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All processes and phenomena of the modern world are complex, dynamic and contradictory. The annual expansion of social space entails an incredible growth rate of social time. Evolution, as the basic law of the development of civilization, makes us continuously improve, climbing the steps of progress. This means that the formation and new technologies for business are vital in the activities of advancing enterprises.

How new technologies affect the company's business processes

New technologies for small businesses allow for a more rational organization of production in order to increase the profitability of the enterprise while reducing its costs. AT own business every entrepreneur tries to get stability and maximum efficiency from his production. This makes it possible to introduce modern innovations into the business and effective systems forward-looking logistics.

The continuous development of the market and the constant growth of competition need to create competitive products as an incentive for further business expansion, especially if it has won the recognition of consumers.

Best Article of the Month

The first half of 2018 is coming to an end - it's time to sum up the interim results. Even if the company's commercial performance has grown compared to the previous period, make sure that there are no hidden difficulties in the company's operation that can bring trouble.

To diagnose problems, fill out the checklists from our article and find out which side of the business to pay attention to.

The expert assessment of the transition to new technologies for business in 2017 is expressed as follows.

  • The entrepreneur feels the natural riskiness of transferring his offspring to new technological processes due to habit and the difficulty of abandoning a long-established business process.
  • Of course, any innovation in industrial technology, together with a change in the organization of production, requires high costs, which raises concerns about unknown investments.
  • The latest business development methods and modern industrial technologies cover the risks of businessmen with a quick payback, which is confirmed by the proven methods of specialists that raise small businesses to a higher level of commercial development.

Benefits of a business process based on new technologies:

  • optimization entrepreneurial activity in a selected market segment after the use of innovations;
  • efficiency improvement commercial activities;
  • improvement of indicators of energy costs in the direction of their reduction;
  • reduction of general production costs;
  • improving the quality and competitive potential of products;
  • improvement of environmental standards of production processes of a small enterprise.

What areas are relevant for the use of new technologies in business

New technologies for small businesses are applicable in various areas of entrepreneurship, such as:

  • production processes in small enterprises;
  • production and consumption of modern materials in construction;
  • production of agricultural products;
  • processing of secondary raw materials;
  • salons and workshops in light industry;
  • production of products for the population;
  • providing quality services to Russians;
  • production of cosmetic products;
  • other areas of activity.

A lot of innovation has been provided to mini-factories, which are very popular among entrepreneurs in many fields of activity. For them, the key benefits of development are:

  • compactness of production capacities;
  • enterprise mobility;
  • actual production volumes, giving tangible profits.

Where to look for new technologies for business

The field of application of innovations is constantly being updated, and exclusive innovative ideas are promptly published by a mass of thematic publications, both Russian and translated foreign ones.

In addition Information Technology new business and methods of their implementation are reflected in various presentations and exhibitions. These events allow entrepreneurs to immediately discuss the possibility of introducing the latest technologies into their own production with representatives of companies of interest.

But the best information medium for promoting innovation is the Internet. In the virtual field there is a great variety of popular science and economic resources that tell not only about the highest technologies. They illustrate examples of their successful application around the world. Of course, a colossal flow of such information is published by foreign portals, therefore, in order to use advanced techniques, it is necessary to know foreign languages. In addition, the Internet also belongs to the unique developments of technologists and makes life easier for most of the population of our planet.

Examples of new technologies for business

1. New technologies in construction

Recently, new technologies for business are being introduced at an accelerated pace in construction. Of the variety of innovations in this industry, the most important ones are singled out.

  • Frame housing construction

This type of housing construction implies a separation of the roles of each structure. The supporting function is performed by a rigid frame, for the construction of which horizontal beams, vertical posts and diagonal braces are used. It is assembled from wood or metal, and the walls serve simply as a fence. The most elementary method of such construction is frame-frame. The main frame with wall filling is mounted on the construction site, moisture-resistant plates are used for the exterior cladding, and all voids and gaps are filled with a heat insulator.

  • Using 3D panels

Panel 3D construction came to us from America. The frame of the building consists of polystyrene foam panels wrapped in reinforcing mesh and fastened with diagonal rods. Such rods are welded to the grids at the right angle, thus creating a three-dimensional structure. Then the panels are covered with a layer of concrete, creating a monolithic shell.

  • Fixed formwork

Fixed formwork made of blocks, slabs or panels is placed according to the project, after which it is combined with special fasteners. The resulting voids are filled with solid reinforcement and poured with concrete. In the future, the formwork is not removed, it serves as thermal insulation and form-building material. With this technology, the supporting functions of the structure are performed by monolithic reinforced concrete.

  • Removable modular formwork

This new technology for business is used in low-budget construction. All modules are closed using a hand drill and do not need an underlying solution. For the triviality of this technique, it was called folk construction.

2. New technologies in production

Any kind of industry is greatly influenced by innovation, where new technologies for small businesses are most often translated into reality.

In terms of investment volume and small business opportunities, it is hardly possible to find a completely new direction, not counting, for example, very expensive 3D printers with the same inaccessible consumables.

Of course, starting mass production of plastic hooks using such a printer is a direct path to bankruptcy, since the cost of the finished product will be sky-high. But to establish their production on the basis of conventional classical equipment is very realistic for an average entrepreneur.

Let's discuss a number of promising areas into which modern, relatively cheap equipment has “bursted”.

  • Milling machines

Innovations in production are mainly aimed at high precision and environmental protection.

A vivid example of high-precision equipment is familiar to us milling machines that have served people for many decades. They process metals, stone, wood and other materials.

Precision machines are available for 3D (2D) milling, and their scope is quite wide:

  • facades for furniture with carvings of varying complexity;
  • curvilinear cutting of furniture parts;
  • carved parts for fireplaces, stairs and baseboards;
  • door and window sculptural elements;
  • decorative elements for wooden buildings;
  • unique products - souvenirs, figurines, panels and frames;
  • vacuum cliches, forms;
  • advertising emblems, logos, letters.
  • Manufacturing of polyethylene chips

New technologies for small businesses have also affected such a type of entrepreneurship as the production of polyethylene chips - the result of processing PET waste.

