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    • Strawberries in hydroponics
  • Step by step opening plan
  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
    • conclusions

Strawberries are a popular berry that is loved not only in our country, but all over the world. Strawberries are consumed both fresh and used in processing, to obtain jam, jam, juices, etc. With the advent of the first harvests in the spring, the berries are sold out literally on the fly. And sometimes it doesn't matter what the price tag is. A kilogram of early strawberries in major cities costs at least 250 r...

You can start your mini-business growing strawberries even from a summer cottage. For the sale of the first batches of berries, no documents are needed, since the products are sold from personal subsidiary plots. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, tax deductions, all this later, when industrial scale appears. At first, the sale of berries can be carried out through fruit shops and kiosks, as well as by handing over berries in small wholesale lots to resellers. Do you want to learn more about the business and earn consistently? We offer you new free marathon about passive income and smart money investment. By choosing the method you are interested in, you can get a good income by doing something understandable.

Growing strawberries in open ground

Growing strawberries outdoors is the most common way. There are a number of objective reasons for this:

  1. Low investment. No buildings, in the form of greenhouses (read more about growing in a greenhouse) and no hydroponic setup is required. You can even start with your own garden, and then, as needed, either rent a plot or buy it out. Main investments: fertilizers, planting material and drip irrigation (excluding land).
  2. The technology is simple and clear. A little literature - and you can get a good harvest.
  3. Strawberries grown outdoors are juicy, sweet and more "natural". It is much easier to sell such a product.

In open ground, strawberries are planted in rows, at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from each other. The soil must be covered with spunbond-based agrofibre. This material protects the plant from direct sunlight, while retaining moisture, allows air to pass through and accumulates heat. The most common varieties for open ground: Gigantella, Elizabeth II, Albion, Honey. The fruits of these varieties are large and appetizing. So, the fruits of the Gigantella variety grow up to 100 grams. Only 10 berries - we get a kilogram of marketable strawberries.

The disadvantages of open ground are obvious:

  1. Seasonality. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, strawberries can only be grown between May and September.
  2. Weather dependent. Drought, frost, etc., and you can lose almost the entire crop.
  3. Diseases, pests, weeds, which are abundant in the open field, will haunt the farmer.
  4. Harvesting - you have to pick the berries, literally crawling on the ground, which is extremely inconvenient. This results in higher costs for labor force during the harvest period.

With all its pros and cons, outdoor cultivation is the surest way to start a strawberry business. First, it is cheaper and therefore less risky. Secondly, one does not need to have any serious knowledge in order to plant a field and harvest the first crop. Finally, it will allow you to try to sell the berry. And sales in this business, as practice shows, is the most difficult stage. Having learned to sell, you can think about how to increase production volumes. In this regard, there are other, more expensive, but also more effective ways growing strawberries.

Video about a successful farm for growing strawberries in the open field:

Strawberries in hydroponics

Hydroponics is a very popular way of growing plants indoors. So, in Israel, hydroponics is used by more than 80% farms. This method involves planting plants in a thin layer of organic substrate (peat, for example), laid on a grid and placed in a tray with a nutrient solution. talking in simple terms, in hydroponics, the plant does not feed on the soil, but on the mineral solution, the composition of which is formed depending on the type of plant. Strawberries are also actively grown in hydroponics, although there are few such farms in our country. What are the benefits of hydroponics:

  1. The plant always receives the right amount of nutrients, much more than from solid soil. Hence the faster growth and faster harvest.
  2. There is no need for daily watering.
  3. Pests and diseases that are common when grown in the soil (bearworm, fungal diseases, nematodes) are completely absent.
  4. There is no need to purchase soil for transplanting strawberries and spend on its delivery.
  5. It is much easier to transplant a plant without injuring the roots.
  6. The berry at the output is environmentally friendly, since pesticides and pesticides are not used in the growing process.

Particularly successful farmers manage to get up to 45 kg of strawberries per 1 sq. m., or 450 tons from 1 ha! The hydroponics method is extremely popular among homeowners who grow berries as a hobby. People plant strawberries in this way not only in greenhouses, but also on windowsills. And a fresh berry, when choosing the appropriate varieties, grows all year round. Ready-made hydroponic installations and systems can be purchased from specialized companies. You can also construct a hydroponic installation with your own hands, since there are a lot of videos on the Internet about this. For example, this:

As a basis for the installation, you can use ordinary plastic containers located on racks. If we talk about large planting areas, then the obvious disadvantages of the system include the high cost of structures and high energy costs, because plant growth requires a continuous supply of oxygen to the solution. Moreover, if the entrepreneur decides to grow strawberries in this way on an industrial scale, the construction of greenhouses will be required, which makes the project very expensive. Withdrawal costs. A hydroponic installation for 30 seats will cost about 10,000 rubles, for 3,000 bushes - 1,000,000 rubles. In terms of area, so many installations will occupy about 50 square meters. m. A fully equipped greenhouse of this size will cost about 150,000 rubles. Total total cost project exceeds one million, excluding the cost of planting material and substrate.

Trucars - growing strawberries vertically

An interesting device called "Trukar" was invented by Alexander Naseychuk from the Leningrad Region. Trukar is a tube with pockets, installed vertically. A strawberry bush is sown in each pocket, which is connected to a drip irrigation system. What are the benefits of a Trucar? Firstly, the greenhouse area is significantly saved (by about 300%). One trukar occupies only 0.5 square meters. m. and holds 90 strawberry bushes. That's just 1 sq. m. we can place 180 strawberry bushes, thereby increasing the profitability of the entire greenhouse. Secondly, trukara is very convenient in terms of planting and subsequent care of them. You can see more about growing strawberries in trukars in the following video:

During the season (2-2.5 months) up to 12 kg of strawberries are collected from one trukara. Accordingly, with 500 trukars (500 sq.m.) you can get 6 tons of strawberries. In monetary terms, this is approximately 1.2 million rubles. revenue if strawberries are sold at an average of 200 rubles / kg. This is if we take into account the usual varieties. With remontant varieties, the yield and income, respectively, can be slightly higher.

A variation of the vertical method is the cultivation of strawberries in plastic bags according to the so-called Dutch technology. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that seedlings are planted at a certain interval, after 2-3 months. This allows you to harvest constantly, without using remontant varieties for this. In order for strawberries to begin to bear fruit, regardless of the time of year, it must be preserved, that is, sent to hibernation, as it happens in natural conditions. To do this, well-developed strawberry bushes are cut in the fall and stored in a chilled place. For these purposes, a conventional refrigerator is suitable. The result is seedlings, which are called "Frigo" (frigo). Such seedlings can be "awakened" at any time by planting them in closed ground in a greenhouse (We recommend reading business plan greenhouse farming ). And it doesn't matter when you do it, in January or May. The main thing is that the greenhouse is ready for planting the plant. A couple of months after planting, strawberries will bring their first harvest.

