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The nose is like a dog, the eyes are like an eagle and the charisma is the size of an icebreaker, but your strength is not only in this. For career development you will need qualities and skills that you may not have thought about.

How to protect your opinion?

You often have sound ideas that are rejected in meetings without understanding. And then they return to them, forgetting about authorship (or do not return). Learn to defend your opinion on time and confidently.
Remember: what seems to you an axiom may not be obvious to others (or they are harmful). Always prepare arguments in favor of each statement.
Don't think that your opinion is less important than the opinions of corporate gurus. Even if you are wrong, the discussion will enrich you with new knowledge.
Hold back your emotions. Curses and groans are appropriate in creativity and in love; at work, they defend their position calmly.
Follow the formalities. Any proposal must be at least mentally formalized according to the rules: the goal, the necessary resources, the deadline, the stages of implementation, and possible problems.
Speak smartly. Before speaking, ask not to be interrupted, and then offer to ask questions.

How to deal with being late?

Punctuality says that you are a responsible girl. This will become the basis of your good working reputation, and therefore ...
Always keep an organizer and plan a month, a week, a day.
When going to a meeting, keep in mind that a car or bus may get stuck in a traffic jam, and a taxi may not arrive. Use the metro and trains - they run without interruption (Something happened to them? Maybe this is a sign from above: do you need this meeting?).
Learn to cut off sudden tasks: most of them are quite tolerated until the moment when you arrive at work.
Prepare everything in the evening except breakfast: clothes, documents, work materials. In the morning, I packed up and left. Without the painful choice between white with black peas and black with white peas.

How do you get to be appreciated?

Do you feel like others don't notice your progress? Most likely, you do not know how to properly express yourself. Learn to present your accomplishments.
Compile reports properly. Indicate which projects (or their stages) you have completed, how much time you have spent, what feats you have accomplished and how many enemies you have defeated.
At meetings, do not sit in a corner - discuss, express your opinion, take the initiative.
Communicate more with co-workers. They will refer to you during meetings, and this will automatically add value to you.
Participate in corporate events! The girl who takes part in competitions like “Get the Boss by Touch” without hesitation will surely be remembered by everyone.

How to reject courtship?

If after the competition the boss started winking at you (or a colleague who saw it all winks), be firm!
Be direct. Don't give hints, but make it clear that you're not interested in having an affair at work. Try not to be alone with this person and do not behave with him in any other way than with others.
Do not hurt. Honestly confess to the unfortunate that you do not like him at all, - bad idea. Better make it clear that you're not free.
Stay calm. If you stutter or fiddle nervously with your handkerchief, your refusal will seem very uncertain - and the gentleman will hit you with redoubled ardor.
Do not talk! You risk becoming the main character of gossip.

How to record the results of negotiations?

At the end of any business meeting, it is important to sum up, summarize everything that has been said and formulate what you have finally come to.
During the discussion, always write down the views of the parties.
Do not forget to say the final phrase: "Let's sum up our conversation."
List by points exactly how you understood the agreements, and check the wording with the opinion of the participants in the meeting.
Make sure that all those present sign the minutes of the meeting in the form that is customary in your organization: read email and sent approval in response, agreed in the electronic document management system, set electronic signature etc.

How to prepare for public speaking?

First of all, pull yourself together and try not to worry.
Find out who will be in the room and try to anticipate possible questions and criticism (try to anticipate the most nasty remarks - it's good if you have homemade preparations for them).
Think over your costume: clothes should create an image and give you confidence.
Plan the responsible day in such a way as to avoid hassle.
If possible, study the room in which you will perform, this will help you feel less constrained.

How to deal with problem subordinates?

Unfortunately, not all people understand how lucky they are with you and work carelessly. But they will also have to find a way.

Criticize carefully. Be sure to praise a job well done, but be sure to point out flaws as well, suggesting that the person find a solution to the problem.
Criticize work, not personal qualities. Even if you think that life has brought you together with a worthless bungler who can only sharpen your pencils, you should not demonstrate this.

Set tasks and ask if the employee is ready to complete them on time (and also find out what can interfere with him). Let him take responsibility.

If the project failed and you ended up in the "dock" of the boss, you should not shift all the blame on your subordinates. By this you say: "I am a bad leader."

How to behave at corporate parties?

About the hot hugs of the legs of a colleague (anyone), dancing on the table and sleeping on it, we have long said everything. Besides…
Don't be tense. Keeping up conversations about family, leisure and hobbies is sacred.
Participate in the organization of holidays yourself. It brings joy.
Look after yourself during games and competitions: it is very likely that some look at you appreciatively as a potential leader.
Laugh, have fun, but in no case take on the role of the main clown - this is not an option for an ambitious person.