Since much attention in Europe is paid to the impact of polyethylene on the environment, the market is quickly filled with high-tech and relatively cheap devices for its processing costing from $2,000.

This direction is actually relevant and very popular.

Finished PET chips packed in color-sorted bags are purchased by plastics manufacturers. Packing is very necessary, without it the price will be reduced three times.

  • Production of crumb rubber

The production of rubber crumb is an advanced business area, which new technologies for business have also not bypassed, since the idea is not new in principle.

The interest lies in the fact that the modern market is saturated with a whole series of technological lines that provide high efficiency at a price that tends to stability (about 2000-2500 rubles).

Each of them is characterized by a standard set of equipment:

  • tire shredder;
  • magnetic separator;
  • rubber restructuring agent;
  • vibrating sieves;
  • Assembly line.

This business has a great future.

In addition to the fact that the owner of the rubber will pay for the recycling (utilization) of tires, you will receive money for the delivery of the product from the end user represented by asphalt plant(ABZ). Such goods are always in demand and pay off very quickly. These facts indicate the extreme importance of improving the manufacturability of production.

  • Production of fuel briquettes

The production of fuel briquettes from wood processing products does not require large expenditures, but at the same time it is very promising. The main thing in this business is a nearby source of raw materials and appropriate equipment for its processing.

At first glance, this technology does not cause difficulties. The spacious form is filled with sawdust and filled with starch or diluted PVA glue for binding. Then the mass is placed under pressure or sent for heat treatment. Such a process requires certain equipment and some skills.

New technologies for small businesses are being introduced here as well. Due to the huge costs of imported production lines (tens of thousands of dollars) Russian entrepreneurs use own developments. For example, the production of molds from conventional jacks (the productivity of the process is low and amounts to two briquettes per minute), from screw compressors, etc. Thus, this is one of the most fertile grounds for the creative ideas of modern Kulibins.

3. New technologies in the service sector

This type of activity contains a large number of innovative proposals, which are formed in two directions:

  • own intellectual ideas;
  • personal transformations into available new technologies for business.

From the point of view of your own intellectual ideas, first of all, it is worth considering the software of mobile devices and, first of all, various application services.

For example, applications that control the health of users are very popular. With the appropriate sensors, any online user will be able to track the main indicators of his body (pressure, pulse, temperature) throughout the day.

Most private clinics offer their patients the service of monitoring their condition through a centralized computer for a fee. And the number of such services is only increasing over time.

New technologies for small and medium-sized businesses have become an effective weapon in the hands of domestic entrepreneurs! Application of existing innovations for implementation personal business ideas implies their technical use in their own interests for profit.

The service sector opens up a huge field of activity for this. You should carefully analyze the information and skillfully introduce innovations into each section of the chain of your activity in order to achieve the main indicator of success - the influx of customers.

4. In other industries

Modern innovations can be implemented in almost any area of ​​business. You can always find a fresh or long-forgotten idea, free from competition. For example, let's call:

  • production of 3D casts, allowing parents to make memorable copies of the arms (legs) of their babies;
  • production of decorative plaster products that are in harmony with any interior;
  • drilling of artesian water wells in countryside;
  • congratulatory inscriptions on flowers, giving uniqueness to the realized bouquets;
  • free photocopies on the back advertising sheets with profit from advertisers;
  • sale of rare tropical plants grown on their own;
  • manual production of exclusive stained glass.

A typical example of the introduction of new technologies for business are social networks. A dozen years ago it was hard to imagine that Internet communication would become so popular. Now the owners of these resources have huge profits for advertising. But once they only needed to come up with a fresh idea, make a little effort, take the time and promote their product.

Today, there are still a lot of free niches in online business: specialized dating sites, learning rare languages, virtual consultations, etc.

Expert opinion

New technologies for IT business

Manfred Reitner,

Vice President, NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA)

Cloud computing is the newest type of outsourcing that allows you to mitigate and reduce the cost of technical processes in every IT company. Here are some ways to optimize the activities of enterprises using these technologies.

1. CRM as a cloud service

No matter how strange it may sound, even our company, as a developer of IT ideas, actively uses them from the outside. This is how we order cloud CRM services from Why do I think this solution is more advanced than buying your own CRM system, you ask? Everyone knows that even top IT professionals make mistakes. It is impossible to provide complete protection of information within one company, it is difficult and costly. But another company took care of this, which acquired the necessary software and hardware. Based on the contract, it guarantees you reliable storage of information. When data from your company's internal resources disappears, you can only fire the culprit. And if the information is lost by the company whose cloud services you receive, it will bear material responsibility for this under the terms of the contract.

2. Cloud technologies for saving data

Another example of the productive use of new technologies for business is the storage of a duplicate copy of important information in the cloud (backup). Of course, for big company systematic purchase of new server equipment is not a problem. But for a medium-sized company, this is sometimes unthinkable and expensive. It is much more profitable to buy a backup service so as not to think about the compatibility of your own systems and server equipment.

Expert opinion

New technologies in retail

Sergey Galeev,

co-founder and CEO by AddReality

Here, endless opportunities for communication with consumers are open to them. This is confirmed by the participants of world technological expositions. Let's discuss retail innovations that have a great future behind them.

The largest shopping centers in Russia and Europe have already caught the trend " digital transformation”, that is, the steady replacement of printed POS materials with digital signage. In addition to conveying relevant content, these retail innovations provide a personalized interaction with customers.

Recently, services have appeared in our country that process analytics about consumer behavior (Watcom, Yandex Data Factory, etc.). The technique of face and movement recognition made it possible to demonstrate commercials for a dedicated audience. If a girl approaches a still screensaver, the screen is animated by a demonstration of seasonal sales of youth collections, if a young man approaches, a video about new costumes and accessories is broadcast.

Using digital services, retailers get a detailed analysis of attendance, monitor the fruitfulness of promotions, which was previously problematic. In our country, cloud systems with an average cost of 5,000 rubles are actively used. per one outlet.