The best varieties for Dutch technology are Elsanta, Darselect, Maria, Sonata, Gloom, Polka, Tristar and, of course, Albion (the most popular greenhouse strawberry variety). Strawberries are seated in bags welded from a white plastic film. The bag is 2 meters long and 16 cm in diameter. The bag is filled with a substrate, including soil and fertilizer. Further in the bag, in a checkerboard pattern, holes of 7 cm are made in four rows, at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Then the bags are hung on special supports, 2-3 bags per square meter. You can do it a little differently by placing the bags in a horizontal position on ordinary racks. In this way, you can make several tiers. Plant nutrition is carried out with the help of droppers, which are supplied in three parts of the bag every 50 cm. Strawberries are pollinated by hand, with a soft brush or with a fan.

Step by step opening plan

Having to start a certain amount money, you need to decide which method of growing strawberries is right for you. Based on this, choose: · A place (or room) for planting strawberries; · Equipment for growing berries; · Planting material - a grade which is most favorable at the given method of cultivation; · Product sales plan

How much can you earn

When grown outdoors in the second year, 10 acres provide both seedlings and enough berries - 700-800 kg. At the same time, all costs of the first year are covered: planting material, drip irrigation system, film or agrofibre. You can expand the landing area. But the third year already gives a clean and good income. Approximately 5 thousand strawberry bushes guarantee up to 2 tons of excellent berries. The profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse exceeds 100%, and the payback is usually predictable in the first season. But, start-up investments for the organization and equipment of greenhouses are 30-50% higher than for agricultural production in the open field. When grown in the Dutch way (in bags), up to 30 kg can be obtained from one square meter. garden strawberry. When selling berries in the summer, at an average price of 70 rubles. per kilogram, from one square meter you can earn more than 2 thousand rubles. And in the cold season, the price of a “vitamin product” will be on average about 200 rubles / kilo, the benefit, respectively, will be up to 6 thousand rubles. With a yield of berries from 50 sq.m and taking into account expenses, the profit will be under 300 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business

On average, to build a greenhouse with a plot for planting 1 hectare, it will take 1300-1450 thousand rubles. To equip 1 square meter of premises for the production of berries in bags, you will need about 300 rubles (including planting material). If you have problems with starting capital, we offer the opportunity to earn at least some of the money. For this purpose, our proposed set of 50 ways. From it you can choose starting options without investments.

Which equipment to choose

Growing equipment: · in open ground - drip irrigation (pipes, fittings and filters, drip tape), mulching film or agrofibre; · in the Dutch way - a room (shed, garage, etc.), plastic bags 200-220 cm long, 15-16 cm in diameter. Each bag has 3 irrigation pipes and a mixture of peat and perlite; · for hydroponics - trays, pumps, tubes and nutrient substrate; · for the trukar method - a pipe with pockets, a substrate, an irrigation system.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

Code 01 is responsible for the agricultural production of strawberries. Agriculture, hunting services in these industries, namely 01.1. Plant growing. And its clarifying subparagraph 01.13.21. Cultivation of fruit and berry crops.

What documents are needed to open a business

Registration of a peasant farm (peasant farm) is necessary when there is enough volume work and cultivation area (more than 1 ha). Otherwise, it is allowed to conduct subsidiary farming on a personal farmstead without any taxes.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Farm business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇


We looked at 4 of the most famous ways to grow strawberries on an “industrial scale”. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages and requires careful study before use. Which method is better to choose is up to you, because a lot depends not only on the growing conditions, but also on the available financial resources for the implementation of the project. Also, you can consider the option of raspberry business.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with articles about TOP 5 business and ways of investing, which the author of this blog Andrey Merkulov tested on himself. There you will also find valuable advice based on the entrepreneur's experience.

At the heart of the concept of success in the business of growing strawberries throughout the year in the Russian temperate cold climate are two main trends:

  • The first is related to the fact that the level of provision of Russians with fruits and berries is more than 2 times lower than the consumption rate of the average European. Those. The Russian berry market is still far from being saturated and there is a prospect of its long-term growth at a rate of at least 4-5% per year.
  • The second trend is related to the fact that more and more young generation of Russians, which makes up more than 50% of strawberry buyers, makes a choice in favor of healthy lifestyle life, including consumption natural products, including berries and fruits, natural juices, etc.

Also, a good foundation for the development of all-season cultivation of berries and fruits in Russia is the fact that affordable technologies have appeared that allow, with the lowest energy costs, to provide conditions for growing strawberries in almost any conditions, even in the Arctic winter.

The payback period is 12 months.

The initial investment will be 2 530 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of operation of the strawberry farm.

monthly net profit - 264 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The scheme of work of the entire business for year-round cultivation of strawberries in the climate of the Russian Middle Strip (CFD) is based on the use of the greenhouse method.

For this, a greenhouse complex with a total area of ​​​​1000 square meters is used. m, consisting of four sections - 250 sq. m each. Directly for the cultivation of commercial strawberries, two sections of greenhouses of 250 square meters each are used. m each. The remaining two sections are necessary for the preparation of seedlings and crop rotation.

All-season highly productive varieties such as Selva, Rusanovka, Symphony, Zenga-Zengana, Queen Elizabeth, Festivalniy are used for growing strawberries. These varieties are well adapted to growing berries in the open field all year round.

To ensure the uninterrupted cultivation of berries, agricultural technologies are used that allow for periodic crop rotation each growing season, which averages 35-48 days.

The average strawberry yield rate is 0.4-0.45 kg per square meter. m of greenhouse area daily. Every sq. m is 10 −12 berry bushes.

The total amount of the monthly collection is at least 1500 kg with the maximum possible capacity of the greenhouse complex of 2000-2500 kg every month.

The average price (taking into account the summer and winter seasons) of supplying strawberries to the market is 630 rubles, which is 20% lower than retail market prices.

All finished products are sorted and packed in special plastic containers. Some of the products undergo shock freezing in the refrigeration units provided for this purpose. This part of the frozen product is intended for long-term storage.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • relatively constant demand for strawberries from private and corporate clients
  • a large selection of sales channels and product deliveries;
  • quick adaptation to the rapidly changing market of fruit and berry products
  • individual approach to customer requests in terms of assortment and volume of strawberry supplies.
  • competition from import suppliers of berries, primarily from Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco and Colombia, etc.
  • poor quality work of staff
  • risks of frequent damage and failure of equipment
  • risks associated with plant disease.

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • business expansion by increasing the greenhouse area
  • the ability to work with state and municipal suppliers - consumers;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business for the processing of strawberries - conservation, production of jams, juices.
  • high competition in the market of fruit and berry products, especially from agricultural holdings and strawberry importing companies;
  • Increase in prices for fertilizers and seedlings in the domestic market
  • Rent increase / termination of the lease agreement;
  • A decrease in the purchasing power of the commercial sector and a decrease in demand for strawberry farm products from food retailers, shops, and markets.

