an identity, they forget about the values ​​that should underlie it.

Values ​​are what unites people, energizes and motivates, they are the engine and fuel of any company, the heart and engine. Having chosen a certain set of values ​​once, you risk losing those people who do not share them. But on the other hand, the bonus will be that people with a single value field will be selected for the team, and this greatly enhances the synergy of the team and its effectiveness. The involvement of professional coaches allows all employees to work at a value level, and the introduction of a coaching management style significantly increases the competitiveness of the company.

10. Get involved in metrics and do everything mechanistically.

People at work don't want to be subordinates or resources, they want to be people. That is why in recent years more and more talk about the concept of workplace happiness and engagement as key parameters that seriously affect business performance. Let your HR brand and strategy be human, based on and following simple human values. Companies of the future are companies that give their employees the opportunity to fulfill themselves and use their full potential; that take into account the needs of employees and their desires, competently linking them with the goals of the company; who invest in their development, drawing joint plans for the future and showing where each employee belongs in the company of the future.

I am confident that you will be able to avoid these mistakes and build a strong and healthy HR brand for your company, which will not only increase the efficiency of your business, but also bring true happiness and joy to your employees.

I thank the invited experts: Irina Maltseva, Evgenia Brylova, Oksana Kukharchuk, Nina Osovitskaya and Olga Litvinova for valuable comments.

President of ICC Russia


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