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General characteristics of the cafe Pizza Parmesan. Analysis of the marketing activities of the Pizza Parmesan cafe. The object of the study is the activity of the marketing service of the Pizza Parmesan cafe. Subject of research planning of marketing activities in the Pizza Parmesan cafe.

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Topic: "Improving the marketing activities of Voltyre-Prom OJSC."

The volume of work is 82 pages. The study uses 12 tables, 6 figures, 74 lists of references and literature, as well as an appendix.

The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the study of the marketing activities of the enterprise. Marketing is considered as a tool to improve the efficiency of the enterprise and the implementation of marketing activities in construction organization. Questions such as the essence and factors of the complex marketing communications at the enterprise, advertising and its role in the promotion of goods on the market. The second chapter provides a description of the financial and economic activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom", analyzes the assortment structure of the enterprise, evaluates and analyzes the results of financial and economic activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The appendices provide auxiliary and Additional Information missing to fully reflect the theme of the thesis.


1 Theoretical aspects of marketing

activities in the enterprise

1.1 Marketing as a tool to improve the efficiency of an enterprise

1.2 The essence and factors of the marketing communications complex at the enterprise

2 Analysis of the marketing activity of JSC Voltyre-Prom

2.1 Characteristics of the economic activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

2.2 Analysis of the assortment structure of the enterprise

3 Development of measures to improve the marketing activities of the enterprise

3.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to improve the system of intercompany pricing in OJSC "Voltyre-Prom"


List of used sources and literature

Appendix A - SWOT Analysis Matrix (External and Internal Environment)

OJSC "Voltyre-Prom"


The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that effective management in modern market conditions is necessary condition improving business efficiency, creating, developing and implementing competitive advantages of the enterprise. The modern manager faces strategic questions of choosing the direction of business development and determining the key competitive advantages of the company. The development of such a vision and management of the competence of the organization is a key, entrepreneurial, function of the company's management.

Management has to pay a lot of attention to the issue of optimizing the company's structures. However, for modern leader Equally important is the issue of creating a management system and technology that ensures the effective operation of the company. In the current socio-economic situation in the context of the search for optimal ways of informatization of society and Russia's entry into the world information space, the solution of the multifaceted problem of documentary support of management is of paramount importance. With the help of which the processes of documentation, organization of documents and workflow acquire a normative or ordered character. Documentary, legal, economic, organizational, personnel and other aspects should be recognized as priorities today.

It can be stated with certainty that the problem under consideration contains both historically inherited characteristics and new ones associated with fundamental technical and socio-economic transformations in the field of documentation. The study of the organization of information interaction between state and its state structures federal, "subjective" and other levels of government. Insufficient scientific and theoretical development and the lack of due state attention to the creation of a conceptual framework and the development of unified approaches to the organization entail various negative consequences, in particular, separation from international rules and technologies, inefficiency and insufficient value of stored information resources, etc. The multidimensional, interdepartmental nature of the problem requires an appropriate organization of fundamental and applied scientific research and developments, their coordination and fixation.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the improvement of marketing activities in the enterprise.

Achievement of this goal seems to be possible by solving the following tasks:

Define the marketing management system in an organization;

Analyze the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;

Explore the marketing management system in the enterprise

Develop a SWOT analysis for the enterprise;

OJSC "Voltyre-Prom" was chosen as the object of study.

The subject of the study is the study of marketing activities at the enterprise.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the thesis are approaches to solving the problems of enterprise marketing research, the set of tools, techniques and methods used, offered by domestic and foreign authors.

Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of the marketing management system in an organization, fundamental, generalizing works on this issue in domestic science is quite small, this does not mean that the problem is not studied by domestic specialists or is considered unpromising. The fact is that the main study of the organization's marketing management system is carried out at the expert-applied level, the results are intended for the internal needs of enterprises, designed for direct implementation in practice, and are often closed.

The degree of study of this study is presented in the works of the following authors: Afanasiev M.; Elyakov A.D.; Efanov A.; Bakanov M., Vashchekin N.; Bodrenko O.N.; Danilina A.; Damari R. et al.

The information base of the study was the fundamental and applied work of domestic and foreign authors on the analysis and evaluation of marketing activities, analytical materials published in periodicals, materials of scientific and practical conferences.

Approbation of the results of the graduation project. The main results of the study were presented and discussed at the scientific and practical conference "Analysis of the relationship of financial instruments

The main results of the study were presented and discussed at the scientific-practical conference of scientists, graduate students and students "Strategy and tactics of enterprise management in the conditions of the economic crisis."

The thesis consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and references and applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the thesis topic, the degree of its development, formulates the goals and objectives, the object, subject of research and research methods, its practical significance.

The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the study of the marketing activities of the enterprise. Marketing is considered as a tool to improve the efficiency of the enterprise and the implementation of marketing activities in a construction organization. Such issues as the essence and factors of the complex of marketing communications at the enterprise, advertising and its role in the promotion of goods on the market are considered.

The second chapter provides a description of the financial and economic activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom", analyzes the assortment structure of the enterprise, evaluates and analyzes the results of financial and economic activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The third chapter is devoted to the improvement of marketing activities in the enterprise.

At the end of the paper, the main theoretical and analytical conclusions are formulated.

1 Theoretical aspects of the formation of marketing activities in the enterprise

1.1 Marketing as a tool to improve the efficiency of an enterprise

Marketing affects all stages of profit formation and, ultimately, the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

Let's consider what the marketing management system does in an enterprise and how its activities affect the improvement of the company's efficiency.

First, marketing services explore the various aspects of the market that the enterprise comes into contact with in the process of functioning.

Secondly, marketing services develop and implement the tactics of the company's behavior in the market.

An enterprise in the modern world succeeds only if it does not ignore the needs of consumers. To improve efficiency, research and satisfaction of the maximum volume of customer requirements is required. Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes its needs and requirements.

The study of consumers begins with the study of their needs. The hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow was the most widespread. According to this system, the needs are divided into:

Physiological (hunger, cold, thirst);

The need for self-preservation (security, protection);

Social needs;

Self esteem needs social status, recognition);

Self-affirmation needs (self-realization and self-development).

Identifying needs is one of the key goals of marketing research. When the marketer recognizes the need of the consumer, he can predict his future behavior and the possibility of his purchase of this product.

An important role in the study of consumers is played by motivational factors for the purchase of goods.

Motivational factors include:

Profit motive (a person's desire to get rich);

Risk reduction motive (need for safety);

Recognition motive (need for status, prestige);

The motive of comfort (the desire to brighten up one's existence);

The motive of freedom (the need for independence);

The motive of knowledge (the need for development).

An important role in marketing is played by the study of the structure of the market.

The first stage is the study of competitors, i.e. assessment of the degree of competition in the selected market (perfect, imperfect competition or monopoly).

The next step is to move on to the competitors themselves. It should be determined: what part of the market is controlled by the competitor, how fast is its development, the quality of the competitor's product, its price, form of advertising and sales, technical support.

With a properly conducted research, it is possible to establish the disadvantages and advantages of a competitor, learn about its weaknesses and strengths ah, which will subsequently undoubtedly affect the profits and development of the company.

The analysis of the company's market structure is a study of suppliers and intermediaries, without whose help the company practically cannot exist in modern conditions. Who are these suppliers? The supplier is individual or an organization that supplies the enterprise with the necessary raw materials, equipment, information.

The study of the brand structure of the market includes the study transport companies, insurance organizations, etc. This helps the company immediately feel more confident on the shaky ground of an unexplored market.

Product market research refers to the study of the market for a single product or group of products, such as bread (a single product) and consumer or luxury products (a group of products). Market research aims to study the relationship between supply and demand for goods, determine the market capacity, determine the influence of competitors on the market, segment the market, and determine the market situation.

The main purpose of studying the market situation is to establish links between the activities of the enterprise and the market, how to ensure the balance of supply and demand. Market research includes an assessment of the market in the current period, a forecast of changes in market indicators, proposals and recommendations on the activities of the enterprise in the process of changing market conditions.

Market capacity refers to the volume of products that the market can “absorb” without significant changes in its structure. The marketing service investigates the indicators of the market potential, processes and analyzes information and, on its basis, predicts an increase or decrease in the market potential, which leads to an increase or decrease in the volume of products manufactured by the enterprise.

Market segmentation is the division of the market into separate areas for the purchase and sale of goods. Segmentation occurs according to the following series of signs:

Geographical (taking into account the size of the region, density and population);

Demographic (gender and age criteria of the population are taken into account);

Socio-economic (taking into account education, professions, incomes of the population);

Psychological (taking into account the characteristics of an individual).

Thus, by studying the various aspects that an enterprise has to deal with, the marketing service helps to save money on trial releases of goods in previously ineffective areas. Although the company spends certain amounts for research, they then fully pay for themselves. This shows the role of marketing research to improve efficiency.

The marketing policy of an enterprise may include a product, price, marketing policy, as well as a policy of promoting goods on the market. According to this scheme, the company's policy will be outlined: from the choice of goods, determining its price, various methods of marketing to the final stage - promoting the goods, the stage at which the company's profit from the sale of goods is increasing.

Marketers, using market research, competitors and consumers, develop an enterprise action program in the field of product production (they suggest which product will be in maximum demand, meet the needs of the buyer, determine its quality compared to competitors), establish rules for creating new products, predict life product cycle. Let's take a closer look at product policy.

In the everyday sense, a commodity is commonly understood as a thing intended for consumption, either final consumption or consumption for the production of another commodity. The marketing essence of a product is somewhat different from the generally accepted one, since what is usually called a product in a general sense is called a product in marketing. A product is an integral part of a product that carries the main qualities for which the product was purchased. For example, having produced saccharin (sugar surrogate), it cannot be called a commodity without appropriate support. Product support is a set of measures for transportation, packaging, storage, accounting and use of the product.

The product support team includes the following measures:

Measures for the correct use of the product (instructions, method of preparation);

Related products (adapters, batteries, cords).

A product turns into a product when marketing tools are used on it, which include:

Properly established sales;

Strong public relations.

Thus, a product for a marketer consists of a product, its support and marketing tools. On the example of bread, this can be shown in the form of components: product - bread, essential product, support - packaging, conditions of transportation, storage, use, marketing tools - packaging design, advertising campaign.

Marketing is entirely dependent on the consumer.

Marketing depends on the needs and demands of the consumer, so the company is simply forced to change its product strategy by creating new products.

The product offered by the enterprise on the market can be classified as follows:

Products (ore produced by a mining enterprise, pig iron from a metallurgical plant, etc.);

Goods (cars, clothing, furniture, food, etc.);

Works (construction, installation, repair, etc.);

Services (financial, tourism, training services, communication services, etc.);

For effective marketing, first of all, it is necessary to determine which product can be called new.

A product that has no analogues on the market, which is a practical, actual embodiment of a scientific breakthrough, is naturally called a new product. There are very few such products on the market, examples being copiers and scanners and wireless cellular communications.

A product that has a pronounced qualitative difference from its predecessor analogue product. An example is floppy disks DVDs compared to CDs (large information capacity, high data reading speed, etc.).

The product is new for a particular market. For example, racing cars were market novelties in Russia in the 90s.