3. Description of the market

To obtain a real assessment of the market for strawberries (garden strawberries) when calculating the main economic indicators This business plan should take into account the following market factors and trends:

  • The global strawberry market accounts for about 80% of all produced berries. Such a significant share is due to the fact that, in addition to purely taste and aesthetic properties, strawberries have a number of unique characteristics, the main of which is a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, and is also a natural supplier of glucose and sucrose. This, for example, prevents the onset and development of diabetes.

In Russia, the share of strawberry production differs little from the world's and also amounts to approximately 70%, even though it has to be grown in not very favorable climatic conditions. In total, about 200 thousand tons of garden strawberries (the commercial name for strawberries) are produced in our country annually, of which about 80% fall to the share of private and farm enterprises. The rest is grown in the fields and greenhouse complexes, the so-called agricultural holdings. The largest of these agricultural enterprises is, for example, the State Farm. Lenin in the near Moscow region, as well as an agricultural holding commissioned in 2017 in the Lipetsk region with a total area of ​​​​covered berry fields of 300 hectares.

  • Market dynamics. The overall dynamics of the strawberry consumption market has a positive trend, adding an average of 4-5% per year. Moreover, the total volume of the strawberry market in Russia is about 800 thousand tons per year. The main supplier countries are Pakistan, Greece, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, Tunisia, China.

It should be noted here that the share of berries consumed by Russians is much lower than in European countries, where the consumption of the main types of berries per person per year is approximately at the level of 70-80 kg, against 30-35 kg in Russia.

  • In 2015, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, a moratorium was introduced on the import of imported strawberries from countries included in the sanctions list. This measure reduced import supplies of berries by about 46% (by 17.5 thousand tons), which slightly increased the sales market for domestic producers.

It should also be added that with the advent of new technologies, such as hydroponics, vertical cultivation of strawberries, the use of shock freezing methods has greatly expanded the market for strawberries, including in the confectionery industry, in perfumery and pharmaceuticals.

From the brief analysis of the strawberry market in Russia, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The market of garden strawberries in the country is still very far from being saturated, and the growth potential of its capacity amounts to hundreds of percent.
  • A stable increase in berry consumption (4-5% per year) in the long term allows enterprises and farmers to have a guaranteed sales market that can recoup even the most capital-intensive investments.
  • gradual introduction innovative technologies greenhouse farming and energy saving, the use of alternative energy sources will soon make it possible to grow strawberries all year round, even in the most climatically unfavorable regions of the country.

4. Sales and Marketing

In order to effectively translate into reality a business project for year-round cultivation of strawberries, in addition to the availability of investment capital, it is also necessary to have a well-thought-out marketing concept.

Within the framework of this business plan, it is supposed to adhere to the following marketing mix.

Target consumer group and main sales channels.

To the main target group of strawberry consumers, according to the marketing research in 2016-2017 (by order of the HoReCa company), the age group of buyers of fresh berries is in the range from 16 to 35 years. Moreover, the majority of this group (almost 90%) prefer fresh strawberries.

With regard to the regularity of use, the results of the study were determined as follows:

  • daily consume a berry - 9%
  • 2-3 times a week - 53%
  • periodically - 38%.

Applied to analysis social status The majority of potential consumers of strawberries, more than 56%, belong to the middle class (with an income level of more than 30 thousand rubles for each family member), as well as to highly paid specialists.

Thus, the potential market capacity, which should be primarily targeted, consists of the target age group (52%), which consumes strawberries at least two to three times a week.

The main sales channels, in addition to private customers, can also be:

  • small grocery stores, vegetable shops located in the sleeping areas of the city;
  • public catering enterprises - restaurants, cafes, recreation centers, sanatoriums, confectionery;
  • sale of strawberries under municipal and state contracts concluded through special electronic auctions. The main consumer in this case can be in the form of children's institutions, boarding schools, camps, rehabilitation centers.

As a promising sales channel is the sale of products for pre-orders through the farm's own website.

5. Production plan

organization or legal registration greenhouse farming for all-season cultivation of strawberries, it is desirable to carry out in the form entrepreneurial activity in the form of IP individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity). Registration is carried out by submitting an application and presenting the founder's Russian civil passport in local authorities tax service of the Federal Tax Service. The optimal term for such registration with the assignment of a TIN and entry into the federal (EGRIP) register is 3-5 working days. You can also apply for registration through the information portal "Gosuslugi". As an additional option, you can use the services of the MFC network (Multifunctional Centers), which are available in every city or municipal district.

A greenhouse farm, issued in the form of an individual entrepreneur, involves a simplified taxation system, which is implemented according to a simple scheme: “taxable profit = income - expenses”. The tax rate is only 6%. It is recommended to use the following OKVED codes for business registration:

  • 01.25 "Cultivation of other fruit trees, shrubs and nuts".
  • 01.25.1 "Cultivation of other fruit and berry crops".

In addition to the standard scheme for registering a business as an individual entrepreneur, a more reasonable approach would be to register a farm as a peasant farm. business on this legal form similar in terms of the type of taxation and reporting of individual entrepreneurs, but the status of a peasant farm gives the farmer the right to receive government subsidies which are implemented by regional programs to support domestic agricultural producers. This works especially well if the farmer is growing import-substituting products.

Except constituent documents an entrepreneur organizing a strawberry growing business is faced with the task of filing the following documents with local (regional) authorities:

  • Permission for the disposal of plant waste and fertilizers.
  • Pass certification of workplaces through the Labor Inspectorate (through the municipality)
  • Obtain a permit for the operation of facilities from local divisions of the sanitary supervision authorities (the FMBA department at the location of the farm) and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire supervision).
  • Obtain permission and certificates of conformity for products from the regional divisions of Rospotrebnadzor (phytosanitary control).

You will also need to sign contracts for disposal Wastewater, garbage with local utilities.

The total amount of expenses for going through all official instances when registering an enterprise under the terms of a business project will be about 30,000 rubles.

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and the premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

Despite the fact that the cultivation and sale of strawberries in the Russian consumer agricultural market is a highly profitable type of business, there are some risks that can lead to serious losses. The main risks to pay close attention to are:

Loss of part and even the entire strawberry crop due to violation of agricultural technology. First of all, this concerns the acquisition of low-quality seedling material (for example, seedlings infected with late blight), as well as the use of low-quality fertilizers, crop damage by pests. As a measure to neutralize this risk, only careful observance of the technology of growing strawberries (especially in the conditions of the Russian climate and the length of daylight hours in winter), temperature regime, soil turnover, fertilization, and even the method of pollinating flowering plants (for example, by placing bee colonies in greenhouses) can serve as a measure to neutralize this risk. hives).

Competition from strawberry imports. On the Russian market Despite the measures taken for import substitution, sellers of strawberries imported from near and far abroad still dominate. The main risk lies in the fact that due to the volume deliveries of fruit and berry products, importers can easily force domestic producers out of local markets due to price dumping. They find it difficult to compete with farms located in the warm climate of countries such as Turkey, Israel or Morocco. However, this risk can be reduced and even completely eliminated by using marketing methods work with certain ( target groups) consumer niches that are outside the field of interest of large strawberry retailers. For example, the supply of strawberries to restaurants, confectionery, and even children's institutions (under municipal contracts).

