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In each company, participation in the competition is carried out according to standard tactics, how to work with tenders for public procurement. One of the prerequisites is the approval of the project CEO institutions and the appointment of a responsible manager.

Where to start?

The responsible person collects a package of documents provided by different departments:

  • estimated
  • accounting,
  • lawyers,
  • personnel department,
  • logistical.

In addition to collecting completed forms, the manager analyzes the participation of his company in other auctions, and also examines documents that reflect the results of tenders where the company or company has previously participated.

The duties of the responsible manager also include studying the requirements for paperwork, the timing of the application and the technical parameters of the purchased products. You can find out what tasks the tender department solves.

Who can be a bidder?

One should not think that all tenders are custom-made and young firms will not be able to “break through” to the state supply market. Even a small company that started its activity a few days ago can take part in the auction.

Before working with a tender, it is necessary to carry out a fairly thorough preparatory work, to study the volume of orders and the conditions that a young company can fulfill.

To take part in the competition, it is necessary to provide the commission with a package of documents and announce your participation in the tender. Information about the auction can be found on specialized sites, the media. Procedure electronic trading reduces the cost of participation in the tender, allows you to track the progress of the procedure online.

Decision is made. What's next?

If you decide to bid, you should search for a suitable tender according to the following criteria:

  • region;
  • the subject of the auction;
  • starting price.

One employee small firm can not cope with the volume of work on the selection of a tender, it should involve outsourcing specialists in all areas. A hired staff will save money and help you choose a thematic electronic platform.

It is also necessary to issue a digital electronic signature for its registration on trading floors and accreditation of the participant.

"Young" tenderers work on public procurement you should start with trusted electronic platforms, for example, such as:

  • Sberbank AST;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Rosseltorg;
  • b2b center.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of participation of an enterprise in a tender. the main objective tender support - to create all conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the tender.

Tender support is especially relevant if you:

  • don't have great experience or did not take part in state competitions at all;
  • do not want to take risks and act at random;
  • you don't want to misfire on a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of bidders are not allowed to bid due to flaws in the documentation or an incorrectly executed application? If you are not a professional, making a mistake in documents is easy. In this case, only tender support will help.

Accompanying tenders by qualified lawyers will save you from fatal shortcomings that may adversely affect the results of the tender.

Tenders are a popular form of sale of goods and services in various sectors of the economy.

Construction, cargo transportation, Agriculture, repair, landscaping, supply of various types of equipment - this is not a complete list of all areas in which bidding is organized.

Becoming a bidder, especially for beginners, is not easy. This requires a detailed study of the issue, including from a legislative point of view, as well as the accumulation of relevant experience. It is known that ¼ of all placed tenders are intended for small and medium-sized businesses.

Holding tenders is a global practice, there are clear rules approved and time-tested and tender procedures. In Russia, independent auctions began to be held from the 90s of the XX century after the start of the establishment in the country market relations. Since then tenders in domestic economic conditions gained high popularity, and many business representatives are trying to take part in them and win.

The concept and legislative basis of this issue

The meaning of the tender is to choose by the customer in the bidding process for competitive basis one of the proposals for the purchase of goods or services on certain conditions and within the agreed time frame. Essentially, the tender is reverse auction when there is one buyer of a product, service or work and several sellers.

The holding of tenders, as well as the mandatory actions of their participants, are regulated Federal Law No. 44-FZ"O contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. Information about ongoing purchases is posted on the Internet.

According to legislative norms, customer announces the corresponding competition, compares the proposals received and then chooses the most suitable one, concluding an agreement with the winning participant, etc. The customer is the state that purchases products for enterprises of different forms of ownership. The winner of the auction is the company that offers the most favorable conditions for the customer.

Types of tenders

depending from the composition of the participants , distinguish state/municipal and commercial tenders.

State auctions regulated by the norms of the Federal Law 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state or municipal needs."

It is well known that the state is a participant in market relations, since it needs goods, works and services to perform management functions. A participant who offers the necessary goods, works or services on the most acceptable terms can win the auction. However, the main feature of public procurement is their implementation with the help of budgetary funds, which requires special, increased control.

Holding tenders makes it possible to make the interaction between suppliers and officials responsible for budgetary funds as transparent as possible. Based on the results of such tenders, a report is made to the state on the choice of one or another supplier of goods or services. The system of tenders ideally provides a favorable competitive environment, eliminating collusion between the customer and the supplier.

In case of commercial tenders customers themselves determine the rules and conditions for their implementation, and hold tenders for their own or borrowed funds. They can publish an official notice of the tender along with its conditions in the media, or distribute information about an open tender among suppliers in a targeted manner.

proceeding of the features of the trades, they may be open or closed.