How to resist rudeness and insults?

Know how to fight back, but still do not go too far.
Do not worry. Hams never persecute those whom they cannot emotionally “shake”.
Respond to attacks harshly, but correctly. Phrases like “I don’t like communication in this tone, I propose to discuss without getting personal” are quite suitable.
Behave in a similar way when insulting another person, it causes respect.
Don’t spend a lot of energy constantly fighting with a brawler - answer when you are hurt, and devote the rest of the time to work.
Remember: someone is rude because he is rude, and not because something is wrong with you. A decent person is restrained and with a obviously weaker one, so do not look for flaws in yourself.

How to respond to criticism?

If your work is dissatisfied, score points with a competent reaction to what is happening.
Make the most of it. Ask clarifying questions, give counter-arguments. Take what is happening as an intellectual game, and not as a personal insult.
Catch ideas. Many people, in criticizing others, drop valuable considerations that they do not have time to implement. Yes, this is a chance to use other people's brains. Why not?
Set the tone for the conversation. Do not make excuses, but act like a boss who collects proposals and makes decisions. give thanks for good ideas and tell us how you will take them into account in your work. People are pleased when they are listened to, it reduces the intensity of passions. And you, as always, on horseback.

How to do a hundred things at the same time?

If it seems to you that the amount of work is growing like a snowball, then it's time to put things in order.
Make a step-by-step to-do list for long-term projects and a schedule for routine. So you separate the first and second.
Automate everything you can: for example, for a weekly report, prepare a “fish” that has already included recurring tasks.
Tidy up your business contact lists.
Use psychological techniques and relaxation techniques - it works.

How to strike a balance between human and work relationships?

A friendly environment in the team is great, but excessive closeness can interfere with a career. That's why…
Don't go overboard with details about your family and lifestyle, just speak in general terms.
Do not get into squabbles and do not gossip, but do not condemn gossips either: you will make enemies for yourself.
Do not ask for concessions “for personal reasons” - you will probably have to help out your colleagues in return, and more than once. And if you are asked for such a favor for the first time, be sure to emphasize that now is an exceptional case when you, so be it, can meet this person halfway.

How to become more creative?

It's not enough to be just a pro these days. People who can find a way out of any situation quickly and beautifully are valued. Develop this skill.
Train, come up with elegant solutions to simple everyday tasks - from collecting for work to improving the vacuum cleaner.
Point out what clearly needs to be improved. Creativity is also the ability to see a problem before others.
Play mind games for reaction speed like “What? Where? When?" and others.
When you think about a task, write down all the thoughts that come to mind. Do not throw away the obviously absurd - try to bring them closer to reality.
Chat with dreamers. Light madness is contagious: you yourself will not notice how the vacuum cleaner will be improved in the best traditions of science fiction, and after it marketing plan your department that you've been assigned to work on.

How do you announce your ambitions for a promotion?

You could have been promoted (or at least raised your salary) in the last century, but the authorities are deaf and blind? It's time to get active.
If you are not offered a ready-made position as a boss, create it yourself. Volunteer to manage the interns, offer your project, in general, connect your imagination.
Intervene! Express your opinion (by itself, only reasoned), including on issues that are beyond the scope of your duties. The main thing is to justify everything correctly.
In reports to your boss, emphasize your leadership role: the ability to structure things, give instructions, monitor their execution - in a word, take responsibility and control others.
If the authorities do not understand even “fat” hints, start a direct conversation. But still, you should not start with complaints about a beggarly salary with reference to the famine years - first of all, say that you would like to get more serious tasks. Then you can move on to the question of money.
If you're sure you're underpaid, talk to your boss personally. But do not forget to prepare evidence: you must convince the boss that you have large volumes and you have to solve serious problems.

How to adapt to the new boss?

Take this situation as an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
Watch out for business style new boss, how he communicates, solves minor problems, leads meetings. Try to predict some of his habits (for example, how he will drink coffee or how fast he will look through documents), and then check your guess. This will teach you to understand it intuitively.
Ask him about the goals and objectives that he sets for himself and his subordinates.
Get ready for grinding: there are always difficulties at first, don't make a drama out of it.
If a new leader does not hide that he would like to update the team, take it philosophically. Do your best, but remember: not everything depends on you now. Don't let the situation ruin your self-esteem.
Do not repeat endlessly how you used to work with the old leader. Talk about it only when necessary and as neutrally as possible.

TEXT: Anna Nikitina

Achieving success in life with very high competition is not so easy. To realize your ideas and achieve career heights, you need to work hard. Life does not always open easy paths, sometimes the teacher seems too harsh to us, although later, comparing him with the boss, we understand that this opinion was not too true. However, even if the path is not easy, you should in any case move towards your goal. People, as a rule, are divided into 2 types: those who see opportunities in everything, and those who find excuses all the time, the site agrees. How to build a career in a highly competitive environment?