Risks of loss of profitability due to rising energy prices. A part of the main costs for year-round production (cultivation) of strawberries in Russian climatic conditions includes the costs of heating the greenhouse complex for a long period (at least 6 months a year). A significant increase in energy prices can significantly reduce the profitability of the entire business. To reduce the impact of such a risk (and even completely eliminate it), in addition to standard measures, such as energy saving, the use of cheap fuels, attention should be paid to promising energy sources. First of all, we are talking about the use of solar panels, which can reduce overall energy costs by at least 30-40%. There are also technologies based on the use of biofuels. Investments in such autonomous power systems, as shown Russian practice, pay off already in the 2-3rd year, allowing the business to reach levels of profitability above market levels, gaining a significant competitive advantage.

How to open a business growing strawberries at home in the open field, all year round and in winter in a greenhouse, and earn over 400,000 rubles of net profit. In addition, we will consider other ways to get strawberries: in an apartment and at home on a windowsill and in a garage, on an industrial scale with hydroponics and in greenhouses. Read detailed business plan growing strawberries with calculations.

Strawberry business.

Business plan for growing strawberries at home

There are several options for growing strawberries - in a greenhouse in the country, in an industrial greenhouse or greenhouses, in the open field or at home on a windowsill or in a garage. Each option has its own calculations. We will analyze in more detail the cultivation of strawberries in open ground. But let's also go over other options.

We evaluate the idea

To begin with, you should choose a direction, evaluate your capabilities and the market. When analyzing an idea, first of all answer the following questions:

  1. Where and how to grow strawberries?- can be grown in a greenhouse, in an apartment and in a garage, in open ground. Cultivation goes directly in the soil, in bags, in boxes and pots, hydroponics.
  2. Is there land or finance for a greenhouse?- in an apartment, the business will turn out to be small, so you need either land for growing in the open field, or finance for the construction of a greenhouse.
  3. Who are your competitors?- if there are large greenhouses, it is worth considering the option with open ground, and vice versa. If there are competitors in all areas, first find a solution to get around them. Perhaps the market, even with competitors, will be partially free. Review this item for details.
  4. Do you have knowledge in growing strawberries?- you can get the first experience in an apartment or in the open field by planting a small area. Over time, the business will expand.

After working through these issues, it is worth deciding on additional nuances, depending on the choice of growing method. The article will talk about them. Also look at the pros and cons of the case. Take a close look at the risks.


  1. High demand for berries.
  2. Payback of business 1-2 years.
  3. Easy planting care.
  4. In the greenhouse, the climate does not threaten the crop.
  5. Ability to process strawberries into jam.
  6. Small investment when grown outdoors.
  7. Growing all year round in a winter greenhouse and selling at high prices out of season.


  1. High competition in season for open ground.
  2. Without knowledge, you can make mistakes and lose the harvest.
  3. With dishonest care, the risks of strawberry disease are high.

There are also risks of low yields - especially when growing outdoors, when it is impossible to control the temperature. Open ground also implies possible difficulties with the sale of berries, since the entire crop comes out within one month. With a greenhouse, you can get a crop weekly throughout the year thanks to different varieties and planting dates.

After the assessment, study the information on growing strawberries in the chosen direction.

Growing strawberries in open ground

Growing strawberries as a business.

Despite the fact that growing strawberries as a business carries many risks, this method is the most popular. The thing is that the available sites require minimum investment in preparation, although strawberry care goes 7-8 months a year from March to October.

Of course, you can take care of 2-3 months a year. But then the result will be slightly worse than with detailed work on landings. In order to somehow protect the plant from the weather, entrepreneurs are laying large greenhouse tunnels, the width of which is 3-7 meters, and the length of the entire field. We will touch on this method below, but for now we will consider step-by-step planting and caring for strawberries in the open field.

Choosing a strawberry variety for open ground

Strawberries for industrial cultivation.

Consider different varieties that are well suited for open ground. Entrepreneurs often complain that some varieties may not be suitable for the climate or soil in their area, so plant different varieties. After a while, decide on the best varieties and transplant them yourself, replacing the unsuccessful ones.

Strawberry varieties:

  • Asia- mid-season variety, one of the best for business, as it is resistant to diseases, pests, frost;
  • Alba- an early ripening variety, tolerates diseases well in the open field and is well adapted for transportation;
  • arosa- mid-season variety, has a bright orange color;
  • Clery- an early ripe variety with a presentation, gives a lot of whiskers, which is very good for additional income on strawberry seedlings;
  • Malvina- a late-ripening variety with sweet berries, but reacts negatively to pests;
  • Marmalade- mid-season variety with high yield;
  • Olivia- an early ripening, frost-resistant variety with an attractive presentation.

Varieties produce good yields and are well grown in open ground. True, they require considerable care, which will be discussed below.

Council number 1. The root system of seedlings should have processes 8 centimeters long. Roots longer than the norm are pruned, as well as damaged ones.

Strawberries are planted according to the pattern of 40 x 40 centimeters. 4 bushes are placed per 1 square meter. If you completely plant 30 acres of land, 3000 * 4 = 12,000 bushes will come out. 1 seedling for open ground costs an average of 50 rubles. We will need 12,000 * 50 = 600,000 rubles for seedlings. The amount is large, so usually people plant a small area, and then propagate on their own. In addition, more walking paths are needed. Therefore, we will assume that the initial investment will amount to half a million rubles for seedlings - 10,000 bushes.

Investments in strawberry seedlings will amount to 500,000 rubles.

Planting strawberries in open ground

How to grow strawberries outdoors.

First, choose a landing site. Suitable site, which previously grew, corn and carrots. Next to, mountain ash and wild rose, strawberries are not planted. The area must be well lit. Do not plant in deep places and on a hill.

When making ridges, dig them up so that the plant sprouts towards the southwest. Plant the area around the fields with tall bushes or trees from the winds, especially from the north. Ideally, corn should also be germinated on the site so that the soil is fed with nitrogen from them.

Council number 2. The site is changed every 4 years, otherwise the plant may be susceptible to disease during prolonged cultivation in one area.

How to plant strawberries open ground:

  1. A week before planting, the seedlings are put outside in the shade.
  2. Strawberries are planted at a temperature of +16 ° C in cloudy weather.
  3. Planted in the north in May, in the south in autumn, in the middle lane in April.
  4. The soil is chernozem with an acidity of 5.5-6 pH.
  5. Remove weeds, dig up the ground.
  6. Fertilize with superphosphates - 7 kilograms per 1 weave.
  7. All clods are broken, the area is leveled.
  8. Before planting, the ridges are watered.
  9. The hole should be as deep as the root.
  10. The root is placed vertically, the plant is sprinkled.
  11. After watering each bush with 1 liter of warm water.
  12. Immediately after planting, be sure to mulch with straw.