2. Digital Advisors and Labels

New technologies for business, and in particular retail methods, greatly improve the store service. Often, customers observe the incompetence of staff, the importunity of salespeople, or, on the contrary, their absence at the right time. These problems are easily eliminated by touch-screen kiosks that have complete information about the product, suggest the optimal color or size that is not available in this store, and also allow you to pay for purchases out of turn.

A growing number of retailers are using RFID tags to track inventory. These innovations allow you to capture barcodes from the entire batch at once, rather than item by item. For this purpose, a frame equipped with sensors is placed in the store. When packages pass through it, the system instantly scans each position. Well-known company offers software that uses a doorframe in the fitting room to mirror the items the customer has taken away. In addition, it broadcasts photos of models in this clothing, product descriptions and the presence of a size range in the store. This retail technique increases the attendance of fitting rooms. Cash register RFID tags provide scanning of several goods selected by the client at once.

For the retailers themselves, this helps to remotely control the movement of goods through the hall, to see what is most often tried on and what is discarded. As a result, the buyer has a personal service, and the firm has detailed analytics.

3. Online upsell near the checkout

The settlement area is equipped with screens that recognize the age and gender of consumers, as well as broadcasting special offers for a similar group of customers.

When the cashier scans products, related offers appear on the screen. The client can add the desired product to the check with a light click. Thus, the cashier is not burdened with promotions and additional advertising and can promptly serve visitors.

4. 3D mirrors

Touch kiosks and digital screens are not enough for retailers. They form a space where the consumer is immersed in the atmosphere of the brand. This is facilitated by digital installations, interactive games, quests, merging with social networks. The main thing is to use everything in a complex way: sound, visualization and sensory. For the buyer, emotions and a chance to distance themselves from the outside world are very important.

New technologies in trade

The overwhelming majority of successful companies began their activities with consumer demand. In any business niche, there are a huge number of enterprises working in the same direction. However, every successful entrepreneur has his own zest - significant or not, which positions him among many competitors. Here are a few ideas that, with minor refinement, become original.

Idea 1. Vending

It is this new technology of trading in small business that is the most profitable and the most low-cost. Its meaning is to sell products through the machine. Everything is sold here - from chewing gum, drinks and coffee to exclusive goods such as live crabs, successfully sold in Japan through the same machines. Of course, the range of goods depends entirely on consumer demand.

Running such a business does not require personnel costs. It is enough for the owner to buy vending machines for trading, put them in visited places and ensure their timely replenishment.

Vending is interesting not so much because of the possibility of a quick start from scratch, but because of the lack of great competition. With proper selection of goods and the continuous development of commercial activities, you can get the status of a monopolist in any niche.

Idea 2. Frontend

Like it or not, trade has been and will be the most popular in small business. To modernize the sales system, increasing its efficiency, you can introduce a front-end into your business. This is an eye-catching product that is usually offered for free.

If a second product is added free of charge to the product being sold, the client, having received this offer, as a rule, makes a purchase again. What is important here is not the real value of the product, but the fact that it is free. Samplers of your products or interesting inexpensive souvenirs are suitable as this application.

For companies providing services to the public (taxi, hairdressers, beauty salons), there is always the opportunity to offer customers free service subject to certain conditions. For example, every tenth trip or salon visit is paid for by the institution. A paid front-end is also possible in the form of regular discounts on certain products. This new technology of trade will help to attract customers faster and keep them stronger than large retail chains constantly use.

Idea 3. Wanselling

In English, van selling means “trade from wheels”. Such an idea is very useful for a distribution scheme for servicing dealer networks. Its meaning lies in the delivery (shipment) of goods and the registration of the transaction in the company's accounting system directly at the points of sale. In other words, the agent brings the entire range of offered products with him.

This technique greatly increases sales volumes and eliminates losses from the sale of perishable products. A big plus is the speed of service to consumers due to the reduction in the cost of processing pre-orders.

New technologies for small businesses on a global scale form the basis for the productive development of an enterprise, its successful operation and real profit. Statistics say that the introduction of various innovations in developed countries gives a GDP growth of 50-80%.

Using technology, you can raise any business to international level. Moreover, success is determined not by the amount of financial injections, but by the originality of the idea and the timeliness of its implementation.

How to properly implement new technologies for business

Rule 1 Be Patient

Statistics say that only every third modification of production brings a tangible result. You should not pay attention to minor single equipment updates.

Rule 2 Anticipate risks

Before purchasing new equipment, imagine that you spent money, but did not receive the purchased equipment. If this option does not interfere with the normal activities of the company, feel free to make a purchase.

Rule 3 Analyze the workflow

This is the sacred duty of every leader who wants to make his production really efficient. Otherwise, you will have to look for new competitive advantages. By completely trusting the production director, you can get your “lame horse”, where the modernization was also entrusted to specialists.

Rule 4 Remove obsolete equipment

Otherwise, work on assembled new machines will be delayed all the time. The determination of the manager and the psychological shake-up of the staff from stopping the work cycle will increase their desire to master new technology.

Rule 5 Don't allow an "arms race"

Buying modern equipment, you gradually provoke partners to modernize your own. Do your best to prevent a rival firm from following your example by acquiring more advanced technology and outperforming you in efficiency.

Rule 6 Do not arouse the interest of the auditors

Updating the business process and new technologies in production always fall into the field of view of regulatory authorities. If it does not work out to do it quietly, dismiss the employees at home and notify the inspectors about the crisis of the enterprise and wage arrears. This is almost impossible to verify. But there will be a hope that you will be included in the "black" list of organizations that it does not make sense to visit.

Rule 7 Do not calm down after buying modern technology

Even having latest equipment, you need to realize that this is the past day. It is known that at least ten years pass from the beginning of creation to mass production, and the “new” technology already needs urgent modification.

Rule 8 Calculate additional costs

Buying imported equipment requires a whole string of expenses. For example, claims to labor protection and sanitation standards in Russia are tougher than in the EU. Therefore, European technology will have to be brought into line with our standards. (By and large, it is not necessary to comply with these norms, but you still need to be aware). In addition, you will need to purchase several machines to service innovative technology. You also need to spend money on staff retraining.