An old product that was already on the market, but has found a new use.

Of course, an entrepreneur takes a risk in starting research on a new product, because he does not know whether his costs will pay off. In such a case, there is a marketing service that helps the entrepreneur to reduce risk to a minimum by proposing rules for creating a new product and, thus, increasing the profit and efficiency of the enterprise (see appendix).

With the creation of a new product, its life cycle begins, which is characterized by the following stages:

Research and development. At this stage, the product, its idea, is born. Sales of goods are still zero, profit is negative.

Implementation. At this stage, the product begins its promotion to the consumer, an active advertising campaign takes place, but with the growth of sales, the profit continues to grow in a negative direction.

Growth stage. The most favorable stage for the manufacturer. The company makes a significant profit, the sale of goods continues to grow.

stage of maturity. The goods are produced in large quantities, sales are no longer growing at such a high pace, profits are gradually decreasing, as competition is felt.

Recession stage. Sales drop sharply, the company ceases to produce goods, profits are very low.

Marketing must accompany the product throughout its life cycle. The Law of New Goods can be viewed from a life cycle perspective as: An enterprise will have maximum profit and efficiency only when the life cycles of different products overlap.

Commodity policy at the enterprise solves the problem of creating a new product, associated with the sphere of production. Marketing developments in this area help the entrepreneur to avoid many mistakes that await him at this stage of economic activity. Therefore, we can clearly say that the marketing product policy helps to increase the efficiency of the company.

1.2 The essence and factors of the marketing communications complex at the enterprise

One of the reasons for the sales crisis in our country is the lack of awareness of consumers about the availability of quality products from manufacturers and wholesalers. The issue of the image of domestic products in the world market is also important.

We are talking about the problem of choosing a strategy for external relations of an enterprise and the place of specific methods of marketing communication in achieving the goals of an enterprise in the market. Unresolved and avoidance of strategy problems led many enterprises to bankruptcy. Of course, marketing communications is one of the sides of the marketing mix, only part of the company's communications strategy and policy - this is not something given to us from above, it is the ability and skills to take actions today that are oriented towards results that will be obtained in the future. Communication strategy is the ability to anticipate what needs to be done in the field of information and communication systems of an enterprise in the short term in order to achieve its long-term goals.

Managers at all levels have a strategic task: to convey information about the quality of domestic products to customers, maintain their image in the domestic and foreign markets, and respond by marketing incentives to a decrease and increase in demand in food markets. This requires targeted actions to stimulate the promotion of goods in the domestic and foreign markets as part of an overall marketing strategy at the macro level. But much depends on the choice of the enterprise's external relations strategy and the place of specific marketing communication methods in the enterprise's communication policy to achieve market goals. Knowledge of the laws of effective communication makes it possible to achieve results and successful business.

The complex of marketing communications of an enterprise is inseparable from the development strategy information system enterprise, is a selection of marketing tools (such as direct marketing, advertising, public relations, and others) that facilitate the exchange of ideas (knowledge) about the company's products, its reputation with existing and potential consumers or customers and ensure its survival in a competitive environment. Marketing requires the manager to have the qualities of a skilled planner, combining production and sales into a single process. Marketing communications not only allow you to identify hidden needs in a particular product or service and promote and advertise them in the appropriate place and at a certain time, but also combine research work and practical pricing, forecasting and financing, product distribution and control into a single well-coordinated process. .

Today, the manager is increasingly thinking about which product or service is most important for profitable production? The answer is simple - this is, first of all, what the buyer needs and what he is going to buy. This is where the role of the marketing communications complex is manifested - to provide two-way communication between the enterprise and the consumer.

The manager, performing general management functions (setting goals, planning, administration and control), forms a set of marketing communications in the context of the following priorities: determining the needs of people in the field of certain products; determining the ability of the enterprise to meet these needs, taking into account the strategy of the enterprise; planning the production of certain products to meet these needs, taking into account economically possible production; challenge consumers to associate their needs with manufactured products; active sales of products with a reasonable profit.

Russian specialist in the field of food marketing G.V. Astratova, in her monograph, examines in detail the informational aspects of the behavior of a consumer of goods, introducing the concept of "cognitive value" of food products, which makes it possible to determine qualitatively the information necessary to attract the consumer's attention to the product. G.V. Astratova names the following reasons for the lack of complete information about the goods:

Weak normative base, as a result of which information about the quality and safety of the goods is not received in the proper amount to the consumer;

Insufficient level of organization of expertise;

All this requires the manager, when determining the communication system in the marketing of the enterprise, to correlate the complex of marketing communications with the goals of the enterprise and its overall strategy. It is also important to note milestones to develop a complex of marketing communications in terms of enterprise marketing.

In management, communication is seen as the transfer of information from one person to another, regardless of whether it contributes to the establishment of trust or not. Information transmitted must be understandable and useful to the recipient.

The meaning of information work is to collect reliable data and transform it into information, that is, to select new and useful ones from them, and also to give them a form in which they will be assimilated completely and in shortest time. Thus, information is new information, understood and evaluated as useful for making decisions about certain tasks. The concept of information work: necessary information, to the right person, at the right time, in the right format and at the right price, allows you to create an effective enterprise management information system.

Marketing information includes processed data about the macro environment and, above all, about the micro environment, the immediate environment of the enterprise. Ultimately, marketing information determines the quality of strategic and tactical decisions on the market activity of the enterprise. The enterprise develops and uses a marketing information system to monitor the external environment, organization marketing research, creation of databanks .

The “Marketing Communications Complex” entered as an integral part of the marketing communication system complex, the main tools of which are advertising, sales promotion, publicity, personal sales (direct marketing). Domestic marketers include in the system of marketing communications such specific tools as decisions made by the marketing service of the enterprise and interacting with the external environment, as well as related to these decisions information leakage.

Many executives become interested in the marketing communications mix after sales or promotional failures. However, in marketing it is often difficult to tell whether the effect is due to a successful advertisement or just a rumor about the quality of your product as a result of a leak. There are many factors. The marketing mix (marketing mix) includes five main decisions: about the efforts of the company aimed at the target buyer; on the development of goods and services; about methods of distribution of goods and services; about the pricing policy of the enterprise; on the policy of stimulating the promotion of goods to the consumer (communication policy). Under marketing communication, Norwegian scientists Harald Voye and Uwe Jacobsen mean information and influence of target market groups. Marketing communication in their interpretation consists of two main activities:

Transfer of information about the offer of goods and services of the enterprise target groups on the market;

Obtaining information about changes in the environment (external) environment.

Marketing communication is an important part of an enterprise's efforts to achieve its goals in the markets. The strategy and policy of marketing communication determines the achievement of the effectiveness of using the capabilities of target consumers, contact audiences of the enterprise, its investors, suppliers, anticipation and prevention of threats posed by competitors and other environmental factors.

Against the backdrop of increased competition in the food markets, it is extremely important to consider the models of marketing communications and their applicability in determining the strategy and practice of firms operating in the food markets.

The marketing communications system is critical to the implementation of the marketing mix. On the one hand, communication ensures the integration of a new quality that arises when formulating marketing policy enterprises. On the other hand, marketing communication integrates the subjects of this activity. Finally, the communication policy ensures the sovereignty and privileges of the buyer.

Communication activities are aimed at providing information to producers, distributors and buyers. If we consider the role of communications in ensuring the interaction of these three main subjects of marketing activities in a typical market, then we can distinguish seven types of different communication flows:

1. Collection of information by an entrepreneur to make investments to determine the behavior (needs and desires of buyers, etc.) of consumers. This is the role of marketing research to justify the investment policy of the enterprise and the choice of marketing strategy.

2. In the same way, a potential buyer initiates a study of the possibilities offered by suppliers and an analysis of sales offers.

3. After the implementation of production and marketing research, the communication program of the enterprise is sales-oriented and aims to accept the product on the market and cooperate with the distribution system on sales channels (sales points, product promotion and prices).

4. To promote a product through advertising and its sales staff, an enterprise develops solutions for generating demand and a set of incentives to inform the end buyer about the distinctive characteristics of the brand (branding).

5. Demand stimulation, promotion and communication activities are aimed at the end customer and are aimed at ensuring brand loyalty, product distribution, support for newly created brands, informing about sales conditions.

6. Feedback- measurement of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, allows the company to adapt its offers to the reaction of end customers.

7. After the use or consumption of goods, both individual and organized (consumer) buyers, assessments and opinions about their quality are disseminated.

In small markets, communications between their subjects occur spontaneously; in large markets, communications between participants in the exchange process require a special organization, since there is a significant gap and interference in physical channels and human contacts.

An important function of the complex of marketing communications in the transition period is the formation and development of target markets. Market development activities - advertising, public relations, product research and development, quality control and trading activity- extremely important and expensive elements of the agricultural marketing system. These demand-side actions can change the state of consumer demand, affect the intensity of competition in markets, and affect product prices.

Advertising has the most visible and controversial effect on the development of marketing. It is necessary to be aware that the complex of marketing communications of enterprises is only the initial link and is closely related, for example, to the advertising of wholesalers, processors and food retailers. Industry advertising is a mixture of persuasion and an informative message conveying price and non-price aspects of the market.

From the above, it follows that a communications strategy is the ability to anticipate what needs to be done in the field of information and communication systems of an enterprise in the short term in order to achieve its long-term goals.

The complex of marketing communications of an enterprise is inseparable from the development strategy of the enterprise information system, it is a selection of marketing tools (such as direct marketing, advertising, public relations, etc.) that facilitate the exchange of ideas (knowledge) about the company's products, its reputation with existing and potential consumers or customers and ensure its survival in a competitive environment. Marketing requires the manager to have the qualities of a skilled planner, combining production and sales into a single process. Communication policy plays a leading role in managing this process.

Advertising, stepping over the usual boundaries of the form labor activity of a person, is today not just a business, but a much broader and more complex social phenomenon that affects many, if not all, spheres of society:

Production (as a marketing tool for production goods);

Social (performs a communicative function, uniting the interests of various groups of society);

Cultural and educational.

In turn, the factor that literally had a decisive influence on advertising can be called the transition of society from the technological to the information stage of development. In essence, the leading countries of the West have already entered a new era - global information processes. And advertising, as its reflection, in this connection has acquired and continues to form new, specific features.

Among the concepts that determine the role of this all-encompassing factor in the management of the advertising business are the following:

1. Exceptionally high growth rates of the economy and production in the countries of the world. Against this background, the competition of manufacturers is intensifying, and the difficulties in marketing products are increasing. The quantity is growing and the assortment is expanding, technological and technical processes production of goods. As a result, a picture of their certain uniformity is created in the market: large and small firms in such conditions are aligned in their capabilities. And in order to survive, they have to resort to special, additional methods of marketing their products, in particular to the widespread or targeted use of advertising.

2. In modern production, it is a set of marketing elements focused on the promotion and sale of goods on the market. This system consists of five elements: already mentioned - public relations, advertising itself, sales promotion, direct marketing, as well as related materials and events. Thus, advertising is one of the most important integral part in the process of planning production, development and release, marketing of goods on the market. And advertising management acts as an integral part of the overall and marketing strategy of the organization.