This is how seedlings are planted in open ground. If, after disembarkation, the air temperature begins to fall, cover the plantings with a film.

Land preparation: the cost of fertilizers and planting tools is 15,000 rubles. Plowing with a walk-behind tractor 5,000 rubles.

How to care for strawberries in the ground

How to care for strawberries outdoors.

To obtain a stable annual harvest in large volumes, plantings should be looked after. The work is not difficult, but with such a scale it will be constant throughout the season.

Care work for planting strawberries:

  1. Irrigation. Watering after planting daily for a month. After watering every 3-10 days, depending on soil moisture. Drip irrigation would be ideal. Water only with warm water.
  2. Mulching. Mulch with straw after planting. But you can also replace the straw with mowed grass, humus, small stones, plastic wrap. All this protects plants from contact of berries with the ground, from pests, diseases. Organic mulch additionally fertilizes the soil. Straw protects the roots from frost.
  3. Pruning. Carry out the trimming of unnecessary whiskers, damaged leaves. Pruning is done in dry weather in the morning or evening. It is also possible, earning extra on this.
  4. Top dressing. Fertilize strawberries almost every 2 weeks. In March, they fertilize with Nitroammofoska - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water. When flowering with potassium nitrate or chicken droppings. At the end of summer, urea - 30 grams per 10 liters of water. They are also fed with potash fertilizers, phosphates and nitrogen.
  5. Pollination. For pollination, you can simultaneously engage in beekeeping. Bees are great at this.
  6. Treatment for pests and diseases. The May beetle is considered the main pest. Plant Alkaloid Lupine, which is deadly to beetle larvae. Also treat the bushes with folk remedies. Mulch, timely fertilizing, weeding and watering saves from viruses and diseases.
  7. Shelter. Shelter for the winter from frost with straw or spruce branches, especially if the frosts are severe, and winters with no snow. In the spring, after the fall of frost, the mulch is completely removed, the earth is loosened, fertilized and a new mulch is laid.

Harvest by hand. Harvested from 1 bush every other day for 1-1.5 months. If you plant different varieties, then the crop can be harvested 2-3 months in a row. A person will have to be hired to help with the harvest.

Care work is not enough, given the large plantings. Therefore, you will have to work almost every day for 6-8 months.

Well, tank, hoses - 105,000 rubles. Annual costs for electricity - 10,000 rubles, mulch and shelter - 20,000 rubles, fertilizers - 15,000 rubles, drugs for pests and diseases - 5,000 rubles, berry picking service - 10,000 rubles, packaging - 10,000 rubles.

Growing strawberries at home in a winter greenhouse

Growing strawberries all year round.

To earn 18-20 thousand rubles a month, you can build a winter greenhouse of 120 square meters, and grow strawberries in it all year round. The greenhouse costs will be as follows:

  • Construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse - 190,000 rubles;
  • Installation of irrigation, heating and lighting systems - 160,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of racks and tools - 90,000 rubles;
  • Legalization of the greenhouse - 10,000 rubles.

The total cost will be 450,000 rubles. Buying seedlings in a nursery will cost 70,000 rubles - 1,000 pieces of fruitful greenhouse varieties, such as Aromas, Capri, Octava, Sonata and others. Buy remontant varieties that produce several crops a year.

The cost of soil and the first top dressing will amount to 50,000 rubles. The soil should consist of fine gravel, sand and garden fertilized soil mixed with peat. Experts do not advise buying ready-made soil. Planting can be carried out in the racks themselves - beds are made, also in bags, pots or boxes.

In the greenhouse itself, it is important to keep the temperature from +22 ° С to + 25 ° С, humidity during planting 85%, and during flowering and fruiting 70%. Constantly ventilate the greenhouse without creating drafts. Light day should be from 8 to 20 hours daily.

Strawberries themselves are not demanding to care for. Every 10-15 days it is necessary to feed. Watering moderately every 8-10 days strictly under the root with warm water. Unnecessary shoots and tendrils are also removed. Ideally, take care of the presence of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse - there are folk remedies, as well as pollination - for example, with the help of bees.

The costs for the greenhouse will be 450,000 rubles, for soil 50,000 rubles, seedlings 70,000 rubles, agronomist service 5,000 rubles, registration and other expenses 30,000 rubles. The annual cost of electricity is 90,000 rubles, top dressing and renewed soil is 30,000 rubles, advertising and fuel and lubricants is 25,000 rubles. Also consider the cost of paying taxes of about 35,000 rubles if the case is registered.

Strawberries in the apartment on the windowsill and in the garage

Strawberries at home as a business.

Home cultivation will not bring high incomes, but rather will provide only you with a berry, but all year round. Everything depends on the scale. If we are talking about growing inside a house or apartment, then these are window sills and a balcony. Outside the home, they are grown in a garage or other building.

Grown exclusively according to Dutch technology in plastic bags. They are filled with a substrate consisting of peat, perlite and disinfected garden soil. Holes are made in the bags and strawberries are planted. 4-5 bags can be placed per 1 square meter. But on the balcony, and even more so in the garage, you can install shelving.

Some entrepreneurs complain about the inconvenience of working with plants in bags. They can be replaced with flower pots or plastic boxes.

Watered by hand once a week. You should also remove unnecessary tendrils and damaged leaves. Provide plants with lighting - at least 12 hours of daylight, and heating - from +22 ° С to +25 ° С. Plants will have to be pollinated by hand - the procedure is not complicated. The room itself should be ventilated periodically, especially a closed garage. After fruiting, send the plant to hibernation.

Choose varieties for home-grown strawberries.

Thanks to home cultivation in a small amount, you can gain experience, which then goes to growing already in large volumes in a greenhouse.

Growing strawberries on an industrial scale

Growing strawberries on an industrial scale as a business.

There are three profitable options for growing strawberries on an industrial scale.

Option number 1 - growing strawberries in open ground

The process from planting to collection is the same as described above. Additionally, you will need to do the following:

  1. Hire berry care staff. One cannot cope with large fields, so workers are needed.
  2. Find people to pick berries. The number of people depends on the size of the field. 1 person will be able to process 2-4 acres per day. The collection is only ripe berries. From one place the berry is collected every other day.
  3. For convenience, special carts are needed for transporting berries during picking. You will also need a container.
  4. Since there will be a lot of berries, timely sales are needed. Therefore, sign contracts with large clients.

In order for the business to bring good profit, plant at least several hectares of land.

Option number 2 - growing strawberries in industrial greenhouses

Industrial greenhouses with all the equipment cost about 10 million rubles for every 1,000 square meters. For convenience, you can grow hydroponically. True, entrepreneurs complain about the water content of the berry. But the growing process itself is a bit simplified. Strawberries grow on a nutrient solution. At the same time, no mulch, watering, weeding is needed. It is also fertilized through a nutrient solution.