Information about open tenders is freely published on the Internet and in the media, anyone (individuals and legal entities) can apply for participation in them. This type of bidding is popular in the field of public procurement, while ordinary companies rarely use it. This is a fairly effective way, since it creates a competitive environment, participants can freely familiarize themselves with the terms of the auction.

In case of closed auction, announcements about them in the public domain are not posted, and invitations are sent only to predetermined companies that, for example, are related to state secrets. The circle of performers for a closed tender is always limited, and most often, these are more expensive tenders than open tenders. The list of participants in closed trading is not disclosed.

depending from typology , tenders can be held in the form of auctions and competitions.

feature competition is the choice of the winner who offered the best conditions according to a set of criteria (price, quality of goods or services, consumer properties, qualification of the participant, deadlines, guarantee).

Auction, carried out via the Internet, is the main way of distributing government orders today. To determine the winner here, the only criterion is the price. The winner is the one who offers the lowest order price, based on the base price set by the customer.

The order of consideration of applications by tenders determines one-stage or two-stage their types.

If it's about one-stage tenders, the customer clearly prescribes their conditions in advance, then considers the applications received and determines the winner. Basically, this type of auction is held for low-cost purchases in small volumes.

When conducting two-stage or multi-stage tender requirements are set out by the customer only in in general terms(for example, without specifying the price). After the provision of specific projects, the wishes of the customer are adjusted, set in the final form, and an auction is announced. Thus, from the projects that passed the first stage, the winner is selected at the second stage. As a rule, this applies to specific goods and services, for example, in the field of research and development.

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Members and their powers

Tenders have two participating parties: the customer and the contractor.

Artists there is always more order, which provides the customer with a wide freedom of choice. A bidder is a link in the procurement process represented by a legal or natural person (including an individual entrepreneur).

Customer can conduct the entire bidding procedure itself, or entrust these powers to its official representative. According to Article 5 of the Third Law on the contract system, one of the executive authorities or a state institution acting on behalf of Russian Federation.

General rules for holding

Article 8 of the Federal Law 94-FZ defines that any legal or natural person, Russian or foreign, registered in the manner prescribed by law, can be a participant in the placement of an order. Participation in the auction is carried out is free.

The announcement of the competition is posted in various sources: on the official websites of companies and institutions, in newsletters, in the media. The documents contain information about the upcoming event, its conditions and rules for participation in the auction.

All tender documentation can be divided into technical and commercial. The customer must establish in advance clear technical requirements to the supplier. According to the law, the customer can also demand from the supplier a guarantee of its economic viability (financial security of the contract, advance payment and stage-by-stage acceptance). The supplier usually provides a cash deposit, guarantee, or. In case of non-fulfilment of the terms of the contract, the supplier's company may be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, and will also be obliged to compensate the customer for damages.

Step by step description of the procedure

Collection of necessary documents

initial stage participation in the auction is the competent execution of documents and their collection. The list of necessary documentation is approved by the customer. Documents are provided in person or by mail to the address specified in the notice of procurement, as well as by e-mail (if the customer allows such a possibility).

The concept of electronic trading, their types and advantages

Electronic competitions, which are held through Internet platforms, are becoming more and more popular at the present time. It is they who most satisfy the basic principles of independent bidding: openness and competitiveness.

Main advantage e-bidding lies in the fact that the entire process of participation takes place on the electronic trading platform and does not depend on the customer, which excludes the possibility of collusion, bribery and various other frauds. This circumstance contributes to the creation of a healthy competitive environment. Also, an undoubted advantage is the possibility of participation in such events for suppliers from remote regions of the country.

The most popular form of holding them is auctions, which are currently held on five electronic platforms offered by the government of the Russian Federation. The bidder who offers the lowest price for their services becomes the winner of the auction.

Procedure for conducting electronic tenders

The initial collection required documents for participation in the auction in the form of a standard package of application, constituent, permits, accounting and tax documentation.

Next, the participant should receive a unique (EDS), which allows you to assign legal force to the document. To obtain it, you need a passport and a certificate from pension fund. It is issued to one of the company's employees, who will be a representative person at the auction. The signature (together with the certificate) is provided within 5 working days in one of the nearest certification centers of the selected electronic site, and has a legal validity of 1 year.

To participate in the tender, you must select the appropriate site on the Internet. Currently officially approved five electronic platforms for organizing and conducting public auctions:

  1. Roseltorg -;
  2. RTS tender;
  3. Sberbank-AST;
  4. OSET.

On these sites, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and prepare the appropriate software to participate in the electronic tender.

Then the required step is participant accreditation electronic trading on a specific electronic platform(ETP). Documents required for this procedure: extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP, founding documents, confirming the authority of the head, details of the company, as well as the decision on approval big deal. The procedure is carried out in the certification center within 5 days, accreditation is valid for 3 years, after which it can be obtained again.