3. A distinctive feature of modern advertising is its versatility. We are talking about a whole system of specific functions that have been formed over the past decades in the process of developing advertising, which initially performed two functions in commodity production:

Economic, stimulating demand, developing and accelerating the process of selling goods:

Informational, informing consumers about the availability of goods, the manufacturer, the main characteristics, consumer properties ah, etc.

At the present stage, advertising performs a communicative function: it unites four participants in the marketing process into an information and production complex - the organization itself (advertiser), advertising medium and consumer. With their help, there is a mutual exchange of information, which is the essence of advertising. And its specific functions are also mentioned, the general functions of management - control and coordination - in the system promotional activities firms.

The study of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign as a whole and at individual stages allows the company's management to identify its successful and unsuccessful links and take corrective actions if necessary. The advertising strategy of a large company can be organized in such a way that potential consumers are prepared to buy its products. This is achieved through the development of a whole system of advertising management techniques - to change consumer demand in favor of the goods of a particular production organization.

Advertising can have an extremely strong impact on the consumer in different situations. If the demand for products is unsatisfactory, it increases it. Advertising stabilizes fluctuating demand by acting in the synchromarketing system. It turns potential demand into real, contributing to developing marketing. Optimal demand can be supported by advertising at the achieved level by fixed marketing techniques. Finally, what distinguishes modern advertising is that it is able to perform opposite functions: with the help of advertising, you can reduce excessive demand (demarketing) and increase demand (stimulating marketing).

Large national and international corporations use in their marketing campaigns all the marked features of the multilateral and mobile function of advertising - demand management. The system of goals of this function can also include the effective sale of goods in one, specially selected and promising market segment. This side of the management function in the advertising management of Western countries is called targeting (from the English target - target, goal) and means the use of advertising to obtain a specific target result.

4. Advertising at the present stage has many different forms. The last two or three decades of development have led to the creation of its special variety - advertising, which forms the brand image of the product. Moreover, there is a result of its wide application - the development of competition of goods into competition of brand images of various manufacturing firms. Some Western experts in the field of advertising management determine state of the art advertising business as the era of brands.

5. Perhaps this statement is true, but the development of society, production and advertising is taking place at such a rapid pace that one can question the longevity of such an “epoch”. Recently, there has been a tendency to strengthen the role of retail in the production and marketing process. Strength is gaining trade organizations- large department stores, which increasingly dictate their terms to manufacturers, up to what goods and in what quantity the company should produce.

network of powerful independent organizations(stores) has already covered the whole world, and they operate under their own trademarks, which so often depersonalize the production brands of goods. In Western business, for example, tact trading firms such as Marx & Spencer (England) and Bauer (Germany) are widely known. A certain depersonalization of brands also occurs as a result of the growing volume, the range of goods that can no longer differ in consumer qualities due to the limited range of their possible set. The consumer in such a situation ceases to attach importance to a particular brand.

6. Researchers agree that the features of modern advertising include a wide expansion of the activities of agencies specializing in this. They last perform, as a rule, a complete set of actions or operations for organizing and conducting advertising campaigns of manufacturers. The activity of such agencies is distinguished by high professionalism and quality of executed orders for various types of promotional materials.

7. A characteristic feature of advertising in the last two or three decades is its transformation into a separate branch of the country's economy - the advertising business. It is developing so powerfully and rapidly that, in terms of pace and qualitative changes, it is far ahead of many areas of the production and economic life of society.

8. The existing market of competition among advertising agencies determines one more specificity of modern advertising: the increasing dictate of the advertiser. Advertising agencies are forced to work in conditions that advertisers are constantly tightening. And they essentially “take away” part of the profit from advertising companies, forcing them to make additional discounts or pay more money for advertising.

9. A distinctive feature of the modern advertising business is the extensive research activity in all its fields, which is carried out by hundreds of organizations in developed countries. Experts predict that scientific and technological progress in the third millennium will radically affect the means of advertising distribution and, accordingly, its types, forms, design, etc. Big changes in advertising management and business are expected due to current and even more future advances in the field of electronics. Many researchers believe that new, non-traditional advertising distribution channels will emerge. Most likely, television, radio and print will give way to computer methods of advertising transmission. These are computer receptions of direct mail (transmission of messages by fax), cable television with a huge number of channels and the Internet. All of them have already entered the business life and even the life of the population of the developed countries of the West.

Promotion is understood as a set of various activities to bring information about the merits of the product to potential consumers and stimulate their desire to buy it. Modern organizations use complex communication systems to maintain contact with intermediaries, customers, various public organizations and layers.

“Advertising is printed, handwritten, oral or graphic information about a person, product, service or social movement, openly issued by an advertiser and paid for by him with the aim of increasing sales, expanding clientele, obtaining votes or public approval.” In modern conditions, advertising is a necessary element of production and marketing activities, a way to create a sales market, an active means of fighting for the market. It is precisely because of these functions that advertising is called the engine of trade [30, p.236].

As part of marketing, advertising should: firstly, prepare the market (consumer) for a favorable perception of a new product; secondly, to maintain demand at a high level at the stage of mass production of goods; thirdly, to promote the expansion of the sales market. Depending on the stage of the life cycle of a product, the scale and intensity of advertising, the ratio between prestigious advertising (advertising of the exporting company, the competence of its personnel, etc.) and commodity (i.e., advertising of a particular product) change; the way it is disseminated is also changing, its arguments are being updated, fresher, more original ideas are being picked up.

Although advertising costs are significant, especially when publishing ads in the foreign press, participating in exhibitions and fairs, etc., these costs are quite justified. First, the funds allocated for advertising are included in the calculation of the price of the goods, and the sale of their corresponding amount compensates for the costs. Secondly, without advertising, trade, as a rule, goes sluggishly, brings losses, often many times exceeding the cost of advertising. As international practice shows, advertising costs average 1.5-2.5% of the cost of industrial goods sold and 5-15% for household goods.

Preparation of promotional materials is a complex and responsible business that requires special knowledge and considerable practice. It is necessary to learn the truth that, according to the skill of advertising, the quality of advertising texts and photographs, the potential consumer makes the first impression of our exporting enterprise and involuntarily, subconsciously transfers his opinion about the quality of advertising to the goods we produce. To change this opinion better side, you have to spend a lot of labor and money. Therefore, advertising must be impeccable, otherwise it turns into its opposite - "anti-advertising".

It is necessary to resolutely refute the conventional wisdom that a good product does not need advertising. On the contrary, only a good, competitive product needs advertising, and the most intensive one, and product advertising Bad quality leads to huge economic costs and the loss of the good name of the enterprise. In this case, it will take years and millions to restore the reputation.

Incentive advertising is used to create a demand for a product among a selected segment of consumers by suggesting to consumers that the advertised product is the best within their means.

Sales promotion (sales) are short-term incentive measures that promote the sale or marketing of products and services. If advertising calls: "Buy our product", then sales promotion is based on the call: "Buy it now." We can consider sales promotion in more detail, bearing in mind that it includes: consumer promotion, trade promotion and promotion of the organization's own marketers.

Stimulation of consumers is aimed at increasing their volume of purchases. The following main methods are used: providing samples for testing; use of coupons, refund of a part of the price or trade discount; package sales at reduced prices; premiums; advertising souvenirs; encouragement of a permanent clientele; contests, sweepstakes and games that give the consumer a chance to win something - money, goods, travel; expositions and demonstrations of signs, posters, samples, etc. at the point of sale of products.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a prominent place in marketing. Their important advantage is the ability to present the goods to customers in their original form, as well as in action. In any case, visitors come to the pavilions with a clear intention to learn something new for themselves, and this attitude actively promotes the introduction of new products and services to the market. Personal contacts between stand attendants (representatives of the seller) and potential buyers create an atmosphere of trust and benevolence, which contributes to the development of business relations. An exhibiting company (exhibiting samples of its products) can make presentations at symposiums, usually held within the framework of an exhibition (fair), while distributing printed advertising, showing films or television films, donating advertising packages, handbags, folders, etc. exhibition activity plays no less, and sometimes even big role than publishing advertisements in the press about industrial goods.

However, work at the exhibition will be effective only if it is carried out strictly according to plan and purposefully. Specialists at the stand must clearly understand the commercial goals for which the company (enterprise) participates in the exhibition, and do everything in their power to achieve this goal.

Personal selling refers to the oral presentation of a product with the aim of selling it in a conversation with one or more potential buyers. This is the most effective tool for promoting a product at certain stages of its marketing, especially for creating a favorable attitude among buyers towards the offered products, primarily for industrial products. However, this is the most expensive promotion method. American companies spend three times more on personal selling than on advertising.

Public relations involves building good relations with various government and public structures and strata by creating a favorable opinion about the company, its products and by neutralizing adverse events and rumors. Public relations also includes communication with the press, dissemination of information about the company's activities, lobbying activities in legislative and government bodies in order to make or cancel certain decisions, explanatory work regarding the position of the company, its products, social role.

So, marketing also considers a promotion policy that promotes the maximum sale of goods, which helps the entrepreneur to better understand the preferences of the buyer and choose the most effective type of promotion.

Thus, it can be distinguished that promotion is understood as a set of various activities to bring information about the merits of a product to potential consumers and stimulate their desire to buy it.

Product promotion is carried out by using a certain proportion of advertising, sales promotion (sales), personal selling and public relations methods.

A promotional policy that promotes the maximum sale of a product, which helps the entrepreneur to better understand the preferences of the buyer and choose the most effective type of promotion.

2 Analysis of the marketing activity of JSC Voltyre-Prom

2.1 Characteristics of the economic activities of JSC Voltyre-Prom

JSC "Voltyre-Prom" was separated in 2000 from JSC "Voltyre", but the history of the plant dates back to 1964. The Volga Tire Plant named after the 50th anniversary of the founding of the USSR was built in 1959-1964.

Plant start-up full power(3 million tires per year) was produced in January 1967. All manufactured products were certified by the State Quality Mark.

In August 1992, the Volga Tire Plant (VlShZ) was transformed into an open joint-stock company "Voltyre". The enterprise was the first among industrial enterprises of the city to be privatized according to its own privatization model. The verbal and graphic trademark of the Volga Tire Plant was replaced by the Voltyre sign. Four main trademark OJSC "Voltyre", denoting the symbols of the enterprise, were registered in 30 countries of the world and twice received the international award "For the best trademark".

The lead time for new tires was reduced so much that 12-13 new tire sizes were offered to consumers every year. In a short time, the plant increased its assortment from 13 to 80 tire sizes (9, p. 2).

Since June 2004 OJSC "Voltyre-Prom" has become a part of the holding AK "Sibur". The enterprises included in the structure of the company have united all links of the production chain of tire production - from the extraction of primary raw materials to the production of tires.

From the day of its foundation to the present day, JSC "Voltyre-Prom" has been one of the largest tire factories in the world. Over the 40-year period of operation, the enterprise has mastered the production of 114 tire sizes and models, of which 22 were developed by the enterprise's designers and another 29 - together with industry institutes. Now there is a development and acceptance tests of 3 more sizes of tires.

At the moment, JSC "Voltyre-Prom" produces:

Tires for passenger cars, light trucks and buses of extra small capacity;

Tires for trucks and buses;

Tires for heavy vehicles, road construction equipment, lifting and transport and mining machines;

Tires for tractors and agricultural machines;

Rubber-cord casings;

Wide range of cameras.