With hydroponics and berries it comes out 2-3 times more. The system is expensive, but it can be built from improvised materials purchased at a hardware and gardening store. Electric generators are also needed, since the design will be completely dependent on electricity.

Option number 3 - growing in greenhouses

Grown in the ground in the fields. But to protect against unforeseen weather conditions, greenhouse tunnels are installed. With this method, you can get a crop ahead of time, and more. Greenhouses are made of polypropylene pipes, wood or aluminum, covering the structure with a transparent plastic film.

These are the methods chosen when grown on an industrial scale. Each has its pros and cons. There are finances - build greenhouses. No money - use open ground. An alternative to the two options is large greenhouses.

Strawberry sales and business registration

Sale of strawberries.

There will be a lot of berries. If you plant varieties of different ripening periods, then you can stretch the yield for 2-3 months. In this case, on average, you will have about 100 kilograms of strawberries for sale per day.

Ways to market strawberries:

  1. resellers- the easiest and cheapest way to sell. Registration, advertising, payment of taxes, delivery are not needed. But prices will be low - from 50-70 rubles per kilogram of berries.
  2. Enterprises- producers of jams, jams, confectionery and others. Prices are slightly higher, but you will definitely have to register a business, deal with quality certificates.
  3. Supermarkets- prices can be even higher, but the client needs to be found and the goods delivered to him.
  4. Own outlets or production- sell on the market or make jams, jams. But you can't do it alone.

Additionally, in small batches, you can take it to grocery stores, fruit merchants. Also sell through advertising in the newspaper, on the Internet in in social networks and on bulletin boards. Over time, word of mouth will begin to work.

Be sure to conclude supply contracts so that there are no problems with the sale of the entire consignment of goods throughout the season.

There are 3 registration options in the case:

  1. LPH or personal subsidiary plot. In the case of your personal farm, you do not need to deal with quality certificates. But it will be possible to work only with a family - without hiring workers. There are also restrictions on the sale of berries - large lots can only be handed over to resellers. Legal entities rarely work with private household plots.
  2. Sole Proprietor or Sole Proprietor. If you wish to work with legal entities. In this case, the case is registered, all documentation is kept. IP is suitable for farming, whose area does not exceed 1 hectare. A single agricultural tax is paid in the amount of 6% of the declared income. When registering, select the OKVED code 01.13.21 - “growing fruit and berry crops”.
  3. Peasant farm or peasant farm. KFH is chosen by farmers whose area exceeds 1 hectare. They, as well as individual entrepreneurs, pay UAT in the amount of 6% of income.

In our case, if you have 30 acres of land, choose private household plots or individual entrepreneurs. If the case is official, it will be necessary to certify the products by obtaining a declaration of conformity and a phytosanitary certificate. You can learn more about this from the specialists of Gosselkhoznadzor.

Registration of the case 10,000 rubles. Annual tax payment of 50,000 rubles.

Expenses and incomes - we consider profit from open ground

Startup cost graph:

Initial investment will be in the purchase of planting material and field preparation. It may also include the cost of purchasing land.

Annual costs:

We consider profit

From 1 bush we will have an average of 0.5 kilograms of crop per season. As a result, 5 tons of strawberries come out. Sales go at a price of 100 to 250 rubles. In our case, the parties will be large, so the price will be 150 rubles per kilogram. The income will be 5,000 * 150 = 750,000 rubles. And this is with a good season and a good price per kilogram of berries. Most likely, it will come to such a yield only in the second year.

The yield of strawberries from 1 weave is 167 kilograms, and the income is 25,000 rubles.

Additionally, you can make good money on seedlings. By selling seedlings at least in the amount of 1,000 pieces per season for 50 rubles, you will increase your income to 800,000 rubles.

Annual profit will be 800,000 - 140,000 = 660,000 rubles. The profitability of the business of growing strawberries in the open field is 80%, the payback is 2 years.

The strawberry business is profitable, but there will be a lot of work. You can also grow other berries as a business - strawberries, currants, raspberries in greenhouses, blueberries, blackberries, up to watermelons. You can combine ideas if you choose pointwise what you can grow with what.

Strawberry growing business is profitable with high profitability up to 100%. This creates a high and constant demand for the berry. According to statistics, strawberry consumption increases by 20% annually. The margin for strawberries, especially in winter, reaches 300%. That is why the strawberry growing business is on the list of one of the fastest paying back projects. Despite the seeming simplicity of business, strawberries require serious and constant care.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strawberry Growing Business

When growing strawberries on open ground, the fruiting period of a strawberry bush is 1 month (end of May - beginning of July), up to 30% of seedlings die, more land is required compared to a greenhouse. The use of greenhouses allows you to harvest berries year-round, but has its own characteristics:

Advantages Flaws
High rate of return of 70-100% and margin per kilogram of grown strawberries Difficulty selling during the summer season due to the large number of competitors
Fast payback during the first season, year-round harvest Large investment costs for the construction of a greenhouse, adjustment auxiliary equipment and planting material
Harvest protection from adverse weather conditions Poorer taste qualities than strawberries in the open field. The need to create the right microclimate in the greenhouse

Strawberries are a seasonal fruit, available only in late spring and early summer. The rest of the time it can only be bought frozen or in the form of jam and jam. To harvest in winter, it is necessary to equip a greenhouse and purchase remontant varieties with a neutral day.

Remontant strawberry variety - a plant that forms berries on the branches current year, while the harvest can be obtained several times a season.

In comparison with other berry crops, strawberries stand out for the highest yield. Strawberries are a favorite delicacy of many children and adults, rich in minerals and vitamins C, E, A, PP, groups B and H. Despite the high profitability and payback of the business, growing strawberries in greenhouses requires specific knowledge and equipment (lighting, heating) to create the right environment for fruiting.

For comparison, the cost for an open field project is $15,000; the cost for setting up a greenhouse is $120,000.

Selection of planting material

When choosing seedlings, it is important to consider that bushes grown from first or second order mustache give the maximum and best yield. Such berries completely retain the properties and qualities of the mother plant. You need to carefully examine the rosette of leaves - it should be strong, green, without signs of damage and disease. The root system must be well developed and strong. The following varieties of strawberries consistently show the maximum yield: Kama; Elsanta; Red Capulet; Will; Glima; See.

It is necessary to take care of the room where it is planned to grow berries, and its equipment. There are three types of greenhouses: frame (used for growing seedlings), glass and polycarbonate.

The best option for industrial cultivation of strawberries are polycarbonate greenhouses.

The easiest way to grow strawberries - "Dutch"

The Dutch way of growing strawberries can significantly reduce the cost of greenhouse equipment. The advantage of the method is its accessibility and versatility - you can use the technique at home, in the garage.

The essence of the technology is as follows - a plastic bag measuring 2 by 2.5 m must be filled with a mixture of peat and perlite (in equal proportions), holes must be made in a checkerboard pattern in a bag with a diameter of 7-8 cm, where seedlings are subsequently planted. Pipes for irrigation should be brought to the bags. Such an original strawberry plot is easily placed in a barn or on a loggia - one square meter is enough for three bags. It is desirable to provide plants with artificial lighting in addition to natural light.