The applicant must also be open to ensure the financial component of participation in the competition. At the time of the auction account is blocked.

After meeting all the necessary requirements, you can apply to participate in electronic auction. After consideration of all applications, the client is admitted to the official bidding procedure and begins to submit price offers. The auction step does not exceed 5% of the initial lot price, and the time frame for submitting an offer is 10 minutes. The duration of the electronic trading itself, as a rule, ranges from several minutes to 48 hours.

After the end of the auction, the winner is determined, which is noted in the final protocol of the event. The customer and the selected supplier of goods or services sign a contact, but before that, the contractor must provide bank guarantees in the amount of 30% of the value of the lot, confirmed by an electronic signature.

The nuances of trading on the RTS

It was created in the 90s of the XX century and during its existence has earned the trust of millions of traders. The main subject of trading here are the securities of about 500 largest companies in Russia. The RTS Index is one of the most important indicators of the state of the market valuable papers, it is used to calculate the share price of many Russian companies.

You can participate in trading on the RTS as a legal entity (with a license) or as a private person, but in the latter case, you will need a broker's representation. The main task of a newcomer to this exchange is to develop a successful strategy for obtaining stable profits.

Futures are the most flexible financial instrument for a trader. The main factors to be considered during trading on the RTS are: the reliability of the broker, the interest in certain types of assets, the volume and liquidity of futures, as well as the ability to diversify risks.

Features of holding tenders in various industries

Some of the most popular sectors of the economy for tendering in Russia are construction and transportation.

Construction is a dynamically developing industry in our country, so the number of trades in this area currently reaches 25%. Accordingly, the number of suppliers willing to win a lucrative order is quite large, and the participants have to withstand tough competition. Information about construction competitions can be found on the websites of state, municipal or private enterprises, on thematic websites, in print media.

Bidding by cargo transportation in Russia, it is also one of the most competitive and sought-after topics for government orders. There are two types of tenders in this area - competition and auction in the usual or in electronic format. The most popular are trucking. The main criterion for choosing from the available offers is usually the low price of services and their high quality. You can find information about tenders for cargo transportation on specialized websites using hosted databases. Here it is important to identify fraudulent firms in time, a certain number of which exist in this area.

Benefits of bidding

There are a number of reasons why bidding can be beneficial for performers:

  1. In case of victory, the supplier gets an order with a guaranteed payment and the opportunity to become a regular customer;
  2. The winner of the tender automatically acquires the reputation of a reliable partner;
  3. The supplier who receives the order can become a leader in its market segment, and thereby ensure the sustainable growth of its company;
  4. Not only victory, but even participation in tenders for suppliers and manufacturers can serve as a significant impetus for further business development.

Learn how to win your first tender in the following webinar:

What does the term "tender" mean? The name of this event comes from the English word tender - an offer. Now this word denotes any bidding or purchase in a competitive environment for the desired subject of bidding. Everything about tenders, varieties and ways to win them will be discussed below.

All about tenders: general information

The term "tender" itself has no legislative support and is not used in official records and documents, although it can be heard quite often in everyday speech. To designate this type of bidding, the terms “competition” or “auction” are used.

Tender is a competitive civilized struggle in the conditions of competition for the opportunity to supply certain goods, perform work or provide services for a specific customer on agreed terms.

In today's crowded market for goods and services, it is becoming more and more difficult for companies to find a customer, so issues related to tendering are very relevant today. This procedure is the simplest and effective way grab the customer's attention.

About tenders, competitions and auctions. What is the difference?

If such concepts as tender, competition and auction exist in parallel, then a quite reasonable question arises - what is the difference between them?

The participants of the auction have absolutely access to all the offers of competitors or the prices that they offer to the customer. And participating in the tender, participants will not be able to know the conditions and prices of competitors. If at an auction you can quickly and easily change your proposals, based on the proposals of competitors, then in the conditions of a tender, everything happens in a completely different way. Here each of the participants provides his individual offer hidden from others, only the customer and the tender commission can know it. Therefore, it turns out that participants must provide all the nuances and advantageous competitive moments to the customer immediately, since they will not be able to change any conditions during the auction. The customer can choose a more suitable competitor, although the other participant could still vary the price and offer.

The competition is already more similar, in fact, to the tender, these words can be called synonyms. But if the concept of "tender" cannot be introduced and used in official document, then the definition of "competition" is indicated in the Civil Code and has legislative force.

About types of tenders

Bidding and procurement are provided for by law in the following forms:

  • specialized auctions of the closed type,
  • two-stage tenders,
  • purchase from a single supplier,
  • quote request.