The enterprise is the owner of 17 patents for inventions and industrial designs, has 13 protection certificates for trademarks.

JSC "Voltyre-Prom" has its own developed base for design development, a testing station, invests in research and testing tires in extreme road and climatic conditions.

The company was established for the purpose of carrying out business activities and making a profit. The main activities of JSC "Voltyre-Prom" are:

Manufacture of tires, air springs, RKO, supercomplete tubes, rim tapes;

Carrying out domestic and international transportation of manufactured products and third-party goods by own vehicles.

The Company has the right to carry out any other types of economic activity not prohibited in the Russian Federation.

One of the most important components of the enterprise strategy is the pricing strategy, which in turn is closely related to the strategy of reducing production costs.

For JSC "Voltyre-Prom" as well as for all manufacturers, operating on the market regardless of the form of ownership, the issue of prices is of great importance. JSC "Voltyre-Prom" these goals should be set in the long term in the following order:

On the initial stage the goals of the enterprise are based on the current situation, that is, the enterprise strives to secure a break-even existence, experiencing intense competition and changing customer needs;

In the second stage, the pricing objectives should be based on sales, that is, the enterprise in this case, the enterprise will be more interested in increasing sales or maximizing market share;

And at the last stage, the pricing objectives can be profit-based, that is, the essence is to maximize profits, generate a satisfactory income, optimize the return on investment, or ensure a quick cash flow.

When pursuing a particular pricing policy in a particular market or market segment, an enterprise can use various methods of pricing, such as:

1. Calculation of the price according to the method "average costs + profit"

This is the simplest way of pricing, which consists in calculating a certain margin on the cost of goods. Although this technique does not take into account the peculiarities of current demand and competition and does not allow reaching the optimal price, it remains popular for a number of reasons. First, sellers are more aware of costs than they are of demand. By tying price to cost, the seller simplifies the pricing problem for himself, since he does not have to frequently adjust the price depending on fluctuations in demand. Secondly, if all firms in the industry use this method, then price competition is minimized.

2. Calculation of the price based on the break-even analysis and ensuring the target profit. In this case, the company seeks to set a price that will provide it with the desired amount of profit. This method requires the firm to consider different price options, their impact on household volumes needed to break even and achieve a target profit, and analyze the likelihood of achieving all of this at each possible price of the product. A disadvantage for loss analysis is the fact that it is very often difficult to obtain detailed information regarding permanent and variable costs for individual products.

3. Setting prices based on the perceived value of the product. The main factor in this case is not the costs of the seller, but the buyer's perception. To form in the minds of consumers an idea of ​​the value of a product, firms use non-price methods of influence. If the seller asks for more of the value of the product recognized by the buyer, the firm's sales will be lower than it could be.

4. Price setting based on the current price level. The main reference point in this case are the prices of competitors. The firm can charge a price below the level of its competitors, at or above the level. It all depends on what goals the company pursues and what pricing policy it pursues.

5.Setting the price on the basis of closed auctions. Competitive pricing is used in cases where firms fight for contracts during tenders. At a certain price, firms push away from expected price offers competitors. In order to win a contract, a firm needs to ask for a price lower than others, but not below cost.

Considering the pricing policy of JSC "Voltyre-Prom", we can leave the existing method of price calculation (average costs + profit) unchanged. The only change in improving the efficiency of the enterprise may be an increase in the rate of return on products from 5% to 10%.

The issue of price setting is of paramount importance for OJSC Voltyre-Prom, due to the following reasons:

It is supposed to sell products through new marketing channels and in a new foreign market;

The company wants to attract new customers;

A new range of products is expected to be released. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the issue of determining the price of all these goods in such a way that the firm can get the maximum possible profit from their sale.

Also, the concept of the life cycle of goods is important for developing a pricing strategy. It determines the need to carry out not one, but several modifications in the pricing policy during the entire period of the product's life, each of which must be developed as an integral part of the company's overall marketing strategy.

The traditional life cycle of a product consists of five main stages: development, introduction to the market, sales growth, maturity and sales decline.

At present, most of Voltyre-Prom's products are at the last stage of their life cycle, which again indicates the need to expand the product range and improve quality characteristics. In this case, the following situation is possible. At the initial stage of product introduction, Voltyre-Prom OJSC on the market will have a minimum degree of popularity and acceptance by its customers. Since the enterprise will set itself the goal of penetrating the foreign market and gaining a large share in the local market, the enterprise should use a low price strategy. In the long term, sales of products will begin to increase as a result of the combined effect of the set of planned activities, the work of the distribution network and the use of advertising. If there is a stable demand for the products, Voltyre-Prom can get more revenue during the growth stage using the price increase policy. At the stage of maturity, when competition will force the company to sell goods in a wider market sector, sales growth may slow down due to a decrease in the number of potential buyers. Here, competition will intensify even more, as new companies with their products will appear on the market. In this case, the company will need to resort to using a low price policy.

And so, it is obvious that for JSC "Voltyre-Prom" it is most expedient to use the price of production, which is determined by the method of costs + rate of return on advanced capital.

In order to find a market for its products in market conditions, JSC "Voltyre-Prom" can also modify prices through a system of discounts. By modifying the base price of products, it is possible to persuade wholesale buyers and distribution partners to take certain actions towards prompt payment goods, the acquisition of large quantities, to the conclusion of contracts during the period when the main sales season ends. Such price modifications are carried out through the following system of discounts:

1. Сonto is a discount when paying in cash or before the due date. This discount will increase the company's liquidity and reduce costs by accelerating the turnover of funds.

2. Bulk discounts or price reductions when buying a large batch of goods. In this case, JSC "Voltyre-Prom" will save costs associated with the process of selling, storing and transporting goods.

3. Functional discounts (trading). Will be provided to those firms and agents that will be included in the sales network of JSC "Voltyre-Prom", providing storage, accounting of commodity flows and sales of products.

4. Seasonal discounts. These may be post-season or pre-season discounts as a price advantage for a buyer who is willing to purchase a product during a period when there is no main demand. When producing seasonal products, such discounts will allow Voltyre-Prom to maintain production at a stable level throughout the year.

It is also possible for JSC "Voltyre-Prom" to obtain a competitive advantage by reducing production costs, namely, the purchase of higher quality raw materials and at lower prices than previously

Another factor in reducing costs is the efficiency of using the plant's capacity. High fixed costs for underutilized capacity increase the cost per unit of output. An increase in capacity utilization occurs with an increase in output and increases the return on fixed costs. An important source of competitive advantages can be an increase in the capacity utilization of JSC Voltyre-Prom by:

Redistribution of peak loads during the year

Searching for off-peak product consumers

Finding firms that can use excess capacity

Finding consumers with stable demand

Leaving segments to competitors where demand tends to fluctuate the most.

Let's consider one more factor that plays a serious role in the formation of the costs of JSC "Voltyre-Prom" - this is the effect of learning curves and life cycle. Experience-based cost savings can be gained from increased equipment productivity and work force, improved use of technology, development of product modifications that give greater production efficiency, improvements in machinery and equipment to increase the intensity of production, study of competitors' products and methods of their manufacture, attraction of suppliers. The production stage associated with the accumulation of production experience can bring savings, depending on the share of attention that the management enterprises pay to the accumulation of information on the progress of work, both from the enterprise itself and from its rivals. JSC "Voltyre-Prom" is an old enterprise and has less efficient technologies compared to relatively young enterprises specializing in tailoring outerwear. But at the same time, these technologies cost JSC Voltyre-Prom less, so they can be more competitive in terms of costs than new ones that require more funds to create. In addition, depreciation and other fixed costs for OAO Voltyre-Prom are lower than for young competing enterprises.

Big, but not always justified from the point of view of the competitiveness of products, benefits can be obtained by Voltyre-Prom OJSC if it finds any other ways for its activities, reducing the "surplus" and offering new, more economical ways to carry them out. We list the main ways to achieve benefits by curbing the growth of costs in this direction:

Automation of basic operations and activities that have high costs;

Finding ways to use cheaper materials;

Strengthening the vertical integration of both types compared to competitors

JSC "Voltyre-Prom" must have a strictly economical activity, be able to weed out from all options of activity those that do not meet budgetary requirements, limit privileges and additional conditions for employees of all levels.

Thus, one of the well-known ways to obtain competitive advantages for JSC "Voltyre-Prom" is a strategy associated with a reduction in company costs for production and bringing products to the end consumer compared to competitors. This strategy involves the optimization of cumulative costs in terms of sufficiency to maintain competitiveness (quality, image, terms of sale).

Achieving competitive advantage can also be achieved through serious low cost leadership strategies that can bring large cost advantages through reasonable cost savings at all stages of production and promotion of products to the final consumer, differentiation and focus.

Table 2.2 - Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the property of the enterprise

Indicators 2006 2007 2008
t.rub. specific weight, % t.rub. specific weight, % t.rub. specific weight, %
Composition of property
1. The value of the property of the enterprise 539464,00 100,00 432548,00 100,00 345 015,00 100,00
outside current assets 286783,00 53,16 194496,00 44,97 157 905,00 45,77
current assets 252681,00 46,84 238 052,00 55,03 187 110,00 54,23
of them:
reserves 102507,00 40,57 71131,00 29,88 78 737,00 42,08
cash and payments 142677,00 47,81 141255,00 59,34 79 982,00 42,75
2. The value of real property 424333,00 78,66 143782,00 33,24 94 520,00 27,40
3. The ratio of the main and working capital 0,73 1,53 0,085
Sources of property formation
4. Sources of property formation - total 539464,00 100,00 432548,00 100,00 345015,00 100,00
own 219769,00 40,74 110089,00 25,45 29364,00 8,51
borrowed 319695,00 59,26 322459,00 74,55 315651,00 91,49
5. The ratio of borrowed and own sources 1,45 2,93 10,75

The structure of the value of the property and the funds invested in it gives a general idea of ​​the financial condition of the enterprise. The property structure shows the share of each element in assets and the ratio of own and borrowed funds covering them with liabilities. The property value structure reflects: the specialization of the enterprise, the essence of the analysis is the calculation of structural indicators that characterize the share of each element in the share of property, as well as determining the change in the value of all property and its individual elements at the beginning and end of the period.

In 2007, in general, the property of the enterprise decreased by 106,916 thousand rubles. or 19.82%. Non-current assets decreased by 92287 tr. and the share of non-current assets in the total property decreased by 8.19% and amounted to 44.97% in 2008. In non-current assets, the value of fixed assets decreased significantly by 57,487 tr. or by 31.36%; and construction in progress for 25190 tr. or 36.82%. There were negative changes in the structure of current assets in 2001; at the end of the year 2008, current assets decreased by total cost property, the share of current assets increased by 8.19%. Finished products decreased by 4867 tr. or by 67.2%, and the share of finished products in relation to stocks in general decreased by 3.73%. There was also a decrease in cash by 1422 tr. or by 4.42%, and in the structure of current assets increased by 0.19%.

From the analysis of the structure and dynamics of property in 2008, it can be seen that, in general, the property of the enterprise, as well as in 2007, decreased by almost 1.5 times than in 2007, i.e. by 151116 or by 30.46%.