Note: according to entrepreneurs who have used this technique, the initial costs are no more than 1.8 thousand dollars.

How to grow strawberries. Landing methods and stages of development

In the second half of February, strawberry bushes are planted in containers filled with a mixture of peat and perlite. You can also use a special primer, which is sold in a specialized store. If you have the opportunity to collect land in the garden, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate and be sure to use top dressing containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. A month later, in the second half of March, the strengthened seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

The yield of strawberries largely depends on several factors.

  • Compliance with the irrigation regime - water must be poured strictly under the root, avoid getting on the leaves and especially flowers and fruits. The frequency of watering is determined as the soil dries out. The best method for watering strawberries is a drip system.
  • Frost protection - the temperature comfortable for plants is from +18 to +20 degrees.
  • artificial pollination.
  • Top dressing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

What form of business to choose?

The table below summarizes the analysis various forms greenhouse business.

Form of business organization Benefits of using
LPH ( personal household plot) used individuals for the sale of products to large wholesale bases and distributors. To register a greenhouse production, you need a certificate from the district administration stating that the summer cottage (up to 2 hectares) belongs to you and the organization of growing strawberries on it (see ““).
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used for self-realization of strawberries. The sole proprietorship form allows you to legally organize a sales network, enter into contracts, hire staff and sell on behalf of your company. With IP, the process of product certification becomes more complicated.
OOO ( society with limited liability ) It is used to organize large production farms, to attract partner and borrowed capital. More complex organizational structure, more registration costs. It is tried on for work with shops, wholesale bases.
KFH ( peasant farming) Used to attract partners to your agricultural business. KFH, a simplified form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as IP and LLC, is endowed with legal force, so it is possible to work with shops and wholesale suppliers.

In the absence of entrepreneurial experience, it is recommended to register your business as a private household plot and start selling in small batches, this will allow you to set up all production and business processes, and determine the main sales channels. When increasing production volumes, attracting additional financing (agricultural loans), organizing your own point of sale, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Optimal taxation system for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USHT).

tax rate – 6%

The unified agricultural tax is canceled if the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO is applied to the producer ( general system taxation).

Video lesson “Single agricultural tax”

Strawberry Growing Business: Creating a Distribution Network

Ways to sell strawberries depend on the season of the year. In summer, it is faster to sell the harvest to the retail market and to wholesale suppliers. In winter, you can go to supermarkets and restaurants, as they have refrigeration equipment for storage. Supermarkets and restaurants place high demands on the quality of products. Maximum safety appearance achieved when transported in baskets or plastic boxes. Year-round reception of products is carried out by processing enterprises (purchasing more than 30% of the total crop), focused on the manufacture of jams and yogurts. Building a distribution network is one of the key success factors for a business.

Even before the strawberries have ripened, it is necessary to conclude contracts or agreements on future deliveries!

Profitability of the strawberry growing business

The profitability of a strawberry breeding project depends on several factors: the cost of berries; the total cost of cultivation; trade markup.

Cost includes the following costs: room rental, wage workers, transport costs, the cost of planting material, the cost of heating, lighting, irrigation. The average amount is 1.5 dollars. If you want to cut costs and reduce the cost of berries, use the Dutch growing method. Out of season, the price of berries increases to $6. On the initial stage no need for additional staff of workers - all necessary work a person can do it on his own. It is necessary to think about expanding the state when the number of strawberry plantations increases.

Estimating the Cost of a Strawberry Growing Business

From an area of ​​one hectare, you can harvest up to 50 tons. As a result, the net profit of the entrepreneur will be 225 thousand dollars, and the profitability will be 75%.

The main difficulties in growing strawberries

  1. Heating in cold weather. If you do not think over the heating system in the greenhouse, it is impossible to grow and get a crop.
  2. Permanent care of plants. Such a mode of life, involving the performance of a whole range of works, is far from acceptable for every person. If you, despite this, do not give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba strawberry business, consider hiring workers.
  3. Start-up capital. To organize a business, considerable financial investments will be required, however, all expenses will pay off in the first season.

Before you start growing strawberries, consult summer residents and farmers, they can help you avoid common mistakes and save bushes.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
Growing strawberries is a highly profitable (~100) and fast payback (~1 year) type of business. Despite the seasonality of fruiting (May-July), it is possible to organize a greenhouse with year-round cultivation, this will require large capital investments in the amount of 2 million rubles, which is 10 times higher than when organizing on open ground. The key success of the business is the creation of a sales network for products, for this it is necessary to conclude agreements with wholesale depots, supermarkets, and market sellers in advance.

Why is growing strawberries interesting for farmers and entrepreneurs? This one of the most popular berries in Russia has only one significant drawback - seasonality. It is almost impossible to buy strawberries in autumn and winter, or only at a very high price. At the same time, such a cost does not bother buyers: they buy berries with a huge markup. This situation makes the strawberry business a promising undertaking.

Strawberry business

Before highlighting popular and effective methods growing strawberries or garden strawberries (a more correct name from a botanical point of view), let's talk about business prospects for this berry. On the one hand, many grow strawberries in summer cottages and thus fully cover their annual need for it. On the other hand, strawberries sell well in winter - buyers are not able to deny themselves the pleasure, even if they suspect that the berry is grown with the help of harmful chemicals. Some methods allow you to harvest even in winter, which makes the strawberry business quite promising.

As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high competition - a novice entrepreneur will have to compete with large agricultural holdings and at first the sympathy of buyers will clearly not be on his side. To make money on this berry, you will have to think not only about the organization of cultivation, but also on sales and marketing.

The strawberry business is comparatively different small investment. Despite the apparent complexity, the abundance of information on the Internet, reference books, the availability of soil and fertilizers make it suitable even for beginners.

The correct name for strawberries is garden strawberries.

Agricultural technology for growing strawberries in the open field

Garden strawberries grow well in any soil, but with good care. The roots of strawberry bushes do not lie at all deep, so the topsoil must be moist and nutritious. Usually you can get 4 harvests of large berries, after which, starting from the 5th harvest, the fruits become noticeably smaller. Strawberries die with hypothermia, but winter without harm under a thick layer of snow.

Outdoor cultivation is perhaps the most famous and widespread among amateur gardeners. First, raised earthen beds are made in 2-3 rows 4-5 meters long. Other options are allowed, but this is the optimal size for care, watering and collection. The edges of the beds should be strengthened: with a crate or just small branches.

It is useful to cover the site before planting polyethylene film with holes for young strawberry rosettes. This is Finnish technology. The film will create more favorable conditions for growth, although it will complicate watering a little. Overlapping the soil with a film will prevent the evaporation of moisture, interfere with weeds, wind and ultraviolet radiation, and also keep the berries clean from the ground. The crop is harvested after 7-8 weeks.