On the types of tenders and methods of their conduct

  • Open tender. With this type of bidding, absolutely all interested participants-companies can participate in them, which will allow the customer to choose the most suitable and most profitable from a large number of proposals.
  • Closed tender. In this case, the customer invites only those companies that are most likely to interest him. Most often, these are the largest and most well-known firms in this market segment. Other companies cannot participate in this.
  • Limited participation. If the subject of the competition is specific and highly specialized, which requires the participation of specialized companies, but it does not make sense to limit the number of potential participants, since their circle is not precisely defined, the method of holding a competition with limited participation is used. Only invited companies can take part in such competitions.
  • One stage tender. Such auctions take place in one stage, at which the selection of bidders is carried out and the winner is determined. It is prohibited to conduct any negotiations between the parties.
  • Tender in two stages. This method is used when carrying out rather complex purchases or when solving complex technical issues:
  1. At the first stage, the customer forms the terms of reference for potential participants and negotiates with them without specifying the cost of work or the price of goods. After reviewing the bids of interest, the customer proceeds to the next stage of the auction.
  2. At the second stage, negotiations continue to make the most optimal solution. By this time, the terms of reference to be completed by the participants are already more clearly formed. Only those companies that applied and participated in the first stage can participate in this stage of the auction. They submit already completed and corrected applications, where they also indicate the price. By comparing offers, the customer chooses the winner of the tender, choosing the most suitable option for himself.
  • Preliminary tender. With this type of bidding, neither the terms of the contract, nor its cost are stipulated. To participate in this type of auction, companies must pass a preliminary selection. Why is this method needed? Most often, this method is used in case of any unforeseen emergencies, when it is required to carry it out as soon as possible and, accordingly, to carry out work or deliver goods as quickly as possible.

A preliminary selection of suitable companies is carried out annually. Absolutely any companies that meet the conditions and requirements that apply and are ready to deliver goods or perform work as soon as possible without a preliminary advance payment can participate in it.

  • Purchasing from a single supplier. This type of trading is possible if:
  1. the supplier of goods or services is a monopolist in the given branch of the market;
  2. if all other bidders refused to conclude the deal;
  3. their applications for participation were excluded by the customer.
  • Quote request. In this way, serial products are usually purchased. The most likely winner of the competition will be the supplier with the lowest product price. The only drawback may be the limitation on the cost of the lot, although in this way you can quickly and economically make a deal. To request quotations, a standard application form is used, which is filled out by the customer. But he can submit it to the tender only one.

What is required for a tender?

The tender documentation is a package of documents that define the conditions for holding and information about the tender and stipulate the points of the future contract.

All information about tenders can be found in these documents. Usually such documents are divided into two sections: technical and commercial.

The technical section defines:

  • tender object,
  • general information about him
  • full terms of the contract,
  • instruction for the performer,
  • information cards,
  • procedure for submitting bids for tenders and their preparation.

The requirements that are submitted for the order are also indicated here: the full name of the product or service, the required volume, deadlines for completion or delivery, specifications and norms.

The commercial section contains:

  • the price or the condition for its formation,
  • payment schedules,
  • terms of payment,
  • sources of financing.

Guarantees are indicated for the timely and proper fulfillment of all conditions of the tender contract and insurance requirements.

All the necessary content of the documentation directly depends on the object or subject of the future transaction. A special committee is responsible for filling out the tender documentation.

How to write documents correctly

The key to the success of the tender is properly drawn up documentation for it. It is the preparation of all necessary documents that is an important and significant part of the competition. How to conduct it correctly and not make mistakes when preparing documentation?

  1. A prerequisite is to fill in complete and reliable information about the organizer of the auction: full name, actual address, telephone Email and other ways to contact him.
  2. It is important to determine the procedure for obtaining these documents, the place and method of their transfer, and their full cost.
  3. The Commission also requires a draft of a future treaty for consideration. It is provided along with a list of conditions that the customer requires from contractors, and a method for evaluating proposed proposals on a point system.

About the rules for participation in tenders

The general rules for participation in tenders indicate that participants can be both local organizations and foreign ones. the only general condition for all there is a need to provide a package of documents, in their native language and in the language of the state, whose representatives also participate in the auction.

Items required for bidding:

The specialist who assists in the tender is engaged in a range of services: from the analysis of documents for submitting an application to monitoring the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

About the procedure

The customer determines the requirements under which applications for participation in the tender are accepted. General rules for all participating organizations are:

  1. Availability of a competitive and adequate bid.
  2. The information and content of these tenders shall in no case be made public to the bidders.
  3. The tender commission opens, checks and considers all submitted packages of documents and prepares its opinion after their analysis.
  4. The next mandatory item is the discussion of submitted applications.
  5. By voting, the tender commission determines the winner of the auction.