In non-current assets, there was a decrease by 92287 tr. or 44.97%. The share of non-current assets in total property decreased by 6.25% and at the end of 2008 amounted to 45.77%. In non-current assets, the value of fixed assets decreased sharply by 70,380 tr. or 81.53%. Although intangible assets at the end of the year increased by 127.15%, this did not play a significant role in the value of property.

Current assets in the total value of property in 2007 increased by 6.25%, and in the current period decreased by 50,942 thousand rubles. or by 21.4%. In current assets: stocks and receivables increase, stocks by 14629 tr. or 9.19%, and accounts receivable for 12638 tr. or 12.84% respectively. The dynamics in current assets is negative due to a sharp decrease in cash by 27,643 tr. or 89.82%. If we analyze the dynamics of the components for 2008 in relation to 2007, then in general we can say about a decrease in the property as a whole at the enterprise by 194,449 thousand rubles. or by 36.04%.

There was a decrease in both current assets and non-current assets, but at the same time, non-current assets decreased almost 2 times stronger than current assets. Non-current assets decreased by 44.94%, and current assets by 65,571 tr. A strong decrease in non-current assets was due to a decrease in the value of fixed assets by 91.3% or 106,916 tr. And current assets decreased due to a sharp decrease in cash by 29,065 tr. or 90.27%. When analyzing the structure of property, the calculation of the real value of the property of the enterprise and the determination of its share in the total value of the property is essential. This indicator is called the level of production potential or the coefficient of the real value of the property. It determines what proportion of the value of property is the means of production, i.e. characterizes security production process means of production.

Table 2.3 - The coefficient of the real value of the property of the enterprise

No. p / p Indicators Unit rev. 2006 2007 2008
1 Fixed assets thousand roubles 183337 125850 15941
2 Intangible assets thousand roubles 2696 2136 4852
3 Raw materials thousand roubles 44368 23609 71400
4 Unfinished production thousand roubles 6716 188 663
5 Means of production thousand roubles 237117 151783 92856
6 Total property thousand roubles 539464 432548 345015
7 Coefficient of real property value 0,44 0,35 0,27

From the point of view of the rationality of the structure of the property of the enterprise, the coefficient of real value is 0.5. In our case, the coefficient decreased in 2007 by 0.09 and amounted to 0.44 at the end of the period, which indicates a low level and a decrease in production potential. And in 2008 it decreased by 0.02 and amounted to 0.27 at the end of the year. It is considered normal when for 1 ruble of production means there are 1 ruble of elements that are not means of production.

The low level of production potential indicates that it is possible to reduce the scale of the enterprise, which will not contribute to attracting investment in this enterprise. Also, a low level of production potential can be caused by an increase in receivables, long-term and short-term investments, an increase in finished product balances, which indicates the need to take appropriate measures.

The next step in the analysis of property is to determine the sources of formation of current and non-current assets. Consider the analysis of non-current assets and the sources of their formation.

From the point of view of the rational use of financial resources, it is considered normal when non-current assets are fully formed from their own sources and long-term borrowed sources. For further analysis, it is necessary to compare the calculation of the amount of own sources and non-current assets on the balance sheet.

The share of own funds directed to the formation of non-current assets in 2006, 2007 and 2008 amounted to 100%. This means that non-current assets are formed entirely from their own sources.

Table 2.4 - Calculation of sources of own funds aimed at the formation of non-current assets

SI (in circulation) \u003d TOTAL IV p.- (TOTAL I p.- TOTAL V p.)

In 2006: SI=219769-(286783-0)=-67014

In 2007: SI=110089-(194496-0)=-84407

In 2008: SI=29364-(157905-0)=-128541

Thus, it can be seen that own sources are formed at the expense of borrowed funds.

From the above tables it can be seen that the company is quite dependent on borrowed sources, i.e. the share of own sources (autonomy coefficient) in 2006 was 37.7%, in 2007 - 20.8%, and in 2008 - 8.5%. An enterprise is considered independent if the autonomy coefficient is greater than or equal to 50%, i.e. it must have at least half of its own sources (balance sheet assets). In the structure of borrowed sources, it should be noted that there are no long-term borrowed sources. There's been a rise accounts payable, this is normal if there are no overdue accounts payable.

In general, there have been negative changes in the structure of sources aimed at the formation of non-current assets. This is confirmed by the fact that the growth rate of own sources is less than the growth rate of non-current assets, i.e. own sources of asset formation are reduced. During the period under study, own sources have decreased and are formed mainly at the expense of borrowed funds.

As a result, it was revealed that working capital decreased from 2006 to the end of 2007 by 65,571 thousand rubles, or 26%. There were changes in the structure of borrowed sources, the share of accounts payable increased in 2006, and in 2008 by 10,454 thousand rubles. or 4.1%. This is normal in the absence of overdue accounts payable. There were positive changes in the structure of short-term loans from 105482 thousand rubles. up to 49160 thousand rubles, i.e. they decreased by 56322 thousand rubles. or by 53.4%.

Such a change in the composition and structure of sources and their placement in the assets of the enterprise indicates instability financial condition enterprises.

We will assess the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. Table 2.5 shows the indicators characterizing the liquidity of the JSC "Voltyre" enterprise.

Table 2.5 - Assessment of the liquidity of the enterprise

The current liquidity ratio gives an overall assessment of the liquidity of assets, showing how many rubles of current assets account for 1 ruble. current liabilities. In 2006 - 2008, current assets were less than current liabilities, that is, the enterprise is considered as poorly functioning.

The quick liquidity ratio is similar to the current liquidity ratio, inventories are excluded from the calculation. This coefficient in 2006-2008 was less than one and had a constant downward trend. What indicates the unfavorable situation in the enterprise.

The absolute liquidity ratio (solvency shows what part of short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately if necessary. The ratio tended to increase by 2002, but returned to the level of 2001, but its value itself is below the required level.

Table 2.6 presents indicators characterizing financial stability.

Table 2.6 - Assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise

One of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of an enterprise is the stability of its activities in the light of a long-term perspective. It is related to the overall financial structure of the enterprise, the degree of its dependence on objects and investors.

The concentration ratio of own capital characterizes the share of the owners of the enterprise in the total amount of funds advanced in its activities. The higher the value of this coefficient, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external objects of the enterprise. In 2006, the share of equity capital was 57%, and in 2007 - 29.6%, and in 2008 - 2.9%. This shows that enterprises will not be able to fully repay debts at their own expense.

Figure 2.1 - Dynamics of the coefficient of maneuverability of equity capital

The addition to this indicator is the debt capital concentration ratio. The sum of these two coefficients is 1, which is true.

The financial dependence ratio is the inverse of the equity concentration ratio. The growth of this indicator from 2006 to 2008 means an increase in the share of borrowed funds. Equity flexibility ratio shows what part of equity is used to finance current activities, that is, invested in working capital, and what part is capitalized. At OJSC Voltyre, this coefficient has a negative value, that is, to finance the activities equity not invested.

Figure 2.2 - Dynamics of the ratio of borrowed and own funds

The ratio of borrowed and own funds gives the most general assessment of financial stability. From the beginning of 2006 to the end of 2002, this indicator tends to increase, which indicates the increased dependence of the enterprise on creditors.

Analysis of profit, changes in profit from sales according to reporting data is possible in the following areas:

1. As a result of changes in the prices of goods sold.

2. Due to changes in sales volume.

3. As a result of changes in costs by 1 rub. sold products.

In our case, the company incurs only losses. In 2007, the loss from sales decreased by the end of the year by 27,071 thousand rubles. and amounted to 11125 tons of rubles. And in 2008 this loss increases again by 17,336 thousand rubles. and at the end of the year amounted to 28461 thousand rubles. This was due to a small cost reduction.

Profitability (rate of return) - economic indicator, which characterizes the percentage of capital growth on invested funds (costs). Analysis of gross profit from the sale of products, works of services, analysis net profit does not allow assessing the effectiveness of the use of resources advanced in production; for this purpose, the profitability indicator is used.

Profitability expresses the level of profitability of the enterprise. If the company makes a profit, then it is considered profitable, because. He covers all his expenses with income and has a profit.

The main indicators of profitability are presented in table 2.7.

Table 2.7 - Assessment of the profitability of the enterprise

Profit - net income enterprise, which is subject to further distribution. Part in the form of taxes goes to the state, while the other remains at the disposal of the enterprise and is directed to its needs. Therefore, the enterprise is not indifferent to what level of income in relation to costs, wage fund and means of production.

Thus, the profitability indicators indicate the inefficiency of the costs of production and sales of products. This requires urgent intervention from the management of the enterprise, which should be interested in the rational organization of working capital - the organization of their movement with the minimum possible amount to obtain the greatest economic effect.

3 Measures to improve the marketing activities of the enterprise

In management, the generally accepted methods for determining the market position and the ratio of the internal and external environment are the methods of matrix analysis, which allow assessing the opportunities and threats from the external environment, in particular competitors, and building a prospect for production activities, taking into account the development of the market. The analysis of the management mechanism must be supplemented with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. Table 3.1 shows the results of the expert evaluation of the activities of OAO Voltyre-Prom.

Table 3.1 - Assessment of the significance of the strengths of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The highest expert assessments were received by the enterprise in the direction of interaction with customers - 9 points, flexible policy with competitors - 9 points, as well as relationships with partners - 9 points.

Figure 3.1 shows the scores of the strengths of OAO Voltyre-Prom.

Figure 3.1 - The structure of the assessment in points of the strengths of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

Based on the results of the resulting assessment of the strengths of the enterprise, the most significant areas can be identified:

1. According to the analysis, the criterion “Good impression from the partners” receives the maximum score according to the total scores of 7.2 points;

2. In second place, according to the analysis, the two criteria "Excellent technological skills" with a total score of 6.4 points and "The ability to avoid (at least to some extent) strong pressure from competitors" a total score of 6.3 points;

3. In third place, according to the analysis, the criterion “Good impression from the partners” is rated according to the total score of 4.5 points;

4. The remaining criteria are, according to the analysis, from 2.1 to 3.0 points;

5. The minimum value on the part of the strengths of the enterprise is "Great experience" and "Low production costs due to savings" - that is, the state and distribution of economic resources does not affect the performance of OJSC "Voltyre-Prom".

Evaluation of the capabilities (potential) of JSC "Voltyre-Prom" and the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment is shown in Figure 22 and Table 10, which shows the analysis of the capabilities (potential) of the enterprise.

Table 3.2 - Evaluation of the opportunity (potential) of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

Scored side


Probability of occurrence

during the year, score (0-1)

Vertical integration 9 0,2
The ability to serve additional customer groups or enter new market segments. 8 0,5
10 0,5
Weakening of the position of firms of competitors 8 0,3
Emergence of new technologies 6 0,5
Ways to expand the list of services to satisfy a larger number of consumers 7 0,7
8 0,7

Increasing the number of clients on the old

market segment

10 0,7

According to expert estimates, OJSC Voltyre-Prom has the following potential:

1. in the direction of "Increasing the number of customers in the old market segment" and "Investments from financial institutions" in the amount of 10 points - the company is considered as an attractive investment project that can increase the capacity of the existing market;

2. To implement the first position, the company needs to implement "Vertical Integration" with financial institutions (banks or investors) or enter structural unit into an industry complex of suppliers or consumers of industrial products.