  1. The main thing is to believe in yourself

Learning to trust yourself and your own feelings is quite a difficult task. But not always the right decisions are the result of only logical conclusions. Sometimes you should trust your own "sixth sense", intuition.

When you lack arguments in order to make a decision or make a sharp turn in life, listen to your inner voice.

He will never let you down, only in this case you need to turn off the logic and listen carefully to what your intuition will say, trust your own feelings.

  1. Try everything that is unknown

The world does not stand still, especially the modern one. Technology is developing at a frantic pace. New ideas are constantly being embodied, and the ways of thinking and perceiving information are changing just as quickly. Learn to listen to other people's opinions. What works today may not be relevant tomorrow.

Do not use all the time one worked out scheme, use the new and unknown.

  1. Always be aware of new technologies

It is absolutely not necessary to buy a new gadget every time as soon as it enters the market. But in your field, you should be aware of new developments and achievements.

Respect your fans. After all, no one is immune from the fact that this is exactly what your future boss will turn out to be.

  1. Try to study all the time

Even if you have 2 higher education never stop learning, this is the only way to achieve real success. In the context of Internet opportunities, this can be done constantly, using online courses, webinars and distance learning programs.

Never stop there. As soon as you stop learning, regression sets in.

  1. Be sure to help others

Do not take your success as an event for granted, even if you put a lot of effort and energy into achieving the result. Remember: this is not only your merit, but also the merit of your entire team.

If you are in a strong position, lend a helping hand to those who are weaker.

  1. Don't neglect any work

If you just graduated from an institute or college, then you will not immediately become the director of an enterprise and will not drive a luxury car. You will have to start from the smallest. Therefore, even if you initial stage having to sell hamburgers at McDonald's, take it as a new experience. After all, you don't know when you'll need it.

Any work is not a shame, it's a shame to do nothing and complain about the lack of opportunities.

  1. Be sure to keep fit

Throwing all your strength into building a career, do not forget to take care of your physical health. After all, no one is immune from burnout syndrome. Striving for your own goal is a kind of marathon.

If you are used to:

  • work even at night
  • drink liters of coffee
  • smoking incessantly
  • ignore weekends and holidays,

then sooner or later overwork will come, and all your achievements will lose their meaning. Only a harmonious combination of caring for one's own health and building a career will give a satisfactory result.

  1. Treat colleagues with respect

Your colleagues and even competitors deserve your respect. Working in the same area, you not only learn from each other, but also provide assistance. And no one knows how life can turn out, because tomorrow your subordinate can become your boss.

The established connections are also your capital in the matter of how to build a career, so follow the unshakable rules in relation to your colleagues:

  • decency,
  • correctness,
  • respect.
  1. Constantly review your work

Do not forget to analyze your mistakes and miscalculations, because, without taking into account these data, you will stagnate in one place, repeating the same miscalculations. Draw conclusions not only from your own work, but also from the work of competitors and partners - this will save you from your own mistakes.

  1. Look for what you like

You can't build a career where you don't feel passion and love for what you do. Even if your education runs counter to what you love, go to your goal only through the work that inspires you.

Everything you do must have a meaning. If you are lucky and you are doing what you love, then it will not be as difficult to succeed in it as if you were working just for the sake of money.

And what rules do you apply in building your own career, let's discuss on the site.

You can look for a job for today, or you can make a career.

Sitting in one place, you will not make a career: moving up implies an increase in the complexity of tasks, professionalism, circle of influence and level of business activity. If you are active, then you can make a quick career where there are a lot of vacancies. Even faster where there are many vacancies, but there are few candidates for these places. But that's not all: companies need to have vacancies at different levels of the hierarchy. Then you will have a chance to climb these stairs to the top.

For example, you start from the starting position of a manager or sales specialist. Then you can become sales representative: medical, insurance, advertising, finance or tourism according to taste, opportunities and abilities. The next step is an account consultant (including corporate) or a sales development manager. You can then become a Key Account Specialist or Project Manager. And from there, go to the head of the sales department, head a regional or territorial representative office, become the director of a branch. Do you want higher? Become the commercial director of the entire company or lead the development of a regional network.

Of course, the demands of companies are dynamic, but the interest in specialists from a certain field has lasted for at least several years. And if you got a profession in a sought-after field, if you are professional and mobile, then when a large number of companies open many vacancies in your field of activity, you have every chance to quickly rise to the top.