The standard set of documents required to participate in the competition:

  • a complete inventory of all documents that were provided, certified by a signature,
  • application for participation in the auction, which is certified by signature and seal,
  • a list of persons (and copies of documents on their appointment) who have the right to act and make decisions on behalf of the supplier,
  • constituent documents of the contractor and a copy of his charter, certified by the tax authorities,
  • a certificate confirming that the company has no debts of mandatory payments,
  • statements of profit and loss for a certain period of time, certified by the tax authorities.

About tenders and their stages

If a company plans to participate in the auction, it will need to go through several stages:

  1. Selection of a suitable offer that would correspond to the specifics of the company's activities.
  2. Learn the terms and conditions of the auction and their rules.
  3. Collect and provide the necessary documentation.
  4. Provide the tender committee with a secured bid.

What do you need to consider in order to apply for participation?

In order for the customer not to be afraid to sign a contract or an unscrupulous participant could not refuse to fulfill the agreement, the application must be provided with a guarantee.

Securing an application - mandatory requirement in order for the application to be accepted, without this, it is most likely to be rejected. The amount of this security may be five percent of the value of the contract. Since most often this amount is very significant, then a tender loan or a bank guarantee comes to the aid of the performers.

  • A bank guarantee guarantees the payment of a certain amount to the person in whose favor it is issued in cases of violation of the terms of the contract and non-compliance with the obligations of the contract by another person.
  • A tender loan will help the company participate in several tenders at once, without diverting its funds from production turnover.

Both of these types of financial products can be obtained by a company at any bank or directly from a broker.

What are tenders for?

It is thanks to the opportunity to participate in this kind of tender that many new and young organizations have the opportunity to get excellent jobs and conclude a lucrative contract. And customers have a huge choice of the most suitable and favorable conditions for the implementation of their orders. And if an experienced participant knows the secrets of such competitions, he will be able to conclude a successful contract.

Depending on the sources of funding for tenders, they can be defined as:

Their main difference is the source of funding, such as the state or city budget, or a completely different source.

Where can I find tender information?

Everything you need about tenders, information about the timing of their holding and a complete list of tenders can be found on the Internet and on special portals dedicated to tenders. To be able to participate in the competition, it is not necessary to be a legal entity, individuals can also participate.

Suppliers of goods or services constantly monitor future tenders and are constantly looking for everything about tenders, as they are especially interested in winning, because this is not just a profitable contract, but also a significant impact on the company's image. The winner of the competition is made public, information about him is published on websites and in printed publications. A successful tender will give the organization additional publicity and attention more potential clients.

About free tenders

Today, free tenders are very popular, because the information is available to everyone, and the conditions for participation are quite simple and do not imply special registration, the presence of additional parameters and additional investment. Such tenders are often referred to as a simplified tender. These simple requirements are beneficial for both the customer and other participants in the process.

A huge advantage of such competitions is that you can very easily find information about their holding both on the net and in printed publications. But from this plus follows a minus of this kind, because the performers have increased competition among themselves due to their huge number. And the customer only benefits from this, as he has more chances to save on the contract and get what he wants at the lowest price.

About winning tenders

How to apply for tenders to win them? These questions are asked by many contractors.

Bidding specialists are sure that the most important thing for a successful outcome is the experience of participating in such competitions. For a greater probability of winning, you should often take part in tenders. After all, it is thanks to this experience that the reasons for success or failure become clearer, from which we can draw a conclusion for winning the competition in the future. The more tenders your organization participates in, the more likely it is to win a successful lucrative contract.

The next factor, which is no less important, is a sober real calculation of financial capabilities. It also happens that a company seeks to conclude a major contract, but its financial capabilities do not allow it to be fulfilled in accordance with the requirements.

Qualitatively and correctly drawn up application for participation is the first step to success. Your company's tender offer must be its calling card and therefore must be compiled with great care. Due to an unsatisfactory tender, many contractors are screened out at the first stage, when the contractors' proposals are checked. Therefore, do not neglect the competent, accessible and correct preparation of the application, where the requirements of the tender commission must be taken into account. The application should rely only on those characteristics and quality of goods or services that are requested by the customer.

Also, warranty obligations to the customer will serve as a good incentive to choose your company. Tender commissions often do not even consider applications without guarantees. Therefore, take care of this point in your proposal. This will draw attention to the company as a reliable and responsible contractor.

If the company’s employees cannot compose a correct application for participation on their own, you can always contact a specialist who has done this more than once and has extensive experience in compiling it. Today, finding such a person is not difficult, you just have to pay for his services. This specialist consultant will help you avoid the most common mistakes when participating in the competition and conclude a profitable contract.