3. to build a long-term strategy, an enterprise needs to use the positions "Implementation information technologies- 8 points, and "The ability to serve additional groups of consumers or enter new market segments" - 8 points, and the minimum value for the development of the enterprise has the direction "Ways to expand the list of services to satisfy more consumers" - 7 points (Table 10).

Figure 3.2 - The structure of the assessment in points of the capabilities of OJSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The influence of environmental factors is not production activities enterprise is carried out by evaluating such areas as the development strategy, the state production cycle, compliance with production technologies and the timeliness of management decisions to monitor the intra-production situation. All of the above activities have the highest scores, that is, they are the most problematic (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3 - Combination of environmental factors as an assessment of the weaknesses of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

enterprise side




during the year, score (0-1)


Lack of a clear strategic direction for development 9 0,8 7,2

Internal production


7 0,8 5,6

Poor productivity due to lack of time to take managerial

10 0,8 8,0

Lack of permanent

staff of specialists

7 0,5 3,5

on the market about the company

6 0,5 3,0
Unsatisfactory marketing activity 4 0,6 2,4
Lack of money to finance necessary changes in strategy 8 0,6 4,8

3.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to improve the system of intercompany pricing in OJSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The structure of the resulting assessment of opportunities and threats in points from the external environment of JSC "Voltyre-Prom" is shown in Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3 - The structure of the assessment of opportunities and threats of OJSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The third most important problem for OAO Voltyre-Prom is "Lack of money to finance the necessary changes in the strategy" - 8 points, that is, with indicators of financial stability at the enterprise, in order to develop and implement the reconstruction and modernization of fixed production assets and upgrade technological equipment long-term investments are required, possibly under the program of vertical integration with suppliers and consumers, a matrix of the correlation between the assessment of opportunities (strengths) and the assessment of threats of Voltyre-Prom OJSC is presented. An analysis of threats to the enterprise, taking into account the internal and external parameters of the enterprise's activities, shows that at present the enterprise is most dependent on changes in foreign exchange rates, since Voltyre-Prom buys the bulk of raw materials and semi-finished products for production in foreign currency - 10 points .

The second most important factor for the enterprise is the factor "Entering the market of new competitors" - 9 points, and the factor "Growing demands of consumers and suppliers" to the quality of products - 8 points (table 3.4).

Table 3.4 - Combination of environmental factors as an assessment of threats by JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

for the enterprise


Probability of occurring within a year (0-1) Resulting score
9 0,8 7,2
Slow market growth 7 0,9 6,3
Changes in foreign exchange rates 10 0,8 8,0
Insufficient assortment 1 0,5 0,5
6 0,5 3
Growing demands of consumers and suppliers 8 0,5 4,0
7 0,8 5,6

Figure 3.4 - The structure of the resulting assessment in points of the ratio of opportunities (weaknesses) and threats to the external environment of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

The structure of the resulting assessment in points of the ratio of opportunities and threats to the external environment of JSC Voltyre-Prom is shown in Figure 3.4.

The third factor of indirect threats of the external and internal environment for the development of VPZ OJSC is "Slow market growth" - 7 points and "High dependence on a decrease in demand and the stage of the enterprise's life cycle" - 6 points.

Due to the fact that the demand for manufactured tooling is presented only by large industrial enterprises that carry out technological and major repairs in the production process, for which they make stocks of tooling, Voltyre-Prom OJSC needs to focus enterprise management on regular customers

Table 3.5 - Correlation between the assessment of opportunities (strengths) and the assessment of threats of JSC "Voltyre-Prom"

Opportunity Assessment Threat assessment



The resulting score,


The threat



Probability of occurrence scores,(0-1)

The resulting score,


Ability to avoid strong pressure from competitors 4 0,9 3,6 Entering the market of new competitors 9 0,8 7,2
Improve relationships with suppliers 6 0,9 5,4 Slow market growth 6 0,8 4,8
Low costs through savings 3 0,9 2,7 Unfavorable change in foreign exchange rates 5 0,9 4,5
Expansion of types of services 7 0,9 6,3 High dependence on declining demand and plant life cycle phase 8 0,6 4,8
Full competence in key issues 8 0,6 4,8 Growing demands of consumers and suppliers 9 0,9 8,1
Superior technological skills 8 0,7 5,6 Changing customer needs 8 0,5 4

The minimum value as a threat to the enterprise is "Insufficient assortment" -1 point, as the industrial enterprise changes the main production assets only in the long term (5 years or more).

Thus, this factor in the short term (from 1 to 3 years) does not affect production volumes. Table 3.5 shows the correlation matrix of opportunities (weaknesses) assessment and threat assessment of Voltyre-Prom OJSC.


In conclusion, it is necessary to sum up the results of our research on the organization of a marketing management system in an organization. In modern conditions, the organization of management of an industrial enterprise should take into account innovative technologies, computer and software. In our work, we tried to cover a wide range of problems related to the study of the marketing activities of an industrial enterprise.

Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes its needs and requirements.

Marketing is a set of all types of business activities that promote the promotion of goods and services from producers to consumers, as well as the study of the position, preferences and attitudes of consumers and the systematic use of this information to create new consumer goods and services.

A marketing management system is a production and marketing activity of enterprises and firms based on a comprehensive market analysis. Includes the study and forecasting of demand, prices, the organization of research and development work to create new types of products, advertising, coordination internal planning and financing, etc. In countries with developed market economies, there are specialized firms that provide marketing services.

The fundamental principle of marketing activity, which distinguishes it from other types of economic activity, is a two-pronged and complementary approach. This approach involves the integration of two types of activities - a comprehensive study of the structure, processes and patterns of consumer demand and active influence on the market, as well as existing demand, the formation of consumers and consumer preferences.

Various types of marketing are used in the activities of Russian industrial organizations:

Distribution marketing is associated with the organization of the process of distribution and marketing of products, transportation and installation of equipment, as well as advertising activities;

Functional marketing involves the creation of a system of organizational, technical and commercial functions of the organization related to the production and sale of products, market research, sales promotion, pricing policy. The principles of functional marketing are used by most industrial enterprises in modern market conditions.

Management marketing is based not only on the introduction of individual functions that allow taking into account changes in the market environment, but involves the formation of a market concept for managing the creation, production and sale of products based on comprehensive information about the market. From the point of view of the degree of development and the ability to perform fundamental functions, managerial marketing is the most complete form of marketing. It is used mainly by large financial institutions.

For effective operation, an enterprise needs not only a strategy, but also a constant analysis of the existing strategy, an analysis of the degree of its compliance with the prevailing market conditions. Because without this, neither successful activity nor maintaining a stable competitive advantage is possible, which is extremely important for any enterprise in today's market conditions.

After the work done regarding the analysis of the current strategy of OAO Voltyre-Prom, the following conclusions can be drawn.

First, it should be noted that the current strategy of the enterprise is absolutely ineffective, as evidenced by the results of diagnostics of the enterprise strategy. This is indicated by the following facts:

The company does not conduct any marketing research.

JSC "Voltyre-Prom" products do not meet the requirements of consumers.

The company failed to choose the right strategy for the production and sale of products. The range of products produced is too poor. The company failed to respond in time to changes in market conditions.

In general, we can say that if the company does not make adjustments in relation to its activities, then inevitable bankruptcy awaits it.

However, Voltyre-Prom can avoid such a situation only if it urgently takes a number of fundamental changes, which may be the following measures:

Significantly expand the range of products,

Try to enter a new market

Establish a sales network

Conduct marketing research

Strengthen vertical integration of both types,

Find ways to use cheaper materials,

Conduct product quality control

These measures will allow the company not only to survive in today's market conditions, but also to achieve a competitive advantage.

Achieving competitive advantage can also be achieved through a low cost leadership strategy, which can bring large cost advantages through reasonable cost savings at all stages of production and promotion of products to the final consumer.

It is a very difficult time for OJSC "Voltyre-Prom" now, as it is on the verge of bankruptcy. That is why the company must do everything possible to restore its former fame.

So, the main disadvantage at the enterprise is "Low productivity due to lack of time for making managerial decisions" - 10 points, and "Lack of a clear strategic direction for development" - 9 points. The probability of occurrence of such events as "Lack of a clear strategic direction for development", "Low productivity due to lack of time for making managerial decisions", "Lack of money to finance the necessary changes in the strategy" and "Internal production problems" is an indicator close to one - from 0.6 to 0.8 points.

Thus, according to expert assessments, the impact of the most serious impact from environmental factors can be expected from the above positions.

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it was revealed that our company is competitive, able to perform its work at any time of the year, due to the growth in demand for the products of Voltyre-Prom OJSC, it will be in demand in the market for the services provided.

1. Focus on achieving the final practical result of production and marketing activities.

2. Concentration of research, production and marketing efforts on the decisive areas of marketing activity.

3. The focus of the enterprise is not on the momentary, but on the long-term result of marketing work.

4. Application in unity and interconnection of the strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers with simultaneous targeted impact on them.

5. Changing the organizational structure of the marketing service.

Implementation of marketing activities according to a specific plan:

1. Basic information about buyers.

2. Sales forecast

3. Opportunities and threats.

4. Marketing strategy.

This list is far from complete and not the only possible one.
Everything is subject to change. Rather, on the contrary, every day of trading brings new information, and this may require a revision of the plan. Therefore, we need to include our schedule of special meetings to adjust the plan. But as long as there is no plan, there is nothing to check and revise.

By the time the business completes this stage, they will have a marketing plan, a marketing schedule, and a marketing budget. The budget should show not only how much you will spend, but also when.

If we achieve positive results as a result of this activity, it means that the marketing management system at OAO Voltyre-Prom is organized correctly.

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SWOT-analysis matrix (external and internal environment) JSC "Voltyre-Prom"


External environment
Opportunities (O) Threats U(T)
Strength (S) permanent production

Growth of customers in old segments

Investments by financial institutions Growth in the number of competitors Increasing the cost of raw materials
Expansion of product types Growth of tariffs for work performance Reorganization of the management system Emergence of new technologies The need to develop development programs
Full competence in production Implementation of information technologies Formation of demand for products Rising cost of production Transition to a new level of technology
Weakness (W) Poor performance Implementation of new control technologies Introduction of new production technologies Changes in the exchange rate of foreign currencies Difficulty in offsetting the increase in purchase prices for components
No development strategy (management) No marketing (strategy) Development of new activities and products. Growth in the share of costs due to rising prices for components Additional time spent on solving retraining issues
Lack of funding for changes in strategy It is impossible to serve new consumer groups or enter new markets.

Organization of new points

Change in customer demand Entering the market of new competitors

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Nesterov A.K. Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the enterprise // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

Practical aspects of analysis and development of directions for improving the marketing activities of an enterprise operating in a dynamic market. This article discusses possible areas for improving marketing activities at an enterprise operating in the services market cellular communication, on the example of the network of communication salons "SARLINK".