Rule 9 Convert foreign machines to Russian raw materials

You won't buy expendable materials Abroad! That is, only the bed will remain from foreign equipment, and all attachments will need to be made anew. Such re-equipment also requires extra costs.

Rule 10 Teach staff to remember their effectiveness every minute

Undoubtedly, the introduction of new technologies for business is an endless process. You can come up with some conditional dates that limit the period of modernization, but all this is useful only for creating the history of the enterprise.

Rule 11 Abolish the salary system

Remuneration must be either piecework or as a percentage of the result received by the employee.

Rule 12 Reward employees as much as possible for each implemented idea in monetary terms

Do not allow criminal thoughts about cutting wages after the launch of modernized equipment.

Rule 13 Celebrate merit so that the whole company discusses it

The maximum reward worthy of a good worker is a family trip abroad. In addition, during the rest he will incur heavy expenses, therefore, having returned, it will work more efficiently.

Rule 14 Look for people who are willing to take on new jobs

You should not keep them in normal production. Give them difficult tasks and check the result, even if it is not very important yet. But if necessary, these workers will be able to quickly master new equipment and teach others.

Expert opinion

An example of introducing new technologies into production

Andrey Byakov,

general director of the company "Painting Brushes", Kirov

The first introduction of new technologies for business in my production, I undertook in 1998. We then made very simple art brushes. For our customers (wholesalers and retail outlets) price was more important than quality. But still I tried to make products better than the rest. We bought the usual device for applying graceful inscriptions on the handles. Back then, only the number was indicated on all the brushes, and we added the name of the hair there.

Naively thinking that the sellers would appreciate my innovation, I was surprised when they initially simply warned that such an upgrade did not suit them, after which they completely abandoned our products. Instantly, the company lost the market. As it turned out, all of them (both wholesalers and retailers) profited from sorting small things. That is, they bought inexpensive products without labeling, and sold them as expensive ones. High Quality. So, with my idea, I encroached on their superprofits. Then I realized that any modifications to the product, even undeniably useful, should be agreed with the consumer. In the late nineties, we made modernization for modernization, without taking into account the needs of the buyer, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Already in 2002, I had to think about the large-scale application of new technologies for business in my enterprise. Having visited the specialized exposition in Frankfurt, I saw that at the technological level our German colleagues were ahead of us by 15-20 years. So my dream arose to catch up with the "decaying bourgeoisie."

A couple of years later, one of the German companies offered us machines, since the production of brushes in the country became unprofitable due to the dominance of cheap Chinese products. The Germans started selling equipment. Of course, these were obsolete machines, but along with them technologies were offered that were not yet available in Russia at that time. Yes, and our company was too weak to pull a 40-machine plant. And we began to choose from the surrounding competitors those who could do it, hoping, thus, to get closer to the German methods.

In Kirov, brushes are produced by about 10 companies. To the largest of them, I proposed a partnership. I understood that two scenarios of events were relevant. First, we conclude a cooperation agreement, together we find funds for the purchase of machine tools, after which each of us has a chance to use German technologies in our production. Then the responsibility for the success of the launched campaign would lie with me. The second plan: the partner will be attracted by German technologies, he will express his gratitude to me for the tip and draw up a deal with the Germans on his own. In the end, that is what happened. I was even a little pleased with this “kidok”, as I saw the difficulties of future work and did not want to plunge into credit dependence. Now I had enough information about technologies and machines, and I got them for free. Less than two years later, I was able to buy modern equipment without any loans.

I think my unstoppable desire to modernize production is generated by the desire to create an oasis of prosperity for my company. And also to prove to Russian business that we can successfully develop and pay taxes. Today our goal is to show European competitors that Russian companies make brushes better than theirs. Domestic products should be better quality than German ones and cheaper than Chinese ones. It is for this purpose that we increase production efficiency. However, we have proven that it is possible.

Information about experts

Manfred Reitner, vice president of NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA). Net App. Field of activity: production of innovative products - data storage systems and software for storing, maintaining, protecting and archiving data. Territory: head office - in Sunnyvale (California, USA); more than 150 branches - all over the world. Number of personnel: over 11,000 (in the Moscow office - 22). Annual Revenue: $6.233 billion (Fiscal 2012)

Sergey Galeev, co-founder and CEO of AddReality. Sergey Galeev graduated from St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. From 2007 to 2008, he was the CEO of LV Produce. In 2010-2012, he headed the La Ville Produce company. Since 2011 - in the current position. AddReality. The company was founded in 2011. Develops software for managing interactive communications with customers on digital panels, tablets, electronic kiosks. Representative offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Dubai (UAE). Among major clients: Microsoft, Nike, Lukoil, Rive Gauche, Russian Railways. Staff - 40 people. Official site -

Andrey Byakov, General Director of the company "Painting Brushes", Kirov. "Painting brushes". Business profile: production of brushes for painting under the brand name Roubloff. Form of organization: LLC. Location: Kirov. Number of employees: 70. Market coverage: TM Roubloff is known in Russia, CIS countries, Western Europe, Northern and South America, Australia.

Do we think that everything will be better and much cheaper in the future? This question painted in very subjective colors of situational perception. However, this is exactly what the market is looking forward to. And the next question concerns how to generate and implement innovative business ideas so that it is our company that enters the proposed future? To do this, you need to understand what these ideas are, where and how to find their sources, how to organize a flow of events that would allow a business to enter the commercialization stage and achieve market success?

The concept of innovative ideas

Let's try to figure out what distinguishes an ordinary idea from business ideas focused on innovation. To do this, let's go in the order of narrowing the scope of application of the conceptual field. On the one hand, the very word "idea", which has an ancient Greek origin (idea), is very close to the concept of thought. It implies a certain idea, a conclusion, a form of comprehension of a perceived phenomenon, a favorable image of the future, present and even the past. On the other hand, under the idea is perceived a certain plan, the intention to carry out the action in a special new way. Therefore, an idea is often associated with an invention, a creative process of finding a new solution or device for something.