We examined what tenders are, what you need to know in order to win in them - all that remains is to follow these instructions. If everything is done according to these simple and uncomplicated rules, the success of participation in the tender is guaranteed. But even if today the company has failed, there is always a chance to fruitfully cooperate with this customer according to another contract not provided for by tenders, and in the future not to neglect the opportunity to repeat participation. After all, success in tendering comes with experience.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of participation of an enterprise in a tender. The main goal of tender support is to create all the conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the tender.

Tender support is especially relevant if you:

  • do not have much experience or did not take part in state competitions at all;
  • do not want to take risks and act at random;
  • you don't want to misfire on a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of bidders are not allowed to bid due to flaws in the documentation or an incorrectly executed application? If you are not a professional, making a mistake in documents is easy. In this case, only tender support will help.

A tender is a kind of competitive selection, which is carried out among suppliers of goods or persons providing services.

The undoubted advantage of this choice is that consumers or their representatives can choose the best option from the many presented. The downside is that it is not so easy to become a tender participant, especially for beginners. A tender can be paid, free, open and closed.

Participation in tenders: how to get started?

If we are talking about the tender department, then the difficulty lies primarily in choosing a project and a customer. First you need to consider the requirements for the order and learn as much as possible about the customer himself.

This is done through the study of specially created tender sites, Internet sites or paper materials, if they are provided by a potential customer.

In order for the workflow to be as efficient as possible, it is necessary to properly distribute responsibilities.

Usually the conditions are considered by one person who knows, ideally, the basics of jurisprudence. Knowledge legislative framework will help to determine the honesty of the customer and the fairness of his requirements.

When bidding, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • It is better not to spread out, trying to study the entire list of tenders offered, but to visit sites that divide orders by areas and topics. So you will immediately know if the tender is suitable for the field of activity of your particular department.
  • Don't jump on the first order that comes along. Read the terms and conditions carefully financial reward and time allotted for preparation. If the conditions are acceptable, you can contact the customer company and find out all the points of interest. Only after that the order can be accepted for execution.

Tender for beginners

Beginners often experience difficulties not only when looking for an order, but also directly when working on it. It is best to start with a small "budget" order. It is best to contact a professional who will help you understand the intricacies of contracts and not be in debt.

Definition of a public procurement participant

The third article of the law on the contract system regulates the selection and implementation of the supply of goods and services for the needs of the state.


  • State authorities (executive), which are engaged in the regulation of procurement.
  • Other executive authorities, including local ones, which have the right to exercise control over procurement.
  • Rosatom is a nuclear power company.
  • Customers.
  • Performers.
  • Specially created organizations.
  • Representatives of electronic platforms.

A participant is a link in the procurement process, which can be represented by a legal or natural person (even I.P.).

The state customer is one of the authorities or a state institution that has the right to act on behalf of the Russian Federation (Article 5 of the third law on the contract system).

Tender search

The search for a tender is a stage that a contractor cannot do without. The process includes a certain order of actions and its result depends on the quality of the distribution of responsibilities and their implementation.

The main source of orders is the Internet, where the sites of both private customers and those offered by the state are located. Most of these sites are designed to work with entrepreneurs and have limited access.

It is not easy to find a good tender, it is even more difficult to participate in it, so the search stage can be considered one of the most important on the way to achieving the goal.

Experienced searchers spend less time searching and selecting, but it will be difficult for a beginner. I have to review 10-15 sites per day.

Obtaining an electronic signature

An electronic signature is something that neither the customer nor the contractor can do without. It is a certain amount of information with an electronic signature attached to it.

How to get a signature can be found in the Law "On electronic signature» from 6.04.11. The law provides for the development and expansion of the e-business infrastructure. On the this moment There are three types of signatures:

  1. Simple.
  2. Reinforced.
  3. Qualified.

The owner of this type of signature can both receive and provide services that require personal identification in accordance with applicable law.

To obtain it, you need a passport and a certificate from the Pension Fund. Theoretically, the service is free, but the user will still have to pay a small fee for electronic media.

To apply for a service, please contact service center and provide a list of papers.

Preparation of documents:

  • The passport.
  • Evidence from PF.
  • E-mail address.

The absence of at least one paper is the reason for refusal to obtain a signature.

Accreditation on the electronic platform

An electronic trading platform is one of the types of online auctions that are held based on the 44th The federal law dated January 1, 2011.

Each participant has a so-called Personal Area, access to which is obtained after passing accreditation. Accreditation allows you to participate in auctions and tenders at various sites.

It is noteworthy that each service involves the passage of accreditation, regardless of whether it was passed on other sites or not.

Mandatory conditions

  • Providing reliable information.
  • Order fulfillment guarantee.
  • Availability normative documents confirming the status of an individual or legal entity.
  • Application insurance premium.
  • Non-disclosure of information about the order and the customer.