Marketing activity as a tool for enterprise development and management decision making

Marketing is predominantly a practical discipline that arose, developed and constantly improved as a result of the economic activities of enterprises in the market. In a market economy, the main advantage may be the possession of information about consumers, both existing and potential, competitors, contractors, various intermediaries, etc. It is also necessary to adopt the successful experience of companies operating in this market. This will largely help to avoid negative aspects in the activities of the enterprise.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Marketing activity is very multifaceted: it begins with the embodiment of the consumer's desires in a specific product or service, the organization of its production, after which it is necessary to present your products to the market in such a way as to attract the consumer's steady attention to it, which requires a guarantee High Quality service.

It is especially important to improve marketing activities for enterprises operating in dynamically developing markets. What consumers needed yesterday will no longer be relevant tomorrow. Therefore, for all companies operating in dynamic markets, it is necessary to constantly conduct market research to identify areas in which they should develop, where to put the most effort, where to invest money to expand their activities and how to build their policies to attract new customers. In conditions of almost complete market saturation, tough competitive environment and intensification of competition, there is an urgent need for continuous improvement of marketing activities.

Marketing is more than just bringing goods and services to market. Now we need to focus on the production of goods and services that consumers really need. Marketing is a two-way process, which is based on the relationship between production forces and the consumer. Therefore, modern market activity requires managers and specialists of enterprises to make decisions based on interaction with consumers and identifying needs. Without good knowledge modern methods management within the framework of the social and ethical orientation of the marketing activities of the enterprise, it is impossible for a long-term and successful existence of the enterprise in the market.


The relevance of improving marketing activities at the enterprise is determined, first of all, by its orientation towards meeting, first of all, the needs of consumers of products. Marketing activities should contribute to the successful solution of seemingly mutually exclusive tasks: increase the flexibility of production, quickly change the range of products in accordance with consumer requests, and at the same time quickly implement new technology and technology.

Marketing is the coordination of the activities of an enterprise in the market; its characteristic features are consistency and complexity.

Marketing activity is the basis for a comprehensive solution of one's tasks: searching for a consumer, determining one's own capabilities, assessing the level of competitiveness of a company and products. Marketing activity implies a system of various activities that need to be analyzed and the best option chosen.

At present, not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service in the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This is because the needs of people, as you know, are unlimited, and the resources of the enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which are not always well-satisfied. Each needs its own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the company that can most accurately identify and capture a variety of tastes has competitive advantages.

Modern marketing is considered as a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise for the development, production and marketing of goods, the provision of services based on a comprehensive study of the market and real customer requests, in order to maximize profits.

The goal of the marketing activities of retailers is to obtain certain commercial results by managing their own resources in the most efficient way, satisfying the needs of customers more effectively than competitors. The market is gradually saturated, the achievement of strategic goals is possible only on the basis of building long-term, trusting relationships with consumers and members of distribution networks.

Marketing management plays an important and sometimes decisive role in the competitive struggle in the market. It is on the market that the product produced and the labor expended on it prove their social significance and gain recognition from consumers. Based on this, it can be noted that the topic of improving the marketing activities of an enterprise as a subject of study for this final work is not only relevant, but also quite promising.

In accordance with the chosen topic, the goal of the thesis was formulated, which is to improve marketing activities using the example of a retail enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined in the graduation project:

· consideration theoretical foundations marketing activities;

· analysis of the company's activities;

· analysis of the organization of marketing activities;

· substantiation of the need to improve marketing activities at this enterprise;

· development of a proposal to improve the organization of marketing activities.

The object of research is a retail enterprise, and the subject of research is the organization of marketing activities at a retail enterprise. The main theoretical and methodological sources in writing this work were Russian and foreign publications devoted to marketing and management of marketing activities at the enterprise. The practical part of the work is based on marketing research data, annual reports of the enterprise, business plan.

In the process of work, the concepts, essences and main features of marketing management at an enterprise are defined, the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise are given, an analysis is made of the range of goods offered, the organization of retail marketing. Based on the results of the study, measures are proposed to improve marketing activities at a retail enterprise, which contribute to an increase in the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of activities.

The structure of the work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references.


1 Essence and main forms of marketing activity

The basis of market relations is the free choice of forms of economic activity by the individual; access to various types of resources; free choice of economic relations; free formation of prices, depending on the supply and demand for goods; free movement of capital, etc.

The subjects of market relations are entrepreneurs who are the bearers of economic initiative. This means that they have administrative and economic independence and the right to dispose of production resources and manufactured products, thereby fully turning on the mechanism of market competition, one of the main requirements of which is the maximum possible adaptation of the production and commercial activities of commodity producers and resellers to market consumers and the emerging here conjuncture. And it implies the need to organize production and sales of products according to the principle “we offer what the market requires”, that is, based on market research.

Ensuring the effective development and functioning of both large enterprises and young firms in a market economy is currently a complex problem. Effective work in the domestic and foreign markets requires knowledge and consideration of objective market laws, the ability to organize the regular receipt and operational use of market information, increase the competitiveness of their products, etc. All this is an element of marketing - one of the most effective concepts of the economy. It is on the basis of marketing activities that most commercial operations in the world market are carried out.

In the broadest sense, marketing is the organization of the management of a firm in the field of strategic planning aimed at satisfying consumer orders, making a profit.

AT economic literature There are many definitions of marketing arising from different understanding of its essence and tasks.

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and marketing activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to form and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

In the term "marketing" experts put a double meaning: it is one of the functions of management, and an integral concept of management in the conditions of market relations.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete, adequate description of marketing to its essence, principles and functions.

The term "marketing" arose in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, and as a leading management function, marketing began to be considered from the 50s.

At present, about 2000 definitions of marketing have already been put forward, each of which considers one or another side of marketing or makes an attempt to characterize it comprehensively.

F. Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is a social and managerial process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the supply and exchange of goods. Key Concepts this definition- needs, needs and demands; product; costs and satisfaction; exchange, transactions and relationships. The UK Marketing Institute defines marketing as "the management process aimed at identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements and making a profit." Similar American organizations define marketing in roughly the same categories.

Under traditional marketing the concept of the sale of the enterprise is understood, which consists in the orientation of the sale to the demand currently available in the current markets of the enterprise of consumers, and the sale of already produced goods to them, i.e. market orientation is not the main task of the enterprise, on the contrary, the market must already have sufficient capacity to consume the goods produced by the enterprise.

The main place in the implementation of the marketing concept is given to the purely marketing divisions of the enterprise, whose task in this case is to find markets with the most favorable sales conditions and to sell products to consumers available in these markets.

Modern marketing is primarily focused on market demands, adapting the supply of goods by enterprises for this. The task of marketing is not only focusing on the sale of already produced goods, but also a comprehensive study of the needs and capabilities of consumers. These identified needs become the starting point for all decisions and actions taken in the enterprise. This understanding of marketing makes it not a private function of the enterprise, implemented by the sales department, but an integrated concept of enterprise management as a whole.

Marketing as a management concept means “planning, coordinating and controlling all the activities of an enterprise related to existing and potential markets”. The set of marketing management activities can be defined as a uniquely identifiable management process, including the phases of analysis, planning, motivation, coordination and control, corresponding to general functions management.

The main functions of marketing include analysis environment, consumers; market research; planning of goods (services), sales; promotion of goods; prices; security social responsibility in marketing management.

Marketing entities include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesalers and retailers, marketers, and various consumers.

Marketing activity is a set of activities focused on the study of such issues as:

Analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows you to identify factors that contribute to commercial success or create an obstacle to this. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions.

Analysis of consumers, both actual (acting, buying the company's products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of examining the demographic, economic, geographic and other characteristics of people who have the right to make a purchase decision, as well as their needs in the broadest sense of this concept and the acquisition processes of both our and competing products.

Studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products and / or modernization of the old one, including its assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. Outdated products that do not give a given profit are removed from production and export.

Merchandising and sales planning, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and shops, as well as agency networks.

A complex of marketing communications, the essence of which is to provide complete information and bring it to target audience(consumers) with a backlash. A firm's communications policy is an important element of the marketing mix, which includes: advertising, public relations work, and personal selling.

Security pricing policy which consists in planning systems and price levels for exported products, determining the “technology” for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.

Satisfying the technical and social norms of the country importing the company's products, which means the obligation to ensure the proper levels of product safety and environmental protection; compliance with moral and ethical rules; the proper level of consumer properties of products.

For the implementation of the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom, in essence, the effectiveness of the marketing strategy depends, namely marketing entities, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers.

The marketing process begins with the study of the buyer and the identification of his needs, and ends with the purchase of the product by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a "seller's market", where the company sells its own products, and a "buyer's market", where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of products.

Obviously, the type of marketing determines the way it is managed. Marketing management, as defined by F. Kotler, is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales , increase in market share, etc. The task of marketing management is to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management. There are five main forms (concepts) on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities:

· concept of production improvement;

· the concept of product improvement;

· the concept of intensifying commercial efforts;

· marketing concept;

· the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is mandatory and, first of all, raises the question of what should be the balance of interests of producers, consumers and society as a whole. After all, quite often these interests come into conflict with each other.

Production concept, or the concept of production improvement. Enterprises adhering to this concept have predominantly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of their products is carried out through numerous trading enterprises.

The main idea of ​​the concept of product improvement is the orientation of consumers to a particular product or service that, according to technical specifications and operational qualities are superior to analogues and thus bring more benefits to consumers. Manufacturers at the same time direct their efforts to improve the quality of their products, despite higher costs, and, consequently, prices.

The marketing concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, assumes that consumers will buy the offered products in sufficient volume only if the company has made certain efforts to promote the products and increase their sales.

Marketing concept. This concept replaces the marketing concept and changes its content. The difference between a sales concept and a marketing concept is as follows: activities based on a sales concept start with the products available to the firm. At the same time, the main task is to achieve the volume of sales necessary to make a profit through various sales promotion activities. The activity based on the concept of marketing begins with the identification of real and potential buyers and their needs. The firm plans and coordinates the development of specific programs to meet identified needs.

The socio-ethical concept of marketing, which is characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of solvent demand carriers. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only the individual enterprise, but society as a whole.

It is this kind of orientation of the image of the enterprise that should attract buyers as a factor in the competitiveness of this enterprise among the rest.

Every firm, enterprise or company is interested in effective management its marketing activities. In particular, she needs to know how to analyze market opportunities, select suitable target markets, develop an effective marketing mix, and successfully manage the implementation of marketing efforts. All this makes up the process of marketing management.

In market conditions, it is not enough to rely on intuition, the judgments of managers and specialists, and past experience, but it is necessary to obtain adequate information before and after making decisions. To reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk, the enterprise must have reliable, sufficient and timely information.

Marketing information is understood as information obtained in the course of studying the process of exchanging the results of socially useful activities and interaction regarding such an exchange of all subjects of the market system, used in all areas (levels) of entrepreneurship, including marketing activities. The necessary information is obtained from the internal reporting of the enterprise, marketing observations, research and data analysis.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. The marketing system puts the production of products in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of products in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, in addition to everything else, directs its efforts to create effective distribution channels and conduct integrated advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so relevant topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes more and more, if not global, grows not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is due to the fact that marketing affects the interests of each of us in any day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Making a conclusion about the theoretical substantiation of the relevance of such a topic as the management of marketing activities, it should be noted that marketing is an integral part of the life of society.