In the context of our topic, we consider not just an abstract idea, but the image of a new product, service or process (hereinafter referred to as the “product”). This product should be the result of the introduction of innovation in the process of its commercialization, that is, in the course of innovation. At the same time, we must understand that in addition to business innovations, there may be a large number of innovations that do not concern the commercial sector of the economy. Examples are innovations in education, in the field of state building, in the field of social and humanitarian relations, in defense systems, armed forces, etc. But we focus on the ideas of creating an innovative business - the kind of activity that aims to make a profit on the commercial use and sale of innovative products.

We agree that for the purposes of this article, we consider innovative ideas as systemic conclusions that relate not only to the images of certain objects or technologies, but are also perceived in relation to the corresponding market relations. Since the entrepreneurial meaning for such ideas is dominant, the question of the market's reaction to innovations becomes a priority in a number of evaluation parameters. However, an idea can be taken up by a business for implementation at any stage of the innovation process and at any level, regardless of authorship.

  1. At the level of strategic marketing.
  2. At the level of exploratory research work.
  3. At the level of applied research and development work.
  4. At the stage of direct commercialization.

In Russia, entrepreneurship has a great potential for resourcefulness and is able not only to generate, but also to embody progressive ideas and all kinds of activities that allow it to simply survive. Take, for example, tax planning and the shadow economy: activity is very high there, and a great many ideas are spinning. This indicates that there is a craving for innovation in Russian reality. Another question is whether the business has the appropriate motives and incentives to innovate? New business ideas can generally be directed to:

  • for research and development work;
  • to search for a product (goods, services) for an invention being created or acquired;
  • to improve or reengineer business processes;
  • to search for the promotion concept and implementation model;
  • to find a way to mobilize the market instruments needed for innovation to succeed.

Sources of business ideas

The process of commercialization of innovation goes through several cyclic stages, among which the birth of ideas takes the first place. Suppose we are talking about the creation of a fundamentally new, innovative product that goes through the entire chain from the primary author's idea to mass production and marketing. The role of the author in this case is dominant. He acts both as an inspiring leader and initiator of scientific, design and all other research and implementation, including the laboratory, pilot operation and production stages.

However, one author's activity is obviously not enough. An entrepreneur should be nearby. Ideally, if he also has production facilities, have developed resources in the direction of marketing, promotion and sales, will become an investor and provide sufficient financial flow. On practice innovation process develops in stages. Below is a model of cyclic stages of commercialization, in which several stakeholders can participate, which is most often more justified.

Cyclic model of innovation commercialization

  1. An idea acquires value only as it is commercialized. The further it has advanced to full-fledged market realization, the higher its value.
  2. Essentially, the cost of an embodied idea is determined by the amount of risk that an entrepreneur takes on when entering the innovation process with respect to the proposed idea.
  3. The level of participation of the author in future profits depends on the form and scale of the business in which the innovative idea will be embodied.

How does an innovative business idea come about? What is its formation: art, a random act of brilliant creation or technology? Until recently, it was believed that authorship, including in the technical field, is a unique phenomenon arising from the combination of multiple, including random, circumstances. However modern technologies management, which have already taken root in Russia, allow an innovative idea in a business context to put, as they say, on stream.

Of course, the quality, uniqueness, breakthrough meaning of the idea is lost in this case. But in most cases, a business does not require a flawless "strategy blue ocean". Pioneer developments and implementations are often too risky and prohibitively expensive, so a defensive strategy can also be winning. In this regard, among the personalized sources of the formation of an innovative idea, the following stand out.

  1. Scientists who are passionate about fundamental theory or applied development in a narrow research area or at the junction of scientific fields.
  2. Businessmen for whom the word "impossible" does not exist.
  3. Industry leading competitors.
  4. Sales staff, dealers, sales representatives etc.
  5. Active employees, sometimes young professionals, motivated for career growth.
  6. Loyal or, conversely, infinitely demanding customers.

According to the method of formation and implementation, the sources of business ideas differ as follows:

  • own breakthrough ideas-finds;
  • unique technical solutions protected by patents subject to re-development with registration of a parallel patent;
  • cloning an idea using elements of industrial espionage or attracting know-how carriers;
  • transformational addition to an already implemented idea;
  • compilation of several ideas without deep processing of their sources;
  • the formation of a hybrid idea at the junction latest knowledge, scientific and practical solutions.

Methods for developing ideas and forms of implementation

Suppose an innovative business idea is close to maturity, and it must be comprehended in a creative group. Perhaps the idea needs further development, interpretation. It is probable that the idea has only just been outlined, or there are several fairly extensive hypotheses that require development and selection. Management science for these purposes suggests the use of many universal methods. We will pay special attention to almost each of them, but in this article we will limit ourselves to a simple enumeration.

  1. brainstorming method. Authorship belongs to Alex Osborne.
  2. William Gordon's synectics method.
  3. Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping Technology.
  4. MFO (focal object method) by Charles Whiting.
  5. The Six Hats Method by Edward de Bono.
  6. Method of morphological analysis by Fritz Zwicky.
  7. Method of "indirect strategies" by Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno.
  8. Delphi method.
  9. Bob Eberle's SCAMPER Creativity Method.
  10. TRIZ by Heinrich Altshuller.

Among the local techniques that help develop a solution for formulating ideas, I propose to highlight:

  • the trap technique for ideas, when almost all incoming thoughts are recorded on a voice recorder or in a notebook for a certain time;
  • the technique of using the principle of incubation, when a given mental program produces a solution from the subconscious at the most unexpected this moment: in the shower, in the subway, in a dream, etc.;
  • a technique for systematizing ideas based on the construction of matrix structures.

The implementation of innovative ideas is realized through certain organizational forms, which it is advisable to classify according to the characteristics of the scale of the business, the stage of the life cycle. So, a business idea can be embodied:

  • in the form of an innovative project in a large company;
  • through a specialized small innovative business that has reached the stage of late "childhood" or even "youth" according to I. Adizes;
  • through innovation in small business, implemented in the form of an innovative start-up.