The disadvantage of Finnish technology and open beds is that this method is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Great dependence on the weather, sun and wind, threatens the harvest. The advantages are as follows: minimum investment and excellent taste, accessibility for beginners.

Growing in greenhouses

Growing garden strawberries in a greenhouse, that is, in closed ground, allows you to collect several crops per year. It is more expensive than standard beds, because it requires quite a significant investment in the installation of a greenhouse. The temperature should not fall below 10 degrees, otherwise the heat-loving berry will die. Humidity 70–80%. The greenhouse effect inside the greenhouse has a positive effect on the size and number of berries.

Such varieties grow well in greenhouses: Sonata, Pineapple, Florin, Kama, Volya and Marmolada.

Please note that there are several methods to place plantings inside the greenhouse:

  • into the ground;
  • in ceramic or plastic containers;
  • in polyethylene bags.

Greenhouses will be required to grow berries for sale throughout the year

Yield rates

The industrial cultivation of strawberries implies the presence of large areas, because from 1 sq. m on average collect no more than 2 kilograms of berries. Thus, a hectare with maximum fertility will give 20 thousand kilograms. Last but not least, the harvest does not depend on care and conditions, but on the variety. Preference should be given to varieties that have proven themselves among professionals:

  • "Vima Zanta";
  • "Gigantella";
  • "Diamond";
  • "Ducat";
  • "Kent";
  • "Clery";
  • "Queen Elizabeth II";
  • "Olvia";
  • "Honey";
  • "Elsanta".

Varieties differ in the quantity and quality of garden strawberries, as well as fertility characteristics. Some grow well in plastic bags, others are more suitable for the Dutch method. For earnings, remontant strawberries are more profitable - that is, capable of producing several crops per season.

Irregular fit

Technology of growing garden strawberries in bags is perhaps the most inexpensive greenhouse method. The gardener will need plastic bags about 2 mm thick, the approximate size is 16x20 cm. Do not bother looking for them and buy them at a nearby supermarket that are approximately suitable in terms of parameters.

The bags are filled with the mixture in the following proportion:

  • perlite - 1 share;
  • sawdust - 1.5 shares;
  • peat - 2 shares.

That is, to fill a bag with a volume of 20 liters, you will need about 5 kg of perlite, 7.5 kg of sawdust and 10 kg of peat. The bags do not need to be filled entirely, a quarter of the space should be left empty. The filled package must be sealed with an iron or soldering iron, and then 3-4 longitudinal cuts should be made.

Next, the bags are laid horizontally on the flooring inside the greenhouse at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other. The next step can be called the most difficult: you need to insert 3 droppers into each bag. One for the top layer, one for the middle, one for the bottom. One package will require half a liter of water per day. When the droppers are ready, seedlings are placed in the holes. After that, it remains only to maintain comfortable conditions inside the greenhouse. Once every 2 weeks, fertilize with potassium salt and superphosphate.

Growing strawberries in bags has a lot of advantages: from simplicity to the absence of weeds.

Strawberries in PVC pipes

Another non-standard way to grow enticing red berries is in PVC pipes, either vertically or horizontally. Breeding in pipes is beneficial for those who seek to save space in their personal household. Usually pipes with seedlings are installed parallel or vertical to the fence. This option is not suitable for business, only for amateurs in their personal subsidiary plots.

To organize horizontal and vertical cultivation of strawberries in pipes, you will need:

  • PVC sewer pipes from 15 cm long;
  • 2 end caps for each such pipe;
  • PVC pipes for the irrigation system, diameter 3–4 cm, at least 10 cm longer than the main pipe;
  • 1 end cap for each narrow pipe;
  • hose for water drainage;
  • containers;
  • self watering pump.

Holes 10–15 cm in diameter are made in the main tube at a distance of 15 cm from each other along the entire length. In thin ones, many small holes are drilled at all levels, and then they are wrapped with agrofibre. Holes equal to the diameter of a narrow pipe are drilled in large end caps. A large pipe is covered with expanded clay, which will provide drainage. It must be evenly distributed throughout the pipe.

The system is ready. It remains only to plant bushes. Holes about 8-10 cm are made in the ground and seedlings are placed in them. Weeds will not grow here, and the berries will not get dirty with dirt. The structure should be located on the sunniest side.

Dutch technology

Of all the existing methods of growing garden strawberries for sale, the Dutch technology is the most fruitful. It allows you to pick berries several times a year and make the most of the space.

The bottom line is to keep the bushes in special containers - boxes, pots, pallets and bags already familiar to you. They are placed in greenhouses. Growers plant new seedlings regularly - every one and a half months - to ensure continuous productivity. Of course, in a place where boxes of berries are stored, they provide high temperature and plenty of sunlight for 12-16 hours.

You will need a low acidity soil, which is mixed with perlite. It is useful to add river sand, compost and fertilizers. Seedlings are placed according to the principle of chess cells at a distance of at least 25 cm from each other. With Dutch technology, drip irrigation is used, delivering water directly to the roots of the bush. The soil does not swamp and does not dry, the leaves do not get sunburn.

The Dutch method produces many large, great-tasting berries, but costs the owner the most. Heavy expenses will be required to buy seedlings (this is more expensive than working with seeds), as well as for heat and lighting, which are vital for strawberries.

In winter, strawberries are sold at a high trade margin

Sales of products

Strawberries are in demand among buyers at all times of the year, while even a high trade margin does not prevent this in winter. From this point of view, such a business is extremely profitable. It is quite expensive to engage in retail sales of products - investments will be required for the organization outlet. In addition, it is impossible to compete with supermarkets, where dozens of other fruits are sold along with strawberries.

Therefore, you should find wholesale customers who will buy the entire crop for subsequent retail or other use. This role may be played by:

  • trade networks;
  • catering establishments;
  • producers of juices, jams, jams and other products from berries.


The income of a business in the cultivation and wholesale of strawberries will be high if the entrepreneur finds regular distribution channels. The wholesale price for 1 kg is highly dependent on the manufacturer and varies from 45 to 400 rubles. Most often, manufacturers set a minimum purchase amount - for example, from 50 kg.

The profitability of the project directly depends on the initial investment. The business plan will include costs for:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • installation of greenhouses;
  • purchase of soil, seedlings;
  • utilities (electricity, water or gas to greenhouses);
  • purchase of working equipment, containers, bags and everything necessary for growing;
  • packaging container;
  • recruitment of personnel.

The amount of costs depends on the chosen technology: open ground will be the most inexpensive and unprofitable, the Dutch method - the most costly and promising in terms of income. The return on all investments is possible through 20–25 harvests, but it will likely take longer.


The strawberry business promises its creator to work with one of the purchased berries, the demand for which depends little on the season. Modern technologies allow you to harvest the crop all year round and sell it at a high trade margin. Growing garden strawberries is available even to beginners without the specialized education of an agronomist, because the abundance of information on the Internet and reference literature can compensate for any gaps in knowledge.


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