A career is a person's subjectively conscious own ideas about his labor future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with his work activity. This is a progressive promotion through the ranks; change in skills, abilities, qualification opportunities and remuneration associated with the employee's activities. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on the career and is part of it. Career - moving forward along the chosen path of activity, in other words, it is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout the working life.

“To make a career” means to achieve a prestigious position in society and greater powers, a higher status, power, a high level of income. This means prestige from the point of view of broad public opinion. There is a close relationship between the concepts of "career" and "success".

In striving for recognition and success, it is necessary to objectively assess your strengths and capabilities along this path. And the following question will not be superfluous at all: is the chosen goal achievable. Only sober analysis own desires and its internal potential will allow to achieve real achievements.

Career development is a continuous process during which a person gets to know himself in order to choose his field of activity, and then a specific profession. Finding direction for your professional career and profession, attention should be paid to three essential aspects:

    The profession should be interesting and exciting,

    The profession must meet the abilities,

    The possibility of finding a job in this profession.

A person builds a career - the trajectory of his movement - by himself, in accordance with the characteristics of internal and extra-organizational reality, and most importantly - with his own goals, desires and attitudes. There are several principal trajectories of human movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types careers.

Professional career - the growth of knowledge, skills and abilities. A professional career can go along the line of specialization (deepening in one line of movement chosen at the beginning of the professional path) or transprofessionalization (mastery of other areas of human experience, rather associated with the expansion of tools and areas of activity).

Intra-organizational career - associated with the trajectory of a person in an organization. She can go along the line:

    Vertical career - job growth;

    Horizontal career - promotion within the organization, for example, work in different departments of the same level of hierarchy;

    Centripetal career - advancement to the core of the organization, the control center, ever deeper involvement in decision-making processes.

There are certain stages of a career, the classification of which is usually based on a whole range of different characteristics: age, accumulated experience, level of personality development, etc. You can give general characteristics stages, based on the fact that at different stages of a career a person satisfies different needs (Table 8).

Table 8

Stages of a manager's career and needs met

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Age, years

Achievements, goals

moral needs

Physiological and material needs


Study, tests at different jobs

The beginning of self-affirmation

Existence security


Mastering work, developing skills, forming a qualified specialist or leader

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Security of existence, health, normal wages


Career advancement, acquisition of new skills and experience, qualification growth

The growth of self-assertion, the achievement of greater independence, the beginning of self-expression

Health, high level wages


The peak of improving the qualifications of a specialist or manager. Improving your qualifications. Youth education

Stabilization of independence, growth of self-expression, beginning of respect

Increasing wages, interest in other sources of income


Preparing for retirement. Preparation for a shift and for a new type of activity in retirement

Stabilization of self-expression, growth of respect

Maintaining wage levels and increasing interest in other sources of income

When meeting with a new employee, the HR manager must take into account the career stage that he is going through in this moment. This can help clarify the goals of professional activity, the degree of dynamism and, most importantly, the specifics of individual motivation.

Career milestones are not always associated with milestones professional development. A person who is at the stage of advancement in another profession may not yet be a high professional. Therefore, it is important to separate the career stage - the time period of personality development and the professional development phases - periods of mastering activities.

In accordance with the phases of professional development, there are:

    Optant (option phase). A person is preoccupied with questions of choice or a forced change of profession and makes this choice. There can be no exact chronological boundaries here, as in relation to other phases, since age characteristics are set not only by physiological, but also by multifaceted conditions of culture;

    Adept (adept phase). This is a person who has already embarked on the path of commitment to the profession and is mastering it. Depending on the profession, this can be a long-term or very short-term process (for example, a simple briefing);

    Adaptant (phase of adaptation, getting used to work by a young specialist). No matter how the process of training a particular professional in educational institution, he never fits "like a key to a lock" in production work;

    Internal (phase of the internal). An experienced worker who loves his job and can quite independently, more and more reliably and successfully cope with the main professional features what is recognized by colleagues at work, by profession;

    Master (ongoing mastery phase). An employee can solve both simple and the most difficult professional tasks, which, perhaps, not all colleagues can handle;

    Authority (the phase of authority, like the phase of mastery, is also summed up with the next one). A master of his craft, already well known in the professional circle or even outside it (in the industry, in the country). Depending on the forms of certification of workers adopted in a given profession, he has certain high formal indicators of qualification;

    Mentor (mentoring phase). An authoritative master of his craft in any profession “acquires” like-minded people, adopters of experience, students.

Career planning is one of the directions personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy, stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, the strategy and plans for its development, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

The list of professional and job requirements, which fixes the optimal development of a professional to occupy a certain position in an organization, is a career chart, a formalized idea of ​​​​what path a specialist must go in order to obtain the necessary knowledge and master the necessary skills for effective work at a specific location.

Career planning in an organization can be done by: a personnel manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager). The main career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented in Table. 9.