In Russia, startups began to actively develop in the early 2000s under the patronage of the state. They have features that distinguish them among small innovative businesses. First of all, this is the potential for rapid growth, the speed of which is much higher than that of a typical innovation in a small business. As a rule, startups use an offensive rather than a defensive strategy, so the risks for this form are much higher. The issue of providing financing is very complicated; a special financial infrastructure is being created to solve it.

We conclude a review article on idea generation in innovative entrepreneurship. All ideas, being accepted for implementation, ultimately have a design implementation. Let me emphasize once again: despite the fact that the “chuck into the barrel” (the idea) is driven by the author, the “trigger” can only be pulled by the entrepreneur, because it is he who is responsible for the commercialization of the main idea of ​​the innovation.

At the core successful business projects are innovative ideas. Thanks to them, new ways of meeting human needs and solving urgent problems of a global and local scale are emerging.

  • Enthusiasts succeed.
  • Working with like-minded people
  • Youth is your advantage
  • A startup won't make you starve
  • Perfectionism kills the idea
  • Ideas for fast food fans
  • Eco jar for shampoo
  • Napkins in tablets
  • Socially useful startup
  • A startup that increases the level of comfort
  • Photo processing service
  • One card for all occasions

Ideas for a startup lie in the world around them, not in milestones in history. To create your own unique project, you need to regularly look back at what is happening around you, what trends are emerging in society and what worries people. In this article, we will look at the main business trends that will help you develop your startup project.

What does the term "startup" mean?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​startups. This phenomenon causes a variety of associations. Some believe that a startup is an Internet resource, others call a startup a business of young entrepreneurs who have never had experience and start from scratch.

In fact, this can be called true, but only half. Indeed, an Internet resource can also be a startup if it contains an original idea. Read what are in the vastness of the network.

In general, the concept of “startup” goes beyond these judgments. It is an innovative business idea implemented through new technologies.

A startup is a unique product of the human mind, a fresh look at solving an old problem.

In addition, a startup is characterized by:

  1. Small starting budget
  2. Friendly relationships between partners
  3. Work from scratch

It is also worth noting that the idea itself is not essentially a startup. This term can be used to refer to a company that has already manufactured a product and has stepped over the stage of concept development.

How to understand that your startup ideas can be successful?

There are a few basic traits that are common to most successful startups. These traits were identified during the analysis and monitoring of start-up projects. Let's take a closer look at each one and try to highlight the five basic rules of startups.

Enthusiasts succeed.

If you start a startup just for profit and are not ready to work for the idea, your project will not succeed. Startups are built on a strong desire to make a difference in society, so developing an idea requires a sincere interest in what you do. Otherwise, your enthusiasm will evaporate at the first difficulties. In addition, you should not launch a startup for the sake of making quick money. Such projects require a lot of preparation and a long run-up, therefore, as a rule, they do not bring profit at the very beginning.

Working with like-minded people

Learn to share responsibilities and delegate tasks to make the project work successfully. If you have a team of like-minded people who believe in the project as much as you do, then this is already a big step towards achieving your goals. It's much easier to do it together than alone. Plus, everyone can focus on what they do best.

Youth is your advantage

This does not mean that older people should be automatically written off. People with more experience can be first-class managers and coordinators, and young people are more in demand in developing new ideas. It is no secret that in today's realities, young people have more opportunities to receive grants and investments, because they are more ambitious and focused on change. True, novice entrepreneurs often begin to have a lot of questions about starting their own business. If you know all the nuances, open your not as difficult as it seems.

A startup won't make you starve

Many are afraid to start implementing their ideas, thinking that they will have to quit their main job, and there is neither desire nor opportunity to remain without money. In fact, people started many successful startup projects while working in an office for a salary. You can always carve out a little time during the day for your business and it is not at all necessary to radically change your life for this.

Perfectionism kills the idea

At your main job, you may have tasks and expectations that you need to meet. Do not transfer the same to your project. Make it your creative expression. Don't be afraid if you feel like you're lost in a chaos of many incomprehensible things. Enjoy this chaos, try new things, implement absurd methods. Let your project be an experiment, not a goal, then you can create something unique on the wave of inspiration.

New business ideas from around the world

A startup is often associated with high technology and IT. Because of this, people who do not have proper education in these industries and sufficient experience believe that they cannot develop their own startup. We want to refute this belief by choosing in this article successful ideas startups created by ordinary people.

Ideas for fast food fans

All of us, eating fatty foods, faced the problem of oily hands after a meal. In this case, the Italians came up with fingertips. This startup is supposed to solve the problem of dirty hands when eating burgers, chips, salted nuts and other similar foods.

On sale, such fingertips will come as an addition to the food for which they were intended.

Eco jar for shampoo

Another original and useful startup idea is special jars for Nephentes shampoo. Such bottles are a great contribution to the global ecology.

In their form, the jars resemble an enema. Their essence is that people stop buying a huge number of plastic bottles that kill the ecology of our planet, because plastic decomposes over many centuries. By purchasing such reusable bottles, people can come to stores where the same shampoo will be poured into a large bottle for everyone.

Jars of Nephentes do not include a cap. The bottle is made of elastic material, so the neck is simply bent and fixed.

Napkins in tablets

Tablet-shaped wipes are another startup innovation. They were designed specifically for restaurants.

What is their advantage over conventional napkins? First, these wipes are germ killers. The tablet (napkin) is thrown into a special antibacterial solution, in which it opens and becomes ready for use. In addition, napkins exude a pleasant aroma. Secondly, they are reusable, so they save the budget of establishments, which from now on do not have to spend money on buying large batches of napkins. Thirdly, this is a big plus for the environmental situation in the world.

India is rich not only in cinema and national dances, but also in start-up ideas. This country also has its own analogue of Silicon Valley, although most people see only one side of the coin: unsanitary conditions and high levels of poverty.

Concern about the environmental situation and the large amount of garbage among Indian developers has turned into an interesting project. Its essence lies in the creation of edible spoons that will be sold instead of ordinary plastic ones along with ice cream or other desserts.

Such a spoon after eating the dish can be eaten or thrown into the trash. Flour decomposes very quickly and cannot be harmful. environment. The composition of edible spoons allows them to be used even by vegetarians. The developers plan to create a gluten-free edible spoon so that the invention is available to everyone.