Choosing how to define a supplier

The competition is considered full-fledged when 2 or more competitors participate in it. In case of failed competition, the customer reserves the right to extend the tender or select a single bidder.

Studying documentation and preparing an application

The contractor is obliged to fully study the documentation and conditions that the customer puts forward before becoming a bidder. You need to be sure that there are enough technical, material and intellectual means to complete the task.

It is best for beginners to seek help from professionals who will tell them about possible "pitfalls" in applications. An incorrectly completed participant form is rarely subject to correction, which can completely cross out participation in the desired project.

Federal Law No. 44 regulates the requirements for product characteristics specified in the questionnaire. Everything should be written clearly, without omissions and exaggerations, and most importantly, objectively. The customer can use trademark if:

  • There is no alternative way to ensure an impeccable description of the subject matter of the procurement;
  • There is a need to use goods that are not included in the contract when performing work.

There is a need to check documents that confirm the compliance of the indicators of the purchased goods or product with the requirements of the customer. These papers must contain both minimum and maximum indicators of permissible error.

The following items cannot be specified in the requirements for the procurement documentation:

  • The manufacturer of a particular product.
  • Personal preferences for the participant in the procurement process.
  • Guarantee of the availability and serviceability of the equipment that creates or transports the goods.

2 mistakes NOT to make when applying

Participation in the auction and raising funds for this

In order to become a participant in the tender, you must have on your account a certain amount money that serves as collateral. In case of winning the competition and refusal to participate, the deposit is not refundable.

There are a few more conditions without which it is impossible to fight for victory:

  • After depositing the amount from 0.5 to 5% of the declared contract amount to the electronic account.
  • An alternative to depositing money is to use borrowed money. The undoubted advantage of this type of payment is that the funds remain in circulation and are not withdrawn from the business. The loan makes it possible to take part in several tenders at once.
  • Fill out the questionnaire, entering all the necessary information about the services provided by the participant.

Thanks to Law No. 44, since March 31, 2014, a register of guarantees of banking services has been functioning in Russia. It is made by all credit organizations that are engaged in issuing guarantees of bank payments and financial support for government payments.

All conditions for registration of the register can be found in the Bank of Russia, it is also published on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Violators of the registry conditions are blacklisted for a period of two years.

Conclusion of the contract and its provision

After winning the competition and paying the insurance premium, the performer can begin to perform his duties. In the event that the contract amount is estimated at more than 50 million rubles, the customer undertakes to establish insurance equal to 10-30% of the maximum contract value.

If the amount of the advance payment is 30% or more more than maximum cost contract, insurance is equivalent to an advance payment.

If the customer has reduced the payment by more than 20% after the final selection of the contractor, the platform administration applies the measures described in Article 37 of Law No. 44.

If the contract amount is less than 50 thousand rubles, instead of bidding, you can requests for quotes, where the annual amount of purchases does not exceed 10% of the total income of the customer.

Watch the detailed bidding webinar

Tender classification

There are three main types of tenders that can be found on all thematic sites.


The open view of the tender is in free access, that is, everyone can participate (physical and
legal entities). The advantage of the customer in this type of competition is that he has a wide choice of performers and can find a profitable option. Most often, such tenders are placed in the form of an advertisement on the Internet.


A closed tender implies a limited circle of performers. Most often, such a competition is announced large companies who already have experience working with guest performers. Closed tenders are valued more than open tenders.

Purchasing from a single source is often beneficial to the customer for a number of reasons, which is why some customers prefer this type of tender.

two stage

A two-stage competition is announced for specific goods and services. At the first stage, the customer accepts offers without specifying a price, and at the second stage, he specifies all the conditions for those who passed the first qualifying round. At the same stage, performers offer prices for their services and make some adjustments to the requirements.

Site and theme selection

Both customers and contractors choose sites by trial and error. There are sites on which both public and private orders of various topics are posted. In order to select the appropriate option, just enter keywords in the dedicated field.

Tender (competitive bidding) is an effective, and therefore widely used, procurement method. The buyer announces a competition among suppliers with a description of the desired price, technical and other characteristics of goods (services, works). A contract for the supply is signed with the winning participant (during foreign economic activity this form is called a procurement).

This way of offering your services makes it possible to get a new business partner (of course, if you can withstand the competition).

Sometimes this path can be not only the shortest, but also the only possible way to enter into cooperation with new foreign buyers.

How to participate in tenders

There are three main roles in the tendering scheme, reflecting the relationship of interests of the subjects of the transaction.

Trading subjects:

  • Buyer (customer)- an enterprise whose purpose is to conclude a contract for the purchase of goods / services / works with the most favorable conditions.
  • Participant (applicant, offeror)— a supplier who wants to receive an order for the sale of goods/services/works
  • Organizerentity functionally preparing and conducting tenders. Usually - the customer himself or his specialized division.