Table 9

The specifics of career planning activities

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Promotion is determined, as a rule, not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, the system of internal motivations), but also by objective conditions. Among the most important objective characteristics of a career are:

    The highest point of a career is the highest position that exists in a particular organization under consideration;

    Career length - the number of positions on the way from the first position occupied by an individual in the organization to the highest point;

    Position level indicator - the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is at a given moment in his career;

    The indicator of potential mobility is the ratio (in some certain period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is located.

Depending on the objective conditions, an intra-organizational career can be promising or dead-end - an employee can have either a long career line or a very short one. The HR manager, already when accepting a candidate, must design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate, based on individual characteristics and specifics of motivation. The same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

Almost every person faces such a problem in his life as choosing a career. At the same time, everyone strives to achieve in life some success: to conquer any peaks, to achieve the best results, to strive for excellence and professionalism in any field and, of course, to obtain job satisfaction.

Choosing a profession is a very important decision, as mistakes along the way can lead to the most negative results. The very choice of a profession depends only on the person personally, so it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​your own inclinations and abilities, as well as existing professions. In order to get around competitors in the labor market and get an interesting job that a person will successfully cope with, it is not enough to have an irresistible desire to get it - you need to have certain qualities and personal characteristics, special knowledge, a good education and correctly navigate in a particular situation. And it must be remembered that the main thing in work is not only earnings, but also the pleasure derived from it.

The choice of a career is one of the most important decisions that a person makes in his life, since a person's achievements in a particular field of activity depend on the correspondence between his personality and the nature of his work, as well as on the combination of personal expectations in the field of personal career with the possibilities of the organization .

There is intense competition in the labor market between those who want to occupy the most “profitable” workplace. In such circumstances, achieving career goals is impossible without a timely developed strategic plan. This is especially important at the initial stage of the job search, where you can apply your professional skills.

Each person prioritizes several milestones that set the tone for the entire career strategy. When people are aware of the factors that influence or "attach" them to a particular career path, it becomes possible to most effectively search for jobs that are meaningful to them. In order to build (choose) a career correctly, you need to correctly assess your potential and personal qualities.

We must not be afraid to identify our strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include: level of education, skills and abilities, experience, physical indicators; all these aspects are under the control of the person himself. Weaknesses include negative aspects vocational training(which can be eliminated), self-doubt, unwillingness to work.

With the possibility of self-esteem, a person himself is better than others able to realize his strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, he can make the most effective decision to increase his chances of success. Planning for something that is unlikely to be achieved is not smart.

To assess the characteristics of a person, optimize the choice of a field of professional activity at the beginning of a professional path, it is important to take into account the type of personality of a person choosing a field of activity. Personnel consultant J. Holland argues that the individuality of the individual (values, motives and needs) is one of the important factors in choosing a career. He determined that there are six basic personality orientations that determine the kinds of careers people are most inclined towards. Based on research using his vocational test, J. Holland identified the following main individual orientations (Fig. 6, Table 10):

    1. Realistic Orientation. People with this orientation are prone to activities related to physical labor requiring skill, strength and coordination: forestry, farming and agriculture.

    2. Research orientation. These people tend to pursue careers that are more introverted (thinking, organizing, interpreting) than affective (feeling, interpersonal communication and emotions): biologists, chemists, teachers.

    3. Artistic Orientation. Here people tend to pursue careers that require self-expression, artistic creation, expression of emotions and individuality: artists, musicians, advertising makers.

    4. social orientation. These people tend to pursue careers that involve interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical interaction: foreign service, social work.

    5. Entrepreneurial Orientation. These people are prone to careers that involve verbal activity associated with influencing others: managers, lawyers.

    6. Conventional Orientation. These people prefer a career that provides a structured, regulated activity, as well as professions in which it is necessary that the subordinate balance his personal needs with organizational ones: accountants, financiers.

Rice. 6. Typology of personalities by J. Holland

Most people have multiple orientations, and Holland believes that the more similar or compatible these orientations are, the less internal conflict and easier career decision making.

According to Holland's research, the two closest orientations in the diagram correspond to the most compatible ones. Holland believes that if a person has two orientations side by side, he will have fewer problems choosing a career. However, if the orientations turn out to be opposite (for example, realistic and social), a person may have more uncertainties in choosing a career and further work, because his interests suggest different types of career.

Table 10

Summary table of the typology of personalities by J. Holland

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Although, according to the concept of Holland, one of the types of personality orientation always dominates, a person can adapt to conditions using strategies of two or more types. The closer the sectors of the circle of the dominant and the second (third) orientation, the more integral the personality. Given the content of dominant and non-dominant orientations, one can choose those activities that are closer to a person and in which he will be more successful. If the dominant and subsequent orientations are far from each other, it is more difficult to choose a career.