Socially useful startup

Startups can be aimed not only at solving global problems, but can also locally improve the lives of the population.

For example, a socially significant startup - a supermarket of cheap products was opened in Denmark. The supermarket is called “WeFood” and sells products that are not displayed on the shelves of ordinary stores. What is meant? These products include products with defective packages, expired products, labeling errors. As a rule, such products are disposed of by ordinary stores, but are the main assortment of “WeFood”.

This idea is good because it allows people with a low standard of living to buy goods at an affordable price for them and diversify their diet. In addition, thanks to the opening of such supermarkets, the volume of products becoming undeserved garbage has been significantly reduced.

From these examples of startups, we can conclude that the original is born from the everyday. It is not necessary to be a genius to come up with your own unique idea, it is enough to look around more and place accents correctly.

It is not always possible to generate original ideas, so people prefer to earn on what has already been tested on the experience of others. There is a mass interesting business ideas, such as, for example, . Such a business allows you to conduct your business in comfortable conditions without leaving your home.

New startups and business in Russia

Let's see how things are with domestic startups. Despite the instability of the economy and financial problems, this area is actively developing. Talented and creative young people develop innovative ideas, which, unfortunately, cannot always attract proper investment. Let's take examples of startup projects of the past years:

A startup that increases the level of comfort

The Russian company SVET demonstrated its unique startup idea. A team of enthusiastic inventors come up with lamps that mimic natural light. The device can be configured depending on the time of day.

Such a project can not only increase the level of comfort in the house, but also significantly improve the health of those who will use such light bulbs.

It would seem that this idea has no flaws, but one colossal minus is the cost of the goods. This is a rather expensive project, because not everyone can afford to buy one device for $70. It is precisely because of the price category that the startup of our compatriots is mainly in demand in other countries.

Photo processing service

Another startup whose popularity peaked in 2016-2017. We are talking about the application “Prisma”. Once upon a time, photos processed in this application were full of Instagram feeds and were the main photo trend. The developer and creator of the application was an ex-employee of

For those who do not know what the essence of a startup is and the features of photo processing, we will tell you. regular photo loaded into the application, where it turns into a picture visual arts. The main highlight of this program is that it does not use the overlay of standard filters, but draws a picture from scratch. Neural network algorithms scan the picture and recreate it in an artistic version.

One card for all occasions

A large number of discount cards in the aggregate can cause inconvenience to their owners. You never know which card will come in handy and whether it is worth taking this plastic set with you from home. This is where the innovative start-up project “Cardberry” comes to the rescue.

Its essence lies in the fact that one device replaces a whole pile of cards. How it works? You have one "Cardberry" card in your hands, all your main cards are integrated into a special application. At any time, you can log into your smartphone and select the card you need, under which Cardberry will adapt and subsequently perform its functions.

Be open to new things, study the history of successful startups and invent your genius from the simple and everyday. All these examples show that startups are not just a way to make money, but a business based on innovation and the idea of ​​transforming the world around. If the field of startups is not quite right for you, you can find out Because the Internet provides tremendous opportunities for self-realization.

The world of business cannot keep up with the development of technology. Accordingly, new innovative business ideas appear in this process, which, in turn, have their own life cycle. The result of all this is the appearance of a new product on the market in the event that the idea was successful. The concept of innovation refers to everything that is improved, transformed into a new one or invented. Moreover, today this can apply to any industry, including business.

Initially, such a term was born in science and industry, but later, due to the modern way of life, in which interaction and interpenetration increasingly covers various areas of human activity, it has also become a business term. Finding new ideas and putting them into practice is called innovative activities. It would seem that since everything has already been invented, then where do they come from?

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Why innovation is needed

In fact, there is always something in the world that needs to be improved, and the conditions for the birth of innovative ideas are constantly appearing in society. However, they often go unnoticed due to the fact that there is simply no interest in them, because not every entrepreneur has unlimited resources and the desire to spend time waiting. The implementation of an innovative idea or project requires its own time frame, and an early market effect may not occur. Because of this, many are afraid of innovation and prefer ordinary, proven and already working business projects.

In fact, this judgment of entrepreneurs is not always correct. If not for innovative ideas, which, by the way, even influence the course of history, then there would be no socio-economic development of the state as a whole.

Realizing that innovation is closely related to scientific and technological progress, which significantly affects any production, improving both productivity and quality by improving means, most people from the business sector began to treat this differently and came to the conclusion: in our time, it is not enough for capital to apply mere labor. The more creative thinking a businessman has, the more rewards his innovative ideas can bring, and therefore he should also be engaged in intellectual activity.

Thus, any entrepreneur is faced with the question of how to independently learn to find and implement innovative solutions. Very rarely, successful ideas are born as a result of a brilliant insight, and, as a rule, innovations are the result of intellectual work, a conscious and purposeful search for new solutions. There are major sources of ideas that will help every entrepreneur to look at their business in a new way.

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Seven Innovative Steps to Business Success

The first is an unexpected event. This concept includes both success and failure, and what is happening around. That is, thanks to any incident, innovative ideas can spontaneously be born. The main thing at this moment for the management is to see possible prospects and implement them in life. Success will depend on the competence of the leadership, as well as on the lack of a narrow worldview.

Of course, any changes in business are always risky, but after all, the whole business is built on the basis of risk. Experienced entrepreneurs can even see hidden innovation opportunities in unexpected failure, which, for example, will increase profits or push the enterprise to a higher stage of development.

The second is any discrepancy between what is and what should be. This concept includes any dissonance in economic indicators, various discrepancies between the present and concepts about it, as well as inconsistencies between the priorities of the consumer and the entrepreneurs' ideas about them. They, as a rule, do not appear in the reports in the form of numbers that managers receive, that is, they have more qualitative than quantitative moments.

Third, the need production process. In this case, innovative ideas are not born from any events, but the need to improve an already existing process can become the reason for their appearance. For example, replacing even one weak link will rebuild the old for a new one that will meet modern needs. To do this, you need to understand the essence of things, and not change anything intuitively. In this case, the decision should correspond to the values ​​of potential consumers.