Tender documentation is prepared according to the conditions of the Customer.

The remaining participants (notaries, trading platforms, etc.) take an indirect part, performing intermediary and service functions.

Types of tenders

Tender auctions are distinguished by a number of features, referring them to different types. Depending on the defining feature, there are several classifications of competitive bidding:

Whatever type of Tender your company participates in, there are a number of rules that are the same for any tender:

  1. You can take part only by submitting an Application for participation (with a package of documents) within the agreed time frame. After this deadline, applications and changes to them will not be accepted.
  2. By submitting an Application, you undertake to comply with the proposed terms of the Contract (in case of winning the auction).
  3. If the deadline for submission of documentation has not yet expired, the application may be withdrawn by the applicant.
  4. Documentation is prepared and submitted in the volumes and according to the rules determined by the Customer.
  5. When participating in an international tender, you will need to prepare a package of documents in the official language of the Customer's country (unless otherwise stipulated by the conditions).
  6. Submitted bids are not available to other bidders (to avoid unfair competition).

How to start preparing for a tender

There are several stages in preparing for a tender.

  1. Choose the right tender.
    To search for them, there are specialized systems with a trading database (for example,,,, etc.). By the way, large sites often allow you to participate in tenders for free.
  2. Learn the terms and conditions of participation.
    The stage requires attention to itself already because, without noticing some seemingly insignificant, at first glance, conditions for concluding a contract, the Bidder may lose the order even after winning the auction.

After making a decision to participate in the auction, they proceed to the main stage - the preparation and submission of a package of documents.

  1. Prepare tender documentation.
    The application (with all the documentation requested by the customer) can be submitted by applicants in two ways: in paper and in electronic form.
    • The first method is familiar and known for a long time, when documents are formed on paper, certified by the “live” signature of an authorized person and the seal of the enterprise. The package of documents is packed in an envelope and sealed, tender documents are opened.
    • The second way is more modern. It assumes that the package of documents is formed in electronic form: scanned, protected by appropriate encryption algorithms (including digital signature). Since most of the auctions are now held electronically (especially on international level), most likely you will have to use this path.
      To do this, you need to be accredited on the Electronic Trading Platform (ETP). ETP is the site where the database is located electronic auctions. This is where participation takes place. There are currently 5 largest non-state sites. First of all, it is desirable to get accredited to them.
      To perform legally significant actions on the ETP, you will need an Electronic digital signature(EDS). EDS is a way to secure documents that exist in electronic form. It has the same legal force as a signed "live" document with a seal. Considering that in international relations it is more convenient and reliable to conduct document management in electronic form, obtaining an EDS is an important part of the normal work with electronic trading.
  2. Submit an application (if necessary - providing it).
    The EDS operator may require the transfer of a certain "deposit" to its official special account, up to 5% of the contract price - for participation in the auction, and up to 30% - for signing the contract.
    Sometimes bank guarantees serve as collateral for an application for participation in the Tender. They must be received in advance. In addition, the organizer of the auction can only accept guarantees from a certain list of banks (large and reliable international financial institutions).

Proper bidding documentation is required to bid.

Tender documents usually include:

  • description of the offered goods/works/services;
  • price offer;
  • legal documentation of the applicant company (statutory documents, certificates and licenses);
  • confirmation of experience in implementing similar projects, availability of resources, sufficient qualifications of employees;
  • other documents - at the request of the Organizer of the auction.

How to find a foreign partner? one way to find counterparties to make profitable deals for your company.
Read about how to lease a car. In this article, you will learn why many firms prefer to buy production equipment, cars and even real estate on lease.

Transfer of the right to represent the interests of the company in the Tender to a third party

It is not advisable for the first person of the company or its company to represent its enterprise at all competitive bidding. When big businesses It's just physically impossible. Therefore, it is practiced to issue a proven and reliable employee (or any other capable to an individual) Powers of attorney to represent the interests of the enterprise in the Tender.

The subject of the Powers of Attorney is the fact that the legal entity-applicant (principal) empowers an individual employee or individual entrepreneur (trustee) to represent his interests in the Tender.

Key points to be considered in the Power of Attorney:

  1. The bidding organizer may establish a clearly defined form of the Power of Attorney. In such cases, it shall be included in the tender documents.
  2. Separate Powers of Attorney with a limited validity period (maximum 36 months) are drawn up for various tenders, and they usually require notarization. Moreover, the foreign partner will definitely stipulate according to the norms of which legislation the representative should be granted rights.
  3. The right to submit an Application for participation in competitive bidding as such.
  4. The right to receive and sign the documentation required for participation in the Tender.

Video about why companies refuse to participate in tenders

This video will dispel the myths around the rules of participation in electronic auctions.


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