Another typology that can be used for career selection purposes is the typology of E.L. Klimov. The methodology proposed by him helps to make a choice of a professional career based on those skills and abilities, from the implementation of which a person receives the greatest satisfaction, which is the most important prerequisite for increasing labor productivity, a reliable guarantee against various mistakes and omissions. All activities are divided here by subject of labor:

    Type P - "man - nature", if the main, leading object of labor is plants, animals, microorganisms.

    Type T - "man - technology" if the main, leading object of labor - technical systems, material objects, materials, types of energy.

    Type H - "man - man", if the main, leading subject of labor is people, groups, collectives, communities of people.

    Type Z - "man - sign" if the main, leading subject of labor is conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages.

    Type X - "man - artistic image" if the main, leading subject of labor is artistic images, the conditions for their construction.

An HR manager usually encounters a person who already has a profession, but it is important to know how a person made his choice. The following main situations of choosing a profession can be distinguished:

    Tradition - the question of choice did not arise due to tradition, customs;

    Chance - the choice occurred by chance, due to some event;

    Duty - the choice of a profession is associated with an idea of ​​duty, of one's mission, vocation or obligations to people;

    Target choice - the choice is associated with the conscious determination of the goals of professional activity, based on the analysis of real problems and ways to solve them (before the choice is already known about future professional activity).

How is the choice of a career path usually carried out in practice? If you have not decided from the very beginning (say, during your studies at a university) what your professional path will be, then one of the most important decisions that you will have to make in your life will be the decision on the choice of occupation. If you've thought about this question seriously enough, then by the time you make your final choice, you have a few ideas in your head that, however, have yet to be clarified. Reference can be made from a number of sources of knowledge and experience. One such source is your connections.

During the transition to labor activity at your disposal are:

    Home and family ties;

    Relationships, possibly established in the process of playing sports and hobbies;

    Numerous contacts that in the future can become the basis of your professional connections (contacts with university professors, people with whom and for whom you worked during your studies, on vacation, etc.).

All of the listed possible contacts are needed in order to find a person who has practical experience in the type of activity that you are considering as your possible professional career. For example, if you are thinking about a career in accounting, then you need to find among the contacts at your disposal a person who can tell you what such a job promises in principle. If there is no such specialist among your acquaintances, then you need to use the contacts at your disposal to find a competent person.

However, when using connections as a source of advice in choosing a career, you expose yourself to considerable danger, since any advice that you receive from your contacts about a future career should be assessed soberly, given the emotional aspect that is present in the adviser's words. It is better to find out the opinion of several people and find out where their assessments agree. Compare what was shared by your friends with information from other sources. The method of seeking advice by activating the connections at your disposal will also come in handy when you have to solve the next big problem - finding your first job.

In market conditions, the achievement of average statistical results is usually not valued highly. The same rule applies in professional activities. Therefore, you need to achieve outstanding success in those areas that, according to management and customers, are most important. Secret professional success is to create for yourself the glory of a highly qualified specialist in the business in which you are directly involved, regardless of whether you work in public institution or have your own business. You can always make a significant contribution to the success of your enterprise by the intensity and quality of your work, and stand out from the crowd of other employees.

Create own brand

Identity politics, or brand building - trademark, which is called the basis of all marketing theories, pays special attention to the identity and individuality of a particular person. The brand serves as a sign of originality and identity that distinguishes a product or a person from the world around him. We all know certain well-known brands. Their identity is usually deeply rooted in the minds of consumers. In some cases, the influence of the brand is so strong that it is used as a synonym for the name of the corresponding product, as happened, for example, with diapers.

Sometimes we think about some famous person whose identity is very pronounced. You can achieve the same success. To do this, you need to be recognized in your enterprise as an outstanding, irreplaceable employee who does his job professionally and makes a significant contribution to the prosperity of the company. In marketing parlance, this is called an internal identity policy. An employee with his own identity makes outstanding progress, while at the same time directing his work to strengthen the identity of the entire enterprise. Increasing the level of identity of individual employees of the enterprise has a powerful impact on the popularity of products and services offered by the enterprise in the market.

What is a private label? Any proper name is already a brand. Every person has a name. Every person acts, thinks and reacts to something in both public and private life. At the same time, his actions, thoughts and reactions can be both positive and negative. If you want to be successful in life, then you must look at yourself as a permanent branded product and build your behavior accordingly. In order to create your own brand, you need to follow six steps in sequence.

The first. Find out everything related to the operation of your enterprise. One of the intermediate goals should be to obtain maximum information about the identity of the company's brand, its meaning and mission in the market of goods and services. You should find out if the company is respected by customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. It is necessary to understand what is the uniqueness of the enterprise and how it fundamentally differs from other organizations of the same profile.