Fourth - structural changes in the market or in any industry. For example, if an industry is experiencing rapid growth that outpaces the population, then there is a high probability that its structure will change. The reason may be that in the process of doubling production in the industry, rapid obsolescence will occur, and it will no longer adequately respond to what is happening. All this will be a powerful impetus for finding innovative solutions.

Fifth - demographic factors. They play no less important role in the birth of new ideas. Although until today it was thought that this is the most predictable segment, in fact, its indicators can change rapidly, and therefore it is impossible not to pay attention to such important aspects. Thus, with a careful systematic analysis of such factors as the population size, its age structure, the level of education and income of people, an entrepreneur will have a highly productive and highly reliable source of innovation.

Sixth - various changes in value attitudes and perceptions. These phenomena cannot be explained from an economic point of view, since any such changes are a consequence of the passage of time. They can be used as a source, but it will be necessary to implement on the basis of this innovation consistently and narrowly, given that in this case an accurate timing will also be needed.

Based on materials from foreign sites.

The modern world is replete with problems that require simple and effective solutions. I really hope that each of you is ready to offer the world something new and unusual. A. Dolgoruky. Site project editor

An entrepreneur should not be disturbed by the fact that every year a huge number of innovative companies-competitors as the growth of consumer needs increases even more rapidly.

No company can satisfy all the variety of needs and requirements of the population, therefore, with a good idea, each entrepreneur can occupy his own small niche.

The secret to success is pretty simple.- look for simple solutions to existing problems. An excellent example in this case is the company " windshield wonder, which developed unusual remedy for cleaning the inside of a car windshield. You, most likely, have repeatedly encountered a similar problem, and perhaps found your own solution for it, however, you did not consider it necessary to create your own business, but in vain ...

At the moment, the best strategy for achieving financial success for small businesses is the introduction of innovative solutions and technologies. Using this approach, small company can acquire an extensive client base in a short time and begin to receive a stable income.

Below is a list of the ten most successful innovative companies that managed to achieve impressive results in 2013.

Innovative business ideas. The basis for success.

Company «Yardarm Technologies»

The question of the disarmament of the US population has not been so acute over the past few decades. The reason for this phenomenon was the increase in cases of massacres from firearms. While politicians were looking for a suitable solution, entrepreneurs developed a wireless device that allows the gun owner to remotely block the trigger.

In the event that a weapon falls into the hands of third parties, a notification is sent to the owner's phone, after which the trigger can be securely blocked by pressing a single telephone button. The cost of using the remote lock service is 10-12 dollars per year, and the device can be purchased for as little as 50 dollars.

Able Planet company

Before Able Planet, the hearing aid market did not have devices for people with normal hearing. Now everyone can purchase a device that can significantly increase the power of auditory perception.

Able Planet hearing aids are miniature in size and are suitable for use in a variety of situations where it is impossible to hear the interlocutor, for example, when talking in a noisy bar, at a concert, at a busy conference.

SnuggWugg Co.

Changing diapers is an extremely unpleasant experience, even if the baby is completely still. In practice, in most cases, the child tosses and turns and tries in every possible way to interfere with the caring parent. Lisa Hanson, an entrepreneur and a young mother, was tired of this problem, so she invented an unusual a device that makes the process of changing diapers several times easier and faster.

Bullet design company

Most people have never thought about the fact that empty cartridge cases can be used as stylish decorations. The creators of Bullet Designs have managed to turn ordinary cartridge cases into elegant accessories for men and women. According to the founders of Bullet Designs, no one even suspected that their products will be wildly popular.

AquaStorage Co.

When the public consciousness is filled with fears about the approaching end of the world, the demand for essential goods increases significantly. Noticing this pattern, an entrepreneur from Austin, Texas, invented an unusual container that can hold up to 240 liters of drinking water - enough to support a family of four for two weeks.

Non-profit organization "VisionQuest 20/20"

Over the past few years, technology in the field of ophthalmology has made a real breakthrough. Unfortunately, the above progress has not affected the diagnosis of children's vision problems.

Having learned about this fact, the creators non-profit organization VisionQuest 20/20 decided to develop a game that would allow them to detect vision problems in children.

Some time later, a device called "EyeSpy 20/20" appeared, which can diagnose the displacement of the eyeball, cataracts, myopia, astigmatism, amblyopia, as well as other diseases that can cause significant visual impairment in adulthood.

uAttend Co.

uAttend products allows the employer to accurately record the time spent by employees at the workplace. The main idea is that a special application is installed on employees' mobile devices, which allows them to mark their time at work.

The whole process is carried out using a cloud service on the Internet. The company is also developing biometric scanners to eliminate the possibility of fraudulent actions by employees.

The service package provided by uAttend also includes software for counting wages based on hourly rate and hours worked.

Innovative equipment for small business

AMP Americas

AMP Americas manufactures high pressure natural gas cylinders. Despite being a highly competitive manufacturing industry with a large number of innovative companies, AMP Americas has managed to introduce an unusual technology that allows you to extract combustible fuel from livestock waste.

In March 2013, the first information about this company appeared in the official press. The article told about a small dairy farm that uses natural gas produced from cow dung using AMP Americas technology.

The produced gas is enough to meet the fuel needs of 42 trucks.

Hallettco Co.

Hallettco manufactures equipment and accessories for outdoor activities. One of the popular products of this company is a fabric strap called "SquatStrap".

According to the description taken from the official website of SquatStrap, it protects exposed skin from contact with bacteria, fungi, insects, rodents, and poisonous plants.

"SquatStrap" is a small strap attached on one side to a tree and the other to a person's body. Everything ingenious is simple!

By now, we are already very familiar with 3D printing technology, which allows us to turn 3D digital models into real objects. Last year, Defense Distributed unveiled the first handgun made with this technology to the public.

Systems and Materials Research Consultancy decided to go even further and use 3D printing for food production. Representatives of the company claim that they are at the origins of the emergence of a new industry that can solve the problem of hunger on Earth.


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