As already noted, in the conditions of market relations, marketing for enterprises is one of the most important functions. The effective functioning of enterprises depends on how well the marketing system is built.

1.2 Organization and planning of marketing in the enterprise

Functional orientation is characterized by the production and sale of one product or a limited type of homogeneous product, through the same distribution channels. With this form of management organization, homogeneous activities are grouped into functional units or departments that report to the marketing manager.

Such an organizational management structure allows the company to avoid duplication of operations by individual services. The functional principle of management is most successfully used by medium-sized firms. Large firms adhere to the product orientation. In this case, the markets are divided into markets for industrial goods and consumer goods. In firms that adhere to this orientation, the chief marketing officer coordinates and controls the marketing activities of all departments in the enterprise.

Marketing management according to the product principle provides optimal conditions for the specialization of employees, coordination of the activities of individual units, their linkage with common goals and mission of the firm.

Significant management efficiency is noted in cases where the market requirements for advertising, marketing, packaging, etc., for each product, have their own characteristics. The disadvantages of commodity orientation of management include duplication of operations within departments.

Regional orientation of marketing management also applies big companies with sales markets in various regions. Particularly widespread, regional orientation has received among international monopolies with vast markets, which can be subdivided into clearly defined geographical areas. With the regional orientation of management, the characteristics and requirements of buyers located in a particular area, district or territory are studied in relation to the company's products. As well as commodity orientation, in the regional there is duplication of operations, the problem of coordination and communication. In an attempt to overcome these shortcomings, some firms combine the advantages of a regional orientation with a product or customer orientation.

Orientation to the buyer (market) is the most common marketing management scheme. Its development was facilitated by the intensification of competition for the sales market of individual regions and groups of buyers. When managing with a focus on the buyer (market), it becomes possible to most fully, through the appropriate organization of distribution channels, pricing, packaging, Maintenance take into account the characteristics of consumer groups.

Some firms sell their products to different customer groups or markets that have their own specific characteristics. The more specific the market to be served, the more necessary a dedicated sales manager and dedicated staff who know the needs of the customers.

When focusing on the buyer (market), the company creates conditions for coordinating the activities of departments and services of the company. However, the possibility of specialization of workers in individual goods is reduced.

Enterprises can conduct independent marketing research or entrust its conduct to specialized agencies. The main areas of marketing research are as follows:

· market research;

· study of marketing tools;

· study of the external environment;

· studies of the internal environment;

· study of the market of productive forces;

· study of motives;

· marketing intelligence.

One of the main goals of marketing research is to determine the company's market opportunities. It is necessary to correctly assess and predict the size of the market, its growth potential and possible profit.

Market segmentation is one of the functions in the system of marketing activities and is associated with the implementation of work on the classification of buyers or consumers of products that are on the market or brought to it. After dividing the market into consumer groups and identifying the opportunities for each of them, the company must evaluate their attractiveness and select one or more segments for development. When evaluating market segments, two factors must be taken into account: the overall attractiveness of the segment, as well as the goals and resources of the enterprise. When choosing target segments, business leaders decide whether it will focus on one segment or several, on a particular product or a particular market, or on the entire market at once. The offer of one product to one segment - concentrated segmentation - is more often used by small enterprises that seek to gain advantages over competitors. Expansion of market segments, i.e. offering one product to several segments allows the company to expand the market for the product. By offering several products to one segment, i.e. resorting to assortment segmentation, they usually use related products. In differentiated segmentation, several different products are offered to several segments. In order to gain a competitive advantage, each business must find its own ways to differentiate products.

Differentiation - the process of developing a number of essential features of the product, designed to distinguish it from competitors' products.

The market offer can be differentiated in five areas: product, services, personnel, distribution channels, image.

After defining target segment market, the enterprise must study the properties and image of competitors' products and assess the position of their products in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its products. Positioning is the way in which consumers identify a product by its most important characteristics.

In practice, product positions are determined using positioning maps, which are a two-dimensional matrix of different pairs of characteristics. Properly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective marketing mix development. The marketing mix is ​​a link between producers and consumers that form market segments and includes: product, price, means of promoting the product to the market and distribution channels. Essentially, any product is a packaged service to solve a problem. The task of the marketer is to identify the needs hidden behind any product and sell not the properties of this product, but the benefits from it. Of course, the characteristics of the product - its size, color, packaging are also very important.

Price, like the product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company that pursues a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. Commercial results, the degree of efficiency of all production and marketing activities of the enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is built.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, high qualifications of decision makers, and the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation.

The means of promoting goods to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organization of exhibitions, fairs, discounts, trade on credit, etc.

Advertising is a message intended for some predetermined group of people, paid for by a specific customer and aimed at inducing this group to specific actions desired by the customer. Before launching an advertising campaign, businesses must decide what they want to achieve with advertising, which markets to conquer, how to formulate a message, what advertising media to use, when and how often to advertise, and how much to spend on it. Thus, advertising affects the interests of every person on any day of his life and is perceived by us as part of everyday public culture.

Public relations is defined as "the promotion of a common understanding of goodwill between an individual, an organization and other people, groups of people or society as a whole through the dissemination of explanatory material, the development of exchange and the evaluation of public reaction." The task of the PR manager is to prepare and conduct press conferences, briefings, press cocktails, presentations, meetings with company executives, press releases, photographs and other press materials, on the basis of which articles, essays and reports will then be written.

A good way to present the company to a wide audience, as well as to make new useful contacts and maintain old ones, is to participate in exhibitions and industry conferences. In order for the money spent for these purposes not to be wasted, participation in events must be carefully prepared.

Thus, with the help of advertising and PR, a kind of contact is established with existing or potential buyers, the purpose of which is to create a favorable idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goods and services provided and form the image of the company.

Sales promotion, which is understood as a set of techniques that increase sales throughout the entire life cycle of a product, has recently become particularly important. The incentives are primarily prices: reduced in honor of the holiday; discounted through coupons distributed through print media or direct mail.

In addition to monetary, “in-kind” incentives are also possible: free distribution of samples, an invitation to try New Product; offering a gift from both related products and a completely outsider.

“Active” incentives have proven themselves well: contests, games, lotteries. Today, they are used by all the leading consumer goods manufacturers who painstakingly seek out fresh ideas and personas, especially on television.

The considered measures to stimulate sales, applied by enterprises jointly and in strict accordance with advertising, are today the most widely used, significantly increasing the volume and profitability of sales.

AT marketing firms all functions related to the implementation of the market concept of management are concentrated in the marketing department, which is the center of the company's activities.

The main task of the marketing department is to develop a strategy and tactics for the company's behavior in the market, taking into account its goals, financial and production capabilities. Market research is the basis for developing a marketing strategy. home strategic goal firms - the conquest or expansion of the market, obtaining maximum profit in a constantly changing market situation. Responsibility for conducting market research falls entirely on the marketing department.

A typical organizational structure of the marketing department includes the following services:

· market research and analysis;

· advertising and sales promotion;

· product design;

· market planning, transport.

Such a number of services in the marketing department is conditional. In specific firms, the number of services in this department may be much larger, and they may have different names.

Marketing planning in different enterprises is carried out in different ways. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, the organization of planning.

The marketing activity plan may have the following sections:

· product plan (what and at what time will be released);

· research and development of new products;

· marketing plan, increasing its efficiency (number, equipment with new modern equipment, training sales staff, stimulating their work, choosing their territorial structure);

· advertising and sales promotion plan;

· distribution channel operation plan (type and number of channels, management of these channels);

· price plan, including price changes in the future;

· marketing research plan;

· plan for the functioning of the physical distribution system (storage and delivery of goods to consumers);

· marketing organization plan (improving the work of the marketing department, its information system, communication with other departments of the organization).

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of an organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections:

Executive Summary - The opening section of a marketing plan that provides a brief summary of the main objectives and recommendations included in the plan. This section helps management quickly understand the main focus of the plan. It is usually followed by a table of contents of the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it. Includes the following subsections: market description (down to the level of the main market segments), product overview (sales volume, prices, profitability), competition (for main competitors, information is provided regarding their product strategies, market share, prices, distribution and promotion), distribution (sales trends and development of main distribution channels).

Hazards and Opportunities - A section of a marketing plan that identifies the main hazards and opportunities that a product may encounter in the marketplace. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. complications arising from unfavorable trends and events that, if not targeted by marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the viability of the product or even to its death. Each opportunity (an attractive area of ​​marketing efforts in which the organization can gain an advantage over competitors) should be evaluated in terms of its prospects, and the ability to successfully use it.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activities in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level targets. They appear as a result of working out the initial marketing goals for individual elements of the marketing mix.

Marketing strategies are the main directions of marketing activities, following which organizations seek to achieve their marketing goals. Marketing strategy includes specific target market strategies, marketing mix used and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and emerging products, pricing, promotion of products, bringing the product to consumers, and should indicate how the strategy responds to the dangers and opportunities of the market.

A program of action (operational calendar plan), sometimes simply called a program, is a detailed program that shows what should be done, who and when should perform the accepted tasks, how much it will cost, what decisions and actions should be coordinated in order to fulfill marketing plan.

Usually, the program also briefly describes the goals that the program activities are aimed at achieving. In other words, the program is a set of activities that must be carried out by the marketing and other services of the organization so that the chosen strategies can achieve the goal of the marketing plan.

Marketing budget - a section of the marketing plan that reflects the projected values ​​of income, costs and profits. The amount of income is justified in terms of forecast values ​​of sales volume and prices. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are detailed in this budget.

The "Control" section characterizes the procedures and methods of control that must be implemented to assess the level of success of the plan. To do this, standards (criteria) are established by which progress in the implementation of marketing plans is measured. This once again emphasizes the importance of quantitative and temporal certainty of the goals, strategies and activities of marketing activities. Measurement of the success of the plan can be carried out for the annual time interval, and quarterly, and for each month or week. All of the above sections characterize both strategic and tactical plans, but the main difference between them lies in the degree of detail in the development of individual sections of the marketing plan.

In conclusion, we note that in different companies the specific set of marketing planning procedures is different. General is the system logic of making planned decisions.

1.3 Retail marketing activities

Retailing is bringing customers to the last link in the distribution chain, it usually involves direct contact with the real consumer in one form or another, which is important hallmark retail. In a traditional store, the customer and the retailers come into direct contact, just as they did in open markets and this brings both benefits and inconveniences to the retailer when trading goods.

In any marketplace where direct human contact occurs, there is a premium on the interactive skills of the people involved and a close relationship between marketing and sales. However, retail is not just sales, as even when there is face-to-face contact, a number of marketing activities will need to be undertaken before, during and after the transaction to ensure complete satisfaction buyer. This is a characteristic of many retail situations.

Retailers in the past were very different from what we know today, although some of the current companies were engaged in entrepreneurial activity during most of the last century, and their development has led to the current forms of trade.

In retail marketing, there are two specific aspects: firstly, you need to attract customers to a store, restaurant, hotel or virtual online store, and secondly, to convince visitors to make a purchase in this store. Both of these are the main conditions for success.

Retailing in most Western countries is a dynamic and highly competitive business area. As discussed in Section 1.1, change happens all the time, and keeping existing customers and gaining new ones requires the constant introduction of new ideas.


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