Second. Evaluate the attitude towards yourself from the staff of the enterprise. Examine in detail your own contribution to the work of the enterprise and take a closer look at how other employees treat you. Ask people around you how they would tell a third party about you. Does the received data meet your expectations? Get others' opinions on your recent successes, especially paying attention to constructive criticism.

Third. Define your own brand identity. Explore your lifestyle, the times you have changed, the culture and society you have moved in and out of, your work and how other people treated you at different times in your life when you felt you were setting the bar high. . After an impartial examination of your personality, you should have an idea of ​​who you really are, what you want, how you differ from others and what you feel inclined towards. Try to summarize everything that you have come to in the course of your reasoning and make a short summary of your identity.

Fourth. Make a list of tasks. Make a chronological list of tasks you have completed that have received high praise from management and seem to be the most successful for you. Concentrate on those tasks that sharply distinguish you from the general mass of employees. Figure out what was the secret of the success of these tasks, activate yourself, do not expect interesting projects to fall on you yourself. Try to search and develop them yourself, not hoping for a lucky break. Realize that projects designed by you personally will contribute to the creation and strengthening of your identity.

Fifth. Promise yourself to be true to your brand. The sum of the concepts and qualities that define your identity represents the promise that you must make your "creed". All future actions should reinforce your identity.

Sixth. Tell everyone about your "creed". When you finally find your promise, share it with others. Tell about it inside the enterprise and beyond its walls. Do not think that this is about shameless self-promotion. No, you just tell others what you can and what abilities and skills you have.

Only after you have parted with misunderstood modesty and blind chance in your professional life and began to work consistently, from morning to night to create your own identity, will you have a chance to achieve the desired position within the enterprise.

To find your brand, do the following:

    Find out what policy your company is pursuing to create its own brand;

    Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of other people;

    Define your own identity;

    Make a list of projects that match your identity and that you yourself would be willing to implement;

    Make a written commitment to yourself to direct all your future actions towards strengthening your identity.

The result will certainly be a successful career.

Correct positioning

If someone's name is associated with outstanding success, wide competence and, as a result, becomes known, the marketing value of its owner increases. After all, any name, whether it refers to an individual, an enterprise or social group becomes a brand. The extent to which a particular name is strengthened in the memory of the target group depends on what this person or this group of people does for this. Secret strengths any brand lies, firstly, in the correct positioning, and secondly, in the ability to influence the decision of the consumer and his willingness to make a purchase.

A successful branding program (positioning) develops a certain concept, which is then permanently established in the minds of the target group as unchanging and unique. This applies as much to products and services as it does to the individual.

First of all, it is necessary to find the right niche for the correct positioning, bearing in mind that it, in a slightly modified form, uses the same methods that are used in modern advertising. Each person can develop their own positioning strategy in order to present a product, service, enterprise, organization, or, finally, themselves in the best light.

Proper positioning assumes that the promoted product lingers and stays in the mind of the target group. At the same time, there are three possibilities for doing your own positioning, while at the same time abandoning the competition:

    - "optically" change yourself or your products;

    Give it a new or additional meaning;

    Provide a wider product usage profile.

When the buyer finds himself in a situation of choosing between products, he begins to look for any distinctive features in them. The product must have features that, as a result of the purchase, give the buyer the feeling that he made the best purchase possible. You can change your positioning in better side, making virtual or actual changes in its quality. Virtual changes suggest that a person, using certain methods, creates a new vision of his personality or his products in the minds of the target group. The new positioning, created with the help of virtual rather than actual changes, usually differs from the previous one in great originality and originality. Often, for a new positioning, it is enough to change the packaging, price, name, etc.

By actual or qualitative changes is meant a real change or at least a fundamental improvement of the product.

Compared to positioning achieved through actual changes, virtual positioning tends to be stronger and more firmly held in people's minds. There are many examples that show that faith and conviction in the quality of a product are much stronger than bare reality.

Positioning strategy is not necessarily based on constantly creating something new and special. Rather, it connects and connects already existing thoughts, gives them a certain form and provokes new associations. Try and you, without resorting to actual innovation, find a different positioning for what makes you different.

Thanks to the vast experience gained in the course of numerous studies marketing strategies and intensive consulting, the German expert Petr Savchenko found that many enterprises have a number of memorable distinctive qualities, which, at the same time, do not correspond to the outside world and exist, as it were, in secret from the consumer. Therefore, you need to behave in such a way that target group I thought positively of you and from time to time remembered you with gratitude and satisfaction. Beware of poor communication.

According to experts, knowledge in our time is updated every two years. And the world is changing right before our eyes. The education received today is no longer “education for life” and is no guarantee successful career. Its only guarantee is "education throughout life". This is natural: if knowledge quickly becomes obsolete, it means that they need to be updated even faster in order to achieve success in their professional activities. One of the ways to update existing knowledge and gain new ones is self-education.

If education can be characterized as a process of acquiring systematic knowledge and a specific way of thinking, then self-education is defined by specialists as education in a correspondence form of study with complete self-control. Today, many people seeking to achieve career success, learn independently, mastering at the same time a huge amount of information in a short time. The ability to learn helps them in this - the main skill necessary for a person engaged in self-education. It manifests itself:

    In the ability to make decisions regarding one's own learning process, developed self-motivation;

    In the correct use of the basic methods of mental activity and intellectual strategies (thinking, logical, etc.) in relation to the subjects being studied, in the developed skills of organizing one's own time, in the ability to plan and control one's activities;

    In the ability to find the necessary information and choose the appropriate methods for studying it;

    In sociability - the ability to make acquaintances, plan communication with people of interest to you, and cooperate with them.

Self-education, in principle, can be of two types: systematic and situational, when knowledge and skills are acquired as the need for them arises. Of particular importance is systematic education, since only it contributes to the increase professional level person and leads to career success. The most important thing in this process is to attract all external resources, to engage in self-education with the help of various sources.

The main and traditional source is books and mass media. In principle, a lesson in books - tutorials, textbooks, teaching aids etc. This is a classic way of self-education. Today, you can easily find the necessary literature on any topic. There are also quite a lot of mass media today, however, they are not uniform in terms of the level and quality of the presentation of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to be critical of the materials published in them, especially new and unusual ones.

With the development of the global Internet network, a new source for self-education has appeared - the ability to use electronic libraries and study the materials of various sites. Distance self-education via the Internet is also developing. Another source of self-education is special training computer programs. Many of them are generally provided free of charge along with the corresponding software. Computers, of course, are not in every home today, but it is quite possible to use the office in your free time. This will only increase your attractiveness in the eyes of management.

Visiting various conferences, seminars and exhibitions is another very useful and, most importantly, very interesting source of self-education. Participation in such events allows you to always keep abreast of events, learn in time about new directions, ideas and developments that modern scientists and researchers are engaged in.

Another important source of self-education that people often forget about is the reality around us. The events that take place around us and the people we meet and communicate with can enrich our knowledge as much, and sometimes even more, than other sources. The main thing is to be able to see and hear, and also to understand that you can learn something from any person.

Speaking about the surrounding reality, experts, first of all, advise you to remember the importance of perceiving any information that falls into your field of vision. They recommend learning how to transform it into the most useful for yourself, “pass” it through your professional prism, and always ask yourself how this information can be useful in your future activities. The sources of self-education can also include all kinds of hobbies and hobbies. Especially if they are directly or indirectly related to professional activity person.

In any case, in the process of self-education, it is necessary to use all of the above sources, not forgetting any of them and combining them optimally. Only in this case this process will be effective.

Experts say that all those who have achieved significant success in their activities, regardless of its type, were engaged in self-education a lot. They attribute this not only to the acquisition of new knowledge, but also to the fact that this species education develops the skills of creative understanding of reality and the ability to independently analyze various information, events and phenomena. A person has to overcome the unknown, so he develops independence and independence of thinking, resilience in overcoming the difficulties that arise. In addition, it has long been known that nothing is assimilated as well as obtained by one's own labor.

British physicist and historian of science Derek Price noticed a curious pattern regarding his colleagues. In any industry, the work of just a few people was most often published. The ratio of labor and results is not symmetrical. This rule is now called Price's law.

The square root of the total number of people employed in a job does 50% of that job.

Usually only a few people bring the greatest value to the company. And it works in all areas. In sales, a few people close the most deals and make the most profit. AT book business several authors have been top sellers for years. Consider, for example, Stephen King, who has sold over 350 million copies of his books.

This law is interesting not only from a theoretical point of view. Entrepreneur and blogger Darius Foroux told how to change your life by putting it into practice.

How to apply it in life

Of course, Price's law is more food for thought than an iron rule. But if you understand the underlying principle, life becomes much easier.

You can criticize the injustice that you work and get nothing. And you can improve in your business and bring more benefits. Think about your current job. Do you have significant value there? If not, where can you become that minority that creates most of the results.

There is no shortcut - you need to work on yourself, develop in your field. Then, over time, you will become a valuable employee who makes an asymmetrically large contribution. That's what all companies try to hire.

Do what you are good at.

This is perhaps the best. When you do something that you are good at, you bring more value. This means you feel better and earn more.


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